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1 FORCS Co., LTD 1

2 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 2 FORCS Co., LTD

3 FORCS Co., LTD 3

4 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 4 FORCS Co., LTD

5 FORCS Co., LTD 5

6 OZ Query Designer User's Guide UI. (ODI)., ODI. 6 FORCS Co., LTD

7 ...,.. /HTTP XML, CSV HTTP. FORCS Co., LTD 7

8 OZ Query Designer User's Guide XML XML-DTD XML-XSD. SAP SAP FORCS Co., LTD

9 ,. Manual Getting Started Getting Started Description FORCS Co., LTD 9

10 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 10 FORCS Co., LTD

11 FORCS Co., LTD 11

12 OZ Query Designer User's Guide OS Windows NT(Service pack4 )/2000(Service pack2 )/XP/2003 Windows 95/98/ME Unicode. CPU Pentium 500MHz Main Memory 256MB (512MB ) HDD 50MB XGA (1024 x 768 ) 12 FORCS Co., LTD

13 . %OZQ_HOME% %OZQ_HOME% bin %OZQ_HOME% bin/res %OZQ_HOME% bin/soap Console.txt dbconfig.xml dbconfig.xsd OZQueryDesigner.exe OZRepositoryManager.ini OZUSLClientDes128.dll OZUSLClientSession.dll user.cif MultiLanguageList.xml QDJavaScriptConfig.xml qd.dll qd_error_msg.xml rm.dll rm_error_msg.xml server_error_msg.xml mssoap1.dll MSSOAP30.dll SOAPIS30.dll WHSC30.dll WISC10.dll WISC30.dll register_soap.bat unregister_soap.bat DB USL SOAP SOAP SOAP FORCS Co., LTD 13

14 OZ Query Designer User's Guide %OZQ_HOME% bin/soap/reso urces %OZQ_HOME% config %OZQ_HOME% doc %OZQ_HOME% lib SOAP assembly.properties launch.cfg LayoutConfig.xml OZOpenHistory.xml OZServerList.xml QDConfig.ini XMLDesignerConfig.xml xml.properties OZQueryAPI.chm activation.jar mail.jar crimson.jar dtdparser120.jar jcert.jar jnet.jar jsse.jar jsr173_api.jar log4j.jar ozsfw50.jar parser.jar xerces.jar dom4j jar jaxen jar xalan.jar xercesimpl.jar xml-apis.jar soap2_3_1.jar jazzlib.jar XML XML ) OZQueryAPI_ko_kr.chm XML DTD J2EE (HTTPS/SSL ) JRE 1.3.X HTTP XML Log XML XML XPath SOAP 14 FORCS Co., LTD

15 %OZA_HOME% license UniversalDriver js.jar ozlicense.xml classes12.jar classes12.zip db2java.jar db2java.zip db2jcc.jar db2jcc_license_ cisuz.jar db2jcc_license_cu.jar ifxjdbc.jar ijava.jar jconn2.jar jkjdbc.jar jt400.jar msbase.jar mssqlserver.jar msutil.jar sqljdbc.jar mysql5.1.5.jar unisqljdbc10.jar unsqljdbc205.zip Java Script Oracle 8i, 9i JDBC Driver IBM DB2 JDBC Driver IBM DB2 JDBC Type 8 (DB2 8 ) Infomix JDBC Driver Oracle 7i JDBC Driver Sybase ASE JDBC Driver MSSQL 97 JDBC IBM JT400 JDBC MSSQL 2000 JDBC MSSQL 2008 JDBC Mysql JDBC UniSQL JDBC : JDBC "UniversalDriver" JDBC, RDB JDBC. RDB JDBC. FORCS Co., LTD 15

16 OZ Query Designer User's Guide [] [OZ XStudio 5.0] [OZ Query Designer 5.0] 'OZ Query Designer 5.0'.. 16 FORCS Co., LTD

17 . config launch.cfg. launch.cfg. CLASSPATH =.\lib\ozsfw50.jar;.\lib\log4j.jar;.\lib\xalan.jar;.\lib\xercesimpl.jar;.\lib\xmlapis.jar;.\lib\parser.jar;.\lib\xerces.jar;.\lib\dtdparser120.jar;.\lib\jcert.jar;.\lib\jnet.jar;.\lib\jsse.jar;.\lib\jazzlib.jar;.\lib\js.jar;.\lib\soap2_3_1.jar;.\lib\activation.jar;.\ lib\mail.jar;.\universaldriver\classes12.zip;.\universaldriver\db2java.zip;.\universal Driver\ifxjdbc.jar;.\UniversalDriver\jconn2.jar;.\UniversalDriver\msbase.jar;.\Univer saldriver\mssqlserver.jar;.\universaldriver\msutil.jar;.\universaldriver\mysql5.1.5.j ar;.\universaldriver\unisqljdbc10.jar;.\lib\jsr173_api.jar;.\lib\stax jar;.\lib\dom4j jar;.\lib\jaxen jar JRE_PATH =..\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll JDBC CLASSPATH. JDBC lib JDBC launch.cfg. FORCS Co., LTD 17

18 OZ Query Designer User's Guide JDBC ODI. ODI. ( JDBC JDBC.) : Java Java launch.cfg Java. "-" Java, Java "-" launch.cfg. Java launch.cfg. CLASSPATH =.\lib\ozsfw50.jar;.\lib\log4j.jar;.\lib\xalan.jar;.\lib\xercesimpl.jar;.\li b\xml-apis.jar;.\lib\parser.jar;.\lib\xerces.jar;.\lib\dtdparser120.jar;.\lib\jcert.jar;.\lib\jnet.jar;.\lib\jsse.jar;.\lib\jazzlib.jar;.\lib\js.jar;.\lib\ soap2_3_1.jar;.\lib\activation.jar;.\lib\mail.jar;.\universaldriver\classe s12.zip;.\universaldriver\db2java.zip;.\universaldriver\ifxjdbc.jar;.\un iversaldriver\jconn2.jar;.\universaldriver\msbase.jar;.\universaldriver \mssqlserver.jar;.\universaldriver\msutil.jar;.\universaldriver\mysql jar;.\UniversalDriver\unisqljdbc10.jar;.\lib\jsr173_api.jar;.\lib\stax jar;.\lib\dom4j jar;.\lib\jaxen jar JRE_PATH = "C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_03\bin\client\jvm.dll"- Djava.version=AAA -Djava.vendor=ABC -Dos.name=DEF -Dos.arch=GHI -Dos.version=JKL -Duser.name=MNO -Duser.home=PQR -Dsystem.IPs=STU -Dforcs=Forcs 18 FORCS Co., LTD

19 FORCS Co., LTD 19

20 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.. / / 20 FORCS Co., LTD

21 / / ODI(OZ Data Info). (pull down),,,,,,,.,.,,,, ' ', ' ', ' '.. ODI(OZ Data Info),,..... _DEBUG(), _ERROR(), _INFO(). FORCS Co., LTD 21

22 OZ Query Designer User's Guide ODI(OZ Data Info).. // - V5.0 // ODI ODI ODI ODI. Untitled#. - OZProduct.odi - OZProduct.odi - 22 FORCS Co., LTD

23 []. (Ctrl+N) ODI. (Ctrl+O) ODI... (Ctrl+S). FORCS Co., LTD 23

24 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.. SDM ODI SDM(Server Data Module). SDM.. [ ]. [ ] ' '. 24 FORCS Co., LTD

25 . ODI.. [ ] ODI.. [ ].,. [] ' ', ' ',. -,,.,. FORCS Co., LTD 25

26 OZ Query Designer User's Guide... : []. : 0 ~ ' '.,. 26 FORCS Co., LTD

27 []. [].. ODI. : 1 ~ 60. FORCS Co., LTD 27

28 OZ Query Designer User's Guide....,.. : "ForceLocal" " ",. ODI OpenType. Local. OZServer. ForceLocal. Force OZServer. 28 FORCS Co., LTD

29 Force OpenType ODI. -, SQL..... SQL FORCS Co., LTD 29

30 OZ Query Designer User's Guide SQL SQL. SQL. SQL, JDBC Driver. JDBC Driver. SQL ASCII REPLACE SUM MIN USER DUMP SYSDATE LAST_DAY NEXT_DAY (Space Tab), 4. 1, 2, 3, 4. -, 30 FORCS Co., LTD

31 ,,. ODI 4. ODI.. (Ctrl+Z) FORCS Co., LTD 31

32 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. : Undo. (Ctrl+Y),. (Ctrl+X). [].. (Ctrl+C)., [ ].. (Ctrl+V).. (Ctrl+F). []. (Ctrl+H). []. (Ctrl+G) 32 FORCS Co., LTD

33 . []. (P) ODI. (Alt+0). (Alt+1). (Alt+2) FORCS Co., LTD 33

34 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. (Alt+3). (F5). (Ctrl+F5). [ ], ' ' 'True'. [ ] FORCS Co., LTD

35 - (Ctrl+W). - (Ctrl+M).,. 9.,.. FORCS Co., LTD 35

36 OZ Query Designer User's Guide []. /. PC. 36 FORCS Co., LTD

37 : PC [PC ] 'PC ' PC IP Address, Mac Address, HDD Serial. [] PC. FORCS Co., LTD 37

38 OZ Query Designer User's Guide,,,,,.,,,, ' ',,,., 38 FORCS Co., LTD

39 ,,,.,,,.,,,,,, FORCS Co., LTD 39

40 OZ Query Designer User's Guide ODI(OZ Data Info),,. UI.. [] ' '. 40 FORCS Co., LTD

41 UI..,,,,,,. " " [] []. []. : DB2. DB,.,. FORCS Co., LTD 41

42 OZ Query Designer User's Guide., DB2 [] [ ].,.. 42 FORCS Co., LTD

43 . ". - - ". ODI. ". - - ". FORCS Co., LTD 43

44 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. : & [] [] <Ctrl + C>. (, ) 44 FORCS Co., LTD

45 ,,. FORCS Co., LTD 45

46 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.... ODI. 46 FORCS Co., LTD

47 ,...,.. :,, FORCS Co., LTD 47

48 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.,,. <Ctrl + Space> "" <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space>,,.,,...,...,. _DEBUG(), _ERROR(), _INFO(). 48 FORCS Co., LTD

49 : [ ]. :. _DEBUG(" ") _ERROR(" ") _INFO(" ") DEBUG yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss ex) DEBUG :17: ERROR yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss ex) ERROR :17: INFO yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss ex) INFO :17: FORCS Co., LTD 49

50 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 50 FORCS Co., LTD

51 FORCS Co., LTD 51

52 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.. Repository. Repository.,, C:\Program Files\Forcs\OZ XStudio 5.0\OZ Query Designer 5.0. C:\Program Files\FORCS\OZ Xstudio 5.0\Repository. [ ]. 52 FORCS Co., LTD

53 " [ ]".. "C:/Repository" "Working folder1" FORCS Co., LTD 53

54 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.. [ ]. 54 FORCS Co., LTD

55 ' '. Button Description XML. XML... [ ]..... Option Description. FORCS Co., LTD 55

56 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. : (.). : [].. []. " ( ) [ ]". 56 FORCS Co., LTD

57 .,.,..,.. FORCS Co., LTD 57

58 OZ Query Designer User's Guide [] - [ ] ODI.,,,. <Ctrl + Space>.,,. 58 FORCS Co., LTD

59 ,,, <Tab>.,,.. Icon Description FORCS Co., LTD 59

60 OZ Query Designer User's Guide ".". ".".,,.,,. <Ctrl + Space> "" <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space>,,.,,.. 60 FORCS Co., LTD

61 "." <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space>.,...,. ODI. ODI [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 61

62 OZ Query Designer User's Guide [ ] " ".,. [ ], [ ].. [...],. [] 62 FORCS Co., LTD

63 .,,. ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ).. FORCS Co., LTD 63

64 OZ Query Designer User's Guide ODI [ ]. [ ]. ( ). 64 FORCS Co., LTD

65 .. ( ).,,, FORCS Co., LTD 65

66 OZ Query Designer User's Guide,. ODI.,. 66 FORCS Co., LTD

67 (db.properties, datasource.properties), HTTP/ XML, CSV. " ". ( ) " ". " " []. FORCS Co., LTD 67

68 OZ Query Designer User's Guide " " (ex. C:\) (ex. C:\),. 68 FORCS Co., LTD

69 ..,... 1), : FORCS Co., LTD 69

70 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 2) /HTTP : XML XML, CSV CSV 3) XML : XML, DTD, XSD 4) SOAP : WSDL "C:\Program Files\Forcs\OZ XStudio 5.0\OZ Query Designer 5.0\bin", "C:\Program Files\Forcs\OZ XStudio 5.0\OZ Query Designer 5.0\db.properties". : ODI /, / ozserver.properties HOME. 70 FORCS Co., LTD

71 "/", "./../aa/../bb". (db.properties, datasource.properties) HOME. URL URL(ozp:///). URL. 1), : 2) /HTTP : XML XML, CSV CSV 3) XML : XML, DTD, XSD 4) SOAP : WSDL conf. FORCS Co., LTD 71

72 OZ Query Designer User's Guide : "ozp://" ODI,. 72 FORCS Co., LTD

73 FORCS Co., LTD 73

74 OZ Query Designer User's Guide,.. HTTP, XML...,. 74 FORCS Co., LTD

75 . (UDS) /HTTP XML SAP CLEAR QUEST JDBC ODBC SQL. (, CSV, XML) (EJB, Servlet, ASP, JSP, Stored Procedure) Java Interface., UDS. /. XML(DTD XML ), CSV. DTD/XSD XML. SAP R/3 SAP ABAP. IBM Rational Clear Quest DB.,,,.. FORCS Co., LTD 75

76 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 76 FORCS Co., LTD

77 FORCS Co., LTD 77

78 OZ Query Designer User's Guide,,,.,,. True ""( ), FORCS Co., LTD

79 False Null Null Data( ), "null" Null Data.. Concurrent '#'. '#' #OZParam.#. ' ' 'True' '#'.., 1byte RDB ^ DB. Byte.. : '0'. :,,.. : " " " ", " ". " Default ". ( ) OZServer Local.. FORCS Co., LTD 79

80 OZ Query Designer User's Guide : "Numeric" "Decimal". DB Default 0. ( ) DB True 0. DB False 0.. ( :False) : 'True'. : " " " ". OpenType Local Default OZServer Local Default OZServer ODI.,,.. :.... :. 80 FORCS Co., LTD

81 OZServer Local Default OZServer Local.. :.. :.. ForceLocal ForceOZServer ForceOpenType.. :. ODI.,,. JDBC ODBC. [ ], [ ] [ ] []. (DB_).. JDBC.. ODBC/JDBC.. FORCS Co., LTD 81

82 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.. db.properties.. (Commit)... API ". RDB Store DataAction".. API ". RDB Store DataAction". //. : JDBC.. Oracle dblink DB2. DB JDBC. JDBC com.setautocommit(false) com.preparedstatement(sqlstr) =false OZ =true (SQL_) FORCS Co., LTD

83 DataAction.. ". // ". DataAction.. ". // ". DataAction.. ". // ".. (Row). : 0 ~ 'True', 'True'.. (JDBC preparedstatement.) : 'True' ". ". :,.. : 'True' ". ".. 'True'.. FORCS Co., LTD 83

84 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Concurrent Concurrent Row //. 'True' //,. : 'True' // ". // ". Byte.. : '0'. :,,.... : '0'. :,,... 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent.. (DYNAMIC_) 84 FORCS Co., LTD

85 Concurrent Concurrent Row.. (Row). : 0 ~ ROW INDEX. '0' ROW INDEX : 0 ~ 'True'.. Byte.. : '0'. :,,.... : '0'. :,,.. FORCS Co., LTD 85

86 OZ Query Designer User's Guide SQL ( ) ( ). 'True', 'True'.. (JDBC preparedstatement.) : 'True' ". ". :,.. : 'True' ". ".. 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent.. (SQL_) FORCS Co., LTD

87 . 'True', 'True'.. (JDBC preparedstatement.) : 'True' ". ". :,.. : 'True' ". ". (MULTISET)... ( ). Cursor, (UDS) FORCS Co., LTD 87

88 OZ Query Designer User's Guide (UDS: ) EJB,, Non-DB. UDS "API. ". (CLASS_) UDS. UDS.. (SET_) UDS. UDS UDS. DataAction.. ". // ". DataAction.. ". // ". DataAction.. ". // ".. (Row).. 'True'. 88 FORCS Co., LTD

89 Concurrent Concurrent Row. : 'True' ". ". Byte.. : '0'. :,,... : '0'. :,,,.. 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent.. UDS. UDS.. FORCS Co., LTD 89

90 OZ Query Designer User's Guide,. -. (GROUP_).. (Shadow_) Consume Row Concurrent... Comsum Row. 'True'. 'True'. (Row).. 'True'. Byte.. : '0'. :,,. 90 FORCS Co., LTD

91 Concurrent Row.. : '0'. :,,,.. 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent XML (FileXML_). FORCS Co., LTD 91

92 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Concurrent Concurrent Row. (Row). XML. XML.. 'True'. Byte.. : '0'. :,,... : '0'. :,,,.. 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent.. CSV (FileCSV_) 92 FORCS Co., LTD

93 .. (Row).. ( : Concurrent Concurrent Row LINEFEED). "LINEFEED" (\n). ODI CSV "LINEFEED".... 'True'. Byte.. : '0'. :,,... : '0'. :,,,. FORCS Co., LTD 93

94 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent.. : PGP CSV UDS.... HTTP. HTTP XML (HTTPXML_) Http.. (Row). XML. XML.. 'True'. 94 FORCS Co., LTD

95 Concurrent Concurrent Row Byte.. : '0'. :,,... : '0'. :,,,.. 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent.. HTTP CSV (HTTPCSV_) Http.. (Row). FORCS Co., LTD 95

96 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Concurrent Concurrent Row. ( : LINEFEED). "LINEFEED" (\n). ODI CSV "LINEFEED".... 'True'. Byte.. : '0'. :,,... : '0'. :,,,.. 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent. 96 FORCS Co., LTD

97 .... SOAP. SOAP (SOAPStore_) SOAP. SOAP (SOAPSet_) Concurrent SOAP... 'True'. Byte.. : '0'. :,,. FORCS Co., LTD 97

98 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Concurrent Row XML.. : '0'. :,,,.. 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent. XML.. SOAP XPath.. XPath.. XML DTD/XSD XML. XML DTD/XSD 98 FORCS Co., LTD

99 XML. XML DTD/XSD (DTDSet_, XSDSet_) Concurrent Concurrent Row XML... 'True'. Byte.. : '0'. :,,... : '0'. :,,,.. 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent.. FORCS Co., LTD 99

100 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. (Full Name). XML. XML... SAP SAP R/3 RFC(Remote Function Call). SAP ().. SAP. SAP. SAP SAP. SAP SAP FORCS Co., LTD

101 Concurrent Concurrent Row Byte.. : '0'. :,,... : '0'. :,,,.. 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent..... FORCS Co., LTD 101

102 OZ Query Designer User's Guide CLEAR QUEST IBM Rational Clear Quest DB. CLEAR QUEST (CQStore_ ) CLEAR QUEST. CLEAR QUEST (CQSet_) Concurrent CLEAR QUEST. CLEAR QUEST.. (Row). : 0 ~ : 'True' ". ".. 'True'. Byte.. : '0'. :,, FORCS Co., LTD

103 Concurrent Row.. : '0'. :,,... 'False'. : concurrent.. 'False'. : concurrent.. CLEAR QUEST FORCS Co., LTD 103

104 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.. Include ODI LocalExplorer ODI Include. Include OZURL Include. URL. ODI OZ URL [Repository Root], [LocalExplorer]. ) ozp://// 104 FORCS Co., LTD

105 ODBC/JDBC.. Step 1 [] [ ]. Step 2 ' '. Step 3 [] "". FORCS Co., LTD 105

106 OZ Query Designer User's Guide ' ', ' SQL', ' SQL'. JDBC, ODBC, OLE DB... IP, Port. ID FORCS Co., LTD

107 DB db.properties DB. DB, DB DB. db.properties. / "Appendix. ". OLE DB. SQL / SQL SQL SQL. SQL SQL SQL. SQL SQL. SQL JDBC SQL SQL. ) INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE FORCS Co., LTD 107

108 OZ Query Designer User's Guide SQL SQL SQL. SQL. SQL. SQL. : SQL. ODBC JDBC,. ODBC ODBC ODBC MS Access, dbase, Foxpro. ODBC. ODBC. 108 FORCS Co., LTD

109 " " " ". " " "odbc". " " "ODBC ". " ", "". " ". JDBC JDBC JDBC MS-SQL, Oracle, Sybase. JDBC " ".. - MS-SQL FORCS Co., LTD 109

110 OZ Query Designer User's Guide " " " ". " " "mssql". " IP ", " ", " " IP,,. " ", "". " ". - Oracle 110 FORCS Co., LTD

111 " " " ". " " "oracle". " IP ", " ", " " IP,, SID. " ", "". " ". - Sybase FORCS Co., LTD 111

112 OZ Query Designer User's Guide " " " ". " " "sysbase". " " Sybase JDBC jconnect 'Tds'. Tds(Tabular Data Stream) Adative Server Sybase. " IP ", " ", " " IP,,. " ", "". " ". - Informix 112 FORCS Co., LTD

113 " " " ". " " "informix". " IP ", " ", " ", " " IP,,,. " ", "". " ". - Uni-SQL FORCS Co., LTD 113

114 OZ Query Designer User's Guide " " " ". " " "unisql". " IP ", " ", " " IP,,,. " ", "". " ". - DB2 114 FORCS Co., LTD

115 " " " ". " " "db2". " IP ", " ", " " IP,,,. " ", "". " ". - User-Definded User-Definded JDBC JDBC Connection URL. FORCS Co., LTD 115

116 OZ Query Designer User's Guide " " " ". " " "user". " ", " URL" JDBC Connection URL. " ", "". " ". OLE DB OLE DB OLE DB MS-SQL, Oracle, Sybase. OLE DB " ".. - MSSQL-OLEDB 116 FORCS Co., LTD

117 " " " ". " " "MSSQL-OLEDB". " IP ", " ", " " IP,,. " ", "". " ". - ORACLE-OLEDB FORCS Co., LTD 117

118 OZ Query Designer User's Guide " " " ". " " "ORACLE-OLEDB". "SID" SID. - SYBASE-OLEDB 118 FORCS Co., LTD

119 " " " ". " " "SYBASE-OLEDB". " ". - DB2-OLEDB FORCS Co., LTD 119

120 OZ Query Designer User's Guide " " " ". " " "DB2-OLEDB". " ". - INFORMIX-OLEDB 120 FORCS Co., LTD

121 " " " ". " " "INFORMIX-OLEDB". " ".. Step 1 'Foodmart' [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 121

122 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 2 " ". Step 3 []. Step 4 (). ". ". 122 FORCS Co., LTD

123 , SQL.. Step 1 IP,,,. ' ' [ ] ' '. FORCS Co., LTD 123

124 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.. (Default).. :.. Step 2 ' ', []. 'IP', 'PortNo', 'UserName', 'Password',. [] ''. 124 FORCS Co., LTD

125 Step 3. '' [ ]. Step 4. FORCS Co., LTD 125

126 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.,. (Alias) db.properties. [/conf] db.properties. MS_SQL, "ProductSales" db.properties. # setting for MS-SQL with Alias ProductSales ProductSales.vendor=mssql 126 FORCS Co., LTD

127 ProductSales.serverAddress= ProductSales.portNo=1433 ProductSales.dbName=marketing ProductSales.user=sa ProductSales.password= ProductSales.maxconns=20 ProductSales.initconns=5 ProductSales.timeout=5 ODI ( :DB_Aliase, :ProductSales).. FORCS Co., LTD 127

128 OZ Query Designer User's Guide : DB UI. 128 FORCS Co., LTD

129 FORCS Co., LTD 129

130 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. RDB... () / / [] [ ].. SQL., SQL. 130 FORCS Co., LTD

131 [] - [] - [] ( ).. Step 1 []. :,,. Step 2 [] - [ ] ( ) <F5>. []. FORCS Co., LTD 131

132 OZ Query Designer User's Guide :.. Step FORCS Co., LTD

133 [] - [] - [ ] (. ) [],,.. Step 1 [] &.., From. FORCS Co., LTD 133

134 OZ Query Designer User's Guide (. ) Step 2.,. ' '. DB Primary, Foreign Key JDBC (Oracle, MS-SQL ) : Primay, Foreign Key DB Primary, Foreign Key JDBC (ODBC ) : 134 FORCS Co., LTD

135 ' ' [] [] ' ' [ ] []. &. [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 135

136 OZ Query Designer User's Guide ' '. :,.. 9i. <Delete> [ ]. 136 FORCS Co., LTD

137 . Step 3 &. <Shift> <Ctrl>, FORCS Co., LTD 137

138 OZ Query Designer User's Guide <Delete>. Step 4. [] - [ ] [ ]. [ ].,,. ' '. Step 5,. Step FORCS Co., LTD

139 : MDB MS-SQL " ex) Car Sales [Car Sales]. ex) 9Sales [9Sales]. ex) Sales.Sales [Sales].Sales Step 7 [] - [ ] ( ) <F5>. []. FORCS Co., LTD 139

140 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step FORCS Co., LTD

141 . Step 1 [ ]. Step 2 [Member]. Step 3 []. FORCS Co., LTD 141

142 OZ Query Designer User's Guide : ' ' ' ' ' '. 142 FORCS Co., LTD

143 Where. [ ] > >>,. :.. ' ' ' '. ' ' ' '. FORCS Co., LTD 143

144 OZ Query Designer User's Guide < ' '. << ' '., ' '. CHAR, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR, DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP. : " " True.. ','.. // [ ],. 144 FORCS Co., LTD

145 SQL. SQL SELECT UI.. From.. Select.. Where.. Where.. Group by, Select.. Order by. <Shift> <Ctrl>,... From. FORCS Co., LTD 145

146 OZ Query Designer User's Guide UI >, >> <, <<. ' '. ' '.. '',. ' ' ' ' ' '. ' ' ' '.,. 146 FORCS Co., LTD

147 UI > >>,,,.. [].. ' ' ' '. ' ' ' '. < ' '. << ' '., ' '... JDBC SQL (,,,, )..,., ','.. FORCS Co., LTD 147

148 OZ Query Designer User's Guide, &.,. " ". SQL Where. UI. 148 FORCS Co., LTD

149 AND / OR /NOT/IN/BETW EEN/ = /<>/( / ) /,... JDBC SQL (,,,, )..,.. SQL Group by. UI. ' '. FORCS Co., LTD 149

150 OZ Query Designer User's Guide ' ' ' ' >. <, << ' '. (Having). (AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM) [ ].,. SQL Order by. 150 FORCS Co., LTD

151 UI. ' '. ' ' ' ' >, >>. <, << ' '.,. /,. ' '.. ' ' ' '. FORCS Co., LTD 151

152 OZ Query Designer User's Guide., UDS, XML, CSV,. Step 1 [ ]. Step 2 '' '' []. 152 FORCS Co., LTD

153 UI.. " ". : setfielddata(), setquerystring(),.. /.,. Functions : Mathematics, Sting opr., Database I/O, Date opr., Miscellaneous. Database :. Parameter :. FORCS Co., LTD 153

154 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 3 []. : ' '. 154 FORCS Co., LTD

155 ODI ODI. Include Step 1 [INCLUDE ODI] []. Step 2 ' ' ODI [], 'Include '. 'Include ' ODI. Step 3 ODI,, Include. Include,, [,, ]. FORCS Co., LTD 155

156 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Include Include [ODI ]. Include, [] Include,,. 156 FORCS Co., LTD

157 Include "Include ODI" ODI ODI. ODI ODI. ODI ODI,,. ODI., A.odi B.odi C.odi C.odi A.odi, B.odi. FORCS Co., LTD 157

158 OZ Query Designer User's Guide /. : (MemberGrade) : (Customer) Step FORCS Co., LTD

159 . SELECT customer.member_card FROM customer GROUP BY customer.member_card Step 2.. SELECT customer.customer_id, customer.fname, customer.lname, customer.phone1, customer.gender FROM customer WHERE customer.member_card = '#MemberGrade.member_card#' FORCS Co., LTD 159

160 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 3 (Customer) (MemberGrade). 160 FORCS Co., LTD

161 . MSSQL, SYBASE.. Step 1 " " " " [ ]. Step 2 ' '. FORCS Co., LTD 161

162 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 3.. SELECT * FROM sales SELECT * FROM customer Step 3 [] [ ] ( ) <F5> ' '. 162 FORCS Co., LTD

163 ' '. ' ' " _#". ' ' " _#". Step 3 ' ' "SET_NAME",. FORCS Co., LTD 163

164 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 3 ' ' [] :. SELECT * FROM sales SELECT * FROM customer - 2 :. SELECT * FROM sales SELECT * FROM customer 164 FORCS Co., LTD

165 . JDBC Vendor, MSSQL, ORACLE. DB ' ' [].. FORCS Co., LTD 165

166 OZ Query Designer User's Guide..,.. []. 166 FORCS Co., LTD

167 . "#OZParam.#".... null. ( : False). "OZParam". : " " True. FORCS Co., LTD 167

168 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.,. : Cursor..,.... (/// ). Step 1 " " " " [ ]. 168 FORCS Co., LTD

169 Step 23 ' ' [] []. Step 4. FORCS Co., LTD 169

170 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 5 [] ' '. Step 6 ' ' "SET_NAME",. 170 FORCS Co., LTD

171 Step 7 ' ' []. Step 8 ' ' [] ' ' []. FORCS Co., LTD 171

172 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 172 FORCS Co., LTD

173 JDBC "PreparedStatement", " " "True".,.. " " " ". = "False", = "True"/"False" #OZParam.# '#OZParam.#'. - SELECT * FROM WHERE = #OZParam.# - SELECT * FROM WHERE = '#OZParam.#' SELECT * FROM WHERE LIKE '%#OZParam.#%' = "True", = "True" #OZParam.# '#OZParam.#',. - string sql; sql = "SELECT * FROM WHERE = #OZParam.#"; setquerystring(sql); FORCS Co., LTD 173

174 OZ Query Designer User's Guide - string sql; sql = "SELECT * FROM WHERE = '#OZParam.#' "; setquerystring(sql); string sql; sql = "SELECT * FROM WHERE LIKE '%#OZParam.#%' "; setquerystring(sql); = "True", = "False" #OZParam.# '#OZParam.#',. ex) '#OZParam.#' "'" + #OZParam.# + "'" - string sql; sql = "SELECT * FROM WHERE = " + #OZParam.#; setquerystring(sql); - string sql; sql = "SELECT * FROM WHERE = " + "'" + #OZParam.# + "'"; setquerystring(sql); string sql; sql = "SELECT * FROM WHERE LIKE " + " '%" + #OZParam. # + "%' "; setquerystring(sql); 174 FORCS Co., LTD

175 " // " DataAction(Insert, Delete, Update), (UDS). " // ", //. // [ ], [ ], [ ]. [ // ]. FORCS Co., LTD 175

176 OZ Query Designer User's Guide : // (Source Field, Source Value, Destination Field, Destination Value,, ),. - [ ] ' ' ' '. UI > >> Destination Field, Source Field,,. :.. ' ' ' '. ' ' ' '. < ' '. << ' '., ' '. 176 FORCS Co., LTD

177 CHAR, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR, DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP. : " " True.. ','.. // [ ],. ' ' (, ) ' ' & []. "ARG_SF", "ARG_SV", "ARG_DF", "ARG_DV". "ARG_S_", "ARG_D_". FORCS Co., LTD 177

178 OZ Query Designer User's Guide - " ". " ". [ ] [] //. // // " " " ". // /,. ex) 4 #@ARG_SV1#, '#@ARG_SV2#', '#@ARG_SV3#', '#@ARG_SV4#' - " " "False" "" "null". null. 178 FORCS Co., LTD

179 "null", "". "null" TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, REAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BIT, NUMERIC, DECIMAL, DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, BLOB, CLOB "null" CHAR, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR = "False", = "True"/"False" #@ARG_SF# '#@ARG_SF#'. - ( ) INSERT INTO (#@ARG_SF1#, #@ARG_SF2#,..., #@ARG_SFn#) VALUES (#@ARG_SV1#, '#@ARG_SV2#',..., '#@ARG_SVn#') ( ) INSERT INTO (1, 2,..., n) VALUES (#@ARG_S_1#, '#@ARG_S_2#',..., '#@ARG_S_n#') - ( ) DELETE FROM WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#@ARG_DV2#'... AND #@ARG_DFn# = '#@ARG_DVn#' ( ) DELETE FROM WHERE 1 = #@ARG_D_1# AND 2 = '#@ARG_D_2#' FORCS Co., LTD 179

180 OZ Query Designer User's Guide... AND n = '#@ARG_D_n#' - ( / ) UPDATE SET #@ARG_SF1# = #@ARG_SV1#, #@ARG_SF2# = '#@ARG_SV2#',... #@ARG_SFn# = '#@ARG_SVn#' WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#@ARG_DV2#'... AND #@ARG_DFn# = '#@ARG_DVn#' ( / ) UPDATE SET 1 = #@ARG_S_1#, 2 = '#@ARG_S_2#',... n = '#@ARG_S_n#' WHERE 1 = #@ARG_D_1# AND 2 = '#@ARG_D_2#'... AND n = '#@ARG_D_n#' = "True", = "True" #@ARG_SF# '#@ARG_SF#',. - ( ) string sql; sql = " INSERT INTO (#@ARG_SF1#, #@ARG_SF2#,..., #@ARG_SFn#) VALUES (#@ARG_SV1#, '#@ARG_SV2#',..., '#@ARG_SVn#') "; setquerystring(sql); 180 FORCS Co., LTD

181 ( ) string sql; sql = " INSERT INTO (1, 2,..., n) VALUES (#@ARG_S_1#, '#@ARG_S_2#',..., '#@ARG_S_n#') "; setquerystring(sql); - ( ) string sql; sql = " DELETE FROM WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#@ARG_DV2#'... AND #@ARG_DFn# = '#@ARG_DVn#' "; setquerystring(sql); ( ) string sql; sql = " DELETE FROM WHERE 1 = #@ARG_D_1# AND 2 = '#@ARG_D_2#'... AND n = '#@ARG_D_n#' "; setquerystring(sql); - ( / ) string sql; sql = " UPDATE SET #@ARG_SF1# = #@ARG_SV1#, #@ARG_SF2# = '#@ARG_SV2#',..., #@ARG_SFn# = '#@ARG_SVn#' WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#@ARG_DV2#'... AND #@ARG_DFn# = '#@ARG_DVn#' "; setquerystring(sql); ( / ) string sql; sql = " UPDATE SET 1 = #@ARG_S_1#, 2 = '#@ARG_S_2#',..., n = '#@ARG_S_n#' WHERE 1 = #@ARG_D_1# AND 2 = '#@ARG_D_ 2#'... AND n = '#@ARG_D_n#' "; setquerystring(sql); = "True", = "False" FORCS Co., LTD 181

182 OZ Query Designer User's Guide :. ex) "'" + #@ARG_SF1# + "'" - ( ) string sql; sql = " INSERT INTO (#@ARG_SF1#, #@ARG_SF2#,..., #@ARG_SFn#) VALUES (#@ARG_SV1#, '#@ARG_SV2#',..., '#@ARG_SVn#') "; setquerystring(sql); string sql; sql = " INSERT INTO (#@ARG_SF1#, #@ARG_SF2#,..., #@ARG_SFn#) VALUES (" + #@ARG_SV1# + ", " + "'" + #@ARG_SV2# + "'" + ",..., " + "'" + #@ARG_SVn# + "'" + ") "; setquerystring(sql); ( ) string sql; sql = " INSERT INTO (1, 2,..., n) VALUES (#@ARG_S_1#, '#@ARG_S_2#',..., '#@ARG_S_n#') "; setquerystring(sql); string sql; sql = " INSERT INTO (1, 2,..., n) VALUES (" + #@ARG_S_1# + ", " + "'" + #@ARG_S_2# + "'" + ",..., " + "'" + #@ARG_S_n# + "'" + ") "; setquerystring(sql); - ( ) string sql; sql = " DELETE FROM WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# 182 FORCS Co., LTD

183 AND = AND = "; setquerystring(sql); string sql; sql = " DELETE FROM WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = " + #@ARG_DV1# + " AND #@ARG_DF2# = " + "'" + #@ARG_DV2# + "'" + "... AND #@ARG_DFn# = " + "'" + #@ARG_DVn# + "'"; setquerystring(sql); ( ) string sql; sql = " DELETE FROM WHERE 1 = #@ARG_D_1# AND 2 = '#@ARG_D_2#'... AND n = '#@ARG_D_n#' "; setquerystring(sql); string sql; sql = " DELETE FROM WHERE 1 = " + #@ARG_D_1 # + " AND 2 = " + "'" + #@ARG_D_2# + "'" + "... AND n = " + "'" + #@ARG_D_n# + "'"; setquerystring(sql); - ( / ) string sql; sql = " UPDATE SET #@ARG_SF1# = #@ARG_SV1#, #@ARG_SF2# = '#@ARG_SV2#',..., #@ARG_SFn# = '#@ARG_SVn#' WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#@ARG_DV2#'... AND #@ARG_DFn# = '#@ARG_DVn#' "; setquerystring(sql); string sql; sql = " UPDATE SET #@ARG_SF1# = " + #@ARG_SV1# + ", #@ARG_SF2# = " + "'" + #@ARG_SV2# + "'" + ",... #@ARG_SFn# = " + "'" + #@ARG_SVn# + "'" + " WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = " + #@ARG_DV1# + " AND #@ARG_DF2# = " + "'" + #@ARG_DV2# + "'" + "... AND #@ARG_DFn# = " + "'" + #@ARG_DVn# + "'"; FORCS Co., LTD 183

184 OZ Query Designer User's Guide setquerystring(sql); ( / ) string sql; sql = " UPDATE SET 1 = #@ARG_S_1#, 2 = '#@ARG_S_2#',..., n = '#@ARG_S_n#' WHERE 1 = #@ARG_D_1# AND 2 = '#@ARG_D_ 2#'... AND n = '#@ARG_D_n#' "; setquerystring(sql); string sql; sql = " UPDATE SET 1 = " + #@ARG_S_1# + ", _ 2 = " + "'" + #@ARG_S_2# +"'" + ",..., n = " + "'" + #@ARG_S_n# + "'" + " WHERE 1 = " + #@ARG_D_1# + " AND 2 = " + "'" + #@ARG_D_2 # + "'" + "... AND n = " + "'" + #@ARG_D_n# + "'"; setquerystring(sql); // - ODI //. #<>.<>#, '#<>.<>#'. //, / /. // = "False", = "False". //. = "False", = "True" "MDSet", "",, FORCS Co., LTD

185 ( ) INSERT INTO (#@ARG_SF1#, #@ARG_SF2#, #@ARG_SF3#,..., #@ARG_SFn#) VALUES (#@ARG_SV1#, '#@ARG_SV2#', '#MDSet.#'..., '#@ARG_SVn#') - ( ) DELETE FROM WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#@ARG_DV2#' AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#MDSet.#'... AND #@ARG_DFn# = '#@ARG_DVn#' - ( / ) UPDATE SET #@ARG_SF1# = #@ARG_SV1#, #@ARG_SF2# = '#@ARG_SV2#', #@ARG_SF3# = '#MDSet.#',... #@ARG_SFn# = '#@ARG_SVn#' WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#@ARG_DV2#' AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#MDSet.#'... AND #@ARG_DFn# = '#@ARG_DVn#' // = "False", = "True"/"False" FORCS Co., LTD 185

186 OZ Query Designer User's Guide "Customer", // - INSERT INTO Customer (#@ARG_SF1#,#@ARG_SF2#,#@ARG_SF3#,#@ARG_SF4#,#@ARG_SF5#,#@ARG_SF6#,#@ARG_SF7#,#@ARG_SF8#) - DELETE FROM Customer WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#@ARG_DV2#' AND #@ARG_DF3# = '#@ARG_DV3#' - UPDATE Customer SET #@ARG_SF1# = #@ARG_SV1#, #@ARG_SF2# = '#@ARG_SV2#', #@ARG_SF3# = '#@ARG_SV3#', #@ARG_SF4# = '#@ARG_SV4#', #@ARG_SF5# = '#@ARG_SV5#', #@ARG_SF6# = '#@ARG_SV6#', #@ARG_SF7# = '#@ARG_SV7#', #@ARG_SF8# = '#@ARG_SV8#' WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#@ARG_DV2#' AND #@ARG_DF3# = '#@ARG_DV3#' = "True", = "True" "Customer", // - string sql; sql = "INSERT INTO Customer (#@ARG_SF1#,#@ARG_SF2#,#@ARG_SF3#,#@ARG_SF4#,#@ARG_SF5#,#@ARG_SF6#,#@ARG_SF7#,#@ARG_SF8#) setquerystring(sql); - string sql; sql = "DELETE FROM Customer WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND 186 FORCS Co., LTD

187 = '#@ARG_DV2#' AND #@ARG_DF3# = '#@ARG_DV3#' "; setquerystring(sql); - string sql; sql = "UPDATE Customer SET #@ARG_SF1# = #@ARG_SV1#, #@ARG_SF2# = '#@ARG_SV2#', #@ARG_SF3# = '#@ARG_SV3#', #@ARG_SF4# = '#@ARG_SV4#', #@ARG_SF5# = '#@ARG_SV5#', #@ARG_SF6# = '#@ARG_SV6#', #@ARG_SF7# = '#@ARG_SV7#', #@ARG_SF8# = '#@ARG_SV8#' WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = #@ARG_DV1# AND #@ARG_DF2# = '#@ARG_DV2#' AND #@ARG_DF3# = '#@ARG_DV3#' "; setquerystring(sql); FORCS Co., LTD 187

188 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 188 FORCS Co., LTD

189 FORCS Co., LTD 189

190 OZ Query Designer User's Guide /HTTP HTTP, CSV DTD XSD XML. CSV(Comma-Separated Value) CSV,. CSV, /HTTP. CSV /HTTP CSV. -,. -,. -. CSV ',' CSV. no,jumin_id,name,address INT,VARCHAR,VARCHAR,VARCHAR 1, ,kim,seoul 2, ,lee,pusan 3, ,park,daegu 4, ,song,daejeon 190 FORCS Co., LTD




194 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. ". ". XML.. (, ) XML. [ ]. UTF-8. datasource.properties... XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ksc5601"?> <!-- Data Sample of OZ XML Dataset--> <XMLSET> <DATASET> <FIELDINFO> <FIELD NAME="ID" TYPE="INT"/> <FIELD NAME="NAME" TYPE="CHAR"/> <FIELD NAME="ADDRESS" TYPE="VARCHAR"/> </FIELDINFO> <RECORD> <ID>1</ID> <NAME>Park Chan Ho</NAME> <ADDRESS>USA</ADDRESS> </RECORD> </DATASET> </XMLSET> CSV 194 FORCS Co., LTD


196 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.. 'Appendix. "... CSV "ERR" "ERR" "ERR" CSV.. ". ". CSV.. (, ) CSV [ ]. " ". datasource.properties... CSV XML ' ' CSV XML. ". ". 196 FORCS Co., LTD


198 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. TAB, SPACE, SEMICOLON, COLON, COMMA.. LINEFEED., []. CSV. 'VARCHAR'. NULL... 'Appendix. "... CSV "ERR" "ERR" "ERR" CSV.. "V. ". CSV.. (, ) CSV [ ]. " ". 198 FORCS Co., LTD

199 datasource.properties XML XML XML XML (). ROW INDEX. '0' ROW INDEX : 0 ~ XML. XML XML. FORCS Co., LTD 199

200 OZ Query Designer User's Guide XML. 'DATASET'. XML. 'RECORD'.. ". ". XML.. (, ) XML. [ ]. UTF-8. datasource.properties... (XML/CSV/ ). XML Step 1 [ ] [XML ]. 200 FORCS Co., LTD

201 Step 2 ' ' 'XML ' [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 201

202 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 3 [] [ ] XML. CSV Step 1 [ ] [CSV ]. Step 2 ' ' 'CSV ' [ ]. 202 FORCS Co., LTD

203 Step 3 [] [ ] CSV. FORCS Co., LTD 203

204 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 1 [ ] [ ]. Step 2 ' ' 'CSV ' ' -CSV '. Step 3 ' ' ' -CSV ' [ ]. 204 FORCS Co., LTD

205 Step 4 [] [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 205

206 OZ Query Designer User's Guide JSP ASP HTTP. HTTP XML CSV. XML XML (URL). HTTP. 206 FORCS Co., LTD

207 XML URL. ODI.. HTTP ( : 5) :. Server URL. URL 'TRUE'. XML. 'DATASET'. XML. 'RECORD'. URL GET POST.. ". ". XML.. : HTTP XML.. : [ ]. (, ) XML. [ ]. UTF-8. FORCS Co., LTD 207

208 OZ Query Designer User's Guide datasource.properties... CSV CSV (URL). HTTP. 208 FORCS Co., LTD


210 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. ". ". CSV... : [ ]. (, ) CSV. [ ]. " ". datasource.properties... " ". HTTP HTTP HTTP (XML/CSV/ ). XML Step 1 XML (Sales.xml). 210 FORCS Co., LTD

211 Step 2 [HTTP ] [XML ]. Step 3 'HTTP ' 'XML ' [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 211

212 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 4 [] [HTTP ] XML. 212 FORCS Co., LTD

213 CSV Step 1 HTTP CSV. http CSV. CSV. FORCS Co., LTD 213

214 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 2 [HTTP ] [CSV ]. Step 3 'HTTP ' 'CSV ' [ ]. 214 FORCS Co., LTD

215 FORCS Co., LTD 215

216 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 4 [] [HTTP ] CSV. " ". 216 FORCS Co., LTD

217 FORCS Co., LTD 217

218 OZ Query Designer User's Guide SOAP SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol). SOAP XML, XML (Object). SOAP OZ WSDL(Web Service Description Language). 218 FORCS Co., LTD

219 SOAP. : SOAP SOAP Toolkit 3.0. MSSOAP30.dll, WHSC30.dll bin/soap/register_soap.bat. WSDL part type 1:1 n:1 WSDL part type 1:1. XML "DateTime" "VARCHAR".. SOAP. SOAP FORCS Co., LTD 219

220 OZ Query Designer User's Guide SOAP WSDL SOAP. WSDL. datasource.properties FORCS Co., LTD

221 . : "WSDL " WSDL. WDSL Prefix NameSpace URI Prefix. SOAP WSDL.. Operation. Operation SOAPaction. Operation,, XPath, OZParam OZParam "#OZParam. #". SOAP XML. "OZParam" "#OZParam.<operation name>_<name>#". SOAP SOAP. SOAP Step 1 [SOAP ] [SOAP ]. FORCS Co., LTD 221

222 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 2 'SOAP ' SOAP, WSDL [ ], [] 'SOAP '. 222 FORCS Co., LTD

223 Step 3 SOAP [ ]. [] SOAP. XPath FORCS Co., LTD 223

224 OZ Query Designer User's Guide SOAP... 1, 1 ( ) 0, 0, 1 1, XPath XPath. XPath [ ] XPath [ XPath ]. XPath ( ), XPath XPath XPath XPath 224 FORCS Co., LTD

225 XPath [ XPath ]. [ ] XPath XPath. XPath XPath [ ] XPath. [ ],, XPath ( ) ( )., XPath. [ ],, XPath ( ) ( ). FORCS Co., LTD 225

226 OZ Query Designer User's Guide,.. Step FORCS Co., LTD

227 FORCS Co., LTD 227



230 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. "V. ". XML DTD. datasource.properties... : " " XSD [] ' '. ' ' Prefix Namespace URI. Prefix Namespace URI XSD Prefix Prefix. XSD Prefix. ' ' "ns1, ns2, ns3 ". URI,. 230 FORCS Co., LTD

231 : XML XML DTD Root Element, Root Element [] 'Root Element '. Root Element [] XML XML. XML XML (DTD/XSD ). XSD DTD DTD. XML DTD FORCS Co., LTD 231

232 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 1 [XML] [XML ]. Step 2 'XML ' [] 'XML '. Step 3 XML [ ] 232 FORCS Co., LTD

233 . [] XML. XPath XML... 1, 1 ( ) 0, 0, 1 1, XPath FORCS Co., LTD 233

234 OZ Query Designer User's Guide XPath. XPath [ ] XPath [ XPath ]. XPath ( ), XPath XPath XPath XPath XPath [ XPath ]. [ ] XPath XPath. XPath XPath 234 FORCS Co., LTD

235 [ ] XPath. [ ],, XPath ( ) ( )., XPath. [ ],, XPath ( )) ( ). FORCS Co., LTD 235

236 OZ Query Designer User's Guide,.. Step FORCS Co., LTD

237 FORCS Co., LTD 237

238 OZ Query Designer User's Guide SAP SAP, SAP R/3. SAP,. SAP SAP SAP. SAP. SAP RFC(Remote Function Call: R/3 ). 238 FORCS Co., LTD

239 SAP. SAP SAP SAP ID () SAP SAP IP Address. SAP. SAP,. FORCS Co., LTD 239

240 OZ Query Designer User's Guide (sap.properties). : sap.properties " ". SAP SAP. Step 1 [SAP] [SAP ]. Step 2 [SAP ] 'SAP ' SAP. SAP FORCS Co., LTD

241 - 'SAP ' [] 'SAP '. FORCS Co., LTD 241

242 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 3 SAP [ ] SAP 'SAP RFC Set '. RFC., []., '*', '?' [] RFC. 242 FORCS Co., LTD

243 [] (RFC). RFC []. Step 4. RFC [] RFC. FORCS Co., LTD 243

244 OZ Query Designer User's Guide [] RFC. RFC. Step 5 [] RFC. ODI. 244 FORCS Co., LTD

245 RFC, RFC FORCS Co., LTD 245

246 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 246 FORCS Co., LTD

247 FORCS Co., LTD 247




251 Step 3. Step 4 [] CLEAR QUEST. FORCS Co., LTD 251

252 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 5 "CLEAR QUEST" [ ]. Step 6 'CLEAR QUEST ' []. Step FORCS Co., LTD

253 Step 8 (. ) CLEAR QUEST UI. Step 1 [CLEAR QUEST] [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 253

254 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 2 'CLEAR QUEST ' CLEAR QUEST, [] CLEAR QUEST. Step 3 "CLEAR QUEST" [ ] 'CLEAR QUEST '. 254 FORCS Co., LTD

255 CLEAR QUEST. 'CLEAR QUEST ' [ ]. [] [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 255

256 OZ Query Designer User's Guide [ ]. [ ] ( ), ( ) (, ).... [ ] ( ), ( ) (, ). 256 FORCS Co., LTD

257 NOT SQL. "NOT".. : "Between". "IN". ' '.. " ". SQL. SQL. FORCS Co., LTD 257

258 OZ Query Designer User's Guide ( ). CLEAR QUEST. 258 FORCS Co., LTD

259 'CLEAR QUEST ' []. [] [ ].. ( ). FORCS Co., LTD 259

260 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 260 FORCS Co., LTD

261 FORCS Co., LTD 261

262 OZ Query Designer User's Guide (, UDS, /HTTP, XML DTD ) 2,.. - GDS, / FORCS Co., LTD


264 OZ Query Designer User's Guide <> <> ACCOUNT CLARK, KING, MILLER RESEARCH JOHNS, CHAN SALES ALLEN, MARTIN : true : #.# == #.# true. 'true'..... A FLAT TV 19" 500,000 A FLAT TV 21" 800,000 A FLAT TV 25" 1,500,000 B 100, B V 180,000 C 500 C < A > () #.# == "A"... A FLAT TV 19" 500, A FLAT TV 21" 800, FORCS Co., LTD

265 A FLAT TV 25" 1,500,000 - < B > () #.# == "B"... B 100,000 B V 180, < C > () #.# == "C"... C 500 C :. FORCS Co., LTD 265

266 OZ Query Designer User's Guide UDS. [ ] [ ]., []. 266 FORCS Co., LTD

267 [ ] ' '. [] ' '. Consume Row.. Comsum Row. 'True'. 'True'. FORCS Co., LTD 267

268 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. " ".. [ ]. [] FORCS Co., LTD

269 [], [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 269

270 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 270 FORCS Co., LTD

271 FORCS Co., LTD 271

272 OZ Query Designer User's Guide UDS(User Data Store) (, CSV, XML) (EJB, Servlet, ASP, JSP, Applet) Java Interface. UDS JDBC/ODBC XML,,, EJB. UDS UDS Java Interface 272 FORCS Co., LTD

273 ResultSet., UDS UDS.. UDS "API ". FORCS Co., LTD 273

274 OZ Query Designer User's Guide UDS,. (DLL) [ ]. UDS. UDS.. UDS. Step 1 [ (UDS)] [ ]. 274 FORCS Co., LTD

275 Step 2 ' ' []. Step 3 []. Step 2 []. Step 3 [] [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 275

276 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 4 [ ]. Step 5 []. [] [] [ ] ( ) <F5>. 276 FORCS Co., LTD

277 []. :...,. Step 1 [ (UDS)] [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 277

278 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Step 2 ' ' " ",. Step 3 [] [ ]. [ ]. Step 4 [ ]. Step 5 [ ] ' '. 278 FORCS Co., LTD

279 . []. FORCS Co., LTD 279

280 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 280 FORCS Co., LTD

281 FORCS Co., LTD 281

282 OZ Query Designer User's Guide...,, /HTTP, XML DTD 2. ROWIDX, COLUMN, VALUE,.,.. - ROWIDX : - COLUMN : - VALUE : 1 2 ROWIDX, COLUMN, VALUE.,, Row Index FORCS Co., LTD

283 Region Sales2000 Sales ROWIDX COLUMN VALUE 0 Region 0 Sales Sales Region 1 Sales Sales Region 2 Sales Sales Region 3 Sales Sales Region 4 Sales Sales FORCS Co., LTD 283

284 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. Step 1 [] [ ]. Step 2 [ ]. 284 FORCS Co., LTD

285 Step 3 ' ' []. Step 4. Step 5 ( ). ROWIDX, COLUMN, VALUE. FORCS Co., LTD 285

286 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 286 FORCS Co., LTD

287 FORCS Co., LTD 287

288 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. ODI, OZR, OZA,,, FORCS Co., LTD

289 Step 1 ' ' [ ]. Step 2 ' ' ' '. Button Description XML. FORCS Co., LTD 289

290 OZ Query Designer User's Guide XML... [ ]..... ' '. Option IP URL Description. OZ Server. Daemon TCP, Servlet HTTP. Daemon OZ Server IP. Daemon OZ Server Port. Servlet OZ Server URL..... : " " FORCS Co., LTD

291 ' '. Step 3 [].. 'admin'. :,. 1) " ".,. FORCS Co., LTD 291

292 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. [], (,.) [], []. 2) " ". : [ ] " ",, [],[]. 292 FORCS Co., LTD

293 Step 4. [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 293

294 OZ Query Designer User's Guide ODI. [] [] ( ). [] [] ( '. ) ' Button Description. : Disable, ' '. 294 FORCS Co., LTD

295 . : Disable, ' '.. : Disable. Option Description.. "ozp://", "ozpserver://". / 10, 20. :. ' ' "Max history count" ' ' 20. conf/ozserverlist.xml. "MaxHistoryCount", "<SERVER Name=..." " MaxHistoryCount", "<LOCAL MaxHistoryCount=". FORCS Co., LTD 295

296 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.. [] [] ( ) FORCS Co., LTD

297 ,.,,,,. [ ]. ' ' []. FORCS Co., LTD 297

298 OZ Query Designer User's Guide & ' '. []. <Ctrl> <Shift>. ' '. []. ' ' 298 FORCS Co., LTD

299 : odi. []. ' ' []. ' ' ' ' ( ). FORCS Co., LTD 299

300 OZ Query Designer User's Guide., [] ' '. []. 300 FORCS Co., LTD

301 [ ] ' ' ' '. []. FORCS Co., LTD 301

302 OZ Query Designer User's Guide,,. Admin 'None',, BuiltIn RDB. ' '.,.,.,.. []. 302 FORCS Co., LTD

303 ' ' [Check In]. ' ' [].. : Admin 'None' Admin,.. [], ' ' []. FORCS Co., LTD 303

304 OZ Query Designer User's Guide. [ ], ' ' [ ]. ' '. 304 FORCS Co., LTD

305 . [ ]. [ ]., FORCS Co., LTD 305

306 OZ Query Designer User's Guide.,,,,. ". ". 306 FORCS Co., LTD

307 [ ]. [ ] " ",.,, []. FORCS Co., LTD 307

308 OZ Query Designer User's Guide,,. 308 FORCS Co., LTD

309 . (.) " ". None,, " " " ". "", " ",., [] []. FORCS Co., LTD 309

310 OZ Query Designer User's Guide 310 FORCS Co., LTD

311 FORCS Co., LTD 311

312 OZ Query Designer User's Guide,.. : " ". ASCII Big5 us-ascii, ascii, 646, iso646-us, default, ascii7 big5 Cp037 ibm037, ibm-037, cp037, 037 Cp1006 ibm1006, ibm-1006, cp1006, 1006 Cp1025 ibm1025, ibm-1025, cp1025, 1025 Cp1026 ibm1026, ibm-1026, cp1026, 1026 Cp1046 Cp1097 ibm1097, ibm-1097, cp1097, 1097 Cp1098 ibm1098, ibm-1098, cp1098, 1098 Cp1112 ibm1112, ibm-1112, cp1112, 1112 Cp1122 ibm1122, ibm-1122, cp1122, 1122 Cp1123 ibm1123, ibm-1123, cp1123, 1123 Cp1124 ibm1124, ibm-1124, cp1124, 1124 Cp1140 Cp1141 Cp1142 Cp1143 Cp1144 Cp1145 Cp1146 Cp1147 Cp1148 Cp1149 Cp1250 Cp1251 windows-1250 windows FORCS Co., LTD

313 Cp1252 Cp1253 Cp1254 Cp1255 Cp1256 Cp1257 Cp1258 windows-1252 windows-1253 windows-1254 windows-1255 windows-1256 windows-1257 windows-1258 Cp1381 ibm1381, ibm-1381, cp1381, 1381 Cp1383 ibm1383, ibm-1383, cp1383, 1383 Cp273 ibm273, ibm-273, cp273, 273 Cp277 ibm277, ibm-277, cp277, 277 Cp278 ibm278, ibm-278, cp278, 278 Cp280 ibm280, ibm-280, cp280, 280 Cp284 ibm284, ibm-284, cp284, 284 Cp285 ibm285, ibm-285, cp285, 285 Cp297 ibm297, ibm-297, cp297, 297 Cp33722 Ibm33722, ibm-33722, cp33722, Cp420 ibm420, ibm-420, cp420, 420 Cp424 ibm424, ibm-424, cp424, 424 Cp437 ibm437, ibm-437, cp437, 437 Cp500 ibm500, ibm-500, cp500, 500 Cp737 ibm737, ibm-737, cp737, 737 Cp775 ibm775, ibm-775, cp775, 775 Cp838 ibm838, ibm-838, cp838, 838 Cp850 Cp852 Cp855 ibm850, ibm-850, cp850, 850, cspc850multilingual ibm852, ibm-852, cp852, 852, cspcp852 ibm855, ibm-855, cp855, 855, cspcp855 Cp856 ibm856 ibm-856, cp Cp857 ibm857, ibm-857, cp857, 857, csibm857 Cp858 FORCS Co., LTD 313

314 OZ Query Designer User's Guide Cp860 Cp861 Cp862 Cp863 Cp864 Cp865 Cp866 ibm860, ibm-860, cp860, 860, csibm860 ibm861, ibm-861, cp861, cp-is, 861, csibm861 ibm862, ibm-862, cp862, cp862, 862, cspc862latinhebrew ibm863, ibm-863, cp863, 863, csibm863 ibm864, ibm-864, cp864, csibm864 ibm865, ibm-865, cp865, 865, csibm865 ibm866, ibm-866, cp866, 866, csibm866 Cp868 ibm868, ibm-868, cp868, 868 Cp869 ibm869, ibm-869, cp869, 869, cp-gr, csibm869 Cp870 ibm870, ibm-870, cp870, 870 Cp871 ibm871, ibm-871, cp871, 871 Cp874 ibm874, ibm-874, cp874, 874 Cp875 ibm875, ibm-875, cp875, 875 Cp918 ibm918, ibm-918, cp918, 918 Cp921 ibm921, ibm-921, cp921, 921 Cp922 ibm922, ibm-922, cp922, 922 Cp923 Cp930 ibm930, ibm-930, cp930, 930 Cp933 ibm933, ibm-933, cp933, 933 Cp935 ibm935, ibm-935, cp935, 935 Cp937 ibm937, ibm-937, cp937, 937 Cp939 ibm939, ibm-939, cp939, 939 Cp942 ibm942, ibm-942, cp942, 942 Cp942C cp942c Cp943 ibm943, ibm-943, cp943, 943 Cp943C cp943c Cp948 ibm948, ibm-948, cp948, 948 Cp949 ibm949, ibm-949, cp949, 949 Cp949C cp949c Cp950 ibm950, ibm-950, cp950, FORCS Co., LTD

315 Cp964 ibm964, ibm-964, cp964, 964 Cp970 ibm970, ibm-970, cp970, 970 DBCS_ASCII DBCS_EBCDIC Default DoubleByte EUC EUC_CN EUC_JP EUC_KR EUC_TW gb2312, gb , gb , euc-cn, euccn eucjis, euc-jp, eucjp, extended_unix_code_packed_format_for_japanese, cseucpkdfmtjapanese, x-euc-jp, x-eucjp ksc5601, euc-kr, euckr, ks_c_ , ksc , ksc5601_1987, ksc_5601, 5601 cns11643, euc-tw, euctw GBK ISO2022 ISO2022CN ISO2022JP jis, iso-2022-jp, csiso2022jp, jis_encoding, csjisencoding ISO2022KR ISO8859_1 ISO8859_15_FDIS ISO8859_2 ISO8859_3 ISO8859_4 8859_1, iso_8859-1:1978, iso-ir-100, iso_8859-1, iso , iso8859-1, latin1, l1, ibm819, ibm-819, cp819, 819, csisolatin1 8859_15, iso , iso_ , iso , ibm923, ibm-923, cp923, 923, latin0, latin9, csisolatin0, csisolatin9 8859_2, iso_8859-2:1987, iso-ir-101, iso_8859-2, iso , iso8859-2, latin2, l2, ibm912, ibm-912, cp912, 912, csisolatin2, 8859_3, iso_8859-3:1988, iso-ir-109, iso_8859-3, iso , iso8859-3, latin3, l3, ibm913, ibm-913, cp913, 913, csisolatin3 8859_4, iso_8859-4:1988, iso-ir-110, iso_8859-4, iso , iso8859-4, latin4, l4, ibm914, ibm-914, cp914, 914, csisolatin4 FORCS Co., LTD 315

316 OZ Query Designer User's Guide ISO8859_5 ISO8859_6 ISO8859_7 ISO8859_8 ISO8859_9 ISO8859_ _5, iso_8859-5:1988, iso-ir-144, iso_8859-5, iso ,iso8859-5, cyrillic, csisolatincyrillic, ibm915, ibm-915, cp915, 915, 8859_6, iso_8859-6:1987, iso-ir-127, iso_8859-6, iso , iso8859-6, ecma-114, asmo-708, arabic, csisolatinarabic, ibm1089, ibm-1089, cp1089, _7, iso_8859-7:1987, iso-ir-126, iso_8859-7, iso , iso8859-7, elot_928, ecma-118, greek, greek8, csisolatingreek, ibm813, ibm-813, cp813, _8, iso_8859-8:1988, iso-ir-138, iso_8859-8, iso , iso8859-8, hebrew, csisolatinhebrew, ibm916, ibm-916, cp916, _9, iso-ir-148, iso_8859-9, iso , iso8859-9, latin5, l5, ibm920, ibm-920, cp920, 920, csisolatin5 8859_13, iso_ , iso , iso , JIS0201 JIS0208 JIS0212 JISAutoDetect Johab KOI8_R MS874 MS932 jis auto detect ksc , ksc5601_1992, ms1361 koi8-r, koi8, cskoi8r windows-874 shift_jis, ms_kanji, csshiftjis, windows-31j, cswindows31j, x-sjis MS932DB MS936 MS949 windows-949 MS950 MacArabic MacCentralEurope MacCroatian 316 FORCS Co., LTD

317 MacCyrillic MacDingbat MacGreek MacHebrew MacIceland MacRoman MacRomania MacSymbol MacThai MacTurkish MacUkraine SJIS?, pck SingleByte TIS620 UTF8 UTF16 Unicode UnicodeBig UnicodeLittle tis utf-8, unicode-1-1-utf-8 utf-16 unicode unicode-1-1, iso ucs-2, utf-16be, x-utf-16be utf-16le, x-utf-16le FORCS Co., LTD 317


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