21400309 박수빈 21200011 강예은 21400109 김성은 21400813 허예진
창조 Creation 21400309 박수빈
Intro 생명과학 생명에관계되는현상이나생물의여러가지기능을연구해서, 의료나환경보존등인류복지에사용하는종합과학이다 ( 두산백과 ); 생명과학 [life science, 生命科學 ] Life Science Any science that deals with living organisms, th eir life processes, and their interrelationships, as biology, medicine, or ecology. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/life+science
창조 /Creation https://namu.wiki/w/%ec%a7%84%ed%99%9 4%EB%A1%A0
창조 /Creation 하나님이이르시되우리의형상을따라우리의모양대로우리가사람을만들고그들로바다의물고기와하늘의새와가축과온땅과땅에기는모든것을다스리게하자하시고 [ 창세기 1:26] https://encryptedtbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:and9gcsvnl4zvuuy_ nysz1rlf0yecy-djbf_ycqlqomolat4rltjnr6ovg Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. [Genesis 1:26]
창조 /Creation 여호와하나님이그사람을이끌어에덴동산에두어그것을경작하며지키게하시고 [ 창세기 2:15] The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. [Genesis 2:15] https://encryptedtbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:and9gcqfwl6dzha8k8fcxswqwl -6cTWkFgFd-5sdlXY2ovnuLzzcN8ne
창조 /Creation 여호와하나님이흙으로각종들짐승과공중의각종새를지으시고아담이무엇이라고부르나보시려고그것들을그에게로이끌어가시니아담이각생물을부르는것이곧그이름이되었더라 [ 창세기 2:19] Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. [Genesis 2:19] https://upload.namu.wiki/upload/3gye.png
아담의이름짓기 Adam s naming of animals 하나님께서만드신창조물을관찰하고동물을특성을파악한후각각에맞는이름부여 창조주하나님을의식하면서한인간최초의학문활동. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3009/3353999895_2b140 809ee.jpg
창조 /Creation 하나님이이르시되우리의형상을따라우리의모양대로우리가사람을만들고그들로바다의물고기와하늘의새와가축과온땅과땅에기는모든것을다스리게하자하시고 [ 창세기 1:26] Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. [Genesis 1:26]
창조 /Creation 여호와여영광을우리에게돌리지마옵소서우리에게돌리지마옵소서오직주는인자하시고진실하시므로주의이름에만영광을돌리소서 [ 시편 115:1] Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.[psalm 115:1]
타락 Fall 21200011 강예은
아담과하와의타락 The Fall of Adam and Eve http://blogimg.hani.co.kr/editor/uploads/2011/05/28/ 90433_61249.jpg_M520.jpg 하나님과같이되고싶은인간의교만이낳은불순종의죄 너희가그것을먹는날에는너희눈이밝아져하나님과같이되어선악을알줄하나님이아심이니라 ( 창 3:5) "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. (Gen 3:5)
학문의왜곡 Distortion of Science 자신의영광과쾌락을 위함. 하나님의영광과이웃을섬 김
지성의바벨탑 Babel Tower of Intelligence 하나님을알되하나님을영화롭게도아니하며감사하지도아니하고오히려그생각이허망하여지며미련한마음이어두워졌나니 스스로지혜있다하나어리석게되어 롬 (1:21~22) For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools Rom(1:21~22)
진화론 Theory of Evolution 하나님이자기형상곧하나님의형상대로사람을창조하시되남자와여자를창조하시고 ( 창 1: 27) 생물은생활환경에적응하면서단순한것으로부터복잡한것으로진화하며, 생존경쟁에적합한것은살아남고그렇지못한것은도태된다는학설 http://image.kyobobook.co.kr/images/book/large/952/l9788949 707952.jpg http://www.scienceall.com/%ec%a7%84%ed% 99%94%EB%A1%A0evolutinary-theory/
그정죄는이것이니곧빛이세상에왔으되사람들이자기행위가악하므로빛보다어둠을더사랑한것이니라 ( 요 3:19) This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19)
If evolution is true Who am I? No one & Nothing Where did I come from? A big bang about 4.6 billing years ago Why am I here? No purpose, no rules Where am I going when I Recycled back to dirt die?
진화론이미친영향 The effect of the evolution theory 낙태 Abortion http://heraldk.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/08/20140821000417_0.jpg http://heraldk.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/08/20140821000417_0.jpg 낙태하고다시시도하십시오. 선택의여지가있는데도그아이를낳는것은부도덕합니다. -RichardDawkins-
인종차별 Racial discrimination 홀로코스트 Holocaust https://encryptedtbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:and9gctqdvtmlotfxgv6cdipawrsc-eygxplxbema_osyd2zsngggqv8-5a_to http://www.australiatips.net/xe/files/attach/images/179/431/37 0/3fd7b49bb4b1d3998551429dbe745c5a.jpg
절대선과악기준이모호해짐 Ambiguity between good and evil http://pds13.egloos.com/pds/200901/02/35/b0059435_495df7 d694788.jpg
성경관의변질 Distortion of the viewpoint of the bible 진화론을과학적진리로여기고수용하여, 성경을진화론에맞추어다시해석 http://reformanda.co.kr/xe/files/attach/images/35890/ 067/040/418346237650b47dcde8353b8852e30d.jpg
또한그들이마음에하나님두기를싫어하매하나님께서그들을그상실한마음대로내버려두사합당하지못한일을하게하셨으니 ( 롬 1:28) Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done(rom 1:28)
구속 Redemption 21400109 김성은
모든사람이죄를범하였으매하나님의영광에이르지못하더니그리스도예수안에있는구속으로말미암아하나님의은혜로값없이의롭다하심을얻은자되었느니라롬 3 : 23 ~ 24 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23~24
새사람을입었으니이는자기를창조하신이의형상을따라지식에까지새롭게하심을입은자니라. 골 3: 10 And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Colossians 3:10 하늘에있는것이나땅에있는것이다그리스도안에서통일되게하려하심이라 엡 1:10 To be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment--to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ. Ephesians 1:10
칼빈주의 Calvinism 아브라함카이퍼 (Abraham Kuyper: 1837-1920) 칼빈주의강연 http://mall.duranno.com/detail/detail.asp?itm_num=2082100161
칼빈주의 Calvinism 칼빈주의는학문에대한사랑을장려했다. 칼빈주의는학문을제영역에회복시켰다. 칼빈주의는학문을자연스럽지못한속박에서건져주었다. 칼빈주의는학문적갈등에대한해결책을제공했다. Lectures on Calvinism, 아브라함카이퍼 (Dr. Abraham Kuyper), 옮긴이김기찬요약 / 편집 : www.nazuni.pe.kr
창조과학자들 Creation Scientists 아이작뉴턴 (Isaac Newton) 마이클패러데이 (Michael Faraday) 제임스클럭맥스웰 (James Clerk Maxwell)
아이작뉴턴 Isaac Newton 1642~1727 만유인력법칙의발견 의세가지운동법칙은역학을포함한모든과학의기초이며, 수학까지발전되는계기 그는성경적주제로많은책을썼는데, 특히예언서에관한것이많았다. 가장극치의철학 ( 과학 ) 이되려면하나님의성경으로돌아가야한다. 세속역사의어디에서도성경만큼믿을만한것을찾을수없다 출처 : Creation ex nihilo, Vol. 36(2014), No. 1, pp. 54-55 번역자 : 이종헌 http://astro.kasi.re.kr/main/contentviewform.aspx?menuid=1872
마이클패러데이 Michael Faraday 1791~1867 전기문명의시대를연마이클패러데이 보수적인분파의스코틀랜드교회인샌디매니안 (Sandemanians) 의교인 과학-자연의탐구-을그의진심어린믿음의연장선으로바라보았다 우리가읽어야하는자연의책은하나님의손가락으로기록되어있다 출처 : Creation ex nihilo, Vol. 36(2014), No. 1, pp. 54-55 번역자 : 이종헌 https://mirror.enha.kr/wiki/%eb%a7%88%ec%9d%b4%ed%81%b4%20%ed %8C%A8%EB%9F%AC%EB%8D%B0%EC%9D%B4
제임스클럭맥스웰 James Clerk Maxwell 1831~1879 견고한복음주의적기독교인 그가발견한네개의수학방정식은오늘날뉴턴의운동법칙, 아인슈타인의상대성원리와함께물리학사상 3 대공헌으로꼽히고있다. 8 살때시편 119 편을모두암송한천재아이 전능하신하나님은하나님의형상대로생령을가진사람을창조하셔서하나님을사모하는마음을주시고창조하신세상을사람들에게다스리게하셨습니다. 하나님은우리인류에게하나님께서허락하신지구를다스림으로써이모든것을허락하신하나님의솜씨를사람들에게알리도록해주셨습니다. 출처 : Creation ex nihilo, Vol. 36(2014), No. 1, pp. 54-55 번역자 : 이종헌 http://blog.daum.net/insightplus/62
창조론 Creationism 우주만물의생성과기원을밝히는이론중, 신적존재인조물주 (Designer) 의주권적행위에의해우주만물이조성되었다는견해. 즉, 인간, 삶, 지구, 우주, 역사가신의개입에의한기원을가진다는주장. 그림출처 : http://echuns2.tistory.com/16 내용출처 : http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docid=2377824&cid=50762&categoryid=51366
기독교창조론 Christian Creationism 기독교는유일신하나님의주권적이고도자의적인계획과의지와섭리에의해, 말씀으로써무 ( 無 ) 에서온우주만물을창조하셨다는하나님의창조론을강조한다. 이창조론은성경의맨첫번째선언인 ' 태초에하나님이천지를창조하시니라 '( 창 1:1) 는말씀에근거한다. 하나님과그분의말씀과섭리를신앙하는자들은믿음으로모든세계가하나님의말씀으로지어진줄을안다 ( 히 11:3).
창조론 Creationism 미세조정우주 (fine-tuned Universe) 란, 우주에생명이존재하기위해서는특정물리학의기본상수들이매우좁은범위내에존재해야하며, 여러기본상수들이조금이라도지금의값과달랐다면우주는물질을만들어내거나, 천체구조를발달시키거나, 다양한원자가존재하거나, 현재우리가생각하는개념의생명이존재하기어려울것이라는입장이다. [1] http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%eb%af%b8%ec%84%b8%ec%a1%b0%ec%a0%95_%ec%9a%b0%ec%a3% BC
지적설계론 intelligent design 지적설계 (intelligent design) 는탐구대상의기원이의도에의한설계인지아무런의도가없는자연발생인지를밝히는것이며, 의도적존재라면탐구대상에서의도적요소인 ' 디자인 '(Design, 설계 ) 을찾는것이다. 예를들어, 정밀하고복잡한구조의시계는자연상태에서발생할수있는것이아니므로이는설계된것이분명하며, 그시계가설계되었다면이를설계한설계자 ( 지적존재 ) 가존재해야한다는논리이며, 이는윌리엄페일리 (William Paley) 의 " 시계공논증 " 에기초하고있다. http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ec%a7%80%ec%a0%81_%ec%84%a4%ea%b3%84
환원불가능한복잡성 (Irreducible Complexity) 마이클베히 (Michael Behe) 는다윈의블랙박스를통해서 환원불가능한복잡성 (irreducible complexity) 라는개념을도입하였다. 예 ) 쥐덫 http://www.kacr.or.kr/library/itemview.asp?no=2556
박테리아편모의모터구조 Motor Structure Of Bacterial Pili http://www.kacr.or.kr/library/itemview.asp?no=2556
완성 Consummation 21400813 허예진
지식 /Knowledge 베드로후서 1:5 그러므로너희가더욱힘써너희믿음에덕을, 덕에지식을, For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 디모데후서 3:7 항상배우나끝내진리의지식에이를수없느니라 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. 고린도전서 2:5 너희믿음이사람의지혜에있지아니하고다만하나님의능력에있게하려하였노라 so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.
drleaf.com Dr. Caroline Leaf
완성 /Consummation 요한계시록 21:4 모든눈물을그눈에서닦아주시니다시는사망이없고애통하는것이나곡하는것이나아픈것이다시있지아니하리니처음것들이다지나갔음이러라. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
생명나무 요한계시록 22:2 길가운데로흐르더라강좌우에생명나무가있어열두가지열매를맺되달마다그열매를맺고그나무잎사귀들은만국을치료하기위하여있더라. Down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
1. 내가고등학교선생님이고진화론을가르쳐야한다면어떻게할것인가? 2. 무신론자는성경을진리로받아들이지않는다. 크리스천으로서성경말씀을인용하는대신어떤방법으로그들을설득할수있을까?