XML 프로그래밍의 숨겨진 진실 : XML 입문.PDF

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1 1 XML XML(Extensible Markup Language). XML.,,. XML,. XML W3C(World Wide Web Consortium : or g),. XML (element),. XML HTML(Hypertext Markup Language). HTML. XML, XML -. (markup language) (, ). HTML,. HTML. ch01_01.html <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Hello FromHTML</ TITLE> </ HEAD>

2 ML : XML <BODY> <CENTER> <H1> Hel l o Fr om HTML </ H1> </ CENTER> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of HTML. </ BODY> </ HTML> [ 1-1] Netscape Navigator HTML. HTML <HEAD>, <CENTER>, <H1>..,. 1-1 HTML,., RTF (Rich Text Format).. Microsoft Word abc RTF. ( : ). 2 6

3 ML {\ rt f1\ ansi \ ansicpg1252\ uc1 \ deff0\ deflang1033 \ defl angfe1033{\ font t bl {\ f 0\ f roman\ fchar set 0\ fprq2{\ *\ panose }Times New Roman; }}{\ colort bl ; \ red0 \ gr een0\ bl ue0; \ red0\ green0\ bl ue255; \ r ed0\ gr een255\ bl ue255; \ red0\ green255\ bl ue0; \ r ed255\ gr een0\ bl ue255; \ red255\ green0 \ bl ue0; \ r ed255\ gr een255\ bl ue0; \ red255\ green255\ bl ue255; \ r ed0 \ gr een0\ bl ue128; \ red0\ green128\ bl ue128; \ r ed0\ gr een128\ bl ue0; \ red128\ green0\ bl ue128; \ r ed128\ gr een0\ bl ue0; \ red128\ green128 \ bl ue0; \ r ed128\ gr een128\ bl ue128; \ red192\ green192\ bl ue192; } {\ st yl esheet {\ wi dct l par \ adj ust r i ght \ fs20\ cgr i d \ snext 0 Normal ; } {\ *\ cs10 \ addi t i ve Defaul t Paragr aph Font ; }}{\ i nfo{\ t i t l e } {\ aut hor St even Hol zner }{\ operat or St even Hol zner }{\ creat im \ yr 2000\mo\ dy\ hr \ mi n}{\ revt im\ yr 2000\ mo4\ dy17\ hr 13\ mi n55} {\ ver si on1}{\ edmi ns1}{\ nofpages1}{\ nofwords 0}{\ nofchar s1} {\ *\ company St eveco}{\ nof char sws1}{\ ver n89}}\ wi dowct r l \ ft nbj \ aenddoc\ formshade\ vi ewki nd4\ vi ewscal e100\ pgbrdrhead\ pgbrdr foot \ fet 0\ sect d \ ps z1\ l i nex0\ endnhere\ sect defaul t cl {\ *\ pnsecl vl 1 \ pnucrm\ pnst art 1\ pni ndent 720\ pnhang {\ pnt xt a. }}{\ *\ pnsecl vl 2 \ pnucl t r \ pnst ar t 1\ pni ndent 720\ pnhang{\ pnt xt a. }}{\ *\ pnsecl vl 3 \ pndec\ pnst ar t 1\ pni ndent 720\ pnhang{\ pnt xt a. }}{\ *\ pnsecl vl 4 \ pnl cl t r \ pnst ar t 1\ pni ndent 720\ pnhang{\ pnt xt a )}}{\ *\ pnsecl vl 5 \ pndec\ pnst ar t 1\ pni ndent 720\ pnhang{\ pnt xt b (}{\ pnt xt a ) }} {\ *\ pnsecl vl 6\ pnl cl t r \ pnst art 1\ pni ndent 720\ pnhang {\ pnt xt b (} {\ pnt xt a )}}{\ *\ pnsecl vl 7\ pnl crm\ pnst ar t 1\ pni ndent 720\ pnhang {\ pnt xt b (}{\ pnt xt a ) }}{\ *\ pnsecl vl 8\ pnl cl t r \ pnst ar t 1 \ pni ndent 720\ pnhang {\ pnt xt b (}{\ pnt xt a )}}{\ *\ pnsecl vl 9\ pnl crm \ pnst ar t 1\ pni ndent 720\ pnhang{\ pnt xt b (}{\ pnt xt a ) }}\ pard\ pl ai n \ sl 480\ sl mul t 1\ wi dct l par \ adj ust r i ght \ f s20\ cgr i d {\ b\ fs24\ ul abc }{\ b\ ul \ par }} HTML,. HTML 1.0, HTML ,,. HTML <BEAMWI DTH>, <MI ZZENHEIGHT>, <DRAFT>, <SHI PCLASS>. (financial), <B>, <UL>, <FONT>, 12 7

4 ML : XML <FI SCALYEAR>, <ACCOUNTNUMBER>, <TRANSFERACCOUNT>? Extensible Business Reporting Language, XML.,,?. Netscape XML., (, ). XML, XML -. XML, XML? HTML. ch01_02.xml <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML </ GREETING> <MESSAGE> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of XML. </ MESSAGE> </ DOCUMENT> XML,. XML <?xml ver si on="1. 0" ENCODING="UTF- 8"?> ( XML <??> ), XML 1.0,. UTF-8, 8 ( ). 2 8

5 XML <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML </ GREETING> <MESSAGE> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of XML. </MESSAGE> </ DOCUMENT> <DOCUMENT>., DOCUMENT (_),,, (. ) (- ).,. XML < >. XML XML, <DOCUMENT> ( ), </ DOCUMENT> </.,., (root) <DOCUMENT>. <?xml version= "1. 0" encoding="utf- 8"?> <DOCUMENT> </ DOCUMENT> <GREETING>, ( Hel l o Fr om XML ). <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML </ GREETING> </ DOCUMENT> 12 9

6 XML : XML <MESSAGE>,. <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML </ GREETING> <MESSAGE> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of XML. </ MESSAGE> </ DOCUMENT> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> <MESSAGE>., XML. HTML. HTML. <DOCUMENT>, <GREETING>, <MESSAGE>, XML?? XML Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 XML., ch01_02.xml Internet Explorer [ 1-2]. 3 0

7 ML 1-2 Internet Explorer XML [ 1-2] XML, [ 1-1].? XML XML?... J ava J avascript XML.,., XML. XML CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language)., XML <?xml - st yl esheet t ype="t ext / css " hr ef ="ch01_04. css "?>. ch01_04.css CSS (, XML ). 13 1

8 XML : XML ch01_03.xml <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <?xml - st yl esheet t ype="t ext / css " hr ef="ch01_04. css"?> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML </ GREETING> <MESSAGE> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of XML. </ MESSAGE> </ DOCUMENT> ch01_04.css., <GREETING> 36, <MESSAGE> 18. bl ock,. ch01_04.css GREETING {di spl ay : bl ock; font - si ze : 36pt ; col or : #FF0000; t ext -al i gn :cent er } MESSAGE (display: block; font - size : 18pt ; color : #000000} [ 1-3], [ 1-4] XML. [ 1-3] Netscape 7.0 XML, [ 1-4] Internet Explorer., XML, HTML <H1> HTML. 3 2

9 ML 1-3 Netscape Navigator XML 1-4 Internet Explorer XML XML. XML., XML?. 13 3

10 XML : XML XML XML. XML. XML,..... XML., XML XML...,., Microsoft ( (Bloatware) ). Microsoft Word 2000 abc 20,000. XML , Microsoft Excel 5, Microsoft Access KB.,., XML,. 3 4

11 XML.,. BITS(Banking Industry Technology Secret ariat ) IFX(Interactive Financial Exchange) BIPS(Bank Int ernet Payment System) TIM(Telecommunications Interchange Markup) SIF (Schools Interoperability Framework) xcbl(common Business Library) ebxml(electronic Business XML Initiative) PDML(Product Dat a Markup Language) FIX(Financial Information exchange protocol) TEI(The Text Encoding Initiative), CML(Chemical Markup Language).. XML. XML. XHTML(Extensible Hypertext Markup Language),. XHTML HTML. XML.. ch01_05.xml <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML </ GREETING> 13 5

12 ML : XML <MESSAGE> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of XML. </ MESSAGE> </ DOCUMENT> XML... XML ( XML ). XML,., HTML, XML. XML. ch01_06.xml <?xml ver si on="1. 0"?> <SCHOOL> <CLASS t ype="semi nar "> <CLASS_TITLE>XML In The Real Wor ld</ CLASS_TITLE> <CLASS_NUMBER>6. 031</ CLASS_NUMBER> <SUBJECT>XML</ SUBJECT> <START_DATE>6/ 1/ 2002</ START_DATE> <STUDENTS> <STUDENT st at us="at t endi ng"> <FIRST_NAME>Edward</ FI RST_NAME> <LAST_NAME>Samson</ LAST_NAME> </ STUDENT> <STUDENT st at us="wi t hdrawn"> <FIRST_NAME>Er nest i ne</ FIRST_NAME> <LAST_NAME>Johnson</ LAST_NAME> </ STUDENT> </ STUDENTS> </ CLASS> </ SCHOOL> 3 6

13 XML, XML,. 2 3, <STUDENT> <FI RST_NAME> <LAST_NAME> <START_DATE> <STUDENTS>., XML. HTML HTML, ( )., HTML 50%. XML. XML,.. XML? XML., (well-formed) (valid).. XML XML? (well-formed) XML W3C XML 1.0 ( or g/ TR/ REC- xml ).,,.., </ GREETING> <MESSAGE>. <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML <MESSAGE> </ GREETING> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of XML. </MESSAGE> </ DOCUMENT> 13 7

14 ML : XML XML XML.. DTD(Document Type Definition), XML, DTD (valid). DTD, 3 5., DTD <!DOCTYPE>. XML <!DOCTYPE>. ch01_07.xml <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <?xml - st yl esheet t ype="t ext / css " hr ef="fi r st. css"?> <!DOCTYPE DOCUMENT [ <!ELEMENT DOCUMENT (GREETING, MESSAGE)> <!ELEMENT GREETING (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT MESSAGE (#PCDATA)> ]> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML </ GREETING> <MESSAGE> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of XML. </ MESSAGE> </ DOCUMENT> DTD 3. DTD <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> <MESSAGE>, <DOCUMENT>, <GREETING> <MESSAGE>. XML XML,. XML. XML. 3 8

15 XML. XML, (, XML, ). XML XML,. XML. XML ch01_02.xml XML. <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML </ GREETING> <MESSAGE> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of XML. </MESSAGE> </ DOCUMENT> XML Hel l o Fr omxml. Internet Explorer XML J avascript <GREETING>.. ch01_08.xml <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Fi ndi ng El ement Val ues i n an XML Document </ TI TLE> <XML I D="fi r st XML" SRC="ch01_02.xml "></ XML> <SCRI PT LANGUAGE="JavaScri pt "> funct ion get Dat a () { xml doc= document.al l ("fi r st XML" ).XMLDocument ; nodedoc = xml doc.document El ement ; nodegreet ing = nodedoc. fi rst Chi ld; out put Message = "Gr eet i ng : "

16 ML : XML nodegr eet i ng. f i r st Chi l d.nodeval ue; message. i nnerhtml=out put Message; } </ SCRI PT> </ HEAD> <BODY> <CENTER> <H1> Fi ndi ng El ement Val ues i n an XML Document </ H1> <DIV ID="message"></ DIV> <P> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Get The Greet i ng" ONCLICK="get Dat a ()"> </ CENTER> </ BODY> </ HTML> [ 1-5] Get The Gr eet i ng. J avascript ch01_02.xml <GREETING> [ 1-5]., XML. 1-5 Internet Explorer XML 4 0

17 XML XML J avascript., J avascript J avascript. XML J avascript, XML J ava. ch01_09.j ava J ava. ch01_02.xml, <GREETING> (10 ). ch01_09.java i mpor t j avax.xml.par ser s. *; i mpor t org.w3c.dom. *; i mpor t j ava.i o. *; publ i c cl ass ch01_09 { st at i c publ i c voi d mai n (St r i ng [] argv ) { t ry { Document Bui lder Fact ory dbf = Document Bui l der Fact ory.newinst ance (); Document Bui lder db = nul l ; t ry { db = dbf.newdocument Bui l der (); } cat ch (ParserConfigurat ionexcept i on pce ) {} Document doc = nul l ; doc = db.par se ("ch01_02.xml " ); for (Node node = doc.get Document El ement ().get Fi rst Chi ld(); node!= null ; node = node.getnext Sibling () ) { i f (node i nst anceof El ement ) { i f (node.get NodeName ().equal s ("GREETING" ) ) { St ringbuffer buffer = new St ringbuffer (); for (Node subnode = node.get Fi rst Chi ld(); 14 1

18 XML : XML } subnode!= nul l ; subnode = subnode.getnext Sibling () ){ i f (subnode i nst anceof Text ) { buffer.append (subnode.getnodeval ue () ); } } Syst em.out.pri nt ln(buffer.t ost ri ng () ); } } } } cat ch (Except i on e ) { e.pr i nt St acktr ace (); } } ( %. Unix, \ home\ st eve :. Windows MS-DOS C:\ XML>. %j ava ch01_ 09 Hel l o Fr om XML ( <GREETI NG>.) J ava XML (parsing). J ava. J ava. XML. XML. XML XML. XML.. 4 2

19 XML XML W3C(World Wide Web Consortium), XML., ( ). or g/ xml : W3C XML, XML. or g/ XML/ 1999/ XML- i n- 10-poi nt s : XML XML 10 ( 7 ). or g/ TR/ REC- xml : XML 1.0 W3C.,. or g/ TR/ xml - st yl esheet /. : XML or g/ TR/ REC-xml -names/ : XML Namespace. or g/ St yl e/ XSL/. : XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language) r og/ TR/ xsl t : XSLT(XSL ). or g/ XML/Act i vi t y.ht ml. : W3C XML or g/ TR/ xml schema- 0/, or g/ TR/ xml s chema- 1/, or g/ TR/ xml shema- 2/ : DTD XML. or g/ TR/ xl i nk/ : XLink. or g/ xpt r : XPointer. or g/ TR/ xht ml 1/ : XHTML or g/ TR/ xht ml 11/ : XHTML or g/ DOM : W3C DOM(Document Object Model). W3C, XML 1 3. W3C. www. xml. com, XML. com : XML,,. www. oas i s- open. or g : OASIS(Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) XML. 14 3

20 XML : XML XML. or g, www. xml. or g : XML.ORG XML. OASIS, XML, DTD,, Namespace. ht t p : / / msdn.mi cr osof t. com/ xml / def aul t. asp : Microsoft XML. XML ( XML Tutorial 2,300 ).. www i bm. com/ devel oper wor ks / educat i on. ns f / xml - onl i necour se- byt i t l e / 8C8A8628B3DD7EDB852567BD000A8A64?OpenDocument : IBM. www. ucc. i e/ xml / : XML FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) W3C XML (Working Group). XML FAQ. ht t p :/ /msdn.mi cr osof t. com/ xml / t ut or i al / def aul t. asp : Microsoft XML. www. xml. com/ pub/ 98/ 10/ gui de0. ht ml : XML.com XML. Usenet ( ). comp. t ext. xml : XML. mi cr osof t.publ i c. dot net.xml : Microsoft.NET XML XML. mi cr osof t.publ i c. xml : Microsoft XML. XML (XML ht t p : / / gr oups. googl e. com ). XML? XML. 4 4

21 XML XML XML, vi, emacs, pico, Macintosh BBEdit SimpleText Windows (editors)., XML (Unicode), ASCII. ASCII. XML. Windows Windows.txt..xml.xml., XML XUL(XML- Based Use r Inte rface La nguage ).xul.xul.txt. scrollba rs.xul. XML. XML. XML. Adobe FrameMaker(www. adobe. com) : Adobe FrameMaker, XML. XML Pro( com/ ) : XML. XML Writer(ht t p : / / xml wr i t er.net / ) :. XML Notepad(msdn.mi cr osof t. com/ xml / not epad/ i nt r o. asp) : Microsoft XML. enotepad(www. edi sys. com/ Pr oduct s / enot epad/ enot epad. asp) : XML,. XML Spy(www. xml spy. com) :. [ 1-6] XML Spy, [ 1-7] XML Writer, [ 1-8] XML Notepad, [ 1-9] enotepad. 14 5

22 XML : XML 1-6 XML Spy XML 1-7 XML Writer XML 4 6

23 ML 1-8 XML Notepad XML 1-9 enotepad XML 14 7

24 XML : XML XML. XML?. XML XML CSS XSL XML. J avascript., XML. Internet Explorer 6 Microsoft, Internet Explorer XML, cr osof t. com/wi ndows / i e_i nt l / ko( URL Microsoft URL cr osof t. com/wi ndows / i e/ ). Internet Explorer 6.0 [ 1-2] XML, (Microsoft J avascript J Script Microsoft VBScript ). (XML XML <XML> ). XML ADO(ActiveX Data Object). Internet Explorer 6. Microsoft XML (Office 2000 XML ), Microsoft W3C. Netscape Navigator 7 Netscape 7 ht t p :/ / wp.net scape. com/ downl oad, XML. Netscape Navigator [ 1-3]. Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator. Netscape Navigator 6 XUL(XML-Based User Interface Language),. 4 8

25 XML Jumbo XML. J umbo, XML CML(Chemical Markup Language). www. xml - cml. or g/ J umbo. XML( ), CML [ 1-10]. XML, XML (parser). XML J umbo XML XML (parser) XML Oracle 8i. XML XML

26 XML : XML Sun Microsystems J ava XML. J ava 1.4 XML. XML. SAX(The Simple API for XML) : SAX David Megginson ( nson. com/ SAX/ i ndex.ht ml ),, SAX. expat : J ames Clark (www. j cl ar k. com/ xml / expat. ht ml ) C XML. Net scape Navigator 6 Perl XML : : Parser. Perl expat (XML::Parser) : Clark Cooper (f t p : / / f t p.per l. or g/ pub/ CPAN/ modumes / by-modul e/ XML/ ). TclExpat : Tcl (ht t p :/ / t cl xml. sour cef or ge.net / ). LTXML : Edinburg (Language Technology Group) XML (www. l t g. ed. ac. uk/ sof t war e/ xml / ). XML for Java (XML4J) : IBM AlphaWorks (ww. al phawor ks. i bm. com/ t ech/ xml 4j ) W3C XML. XML Microsoft Validating XML Processor :,,, msdn.microsoft.com/ xml/ default.asp. XP : J ames Clark (www. j cl ar k. com/ xml / xp/ i ndex. ht ml ) J ava (nonvalidating) XML. Python XML Processing Preliminary XML Parser : Python XML ( hon. or g/ t opi cs / xml ). XML Testbed : Steve Withall ( or g/ XML/ 1998/ 08wi t hal l / ). SXP Silfide XML Parser(SXP) : XML J ava XML (API).. (well-formedness),. XML (well-formed) (valid) XML (validator). 5 0

27 ML XML XML? XML (validator),. XML. XML. W3C XML Validator(ht t p : / / val i dat or.w3. or g/ ) : W3C HTML. HTML XML. XML. Tidy( or g/ Peopl e/ Ragget t / t i dy/ ) : Tidy, XML. XML. ht t p : / / www. xml. com/ pub/ a/ t ool s/ r uwf / check.ht ml : XML.com XML Lark. XML. www. l t g. ed. ac. uk/ ~r i char d/ xml - check.ht ml : Edinburgh (Language Technology Group) RXP. XML. ht t p : / / www. st g.br own. edu/ ser vi ce/ xml val i d/ : Brown Scholarly Technology Group XML. XML,.. [ 1-11]. Scholarly Technology Group XML c:\ xml\ ch01_02.xml XML, <MESSAGE> </ GREETING>. <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <!DOCTYPE DOCUMENT [ <!ELEMENT DOCUMENT (GREETING, MESSAGE)> <!ELEMENT GREETING (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT MESSAGE (#PCDATA)> ]> 15 1

28 XML : XML <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML <MESSAGE> </ GREETING> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of XML. </ MESSAGE> </ DOCUMENT> [ 1-12].. XML XML. XML HTML (XML ). XML, XML. HTML XML HTML, XML 5 2

29 XML 1-12 XML CSS XSL, HTML 4 <CENTER>,. HTML. XML. XML,., CSS(Cascading Style Sheet ) XSL(Extensible Stylesheet Language), ( XML ). XML. XML Internet Explorer. 15 3

30 XML : XML XML, CSS XSL.. CSS HTML. CSS,,,., XSL, XML (, XSL (well-formed) XML ). XSL XML. XML XSL, XML. XML HTML. CSS, XSL, (HTML XML, ),,. XSL XSL XSL... or g/ St yl e/ CSS/ : W3C CSS or g/ TR/ REC- CSS1/ : W3C CSS1 or g/ TR/ REC- CSS2/ : W3C CSS2 or g/ St yl e/ XSL/ : W3C XSL XLink XPoint er WWW(World Wide Web), HTML ( ). XML? XML XLink XPointer. XLink HTML <A>. XML <A> XLink. XML,. 5 4

31 ML XLink. XLink. (multidirectional), (mirror)., XPointer., XPointer 11,904.. XPointer. XLink XPointer,.. XLink XPointer. or g/ TR/ xl i nk/ : W3C XLink or g/ TR/ xpt r : W3C XPointer URL URI XLink XPointer, XML URL(Uniform Resource Locator) URI(Uniform Resource Identifier). URL,. XML XLink XPointer, URI URL. URI (resource),. URI (mirror),. URI, URL. 15 5

32 ML : XML URI : URI. www. i c s. uci. edu/ pub/ i et f / ur i / r f c2396. t xt ASCII,, UCS, ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange). ASCII 0 127, A ASCII 85, B ASCII 66. WWW(World Wide Web). ASCII,,,,,,,., W3C XML ASCII (Unicode) ( ASCII ). (Ideograph). 40,000 (80,000, 11,000, 20,000 ). XML. Windows NT Windows 2000 (XML Spy Windows NT XML ), Windows 95/ 98. XML ASCII UTF-8. UTF-8 8 (ASCII 2 ASCII 2 ASCII ). XML UTF-8. <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="utf- 8"?> <DOCUMENT> <GREETING> Hel l o Fr om XML 5 6

33 XML </ GREETING> <MESSAGE> Wel come t o t he wi l d and wool l y wor l d of XML. </MESSAGE> </ DOCUMENT>, XML UTF-8 UTF-8. ASCII XML.,, UCS(Universal Character System : ISO ) 4. 20,. XML UCS-2 (ISO UCS-2, 2 UCS ). UTF- 16, 2 UCS-2 UCS. UCS UCS-4 (ISO UCS-4 ).,., 16 0x3C0 &#x03c0 ( )., IANA(Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) www. i ana. or g/ as si gnment s / char act er - set s. ASCII ASCII S un Microsyste ms Java SDK(Softwa re Deve lopment Kit) native2asc ii. nat i ve2asci i f i l e.t xt f i l e.uni. UTF- 8. XML, XML. XML, XML Net scape Microsoft 15 7

34 XML : XML, Perl. XML www. xml. or g/ xml / mar ket pl ace _company. j sp. XML XML.., XML -,. XML XML (XML Application). XML MathML XML, XML (XML ). XML,..,. CML (Chemical Markup Language). XML : CML(Chemical Markup Language) CML Peter Murray-Rust,. CML HTML +. CML. CML. CML. CML J umbo, www. xml - cml. or g/ j umbo. ht ml. J umbo CML, XML. CML. J umbo [ 1-10],. thiophenol.xml. 5 8

35 XML <?j umbo :namespace ns="ht t p :/ / - cml.org" prefi x="c" j ava="j umbo.cml xml. *Node"?> <C:mol ecul e i d="t hi ophenol "> <C:at omarray bui l t i n="el sym"> C C C C C C C S C C O O </ C:at omar r ay> <C:at omarray bui l t i n="x2" t ype="float "> </ C:at omar r ay> <C:at omarray bui l t i n="y2" t ype="float "> </ C:at omar r ay> <C:bondArray bui l t i n="at id1"> </ C:bondAr r ay> <C:bondArray bui l t i n="at id2"> </ C:bondAr r ay> <C:bondArray bui l t i n="order " t ype="int eger "> </ C:bondAr r ay> </ C:mol ecul e> XML : MathML(Mathematical Markup Language) MathML. WWW(World Wide Web) (high-energy) Tim Berners-Lee CERN.. MathML. MathML W3C, www. w3. or g/mat h/. MathML.., MathML. HTML XHTML W3C Amaya ( XML ). Amaya or g/amaya. 15 9

36 ML : XML 3Z 2-6Z+ 12 = 0 MathML ( XML Namespace, Namespace ). <?xml ver si on="1. 0"?> <ht ml xml ns :m="ht t p :/ / TR/ REC-Mat hml/ "> <mat h> <m:mrow> <m:mrow> <m:mn>3</ m:mn> <m:mo>&invi si bl etimes ;</m:mo> <m:msup> <m:mi >Z</m:mi > <m:mn>2</m:mn> </m:msup> <m:mo>- </ m:mo> <m:mr ow> <m:mn>6</m:mn> <m:mo>&i nvi si bl eti mes ; </ m:mo> <m:mi >Z</m:mi > </m:mrow> <m:mo>+</ m:mo> <m:mn>12</m:mn> </ m:mr ow> <m:mo>=</m:mo> <m:mn>0</m:mn> </ m:mr ow> </mat h> Amaya [ 1-13] Amaya MathML 6 0

37 XML XML : SMIL(Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) SMIL( ). or g/audi ovi deo/ #SMIL W3C. SMIL.,,. SMIL TV. SMIL, SMIL. Microsoft, Macromedia Compaq HTML + TIME. Microsoft Internet Explorer SMIL. www. empi r enet. com/ j oser am J ava SMIL. mozart 1.wav amadeus1.mov mozart 1.htm, mozart2.wav amadeus2.mov mazart2.htm SMIL. <?xml ver si on="1. 0"?> <!DOCTYPE smi l PUBLIC "- / /W3C/ / DTD SMIL 1. 0/ / EN" "ht t p :/ / TR/ REC- smi l / SMIL10.dt d"> <smi l > </ smi l > <body> </ body> <seq i d="mozar t "> </ seq> <audi o sr c="mozar t 1.wav"/ > <video src="amadeus1.mov"/ > <t ext sr c="mozart 1.ht m"/ > <audi o sr c="mozar t 2.wav"/ > <video src="amadeus2.mov"/ > <t ext sr c="mozart 2.ht m"/ > 16 1

38 ML : XML XML : HTML + TIME Microsoft, Macromedia Compaq SMIL HTML + TIME (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extension ). SMIL, HTML + TIME HTML. HTML + TIME SMIL, Microsoft SMIL. HTML + TIME msdn.mi cr osof t. com/ wor kshop/aut hor / behavi or s / t i me. asp. HTML + TIME Internet Explorer (behavior), Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer (behavior) msdn.mi cr osof t. com/ wor kshop/ c- f r ame. ht m#wor kshop/ aut hor / def aul t. asp. Hel l o, t her e, f r om, HTML+TIME 2 HTML + TIME. ch01_10.html <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Using HTML+TIME </ TI TLE> <STYLE>.t i me {behavi or : ur l (#defaul t #t ime ); } </ STYLE> </ HEAD> <BODY> <DIV CLASS="t ime" t :REPEAT="5" t :DUR="10" t :TIMELINE="par "> <DIV CLASS="t ime" t :BEGIN="0" t :DUR="10">Hello</ DIV> <DIV CLASS="t ime" t :BEGIN="2" t :DUR="10">there</ DIV> <DIV CLASS="t ime" t :BEGIN="4" t :DUR="10">from</ DIV> <DIV CLASS="t ime" t :BEGIN="6" t :DUR="10">HTML+TIME.</ DIV> </ DIV> </ BODY> </ HTML> [ 1-14] HTML + TIME. 6 2

39 ML 1-14 HTML+TIME HTML + TIME SMIL. SMIL HTML + TIME. <t :seq i d="mozart "> <t :audi o sr c="mozar t 1.wav"/ > <t :video src="amadeus1.mov"/ > <t :t ext st ream sr c="mozart 1.ht m"/ > <t :audi o sr c="mozar t 2.wav"/ > <t :video src="amadeus2.mov"/ > <t :t ext st ream sr c="mozart 2.ht m"/ > </ seq> XML : XHTML XML XHTML, HTML 4.0 W3C XML.. XHTML. W3C HTML XML XML XHTML. XHTML HTML 4.0 ( XML ). XHTML XML,. 16 3

40 XML : XML XHTML. or g/ Mar kup/act i vi t y/ ht ml : W3C Hypertext Markup Activity, XHTML. or g/ TR/ xht ml 1/ : XHTML 1.0 ( XHTML 1.1 ) or g/ TR/ xht ml 11/ : XHTML 1.1 XHTML 1.0 Transitional, Frameset, Strict. Transitional HTML. Frameset (Transitional <Body> <Fr ameset > Transitional ) XHTML. Strict HTML 4.0 HTML. XHTML 1.1 XHTML 1.0 Strict, ( <RUBY> ). XHTML 1.0 XHTML or g/ TR/ xht ml 11/ changes. ht ml #a_changes. XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD XHTML. HTML (XHTML ). ch01_11.html <!DOCTYPE ht ml PUBLIC"- / / W3C/ / DTD XHTML 1. 0 Transi t i onal / / EN" "ht t p :/ / TR/ xht ml 1/ DTD/ xhtml 1-t ransi t i onal.dt d"> <ht ml xml ns="ht t p :/ / / xht ml " xml :l ang="en" l ang="en"> <head> <t i t l e> Web page number one! </ t i t l e> </ head> <body> <h1> Wel come t o XHTML! </ h1> 6 4

41 XML <cent er> Thi s is simple text t hat appears in t hi s page. <p> Her e ' s a new paragr aph! </ p> </ cent er > </ body> </ ht ml > XHTML [ 1-15]. XHTML XML ( ) HTML XHTML XML : Microsoft.NET Microsoft.NET XML.,.NET.NET XML..NET XML. XML VB.NET..NET XML, pubs 16 5

42 XML : XML aut hor s XML..NET. [ 1-16] (authors ) VB.NET XML VB.NET. [ 1-16] Write existing dat aset to XML file authors dat aset.xml, Create new dataset from XML file dataset.xml. Pri vat e Sub But t on1_cl i ck (ByVal sender As Syst em.obj ect, _ ByVal e As Syst em.event Args ) Handl es But t on1.cl i ck Dat aset 11.Cl ear () Ol edbdat aadapt er 1. Fi l l (Dat aset 11) Dat aset 11.Wr i t exml ("dat aset.xml " ) End Sub Pri vat e Sub But t on2_cl i ck (ByVal sender As Syst em.obj ect, _ ByVal e As Syst em.event Args ) Handl es But t on2.cl i ck Dimds As New DataSet () ds.readxml ("dat aset.xml " ) DataGrid1. Set Dat abinding (ds, "authors" ) End Sub dataset.xml. XML [ 1-16]. 6 6

43 XML <?xml ver si on="1. 0" st andal one="yes "?> <Dat aset 1 xml ns="ht t p :/ / empuri.org/ Dat aset 1.xsd"> <aut hor s> <au_i d> </ au_i d> <au_l name>whi t e</ au_l name> <au_ fname>johnson</ au_ fname> <phone> </ phone> <address>10932 Bi gge Rd.</ addr ess> <ci t y>menl o Par k</ ci t y> <st at e>ca</ st at e> <zi p>94025</ zi p> <cont r act >t r ue</ cont ract > </ aut hor s> <aut hor s> <au_i d> </ au_i d> <au_l name>gr een</ au_l name> <au_ fname>marj or i e</ au_fname> <phone> </ phone>....net XML,. XML : OSD(Open Software Description) OSD Marimba Microsoft or g/ TR/ NOTE- OSD. ht ml XML. OSD. OSD.,.,. SuperDuperSoft SuperDuperTextPro.osd. <?xml ver si on="1. 0"?> <CHANNEL HREF="ht t p :/ / com/ updat es.ht ml "> <TI TLE> SuperDuperText Pro Updat es 16 7

44 ML : XML </ TI TLE> <USAGE VALUE="Soft wareupdat e"/ > <SOFTPKG HREF="ht t p :/ / updat es.superdupersoft. com/ updat es.ht ml " NAME=" {34567A7E- 8BE7-99C A3}" VERSION="2, 4, 6"> <TITLE> Super DuperText Pro </ TI TLE> <ABSTRACT> SuperDuperText Pro versi on 206 wit h sideburns!!! </ ABSTRACT> <IMPLEMENTATION> <CODEBASE HREF= "ht t p :/ / www. superduper soft.com/ new.exe"/ > </ IMPLEMENTATI ON> </ SOFTPKG> </ CHANNEL> XML : SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) SVG W3C XML, ( CorelDraw Adobe Illustrator Adobe ). SVG 2, SVG or g/ Gr aphi cs/ SVG/ Overvi ew. ht m8. SVG., SVG. IBM, Adobe, Netscape Sun W3C PGML(Precision Graphics Markup Language). PGML. <?xml ver si on="1. 0"?> <!DOCTYPE pgml SYSTEM"/ DTDs/ pgml.dt d"> <pgml > <group fillcolor="blue"> <pat h> <movet o x="0" y="0"/ > <l i net o x="0" y="1000"/ > <l i net o x="1000" y="1000"/ > <l i net o x="1000" y="0"/ > 6 8

45 XML <cl osepat h/ > </ pat h> </ group> </ pgml > XML : VML(Vector Markup Language) Microsoft Internet Explorer SVG VML. VML or g/ TR/ NOTE-VML. VML.,. ch01_12.html <HTML xml ns :v="ur n:schemas-mi cr osoft - com:vml "> <HEAD> <TITLE> Using Vector Markup Language </ TI TLE> <STYLE> v\ :* {behavi or : ur l (#defaul t #VML); } </ STYLE> </ HEAD> <BODY> <CENTER> <H1> Using Vector Markup Language </ H1> </ CENTER> <P> <v :oval STYLE= ' wi dt h :100pt ; hei ght :75pt ' f i l l col or="yel l ow"> </ v :oval > <P> <v :r ect STYLE= ' wi dt h :100pt ; hei ght :75pt ' f i l l col or="bl ue" st r okecol or="red" STROKEWEI GHT="2pt "/ > <P> <v :pol yl i ne POINTS="20pt, 55pt, 100pt, - 10pt, 180pt, 65pt, 260pt, 25pt " st r okecol or="red" STROKEWEI GHT="2pt "/ > </ BODY> </ HTML> 16 9

46 XML : XML VML [ 1-17] VML XBRL(Extensible Business Reporting Language) XBRL(Extensible Business Reporting Language, XFRML ) (financial) XML. XBRL www. xbr l. or g/. XBRL,,,. XBRL,. <?xml ver si on="1. 0" encodi ng="ut f - 8"?> <group xml ns="ht t p :/ / l.org/ us/ ai cpa-us-gaap" xml ns :gpsi ="ht t p :/ / l.org/ TaxonomyCust om.xsd" i d="543-ab" ent i t y="nasdaq:gpsi " per i od=" " schemalocat i on="ht t p :/ / l.org/ TaxonomyCust om.xsd" 7 0

47 ML scal efact or="6" preci si on="9" t ype="usgaap: Fi nanci al " uni t ="I SO4217:USD" deci mal Pat t ern="" format Name=""> <i t em i d="i S- 025" t ype="operat i ngexpenses.r esear chexpense" per i od="p1y/ ">20427</ i t em> <i t em i d="i S- 026" t ype="operat i ngexpenses.r esear chexpense" per i od="p1y/ ">12586</ i t em> </ group> <group type="gpsi :det ai l.quarter l y" per i od=" "> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 12</ i t em> </ group> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 16</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 17</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">- 0.12</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 33</ i t em> <group type="gpsi :det ai l.quarterly" period=" "> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 15</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 20</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 23</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 28</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 86</ i t em> </ group> <group type="gpsi :det ai l.quarterly" period=" "> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 11</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 15</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 17</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">- 0.12</ i t em> <i t em per i od=" / ">0. 32</ i t em> </ group> RDF (Resource Description Framework) RDF ( ) XML. RDF,,. RDF or g/ RDF/,. RDF,. Dublin Core RDF, ht t p : / / dubl i ncor e. or g/. Dublin Core. 17 1

48 XML : XML Dublin Core <META>.. Dublin Core RDF. <RDF:RDF xml ns :RDF="ht t p :/ / / 02/ 22- rdf- synt ax-ns#" xml ns :DC="ht t p :/ / pur l.org/ DC/ "> <RDF:Descr ipt i on about ="ht t p :/ / arpowder. com/ xml "> <DC: Format >HTML</ DC: Format > <DC:Language>en</ DC:Language> <DC:Dat e> </ DC:dat e> <DC:Type>t ut or i al </ DC:Type> <DC:Ti t l e>wel come t o XML!</ DC:Ti t l e> </ RDF:Descr i pt i on> </ RDF:RDF> XML,., Microsoft.NET XML. Microsoft Office 2000 Office XP HTML, HTML., XML ( Office 2000 XP VML ). Netscape Navigator,, XML., XML.. XML,. XML. 7 2

49 5 XML DTD(Document Type Definition)., DTD W3C(World Wide Web Consortium). W3C, DTD XML., DTD. DTD,, Namespace,,. (list type),,,,., XML (working draft).. ht t p : / / or g/ TR/ xml schema- 0/ : XML. ht t p : / / or g/ TR/ xml schema- 1/ : XML,. ht t p : / / or g/ TR/ xml schema- 2/ : XML,.

50 ML : XML (working group) Namespace,,,.. Internet Explorer. Int ernet Explorer XML Internet Explorer XML Microsoft XML (MSXML ). 4.0 Microsoft XML Microsoft XML Core Service. 4.0, XSD(XML Schema Definition Language). 4.0 MSXML XML Microsoft XDR(XML Data Reduced). MSXML XML [ 5-1]. 5-1 MSXML XML MSXML MSXML 2.0 MSXML 2.6 MSXML 3.0 MSXML 4.0 XDR XDR XDR XSD XDR Windows, MSXML? Windows DLL (Dynamic Link Library) Windows Syst em Syst em32. msxml3.dll MSXML 3.0. msxml4.dll 4.0., MSXML 4.0., Microsoft XML, ht t p : / / msdn. mi cr osof t.com/ l i br ar y/ def aul t. asp?ur l =/ nhp/ Def aul t. asp?cont ent i d=

51 XML, MSXML 4.0 ht t p : / /msdn.mi cr osof t. com/ downl oads / def aul t. asp?ur l =/ downl oads / sampl e. asp?ur l =/msdnf i l es/ 027/ 001/ 766/ msdncompos i t edoc.xml ( ht t p : / /msdn.mi cr osof t. com/ downl oads / xml ). ch05_01.html MSXML 4.0. XML XML J avascript, J avascript. ch05_01.html <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Usi ng XML Schemas </ TI TLE> </ HEAD> <BODY> <CENTER> <H1>Usi ng XML Schemas</ H1> </ CENTER> <SCRI PT LANGUAGE="JavaScri pt "> var schemacache = newact ivexobj ect ("MSXML2.XMLSchemaCache.4. 0" ); schemacache.add ("ht t p :/ / st arpowder ", "ch05_ 02.xsd" ); var doc = new Act ivexobj ect ("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4. 0" ); doc.schemas = schemacache ; doc.val idat eonparse = t rue; i f (doc. l oad ("ch05_ 03.xml " ) ) { document. wr i t e ("ch05_ 03.xml i s val i d. " ); } el se { i f (doc.parseerror.errorcode!= 0) { document.wr i t e ("Er ror : " + doc.par seer ror. reason ); } } </ SCRI PT> </ BODY> </ HTML>

52 XML : XML ch05_02.xsd XML. xs Namespace. "ht t p :/ / or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema ". ch05_02.xsd <?xml ver si on="1. 0"?> <xs :schema xml ns :xs="ht t p :/ / / XMLSchema" t arget Namespace = "ht t p :/ / st arpowder " xml ns :ch05 = "ht t p :/ / st arpowder " el ement FormDefaul t = "qual i f i ed"> <xs :el ement name="document "></ xs :el ement > </ xs :schema> XML ch05_03.xml. ch05_03.xml <?xml ver si on="1. 0"?> <ch05:document xml ns :ch05 = ' ht t p :/ / st arpowder ' > <ch05:dat a/ > </ ch05:document > XML,. document. XML, <ch05 :document > Namespace. XML <ch05 :dat a/ >,., [ 5-1] ( ch05_01.html, ch05_02.xsd ch05_03.xml )

53 XML 5-1 Internet Explorer XML ch05_01.html, XML XML. MSXML 4.0 XML. XML schemalocat i on., HTML ( J avascript ). ch05_04.html <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Usi ng XML Schemas </ TI TLE> </ HEAD> <BODY> <CENTER> <H1>Usi ng XML Schemas</ H1> </ CENTER>

54 XML : XML <SCRI PT LANGUAGE="JavaScri pt "> var doc = new Act ivexobj ect ("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4. 0" ); doc.val idat eonparse = t rue; i f (doc. l oad ("ch05_ 05.xml " ) ) { document.wri t e ("ch05_05.xml i s val id. " ); } el se { i f (doc.parseerror.errorcode!= 0) { document.wr i t e ("Er ror : " + doc.par seer ror. reason ); } } </ SCRI PT> </ BODY> </ HTML> HTML XML. Namespace (ch05) (ch05_02.xsd) schemalocat i on. ch05_05.xml <?xml ver si on="1. 0"?> <ch05:document xml ns :xsi = ' ht t p :/ / / XMLSchema- i nst ance ' xml ns :ch05 = ' ht t p :/ / st arpowder ' xsi :schemalocat i on=' ht t p :/ / st arpowder ch05_02.xsd ' > <ch05:dat a/ > </ ch05:document > ch05_04.html HTML Internet Explorer, [ 5-1] ( ch05_02.xsd, ch05_04.html, ch05_05.xml )., Internet Explorer XML. (1 ), Visual Basic.NET XML. Visual Basic.NET XML.,. (dataset ). Visual Basic.NET XML, Dat a View Dataset Schema. [ 5-2], Visual Basic designer

55 ML 5-2 Vis ual Basic.NET XML, XML.? XML ch05_06.xml, ch05_07.xsd ( Internet Explorer MSXML 4.0, ch05_06.xml ch05_07.xsd ). Doug Glass Britt a Regensburg.,,,. ch05_06.xml. ch05_06.xml <?xml ver si on="1. 0"?> <t ransact ion borrowdat e=" "> <Lender phone=" "> <name>doug Glass</ name> <st reet >416 Di sk Drive</ st reet >

56 XML : XML <ci t y>medf i el d</ ci t y> <st at e>ma</ st at e> </ Lender > <Bor rower phone=" "> <name>br i t t a Regensburg</ name> <st reet >219 Uni on Dr ive</ st reet > <ci t y>medf i el d</ ci t y> <st at e>ca</ st at e> </ Bor r ower > <not e>lender want s t hese back in t wo weeks!</ not e> <books> <book bookid=" "> <bookti t l e>eart hquakes for Br eakfast </ bookti t l e> <pubdat e> </ pubdat e> <repl acement Val ue>15. 95</ repl acement Val ue> <maxdaysout >14</maxDaysOut > </ book> <book bookid=" "> <bookti t l e>aval anches for Lunch</ bookti t l e> <pubdat e> </ pubdat e> <repl acement Val ue>19. 99</ repl acement Val ue> <maxdaysout >14</maxDaysOut > </ book> <book bookid=" "> <bookti t l e>met eor Shower s for Di nner</ bookti t l e> <pubdat e> </ pubdat e> <repl acement Val ue>11. 95</ repl acement Val ue> <maxdaysout >14</maxDaysOut > </ book> <book bookid=" "> <bookti t l e>snacki ng on Vol canoes</ booktit le> <pubdat e> </ pubdat e> <repl acement Val ue>17. 99</ repl acement Val ue> <maxdaysout >14</maxDaysOut > </ book> </ books> </ t ransact i on> <t r ansact i on> <Lender >, <Bor r ower >, <books>. <books> <book>

57 XML XML, (complex type).,,, (simple type). (tree), (subnode),.,. XML,.,. ch05_06.xml, ch05_07.xsd. xsd W3C Namespace. xsd Namespace xs. Namespace,. ch05_07.xsd XML. ch05_07.xsd <xsd :schema xml ns :xsd="ht t p :/ / / XMLSchema"> <xsd :annot at i on> <xsd :document at i on> Book bor r owi ng t r ansact i on schema. </ xsd :document at i on> </ xsd :annot at i on> <xsd :el ement name="t r ansact i on" t ype="t ransact i ontype"/ > <xsd :compl extype name="t r ansact i ontype"> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="lender " t ype="addr ess"/ > <xsd :el ement name="bor r ower " t ype="addr ess"/ > <xsd :el ement ref="not e" mi noccur s="0"/ > <xsd :el ement name="books" t ype="books "/ > </ xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t ri but e name="bor rowdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e"/ > </ xsd :compl extype> <xsd :el ement name="not e" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :compl extype name="addr ess">

58 XML : XML <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="name" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="st reet " t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="ci t y" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="st at e" t ype="xsd :NMTOKEN"/ > </ xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t r i but e name="phone" t ype="xsd :st r i ng" use="opt i onal "/ > </ xsd :compl extype> <xsd :compl extype name="books "> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="book" mi noccur s="0" maxoccur s="10"> <xsd :compl extype> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="bookti t l e" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="pubdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e" mi noccur s=' 0' / > <xsd :el ement name="repl acement Val ue" t ype="xsd :decimal "/ > <xsd :el ement name="maxdaysout "> <xsd :simpl etype> <xsd :r est r i ct i on base="xsd :i nt eger "> <xsd :maxexcl usi ve val ue="14"/ > </ xsd :rest r i ct i on> </ xsd :si mpl etype> </ xsd :el ement > </ xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t ri but e name="booki D" t ype="cat al ogid"/ > </ xsd :compl extype> </ xsd :el ement > </ xsd :sequence> </ xsd :compl extype> <xsd :simpl etype name="cat al ogi D"> <xsd :r est r i ct i on base="xsd :st r i ng"> <xsd :pat t er n val ue="\ d{3}- \ d{4}- \ d{3}"/ > </ xsd :rest r i ct i on> </ xsd :si mpl etype> </ xsd :schema> 2 3 4

59 XML,., XML ("ht t p : / / or g/ 2001/ XMLSchema ") Namespace, <xsd :el ement > Namespace ( xsd : )., <xsd :el ement >, <xsd :at t r i but e>. <xsd :compl extype> <xsd :si mpl etype> ( (simple type), (complex type) (built-in simple type) ), <xsd :annot at i on>. <t r ansact i on> t r ansact i ontype. addr ess, books. addr ess. books, <book>. ch05_06.xml..?,? [ 5-2] al l. annot at i on any anyat t r i but e appi nfo. Namespace (seq ue nce) (choice). Namespace compl extype at t r i but egr oup. annot at i on

60 ML : XML at t r i but e at t r i but egr oup choi ce compl excont ent compl extype document at i on el ement ext ensi on f i el d group i mpor t i ncl ude key keyref l i st not at i on r edef i ne r est r i ct i on schema sel ect or sequence., (complex type)... (complex type),. annot at i on... (uni que, key, keyref ) XPath(XML Path Language ).,. Names pace. (target) Names pace. (key).. si mpl etype. XML -XML Notation., ( )... uni que, key, keyref ID XPath

61 XML simpl econt ent simpl et ype uni on uni que Simpl etype Compl extype. (s imple type). si mpl etype.. XML,. DTD,.. (complex type)., (simple type). [ 5-3] XML ( W3C xsd : ). 5-3 anyuri XML ht t p :/ / arpowder. com base64bi nar y GpM6 bol ean t r ue, fal se, 1, 0 byt e - 5, 116 dat e dat etime T11:15: :00 decimal , ,

62 XML : XML doubl e 12, 12.34E- 5, dur at i on ENTITIES ENTITY P1Y1M4DT10H50M11.7S (XML ) (XML ) f l oat 12, 12.34E- 5, gday gmont h gmont hday gyear 2003 gyearmont h hexbi nary I D I DREF I DREFS 0BB6 (XML ID) (XML ID REF) (XML ID REFS) i nt 10, i nt eger , - 1, 10 l anguage en-us, f r, de l ong , Name NCName George USDat a negat i vei nt eger - 123, NMTOKEN NMTOKENS US US UK, DE UK FR nonnegat i veint eger 0, 1,

63 XML nonposi t i veint eger , - 1, 0 normal i zedst r i ng NOTATION Here i s some t ext (XML NOTATION) posi t i vei nt eger 1, QName doc :Dat a short - 12, 1234 st r i ng Here i s some t ext t ime 11:15: t oken Here i s some t ext unsi gnedbyt e 0, 127 unsi nedint 0, unsi gnedlong 0, unsi gnedshort 0, XML DTD XML DTD, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY, ENTITIES, NOTATION, NMTOKEN, NMTOKENS. <xsd :compl extype>.,,. <xsd :el ement >, <xsd :at t r i but e>. DTD... ch05_07.xsd., addr es s,. <xsd :sequence>. <xsd :al l >

64 ML : XML <xsd :compl extype name="addr ess"> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="name" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="st r eet " t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="ci t y" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="st at e" t ype="xsd :NMTOKEN"/ > </ xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t r i but e name="phone" t ype="xsd :st r i ng" use="opt i onal "/ > </ xsd :compl extype> <Lender > <Bor r ower > addr ess.. <xsd :compl extype name="t r ansact i ontype"> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="lender " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement name="bor rower " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement ref="not e" mi noccur s="0"/ > <xsd :el ement name="books " t ype="books"/ > <xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t ri but e name="bor rowdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e"/ > </ xsd :compl extype> addr es s, 4. <name>, <st r eet >, <ci t y>, <st at e>, phone.. <name>, <st r eet >, <ci t y> xsd : st r i ng, <st at e> NMTOKEN. phone xsd : st r i ng. addr es s xsd : st r i ng.. t r ansact i ontype, ch05_06.xml., <Lender > <Bor r ower > addr ess. t r ansact i ontype bor r owdat e, xsd :dat e..,., t r ansact i ontype <t r ansact i on>. t r ansact i ontype

65 XML <xsd :el ement name="t r ansact i on" t ype="t ransact i ontype"/ > <xsd :compl extype name="t r ansact i ontype"> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="lender " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement name="bor rower " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement ref="not e" mi noccur s="0"/ > <xsd :el ement name="books " t ype="books"/ > <xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t r i but e name="bor r owdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e"/ > </ xsd :compl extype>. <xsd :el ement > <xsd :at t r i but e>, t ype ( ). t r ansact i ontype <not e>. <xsd :compl extype name="t r ansact i ontype"> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="lender " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement name="bor rower " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement ref="not e" mi noccur s="0"/ > <xsd :el ement name="books " t ype="books"/ > <xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t r i but e name="bor r owdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e"/ > </ xsd :compl extype>,., <not e>, <not e>. <xsd :compl extype name="t r ansact i ontype"> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="lender " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement name="bor rower " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement ref="not e" mi noccur s="0"/ > <xsd :el ement name="books " t ype="books"/ > <xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t r i but e name="bor r owdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e"/ > </ xsd :compl extype> <xsd :el ement name="not e" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ >

66 ML : XML r ef.. (globally).,. (global element ) <xsd : schema>.,. r ef.. <not e> t r ansact i ontype. mi noccur s, 0. <xsd :compl extype name="t r ansact i ontype"> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="lender " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement name="bor rower " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement ref="not e" mi noccur s="0"/ > <xsd :el ement name="books " t ype="books"/ > <xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t r i but e name="bor r owdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e"/ > </ xsd :compl extype>, mi noccur s, maxoccur s., <not e> t r ansact i ontype 0 5. <xsd :compl extype name="t r ansact i ontype"> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="lender " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement name="bor rower " t ype="address "/ > <xsd :el ement ref="not e" mi noccur s="0" maxoccur s="5"/ > <xsd :el ement name="books " t ype="books"/ > <xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t ri but e name="bor rowdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e"/ > </ xsd :compl extype> 2 4 2

67 XML minoccurs maxoccurs mi noccur s 1. maxoccur s mi noccur s. maxoccur s unbounded. mi noccur s maxoccur s, <xsd :el ement > f i xed def aul t (, )., f i xed 400, 400. def aul t ,., <maxtr i al s> 100, <xsd :el ement > f i xed 100. <xsd :el ement name="maxtr i al s" t ype="xsd :i nt eger " fi xed="100"/ >, <xsd :el ement name="maxtr i al s" t ype="xsd :i nt eger " defaul t ="100"/ >, (simple type). mi noccur s maxoccur s.,. <xsd :at t r i but e>, <xsd :at t r i but e> ( ).,,? <xsd :at t r i but e> use val ue. use,,,. val ue

68 XML : XML, phone Addr es s, xsd :st r i ng use "opt i onal ". <xsd :compl extype name="addr ess"> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="name" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="st r eet " t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="ci t y" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="st at e" t ype="xsd :NMTOKEN"/ > <xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t r i but e name="phone" t ype="xsd :st r i ng" use="opt i onal "/ > </ xsd :compl extype> use. r equi r ed :,. opt i onal :,. f i xed :, val ue. def aul t :, val ue.,. pr ohi bi t ed :., count er 400. <xsd :at t r i but e name="count er " t ype="xsd :i nt " use="fi xed" val ue="400"> count er 400,. <xsd :at t r i but e name="count er " t ype="xsd :i nt " use="defaul t " val ue="400"> ch05_07.xsd xsd : st r i ng, xsd :i nt eger, xsd :dat e XML. booki D, cat al ogid

69 ML <xsd :compl extype name="books"> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="book" mi noccurs="0" maxoccurs="10"> <xsd :compl extype> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="bookti t l e" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="pubdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e" mi noccur s= ' 0' / > <xsd :el ement name="repl acement Val ue" t ype="xsd :decimal "/ > <xsd :el ement name="maxdaysout "> <x s d : s i mp l e Typ e > <xsd :rest r i ct i on base="xsd :i nt eger "> <xsd :maxexcl usive val ue="14"/ > </ xsd :r est r i ct i on> </ xsd :simpl etype> </ xsd :el ement > </ xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t r i but e name="booki D" t ype="cat al ogi D"/ > </ xsd :compl extype> </ xsd :el ement > </ xsd :sequence> </ xsd :compl extype> cat al ogi D XML., <si mpl etype>. <xsd :si mpl etype name="cat al ogi D"> <xsd :rest r i ct i on base="xsd :st r i ng"> <xsd :pat t ern val ue="\ d {3}- \ d {4}- \ d {3}"/ > </ xsd :r est r i ct i on> </ xsd :simpl etype>, cat al ogid ( : <xsd :st r i ng> ). <xsd :r est r i ct i on> base. cat al ogi D, base="xsd : st r i ng" xsd : st r i ng. XML (facet). (facet)., dayofmont h 1 31., mi nincl usi ve maxincl usi ve

70 XML : XML <xsd :si mpl etype name="dayofmont h"> <xsd :r est r i ct i on base="xsd :i nt eger "> <xsd :mi nincl usive val ue="1"/ > <xsd :maxincl usive val ue="31"/ > </ xsd :rest r i ct i on> </ xsd :simpl etype>,. ch05_07.xsd cat al ogid dayofmont h. cat al ogi D, pat t er n, ( ). <xsd :si mpl etype name="cat al ogi D"> <xsd :r est r i ct i on base="xsd :st r i ng"> <xsd :pat t ern val ue="\ d {3}- \ d {4}- \ d {3}"/ > </ xsd :rest r i ct i on> </ xsd :simpl etype>, si mpl etype "\ d {3}- \ d {4}- \ d {3}"., (- ),, (- ),. (Regular Express ion) XML Pe rl. Perl CPAN(Comprehe ns ive Pe rl Arc hive Network) www. cpan. or g/ doc / manua l / ht ml / pod/ p er l r e. ht ml ( ). cat al ogi D <book> booki D booki D, (ch05_06.xml ). <book bookid=" "> <bookti t l e>ear t hquakes for Breakfast </ bookti t l e> <pubdat e> </ pubdat e> <r epl acement Val ue>15. 95</ r epl acement Val ue> <maxdaysout >14</ maxdaysout > </ book> 2 4 6

71 XML,? [ 5-4]. 5-4 length minlength maxlength pattern enumeration Whitespace anyuri base64bi nar y bool ean byt e dat e dat et ime decimal doubl e dur at i on ENTITIES ENTITY f l oat gday gmont h gmont hday gyear gyearmont h hexbi nary I D I DREF I DREFS

72 XML : XML length minlength maxlength pattern enumeration Whitespace i nt i nt eger l anguage l ong Name NCName negat i ve Int eger NMTOKEN NMTOKENS nonnegat i ve I nt eger nonposi t i ve I nt eger normal i zed St r i ng NOTATION posi t i ve Int eger QName short st r i ng t ime t oken unsi gnedbyt e unsi gnedi nt unsi gnedlong unsi gnedshort 2 4 8

73 XML (simple type) [ 5-5]. 5-5 max inclusive max Exclusive min Inclusive min Exclusive TotalDigits Fraction Digits byt e unsi gnedbyt e i nt eger posi t i ve Int eger negat i ve Int eger nonnegat i ve Int eger nonposi t i ve Int eger i nt unsi gnedi nt l ong unsi gnedlong short unsi gnedshort decimal f l oat doubl e t ime dat et ime dur at i on dat e gmont h

74 ML : XML max inclusive max Exclusive min Inclusive min Exclusive TotalDigits Fraction Digits gyear gyearmont h gday gmont hday [ 5-4] [ 5-5] mi nincl usi ve, maxincl usi ve, pat t er n, enumer at i on., enumer at i on. enumer at i on DTD ( ),. enumer at i on,., "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thur sday", "Fr i day", "Sat ur day" weekday. <xsd :si mpl etype name="weekday"> <xsd :r est r i ct i on base="xsd :st r i ng"> <xsd :enumerat i on val ue="sunday"/ > <xsd :enumerat i on val ue="monday"/ > <xsd :enumerat i on val ue="tuesday"/ > <xsd :enumerat i on val ue="wednesday"/ > <xsd :enumerat i on val ue="thur sday"/ > <xsd :enumerat i on val ue="fr iday"/ > <xsd :enumerat i on val ue="sat urday"/ > </ xsd :rest r i ct i on> </ xsd :simpl etype>, ch05_07.xsd t ype.?,? 2 5 0

75 ML. (anonymous). <xsd :si mpl etype> <xsd :compl extype> <xsd :el ement >., <xsd :el ement > t ype (, <xsd :compl extype> t ype ). ch05_07.xsd., <book>. <bookti t l e>, <pubdat >, <r epl acementval ue>, <maxdaysout >. bookid., <book> <xsd :el ement > <xsd :compl extype>. <xsd :el ement name="book" mi noccur s="0" maxoccur s="10"> <xsd :compl extype>... </ xsd :compl extype> </ xsd :el ement >, <book>. <xsd :el ement name="book" mi noccur s="0" maxoccur s="10"> <xsd :compl extype> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="bookti t l e" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="pubdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e" mi noccur s=' 0' / > <xsd :el ement name="repl acement Val ue" t ype="xsd :deci mal "/ >... </ xsd :sequence> </ xsd :compl extype> </ xsd :el ement >., <maxdaysout >. 14, maxexcl usi ve

76 XML : XML <xsd :el ement name="book" mi noccur s="0" maxoccur s="10"> <xsd :compl extype> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="bookti t l e" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="pubdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e" mi noccur s=' 0' / > <xsd :el ement name="repl acement Val ue" t ype="xsd :decimal "/ > <xsd :el ement name="maxdaysout "> <xsd :simpl etype> <xsd :r est r i ct i on base="xsd :i nt eger "> <xsd :maxexcl usi ve val ue="14"/ > </ xsd :rest r i ct i on> </ xsd :si mpl etype> </ xsd :el ement >... </ xsd :sequence> </ xsd :compl extype> </ xsd :el ement >. <xsd :el ement name="book" mi noccur s="0" maxoccur s="10"> <xsd :compl extype> <xsd :sequence> <xsd :el ement name="bookti t l e" t ype="xsd :st r i ng"/ > <xsd :el ement name="pubdat e" t ype="xsd :dat e" mi noccur s=' 0' / > <xsd :el ement name="repl acement Val ue" t ype="xsd :deci mal "/ > <xsd :el ement name="maxdaysout "> <xsd :simpl etype> <xsd :r est r i ct i on base="xsd :i nt eger "> <xsd :maxexcl usi ve val ue="14"/ > </ xsd :rest r i ct i on> </ xsd :si mpl etype> </ xsd :el ement > </ xsd :sequence> <xsd :at t ri but e name="booki D" t ype="cat al ogid"/ > </ xsd :compl extype> </ xsd :el ement > ( )

77 XML (empty). XML? <xsd :compl excont ent >. <i mage sour ce="i mages/ cover. gi f " hei ght ="255" wi dt h="512"/ >, sour ce, wi dt h, hei ght <i mage>.. <xsd :el ement name="image">... </ xsd :el ement > t ype. <compl extype> <compl excont ent >. <xsd :el ement name="image"> <xsd :compl extype> <xsd :compl excont ent >... </ xsd :compl excont ent > </ xsd :compl extype> </ xsd :el ement >, <xsd :r est r i ct i on>, t ype xsd :anytype,. <xsd :el ement name="image"> <xsd :compl extype> <xsd :compl excont ent > <xsd :rest r i ct i on base="xsd :anytype"> <xsd :at t r i but e name="sour ce" t ype="xsd :st r i ng" / > <xsd :at t r i but e name="wi dt h" t ype="xsd :decimal " / > <xsd :at t r i but e name="hei ght " t ype="xsd :deci mal " / > </ xsd :r est r i ct i on> </ xsd :compl excont ent > </ xsd :compl extype> </ xsd :el ement > <i mage>

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