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1 10.

2 10.1

3 10.2 Library Routine: void perror (char* str) perror( ) str Error 0

4 10.3

5 10.3 int fd; /* */ fd = open (filename, ) /*, */ if (fd = = -1) { /* */ } fcnt1 (fd, ); /* */ read (fd, ); /* */ write (fd, ); /* */... lseek close (fd) ; (fd, ); /* */ /*, */

6 10.3

7 10.3 fd1 fd2 fd3

8 10.3»»»»»

9 10.3

10 10.3 fd System call: int open (char* filename, int mode, [int permission])»»»

11 10.3»»»»»»»»

12 10.3»»» sprintf (tmpname,.rev.%d, getid( ) ); /* */ /* */ tmpfd = open (tmpname, O_CREAT O_RDWR, 0600); if (tmpfd == -1) fatalerror ( );»»» fd = open (filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) fatalerror ( );»

13 10.3 System call: int read ( int fd, char* buf, int count )» charsread = read (fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if (charsread = = 0 ) break; / * */ if (charsread = = -1) fatalerror ( ); / * */

14 10.3 System call: int write ( int fd, char* buf, int count )»» /* */ if (standardinput) { charswritten = = write (tmpfd, buffer, charsread ); if (charswritten! = charsread) fatalerror ( ); /* */ }

15 » 10.3 System call: long lseek ( int fd, long offset, int mode )»» lseek (fd, linestart[i], L_SET); /* */ charsread = read (fd, buffer, linestart [i+1] - linestart [i] ); /* = - */

16 10.3 System call: int close ( int fd ) System call: int unlink ( char* filename )

17 10.3

18 10.3 Utility: monitor [ -t delay ] [ -c count ] { filename }+»»»»»»

19 10.3»»»»»»»

20 10.3 System call: int stat ( char* name, struct stat* buf ) int fstat ( int fd, struct stat* buf )»»

21 10.3

22 10.3»»

23 10.3 System call: int readdir(dir *df)»

24 10.3

25 10.3

26 10.3 System call: int chown ( char* filename, int ownerid, int groupid ) int fchown ( int fd, int ownerid, int groupid )»»»»»»

27 10.3 System call: int chmod ( char* filename, int mode ) int fchmod ( int fd, int mode )»»

28 10.3 System call: int dup ( int oldfd ) int dup2 ( int oldfd, int newfd )»»»

29 10.3 System call: int fcntl ( int fd, int cmd, int arg)»»

30 10.3»

31 10.3 System call: int ioctl ( int fd, int cmd, int arg)»» System call: int link ( char* oldpath, char* newpath )»»»»

32 10.3 System call: int mknod ( char* filename, int type, int device )»

33 10.3 System call: int sync ( )» System call: int truncate ( char* filename, long length ) int ftruncate (int fd, long length )»»»»

34 10.4

35 10.4 부모 (init, PID=1) 자식 (getty, PID=4) 로그인처리 자식 (getty, PID=5) 로그인처리 자식 (getty, PID=6) 로그인처리

36 10.4 부모프로세스 (PID=34) 셸실행 부모프로세스 (PID=34) 셸실행자식프로세스기다림 자식프로세스 (PID=35) 셸실행 : exec() :wait() 자식프로세스 (PID=35) 유틸리티실행 부모프로세스 (PID=34) 셸실행깨어남 : exit() 자식프로세스 (PID=35) 종료

37 or (sleep) (wake up),

38 10.4

39 10.4

40 10.4 System call: fork ( ) System call: int getpid ( ) int getppid ( )

41 10.4 System call: int exit (int status )

42 10.4 System call: int wait (int* status )»»»»»»»»

43 10.4 System call: int execl( char* Path, char* arg0,...char* argn, NULL ) int execv( char* Path, char* argv[ ] ) int execlp(char* Path, char* arg0,...char* argn, NULL) int execvp(char* Path, char* argv[ ] )»»»»»


45 10.4 System call: int chdir ( char* pathname )»

46 10.4» System call: int nice ( int delta )»»

47 10.4»»» System call: int getuid ( ) int geteuid( ) int getgid ( ) int getegid( )»»

48 10.4»»»» System call: int setuid (int id ) int seteuid (int id ) int setruid (int id ) int setgid (int id ) int setegid (int id ) int setrgid (int id )»»»

49 10.4 ls > ls.out»»»»»»

50 10.5»»»

51 10.5»»»»»»»»

52 10.5»»»» Library Routine: unsigned int alarm (unsigned int count)»»

53 10.5»»»»»» System call: void (*signal ( int sigcode, void ( *func) ( ) ) )( )

54 10.5» System call: int pause ( )

55 10.5»» System call: int kill ( int pid, int sigcode )»»»»»»»»

56 10.5»»» System call: int getpgrp ( int pid )»»

57 10.5»» System call: int setpgrp ( int pid, int pgrpid )»»

58 10.6

59 10.6 System call: int pipe ( int fd [ ] )»»»»»

60 10.6» A B C D E

61 10.6»»»»»»

62 10.6»»»»»»»

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