Conversion: a- (asleep, aloud, aglow), be- (befriended, bespectacled), en-/em- (empower, endanger) [Suffix]: -ing (sleeping), -er (singer), -ist (pian

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- 2 -

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1_2•• pdf(••••).pdf

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274 한국문화 73



Microsoft PowerPoint - ch03ysk2012.ppt [호환 모드]

- 이 문서는 삼성전자의 기술 자산으로 승인자만이 사용할 수 있습니다 Part Picture Description 5. R emove the memory by pushing the fixed-tap out and Remove the WLAN Antenna. 6. INS

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Product A4

영어교육연구제 22 권 4 호 2010 년겨울 대학생들의영어모음발음과지각 ( ) Yang, Byunggon. (2010). College students production and perception of English vowels. English Language Te


E &K Contrastive Lin. 1. Word Formation Rhee 1. English 1.1 Bound and Free Morphemes prefixes, suffixes, circumfixes, infixes affix: prefix, suffix, circumfix, infix [Prefix]: un- (undo), pre- (premeditate), bi- (bisexual) Negative: a(n)-: lacking in lack of amoral, asexual, anarchy, atheist, atrophied... dis-: not the converse of disobey, disloyal(ly), disorder, disuse, disunity, discontent.. in-/il-/im-/-ir: not the converse of non-: not incomplete, impossible, irresponsible... non-smoker, non-perishable, non-trivially un-: not the converse of unfair, unwise, unforgettable, unassuming, unexpected Reversative/Privative de-: reversing the action decentralize, defrost, desegregate, de-escalate, denationalization... dis-: (i) reversing the action disconnect, disinfect, disown (ii) depriving of decapitate, deforestation, denude, defraud un-: reversing the action Pejorative undo, untie, unzip, unpack, unwrap mal-: badly bad maltreat, malformed, malodorous, malfunction, malnutrition mis-: wrongly astray miscalculate, mishear, misfire, misinform, mislead, misconduct pseudo-: false imitation pseudo-christianity, pseudo-classicalism, pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-scientific Degree/Size: arch-, co-, hyper-, mini-, out-, over-, sub-, super-, sur-, ultra-, under- Orientation/Attitude: anti-, contra-, counter-, pro- Locative: fore-, inter-, sub- Time/Order: ex-, fore-, post-, pre-, re-, Number: bi-, poly-, multi-, semi-, demi-, tri-, uni-, mono- Others: auto-, extra-, neo-, paleo-, pan-, proto-, tele-, vice-

Conversion: a- (asleep, aloud, aglow), be- (befriended, bespectacled), en-/em- (empower, endanger) [Suffix]: -ing (sleeping), -er (singer), -ist (pianist), -ly (manly) denominal abstract: -age (baggage, mileage) -dom (kingdom, stardom), -ery/ry (drudgery, slavery, nursery, nunnery, machinery, gadgetry), -ful (spoonful, glassful), -hood (boyhood, brotherhood), -ing (tubing, panelling, farming) denominal concrete: -eer (profiteer, racketeer, mountaineer, engineer), -er (villager, teenager, 18-wheeler), -ess (waitress, actress, lioness), -ette (dinerette, kitchenette, usherette), -let (booklet, leaflet, piglet), -ling (duckling, suckling), -ster (trickster, gangster) deverbal noun: -ant, -ee, -er/or, -age, -al, -ation, -ing, -ment deadjectival noun: -ity, -ness noun/adjective: -ese, -ian, -ist, -ite, -ed, -ful, -ish, -less, -like, -ly, -y deverbal adjective: -able, -ive adverb: -ly, -ward, -wise verb: -ate, -en, -ify, -ize 1.2 Word-formation processes [A] Prefixation: putting a prefix in front of the base, sometimes with, but more usually without, a change of word class; eg: pre + determine. [B] Suffixation: putting a suffix after the base, sometimes without, but more usually with, a change of word class; eg. friend-less [C] Conversion: assigning the base to a different word class with no change of form; eg. (we shall) carpet the room noun > verb (bottle, butter, finger, glue, cash) verb > noun (desire, taste, attempt, answer, bore, cover, walk, divide) [D] Compounding: adding one base to another, such that usually the one placed in front in some sense subcategorizes the one that follows; eg: blackbird, armchair, bott1e-feed 1.3 Roots and Stems root + affix(es) = complex word [Root] paint in painter read in reread ceive in conceive ling in linguist - A root may or may not stand alone as a word. root + affix = stem stem + affix = stem

root Chomsky proper noun stem Chomsky+ite noun+suffix word Chomsky+ite+s noun+suffix+suffix root believe verb stem believe+able verb+suffix word un+believe+able prefix+verb+suffix root system noun stem system+atic noun+suffix stem un+system+atic prefix+noun+suffix stem un+system+atic+al prefix+noun+suffix+suffix word un+system+atic+al+ly prefix+noun+suffix+suffix+suffix 1.4 Bound Roots - Bound roots do not occur in isolation and they acquire meaning only in combination with other morphemes. (1) ceive: receive, conceive, perceive, deceive... (2) mit: remit, permit, commit, submit, transmit, admit... "strange" cases [Huckles & Ceives]: bound root morpheme: -ceive, -mit, -fer, -sume, -duce, -berry unkempt, ruthless, uncouth, lukewarm, inept, inane, incest, inert, disgusted, nonplussed, ungainly, upholster, downhearted, outlandish, strawberry, gooseberry, father, mother, water... 1.5 Derivational Morphology [Change in grammatical categories] Noun to Adjective Verb to Noun Adjective to Adverb boy+ -ish acquitt+ -al exact+ -ly virtu+ -ous clear+ -ance soft+ -ly Elizabeth+ -an accus+ -ation slow+ -ly pictur+-esque sing+ -er affection+ -ate conform+ -ist health+ -ful predict+ -ion alcohol+ -ic Noun to Verb Adjective to Noun Verb to Adjective moral+ -ize tall+ -ness read+ -able vaccin+ -ate specific+ -ity creat+ -ive hast+ -en feudal+ -ism migrat+ -ory

free+ -dom run(n)+ -y [No change in grammatical category] Noun to Noun Adjective to Adjective Verb to Verb friend+ -ship pink+ -ish un- +do human+ -ity red+ -like re- +cover king+ -dom a- +moral dis- +believe New Jersey+ -ite il- +legal auto- +destruct vicar+ -age in- +accurate Paul+ -ine un- +happy America+ -n semi- +annual humanit+ -arian dis- +agreeable mono- +theism sub- +minimal dis- +advantage ex- +wife auto- +biography 1.6 Rule Productivity - -able can be conjoined with any verb to derive an adjective. acceptable, laughable, passable, changeable, breathable, adaptable... downloadable, faxable... - -un is very productive. unafraid, unfit, un-american... unbelievable, unpickupable... see, however, *unsad, *unbrave, *unobvious... - -un is most productive for adjectives derived from verbs: unenlightened, unsimplified, uncharacterized, unauthorized, undistinguished... - -un is usually acceptable with polysyllabic words *unbig, *ungreat, *unred, *unsad, *unsmall, *untall (cf. unfit, uncool, unread...) - -er is productive. examiner, exam-taker, analyzer, lover, hunter... (cf. *chairer...) - less productive derivational morphemes sincerity (< sincere) warmth (< warm) (length, depth, width, breadth OE suffix -th) moisten (< moist) piglet (< pig) sapling (< sap) - Meanings can be unpredictable. unloosen "loosen, let loose" unrip "rip, undo by ripping" undo "reverse doing" untread "go back through in the same steps"

unearth unfrock unnerve "dig up" "deprive (a cleric) of ecclesiastic rank" "fluster" 1.7 Word-formation Methods A. Word from names: (eponyms): sandwich, robot, gargantuan, jumbo... B. Back-formations: peddler, hawk, edit, swindle, pea, enthuse, monokini (!), resurrect, preempt, televise... C. Compounds: diverse combinations: bittersweet, headstrong, carryall, poorhouse, rainbow, pickpocket, highborn, spoonfeed, sleepwalk, taxfree, theater-goer, blue-eyed, laundromat,... meaning of compounds: blackboard, Redcoat, boathouse, cathouse... jumping bean, falling star, magnifying glass... vs. looking glass, eating apple, laughing gas jack-in-a-box, turncoat, highbrow, bigwig, egghead, flatfoot,... how about The University Health Center and The University Rape Center? universality of compounding: cross-linguistically common and frequent D. Blends smog, motel, informatial, Podcast, urinalysis, chortle, cranapple, broasted, crocogator, breathlyser, electrocute, Eurovision, heliport, multiversity, newscast, paratroops, telecast, travelogue... E. Abbreviations (clipping): nark, tec, telly (Br), prof, piano, gym, ad, bike, math, gas, phone, bus, van, demo, exam, lab, memo, mike, photo, pub, stereo, phone, plane, flu, fridge... F. Acronyms: NASA, UNESCO, UNICEF, radar, scuba, AIDS,... MORF, FAQ, WYSIWYG, POP... G. Reduplicatives: goody-goody, criss-cross, walkie-talkie, rat-a-tat, tick-tock, bow-wow, flip-flop, ping-pong, hocus-pocus, wishy-washy, dilly-dally, shilly-shally, teeny-weeny, tip-top H. Familiarity markers: -y/-ie: hippy, Aussy, telly, chevie, buddy, goalie, hanky, weirdie (in baby talk: comfy, sweetie, drinky, auntie, daddy, mommy) (in names: Katie, Freddy, Charlie, Molly, Billy, Susie) -o: ammo, weirdo 2. Korean

2.1 common patterns N+N > N 봄비 V+V > V 오가- N+Nsf > N 겁쟁이 V+Nsf > N 따개 N+Asf > A 지혜롭- N+V+Nsf > N 해돋이 2.2 Word formation in different levels of grammar A. Lexical derivation 먹- > 먹이높- > 높이사랑 > 사랑스럽- B. Lexical compounds N+N > N 논밭, 비바람, 꽃잎 V+N > N 꺽쇠 A+N > N 검독수리 V+V > V 오르내리- A+A > A 검붉- C. Syntactic compounds 빛-나- 힘-들- 샘-나- 본-받- D. Phonology variation: 졸졸 / 줄줄 / 쫄쫄, 감감하 -/ 깜깜하 -/ 캄캄하 -, 뱅뱅 / 뺑뺑 / 팽팽 reduplication: 빨리 / 빨리빨리, 대충 / 대충대충 2. Auxiliaries 2.1 English [Auxiliaries] primary verbs: be, have, do modal verbs: can, may, will, shall, could, might, would, should, must [ 시상태 ]

(1) a. 양상 : modal auxiliary + infinitive must examine b. 완료 : have + PP has examined c. 진행 : be + PresP is examining d. 수동 : be + PP is examined [Properties] N: negation, I: inversion, C: code position, E: emphasis (2) a. Maggie was not leaving. b. Had Maggie left? c. They say Neil might have feared it and he might (have). d. Maggie COULD laugh. [Ordering] (3) 양상완료진행수동 will have been being taken (4) a. He should be allowed to go home. (*should may) b. He should be able to speak German. (*should can) [Quasi-auxiliaries/Marginal modals] (5) a. John used to work here. b. The tree is about to fall down. [Auxiliary typology] (6) a. central: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must b. marginal: dare, need, ought to, used to c. modal idioms: had better, would rather, be to, have got to... d. semi-auxiliary: have to, be about to, be able to, be bound to, be going to, be obliged to, be supposed to, be willing to... e. catenatives: appear to, happen to, seem to, get + PP, keep + -ing,... f. main verb + nonfinite: hope + to, begin + -ing... 2.2 Korean [ 본동사, 보조동사 ] (1) a. 순희는 TV를보다가잤다. ( 접속구문 ) b. 순희는하늘을쳐다보았다. ( 합성용언 ) c. 영주는별을세어보았다. ( 보조용언 ) [ 의미차이 ] (2) a. 준철은난간에푹기대어버렸다. b. 그연필은못쓰게되어서쓰레기통에버렸다.

(3) a. 영희는내연락을받자마자와주었다. b. 초대해놓고먹을것을아무것도안주었다는말이지? (4) a. 그건네엄마한테물어봐라. b. 나도그사람얼굴을봤다. (5) a. 영희가들어오는것을모두보고있다. b. 그사람도거기에있었다. [ 의미구조 ] (6) 본동사 + 문법적의미 + 심리적의미 ( 어휘의미 ) ( 시제 / 상 ) ( 양상 ) [ 사건의전개과정표시 ] (7) a. 시작전단계 : -려고하다 b. 시작단계 : -게하다, -게되다 c. 진행단계 : -고있다, -어가다, -어오다 d. 종결단계 : -고말다, -어버리다, -어내다, -고나다 e. 종결후단계 : -어있다, -어두다, -어놓다 (8) 철수가사과를먹어버렸나보다. [ 양상 ] (9) 추정 a. 정말많은사람들이모이나보다. b. 300명은되는가싶다. c. 그는지금쯤서울에도착했겠다. d. 그가그곳에도착했을지모른다. e. 아마그는지금집에있을것이다. f. 그고양이가지금토할것같다. g. 강아지가이떡을먹은것처럼보인다. (10) 의무 / 가능 / 허락 a. 그는지금시골에내려가야한다. b. 그나이면그일을할수있다. c. 너는지금가도좋다.