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1 Oracle 9i Admim

2 1. Oracle RDBMS 1.1 (System Global Area:SGA) (Shared Pool) (Database Buffer Cache) (Redo Log Buffer) Java Pool Large Pool 1.2 Program Global Area (PGA) 1.3 Oracle Background Process Oracle (Server Process) (User Process) (Server Process) (User Process) 1.5 Oracle Instance 1.6 Oracle Database (Data Files) (Control Files) (Redo Log Files) 1.7 Oracle Architecture Oracle DB (StartUp) Oracle DB DB ALTER DATABASE 2.2. (Shutdown) Oracle DB DB 2.3 PFILE(Parameter File) SPFILE(Server Parameter File) PFILE (Parameter File)

3 2.3.2 SPFILE (Server Parameter File) CREATE PFILE/SPFILE 3. Control Files 3.1 Control File Redo Log Files 4.1 Redo Log File Redo Log File Redo Log (TABLESPACE) 5.1 (TABLESPACE)? Tablespace? Tablespace Tablespace 5.2 Tablespace Tablespace Tablespace 5.3 Tablespace Tablespace 5.4 Tablespace Default Storage 5.4.2

4 5.4.3 (OFFLINE) Tablespace (ALTER DATABASE) (Read Only) Tablespace 5.5 Tablespace Tablespace 5.6 Locally Managed Tablespaces Locally Managed Tablespaces? Locally Managed Tablespaces Locally Managed SYSTEM Tablespaces DMTLMT Storage Structure 6.1 Oracle Storage Structure Structure Relationship Storage Structure 6.2 Database Block Database Block PCTFREE PCTUSED PCTFREE = 20 / PCTUSED = Oracle BlockExtent Data Block Extent 6.4 Storage Storage Storage 7. (Rollback Segment) 7.1? 7.1.1?

5 7.2.1 (Growth) (Shrinkage) (Undo Segment) 8.1 Undo Segment? 8.2 Undo Undo Undo 9. (Managing Indexes) Unique NonUnique B-Tree B-Tree (REBUILD) (COALESCE) (Managing Clusters)

6 10.1 (Cluster) ? 10.2 (Index Cluster) ? (Managing Profiles) ? ? IOT(Index Organized Table) 12.1 IOT(INDEX ORGANIZED TABLE) IOT(INDEX ORGANIZED TABLE)? 12.2 IOT(INDEX ORGANIZED TABLE) IOT IOT IOT 9i 13. (Auditing) 13.1 (Auditing)? / Data Dictionary Views 14. SQL*Loader 14.1 SQL*Loader? SQL*Loader? SQL*Loader 14.2 SQL*Loader

7 SQL*Loader SQL*Loader Sequence,Decode 15. PARTITION TABLE 15.1 PARTITION TABLE Partition Table Materialized View 16.1 Materialized View Materialized View Materialized View Materialized View View Materialized View Parameter 16.2 Materialized View 16.3 Query RewriteMView Refresh Query Rewrite() MView Refresh 17. ORACLE 17.1 Oracle User (System Privileges) (Object Privileges) (Role) Oracle Database Role






















29 . LGWR. 2.. (Log Sequence Number).

30 -
















































































































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