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DATA SHEET AP3865e Outdoor 용 AP 802.11ac 울트라급고성능의 802.11ac 액세스포인트 이점 비즈니스적응성 모바일근로자의생산성과편리성향상을위해필요한음성 / 비디오 / 데이터애플리케이션지원 비즈니스요구에따른우선순위, QoS 및보안기능제공을위해역할기반의사용자, 디바이스및애플리케이션을그룹화함 번거로운클라이언트소프트웨어의필요없이전체멀티서브넷캠퍼스에걸쳐원활한로밍가능 통합된관리, 보안및 QoS 기능으로운영비용을줄이고, 위치에상관없이지속적인사용자경험을보장운영효율성 문제해결의가속화, 네트워크이용의최적화및유무선네트워크의자동화관리를위해 NetSight로중앙집중가시성및제어기능제공 각애플리케이션에대한복잡성을줄이고정보플로우를최적화한적응성있는아키텍쳐 Dynamic Radio Management로엔터프라이즈전반에걸쳐최적의 AP 적용범위, 가용성의극대화및무선서비스품질을보장 유연한클라이언트액세스로오늘날혼합된 802.11ac/n/a/b/g/n 환경에서 802.11ac/n 클라이언트에대한처리량을최적화함 제품개요 AP3865는고성능의 outdoor용액세스포인트로무선제품의사용범위를더욱확장시켜줍니다. 이 outdoor용 AP는창고, 제조공장, 공원및경기장과같은무선연결이어려운환경에서도작동이가능하도록설계되었습니다. AP3865e는전문적인설치가필요하며, 2.4G 및 5G 대역의안테나를모두지원하는통합된피뢰와함께 6개의표준 N-타입의안테나커넥터를포함합니다. AP3865e는 802.3at power-over-ethernet (PoE+) 을통하여전원이공급됩니다. AP3865e는간섭방해및방지기능, self-forming과 self-healing meshing, 보안, 역할기반인증, 권한, 그리고액세스제어기능과함께 802.11ac 성능, 동적라디오관리, 스펙트럼분석을포함한최신 Wi-Fi 기술을제공합니다. 3x3:3 플랫폼은 over-the-air-performance에서 1.75Gbps를, 그리고유선포트에서초당 75,000개패킷을제공합니다. 다중안테나 ( 예. Omni, sector 및 panel) 는 AP3865e가어떤영역, 범위또는기능의요구사항을충족하도록최적화할수있도록보장합니다. 3865 Outdoor Access Point Data Sheet 1

보안 802.1X, MAC, captive portal 을사용하는역할기반의액세스제어를포함한인증및권한기능과 AP 에서의인증 Wireless Intrusion Prevention (WIPS) 기능으로지속적인스캐닝, 위협분류, 비인가 AP 탐지및발생가능한공격에대한대응책제공 유무선네트워크에걸쳐보안정책 (NAC, IPS) 을통합하여보안위협에대한빠른진단및해결보장 사양 GENERAL PRODUCT FEATURES High performance enterprise class AP AP3865e Number of radios 2 MIMO implementation for high performance 11ac & 11n throughputs Number of spatial streams 3 Maximum Throughput 2.4GHz Radio Maximum Throughput 5GHz Radio Maximum Throughput per AP RFC2285 Wire/Wireless Forwarding Rate 3x3 450Mbps 1.3Gbps 1.75Gbps 75,000 pps Number of SSIDs supported per AP 8/16 Simultaneous users per radio/total 300 Integration with 유무선네트워크에걸쳐 Policy Manager 와통합하여무선네트워크의진입지점에서사용자접속을동적으로제어 지원및서비스 업계를선도하는고객만족및 first call 해결율 사이트서베이, 네트워크설계및교육을포함한맞춤서비스제공 Simultaneous voice calls (802.11, G711, R>80) Mode of operation Plug and play operation/zero touch deployment Security and Standards MULTIPLE OPERATING MODES Clients serving access points Intelligent thin AP Distributed and centralized data paths within same SSID Application based distributed and centralized data paths within same session Simultaneous RF monitoring and client services In-channel WIDS In-channel WIPS Dedicated multi-channel WIDS (Guardian mode) Dedicated multi-channel WIPS (Guardian mode) Dedicated multi-channel RF spectrum analysis and fingerprinting Locates devices and threats via RF triangulation Self-forming and self-healing meshing Remote access point Hardware-based, end-to-end data and control plane encryption Private and public cloud deployments HYBRID OPERAT ION Security scanning and serve clients on same radio Security scanning and spectrum analysis on same radio Spectrum analysis and serve clients on same radio Multi-channel dedicated security scanning and spectrum analysis RADIO CHARACTERISTICS 12 or greater Semi-autonomous WPA, WPA2 (AES), 802.11i, 802.1x, IPSec, IKEv2, PKCS #10, X509 DER / PKCS #12 Encryption, Security, QoS and RF management done on AP 3865 Outdoor Access Point Data Sheet 2

ADAPT IVE RADIO MANAGEMENT Dynamic Channel Control Efficient use of the spectrum with a multi-channel architecture Automatic transmit power and channel control Self-healing with coverage gap detection Band steering with multiple steering modes Spectrum load balancing of clients Airtime fairness Performance protection in congested RF environments Mitigates co-channel interference with coordinated access Mitigates adjacent channel interference with optimized receive sensitivity Efficient reuse of channels at shorter intervals Mitigates non 802.11 interference without dedicated radios 802.11h: DFS & TPC support (ETSI) QOS FOR APPL ICAT IONS Quality of Service (WMM, 802.11e) Power Save (U-APSD) Fast secure roaming and handover between APs Pre-Authentication (Pre-Auth) Opportunistic Key Caching (OKC) Bonjour/LLMNR/UPnP identification, containment and control Supports voice, video and data using the same SSID Prioritizes voice over data for both tagged and untagged traffic Rate limiting (rule and user-based) Rule and role based QoS processing MULTICAST RATE CONTROL Multicast to unicast Conversion Adaptable rate multicast Power save mode optimization for multicast WIRELESS SERVICES Media Access Protocol Data Rates CSMA/CA with ACK 802.11a: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps 802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps 802.11g: 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps 802.11n: See 802.11n Performance Table below 802.11ac: See 802.11ac Performance Table below Receiver Sensitivity 802.11a: -92dBm @ 6Mbps -76dBm @ 54Mbps 802.11g: -92dBm @ 6Mbps -76dBm @ 54Mbps 802.11b: -93dBm @ 1Mbps -90dBm @ 11Mbps 802.11n: See 802.11n Receiver Sensitivity Table below 802.11ac: See 802.11ac Receiver Sensitivity Table below 3865 Outdoor Access Point Data Sheet 3

Frequency Bands 802.11a/n: 5.15 to 5.25 GHz (FCC/IC/ETSI) 5.25 to 5.35 GHz (FCC/IC/ETSI)* 5.47 to 5.725 GHz (FCC/IC/ETSI)* 5.725 to 5.850 GHz (FCC/IC) 802.11b/g/n: 2.400 to 2.4835 GHz (FCC/IC/ETSI) *FCC/IC DFS certification in progress Wireless Modulation 802.11ac: BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM with OFDM 802.11ac Packet aggregation: A-MPDU, A-MSDU 802.11ac Very High-Throughput (VHT): VHT20/40/80 802.11ac Advanced Features: LDPC, STBC, Maximum Likelihood (ML) Detection 802.11n: BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM with OFDM 802.11n High-throughput (HT) support: HT20/40 802.11n Packet aggregation: A-MPDU, A-MSDU 802.11n Advanced Features: LDPC, STBC and TxBF 802.11a: BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM with OFDM 802.11g: DSSS and OFDM 802.11b: DSSS INTERFACES # 10/100/1000 Base T Ethernet autosensing link 2 Console port for the ease of installation and management Active/active and active/passive with dynamic LAG support (LACP) MOUNT ING Wall and pole mounting bracket (standard) ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental Operating: Temperature -40 C to +60 C (-40 F to +140 F) Humidity 0%-95% (noncondensing) Storage: Temperature -40 C to +70 C (-40 F to +158 F) Transportation: Temperature -40 C to +70 C (-40 F to +158 F) Protection: IP67, NEMA4 WIRELESS AND EMC Compliance FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Class B ICES-003 Class B FCC Subpart C 15.247 FCC Subpart E 15.407 RSS-210 EN 301 893 EN 300 328 EN 301 489 1 & 17 EN 62311 EN 55022 (CISPR 22) AS/NZS3548 + CISPR22 Safety IEC 60950-1 EN 60950-1 UL 60950-1 CSA 22.2 No.60950-1-03 AS/NZS 60950.1 MECHANICAL Dimensions(Width x Height x Depth) Weight Max power consumption Warranty 8.625 x 11 x 2.25 (219mm x 280mm x 57mm) 4.6lbs(2.1kg) 802.3at 1 Year 3865 Outdoor Access Point Data Sheet 4

주문정보 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCESS POINTS WS-AP3865e Dual Radio 802.11ac/a/b/g/n, 3x3:3, outdoor access point with six standard N jack connectors for external antennas (requires antennas to be ordered separately) ANT ENNAS (REQUIRED) WS-AO-DT05120N WS-AO-DS02360N3 WS-AO-5D23009N WS-AO-DX13025N WS-AO-DX10055N WS-AO-DX07180N WS-AO-2DIPN3 WS-AO-5DIPN3 Outdoor, 2.3-2.7/4.9-6.1 GHz, Triple-feed, 5 dbi, 120 deg, sector with standard N-type plug connector Outdoor, 2.4-2.5/5.15-5.875 GHz, 2 dbi, omni baton with standard N-type plug connector (3-pack) Outdoor, 5.15-5.875 GHz, Dual-polarization, 23 dbi, 9 deg, panel antenna with standard N-type plug connectors Outdoor, 2.4-2.5/5.15-5.875 GHz, Six-feed, 12/11 dbi, 27/30 deg, panel with two standard N-type plug connectors Outdoor, 2.4-2.5/5.15-5.875 GHz, Six-feed, 9/8 dbi, 55 deg, panel with standard N-type plug connectors Outdoor, 2.4-2.5/5.15-5.875 GHz, Six-feed, 7 dbi, 180 deg, panel with standard N-type plug connectors Outdoor, 2.4 GHz, dipole, 3 pack Outdoor, 5 GHz, dipole, 3 pack CABLES/CONNECTORS WS-CAB-L200C20N WS-CAB-L400C20N WS-CAB-L400C06N WS-CAB-L400C50N WS-CAB-L400C75N WS-CAB-L600C25N WS-CAB-L600C50N WS-CAB-NTERM 20 foot LMR200 cable with standard N-type jack and plug connectors 20 foot LMR400 cable with standard N-type jack and plug connectors 6 foot LMR400 cable with standard N-type jack and plug connectors 50 foot LMR400 cable with standard N-type jack and plug connectors 75 foot LMR400 cable with standard N-type jack and plug connectors 25 foot LMR600 cable with standard N-type jack and plug connectors 50 foot LMR600 cable with standard N-type jack and plug connectors Standard N-type plug terminator MID-SPAN POE DEVICES PD-9001GO-ENT PD-9501GO-ENT Outdoor, single-port, 10/100/1000 E/N 802.3at PoE injector (60W) Outdoor, single-port, 10/100/1000 E/N 802.3at PoE injector (30W) 3865 Outdoor Access Point Data Sheet 5

802.11ac Performance DATA RATES (MBPS) DESCRIPTOR DATA STREAMS VHT20 VHT40 VHT80 NORMAL GI SHORT GI NORMAL GI SHORT GI NORMAL GI SHORT GI MCS0 1 6.5 7.2 13.5 15 29.3 32.5 MCS1 1 13 14.4 27 30 58.5 65.0 MCS2 1 19.5 21.7 40.5 45 87.8 97.5 MCS3 1 26 28.9 54 60 117.0 130.0 MCS4 1 39 43.3 81 90 175.5 195.0 MCS5 1 52 57.8 108 120 234.0 260.0 MCS6 1 58.5 65 121.5 135 263.3 292.5 MCS7 1 65 72.2 135 150 292.5 325.0 MCS8 1 78.0 86.7 162.0 180.0 351.0 390.0 MCS9 1 NA NA 180.0 200.0 390.0 433.3 MCS0 2 13 14.4 27 30 58.5 65.0 MCS1 2 26 28.9 54 60 117.0 130.0 MCS2 2 39 43.3 81 90 175.5 195.0 MCS3 2 52 57.8 108 120 234.0 260.0 MCS4 2 78 86.7 162 180 351.0 390.0 MCS5 2 104 115.6 216 240 468.0 520.0 MCS6 2 117 130 243 270 526.5 585.0 MCS7 2 130 144.4 270 300 585.0 650.0 MCS8 2 156.0 173.3 324.0 360.0 702.0 780.0 MCS9 2 NA NA 360.0 400.0 780.0 866.7 MCS0 3 19.5 21.7 40.5 45 87.8 97.5 MCS1 3 39 43.3 81 90 175.5 195.0 MCS2 3 58.5 65 121.5 135 263.3 292.5 MCS3 3 78 86.7 162 180 351.0 390.0 MCS4 3 117 130 243 270 526.5 585.0 MCS5 3 156 173.3 324 360 702.0 780.0 MCS6 3 175.5 195 364.5 405 NA NA MCS7 3 195 216.7 405 450 877.5 975.0 MCS8 3 234.0 260.0 486.0 540.0 1053.0 1170.0 MCS9 3 260.0 288.9 540.0 600.0 1170.0 1300.0 3865 Outdoor Access Point Data Sheet 6

802.11n Performance DATA RATES (MBPS) 2.4GHZ/5GHZ SPATIAL STREAMS HT20 NORMAL GI HT20 SHORT GI HT40 NORMAL GI HT40 SHORT GI MCS0 1 6.5 7.2 13.5 15 MCS1 1 13 14.4 27 30 MCS2 1 19.5 21.7 40.5 45 MCS3 1 26 28.9 54 60 MCS4 1 39 43.3 81 90 MCS5 1 52 57.8 108 120 MCS6 1 58.5 65 121.5 135 MCS7 1 65 72.2 135 150 MCS8 2 13 14.4 27 30 MCS9 2 26 28.9 54 60 MCS10 2 39 43.3 81 90 MCS11 2 52 57.8 108 120 MCS12 2 78 86.7 162 180 MCS13 2 104 115.6 216 240 MCS14 2 117 130 243 270 MCS15 2 130 144.4 270 300 MCS16 3 19.5 21.7 40.5 45 MCS17 3 39 43.3 81 90 MCS18 3 58.5 65 121.5 135 MCS19 3 78 86.7 162 180 MCS20 3 117 130 243 270 MCS21 3 156 173.3 324 360 MCS22 3 175.5 195 364.5 405 MCS23 3 195 216.7 405 450 3865 Outdoor Access Point Data Sheet 7

Receiver Sensitivity (dbm) 2.4GHZ 5GHZ RATE SPATIAL STREAMS HT20 (20MHZ) HT40 (40MHZ) HT20 (20MHZ) HT40 (40 MHZ) MCS0 1-95 -89 X X MCS1 1-93 -90 X X MCS2 1-91 -89 X X MCS3 1-87 -85 X X MCS4 1-85 -82 X X MCS5 1-80 -78 X X MCS6 1-79 -77 X X MCS7 1-78 -75 X X MCS8 2-93 -90 X X MCS9 2-90 -88 X X MCS10 2-88 -86 X X MCS11 2-85 -82 X X MCS12 2-82 -79 X X MCS13 2-78 -75 X X MCS14 2-76 -74 X X MCS15 2-76 -72 X X MCS16 3-93 -89 X X MCS17 3-90 -87 X X MCS18 3-87 -84 X X MCS19 3-83 -81 X X MCS20 3-82 -76 X X MCS21 3-77 -74 X X MCS22 3-75 -72 X X MCS23 3-74 -70 X X Warranty As a customer-centric company, Extreme Networks is committed to providing quality products and solutions. In the event that one of our products fails due to a defect, we have developed a comprehensive warranty that protects you and provides a simple way to get your products repaired or media replaced as soon as possible. For full warranty terms and conditions please go to: http://www.extremenetworks.com/support/enterasys-support/ how-to/warranty/. Service & Support Extreme Networks provides comprehensive service offerings that range from Professional Services to design, deploy and optimization of customer networks, customized technical training, to service and support tailored to individual customer needs. Please contact your Extreme Networks account executive for more information about Extreme Networks Service and Support. http://www.extremenetworks.com/contact Phone +1-408-579-2800 2014 Extreme Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Extreme Networks and the Extreme Networks logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Extreme Networks, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other names are the property of their respective owners. For additional information on Extreme Networks Trademarks please see http://www.extremenetworks.com/company/legal/trademarks/. Specifications and product availability are subject to change without notice. 8177-0514 WWW.EXT REMENETWORKS.COM 3865 Outdoor Access Point Data Sheet 8