FLEX 영어문제출제예시및풀이자료 1. Listening Comprehension 응시자의듣기능력을측정하기위한듣기시험은총 50문항으로이루어져있으며, 각문항은 8점이다. 네부분으로나누어져있는듣기시험의 Section Ⅰ에서는다양한상황에서질문이나진술문장을듣고이에적절한반응을하는능력을테스트하게되며, Section Ⅱ에서는짧은대화를, Section Ⅲ에서는긴대화를듣고난후에대화의이해도를테스트하게되며, 마지막으로 Section Ⅳ에서는다소긴지문을듣고난후에이지문에대한이해도를테스트하게된다. Section I (Q1~Q10): 반응테스트 Section I 은문장이짧아서비교적쉽다고생각할수있는영역이지만배점은긴대화나지문듣기와마찬가지로문항당 8 점이므로이곳에서점수를올리는것이유리하다. 한문제가 1~2 문장으로구성되어있지만한번씩만대화내용을들려주기때문에중요단어를놓치지않고집중해서들어야한다. 문제의유형은두가지로나눌수있는데 1 번에서 7 번까지의 7 개문항은한사람이말한내용에대한반응으로서적합한답을고르는문제이고 8 번부터 10 번까지의 3 개문항은두사람이나누는대화가주어지고그뒤에적합한반응이무엇인지를묻는질문이다. 모두기초언어능력을측정하기위한문제로서대화의상황이다양하게주어지므로인사, 소개, 감사, 위로, 사과, 초청, 칭찬, 격려, 부탁, 거절, 허락등에사용되는다양한구어체의표현및관용표현을익혀두는것이도움이된다. 문제유형 : Q: How's the weather outside? I'm late for school. Feathers are very light. It's raining now. - 1 -
Section II (Q11~Q20): 짧은대화 Section II 는두사람의짧은대화가주어진다. 이대화를통해짐작할수있는것을묻는질문으로구성되어있으므로대화를듣기전, 또는들으면서문제와선택지내용을미리읽어두면정답을찾는것이수월해진다. 주로앞으로일어나게될일이나대화자간의갈등원인, 대화자들이놓여있는상황, 대화자간의관계, 대화자들이나누는말의의미등에대한질문들이많다. 즉일상생활에서일어날수있는다양한상황에서가능한대화들을얼마나잘이해할수있는가를측정하는문항이주로출제된다. 문제유형 : Woman: Shall we go out for a walk? Man: Okay, but how's the weather? Q: What would be the best response by the woman? This book is very easy to read. It couldn't be better. I don't have to go outside to work. It was a wonderful day. 질문유형 : What happened to the woman? What will the man and the woman probably do? What does the man mean? What is the woman s problem? Section III (Q21~Q30): 긴대화 Section III 는원어수학, 실무언어능력에관해묻는영역으로원어강의, 업무협의및협상에대한긴대화가주어진다. 여기서도 Section II 에서와마찬가지로이부분에서도문제와선택문항을미리읽어두는것이정답을고르는데도움이된다. 들을때는대화의첫문장과마지막문장을특히집중해서듣는것이중요하다. 이부분의질문들은대화주제, 두사람의대화장소, 두사람의관계등을물어보는질문유형이많기때문에전체적인대화의내용이나분위기파악을할수있어야한다. 질문유형 : What is the talk mainly about? Where would this conversation most likely to take place? What is the problem? What would the man do next? - 2 -
Section IV (Q31~Q50): 지문이해 Section IV 는생활언어, 원어수학, 실무언어모두를평가하는영역으로일상생활에서들을수있는안내방송이나음성메시지를비롯하여입학관련정보, 원어발표및토론, 그리고업무상회의와세미나, 시사성뉴스등다양한주제를다룬다. Section IV 는듣기지문을듣고 4 개의선택지중에서가장적절한것을찾아내는방식으로서하나의지문에 2~4 개의문제가출제되며문제는문제지에인쇄되어있으나지문은한번밖에들려주지않으므로주의깊게들어야한다. Section IV 는복잡한구성의문장이많기때문에듣고바로의미를이해할수있는직청직해능력을갖도록연습해야한다. Dictation ( 받아쓰기 ) 를통해연습을하되짧은문장에서긴문장, 긴문장에서단락순으로연습을한다면문장의구조를이해하는데도도움이될것이다. 독해에서그글의주제나제목을파악하는것을물어보듯이 Section IV 에서도주제, 제목, 내용등을묻는질문유형들이많이나온다. 이부분에서는보통하나의듣기지문당두개의질문이주어지는데대개내용에대한단서는첫문장에있는경우가많으므로첫문장을집중하여잘들어두는게좋다. 제목, 주제를묻는질문유형 Which of the following is the best title of the talk? What is the topic of the phone message? What is the best title for the reading? What is the major topic of this talk? True/False 를묻는질문유형 Which of the following is not true? According to the talk, which of the following is not true? According to the talk, which of the following is true? Which of the following is not what the speaker suggests? 세부내용파악을묻는질문유형 Why was the man summoned to the court? Why does the speaker want to put a tax on gasoline? Why were the caretakers punished? What did John and his father have in common? - 3 -
2. Reading Comprehension Section V (Q51~Q65): 어휘 문법 Section V 에서는어휘나문법에관한기초적지식을묻는문제가출제된다. 내용면에서는기초언어능력에관한영역이주를이루며 4 개의선택지중에서의미상이나문법상가장적절한어휘나표현을찾아야한다. 문제유형 : Q1. They by June, will they? won't have returned will have returned shall have returned wouldn't have returned Q2. Jamie became a when his wife died, refusing even to answer the door. sage busybody widow recluse Section VI (Q66~Q85): 동의어 유의어찾기 Section VI 에서는문장전체, 또는문장내에밑줄친부분과가장가까운의미를지닌문장이나어휘를찾는문제가출제된다. 숙어나관용어, 특히자주쓰이는관용적표현등의의미를충분히알고있어야득점에유리하다. 선택지로나와있는유사한표현중에서문제에제시된표현과가장비슷한의미를지닌표현을골라내는판별능력이요구된다. 문제유형 : Q1: He is above telling a lie. Nobody can beat him in telling a lie. He quit telling lies. He keeps telling lies. He would never lie. Q2. The Prime Minister was admired by the whole country. admonished respected likened imitated - 4 -
Section VII (Q86~Q90): 오류찾기 Section VII 에서는한문장을구성하는여러부분중에서잘못된부분을찾아내는문제, 그리고 4 개의문장중에서의미상, 문법상오류가있는문장을하나골라내는문제, 이렇게두가지유형의문제가출제된다. 문제유형 : Q. The dog behaved as well as had been expected it. Section VIII (Q91~Q140): 지문독해 Section VIII 에서는짧게는 4~5 행, 길게는 8~12 행정도되는지문을읽고그내용을제대로파악했는지를묻는문제가출제된다. 내용상생활언어영역, 원어수학영역, 그리고실무언어영역에관한내용의지문이제시되며, 듣기시험과마찬가지로일상생활에서들을수있는안내방송이나음성메시지를비롯하여입학관련정보, 원어발표및토론, 그리고업무상회의및세미나, 시사성뉴스등다양한주제를다룬다. 생활언어영역에서는서신 ( 편지, 메모, e-mail 등 ), 생활문건 ( 사용설명서, 광고, 여행안내서등 ), 시사문제 ( 신문, 잡지, TV 방송등 ), 인터넷사용관련문제 (IT 관련용어가있는지문 ) 에관한지문이제시된다. 원어수학영역에서는학교생활과관련된내용으로예를들면, 원어교재및문헌, 보고서, 논문, 칼럼등의내용이지문으로제시된다. 그리고실무언어영역에서는대외무역을비롯한국제교류관련문건및서식 ( 대외관련법률문건, 조약, 계약, 의사록등 ) 과업무협의및협상에관련된내용, 회의와세미나에서의발표및연설문과같은지문이출제된다. 따라서평상시부터각분야에관심을가지고다양한문장을많이접해보는것이중요하다. 1. 빈출질문유형 A. 주제를찾는문제 전반적으로모든종류의지문이주제를찾는유형의문제에해당되며글의주제, 목적, 의도등에관한문제의단서는각문단의첫부분에나오는경우가많다. 지문중간이나뒷부분에주제가있는경우에는앞부분부터읽어가면서내용을종합적으로분석하여글의주제를파악하여야한다. 글의목적을묻는질문유형 What is the purpose of this letter? 글의주제를묻는질문유형 What is the main topic of this article? Which of the flowing is the main point of the article? What is likely to follow the above message? Which of the following is the best title for the above passage? Which of the following best characterizes the above letter? 글을쓴이유에대한질문유형 What is the main purpose of this memo? - 5 -
B. 세부내용파악문제 다양한의문사 (when, why, who, where, how many, how much) 를이용하여글의세부내용을정확히파악하고있는지에대한질문을하는문제이다. 독해영역전체문항에해당하는것이지만지문을읽기전문제를먼저읽으면필요없는정보는버리고꼭필요한정보만을기억해서질문의핵심부분이나중요의문사에대한답을찾는데도움이된다. 제한된시간속에서정확한독해능력을측정하는시험이기때문에얻고자하는정보를확실히알고읽으면서시간을절약하는것이중요하다. 세부내용파악질문유형 When does the special discount apply? Who is Dr. Smith most likely to be? What did the man probably do? How much does the debtor owe the creditor? Where is the message likely to have been printed? C. True/False 문제 지문의내용을파악한후선택지 4 개중에서내용과맞거나혹은맞지않는것을골라내는문제이다. 이유형의문제는각보기와지문의내용을하나씩대조해보면서확인해야하므로시간이많이소요된다. 일단지문을훑어보면서내용을파악한후보기와연관된부분을찾아가하나씩대조해보는것이정답을고르기에좋다. Not 문제 From what is stated or implied, which of the following is NOT true? Which of the following is NOT the target audience of the above message? Which of the following is NOT true of the above passage? True 문제 Which is the following best describes Toby s character? Which of the following is true? 2. 유형별전략 A. 서신 편지글은매회출제되는빈출유형으로비즈니스레터와사적인편지로나눌수있다. 비즈니스레터는회사간의거래와관련된다양한상황을다루며, 사적인편지는친구간, 교수와학생간, 사업주와고객간에오가는서신과같이실생활과관련된내용이주로나온다. 질문유형 What is the main purpose of this letter? What is enclosed with this letter? When did Ms. Dwyer first contact Mr. Frazier? Rebecca is the Customer Services Manager. What is her main role? - 6 -
B. 광고문 광고문은크게구인광고, 제품광고, 부동산광고등으로나눌수있다. 구인광고는일정한패턴이있으므로기본적인틀을알아두면시간을절약할수있다. 제품광고에서는제품에대한여러가지설명들이나열되므로제품의특징에대한 True/False 유형문제와광고대상에대한문제가많이나온다. 부동산광고역시연관된여러어휘들을익혀두면어렵지않게풀수있다. 질문유형 Who is this package targeted at? What is the main advantage of this offer? What is being advertised? What facility is being advertised for sake here? C. 학술적내용 FLEX 의출제의도에는원어수학능력의측정이포함되어있기때문에학술적내용에관한지문이자주출제된다. 학술지문의경우주로세부사항을묻는질문이나 True/False 문제가출제된다. 제시된지문을잘읽고문제에서요구하는세부사항을정확히파악하는것이중요하다. 질문유형 Why is there little snowfall in the PolarRegions? What does the speaker in the quote mean? What used to be the main purpose of using recycled vegetable oil before? Why is the specialization of science full of dangers and wasteful? - 7 -
3. Speaking Test (1) 말하기시험의구성 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 문항번호 문제유형 준비시간 소요시간 문항수 배점 1 Warming up Questions 없음 문항당 10 초 3 20 점 2 지문읽기 ( 낭독 ) 30 초 50 초 1 20 점 3 사진 삽화묘사 30 초 50 초 1 30 점 4 역할설정 30 초 50 초 1 30 점 5 역할설정 30 초 50 초 1 30 점 6 데이터분석 30 초 50 초 1 30 점 7 주관적의견진술 30 초 60 초 1 30 점 8 주관적의견진술 30 초 60 초 1 30 점 9 사회적이슈관련의견진술 30 초 60 초 1 30 점 총 9문항 총시험시간 30분 250 점 1. Warming up Questions 이문항은응시자들이수험장에와서본격적으로말하기시험을보기전긴장을풀고본인의실력을최대한발휘하게하기위해배치된문항이다. 주로자기자신이나가족, 친구등에관한아주간단한질문들로구성되어있다. 채점의공정성을지키기위해응시자가누구인지알수있는신상에대한질문은배제되며일반적으로응시자의취미, 성격, 학교, 직업등개인적취향을묻는간단한질문이출제된다. 각문항별로 10 초이내에대답할수있는단답형의질문이 3 문제출제되는데이에따라각응시자들은자신의답을들으면서목소리크기나말하는속도등을스스로모니터링할수있다. 아래의질문들에대해요점만짧게대답하는연습을하고이질문들에대해나올수있는어휘들을미리숙지한다. 그리고과거나현재시제를이용해본인에대해말할수있도록연습하면도움이될것이다. Possible questions What is your date of birth? What is your hobby? What is your favorite movie (song, story, book, color) and why? Would you briefly introduce your family? Tell us about your hometown. When you make a friend, what do you mostly concern? Which do you prefer to live in a house or an apartment? Why? Who is your favorite actor (actress)? Why do you like him (her)? - 8 -
2. 지문읽기 ( 낭독테스트 ) 100 단어이내의주어진지문을 30 초의준비시간동안눈으로읽어연습한후 50 초동안소리내어읽어야하는문항이다. 이문제를통해발음과억양, 유창성등의언어능력을측정하게되는데외국어로서영어를학습한한국어모어화자들이주로범하게되는오류를겨냥한단어들이등장한다. 즉한국어에는없는발음들을정확하게발음할줄아는가, 억양의높낮이를올바로조절해서읽을줄아는가, 끊어읽는곳을알고적당한시간을주어읽을줄아는가를측정하려는것이다. 따라서평소에많은종류의지문을소리내어읽어보는연습을많이하는것이이문제를대비하는전략이될것이다. 낭독연습을할때에는다음과같이틀리기쉬운발음에유의하면서읽는연습을하고자신의목소리를녹음해서들어보면서연습하는것도도움이될것이다 : [r] vs. [l], [b] vs. [v], [s] vs. [ʃ] or [θ] vs. [d] 등. Possible question I am standing now at the very beginning of a road, and I am the lucky witness to the start of a marvelous journey. I am a new parent. My husband and I have helped start this journey for our daughter, Emily, [pause] by welcoming her into the world. Over the next several years, [pause] we will be intimately involved with every step she takes on this road, but as she gets older, [pause] she will need us less and less as she grows stronger and more independent, [pause] and becomes her own person. At that point, [pause] she must find her own way. ( 굵게표시된부분과 [pause] 가표시된부분은주의를기울여읽어본다.) 3. 사진 삽화묘사문제 (Picture description) 다양한상황의사진이주어지며그사진속의상황을묘사하는문항이다. 30 초의생각할시간과 50 초의묘사시간이주어진다. 응시자들이사진을보고누가, 어디서, 무엇을, 왜, 어떻게하고있는지를묘사하게된다. 주로현재시제나현재진행형의시제를이용해서상황을있는그대로묘사하게되고응시자의개인적추측이나사진에대한전반적인느낌을추가해도무난하다. 다양한상황들을묘사하는어휘나어구를연습해놓는것이도움이될것이며정해진시간에묘사하는연습또한중요할것이다. 이문제는발음과유창성은물론이고다양한표현을익숙하게사용할줄아는지, 적절한시제를사용하고있는지등을측정하게된다. Possible question - 9 -
4. 역할설정문제 ( 일상생활관련 ) 주어진상황에맞게모의회화를완성하는문제이다. 일상생활에서흔히겪게되는상황이주어지는데응시자는상황을파악하기위한 30 초의시간동안대사를준비해서 50 초동안말하기과제를수행해야한다. 주로전화를걸어음성메시지를남기거나, 가상의인물에게이야기하는과제가주어지는데, 발음, 유창성을비롯해담화를구성하는능력은물론응시자들이각상황에알맞게대처하는사회언어학적능력도함께측정할수있는문항이다. 즉감사, 위로, 요청, 칭찬, 문의, 사과등일상생활의다양한의사소통의상황에서흔히쓰이는어휘, 어구, 화용적표현 (discourse markers) 등에익숙하도록준비하여정확하고유창한의사소통능력을발휘하는것이관건이다. Possible question 1 You are supposed to call a restaurant to book a table for four people. You find that no one is answering the phone and the answering machine is on. So, you're supposed to leave a message to check a few possibilities with restaurant policy. You want them to get back to you, responding with all the following inquiries. You will have 30 seconds to study the following information before you leave your message on the answering machine. Things to check: 1. A table for four people by window at 5 p.m. this Saturday 2. The possibility of ordering a special dish for a vegetarian friend. 3. The possibility of bringing your own bottle of wine. (BYO) 4. The possibility of using a voucher for a special discount 5. The closing time of the restaurant. Possible question 2 ( 녹음으로들려주는내용 ) <Ring Ring Ring> Hello. This is the Sun Shine Restaurant. We are sorry that we can't come to the phone right now. So, please leave a message after the beep, and we'll return your call as soon as possible. Now, you'll have 50 seconds to leave a message. Speak as clearly as possible and include the five points stated above. 5. 역할설정문제 ( 학술혹은실무관련 ) 위의문제와동일한유형의문제이며다만주어진상황이학술이나실무와관련되어있다는점이다르다. 예를들어, 학술과관련한상황은대학교에서어떻게자신이이수한과목을확인할수있는지, 장학금신청을하고싶은데어떤절차를거쳐야하는지, 유학생으로서어떤도움을받을수있으며어디로가야하는지, 시험을치르지못해학점을받지못했는데해당교수에게어떤도움을받을수있는지등과같은문제를당면했을때주어진지시문에따라가상의인물에게이야기하는문제들이출제될수있다. 실무와관련한상황은상대방과체결한계약내용을갱신하고싶은데어떤절차를거쳐야하는지, 회의에참석할수없는피치못할일이생겼는데누구에게어떻게알려야하는지, 회사의신상품에대한여론조사를해야하는데어떤절차를거쳐야하는지등과같은문제를당면했을때역시주어진지시문에따라가상의인물과대화하는등의과제를수행하게된다. - 10 -
Possible question You are now visiting a bank to open a new bank account for your business. You want consult with the teller. You brought your business certificate, ID and some money to deposit in your new bank account. The following is what you want to know about: You will have 30 seconds to study the following information before you start to talk to the teller. Things to ask about: 1. What should be provided to open a new business account? 2. How is a business account different from a private account? 3. Is there a minimum deposit? 4. When can the new account be activated and how? 5. Is there a maintenance fee for a new account? ( 녹음으로들려주는내용 ) <Good morning! How can I help you?> Now, you ll have 50 seconds to ask the above questions to the teller. 6. 데이터분석문제 (Data description) 다양한종류의데이터가제시되고이에대한객관적묘사를하는과제를수행하는문제이다. 제시되는데이터는주로여러종류의그래프 ( 막대그래프, 파이그래프, 선그래프 ) 나도표가포함되며 30 초동안데이터를분석하고 50 초동안묘사하여야한다. 이문제는인지능력을측정하기위한것은아니나주어진데이터를해석할수있는정도의최소한의사고력이요구되는문제이다. 너무단순하게수치만나열하게되는데이터보다는남녀, 국가별, 연령별로비교하여그특징을서술할수있는데이터가주로출제된다. 주어지는데이터의난이도는비교적높지않은수준이고응시자가데이터분석에필요한표현을얼마나잘구사하는지를측정하려는것이므로이에대해준비만해둔다면별어려움은없을것이다. 특히데이터분석에쓰이는표현은정형화되어있기때문에평소에이를자주접하여익숙하도록연습하는것이중요하다. 예를들어수량의비교를나타내는표현, 즉비교급의구사에능숙하게연습하는것이도움이된다. Possible question The following graphs show the number of small cars exported to three different zones; America, Asia, and Oceania in 2006. Study them for 30 seconds and from the information on the graph, quarterly export. Please include information on the increase and decrease of the total number of cars exported to three different zones through 4 periods. You will have 50 seconds to answer this question. - 11 -
Possible expressions that can be used in the description The bar chart demonstrates (shows, illustrates etc) The most striking feature of the chart is that Improvement in exporting to America in period 3 The number of cars exported to America drops dramatically in period 4 The export to Oceania, on the other hand, is steady through the year. The export to Asia increased gradually from period 1 to period 2 then it started to decrease in periods 3 and 4. Vocabulary that can be used in the description rise, increase, improve, fall, decrease, recover, slight(ly), sharp(ly), dramatic(ally), steady, regular, etc. 7. 주관적의견진술 (Stating individual Opinion) 이영역은총두개의문항으로구성되어있으며각문항당준비시간은 30 초, 의견진술시간은 1 분이주어진다. 주어진질문을잘듣고그에대한자신의주관적판단이나개인적인생각및의견을구술하는문제이다. 만약 ~ 라면 이라는가정을통해주어지는상황에자신이취할행동이나태도에대한문제가출제되기도하고, 어떤주제에대해찬성하는지반대하는지에대한의견을묻는문제가출제되기도한다. 찬반을묻는문제의경우, 찬반에대한자신의의견을먼저말하고나서그주장을뒷받침하는이유나예를드는것이효과적인답변진술이된다. 답변내용이주제에서벗어나지않도록주의하고정확한근거나예를들어설명하는것이바람직하다. Possible Questions Imagine you are taking an English exam in order to enter a company. You happen to find another test-taker cheating by using his mobile phone. What would you like to do? When you have a serious personal problem, who do you talk to for advice, and why? Who had the most influence on you to become who you are now? And why? Name some things Koreans should do in order to prepare for the 2002 World Cup Soccer Games, and why? How can people stop bad habits like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, watching too much TV, playing too many computer games, eating junk food? 8. 사회적이슈관련문제 이영역은현재사회적으로이슈가되고있는주제에대한생각을진술하는문제로 30 초의준비시간과 60 초의의견진술시간이주어진다. 내용은주로어떠한사안에대해동의하는지동의하지않는지에대해묻는질문들로구성되어있으며, 논리적으로 2 개이상의의견이나올수있는다양한이슈에대해서자신의의견을말하고이를뒷받침하는근거를제시하도록하는문항이주를이룬다. 이문항은정답여부를가리기위한것이아니라개인적인의견과그에따른논리적근거를언어를통해표현하는능력을측정하려는것이다. 위의개인적의견진술문제와 - 12 -
마찬가지로자신의생각을먼저간결한문장으로표현하고근거나이유에대해예를들어설명하는것이좋다. 평소에다양한사회적이슈에대해충분히생각해보고그에대한자신의생각을분명하고설득력있게진술하는연습을해두는것이관건이다. Possible Questions The voting age is the minimum legal age at which a person may vote in a governmental election. The current voting age in Korea is 20, but many people propose that it should be 18. Do you think it's really a good idea giving 18 year-olds the right to vote? Why, or why not? Do you agree that Korean History should be a required subject in a high school or not? Use some specific examples to support your answer. Children should begin studying English when they are in kindergarten. Do you agree or disagree with it? Explain your answer. High school students should wear different clothes, not school uniforms. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? - 13 -
4. Writing Test (1) 쓰기시험의구성 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 문항번호 문제유형 문항수 배점 1~5 단문번역 5 문항당 10점 6 내용요약 1 30 점 7 담화구성 1 40 점 8 데이터분석 1 40 점 9 서신 메모작성 1 30 점 10 주제별작문 1 60 점 총 10문항 총시험시간 60분 250 점 1. 단문번역 다섯개의단문이한국어로주어지면이를영어로번역하는과제를수행해야한다. 단문번역문제는쓰기능력의기본이되는기초적작문능력을측정하려는데그목적이있으며주로문법적인요소와어휘력을보기위한문제들이출제된다. 각문장에 10점씩이배점되며말하기시험의워밍업테스트와마찬가지로비교적난이도가낮은문제부터시작함으로써응시자가느끼는시험부담감을줄일수있도록했다. Possible Questions 나는그의선물을열어보고일기장이었더라면좋았을것이라고생각했다. 돌려서얘기하지말고최종안을주기바랍니다. 나는그녀의관심을끌려고노력했지만그녀는나의존재를알아채지못했다. - 14 -
2. 원문요약 (Text summary) 보통 350 자내외의원문을 60-80 자로요약하는문제로서자신이이해한원문의중요한요점과시간적흐름을파악해서요약하여야한다. 이문제는원문의이해능력이선행되며중요한정보와덜중요한정보를판단해주어진단어수에맡게재구성하여작문하는것으로서다양한능력을측정하게된다. 즉독해력, 어휘력, 문장구성력등이골고루사용되는수행과제라고할수있다. 주어지는원문은전문지식을요하는내용이아니라보통사람들이흔히접하게되는장르의가벼운이야기나, 내레이션, 에피소드등으로출제자가예측하는소요시간은 6-7 분정도가된다. 지필고사방식의시험이므로자신의손글씨가한문장에몇단어를평균적으로쓰는지파악하여정해진시간내에정해진분량으로내용요약을할수있도록사전연습을할필요가있다. 이를위해서는시험에주어지는원문과비슷한길이의원문을평소에주어진단어수로요약하는연습을하는것이효과적이다. 또한고득점을위해서는전체내용을정확하게파악하여내용이어느한쪽에치우치지않도록전체분량의배분에도신경써야한다. 각문장을그대로나열해서는좋은점수를받을수없으므로접속사를적절하게사용하여각문장을부드럽게연결시키는연습을하는것이중요하다. Possible question Let me tell you a story: In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse dying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained gold and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understand. Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one s condition. In fact, the people you meet who affect your life and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become. Even the bad experiences can be learned from, they are probably the most poignant and important lessons. The worst thing in your life may contain seeds of the best. When you can see obstacle as an opportunity, your life does not become easier, but more satisfying. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments. Talk to people whom you have never talked to before. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Life is raw material. We are artisans. We can sculpt our existence into something beautiful, or debase it into ugliness. It s in our hands! - 15 -
3. 담화구성 하나의원문이주어지는데주어진부분을읽고그뒤를자유롭게완성하는문제이다. 보통일반인들에게익숙한주제가주어지며응시자들은원문이끝난시점에서전반부의연장선상에서전체글의논리가일관성있게유지되도록원문을완성해야한다. 이문제역시앞의내용을파악해야하는능력과더불어주어진내용에따라자신이알고있는내용을조리있게잘표현할수있는지에대한능력을측정하며, 출제자가예측한소요시간은 7 분정도이다. 이영역에서는먼저주어진분장의내용을읽고글의논지가무엇인지를정확하게파악해야한다. 자신의생각이나주장을기술하는것이아니라필자가주장하고자하는내용의핵심, 또는문장의주제를찾아낸다음문장의후반부를완성해야한다. Possible question The given text is incomplete. You should complete them by writing relevant information. You should write some advantages of using a bike, public transportation, or riding in car pool (minimum 50 words for each text). More and more people are wondering how they can do their part to help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. While change won't happen overnight, here are some steps that you can take against global warming. First, we should buy energy efficient appliances. Second, people should be aware of the energy saved just by unplugging electronics from the wall when they are not being used. We should turn off lights and other energy sucking devices as well. Third, we should save a lot of energy by using bike, public transport or carpool. 4. 데이터분석문제 (Data description) 말하기에서의데이터분석문제와매우유사하나구어체보다는문어체로표현해야한다는점이좀다르다. 다양한종류의데이터가제시되고이에대한객관적묘사를해야하는문제인데, 제시되는데이터는주로여러종류의그래프 ( 막대그래프, 파이그래프, 선그래프 ) 나도표가포함되며출제자의예측소요시간은 7 분내외이다. 이시간동안데이터를분석하고리포트를쓰는형식으로묘사해야한다. 말하기시험에서와같이주어지는데이터는난이도가높지않고데이터분석에필요한표현을얼마나잘구사하는지를측정하려는것이주요평가기준이되므로반복적인연습을통한사전대비가중요하다. 특히데이터분석에자주쓰이는표현에대해평소부터많은자료를접하고이해와암기를통해익숙해질수있도록노력하는것이필요하다. Possible question Please describe the following graph of Korean population growth from 2002 to 2005 in Korea. (minimum50words) - 16 -
5. 서신 / 메모작성 다양한목적으로서신을작성하는과제를수행하는문제이다. 구인혹은구직광고, 상품에관한광고, 각종지원서 (application), 개인적혹은공식적용무의편지, 이메일등이포함된다. 주어지는상황에따라서신을작성하여야하며출제자예측소요시간은 7 분내외이다. Possible question You are supposed to write a letter to apply for a position advertised in the newspaper. Study the Job description first and write a cover letter. (minimum 80 words) Job description We are an established member of the Jakarta Futures Exchange and Indonesian Derivatives Clearing House. We currently seek Business Development Managers with the following criteria: - Leadership quality - Aggressive and possess excellent interpersonal skill - Team work skill - Hardworking, independent, and highly motivated 6. 주제별작문 주어진주제에따라자유롭게짧은에세이 (essay) 를쓰는문제이다. 이영역은다른어떤영역보다도개개인의영어실력을제대로반영하는틀이될수있다. 이와같은에세이유형의작문을하기위해서는어휘구사력이나표현력은물론, 일반적인에세이작성원칙및방법에대한이해가필요하다. 주어진시간이제한되어있으므로실제쓰는시간과에세이내용구상에필요한설계시간을잘할애하는것이중요하다. 구상없이무조건써내려가다보면글의전체적구조에문제가생기거나논리적흐름이자연스럽지않게될염려가있다. 따라서주어진주제를분석하여자신의입장을정하고포함시켜야할요점들을일목요연하게적어내려갈수있도록사전에에세이를작성하는연습을반복적으로하는철저한준비가필요하다. 출제자가예측하는소요시간은 25 분정도이다 Possible questions Write an essay on Living with a pet. (minimum 200 words) Write an essay on Role of Mass Media in modern days. - 17 -