물질안전보건자료 ( M S D S: Material Safety Data Sheet ) ARYSTAL 450 ( 성형용 Mat 확산판 ) 플라벡스
1. 제품과회사에관한정보 1) 제조자정보 회사명 : 플라벡스주식회사 주소 : 369-902 충북음성군금왕읍쌍봉리 108번지 T E L : 043)883-2670~1 F A X : 043)883-2672 2) 작성부서및이름 : 품질관리팀이광태 3) 작성일 : 2019년 1월 11일 4) 제품 제품명 : ARYSTAL 450( 성형용 Mat 확산판 ) 화학명 : Methyl Acrylate-Methyl Methacrylate Polymer CAS No. : 9011-87-4 2. 물질의일반사항 1) 단일제품 혼합물의구별 : 단일제품 2) 화학명 : 메타크릴산알킬 아크릴산알킬공중합체 3) 함유량 : 100% 3. 위험유해성의분류 : 해당되지않음 1) 눈에대한영향 : 심각한부작용에대한자료없음 2) 피부에대한영향 : 심각한부작용에대한자료없음 3) 흡입시의영향 : 해당없음 4) 섭취시의영향 : 심각한부작용에대한자료없음 5) 만성징후와증상 : 심각한부작용에대한자료없음 4. 응급조치요령 1) 흡입 : 부작용이발생하면오염되지않은지역으로이동시킬것. 호흡을하지않을경우인공호흡을할것. 즉시의사의치료를받을것. 2) 눈접촉 : 많은양의물을사용하여눈을세척할것. 3) 섭취 : 만약많은양을삼켰다면의사의치료를받도록한다. 5. 폭발화재시대처법 1) 인화점 : >280 2/7
2) 자연발화점 : 400 이상 3) 화재및폭발위험 : 경미한화재위험있음. 분진 / 공기혼합물은발화하거나폭발할수있음. 4) 소화제 : 입자상분말소화약제, 이산화탄소, 물, 일반분말 5) 소화방법및장비 : 물또는분말소화제를기기장치에직접뿌리지말것. 대형화재일경우개인보호장비를착용하고, 진화작업을실시한다. 유독한가스가발생할수있으므로보호구 ( 안면산소마스크 ) 를착용하고진화작업을실시해야함. 6. 누출사고시대처방법 1) 환경을보호하기위해필요한조치사항 : 지정된용기에구분하여산업폐기물처리규정에의해 처리한다. 7. 취급및저장방법 1) 현행법규및규정에의하여저장및취급할것. 혼합금지물질과분리할것. 8. 노출방지및개인보호구 1) 노출기준 : 직접적노출기준이제정되어있지않음. 2) 환기 : 국소배기장치설치할것. 물질이폭발농도의위험이있는경우에는해당환기장치는방폭설비를할것. 해당노출기준에적합한지확인할것. 3) 눈보호 : 비산물또는유해한액체로부터보호되는보호안격을착용할것. 4) 보호의 : 적당한내화학성보호의를착용할것. 5) 안전장갑 : 적당한내화학성장갑을착용할것. 6) 호흡보호구 : 사용빈도가높거나노출이심한경우에는호흡용보호구가필요함. 9. 물리, 화학적특성 1) 물리적상태 : 판상태 2) 외관 : 투명 3) 끓는점 : 자료없음 4) 녹는점 : 110 ~130 사이 5) ph : 해당안됨. 6) 물용해도 : 불용성 10. 안정성및반응성 1) 반응성 : 상온, 상압에서안정함. 2) 피해야할조건 : 열, 화염, 스파크및기타점화원을피할것. 3/7
3) 혼합금지물질 : 산, 염기, 산화제 4) 위험한분해생성물 : 열분해생성물 : 탄소화합물 5) 중합반응 : 중합하진않음. 11. 독성에관한정보 1) PMMA 발암성 : 국제발암성연구소동물실험결과불충분한근거 2) PMMA 의종양발생 : 독성데이터있음. 12. 환경에미치는영향 없음. 13. 폐기시주의사항 적용규정에따라폐기할것. 14. 운송에필요항정보 - 미국교통부 ( 규정 ) : 분류등급이부여되어있지않음 15. 법적규제사항 PMMA : 산업안전보건법상미규정 16. 기타참고사항 자료의출처 : 물질안전보건자료는 LG MMA 제공한 MSDS 를노동부고시제 97-27 호규정에 준하여작성된것임. 4/7
1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 1) MANUFACTURER : PLAVEX CORPORATION 2) ADDRESS : #108 Ssangbong-ri, Geumwang-eup, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea 3) T E L : 82-43-883-2670~1 4) F A X : 82-43-883-2672 5) PRINTED DATE : 2019/1/11 6) PRODUCT NAME : ARYSTAL 450 (Mat Diffusion Sheet) 2. COMPOSITION 1) CHEMICAL NAME : Methyl Acrylate-Methyl Methacrylate Polymer 2) CAS No. : 9011-87-4 3) CONTENTS(%) : 100% 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION HEALTH HAZARD DATA 1) EYE : No toxic Symptoms reported. 2) SKIN : No toxic Symptoms reported. 3) INHALATION : No toxic Symptoms reported. 4) INGESTION : No toxic Symptoms reported. However, Low toxiciti by this route is expected ba on biological actuvity of high molecular weight polyester polymers. 4. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID MEASURES 1) EYE(Contact) : Flush with plenty of water. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist. 2) SKIN(Contact) : If molten polymer contact skin, cool rapidly with cold water. 3) INHALATION : Remove to fresh air. 4) INGESTION : If significant quantity has been swallowed, give a glass of water and induce vo Seek medical attention. 5. FIRST AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA 1) FLASH POINT : No data 2) AUTOIGNITION TEMP : 393 (739F) 3) FLAMMABLE LIMITS : No data 4) EXTINGUSHING MEDIA : Dry Chemical, Co 2, Foam or Water spray 5) SPECIAL Fire Fighting Procedure 5/7
Water and/or dry chemical should not be used on machinery. Self-contained breathing apparatus and personal protective equipment may be needed for large fires. 6. SPILL OR LEAK MEASURES 1) WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Transfer to an approved disposal area in accordance with regulation on industrial waste disp 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE 1) HANDILG - Care Should be taken to avoid accidents when loading, unloading or stacking th product 2) STORAGE - Requirements to bo mat by storerooms and containers. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION 1) Ventilation - Local Exhaust Recommended when appropirate to control employee exposure. Mechanical May not be adequate as the sole means to control employee exposure. 2) Respiratory Protection Approved respirators recommended when handling hot material. 3) Protective Gloves Recommended during melt processing. 4) Eye Protection Safety glasses recommended. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 1) Appearance : Clear Sheet 2) Color : Clear 3) Melt Point : between 110~130 4) ph : No data 5) Specific gravity : 1.15~1.19(H 2 O=1) 6) Solubility in water : Insoluble 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 1) Stability : Stable(Nomal condition) 2) Incompatibility : Avoid form heat, spark 3) Hazard Polymer 6/7
4) Conditions to avoid Do not heat above 280 11.Toxocological information 1) Sensitisation : No data 2) Acute Toxicity : No data 3) Precautions to be taken in handling and strong. Store in cool dry place 12. Ecological information No data 13. Disposal consideration 1) Recommendation : Must be specially treated under adherence to dfficial regulations. 14. Transport information - Land transport : No data Not dangerous according to the above specifications 15. Regulatory information - Korea : Inderstry Safety & Health Law : No Regulation The fire Services Act : No Regulation 16. Other information - The information submit in this MSDS is based on our current knowledge and experience. All materials may present unknown health hazards and should be used with caution. 7/7