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2 한국지반공학회 정기총회 및 봄 학술발표회 2008년 3월 28일 (금)~3월 29일 (토) / 서울시립대학교 자연과학관 정보기술관 개회사(이 송 회장) 축사(이상범/서울시립대 총장)

3 2008 한국지반공학회 정기총회 및 봄 학술발표회 초청강연 Ⅰ 발표 모습 감사패 수여 (김명모 교수) 초청강연 Ⅱ 발표 모습 정기총회 전경 감사패 수여 (Mehmet T.Tumay 교수)

4 수상자들 2008년도 학회상 수상자 공로상 이재현(평원ENG) 양현승(티코아이엔씨) 심재구(표준ENG) 임철웅(상지ENG) 목영진(경희대) 이은수(보강기술) 박찬호(유구ENG) 학술상 논문상 기술상 신진상 저술상 특별상 (단체) 학회장상 임종철(부산대) 김승렬(에스코컨설탄트) 이우진(고려대) 이충호(알지오이엔씨) 김학청(신우지오ENG) 황제돈(에스코아이에스티) 김주현(알지오이엔씨) 박성식(원광대) 최인걸(유신코퍼레이션) 한국철도기술공단 한국시설안전공단 사면안정(위) 기초기술(위) 해안항만(위) 김재영(엠코) 이규환(건양대) 여규권(삼부토건) 이광렬(동서대) 안태봉(우송대) 김종렬(전남대)

5 2008 한국지반공학회 정기총회 및 봄 학술발표회 Geo Expo Tape Cutting Geo Expo 전경 엑스포 전경 구두발표

6 포스터발표 사랑방 특강 김주범 (참여회원, 한국건설안전기술협회 고문) 신병우 (참여회원, (주)세원리타 부사장)






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111 International Conference & Symposium Two-day GTS training course: 3D Finite Element Analysis for Geotechnical and Tunnel Engineering" Date : April 2008 Location : Prague, Czech Republic Super Pile '08 Seminar Date : April 2008 Location : Hilton Philadelphia Airport, Philadelphia, PA. SUSI th International Conference on High Performance Structures and Material Date : May 2008 Location : Tivoli Almansor Hotel, Algarve, Portugal Geotechnical earthquake engineering & soil dynamics IV (GEESD IV) Date : May, 2008 Location : Sacramento, USA conference@asce.org. Website: geesd08 1st International Conference on Long Time Effects and Seepage Behavior of Dams(LTESBD08) Date : May 30-June 2, (Deadline for submission of abstracts is the end of September 2007) Location : Hohai University, Nanjing, China 1st International Conference on Education and Training in Geo- Engineering Sciences: Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics Date : June, Location : University Ovidius, North of Constantza, Romania. Three-day course (optional excursion day fourth) in Setting Vol.24, No.4 113

112 up a geotechnical soil investigation program Date : June, 2008 Location : University of Dundee Scotland, UK. Date : June 2008, Location : GeoDelft Academy, Delft, the Netherlands. Geo-Environment and Landscape Evolution rd International Conference on Evaluation, Monitoring, Simulation, Management and Remediation of the Geological Environment and Landscape 10th International symposium on landslides and engineered slopes, 12th IACMAG conference Date : June 30-July 4, 2008 Location : Xi'an, China Secretary : Yujie Wang, Ph. D. wangyj@iwhr.com Website: Date : June 2008, Location : Ashurst Lodge - the home of the Wessex Institute - The New Forest, UK. Debris Flow nd International Conference on Debris Flow including all aspects of Debris Flow Monitoring, Modelling, Hazard Assessment, Mitigation Measures, Case Studies, and Extreme Events, Erosion, Slope Instability and Sediment Transport Date : June 2008, Location : Ashurst Lodge - the home of the Wessex Institute - The New Forest, E-UNSAT 2008: 1st European conference on unsaturated soils Date : 2-4 July, 2008 Location : Durham, United Kingdom e-unsat@durham.ac.uk Website: 18th International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference Date : 6-11 July, 2008 Location : Vancouver, Canada Website: 2nd British Geotechnical Association International Conference on Foundations - ICOF 2008 'Founded in research, design and practice 6th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering and Symposium in honor of professor James k, Mitchell 114

113 Date : 4-9 August, 2008 Location : Washington, DC Nottingham centre for geomechanics. 1st (ISSMGE TC3) International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics Date : August, 2008 (The deadline for the submission of abstract is 30 June 2007) Location : University of Nottingham Jubilee Campus, UK tc3conference@nottingham.ac.uk Website: Date : 8-10 Septemeber 2008, Location : Ashurst Lodge - the home of the Wessex Institute - The New Forest, 4th International symposium on pre-failure deformation characteristic of geomaterials and the symposium on characterization and behavior of interfaces Date : September, 2008 Location : Atlanta,Georgia, U. S. A glenn.rix@gatech.edu 2nd International Workshop on Geotechnics of Soft Soils - Focus on Ground Improvement Date : 3-5 September 2008, Location (Dead-line for abstracts is October 31, 2007) : University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. 4th European Geosynthetics Conference Date : 7-10 September, 2008 Location : Edinburgh Conference center, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland Underground Spaces st International Conference on Underground Spaces - Design, Engineering and Environmental Aspects 11th Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst: Integrating Science and Engineering to Solve Karst Problems Date : September, Location : Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A. 1st International Conference Hazardous Waste Management" Date : October Location : Minoa Palace Resort & SPA" Hotel, Chania - Crete,Greece. The international association for computer methods and ad Vol.24, No.4 115

114 vances in geomechanics 12th IACMAG conference Date : 1-6 October, 2008 Location : The Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India Website: 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14WCEE) Date : October, 2008 Location : Beijing, China 33rd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations & 11th International Conference on Piling and Deep Foundations Date : October, Location : Hilton New York, New York, NY th Annual Ohio River Valley Soils Seminar. Date : 17 October, Location : Cincinnati, Ohio. International Conference on Numerical Computation in Geotechnical Engineering (NUCGE' 08) Date : October, 2008 Location : University of Skikda, Algeria ISRM International Symposium 2008, 5th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium in "New Horizons in Rock Mechanics - Development and Applications" Date : November Location : Tehran, Iran. International Foundation Congress & Equipment Expo IFCEE '09 Date : March, Location : Buena Vista Palace Resort, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering - from case history to practice - IS-Tokyo Date : 5-17 June, Location : Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan 17th International conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering Date : 5-9 October, 2009 Location : Bibliotheca Alexandrian, Alexandria, Egypt Website: 116

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119 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering VOLUME 134/NUMBER 2 TECHNICAL PAPERS Reliability Assessment of Basal-Heave Stability for Braced Excavations in Clay A. T. C. Goh, F. H. Kulhawy, and K. S. Wong Uplift Mechanisms of Pipes Buried in Sand C. Y. Cheuk, D. J. White, and M. D. Bolton Postshaking Shear Strain Localization in a Centrifuge Model of a Saturated Sand Slope Erik J. Malvick, Bruce L. Kutter, and Ross W. Boulanger Probability of Exceedance Estimates for Scour Depth around Bridge Piers Laura C. Bolduc, Paolo Gardoni, and Jean-Louis Briaud Simplified Plane-Strain Modeling of Stone-Column Reinforced Ground S. A. Tan, S. Tjahyono, and K. K. Oo Mechanistic Model for One-Dimensional Consolidation Behavior of Nonsegregating Oil Sands Tailings R. C. K. Wong, B. N. Mills, and Y. B. Liu Durability of Cement Stabilized Low Plasticity Soils Zhongjie Zhang and Mingjiang Tao Numerical Modeling of Contaminant Transport through Soils: Case Study A. A. Javadi, M. M. Al-Najjar, and B. Evans Water Drainage in Double-Porosity Soils: Experiments and Micro-Macro Modeling Jolanta Lewandowska, Tien Dung Tran Ngoc, Michel Vauclin, and Henri Bertin Determination of the Critical Slip Surface Using Artificial Fish Swarms Algorithm Y. M. Cheng, L. Liang, S. C. Chi, and W. B. Wei TECHNICAL NOTES Search for Critical Slip Surface in Slope Stability Analysis by Spline-Based GA Method Jianping Sun, Jiachun Li, and Qingquan Liu Reinforced Concrete Walls with Vulnerable Foundations J. Paul Smith-Pardo DISCUSSIONS AND CLOSURES Discussion of Mapping Liquefaction Potential Considering Spatial Correlations of CPT Measurements by Chia-Nan Liu and Chien-Hsun Chen Laurie G. Baise, Jennifer A. Lenz, and Eric M. Thompson Closure to Mapping Liquefaction Potential Considering Spatial Correlations of CPT Measurements by Chia-Nan Liu and Chien-Hsun Chen Chia-Nan Liu and Chien-Hsun Chen Vol.24, No.4 121

120 e-journal Soils and Foundation Vol. 48 No. 1 (Feb. 2008) and Noriaki Sento TECHNICAL PAPERS Finite Element Analysis of Enlarged End Piles Using Frictional Contact D. Sheng, Haruyuki Yamamoto and P. Wriggers Seepage and Inertia Effect on Rate-dependent Reaction of a Pile in Liquefied Soil Ryosuke Uzuoka, Noriaki Sento and Motoki Kazama Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Scoria in Triaxial Compression at Low Confining Stress Y. Agustian and Satoshi Goto Various Viscosity Types of Geomaterials in Shear and Their Mathematical Expression Fumio Tatsuoka, H. Di Benedetto, Tadao Enomoto, Shohei Kawabe and W. Kongkitkul Small-strain Stress-strain Properties of Expanded Polystyrene Geofoam G.E. Abdelrahman, Shohei Kawabe, Yoshimichi Tsukamoto and Fumio Tatsuoka Effects of Clay Content on Liquefaction Characteristics of Gap-graded Clayey Sands W.-J. Chang and M.-L. Hong An Approach for Assessment of Compaction Curves of Fine-grained Soils at Various Energies using a One Point Test S. Horpibulsuk, W. Katkan and A. Apichatvullop TECHNICAL NOTES Stress Induced and Inherent Anisotropy on Elastic Stiffness of Soft Clays S. Teachavorasinskun and P. Lukkanaprasit Upper Bound Plasticity Analysis of a Partially-embedded Pipe under Combined Vertical and Horizontal Loading C.Y. Cheuk, D.J. White and H.R.C. Dingle A Study on the Engineering Properties of Sand Improved by the Sand Compaction Pile Method Munenori Hatanaka, L. Feng, Naoki Matsumura and Hiroki Yasu Liquefaction of Unsaturated Sand considering the Pore Air Pressure and Volume Compressibility of the Soil Particle Skelton Toshiyasu Unno, Motoki Kazama, Ryosuke Uzuoka 122

121 e-journal Geotechnique Volume: 58, Issue: 2 (2008) Mechanics of tunnelling machine screw conveyors: a theoretical model A. S. Merritt and R. J. Mair Insight into seismic earth and water pressures against caisson quay walls P. Dakoulas and G. Gazetas Monotonic and cyclic behaviour of sand under torsional loading V. N. Georgiannou, A. Tsomokos and K. Stavrou A new yield and failure criterion for geomaterials G. Mortara State-dependent constitutive model and numerical solution of self-weight consolidation B. C. Hawlader, B. Muhunthan and G. Imai Use of diaphragm walls to mitigate ground movements induced by tunnelling E. Bilotta Vol.24, No.4 123

122 e-journal Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Volume 28, Issue 4 journal/ Editorial Board / Aims and Scope Influence of soil-structure interaction on the response of seismically isolated cable-stayed bridge B.B. Soneji and R.S. Jangid Dynamic response of high-speed rail foundations using linear hysteretic damping and frequency domain substructuring Judith Wang, Xiangwu Zeng and D.A. Gasparini Improvement of HVSR technique by wavelet analysis Roberto Carniel, Petra Malisan, Fausto Barazza and Stefano Grimaz Technical Note An approach to digitize analog form of accelerograms recorded at Tarbela-Pakistan M. Rizwan, M. Ilyas, A. Masood and I. Towhata Dynamic response of an eccentrically lined circular tunnel in poroelastic soil under seismic excitation Seyyed M. Hasheminejad and Siavash Kazemirad Pushover analysis of base-isolated steel?concrete composite structures under near-fault excitations C.P. Providakis Propagation of partially coherent non-stationary random waves in a viscoelastic layered half-space Q. Gao, J.H. Lin, W.X. Zhong, W.P. Howson and F.W. Williams 124

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133 Experimental Investigation of Erosion in Variably Saturated Clay Soils Vol.22, Vol.24, No No.4 135

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