: 59 3 2000 1 A bs trac t A cas e of hypog ly cemia in a patie nt of he mang iopericy toma w ith hepatic metas tas is Sung Il Park, M.D., Nam Su Kim, M.D., Wan Hee Yoo, M.D., T ae Sun Park, M.D. and Hong Sun Back, M.D. Department of Internal M edicine, College of M edicine, Chonbuk N ational University, Chonju, Korea Tumour-induced hypoglycemia is usually caused by insulinoma or non-islet-cell neoplasm, such as hemangiopericytoma, fibrosarcoma, mesotheliomas. Most of the neoplasms in non- islet- cell tumour- induced hypoglycemia are mesenchymal type, and have a common features, including large- sized, slow- growing and metastatic involvement of the liver. T he mechanisms of hypoglycemia in metastatic liver disease are not clearly defined, and liver failure secondary to hepatic metastasis or insulin or insulin- like mediated process are considered. Glucagon stimulation test has been used to distinguish between insulin- mediated or insulin- like- mediated hypoglycemia and hypoglycemia induced by liver failure. We experinced a case of hypoglycemia in a patient of hemangiopericytoma with liver metastasis in which glucagon stimulation test was used for proper evaluation. We compare this case with previously reported cases, and present here with brief review of literatures.(korean J Med 59:319-324, 2000) Key Words : Hemangiopericytoma; Hypoglycemia; Glucagon,,,,.,, 1, 2), 3).,,.. : 1999114 : 1999128 :, 634-18, (561-712) E- mail : bhs@moak.chonbuk.ac.kr - 319 -
Korean Journal of Medicine : Vol. 59, No. 3, 2000, 3). 1. :,, 33 : : 18, 7. 1,.. :,,, 11 cm.. 2.. : 4,000/mm3, 10.1 g/dl, 32.4%, 124,000/ mm3. glucose1.5 mmol/l, 8.0 g/dl, 3.6 g/dl, 1.0 mg/dl. alkaline phosphatase 617 IU/L, AST 90 IU/L( : 40 IU/L ), ALT 61 IU/L( : 35 IU/L ), blood urea nitrogen(bun) 9.0 mg/dl, creatinine 0.3 mg/dl,. HBsAg, anti- HBs, alpha- fetoprotein(- FP) 5.6 ng/ml. insulin1.8 U/mL( 6-26 U/mL), C- peptide1.0 ng/ml( 1-3.5 ng/ml). Insulin- like growth factor(igf- )60.4 ng/ml( : 62-384 ng/ml), Insulin growth factor binding protein- (IGF BP- )2,655 ng/ml( 1,730-5,590 ng/ml). ( : 42 mg/dl) Figure 1. Chest X- ray shows multiple nodular and consolidative lesion in both lung. Figure 2. Abdomen CT scan shows multiple, variable sized, round masses in entire liver. Most of small- sized masses were enhanced in arterial phase, but large- sized mass shows peripheral enhancement. (1 mg/ml) 15, 30, 45 87, 105, 115 mg/dl. : X- (Figure 1)., (Figure 2).,,,,,. :. slit- like, - 320 -
Sung Il Park, et al : A case of hypoglycemia in a patient of hemangiopericytoma with hepatic metastasis, 20,, 3. Figure 3. Sections show highly cellular tumor tissue in cores of liver tissue (A). T he tumor has a turbulent pattern and composed of oval to elongated cells with inconspicuous nucleoli, abundant cytoplasm and slit- like vessels (B) (H&E satin 200) (Figure 3). :. 11,,,,,. 1923Zimmermann, 1942StoutMurray4)., 45.5),, (36.4%), (21.4%), (13.3%), (13.3%), (12.1%), parasternal (3.5%) 6). Table 1. Summary of clinical and biochemical data in patients of hemangiopericytoma with hepatic metastasis and hypoglycemia No. References Anatomic site Patient Glucoseb Insulinc C- peptided IGF- Ie IGF- IIf big IGF- IIg Glucagon Sex Agea (mmol/l) (U/mL) (nmol/l) (ng/ml) (ng/ml) (nmol/l) testh 1. Paullada et al (1968) Retroperitoneum M 39 1.0 28 positive 2. Bell & Buist (1981) Retroperitoneum M 19 1.5 0.6 0.2 3. Arimasa et al (1986) Maxillary sinus M 47 2.1 4.0 Low 4. Hoekmann et al (1994) Cerebellum M 50 1.1 14-21 518-800 80 % positive 5. W egmann et al (1994) Meninges F 41 1.4 Low 25 724 elevated 6. Sohda & Yun (1996) Meninges F 44 1.0 Normal 22 428 7. Chung & Henry (1996) Abdomen M 54 2.2 Low < 0.04 36.7 653 142 positive 8. Hoff et al (1998) Chest F 26 1.55 < 3 < 0.033 < 10 518 positive 9. Adams et al. (1999) Retroperitoneum M 20 10. Present case (1999) Meninges M 33 1.5 1.8 0.716 60.4 positive a: Age at primary operation/tumour diagnosis. b: Blood glucose level during hypoglycemic attack. Normal range: 4.2-6.4. Normal range for each datas; c:6-26, d:0.33-1.15, e:120-130, f:400-800, g:1.6-8.4 (10-20%). h: Positive: an increase in plasma glucose of 25 mg/dl (1.4 mmol/l) or more after the administration of 1mg of IV glucagon in patients who become hypoglycemia during a prolonged fast. - 321 -
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