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구조체의개념 (1/4) 2 (0,0) 구조체 : 다양한종류의데이터로구성된사용자정의데이터타입 복잡한자료를다루는것을편하게해줌 예 #1: 정수로이루어진 x, y 의좌표 (4,3) struct point int x; int y; 예 #2: 개인정보구조체 struct person char name[4]; int age; int height; ; struct person i1, i2; i1 0xfffffffc 0x18 0x14 0x13 0x12 0x11 0x10 0x1 memory height age name[3] name[2] name[1] name[0] struct person 32bits

구조체의개념 (2/4) 3 구조체의형식 구조체멤버의접근 struct struct_name variable 1; variable 2;... ; 예제 두점의기울기구하기 structure tag structure member struct point int x; int y; struct point int x; int y; ; int main(void) double gradient; struct point pt1 = 0, 0; struct point pt2; pt2.x = 4; pt2.y = 3; printf("point 1 (%d, %d)\n", pt1.x, pt1.y); printf("point 2 (%d, %d)\n", pt2.x, pt2.y); gradient = (double)(pt2.y pt1.y)/(pt2.x pt1.x); printf("gradient = %lf\n", gradient);

구조체의개념 (3/4) 4 구조체의메모리구조 memory struct point int x; int y; ; int main() double gradient; struct point pt1 = 0, 0; struct point pt2; struct pt2 struct pt1 3 4 0 0 pt2.x = 4; pt2.y = 3;... 32bits

구조체의개념 (4/4) 5 구조체의사용예 학생구조체선언및구조체변수초기화 #include <string.h> struct student int id; char name[24]; char addr[128]; int zip; ; int main() struct student stu1; struct student stu2 = 20151234, "Taylor Swift", "Hollywood Blvd, USA", 92013; printf("student #2\n"); printf(" ID : %d\n",; printf(" Name : %s\n",; printf(" Addr : %s\n", stu2.addr); printf(" ZIP : %d\n",; = 20135678; strcpy(, "Sam Smith"); strcpy(stu1.addr, "Baker st. 207, UK"); = 20002; printf("student #2\n"); printf(" ID : %d\n",; printf(" Name : %s\n",; printf(" Addr : %s\n", stu1.addr); printf(" ZIP : %d\n",;

구조체의배열 6 구조체연습문제 학생구조체를이용하여 5 명의학생데이터를저장하려면? Hint: 배열사용 #include <string.h> struct student int id; char name[24]; char addr[128]; int zip; ; struct student arr[5]; struct stu1 struct stu2 memory int main() arr[0].id = 123456; strcpy(arr[0].name, "Taylor Swift"); strcpy(arr[0].addr, "Hollywood Blvd, USA"); arr[0].zip = 92013;... printf("student #0\n"); printf(" ID : %d\n", arr[0].id); printf(" Name : %s\n", arr[0].name); printf(" Addr : %s\n", arr[0].addr); printf(" ZIP : %d\n", arr[0].zip); 32bits

구조체의배열 7 구조체배열선언및초기화 struct student int id; char name[24]; char addr[128]; int zip; ; struct student arr[5]; int main() arr[0].id = 123456; strcpy(arr[0].name, "Taylor Swift"); strcpy(arr[0].addr, "Hollywood Blvd, USA"); arr[0].zip = 92013; struct student int id; char name[24]; char addr[128]; int zip; arr[ ] = 123456, Taylor Swift, Hollywood Blvd, USA, 92013, ; struct student int id; char name[24]; char addr[128]; int zip; arr[5]; int main() arr[0].id = 123456; strcpy(arr[0].name, "Taylor Swift"); strcpy(arr[0].addr, "Hollywood Blvd, USA"); arr[0].zip = 92013; struct yourstudent int id; char name[24]; char addr[128]; int zip; yourarr[] = 123456, "Taylor Swift", "Hollywood Blvd, USA", 92013, 654321, "Sam Smith", "Baker st. 207, UK", 20002, 987654, "John Doe", "Unknown", ;

구조체의중첩 8 구조체의중첩 기존의구조체를활용한새로운구조체정의 struct point int x; int y; ; struct rect struct point pt1; struct point pt2; ; int main(void) struct rect myscreen; int area; myscreen.pt1.x = 3; myscreen.pt1.y = 6; myscreen.pt2.x = 9; myscreen.pt2.y = 12; (3,6) (9,12) area = (myscreen.pt2.x myscreen.pt1.x) * (myscreen.pt2.y myscreen.pt1.y); printf("area = %d\n", area);

구조체와함수 (1/4) 9 함수에서구조체를사용하는방법 1) 함수에독립적인인자로전달 2) 구조체를값으로전달 3) 구조체를포인터로전달 int sum(int x, int y) return x + y; 1) 인자전달 2) 값으로전달 3) 포인터로전달 struct point sum(int x, int y) struct point temp; temp.x = x; temp.y = y; return temp;

구조체와함수 (2/4) 10 1) 함수에독립적인인자로전달 struct point int x; int y; ; void Print_Point(int x, int y) struct point ptf; ptf.x = x; ptf.y = y; printf("x, y = (%d, %d)\n", ptf.x, ptf.y); int main() struct point ptm = 3, 5; Print_Point(ptm.x, ptm.y); struct point ptm int y int x struct point ptf memory 5 3 5 3 5 3 32bits

구조체와함수 (3/4) 11 2) 구조체를값으로전달 Call by value memory struct point int x; int y; ; struct point ptm 5 3 void Print_Point(struct point ptf) printf("x, y = (%d, %d)\n", ptf.x, ptf.y); int main() struct point ptm = 3, 5; Print_Point(ptm); struct point ptf 5 3 * Print_Point() 를수정하여 Get_Point() 로만들고리턴값을구조체로만들어보세요. - 좌표이동 x, y 값에 5 를더한다. 32bits

구조체와함수 (4/4) 12 3) 구조체를포인터로전달 Call by reference memory struct point int x; int y; ; struct point *ptf 100 void Print_Point(struct point *ptf) printf("x, y = (%d, %d)\n", (*ptf).x, (*ptf).y); (*ptf).x += 1; (*ptf).y += 1; int main() struct point ptm = 3, 5; stuct point ptm 5 3 100 Print_Point(&ptm); printf("x, y = (%d, %d)\n", ptm.x, ptm.y); *. 또는 -> 차이점 32bits

구조체와포인터 13 포인터를통한구조체접근 #include <string.h> struct person char name[20]; int age; int height; ; #define NR_TEAM 5 int main(void) struct person team[nr_team]; struct person *pptr; pptr = team; int i; for(i=0; i<nr_team; i++) printf("enter Nr=%d team member info(name age height): ", i); scanf("%s %d %d", (pptr+i) >name, &(pptr+i) >age, &(pptr+i) >height); for(i=0; i<nr_team; i++) printf("%s:%d:%d\n", (pptr+i) >name, (pptr+i) >age, (pptr+i) >height);

구조체 typedef 14 typedef 를통한자료구조정의 #include <string.h> typedef int MYINT; typedef char MYCHAR; typedef struct person MYCHAR name[20]; MYINT age; MYINT height; PERSON; int main(void) PERSON i1; strcpy(, "Testname"); i1.age = 20; i1.height = 170; printf("%s:%d:%d\n",, i1.age, i1.height); struct person i2 = "Test2name", 30, 180; printf("%s:%d:%d\n",, i2.age, i2.height);

구조체의동적할당 15 malloc 과구조체 pointer 활용한구조체의동적할당 #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAXNAME 18 typedef struct person char name[maxname]; int age; int height; PERSON; 26? int main(void) PERSON *new; printf("sizeof struct person=%d\n", sizeof(person)); new = (PERSON *)malloc(sizeof(person)); printf("enter team member info(name age height): "); scanf("%s %d %d", (new) >name, &(new) >age, &(new) >height); printf("%s:%d:%d\n", new >name, new >age, new >height);

회원관리프로그램 (1/3) 16 Using double linked list #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAXNAME 20 typedef struct person char name[maxname]; int age; int height; struct person *prev; struct person *next; PERSON; PERSON * head; PERSON * GetNewNode(void) PERSON * new = (PERSON *)malloc(sizeof(person)); new >prev = NULL; new >next = NULL; return new;

회원관리프로그램 (2/3) 17 Using double linked list void InsertAtHead(PERSON * new) if(head == NULL) head = new; return; head >prev = new; new >next = head; head = new; void InsertAtTail(PERSON * new) PERSON * temp = head; if(head == NULL) head = new; return; while(temp >next!= NULL) temp = temp >next; temp >next = new; new >prev = temp;

회원관리프로그램 (3/3) 18 Using double linked list void Print() PERSON * curr= head; printf("forward search\n"); while(curr!= NULL) printf("%s:%d:%d\n", curr >name, curr >age, curr >height); curr = curr >next; int main(void) PERSON * curr; int i; head = NULL; for (i=0; i<10; i++) curr = GetNewNode(); printf("enter Nr=%d team member info(name age height): ", i); scanf("%s %d %d", (curr) >name, &(curr) >age, &(curr) >height); InsertAtHead(curr); Print();

과제 19 이름, 나이, 키를저장할수있는회원관리프로그램작성 Keyword: structure, dynamic allocation, double linked list 메모리가허락하는한무한대의회원추가기능 회원추가시이름순 ( 오름차순 ) 정렬하여 insert 회원삭제기능회원 print 기능이름으로검색기능 Help 기능 Bonus: 이름 / 나이 / 키로정렬기능 ( 동일한 key 값인경우다른 key 를기준으로하여정렬 )

union 20 Union: 다른종류의데이터를하나의저장공간에서다룰수있도록지원 typedef struct sbox int mem1; int mem2; double mem3; SBox; vs. typedef union sbox int mem1; int mem2; double mem3; SBox; int int vs. double double

union 21 union 키워드사용 typedef struct dbshort unsigned short upper; unsigned short lower; DBShort; typedef union rdbuf int upper lower int ibuf; char bbuf[4]; dbuf[0] dbuf[1] dbuf[2] dbuf[3] DBShort sbuf; RDBuf; int main(void) RDBuf buf; printf("enter an Interger: "); scanf("%d", &(buf.ibuf)); printf("upper 2B: %u\n", buf.sbuf.upper); printf("lower 2B: %u\n", buf.sbuf.lower); printf("msb [0] : %d\n", buf.bbuf[0]); printf("msb [1] : %d\n", buf.bbuf[1]); printf("msb [2] : %d\n", buf.bbuf[2]); printf("lsb [3] : %d\n", buf.bbuf[3]);

enum 22 Enum: unique types with values ranging over a set of named constants called enumerators enum month JAN,FEB,MAR,APR,MAY,JUN,JUL,AUG,SEP,OCT,NOV,DEC; //enum month JAN=1,FEB,MAR,APR,MAY,JUN,JUL,AUG,SEP,OCT,NOV,DEC; //enum month JAN=10,FEB,MAR,APR,MAY,JUN,JUL,AUG,SEP,OCT,NOV,DEC; //enum month JAN=13,FEB,MAR,APR,MAY,JUN,JUL=83,AUG,SEP,OCT,NOV,DEC; int main(void) int i; printf("%d\n", MAR); for(i=jan;i<=dec;i++) printf("%d ",i);

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