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2 Enterprise Workload to Oracle Cloud Changik Lee Cloud Platform Solution Engineer Group Oracle Korea January 29, 2019

3 기업 IT 운영환경 엔터프라이즈 IT 운영환경은다양한업무부하를처리하기위한자원구성및안정적인서비스운영구조를지원 XXX XXX L4 L4 L HR Portal INT SSO Portal INT SSO FIN MFG SCM FIN MFG SCM Mobile Expense XXX Active- Stand by 2 HR SSO INT PORTAL FIN MFG SCM RAC FIN 2 MFG 2 SCM 2 Exadata MES DW Mart Storage SAN Switch Backup Library 3

4 클라우드전환고려사항 IT 운영환경의클라우드전환은성능과안정성측면이고려되어현행 IT 서비스수준이유지되어야함 안정성 Performance Intensive Workload RAC Exadata Generic Workload FIN MFG FIN 2 MFG 2 MES DW 3 SCM SCM 2 Mart 1 2 HR Active-Stand by 2 HR 성능 4

5 클라우드전환고려사항 성능 / 안정성과더불어 IT 현행의기능 / 역할을유지하는방향으로전환운영되어야함 Server Deployment LB LB Backup 재해복구 3 Portal Portal 1 2 HR INT SSO INT SSO Mobile Expense Server Deployment Active- Stand by 2 SSO FIN RAC FIN 2 Exadata Storage MES 개발 / 테스트 HR INT MFG MFG 2 DW PORTAL SCM SCM 2 Mart 5

6 엔터프라이즈클라우드배치 6

7 엔터프라이즈클라우드배치 어플리케이션서버배치 Server Deployment LB LB Backup 재해복구 3 Portal Portal 1 2 HR INT SSO INT SSO Mobile Expense Server Deployment Active- Stand by 2 SSO FIN RAC FIN 2 Exadata Storage MES 개발 / 테스트 HR INT MFG MFG 2 DW PORTAL SCM SCM 2 Mart 7

8 Server Deployment IT 운영 / 관리인력의권한부여 담당자의역할에따른관리범위및역할설정으로계정기반의운영체계수립 Users Groups chalee kwseo donghlee donghkim NW ADM INFRA ADM OP Team Team NW Infra 관리 NW Infra 관리 Prod Net 관리 Dev / Test Net Compartment 관리 Prod Infra 관리 Dev / Test Infra 사용 Prod Net 사용 Dev / Test Net 사용 NW Infra Prod Net 조회 NW Infra 조회 Prod Net 조회 Prod Infra Dev / Test Net 관리 MIG PJT Infra 관리 PJT Net 사용 NW Infra 조회 Prod Net PJT Net SUBNET SUBNET SUBNET Prod Infra Dev / Test Infra MIG PJT Infra Instance Database Storage Instance Database Storage Instance Database Storage 8

9 서비스역할에따른네트워크구성 접근영역및서비스분류에따른내부, 데이터베이스서브넷을분리 Server Deployment Deployment Virtual Cloud Network /16 AD-1 (Availability Domain) AD-2 외부 Network Private Subnet-A /24 Private Subnet-B /24 Public Subnet Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 3 Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 3 Network Region Internet Gateway Network Private Subnet-A /24 Private Subnet-B /24 9

10 컴퓨팅서비스의선정 부하요구사항에적합한컴퓨팅클라우드서비스를선정 서버가상화 Virtual Machine ( VM ) CPU 요구량 IOPS 단위 : 60 IOPS/GB 700 GB volume: 25,000 IOPS, 320 MB/s throughput Server Deployment Oracle Cloud Computing Service VM.Standard 일반적인어플리케이션서버운영형태 용량에따른서버스펙선택 Min IOPS 250K ~ 800K VM.DenseIO 24 ocpu ( 48 vcpu ) 이상 독립형서버 Baremetal ( BM ) IOPS 단위 : 60 IOPS/GB 700 GB volume: 25,000 IOPS, 320 MB/s throughput BM.Standard 업무통합환경구성을유지 / 고 - 성능 서버필요 클라우드환경의단점인 Noisy Neighbor 를회피하고싶은경우 Min IOPS 3.0MM BM.DenseIO 10

11 컴퓨팅서비스의선정 오라클클라우드서비스는다양한업무부하에대응할수있는서비스를제공 오라클클라우드컴퓨트서비스 Spec Shape Instance type OCPU RAM (GB) Local Disk (TB) Network Bandwidth Server Deployment VM.Standard2.1 Standard 1 15 Block Storage only 1 Gbps 2 VM.Standard2.2 Standard 2 30 Block Storage only 2 Gbps 2 VM.Standard2.4 Standard 4 60 Block Storage only 4.1 Gbps 2 VM.Standard2.8 Standard Block Storage only 8.2 Gbps 4 VM.Standard2.16 Standard Block Storage only 16.4 Gbps 8 VM.Standard2.24 Standard Block Storage only 24.6 Gbps 12 VM.DenseIO2.8 고성능 I/O 스토리지 TB NVMe SSD 8.2 Gbps 4 VM.DenseIO2.16 고성능 I/O 스토리지 TB NVMe SSD 16.4 Gbps 8 VM.DenseIO2.24 고성능 I/O 스토리지 NVMe SSD 24.6 Gbps 12 BM.Standard2.52 X7 Standard compute Block Storage only 2 X 25 Gbps 24 BM.DenseIO2.52 고성능 I/O 스토리지 TB NVMe SSD 2 X 25 Gbps 24 VM / BM Only Max VNICs 11

12 Server Deployment 컴퓨팅서비스의성능지수 오라클클라우드서비스는온 - 프레미스환경보다우수한성능을보장 3500 Oracle bare metal performance vs. on-premises IOPS Performance: OCI vs. Dell / EMC ALL-FLASH ARRAY Fluent Rating (Simulations per Day) ANSYS Fluent Comparison - 14M Cell Aircraft On-Premises - Haswell with FDR Oracle BM.Standard Broadwell Cores ,043, , ,000 OCI BM. Dense using Local NVMe SSD Storage OCI BM.Std using Block Volume Storage Usable latency threshold is >1ms Dell EMC Unity 450F RAID10 DELL / EMC

13 Server Deployment 예시. 컴퓨팅인스턴스배포 13

14 Server Deployment 어플리케이션서버배치도 Deployment VM 유형 Virtual Cloud Network /16 AD-1 (Availability Domain) Load Balancer AD-2 LB Private Subnet-A /24 Private Subnet-B /24 Load Balancer Public Subnet 1 BM 유형 2 LB 3 HR Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 3 Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 통합 서버 1 Portal 1 INT 1 SSO 1 HR Region 2 통합 서버 2 Portal 2 INT 2 SSO Expense Internet Gateway Portal INT Portal INT Private Subnet-A /24 Private Subnet-B /24 SSO SSO 14

15 엔터프라이즈클라우드배치 데이터베이스서버배치 Server Deployment LB LB Backup 재해복구 3 Portal Portal 1 2 HR INT SSO INT SSO Mobile Expense Server Deployment Active- Stand by 2 SSO FIN RAC FIN 2 Exadata Storage MES 개발 / 테스트 HR INT MFG MFG 2 DW PORTAL SCM SCM 2 Mart 15

16 Server Deployment 서비스특성에따른데이터베이스구성 데이터베이스운영환경은성능 / 안정성기준별로다양한운영형태가있으며오라클클라우드서비스만이 100% 운영지원이가능 Single Local HA RAC Exadata Node 1 Node n Offload SQL to Storage Oracle MS SE Oracle MS EE Active Node Stand-by Node Instance 1 ASM Cluster Ware OS Cluster Interconnect Instance 2 ASM Cluster Ware OS InfiniBand Fabric Smart Flash Cache, Log Storage Indexes Data Guard Shared Storage Managed by ASM I/O Resource Mgmt ExaFusion Protoco CS ( Cloud Service ) CS * CS VM RAC * Exadata Cloud Service * Exadata Cloud Service * Oracle Cloud Only 16

17 오라클클라우드데이터베이스서비스 Server Deployment 오라클클라우드서비스는데이터베이스의성능 / 가용성요구사항에부합하는다양한형태의 서비스를제공 Enterprise Applications & Dev/Test Enterprise Applications Enterprise Applications: Local HA with seconds of SLA Enterprise Applications: Local HA with massive capacity and seconds of SLA 데이터저장능력 MORE Oracle on VM CPU : 1-24 OCPUs Mem : Core x 15GB 스토리지 :256 GB - 40 TB Oracle on BM CPU : 1-24 OCPUs Mem : Core x 15GB 스토리지 : 최대 16TB NVMe SSD Oracle RAC - VM CPU : 4-72 OCPUs 스토리지 VM: 최대 40 TB 스토리지 BM : 8-20 TB usable SSD Oracle Exadata CPU : OCPUs 스토리지 : TB usable SSD 가용성수준 HIGHER 17

18 Server Deployment 예시. 데이터베이스인스턴스배포 ( Single ) Deployment Single SSO HR INT PORTAL 18

19 Server Deployment 데이터베이스서버배치도 Single 배포 Deployment Single SSO HR INT PORTAL Virtual Cloud Network /16 AD-1 (Availability Domain) Private Subnet-A /24 Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 3 Load Balancer Private Subnet-B /24 Load Balancer Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 3 Public Subnet AD 통합 서버 1 Portal 1 INT 1 SSO 1 HR Region 2 통합 서버 2 Portal 2 INT 2 SSO Expense Internet Gateway Private Subnet-A /24 Private Subnet-B /24 HR 19

20 Server Deployment 예시. 데이터베이스인스턴스배포 ( Local HA ) Deployment Single SSO HR INT Local HA PORTAL Stand by 의위치 Active- Stand by 2 Data Guard 운영모드 20

21 Server Deployment 데이터베이스서버배치도 Local HA 데이터베이스배포 Deployment Single SSO HR INT Local HA Active- Stand by PORTAL 2 Virtual Cloud Network /16 AD-1 (Availability Domain) Private Subnet-A /24 Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 3 Private Subnet-B /24 Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 통합 서버 1 Portal 1 INT 1 SSO 1 HR Load Balancer Region 2 Load Balancer 통합 서버 2 Portal 2 INT 2 SSO Public Subnet Expense AD-2 Internet Gateway Private Subnet-A /24 Private Subnet-B /24 HR 1 Data Guard 2 21

22 Server Deployment 예시. 데이터베이스인스턴스배포 ( RAC / Exadata ) Deployment Single SSO HR INT Local HA PORTAL Active- Stand by 2 RAC FIN MFG SCM FIN 2 MFG 2 SCM 2 Exadata MES DW Mart 22

23 Server Deployment 데이터베이스서버배치도 RAC / Exadata 베이스배포 Deployment Single SSO HR Local HA RAC FIN MFG SCM INT Active- Stand by PORTAL 2 FIN 2 MFG 2 SCM 2 Virtual Cloud Network /16 AD-1 (Availability Domain) Private Subnet-A /24 Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 3 Private Subnet-B /24 Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 통합 서버 1 Portal 1 INT 1 SSO 1 HR Load Balancer Region 2 Load Balancer 통합 서버 2 Portal 2 INT 2 SSO Public Subnet Expense AD-2 Internet Gateway Exadata Private Subnet-A /24 FIN RAC Private Subnet-B /24 MES MFG RAC DW Mart HR 1 SCM RAC MES / DW Data Guard 2 23

24 엔터프라이즈클라우드배치 백업환경구성과개발 / 테스트환경배포 Server Deployment LB LB Backup 재해복구 3 Portal Portal 1 2 HR INT SSO INT SSO Mobile Expense Server Deployment Active- Stand by 2 SSO FIN RAC FIN 2 Exadata Storage MES 개발 / 테스트 HR INT MFG MFG 2 DW PORTAL SCM SCM 2 Mart 24

25 백업구성 Backup 어플리케이션 / 데이터베이스운영환경은오브젝트스토리지를이용하여백업을수행 어플리케이션백업 Database 백업 Cloud VM Create Custom Image Cloud On-Demand Full Backups Create Backup Database File Automatic Incremental Backups Boot Volume Block Volume Create Clone Create Backup Policy Based Backup ( Bronze, Silver, Gold ) On-Demand Full Backups Local Storage * Exadata Only Automatic Incremental Backups 일일증분백업 ( 30일보관 ) 매주온라인풀백업 25

26 개발환경구성 인스턴스 / 데이터베이스백업으로부터개발 / 테스트환경을신규로구성 개발 / 테스트 Virtual Cloud Network /16 AD-1 (Availability Domain) Private Subnet-A /24 Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 3 Private Subnet-B /24 Fault Domain 1 Fault Domain 2 Fault Domain 통합 서버 1 Portal 1 INT 1 SSO 1 HR Load Balancer Region 2 Load Balancer 통합 서버 2 Portal 2 INT 2 SSO Public Subnet Expense AD-2 Internet Gateway Create Instance Dev from Custom ImageApplication Dev Application Dev Application Assign Block from Clone DEV/TEST Private Subnet-A /24 HR 1 FIN RAC MFG RAC SCM RAC MES / DW Private Subnet-B /24 2 Create Dev Database Dev Database From Backup Dev Database Data Guard 26

27 엔터프라이즈클라우드배치 재해복구환경구성 Server Deployment LB LB Backup 재해복구 3 Portal Portal 1 2 HR INT SSO INT SSO Mobile Expense Server Deployment Active- Stand by 2 SSO FIN RAC FIN 2 Exadata Storage MES 개발 / 테스트 HR INT MFG MFG 2 DW PORTAL SCM SCM 2 Mart 27

28 재해복구 > Backup & Restore 운영센터의백업을복구센터에복제구성하여재해발생시인스턴스구성 재해복구 Primary Cloud Region Secondary Cloud Region /16 Application Subnet-A /24 Oracle backbone /16 Subnet-A /24 Subnet-B /24 Backup Region Replication Subnet-B /24 Primary Database 28

29 재해복구 재해복구 > 실시간복제방식 실시간복제방안을적용하여데이터무손실 DR 환경을구성 Global Load Balancer /16 Application Primary Data Center Subnet-A /24 Oracle backbone File Replication /16 Secondary Data Center Application Subnet-A /24 Primary Database Subnet-B /24 Active Data Guard Max Availability Mode With Fast-Start Failover Secondary Database ( Stand By ) Subnet-B /24 29

30 클라우드전환 30

31 어플리케이션서버이전 표준 OS 이미지를이용하여클라우드환경으로전환작업을수행하거나, 현행운영환경을이미지형식으로이전하는 Lift & Shift 전환방식을선택가능 Platform Images Migration Lift and Shift BYOI ( Bring your Own Images ) Emulationmode Nativemode - Server 2016 Standard and Datacenter - Server 2012 R2 Standard and Datacenter - Server 2012 Standard and Datacenter - Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter BYOH ( Bring your Own Hypervisor ) 31

32 어플리케이션서버이전 > BYOI 표준 OS 이미지를이용하여클라우드환경으로전환작업을수행하거나, 현행운영환경을이미지형식으로이전하는 Lift & Shift 전환방식을선택가능 Bring Your Own Images 절차 VMDK 형식으로익스포트수행 현행 VMs ( Windows / Linux ) vmdk 이미지 OS 업그레이드필요시 VMDK 형식으로익스포트수행 VM 업그레이드 Custom VMs on 오라클클라우드 이미지업로드 클라우드오브젝트스토리지 Custom Image 생성 Custom Image 업로드된 VMDK 이미지를기반으로사용자인스턴스생성 32

33 데이터베이스서버이전 MS 환경이전시전환리스크를최소화하기위하여클라우드전환도구를적용 Source Target 마이그레이션방법 마이그레이션도구 비고 Oracle Oracle Database Cloud ( including EXACM ) Zero Downtime Planned Downtime CDC 솔루션 ( 예. ADIPC - Autonomous Data Integration Platform Cloud ) Transportable Tablespaces, Data Pump, RMAN, Cloning, SQL Developer 등 실시간데이터연계및복제솔루션 Version, OS, Character Set, 데이터볼륨등의인자로적절한방법을판단 33

34 클라우드데이터베이스실시간이전방식 ADIPC ( Autonomous Data Integration Platform Cloud ) 서비스는네트워크접근환경을변경하기않고실시간으로클라우드전환이가능 전환작업의어려움 오라클클라우드 Data Integration Platform Service 는 Agent 방식에의한실시간데이터베이스이전이가능 Cloud 내부망 외부망 Legacy 외부망 Cloud 어떻게전달할것인가? Intranet zone Secur e Stora ge capture Capture Extract On-Premise DMZ DIPC Agent PUMP Data Flow Socks 5 Proxy Tunnel/VPN Real time data sync Virtual Cloud Network /16 AD-1 (Availability Domain) Public Subnet-A Compute DIPC Agent Private Subnet-B Target 내부망 On-Prem Control Flow Autonomous DIPC 34

35 고객사례 35

36 Maritz 사업확장에대응하지못하는노후화된 H/W 의교체대신에오라클클라우드환경으로 IT 인프라환경을이전 Cloud Now Load Balancer Primary Region : OCI Ashburn Load Balancer DR Region : OCI Phoenix 27+ 주요시스템이전 ERP #1 2 OCPU each ERP #2 NFS Mount CUSTOM #1 Compute Bare metal 21 OCPU, 315 GB RAM 2 OCPU each CUSTOM #2 File Storage Service File Sync File Storage Service Compute Bare metal 11 OCPU, 165 GB RAM 2 OCPU each ERP #1 ERP #2 NFS Mount CUSTOM #1 2 OCPU each CUSTOM #2 1 OCPU Telesoft 1 OCPU Gateway 1 OCPU OAM / OID 1 OCPU Markview / Kofax 1 OCPU BICS 1 OCPU Adoptive 2 OCPU Ent. Manager 1 OCPU NAT 1 OCPU Bastion Host VCN Peering 1 OCPU OAM / OID 1 OCPU NAT 1 OCPU Bastion Host 데이터베이스의주요플랫폼으로 클라우드 RAC 서비스를운영 ( 4 C, 8 P ) 재해복구시간단축 ( 72 시간 < 4 시간 ) CCONSP 2-node RAC 8 OCPU, 1024 GB RAM EASTELP EASTELRP EASTAXP EASRPTP EASARCP CEBIZP EASEBIZP CCUSIP EASCUSIP EASCUSP CCUSP EASHRP Data Guard Block Storage 4TB Object Storage 10TB Block Storage 4TB Object Storage 10TB CCONSDR CEBIDR EASEBIZDR 2-node RAC 8 OCPU, 1024 GB RAM EASTELEDR EASTELERDR EASTAXDR CCUSIDR EASCUSIDR CCUSDR EASRPTDR EASCUSDR 36

37 Global Telecom company 미국무선통신서비스제공업체는 Retire the Data Centers 를 IT 목표로수립하고전사엔터프라이즈어플리케이션을클라우드환경으로이전 Cloud Now 120+ 미션크리티컬어플리케이션, 오라클 RAC 데이터베이스를이전 281 운영 VMs,300+,791 Dev/Test VM 적용서비스 (HA 구성, 지역간 DR 환경 ) Compute, Block Storage, N/W, Object Storage Exadata Cloud Service ( ExaCS ) Cloud Security IAM Security monitoring-casb SCI FastConnect, Private subnets % 가용성확보 : 엑사데이터클라우드서비스 (ExaCS) 차년도에 2 배이상확장계획 37

38 결언 38

39 IT 클라우드전환요구사항 고객은기존 IT 서비스의품질을유지하면서클라우드운영이점을확보하려고함 클라우드제어 / 고 - 성능확보 " 우리는온 - 프레미스에서경험하는성능과제어력을잃고싶지않습니다." No Re-architecture " 데이터베이스또는어플리케이션을다시설계하여클라우드로이전하고싶지않습니다." 클라우드이식성 " 우리가사용하는다양한유형의어플리케이션을클라우드로이전이가능하여야합니다." 39

40 기업 IT 환경을위한오라클클라우드 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Not available from AWS or Azure 10x faster and 20% cheaper Ease of Migration Lift and Shift any App Workload Predictable Performance Better Networks Oracle does not oversubscribe Enterprise Workloads, Service & Support Complete, Open, Secure, Choice 40

41 Thank you 41

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