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1. 다음은각단위의크기를나타낸표이다. 단위 h k M G T P E 크기 단위 c m μ n p f a 크기 위표를이용하면 1 M byte 는 km인가? 1 km 2 km byte 이고 1 mg 은 3 km 4 km g 임을알수있다. 그렇다면 1nm 는몇 5 km 3. 한변의길이가 1인단위정육면체를가로, 세로, 높이가각각 8개가되도록쌓아정육면체를만들었다. 이정육면체의겉표면을빨간색물감으로칠한후다시단위정육면체로분리하였다. 한면도색칠되지않은단위정육면체의개수는단한면만색칠된단위정육면체의개수의몇배인가? - 1 -

1 배 2 배 3 배 4 배 5 배 4. 다음과같은성질을만족하는최소의자연수를환상수라고한다. 성질 1. 2이상 10이하의수로나누어떨어지지않는다. 성질 2. 약수의개수가셋이상이다. 환상수의각자리수의합은얼마인가? 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 5. 이웃한모든교차점사이의거리가일정할때 A 에서 B 에이르는최단경로의개수는몇개인가? 1 6 개 2 8 개 3 12 개 4 16 개 5 20 개 - 2 -

6. 2진수를 8진수로바꿀때는 2 3 = 8이므로 2진수를끝에서부터세자리씩묶어주면 8진수로쉽게바꿀수있다. 예를들어 2진수 10101011 (2) 을 8진수로바꾸어주면다음과같이 253 (8) 이된다. 2 진수 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 8 진수 2 5 3 이와같은성질을이용하여 16 진수 ABC (16) 을 2 진수로바꾸었을때 1 의개수는몇개인가? 1 6 개 2 7 개 3 8 개 4 9 개 5 10 개 7. 유전자조작을통해만들어낸토끼는다음과같은특성을가지고있다. 특성 1. 모든토끼는태어나서성장하는데 1달이걸린다. 특성 2. 성장을마친후 1달이된한쌍의토끼는매달 2쌍의토끼를낳는다. 특성 3. 토끼는 1년이내에죽지않는다. 막성장을마친토끼한쌍을토끼장에넣었다. 5 달후의토끼는몇쌍이될까? 1 41 쌍 2 42 쌍 3 43 쌍 4 44 쌍 5 45 쌍 8. 지수는편의점에서아르바이트를하고있다. 이편의점에 5분동안손님이한명도찾아오지않을확률은이라고한다. 그렇다면이편의점에 10분동안손님이한명도찾아오지않을확률은? 1 2 3 4 5-3 -

K K K - 4 -

A B C D E F G H I J 13. 다음중트리의대한설명으로옳지않은것은? 1 임의의두노드 (node) 사이의경로 (path) 는유일하다. 2 사이클 (cycle) 이존재하지않는다. 3 이진트리에서단말노드 (terminal node) 의개수는분지수 (degree) 가 2인내부노드 (internal node) 의개수보다하나더많다. 4 루트노드 (root) 의분지수 (degree) 가가장크다. 5 모든노드의자식노드의개수의합은모든노드의부모노드의개수의합과같다. Push(A) A GetValue( ) Pop( ) IsEmpty() True( 또는 true) False( 또는 false) - 5 -

< VB > Sub main() End Sub S = "KOREA" For I = 1 To 5 If Not IsEmpty And GetValue() < Mid(S, I, 1) Then R = R + Pop() Push (Mid(S, I, 1)) Next I While Not IsEmpty() R = R + Pop() Wend Debug.Print R < VC++ > #include <stdio.h> void main() char s[6] = "KOREA"; char r[6] = ""; int rn = 0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) if (!IsEmpty() && Get() < s[i] ) r[rn++] = Pop(); Push( s[i] ); while (!IsEmpty() ) r[rn++] = Pop(); printf( "%s n", r ); < Delphi > $APPTYPE CONSOLE uses SysUtils; var - 6 -

s : string = 'KOREA'; r : string = ' '; rn : integer; i : integer; rn = 0; for i := 1 to 5 do if not IsEmpty() and (Get() < s[i]) then inc(rn); r[rn] := Pop(); Push(s[i]); while not IsEmpty() do inc(rn); r[rn] := Pop(); writeln(r); end. KOREA AEROK AEKOR KOAER ROKEA - 7 -

< VB > Sub main() End Sub N = 10 A = Array(1, 5, 3, 7, 4, 6, 9, 2, 5, 8) M = S = 0 For I = 0 To N - 1 S = S + A(I) If A(I) > M Then M = A(I) Next I T = S / N Debug.Print M + T < VC++ > #include <stdio.h> #define N 10-8 -

void main() int a[n] = 1, 5, 3, 7, 4, 6, 9, 2, 5, 8; int i; int m; int s, t; m = s = 0; for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) s += a[i]; if ( a[i] > m ) m = a[i]; t = s / N; printf( "%d n", m + t ); < Delphi > $APPTYPE CONSOLE uses SysUtils; const N = 10; var a : array [1..N] of integer = (1, 5, 3, 7, 4, 6, 9, 2, 5, 8); i : integer; m : integer; s, t : integer; m := 0; s := 0; for i := 1 to N do s := s + a[i]; if a[i] > m then m := a[i]; t := s div N; writeln(m + t); end. - 9 -

< VB > Sub main() N = 5 For I = 1 To N Next I End Sub < VC++ > Debug.Print Tab(I); For J = I To N Debug.Print Trim(J); Next J For J = N - 1 To I Step -1 Debug.Print Trim(J); Next J Debug.Print #include <stdio.h> void main() int n = 5; int i, j; for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) for ( j = 1; j <= i; j++ ) printf( " " ); for ( j = i; j <= n; j++ ) printf( "%d", j ); for ( j = n - 1; j >= i; j-- ) printf( "%d", j ); printf(" n"); < Delphi > $APPTYPE CONSOLE - 10 -

uses SysUtils; var n : integer = 5; i, j : integer; for i := 1 to n do writeln; end. for j := 1 to i do write(' '); for j := i to n do write(j); for j := n - 1 downto i do write(j); < VB > Sub main() N = 1: S = 1 While (N < 100) Wend End Sub N = N + 2 S = S + N Debug.Print S < VC++ > #include <stdio.h> void main() int n, s; - 11 -

n = 1; s = 1; while ( n < 100 ) n += 2; s += n; printf( "%d n", s ); < Delphi > $APPTYPE CONSOLE uses SysUtils; var n : integer; s : integer; n := 1; s := 1; while n < 100 do n := n + 2; s := s + n; writeln(s); end. N( 또는 n) 은 < VB > Function F(N) As Integer If N = 0 Then F = 0 Else F = F(Int(N / 10)) + N Mod 10-12 -

End If End Function < VC++ > int f( int n ) if (n == 0) return 0; else return f(n / 10) + n % 10; < Delphi > function f(n: integer) : integer; if n = 0 then f := 0 else f := f(n div 10) + n mod 10; < VB > For I = 1 To N Next I If (A(I)) < M Then M = (A(I)) R = A(I) End If Sqr Abs Sgn Asc Val < VC++ > for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) if ( ( a[i] ) < m ) - 13 -

m = ( a[i] ); r = a[i]; abs < Delphi > for i := 1 to N do if (a[i]) < m then m := (a[i]); r := a[i]; abs < VB > Function F(N) As Integer If N < 3 Then F = N Mod 3 Else: F = F(N - 1) + F(N Mod 3) End If End Function Sub main() End Sub S = F(10) Debug.Print S < VC++ > #include <stdio.h> int f( int n ) if ( n < 3 ) return n % 3; return f( n - 1 ) + f ( n % 3 ); void main() int s = f( 10 ); - 14 -

printf( "%d n", s ); < Delphi > $APPTYPE CONSOLE uses SysUtils; function f(n : integer) : integer; if n < 3 then f := n mod 3 else f := f(n - 1) + f(n mod 3); var s : integer; s := f(10); writeln(s); end. 자신을제외한약수의합이 B가되고, B 자신을제외한약수의합이 A가될때이러한두수를우정수라고한다. 예를들어 220의자신을제외한약수의합은 284이고, 284의자신을제외한약수의합은 220이되어이둘은우정수가된다. 다음프로그램은 1000이하의모든우정수쌍을구하여출력하는프로그램이다. 빈칸에차례로들어갈내용으로알맞은것은? < VB > Function F(K) As Integer S = 0 For I = 1 To K - 1 If K Mod I = 0 Then S = S + I Next I F = S End Function Sub main() For I = 1 To 1000 A = F(I) B = F(A) - 15 -

If Then Debug.Print I; A Next I End Sub I = B And I < A I < B And I < A I > B And I < A I = B And I = A I < B And I = A < VC++ > #include <stdio.h> int f( int k ) int i; int s = 0; for ( i = 1; i < k; i++ ) if ( k % i == 0 ) s += i; return s; void main() int a, b; int i; for ( i = 1; i <= 1000; i++ ) a = f ( i ); b = f ( a ); if ( ) printf( "%d %d n", i, a ); i == b && i < a i < b && i < a i > b && i < a i == b && i == a i < b && i == a < Delphi > $APPTYPE CONSOLE uses SysUtils; function f(k : integer) : integer; var i : integer; s : integer; - 16 -

s := 0; for i := 1 to k - 1 do if k mod i = 0 then s := s + i; f := s; var a, b : integer; i : integer; for i := 1 to 1000 do a := f(i); b := f(a); if end. then writeln(i, ' ', a); (i = b) and (i < a) (i < b) and (i < a) (i > b) and (i < a) (i = b) and (i = a) (i < b) and (i = a) < VB > For I = 1 To 10 TMP = A(I) For J = I - 1 To 1 Step -1 If A(J) > TMP Then Next I Next J Else Exit For End If A(J + 1) = TMP A(J) = A(J + 1) A(J + 1) = A(J) A(J) = A(I) A(J + 1) = A(I) A(I + 1) = A(J) < VC++ > for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) - 17 -

tmp = a[i]; for ( j = i - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) if ( a[j] > tmp ) ; else break; a[j + 1] = tmp; a[j] = a[j + 1] a[j + 1] = a[j] a[j] = a[i] a[j + 1] = a[i] a[i + 1] = a[j] < Delphi > for i := 0 to 9 do tmp := a[i]; for j := i - 1 downto 0 do if a[j] > tmp then else break; a[j + 1] := tmp; a[j] := a[j + 1] a[j + 1] := a[j] a[j] := a[i] a[j + 1] := a[i] a[i + 1] := a[j] < VB > Function F(K) A = 1: B = n While A <= B Wend C = (A + B) / 2 If P(C) = K Then F = C If P(C) > K Then B = C - 1 Else: A = C + 1 End If - 18 -

F = -1 End Function Sub main() End Sub... R = F(K)... < VC++ > int f( int k ) int a, b; int c; a = 1; b = n; while ( a <= b ) c = ( a + b ) / 2; if ( p[c] == k ) return c; if ( p[c] > k ) b = c - 1; else a = c + 1; return -1; void main()... r = f( k );... < Delphi > function f(k : integer) : integer; var a, b : integer; c : integer; a := 1; b := n; while a <= b do c := (a + b) div 2; if p[c] = k then f := c; - 19 -

if p[c] > k then b := c - 1 else a := c + 1; f := 1;... r := f( k );... end. < VB > For I = Int(N / 2) To 1 Step -1 J = I: Tmp = A(I) Do Next I K = J * 2 If K < N And A(K) < A(K + 1) Then K = J * 2 + 1 If A(K) > Tmp Then A(J) = A(K) J = K Else Exit Do End If Loop Until (K > N / 2) A(J) = Tmp < VC++ > for ( i = n / 2; i >= 1; i-- ) j = i; tmp = a[i]; do k = j * 2; if ( k < n && a[k] < a[k + 1] ) k = j * 2 + 1; - 20 -

if (a[k] > tmp) a[j] = a[k]; j = k; else break; while ( k <= n / 2 ); a[j] = tmp; < Delphi > for i := n div 2 downto 1 do j := i; tmp := a[i]; repeat k := j * 2; if (k < n) and (a[k] < a[k + 1]) then k := j * 2 + 1; if a[k] > tmp then a[j] := a[k]; j := k; end else break; until k > n div 2; a[j] := tmp; - 21 -

A B < VB > Sub F( ) End Sub For I = 1 To 10 C(I) = 0 Next I For I = 1 To 10 C(A(I)) = C(A(I)) + 1 Next I For I = 2 To 10 C(I) = C(I) + C(I - 1) Next I For I = 1 To 10 B(C(A(I))) = A(I) C(A(I)) = C(A(I)) - 1 Next I < VC > void f ( ) int i; for ( i = 1; i <= 10; i++ ) c[i] = 0; for ( i = 1; i <= 10; i++ ) c[a[i]]++; for ( i = 2; i <= 10; i++ ) c[i] += c[i - 1]; for ( i = 1; i <= 10; i++ ) - 22 -

b[c[a[i]]] = a[i]; c[a[i]]--; < Delphi > procedure f; var i : integer; for i := 1 to 10 do c[i] := 0; for i := 1 to 10 do inc(c[a[i]]); for i := 2 to 10 do c[i] := c[i] + c[i - 1]; for i := 1 to 10 do b[c[a[i]]] := a[i]; dec(c[a[i]]); - 23 -

A B C D E F C A D 6 5 4 6 5 6 5 6 3 6 2 < VB > - 24 -

Const MAX_N = 10000 Dim N As Integer Dim Dice(MAX_N, 6) As Integer Dim Pos(MAX_N, 6) As Integer Dim Max As Integer Sub InputData() End Sub Open "INPUT.TXT" For Input As #1 Input #1, N For I = 1 To N For J = 1 To 6 Next J, I Close #1 Input #1, Dice(I, J) Pos(I, Dice(I, J)) = J Sub OutputResult() End Sub Open "OUTPUT.TXT" For Output As #2 Print #2, Max Close #2 Sub main() InputData Opposite = Array( (1) ) For I = 1 To 6 Sum = 0 K1 = Dice(1, I) For J = 1 To N P = Pos(J, K1) O = Opposite(P) K2 = Dice(J, O) If K1 <> 6 And K2 <> 6 Then M = 6 ElseIf K1 <> 5 And K2 <> 5 Then - 25 -

Next I End Sub Next J M = 5 Else: M = 4 End If Sum = Sum + M (2) If Sum > Max Then Max = Sum OutputResult 1 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 2 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 3 6, 3, 2, 5, 1, 4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 1 K1 = K2 2 K2 = K1 3 K1 = K1 + K2 K2 = K2 + K1 K1 = K1 + 1 < VC++ > #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_N 10000 int n; int dice[max_n][6], pos[max_n][6]; int opposite[6] = (1) ; int max; void Input () FILE *f = fopen ( "input.txt", "r" ); fscanf( f, "%d n", &n ); int i, j; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) for ( j = 0; j < 6; j++ ) - 26 -

fscanf( f, "%d", &dice[i][j] ); pos[i][dice[i][j]] = j; fclose( f ); void Output () FILE *f = fopen ( "output.txt", "w" ); fprintf( f, "%d n", max ); fclose( f ); void main () int i, j; int k1, k2; int p, o; int m, sum;; Input(); for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) sum = 0; k1 = dice[0][i]; for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) p = pos[j][k1]; o = opposite[p]; k2 = dice[j][o]; if ( k1!= 6 && k2!= 6 ) m = 6; else if ( k1!= 5 && k2!= 5 ) m = 5; else m = 4; sum += m; (2) ; if ( sum > max ) max = sum; Output(); - 27 -

1 5, 0, 1, 3, 4, 2 2 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 3 5, 2, 1, 4, 0, 3 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 0 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 1 k1 = k2 2 k2 = k1 3 k1 += k2 k2 += k1 k1++ < Delphi > $APPTYPE CONSOLE uses SysUtils; const MAX_N = 10000; var n : integer; dice, pos : array[1..max_n, 1..6] of integer; opposite : array[1..6] of integer = ( (1) ); max : integer; procedure Input; var f : text; i, j : integer; assign(f, 'input.txt'); reset(f); readln(f, n); for i := 1 to n do for j := 1 to 6 do read(f, dice[i][j]); pos[i][dice[i][j]] := j; close(f); procedure Output; var f : text; assign(f, 'output.txt'); rewrite(f); writeln(f, max); - 28 -

close(f); var end. i, j : integer; k1, k2 : integer; p, o : integer; m, sum : integer; Input; for i := 1 to 6 do sum := 0; k1 := dice[1][i]; for j := 1 to n do p := pos[j][k1]; o := opposite[p]; k2 := dice[j][o]; if ( k1 <> 6 ) and ( k2 <> 6 ) then m := 6 else if ( k1 <> 5 ) and ( k2 <> 5 ) then m := 5 else m := 4; sum := sum + m; (2) ; if sum > max then max := sum; Output; 1 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 2 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 3 6, 3, 2, 5, 1, 4 6, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 1 k1 := k2 2 k2 := k1 3 k1 := k1 + k2 k2 := k2 + k1 k1) - 29 -

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 35 40 50 10 30 45 60-30 -

< VB > Const MAX_N = 50000 Dim N As Integer Dim M As Integer Dim Num(MAX_N) As Integer Dim Sum(MAX_N) As Integer Dim T(3, MAX_N) As Integer Dim Res As Integer Sub InputData() End Sub Open "INPUT.TXT" For Input As #1 Input #1, N For I = 1 To N Input #1, Num(I) Next I Input #1, M Close #1 Sub OutputResult() End Sub Open "OUTPUT.TXT" For Output As #2 Print #2, Res Close #2 Function Max(A, B) As Integer If (1) Then Max = A Else: Max = B End If End Function - 31 -

Sub main() End Sub InputData For I = 1 To M Sum(M) = Sum(M) + Num(I) Next I For I = M + 1 To N Sum(I) = (2) Next I For I = 1 To 3 For J = M * I To N T(I, J) = Max(T(I, J - 1), (3) ) Next J Next I Res = T(3, N) OutputResult A = B A > B A < B A <> B A Mod B = 0 Sum(I - 1) + Num(I) Sum(I - 1) - Num(I - M) Sum(I - 1) + Num(I - M) - Num(I) Sum(I - 1) + Num(I - M) + Num(I) Sum(I - 1) - Num(I - M) + Num(I) T(I - 1, J - M) + Sum(J) T(I, J - M) + Sum(J) T(I + 1, J - M + 1) + Sum(J) T(I - 1, J - M + 1) + Sum(J) T(I, J - M + 1) + Sum(J) < VC++ > #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_N 50000 int n, m; - 32 -

int num[max_n + 1], sum[max_n + 1]; int t[4][max_n + 1]; int res; void Input () FILE *f = fopen ( "input.txt", "r" ); fscanf( f, "%d n", &n ); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) fscanf( f, "%d", &num[i] ); fscanf( f, "%d n", &m ); fclose( f ); void Output () FILE *f = fopen ( "output.txt", "w" ); fprintf( f, "%d n", res ); fclose( f ); int max( int a, int b ) if ( (1) ) return a; else return b; void main () int i, j; Input(); for ( i = 1; i <= m; i++ ) sum[m] += num[i]; for ( i = m + 1; i <= n; i++ ) sum[i] = (2) ; for ( i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) for ( j = m * i; j <= n; j++ ) t[i][j] = max( t[i][j - 1], (3) ); res = t[3][n]; Output(); - 33 -

a == b a > b a < b a!= b a % b == 0 sum[i - 1] + num[i] sum[i - 1] + num[i - m] sum[i - 1] + num[i - m] - num[i] sum[i - 1] + num[i - m] + num[i] sum[i - 1] - num[i - m] + num[i] t[i - 1][j - m] + sum[j] t[i][j - m] + sum[j] t[i + 1][j - m + 1] + sum[j] t[i - 1][j - m + 1] + sum[j] t[i][j - m + 1] + sum[j] < Delphi > $APPTYPE CONSOLE uses SysUtils; const MAX_N = 50000; var n, m : integer; num, sum : array[0..max_n] of integer; t : array[0..3, 0..MAX_N] of integer; res : integer; procedure Input; var f : text; i : integer; assign(f, 'input.txt'); reset(f); readln(f, n); for i := 1 to n do read(f, num[i]); readln(f, m); close(f); procedure Output; var f : text; assign(f, 'output.txt'); - 34 -

rewrite(f); writeln(f, res); close(f); function max( a, b : integer ) : integer; if (1) then max := a else max := b; var i, j : integer; Input; for i := 1 to m do sum[m] := sum[m] + num[i]; for i := m + 1 to n do sum[i] := (2) ; for i := 1 to 3 do for j := m * i to n do t[i, j] := max( t[i][j - 1], (3) ); res := t[3][n]; Output; end. a = b a > b a < b a <> b a mod b = 0 sum[i - 1] + num[i] sum[i - 1] + num[i - m] sum[i - 1] + num[i - m] - num[i] sum[i - 1] + num[i - m] + num[i] sum[i - 1] - num[i - m] + num[i] t[i - 1][j - m] + sum[j] t[i][j - m] + sum[j] t[i + 1][j - m + 1] + sum[j] t[i - 1][j - m + 1] + sum[j] t[i][j - m + 1] + sum[j] - 35 -

- 36 -