PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

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1 Web server porting 2 Jo, Heeseung

2 Web 을이용한 LED 제어 Web 을이용한 LED 제어프로그램 web 에서데이터를전송받아타겟보드의 LED 를조작하는프로그램을작성하기위해다음과같은소스파일을생성 2

3 Web 을이용한 LED 제어 LED 제어프로그램작성 8bitled.html 파일을작성 vi 8bitled.html 다음과같이수정한다 <html> <head><title> 8bit led cgi program</title></head> <body> <form method=get action="cgi-bin/8bitled.cgi"> <p><p><p> 십육진수값을 2 자리로입력하세요 : <input type="text" name="value" maxlength="2" size="2"> <input type="submit" name="button" value="input"></form> </body> </html> 저장하고종료한다

4 Web 을이용한 LED 제어 8bitled.c 파일을작성 vi 8bitled.c 001: #include <stdio.h> 002: #include <stdlib.h> 003: #include <unistd.h> 004: #include <sys/types.h> 005: #include <sys/mman.h> 006: #include <sys/stat.h> 007: #include <fcntl.h> 008: #include <sys/ioctl.h> 009: #include <termios.h> 010: 011: #define FPGA_BASEADDRESS 0x : #define LED_OFFSET 0x20 013: 014: typedef struct { 015: char name[128]; 016: char val[128]; 017: }entry; 018: 4

5 Web 을이용한 LED 제어 019: void getword(char *word, char *line, char stop) 020: { 021: int x =0, y = 0; 022: 023: for(x=0;((line[x]) && (line[x]!= stop)); x++) word[x] = line[x]; 024: 025: word[x] = '\0'; 026: if(line[x]) ++x; 027: 028: while(line[y++] = line[x++]); 029: } 030: 031: int main() 032: { 033: int fd; 034: unsigned short *addr_fpga, *addr_led; 035: 036: char *cl; 037: unsigned short val; 038: entry entries; 039: 5

6 Web 을이용한 LED 제어 040: printf("content-type : text/html\n\n"); 041: printf("<html>\n<head><title>8bit LED cgi program</title></head>\n"); 042: printf("<body>\n"); 043: 044: cl = (char *)getenv("query_string"); 045: getword(entries.name,cl,'='); 046: getword(entries.val,cl,'&'); 047: 048: val = (unsigned short)strtol(entries.val,null,16); 049: 050: if(val == 0) { 051: if(!((entries.val[0] == '0' && entries.val[1] == '\0') (entries.val[0] == '0' && entries.val[1] == '0'))) { 052: printf("<p>you entered the wrong value!"); 053: exit(1); 054: } 055: } 056: 057: if((fd=open("/dev/mem",o_rdwr O_SYNC)) < 0) { 058: printf("mem open fail, %d\n", fd); 6

7 Web 을이용한 LED 제어 059: exit(1); 060: } 061: 062: addr_fpga= (unsigned short *)mmap(null, 4096, PROT_READ PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, FPGA_BASEADDRESS); 063: addr_led = addr_fpga + LED_OFFSET/sizeof(unsigned short); 064: 065: *addr_led = val 0x100; 066: 067: munmap(addr_fpga, 4096); 068: close(fd); 069: 070: printf("<br><center>you entered <b>'0x%x'</b></center>",val); 071: printf("<hr>"); 072: printf("</body>\n</html>"); 073: 074: return 0; 075: } 7

8 Web 을이용한 LED 제어 LED 제어프로그램컴파일 작성된 LED 제어소스를컴파일 arm-linux-gcc -o 8bitled.cgi 8bitled.c 타겟보드에 LED 제어프로그램다운로드 타겟보드에 8bitled.html 과 8bitled.cgi 파일을 /web 과 /web/cgi-bin 디렉터리로복사 ~]# mv 8bitled.html /web/ ~]# mv 8bitled.cgi /web/cgi-bin/ 8

9 Web 을이용한 LED 제어 LED 제어페이지실행확인 호스트 PC 의웹브라우저로웹서버에접속 웹브라우저를실행시키고주소창에 8bitled.html 을입력 9

10 Web 을이용한 LED 제어 LED 제어페이지실행확인 텍스트상자에십육진수두자리를입력하고 input버튼을클릭 결과확인 10

11 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어프로그램 web 에서데이터를전송받아타겟보드의 7 Segment 제어프로그램을작성하기위해다음과같이소스파일을생성 7segment.html 파일을작성 root@ubuntu:/working/web# vi 7segment.html <html> <head><title> 7segment cgi program</title></head> <body> <form method=get action="cgi-bin/7segment.cgi"> <p><p><p>7-segment 에표시할십진수를입력하세요. <input type="text" name="value" maxlength="6" size="6"> <input type="submit" name="button" value="input"> </form> </body> </html> 11

12 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 7segment.c 파일작성 root@ubuntu:/working/web# vi 7segment.c 001: 다음과같이수정한다 : /********************************************************************** 003: * 7-Segment CGI Program 004: **********************************************************************/ 005: 006: #define FPGA_BASEADDRESS 0x : #define SEG_GRID_OFFSET 0x30 008: #define SEG_DATA_OFFSET 0x32 009: 010: typedef struct { 011: char name[128]; 012: char val[128]; 12

13 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 013: }entry; 014: 015: void getword(char *word, char *line, char stop) 016: { 017: int x =0, y = 0; 018: 019: for(x=0;((line[x]) && (line[x]!= stop)); x++) word[x] = line[x]; 020: 021: word[x] = '\0'; 022: if(line[x]) ++x; 023: 024: while(line[y++] = line[x++]); 025: } 026: 027: int sizeofword(char *word) 028: { 029: int i=0; 030: for(i=0;i<10;i++) { 031: if(word[i] == '\0') break; 032: } 033: return i; 13

14 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 034: } 035: 036: unsigned int Getsegcode(char x) 037: { 038: unsigned int code; 039: switch (x) { 040: case '0' : code = 0xfc; break; 041: case '1' : code = 0x60; break; 042: case '2' : code = 0xda; break; 043: case '3' : code = 0xf2; break; 044: case '4' : code = 0x66; break; 045: case '5' : code = 0xb6; break; 046: case '6' : code = 0xbe; break; 047: case '7' : code = 0xe4; break; 048: case '8' : code = 0xfe; break; 049: case '9' : code = 0xf6; break; 050: case 'a' : 051: case 'A' : code = 0xfa; break; 052: case 'b' : 053: case 'B' : code = 0x3e; break; 054: case 'c' : 055: case 'C' : code = 0x1a; break; 14

15 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 056: case 'd' : 057: case 'D' : code = 0x7a; break; 058: case 'e' : 059: case 'E' : code = 0x9e; break; 060: case 'f' : 061: case 'F' : code = 0x8e; break; 062: default : code = 0; break; 063: } 064: return code; 065: } 066: 067: int main() 068: { 069: char *cl; 070: int k; 071: unsigned int low = 0,high = 0; 072: entry entries; 073: unsigned short digit[6] = {0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01}; 074: unsigned short data[6]; 075: int i,j,m; 076: int fd; 077: unsigned short *addr_fpga; 15

16 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 078: unsigned short *addr_grid, *addr_data; 079: 080: printf("content-type: text/html\n\n"); 081: printf("<html>\n<head><title>7-segment cgi program</title></head>\n"); 082: printf("<body>\n"); 083: 084: if((fd=open("/dev/mem",o_rdwr O_SYNC)) < 0) { 085: printf("mem open fail\n"); 086: exit(1); 087: } 088: 089: addr_fpga= (unsigned short *)mmap(null, 4096, PROT_READ PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, FPGA_BASEADDRESS); 090: addr_grid=addr_fpga+seg_grid_offset/sizeof(unsigned short); 091: addr_data=addr_fpga+seg_data_offset/sizeof(unsigned short); 092: 093: if(addr_grid < 0 addr_data < 0) { 094: close(fd); 095: printf("mmap error\n"); 096: exit(1); 097: } 16

17 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 098: 099: cl = (char *)getenv("query_string"); 100: getword(entries.name,cl,'='); 101: getword(entries.val,cl,'&'); 102: k = sizeofword(entries.val); 103: 104: for(i=0; i<k; i++) 105: data[(k-i)-1] = Getsegcode(entries.val[i]); 106: 107: for(j=0;j<200;j++) { 108: for(i=0; i<k; i++) { 109: *addr_grid = digit[i]; 110: *addr_data = data[i]; 111: for(m=0;m<65536;m++); 112: } 113: } 114: 115: *addr_grid = ~digit[0]; 116: *addr_data = 0; 117: 17

18 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 118: munmap(addr_grid, 4096); 119: munmap(addr_data, 4096); 120: close(fd); 121: 122: if( k!= 0) printf("<br><center>7-segment Done<br></center>"); 123: else printf("<br><center>you entered the wrong value!<br></center>"); 124: 125: printf("<hr>"); 126: printf("</body>\n</html>"); 127: return 0; 128: } 18

19 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 7Segment 제어프로그램컴파일 작성된 7Segment.c 를컴파일 root@ubuntu:/working/web# arm-linux-gcc -o 7segment.cgi 7segment.c 타겟보드에 7Segment 제어프로그램다운로드 타겟보드에서 7segment.html 과 7segment.cgi 파일을 /web 과 /web/cgi-bin 디렉터리로복사 [root@sm5s4210 ~]# mv 7segment.html /web/ [root@sm5s4210 ~]# mv 7segment.cgi /web/cgi-bin/ 19

20 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 7Segment 제어페이지실행확인 호스트 PC 의웹브라우저로웹서버에접속 웹브라우저를실행시키고주소창에 7segment.html 을입력 20

21 Web 을이용한 7 Segment 제어 7Segment 제어페이지실행확인 텍스트상자에십진수 6 자리를입력하고 input버튼을클릭 결과확인 21

22 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 Web 을이용한 textlcd 제어프로그램 web 에서데이터를전송받아타겟보드의 textlcd 를조작하는프로그램을작성하기위해다음과같이소스파일을생성 textlcd 제어프로그램작성 vi textlcd.html <html> <head><title> TextLCD CGI Program</title></head> <body> <form method=get action="cgi-bin/textlcd.cgi"> <p><p><p>lcd 에표시할문자를입력하세요.<br><br>Line1 <input type="text" name="form2" maxlength="16" size="20"><br>line2 <input type="text" name="form2" maxlength="16" size="20"><br> <input type="submit" name="button" value="input"> </form> </body> </html> 22

23 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 textlcd.c 파일을작성 vi textlcd.c 001: 다음과같이수정한다 : /***************************************************************** 003: * TextLCD CGI Program 004: *****************************************************************/ 005: 006: #include <stdio.h> 007: #include <string.h> 008: #include <stdlib.h> 009: #include <unistd.h> 010: #include <sys/mman.h> 011: #include <fcntl.h> 012: #include <termios.h> 013: 23

24 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 014: #define FPGA_BASEADDRESS 0x : #define TEXTLCD_OFFSET 0x10 016: 017: void setcommand(unsigned short command); 018: void writebyte(char ch); 019: void initialize_textlcd(); 020: void writetextlcd(int row, char *str,int length); 021: int function_set(int rows, int nfonts); 022: int display_control(int display_enable, int cursor_enable, int nblink); 023: int cusrsor_shit(int set_screen, int set_rightshit); 024: int entry_mode_set(int increase, int nshift); 025: int return_home(); 026: int clear_display(); 027: int set_ddram_address(int pos); 028: 029: void splitword(char *out, char *in, char stop); 030: void unescape_url(char *url); 031: char x2c(char *x); 032: 033: unsigned short *ptextlcd; 034: 24

25 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 035: typedef struct { 036: char name[128]; 037: char val[128]; 038: }entry[2]; 039: 040: int get_get(entry entries) 041: { 042: char qs[128]; 043: int i; 044: 045: //bzero(qs,sizeof(qs)); 046: sprintf(qs,"%s\0",getenv("query_string")); 047: 048: for(i=0;*qs && i < 2; i++) { 049: splitword(entries[i].val, qs, '&'); 050: unescape_url(entries[i].val); 051: splitword(entries[i].name, entries[i].val, '='); 052: } 053: 054: return i; 055: } 056: 25

26 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 057: void splitword(char *out, char *in, char stop) 058: { 059: int i, j; 060: 061: while(*in == ' ') in++; 062: for(i=0; in[i]&&(in[i]!=stop); i++) out[i] = in[i]; 063: out[i] = '\0'; 064: if(in[i]) ++i; 065: while(in[i] == ' ') i++; 066: 067: for(j=0;in[j]; ) in[j++] = in[i++]; 068: } 069: 070: void unescape_url(char *url) 071: { 072: int i,j; 073: 074: for(i=0,j=0;url[j];++i,++j) { 075: if((url[i] = url[j]) == '%') { 076: url[i] = x2c(&url[j+1]); 077: j += 2; 078: }else if(url[i] == '+') { 26

27 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 079: url[i] = ' '; 080: } 081: } 082: url[i] = '\0'; 083: } 084: 085: char x2c(char *x) 086: { 087: char c; 088: 089: c = (x[0] >= 'A'? ((x[0] & 0xdf) - 'A') + 10 : (x[0] - '0')); 090: c *= 16; 091: c += (x[1] >= 'A'? ((x[1] & 0xdf) - 'A') + 10 : (x[1] - '0')); 092: 093: return c; 094: } 095: 096: int main(int argc, char **argv) 097: { 098: char data[2][128]; 099: int fd; 100: entry entries; 27

28 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 101: char *cl; 102: unsigned short *addr_fpga; 103: 104: printf("content-type: text/html\n\n"); 105: cl = (char *)getenv("query_string"); 106: 107: get_get(entries); 108: 109: if ((fd=open("/dev/mem",o_rdwr O_SYNC)) < 0) { 110: perror("mem open fail\n"); 111: exit(1); 112: } 113: 114: addr_fpga= (unsigned short *)mmap(null, 4096, PROT_READ PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, FPGA_BASEADDRESS); 115: ptextlcd=addr_fpga+textlcd_offset/sizeof(unsigned short); 116: 117: if(ptextlcd < 0) { 118: close(fd); 119: printf("mmap error\n"); 120: exit(1); 121: } 28

29 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 122: 123: initialize_textlcd(); 124: 125: strcpy(data[0], entries[0].val); 126: strcpy(data[1], entries[1].val); 127: 128: writetextlcd(1,data[0],strlen(data[0])); 129: writetextlcd(2,data[1],strlen(data[1])); 130: 131: munmap(ptextlcd,4096); 132: close(fd); 133: 134: printf("<br><center>lcd Done!</center><br>"); 135: return 0; 136: } 137: 138: void setcommand(unsigned short command) 139: { 140: command &= 0x00FF; 141: 142: *ptextlcd = command 0x0000; 143: usleep(1000); 29

30 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 144: *ptextlcd = command 0x0100; 145: usleep(1000); 146: *ptextlcd = command 0x0000; 147: usleep(1000); 148: 149: } 150: 151: void writebyte(char ch) 152: { 153: unsigned short data; 154: data = ch & 0x00FF; 155: 156: *ptextlcd = data&0x400; 157: usleep(1000); 158: *ptextlcd = data 0x500; 159: usleep(1000); 160: *ptextlcd = data 0x400; 161: usleep(1000); 162: } 163: 164: void initialize_textlcd() 165: { 30

31 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 166: function_set(2,0); //Function Set:8bit,display 2lines,5x7 mod 167: display_control(1,0,0); // Display on, Cursor off 168: clear_display(); // Display clear 169: entry_mode_set(1,0); // Entry Mode Set : shift right cursor 170: return_home(); // go home 171: } 172: 173: //send Function Set command to the text lcd 174: // rows = 2 : => 2 rows, rows = 1 => 1 rows 175: // nfonts = 1 : = > 5x10 dot, nfonts = 0 : 5x7 dot 176: int function_set(int rows, int nfonts){ 177: unsigned short command = 0x30; 178: 179: if(rows == 2) command = 0x08; 180: else if(rows == 1) command &= 0xf7; 181: else return -1; 182: 183: command = nfonts? (command 0x04) : command; 184: setcommand(command); 185: 186: return 1; 187: } 31

32 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 188: 189: int display_control(int display_enable, int cursor_enable, int nblink) 190: { 191: unsigned short command = 0x08; 192: command = display_enable? (command 0x04) : command; 193: command = cursor_enable? (command 0x02) : command; 194: command = nblink? (command 0x01) : command; 195: setcommand(command); 196: return 1; 197: } 198: 199: int cusrsor_shit(int set_screen, int set_rightshit) 200: { 201: unsigned short command = 0x10; 202: command = set_screen? (command 0x08) : command; 203: command = set_rightshit? (command 0x04) : command; 204: setcommand(command); 205: return 1; 206: } 207: 208: int entry_mode_set(int increase, int nshift) 32

33 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 209: { 210: unsigned short command = 0x04; 211: command = increase? (command 0x2) : command; 212: command = nshift? ( command 0x1) : command; 213: setcommand(command); 214: return 1; 215: } 216: 217: int return_home() 218: { 219: unsigned short command = 0x02; 220: setcommand(command); 221: return 1; 222: } 223: 224: int clear_display() 225: { 226: unsigned short command = 0x01; 227: setcommand(command); 228: return 1; 229: } 230: 33

34 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 231: int set_ddram_address(int pos) 232: { 233: unsigned short command = 0x80; 234: command += pos; 235: setcommand(command); 236: return 1; 237: } 238: 239: void writetextlcd(int row, char *str,int length) 240: { 241: int i; 242: 243: if(row == 1) set_ddram_address(0x0); 244: else if(row == 2) set_ddram_address(0x40); 245: 246: for(i=0;i<length;i++) writebyte(str[i]); 247: } 34

35 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 textlcd 제어프로그램컴파일 작성된 textlcd.c 를컴파일 arm-linux-gcc -o textlcd.cgi textlcd.c 타겟보드에 textlcd 제어프로그램다운로드 타겟보드에서 textlcd.html 과 textlcd.cgi 파일을 /web 과 /web/cgi-bin 디렉터리로복사 ~]$ mv textlcd.html /web/ ~]$ mv textlcd.cgi /web/cgi-bin/ 35

36 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 textlcd 제어페이지실행확인 호스트 PC 의웹브라우저로웹서버에접속 웹브라우저를실행시키고주소창에 textlcd.html 을입력 36

37 Web 을이용한 TextLCD 제어 textlcd 제어페이지실행확인 텍스트상자의 Line1과 Line2 글자를입력하고 input버튼을클릭 결과확인 37

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션 Web server porting 2 Jo, Heeseung Web 을이용한 LED 제어 Web 을이용한 LED 제어프로그램 web 에서데이터를전송받아타겟보드의 LED 를조작하는프로그램을작성하기위해다음과같은소스파일을생성 2 Web 을이용한 LED 제어 LED 제어프로그램작성 8bitled.html 파일을작성 root@ubuntu:/working/web# vi

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