Vertical Probe Card Technology Pin Technology 1) Probe Pin Testable Pitch:03 (Matrix) Minimum Pin Length:2.67 High Speed Test Application:Test Socket
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1 Vertical Probe Card for Wafer Test
2 Vertical Probe Card Technology Pin Technology 1) Probe Pin Testable Pitch:03 (Matrix) Minimum Pin Length:2.67 High Speed Test Application:Test Socket Life Time: Insulation Material: (Sumika Super S-1000) Vertical Probing 2) Tubeless Pin Testable Pitch: 100 (Matrix) Minimum Pin Length: 3.0 Application:High Density PCB(Flipchip), TAB Probe Card, TCP Test Probe Card Life Time: 1000,000 Insulation Material: (Sumika Super S-1000),, Vertical Probing 3) Micro Cube Pin Testable Pitch:25 Pin Length:Variable(Probe Card5.4 ) Pin Thickness:Variable Application:TFT LCD/Organic EL Cell Test Probe Card,Wafer Test Probe Card Life Time: 300,000 Insulation Material:, Vertical Probing
3 Vertical Probe Card Technology Pin Pitch for Test Technology 1) Tubeless Pin Straight:100 Matrix:100 2) Micro Cube Pin Straight:25 Zigzag: 1)12.5
4 Vertical Probe Card Technology Pin Edge & Available Pad Size 1) Tubeless Pin 10 ~100 Damage :Min 15 (Circle) Available Target Pad Size:Min ) Micro Cube Pin Damage :9~12 10~15 (Ellipse) Available Target Pad Size: 20 < 500 / 45 Tilt by SEM >
5 Vertical Probe Card Technology Micro Precision Technology 1) Micro Drilling Engineering Plastic Micro Hole Hole Diameter:Min 50 2) Micro Micro Slot Slot Width:Min 12
6 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Micro Cube) Concept Interface Pin Mother Board Wafer Chip PAD Micro Cube Pin Wafer Pogo Tower Mother Board PCB Pin Block Ground Plate Interface Pin Wafer Micro Cube Pin
7 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Micro Cube) Structure Pin Block Cover Pin Block Mother Board <Top View> Base Block <Bottom View> Board Guide Ring
8 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Micro Cube) Pin Block Center Block Retaining Screw Center Block Fix Block Micro Cube Pin Setting Block Ground Plate Micro Cube Pin Interface Pin Interface Pin Setting Block Base Block
9 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Micro Cube) Micro Cube Pin Block
10 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Micro Cube) Interface Pin Block
11 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Micro Cube) Pin Interface
12 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Micro Cube) Cross Section of Probe Card Center Block Retaining Screw Pin Block Cover Center Block Micro Cube Pin Fix Block Micro Cube Pin Setting Block Ground Plate Interface Pin Interface Pin Setting Block Mother Board Base Block
13 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Micro Cube) Features 1. Vertical Probing 2. Fine Pitch Probing 3. High Precision Accuracy(Uniformity & Pitch) 4. Recycling 5. Pad Test 6. Contact Force. 7. Damage. 8. Pin.(Soft Brush Cleaning or Tape Cleaning) 9. Pin Inspection.
14 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Micro Cube) Micro Cube Pin 1. Pin Material:Ni Au(0.3 ) / HV Thickness: 1)24 : Pitch 40 2)20 : Pitch 40 3)12 : Pitch 20~25 3. Pin Height: Pin Length: Pin Accuracy: Pin Force: Stroke Pin Force(g) Mechanical Specification 1. Testable Pitch: Available Target Pad Size: Pin Uniformity: 5 4. Pin Pitch Accuracy: 4 5. Life Time: 300, Setting Stroke: 60 Full Stroke:100
15 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Micro Cube) Needle Type Scratch Damage. Damage. Fine Pitch PAD. Contact Force. Cleaning Cycle. Fine Pitch Test. Pin Repair. Micro Cube Type. Damage (12 15 ).. Fine Pitch Test. Pin Repair. Wire Type Fine Pitch Contact Reliability. M/C Interface (Stroke ) Repair. Cleaning.
16 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Tubeless) 1.,, 1) Spring Diameter : 0.14, 0.1, 0.07, 0.05 ( ) 2) Total Length : 3.4, 3.0 3) Contact Edge : 10 ~ 100
17 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Tubeless) Spring Plunger 1(Contact Point) Plunger 2(Interface Point)
18 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Tubeless) 2. 1) Contact Spring. 2) Probe Plunger Plunger. Interface Probing 3) Spring Pin, 4) Pin.
19 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Tubeless)
20 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Tubeless) 3. 1) Pitch -100 (Matrix) : -80 (Matrix) : Matrix Pad Target 80 Pitch Test Spring Diameter 50 2) Pin -144Pin / Pitch 120 /Memory/Build up PCB Interface ( ) -4700Pin / Pitch 200 / MCM / Pin Interface ( ) -4700Pin / Pitch150 / Pin Interface ( ) Probe Card PCB Interface FPC, Pin Pitch.
21 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Tubeless) 1) Tubeless Pin - :.Plunger : SK ( ).Spring : Music Wire(SWPA) - : Ni 2, Cu 4, Au Spring :.67 X 20 / X 15 / X 15 / 0.07.(? ) / 0.05 :
22 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Tubeless) 4.. 1) Tubeless Pin -Plunger Contact :. 0.1(Pin Diameter 0.14 ). 0.06(Pin Diameter 0.10 ). 0.04(Pin Diameter 0.07 ). 0.01~0.15(Pin Diameter 0.10 / 0.07 / 0.05 ) -Pin Length : 3.0 ~ 3.4 ( ) - : 300m - : 1A -Contact Force : 3.0g ~ 10g(0~300 ) :Pin Diameter :3.5g Initial Force. ex) 8.3g / 200 / Pin Diameter 0.14
23 Vertical Probe Card Technology(Tubeless) 2) -Damage Size : 20 ~ 40(Probe Mark Size) -Scratch : (Vertical Probing) -Stroke : 200 ~300 (Max) -Cleaning : Tape(3M ) -Life Time : 1000,000 -Height Accuracy : 10 -Position Accuracy : 10 -Insulator Material : Sumika Super(S-1000)
24 Vertical Probe Card Technology Benefits 1. Repair : 2. Running Cost : Repair Time / Pin 8-3. Long Life Life Time 4. Pin Contamination : M/C MTBF / 5. Pad Damage : Die Shrink 6. Pad Contact Reliability 7. YLD 8. Fine Pitch
25 Vertical Probe Card Technology 1. Multi Chip Probe Card Cost Down Target Pitch : 40 (Matrix) 2. Array Pad Chip Probe Card Flipchip Wafer Test Probe Card Wafer Level Target Pitch : 80 (Matrix)-Tubeless Pin 3. High Function Contact Pin High Speed High Density Fine Pitch
26 We will always do our best efforts for the best quality and best customer service. Co., Ltd.
I. 회사의 개요 1. 회사의 개요 가. 연결대상 종속회사 개황(연결재무제표를 작성하는 주권상장법인이 사업보고서, 분기 ㆍ반기보고서를 제출하는 경우에 한함) 자본시장과 금융투자업에 관한 법률 시행령 부칙 <제20947호> 제23조에따라 2012년 1월 1일 이후 최초로
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목 분 기 보 고 서...1 대표이사 등의 확인...2 I. 회사의 개요...3 1. 회사의 개요...3 2. 회사의 연혁...4 3. 자본금 변동사항...7 4. 주식의 총수 등...8 5. 의결권 현황...11 6. 배당에 관한 사항 등...11 II. 사업의 내용...14 III. 재무에 관한 사항...45 IV. 감사인의 감사의견 등...50 V. 이사의
HWASUNG VALVES 19~1990 001~010 19. 03 19. 0 1991~000 199. 1 199. 1 199. 11 199. 09 1999. 03 1999. 09 1999. 09 1999. 10 1999. 11 000. 0 000. 03 001~010 001. 03 001. 10 001. 11 00. 0 003. 03 003. 0 00. 01
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Using Material of High Quality! ST 044N LYOUT O TH HIN Ls: Stroke Lp: Loop Length Lf: Loop Projection Hs: Safe Space (Dimensions in mm) ending radius
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SERVICE MANUAL N200M / N300M / N500M ( : R22) e-mail : jhyun00@koreacom homepage : http://wwwicematiccokr (specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements)
The Top Ten Moulding Problems
,,, (spacer) ,,, 4 : 1 :, 2 : 3 : 32mm[0125 ] (pellet),,,, (pallet) 40,, 1000kg,, (block copolymer), ( ) (glycol) ( ), 32mm[0125 ], 25kg(55lb) 500kg(1,103lb) 1 2 2, 1-3 3 4 ,,, 3, ( ), 5 , (degradation)
Vol. 234 2012. August 04 28 38 54 KCC Inside Special Theme KCC Life KCC News 04 KCC 하이라이트Ⅰ KCC 울산 신공장 준공식 거행 06 KCC 하이라이트Ⅱ 김천공장 통전식 및 안전 기원제 실시 08 KCC 08 2012. August vol. 234 KCC Inside_ KCC 하이라이트Ⅰ KCC 울산 신공장 준공식 거행 Special Theme_ Essay 편한 마음으로 여름을 이기자 KCC Life_ 책과 함께Ⅰ 스티븐 호킹의 시간의 역사 & 위대한 설계 KCC News_ KCC News KCC건설 News Vol. 234
Massive yet Responsive Most Powerful Machines in Their Class. 02 Heavy Duty Turning Center Heavy Duty Turning Center 03 PUMA 600/700/800 1800 r/min (PUMA 600) 45 kw [Gear Box] PUMA 600/600L/600M/600LM
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2015 년도반도체장비 재료성능평가사업공고품목및사양 ( 10, 14, 5 ) PhotoPR KrF LED WEE 노광장비 Reticle particle 검사Unit ARF i NTD BARC KrF Positive PR Etch TSV Gas Chiller 냉매 Diff SiC Susceptor SiC Pre Heat Ring Multi Point OES 고온용
03 ¸ñÂ÷
2010 I 04 I April Family i n t e r v i e w 004 052 008 058 065 076 080 084 2010 + 04 + April 088 092 094 096 098 4 2010 + April 5 6 2010 + April 7 letter 01 letter 02 letter 03 letter 04 letter 05 letter
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슬라이드 1
[ CRM Fair 2004 ] CRM 1. CRM Trend 2. Customer Single View 3. Marketing Automation 4. ROI Management 5. Conclusion 1. CRM Trend 1. CRM Trend Operational CRM Analytical CRM Sales Mgt. &Prcs. Legacy System
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DMFC 5-60-30 제정: 2011. 7. 11 국방 군사시설기준 탄약고 설계지침 국 방 부 DMFC 5-60-30 제정: 2011. 7. 11 목 차 제1부 강재(파형강판) 탄약고 제1장 일반사항 1-1 적용 범위 1 1-2 참조 기준 1 1-3 주요 용어 1 제2장 설계지침 2-1 설계하중 3 2-2 설계사항 3 2-3 최소 다짐층 토피고 6 2-4
646 Fisher 646... 1... 1... 3... 4... 4... 4... 5... 5... 5... 6... 7... 7... 7... 9... 9... 9... 9... 10... 11... 12... 12... 13... 15... 15... 15 1. Fisher 646 Fisher 646,,..,,,, 646,.,,.. W6783 1
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Annual 2013 vol.15 th HOW ENGINEERING ANNIVERSARY Annual 하우인 2013 vol.15 하우엔지니어링과 자매사 우인엔지니어링은 경남, 부산지역 종합엔지니어링 업계의 선두주자로서 건설기술의 미래지평을 열어가고 있습니다. 행복한 삶의 공간 창출, 안전하고 튼튼한 도시기반시설의 건설을 위해 우수한 인력과 기술력을 바탕으로
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1. Features IR-Compact non-contact infrared thermometer measures the infrared wavelength emitted from the target spot and converts it to standard curr
Non-Contact Infrared Temperature I R - Compact Sensor / Transmitter GASDNA co.,ltd C-910C, Bupyeong Woolim Lion s Valley, #425, Cheongcheon-Dong, Bupyeong-Gu, Incheon, Korea TEL: +82-32-623-7507 FAX: +82-32-623-7510
Category Index Category Page# Category Page# Category Page# 94 Connectors Banana Plugs & Jacks [see separate Banana Plugs & Jacks section]
Category Index Category Page# Category Page# Category Page# Adapters Adapter Accessories................... 6-25 Adapter Kit, Coaxial Cable.............. 14-17 Banana Jack and Plug................. 29-39
6. Separate HDD by pulling in the arrow direction. * Cautions Avoid lifting HDD excessively, because Connector can be damaged ODD Remove
3-1. Disassembly and Reassembly R510 [Caution] Attention to red sentence. 2 2 1. Before disassembling, the AC adaptor and Battery must be separated. 2. AS mark No.1/2 put KNOB-Battery to end of each side,
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1 1) 1 2) SK COMPLEX 1 Heating Cooling 3) 1 2 2 3 1) 2 2) 3 4 1) Floating Type Heat Exchanger 8 2) Fixed Type Heat Exchanger 11 3) U-Type Heat Exchanger 13 4) Air Fan Cooler 15 5) Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
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(Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection)
SERVICE MANUAL (Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection) 12 (Storage Bins) 12 (Ice Machine)
신조선 계약 취소 200척 돌파 신조계약의 취소가 확인된 선박의 척수가 200척을 돌파했다. 그러나 경기침체가 악화일로를 걷고 있고 신 조계약 파기 보도도 계속해서 들려오고 있는 만큼 실제 취소물량은 이보다 3배 이상일 가 능성도 제기되고 있다. 업계 소식통에 의하면
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<4D F736F F F696E74202D F FB5BFBACEC7CFC0CCC5D820B1E8BFA9C8B22E BC8A3C8AF20B8F0B5E55D>
Back Metal 면이 Drain 인 Vertical channel MOSFET 의 Wafer Test 에서 Chuck 을사용하지않는 RDSON 측정방법 동부하이텍검사팀김여황 I RDSON II Conventional Method III New Method IV Verification (Rdson) V Normal Test Item VI Conclusion
레이아웃 1
JUNGSAN Enterprise Co., Ltd. JUNGSAN Enterprise Co., Ltd. MARINE ENGINE PARTS DIGITAL HOME APPLIANCES w w w. j u n g s a n. c o m CEO MESSAGE 당사는 지난 이십여년간의 산업용 볼트, 너트를 중심으로 한 기계요소 부품의 생산 노하우를 기반으로 998년
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RecurDyn 의 Co-simulation 와 하드웨어인터페이스적용 2016.11.16 User day 김진수, 서준원 펑션베이솔루션그룹 Index 1. Co-simulation 이란? Interface 방식 Co-simulation 개념 2. RecurDyn 과 Co-simulation 이가능한분야별소프트웨어 Dynamics과 Control 1) RecurDyn
I. 회사의 개요 1. 회사의 개요 1. 연결대상 종속회사 개황(연결재무제표를 작성하는 주권상장법인이 사업보고서, 분기ㆍ 반기보고서를 제출하는 경우에 한함) 상호 설립일 주소 주요사업 직전사업연도말 자산총액 지배관계 근거 주요종속 회사 여부 (주)이수엑사보드 2004년
분 기 보 고 서 (제 40 기) 사업연도 2011년 01월 01일 2011년 09월 30일 부터 까지 금융위원회 한국거래소 귀중 2011년 11월 14일 회 사 명 : (주)이수페타시스 대 표 이 사 : 홍정봉 본 점 소 재 지 : 대구광역시 달성군 논공읍 본리리 29-54 (전 화) 053-610-0300 (홈페이지)
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C 0.0.2 ma Cr 14.5~16.5 Co 2.5 max Iron 4~7 Mn 1 max Mo 15 ~ 17 Ni Balance P 0.03 max Si 0.08 max S 0.03 max W 3 ~ 4.5 V 0.35 max 8.89g/cm 3 Multipurpose corrosion resistance of NickelMolybdenumChrome.
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5 2004. 3. . 5.. Input. Output . 5 2004 7,, 1,000 5,. 40 2004.7 2005.7 2006.7 2007.7 2008.7 2011. 1,000 300 100 50 20 20 ( ) 0.01% 0.08% 0.36% 0.96% 3.07% 100% ( ) 5.3%(10.7%) 12.2%(17.3%) 21.9%(26.4%)
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w y wz 10«3y 259~264 (2010.12.) Journal of Korean Society of Urban Environment w gj p p y Á Á½k * w m œw Á* w y œw (2010 9 28, 2010 10 12 k) Characteristics of Antiwashout Underwater Concrete for Reduction