Cisco IDS Easy Configuration Guide
- 은비 송
- 5 years ago
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1 Cisco IDS Easy Configuration
2 Cisco IDSM Easy Config I. IDS II. III. IV. IEV V. Trouble Shooting
3 Cisco IDSM Easy Config I. IDS II. III. IV. IEV V. Trouble Shooting
5 I. IPS/IDS I.I A. Signature Based IDS Signature DB Match!!! String Match: String Match: http get./cmd.exe. Traffic Signature (Misused) Based IDS Capture Packet Attack, Worm, Virus, Signature DB IDS.
6 I. IPS/IDS I.I A. Signature Based IDS Signature IDS Signature Based IDS. False Positive( ) : Packet Event Signature Rule. False Negative( ) Signature Update IDS Attack Packet Capture Packet Loss Signature Based IDS. False Positive. Tuning False Positive Vendor Quality Signature Signature.. Customize.
7 I. IPS/IDS I.I A. Signature Based IDS Signature Based IDS. Attack. Attack.. Signature Update., 3. Signature, IDS. 4. Signature Signature IDS Quality. Market Lead IDS Vendor IDS Signature.
8 I. IPS/IDS I.I B. Policy Based IDS IDS Alarm!!! IP IPX Traffic Policy Based IDS Capture Packet Policy, Packet Alarm,Evnet IDS Tuning
9 I. IPS/IDS I.I B. Policy Based IDS IDS Policy Based IDS. Detection Signature Based Config, False Positive.. Very Focused,. 3. Signature Tuning, Policy Based IDS. Policy Based IDS. Network. Focus Attack, (Ex.DMZ Zone).
10 I. IPS/IDS I.I C. Anomaly Based IDS Anomaly IDS UDP Flooding, Impossible Ip packet. Anomaly Based IDS Statistical vs non-statistical : Traffic
11 I. IPS/IDS I.I C. Anomaly Based IDS Anomaly IDS Anomaly Based IDS. Signature.. Anomaly Based IDS. Focus Attack, (Ex.DMZ Zone).., Reporting.
12 I. IPS/IDS I.II A. Passive IDS IDS Event - Alarm Passive IDS Event Managerment Server,, Log, Report
13 I. IPS/IDS I.II B. Active IDS IDS Event - Alarm Active IDS Event Managerment Server,,., Traffic
14 I. IPS/IDS I.II C. Passive IDS vs Active IDS IDS vs IPS IPS ASIC IDS Engine. Connection Reset TCP FIN flag. UDP,ICMP. 3. IP Blocking.. TCP/UDP/ICPM. H/W 3. IPS Active IDS.
15 I. IPS/IDS I.III Network IDS, Host IDS
16 Cisco IDSM Easy Config I. IDS II. III. IV. IEV V. Trouble Shooting
18 II. IPS/IDS II.I B. Interface G bps G bps Reset Interface TCP Rest Command Control port IDSM Interface 70G Switching Fabric 7 8 G bps Sensing Interface Packet Capture Interface
19 II. IPS/IDS II.II. IDSM Vlan. IDSM Setup IP, ACL IDSM Filtering 3. SPAN or VACL : 7600/6500 Backbone Packet Capture 4. IDM or VMS IDS Tuning
20 II. IPS/IDS II.II A. 6500#show module <IDSM Slot > Mod Ports Card Type Model Serial No Intrusion Detection System WS-SVC-IDSM- SAD0700DZ Mod MAC addresses Hw Fw Sw Status fcbe.8a0 to 000.fcbe.8a7.0 7.() 4.(3)S8 Ok Mod Sub-Module Model Serial Hw Status IDS accelerator board WS-SVC-IDSUPG A.0 Ok Mod Online Diag Status Pass 4 3. IDSM Serial. IDSM Signature Version 3. IDSM 4. IDSM Test Print
21 II. IPS/IDS II.II B. IDSM IP Network 70G Switching Fabric 7 8 G bps G bps Reset Interface TCP Rest Command Control port IDSM Interface G bps Sensing Interface Packet Capture Interface Native IOS IDSM IP Vlan intrusion-detection module 5 management-port access-vlan IDSM IP Vlan Hybrid OS IDSM IP Vlan set vlan 5/ IDSM IP Vlan
22 II. IPS/IDS II.II C. IDSM 7600/6500 IDSM. Native IOS IDSM 6500#session slot <IDSM slot > processor ( ) session slot 5 pr. Hybrid IOS IDSM 6500#session <IDSM slot > ( ) session 5 3. Native/Hybrid 6500#telnet <IDSM slot +> ( ) telnet Native IOS Tip Alias( ) #conf t 6500(config)#alias exec idsm session slot <IDSM slot > processor 6500#idsm 6500 IDSM
23 II. IPS/IDS II.II C. IDSM < > 653##session slot pr The default escape character is Ctrl-^, then x. You can also type 'exit' at the remote prompt to end the session Trying Open login: cisco Password: ***NOTICE*** IDSM ID & Password This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at: If you require further assistance please contact us by sending to sensor# 3, Hostname Prompt
24 II. IPS/IDS II.II D. CLI(Command Line Interface) Setup Sensor#setup At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help. User ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt. Default settings are in square brackets '[]'. IDSM Setup IDSM Display Current Configuration: networkparams ipaddress defaultgateway hostname sensor accesslist ipaddress netmask exit timeparams summertimeparams active-selection none exit exit service webserver general ports 443 exit exit Current time: Wed Jan 7 9:07: Setup Configuration last modified: Wed Jan 7 9:06:08 004
25 II. IPS/IDS II.II D. CLI(Command Line Interface) Setup Continue with configuration dialog?[yes]: Enter host name[sensor]: IDSM Sensor Host name Enter IP address[ ]: Sensor IP Address Enter netmask[ ]: Sensor Netmask Enter default gateway[ ]: Sensor Gateway Enter telnet-server status[disabled]: Enable disable Telnet Service Enter web-server port[443]: SSL Port Modify current access list?[no]: Modify current access list?[no]: yes Current access list entries: [] Delete: Delete: Permit: Permit: IDSM IP ACL IP IDSM
26 II. IPS/IDS II.II D. CLI(Command Line Interface) Setup Modify system clock settings?[no]: The following configuration was entered. networkparams ipaddress netmask defaultgateway hostname IDSM accesslist ipaddress netmask exit timeparams summertimeparams active-selection none exit exit service webserver general ports 443 exit Exit Setup Config Display [0] Go to the command prompt without saving this config. [] Return back to the setup without saving this config. [] Save this configuration and exit setup. Enter your selection[]: Setup
27 II. IPS/IDS II.II E. IDSM Packet Capture -SPAN Line Card Line Card Line Card 70G Switching Fabric 7 8 Vlan Vlan Vlan 999 G bps Sensing Interface Packet Capture Interface Native IOS SPAN Packet Capture monitor session source vlan,, 999 rx ## Vlan,,999 Packet Capture monitor session destination intrusion-detection-module 5 data-port ## Capture Packet Module 5 IDSM Sensing Interface. ## Data-port IDSM Interface 7, Data-port Interface 8. Hybrid OS SPAN Packet Capture set span,, 999 5/7 rx ## IDSM Interface 7 Traffic Capture, Destination Interface Interface.
28 II. IPS/IDS II.II F. IDSM Packet Capture Vlan ACL Capture VACL Capture IDSM Packet Capture SPAN(Port Mirroring) 4,, IDS SPAN Line Card 4. VACL Capture Packet Data port 5. Vlan Capture Line Card 70G Switching Fabric 7 8 Line Card Vlan Vlan Vlan 999 G bps Sensing Interface Packet Capture Interface. Access-list All IP Permit. Vlan ACL Map Capture 3. VLAN
29 II. IPS/IDS II.II F. IDSM Packet Capture Vlan ACL Capture. Access-list access-list 99 permit ip any any ## Packet Capture, Rule.. Vlan ACL Map vlan access-map idsm 99 match ip address 99 action forward capture ## VACL Map ## ACL 99 Matching. ## VACL Capture Enable. 3. VACL VLAN vlan filter idsm vlan-list,,999 ## idsm VACL Map Vlan. 4. IDSM Capture Native IOS VACL Capture intrusion-detection module 5 data-port capture intrusion-detection module 5 data-port capture allowed-vlan,,999 ## IDSM module 5 Data-port VACL Capture VACL Capture packet. ## Vlan VACL Capture packet.
30 II. IPS/IDS II.II F. IDSM Packet Capture Vlan ACL Capture. Security ACL Commit set security acl ip IDSM permit ip any any capture commit security acl IDSM ## Security ACL Commit Hybrid OS VACL Capture. VLAN set security acl map IDSM,,999 ## Security ACL Vlan 3. Capture Port set security acl capture-ports 5/7 ## IDSM module 5 Data-port VACL Capture VACL Capture packet. clear security acl IDSM commit security acl IDSM
31 II. IPS/IDS II.II G. IDSM Packet Capture Packet Capture(RSPAN) RSPAN Traffic Capture Traffic IDS Access Switch VTP Domain - Yellow Core Switch Trunk Trunk Source RSPAN Vlan 90 Destination Hybrid OS RSPAN Access Switch set rspan source 4/- 90 rx Core Switch set rspan destination / 90 Native IOS RSPAN Access Switch A monitor session 8 source remote vlan 90 Core Switch monitor session 8 destination interface fastethernet /
32 II. IPS/IDS II.II H. IDSM Packet Capture MLS IP IDS IOS Firewall Feature MLS IP IDS Packet Capture. Access-list ip access-list extended IDS-Capture permit ip any any ## Packet Capture, Rule.. Capture Interface MLS ip ids int vlan mls ip ids IDS-Capture int vlan mls ip ids IDS-Capture ## Interface Vlan MLS ip ids 3. IDSM Capture Native IOS MLS IP IDS intrusion-detection module 5 data-port capture intrusion-detection module 5 data-port capture allowed-vlan, ## Vlan Capture packet
33 II. IPS/IDS II.II H. IDSM Packet Capture MLS IP IDS IOS Firewall Feature MLS IP IDS Packet Capture. Access-list!! MSFC ip access-list extended IDS-Capture permit ip any any ## Packet Capture, Rule.. VLAN!! MSFC 3. Capture Port int vlan mls ip ids IDS-Capture int vlan mls ip ids IDS-Capture ## Interface Vlan MLS ip ids set security acl capture-ports 5/7 ## IDSM module 5 Data-port Vlan Capture packet. Hybrid OS MLS IP IDS
34 Cisco IDSM Easy Config I. IDS II. III. IV. IEV V. Trouble Shooting
35 III. III.I SSL SSL (Secure Socket Layer) IDSM Management Port IP Address Setup Mode ID : cisco (Default) Password : ************ ID,.
36 III. III.II IDM Menu Device Menu Configuration Monitoring Administration Network IDM IP Telnet Service SSH IDM User Interface Alarm Channel Signature IP Fragment TCP Stream IP Log Blocking Autoupdate Default Setting IP Logging Event Display signature Upgrade IP Logging Blocking Blocking System Reset
37 III. III.III IDM Device A. Sensor setup Network Host Name IDSM. IP address IDSM IP address 3. Netmask mask 4. Default Route Gateway 5. Enable TLS/SSL SSL Enable 6. Web Server Port TCP 443 port ## IDSM Setup,.
38 III. III.III IDM Device B. Sensor setup IDM. IDSM IDM IP List. List,, 3 3. Add IP
39 III. III.III IDM Device C. Sensor setup IDS 3. Time Zone. IDSM UTC UTC Offset UTC Offset 540 ~545,. 3. NTP NTP. Server IP, Key, Key ID.
40 III. III.III IDM Device D. Sensor setup IDM. IDSM IDM User User. User,,
41 III. III.III IDM Device D. Sensor setup IDM User User Name, Password 4. User Viewer -Event Config, / Operator - Event, Config, signature Administrator - Service -IDM, CLI
42 III. III.IV IDM Configuration A. Sensing Engine IDS Interface 3 4. IDSM Interface Reset : Interface TCP Reset ( ). IDSM Interface Command, Contorl : Interface ( ) 3. IDSM Interface 7, 8 Sensing Enable : Interface 7, 8 Sensing Interface Select Option Check 4 Enable. Sensing Interface, IDSM.
43 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine IDS Interface Group. Virtual Sensor IDSM Version 4..4 Virtual Sensor Select Box Check Enable. Interface, Interface Group, IDSM. Signature Event Action.
44 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature 3. Signature Enable Top Level Category Enable Top Level Category Enable Top Level Category Disable Signature Enable, Signature Enable Signature Enable.
45 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature. Signature Category All Signature Category Signature Signature Signature Signature ID ID Click SubSig ID. Event Sig ID. Edit SubSig. Signature Name Event Reset, ShunHost ShunConnection Zero, Log Signature Level High, Medium, Low Information Signature Built-In, tuned
46 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature Engine Layer ARP Alarm / ID 7000 ICMP(type,code,Sequence,ID )Alarm / ID 000 IP Option Alarm / ID000 Layer 3 IP Alarm /ID 00,00 TCP flag,port,sigle Packe Regex Alarm / ID 9000,900,3000,3300 UDP port, direction, Data Length Alarm /ID 4000,9000 ICMP Flooding Alarm / ID 00 UDP Flooding Alarm /ID 400 Flooding Alarm / ID 6900 Alarm DNS Service Engine /ID 6000 FTP Service Engine /ID 300 Only TACAS Overflow / ID 3530 String Search HTTP Decoding Engine / ID 5300,500,300,3700,5000,500,500 Client, Server Engine / ID 600 MS-SQL Inspection Engine / ID 3700 Network Time Protocol Engine / ID 4056 RPC Service Engine / ID 600,600 SMB(Service Message Block) Decoding Inspection Engine /ID 3300 SMTP Inspection Engine / ID 300
47 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature SNMP Traffic Inspection Engine / ID 4500 SSH Header Decoding Engine / ID 3600 Syslog Process Telnet Cisco Engine /ID 3600 LPR Protocol Inspection Engine / ID 60 ICMP String Search Engine / ID 00 TCP String Search Engine / ID 300,3500,5300,000,600,3700,3400 UDP String Search Engine / ID 4000,4600,3300,000 ICMP Sweep / ID 00 TCP Sweep / ID 3000 TCP/UDP Sweep /ID 6000 NMAP Sweep,Scan / ID 3045,3046 Host Port Sweep / ID 3000 Host Port Sweep /ID 400,4003 ICMP Traffic Pattern / ID 6300,6500 Back orifice BOK Trojan / ID 3990~ TFNK trojan/ddos Traffic /ID 6507 BO/BOK UDP Trojan Traffic /ID 4053,4055
48 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature Attack Adware,Spyware, Engine / ID 000 Code Attack Engine / ID 300 Data Buffer Overflow Engine / ID 5300 Engine /ID 6500,4300 Attack, Engine /ID 00 ~ 5000, Engine /ID 300,300
49 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature Attack Attack Engine IDS Engine / ID 300 Engine,,PP Engine ID 000 Attack Sweep Check Engine Virus, Worm, Trojans Engine
50 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature L/L3/L4 Protocol ARP Attack Engine Layer ~4 Protocol Attack Engine Protocol Associate Engine IP Attack Engine TCP,UDP Engine
51 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature OS Engine Cisco IOS Engine Mac OS Engine Novel Netware Engine Unix Engine Window Engine
52 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature Releases, Signature Releases Version,, Signature Action.
53 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature Service Network Service
54 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature 3. Signature IDSM Nachi Worm Signature Group Attack Attack Sub Viruses/Worm/Trojans
55 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature Nachi Worm 4 Edit 5 Event Action. Log IP Logging. Reset Event Host IDS TCP Session 3. Shunhost Event Host IDSM Block 4. Shunconnection Event Host Connection IDSM Drop
56 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature 6 Save Changes Signature Configuration Save Changes
57 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature Signature Wizard Signature DB, Signature Signature Wizard Wizard Step by Step Signature, Signature ID Signature Wizard Signature /8 Network TCP Syn Packet Wizard Step by Step Signature, Signature ID 0000
58 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature Signature Type Signature Type Packet Signature TCP Packet Signature 3 Next
59 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature Signature ID Signature ID 3 Signature ID : 0000 Signature Name 4 Next
60 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature TCP Flag TCP 3-handshaking Syn Flag TCP SYN flag True TCP ACK flag - False 3 3 Source IP address range
61 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine Signature Signature - Information / Low / Medium / High Event IDSM - Log / Reset / ShunHost / Shun Connection Signature Wizard
62 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine IP Fragment Reassembly & TCP Stream Reassembly Processor IP Fragment
63 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Sensing Engine IP Fragment Reassembly & TCP Stream Reassembly OS Segment Reassembly, OS NT, Solaris, Linux, BSD Fragment 0000 Timeout - 0 IP Fragment Reassembly TCP (segment).,.,,.
64 III. III.IV IDM Device B. Blocking Blocking TCP Reset IDS -Reset TCP Reset Internet Router RACL / Router TCP Session Reset UDP, ICMP TCP Flag, Reset. Reset, Processor. Shunning - FWSM / PIX PIX VACL 6500 Hybrid OS Core User Access Switch Switch RACL/PACL 6500 Native OS, Cat 4500/4000/3750/3550/950 IDS TCP Reset + Block Interface Sensor Network..
65 III. III.IV IDM Device B. Blocking Blocking 3 4. Blocking 3 4 Blocking Sensor IP Block!!! Check Box IDSM Blocking Block Entry Default Blocking Default 30 Blocking 30, 30 Blocking.
66 III. III.IV IDM Device B. Blocking Blocking IP. Never Block Blocking Address Ex> IP, Server Farm IP Neverblock IP Menu Button,, Block Address
67 III. III.IV IDM Device B. Blocking Blocking Device 3. Blocking Device Block Device Block Device Logical Device Menu Button,, Blocking Device Name Password
68 III. III.IV IDM Device B. Blocking Blocking Device 4. Blocking Device Blocking Device Blocking Device IP address Blocking Device Name Blocking Device Type Cisco Router- Catalyst Native OS 6500 Cat 4500/4000/3750/3550/950 VACL Cat 6500,7600 Hybird OS PIX FWSM, PIX 5 Telnet, SSH
69 III. III.IV IDM Device B. Blocking Blocking Device Interface 5. Blocking Device Interface Blocking Interface Blocking Device IP address Blocking Device ACL Interface Blociking Show ip interface brief Interface Name. Blocking Device Interface ACL Inbound filtering, Outbound filtering Extended ACL
70 III. III.IV IDM Device C. Auto update Auto update Internet Cisco IDS Signature Center 3 FTP Server Cisco IDS Signature (Download URL ) (Signature Update.) Signature Download FTP Server Autoupdate Server IP 3 Cisco IDS FTP or SCP Server Signature. Signature Rebooting.
71 III. III.IV IDM Device C. Auto update Auto update IDS Update.
72 III. III.IV IDM Device C. AutoUpdate Signature Update Auto update Auto update Server IP FTP Server directory FTP Server ID Password File Copy Protocol FTP,SCP 6 7.,.
73 III. III.IV IDM Device D. Restore Default Restore Default Apply to Sensor.!!!,.
74 III. III.IV IDM Device A. Web Server / Block IDSM SSL Configuration Blocking ShunMaxEntries = 00 : 00 ACL NetDevice Blocking Device NeverShun Never Block Address Shun Enable State = Active Blocking Device.
75 III. III.IV IDM Device B. Command & Control Interface Command & Control Port Ip address, Rx,Tx Network Interface Memory 3 3 Swap HDD Swap.
76 III. III.IV IDM Device C. Event /Sensing Interface Event Event Category. Packet Capture Sensing Interface Capture Packet Size 0, Capture.
77 III. III.IV IDM Device D. Virtual Sensor (Interface, CPU ) CPU Configuration Sensing Engine Interface Group Sensing Interface Sensing Group, IDS. Packet total number, Refresh. CPU 0 Configuration Sensing Engine Fragment Fragment Reassembly,TCP Stream Reassembly
78 III. III.V IDM Device A. 3 Diagnostics IDS,Version,interface dump 3 ~. View Result,., configuration, Version, Interface, Dump.
79 III. III.V IDM Device A. IDS Signature Version Main Application, Analysis Engine,, Webserver Processor 3 3 IDS System
80 III. III.V IDM Device B. Update Signature update FTP Signature Engine Upgrade Ex> SCP Signature Engine Upgrade Ex> [ ] CLI Upgrade sensor#config t sensor(config)#upgrade ftp://anonymous@ //ids/ids-sig-4.-3-s64.rpm.pkg Password: Warning: Executing this command will apply a signature update to the application partition. Continue with upgrade? : yes Broadcast message from root (Wed Jan 7 9:05:37 004): Applying update IDS-sig-4.-3-S64. This may take several minutes. Please do not reboot the sensor during this update. Broadcast message from root (Wed Jan 7 9:06:06 004): Update complete. sensorapp is restarting This may take several minutes.
81 III. III.V IDM Device C. Manual Blocking Blocking Host Event Blocking Device ACL Blocking Host Minutes Remaining : ACL ACL, Event ACL. Add : ACL. Delete Blocking Host ACL. 3 Extended ACL Src IP,port,Dst IP,port. 4 Protocol 5 ACL Blocking, Connection Shun 6 Blocking Time
82 III. III.V IDM Device C. Manual Blocking Network Blocking 3 Network Manual Block Blocking Network. Block 3 Blocking Time
83 III. III.V IDM Device D. Manual Blocking Network Blocking IDS system Reset, Power Down
84 Cisco IDSM Easy Config I. IDS II. III. IV. IEV V. Trouble Shooting
85 IV. IV.I IEV A. IEV(IDS Event Viewer) 4. IDS Event Viewer Platform OS Windows NT 4 Service pack 6 Windows 000 Service pack Windows XP Service pack IDS Event Viewer Application Java Runtime.3. ( ) MySQL Server Version 3.3 ( ) IDS Event Viewer H.W Pentium III 800 Mhz 56MB Ram 500MB Hard Disk
86 IV. IV.II IEV A. Device Discover IDS Sensor IP Address Sensor Host Name User Name IDS User Name Password IDS Password Web Server Port SSL 6 http or https Event Start 7 7 Security Level Event Check. Information, Information Check.
87 IV. IV.II IEV B. Device Discover IDSM
88 IV. IV.III IEV A. IEV Menu New View Event Filter New Device Event Graph Event Event Refresh Event Viewer IEV Application Etherreal Data Source Event Import/Export
89 IV. IV.III IEV B. IEV Menu New View Data Source Event Group -Signature,,, Sensor, Security Level 3 3 View Column -Step Column. - display View Sorting
90 IV. IV.III IEV C. IEV Menu Import/Export Import Log File Event Export IEV Event, CSV, TAB.
91 IV. IV.III IEV D. IEV Menu Data Source Information Data Source Information DB Table Data Source DB Table Purge DB Table
92 IV. IV.III IEV E. IEV Menu Application Setting Html Browser IDM Application ( exploer.exe) 3 Ethereal IP Log Dump Data 3 NSDB(Network Signature DataBase) - IEV Version upgrade.
93 IV. IV.III IEV F. IEV Menu Preference IEV Console Display Refresh Time -, Auto Refresh. IEV Console Display Refresh Time IEV Auto Refresh. IEV Menu Refresh.
94 IV. IV.III IEV G. IEV Menu Preference Event Archive File -Event 3:45 Archive File.,. Archive file Size Table : 000 ~,000,000 Archived File : 0 ~ 400 Archived File : 0 ~ 400
95 IV. IV.III IEV H. IEV Menu Event Graph Realtime Graph / Bar Graph / Area Graph Security Level Color Alarm Alarm 6
96 IV. IV.III IEV I. IEV Menu Dashboard Event Dashboard Event, Display. Signature Name, Sig ID, Security Level, Device, UTC or,,,,, Event ID, Trigger Stirng ( Sensing Interface) Sorting.
97 IV. IV.III IEV J. View Menu Event Column -Sorting Signature Count -Sorting -Sorting IDS -Sorting Security Level -Sorting Total Event -Sorting
98 IV. IV.III IEV K. View Menu Sensor Event Sensor Signature Count -Sorting -Sorting -Sorting Security Level -Sorting Total Event -Sorting
99 IV. IV.III IEV L. View Menu Security Level Event Security Level -Sorting Signature Count -Sorting -Sorting -Sorting Sensor ( ~) Total Event -Sorting
100 IV. IV.III IEV M. View Menu Security Level Event Level, - or Setting - DB Signature Sensor Event
101 IV. IV.III IEV N. View Menu Signature Group Event Signature Count -Sorting -Sorting -Sorting Sensor ( ~) Security Level -Sorting Total Event -Sorting
102 IV. IV.III IEV O. View Menu Signature Group Event Level, - or Setting - DB Signature Sensor Event
103 IV. IV.III IEV P. View Menu Event -Sorting Signature Count -Sorting -Sorting Sensor ( ) Security Level -sorting Total Event -Sorting
104 IV. IV.III IEV Q. View Menu Event Level, - or Setting - DB Signature Sensor Security Level Event
105 IV. IV.III IEV R. Filter Menu Event filter Filter Security Level Filtering level ( Information ) Filtering - Filtering - Signature Filtering Signature Sensor filtering Sensor Event Filtering Event status filtering Event.
106 Cisco IDSM Easy Config I. IDS II. III. IV. IEV V. Trouble Shooting
107 V. IDSM Trouble Shooting - FAQ FAQ. Packet Capture???. IDM. 3. IDSM.
108 V. IDSM Trouble Shooting V-I. Packet Capture Issue FAQ. Packet Capture???. Packet Capture Page 7 II.II.E Native/Hybrid OS SPAN. 7600/6500 Packet Capture 653#sh intrusion-detection module data-port state Intrusion-detection module data-port : Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: trunk Operational Mode: down Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dotq Negotiation of Trunking: Off Access Mode VLAN: (default) Trunking Native Mode VLAN: (default) Trunking VLANs Enabled: NONE Pruning VLANs Enabled: -00 Vlans allowed on trunk:none Vlans allowed and active in management domain:none Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned: none Administrative Capture Mode: Disabled Administrative Capture Allowed-vlans: 999
109 V. IDSM Trouble Shooting V-I. Packet Capture Issue. 7600/6500 Packet Capture 653#sh intrusion-detection module data-port traffic Intrusion-detection module data-port : Specified interface is up line protocol is down (monitoring) Hardware is C6k 000Mb 80.3, address is 000.fcbe.8a6 (bia 000.fcbe.8a6) MTU 500 bytes, BW Kbit, DLY 0 usec, reliability 55/55, txload 4/55, rxload /55 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (0 sec) Unknown duplex, Unknown Speed, media type is unknown media type output flow-control is unsupported, input flow-control is unsupported Last input never, output 07:5:34, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate bits/sec, 976 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 input packets with dribble condition detected packets output, bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 37 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
110 V. IDSM Trouble Shooting V-I. Packet Capture Issue 3. IDM Sensing Interface Enabled Yes
111 V. IDSM Trouble Shooting V-I. Packet Capture Issue 3. IDM Sensing Interface IDM Monitoring Statistics AnalysisEngine Statistics Sensing Interface Packet Counter.
112 V. IDSM Trouble Shooting V-I. Packet Capture Issue 4. IDSM Sensing Interface 653#sh diagnostic module Current Online Diagnostic Level = Minimal Online Diagnostic Result for Module : PASS Online Diagnostic Level when Module came up = Minimal Test Results: (. = Pass, F = Fail, U = Unknown). TestPortASICLoopback : Port TestPCLoopback : Port 3,4 Sensing Interface Pass. Hybrid show port 7,8 Trunk, Faulty. Port TestNetflowInlineRewrite : Port U U U U
113 V. IDSM Trouble Shooting V-II. IDM FAQ. IDM.. Comman & Control Port (Page 0) Native IOS IDSM IP Vlan intrusion-detection module 5 management-port access-vlan IDSM IP Vlan Hybrid OS IDSM IP Vlan set vlan 5/ IDSM IP Vlan
114 V. IDSM Trouble Shooting V-III. IDSM FAQ 3. IDSM.. MP(Maintenance Partition), AP(Application Partition). Native IOS hw-module module reset cf: MP Mode Booting hw-module module reset AP Mode Booting Hybrid OS Reset cf: MP Mode Booting Reset AP Mode Booting MP Mode AP Image Upgred Network config MP Network Crash Dump Application Partition IDS img,config Application Partition IDS img,config cf cf cf3 cf4 cf5
115 V. IDSM Trouble Shooting V-III. IDSM FAQ 3. IDSM.. MP(Maintenance Partition), Application Partition Image Reloading address gateway broadcast Downloading the image. This may take several minutes... Password for (6559K) /tmp/upgrade.gz [########################] 6559K 64.68K/s bytes transferred in 4.86 sec (64.67k/sec) Upgrade file is downloaded. Upgrading will wipe out the contents on the hard disk. Do you want to proceed installing it [y N]: y Proceeding with upgrade. Please do not interrupt. If the upgrade is interrupted or fails, boot into Maintenance image again and restart upgrade. Creating IDS application image file... Initializing the hard disk... Applying the image, this process may take several minutes... Performing post install, please wait... Application image upgrade complete. You can boot the image now.
116 V. IDSM Trouble Shooting V-III. IDSM FAQ 3. IDSM. 3. MP (Maintenance Partition) Application Partition Image Reloading,., Setup. Setup Signature Service Pack Install. Service Pack Install, Rebooting. Signature File Install. sensor(config)# upgrade Password: Warning: Executing this command will apply a signature update to the application partition. Continue with upgrade? : yes Broadcast message from root (Wed Jan 7 9:05:37 004): Applying update IDS-sig-4.-3-S64. This may take several minutes. Please do not reboot the sensor during this update. Broadcast message from root (Wed Jan 7 9:06:06 004): Update complete. sensorapp is restarting This may take several minutes.
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본교재는수업용으로제작된게시물입니다. 영리목적으로사용할경우저작권법제 30 조항에의거법적처벌을받을수있습니다. [ 실습 ] 스위치장비초기화 1. NVRAM 에저장되어있는 'startup-config' 파일이있다면, 삭제를실시한다. SWx>enable SWx#erase sta
[ 실습 ] 스위치장비초기화 1. NVRAM 에저장되어있는 'startup-config' 파일이있다면, 삭제를실시한다. SWx>enable SWx#erase startup-config Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files Continue? [confirm] ( 엔터 ) [OK] Erase
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디지털 프로젝터 X56 네트워크 가이드 이 제품을 구입해 주셔서 감사합니다. 본 설명서는 네트워크 기능 만을 설명하기 위한 것입니다. 본 제품을 올바르게 사 용하려면 이 취급절명저와 본 제품의 다른 취급절명저를 참조하시기 바랍니다. 중요한 주의사항 이 제품을 사용하기 전에 먼저 이 제품에 대한 모든 설명서를 잘 읽어 보십시오. 읽은 뒤에는 나중에 필요할 때
4. 스위치재부팅을실시한다. ( 만약, Save 질문이나오면 'no' 를실시한다.) SWx#reload System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no Proceed with reload? [confirm] (
[ 실습 ] 스위치장비초기화 1. NVRAM 에저장되어있는 'startup-config' 파일이있다면, 삭제를실시한다. SWx>enable SWx#erase startup-config Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files Continue? [confirm] ( 엔터 ) [OK] Erase
Subnet Address Internet Network G Network Network class B networ
Structure of TCP/IP Internet Internet gateway (router) Internet Address Class A Class B Class C 0 8 31 0 netid hostid 0 16 31 1 0 netid hostid 0 24 31 1 1 0 netid hostid Network Address : (A) 1 ~ 127,
i ii iii iv v vi 1 2 3 4 가상대학 시스템의 국내외 현황 조사 가상대학 플랫폼 개발 이상적인 가상대학시스템의 미래상 제안 5 웹-기반 가상대학 시스템 전통적인 교수 방법 시간/공간 제약을 극복한 학습동기 부여 교수의 일방적인 내용전달 교수와 학생간의 상호작용 동료 학생들 간의 상호작용 가상대학 운영 공지사항,강의록 자료실, 메모 질의응답,
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o o o 8.2.1. Host Error 8.2.2. Message Error 8.2.3. Recipient Error 8.2.4. Error 8.2.5. Host 8.5.1. Rule 8.5.2. Error 8.5.3. Retry Rule 8.11.1. Intermittently
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Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any operat
Sun Server X3-2( Sun Fire X4170 M3) Oracle Solaris : E35482 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including
arp -a Packet Logging/Editing Decode Buffer Capture Driver Logging: permanent storage of packets for offline analysis Decode: packets must be decoded to human readable form. Buffer: packets must temporarily
휠세미나3 ver0.4
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Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any oper
Windows Netra Blade X3-2B( Sun Netra X6270 M3 Blade) : E37790 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs,
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Basic Netw rk 1. ก ก ก 2. 3. ก ก 4. ก 2 1. 2. 3. 4. ก 5. ก 6. ก ก 7. ก 3 ก ก ก ก (Mainframe) ก ก ก ก (Terminal) ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก 4 ก (Dumb Terminal) ก ก ก ก Mainframe ก CPU ก ก ก ก 5 ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก
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목차 제 1 장 inexio Touch Driver소개... 3 1.1 소개 및 주요 기능... 3 1.2 제품사양... 4 제 2 장 설치 및 실행... 5 2.1 설치 시 주의사항... 5 2.2 설치 권고 사양... 5 2.3 프로그램 설치... 6 2.4 하드웨
최종 수정일: 2010.01.15 inexio 적외선 터치스크린 사용 설명서 [Notes] 본 매뉴얼의 정보는 예고 없이 변경될 수 있으며 사용된 이미지가 실제와 다를 수 있습니다. 1 목차 제 1 장 inexio Touch Driver소개... 3 1.1 소개 및 주요 기능... 3 1.2 제품사양... 4 제 2 장 설치 및 실행... 5 2.1 설치 시
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네트워크 보안도 안철수연구소입니다 통합 보안의 No.1 파트너, AhnLab TrusGuard 네트워크 환경을 수호하는 최고의 통합 보안 시스템 고성능 방화벽ㆍVPN Security 기술과 고품질 Integrated Security 기술의 강력한 결합 네트워크 안정성을 지켜줄 최고의 기술과 성능 TrusGuard는 국내 최초의 통합보안솔루션으로서 지난 5년간
시스코 무선랜 설치운영 매뉴얼(AP1200s_v1.1)
[ Version 1.3 ] Access Point,. Access Point IP, Subnet Mask, DHCP Client. DHCP Server IP IP,, IP 10.0.0.X. (Tip: Auto Sensing Straight, Cross-over.) step 1]. step 2] LAN. step
목차 소프트웨어 라이센스 계약 3 무선 연결 사용 시 참고 사항 4 보안 관련 참고 사항 6 Wireless Manager mobile edition 5.5 로 수행 가능한 작업 7 컴퓨터 확인 10 컴퓨터를 연결하기 위해 필요한 환경 10 소프트웨어 설치 / 제거 1
Windows 사용 설명서 Wireless Manager ME 5.5 Wireless Manager mobile edition 5.5 F1111-0 KOREAN WM-LY8JC-K 목차 소프트웨어 라이센스 계약 3 무선 연결 사용 시 참고 사항 4 보안 관련 참고 사항 6 Wireless Manager mobile edition 5.5 로 수행 가능한 작업
Korea Internet & Security Agency 21 2 본 보고서 내용의 전부나 일부를 인용하는 경우에는 반드시 출처 [자료:한국인터넷진흥원 인터넷침해대응센터]를 명시하여 주시기 바랍니다. CONTENTS 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 9 1 12 12 13 13 14 16 18 2 21 22 22 34 37 38 1 212 Bot
CHAPTER 05 NT,, XP,. NT NTFS, XP. D,,. XP x NT,,, ( x, x ). NT/ /XP,.. PC NT NT. + Guide to Software: Understanding and Installing Windows 2000 and Windows NT + SOFTWARE Guide to Software 3/e SOFTWARE
Mars OS 1.0.2 System Administration Guide
Mars OS 1.0.2 시스템 관리 가이드 NetApp, Inc. 부품 번호:215-09731_A0 2015년 2월 4일 수요일 2 목차 목차 Mars OS 정보 12 Mars OS의 기능 13 고성능 13 업계 최고의 스토리지 효율성 13 시스템 모니터링 13 비휘발성 메모리를 사용하여 안정성 및 성능 향상 13 클러스터링
IoT DDoS DNS ( ( DDoS DNS DDoS / DDoS(Distributed DoS)? B Asia Broadband B Bots connect to a C&C to create an overlay network (botnet) C&C Provider JP Corp. Bye Bye!
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열차운행정보 승무원 확인시스템 구축 제 안 요 청 서 2014.6. 제 1장 일반사항 4 I.사업의 개요 4 1.사업명 4 2.사업의 목적 4 3.입찰 방식 4 4.입찰 참가 자격 4 5.사업 및 계약 기간 5 6.추진 일정 6 7.사업 범위 및 내용 6 II.사업시행 주요 요건 8 1.사업시행 조건 8 2.계약보증 9 3.시운전 및 하자보증 10
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chapter 07. 시스코라우터기본동작 한빛미디어 -1- 학습목표 시스코라우터외적, 내적구성요소 시스코라우터부팅단계 시스코라우터명령어모드 한빛미디어 -2- 시스코라우터구성요소 라우터외부구성요소 (1) [ 그림 ] 2600 라우터전면도 인터페이스카드 전원부 LED 라우터조건 한빛미디어 -3- 시스코라우터구성요소 라우터외부구성요소 (2) [ 그림 ] VTY 를이용한라우터접속
Windows 네트워크 사용 설명서
Windows 네트워크 사용 설명서 (Wireless Manager mobile edition 5.5) 그림의 예로 사용된 프로젝터는 PT-FW300NTEA 입니다. 한국어 TQBH0205-5 (K) 목차 소프트웨어 라이센스 계약 3 무선 연결 사용 시 참고 사항 4 보안 관련 참고 사항 6 소프트웨어 요구 사항 12 시스템 요구 사항 12 Wireless
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LCD Display
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본교재는수업용으로제작된게시물입니다. 영리목적으로사용할경우저작권법제 30 조항에의거법적처벌을받을수있습니다. 제 28 장이더체널 블로그 : 저자김정우
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CRM 2000. 8. KAIST CRM CRM CRM CRM :,, KAIST : 50%-60%, 20% 60%-80%. AMR Research 10.. CRM. 5. Harvard Business review 60%, 13%. Michaelson & Associates KAIST CRM? ( ),,, -,,, CRM needs,,, dynamically
Network Security - Wired Sniffing 실습 ICNS Lab. Kyung Hee University
Network Security - Wired Sniffing 실습 ICNS Lab. Kyung Hee University Outline Network Network 구조 Source-to-Destination 간 packet 전달과정 Packet Capturing Packet Capture 의원리 Data Link Layer 의동작 Wired LAN Environment
Microsoft PowerPoint - ch13.ppt
chapter 13. 네트워크보안과 ACL 한빛미디어 -1- 학습목표 계층별네트워크보안이슈 시스코라우터의 ACL 시스코라우터의 ACL 설정 한빛미디어 -2- 계층별네트워크보안이슈 데이터링크계층보안 ARP 스푸핑 MAC 플러딩 한빛미디어 -3- 계층별네트워크보안이슈 방화벽 [ 그림 ] 방화벽구조 한빛미디어 -4- 계층별네트워크보안이슈 침입탐지시스템 (IDS)
Smart Power Scope Release Informations.pages
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Online Help StruxureWare Data Center Expert Version 7.2.4 StruxureWare Data Center Expert 7.2.x 의 새 기능 StruxureWare Data Center Expert 7.2.x 릴리스에서 사용할 수 있는 새 기능에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오. 웹 클라이언트 시작 화면: StruxureWare
6, Process concept A program in execution Program code PCB (process control block) Program counter, registers, etc. Stack Heap Data section => global variable Process in memory Process state New Running
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1. Switching 1. Frame-relay 구성 PVC만을사용할수있으며어떠한 Dynamic Circuit도허용되지않는다. FR 구간을설정하시오 A. R3, R4, R5를제외한나머지 Router에서는 Sub interface를사용할수없다. B. R4, R5는 FR point-to-point로구성하고, R3는 multipoint로구성하되반드시 subinterface를이용하여구성하시오.
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OPCTalk for Hitachi Ethernet 1 2. Path. DCOMwindow NT/2000 network server. Winsock update win95. . . 3 Excel CSV. Update Background Thread Client Command Queue Size Client Dynamic Scan Block Block
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1.LAN의 특징과 각종 방식
0 Chapter 1. LAN I. LAN 1. - - - - Switching - 2. LAN - (Topology) - (Cable) - - 2.1 1) / LAN - - (point to point) 2) LAN - 3) LAN - 2.2 1) Bound - - (Twisted Pair) - (Coaxial cable) - (Fiber Optics) 1
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메 뉴 다음 사항을 꼭 확인하세요! --------------------------------- 2p 안전을 위한 주의 사항 --------------------------------- 3p 구성품 --------------------------------- 4p 각 부분의 명칭 --------------------------------- 5p 제품의 규격
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