버스관광에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 승차권은 20달러이다. 2 2시간이소요된다. 3 불꽃놀이구경이포함된다. 4 10분간의휴식시간이주어진다. 5 사진촬영을원하면차를세워준다. 다음그림의상황에가장적절한대화를고르시오. [1점] 다음상황설명을듣고, Shar

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1 .,., 다음을듣고, 여자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 주정차금지구역을안내하기위해 2 불이난건물의위치를알려주기위해 3 도난방지를위한주의를당부하기위해 4 자동차번호판변경사항을전달하기위해 5 주차된차의긴급한이동을요청하기위해 1번부터 17번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 방송을잘듣고답을하기바랍니다. 듣는내용은한번만방송됩니다. 대화를듣고, 두사람이만들달력의디자인을고르시오 대화를듣고, 남자가여자에게부탁한일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 to find the stolen bag 2 to buy him a new camera 3 to call the insurance company 4 to cancel the traveller s insurance 5 to confirm the reservation for a flight 4 5 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 1 극장직원 뮤지컬관람객 2 극장직원 연극배우 3 극장직원 방문판매원 4 건물경비원 택배배달원 5 건물경비원 이사업체직원 대화를듣고, 두사람이대화하고있는장소로가장적절한곳을 고르시오. 1 보건실 2 방송실 3 도서실 4 음악실 5 과학실 대화를듣고, 남자의심경으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 bored 2 pleasant 3 uninterested 4 jealous 5 worried 다음을듣고, 무엇에관한설명인지고르시오. 1 gargling 2 flossing 3 stretching 4 whistling 5 brushing 대화를듣고, 여자가먼저할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 to call the car repair shop 2 to order a new heating device 3 to clean the inside of the boiler 4 to buy some parts of the boiler 5 to check the manual of the boiler 다음그림을보면서대화를듣고, 여자가구입하려는자동차를고르시오. [3점] 대화를듣고, 남자가여자를위해할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 음식주문취소하기 2 보안상태확인하기 3 전화요금알아보기 4 일간신문챙겨주기 5 여행정보수집하기 대화를듣고, 여자가지불할금액을고르시오. 1 $1,200 2 $1,250 3 $1,300 4 $1,350 5 $1,500 Model Price Gear shift Mileage Color 1 Ace 1.0 $4,900 Automatic 13,985 miles White 2 Ace 1.0 $3,700 Manual 28,469 miles Black 3 Ace 0.8 $4,600 Automatic 18,368 miles Black 4 Ace 0.8 $3,100 Manual 32,432 miles White 5 Ace 0.8 $2,800 Automatic 49,531 miles Brown 1 8

2 버스관광에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 승차권은 20달러이다. 2 2시간이소요된다. 3 불꽃놀이구경이포함된다. 4 10분간의휴식시간이주어진다. 5 사진촬영을원하면차를세워준다. 다음그림의상황에가장적절한대화를고르시오. [1점] 다음상황설명을듣고, Sharon 선생님이 James 에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. Sharon: 1 You re an excellent photographer. 2 You are very skilled in writing drama. 3 It s a good job. But could you make it shorter? 4 Congratulations! What will you do after graduation? 5 Why don t you keep your wonderful memories forever? 이제듣기문제가끝났습니다. 18 번부터는문제지의지시에 따라답을하기바랍니다 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Woman: Right. 1 Let s take a walk to the office. 2 I will call every floor using the interphone. 3 It will be better to make an interphone call to the office. 4 Visit every floor to ask them not to smoke in the elevator. 5 Taking the elevator is the easiest way to get to the office. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 밑줄친 They(they) 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것은? [1점] Instruments in the percussion family are played by being struck, shaken, or scraped. Among percussion instruments, they are made from two large, slightly concave metal plates. They are fitted with leather hand straps and are shaped so that when they are crashed together, only the edges touch. When they are scraped against one another, they produce a pleasing metallic sound. Although they are untuned instruments, they produce a wide range of sound effects. Some of them are so small that they can be played with just the fingers. They are also played with sticks while suspended on a string or a stand. *percussion: 타악기 1 cymbals 2 handbells 3 chimes 4 tambourines 5 castanets Man: 1 It depends on how fast she recovers. 2 She wants you to see her in the hospital. 3 The operation turned out to be successful. 4 Her best friend will come to see her next week. 5 I wish I could just sit up and watch whatever I want. 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Woman: 1 The flea market is too far away. 2 Absolutely. This jacket proves it. 3 I am going to quit online shopping. 4 The address is difficult to remember. 5 You know, flea markets are growing up offline. 밑줄친 She(she) 가가리키는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? Deep inside an ancient pyramid in Peru, a female archaeologist noticed rectangular patches of soft clay a telltale sign of a grave. 1 She was examining a sacred location. After weeks of careful digging, 2 she looked through the ancient dust. A mummy lay in front of her. As 3 she unwrapped the bundled layers, hundreds of treasures were revealed, including gold, sparkling crowns, and huge war clubs usually reserved for the greatest warriors. But when 4 she lifted a gold bowl covering the mummy s face, the archaeologist found the biggest surprise yet. The mummy wasn t a king or a male warrior; it was a young woman. 5 She was covered in mysterious tattoos! 2 8

3 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? [1점] I am the chairman of Troop 597 s October Charity Drive. The proceeds of our activities will benefit the Willimet Community Center on Dodd Street. To raise money, we are holding a recycling drive. As you know, state law requires a 5-cent deposit on all aluminum cans sold. When a can is emptied, it may be redeemed at the recycling center for the nickel deposit. Help us to help the environment and our Community Center at the same time. Troop 597 will set up a collection stall in the Community Center parking lot from October 1st to 31st. Please stop by to drop off any empty cans you would like to donate. 1 정부에재활용캔의단가인상을촉구하려고 2 공원내쓰레기분리수거운동을홍보하려고 3 재활용시설의기공식행사참석을요청하려고 4 환경단체의운영을위한기부금납부를부탁하려고 5 자선기금마련을위한빈캔수거동참을권유하려고 다음글에서전체흐름과관계없는문장은? These days, is thought to be one of the most effective ways to communicate. However, it can be a highly flawed communication vehicle in a workplace setting. 1 Some people use it inappropriately to avoid confrontation or to pass secrets among their friends. 2 Some employees can say things in that they would never say to someone s face. 3 To make matters worse, is likely to be misunderstood. 4 is a system for transmitting messages and computer files electronically. 5 Because lacks the tone, inflection, and body language of the communicator, a message may be interpreted wrongly by the receiver. *inflection: 억양 [24-27]. (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서어법에맞는표현으로가장적절한것은? Note taking is one of the activities by which students attempt to stay attentive, but it is also an aid to memory. Working memory, or short-term memory is a term (A) used / using to describe the fact that one can hold only a given amount of material in mind at one time. When a lecturer presents a succession of new concepts, students faces begin to show signs of anguish and frustration; some write furiously in their notebooks, while (B) other / others give up writing in complete discouragement. Note taking thus is dependent on one s ability to maintain attention, understand what is being said, and hold it in working memory long enough to (C) write down it / write it down. (A) (B) (C) 1 used other write down it 2 used others write it down 3 used others write down it 4 using others write it down 5 using other write down it I see that my husband was simply engaging the world in a way that many men do: as an individual in a hierarchical social order in which he was either one-up or one-down. In this world, conversations are negotiations in which people try to achieve and maintain the upper hand. Life, then, is a contest, a struggle to preserve independence and avoid failure. I, on the other hand, was approaching the world as an individual in a network of connections. In this world, conversations are negotiations for closeness in which people try to seek and give confirmation and support, and to reach consensus. Life, then, is a community, a struggle to preserve intimacy and avoid isolation. Though there are hierarchies in this world too, they are hierarchies more of than of power and accomplishment. 1 wealth 2 friendship 3 secrecy 4 conflict 5 competition 다음글의밑줄친부분중, 어법상틀린것은? Is quicksand for real? Yes, but it s not as deadly as it is in the movies. Quicksand forms when sand gets mixed with too much water and 1 becomes loosened and soupy. It may look like normal sand, but if you were to step on it, the pressure from your foot would cause the sand 2 to act more like a liquid, and you d sink right in. Pressure from underground sources of water would separate and suspend the granular particles, 3 reduced the friction between them. In quicksand, the more you struggle, the 4 deeper you ll sink. But if you remain still, you ll start to float. So if you ever do fall into quicksand, remember to stay calm, and don t move until you ve stopped 5 sinking. Today s heroes often ride in rockets instead of on winged horses, and their weapons are more likely to be fashioned by technology experts rather than by cave-dwelling dwarfs. However, heroes of everytime and culture must along the way if they journey forth to do what heroes must do. Myth and folk tale heroes are called upon to take up a quest, or journey, just as each human being must journey through life. The journey is a test of courage, will and character and the challenges come in the form of monsters and evil gods, or temptations and inner struggles. 1 keep secrets 2 face perils 3 take prisoners 4 know the rules 5 have wild dreams 3 8

4 Our survival in the everyday world requires us to perform thousands of small tests without failure. Nevertheless, too great an adherence to the belief to err is wrong can greatly undermine your attempts to generate new ideas. If you re concerned with producing right answers rather than generating original ideas, you ll bypass the germinal phase of the creative process. Thus, you ll spend little time testing assumptions, challenging the rules, asking what-if questions, or just playing around with the problem. All of these techniques will produce some incorrect answers, but in the germinal phase errors are viewed as a(n). [3 점 ] 1 way to prevent your predictions 2 uncritical adherence to the original ideas 3 misleading part of getting correct answers 4 necessary by-product of creative thinking 5 useless procedure in scientific experiments *germinal: 초기의 (A) (B) (C) 1 maximize higher distract 2 maximize lower distract 3 maximize higher attract 4 analyze higher distract 5 analyze lower attract 다음그림에대한글의내용중, 밑줄친낱말의쓰임이적절하지 않은것은? The best way to read fiction is to mix one s reading, neither to favor the present at the expense of the past nor to favor the past at the expense of the present. And do not think contemporary work will appear thin and trivial compared with the great work of the past. It is not necessarily so at all. As a professional reader, I have to try to keep side by side with contemporary fiction while constantly widening and deepening my knowledge of the fiction of earlier times. I m continually turning from the most vital work of our time to the classic novels, and I find no opposition between them. That is,. 1 classic novels are hard to get 2 they are not mutually exclusive 3 we d better choose one of them 4 contemporary works are favored 5 knowledge can be found in classic The Eiffel Tower is a metal structure. There are many steps that can be climbed in order to reach the 1 two viewing platforms. There are plans to build 2 below the foundations of the tower. These plans include the development of five underground levels that will 3 incorporate the tower s ticket office, shopping facilities, a cinema and two floors of parking. Although details have yet to be finalized, the principle is that the five floors will be connected by two 4 horizontal passenger lifts. In addition, the floor immediately below the tower will have a glass ceiling so that visitors can look directly 5 up at the tower itself. 다음글의마지막에드러난소년의심경으로가장적절한것은? (A), (B), (C) 의각네모안에서문맥에맞는낱말로가장적절한것은? Finding good prices for travel is so complicated. That is because airlines have complex formulas for inventory management so they can (A) maximize / analyze profits by filling planes. When there are lots of reservations during peak seasons, these companies can charge (B) lower / higher prices and still be sure that somebody will need their services no matter how much it costs. On the other hand, during the off season, demand is low, so companies cut their prices to (C) attract / distract people who would normally not travel at that time. One good place in which to find these last-minute bargains is on the Internet. A young boy named Steve went to a police department auction of bicycles. Each time the auctioneer started the bidding, the boy would say, I bid one dollar, sir. The bidding would continue higher and higher until each bicycle was sold to the highest bidder. As the last bicycle to be sold was brought forth, the little boy cried again, I bid one dollar, sir. The figures in the bidding rose higher and the auctioneer finally closed the bidding at $9 to Steve. To Steve s surprise, the auctioneer pulled $8 out and laid it on the counter. Steve put his one dollar alongside it, ran to the auctioneer, threw his arms around the auctioneer s neck, and cried. 1 sad and regretful 2 relieved and grateful 3 proud and confident 4 envious and irritated 5 worried and dissatisfied 4 8

5 다음글의빈칸 (A), (B) 에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? Assertive behavior involves standing up for your rights and expressing your thoughts and feelings in a direct, appropriate way that does not violate the rights of others. People who exhibit assertive behavior are able to handle conflict situations with ease and assurance while maintaining good interpersonal relations. (A), aggressive behavior involves expressing your thoughts and feelings and defending your rights in a way that openly violates the rights of others. Those exhibiting aggressive behavior seem to believe that the rights of others must be subservient to theirs. (B), they have a difficult time maintaining good interpersonal relations. They are likely to interrupt, talk fast and ignore others to maintain control. (A) (B) 1 In contrast Thus 2 Accordingly However 3 As a result However 4 In contrast Instead 5 As a result Thus 다음도표의내용과일치하지않는문장은? *subservient: 종속하는, 복종하는 다음글에서필자가주장하는바로가장적절한것은? True freedom is found in doing the things that scare us the most. Take a leap and you will find life, not lose it. Don t make fear a permanent part of your life: letting it go, or at least living in spite of fear, surprisingly and paradoxically, takes you to a place of safety. You can learn to love without hesitation, to speak without caution, and to care without self-defensiveness. Once we are on the other side of our fears, we find new life. As Helen Keller said, Life is either a daring adventure or it s nothing. If we can learn this lesson, we can lead a life of awe and wonder. 1 봉사와희생정신을길러라. 2 두려움을극복하고도전하라. 3 확고한목표를가지고살아라. 4 배움으로멋진인생을영위하라. 5 양보하고배려하는자세를지녀라. [34-35]. Leftovers may be the best thing about holiday diners. For most Americans, eating them from a holiday meal is as traditional as the meal itself. But treat these leftovers with care, or you could get sick. If you decide to reinvent your holiday meal, take these steps to help ensure it s as safe as it is delicious. The worst mistake is keeping food out too long. When storing, you want leftovers to quickly cool to 40 F or below. Shallow airtight containers are better than foil or plastic bags. Chop meats to get the temperature down faster. Pack perishable lunch foods in a sealed bag and throw it in an ice pack to make sure foods stay properly chilled. 1 how to enjoy holiday nights 2 tips for treating holiday leftovers 3 preparing for traditional holiday meals 4 inventing new recipes for holiday dinners 5 worst things that can happen at holiday dinners The above chart shows pupils achieving GCSE grades A * -C in 2003/4 in the UK. 1 A higher proportion of females than males achieved GCSE grades A * -C. 2 Northern Ireland had the highest percentage of females who achieved GCSE grades A * -C. 3 In the cases of London and England, the proportion of males who achieved GCSE grades A * -C was almost the same. 4 The gap between females and males who achieved GCSE grades A * -C was the greatest in Northern Ireland, and the smallest in Wales. 5 Scotland was the region with the highest proportion of males who achieved GCSE grades A * -C. *GCSE: 중등교육일반증서 Most of our misconceptions about art arise from the confusion we might have in the use of the words art and beauty. We always assume that all that is beautiful is art, or that all art is beautiful, that what is not beautiful is not art, and that ugliness is the negation of art. This identification of art and beauty is at the bottom of all our difficulties in the appreciation of art. And even in highly aesthetic people, this assumption acts like an unconscious censor in particular cases when art is not beauty. So we must remember that art is not necessarily beauty: that cannot be said too often. 1 예술감상의교육적의의 2 아름다움과추함의구분 3 예술에대한잘못된개념 4 아름다움의현대적기준 5 예술의다양한표현기법 5 8

6 Street luge에관한다음글의내용과일치하는것은? Street luge was born in Southern California when downhill skateboarders found they could reach higher speeds by lying down on their skateboards. Street luge is an extreme, gravity-powered sport that involves riding a streetluge board without mechanical brakes down a paved road or course while lying flat on one s back. Race courses are found on mountain roads and city streets. Riders are required to wear safety equipment including a hard shell helmet with chin strap, face shield, goggles, racing suit, gloves, and sturdy shoes. Courses can range in length from 1 to 5 km and the race winner is based on top speed. 1 보드위에서서속도를즐긴다. 2 모터를동력원으로사용한다. 3 기계식브레이크가달린보드를이용한다. 4 보호장비없이도안전하게탈수있다. 5 최고속도를낸사람이우승자가된다. [38-39]. Years ago, I went into a government building that had two sets of double doors spaced about fifteen feet apart. For security reasons, when I went through the first set of doors, I had to let them close tightly before the next set of doors would open in front of me. As long as I stayed at the first set of doors, the second set would not open. In many ways, life operates in a manner similar to those automatic doors. Step forward into the future, knowing there s nothing you can do about past disappointments. Where you are going is more significant than where you came from or where you have been. If you have the right attitude, you will give birth to more in the future than you ve lost in the past. 1 결과보다는과정이중요하다. 2 과거는미래를비추는거울이다. 3 끊임없이삶을돌아보고반성하라. 4 미래의결과를성급히판단하지말라. 5 과거에얽매이지말고미래를중시해라. Mark Plotkin에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? Mark Plotkin is an ethnobotanist who became fascinated with the native culture of Suriname, South America. In the course of his fieldwork, Plotkin helped a Suriname shaman, who was also his mentor, collect and document hundreds of types of medicinal plants. Some elements of these medicinal plants had effects similar to those of painkillers found in frogs and anti-tumor agents derived from snake venom. Plotkin directed a non-profit group, which set up shamans apprentice clinics next to clinics run by missionaries. This gave apprentices the opportunity to pass on the shamans medicine to the world at large. Plotkin s work earned him praise from the United Nations and the title Hero of the Planet from Time Magazine. *venom: 독액 1 Suriname 의토착문화에매료되었다. 2 주술사의약용식물채집을도왔다. 3 비영리단체를이끌었다. 4 외부세계로의약재유출을막았다. 5 Hero of the Planet이라는칭호를얻었다. When something doesn t meet our expectations, many of us operate this assumption, When in doubt, it must be someone else s fault. You can see this assumption in action almost everywhere you look something is missing, so someone else must have moved it. This type of blaming thinking has become extremely common in our culture. But, in terms of personal happiness, you cannot be peaceful while at the same time blaming others. Blaming others takes an enormous amount of mental energy. It s a drag-me-down mind-set that creates stress and disease. Blaming makes you feel powerless over your own life because your happiness is contingent on the actions and behaviors of others, which you can t control. 1 행복을추구하는방법은다양하다. 2 각문화권마다행복에대한기준이다르다. 3 잘못을지적하는것은서로에게도움이된다. 4 타인을비난하는것은자신의행복을방해한다. 5 자신에대한기대를낮추면스트레스를줄일수있다. *contingent: 의존하는 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? Aaron didn t say anything, but when the next pitch came he hit it into the left-field bleachers. There is a story involving Yogi Berra, the well-known catcher for the New York Yankees, and Hank Aaron, who at that time was the chief power hitter for the Milwaukee Braves. ( 1 ) The teams were playing in the World Series, and as usual Yogi was keeping up his ceaseless chatter. ( 2 ) He intended to cheer up his teammates on the one hand and irritate the Milwaukee batters on the other. ( 3 ) As Aaron came to the plate, Yogi tried to irritate him by saying, Hank, you re holding the bat wrong. You re supposed to hold it so you can read the trademark. ( 4 ) After rounding the bases and tagging up at home plate, Aaron looked at Yogi Berra and said, I didn t come up here to read. ( 5 ) *bleachers: 외야석 6 8

7 [41-42]. 주어진글다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? When it comes to buying clothes, shoppers can feel overwhelmed by the choices. Now dressing rooms equipped with cameras and interactive displays could lead to intelligent fitting rooms. They connect shoppers to a social fashion network, where they could see themselves and others wearing different outfits. In the intelligent fitting room, the shopper sees a mirror flanked by displays. Directly in front, she sees herself in the actual mirror. To the left of the mirror, she sees herself on a display wearing the outfit she tried on previously. To the right of the mirror, she sees another display showing images of other people wearing similar clothes or completely different styles. This allows her to compare multiple outfits at the same time. *flank: 측면에위치하다 1 Shopping for Clothes of Various Sizes 2 Buying Cheap Clothes through the Internet 3 New Trends in Designing Women s Clothes 4 Installing Security Cameras in Clothes Shops 5 Smart Fitting Room Suggesting What to Wear About fifty years ago a Pygmy named Kengo took his first trip out of the dense, tropical forests of Africa and onto the open plains in the company of an anthropologist. (A) Rather, because Kengo had lived his entire life in a dense jungle that offered no view of the horizon, he had failed to learn what most of us take for granted, namely, that things look different when they are far away. (B) At that time, buffalo appeared in the distance small black dots against a white sky and Kengo surveyed them curiously. Finally, he turned to the anthropologist and asked what kind of insects they were. (C) When he told Kengo that the insects were buffalo, Kengo roared with laughter and told the anthropologist not to tell such stupid lies. But the anthropologist wasn t stupid and he hadn t lied. There has probably been a time when you ve gone into someone s study or workroom and thought, This place works! No wonder she s so productive. Anyone would be up for learning and creativity in this environment. The right learning place can do the same thing for you. It can be anything from an elaborate office in your house to a room in your apartment or a corner of your bedroom. However modest at the start, a comfortable learning place is an important step in taking command of your own growth. When asked, What does a woman need in order to be able to write? Virginia Woolf responded with a phrase that became the title of one of her books: A room of one s own. 1 Convenience of Office Supplies 2 Advantages of Office Automation 3 Benefits of Having Your Own Space 4 Roles of Tests in Learning Processes 5 Effects of Creativity on Your Learning 다음글의상황에나타난분위기로가장적절한것은? The rush and pace of business grew fiercer and faster. On the floor they were pounding half a dozen stocks in which Peter s customers were heavy investors. Orders to buy and sell were coming and going as swift as the flight of swallows. Some of his own holdings were imperilled. With the proper decision and act ready and prompt as clockwork, Peter was working like some high-geared, delicate, strong machine strung to full tension, going at full speed, accurate, never hesitating. Stocks and bonds, loans and mortgages, margins and securities here was a world of finance. 1 busy and tense 2 calm and peaceful 3 festive and merry 4 romantic and pastoral 5 mysterious and prophetic 1 (A)-(C)-(B) 2 (B)-(A)-(C) 3 (B)-(C)-(A) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 다음글의내용을한문장으로요약하고자한다. 빈칸 (A) 와 (B) 에 들어갈말로가장적절한것은? [3점] Individuals and groups are engaged in the work of forming and refining their identities throughout their life spans. But it is in adolescence that the largest part of this work is accomplished. And look at the pride or narcissism that is involved. It is normal for adolescents to be extremely preoccupied with how they look. Even though their clothes may appear either careless and slovenly or otherwise outrageous to their parents, to adolescents they are extremely important. When they try them on, they are trying on various identities. They spend endless hours looking at themselves in the mirror, good or bad. As they look in those mirrors, they are in a very real way trying to figure out who they are, seeking to discern an identity in those reflections. During adolescence, the interest in (A) is a natural part of the process of forming a(n) (B). (A) (B) 1 appearances identity 2 appearances sociality 3 family personality 4 grades habit 5 grades confidence 7 8

8 [46-48 ]. [49-50],. (A) One day a math teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on a sheet of paper. Then she told them to write down (a) the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates. As the students left the room, each one handed in the papers. That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual. (B) Years later, Joe, one of her students, died in Vietnam and she attended the funeral. After the funeral his father came to speak with her. We want to show you something, said his father. Opening his billfold, he carefully removed a worn piece of paper. On the paper was (b) all the remarks Joe s classmates had made about him. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Joe s father said. (C) All of Joe s former classmates started to gather around her. Chuck said, I put mine in my wedding album. Charlie smiled and said, I have cherished (c) the treasure I got from my classmates. I think we all saved our lists. The teacher said to them, The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. So, before it is too late, please tell the people who you love that. (D) On Monday, she gave each student a sheet of paper with (d) comments from other students. Before long, the entire class was smiling. I never knew that I meant anything to anyone! and I didn t know others liked me so much, were (e) most of the responses. She never knew if they discussed their own lists after class or with their parents, but it didn t matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. That group of students moved on. Person A Concern over the environmental impact of burning fossil fuels has helped spur interest in an alternative fuel. As for this issue, I strongly believe that we should choose biomass as an alternative fuel. Biomass is plant-derived material usable as a renewable energy source which does not deplete existing supplies. It contains almost no sulfur, little ash, and gives off few pollutants, so it is very clean. Another good point is that it is readily available and in large supply because plants are probably one of the richest resources in the world. Most of all, biomass technology is simple, so biomass can be burned as easily as coal and liquefied even more easily than coal. I believe one day it will replace fossil fuels. Person B Some people argue that we should use biomass as alternative energy. They insist that biomass fuels are clean, readily available, and easily converted into gas or liquid form. However, I think they ignore the fact that biomass has low efficiency, resulting in high production costs. One-third to two-thirds of energy is lost in most biomass conversion. The low conversion rates of biomass lead to burning more plants, generating much more carbon dioxide and pollution gases. I am convinced that this fact is strongly against the idea that biomass is clean energy. The low efficiency also requires substantial amounts of land, which will increase the possibility that biomass fuel crops will eventually. 위두글의핵심쟁점으로가장적절한것은? 1 efficient land use 2 using biomass energy 3 raising cost of fossil fuels 4 recycling of biomass wastes 5 necessity of substantial land 글 (A) 에이어질내용을순서에맞게배열한것으로가장적절한것은? 1 (B)-(D)-(C) 2 (C)-(B)-(D) 3 (C)-(D)-(B) 4 (D)-(B)-(C) 5 (D)-(C)-(B) 밑줄친 (a)~(e) 중에서의미하는바가나머지넷과다른것은? 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) Person B의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 1 lower the cost of food crops 2 be suitable for food production 3 decrease environmental damage 4 compete for land with food crops 5 remove harmful insects from land 위글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 1 they are special and important 2 they can afford to help the poor 3 higher education will do you good 4 they should listen to their inner voices 5 health is the most important thing in life ( ). 8 8

Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh

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