HIGHER 1 강 1 강문장간의의미적연결성 TEST 1 글의제목으로가장적절한것은? Alarmed critics of the new techniques saw nothing but disaster ahead. Their fears ranged from the possible release of newly created disease organisms to new kinds of cancer. Some critics accused the new biologists of "playing God." Politicians tried to capitalize on the scare ; the city officials of Cambridge, Massachussetts passed a law prohibiting recombinant DNA research within the city limits. The U.S National Institutes of Health set up rigid guidelines as to what kind of research was to be allowed and what precautions were to be taken. 1 Criticism of Science and Technology 2 Controversies over Genetic Engineering 3 Political Battle on Health Research 4 Recent Development of Cancer Treatment 5 Benefit of New Biological Techniques Vocabulary critics 비평가, 평론가 disaster 재해, 재난 prohibit 금지하다 해석그새로운과학기술에대해깜짝놀란비평가들은단지다가올재난만을인식했다. 그들의두려움은새롭게창조되어지는질병병원체의방출로부터새로운종류의암에이르는영역에걸쳐있었다. 몇몇비평가들은그새로운생물학자들을신의영역을침범한다며비난했다. 정치인들은그러한두려움에초점을맞췄다 : 메사추세츠주의캠브리지시관리들은도심지내에서의 DNA 재조작실험을금지시키는법안을통과시켰다. 미국립보건연구소는어떤종류의실험이허용되어질것이며어떤사전예방조치가취해져야하느냐에대한엄격한지침을설정해놓았다. 283
2 강생략된절을파악하라 1. I wonder if the mirror isn't the world's worst invention. The optimist looks into a mirror and becomes too optimistic, the pessimist too pessimistic. Thus mirrors increase conceit or destroy confidence. Far better is seeing ourselves as reflected in the expressions on the faces of people we meet during the day. The way you look to others is apt to be nearer the truth than the way you may look to yourself. 문제 1) 밑줄친부분을해석하시오. 문제 2) 윗글의요지를쓰시오. 2. A snake crawled up to a countryman's child and killed it. Provoked by this outrage, the father took an axe and waited at the snake's hole, ready to strike it as soon as it came out. When it put its head out he brought down the axe, but missed it and chipped the rock instead. After that he was on his guard against reprisals, and asked his enemy to be reconciled with him. But the snake refused. No, it said. I cannot be on good terms with you when I see that cut in the rock, nor you with me when you look at your son's grave. 문제 1) 밑줄친부분을해석하시오. 문제 2) 윗글의요지를쓰시오. 284 청솔퍼스트클래스
HIGHER 2 강 Vocabulary conceit 자부심 confidence 자신감 reflect 반사하다 crawl 기다 provoke 분노를일으키다 outrage 난폭함 axe 도끼 reprisal 보복 be reconciled 화해하다 be on a good terms with ~ 와좋은관계를갖다. 해석 1. 나는거울이이세상의최악의발명품이아닌가생각해본다. 낙천주의자는거울안을들여다보고너무나낙천적이되고비관론자는너무나비관적이된다. 따라서거울은자부심을증가시키거나자신감을파괴시키거나둘중의하나하는것이다. 훨씬더좋은것은하루중우리가만나는사람들의얼굴위의표정속에비추어진우리자신을보는것이다. 남에게보여지는너의모습이너자신에게보여질너의모습보다더진실에가까울수가있다. 2. 뱀한마리가어느시골뜨기의아이에게슬금슬금다가가그를죽이고말았다. 이러한난폭함에화가난그아버지는도끼를손에들고, 나타나는즉시로내려치기위해뱀의구멍에서대기하고있었다. 뱀의머리가보이자그는도끼를내리쳤으나맞히지못하고그대신바위를산산조각내었다. 그이후로는그는보복을하기위해망을보며서로화해하자고적에게부탁하였다. 그러나뱀은거절하였다. 싫소 그것은말하였다. 내가보기에는바위를자르는당신하고는친한사이가될순없소뿐만아니라당신이아들의무덤을볼때마다나와친해질수도없을것이오. 285
3 강숨어있는가정법 다음빈칸에가장적절한것을고르시오. (2009 년 6월학평모의고사 25번 ) No matter how we shake or tap the bottle of ketchup, some of it refuses to come out. In some cases, up to 20 percent of the product is left in the packaging when it is thrown out. This is not only annoying for consumers but also poses difficulties when recycling: The leftovers first have to be removed from the packaging, which is expensive, time-consuming, and uses a great deal of water. A German project by the Fraunhofer Institutes, together with Munich University of Technology and various industrial partners, will put an end to this dilemma. Researchers are applying thin films, no more than 20 nanometers thick, to the inside surface of packaging in order to. 1 keep ketchup fresh 2 remove tap water 3 develop nanotechnology 4 reduce leftover traces 5 increase the price of ketchup Vocabulary tap 가볍게두드리다 leftover 찌꺼기, 남은음식 put an end to 끝내다 apply 적용하다, 바르다 trace 흔적, 미량 286 청솔퍼스트클래스
HIGHER 3 강 다음빈칸에가장적절한것을고르시오. (2009 년 6월학평모의고사 27번 ) About three percent of the weight of sea water is accountedfor by salt. The salt content of the ocean is being continually added to by runoff from the land, but it is not increasing. Yet salt cannot leave the sea by evaporation because the water vapor leaves it behind. So for many years it was a mystery as to why the sea should, given the rate of runoff, and particularly if the world was supposed to be hundreds of millions of years old. The riddle was not solved until the 1970s, when the deep ocean openings were discovered. Sea water is swallowed up by these cracks in the ocean bed; when it reemerges, millions of years later, as steam from volcanoes, the salt has been filtered out of it on its passage through the rocks. 1 be so deep and large 2 create so much runoff 3 have so little salt in it 4 have so many volcanoes 5 keep its temperature so steady Vocabulary as to ~ 에관하여 swallow 삼키다 crack 갈라진틈 reemerge 다시나타나다 passage 통로, 길 287
4 강 Need 의용법 Need 1. 본동사로서 평서문 He needs to work hard. 주의! He need work hard. (x) 긍정문, 평서문일때 need는조동사로쓰이지않는다! 부정문 He doesn't need to work hard. 의문문 Does he need to work hard? 2. 조동사로서 부정문 He need not work hard. 의문문 Need he work hard? 288 청솔퍼스트클래스
HIGHER 4 강 3. <need not have P.P> He need not have waited for her. 기다린경우 : 그는그녀를기다릴필요가없었는데... cf) He didn't have to wait for her. 기다리지않은경우 : 그는그녀를기다릴필요가없었다. dare 1. 본동사로서 평서문 He dares to insult me. 부정문 He doesn't dare to insult me. 의문문 Does he dare to insult me? 2. 조동사로서 부정문 He dare not insult me 의문문 Dare he insult me? 주의 need 와 dare는부정문과의문문에서는조동사로쓰일수있으며, 조동사로쓰일때는 need의과거형 needed 는쓰이지못하고, 3인칭단수여도 need를쓰지못한다. 289
5 강 Subject Matter 가무엇인지파악하라 The most important thing to learn in life, is how to live. There is nothing men are so anxious to keep as life, and nothing they take so little pains to keep well. This is no simple matter. "Life," said Hippocrates, "Life is short, Art is long, Opportunity fleeting, Experiment uncertain, and Judgment difficult." Happiness and success in life do not depend on our circumstances, but on ourselves. More men have ruined themselves than have been destroyed by others: more houses and cities have perished at the hands of men, than storms and earthquakes have ever destroyed. There are two sorts of ruin; one is the work of time, the other of men. Of all ruins, the ruin of Man is the saddest, and man's worst enemy, as Seneca said, is the one in the breast. Providence does not create evil, but gives liberty, and if we [ misuse / disuse ] it we are sure to suffer, but have only ourselves to blame. 문제 1) 윗글의밑줄친부분을해석하시오. 문제 2) 밑줄친 [misuse / disuse] 중에문맥상올바른것을고르시오. Vocabulary take pains 수고하다, 애쓰다 circumstances 환경 perish 사멸하다 ruin 황폐 providence 신, 신의섭리 misuse 잘못사용하다 disuse 사용하지않다 해석 인생에서배워야할가장중요한일은어떻게사느냐이다. 자기인생만큼사람이지키려고애를쓰는것도없으나, 그것을잘지키기위해그렇게도수고를하지않는것도없다. 이것은단순한문제가아니다. Hippocrates 는그의의학금언집의책머리에, 인생은짧고배울것은많다. 기회는달아나고, 실험은불확실하고, 판단은어렵다. 라고말했다. 인생에서행복과성공은우리의환경에달려있지않고우리자신에달려있다. 다른사람에의해서망한사람보다는자기자신을망친사람이더많다. 폭풍우와지진이파괴한것보다는사람의손에의해서더많은집과도시가파괴되었다. 파멸에는두가지가있는데, 그것은시간의작용과인간스스로가하는일이다. 모든파멸중에서인간자신이하는파멸이가장슬프며, 인간의가장나쁜적은 Seneca 가말했듯이인간의가슴속에있는것이다. 신은악을창조한것이아니라, 자유를준것이다. 만약우리가자유를오용하면우리는꼭괴로움을당하고, 이것에대해자기밖에탓할사람이없다. 290 청솔퍼스트클래스
HIGHER 6 강 6 강주의해야할동사용법 1. The plan was proved a failure. (x) The plan proved (to be) a failure. (o) 2. He looked at me. (o) He looked at me in the face. (x) He looked me in the face. (o) 3. So far as I concern, the project will be realized. (x) So far as I am concerned, the project will be realized. (o) 4. He is resembling his father. (x) He resembles his father. (o) 5. a. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. b. Don't count on others for your life. 6. a. I believe in God. b. I believe him. 7. a. He entered the room. b. He entered into a new business. 8. a. The climbers reached a small hut. b. Greenland almost reaches at the North Pole. 9. a. He waited for her. b. He awaited his turn. 291
7 강비교구문의이해 no more than = only = 단지, 겨우 no less than = as much as = ~ 만큼이나 not more than = at most = 기껏해야 not less than = at least = 적어도 왜이와같은뜻이될까? 를논리적으로이해하자. 1. He has not more than one dollar. 그는 1 달러보다더많지않은돈을가지고있다. He is not taller than Wonjoo. 그는원주보다키가더크지않다. 2. He has not less than 100,000 dollars. 그는 10 만달러보다적지않은돈을가지고있다. He is not less tall than Hongman Choi. 그는최홍만보다키가더작지않다. 292 청솔퍼스트클래스
HIGHER 8 강 8 강비교구문의이해 II 3. He has no more than one dollar. 그는단지 1 달러가지고있다. He is no taller than Wonjoo. 그는겨우원주와키가같다. 4. He has no less than 100,000 dollars. 그는 10 만달러만큼이나가지고있다. He is no less tall than Hongman Choi. 그는최홍만만큼이나키가크다. 5. A is no more B than C is D, 는무엇일까? a. A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. b. He can no more swim than I can fly. a. 문장의주제는 고래는절대로물고기가아니다 라는것이다. b. 문장의주제는 그는절대로수영을못한다 라는것이다. 293
어휘학습자료 1 1. interurban 도시사이의 The only way to get to the next town is by automobile or taxi; there is no interurban bus. ( 이웃도시로가는유일한방법은자동차나택시를타는것이다. 도시사이를다니는버스가없기때문이다.) 2. intervene 1. 사이에오다, 끼다 2. 싸움을해결하려고끼어들다, 중재하다, 조정하다 The summer vacation intervenes the close of one school year and the beginning of the next. ( 여름방학은한학년이끝나고다음학년이시작되는중간에있다.) Let the boys settle the dispute by themselves; don't intervene. ( 아이들이스스로논쟁을해결하게해라. 간섭하지말고.) 3. illegible 일기어려운, 판독할수없는 I could read most of the signatures, but a few were illegible. ( 나는대부분의서명을읽을수있었으나, 몇개는읽을수가없었다.) 4. illiterate 1. 읽고쓸수없는, 학식이없는, 2. 교육을받지못한, 문맹의 The new nation undertook to teach its illiterate citizens to read and write. ( 신생국가는문맹인시민들에게읽고쓰기를가르치기시작했다.) 5. illogical 1. 비논리적인, 논리의규칙을 2. 지키지않는, 불합리한 It is illogical to vote for a candidate whom you have no faith in. ( 신뢰하지않는후보에게투표하는것은논리에맞지않는다.) 294 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 6. immaculate 더럽혀지지않은, 흠이없는 Nearly every soap manufacturer claims his product will make dirty linens immaculate. ( 거의모든세제제조업자들은자기네제품이때묻은린넨제품을깨끗하게만들어줄것이라고주장한다.) 7. immature 성숙하지않은, 미숙한 Don't use such baby talk! People will think you are mentally immature. ( 그런애같은말투를쓰지마라. 사람들은네가정신적으로미숙하다고생각할것이다.) 8. impunity 처벌받지않음, 처벌이나해나손해따위를면함, 무사 As a result of stricter enforcement, speeders are no longer able to break the law with impunity. ( 법을보다더엄격히시행한결과, 과속운전자들이법을어기고서는더이상무사할수없다.) 9. inaccessible 접근할수없는, 도달하기어려운 For most of the year, the Eskimo settlements in northern Quebec are inaccessible, except by air. ( 연중대부분의기간동안북부퀘백에위치한에스키모부락은비행기편이아니면찾아가기어렵다.) 10. incessant 끊임없는, 중단없이계속하는, 그칠새없는 It is almost impossible to cross our street during the rush hour because of the incessant flow of traffic. ( 차량의흐름이끊임없이이어지기때문에러시아워에길을건너는것은거의불가능하다.) 11. inflexible 구부러지지않는, 확고한, 불굴의 No compromise is possible when both sides remain inflexible. ( 양측이다굽히지않으면타협은불가능하다.) 295
12. ingratitude 감사할줄모름, 은혜를모름, 배은망덕 Valerie refused to let me see her notes, despite the fact that I have always lent her mine. Did you ever hear of such ingratitude? ( 나는늘발레리에게내노트를빌려주었는데도, 발레리는나에게자기노트를보여주는것을거절했어. 이렇게배은망덕한경우를들어본적이있니?) 13. inhospitable 대접이나쁜, 불친절한 When the visitors come to our school, we should make them feel at home; otherwise they will think we are inhospitable. ( 그손님들이우리학교에오면, 우리는그들의마음을편하게해주어야한다. 그렇지않으면그들은우리가불친절하다고생각할것이다.) 14. insoluble 해결할수없는, 용해되지않는 Scientists are finding solutions to many problems that up to now were insoluble. ( 과학자들은지금까지해결되지못한많은문제들에대한해답을찾고있다.) Salt dissolves in water, but sand is insoluble. ( 소금은물에녹는다, 그러나모래는녹지않는다.) 15. irreconcilable 화해할수없는, 사이좋게조화를이룰수없는 After Romeo and Juliet died, their families, who had been irreconcilable enemies, became friends. ( 로미오와줄리엣이죽은후화해될수없는적이었던양가가친하게되었다.) 296 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 어휘학습자료 2 16. irrelevant 관계가없는, 적절하지않은, 주제를벗어난, 무관계한 Stick to the topic; don't make irrelevant remarks. 주제를고수해라. 주제에서벗어난얘기를하지마라. 17. irrevocable 돌이킬수없는, 취소할수없는 When the umpire says you are out, it is useless to argue because his decision is irrevocable. 심판이아웃이라고선언하면, 그판정은취소할수없기때문에논쟁을벌여봤자소용없다. 18. benediction 축복, 행복을빔, 감사기도 Before beginning his difficult journey, the young man visited his parents to receive their benediction. 힘든여행을시작하기전에, 젊은이는부모님을찾아가축복을받았다. 19. malediction 저주 With her dying breath, Queen Dido pronounced a malediction on Aeneas and all his descendants. 숨을거두면서다이도여왕은이니어스와그의모든후손들을저주했다. 20. benefactor 은인 The museum could not have been built without the gift of a million dollars by a wealthy benefactor. 박물관은한부유한독지가가 100 만달러를기증하지않았더라면건립되지못했을것이다. 297
21. beneficial 이익을낳는, 유리한 Rest is usually beneficial to a person suffering form a bad cold. 휴식은종종심한감기로고생하는사람에게도움이되곤하다. 22. beneficiary 은혜를받는사람, 수혜자 The sick and the needy will be the beneficiaries of your gift to the community fund. 병든사람들과가난한사람들이당신이일조한공동기금의수혜자들이될것이다. 23. benevolent 친절한, 자비로운 A benevolent employer has a sincere interest in the welfare of his employees. 인정많은고용주는종업원들의복지에진지한관심을가진다. 24. malevolent 악의를보이는 In Robert Louis Stevenson's novel KIDNAPPED, David Balfour visits a malevolent uncle who tries to kill him. 로버트루이스스티븐슨의소설유괴에서, 데이비드볼포는그를죽이려는악한숙부를찾아간다. 25. maladjusted 잘못조절된, 환경에적응하지못한 Carlo was maladjusted in the early grades, not because of poor intelligence but because he couldn't speak English. 카를로는저학년때는적응하지못했다. 그이유는머리가나빠서가아니라영어를구사할수없었기때문이었다.) 26. malice 악의, 다른사람을해치려는의도나욕구, 적의, 해할마음 I suspect Ronnie tripped me so that I wouldn't be able to play tomorrow. He did it not as a joke but out of malice. 내가내일경기할수없게하려고로니가나를넘어뜨린것이아닌가생각된다. 그는장난이아니라악의에서그렇게한것이다. 298 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 27. malnutrition 나쁘거나부족한영양섭취, 나쁜영양상태, 영양실조 The lack of milk and fresh vegetables in the child's diet was responsible for his malnutrition. 식사에서우유와신선한야채가부족했던것이아이의영양실조의원인이었다. 28. maltreat 나쁘게또는거칠게다루다, 학대하다, 혹사하다 Two news photographers were attacked by the mob, and their cameras were smashed. It is disgraceful that they were so maltreated. 두명의사진기자가폭도의공격을받아카메라가부서졌다. 그들이그렇게학대를받았다는것은불명예스러운일이다. 29. decadent 타락하는, 악화되어가는, 퇴폐적인 The decadent downtown section was once a flourishing business district. 쇠퇴해가는도심지는한때는번창한상업지구였다. 30. deciduous 잎을떨어뜨리는, 낙엽성의 Maple, elm, birch, and other deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall. 단풍나무, 느릎나무, 자작나무, 그리고그밖의낙엽수들은가을이되면잎이진다. 299
어휘학습자료 3 31. demented 제정신에서벗어난, 미친, 발광한, 정신착란상태의 Whoever did this must have been demented; no sane person would have acted in such a way. 이것을한사람이누구든간에미쳤음에틀림없다. 온전한사람이라면아무도그렇게행동하지않았을것이다. 32. demolish 허물어뜨리거나부수다, 파괴하다 A wrecking crew is demolishing the old building. 철거반이낡은건물을허물고있다. 33. dependent 의존하는 children are dependent on their parents until they are able to earn their own living. 아이들은스스로생활비를벌수있을때까지부모에게의존한다. 34. depreciate 가격이나가치가떨어지다, 평가절하하다, 깎아내려말하다, 경시하다, 깔보다 Automobiles depreciate rapidly; a $2500 car is worth less than $2000 within a year of purchase. 자동차는급속히가치가떨어진다. 2천 5백달러짜리차가구입한지 1년도안되어서 2천달러도안나간다. The building superintendent feels depreciated if you refer to him as the "janitor" 빌딩관리인을가리켜문지기라고말한다면그는무시당한다고느낄것이다. 300 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 35. despise 멸시하다 Benedict Arnold was despised by his fellow Americans for betraying his country. 베네딕트아놀드는조국을배반했기때문에동료미국인들에게멸시를당했다. 36. deviate 벗어나다, 어긋나다, 빗나가다 Mr. Parker always notifies the parents when a student neglects his homework, and he will not deviate from this rule in your case. 파커선생님은학생이숙제를게을리하면언제나부모님께통지하시는데, 너의경우에도이규칙에서벗어나지않으실것이다. 37. devour 게걸스럽게먹다, 짐승처럼먹다 The children must have been starved when they came in for dinner because they devoured their food. 아이들이음식을게걸스럽게먹었던것으로봐서저녁을먹으러들어왔을때배가고팠음에틀림없다. 38. discontent 만족하지않은, 불만을품은 Dan was discontent with his Spanish mark; he had expected at least 10 points more. 댄은스페인어점수가불만스러웠다. 그는적어도 10 점은더기대했었다. 39. discredit 믿지않다, 신뢰하지않다, 의심하다 The parents discredited the child's story, since he was in the habit of telling falsehoods. 부모는그아이의이야기를믿지않았는데, 아이에게거짓말하는습관이있었기때문이다. 40. discrepancy 불일치, 모순, 어긋남, 상이함 Ben should have had $8 in his wallet, but he had only $6. He could not account for the discrepancy. 벤의지갑속에는 8달러가있어야했지만 6달러밖에없었다. 그는왜차이가나는지알수가없었다. 301
41. disintegrate 통합하다, 깨뜨려서산산조각을만들다 The explosion disintegrated an entire wing of the factory. 폭발은공장의한부속건물전체를산산조각냈다. 42. dispassionate 냉정한, 침착한, 가라앉은, 공평한 For a dispassionate account of how the fight started, ask a neutral observer-not a participant. 그싸움이어떻게시작됐는지공정한설명을들으려면가담자가아닌중립적인관찰자에게물어보아라. 43. disrepair 나쁜상태, 파손, 황폐 The bicycle I lent Tom had been in good condition; but he returned it in disrepair. 내가톰에게빌려준자전거는상태가좋았었다. 그런데그는그것을망가진상태로돌려주었다. 44. dissent 다르게생각하다, 불일치하다 When the matter was put to a vote, 29 agreed and 4 dissented. 그문제가투표에붙여졌을때, 29 명은찬성을했고 4 명은반대했다. 45. dissident 일치하지않는, 의견을달리하는 The compromise was welcomed by all the strikers except a small dissident group who felt that the raises were too small. 타협안은임금인상액이너무적다고느낀소수의반대집단을제외한모든파업자들에의해환영받았다. 302 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 어휘학습자료 4 46. distract 전환하다, 딴데로돌리다, 빗나가게하다 Passengers should do nothing to distract the driver's attention from the road. 승객들은운전자의주의를도로에서딴데로돌리게하는어떤일도해서는안된다. 47. seclude 다른사람들로부터떼어놓다, 홀로두다, 격리하다 Monica was so upset by her failure in math that she secluded herself and refused to see anyone. 모니카는수학시험에낙제한것이너무나속상해서방안에틀어박혀아무도만나려고하지않았다. 48. secure 염려나두려움이나근심에서떨어진, 또는벗어난, 자신있는, 손실이나공격이나위험에대하여안전한 Are you worried about passing the midterm exam, or do you feel secure? 너는중간고사합격에대해서걱정하고있니, 아니면자신있니? Guests who want their valuables to be secure are urged to deposit them in the hotel vault. 귀중품의안전을위하는손님들에게는호텔금고실에맡기도록요구한다. 49. segregate 주집단에서분리하다, 격리하다 In most high schools, boys and girls attend the same classes, except in health education, where they are segregated. 대부분의고등학교에서는분리수업을받는보건시간을제외하고는남학생과여학생이같이수업에참여한다. 303
50. circumference 주변, 원주, 주위, 주변 The circumference of a circle equals π times the diameter. 원둘레는지름곱하기파이이다. 51. circumlocution 완곡한표현, 한생각을표현하기위해지나치게많은말을사용함 The circumlocution "the game ended with a score that was not in our favor" should be replaced by "we lost the game." 그경기는우리마음에들지않는점수로끝났다. 라는완곡어법은우리는경기에패했다로대체되어야한다. 52. circumscribe 둘레에선을긋다, 제한하다, ~ 의경계를정하다 The principal has requested all teachers to circumscribe failures in red on the report cards. 교장선생님은모든선생님들에게성적표에서낙제점수에는빨간색으로동그라미를치라고요구했다. The patient was placed on a very circumscribed diet; he was forbidden to have coffee, spices, or raw fruits or vegetables. 그환자는매우제한된식이요법을행해야했기때문에, 커피, 양념, 생과일이나생야채를먹는것이금지되었다. 53. circumspect 주의깊은, 신중한 Don't jump to a conclusion before considering all the facts. Be circumspect. 모든사실들을고려하기전에성급하게결론내리지마라. 신중해라. 54. circumvent 한바퀴돌다, 앞지르다, 좌절시키다, 회피하다 To circumvent local sales taxes, shoppers often buy in neighboring communities that do not have such taxes. 지방판매세를피하기위해서구매인들은그런세금이없는인접지역에서종종물건을구매한다. 55. coherent 함께달라붙는, 조리가있는 In coherent writing, every sentence is connected in thought to the previous sentence. 조리있는글에서는모든문장하나하나가앞의문장과논리적으로이어져있다. 304 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 56. collaborate 함께일하다, 협력하다 Rodgers collaborated with Hammerstein in writing the folk opera OKLAHOMA. 로저스는함머스타인과함께민속오페라오클라호마를작곡했다. 57. collusion 부정한목적을협정, 공모, 음모 It was not known whether the price increases resulted from higher costs or from collusion among the producers. 가격인상이생산비인상의결과인지생산업자들간의결탁의결과인지는알려지지않았다. 58. concord 일치, 조화 Neighbors cannot live in concord if their children keep fighting with one another. 아이들이서로계속싸우면이웃은사이좋게지낼수없다. 59. congenial 선천적인, 타고난 Helen Keller's deafness and blindness were not congenial defects but were acquired after birth. 헬렌켈러의청각과시각장애는선천적인결함이아니라후천적인것이었다. 60. convene 모이다, 회합하다 The house and the Senate will convene at noon to hear an address by the President. 하원과상원은대통령연설을듣기위해서정오에모일것이다. 305
어휘학습자료 5 61. intraparty 한당내에서의, 당내의 The Democrats are trying to heal intraparty strife so as to present a united front in the coming election. ( 민주당원들은다가오는선거에서단합된전선을보여주기위해당내분쟁을해결하려고노력하고있다.) 62. intrastate 한주내에서의, 주내의 Commerce between the states is regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission, but interstate commerce is supervised by the states themselves. ( 주사이의교역은주간교역위원회에의해서통제되만, 주내의교역은주자체에의해관리된다.) 63. intravenous 정맥내의또는정맥을경유하여 Patients are nourished by intravenous feeding when too ill to take food by mouth. ( 환자가너무아파서입으로음식물을섭취할수없을때는정맥급식에의해서영양을공급받는다.) 64. con 1. ~ 에반대하여, 반대편에서서 2. 반대되는주장, 반대하는이유반대론 Are you on the pro or con side of this argument. ( 당신은이논쟁에찬성하는편인가반대하는편인가?) Before taking an important step, carefully study the pros and cons of the matter. ( 중요한조치를취하기전에그문제의찬반양론을면밀히검토하라.) 306 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 65. contravene 반대로가거나행동하다위반하다, 무시하다 By invading the neutral nation, the dictator contravened his earlier pledge to guarantee its independence. ( 독재자는중립국을침략함으로써그나라의독립을보장하겠다는애초의약속을깨뜨렸다.) 66. controversy 논쟁, 논전, 말다툼 Our controversy with Great Britain over the Oregon Territory nearly led to war. ( 오리건지역에대한영국과의논쟁은거의전쟁에이를뻔했다.) 67. counter 반대로, 반대방향에서 The student's plan to drop out of school ran counter to his parents' wishes. ( 학업을중단하겠다는그학생의계획은부모님의소망과반대되는것이었다.) 68. incontrovertible 반대하거나반박할가능성이없는의문의여지가없는, 명백한 The suspect's fingerprints on the safe were considered incontrovertible evidence that he had participated in the robbery. ( 금고에있는용의자의지문은그가강도사건에가담했다는확실한증거로여겨졌다.) 69. intercede 차이점을조정하려고간섭하다중재하다, 변론하다, 조정하다 My brother would have lost the argument if Dad hadn't interceded for him. ( 만일아버지가개입하지않으셨더라면형은논쟁에서졌을것이다.) 70. intercept 멈추게하거나붙잡다가로채다, 가로막다 We gained possession of the ball when Russ intercepted a forward pass. ( 러스가포워드패스를가로채서우리공이되었다.) 307
71. interlinear 행간에쓴 It is difficult to make interlinear notes if the space between the lines is very small. ( 행간이너무좁으면행사이에기록하기가어렵다.) 72. interlude 두사건사이의시간을메우는것, 간격 Between World War II and the Korean War, there was a five year interlude of peace. (2 차세계대전과한국전쟁사이에 5 년간의평화가있었다.) 73. intermediary 매개자, 중재자 For his role as intermediary in helping to end the Russo-Japanese War, Therefore Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize. (2차세계대전과한국전쟁사이에 5년간의평화가있었다.) 74. intermission 활동기간사이의휴식, 휴식시간, 중지 During the intermission between the first and second acts, you will have a chance to purchase refreshments. (1 막과 2 막사이의휴식시간에간식을살기회가있을것이다 ) 75. intersect 가로지르거나엇갈려지나다, 교차하다, 가르다, 횡단하다 Broadway intersects Seventh Avenue at Times Square. ( 브로드웨이는타임즈광장에서 7 번가와교차한다.) 308 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 어휘학습자료 6 76. incise 자르다, 새기다, 조각하다 The letters on the monument had been incised with a chisel. ( 기념비의글자들은끌로새겨졌다.) 77. exclusive 1. 다른사람들을들이지않고내쫓는, 내쫓으려하는, 배타적인 2. 다른사람들과함께나누지않는, 독점적인, 유일한 An exclusive club does not readily accept newcomers. ( 배타적인클럽은신입회원들을쉽게받아들이지않는다.) Before the game, each team had exclusive use of the field for a ten-minute practice period. ( 경기전에각팀은 10분간의연습시간동아운동장을독점사용했다.) 78. inclusive 이야기된범위에포함하여 The film will be shown from August 22 to 24, inclusive, for a total of three days. ( 그영화는 8 월 22 일부터 24 일까지총 3 일동안상영될예정이다.) 79. exhibit 보이다, 진열하다 The art department is exhibiting the outstanding posters produced in its classes. ( 미술학과는수업시가에제작된뛰어난포스터들을전시하고있다.) 309
80. inhibit 반격을저지하다, 억누르다 Ellen told the child not to cry, but he could not inhibit his tears. ( 엘렌이아이에게울지말라고말했으나, 아이는눈물을참을수가없었다.) 81. expel 몰아내다, 쫓아내다, 추방하다 Expelled from the university because of poor grades, the student applied for readmission the following term. ( 성적이나빠서대학에서퇴학당한그학생은다음학기에재입학을위해지원했다.) 82. impel 몰아내다, 강요하다, 재촉하다 Gregg's low mark in the midterm impelled him to study harder for the final. ( 중간고사때낮은점수를받은그레그는기말고사를위해더열심히공부하지않을수없었다.) 83. implicate 얽혀들어가게만들다 The accused is not the only guilty party; two others are implicated. ( 피고만이유죄는아니다. 다른사람두명이더관련되어있다.) 84. impugn 의문을제기하다, 공박하다, 배격하다, 반박하다 The treasurer should not have been offended when asked for a financial report. No one was impugning his honesty. ( 회계담당자는재정보고를요구받았을때화를내지말았어야했다. 어느누구도그가정직하다는것을의심하지않았으니까.) 85. inscribe 영원한기록을남기기위해쓰거나, 새기거나, 인쇄하다 The name of the winner will be inscribed on the medal ( 승자의이름이메달에새겨질것이다.) 310 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 86. insurgent 1. 인정된권위에대해서반란을일으키는사람, 반란자 2. 반역하는, 반항적인 The king promised to pardon any insurgent who would lay down his arms. ( 왕은무기를버리는반란자는누구든지용서하겠다고약속했다.) General Washington led the insurgent forces in the Revolutionary War. ( 워싱턴장군은독립전쟁에서반란군을지휘했다.) 87. extracurricular 정규과정이외의, 과외의 Why don't you join an extracurricular activity, such as a club, the school newspaper, or a team? ( 클럽이나학생신문, 또는운동부같은과외활동을하는게어때?) 88. extraneous 밖으로부터오거나또는밖에있는, 외부의, 이질적인 You said you would stick to the topic, but you keep introducing extraneous issues. ( 당신은주제에서벗어나지않겠다고했지만, 계속관계없는문제를소개하고있다.) 89. extravagant 1. 사리에서벗어난, 지나친엉뚱한 2. 돈을함부로쓰는, 낭비하는 Reliable salesman do not make extravagant claims for their time. ( 믿을만한판매원은자기네제품에대해터무니없는가격을요구하지않는다.) In a few months, the extravagant heir spent the fortune of a life time. ( 몇달만에낭비벽이있는유산상속자는평생쓸재산을써버렸다.) 90. intramural 범위또는울타리안의, 구성원에한한, 교내의 The intramural program, in which one class competes with another, gives you a greater chance to participate than the interscholastic program between teams of competing schools. ( 학급끼리겨루는교내행사가경쟁학교팀사이의학교대항행사보다참여할기회를더많이제공한다.) 311
어휘학습자료 7 91. bilateral 두면이있는, 양측의 French forces joined the Americans in a bilateral action against the British at the battle of Yorktown in 1781. ( 프랑스군은 1781년요크타운전투에서영국군에대항하기위한양면작저에서미군과합세했다.) 92. bilingual 1. 두나라말을똑같이잘하는 2. 2개국어로씌어진 Montreal has a large number of bilingual citizens who speak English and French. ( 몬트리올에는영어와불어를다잘하는시민이많다.) Some schools in Spanish-speaking communities send bilingual notices, written in English and Spanish, to the parents. ( 스페인어를사용하는지역에있는몇몇학교들은부모들에게영어와스페인어 2개국어로쓰여진통지서를보낸다.) 93. bipartisan 두정당을대표하는양당의지지를받는 Congressional committees are bipartisan; they consist of both Democratic and Republican members. ( 의회의위원회들은양당을대표하는데, 민주당의원과공화당의원으로구성되어있다.) 94. bisect 똑같은두부분으로나누다, 2 등분하다 A diameter is a line that bisects a circle. ( 지름은원을이등분하는선이다.) 312 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 95. semicircle 한원의반, 반원 At the end of the lesson, a group gathered about the teacher in a semicircle to ask additional questions. ( 수업이끝나자일단의학생들이추가로질문하기위해반원모양으로선생님주위에모였다.) 96. semidetached 부분적으로떨어진, 한쪽은인접한거물과벽을공유하나다른쪽은떨어진 All the houses on the block are attached, except the corner ones, which are semidetached. ( 한쪽벽만옆채에붙은모퉁이의집들을제외하고, 그블록의모든집들은붙어있다.) 97. semiskilled 부분적으로숙련된, 반숙련의 Workers who enter a semiskilled occupation do not have to undergo a long period of training. ( 반숙련직을맡는근로자는장기간의훈련을거칠필요가없다.) 98. emigrate 다른곳에정착하려고어떤나라또는지역을떠나가다, ( 타국으로 ) 이주하다 In 1889, Charles Steinmetz, an engineer, emigrated from Germany. (1989 년에공학자인찰스스타인메츠가독일에서이주했다.) 99. immigrate 영원한거주자로서외국이나외지로들어오다, 이주해오다 In 1889, Charles Steinmetz immigrated to the United States. (1989 년에찰스스타이네츠가미국으로이주해왔다.) 100. eminent 두드러진, 현저한, 유명한, 주목할만한 Steinmetz's discoveries in the field of electricity made him one of the eminent scientists of the twentieth century. ( 전기분야에서스타인메츠가이룩한여러발견은그를 20 세기의저명한과학자중한사람이되게하였다.) 313
101. imminent 임박하여목숨이위험한일어나려고하는, 절박한, 긴급한 At the first flash of lightning, the beach crowd scurried for shelter from the imminent storm. ( 처음번개가번쩍이자해변의군중들은곧있을폭풍우를피할은신처를찾아허둥지둥달려갔다.) 102. enervate 힘을약하게하다, 무기력하게하다 Irma was so enervated by the broiling sun that she nearly fainted. (Irma 는내리쬐는태양에너무지쳐서거의졸도할지경이었다.) 103. erosion 점차적으로닳아없어짐, 부식, 침식작용 Running water is one of the principal causes of soil erosion. ( 흐르는물이토양침식의주요원인들중하나이다.) 104. evoke 세상에내놓다, 불러일으키다, 이끌어내다 The suggestion to lengthen the school year has evoked considerable opposition. ( 수업연한을연장하자는제안은상당한반발을불러일으켰다.) 105. invoke 도움이나보호를청하다, 지원을간청하다, 호소하다 Refusing to answer the question, then witness invoked the Fifth Amendment, which protects a person from being compelled to testify against himself. ( 질문에대답하기를거부하면서, 증인은헌법제 5조수정조항에호소했는데, 이조항은누구든자기의사에반해증언을강요받는것으로부터보호해준다.) 314 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 어휘학습자료 8 106. adjourn 다른날로연기하다, 장래에다시계속하려고모임을정지하다 The judge adjourned the court to the following Monday. ( 판사는재판을다음월요일로연기했다.) 107. advent 도래, 출현, 접근 The Weather Bureau gave adequate warning of the advent of the hurricane. ( 기상청은태풍의접근에대하여적절한경보를내렸다.) 108. adversary 마음이다른곳으로향한사람이나상대자로남과마주한사람, 적, 상대자, 대항자 Before the contest began, the champion shook hands with his adversary. ( 시합이시작되기전에챔피언은상대선수와악수했다.) 109. antecedents 조상, 선조 Ronald's antecedents came to his country more than a hundred years ago. ( 로널드의조상은 100 여년전에이나라에왔다.) 110. antedate 1. 실제날짜보다앞선날짜를지정하다 2. 시기에있어서 ~ 보다앞서다 ~ 에선행하다 If you used yesterday's date on a check written today, you have antedated the check. ( 만약오늘쓴수표에어제날짜를사용한다면, 수표를실제보다앞선날짜로지정한것이다.) Alaska antedates Hawaii as a state. having gained statehood on January 3, 1959, seven months before Hawaii. ( 알래스카는하와이보다먼저주가되었다. 하와이보다 7개월전인 1959년 1월 3일에주의자격을얻었다.) 315
111. postdate 날짜를실제보다늦추어정하다 This is a postdated check; it has tomorrow's date on it. ( 이수표는날짜를실제보다늦춘것이다. 이수표에는내일날짜가적혀있다.) 112. ante meridiem 오전 ( 에 ) In 9 a. m, the abbreviation a. m. stands for ante meridiem, meaning "before noon." (9 a.m 에서 a.m 이란약자는 정오이전 을뜻하는 ante meridiem 을나타낸다.) 113. post meridiem 오후 ( 에 ) In 9 p. m, the abbreviation p. m. stands for post meridiem, meaning "after noon." (9 p.m 에서 p.m 이란약자는 정오이후 를뜻하는 post meridiemdm 을나타낸다.) 114. postgraduate 고등학교나대학교졸업후의공부와관계있는, 대학원의, 졸업후의 After college, Marvin hopes to do postgraduate work in law school. ( 대학을졸업한후마빈은로스쿨에서대학원공부를하고싶어한다 ) 115. postmortem 죽은후시체에대한철저한검사, 시체해부, 검시 The purpose of a postmortem is to discover the cause of death. ( 부검을하는목적은사망원인을발견하는것이다.) 116. bicentennial 2 백년기념일 ( 제 ) The bicentennial of George Washington's birth was celebrated in 1932. ( 조지워싱턴탄생 200 주년기념제가 1932 년에거행되었다.) 316 청솔퍼스트클래스
어휘학습자료 117. biennial 2년마다일어나는 A defeated candidate for the House of Representatives must wait two years before running again, because the elections are biennial. ( 하원에출마했다가패배한후보는재출마하려면 2년을기다려야한다. 왜냐하면선거가 2년에한번있기때문이다.) 118. semiannual 반년마다또는연 2 회일어나는 Promotion in our school is semiannual; it occurs in January and June. ( 우리학교에서는진급이 1 년에두번, 1 월과 6 월에있다.) 119. bimonthly 2 달마다일어나는 We receive only six bills a year because we are billed on a bimonthly basis. ( 우리는두달기준으로청구서를받기때문에 1 년에여섯장의청구서만받는다.) 120. semimonthly 반달마다또는월 2 회일어나는 Employees paid on a semimonthly basis receive two salary checks per month. ( 보름을기준으로봉급을받는고용인들은한달에두번봉급을받는다.) 317