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Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T


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June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'



- 2 -


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

어법성 판단 문제

Being friends with the face in the mirror

3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해



Get your target right with TARGET TEPS 600+ 링구아포럼연구소지음 주인영 정회진 LISTENING

Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin

April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습


2010 학년도 11 월고 1 전국연합학력평가 외국어영역듣기평가 방송 : 2010 년 11 월 23 일 ㅇ안내 1 분 ㅇ방송 15 분 Signal M Up - Down ANN: 안녕하십니까? 이방송은 2010학년도 11월고등학교 1학년전국연합학력평가외국어영역듣기말하기평가안내녹음방송입니다. 잠시후, 2010학년도고등학교전국연합학력평가 3교시외국어영역듣기평가방송을시작하겠습니다. 수험생여러분은편안한마음으로방송에귀를기울여주시고방송담당선생님께서는스피커의음량을알맞게조정하여주십시오. 수험생여러분은답안을작성하기전에반드시답안지왼쪽해당란에성명과수험번호를정확하게기입하고, 표기하였는지확인하시기바랍니다. 듣기평가문제는 1번부터 17번까지입니다. 방송을잘듣고, 문제지에있는다섯개의답지중에서맞는답하나만골라, 답안지의해당란에바르게표기하십시오. 그러면지금부터 3교시외국어영역듣기평가를시작하겠습니다. 1번부터 17번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 방송을잘듣고답을하시기바랍니다. 듣는내용은한번만방송됩니다. 1번대화를듣고, 두사람이선택할표지디자인을고르세요. W: Hi, Jason. Have you finished with the cover design for our school English magazine? M: Oh, Kate. Can you choose which one of these is the best design? W: I d like to put the title, G TIMES, at the top. M: Where exactly? W: I think putting it on the right is better. M: Not in the middle? [pause] Okay. Then, which picture is better, the one with the school or the one with the students? W: I prefer people to buildings. The picture with faces is much more lively. M: I think so, too. And what do you think of the school logo at the bottom? W: I like the cover without it. M: All right. Now, I know which one you like. 2번대화를듣고, 남자의심경변화로가장적절한것을고르세요. W: Why the long face? M: Actually, I reserved tickets for a rock concert, but I don t think I can make it. W: You mean the concert that you ve been looking forward to all year? M: Yes! They ll finally have a concert here. But... W: What happened? Why can t you go to the concert? M: The problem is our Physics test falls on the same day as the concert. It s terrible. W: Haven t you heard the news? The test has been postponed until next week. M: Really? Are you sure? W: Definitely. I saw it on the notice board just a moment ago. M: Wow, that s awesome! - 1 -

3번다음을듣고, 무엇에관한설명인지고르세요. W: This is completely enclosed on all sides, except for an opening at each end. These two openings could be used for entering and exiting. This is an underground passageway. It may be for pedestrians, motor vehicles and trains. The number and the length of these expanded due to railroad transportation in the 19th century. Brick and stone were used for support in the past, but recently steel and concrete have generally been used. Because of the limited space in this structure, fires can be quite dangerous if they occur. 4번대화를듣고, 여자가할일로가장적절한것을고르세요. M: Happy New Year! W: Thanks! Happy New Year to you, too! Did you have a good time during the holidays? M: I sure did! I spent some quality time with my family eating and talking. W: Sounds nice. Have you come up with any New Year s resolutions? M: Yes, I have. They re exactly the same resolutions as I had last year, though. W: What are they? Exercising and eating right? And reading? M: Yeah. I ll try to exercise at least three times a week and read a lot of books. What about you? W: Me? I m planning to jump rope every morning. So, I m on my way to the sports shop to buy a jump rope. M: Just make sure you don t give up in a few days. 5번대화를듣고, 여자가지불할금액을고르세요. M: Can I help you? W: I need a refrigerator. M: Okay. How about this one? It s brand new. W: Looks nice. How much is it? M: It s $1,000, but it s on sale. You can have 10% off the price. W: Wonderful! Can I also get a discount with my membership card? M: Sure. You can get a membership discount so long as you have enough points. W: Great. Can you check and see how many points I have already? M: Let me see, you have 500 points. So, you can get a $50 discount. W: Sounds great! I d like to use my points for that. 6번다음을듣고, 남자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르세요. M: The Baja Peninsula of Mexico is one of the best places in the world to closely observe whales, including newborns. Join us for a three hour whale watching tour where you will see whales up close from an observation deck. Our experienced sea navigators and biologists will help you understand what you are witnessing. Interacting intimately with the whales can be a life changing experience. Don t miss this great chance! - 2 -

7번대화를듣고, 여자가남자에게부탁한일로가장적절한것을고르세요. W: What are you going to do this afternoon? M: Nothing particular except for picking up my laundry. W: Let s go shopping for a dinner table. M: Okay. But wait, the department store is not open today. It s closed on the last Monday of each month. W: I see. Ah..., wait a minute! Monday? What s the date today? M: It s November 29th. W : Oh, dear! The dishwasher is supposed to be delivered this afternoon, and I have to go to the bank to pay some bills. M: I might be able to help you out. W: Thanks, Ryan. Can you take care of the delivery while I m out? M: Sure. No problem. 8번대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르세요. M: Hi! I haven t seen you in a long time. W: Oh, hey! I ve been in the Philippines on a business trip for three months. M: That s why you re so tan now. How would you like your hair today? W: I d like to get my hair trimmed a little and get a perm. M: Do you have a particular style in mind? W: Well, what s in style now? M: How about this one? W: Um..., I don t really like it. Oh, but I d like to get it done like this other picture. M: If you want that style, you need to get it cut short. Is that okay? W: Sure. 9번대화를듣고, 두사람이대화하고있는장소로가장적절한곳을고르세요. W: Wow! Everything is so peaceful! M: I feel refreshed out here! It s so stuffy in the office, isn t it? W: That s so true. We need to breathe fresh air and soak up the sun sometimes. M: Look at those sunbathers over there! W: I feel like lying down right here on the grass like they are. M: How about coming out here every lunch hour? We can have lunch on the grass! W: Great idea! We can even take a short nap after lunch. M: We re so lucky to have this park near our office. W: Look! There are butterflies here! M: They re so cute! - 3 -

10번대화를듣고, 남자가여자를위해할일로가장적절한것을고르세요. [A telephone rings.] M: Hello. W: Hi, Tony. This is Jenny. Do you remember we are supposed to meet at six for dinner tonight? M: Yeah. Is there a problem? W: Can we meet at seven instead? I need to drop by the library to borrow some books for a science report. M: Why don t you go to the library now? W: I have to take care of my little brother until five o clock. M: I see. Well, the library is near my house, so I can check out the books for you if you want. W: Really? Thanks. I ll text you the titles of the books. 11번표를보면서대화를듣고, 두사람이보게될영화를고르세요. M: Sorry, I m late. Have you been waiting long? W: No, I ve just arrived. M: So, which movie do you want to see? I ve heard good things about Back from Mars. Have you seen it yet? W: Yeah. I ve already seen it. It was great. M: Well, what about Sweet Candy or Hunters? I haven t seen either of them. W: Actually, I saw Sweet Candy when it first came out, and I don t like action movies like Hunters. M: Okay, well, how about Funny Friends or Dark Castles? W: Um..., I d like to see a comedy. Horror movies are not my cup of tea. M: Okay, then we only have one option. Let s just go see that movie. 12번 Kite Flying Competition에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르세요. W: Are you interested in kite flying? If so, take part in our Kite Flying Competition. It will be held this Friday and Saturday. People of all ages except for kids under age five can enter this competition. All participants must bring their own kites. The winner will get a round trip plane ticket to Jeju Island. Registration for this competition takes place from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the first day. For more information, visit our website: www.enjoykites.com. 13번그림의상황에가장적절한대화를고르세요. 1 M: I had a nice dinner. May I have the check, please? W: Just a moment, please. 2 M: Do you have a table for two? W: I m afraid we re full right now. 3 M: Oops! I spilt the milk on the table. W: Here, you can wipe it up with this. 4 M: That cake looks good. I wish I had ordered it. W: Do you want to try it? It s delicious. 5 M: I ve been waiting for you for more than an hour. W: Sorry. The meeting finished later than expected. - 4 -

14번대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르세요. W: Do you have dreams at night, Ted? M: Not really. I don t ever remember what my dreams were about. Do you dream a lot? W: Quite a lot. Just the other day, I had a very strange dream. M: What was it about? W: I was talking in Chinese in my sleep! M: Wow, that s amazing! W: Everyone around me was also talking in Chinese. M: Sounds funny. Did I also appear in that dream? W: 15번대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르세요. W: Dad, look at the children in this magazine. M: I feel so sorry for them. They re so thin. W: How awful! They look like they re starving to death. M: In poor countries, there are too many children who don t have enough food. W: Is there anything we can do to help them? M: Let me see... We can help them through the donation website listed in the magazine. W: Great! Do you remember you promised to buy me an MP3 player as a birthday present? M: Of course, I do. W: Could you give me some money instead of a present? I want to help these children. M: 16번대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르세요. M: Hey, Alice. You look tired today. W: I am pretty tired. I only got about three hours of sleep last night. M: How come? W: Well, the phone woke me up four times while I was sleeping. M: Who would be calling you that late? W: They were all wrong numbers! My home phone number is almost the same as the number for a late night delivery service. M: That must have been really annoying. W: It really was. But I won t be getting those terrible phone calls any more. M: Really? How can you be sure? W: 17번다음상황설명을듣고, Mary가판매원에게할말로가장적절한것을고르세요. M: Mary bought a T shirt for her son s birthday present. He was so excited about the gift because he had wanted to have it for a long time. The next day he went to school and came back with the shirt dirty. Mary washed it, but it faded. She remembered that the salesperson said she could return the shirt if there was a problem with it. So, she went to the shop to ask for her money back. In this situation what would Mary most likely say to the salesperson? 이제듣기문제는다끝났습니다. 18 번부터는문제의지시에따라답을하기바랍니다. - 5 -