Written by Dr. In Ku Kim-Marshall STEP BY STEP Korean 2 through 15 Action Verbs
Table of Contents Unit 1 Review Exercises 01~05 Unit 2 Review Exercises 06~10 STEP BY STEP KOREAN(2) with 15 Verbs
Unit 3 Review Exercises 11~15 Appendix Vocabulary List
Personal Note STEP BY STEP KOREAN(2) with 15 Verbs
Unit 1 STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs
In this unit
Chapter 01. Vocabulary STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs
Grammar Notes
Exercises Ch.01 STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs
Ch.01 STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs
Ch.01 Horizontal Vertical
Ch.01 STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs
A. Cultural Note :, King Sejong and Hunminjeongeum Hangeul
Chapter 02 기쁘다 (to be happy) 나는 오늘 아주 기뻐요. Vocabulary 기쁘다 to be happy 으 ( irregular verb) 기뻐요(기쁘+-어요) 아주 a lot, very much 오늘 today 왜 why (question word) 18 STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs 친구 friend 만나다 to meet 그래서 therefore, so
Grammar Notes
Exercises Ch.02 STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs
Exercises Ch.02 STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs
Exercises Ch.02 Horizontal Vertical STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs
Chapter 03. Vocabulary STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs
Grammar Notes
Exercises Ch.03 STEP BY STEP KOREAN (2) with 15 Verbs