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원시데이터유형과연산 표준입출력함수 - C++ 표준입출력함수 cout, cin cout<< 내용 ; cout<< 변수 ; cout<< 내용 << 변수 ; cout<< 내용 <<endl; cout<< 내용 /n ; cin>> 변수 ;

- 간단한프로그램작성 : 원의면적구하기

- 간단한프로그램작성 : 원의면적구하기 ( 키보드로입력받기 ) #include <iostream> int main() { // Step 1: Read in radius double radius; std::cout << "Enter a radius: "; std::cin >> radius; } // Step 2: Compute area double area = radius * radius * 3.14159; // Step 3: Display the area std::cout << "The area is " << area << std::endl;

- std:: 접두어 (prefix) 생략 std:: => standard name space. 잠재적인명명 (naming) 문제의방어차원에서모든이름이 namespace 를가짐. using namespace std; #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // Step 1: Read in radius double radius; cout << "Enter a radius: "; cin >> radius; } // Step 2: Compute area double area = radius * radius * 3.14159; // Step 3: Display the area cout << "The area is " << area << endl;

- 변수 : 특정유형의데이터를저장 - 변수의선언 : datatype variablename;

- 상수 (constant) : 변수는저장값을변경할수있지만, 상수는선언된이후변경될수없다. -sizeof 함수 : 데이터유형의크기를구함. cout<<sizeof(char)<<" "<<sizeof(int)<<" "<<sizeof(float)<<endl;

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const double PI = 3.14159; // Step 1: Read in radius double radius = 20; // Step 2: Compute area double area = radius * radius * PI; // Step 3: Display the area cout << "The area is "; cout << area << std::endl; }

- 리터럴 (literal) : 프로그램에서직접사용되는상수값. 8진수 -> 0으로시작 ->010 (10진수 8) 16진수 -> 0x로시작 ->0x000F (10진수 15)

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#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int seconds = 500; int minutes = seconds / 60; int remainingseconds = seconds % 60; cout << seconds << " seconds is " << minutes << " minutes and " << remainingseconds << " seconds " << endl; return 0; }

- 산술식

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // Enter a degree in Fahrenheit double fahrenheit; cout << "Enter a degree in Fahrenheit: "; cin >> fahrenheit; } // Obtain a celsius degree double celsius = (5.0 / 9) * (fahrenheit - 32); // Display result cout << "Fahrenheit " << fahrenheit << " is " << celsius << " in Celsius" << endl; return 0;

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#include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { // Obtain the total seconds since the midnight, Jan 1, 1970 int totalseconds = time(0); // Compute the current second in the minute in the hour int currentsecond = totalseconds %60; // Obtain the total minutes int totalminutes = totalseconds / 60; // Compute the current minute in the hour int currentminute = totalminutes % 60; // Obtain the total hours long totalhours = totalminutes / 60; // Compute the current hour int currenthour = (int)(totalhours % 24); // Display results cout << "Current time is " << currenthour << ":" << currentminute << ":" << currentsecond << " GMT" << endl; return 0; }