ISSN 1229-0718 한국심리학회지발달 27 권 2 호 (2014 년 6 월 ) THE KOREAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 목차 한국판부모양육효능감검사 (K-PSOC) 및배우자양육협력검사 (K-PAI) 의타당화연구 김정미 임희선 허성호 4세실행기능과 6세읽기능력간관련성 : 단기종단적탐색 김연수 곽금주관찰학습에서나타나는아동의모방특성 : 인과적이해를중심으로 정혜린 방희정우울한노인의담화에나타나는자전적기억의일화및비일화인출양상 김영경빈곤청소년의양육자변경빈도와내재화및외현화문제의관계에서부모및친구관계의매개효과 설경옥 백상은 이선아 박지은거짓말과참말이해에대한상황적요인의영향 : 4세아동의자료 송미리 송현주감정고려가만 4세아동의분배행동에미치는효과 유하나 이지현 송현주 김영훈중년기의성숙한노화와죽음태도및죽음대처유능감의관계 정영숙 이화진 한국발달심리학회
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The influence of others emotions on 4-year-olds' distributive behaviors Hana Yoo 1) Zi-hyun Lee 2) Hyun-joo Song 1) Young-Hoon Kim 1) 1) Department of Psychology, Yonsei University 2) Yonsei Happy Mind Psychiatric Clinic The current study investigated whether predicting others emotions affects 4-year-olds sharing behavior during dictator games. In Experiment 1, participants were asked to allocate 10 stickers between themselves and a monkey puppet shown in a photo. Children in the experimental condition, but not those in the control condition, were told that the monkey would draw a picture of how he felt about the amount of stickers he received. Children in the experimental condition allocated significantly more stickers to the recipient than did those in the control condition, suggesting that an understanding of others emotions promoted altruistic distribution. In Experiment 2, we examined whether the presence of the recipient in the setting would affect children s distribution of resources. The procedure was identical to that of Experiment 1 except that participants were asked to give stickers to a monkey puppet in a face-to-face setting. In Experiment 2, children in both conditions donated stickers about equally between themselves and the monkey puppet, which resembled results of the experimental condition from Experiment 1. These results suggest that considering others emotions as well as an awareness of another s presence promotes children s fair distribution. Key words : emotion understanding, distributive justice, dictator game, prosocial behavior