Bedside Evaluation of Neurobehavioral Disorders Yong Jeong, M.D., Duk L. Na, M.D. Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, School of Medicine,

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Bedside Evaluation of Neurobehavioral Disorders Yong Jeong, M.D., Duk L. Na, M.D. Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, School of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University This article provides clinical practice guidelines for neurologists in the assessment of neurobehavioral and neurocognitive deficits. It has been known that cognitive functions lie mainly in the cortex and that different cortical areas mediate different cognitive functions. Therefore, the evaluation of cognitive and neurobehavioral symptoms helps localize these symptoms. This article describes the bedside history taking and clinical examinations for patients with neurobehavioral and cognitive dysfunctions. It includes the assessment of aphasia, apraxia, Gerstmann syndrome, visuospatial dysfunctions, neglect syndrome, memory disturbances, and frontal lobe dysfunctions. This guideline will offer better approaches to patients with cognitive deficits and neurobehavioral problems. J Korean Neurol Assoc 20(4):325~338, 2002 Key Words : Behavioral, Cognitive, Bedside Duk L. Na, M.D. Copyright 2002 by the Korean Neurological Association 325

Table 1. Cognitive dysfunctions associated with left versus right hemisphere and anterior versus posterior region injury Left hemisphere Aphasia, alexia, agraphia Acalculia Right-left disorientation Finger agnosia Ideomotor apraxia Verbal memory loss Anterior half (frontal lobe) Abulia, akinetic mutism Disinhibition Executive dysfunction Motor impersistence Right hemisphere Neglect syndrome Visuospatial dysfunction - Visuoperceptual dysfunction - Geographical disorientation - Constructional apraxia Dressing apraxia Aprosodia Visual memory loss Posterior half (parietal, temporal, occipital lobes) Visual agnosia - object (visual object agnosia) - face (prosopagnosia) - color (color agnosia) Balint syndrome 326 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002

Table 2. Classification of aphasia Nonfluent (NF) aphasia Fluent (F) aphasia Broca TM Global MT Wernicke TS Conduction Anomic Spontaneous speech NF NF NF NF F F F F Comprehension good good poor poor poor poor good good Repetition poor good poor good poor good poor good Naming poor poor poor poor poor poor poor poor TM; transcortical motor, MT; mixed transcortical, TS; transcortical sensory J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002 327

Table 3. Representative items for assessment of ideomotor apraxia Limb-Intransitive Limb-Transitive 1. 2. 3. ( ) 4. 5. ( Buccofacial-Intransitive 6. 7. 8. 9. ) 10. Buccofacial-Transitive 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. ( ) 10. ( ) 328 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002

Figure 1. Judgment of Line Orientation : a test for visuoperceptual ability. The subject is to find the same angle in B that is presented in A. Figure 2. Examples of visuoconstructive dysfunction. Left: A copying of interlocking pentagon; Right: A copying of Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure. J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002 329

Figure 3. Block design Figure 4. Line bisection test. Patients with right hemisphere injury, for instance, bisect to the right from the true midline. A B Figure 5. A. Line cancellation task (Top) and an example of left hemispatial neglect (Bottom). B. Star cancellation task (Top) and an example of left hemispatial neglect (Bottom). 330 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002

A B C Figure 6. Examples of left hemispatial neglect on copying tasks. A. Two daisy, B. modified Ogden picture, C. Clock Drawing. J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002 331

332 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002

J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002 333

A B Figure 7. Contrasing programming. If the examiner raises one finger, the patient is to raise two fingers (A). If the examiner raises two fingers, the patient is to raise one finger(b). A B Figure 8. Go-No-Go test. If the examiner raises one finter, the patient is to raise two fingers(a). If the examiner raises two fingers, the patient is to do nothing(b). 334 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002

Figure 9. The stimulus for the alternating square and triangle (Top), and an example of perseveration shown by a patient (Bottom). Figure 10. Lurial loop (the first stimulus) and an example of perseveration shown by a patient (the right six drawings). J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002 335

A B C Figure 11. Fist-edge-palm. The patient is asked to repeat the hand gestrues in the order of fist(a), edge(b), and palm(c). A B Figure 12. Alternating hand movements 336 J Korean Neurol Assoc / Volume 20 / July, 2002

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