발표장안내 1 층안내도 2 층안내도 3 층안내도 총회및간친회장 : 그랜드애플 5F( 도보 5 분 ) 기조강연장 : 205 호 제 1 회장 : 호 제 2 회장 : 108 호 제 3 회장 : 호 제 4 회장 : 호 제 5 회장 :

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Download "발표장안내 1 층안내도 2 층안내도 3 층안내도 총회및간친회장 : 그랜드애플 5F( 도보 5 분 ) 기조강연장 : 205 호 제 1 회장 : 호 제 2 회장 : 108 호 제 3 회장 : 호 제 4 회장 : 호 제 5 회장 :"



2 발표장안내 1 층안내도 2 층안내도 3 층안내도 총회및간친회장 : 그랜드애플 5F( 도보 5 분 ) 기조강연장 : 205 호 제 1 회장 : 호 제 2 회장 : 108 호 제 3 회장 : 호 제 4 회장 : 호 제 5 회장 : 103 호 제 6 회장 : 호 제 7 회장 : 호 제 8 회장 : 호 제 9 회장 : 205 호 제 10 회장 : 206 호 제 11 회장 : 207 호 포스터발표장 : 3 층그랜드볼륨

3 1 구두및포스터발표진행안내 2 일정표 3 각회장발표일정요약 4 Floor Plan 5 Guideline for Speakers & Authors 6 Program at a Glance 7 Program Timetable 8 BEXCO Information 12 구두발표프로그램 20 포스터발표프로그램 38 초록 _ 구두발표 66 초록 _ 포스터발표 Ⅰ 96 초록 _ 포스터발표 Ⅱ 125 초록 _ 포스터발표 Ⅲ 156 색인표 162 부산컨벤션센터안내 166 Exhibition 2019 Session Information

4 구두및포스터발표진행안내 학술대회의원활한진행을위하여다음사항을꼭지켜주시기바랍니다. 구두발표 일반논문발표시간은 15분, 질의응답시간은 5분입니다. 특별강연발표시간은 20분, 질의응답시간은 5분입니다. 대학원생구두발표시간은 12분, 질의응답시간은 3분입니다. 발표시간 12분 ( 특별강연은 15분 ) 경과후한번타종합니다. 발표시간 15분 ( 특별강연은 20분 ) 경과후두번타종합니다. 취소된발표가있을경우, 다음발표를미리시작하지않습니다. 통보없이취소된발표는좌장께서본부에알려주십시오 ( 홈페이지공개예정 ). 포스터발표 포스터발표자는아래표의시간을꼭지켜주십시오. 게시시간전까지포스터부착을완료해주십시오. 발표자는발표시간에발표포스터앞에서질의응답에응해야합니다. 포스터발표자의사전동의없는포스터촬영을엄격히금합니다. 위의사항들을어길시위반사실을반드시연구책임자 / 교신저자에게통보합니다. 세션 구분 게시시간 발표시간 포스터 Ⅰ 1PS-1 1PS-305 9:00 12:30 9:00 10:30 포스터 Ⅱ 2PS-1 2PS-305 9:00 12:30 9:00 10:30 포스터 Ⅲ 3PS-1 3PS :50 17:00 15:30 17:00 논문정보보기 논문번호는발표일 / 종류 /( 회장 )- 순서로구성되어있습니다. 발표일 ) 1-6( 목 ); 2-7( 금 ) ( 포스터의 1 은목요일 ; 포스터의 2,3 은금요일 ) 종류 ) 예 ) PL - 초청특별강연 ; L - 특별강연 ; O - 일반구두발표 ; PS - 포스터발표 1O8-3 은목요일 8 회장 3 번째일반구두발표 발표자 : 이름에밑줄표시 연구책임자 / 교신저자 : 이름에 표시 부득이하게명찰재발급및초록집재교부를원하실경우, 소정의비용이발생됨을알려드립니다. 제 44 권 1 호 1

5 일정표 4 월 10 일 ( 수 ) 시간행사장소비고 17:20 평의원등록 17:30-18:00 [ 특별강연 ] 인류문명을바꾼플라스틱송기국, 경희대학교 평의원회의장 18:00-19:00 평의원회의 19:00 평의원만찬 4월 11일 ( 목 ) 시간 행사 장소 비고 08:00-17:30 등록 3층로비 09:00-10:30 포스터발표 (I) ( 좌장 : 김선주, 임은희 ) (1PS-1 ~ 1PS-305) 3층전시장 10:40-11:20 [ 기조강연 ] ( 좌장 : 김일 ) PL-1 Functional Liquid-Crystalline Polymeric Assemblies Takashi Kato, The University of Tokyo 11:20-12:00 [ 기조강연 ] ( 좌장 : 김천호 ) 기조강연장 포스터 (I) 게시 PL-2 In situ Forming Hydrogels for Therapeutic Applications 박기동, 아주대학교 12:00-13:30 점심 13:30-17:35 18:00-18:40 [ 제 86 회정기총회 ( 춘계 )] 초청강연및연구논문발표 (I) ( 초청강연 74 편, 구두발표 32 편 ) 각발표회장 1. 개회 년도춘계학회상시상 3. 회무보고 년도결산승인 5. 기타토의 6. 폐회 총회장 18:40 간친회간친회장 총회장및간친회장은그랜드애플 5 층입니다. 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 시간 행사 장소 비고 08:00-16:00 등록 3층로비 09:00-10:30 포스터발표 (II) ( 좌장 : 김정곤, 문홍철 ) 3층전시장 (2PS-1 ~ 2PS-305) 포스터 (II) 10:30-12:10 초청강연및연구논문발표 (II) 게시각발표회장 ( 초청강연 34편, 구두발표 14편 ) 12:10-13:50 점심 13:50-15:30 초청강연및연구논문발표 (III) ( 초청강연 30편, 구두발표 12편 ) 15:30-17:00 포스터발표 (III) ( 좌장 : 박치영, 윤진환 ) (3PS-1 ~ 3PS-306) 각발표회장 3 층전시장 포스터 (III) 게시 2 제 44 권 1 호

6 각회장발표일정요약 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 각회장 1 회장 ( 호 ) Keynote Session (I) 2 회장 (108 호 ) 3 회장 ( 호 ) Korea-Japan Joint Symposium: Fundamental Biomedical Polymer Science for Polymers Future Technology Division (I) (English) (English) 4 회장 ( 호 ) 고분자합성 5 회장 (103 호 ) 신진연구자특별심포지움 (I)* 6 회장 ( 호 ) 고분자가공 / 복합재료 7 회장 ( 호 ) 콜로이드및분자조립부문위원회 8 회장 ( 호 ) From Basics to Applications for Polymer Industry (English) 9 회장 (205 호 ) 분자전자부문위원회 (I) 10 회장 (206 호 ) Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English) 11 회장 (207 호 ) 대학원생구두발표 (I) 13:30 서용석 Soo-Hyung Choi Yong-kyu Lee 김병수임성갑여현욱문준혁 Seokhoon Ahn 윤명한 Dae Sung Chung 김소연 13:55 1L1-1 (13:30-14:10) 1L2-1 1L3-1 1L4-1 1L5-1 1L6-1 1L7-1 1L8-1 1L9-1 1O10-1 1O11-1 Yukiko Enomoto Yu Suk Choi Christopher Bielawski 박성준 ( 전북대 ) 오미혜 김진곤 Daewon Sohn 권정훈 1O10-2 1O11-2 이해원 1L2-2 1L3-2 1L4-2 1L5-2 1L6-2 1L7-2 1L8-2 1L9-2 1O10-3 1O11-3 Jinhwan Yoon Seung-Yun Nam Cafer T. Yavuz 이주혁 고문주 장우동 Kazuo Sakurai 박상혁 ( 공주대 ) 1O10-4 1O :20 1L1-2 (14:10-14:50) 1L2-3 1L3-3 1L4-3 1L5-3 1L6-3 1L7-3 1L8-3 1L9-3 1O10-5 1O11-5 Hiroaki Imoto Younsoo Kim Anzar Khan 김선준 송광석 최장욱 Jun Bae Lee Yong-Jin Pu 1O10-6 1O :45 이희우 1L2-4 1L3-4 1L4-4 1L5-4 1L6-4 1L7-4 1L8-4 1L9-4 1O10-7 1O11-7 Hong Chul Moon Yeu-Chun Kim Bright Walker 김대우최수아남윤성 Thai Hoang 김창현 15:10 Break (20 min) 1O10-8 1O :30 이해원 Suk-Kyun Ahn Dong-Wook Han 송창식 왕동환 장세규 김신현 Hyomin Lee 김도환 Break (10 min) 1L2-5 1L3-5 1L4-5 1L5-5 1L6-5 1L7-5 1L8-5 1L9-5 Jeong Ho Cho 홍성우 1L1-3 (15:30-16:10) Yasuhiro Kohsaka Sung Ho Yang 이형일 김정규 서용석 류두열 Yeongseon Jang 이탁희 1O10-9 1O :55 1O O11-10 이태우 1L2-6 1L3-6 1L4-6 1L5-6 1L6-6 1L7-6 1L8-6 1L9-6 Kyung-Geun Lim Woo Kyung Cho 박치영 김정환 최시영 강영종 Nguyen Van Khoi 고민재 1O O :20 1L1-4 (16:10-16:50) 16:45 손태일 17:10 17:35 1L1-5 (16:50-17:30) 1L2-7 1L3-7 1L4-7 1L5-7 1L6-7 1L7-7 1L8-7 1L9-7 Mina Sakuragi Gunchul Shin 서명은 Joshua A. Jackman 전영시남기태 Hyunjoon Kong 서형탁 1L2-8 1L3-8 1L4-8 1L5-8 1L6-8 1L7-8 1L8-8 1L9-8 U Hyeok Choi Sangyong Jon 김정곤김태안정병문 (KIMS) 이기라 BongSoo Kim 정성준 김일 1L3-9 1L4-9 1L5-9 1L6-9 1L8-9 Dong Yun Lee 최수형이현종여현욱 Gene Kim 18:00 총회및간친회 1O O O O O O O O O O11-16 : International session supported by Korea Toray Science Foundation. : 우수논문발표상응모 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 각회장 1 회장 ( 호 ) Keynote Session (II) 2 회장 (108 호 ) 환경친화적청정고분자기술개발 3 회장 ( 호 ) 의료용고분자부문위원회 (II) 4 회장 ( 호 ) 기능성고분자 5 회장 (103 호 ) 6 회장 ( 호 ) 신진연구자특별자동차용내 외장심포지움 (II)* 플라스틱소재 7 회장 ( 호 ) 8 회장 ( 호 ) 고분자구조및물성생체모사형전자피부및자가치유고분자 9 회장 (205 호 ) 분자전자부문위원회 (II) 10회장 (206호 ) Graduate Student Oral Session (II) (English) 11 회장 (207 호 ) 대학원생구두발표 (II) 10:30 김장주 홍성우 박인규 박소정 박금환 최치훈 허수미 고두현 오준학 Changsik Song 이효민 2L2-1 2L3-1 2L4-1 2L5-1 2L6-1 2L7-1 2L8-1 2L9-1 2O10-1 2O11-1 2L1-1 (10:30-11:10) 전호석정병문 ( 이화여대 ) 임용범배인성김대식정희태김도환이창렬 2O10-2 2O :55 최형진 2L2-2 2L3-2 2L4-2 2L5-2 2L6-2 2L7-2 2L8-2 2L9-2 2O10-3 2O11-3 임준섭 이재영 김용주 주용호 정병헌 최지훈 스티브박 엄태식 11:20 2L1-2 (11:10-11:50) 2L2-3 2L3-3 2L4-3 2L5-3 2L6-3 2L7-3 2L8-3 2L9-3 박은규 나건 박문정 이승구 전승희 박수진 홍용택 김창순 2O10-4 2O11-4 2O10-5 2O :45 박수영 2O10-6 2O11-6 2L2-4 2L3-4 2L4-4 2L5-4 2L6-4 2L7-4 2L8-4 2L9-4 홍채환임광석조맹효이승애이해곤김종만정용채김명길 2O10-7 2O :10 점심 13:50 최형진 이동현 양승윤 임호선 이춘수 김소연 정용채 김선주 Sang-Ho Cha 염봉준 2L2-5 2L3-5 2L4-5 2L6-5 2L7-5 2L8-5 2L9-5 2O10-8 2O11-8 2L1-3 최준원오세행윤창규변두진구종민홍성우김태욱 (13:50-14:30) 2O10-9 2O :15 김장주 2L2-6 2L3-6 2L4-6 2L6-6 2L7-6 2L8-6 2L9-6 2O O11-10 권오석 강선웅 정훈의 이윤환 선정윤 주건모 박성준 ( 삼성 ) 14:40 2O O L1-4 2L2-7 2L3-7 2L4-7 2L6-7 2L7-7 2L8-7 2L9-7 (14:30-15:10) 조은선최원섭안석균남병국박철민김재우권영완 2O O :05 백종범 2L2-8 2L3-8 2L4-8 2L6-8 2L7-8 2L8-8 2L9-8 2O O11-13 김한중 박상혁 ( 부경대 ) 이화성 김창민 이근형 김민수 강동원 * 신진연구자 Reception: 2019년 4월 10일 ( 수 ) 좌장은고딕체로표기. 제 44 권 1 호 3

7 Floor Plan 1F 2F 3F Banquet: Grand Apple 5F (5 min from BEXCO) Plenary Lecture: 205 S1: S2: 108 S3: S4: S5: 103 S6: S7: S8: S9: 205 S10: 206 S11: 207 Poster: Grand Ballroom (3F) 4 제 44 권 1 호

8 Guideline for Speakers & Authors ORAL PRESENTATION Speakers are requested to upload the presentation files to the presentation computer in the session room before the session starts. Staffs will be availabe on site to assist the speakers. Please do not use personal laptop or tablet PC for presentation. Presentation time Presentation Plenary Lecture Invited Lecture* Oral Oral (Graduate Student) Time 40 min. 25 min. 20 min. 15 min. * Presentation time for Keynote Session: 40 min. POSTER PRESENTATION 1. Poster Presentation Schedule (1) 1PS-1~1PS-305 & 2PS-1~2PS-305: For poster presentations on April 11 (Thu) & April 12 (Fri) Posters should be placed before 9:00 Poster presentation time: 9:00-10:30 Poster display time: 9:00-12:30 (2) 3PS-1~3PS-306: For poster presentations on April 12 (Fri) Posters should be placed before 13:50 Poster display time: 13:50-17:00 Poster presentation time: 15:30-17:00 2. Presentation venue 3F, Grand Ballroom (BEXCO) 3. Poster Board Size: 1500 mm (height) 900 mm (width) - The presentation number will be posted at the top of each panel. - Authors are expected to be available near their poster during the presentation time for discussion with the participants. INFORMATION FOR SESSION CHAIR The chairpersons of each session should arrive at the session room 10 minutes earlier the session and check the attendance of speakers in the session. 제 44 권 1 호 5

9 Program at a Glance April 10 (Wed) Time Activities Place Notes 17:20 Registration for Council Member 17:30-18:00 [Special Lecture] Kigook Song, Kyung Hee University 18:00-19:00 Council Member Meeting 19:00 Banquet for Council Member Council Member Hall April 11 (Thu) Time Activities Place Notes 08:00-17:30 Registration 3rd Floor Lobby 09:00-10:30 Poster Presentation (I) (1PS-1 ~ 1PS-305) 3rd Floor Exhibition Hall 10:40-11:20 [Plenary Lecture] (Chair: Il Kim) 11:20-12:00 PL-1 Functional Liquid-Crystalline Polymeric Assemblies Takashi Kato, The University of Tokyo [Plenary Lecture] (Chair: Chun Ho Kim) Plenary Lecture Hall Poster(I) PL-2 In situ Forming Hydrogels for Therapeutic Applications Ki Dong Park, Ajou University 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-17:35 Invited Lecture & Oral Research Presentation (I) Respective Presentation Hall 18:00-18:40 General Meeting General 18:40 Banquet Meeting Hall General Meeting Hall : Grand Apple 5F (Centum Hansem Building) April 12 (Fri) Time Activities Place Notes 08:00-16:00 Registration 3rd Floor Lobby 09:00-10:30 Poster Presentation (Ⅱ) 3rd Floor (2PS-1 ~ 2PS-305) Exhibition Hall Poster (II) 10:30-12:10 Invited Lecture & Oral Research Presentation (Ⅱ) 12:10-13:50 Lunch 13:50-15:30 Invited Lecture & Oral Research Presentation (Ⅲ) Respective Presentation Hall Respective Presentation Hall 15:30-17:00 Poster Presentation (Ⅲ) 3rd Floor (3PS-1 ~ 3PS-306) Exhibition Hall Poster (III) 6 제 44 권 1 호

10 Program Timetable April 11 (Thu) Session (Room) S1 ( ) Keynote Session (I) S2 (108) Korea-Japan Joint Symposium: Fundamental Polymer Science for Future Technology (English) S3 ( ) Biomedical Polymers Division (I) (English) S4 ( ) Polymer Synthesis S5 (103) Young Polymer Scientists Session (I)* S6 ( ) Polymer Processing/ Composites S7 ( ) Division of Colloid & Molecular Assembly S8 ( ) From Basics to Applications for Polymer Industry (English) S9 (205) Molecular Electronics Division (I) S10 (206) Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English) S11 (207) Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (Korean) 13:30 Yongsok Seo Soo-Hyung Choi Yong-kyu Lee Byeong-Su Kim Sung Gap Im Hyeonuk Yeo Jun Hyuk Moon Seokhoon Ahn Myung-Han Yoon Dae Sung Chung So Youn Kim 13:55 1L1-1 (13:30-14:10) 1L2-1 1L3-1 1L4-1 1L5-1 1L6-1 1L7-1 1L8-1 1L9-1 1O10-1 1O11-1 Yukiko Enomoto Yu Suk Choi Christopher Bielawski Sungjune Park Mee-Hye OH JinKon Kim Daewon Sohn Cheong Hoon Kwon 1O10-2 1O11-2 Haiwon Lee 1L2-2 1L3-2 1L4-2 1L5-2 1L6-2 1L7-2 1L8-2 1L9-2 1O10-3 1O11-3 Jinhwan Yoon Seung-Yun Nam Cafer T. Yavuz Juhyuck Lee Munju Goh Woo Dong Jang Kazuo Sakurai Sanghyuk Park 1O10-4 1O :20 1L1-2 (14:10-14:50) 1L2-3 1L3-3 1L4-3 1L5-3 1L6-3 1L7-3 1L8-3 1L9-3 1O10-5 1O11-5 Hiroaki Imoto Younsoo Kim Anzar Khan Seon Joon Kim Gwang-seok Song Jang Wook Choi Jun Bae Lee Yong-Jin Pu 1O10-6 1O :45 Hee Woo Rhee 1L2-4 1L3-4 1L4-4 1L5-4 1L6-4 1L7-4 1L8-4 1L9-4 1O10-7 1O11-7 Hong Chul Moon Yeu-Chun Kim Bright Walker Daewoo Kim Sua Choi Yoon Sung Nam Thai Hoang 15:10 Break (20 min) Chang-Hyun Kim 1O10-8 1O :30 Haiwon Lee Suk-Kyun Ahn Dong-Wook Han Changsik Song Dong Hwan Wang Se Gyu Jang Shin-Hyun Kim Hyomin Lee Do Hwan Kim Break (10 min) 1L2-5 1L3-5 1L4-5 1L5-5 1L6-5 1L7-5 1L8-5 1L9-5 Jeong Ho Cho Sung Woo Hong 1L1-3 (15:30-16:10) Yasuhiro Kohsaka Sung Ho Yang Hyung Il Lee Jung-kyu Kim Yongsok Seo Du Yeol Ryu Yeongseon Jang Takhee Lee 1O10-9 1O :55 1O O11-10 Tae-Woo Lee 1L2-6 1L3-6 1L4-6 1L5-6 1L6-6 1L7-6 1L8-6 1L9-6 Kyung-Geun Lim Woo Kyung Cho Chiyoung Park Junghwan Kim Si Young Choi Young Jong Kang Nguyen Van Khoi Min Jae Ko 1O O :20 1L1-4 (16:10-16:50) 16:45 Tae Il Son 17:10 17:35 1L1-5 (16:50-17:30) 1L2-7 1L3-7 1L4-7 1L5-7 1L6-7 1L7-7 1L8-7 1L9-7 Mina Sakuragi Gunchul Shin Myungeun Seo Joshua A. Jackman Young-Si Jun Ki Tae Nam Hyunjoon Kong Hyungtak Seo 1L2-8 1L3-8 1L4-8 1L5-8 1L6-8 1L7-8 1L8-8 1L9-8 U Hyeok Choi Sangyong Jon Jeung Gon Kim Tae Ann Kim Byungmun Jung Gi-Ra Yi BongSoo Kim Sungjune Jung Il Kim 1L3-9 1L4-9 1L5-9 1L6-9 1L8-9 Dong Yun Lee SooHyung Choi Hyun Jong Lee Hyeonuk Yeo Gene Kim 18:00 General Meeting & Banquet : International session supported by Korea Toray Science Foundation. : Applicant for Outstanding Student Presentation Award 1O O O O O O O O11-15 Dong Yun Lee 1O11-16 April 12 (Fri) Session (Room) S1 ( ) Keynote Session (II) S2 (108) Eco-friendly Green Technology Based on Polymers S3 ( ) Biomedical Polymers Division (II) S4 ( ) Functional Polymer S5 (103) Young Polymer Scientists Session (II)* S6 S7 ( ) ( ) Plastic Materials for Automotive Interior Polymer Structure and Exterior and Property Applications S8 ( ) Biomimetic Electronic-skin and Self-healing Polymers S9 (205) Molecular Electronics Division (II) S10 (206) Graduate Student Oral Session (II) (English) S11 (207) Graduate Student Oral Session (II) (Korean) 10:30 Jang-Joo Kim Sung Woo Hong In Kyu Park So-Jung Park KeumHwan Park Chi Hoon Choi Su-Mi Hur Doo-Hyun Ko Joon Hak Oh Changsik Song Hyomin Lee 2L2-1 2L3-1 2L4-1 2L5-1 2L6-1 2L7-1 2L8-1 2L9-1 2O10-1 2O11-1 2L1-1 (10:30-11:10) Ho-Seok Jeon Byeongmoon Jeong Yong-beom Lim Insung Bae Dae Sik Kim Hee-Tae Jung Do Hwan Kim Chang-Lyoul Lee 2O10-2 2O :55 Hyoung Jin Choi 2L2-2 2L3-2 2L4-2 2L5-2 2L6-2 2L7-2 2L8-2 2L9-2 2O10-3 2O11-3 Junseop Im Jae Young Lee Yongju Kim Yongho Joo Byungheon Jeong Jihoon Choi Steve Park Taeshik Earmme 11:20 2L1-2 (11:10-11:50) 2L2-3 2L3-3 2L4-3 2L5-3 2L6-3 2L7-3 2L8-3 2L9-3 Eunkyu Park Kun Na Moon Jeong Park Seung Goo Lee Seung Hee Jun Soojin Park Yongtaek Hong Changsoon Kim 2O10-4 2O11-4 2O10-5 2O :45 Soo Young Park 2O10-6 2O11-6 2L2-4 2L3-4 2L4-4 2L5-4 2L6-4 2L7-4 2L8-4 2L9-4 Chaehwan Hong Kwangsuk Lim Maenghyo Cho Seungae Lee Hae Gon Lee Jong-Man Kim Yong Chae Jung Myunggil Kim 2O10-7 2O :10 Lunch 13:50 Hyoung Jin Choi Dong Hyun Lee Seung Yun Yang Ho Sun Lim Choon Soo Lee So Youn Kim Yong Chae Jung Felix Sunjoo Kim Sang-Ho Cha Bongjun Yeom 2L2-5 2L3-5 2L4-5 2L6-5 2L7-5 2L8-5 2L9-5 2O10-8 2O11-8 2L1-3 Joon Weon Choi Se Heang Oh Chang-Kyu Yoon Doo Jin Byun Chong Min Koo Sung Woo Hong Tae-Wook Kim (13:50-14:30) 2O10-9 2O :15 Jang-Joo Kim 2L2-6 2L3-6 2L4-6 2L6-6 2L7-6 2L8-6 2L9-6 2O O11-10 Oh Seok Kwon Sun Woong Kang Hoon Eui Jeong Yoonhwan Lee Jeong-Yun Sun Kunmo Chu Sungjun Park 14:40 2O O L1-4 2L2-7 2L3-7 2L4-7 2L6-7 2L7-7 2L8-7 2L9-7 (14:30-15:10) Eun Seon Cho Wonsup Choi Suk-Kyun Ahn Byung Kook Nam Cheol Min Park Jaewoo Kim Young Wan Kwon 2O O :05 Jong-Beom Baek 2L2-8 2L3-8 2L4-8 2L6-8 2L7-8 2L8-8 2L9-8 2O O11-13 Han-Jung Kim Sang Hyug Park Hwa Sung Lee Chang Min Kim Keun Hyung Lee Min Soo Kim Dong-Won Kang * Young Polymer Scientist Reception: April 10 (Wed), 2019 제 44 권 1 호 7

11 BEXCO Information General Information #55 APEC-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan TEL FAX BEXCO Parking fees Small Item For 10 minutes Day parking 24 hours Passenger vehicles Vans (less than 25 persons) / Trucks (less than 2.5t) 300 won 15,000 won Large Vans (at least 25 persons) / Trucks (at least 2.5t) 600 won 30,000 won Parking lots are operated 24 hours, with operating hours adjustable according to parking demand and traffic congestion, etc. To BEXCO KTX (From Busan Station) Item Taxi Bus Subway Distance km / Approx 30 min Fare : 15,000 ~ 20,000 KRW [Express bus 1001] Busan Station BEXCO Centum City Fare : 1,800 KRW / Approx 30 min [City bus 40] Busan Station BEXCO Centum City Fare : 1,200 KRW / Approx 40 min Route and Time Required Busan Station (Line 1) Seomyeon Station (Line 2) Centum City (BEXCO) Station : Exit No.1 Fare : 1,400 KRW / Approx 45 min 8 제 44 권 1 호

12 Air (From Gimhae International Airport) Item Route and Time Required Taxi Airport Limousine Bus Subway Distance km / Approx 45 min Fare : 20,000 ~ 30,000 KRW Gimhae International Airport BEXCO Buses every 20 minutes, to BEXCO and Haeundae New Town (From BEXCO) First bus : 05:22 / Last bus : 20:32 (From Airport) First bus : 06:45 / Last bus : 22:00 *The schedule is subject to change and dependent upon traffic condition. Fare : Adults 7,000 KRW / Children 4,500 KRW / Approx 50 min [City bus 307] Gimhae International Airport (International terminal or Domestic terminal) BEXCO Fare : 1,200 KRW / Approx 1 hour 28 min Airport Station (Busan-Gimhae Line) Sasang Station (Line 2) Centum City (BEXCO) Station : Exit No.1 Fare : 2,000 KRW / Approx 55 min Accommodation Information Name of Hotel Hotel Classification Number of Rooms Price (KRW) Tel ibis Ambassador Busan Haeundae 3 star Hotel 237 Rooms 66,000~ Centum Premier Hotel 4 star Hotel 603 Rooms 88,000~ Haeundae Centum Hotel 4 star Hotel 543 Rooms 99, Citadines Haeundae Busan 4 star Hotel 468 Rooms 88,0000~ Haeundae Grand Hotel 5 star Hotel 320 Rooms 145,200~ Shilla Stay Haeundae 4 star Hotel 407 Rooms 132,000~ Hotel The Mark Haeundae 4 star Hotel 190 Rooms 77,000~ Ramada Encore Haeundae 4 star Hotel 402 Rooms 70,000~ Kolon Seacloud Hotel 4 star Hotel 230 Rooms 77,000~ ~1004 Paradise Hotel Busan 5 star Hotel 523 Rooms 185,000~ ~3 Fairfield by Marriott Busan Rooms 77, Park Hyatt Busan Hotel 5-star Hotel 269 Rooms 242,000~ 제 44 권 1 호 9

13 한국고분자학회 The Polymer Society of Korea

14 The Polymer Society of Korea 구두발표프로그램

15 기조강연 Plenary Lecture 기조강연장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 205 호 PL-1 (10:40-11:20) 좌장 : 김일 Functional Liquid-Crystalline Polymeric Assemblies Takashi Kato, The University of Tokyo PL-2 (11:20-12:00) 좌장 : 김천호 In situ Forming Hydrogels for Therapeutic Applications 박기동, 아주대학교 Keynote Session (I) 제 1 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 호 Organizer: 인교진 ( 강원대 ), 서용석 ( 서울대 ), 남재욱 ( 서울대 ) 1L1-1 (13:30-14:10) 좌장 : 서용석 Hierarchical and Multifunctional Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes and Sensor Application 이해원, Rui Chen, 한양대학교 1L1-2 (14:10-14:50) 고분자나노복합재료와응용이희우, 서강대학교 1L1-3 (15:30-16:10) 좌장 : 이해원 Organic Artificial Nerves 이태우, 서울대학교 1L1-4 (16:10-16:50) Past, Present and Future of Natural Polymers 손태일, 김신웅, 이태훈, 민성준, 중앙대학교 1L1-5 (16:50-17:30) Double Metal Cyanide Catalysis: Past, Present and Future Perspectives 김일, 부산대학교 제 2 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 108 호 Korea-Japan Joint Symposium: Fundamental Polymer Science for Future Technology (English) Organizer: Dae Sung Chung (DGIST), Suk-Kyun Ahn (Pusan Natl. Univ.), Soo-Hyung Choi (Hongik Univ.) 1L2-1 (13:30-13:55) Chair: Soo-Hyung Choi Syntheses of Ester Derivatives from Natural Polysaccharides and Their Application as Bio-based Plastic Material Yukiko Enomoto, Tadahisa Iwata, The University of Tokyo 1L2-2 (13:55-14:20) Microfludic Fabrication of Conducting Microfibers for Highly Stretchable Strain Sensors 윤진환, 부산대학교 1L2-3 (14:20-14:45) Creation of Novel Cage Silsesquioxane Materials Based on Symmetry Control Hiroaki Imoto, Kyoto Institute of Technology 1L2-4 (14:45-15:10) Functional Ion Gels: Promising Electrolyte Platforms for Electrochemical Devices 문홍철, 서울시립대학교 1L2-5 (15:30-15:55) Chair: Suk-Kyun Ahn Conjugate Substitution: Robust Chemistry for Polymer Synthesis, Degradation and Main Chain Exchanges Yasuhiro Kohsaka, Shinshu University 1L2-6 (15:55-16:20) Decoupled Interface Dipole Moments and Energy Level Alignment in Organic Solar Cells and Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells 임경근, 안소영 *, 이태우 **, 한국표준과학연구원 ; *POSTECH; ** 서울대학교 1L2-7 (16:20-16:45) Physicochemical Characterization of Deep Eutectic Solvents-in-Oil Microemulsions Mina Sakuragi, Shinsuke Tsutsumi, Katsuki Kusakabe, Sojo University 1L2-8 (16:45-17:10) Understanding Ion Transport in Ion-Containing Polymer Energy Materials 최우혁, 부경대학교 제 3 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 호 Biomedical Polymers Division (I) (English) Organizer: Dong-Wook Han (Pusan Natl. Univ.), Yong-kyu Lee (KNUT), Seung Yun Yang (Pusan Natl. Univ.) 1L3-1 (13:30-13:55) Chair: Yong-kyu Lee Dynamic Biomaterials for Mechanobiology Yu Suk Choi, William J Hadden*, Jennifer L Young**, Andrew W Holle**, Joachim Spatz**, Adam Engler***, University of Western Australia; *Sydney Medical School; **Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems; ***University of California, San Diego (UCSD) 1L3-2 (13:55-14:20) The Printability of Hydrogels in Extrusion-Based 3D Bioprinting 남승윤, 부경대학교 1L3-3 (14:20-14:45) 이방성구조를가진생체모방형하이드로젤김연수, 포항공과대학교 1L3-4 (14:45-15:10) Biomecial Applicationa of Curcumin for Cancer Therapy 김유천, 한국과학기술원 1L3-5 (15:30-15:55) Chair: Dong-Wook Han Polymers and Polymerization for Living Cell Coating 양성호, 한국교원대학교 1L3-6 (15:55-16:20) Functional Organic Thin Films: Application to Antibacterial/Universal Coatings 조우경, 충남대학교 1L3-7 (16:20-16:45) Soft Materials-based Optoelectronics for Bio-medical Application 신건철, 울산대학교첨단소재공학부 1L3-8 (16:45-17:10) A Polymer Thin Film Platform that Enables Generation of 3D Cancer Stem Cell Spheroids 전상용, 한국과학기술원 1L3-9 (17:10-17:35) Non-degradable cell encapsulation with alginate-egcg conjugation (Green Bead TM ) Jae Bin Lee, Jae-Kyung Park*, Kimyung Choi*, Dong Yun Lee Hanyang University; *Optipharm Co. Ltd. 제 4 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 호 고분자합성 Polymer Synthesis Organizer: 김병수 ( 연세대 ), 송창식 ( 성균관대 ) 1L4-1 (13:30-13:55) 좌장 : 김병수 Dewar Benzene as a Versatile Platform for Synthesizing Conjugated Polymers Christopher Bielawski, UNIST/IBS CMCM 1L4-2 (13:55-14:20) Sustainable Porous Polymers for Gas Capture, Water Treatment, and Catalysis Cafer T. Yavuz, KAIST 1L4-3 (14:20-14:45) Reductive Cleavage of the Azo Bond: An Opportunity for the Development of Enzyme Sensitive Molecules and Materials Anzar Khan, Taejun Eom, Korea University 1L4-4 (14:45-15:10) Improved Performance in n-type Organic Field-Effect Transistors via Polyelectrolyte-Mediated Interfacial Doping 박유정, 차명주, 윤영진 *, 조신욱 **, 김진영 *, 서정화, Bright Walker***, 동아대학교 ; * 울산과학기술원 ; ** 울산대학교 ; *** 경희대학교 1L4-5 (15:30-15:55) 좌장 : 송창식 Stimuli-Responsive Polymers with Tunable Sensitivity Driven by Morphological Change for Sensing Applications 이형일, 울산대학교 1L4-6 (15:55-16:20) Synthesis of Suprmaolecular Polymer Hybrids with Mechanochemical Activities 박치영, 부경대학교 1L4-7 (16:20-16:45) New Functional Group, New Space, New Polymer via Post-Polymerization Modification 서명은, KAIST 1L4-8 (16:45-17:10) Mechanochemical Polymer Synthesis: Overcoming Miscibility and Boosting Reactivity 김정곤, 전북대학교 1L4-9 (17:10-17:35) Gel Relaxation Dynamics in Polyether-based Triblock Copolymer Hydrogel 최수형, 홍익대학교 제 5 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 103 호 신진연구자특별심포지움 (I) Young Polymer Scientists Session (I) Organizer: 왕동환 ( 중앙대 ), 임성갑 (KAIST) 1L5-1 (13:30-13:55) 좌장 : 임성갑 Unconventional Surface Patterning and Actuation Using Soft Materials 박성준, 전북대학교 1L5-2 (13:55-14:20) Self-assembled Biomolecular Piezoelectric Materials for Energy Generators 이주혁, 대구경북과학기술원 (DGIST) 1L5-3 (14:20-14:45) Structure Control and Assembly of MXene Films for Sensing Applications 김선준, 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) 1L5-4 (14:45-15:10) Zeolite Nanosheet and Its Polymer Composite Membranes for Gas Separation 김대우, 연세대학교 12 제 44 권 1 호

16 1L5-5 (15:30-15:55) 좌장 : 왕동환 Facile Flame-processed Electron Transport/Selective Layers for Organic- Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells 김정규, 성균관대학교화학공학 / 고분자공학부 1L5-6 (15:55-16:20) Ambient Air Stable Halide Perovskite Solar Cells via Lattice Strain Relaxation 김정환, 한국과학기술연구원 1L5-7 (16:20-16:45) Polymer-Coated Metallic Nanoholes for Capturing Biological Nanoparticles Joshua Jackman, Sungkyunkwan University 1L5-8 (16:45-17:10) Revealing how Regiochemistry Influences Mechanophore Activation in Polymeric Materials 김태안, 한국과학기술연구원 1L5-9 (17:10-17:35) Corneal Wound Healing Effects of Secretomes Derived from hmscs Cultured on Electrospun Fibers 이현종, 가천대학교 제 6 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 호 고분자가공 / 복합재료 Polymer Processing/Composites Organizer: 여현욱 ( 경북대 ), 장세규 (KIST) 1L6-1 (13:30-13:55) 좌장 : 여현욱 PBT 기반방열복합소재의특성과이를이용한 LKAS 카메라성형기술 오미혜, 윤여성, 자동차부품연구원 1L6-2 (13:55-14:20) High Performance Epoxy Resins and Chemical Recycling of Epoxy Based Composites 고문주, KIST 1L6-3 (14:20-14:45) 이소소르비드를이용한나노셀룰로오스가분산된폴리우레탄의특성 송광석, 이재훈, 박혁민, 노재국, 류훈, 삼양사중앙연구소 1L6-4 (14:45-15:10) 고분자관련연구자의전략물자 ( 기술 ) 관리인식제고및이행방안최수아, 전략물자관리원 1L6-5 (15:30-15:55) 좌장 : 장세규 Enhanced Interfacial Adhesion between an Amorphous Polymer (Polystyrene) and a Semicrystalline Polymer [a Polyamide (Nylon 6)] 서용석, 김호연 *, 김세현 **, 서울대학교 ; * 서울대학교재료공학부 ; **LG Chem 1L6-6 (15:55-16:20) Processable High Thermal Conductivity Composite Using High Internal Phase Pickering Emulsion 최시영, KAIST 1L6-7 (16:20-16:45) High Performance Flexible Na Hybrid Capacitors: From Pre-Organized Triazine Crystals/Polymers to Nitrogen-Rich Hard Carbons 강희주, 김미진, 이태규, 전영시, 전남대학교 1L6-8 (16:45-17:10) Epoxy-based Polymer Gel Electrolyte for Structural and Flexible Supercapacitors 정병문, 재료연구소 1L6-9 (17:10-17:35) Strategy for Development of Heat-dissipating Polymer Composite Materials 여현욱, 경북대학교 제 7 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 호 콜로이드및분자조립부문위원회 Division of Colloid & Molecular Assembly Organizer: 김신현 (KAIST), 문준혁 ( 서강대 ) 1L7-1 (13:30-13:55) 좌장 : 문준혁 Novel 3-D Nanostructures for Optical Metamaterials Based on Block Copolymer Self-Assembly 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 1L7-2 (13:55-14:20) Design of Polyoxazoline-based Multifunctional Materials 장우동, 연세대학교 1L7-3 (14:20-14:45) Supramolecular Binder Designs for High Capacity Battery Electrode Materials 최장욱, 서울대학교 1L7-4 (14:45-15:10) Quantum Dot-DNA Hybrid Nanogel for Specific DNA Assay 남윤성, 한국과학기술원 1L7-5 (15:30-15:55) 좌장 : 김신현 Orientation Control of Fluorine-Containing Block Copolymers for Sub-10 nm Perpendicular Lamellae 류두열, 조성준, 전승배, 전태석, 연세대학교 1L7-6 (15:55-16:20) Hyper-strained PMMA Uniaxial-Meta-Crystals by Precipitous Quenching with Entropy Diluents 강영종, 한양대학교 1L7-7 (16:20-16:45) Peptide Encoded Chirality Evolution in Single Nanoparticle 남기태, 서울대학교 1L7-8 (16:45-17:10) Polymer Adsorption on Colloids for Biomedical Adhesives 이기라, 성균관대학교 제 8 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 호 From Basics to Applications for Polymer Industry* (English) Organizer: Hyomin Lee (POSTECH), Seokhoon Ahn (KIST) 1L8-1 (13:30-13:55) Chair: Seokhoon Ahn Preparation and Characterization of Clay/Hydrogel Composites by Various Radical Polymerization 손대원, 한양대학교 1L8-2 (13:55-14:20) Polysaccharide/DNA Complexes to Deliver Therapeutic Oligonucleotides to Immunocytes Kazuo Sakurai, University of Kitakyushu 1L8-3 (14:20-14:45) Polymer-led Innovative Technology for Next K-Beauty 이준배, 코스맥스 ( 주 ) 1L8-4 (14:45-15:10) Application of Polyethylene/Modified Fly Ash/Ultra Flow Agent Composites in Vietnam Nguyen Thuy Chinh, Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, Tran Thi Mai, Nguyen Vu Giang, Tran Huu Trung, Mai Duc Huynh, Thai Hoang, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology 1L8-5 (15:30-15:55) Chair: Hyomin Lee Globular Proteinosome: Next-Generation Synthetic Vesicle Self-Assembled from Recombinant Fusion Proteins 장영선, University of Florida 1L8-6 (15:55-16:20) Preparation, Characterization and Application of Zeolite ZSM-5 Filled Polyethylene Films Nguyen Van Khoi, Nguyen Thanh Tung, Pham Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Thi Mien, Nguyen Trung Duc, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) 1L8-7 (16:20-16:45) Engineering Therapeutic Stem Cell Surface with Polymeric Nanomaterials Hyunjoon Kong, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1L8-8 (16:45-17:10) High Performance DFBT-Based Conjugated Polymers for Organic Thin Film Transistors 김봉수, 울산과학기술원 1L8-9 (17:10-17:35) Automotive Applications using Porous Polymeric Components 김진, Porex *International session supported by Korea Toray Science Foundation. 제 9 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 205 호 분자전자부문위원회 (I) Molecular Electronics Division (I) Organizer: 김선주 ( 중앙대 ), 윤명한 (GIST), 김도환 ( 한양대 ), 조성윤 (KRICT), 오준학 ( 서울대 ) 1L9-1 (13:30-13:55) 좌장 : 윤명한 High-Power Biofuel Cells with Direct Electron Transfer Using Metallic Cotton Fiber 권정훈, 조진한, 신동엽, 권민성, 고려대학교 1L9-2 (13:55-14:20) Imidazole-based Simple Hole-transporting Materials for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells 박상혁, 공주대학교 1L9-3 (14:20-14:45) Indolocarbazole-Based Host Compounds for Solution-Processed Tandem OLEDs Yong-Jin Pu, Satoru Ohisa*, Hitoshi Fukuda*, Tatsuya Takahashi*, Masahiro Igarashi*, Tatsuya Hikichi*, Ryutaro Komatsu*, Emi Ueki*, Takayuki Chiba*, Junji Kido*, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS)/Yamagata University; *Yamagata University 1L9-4 (14:45-15:10) How to Tackle Parametric Interplays in Organic Transistors 김창현, 가천대학교 제 44 권 1 호 13

17 1L9-5 (15:30-15:55) 좌장 : 김도환 High-yield Functional Molecular Monolayer-based Electronic Devices 이탁희, 서울대학교 1L9-6 (15:55-16:20) Advanced Charge Transporting Materials for the Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells 고민재, 한양대학교 1L9-7 (16:20-16:45) Two Dimensional Electron Gas Formation in Nano-crystalline Oxide Hetero- Interfaces: Application to Transparent Conductors and Synaptic Devices 서형탁, 아주대학교 1L9-8 (16:45-17:10) Pressure-Sensitive Contact Tranistor 정성준, 포항공과대학교 제 10 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 206 호 Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English) Organizer: Sang-Ho Cha (Kyonggi Univ.), Youngmee Jung (KIST) 1O10-1 (13:30-13:45) Chair: Dae Sung Chung Highly Permeable Skin Patch with Conductive Hierarchical Architectures Inspired by Amphibians and Octopi for Omnidirectionally Enhanced Wet Adhesion 김다완, 백상열, 민형호, 천성우, 이헌준, 방창현, 성균관대학교 1O10-2 (13:45-14:00) Ternary-State Transparency Switching of Hollow-Particle-Embedded Porous Sensing Media for Fast Identification of Organic Liquids 송경민, 정연식, 한국과학기술원 1O10-3 (14:00-14:15) Self-Assembly of Bottlebrush-Like Fluoroalkyl Block Copolymers in a Selective Solvent 김세영, 조윤식, 김지현, 최수형 *, 차국헌, 서울대학교 ; * 홍익대학교 1O10-4 (14:15-14:30) Capacitive Organic Anode Based on Fluorinated-Contorted Hexabenzocoronene: Applicable to Lithium-Ion and Sodium-Ion Storage Cells 박재현, 주세훈, 백경은, 정재호, 우성호, Dien Kha Tu Nguyen, 곽상규, 강석주, UNIST 1O10-5 (14:30-14:45) Harmless Retrieval of Functionally-enhanced Spheroids from Thermoresponsive Microwell for Further in vivo Applications 홍혜진, 윤병주, 김세민, 김혜원, 신현수 *, 노윤진 *, 임재열 *, 고원건, 연세대학교 ; * 연세대학교의과대학 1O10-6 (14:45-15:00) Stable Transformation of a Membrane-type Electronic Device Based on Confined Plasticization of a ABS Supportive Film 김기관, 김영민, 장훈수, 고흥조, 광주과학기술원 1O10-7 (15:00-15:15) Microfabrication of Multichannel Nerve Guidance Conduit with Stem Cell Recruiting Ability for Enhanced Regenration of Peripheral Nerve Injury 박도연, 정영미, 김수현, 한국과학기술연구원 1O10-8 (15:15-15:30) Unravelling the Origin of Operational Instability of Quantum dot Based Light-emitting Diodes 장준혁, 정병국 *, 함동효, 이학준, 박지수 **, 배완기 **, 서울대학교 ; * 한국과학기술원 ; ** 성균관대학교 1O10-9 (15:40-15:55) Chair: Jeong Ho Cho Designing Nanodimple Arrays for Plasmonic Color Patterning 이승열, 김신현, 한국과학기술원 1O10-10 (15:55-16:10) Bio-inspired Design and Fabrication of Microplatelet-Reinforced Polymer Composites with Integrated Strength, Stiffness, and Toughness 지동환, 김재윤, 성균관대학교 1O10-11 (16:10-16:25) Investigation of Frank-Kasper Phases in High Compositionally and Conformationally Asymmetric Block Copolymers 전승배, 전태석, 조성준, 이병두 *, 류두열, 연세대학교 ; *Advanced Photon Source 1O10-12 (16:25-16:40) Nitric Oxide Releasing and Heparinized Surface for Prevention of Thrombosis and Restenosis Dieu Linh Tran, 박기동, Ajou University 1O10-13 (16:40-16:55) Carbon Nanodots Assisted Homogeneous Lithium Deposition for Lithium Metal Battery 홍동기, 박수진 *, UNIST; * 포항공과대학교 1O10-14 (16:55-17:10) Flexible and Anti-scratch Hard Coating Materials Using the Molecular Necklace-like Cross-linkers 서지애, 문성욱, 최병호, 서지훈, 고려대학교 1O10-15 (17:10-17:25) Electro-Active Soft Photonic crystal devices for Monolithic Control of Sound and Color 김도윤, 선정윤, 서울대학교 1O10-16 (17:25-17:40) Preservation of Transplanted Ovarian Tissue by Promoting Angiogenesis and Oxygen-enriched Fibrin Hydrogel 양충모, 정나눔, 이재왕 *, 염혜원 **, 이정렬 **, 이강원, 서울대학교 ; * 을지대학교 ; ** 분당서울대학교병원 제 11 회장 _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 207 호 대학원생구두발표 (I) Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (Korean) Organizer: 염봉준 ( 한양대 ), 오승수 (POSTECH) 1O11-1 (13:30-13:45) 좌장 : 김소연 Overcoming the Drug Resistance with Combination Effect of Ultrasoundmediated Chemotherapy and Photodynamic Therapy 김도연, 박수현, 김지원, 김현철, 서강대학교 1O11-2 (13:45-14:00) Oxygen-generating Tissue Adhesive Hydrogels via Calcium Peroxidemediated Crosslinking Reaction 이소희, 박경민, 인천대학교 1O11-3 (14:00-14:15) Programmable Magneto-Actuation of Micropillar Arrays 전지수, 위정재, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 1O11-4 (14:15-14:30) Amine Functionalized Graphene Oxide for Efficient Curing Acceleration of Polymer Nanocomposites and Improved Gas Barrier 진정운, 유남호, 한국과학기술연구원 1O11-5 (14:30-14:45) Organelle Control Strategy of Anticancer Drug Nano-carriers with Mitochondrial Targeting and Glutathione-triggered Release 최연수, 강한창, 가톨릭대학교약학대학원 1O11-6 (14:45-15:00) Highly Deformable Electrochromic Skin Using Iontronic Polymer Channel 구제형, Vipin Amoli, 남경아, 김소영, 김정선 *, 안준모 *, 정경진 *, 김도환, 한양대학교 ; * 국방과학연구소 1O11-7 (15:00-15:15) High Energy Density One-Dimensional Supercapacitors Based on Metallic Cotton Threads 신동엽, 조진한, 고려대학교 1O11-8 (15:15-15:30) Miktoarm Architecture Effect on the Phase Behavior Characteristics of PS-b-PLA Block Copolymer 김기현, 박지훈, Anzar Khan, 허준, 방준하, 고려대학교 1O11-9 (15:40-15:55) 좌장 : 홍성우 Aggregation Types and Orientation Directions of TPD-based Polymers for Efficient Charge Transporting Properties 임대희, 김연주, 황경태, 박종진, 김동유, 광주과학기술원 1O11-10 (15:55-16:10) Transition of Solution Assembly Behaviors from Nanowires to Micelles Using Regioregularity-Controlled P3HT-b-P2VP Block Copolymers 김영권, 김형준 *, 김진성, 윤홍석, 박현정, 한정훈, 김범준, KAIST; *University of Massachusetts, Amherst 1O11-11 (16:10-16:25) Improved Photovoltaic Performance of CsPbI 3 Perovskite Colloidal Quantum Dots via Surface Ligand Management 김지건, 고민재 *, 김영훈 **, 한양대학교 ; * 한양대학교화학공학과 ; ** 대구경북과학기술원태양에너지융합연구센터 1O11-12 (16:25-16:40) Computational Analysis on Programmable Shape-morphing of Bi-axially Pre-strained Glassy Polymer Actuated by Local Heating Effect 이재원, 최준찬, 이종혁 *, 원수경 *, 이재경 *, 위정재 *, 김학린, 경북대학교 ; * 인하대학교 1O11-13 (16:40-16:55) Study of Exciton Movement Using Hybrid System of Organic Material with MoS 2 최진호, 박정운, 홍영기 *, 박동혁, 인하대학교 ; * 경상대학교 1O11-14 (16:55-17:10) Spontaneous Capillary Breakup of Suspended Gradient Polymer Stripes into Spatially Ordered dot Arrays 조하령, 변명환, 계명대학교 1O11-15 (17:10-17:25) Thrombus Targeting Aspirin Polyconjugate Nanoparticles for Near Infrared Imaging and Therapy of Thrombotic Vascular Disease 정립정, 이동원, 전북대학교 14 제 44 권 1 호

18 1O11-16 (17:25-17:40) Optimizing Filler Network Formation in Polymer Composites for Packaging Material with High Thermal Conductivity 이장건, 신하은, 박찬희 *, 김채빈, 고문주, 한국과학기술연구원 ; * 전북대학교 제 1 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 호 Keynote Session (II) Organizer: 인교진 ( 강원대 ), 서용석 ( 서울대 ), 남재욱 ( 서울대 ) 2L1-1 (10:30-11:10) 좌장 : 김장주 Polymer-induced Energy Savings in Turbulent Flows 최형진, 인하대학교 2L1-2 (11:10-11:50) Smart Molecular-Spring Photonic Droplet and Shell 박수영, 경북대학교 2L1-3 (13:50-14:30) 좌장 : 최형진 시뮬레이션과 (Big) Data 그리고 4차산업혁명김장주, 서울대학교 2L1-4 (14:30-15:10) Forming Two- and Three-Dimensional Network Polymers for Various Applications 백종범, 울산과학기술원 제 2 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 108 호 환경친화적청정고분자기술개발 Eco-friendly Green Technology Based on Polymers Organizer: 홍성우 (KITECH), 이동현 ( 단국대 ) 2L2-1 (10:30-10:55) 좌장 : 홍성우 마찰하전형정전선별법에의한혼합폐플라스틱재질분리전호석, 백상호, 고병헌, 김병곤, 한국지질자원연구원 2L2-2 (10:55-11:20) Preparation of Isosorbide and Its Applications 임준섭, ( 주 ) 삼양사중앙연구소 2L2-3 (11:20-11:45) 생활계혼합폐플라스틱의재질별선별기술박은규, 류병건, 탑스이앤씨 ( 주 ) 2L2-4 (11:45-12:10) 식물자원활용나일론원료물질제조기술및복합재료개발홍채환, 현대자동차연구소 2L2-5 (13:50-14:15) 좌장 : 이동현 바이오매스기반바이오연료생산공정부산물을활용한나노세공활성탄제조및 친환경흡착제로서의활용가능성평가 최준원, 서울대학교 2L2-6 (14:15-14:40) 미세먼지저감고성능필터소재개발 권오석, 한국생명공학연구원 2L2-7 (14:40-15:05) Water for the Future: Hybrid Graphene Nanostructure for Sustainable Water Treatment 조은선, 한국과학기술원 2L2-8 (15:05-15:30) 고분자나노섬유기반미세먼지집진기술 김한중, 김윤갑, 김삼수, 박선주 *, 권오석 *, 구미전자정보기술원 ; * 한국생명공학연구원 제 3 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 호 의료용고분자부문위원회 (II) Biomedical Polymers Division (II) Organizer: 한동욱 ( 부산대 ), 이용규 ( 한국교통대 ), 양승윤 ( 부산대 ) 2L3-1 (10:30-10:55) 좌장 : 박인규 Thermogel as an Injectable 3D Scaffold for Cells 이현정, 정병문 *, 이화여자대학교화학나노과학과 ; * 이화여자대학교 2L3-2 (10:55-11:20) Graphene-incorporated Hydrogels as Multifunctional Muscle-mimicking Biomaterials 이재영, 광주과학기술원 2L3-3 (11:20-11:45) Tumor Environment Sensitive Photodynamic Therapy 나건, 가톨릭대학교 2L3-4 (11:45-12:10) Gene Delivery Systems Based on Nano-self Assembly 임광석, 강원대학교 2L3-5 (13:50-14:15) 좌장 : 양승윤 Porous Matrices with Leaf-Stacked Structure for Tissue Engineering Applications 김호용, 김민지, 박진현, 안보슬, 이재훈 *, 이진호 **, 변준호 ***, 오세행, 단국대학교 ; * 경상대학교 ; ** 한남대학교 ; *** 경상대학교병원 2L3-6 (14:15-14:40) Applications of Natural Polymers for 3D Cell Culture 강선웅, 안전성평가연구소 2L3-7 (14:40-15:05) Specific Peptide Ligand for Targeting the Light Chain of BoNT/A 최원섭, ( 주 ) 칸젠 2L3-8 (15:05-15:30) Development of Anti-adhesion Membrane Using Cartilage Extracellular Matrix 박상혁, 민병현 *, 김영직 **, 부경대학교 ; * 아주대학교 ; ** 에이템스주식회사 제 4 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 호 기능성고분자 Functional Polymer Organizer: 박소정 ( 이화여대 ), 임호선 ( 숙명여대 ) 2L4-1 (10:30-10:55) 좌장 : 박소정 3D 2 Peptide Assemblies with Unusual Morphologies and Functions 임용범, 연세대학교 2L4-2 (10:55-11:20) Adaptive Supramolecular Nanomaterials 김용주, 고려대학교 2L4-3 (11:20-11:45) Low-voltage Superfast Soft Actuators 박문정, 포항공과대학교 2L4-4 (11:45-12:10) A Multiscale Computational Approach for Photo-mechanics of Liquid Crystalline Polymer with Diverse Morphologies 조맹효, 서울대학교 2L4-5 (13:50-14:15) 좌장 : 임호선 Miniaturized Stimuli Responsive Biomedical Soft Robots 윤창규, 숙명여자대학교 2L4-6 (14:15-14:40) Magnetically Responsive Polymeric Hair Array for Tunable Multipmodal Drop Bouncing Dynamics and Superior Anti-icing Performance 정훈의, 이상현, 성민호, UNIST 2L4-7 (14:40-15:05) Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Dynamic, Shape-Changing Materials 안석균, 부산대학교 2L4-8 (15:05-15:30) Highly Sensitive and Stress-Direction-Recognizing Asterisk-Shaped Carbon Nanotube Strain Sensor 이화성, 한밭대학교 제 5 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 103 호 신진연구자특별심포지움 (II) Young Polymer Scientists Session (II) Organizer: 왕동환 ( 중앙대 ), 임성갑 (KAIST) 2L5-1 (10:30-10:55) 좌장 : 박금환 Development of Hydrocarbon-Based Polymer Electrolyte Membrane for Fuel Cells 배인성, 한남대학교 2L5-2 (10:55-11:20) A Nonconjugated Radical Polymer Glass with High Electrical Conductivity 주용호, Bryan Boudouris*, 한국과학기술연구원 ; *Purdue University 2L5-3 (11:20-11:45) Development of Polymer Microfluidic Models for Oil Reservoir Research 이승구, 울산대학교 2L5-4 (11:45-12:10) Transient Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors with Long-term Stability 이승애, 건국대학교 제 6 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 호 자동차용내 외장플라스틱소재 Plastic Materials for Automotive Interior and Exterior Applications Organizer: 최치훈 ( 현대자동차 ), 이춘수 ( 현대자동차 ) 2L6-1 (10:30-10:55) 좌장 : 최치훈자동차내장부품개발동향김대식, 전호탁, 윤미정, 서원진, 윤형준, 현대자동차내장플라스틱재료개발팀 2L6-2 (10:55-11:20) 자동차내장부품용스크래치개선첨가제개발정병헌, 모멘티브퍼포먼스머티리얼스코리아 2L6-3 (11:20-11:45) 이중사출공법적용자동차내장부품개발전승희, ( 주 ) 우성정공기술영업팀 2L6-4 (11:45-12:10) 유동및구조연계동시해석을통한무도장내장부품개발이해곤, 위영진, 이주호, 이준상, 강신일, 이한기 *, 박주성 *, 김대식 *, 연세대학교대학원기계공학과 ; * 현대자동차내장플라스틱재료개발팀 제 44 권 1 호 15

19 2L6-5 (13:50-14:15) 좌장 : 이춘수 현실모사를위한기후데이터기반촉진내후성시험법변두진, 한국화학연구원 2L6-6 (14:15-14:40) 저비중 PP 및자동차부품응용이윤환, 박지용, 한화토탈 2L6-7 (14:40-15:05) 자동차내 / 외장부품용경량발포소재개발남병국, 김영범, 롯데케미칼 2L6-8 (15:05-15:30) PBT 가스개선재료개발김창민, 에스엘 ( 주 ) 생산기술센타 제 7 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 호 고분자구조및물성 Polymer Structures and Properties Organizer: 김소연 (UNIST), 허수미 ( 전남대 ) 2L7-1 (10:30-10:55) 좌장 : 허수미 High-resolution Supramolcular Lithography 정희태, 한국과학기술원 2L7-2 (10:55-11:20) Phase Behavior and Polymer Dynamics of Polymer-grafted Nanoparticles 김들, 박혜린, 최지훈, 충남대학교 2L7-3 (11:20-11:45) Strategies for Deformable and Stretchable Energy Storage System 박수진, 포항공과대학교 2L7-4 (11:45-12:10) Conjugated Polymer Nanotubes: Synthesis and Properties 김종만, 한양대학교 2L7-5 (13:50-14:15) 좌장 : 김소연 2D Transition Metal Carbide (MXene) Thin Film for EMI Shielding 윤태영, 김혜림 *, 이강산, 김대신 *, 아미르이크발 *, 조상호 *, 김상욱, 구종민 *, 한국 과학기술원 ; * 한국과학기술연구원 2L7-6 (14:15-14:40) Stretchable Ionics - A Promising Candidate for Oncoming Wearable Devices 선정윤, 서울대학교 2L7-7 (14:40-15:05) Self- and Supra-molecularly Assembled Nanostructures for Displays, Sensors and Energy Harvesters 박철민, 강한솔, 박태현, 박찬호, 정범진, 한효원, 연세대학교 2L7-8 (15:05-15:30) High Conductivity, Rubbery Polymer Electrolytes: Materials, Processes, and Applications 이근형, 조경국, 유혜영, 조영경, 인하대학교 제 8 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 호 생체모사형전자피부및자가치유고분자 Biomimetic Electronic-skin and Self-healing Polymers Organizer: 고두현 ( 경희대 ), 정용채 (KIST) 2L8-1 (10:30-10:55) 좌장 : 고두현 A Synthetic Cellular Ion Channel for Ultrasensitive Mechanotransduction 김도환, 한양대학교 2L8-2 (10:55-11:20) Design of Electronic Skin Capable of Differentiating Multiple Tactile Inputs for Wearable and Robotic Applications 스티브박, 한국과학기술원 2L8-3 (11:20-11:45) 신축성전자시스템구현을위한인쇄공정기반플랫폼기술홍용택, 서울대학교전기정보공학부 2L8-4 (11:45-12:10) Autonomous Life-Cycle Control (Self-Healing) Polymer Composite Materials and Their Applications 정용채, 한국과학기술연구원 2L8-5 (13:50-14:15) 좌장 : 정용채 Highly Self-healable Polyurethane with Enhanced Mechanical Surface Properties 홍성우, 한국생산기술연구원 2L8-6 (14:15-14:40) Smart Passivation Materials with a Microencapsulated Liquid Metal for Self-Healing Conductors 주건모, 삼성종합기술원 2L8-7 (14:40-15:05) 스피로피란기반응력감응형고분자소재김재우, 김동우, 조준용, 장한결, KIST 2L8-8 (15:05-15:30) Multi-layered Self-healable Triboelectric Nanogenerator with Tunable Surface Sensitivity 김민수, 김영렬, 고현협, 울산과학기술원 제 9 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 205 호 분자전자부문위원회 (II) Molecular Electronics Division (II) Organizer: 김선주 ( 중앙대 ), 윤명한 (GIST), 김도환 ( 한양대 ), 조성윤 (KRICT), 오준학 ( 서울대 ) 2L9-1 (10:30-10:55) 좌장 : 오준학 Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Multi-Dimensional Perovskites and Investigation of Their Opto-Electronic Properties Chang-Lyoul Lee, Advanced Photonics Research Institute (APRI), Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) 2L9-2 (10:55-11:20) Random Conjugated Copolymers for Efficient Organic Photovoltaics 엄태식, 홍익대학교 2L9-3 (11:20-11:45) Nanophotonic Design of Chiral Organic Photodetectors 김창순, 서울대학교 2L9-4 (11:45-12:10) Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Advanced Functionality Development in Large Area Electronics 김명길, 중앙대학교 2L9-5 (13:50-14:15) 좌장 : 김선주 Low-voltage Organic Memory Fiber for Conformable Data Storage Media in Wearable E-textile Appplications 김태욱, 한국과학기술연구원 2L9-6 (14:15-14:40) Self-powered Skin-conformal Ultra-flexible Electronics via Nano-gratingpatterned Organic Photovoltaics 박성준, 허수원 *, 이원령 **, Keisuke Tajima*, Kenjiro Fukuda*, Takao Someya***, 삼성전자종합기술원 ; *RIKEN; **KAIST; ***The University of Tokyo 2L9-7 (14:40-15:05) High-temperature Organic Ferromagnetic Materials 권영완, 고려대학교 2L9-8 (15:05-15:30) Carbon Natubes Based Hybrid Charge Transporters for Inverted Planar Perovskite Solar Cells 강동원, 류준, 윤새몬, 정상문 *, 중앙대학교 ; * 충북대학교 제 10 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 206 호 Graduate Student Oral Session (II) (English) Organizer: Sang-Ho Cha (Kyonggi Univ.), Youngmee Jung (KIST) 2O10-1 (10:30-10:45) Chair: Changsik Song Synthesis of Titania Nanoparticle Loaded Mesoporous Silica via Layerby-Layer Assembly and their Photocatalytic Activities 김보민, 신민경, 염봉준, 한양대학교 2O10-2 (10:45-11:00) Fine Control of Conjugation of Fluorescent and Raman-Active Dual Probe and Formation of Polymer Dots for Multiplexed Imaging Platform 정지은, 김희창, Thanh Luan Nguyen, 심상희, 우한영, 고려대학교 2O10-3 (11:00-11:15) Polyurethane Anchored with Chromic Dyes and Generic Platform for Chromic Applications 서은별, 이경진, 충남대학교 2O10-4 (11:15-11:30) Decellularized Heart ECM Hydrogel by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide for Improved Angiogenesis 서유진, 김수현, 정영미, KIST 2O10-5 (11:30-11:45) Cellulose Nanocrystal-assembled Reverse Osmosis Membranes with Excellent Separation and Antifouling Performance 전성권, 박찬형, 김달용, 신승수, 이정현, 고려대학교 2O10-6 (11:45-12:00) All-water-based Solution Processed Ag Nanofilms for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO 2 to CO 이성민, 이현주, 김준형, 안상현, 장석태, 중앙대학교 2O10-7 (12:00-12:15) Morphology and Charge Recombination Effects on the Performance of Nearinfrared Photodetectors Based on Conjugated Polymers 강영권, 김봉기, 박재홍, 계효진, 이인규, 김민선, 건국대학교 2O10-8 (13:50-14:05) Chair: Sang-Ho Cha Linearly Polarized Luminescent Polymer Films by Thiol-Ene Reaction of New Reactive AIEgens 구자현, 정광운, 전북대학교 2O10-9 (14:05-14:20) Architectural Evolution of Organic Photodiode Using Etalon-Electrode to Realize Color Filter Free Image Sensor 윤성원, 정대성, 대구경북과학기술원 16 제 44 권 1 호

20 2O10-10 (14:20-14:35) Solvent Shearing Deposition of Hybrid Polymeric Materials through Flow Coating 남기범, 이동윤, 경북대학교 2O10-11 (14:35-14:50) From Nature to Engineering: Artificial Springtail Toward Robust Superomniphobic Surface 윤근태, 정우빈, 정희태, KAIST 2O10-12 (14:50-15:05) Interpretation of Line Edge Roughness in Extreme-Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography Using Molecular Simulations 박주혜, 이성규 *, Yannick Vesters**, 김명웅 ***, Danilo De Simone**, 오혜근 *, 허수미, 전남대학교 ; * 한양대학교 ; **IMEC; *** 인하대학교 2O10-13 (15:05-15:20) Nitric Oxide Delivery of Nanoparticles Coated with Amine-rich Polymer for the Treatment of Bacterial Keratitis 정혜중, 홍진기, 연세대학교 제 11 회장 _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 207 호 대학원생구두발표 (II) Graduate Student Oral Session (II) (Korean) Organizer: 염봉준 ( 한양대 ), 오승수 (POSTECH) 2O11-1 (10:30-10:45) 좌장 : 이효민 Improvement of Mechanical Properties by Introducing Curable Functional Monomers in Conventional 3D Printing 김호연, 서용석, 서울대학교 2O11-2 (10:45-11:00) Enhanced Quantum Yield and Stability of CsPbBr 3 Perovskite Quantum Dots Using Water Molecule 김민지, 송명관, KIMS 2O11-3 (11:00-11:15) Microfluidic Fabrication of Stimuli-responsive Drug Carriers for Controlleddrug Release 최대건, Hyeon Ung Kim*, Yoon Ho Roh*, 봉기완 *, 심민석, 인천대학교 ; * 고려대학교 2O11-4 (11:15-11:30) Shape Reconfigurable Liquid Crystal Elastomers Prepared by Various Alignment Methods 이지은, 안석균, 부산대학교 2O11-5 (11:30-11:45) Interface Stabilization via Dry-Transfer Process Using Customized Mold for Long-Term-Stable Organic Photodiode 장웅식, 조재상, 이민지, 왕동환, 중앙대학교 2O11-6 (11:45-12:00) Ion Transport Properties of Self-assembled Block Copolymer Electrolytes with Tunable Ion Distribution Within 전재민, 박문정, 포황공과대학교 2O11-7 (12:00-12:15) The Effect of Li Salt Concentration on Ion Conduction and Morphology of Epoxy-based Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Supercapacitors 송연화, 최우혁, 부경대학교고분자공학과 2O11-8 (13:50-14:05) 좌장 : 염봉준 Study on Mechanism and Characteristics of Additives Migration in Polypropylene Under Accelerated Aging 원종성, 조원기, 임현수, 전민홍, 이승구, 충남대학교 2O11-9 (14:05-14:20) A Novel Architecture for High-Performance Fibrous Organic Transistors based on Double-Stranded Assembly of Microfiber Electrodes for Electronic Textile Applications 김수진, 장호원 *, 김세현 **, 임정아, 한국과학기술연구원 ; * 서울대학교 ; ** 영남대학교 2O11-10 (14:20-14:35) Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of PEDOT:PSS Nanotubes via AAO Template-assisted Growth 이혜정, 조지영, 광주과학기술원 2O11-11 (14:35-14:50) Complex Tuning of Physical Properties of Hyperbranched Polyglycerol- Based Bioink for Microfabrication of Cell-laden Hydrogels 홍지수, 신윤경, 김선태, 이지석, 차채녕, UNIST 2O11-12 (14:50-15:05) Highly Transparent, Robust, Solution-Processable Polyimides as Core Material of Flexible Display 남기호, 유남호 *, 한학수, 연세대학교 ; * 한국과학기술연구원 2O11-13 (15:05-15:20) On-demand Regulation of Magnetic Soft Robots in Multi-body Systems 원수경, 위정재 *, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 ; * 인하대학교 제 44 권 1 호 17

21 한국고분자학회 The Polymer Society of Korea

22 The Polymer Society of Korea 포스터발표프로그램

23 포스터발표 (I) _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) (09:00 ~ 10:30) 좌장 : 김선주, 임은희 우수논문발표상 (I) 1PS-1 1PS-2 1PS-3 1PS-4 1PS-5 1PS-6 1PS-7 1PS-8 1PS-9 1PS-10 1PS-11 1PS-12 1PS-13 1PS-14 1PS-15 1PS-16 1PS-17 1PS-18 1PS-19 1PS-20 1PS-21 1PS-22 고분자합성 Analysis of the Living Chains in Polystyrene Prepared by Reversible Additionfragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization 김경호, 안준영 *, 박미림, 김연지 **, 이하나 **, 전흥배 **, 장태현 *, 백현종, 부산대학교 ; * 포항공과대학교 ; ** 광운대학교 Molecular Design and Electrochemical Characterization of Poly(acrylic acid)- co-poly(n-butyl acrylate) Binders for Silicon-based Lithium Ion Battery Anodes 손진하, 안석균 *, 부산대학교 ; * 부산대학교고분자공학과 1,3-oxathiolane-2-thione-based Photosensitive Polymeric System to Create Multi-Chemical Surface Functionalities 안솔, 김명웅, 인하대학교 Concurrent Gelation and Phase Separation in Cross-linked-Polyurea/ poly (methyl methacrylate) Blend for Synthesis of Robust Nanoporous Ultrafiltration Membrane 오왕석, 박지웅, 광주과학기술원 Preparation of Perovskite-Embedded Co-polymer Particles and Their Application for Photonic Crystal-Based Optical Films 이승제, 최진우, Santosh Kumar, 이창열, 이재석, 광주과학기술원 Azide-Functional Polyethers as a Template for Postpolymerization Modification 이준희, 김병수 *, UNIST; * 연세대학교 Biomass-Derived Furanic Polycarbonates: Synthesis and Control of Glass Transition Temperature 최은호, 최은정, 문휘현, 송창식, 성균관대학교 Synthesis and Characterization of Starch-Based Superabsorbent Polymers Grafted with Itaconic Acid and Organo-modified Montmorillonite 최혜선, 박종신, 노현규, 여지현, 조지현, 김세민, 서울대학교 고분자가공 / 복합재료 A Novel Hybrid Poly(aniline-co-pyrrole) Reduced Graphene Oxide Coated Silica Particles Applying on Electromagnetic Interference Shielding QUYEN VU THI, 손대원, Hanyang University Enhanced Photoluminescence via Integration of Block Copolymer- Quantum dots 김건영, 정연식, 한국과학기술원 Interfacial Activation by N 2 Plasma-assisted Mechanochemical Reaction in Nonpolar Polymer 김민성, 방준하 *, 이상수 **, 한국과학기술연구원 / 고려대학교 ; * 고려대학교 ; ** 한국과학기술연구원 Split Ligand Assisted Synthesis of CH₃NH₃PbX₃ (X = Br, I) Perovskite Quantum Dots with narrow FWHM and high stability 김민성, 이민지, 장웅식, 왕동환, 중앙대학교 Thin Film Acrylate Adhesive Reinforced with Inorganic Nanoparticle: Effect of Particle Size and Surface Treatment 김성현, 박종승 *, 서성백 **, 성동기 ***, 부산대학교 ; * 부산대학교유기소재시스템공학과 ; ** 부산대학교바이오소재과학과 ; *** 부산대학교고분자공학과 An Efficient Route to Ternary Nanohybrids Comprised of Graphene, Molybdenum Disulfide and Polyaniline 김세민, 윤현석 *, 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 ; * 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 / 전남대학교고분자융합소재공학부연신비 1400% 이상의폴리프로필렌고연신사기반자기보강복합재제조기술김윤상, 김동우, 조준용, 장한결, 권민제 *, 김재우, 한국과학기술연구원 ; *( 주 ) 남전산업 Crab-on-a-Tree: All Bio-Renewable, Optical-and-Radio Frequency Transparent Barrier Nanocoating for Food Packaging 김태형, Thang Hong Tran*, 황성연 *, 박제영 *, 오동엽 *, 김병수 **, UNIST; * 한국화학연구원 ; ** 연세대학교 MOF-derived Hollow Star-like ZnO/N-doped Carbon/MWCNT Nanocomposite as Anode Materials for Li-ion Batteries 문준형, 유필진, 성균관대학교 Post Surface Treatment of Ni-rich Cathode with Polythiophene for Lithium Ion Batteries 박준화, 채범진, 박영돈, 임태은, 인천대학교 Recyclable and Malleable Polymer/Hexagonal Boron Nitride Composites for Efficient Heat Dissipation 신하은, 임종국 *, 김채빈, 고문주, 한국과학기술연구원 ; * 조선대학교 Polypropylene Composites Reiforced with Filler Materials Derived from Organic Precursors 신휘섭, 임민영 *, 공새롬, 김상완, 이이슬 **, 이종찬, 서울대학교 ; *LG화학; **S-Oil Highly Sensitive Strain Sensor with Metal Mesh Structures Based on Solution Processing 오승우, 장석태, 중앙대학교 Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced UV/Heat Dual-Curable Sealant for Liquid Crystal Displays 이은비, 조치형 *, 손인태 *, 김재홍 *, 유지용 *, 문기태 *, 이준협 *, 명지대학교 ; * 명지대학교화학공학과 1PS-23 1PS-24 1PS-25 1PS-26 1PS-27 1PS-28 1PS-29 1PS-30 1PS-31 1PS-32 1PS-33 1PS-34 1PS-35 1PS-36 1PS-37 1PS-38 1PS-39 1PS-40 1PS-41 1PS-42 1PS-43 1PS-44 1PS-45 1PS-46 Lignin-Based Hydrogel Synthesized by Thiol-Ene Click Chemistry 전보경, 최종원, Jorge A. Belgodere*, Jangwook P. Jung*, 김명웅, 인하대학교 ; *Louisiana State University Study on Self-Assembled Nano-Structures of Boron Nitride Nanotube- Polymer Complexs 전상우, 김태환 *, 강신현 *, 최정철 **, 전북대학교플라즈마응용공학과 ; * 전북대학교양자시스템공학과 ; ** 전북대학교고온플라즈마응용연구센터 Selective Multiplexing of Trace-amount Molecules via SERS Using Thermally Soldered Au Nanogrids with Enhanced Plasmonic Resonance 조승희, 정연식, KAIST Laser-induced Orientation Transformation of a Conjugated Polymer Thin Film with Enhanced Vertical Charge Transport 채상민, 이아라, 김효정, 부산대학교 Removal Studies of Heavy Metal (Cu, Cd, Pb) Using Immobilized PAC Complex 황홍섭, 육군3사관학교 고분자구조및물성 Exploring the Self-Assembly of Perylene Diimide on the Water Substrate 김용재, 안치원 *, 전환진 **, 정희태, 한국과학기술원 ; * 나노종합기술원 ; ** 한국산업기술대학교 Supramolecular Architecture of Molecular-Level-Ordered 1,1 -Ferrocenedicarboxylic acid with Poly(4-vinylpyridine) for Bulk Magnetic Coupling 김원빈, 이재석, 광주과학기술원 Synthesis of Highly Self-healable Polymeric Materials with Improved Mechanical Surface Properties 이서윤, 강정순, 최기원, 홍평화 *, 김진실 *, 문경민 *, 홍성우 *, 고민재, 한양대학교 ; * 한국생산기술연구원 Curvature Engineering of Glassy Polymers Using Programmed Light Absorption 이재경, 이종혁, 최준찬 *, 이재원 *, 원수경, 김학린 *, 위정재, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 ; * 경북대학교 Preparation and Characterization of Polyethylene-based Activated Carbon Fibers 이하람, 조원기, 원종성, 이승구, 충남대학교 Nanostructure Changes in Nylon 5,6 Fibers Under Tension Owing to Hydrogen Bond Formation 조국현, 이현휘 *, 김효정, 부산대학교 ; * 포항공과대학교 Perpendicular Lamellar Orientation of Side-Chain Modified Fluorine- Containing Block Copolymers 조성준, 전승배, 전태석, 류두열, 연세대학교 Star-Shaped Block Copolymers: Effective Polymer Gelators of High- Performance Gel Electrolytes for Electrochemical Devices 황희동, 신나리, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 분자전자부문위원회 Synthesis and Characterization of New Nonfullerene Electron Acceptors for Organic Photovoltaics 고창우, 우한영, 고려대학교알코올첨가에의한폴리사이오펜용액및박막에서의분자결정거동특성권은혜, 박영돈 *, 인천대학교 ; * 인천대학교에너지화학공학과 Adjusting Solubility of Methylammonium Lead Halide Depending on Nonstoichiometric Molar Ratio for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells 김병기, 장웅식, 조재상, 왕동환, 중앙대학교 Kinetically Controlled Crystallization in Conjugated Polymer Films for High- Performance Organic Field-Effect Transistors 김연주, 김남구 *, 김동유, 광주과학기술원 ; *LG 전자 Sequentially Fluorinated Triarylamine-based Polymers as Hole Transporting Materials to Enhance Open Circuit Voltage for Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells 김영웅, 정의혁 *, 서장원 *, 김범준, KAIST; * 한국화학연구원 Organic Source-Gated Transistors with Deformability for Low-Power Operation 김용희, 이은광 *, 오준학 **, 포항공과대학교 / 서울대학교 ; *Purdue University; ** 서울대학교 A Highly Sensitive and Selective Chemotransistor Using Semiconducting Polymer Gel Films 김재희, 박한울, 권혁민, 황해중, 김승한 *, 송애란 **, 정권범 **, 강문성 *, 김도환, 한양대학교 ; * 숭실대학교 ; ** 동국대학교 Chlorinated Isoindigo-based Conjugated Polymers: Effect of Rotational Freedom of Conjugated Segment on Crystallinity and Charge-Transport Characteristics 박종진, 김영아 *, 이승훈 **, 김주환 *, 김윤슬, 임대희, 김동유, 광주과학기술원 ; *LG 화학 ; ** 한국화학연구원 Doping of Donor-Acceptor Polymers with Long Side Chains via Solution Mixing for Advancing Thermoelectric Properties 서의현, 정용진, 오종규, 이규민, 정재민, 장재영, 한양대학교 Blue Phosphorescence Organic Light Emitting Diodes with Trifluorosulfonylsubstituted Iridium Complexes for Preferential Horizontal Orientation 손선영, 정성준, 권순기 *, 김윤희 *, 포스텍 ; * 경상대학교 의료용고분자부문위원회 Injectable Gelatin-Polyethylene Glycol Hybrid Hydrogels with Tunable Mechanical Properties for Biomedical Applications Y Loan To Nguyen, 박기동, Ajou University 20 제 44 권 1 호

24 1PS-47 1PS-48 1PS-49 1PS-50 1PS-51 1PS-52 1PS-53 1PS-54 1PS-55 1PS-56 1PS-57 1PS-58 1PS-59 1PS-60 1PS-61 1PS-62 1PS-63 1PS-64 Antimicrobial Peptide Mimetic Functional Polyethers 김민성, 문원식, 조가영, 권지수, Robert James Mitchell, 김병수 *, 울산과학기술원 ; * 연세대학교 Polymeric Microspheres Contatining Ceramic Nanoparticles for Dermal Filler Having Long-term Stability and Low Inflammatory Responses 신상우, 장연도 *, 강은영 **, 고경원, 박우람, 한동근, 차의과학대학교 ; * 차의과학대학교 / 중앙대학교 ; ** 차의과학대학교 / 고려대학교 Anticancer Effect of Flufenamic Acid Acid-loaded Lauric Acid-g- chitosan Nanoparticle 안준혁, 홍웅길, 정경원, 나재운, 순천대학교고분자공학과 Synthesis and Characterization of Biocompatible Glycol Chitosan Based Nanoparticles for Gene Delivery 이영화, 최준식, 충남대학교 Iridium Complex Encapsulated in Redox-Responsive Hyperbranched Polyglycerol Nanogel for Minimally Invasive Photodynamic Therapy 이채규, 이채헌, 이준희, 김병수 *, 권태혁, 울산과학기술원 ; * 연세대학교 Stimulus-Responsive Conformational Conversion for Triggered Cytotoxicity of Peptides 이한울, 이정훈 *, 오은택 **, 최민혁 *, 김하경 **, 김지원 *, 박헌주 **, 김철희 *, 인하대학교 ; * 인하대학교고분자공학 ; ** 인하대학교의과대학 Injectable Chitosan/Polyethylene Glycol Hybrid Hydrogels for Highly Enhanced Adhesive Properties 정하영, 박기동, 아주대학교 Non-invasive Strip Sensor for Multiple Diseases Diagnosis through Tear Collection 한재훈, 조용찬, 최영빈, 서울대학교 Preparation and Evaluation of Tropolone-loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles 홍웅길, 안준혁, 정경원, 나재운, 순천대학교고분자공학과 콜로이드및분자조립부문위원회 DNA Binding Properties of DNA Block Copolymer Micelles 김가현, 박소정, 이화여자대학교 Correlating Nano Black Spots and Optical Stability in Mixed Halide Perovskite Quantum Dots 김경주, 최신일, 고윤혁 *, PREM PRABHAKARAN, 이광섭, 한남대학교 ; * 한양대학교 Interfacial Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Tiles for Reconfigurable Photonic Surfaces 김종빈, 이건호, 김신현, KAIST Regioselective Deposition of Colloidal Crystals on 2D-patterned Templates by Depletion-induced Assembly 박상혁, 이승열, 김신현, KAIST Synthesis of Single Crystalline Silver Microcubes via Seed-mediated Growth 서명균, 전석진, 금오공과대학교 Turn-On Detection of Human Epithelial Cell Using Aptamer/Graphene Oxide 신수인, 안동준, 원태경, 이예담, 고려대학교 Dynamic Change of Pronounced Structural Colors through Mechanical Deformation for Active Camouflage 이건호, 한상훈, 김종빈, 김종현, 이정민 *, 김신현, 한국과학기술원 ; * 국방과학연구소 Seed-mediated Growth of Silver Nanowires 전광훈, 전석진, 금오공과대학교 Regulating Gel-Phase Growth in Supported Lipid-Diacetylene Complex Bilayer: Molecular Interpretation via Computational Chemistry 정우혁, 황지민, 이상엽, 안동준, 고려대학교 고분자합성 (I) 1PS-65 Development of Cationic Polyester-Co-Polypropylene Glycol Di-Block Copolymer By One-Pot Anionic Ring Opening Polymerization Gajendiran Mani, 김교범, Incheon National University 1PS-66 Polyether Polyol Synthesis by Double Metal Cyanide-Catalyzed Ring- Opening Polymerization of Various Epoxides Hoang Chinh Tran, 엄제현, 김일, 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 1PS-67 Synthesis of Well-defined PAN-based Triblock Copolymers by Bifunctional PEO-based Trithiocarbonate Macromolecular RAFT Agent MASUD, 김환규, Korea University 1PS-68 Synthesis of Hollow Polystyrene Microparticles Covered with Au/Ag Nanocrystals and Their Application Pradyasti Astrini, 김문호, 부경대학교 1PS-69 Dox and IR-780 Dye-Encapsulated Nano Micelles Based on Linear Cyclic Polymer for Enhanced Tumor Therapy RIMESH AUGUSTINE, 김일, Saji Uthaman*, 박인규 *, 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 ; * 전남대학교의생명과학융합센터의과대학 1PS-70 Synthesis and Properties of New Smectic Reactive Mesogens for Guest-Host System Polarizer Ye Yang, He Rui, 이명훈, Chonbuk National University 1PS-71 Tuning the Hyper-Cross-Linking Umpired Self-Assembly of Biphenyl- Based Polymers: Study on Adsorption of Organic Pollutants Anuraj Varyambath, 김일, 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 1PS-72 DOX/IR780 dye co-loaded Polymeric Vesicles as Dual Stimuli-responsive Nanocarriers for Synergistic Chemo/Photothermal Therapy Yu Zhang, 김일, Saji Uthaman*, 박인규 *, 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 ; * 전남대학교의생명과학융합센터의과대학 1PS-73 키랄성말단유연사슬을갖는발광성액정화합물의합성및특성분석강승창, 최이준, 금오공과대학교 1PS-74 Detection of Heavy Metal Ions Using Silica Bead Having Azobenzene Derivatives 강인수, 문관호 *, 이승우 *, 영남대학교 ; * 영남대학교화학공학부 1PS-75 Synthesis of Shape-controlled Porous Melamine-formaldehyde Polymers 강인아, 윤영록, 김상율, KAIST 1PS-76 Effect of Thienyl Substituted Benzodithiophene and Fluorinated Phenazine in Copolymer for Polymer Solar Cells 권지현, 이근대, 박성수, 이원기, 진영읍, 부경대학교 1PS-77 A Study on Synthesis of Novel Conjugated Polymers by Using Benzodithiophene and Fluorinated Phenazine for PSCs 권지현, 이근대, 박성수, 이원기, 진영읍, 부경대학교 1PS-78 Synthesis of Pull-type Phenazine Units for Polymer Solar Cells 권지현, 이근대, 박성수, 이원기, 진영읍, 부경대학교 1PS-79 Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Polyimide/Surface Modified BaTiO 3 Nanocomposite for Solution Processable High k Dielectric 김경민, 김윤호 *, 안택, 경성대학교 ; * 한국화학연구원 1PS-80 Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Polyimide/Surface Modified TiO 2 Nanocomposite for Solution Processable High k Dielectric 김경민, 안택, 김윤호 *, 경성대학교 ; * 한국화학연구원 1PS-81 Synthesis of Amphiphilic Goggle-shaped Multi-Block Copolymer through Thiol-ene Click Chemistry 김경수, Aruna Kumar Mohanty, 이홍찬, 주상우 *, 장태현 **, 백현종, 부산대학교 ; * 숭실대학교 ; ** 포항공과대학교 1PS-82 Fluoro Sulfonylimide Acryl Polymer Lithium Ion Electrolyte 김대호, 스트라다사부찬드라, Ahmed Faiz, 류태욱, 진레이, 윤수진, 김환기, 건국대학교 1PS-83 Synthesis of Methacryloyl-PMA Macromonomer via SARA ATRP Using a Janus Initiator 김동우, 도주혁, 김연지 *, 이하나 *, 전흥배 *, 백현종, 부산대학교 ; * 광운대학교 1PS-84 High Performance Polyols Using Highly Active Double Metal Cyanide Catalysts 김선아, 김일, 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 1PS-85 Transparent Poly(amide-imide)s Containing Alicyclic Ring 김성종, 김상율, 변태준, 이병용, 한국과학기술원 1PS-86 Synthesis of Functionalized PEO Derivatives Based Solid Polymer Electrolytes via Ring Anionic Polymerization and Click Reaction for Li-ion Batteries 김소현, 민청민, 이재석, 광주과학기술원 1PS-87 Synthesis and Characterization of Benzotriazole-Diketopyrrolopyrrole- based Polymers 김승규, 심용 *, 장규현 *, 김태동 *, 한남대학교 ; * 한남대학교화공신소재공학과광전자유기소재연구실 1PS-88 Synthesis and Characterization of Curing Agent Affording Recyclability to Epoxy Resin 김영현, 김두헌, 손홍래 *, 고문주, 한국과학기술연구원 ; * 조선대학교 1PS-89 Evaluation of Ammonia Reactivity of Films Using a Sulfo-naphthalene Derivatives 김영훈, 백정주, 송광식, 장기철, 신교직, 최경호, 한국생산기술연구원 1PS-90 Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Responsive Polymer Nanoparticles for Chemo-Photodynamic Cancer Therapy 김유경, Uthaman Saji, 박인규 *, 허강무, 충남대학교 ; * 전남대학교 1PS-91 Effects of Surface-crosslinking with Glass Microspheres on the Absorption Properties of the Superabsorbent Polymer (SAP) 김유진, 김해찬, 장지은, 권용록, 김진웅 *, 김동현, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 한양대학교 1PS-92 소수성섬유에접착측성이향상된스크린인쇄조성물의특성연구김재양, 박현주, 전호균, 이지은, 이종환, 오상택, 한국신발피혁연구원 1PS-93 Sulfonated Polyelectrolyte Membrane Containing Metal (Cerium) Phthalocyanine and Method for Producing the Same 김재웅, 이승찬, 최인환, 김대호, 이용훈, 스트라다사부찬드라, 김환기, 건국대학교 1PS-94 Properties of Superabsorbent Polymers Using Biomass Based Crosslinker 김정수, 김해찬, 홍석주, 권용록, 이윤석 *, 김동현, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 연세대학교 기능성고분자 (I) 1PS-95 Synthesis and Characterizations of PPO Based Partially Crosslinked Anion Exchange Membrane Materials for Microbial Fuel Cell Aruna Kumar Mohanty, 김노원 *, 백현종, 부산대학교 ; * 동의대학교 1PS-96 Functional Group-Specific Post-modification of Parylene Surface for Microfluidic Applications Chinnadurai Satheeshkumar, 서명은, KAIST 1PS-97 Mechanoresponsive Release of Guest Molecules from a Metal-Phenolic Supramolecular Nanocontainer and Its Assemblies Eprillia Intan Fitriasari, 박치영, Pukyong National University 1PS-98 Preparation of Monolithic Carbon Xerogels with Graphene Oxide for Electrode Application Huang Minhu, 윤태호, 광주과학기술원 1PS-99 Amyloid-β Impedance Sensor Based on Caffeine for Alzheimer s Disease JIELING QIN, 조미숙 *, 이영관 *, Sungkyunkwan University; * 성균관대학교화학공학부 1PS-100 Preparation of Polyethersulfone/Poly(2-(dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate) Electrospun Nanofiber for Cu 2+ Adsorption Kristal Aubrey Bornillo, 김소영, 최희철, 광주과학기술원 1PS-101 Microfluidic Fabrication of Tubular Hydrogels of Various Geometries Kusuma Betha Cahaya Imani, 윤진환, 김도완, 부산대학교 1PS-102 Stretchable Epoxy Based Solid Polymer Electrolyte via an Epoxy Ring-Opening Polymerization Puji Lestari, 최우혁, 부경대학교고분자공학과 제 44 권 1 호 21

25 1PS-103 The Synthesis and Properties of Hydroxyl Functionalized Boron Nitride Nanosheets by Electrochemical Analysis WEI ZHANG, 진레이, 윤수진, 이승찬, 최인환, 김재웅, 김환기, Konkuk University 1PS-104 A Novel Approach for Synthesis of Zwitterionic Polyurethane with Enhanced Self-healing Properties 강정순, 이서윤, 최기원, 홍평화 *, 김진실 *, 문경민 *, 이성구 *, 홍성우 *, 고민재, 한양대학교 ; * 한국생산기술연구원 1PS-105 Performance Enhancement of Quantum-dot Photodetectors via Incorporation of Cathode Buffer Layer 강진현, 김준호, 정문기, 정인환, 국민대학교 1PS-106 Uniaxial Orientation of Reactive Discogens for Organic Materials with Outstanding Thermal Conductivity 고혜윤, 강동규, 정광운, 전북대학교 1PS-107 Construction of Ga Nano-arrays by Dip Pen Nanolithography 곽효빈, 김경민, 임정혁, 한국교통대학교 1PS-108 Preparation of Anion-selective Porous Membranes by Block Copolymer 구자민, 유성일, 부경대학교 1PS-109 Active Repulsive Hydrogen Barrier Thin Film by Layer-by-Layer Deposition 구자현, 박민욱, 정광운, 전북대학교 1PS-110 Electrically Conductive Nanocomposite Films Based on Aromatic Poly(ether amide) and Carbon Nanotube 권영승, 정영규, 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 1PS-111 물리적인외력에의한약물전달시스템의연구권영제, 박치영, 부경대학교 1PS-112 Intra-articular Injection of Corticosteroid Encapsulated Polymer Nanoparticle to Inhibit Osteoarthritic Progress for Long-term Period 권영중, 송수창, 한국과학기술연구원 1PS-113 Preparation and Properties of Ion Batteries Membranes Using Electrospun Polybutene-1 Nanofibers 길만재, 이경진, 충남대학교 1PS-114 카복시메틸셀룰로스와히드록시프로필셀룰로스에기초한하이브리드수화젤의제조와특성분석김가연, 김영호, 숭실대학교 1PS-115 Soft-Templating Approach to Synthesize Mesoporous Vanadium Pentoxide for Enhanced Electrochromism 김건우, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 1PS-116 Highly Self-Healable and Scratch-Resistant Automotive Clear-Coat based on Reversible Polymer Network 김기영, 성수진, 노승만, 정인우 *, 김진철, 한국화학연구원 ; * 경북대학교 1PS-117 Microfluidic System for Easy Monitoring of Drug Delivery and Cytotoxicity 김다름, 이수진, 양성윤, 충남대학교 1PS-118 Fabrication of Thermo-responsive Polymer Nanocomposites for Smart Window Applications 김대환, 김문호, 부경대학교 1PS-119 Smart Windows for Adaptive Solar Control Fabricated with Bistable Grafted Hydrogels 김도완, 윤진환, 부산대학교 1PS-120 Controlled Phase Separation in Poly(p-phenyleneethynylene) Thin Films and Its Relationship to Vapor Sensing Properties 김도완, 함동효, 권순형, 임지우 *, 차국헌 **, 서울대학교화학생물공학부 ; * 경희대학교 ; ** 서울대학교 1PS-121 Linseed Oil-loaded Microcapsule-based Self-healing Protective Coatings for Cementitious Materials 김동민, 송인호, 최주영, 진승원, 남경남, 정찬문, 연세대학교 1PS-122 Assessment of Adsorbent Materials for Allethrin Removal 김동인, 최은영, 이준하, 강우형, 박성현, KSA of KAIST 1PS-123 A Fe-appended Graphene Oxide Nanosheet Facilitating Water Dissociation for Efficient Bipolar Membrane 김병수, 박슬찬, 김도형 *, 문기현, 강문성 *, 강용수, 한양대학교 ; * 상명대학교 1PS-124 Effect of Functional Group Ratio ([OH]/[NCO]) on Long-term Reliability of Polyurethane Pressure-sensitive Adhesives (PU-PSA) 김병주, 지찬혁, 배지홍, 임원빈, 허필호, 부산대학교 1PS-125 The Applications of Nitrogen-doped Graphene 김석호, 양문호 *, 장동욱 *, 부경대학교 ; * 부경대학교공업화학과 1PS-126 Growth and Application of Organic Small Molecule Crystals for UV Photodetector 김석호, 박동혁 *, 이선종, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 인하대학교 1PS-127 Surface Crosslinked Superabsorbent Polymer To Enhance Mechanical Properties Under Pressure 김세민, 조강희, 강성민, 김혜원, 고원건, 연세대학교 1PS-128 Shell Thickness Dependence of Water Capture and Release in Smart Core-Shell Nanofibers 김소영, Kristal Aubrey Bornillo, 최희철, 광주과학기술원 1PS-129 ph Dependent Swelling Behavior of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)- Based Copolymer Hydrogels 김수영, 구형준, 이종원, 서울과학기술대학교 1PS-130 Chitosan Grafted Graphene Oxide Binder for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries 김수찬, 최성식, 이영관, 성균관대학교 1PS-131 Surface-tailored Magnetic Nanoparticles for Direct and Sensitive Detection of Glycoproteins 김영대, 최종선, 김소연, 충남대학교 1PS-132 Synthesis of Tannic Acid-based Epoxy Resins for Improvement of Flame Retardancy 김영오, 조재현, 여현욱 *, 이병완 **, 문병준, 하유미, 조예린 ***, 정용채, 한국과학기술연구원 ; * 경북대학교 ; ** 성균관대학교 ; *** 전북대학교 1PS-133 Magnetically Controlled Rolling Motion of Helical Soft Robots on Gastric Cancer Model 김용주, 박정은, 위정재, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 1PS-134 Fabrication of Polypyrrole/Co(OH) 2/carbon Cloth Nanosheet for High Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitor 김우영, 장정식, 서울대학교 1PS-135 Ogolgye Derived DBP Cross Linked Sponges as an Osteoinductive and Osteoconductive Biomaterial Osteogenesis 김원경, 강길선, 전북대학교 BIN 융합공학과 1PS-136 Controlling Graphene Defects Using Polyvinylacohol through Hydrogen Bonding 김윤정, 강영종 *, 안석훈 **, KIST; * 한양대학교 ; ** 한국과학기술연구원 1PS-137 폴리에틸렌글리콜에분산된 CaCO 3 의입자함량과종횡비가큰탄소섬유첨가에따른현탁액의전단농화에미치는영향김윤필, 윤관한 *, 이영실 **, 금오공과대학교 ; * 금오공과대학교화학공학과 ; ** 금오공과대학교산학협력단 1PS-138 Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Peptide-Based Supramolecular Hydrogel Patch 김인혜, 이은지 *, 충남대학교 ; * 광주과학기술원 1PS-139 내마모성및슬립성이우수한고무소재코팅용변성폴리우레탄수지합성연구김재양, 전호균, 이지은, 박현주, 이종환, 오상택, 한국신발피혁연구원 1PS-140 Study of New Electron Transport Materials for Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 김준태, 장동욱 *, 이보람, 부경대학교 ; * 부경대학교공업화학과 1PS-141 Preparation of Polyaniline Hydrogel Electrodes for Electrochemical Applications 김지혜, 구형준, 서울과학기술대학교화학공학과 1PS-142 Evaluation of Gellan Gum/Glycol Chitosan Containing Bone Graft Materials Bioabsorbable Membrane for Guided Bone Regeneration 김진, 김수관 *, 조인아 **, 임향이 **, 조선대학교 ; * 조선대학교치과대학구강악안면외과, 치의학연구원 ; ** 조선대학교치과대학 1PS-143 Evaluation of Hyaluronic Acid Loaded Agar Hydrogel for Chondrocyte Regeneration 김진수, 강길선, 전북대학교 BIN 융합공학과 1PS-144 Integrated Disease Diagnosis Flatform Through Phage Multi-array Chips for Exhaled Breath Analysis 김춘태, 이유진, 이종민, 김원근, 오진우, 부산대학교 고분자가공 / 복합재료 (I) 1PS-145 Toughness Behavior and Thermal Stability of CaCO 3/Epoxy Composites Derived from Various CaCO 3 Morphology Guijun Yang, 박수진, 인하대학교 1PS-146 Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Li 4Ti 5O 12/PEDOT:PSS for Lithium Ion Battery Guijun Yang, 박수진, 인하대학교 1PS-147 Antimicrobial Properties of Photocrosslinked Alginate Hydrogels Containing Silver Nanoparticles Maulida Zakia, 송창현, 구자민, 유성일, Pukyong National University 1PS-148 Encapsulated Functionalized Graphene Oxide or Boron Nitride on Poly (methyl methacrylate) Beads for Thermally Conductive Epoxy Nanocomposites Vu Minh Canh, Nhat Anh Thi Thieu, 박의정, 김성룡, Korea National University of Transportation 1PS-149 Preparation and Characterization of Silicone Based 3D Printing Materials Xiaojie Zhang, Tridib Kumar Sinha, 오정석, 김진국, Gyeongsang National University 1PS-150 Functionalized Graphene Epoxy Composites with Enhanced Mechanical Behavior and Thermal Properties Shahina Riaz, 박수진, Inha University 1PS-151 Graphene Oxide-epoxy Composites: Initiated by Thermal Latent Catalysts Shahina Riaz, 박수진, Inha University 1PS-152 Interface Engineering of Thermal Conducting Materials Using Discotic Liquid Crystal Polymer 강동규, 정광운, 전북대학교 1PS-153 Polycarbonate Resin Composition with Non-halogen Flame Retardant 강수정, 정재민, 김진환, 성균관대학교 1PS-154 Synthesis of poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) Micro-hydrogel Using a Microchannel and Study on Concentration Sensor 강신혜, 김서균, 이헌상, 동아대학교 1PS-155 The Effect of poly (styrene-ran-glycidyl methacrylate) on Epoxy Resins and Synthesized by Free Radical Polymerization 강예령, 서흔영, 윤호규, 고려대학교 1PS-156 Surface Functinalized Cellulose Nanocrystals for Cycloaliphatic Epoxy (CE) Resin 강지선, 민진홍, 최지원, 심재민, 조연주, 윤석일, 상명대학교 1PS-157 Electrochemical Characterization of 2D Siloxene-based Electrode for Next-Generation Energy Storage Systems 강희주, 이태규, 김미진, 김홍식, 정윤진, 박혜진, 구여진, 전영시, 전남대학교 1PS-158 Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Molding Compound (EMC) for Fan Out Wafer Lever Packages 고동원, 서흔영, 윤호규, 고려대학교 1PS-159 Preparation of Crosslinked Cellulosic Nanoweb Using Metal Ion 고은주, 안정빈, 우정연, 김형섭, 건국대학교 1PS-160 Thermally and Chemically Robust Colloidal Quantum Dots by Cross-Linkable Polymeric Ligands 고재완, 장준혁 *, 정병국 **, 장세규 ***, 이도창 **, 배완기 ****, 방준하, 고려대학교 ; * 서울대학교 ; ** 한국과학기술원 ; *** 한국과학기술연구원 ; **** 성균관대학교 22 제 44 권 1 호

26 1PS-161 무기물함량및표면처리가 PBAT(Polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/ Compound 의기계적성질에미치는영향연구공영준, 허양일 *, 김정철 **, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 ; ** 한국생산기술연구원광에너지융합그룹 1PS-162 Nanostructured Carbons with High Specific Surface Area for Sodium-Ion Batteries 곽진환, 현종찬, 하손, 윤영수, 강원대학교 1PS-163 Characterization of PA66/MoS 2 Composites by Surface Modification 구보람, 문형진, 김정욱, 남기동, 김재익, 류승훈, 경희대학교 1PS-164 Evaluation of Adhesion Properties of CFRP/Al with Environmental Condition 권동준, 권일준, 박성민, 지경은 *, DYETEC 연구원 ; *IBMT 1PS-165 New Evaluation of Interfacial Properties and Damage Sensing on Interface of CFRP and Steel Using Carbon Nanoparticles 권동준, 권일준, 이재호, 이재동, 김유정, DYETEC 연구원 1PS-166 Preparation of Photopolymerizable Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials by Nonhydrolytic Sol-Gel Processing for 3D Printing Applications 권세호, 권용구, 인하대학교 1PS-167 Silica Dispersibility and Mechanical Properties of Silica/SBR Compound by Using Carboxylized Acrylic Monomer-based Low Molecular Weight Copolymer 권용록, 신우승, 홍석주, 장지은 *, 김수현, 장영욱 **, 김동현, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 중앙대학교 ; ** 한양대학교 1PS-168 PLA/PBAT 블렌드 sheet 의물성에대한상용화제의영향김남렬, 허양일 *, 김정철, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 전남대학교 1PS-169 Effect of Aspect Ratio of Cellulose Nanofiber (CNF) on Physical Properties of the Polymer Composites Prepared via a Melt-mixing Process 김다희, 서영수, 세종대학교 1PS-170 Synthesis of Multi-Heteroatom Doped Carbon Materials for High Energy Density Electric Double Layer Capacitors 김대겸, 박원철, 서울대학교 1PS-172 Preparation of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes with Pyrene Derivatives Containing Hydroxyl Group for Their Composites with Polybutylene Terephthalate 김동은, 최은엽, 김창근, 중앙대학교 1PS-173 Electrical Conductivity Analysis for Rod-like Nanoparticles/Polymer Composites: a Direct Method Using Block Matrices And Kirchhoff s Law 김동재, 남재욱, 서울대학교화학생물공학부 1PS-174 Fabrication and Properties of Silica Nanoparticle with Rod Hierarchical Structure by Ion Beam Irradiation 김동현, 강현호, 이동훈, 위덕대학교 1PS-175 Fabrication of Nylon 6,6 Composite Containing Reduced Graphene Oxide-carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with 1-pyrenebutyric Chloride 김무현, 최은엽, 김창근, 중앙대학교 1PS-176 Mesoporous microspheres as High Performance Cathodes for Lithium- Sulfur Batteries 김미진, 강희주, 이태규, 구여진, 송지윤, 전영시 *, 전남대학교 ; * 전남대학교화학공학부 1PS-177 Fabrication and Characterization of Eco-friendly and Electrically Conductive Waterborne Polyurethane/Silver Nanowire Composite Films 김민수, 정영규, 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 1PS-178 Enhanced Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Conductivity in Hybrid Composite - Graphite and GNPs Fillers for Polyphenylene Sulfide Composite 김상하, 박수영 *, 경북대학교 ; * 경북대학교응용화학공학부고분자공학전공 1PS-179 Silver Nanocrystals-Based Sensing Platform for the Quantification of Water in Water-Ethanol Mixtures 김상헌, 김문호, 부경대학교 1PS-180 Study of Block Copolymers Morphology Confined in Square Channel 김상훈, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 1PS-181 Concentration Dependency of Extensional Relaxation Time and FENE Constant Using a Differential Pressure Extensional Rheometer on a Chip 김서균, 이헌상, 동아대학교 1PS-182 Properties of the UV-cured Film According to the Formulation of Coating Liquids 김선구, 최현진, 정경모, 강원대학교 1PS-183 수용성폴리머와에멀션바인더를포함한코팅액의유동특성분석김선구, 최현진, 정경모, 강원대학교 1PS-184 Rheological Properties of the Coating Liquids for Anilox Roll 김선구, 최현진, 정경모, 강원대학교 1PS-185 Highly Effective Thin Carbide-layer Coated Bi-functional Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution and Reduction in Zn Air Batteries 김성욱, 장지현, 울산과학기술원 1PS-186 Ozonization of SWCNTs on Thermal and Fracture Toughness of Basalt Fiberreinforced Composites 김성황, 박수진, 인하대학교 1PS-187 Preparation and Characterization of Nickel Plated Basalt Fiber-reinforced Composites 김성황, 박수진, 인하대학교 1PS-188 Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/Polyurethane Composites for Cooling Applications 김수연, 이종휘, 중앙대학교 1PS-189 Effect of Chitin/Chitosan Nanowhiskers on Adsorption Property of Electrospun Poly(vinyl alcohol) Nanofibrous Web 김수준, 박원호, 충남대학교 1PS-190 Environmentally Friendly, Highly Efficient Epoxy-based Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Green Recycling System Using Supercritical Water 김영남, 김영오 *, 하유미 *, 김성륜 **, 박민 *, 김재우 *, 양범주 *, 정용채 *, 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST)/ 연세대학교 ; * 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST); ** 전북대학교 1PS-191 A Comparative Study on the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of MWCNT-Coated Carbon Fiber/ABS Composites Produced by Extrusion and LFT Processes 이동규, 김영은, 조동환, 금오공과대학교 1PS-192 규조토함량에따른 Elastic foam 의기계적강도및흡수특성에대한연구김재양, 이지은 *, 이종환 *, 전호균 *, 박현주 *, 오상택 *, 성동기 **, 한국신발피혁연구원 / 부산대학교 ; * 한국신발피혁연구원 ; ** 부산대학교 1PS-193 기계적강도가우수한비할로겐계난연 TPU 조성물연구김재양, 이종환, 이지은, 오상택, 전호균, 박현주, 한국신발피혁연구원 1PS-194 Blend ratio 에따른동적점탄성비교연구김재양, 이지은, 전호균, 박현주, 이종환, 오상택, 한국신발피혁연구원 고분자구조및물성 (I) 1PS-195 Thermo-responsive Ionogels with Tunable Positive Volume Phase Transition Temperature Bernard Timothy, 김도완, 윤진환, Pusan National University 1PS-196 Multi-responsive Graphene/Ni Based Hyperbranched Shape Memory Polyurethane Composites Vinay Deep Punetha, 조재환, Konkuk University 1PS-197 Cylindrical Microdomains Using Blends of Block Copolymers with Hydrogen Bonding Interactions 강석원, 김진곤, POSTECH 1PS-198 Morphology and Ion Transport Properties of Phosphonated Polymers 강세종, 박문정, 포항공과대학교 1PS-199 Fabricaion of Split-Ring Resonators with Block Copolymer Confinement Effects Operating in Visible Wavelength 고명철, 김무성, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 1PS-200 In plane Wavy Ag Nanowire Networks for Stretchable, Transparent Electroluminescence Device 권현정, 권효원, 김병수, 차국헌 *, 이상수, 손정곤, 한국과학기술연구원 ; * 서울대학교 1PS-201 Thermal Degradation Behavior of Thermoplastic Polyurethanes Based on Polycarbonate-diol: Effect of the Hard and Soft Segment Content in the PU 김동은, 이상호, 동아대학교 1PS-202 Structural, Optical, and Electrical Properites of Cu/plasma-polymer- Fluorocarbon Nanocomposite Films Deposited by MF Sputtering 김맥, 김성현, 이상진, 한국화학연구원 1PS-203 Stacked Split Ring Resonators generated from Pagoda-like Nanostructure for Plasmonic Metamaterials 김무성, 고명철, 윤형건, 김진곤, POSTECH 1PS-204 Sputtered Plasma-polymer-fluorocarbon Thin Films Embedded with MgF 2 Nanoparticles: Interfacial Study of Inorganic/Polymer Nanocomposite Structure 김성현, 이상진, 김맥, 조은미, 한국화학연구원 1PS-205 ph-responsive Cholesteric Liquid Crystal (CLC) Single Emulsion Droplets Film with Interpenetrating Polymer Network (IPN) 김예지, 박수영, 경북대학교 1PS-206 Controlled Surface Structure of Fluorocarbon Thin Films Deposited on Soft Elastic Substrates by Changing Its Viscoelasticity 김은선, 김성현 *, 이상진 *, 서동학 **, 최우진 *, 한국화학연구원 / 한양대학교 ; * 한국화학연구원 ; ** 한양대학교 1PS-207 Shape Control of Monodispersed Cone-Shaped Particles by Tuning Blend Structure of Diblock Copolymer and Random Copolymer within Emulsion 김은지, 신재만, 김용주, 구강희, Kin Liao*, 김범준, KAIST; *Khalifa University 1PS-208 Improvement of Weather Stability of Flexible Transparnet Conductive Film Using Overcoat Layer 김주영, 이진근, 김영노, 박찬일, 임소은, 김중현, 연세대학교화공생명공학과 1PS-209 UV/UV Step Curing of Acrylate Optically Clear Adhesive for Mobile Devices 김지수, 김현중 *, 백종호 *, 심규성 *, 백두영 *, 서울대학교 ; * 서울대학교농업생명과학대학 1PS-210 Tuning Ionic Conductivity of Block Copolymer Electrolytes via Functionalized Additives 김지훈, 박문정, 포항공과대학교 1PS-211 Rhelogical Behevior and Phase Transition of Concentrated Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC)/Ionic Liquid/HNTs Mixtures 김태호, 김형섭 *, 송영한 *, 건국대학교나노바이오시스텝연구실 ; * 건국대학교 1PS-212 End-on Chain Orientation of Poly(3-alkyl thiophene)s on a Substrate via Microphase Separation of Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymer 김필곤, 이규성, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 1PS-213 압축성하전블록공중합체계의나노상거동에미치는이온-이온상관관계및자유부피효과연구리샹, 자오밍거, 조준한, 단국대학교고분자공학과 1PS-214 Phase Equilibria and Surface Tension of Castor Oil-based Polyols in Mixed-solvent 문준호, 양한얼 *, 이찬희 *, 최지수 *, 배영찬 *, 오정석, 경상대학교 ; * 한양대학교 1PS-215 CNT-NCO(isocyanate funtionalized CNT) 를이용한 PA6 복합재합성및특성비교민진홍, 윤석일, 강지선, 심재민, 조연주, 최지원, 상명대학교 제 44 권 1 호 23

27 1PS-216 Uniformly Aligned Vanadium Dioxide (VO 2) Nanodots Based Nanoporous Templates and Their Phase-Change Properties 박성호, 정재환, 이동현, 단국대학교 1PS-217 Orientation of Nanodomains of 6-arm Star-shaped (PMMA-b-PS) 6 in thin Films Depending on Molecular Weight 박소영, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 1PS-218 Study of Thermal Properties on PNiPAAm-based Copolymer 박연주, 황명원, 정영미, 강원대학교 분자전자부문위원회 (I) 1PS-219 Compositional Engineering Using Interfacial Passivation Layer for Performance and Stability Enhancement in Triple Cation Perovskite Solar Cells BARKHA TYAGI, 강재욱, 전북대학교 1PS-220 IDIC as a Highly Efficient Molecular Sensitizer to Boost EQE of Organic Thin Film Photomultiplication Photodetector up to 130,000% Deepan Kumar Neethipathi, 정대성, DGIST 1PS-221 Synthesis of Novel CuWO4/Kaolin Photocatalyst for Efficient Degradation of Congored Dye Under Visible Light Irradiation Eswaran Kamaraj, 박상혁, Kongju National University 1PS-222 Influence of Ni(OH) 2 Nanoparticles in Conductive PEDOT:PSS Electrode for Energy Storage Application Manoj Ovhal, 강재욱, 전북대학교 1PS-223 Polymer Confined Few-Layer Ru Nanoparticles@Templated-Free N- enriched Nano-sphere Carbon for High-Performance Supercapacitor Mohammad Aftabuzzaman, 김환규, Korea University 1PS-224 Polyurethane Electrospun Nanofiber Webs with Additives for Highly Sensitive and Low Hysteresis Piezocapacitive Sensor Reza Mohammad Shamim, 김홍두, Kyung Hee University 1PS-225 Synthesis and Characterization of CsPbBr 3 Perovskite Quantum Dots for Light-Emitting Diodes SiWei He, 강재욱, 전북대학교 1PS-226 Bio-inspired M13 Bacteriophage Based Self-assembled Nanostructures for Dynamic Plasmonic Applications Vasanthan Devaraj, 이종민, 한지예, 임경아, 오진우, Pusan National University 1PS-227 Reactive Dedoping Method for Performance Enhancement of Self- Powered Polymeric Schottky Diode 강민균, 조장환, 고현기, 정대성, 대구경북과학기술원 1PS-228 Electrically Doped PEDOT:PSS Electrodes for the Application in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes 거넬후세이노바, 이승현, 이예슬, 이종희, 이재현, 한밭대학교 1PS-229 기판의선택적표면처리를통한 liquid crystal 소자용은나노와이이어기반투명전극의패터닝기법고동욱, 추서범, 마요한, 심건우, 김종복, 금오공과대학교 1PS-230 Novel Fully Conjugated and Partially Conjugated Polymers Bearing Unusually High Molecular Weight Donor-Acceptor Monomers 권나연, 김영서, 박수홍, 김형종, 정철훈, 이지혜, 조민주, 박성남, 최동훈, 고려대학교 1PS-231 Advanced Side Impermeability Characteristics of Fluorinated Organic- Inorganic Hybrid Material for Thin Film Encapsulation 권혁진, 김세현 *, 박찬언, 포항공과대학교 ; * 영남대학교 1PS-232 Novel A-D-A Type Compatibilizer for Thermally Stable Blend Morphology of Organic Solar Cells 김건우, 김범준, 우한영 *, KAIST; * 고려대학교 1PS-233 Novel Triblock Copolymer/TiO 2 Composite Gel Electrolytes for High- performance Dye-sensitized Solar Cells 서승모, 김경민, 김환규, 고려대학교 1PS-234 Thermally Induced Phase Reformation for Efficient and Photostable Wide- Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells 김근진, 문찬수, 양태열, 김영윤, 정재훈, 정의혁, 전남중, 박혜진, 서장원, 한국화학연구원 1PS-235 Tetra-N-Phenylbenzidine Based Imidazole Derivatives as Efficient Hole Transporting Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells 김기로, 박상혁, 공주대학교화학과 1PS-236 Effect of Electron Withdrawing Substituents of Thienylene-Vinylene- Thienylene- Based Conjugated Polymers on the Performance of Organic Field Effect Transistors 김다혜, 김희수, 황도훈, 부산대학교 1PS-237 Intense-pulsed-UV-converted Perhydropolysilazane Gate Dielectrics for Organic Field-effect Transistors and Logic Gates 백한솔, 김민제 *, 백정주, 김도환 **, 신교직, 최경호, 조정호 ***, 생산기술연구원 ; * 성균관대학교 ; ** 한양대학교 ; *** 연세대학교 1PS-238 Wafer-Scale Logic Circuits Based on Vertically Stacked CVD-Grown Graphene/ MoS 2 Heterostructure 김성찬, 최영진, 조정호 *, 성균관대학교 SAINT; * 연세대학교 1PS-239 Facile Process of Alkali Metal Sulfide Doped ZnO Devices 김수관, 정대성, 대구경북과학기술원 1PS-240 Patterning of Conductive Dye Based on PEDOT:PSS:AgNWs for E-textile 김승현, 고흥조, 광주과학기술원 1PS-241 Gravure Printing of Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells: a Path Toward Roll-to-roll Production 김영윤, 양태열, 박은영, 방수미, 서장원, 한국화학연구원 1PS-242 Simple PS-r-PMMA Ion Gels for High-Performance Electrolytes 김용민, 문홍철, 서울시립대학교 1PS-243 Self-Assembly Behavior of Doped Semiconducting Polymers in Solution and Solid States 김유리, 고중세, 양회창, 인하대학교 1PS-244 Piezoelectric Nanocrystal Arrays on Stretchable Electrode Surfaces for Strain Sensors 김유리, 양회창, 인하대학교 1PS-245 Ultrasensitive Transparent Pressure Sensors using Sea-Urchin Shaped Metal Nanoparticles and Microdome Patterned Elastomer 김종윤, 이동화, 이윤구, DGIST 1PS-246 NIR-Selective Narrowband Thin-Film Organic Photodiode via Rational Design of Junction Structure 김주희, 전소연, 정대성, 대구경북과학기술원 1PS-247 Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells Based on a Conjugated Polymer Containing Siloxane-Terminated Side Chain 김준영, 티바마니구굴라한트, 제갈영순 *, 진성호, 부산대학교 ; * 경일대학교 1PS-248 Inorganic Ligand Passivated PbS Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cell via Solution-Phase Ligand Exchange Process 김준호, 이정용, 한국과학기술원 1PS-249 The Threshold Voltage Shift of Organic Electrochemical Transistor by Charge Carrier Modulation of PEDOT: PSS Channel via Chemical Crosslinking with PVA 김지환, 윤명한, 광주과학기술원 1PS-250 Structural Optimization of Alcohol-Soluble Fullerenes for Improving Electrical Performance of Eco-friendly Processable Organic Solar Cells 김창균, 김영권, 최나연, 김범준, 한국과학기술원 1PS-251 Post Surface Passivation in PbS Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cell 김창조, 이정용, 한국과학기술원 1PS-252 Smart Contact Lens for Intra-ocular Pressure Measurement 김태연, 한세광, 포항공과대학교 1PS-253 Characterization of Hard Carbon Anode for Stable Cyclability of Sodiumion Battery 김하영, 박선우, 이민의 *, 진형준, 인하대학교 ; * 인하대학교 / 한국과학기술연구원 1PS-254 Effect of Branched Alkyl Ester-Labeled Side Chains on Specific Chain Arrangement of Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Conjugated Polymers and Their Thin Film Transistors 김형종, 박수홍, 정철훈, 권나연, 이지혜, 양회창 *, 조민주, 최동훈, 고려대학교 ; * 인하대학교 1PS-255 Channel-dimension Controllable Fibriform Organic Field-effect Transistors via Novel Transfer Method of Carbon Nanotube Electrodes 김형준, 임정아, 한국과학기술연구원 1PS-256 Synthesis and Characterization of Perylene Diimide-based Nonfullerene Acceptors for Organic Photovoltaics 김희수, 황도훈, 부산대학교 1PS-257 Reversible Stimuli-Induced Mechanofluorochromism by Molecular Assembly of o-carborane 나수원, 최민수, 김소연, 강상욱, 김철훈, 손호진, 고려대학교 1PS-258 Highly Selective and Durable Photochemical CO 2 Reduction by Molecular Mn(I) Catalyst Fixed on Particular Dye-Sensitized TiO 2 Platform 나수원, 백창현, 우성준, 최성한, 김소연, 김필수, 조주형, 김철훈, 손호진, 박종진, 강상욱, 고려대학교 의료용고분자부문위원회 (I) 1PS-259 Elastin-Resilin Block Copolypeptides with Converse Phase Transition Behavior and Their Self-assembled Nanostructures Aamna Basheer, 이재상, 강민정, 임동우, 한양대학교 1PS-260 ROS-responsive Thioether-bearing Polymers for Efficient Intracellular Drug Delivery in Cancer Cells 김윤석, Quan Hoang Truong, Giang Thuy Nguyen Cao, 심민석, Incheon National University 1PS-261 Degradation-regulatable Architectured Implantable Macroporous Scaffold for the Spatiotemporal Modulation of Immunosuppressive Microenvironment and Enhanced Combination Cancer Immunotherapy RENLONG, 임용택, 신일우, 진승모, 이상남, 박건희, 배준한, 성균관대학교 1PS-262 Genetically Engineered Fusion Proteins for Anti-angiogenesis 강민정, 이재상, Aamna Basheer, 임동우 *, Department of Bionanotechnology, Hanyang University; *Department of BioNano Engineering and Department of Bionanotechnology, Hanyang University 1PS-263 Preparation of Multi-channel Neural Guidance Platform and Axonal Growth Control by Various Factors 강성민, 윤병주, 이경민, 김지영, 고원건, 연세대학교 1PS-264 Surface Modification and Characterization of Biocompatible Inorganic Additives for Biomedical Applications 강은영, 최보규 *, 박우람 *, 김익환 **, 한동근 *, 차의과학대학교 / 고려대학교 ; * 차의과학대학교 ; ** 고려대학교 1PS-265 Fabrication of Functionalized Porous Scaffold for Tissue Engineering 권정훈, 김영진, 대구가톨릭대학교 1PS-266 레티노산첨가를통한도네페질 PLGA 미립구의서방출특성권혁일, 김보연, 신병철, 박정숙 *, 한국화학연구원 ; * 충남대학교 1PS-267 Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Decorated with Prussian Blue and PNIPAm 김건용, 이택승, 충남대학교 24 제 44 권 1 호

28 1PS-268 Guiding Bone Tissue Regeneration Using Silk Fibroin-PGA Hybrid Scaffolds Prepared by Electrospinning and 3D Printing 김귀재, 고영광, 여태균, 곽동민, 권오형, 금오공과대학교 1PS-269 Synthesis and Characterization of Polyethylenimine Cross-linked by Oxidized Lactose for Gene Delivery Systems 김규식, 박재홍, 이경진, 서진아, 김태일, 서울대학교 1PS-270 A Study on the Drug Delivery of Therapeutic Contact Lens 김근희, ( 주 ) 인터로조 1PS-271 Preparation of In-situ Pullulan Hydrogels for Application to an Injectable Hemostatic Agent 김동진, 이지영, 곽동민, 권오형, 금오공과대학교 1PS-272 Polymer Coating to Induce Autologous Tissue Formation on Artificial Vascular Graft 김동학, 정영미 *, 김수현 *, 고려대학교 ; * 한국과학기술연구원 1PS-273 Development of an Artificial α-helical Polypeptide Adjuvant for Dendritic Cell Activation Through cgas-sting Pathway 김문식, 이대용, 김유천, 한국과학기술원 1PS-274 Catechol Functionalized Poly(γ-glutamic acid)/laponite Composite Hydrogel for Tissue Adhesives 김민희, 이지나, 박원호, 충남대학교공과대학 1PS-275 3D Extrusion Bioprinting of Poly(γ-glutamic acid) Based Photo- crosslinkable Hydrogels 김희철, 김민희, 박원호, 충남대학교공과대학 1PS-276 에스시탈로프람 PLGA 미립구주사제의 1- 하이드록시 -2- 나프톤산첨가에따른서방출특성김보연, 권혁일, 신병철, 한국화학연구원 1PS-277 Alginate Based Injectable Hydrogels for Protein Delivery and Bone Repairing 김성한, 이두성, 성균관대학교 1PS-278 The Effect of Bovine Chondrocyte Derived Exosomes on Chondrogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells 김영국, 조혜란, 박범준, 김교범, 인천대학교 1PS-279 Effects of Cross-linking Types on Structural Stabilities and Mechanical Properties of Alginate/Tyramine Hydrogels 김은우, 박원호, 충남대학교 1PS-280 Biomimetic Hydrogel Composite Scaffold having Different Pore Structure for Bone Tissue Engineering 김재우, 김영진, 대구가톨릭대학교 1PS-281 Development and Evaluation of Bioreducible Gene Carrier for Peptide/ Gene Co-delivery 김준수, 홍웅길, 안준혁, 정경원, 나재운, 순천대학교고분자공학과 1PS-282 A Mesoporous Silica Nanocarrier with Dual-Functional Cyclic Peptide for Selective HER2 Targeting and Stimulus-Responsive Gatekeeping 김지원, 이정훈, 오은택 *, 강한솔, 김하경 *, 박헌주 *, 김철희, 인하대학교 ; * 인하대학교의과대학 1PS-283 Polydiacetylene (PDA) Liposome-based Immunosensor for the Detection of Exosomes 김창헌, 이강원, 서울대학교융합과학기술대학원 1PS-284 Tough and Immunosuppressive Titanium-Infiltrated Exoskeleton Matrices for Long-Term Endoskeleton Repair 최승환, 황동수, 포항공과대학교 콜로이드및분자조립부문위원회 1PS-285 Polymeric Nanoparticles Encapsulating Photostable Near-infrared Dye with Enhanced Biocompatibility Under Hyperthermal Irradiation Banyu Firdaus Soeriawidjaja, 곽민석 *, 강민경 *, 김한성 *, 양현경 **, 김종현 ***, Pukyong National University; * 부경대학교화학과 ; ** 부경대학교 LED 융합디스플레이 ; *** 아주대학교분자과학기술학과 1PS-286 Pressure-Induced Fluorescent Enhancement of FAαPbBr 2+ α Composite Perovskites NGUYEN MINH DUONG, 강영종, Hanyang University 1PS-287 Photostable Polymeric Nanoparticle Containing Hydrophobic Lumogen Dye as Cellular Biomarkers 강민경, 김한성, 이태형 *, 허양훈 **, 김영상, 박선주, 진준오 ***, 이창환 *, 곽민석, 부경대학교 ; * 울산대학교의과대학의생명연구소 ; ** 한국기초과학지원연구원 ; *** 영남대학교의생명공학과 1PS-288 M13 박테리오파지의자기조립을통해제조한생체모방인공손금구조체및이를이용한표면주름제어김원근, Vasanthan Devaraj, 홍석원, 오진우, 부산대학교 1PS-289 Light-Responsive Soft Robots: Structure-Property Relations by Control Structures of Molecular Machines in Liquid Crystal Polymers 김재광, 전지수, Sivakumar Rajamanickam*, 김윤호 **, 육지호 *, 위정재 *, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 ; * 인하대학교 ; ** 한국화학연구원 1PS-290 Administration of Functional DNA Nanoparticle for Cancer Immunotherapy 김해주, 곽민석, 진준오 *, 부경대학교화학과 ; * 영남대학교의생명공학과 1PS-291 Electrophoretic Determination of Aggregation Number of Pluronic F127 나즈, 김미진, 곽민석, 부경대학교 1PS-292 Doping Induced Nanowire Growth of Conjugated Polymer 박재현, 이은지, 광주과학기술원 1PS-293 Different Phase Behavior of 18-arm Star-shaped Polystyrene-block- Poly(methyl methacrylate) Copolymers Depending on Degrees of Second Block Initiations 서예성, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 1PS-295 A Three-dimensional Carbon Nanostructure Fabrication Using Block Copolymer Self-assembly Technique for Energy Applications 이건호, 박병준 *, 정연식, KAIST; *KEPCO Research Institute 1PS-296 Preparation of Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles Using a Phospholipid with a Modified Polar Head 이다빈, 박주현, 팜티투이동, 이지원, 전병윤, 구동건, 이용현, 트룽프억록, 알렉스, 정상원, 중앙대학교 1PS-297 Fabrication and Optimization of Dielectrophoretic-based Electrodes for Particle Control 이민지, 구형준, 서울과학기술대학교 1PS-298 Influence of Polyacrylic Acid in the Synthesis of Tungsten-Doped Vanadium Dioxide Nanomaterials 이용현, 구동건, 이다빈, 이지원, 전병윤, 정상원, 알렉스, 트룽프억록, 팜티투이동, 박주현, 중앙대학교 1PS-299 Tungsten Bronze Nanorods and Their Nanocomposites with Polyolefins and Rubbers. 전병윤, 박주현, 이다빈, 이지원, 이용현, 팜티투이동, 트룽프억록, 알렉스, 구동건, 정상원, 중앙대학교 1PS-300 Dynamics of Polymer Thin Films on Different Interface Interaction 조경일, 최기인, 김태호 *, 구자승 **, 한국원자력연구원 ; * 한국기술교육대학교 ; ** 충남대학교 1PS-301 Monodisperse Janus Particles Capable of Phase Compartmentalization and Surface Amphiphilicty 최성호, 명노용, 김영재, 이성재, 수원대학교신소재공학과 1PS-302 Environment Friendly Quantum-Dot Color Filters for UHD Liquid Cystal Displays 최신일, 김경주, 고윤혁 *, PREM PRABHAKARAN, 이광섭 **, 한남대학교대덕밸리캠퍼스 ; * 한양대학교 ; ** 한남대학교대덜밸리캠퍼스 1PS-303 Preparation of PEGlated Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles 팜티투이동, 구동건, 이다빈, 이지원, 전병윤, 정상원, 알렉스, 이용현, 트룽프억록, 박주현, Chung-Ang University 1PS-304 Charge-dependent Cellular Uptake of Spherical Polymeric Nanoparticles 하자윤, 이창환 *, 곽민석, 부경대학교 ; * 울산대학교 1PS-305 Optically Transparent, Thermally Conductive layer Made of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanosheets via Vacuum Filtration Assisted Transfer Printing 한유진, 정연식, KAIST 포스터발표 (II) _ 4월 12일 ( 금 ) (09:00 ~ 10:30) 좌장 : 김정곤, 문홍철 우수논문발표상 (II) 2PS-1 2PS-2 2PS-3 2PS-4 2PS-5 2PS-6 2PS-7 2PS-8 2PS-9 2PS-10 2PS-11 2PS-12 기능성고분자 High Throughput 3D-Printing of Hierarchical Polymer Micromeshes by Laser Direct Writing PREM PRABHAKARAN, Hannam University Directional Thermal Conducting Properties of Uniaxially Aligned Liquid Crystal Polymer 강동규, 고혜윤, 정광운, 전북대학교 Molecular Engineering of Main-Chain Liquid Crystal Elastomers: The Effect of Spacer Length on the Thermal Actuation 궈위엔항, 이지은, 윤형호, 안석균, 부산대학교 F4-TCNQ as a P-type Dopant for Polymer Hole-Transporting Material to Reduce Hysteresis and Improve Stability of Perovskite Solar Cell 권한나, 김동하, 이화여자대학교 Kinetic Effect of Layer by Layer Assembled Polymeric Multilayer on Photoelectrodes 김동석, 김병수 *, 연세대학교 ; * 연세대학교화학과 Synthesis and Characterization of Chemical Containing Polymer Nanoparticles 김윤, 남정석, 김태동, 한남대학교 Interactive Skin Display with Epidermal Stimuli Electrode 김의혁, 박철민, 연세대학교 Template-Assisted 3D Nanostructuring on Carbon Fiber for Fiber Microsupercapacitors 김지수, 송은석, 김성곤, 전북대학교 A Novel Heterocyclic Supramolecular Polyurethane with Excellent Self-healing Properties and Mechanical Properties 김진실, 홍평화, 문경민, 이서윤 *, 강정순 *, 최기원 *, 이성구, 고민재 *, 홍성우, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 한양대학교 In Vitro Three-dimensional Vascularized Lung Cancer-on-a-chip Using Decellularized Lung Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel 김태희, 김수현, 정영미, 한국과학기술연구원 Multifunctional Polysulfide Polymers via Inverse Vulcanization of Sulfur and Allyl Glycidyl Ether: Shape-Memory Effect and Energy Storage Applications 박상우, 정민주, Alexandros Lamprou*, 임지우 **, 손정곤 ***, 차국헌, 서울대학교 ; *BASF; ** 경희대학교 ; *** 한국과학기술연구원 Fabrication of Porous Hydrogels and Their Swelling Kinetics 박시은, 전석진, 금오공과대학교 제 44 권 1 호 25

29 2PS-13 2PS-14 2PS-15 2PS-16 2PS-17 2PS-18 2PS-19 2PS-20 2PS-21 2PS-22 2PS-23 2PS-24 2PS-25 2PS-26 2PS-27 2PS-28 2PS-29 2PS-30 2PS-31 2PS-32 2PS-33 2PS-34 2PS-35 2PS-36 2PS-37 2PS-38 2PS-39 2PS-40 Enhanced Magneto-actuation of Micropillar Arrays and Programmed Liquid Spreading by Tailored Geometry Factors 박정은, 전지수, 위정재, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 Preparation and Characterization of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Microcapsules for Rubber Manufacture 박찬수, 조남주, 부산대학교 Transfer-Printed Arrays of Dewetted Microdroplets for Triboelectric Nanogenerators 박찬호, 박철민, 연세대학교 Preparation and Characterization of Gas-Forming Polyacrylonitrile/ Polymethylmethacrylate/ Methylcyclohexane Nanocapsules for the Detachment of Optical Adhesive Layers 손인태, 이병선, 조치형, 문기태, 황정호 *, 장의윤 *, 유봉현 *, 이준협, 명지대학교화학공학과 ; * 삼성디스플레이 Gel Polymer Electrolytes Using UV Curing For Flexible, High Performance Energy Storages with Enhanced Interfacial Properties of Electrodes- electrolyte 송은석, 김지수, 김성곤, 전북대학교 Electromechanical Behaviors of Electro-active Soft Actuators Based on Ionic Polymer Hydrogels 신예린, 김소연, 충남대학교 Design of Three Color Polymer Dots via Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer for Multi-Color Imaging 염경빈, 정지은, Uddin Mohammad Afsar, 유화숙, 심상희, 우한영, 고려대학교 Synthesis of Polymer Anode with Thiophene Derivative Copolymer for Lithium Secondary Battery 음율, 조남주, 부산대학교 Microstructured Polymer-Ionic Liquid Composite Film for Capacitive Pressure Sensors 이규호, 박철민, 연세대학교 Tailoring Optical Properties of Mid-wavelength Infrared Polarizers via Sulfur Copolymer Arrays 이상연, 이종혁, 위정재, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 Stimuli-responsive Display with a Visual by Organic Light-emitting 이석영, 김의혁, 박철민, 연세대학교 Planar p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells Based on MoO 3/Ts-CuPC Mixed PEDOT:PSS Hybrid Interfacial Layer 이성훈, 채상민, 홍승연, 김효정, 부산대학교 Shape-Deformable Self-Healing Electroluminescence Displays 이승원, 백소연, 박철민, 연세대학교 Impartment of Antibiofouling Properties to Macro and Nanoscale Gold Sufaces by Utilizing Simple Synthesis and Coating Method of Sulfobetainic Zwitterionic Small Molecule 이승주, 이원규, 박지호 *, 이재승, 서지훈, 고려대학교신소재공학부 ; * 서강대학교화학과 Manipulating the Molecular Orientation of Conjugated Polymers for Bilayer OPVs 이아라, 채상민, 홍승연, 이현휘 *, 김효정, 부산대학교 ; * 포항가속기연구소 Light Trapping Enhancement in Perovskite Solar Cells by a Capillary Force Lithography Using Quasi-random Grating Structure 이한빈, 이아라, 채상민, 김효정, 부산대학교 Design of Amine Modified Polymer Dispersants for Liquid-phase Exfoliation of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets and Their Photodetective Applications 이혁중, 박철민, 연세대학교 Preparation and Piezoelectric Properties of PVDF/PAR Sheath-Core Composites Treated with ZnO Surface Coating 임현수, 이유림, 원종성, 이승구, 충남대학교 preparation of Polyurethane/Modified Boron Nitride Composite Having Both Thermal Conductivity and Flame Retardancy 전상열, 조남주 *, 부산대학교 ; * 부산대학교고분자공학과 Photomotility of Quasi-twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Soft Robots 조웅비, 김재광, 전지수, 위정재, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 3D Porous g-c 3N 4 Photocatalyst From Dendritic Fibrous Nanosilica with Cobalt Oxide and Platinum Nanoparticles 조준범, 조경민, 정희태, 한국과학기술원 PLGA-coated UiO-66-NH 2 Enabled with Dual Drug Delivery for Colorectal Cancer Treatment 천내영, 김세나, 류우미, 최영빈, 서울대학교 Near-infrared-triggered Photodynamic Therapy with Multifunctional Upconversion Nanoparticles 최종선, 김소연, 충남대학교 Highly Photoluminescent and Environmentally Stable Perovskite Nanocrystals Templated in Thin Self-assembled Block Copolymer Films 한효원, 정범진, 박철민, 연세대학교 Structural Studies on Sequentially-deposited Ternary Organic Solarcell 홍승연, 채상민, 이아라, 김효정, 부산대학교 Nitrogen Containing PAG Photochemically Induced Singlet Oxygen via New Mechanistic Pathway 홍영주, 김병수, 권태혁 *, 남정승 *, 이채규 *, 이채헌 *, 연세대학교 ; * 울산과학기술원 Concatenation of Helices with Non-uniform Widths 황지수, 전석진, 금오공과대학교 분자전자부문위원회 Synthesis and Photophysical Characterization of Regioisomeric Azaacene Structures 신혜범, 우한영, 고려대학교 2PS-41 2PS-42 2PS-43 2PS-44 2PS-45 2PS-46 2PS-47 2PS-48 2PS-49 2PS-50 2PS-51 2PS-52 2PS-53 2PS-54 2PS-55 2PS-56 2PS-57 2PS-58 2PS-59 N-doped Gallium Nitride as A Cathode Layer for Polymer Solar Cells 안명현, 김종현, 이광재, 김범준, 이상훈, 아주대학교 Studies on Electron Transport Properties of Naphthalene Diimide-based Small Molecules with Different Terminal Groups 오병민, 정수교, 허진혁 *, 임상혁 *, 권오필, 김종현, 아주대학교 ; * 고려대학교 Side Chain Engineering of Polymer Semiconductor for Advancing Colloid Compatibility 유성훈, 송형근 *, 조장환, 권순기 *, 김윤희 *, 정대성, 대구경북과학기술원 ; * 경상대학교 Dual-Function Electrochromic Supercapacitors Displaying Real-Time Capacity in Color 윤태용, 문홍철, 서울시립대학교 ph-controlled PEDOT:PSS for Efficient and Reproducible Efficiency in Inverted Perovskite Photovoltaics 이민지, 왕동환, 장웅식, 김민성, 중앙대학교 Synthesis and Characterization of C 60-based Triads for Single-Component Organic Solar Cells 이영웅, 엽지우 *, 고창우, 김진영 *, 우한영, 고려대학교 ; * 유니스트 Comparison of Thermoelectric Properties of a p-doped Planar CPDT Based Polymer with Various Doping Methods 이예란, 박주형 *, Nguyen Thanh Luan, 곽정훈 *, 우한영, 고려대학교 ; * 서울시립대학교 Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Azaacene Derivatives Based Fluorophores 이윤주, 신혜범, 우한영, 고려대학교용매딥코팅후처리공정에의한폴리티오펜박막의분자결정성증가이정익, 박영돈, 인천대학교 Optoelectronic Properties Control and Additive Process of Small Molecule Synthesized Based on Thieno[3,4-c] Pyrrole-4,6-dione Through Solution Process Route 임지현, 박진균 *, 왕동환, 중앙대학교 ; * 한국외국어대학교 Omnidirectional Polymer Nanohairs Fabricated Under Ambient Condition 전경국, 정우진 *, 김종욱 *, 김태일 *, 김종현, 아주대학교 ; * 성균관대학교 Fully Spray-printed Low-voltage, Flexible Thin-film Transistors and Inverters 조경국, 조영경, 유혜영, 이근형, 인하대학교 Control of The Electrostatic Interaction Between PEDOT and PSS to Improve Thermoelectric Output 주덕현, 김대건, 조길원, 포항공과대학교 High-Performance Ionic Polymer Mechanotransducer for Soft Tactile Feedback 최한빈, 김소영, 김용찬 *, 조창현 *, 이호진 *, 김도환, 한양대학교 ; * 숭실대학교 Thermally Stable and Highly Efficient Organic-inorganic Hybrid Planar Perovskite Solar Cells by Interface Engineering 최현태, 최경원, 김태현, 김도현, 정다솔, 박태호, 포항공과대학교 Simple Color Sensing Circuit Based on Organic Field-effect Transistors Without Color Filters 터르쇼이게르게이, 표승문, Konkuk University Rod-shaped Non-fullerene Acceptors for Organic Photovoltaics 홍승균, 임은희, 경기대학교 Chiral Polymer Hosts for Circularly Polarized Phosphorescence Emission 홍자연, 김창순 *, 유영민, 이화여자대학교 ; * 서울대학교융합과학부 Toward Highly Stable Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) Dopant Materials 황산주, 유영민, 이화여자대학교 자동차용내 외장플라스틱소재 2PS-60 Development of Low-fogging PP Composites for LED Lamp Housing 고정길, 이병호, 이윤환, 박지용, 한화토탈 2PS-61 비파괴정밀분석용 CT 를활용한자동차엔진전장용플라스틱부품분석박한수, 심현석, 차성철, 현대자동차그룹-현대케피코 2PS-62 Development of Lightweight Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) with Thermoexpandable Microcapsules (TEMs) 유민지, 김상민, 박장석, ( 주 ) 대한솔루션 고분자합성 (II) 2PS-63 Synthesis of Flame Retarded Plasticizer by Phosphorus Addition and Plasticization of PVC Containing Those Plasticizers 김종윤, 이강연, 고진석, 고하영, 유영인, 김정호, 수원대학교 2PS-64 Kinetic Studies of Copolymerization of Various Methacrylates by Cu(0)- Mediated Reversible Deactivation Radical Polymerization 김지수, 김명웅, 최종원, 팽기욱 *, 인하대학교 ; * 성균관대학교 2PS-65 Poly(ε-caprolactone)-b-Poly(L-lactic acid) Microspheres via UV Photodegradation and RAFT Polymerization 김태윤, 이소림 *, 이원주, 서봉국, 정일두 *, 한국화학연구원 ; * 부산대학교 2PS-66 Transformation of Core-Shell Structure of Poly(4-vinylphenol)-b- Poly(vinyl alcohol) in Mixed Solvent Systems 김태형, 윤준혁, 김상율, KAIST 2PS-67 Synergistic Effect of Sulfur and Chalcogen Atoms on the Enhanced Refractive Indices of Polyimides 김현일, 유남호, 한국과학기술연구원 2PS-68 Fabrication of TiO 2/SnO 2 Double Layer Coated Polystyrene Microspheres by Using Surface Charge Interaction 김현지, 박현우, 이현정, 국민대학교 26 제 44 권 1 호

30 2PS-69 2PS-70 2PS-71 2PS-72 2PS-73 2PS-74 2PS-75 2PS-76 2PS-77 2PS-78 2PS-79 2PS-80 2PS-81 2PS-82 2PS-83 2PS-84 2PS-85 2PS-86 2PS-87 2PS-88 2PS-89 2PS-90 2PS-91 2PS-92 Synthetic Approach to Produce Poly(ester-amide)s Using Bio-based Diols 김형준, 김무송, 이선호, 안철희, 서울대학교 Study of Monomer Reactivity for Polyphenylene Sulfide Copolymers 김혜정, 정현민, 김지희, 금오공과대학교 Vegetable oil Polypeptide Conjugates and Their Antimicrobial Activity 김호안, 김일, 부산대학교 Designing Bioadhesive by Mussel Inspired Polymers 나행요, 손정선, 최재곤, 조선대학교 Evaluation of Adhesion Properties and Effect of Cation-π Interaction 나행요, 손정선, 최재곤, 조선대학교 Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Janus Core-Shell Bottlebrush Polymer from Branched Multiblock Macromonomers 남지윤, 김정곤 *, 서명은, 한국과학기술원 ; * 전북대학교 Preparation and Characterization of SPIONs Loaded Poly(Ethylene Glycol)- Poly(Aspartic acid) Copolymer as a Cancer Theragnostic Nanocarrier 노강민, 김홍철, 김유경, 허강무, 충남대학교멀티컴포넌트중합기반폴리싸이오아마이드의합성및특성분석노국윤, 이지목, 성준호, 김동균, 김용석, 한국화학연구원 A series of Phenylene Based Polyelectrolytes Were Synthesized form Biphenyl, 2,2 -biphenol and Isatin by Superacid Catalyzed Polyhydroxyalkylation Reaction 류태욱, 스트라다사부찬드라, Ahmed Faiz, 진레이, 윤수진, 장위, 김환기, 건국대학교 Improvement of Thermal Conductivity Using Phase Separation of Polyimide 문관호, 이승우, 윤정, 영남대학교 Extremely Active MAO Free Chromium Catalytic System for Ethylene Tetramerization 문승현, 이분열, 배성문, 아주대학교 Efficient Method of Synthesizing Triblock Copolymer: Peroxide-mediated Carbon-carbon Coupling of Dialkylzinc 박경리, 이종철, 이분열, 아주대학교분자과학기술학과 Bio-inspired Chitosan as an Ultra-low Cell Binding Material for 3D Cell Culture 박경환, 심혜은, 허강무 *, 강선웅, 안전성평가연구소 ; * 충남대학교 Mass-Production of Electrospun Carbon Nanofiber Containing SiO x for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Enhanced Capacity 박교리, 이경진, 문성준, 연지수, 이재영, 김성수, 충남대학교 Fabrication of Functionalized Poly(ethylene glycol) and Application to Crosslinking Agent of Hydrogel 박규은, 이경진, 충남대학교알콕시곁사슬을포함하는열방성액정고분자의합성및전기방사박기태, 이원준, 장진해, 금오공과대학교 Redox-initiated ab Initio RAFT Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene by Amphiphilic Macro RAFT Agent 박미림, 김경호, 이하나 *, 김연지 *, 전흥배 *, 백현종, 부산대학교 ; * 광운대학교 Thermoplatic Poly(ether ester) Elastomers Prepared by Heterogeneous Catalysts 박상우, 김일, 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 Synthesis and Characterization of Gallic Acid Conjugated Glycol Chitosans for Biomedical Applications 박슬기, 엄지환 *, 조우경 *, 허강무 **, 충남대학교 ; * 충남대학교화학과 ; ** 충남대학교고분자공학과 Core Cross-Linked Block Polymer Micelles via Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly 박종민, 안남영, 서명은, 한국과학기술원 Synthesis of Positive-type Photoresist Using PBO with Various End Groups 박주현, 윤정, 신요섭, 이승우, 영남대학교 Soluble Aromatic Polyamides Derived from Unsymmetrical Diamine with Two Trifluoromethyl Groups 변태준, 김선달 *, 정임식 **, 김상율, KAIST; *ADD; **UST Preparation of Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanosphere Using Pentablock Copolymer Templates 선우영, 조은범, 서울과학기술대학교 Optimization of Catalytic Performance of Heterogeneous Catalysts for Suzuki Miyaura Cross-coupling Reaction By Functional Group in Water 소재일, 심상은, Yingjie Qian, 류지형, 이명연, 인하대학교 기능성고분자 (II) 2PS-93 Colorimetric Photothermal Sensing over Wide-Range of Temperatures Using Multicolor Block Copolymer-MoS 2 Nanocomposites 박찬호, 김태완, 이건호, 김동재, Kin Liao*, 김신현, 김범준, KAIST; *Khalifa University 2PS-94 Doxorubicin-incorporated Oxidation Responsive Poly(hydroxyethyl acrylate-co-phenyl vinyl sulfide) Micelle 김태훈, 김진철, 강원대학교 2PS-95 Calcite Morphology Modulated by Metal Ions and Polymers 김학영, 김일원, 숭실대학교 2PS-96 TiO2 가함유된수처리용 PVDF 분리막제조김현국, 양지연, 최동천, 김태순, 서봉국, 김민규 *, 박재형 **, Dharmalingam Sivanesan, 한국화학연구원 ; *( 주 ) 신산 ; ** 동의대학교 2PS-97 Preparation of Carbon-containing, Compressible, Microporous, Polymeric Monoliths That Regulate Macroscopic Conductivity 김혜지, 김형우, 이경민 *, 전남대학교 ; * 서울대학교 2PS-98 Post-functionalized 3D Nanostructure Inverse Opal Membrane by Click Reaction 나환희, 유필진, 성균관대학교 2PS-99 Preparation and Properties of Poly(imide-siloxane) Composite Films with Al 2O 3 Particles 최주영, 남경남, 진승원, 김동민, 송인호, 박형주, 정찬문, 연세대학교 2PS-100 Characterization of Various Phenolic Resins as Spin-on carbon Hardmask Materials 노미소, 이병민, 최재학, 충남대학교 2PS-101 Isosorbide 부산물을이용한응용실험노재국, 박혁민, 송광석, 이재훈, 류훈, 삼양사 2PS-102 Fabrication of Epoxy Containing Cyanate Modified POSS (POSS-Cy) for Moisture Resistance Property 노지영, 임정혁, 김경민, 한국교통대학교 2PS-103 New Functional and Mechanically Strong Hydrogel from Multi-Hydroxy Polyaspartamides Containing Imidazole Group 당궉닷, 김지흥, 성균관대학교 2PS-104 C2 and N3 Substituted Imidazolium Functionalized Poly(arylene ether ketone) Anion Exchange Membrane for Water Electrolysis with Improved Chemical Stability 디엠탐, 김덕준, 성균관대학교 2PS-105 Thermally and Mechanically Durable Double Network Ionogel Electrolyte for Flexible Energy Storage Devices 라나, 박정희, 박호석, 성균관대학교 2PS-106 Complex Gel or Coacervate Formation from Polyaspartamides and Tannic Acid 란윈눡홍랜, 문종렬, 김지흥, Sungkyunkwan University 2PS-107 A Dual Layer of Polymer Electrolyte Membranes With Water Generation at Catalytic/Interfacial Layer for a Self-humidification System 멀리모노허, 김덕준, 성균관대학교 2PS-108 Synthesis of Highly Self-healable and Weatherable Polymers Based on Charge Transfer Complex (CTC) Interaction 문경민, 홍평화, 김진실, 이서윤 *, 강정순 *, 최기원 *, 고민재 *, 이성구, 홍성우, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 한양대학교 2PS-109 Highly Soluble Fluorous Alkyl Ether-tagged Imaging Materials for the Photo-patterning of Organic Light-emitting Devices 박근우, 이진균, 인하대학교 2PS-110 Synthesis of Polyimide Hollow Nanopartcles for Low Dielectric Constant Applications 박금환, 김소연, 송예슬, 전자부품연구원 2PS-111 Lipid nanoparticles Loaded with Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam Extract with Anti-inflammatory Activity 박석호, 김진철, 강원대학교 2PS-112 Porous Air Filters With Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Characteristics for Removal of Particulate Matters (PM2.5) 박솔, 최원산, 한밭대학교 2PS-113 Mechanically Robust Superhydrophobic Surfaces for Easy Removal of Pollutants 박연희, 임호선, 숙명여자대학교 2PS-114 A Conducting Microfiber Comprising Graphene/Silver Nanowires in an Agarose Matrix with Fast Humidity Sensing Ability 박예진, 구형준, 서울과학기술대학교 2PS-115 All-lignin-based Flexible Supercapacitor with Lignin Electrode and Electrolyte 박정희, 라나, 박호석, 성균관대학교 2PS-116 Characteristics of UV-cured Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Coating Depending on Type Of Inorganic Sol 박지현, 송지은, 임민지, 김형일, 충남대학교 2PS-117 Synthesis of P(EDOT/Ani):PSS Composites for Application in Heat Shielding Window 박찬일, 임소은, 김주영, 도민석, 김중현, 연세대학교 2PS-118 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Detection Based on FRET Particulate System with Trehalose Analogs 박채원, 김명훈, 임종우, 박근선, 함승주, 연세대학교 2PS-119 Highly Deformable Block Copolymer Structural Color Capacitive Sensor 박태현, 강한솔, 어홍규, 박철민, 연세대학교 2PS-120 Preparation of Activated Carbon Monolith with Kenaf Fiber 박한율, 윤태호 *, 송경헌, 배재대학교 ; *GIST 2PS-121 Preparation and Property Study of Poly(imide-siloxane) Copolymers 최주영, 박형주, 진승원, 남경남, 김동민, 송인호, 정찬문, 연세대학교 2PS-122 Carboxylic Acid Functionalized 3D SERS Architecture for Protein Label- free Detection 박형준, 조승희, 정연식, KAIST 2PS-123 Light-induced Wringing Asymmetric Macrogelator by Photoisomerizable Azobenzene 방극천, 최유진, 정광운, 전북대학교 2PS-124 Normally Transparency Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Mode Using the Synthesis of Waterborne Polyurethanes 배지홍, 지찬혁, 임원빈, 김병주, 허필호, 부산대학교 2PS-125 Capacitive Pressure Sensing Electroluminescent Displays with Micropatterned Ionic Gels 백소연, 이승원, 박철민, 연세대학교 2PS-126 Study on the Surface Hydrophobic Properties of Fluorinated Polysilazane Derived from Perhydropolysilazane 백정주, 신교직, 최경호, 장기철, 송광식, 김영훈, 한국생산기술연구원 2PS-127 Spatially Ordered Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Fibril Nanostructures via Controlled Evaporative Self-Assembly 변명환, 계명대학교 제 44 권 1 호 27

31 2PS-128 Dual Sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone) Membrane Grafted with 15- crown-5-ether for Enhanced Proton Conductivity and Anti-oxidation Stability 보딘공딘, 김덕준, 성균관대학교 2PS-129 3D Bio Polybutylene Succinate Electrospun Nanofiber Scaffolds for Biomimetic Structure 비샬가반데, 이원기, Pukyong National University 2PS-130 Free-Standing, Elastic, Thermoresponsive Gels Visually Indicating Thermal Status through Changes in Optical Properties Induced by Phase Transition 서동규, 문홍철, 서울시립대학교 2PS-131 The Fabrication of PSPI for Semiconductor Using Monomer Containing Hydroxyl Group 송광식, 장기철, 김영훈, 백정주, 최경호, 신교직, 한국생산기술연구원 2PS-132 Effect of Additives Upon Freezing Points of Smart Window Thermochromiccoating Solution for Available in Winter 송민우, 박상휘, 송정섭, 유중환, 케이엔더블유 (KNW) 2PS-133 Development of Selective Chemocapacitive Sensor Arrays for Chemical Warfare Agents 송선구, 송창식 *, 오창석 *, 김현우 *, 성균관대학교 ; * 성균관대학교화학과 2PS-134 Stretchable Aqueous Batteries for Wearable Electronics 송우진, 박수진, 포항공과대학교 2PS-135 Intrinsically Microporous Polymer-Based Hierarchy Nanostructured Porous Electrodes for High Performance Supercapacitors 송은석, 이승민, 신주비, 김태호 *, 김병각 *, 김성곤, 전북대학교 ; * 한국화학연구원 2PS-136 Preparation and Properties of Porous Polyimide via Pickering High Internal Phase Emulsions Using Polyimide Particles 송인호, 김동민, 최주영, 진승원, 남경남, 박형주, 정찬문, 연세대학교 2PS-137 Comparison of Properties of Environment-friendly Pressure-sensitive Adhesives Depending on Emulsifier Type 송지은, 박지현, 임민지, 김형일, 충남대학교 2PS-138 Enhanced Modified Agarose hydrogels with Resveratrol for Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Regeneration 신명은, 김원경, 김진수, 강길선, 전북대학교 2PS-139 Enzyme Activatable Fluorogenic Hydrogel Lens Sensor 신무광, 지용우 *, 강병훈, 문채은 *, 진우석, 기지선, 이효, 문병걸, 이형근 *, 함승주, 연세대학교 ; * 연세대학교안과학교실 2PS-140 Textile Patterns for Wearable Triboelectric Sensors Based on Sewing Machine Stitching of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Fibers 신영은, 이정은, 박유정, 채한기, 고현협, 울산과학기술원 2PS-141 Aqueous Polysulfide-ene Polymerization for Sulfur-Rich Nanoparticles and Their Use in Heavy Metal Ion Remediation 신혁수, 김지희 *, 김도완, Nguyen Huu Viet*, 이상욱 *, 한승희 *, 임지우 **, 차국헌, 서울대학교 ; *GIST; ** 경희대학교 2PS-142 Development of Retinol Formulation with Improved Stability Using Polymeric Micelle Nanoparticles 안주영, 조선행 *, 양희선 **, 소민섭 **, 한국화학연구원 / 고려대학교 ; * 한국화학연구원 ; ** 한국화학연구원 / 충남대학교 2PS-143 Synthesis of New Conjugated Polymers with Cyano Substituent for Polymer Solar Cells 양문호, 김주현 *, 장동욱 **, 부경대학교 ; * 부경대학교고분자공학과 ; ** 부경대학교공업화학과 2PS-144 Liquid Crystal Physical Gels by Hierarchical Superstructures for Rewritable and Electric-responsive Optical Device 양승철, 정광운, 전북대학교 2PS-145 Macroscopic Bending Behavior of Ovalbumin-Responsive Bilayer Actuator with Molecularly Imprinted Hydrogel and Polyethylene Terephthalate 양진철, 박진영, 경북대학교 2PS-146 Reductive Cleavage of the Azobenzene: An Opportunity for the Development of Colon-specific Drug Delivery Approaches 엄태준, 방준하, Anzar Khan, 고려대학교 2PS-147 Photo-induced Proton Transfer Polymerization: Synthetic Robust Tool for Patterning Hydrogels 여현기, Anzar Khan, 고려대학교 2PS-148 Sustainable, Naringenin-based Thermosets Show Shape Memory Effect and Enable Modular Recycling 오유리, 김형우, 전남대학교 2PS-149 Evaluation and Optimization of Smectic Host-Guest Coatable Polarizer 오은체, 안희영, Rui He, 이명훈, 전북대학교 2PS-150 Enhancement of Thermal Properties of Epoxy Vitrimer Using Various Catalyst 오창준, 원성희, 강영종, 한양대학교 2PS-151 Polyaspartamide Encapsulated Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Magnetic Hyperthermia 원민프엉, 김덕준, 성균관대학교 2PS-152 고불소화단분자포토레지스트및고불소화바인더의개발과고불소계용제를이용한포지티브형의패턴제작원종인, 이진균, 인하대학교 2PS-153 Preparation and Characterization of Rubbery Binder for Li-S Battery 유가연, 조미숙, 이영관, 성균관대학교 2PS-154 Antifouling and Bactericidal Copolymers Containing Nature-derived Antibacterial Cardanol and Zwitterionic Moieties 육진솔, 김진석, 이시영, 김나경 *, 이종찬, 서울대학교 ; *Pennsylvania State University (PSU) 2PS-155 ABC Triblock Copolymer-based Nanostructures 윤광한, 최수빈, 이동익, 김승현, 인하대학교 2PS-156 Synthesis of SPEs with Fluorosulfonyl Imide Groups and Anion Polymer Structure Used by Lithium Ion Batteries 윤수진, 류태욱, 진레이, 이승찬, WEI ZHANG, 최인환, 김환기, Konkuk University 2PS-157 Photopolymerized Lyotropic Liquid Crystal monomer Uniaxially Oriented for Construction of Multifunctional Optical Thin Films 윤원진, 정광운, 전북대학교 2PS-158 Enhancement of Electro-optic Properties of Automatic Multi-domain Vertical Alignment of Liquid Crystal with Pretilt Angles 윤원진, 정광운, 전북대학교 2PS-159 Sensitive Multiplexed Immunoassay Using SiO 2@GNP with MEF Effect in Shape-coded Hydrogel 이경민, 홍혜진, 김세민, 김지영, 고원건, 연세대학교 2PS-160 Thioxanthene-Based Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitter Triggered by Magnetic Field 신흥섭, 장희재, PREM PRABHAKARAN, 이광섭, 한남대학교 2PS-161 Potassium Homeostasis-disturbing Polypeptide Induced ER Stress- mediated Apoptosis 이대용, 김유천, 김문식, 한국과학기술원 2PS-162 Excited-State Dynamics Study of Ternary Blend Organic Solar Cells Containing a Low-Bandgap Non-Fullerene Acceptor 이동기, 이한솔, 최욱진, 박찬의, 조길원, 포항공과대학교 2PS-163 Polyurethane-silica Hybrid Foam for Thermal Insulation 이동익, 최수빈, 윤광한, 김승현, 인하대학교 2PS-164 Preparation of EDTA-immobilized Fiber by Electron Beam Irradiation for Transition Metal Adsorption 이두연, 전준표, 한국원자력연구원 고분자가공 / 복합재료 (II) 2PS-165 자동차크래쉬패드의친환경소재적용성연구곽성복, 이재용 *, 김승호 *, 우민서 **, 덕양산업수원연구소 ; * 덕양산업 ; ** 피유시스 2PS-166 자동차내장부품의경량화연구곽성복, 주상률 *, 이재용 *, 덕양산업수원연구소 ; * 덕양산업 2PS-167 The Preparation of Polymer Composites/ZnO Nanorod for the Piezoelectric Nanogenerators 김은혜, 김현기, 조덕수, 김지숙, 김성수, 경희대학교 2PS-168 Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Gypsum/PBAT Composites 김인태, 공태웅 *, 김인선 **, 형태경 ***, 최겸우 ****, 오정석, 경상대학교 ; * 경상대학교, 전남테크노파크 ; ** 남해화학 ( 주 ); *** 포토캠스 ; **** 제이에스테크 2PS-169 Potassium Titanate 의유기화에따른고분자컴포지트의특성변화김정욱, 구보람, 문형진, 남기동, 김재익, 류승훈, 경희대학교 2PS-170 Fabrication of Quercetin Nanoparticle Dispersion by Nanoprecipitation 김정은, 이종휘, 중앙대학교 2PS-171 Evaluation of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Novel Pulp Powder/ Polypropylene Composites 김정호, 조동환, 하창훈, 이희숙, 금오공과대학교 2PS-172 PVA 와 OH기를가진폴리이미드를이용한멤브레인김종원, 신현일, 장진해, 금오공과대학교 2PS-173 Thick Graphene Film with Co-continuous Nano-channels for a Separator on Li-S Battery 김준, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 2PS-174 Durability Test Using Bending of Large-area Flexible OLED 김지선, 김해숙, 라하나, 김성수 *, 경희대학교디스플레이부품, 소재 RIC; * 경희대학교 2PS-175 Highly Transparent Conductors Based on the Dewetting Phenomenon of Thin Liquid Film by a Microliter-scale Solution Process 김진, 유진선, 장석태, 중앙대학교 2PS-176 A Study on the Preparation of Sound Absorbing Materials with Improved Thermal Insulation Containing Aerogels Applicable to Engine Encapsulation and Their Physical Properties 김진미, 박장석, 대한솔루션 2PS-177 Cu-xGnP 의함량에따른폴리카보네이트복합체의열전도도및기계적특성김진섭, 윤관한 *, 이영실 **, 금오공과대학교 ; * 금오공과대학교화학공학과 ; ** 금오공과대학교산학협력단 2PS-178 Dopamine Receptor Conjugated-nanohybrids Field-effect Transistor for Discriminating Dopamine Receptor D1 Agonism and Antagonism 김진영, 변승아, 권오석, 한국생명공학연구원 2PS-179 Modification of Barium Titanate(BaTiO 3) Using PVP and Their Analysis 김태희, 임한휘, 이영관 *, 김백진, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 성균관대학교 2PS-180 Calcination of Nanoparticles on Their XRD Pattern And Dielectric Constant 김태희, 임한휘, 이영관 *, 김백진, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 성균관대학교 2PS-181 Effect of PEDOT:PSS Condition on the Performance of Flexible Perovskite Light-emitting Diodes 김해숙, 라하나 *, 김지선 *, 김성수 **, 김영철 **, 경희대학교디스플레이부품소재지역혁신센터 ; * 경희대학교디스플레이부품소재지역혁신센터 ; ** 경희대학교 2PS-182 The Piezoelectric Nanogenerators Based on Formamidinium Lead Halide Perovskite-polymer Composites 김현기, 김은혜, 김지숙, 조덕수, 김성수, 경희대학교 2PS-183 Synthesis of 3D Interconnected Porous Carbon/Polyaniline Nanocomposites for High-performance Supercapacitors 김현진, 박원철, 서울대학교 2PS-184 Filler 종류에따른 PPS/Filler Compound 남기동, 김재익, 구보람, 류승훈, 김정욱, 경희대학교 28 제 44 권 1 호

32 2PS-185 Highly Oxygen-adsorptive, Ultrathin Microporous Nitrogenous Carbon Coated on the Graphene and Its High-performance Electrocatalysis for Oxygen Reduction Reaction 남준식, 박지웅, 광주과학기술원 2PS-186 The Effect of Crystallinity at the Dielectric Breakdown Strength According to the Cooling Rate for Insulating Layer of Cable 남채윤, 염용식, 윤호규, 고려대학교 2PS-187 Eco-friendly PLA Microbeads for Cosmetics via Melt-electrospraying 남형찬, 박원호, 충남대학교 2PS-188 An Empirical Study of the Role of Interfacial Tension in Liquid/Liquid Interface During Spontaneous Spreading Phenomenon of the Polymer Solution 노종현, 이정용, 한국과학기술원 2PS-189 Reshaping of Triangular Silver Nanoplates for Temperature Indicator 데이비드, 김문호, 부경대학교 2PS-190 Control of Surface Defects for Highly Efficient Quasi-2D Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes Using Passivation Layer 라하나, 김해숙, 김지선, 김성수, 김영철, 경희대학교 2PS-191 Fabrication and Characterization of Thermoelectric Nanofibers Derived from Polyacrylonitrile and Transition Metal Oxide Precursors 류경문, 정영규, 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 2PS-192 Chemical and Physical Properties of Epoxy-solidifications 류성곤, 장미숙, 노경용, 강현식, 김성래, ( 주 ) 뉴클리어엔지니어링 2PS-193 Phosphorylcholine Surface Modified Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Sustained Drug Release 리야수드힌네치카투, 박성수, 하창식, 부산대학교 2PS-194 Rational Design of Thermoresponsive (p-nipam)/mcm-41 and their Decoration with Bimetallic Ag-Pd Nanoparticles for Dehalogenation Reaction 리피카라우트, 박성수, 아난두모한, 하창식, 부산대학교 2PS-195 Chain-Like Au/TiO2 Nanoparticle Assemblies for Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue 메레타, 유성일, 부경대학교 2PS-196 Super Aligned Carbon Nanotube Composite Materials with Polyurethane Based Crosslinking Molecules 문숙영, 정승필 *, 류성우 **, 김우식 ***, 한국과학기술연구원 ; * 한국과학기술연구원 / 수원대학교 ; ** 수원대학교 ; *** 한국세라믹기술원 2PS-197 Catechol-Containing Additive with High Adhesion for Silicon Adhesives 문준수, 방준하, 허윤, 박지훈, 고려대학교 2PS-198 Study on Lithium Ion Conductivity in Films of MXene (Ti 3C 2T x) Hollow Shells Fabricated via PMMA Spheres 민규덕, 유필진, 성균관대학교 2PS-199 High Thermally Conductive Epoxy Composite Inks for 3D Printing Technology 박기태, 김병국, 이명훈, 전북대학교 2PS-200 Enhanced Singlet Oxygen Generation Ability via Ancillary Ligand Tuning of Iridium Complexes 박민규, 권태혁, 울산과학기술원 2PS-201 A Comparative Study on Various Properties of Recycled Polypropylene Composites Reinforced with either Bamboo or Kenarf Fiber 하창훈, 박병수, 조동환, 금오공과대학교 2PS-202 Enhancement of Light Extraction Efficiency in Organic Light-emitting Diodes using Nanoparticle-embedded Hole Transport Layers 박성빈, 김용현, 부경대학교 2PS-203 Functionalized Hollow Mesoporous Silica for Anticancer Drug Delivery 박성수, 공정원, 하창식, 부산대학교고분자공학과 2PS-204 가교촉진제와카본블랙의함량이 NR고무의가교밀도및가교구조에미치는영향분석박재우, 김도영, 이동원 *, 강동국 **, 서관호, 경북대학교 ; *PCK; ** 평화오일씰 2PS-205 Analysis of Flow in Two-layer Slot Coating of Battery Slurry by Microchannel Experiment 박정원, 남재욱, 서울대학교 2PS-206 Fucntionalized Graphene Oxide Filled Polya, ide-6 Nanocomposites with Enhanced Mecahmical Properties 박준영, 윤근병 *, 손나래 *, 류현민 *, 경북대학교응용화학공학부 ; * 경북대학교고분자공학과 2PS-207 Improvement of Cycle Performance of Organic Cathode for Li-ion Battery Using CNT 박지혜, 박선화, 신호선, 한국표준과학연구원 2PS-208 N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands Conjugated with Nanohybrids for Biosensors 박철순, 노선명, 권오석, 한국생명공학연구원 2PS-209 Covalently Attached Graphene-TiO 2 Hybrid Nanomaterials for High Efficient Photocatalyst 박혜지, 박다원, 박재형, 동의대학교 2PS-210 Preparation of Shape Memory Polymers Based on Covalent Adaptable Networks 반유정, 권용구, 인하대학교 2PS-211 Effective Functionalization Mesoporous Materials for Transparent Coating and Organic Dye Adsorption 사르와난, 박성수, 전유빈, 하창식, 부산대학교 2PS-212 Uniformly Aligned Composite Crystals with Drugs via Controlled Solvent Evaporation 서지원, 이종휘, 중앙대학교 2PS-213 Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Carbon Fiber/ABS Composites Produced Using Extruded and I-type LFT Carbon Fiber/ABS Pellets 서지한, 이희숙, 조동환, 금오공과대학교 2PS-214 Epoxy/ZIF-8 Nanocomposites for Enhanced Supression of Copper Ion Migration 서흔영, 염용식, 조계룡 *, 윤호규, 고려대학교 ; *Texas A&M University 고분자구조및물성 (II) 2PS-215 Conformational Behavior of Dendronized Polymers: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach 박지훈, 방준하, 허준, 고려대학교 2PS-216 Efficient Molecular Design for Highly Conductive and Flexible Semiconductors: Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Regioblock Copolymers 박현정, 마부수, 김진성, 김영권, 김택수, 김범준, KAIST 2PS-217 Thermal Stability and Structure of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles Blends 박혜린, 김들, 전민기, 신문렬, 최지훈, 충남대학교 2PS-218 Electrospinnability of Glycidyl Methacrylate (GMA) Modified Silk Fibroin 배수빈, 박원호, 김민희, 충남대학교 2PS-219 여러가지 Polystyrene 공중합체에의한아스팔텐분산성향상김준섭, 송기철, 조선대학교 2PS-220 Controlling Hierarchical Layered Structure of Au Nanoparticle within Block Copolymer Particles 쉬멍, 윤홍석, Kin Liao*, 김범준, 한국과학기술원 ; *Khalifa University 2PS-221 Synthesis and Properties of Cellulose/KC(K-carrageenan) Double Network Hydrogels 심재민, 강지선, 민진홍, 최지원, 조연주, 윤석일, 상명대학교 2PS-222 Directed Self-Assembly of Symmetric Block Copolymers in Thin Films on Soft Grating Patterns 심중섭, 김경희, 박희정, 이동현, 단국대학교 2PS-223 Enhanced Out-Coupling Efficiency of Quantum Dot Light Emitting Devices Using Nanoporous Templates 안재우, 민수홍, 이동현, 단국대학교 2PS-224 Xanthan Gum Binder 를이용한 Copper Paste 의 Screen Printing 거동과유변학적성질간의상관관계안주환, 윤관한, 이영실 *, 금오공과대학교 ; * 금오공과대학교산학협력단 2PS-225 Synchrotron Small Angle X-ray Scattering and Its Applications for Polymer Science 안형주, 김혜지, 포항가속기연구소 2PS-226 Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/Tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (P3HT/TPFB) Blends Based Organic Field-effect Transistor Ammonia Gas Sensor 알렘아라야메레사, 김선주, 중앙대학교 2PS-227 Electrical Properties Improvement of Organic Semiconducting Polymers by Adjusting Shearing Force Within Eutectic System 엄상원, 최진우, 권예진, 강영종, 한양대학교 2PS-228 Studies of Photo-curable Adhesive Behavior of Acrylate Oligomer and Monomer Mixtures 왕혁식, 이승혁, 부석형, 송기국, 경희대학교 2PS-229 Measurement of Degree of Crystallization of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Thin Film via Surface Wrinkling-based Estimation Methods 유성수, 유필진, 성균관대학교 2PS-230 Small Angle Scattering Study on Static and Dynamic Behaviors of Catechol Modified Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels 유정주, 손대원 *, 한국원자력연구원 ; * 한양대학교 2PS-231 냉동용 Stretch Film 제조를위한 LLDPE 의 Comonomer 조성비와분자량에따른 Tg 거동분석및물성연구이민수, 허양일, 김정철 *, 전남대학교 ; * 한국생산기술연구원 2PS-232 Acoustic Properties of Polymers in High Pressure Studied by Brillouin Spectroscopy 이병완, 고재현 *, 정용채 **, 성균관대학교 ; * 한림대학교 ; ** 한국과학기술연구원 2PS-233 Additive-Induced Elongation of Shape Anisotropic Block Copolymer Particles 이성한, 신재만, 김범준, KAIST 2PS-234 편광적외선분광법을이용한무배향막자기조립성액정혼합물의배향연구이승혁, 왕혁식, 조민기, 송기국, 경희대학교 2PS-235 Shape Controlled, Monodisperse Block Copolymer Particles through Particle Restructuring by Solvent Engineering 이영준, 신재만, 구강희, 이준혁, Kin Liao*, 김범준, KAIST; *Khalifa University 2PS-236 Fabricate New 3D Metal Structure from Vertical Oriented Poly(2-vinyl pyridine)-block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) copolymer Thin Film 이재용, 최청룡, Avnish Kumar Mishra, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 2PS-237 Preparation and Characterization of Regenerated Silk Fibroin Hydrogel via Long-term Acidification 이현지, 이기훈, 김정수, 전경화, 김지환, 서울대학교 2PS-238 Fabrication of Droplets for Biosensor Based on Interpenetrating Polymer Network with Photonic Droplet from Reactive Cholesteric Liquid Crystal and Enzyme-immobilized Hydrogel Polymer 임지숙, 박수영, 경북대학교 2PS-239 장이론모사법을이용한선형 AB 와 ABC 블록공중합체및그혼합계의삼중주기적나노구조의안정화연구자오밍거, 리샹, 조준한, 단국대학교고분자공학과 분자전자부문위원회 (II) 2PS-240 Preparation and Characterization of Spirobifluorene-based Hole-transporting Material for Highly Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells 전남중, 나혜진, 정의혁, 이재민, 서장원, 한국화학연구원 제 44 권 1 호 29

33 2PS-241 Versatile Colorimetric Sensing of Volatile Organic Compound, Ethylamine, Using an Isoindoline Dye under Solution, Film, and Dyed Textile 노하림, 오병민, 김종현, 아주대학교 2PS-242 High Performance Green Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes by Employing Anthracene and Napthylpyridine-based Novel Electron Transporting Materials 라자쿠마레즌, 박호열 *, 제갈영순 **, 진성호 *, 부산대학교화학소재학과 ; * 부산대학교 ; ** 경일대학교 2PS-243 Synthesis and Photovoltaic Properties of Thienyl-thieno-indole and Bithiophene-dicarboximide Based Conjugated Polymers 멍링신, 이혜현 *, 김주애 *, 서홍석 *, 부산대학교화학과 ; * 부산대학교 2PS-244 Syntheses of Polymers including DTBT as Electron Withdrawing Unit and TI as Electron Donating Unit for Organic Solar Cells 멍링신, 이혜현 *, 서홍석 *, 부산대학교화학과 ; * 부산대학교 2PS-245 Synthesis and Photolithographic Characterization of Novel Phenolic Molecular Resist with High Glass Transition Temperature 문정석, 오현택, 이진균, 인하대학교 2PS-246 Rapid Crystallization of Perovskite Films with High Efficiency for Perovskite Solar Cell 문찬수, 염경문 *, 서장원, 한국화학연구원 ; * 고려대학교 2PS-247 Control of Ambipolar Charge Transport by Changing Fluorine Substitution Position in Isoindigo-based Conjugated Polymers for High Performance Organic Field-Effect Transistors 박상아, 김민준, 박성진, 최예림, 민지현, 박태호, POSTECH 2PS-248 One-pot Polymerization of a Fully Conjugated Copolymer Bearing Donor and Acceptor Blocks and High Power Conversion Efficiency Over 5.0% in Single Component Active Layer-Polymer Solar Cells 박수홍, 박창근, 김영서, 김형종, 정철훈, 권나연, 이지혜, 조민주, 박성남, 최동훈, 고려대학교 2PS-249 Molecular Design Strategy Toward Robust Organic Dyes in Thin-Film Photoanode 박준혁, 권태혁, UNIST 2PS-250 Side Chain Engineering of Benzodithiophene-based Donor Polymer for Highly Efficient All-Polymer Solar Cells 박진수, 최나연, 김범준, KAIST 2PS-251 Enantioselective Graphene-Based Chemical Sensors Prepared via Chiral Functionalization 박철희, Xiaobo Shang, 정관영 *, 곽상규 *, 오준학, 서울대학교 ; *UNIST 2PS-252 Solution-Based Synthesis of CuI for Transparent and Foldable Thermoelectric Generator 배은진, 강영훈, 이창진, 조성윤, 한국화학연구원 2PS-253 Effects of Bulky Substituent on the Phosphorescence Properties of Homoleptic Iridium(III) Complexes 백창현, 최민수, 김진형, 김소연, 조대원, 강상욱, 손호진, 고려대학교 2PS-254 Highly Efficient Photocatalytic CO 2 Reduction of Ternary Hybrid System (Ir(III)/TiO 2/ReP) through Electronic Structure Control of Cationic Ir-Complexes 백창현, 이대한, 김필수, 강상욱, 손호진, 고려대학교 2PS-255 Lewis Acid-base Adduct Type Organic Hole Transporting Material for High Performance and Air Stable Perovskite Solar Cells 비라무루간아리부니티, 사리팔리수다커레디, 제갈영순 *, 진성호, 부산대학교 ; * 경일대학교 2PS-256 Highly Efficient Flexible Organic Solar Cells on PEDOT and ITO Free Transparent Electrodes 서기원, 이정용, 한국과학기술원 2PS-257 Hybrid Electron-collecting Buffer Layers with Nanocrater Morphology for High Efficiency Polymer: Nonfullerene Solar Cells 서주역, 박지수, 이새봄, Donal D.C. Bradley*, 김화정, 김영규, 경북대학교 ; *University of Oxford 2PS-258 Small- Molecule Solar Cells Incorporating a Fullerene or Nonfullerene Acceptor 성민재, 홍지수 *, 박찬언 *, 안태규 **, 김윤희, 권순기, 경상대학교 ; * 포항공과대학교 ; ** 한국교통대학교 2PS-259 Effect of the Size of Organic Spacers on the Crystallinity and Carrier Recombination in 2D/3D Hybrid Formamidinium Perovskite Solar Cell 송성원, 조길원, 포항공과대학교 2PS-260 Efficient Ionic Conjugated Polyacetylene-based Derivatives for High Performance Organic Solar Cell 신동진, 제갈영순 *, 진성호 **, 부산대학교화학소재학과연구실 ; * 경일대학교 ; ** 부산대학교 2PS-261 Acid(g)/Base(g)-controlled Reversible Δν1/2 of Absorption Spectrum of a Squarylium Dye 신소정, 노하림, 오병민, 김종현, 아주대학교 2PS-262 Impact of Substitue Keto-Functionalized Side-Chains for Imide- Functionalized Side-Chain on the Pyrrole Backbone of 2,5-Bis (2-thienyl)Pyrrole-Based Polymers for Organic Solar Cells 신인수, Vellaiappillai Tamilavan, 김단비, 양현석, Pesi Mwitumwa Hangoma, Liu Yanliang, 이보람, 박성흠, 부경대학교 2PS-263 Effects of Chemical Treatment of Substrate on Surface Polymerization of Conducting Polymers 신재환, 김선주, 중앙대학교 2PS-264 Full Color Printed Passive Matrix Image Sensor Fabricated by Electrohydrodynamic Jet Printing Process 심규민, 정대성, 대구경북과학기술원 2PS-265 Halogenated and Non-halogenated Processing Solvents with Impact of Molecular Weight of New π-conjugated Polymer Donor and Non- fullerene Acceptor for Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells 아르얄움칸타, 진현정, 제갈영순 *, 진성호, 부산대학교 ; * 경일대학교 2PS-266 Influence of Phosphine Oxide containing Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Ancillary Ligands on Solution-Process Phosphorescence Organic Light-Emitting Diode Efficiency and Life Time 아티싼마헤쉬와란, 쉬리비자야고팔란, 김혜인, 제갈영순 *, 진성호, 부산대학교 ; * 경일대학교 2PS-267 Charge Carrier Transport Analysis of Mixed-Halide Perovskite Using Lateral Photovoltaic Devices 양석주, 송성원, 조길원, 포항공과대학교 2PS-268 Effects of the Linker Unit In Naphthalene-diimide-based Small Molecules on Device Performances of Organic Field-effect Transistors 오종규, 하연희 *, 박세진 **, 권순기 *, 김윤희 *, 안태규 **, 장재영, 한양대학교 ; * 경상대학교 ; ** 한국교통대학교 2PS-269 Balancing the Concentrations of Redox Species to Improve Electrochemiluminescence by Tailoring the Symmetry of the AC voltage 오환, 문홍철, 서울시립대학교 2PS-270 Conjugated Polyelectrolytes as Efficient Hole Transport Layers in Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 유종카이, 이보람, 부경대학교 2PS-271 Moving Branching Point of Side Chain in Naphthalene Diimide-Based Polymers for Enhancing Electron Mobility and All-PSCs Performance 유호선, 김선주 *, 김범준, KAIST; * 중앙대학교 2PS-272 Rational Strategy for Optimizing Electrical Conductivity of P3HT for Thermoelectric Applications 윤상은, 전경국, 김종현, 아주대학교 2PS-273 Effects of N-doping on Hard Carbon Anode for Improving Rate Performance of Alkali-ion Battery 윤승욱, 이유영, 진형준, 인하대학교 2PS-274 Diketopyrrolopyrrole Based Conjugated Polymer for Near-Infrared Photodetector Applications 은형주, 강영권 *, 이대운, 박재홍 *, 김봉기 *, 김종현, 아주대학교 ; * 건국대학교 2PS-275 New Developed Pyrrolopyridine Based Copolymers for Organic Solar Cells 이경석, 신희정 *, 이상봉 **, 최효성 *, 김윤희 **, 경상대학교유기반도체재료연구실 ; * 한양대학교 ; ** 경상대학교 2PS-276 Triplet Energy Transfer Between a Sacrificial PMP and Blue TPF2 Iridium Dopants Leading to Enhancement of OLED Device Performance 이대한, 나수원, 김소연, 김진형, 이승준, 김철훈, 강상욱, 손호진, 고려대학교 2PS-277 Random Donor-Acceptor Configuration Structure of Semiconducting Polymer for Flexible, Efficient and Green-solvent Processable Solar Cells 이대환, 김태완, 김태현, 최예림, 민지현, 박태호, 포항공과대학교 2PS-278 AgNPs anchored M13 Bacteriophage for Photovoltaic Enhancement in Organic Solar Cells 이미소, 강재욱, 전북대학교 2PS-279 Efficient and Stable Polymer Solar Cell Through the Iridium Complex Additive 이민수, 권태혁, 울산과학기술원 의료용고분자부문위원회 (II) 2PS-280 The Structural Stability and Biocompatibility of 3D Gelatin Scaffolds by Cross-linking Method 최동진, 이보미, 박상준, 정석 *, 김천호, 한국원자력의학원 ; * 고려대학교 2PS-281 Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrogen Peroxide Sensitive Diselenide Compound 이은선, 조휘문, 박상준, 김용희 *, 김천호, 한국원자력의학원 ; * 한양대학교 2PS-282 Hybrid System of ph-responsiveness with Polymer Backbones and DNA Moieties 김혜진, 오승수, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 2PS-283 Effect of Enhanced Mechanical Augmentation Using Alginate-graphene Oxide Composite Hydrogel for Rotator Cuff Tendon Repair 김훈민, 최진현, 윤종필 *, 경북대학교 ; * 경북대학교병원 2PS-284 Contact Lens Containing Cyclosporine Loaded Cholesteryl-Hyaluronic Acid Micelle for Dry Eye Syndrome 문종환, 한세광, 포항공과대학교 2PS-285 Advanced Transarterial Chemoembolization Using Magnetic Janus Microparticles with Anti-Angiogenetic Drugs for Liver Cancer 민남기, 조수정 *, 박우람 **, 김신현, 김동현 *, KAIST; *Northwestern University; **CHA University 2PS-286 PAMAM Generation 3 by Surface Modification with KKHIK Peptides for Efficient Gene Delivery 박승혜, 이제일, 최준식, 충남대학교 2PS-287 Graphene Quantum Dots-Imiquimod Loaded Dissolving Microneedle for Cancer Immunotherapy 박원찬, 한세광, POSTECH 2PS-288 Cytotoxicity and Antibacterial Activity of Poly(acrylic acid) Hydrogel Containing Metronidazole for a Versatility of Drug Delivery System 박종석, 정진오, 김주안, 권희정, 정성린, 한국원자력연구원 2PS-289 Targeted Therapy Bosed on Anti-Trop2 Conjugated Polymeric Nanoparticles for the Triple Negative Breast Cancer 신솔, 박재형, 손소영, 성균관대학교 30 제 44 권 1 호

34 2PS-290 Growth Factor/Antibiotic-loaded PCL/HA Microsphere-Hydrogel System for Effective Bone Regeneration 신준영, 장희윤, 김세현, 오세행 *, 이진호, 한남대학교 ; * 단국대학교 2PS-291 Dual Crosslinkable Tyramine-modified Methylcellulose Hydrogel 신지연, 곽경진,, 박원호, 충남대학교 2PS-292 Calcium Peroxide-mediated Surface PEGylation for Preparing Low-binding Cell Culture Plates 안정아, 박경민, 인천대학교 2PS-293 Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan-coated PLGA Nanoparticle 유수경, 홍웅길, 안준혁, 김준수, 정경원, 나재운, 순천대학교고분자공학과 2PS-294 Development of Polyurethane Foam Dressings Containing Silver-Carbon Composites 이경우, 고영광, 이혜영, 조동환, 박원호 *, 권오형, 금오공과대학교 ; * 충남대학교 2PS-295 Effect of Three-dimensional Culture Environment on Macrophage Polarization In Response to Schizophyllan 이소라, 김현규, 기창석, 서울대학교 2PS-296 Glutathione and Specific Enzyme-responsive PAMAM Dendrimer for Gene Delivery Systems 이슬기, 최준식, 충남대학교 2PS-297 Ternary Nanofiber Matrices Composed of PCL/Black Phosphorus/ Collagen to Enhance Osteodifferentiation 이유빈, 송수진, 강문성, 이현욱 *, 현승휴 **, 한동욱, 부산대학교 ; * 한국기초과학지원연구원 ; ** 가고시마대학 2PS-298 Surface Adhesive Block Copolypeptide Hydrogels with Stimuli- responsiveness 이재희, 이재상, Aamna Basheer, 강민정, 임동우 *, Department of Bionanotechnology, Hanyang University; *Department of Bionanotechnology and Department of Bionano Engineering, Hanyang University 2PS-299 Stimuli-Responsive Conformational Conversion of Peptide Gatekeepers on the Surface of Mesoporous Nanoparticles for Controlled Release 이정훈, 오은택, 윤해리, 김현미, 박헌주, 김철희, 인하대학교 2PS-300 Formation and Characterization of Dequalinium Emulsion as a Specific Drug Carrier for Mitochondrial Diseases 이제일, 최준식, 충남대학교 2PS-301 Polyelectrolyte Complex Hydrogel Composed of Chitosan and Alginate 이지나, 박원호, 김민희,, 충남대학교 2PS-302 ROS-Sensitive Degradable PEG-PCL-PEG Triblock Copolymer Thermogel 이현정, ZHENGYU PIAO, 손승이, 정병문, 이화여자대학교 2PS-303 High-intensity Focused Ultrasound-triggered Drug Delivery Using Conformationally Transformable Peptide 임경택, 엄우람, 유동길, 박재형, 성균관대학교 2PS-304 Self-assembled Nanoaggregates Based on Polyaspartamide Graft Copolymers for Targeted Therapy of Bone Metastatic Cancer 임철원, 김덕준, 성균관대학교 2PS-305 Tuning of the Aggregation Number of Platonic Micelles Ji Ha Lee, Kazuo Sakurai, University of Kitakyushu 포스터발표 (III) _ 4월 12일 ( 금 ) (15:30 ~ 17:00) 좌장 : 박치영, 윤진환고분자합성 (III) 3PS-1 Directed Self-assembly of sub-10 nm Perpendicular Lamellar Pattern by Fluorine Copolymerized Block Copolymer 송승원, 정연식, KAIST 3PS-2 Synthesis and Characterization of Polyimides with Aniline Moieties in the Main Chain 신요섭, 박주현, 윤정, 문관호, 이승우, 영남대학교화학공학부 3PS-3 Synthesis and Characterization of a Metal Ion-Binding Diblock Copolymer 신이삭, 서명은, 김상욱, 한규효, 한국과학기술원 3PS-4 OH기단량체를가지는폴리이미드와유기점토의나노복합체필름의특성연구신현일, 장진해, 김종원, 금오공과대학교 3PS-5 Sulfonic Acid Functionalized Hyper-cross-linked Organic Polymer for Efficient Transesterification Reactions 쑹원리양, 김일, 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 3PS-6 Highlighting the Role of Micropore Content in Efficient CO 2 Adsorption 아딜라, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-7 Designing Highly Microporous Carbonaceous Materials from a Single Step Synthesis and Activation Strategy 아딜라, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-8 Nitrogen-rich Porous Carbon Materials as Highly Promising CO 2 Adsorbents 아딜라, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-9 Preparation of Color Particles by Polymeric Encapsulation of Pigments 엄정주, 윤하준, 진형준, 인하대학교 3PS-10 Synthesis and Characterization of Binder Polymers with Polar Functional Groups for Dispersion of Colorants 엄진주, 황아름, 최재학, 충남대학교 3PS-11 Synthesis of Polystyrene and Poly(4-hydroxystyrene)-containing Bottlebrush Block Copolymers Featuring Structural Coloration 유용군, 서춘희 *, 채창근, 김명진, 서호빈, 강영종 *, 이재석, 광주과학기술원 ; * 한양대학교 3PS-12 Color Sensors for Amine Derivatives Using Stilbene-modified Silica Beads 임지성, 윤정, 박주현 *, 문관호 *, 이승우 *, 영남대학교 ; * 영남대학교화학공학부 3PS-14 3PS-15 3PS-16 3PS-17 3PS-18 3PS-19 3PS-20 3PS-21 3PS-22 3PS-23 3PS-24 3PS-25 3PS-26 3PS-27 3PS-28 3PS-29 3PS-30 3PS-31 3PS-32 3PS-33 3PS-34 3PS-35 3PS-36 3PS-37 3PS-38 3PS-39 3PS-40 3PS-41 3PS-42 3PS-43 Preparation of Hybrid Silica Aerogel by Sol-gel Method 이명연, 최진규, 심상은, 인하대학교 Crosslinked Solid Electrolytes without Solvent for Lithium Battery 이승찬, 윤수진, WEI ZHANG, 최인환, 김재웅, 마붑, 김환기, 건국대학교 Fabrication and Characterization of Polyethersulfone (PES) Bridged Polysilsesquioxane (BPS) Nanoparticles for PES Membrane as Blending Materials 이용표, 임정혁, 김경민, 한국교통대학교 Synthesis and Characterization of Dichloro-dibenzoyl Monomer and Sulfonated Poly(diketonephenylene)s via Ni/Zn Catalyst 이용훈, 스트라다사부찬드라, Ahmed Faiz, 류태욱, 진레이, 윤수진, 김환기, 건국대학교 HBA 함량에따른다양한열방성액정공중합체의합성및물성비교이원준, 박기태, 장진해, 금오공과대학교 Highly Sulfonated Graphene Oxide (SATS-GO) Composite Membranes for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) Application 이현희, 한주성, 김기현 *, 김정환, 김은기, 이종찬, 서울대학교 ; * 경상대학교 Smart Bio-Orthogonal Cross-linked Hydrogels Provides Controllable Cargo 임권택, 박한은, Daru Seto Bagus Anugrah, 부경대학교 Systematic Investigation to the Effects of Near Infrared Light Exposure to Polymeric Micelles Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(styrene-alt- maleic anhydride) Loaded with Indocyanine Green 임권택, 정민교, Sonita A.P. Siboro, 부경대학교 Synthesis and Properties of Multi-armed Enantiomeric Polylactide- Polycaprolactone Block Copolymers 임동혁, 이승재, 진영읍, 이원기, 부경대학교 Study on Dispersion of Drug in Biodegradable Matrixes by Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry 임동혁, 비샬가반데, 이승재, 이원기, 진영읍, 부경대학교 In situ Homologous Polymerization of L-lactide Having a Stereocomplex Crystal 임승혁, 정영미 *, 김수현 *, 고려대학교 ; * 한국과학기술연구원 Absorption Property of Superabsorbent Polymer According to the Ratio of Surface-crosslinking Medium Solution 임승호, 김정수, 신우승, 김유진, 김수현, 장영욱 *, 김동현, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 한양대학교 Preparation and Evaluation of Hexanoyl Glycol Chitosan (HGC) Hydrogel Coated Dishes for 3D Cell Culture 장보슬, 박경환, Sudipta Mallick, 강선웅 *, 허강무, 충남대학교 ; * 안전성평가연구소 Double Metal Cyanide-Catalyzed Polycarbonate Polyols with Different End Functionalities 장한별, 김일 *, 이민웅, 부산대학교 ; * 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 Synthesis of Partially Bio-based Colorless Polyamide-imide Derived from 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid 장한솔, 김아영, 육지호, 인하대학교화학공학과 Preparation of Selective De-Cross-Linking Double-Network Hydrogels for Drug Delivery Applications 정도영, 김형우, 전남대학교 Synthesis and Self-assembly of Triphenylamine-Fatty Acid Derivatives 정성욱, 박창준, 김동휘, 김상율, KAIST Amphiphilic Heteroarm Core Cross-Linked Star Polymer as Janus Nanosurfactants 정윤지, 서명은, 한국과학기술원 Characteristics of Carborane-PEG Monolayer Synthesized by Langmuir- Blodgett Method 정지원, 손대원, 한양대학교 Polymerization of 1-Ethynyl-4-phenoxybenzene by Transition Metal Catalysts 제갈영순, 진성호 *, 심상연 **, 박종욱 ***, 임권택 ****, 경일대학교 ; * 부산대학교 ; ** 강릉원주대학교 ; *** 경희대학교 ; **** 부경대학교 Synthesis and Properties of Ionic Polyacetylenes from the Non-catalyst Polymerization of 2-Ethynylpyridine Using Dibromoalkanes 제갈영순, 진성호 *, 박종욱 **, 임권택 ***, 경일대학교 ; * 부산대학교 ; ** 경희대학교 ; *** 부경대학교 Synthesis of Poly(vinyl alcohol-b-vinyl amine) Block Copolymer by RAFT Process 조수정, 조준희, 이성규, 곽영제, 숭실대학교 Synthesis of Phosphorus-containing Bio-based Cycloaliphatic Epoxy: By L-carveol 조연주, 윤석일, 강지선, 민진홍, 최지원, 심재민, 상명대학교 Aggregation-Induced Emission of Acyl Hydrazone Derivatives via Control of Single Bond Rotation 김태우, 조혜진, 김경수, 송창식, 성균관대학교 Preparation of a Fully Aliphatic Polyimide for Application to Flexible and Transparent Substrate Film 진승원, 최주영, 남경남, 박형주, 김동민, 송인호, 정찬문, 연세대학교중합시간에따른 SAN 분자량변화와분자량에따른 PTFE 의 Encapsulation 효과최동인, 이영실 *, 윤관한, 금오공과대학교 ; * 금오공과대학교산학협력단 Study on Synthesis and Characterization of Photo- and Thermal Curable Radical Initiators Based on O-imino isourea 최예설, 백현종 *, 박영일, 한국화학연구원 ; * 부산대학교 Influence of Residual Impurities on ROMP after CuAAC Click Chemistry 최진웅, 허윤, 문준수, 김정곤 *, 방준하, 고려대학교 ; * 전북대학교 Preparation and Application of Hyperbranched Polyamidoamine Hydrogel Particles 최호중, 강인아, 이상화, 김상율, KAIST Encapsulation Method for Pigment/Polymer Nanoparticles by Mini- emulsion Polymerization for Electrophoretic Display 한재훈, 이진균, 인하대학교 제 44 권 1 호 31

35 3PS-44 The Enhanced Catalyst Conditions for Glycolysis Process of poly 1,4- Cyclohexanedimethyl Terephthalate (PCT) - PET Derivative 호린, 정현민, 노민듀, 금오공과대학교 3PS-45 Effect of Multivalent Cation Substitution on the Surface-crosslinking of the Superabsorbent Polymer 홍석주, 김민성, 김유진, 임승호, 김수현, 장영욱 *, 김동현, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 한양대학교 3PS-46 Preparation of Forest Green Nanoparticles by Dyeing Porous Polymer Emulsion 홍연경, 윤하준, 진형준, 인하대학교 기능성고분자 (III) 3PS-47 Electrospinning of Chitin-collagen Composite to Enhance Mechanical Stability 문현우, 최승환, 황동수, 포항공과대학교 3PS-48 Photothermal Sensitive Behaviors of Bilayer Hydrogel Soft Actuator Containing Gold Nanorods 신예린, 김소연, 충남대학교 3PS-49 Dynamic Interaction in Polyurethane Containing the Boronic Ester Groups 이도훈, 황동수, 박제영 *, POSTECH; *KRICT 3PS-50 Chemically Resistance Perfluoroalkoxy Nanoparticle-Packed Porous Substrates and Their Use in Colorimetric Sensor Arrays 이명구, Virendra S. Patil, 김영민, Sung H. Lim, 이기라, 성균관대학교 3PS-51 Characteristics of Doped Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Nanoparticle for Battery Applications 이민기, 권용구 *, 인하대학교 ; * 인하대학교고분자공학과 3PS-52 Preparation and Characterization of 3D Printable Dental Resin Based on Poly(ether ether ketone) 이민영, 정완희, 최은비, 정일두, 부산대학교고분자공학과 3PS-53 Preparation and Characterization of 3D Printable Dental Resin Based on Polybenzimidazole 이민영, 정완희, 정일두, 부산대학교고분자공학과 3PS-54 Water-soluble Polymer-derived Carbon Monoliths as Electrodes for Electrical Double-layer Capacitors 이병민, 정창욱, 홍성권, 최재학, 충남대학교 3PS-55 Polybenzimidazole (PBI-OO) Composite Membrane for HT-PEMFC Application 이상래, 한학수, 연세대학교 3PS-56 Linearly Polarized Light Emission Based on Smectic Phase Reactive Mesogen 이상훈, 고현욱, Rui He*, 고금진, 강재욱, 이명훈, 전북대학교유연인쇄전자전문대학원 ; * 전북대학교 BIN 융합공학과 3PS-57 Ultrasensitive Organic-inorganic Sandwich Detection Biosensor for Biomedical Diagnosis 이소정, 신무광 *, 박채원 *, 기지선 *, 함승주 *, 연세대학교 ; * 연세대학교화공생명공학과 3PS-58 A 3D Printed PLCL/dECM Hydrogel Complex for Adipose Tissue Engineering 이수진, 정지홍 *, 김수현 *, 이강원, 정영미 *, 서울대학교 ; * 한국과학기술연구원 3PS-59 Fabrication of Selectively Reduced Graphene Oxide/Gold Nanorod Composites for Enhanced Photothermal Therapy 이승화, 김소연, 충남대학교 3PS-60 Fabrication and Characterization of Hybrid Polyimide Containing Octaphenylsilsesquioxane by Physical Blending Method 이승훈, 임정혁 *, 김경민 *, 한국교통대학교 ; * 한국교통대학교고분자공학과 3PS-61 Polymer-based Ultrathin and Skin-conformable Vibration Sensor for Quantitative Voice Recognition 이시영, 김준수, 윤인열, 정윤영, 조길원, POSTECH 3PS-62 Environmental Friendly Porous Absorbents with Magnetic Characteristics for Oil/Water Separation 이요셉, 최원산, 김상헌, 한밭대학교 3PS-63 Graphene-Based Hybrids for Debonding Layers for Flexible Electronic Applications 이은송, 이상훈, 김영배, 이학봉, 한태희, 한양대학교 3PS-64 Preparation of Hybrid Epoxy Polymer Network Epoxy Containing POSS-SH/ PEGDMA 이재익, 임정혁, 김경민, 한국교통대학교 3PS-65 Synthesis of Benzothiadiazole Based Conjugated Microporous Polymers with TiO 2 Nanoparticles for Dye Adsorption and Photodegradation 이정준, 이택승, 충남대학교 3PS-66 Rational Molecular Design of Polymers Towards Extremely Negative Triboelectric Materials 이종혁, 김경훈 *, 최문강 **, 전지수, 이영석 *, 이민백 **, 위정재, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 ; * 충남대학교응용화학공학과 ; ** 인하대학교물리학과 3PS-67 Synthesis and Characterization of Colorless Poly(amide-imide) Film for Flexible Display 이주헌, 한학수, 연세대학교 3PS-68 도기표면의적용가능한비점착기능성고분자나노복합체제조이준성, 김성준, 남유준, 네오플램 3PS-69 형상기억이가능한고황함량고분자의제조와응용이지목, 노국윤 *, 성준호 *, 윤호규 **, 김동균 *, 김용석 *, 한국화학연구원, 고려대학교 ; * 한국화학연구원 ; ** 고려대학교 3PS-70 Efficient Charge Transport in Ternary Organic Solar Cells by Two Donor Polymers with Identical Valence Bands 이지훈, 박성흠, 부경대학교 3PS-71 Graphitic Carbon Nitride with Superior Visible Light Absorption Using Alkali Metal Halide Eutectic Salt 이태규, 김미진, 강희주, 구여진, 김홍식, 박혜진, 정윤진, 전영시, 전남대학교 3PS-72 Nano/Microadsorbents-containing Macroscopic Adsorbents for Removal of Heavy Metals 이한비, 최원산, 한밭대학교 3PS-73 Flexible 1D Photonic Crystal Multilayer Films for Humidity Sensor and Anti-counterfeiting Film 이현태, 박민지, 윤수열, 김예진, 배자영, 임보규, 정서현, 정유진, 공호열, 이형일 *, 황도훈 **, 박종목, 한국화학연구원 ; * 울산대학교 ; ** 부산대학교 3PS-74 Structural Effects of Hard Segments for Urethane Bonds in Self-healing Polymers 이혜빈, 이설희 *, 이민재 **, 안석훈 *, 한국과학기술연구원 ( 전북분원 KIST); * 한국과학기술연구원 ; ** 군산대학교 3PS-75 Immobilization of Olefin Metathesis Catalyst on the Nanoporous Hybrid Frameworks (NHFs) 이혜연, 박지웅, 광주과학기술원 3PS-76 Biodegradability of poly(butylene succinate)-based Fibers in Compost 이호현, 이희정, 진형준, 인하대학교 3PS-77 A Promising Diagnosis Motif Based on Light Signals Derived from Volumetric Change of Inverse Opal Hydrogels 이효, 신무광, 진우석, 강병훈, 임종우, 함승주, 연세대학교 3PS-78 Perylenediimide-Based Reactive Mesogen for Coatable E-type Polarizer 임민우, 강동규, 정광운, 전북대학교 3PS-79 Synthesis of High Hardness/Flexible Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Coating 임민지, 송지은, 박지현, 김형일, 충남대학교 3PS-80 Dumbbell-shaped Diacetylene Monomers for Physical Gelation and Its Topochemical Polymerization 임석인, 정광운, 전북대학교 3PS-81 Dendronized Azobenzene-based Polynorbornenes for Remote-Controllable Actuators 임석인, 정광운, 전북대학교 3PS-82 Fabrication of Photocurable 3D Printer Material with Viscosity and UV Curing Time 임원빈,, 허필호, 지찬혁, 배지홍, 김병주, 부산대학교 3PS-83 Doxorubicin Delivery via Well-Defined Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-b- Poly (vinylpyridine) ph-sensitive Block Copolymer 임준섭, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 3PS-84 Quinoxaline Based New Polymers with Differenet Carrier Mobility by Side-chain Effects for Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells 장소영, 박성흠, 부경대학교 3PS-85 Light-induced Resonance-based Frequency-selective Amplification for Combined Photoacoustic-ultrasound Imaging 장용호, 이호현, 조영흔, 김현철, 서강대학교 3PS-86 Janus Graphene Oxide Thin Films with Fe 3O 4 Nanoparticles and Polydopamine for Anode Materials of Lithium Ion Batteries 장지원, 구자승, 충남대학교 3PS-87 Sub-2V Polymer Electrochromic Device Using Charge Balaning Counter Electrode, NiOx 장환동, 김영훈 *, 김진보, 김병관 **, Maxime Remond, 김은경, 연세대학교화공생명공학과 ; * 한국화학연구원 ; **IPCM, UMR CNRS-Sorbonne Université 8232, Paris, France 3PS-88 Sulfonamide Derivatives-modified Polystyrene Resin for Hard Water Treatment 전성익, 안철희, Research Institute of Advanced Materials (RIAM), Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University 3PS-89 Highly Transparent and Conductive Polyimide/Silver Hybrid Film 정극민, 하창식, 부산대학교 3PS-90 Photo-responsive Thin Films based on Self-Assembled Hierarchical Superstructure of Benzene-1,3,5-Tricarboxamide 정다영, 최유진, 정광운, 전북대학교 3PS-91 A Polythiophene-based Dual Conductive Binder for Lithium Metal Battery 정다운, 김나경 *, 이종찬, 서울대학교 ; *Pannsilvania State University, PSU 3PS-92 Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles Immobilized in the Nanoporous Covalent Networks for Catalytic Membrane Reactor 정다운, 박지웅, 광주과학기술원 3PS-93 Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Based on New Organic Electrolyte Doped ZnO as an Electron Transport Layer 정미진, 진호철, 이준호, Sabrina Aufar Salma, 김주현, 부경대학교 3PS-94 Fabrication and Characterization of Carboxylic β-cyclodextrin with Vitamin E/C 정미진, 송인준, 정일두, 부산대학교고분자공학과 3PS-95 Fabrication and Characterization of β-cyclodextrin-l-ascorbic Acid Conjugates 정미진, 송인준, 정일두, 부산대학교고분자공학과 3PS-96 Hierarchical and Bicontinuous Structure Solid Polymer Electrolyte Composite Based Polyacrylonitrile 정민웅, 최우혁 *, 부경대학교 ; * 부경대학교고분자공학과 3PS-97 Characterization of Poly(ether imide) as an Anode Binder of Lithium Ion Batteries 정창욱, 이병민, 황아름, 최재학, 충남대학교 3PS-98 Synthesis of Microcapsule Based on Azido-polyurethane and Solvatochromic Dye 정한진, 이경진, 충남대학교 3PS-99 Conjugated Polyquinoxaline-based Photocatalyst: Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Organic Compound Oxidation 조선영, 이택승, 충남대학교 3PS-100 One step Catalyst-free Carbonization of Aromatic Organic Materials and Polymers 조완수, 박치영, 부경대학교 32 제 44 권 1 호

36 3PS-101 Refractive Index Tunable Optical Films Based on In-Situ Nanoparticlization of Polynorbornene Block Copolymers 조윤식, 임지우 *, 차국헌, 서울대학교 ; * 경희대학교 3PS-102 Synthesis of Biphenyl Compounds in the Presence of New Polymer Particles 조진, 박태원, 한양규, 한양대학교 3PS-103 Rhodamine Based Polymeric Sensors Enhanced by N,S-heterocycles 조혁이, 신상빈, 도정윤, 부산대학교 3PS-104 Stimulus-Responsive Structural Transformation of Dendron-Peptide Conjugate with Intramolecular Disulfide Bond 주예은, 이정훈, 노은별, 김철희, 인하대학교 3PS-105 Fabrication of Polyaniline Hydrogel with High Stretchability and Enhanced Electrochemical Properties 주현서, 한호성, 조성훈, 영남대학교 3PS-106 A blowing Method to form Spheres of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): Growth from a Self-assembled Simple Synthesized by Aqueous Chemical Polymerization 지찬혁, 허필호, 배지홍, 임원빈, 김병주, 민진규, 서창민, 부산대학교 3PS-107 The Change of Cathode Buffer Layer's Contact Property Based on Hydroxyl Position of Pyridine Derivatives in Organic Solar Cells 진호철, 정미진, 이준호, Sabrina Aufar Salma, Ratna Dewi Maduwu, 김주현, 부경대학교 3PS-108 Plant derived Polymer-based Drug Microcarriers Degraded by ph- and Enzymatic-dependent Manners 최다희, 홍진기, 연세대학교 3PS-109 Hierarchical Silica Nanostructure Fabrication for Antireflective Coating Based on Organic-inorganic Hybrid 최수빈, 윤광한, 이동익, 곽영제 *, 김승현, 인하대학교 ; * 숭실대학교 3PS-110 Microstructure and Electrochemical Characterization of Polyazomethinederived Carbon Nanofibers 최영철, 정영규, 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 3PS-111 Asymmetric Fullerene Nanosurfactant for Automatic Molecular Alignments 최유진, 정광운, 전북대학교 3PS-112 Cryo-Preservative Hydrogel Combined with Dipole Interaction and Hydrogen Bonds 최제원, 김세영, 최수형 *, 차국헌, 서울대학교 ; * 홍익대학교 3PS-113 TA-functionalized Gold Nanoparticle Bioseonsor Chips for Rapid and Reliable Detection of Biomolecules 최종선, 김소연, 충남대학교 3PS-114 Cartilage Regeneration Using Gellan Gum/Demineralized Bone Particles: In vitro and In vivo Study 최주희, 강길선, 전북대학교 3PS-115 Anion-Specific Sensor and Actuator from Aromatic Thiourea Gels 하성균, 이주현, 하채연, 송창식, 성균관대학교 3PS-116 Synthesis and Film Property of the PDMS-based Urethane Acrylate 한세미, 김백진, 한국생산기술연구원 3PS-117 Structural and Thermal Properties of Carrier Composites Containing Perilla Frutescens Essential Oil for Antibacterial Film 한아람, 오수경, 박신영, 김은희, 이현철, ( 주 ) 화진산업 3PS-118 Ultra Long-scale Ag Nanowire Using M13 Virus 한지예, 임경아, 이종민, 오진우, 부산대학교 3PS-119 Aniline Oligomer-Based Solid-State Asymmetric Supercapacitors with Enhanced Electrochemical Performances 한호성, 조성훈, 영남대학교 3PS-120 Thermoresponsive Poly(ß-hydroxyl amine)s: Utility of Proton Transfer Polymerization in Practical Aqueous Synthesis of Functional Soft Materials 홍정희, 방준하, Anzar Khan, 고려대학교 3PS-121 Fabrication and Thermal Conductivity Characterization of Ultrathin Films Based on Boron Nitride Nanosheet and Polyimide 황규현, 정영규, 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 3PS-122 Polymeric Multi Host-guest Light-emitting Electrochemical Cells Based on Push-pull Fluorophores 황종운, Maxime Remond, 김새온, André-Jean Attias*, 김은경, 연세대학교 ; *Sorbonne University 고분자가공 / 복합재료 (III) 3PS-123 방열및절연특성을위한나노소재자동차부품적용성연구곽성복, 김성지 *, 정다운 *, 이재용 *, 이동진 **, 옥성현 ***, 덕양산업수원연구소 ; * 덕양산업 ( 주 ); **( 주 ) 나노기술 ; *** 그린폴리머 3PS-124 복합소재적용을통한자동차부품의경량화및강성연구곽성복, 이동기 *, 이장원 *, 이재용 *, 덕양산업수원연구소 ; * 덕양산업 ( 주 ) 3PS-125 Development of a Local Drug Delivery System of Chemo-Photodynamic- Gene Therapy to Inhibit VEGF Over-Expression in Photodynamic Therapy 서민규, 이호현, 홍지영, 김현철, 서강대학교 3PS-126 Photocatalytic Thiol-Ene Click Reaction Using a Carbon Nitride 손동완, 김명웅, 박성진, 인하대학교 3PS-127 Effect of Carbon Nanotubes on Mechanical Behaviors of Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose/Graphene Oxide Composites 손영래, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-128 Effect Of Polyethyleneimine Content on Mechanical Behaviors of Carboxymethylcellulose/ Polyethyleneimine Composites 손영래, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-129 Preparation and Characterization of Carboxymethyl Cellulose with Improved Mechanical Properties by Carbon Nanotubes 손영래, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-130 Aerosol generated Silicon-Carbon Composite as an Anode Material for High Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries 손희상, 광운대학교 3PS-131 Core-shell Structured Fe3O4-carbon Composite Based Anode for the High Performance Lithium-ion Battery 손희상, 정요한, 석도형, 광운대학교 3PS-132 A Study in Improving of Tin Oxide-Barium Titanate-Carbon (SnO 2- BaTiO 3-C) Composite as an Anode for Lithium-ion Battery 손희상, 석도형, 정요한, 광운대학교 3PS-133 PES/Au Composite Membranes for Photothermal-mediated Chemical Reaction 송창현, 이건석, 유성일, 부경대학교 3PS-134 Effect of Terpolymer Dispersants on the Properties of Silica/SBR Compound 신우승, 김정수, 김민성, 김해찬, 임승호, 김동현, 장영욱 *, 한국생산기술연구원 ; * 한양대학교 3PS-135 Cellulose/Polysilsesquioxane (PSQ)/Montmorillonite (MMT) Ternary Nanocomposites 신인호, 하창식, Yongzhu Yan, Nechikkattu Riyasudheen, 부산대학교 3PS-136 Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP)-responsive Gold Nanoparticles (AuNP) to Form Clicked Nanoclusters 신지운, 유혁상, 손영주, Mao Wei, 이주원, 박재근, 강원대학교 3PS-137 Improvement of Adhesive Bonding Carbon Fiber Reinforce Plastics and Other Materials Using Epoxy Modified Primer 심경보, 김현중 *, 서울대학교농업생명과학대학산림과학부환경재료과학 ; * 서울대학교 3PS-138 ph Responsive Catalytic System Based on Poly(methacrylic acid) Functionalized SBA-15 for the Reductive Decolorization of Industrial Dyes 아난두모한, 박성수, 리피카라우트, 안주마리아토마스, 하창식, 부산대학교 3PS-139 Incorporation of Pd Monometallic Nanoparticles into Modified SBA-15 with Dual Stimuli Responsive PDMAEMA and their Catalytic Applications 안주마리아토마스, 박성수 *, 아난두모한 *, 사르와난 *, 하창식 *, 나노정보소재연구실 ; * 부산대학교 3PS-140 One-pot Dispersion Technology of Phthalocyanine Green Pigment Through Highly Fluorinated Random Copolymer and Highly Fluorinated Thiol Using Click Chemistry 안진영, 김영태, 이진균, 인하대학교 3PS-141 Effect of Collector Characteristics on Mophological Property of Nanofiber 양성백, Yeasmin Sabina, 이정언, 염정현, 경북대학교 3PS-142 Improvement of Adhesive Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics by Polypropylene/Carbon Nanotube/Montmorillonite Composites 양성백, 이정언, 지병철, 염정현, 경북대학교 3PS-143 PVA/TiO 2 Nanofibers for Effective Air Filtration and Photocatalytic Activity 여지현, 노현규, 조지현, 최혜선, 김세민, 박종신, 서울대학교 3PS-144 Mesogen-containing Polymer Compatibilizer-functionalized Graphite Nanoplates: Size, Multi-layer, and Dispersion Effects on Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Composites 염용식, 윤호규, 고려대학교 3PS-145 Polyethyleneimine-modified Silsesquioxane Aerogels for Pollutant Removal 옌융주, 박성수 *, 하창식 *, 부산대학교나노정보소재연구실 ; * 부산대학교 3PS-146 Zinc Oxide Nano-flakes Decorated Carbon Nanofibers as Promising Electrode Material for Supercapacitors 오자구넨드라프러사드, 김학용, 전북대학교 3PS-147 Outgas-free Organic Film Formation for OLED Encapsulation Devices 오준기, 김소현, 정인조, Anzar Khan, 정현욱, 방준하, 고려대학교 3PS-148 Printing of Sub-10 nm Nanopattern Arrays Using Atomic Layer Deposition of Alumina 우주연, 조성환, 오준호, 한창수, 고려대학교 3PS-149 Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Polylactide Hollowfiber 유연성, 김성훈, 한양대학교 3PS-150 Highly Improved Mechanical Properties of Polyamide66/Carbon Fiber Composites Hybridized with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes via Plasma-assisted Mechanochemistry 유지완, 이상수, 한국과학기술연구원 / 고려대학교 3PS-151 Properties of Electric Resistance in Silver Plated Plied-Spandex Strain Sensor 유지왕, 남재도 *, 황의석 **, 김성훈 **, 최기석 **, 성균관대학교 ; * 성균관대학교화공고분자공학과 ; ** 성균관대학교고분자공학과 3PS-152 Incorporation of Reduced Graphene Oxide with Cellulose Nanocrystals for Improving Gas Barrier of Poly(vinylidene chloride) 유진화, 오범진, 유지선 *, 진형준, 인하대학교 ; * 인하대학교 / 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) 3PS-153 Study on Fabrication of Graphene Oxide (GO)/Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) Composite Fiber by Using Wet-spinning 유하영, 정현수, KIST 3PS-154 Highly Sensitive Metal-enhanced Fluorescence Biosensor Prepared on Electrospun Fibers Decorated with Silica-coated Silver Nanoparticles 윤병주, 조강희, 이경민, 최주환, 고원건, 연세대학교 3PS-155 Self-Assembly of Highly Stable Gold Nanoparticle-Amphiphilic Molecules Complex in Aqueous Solution 윤영진, 김태환, 강신현, 전북대학교양자시스템공학과 3PS-156 Enhanced Tensile Ductility and Toughness of Thermoplastic Polyurethanemicro-crystalline Cellulose Composites via Hydrogen-bonding 윤혁준, 이상연, 이종혁, 김용주, 위정재, 인하대학교 제 44 권 1 호 33

37 3PS-157 Self-Assembly of Polymer-Coated Au Nanocrystals with Controlled Molecular Weight and Core Size 윤홍석, 이영준, 김범준, 한국과학기술원 3PS-158 Analysis of the Flow in Slot Die Coating Process Using Yield Stress Fluids: By Experimental Methods Using Carbopol 941 이명재, 남재욱, 서울대학교 3PS-159 Chemical Recycling of CFRP using Aqueous Solution 이미연, 김두헌, 박종진 *, 고문주, 한국과학기술연구원 ; * 전남대학교 3PS-160 Plasticizer-Free High-Strain PVC Film Using TiO 2 Nanoparticle 이상훈, 엄원식, 김성훈, 한태희, 한양대학교 3PS-161 Asymmetric Thermosensitive Hydrogel Composite for Water Applications 이서린, 이종휘, 중앙대학교 3PS-162 Dispersing Properties of Long Chain Carboxylic Acid Derivatives for Carbon Black in EPDM 이수, 김상엽, 창원대학교 3PS-163 Coating Properties of UV-curable PUA Nanocomposites with Modified Cellulose Nanocrystals 이승재, 임동혁, 진영읍, 이원기, 부경대학교 3PS-164 Control of Self-assembly Nanostructures of Guanine-based Liquid Crystalline Molecule 이승호, 유자형, 울산과학기술원 3PS-165 Bio-inspired Surface Functionalization of Highly Porous Carbon Nanosheets for Enhanced Supercapacitor Performance 이영아, 전재현 *, 유충열 **, 박상현 **, 유정준 **, 이규복, 조우경 ***, 윤하나 **, 충남대학교에너지과학기술대학원 ; * 한양대학교 ; ** 한국에너지기술연구원 ; *** 충남대학교 3PS-166 Microcrystalline Cellulose 표면에아미노기가도입된충진제를사용한폴리우레탄복합체의제조및물성연구이유나, 이주형, 박서숙, 임광희 *, 하기룡, 계명대학교 ; * 대구대학교 3PS-167 브로민화세트리모늄으로개질시킨몬모릴로나이트와폴리염화비닐나노복합체의제조와특성이이주, 김영호, 숭실대학교 3PS-168 Preparation and Characterization of Chitosans Derived-activated Carbons for Methane Storage 이종훈, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-169 A Study of Nitrogen-enriched Porous Carbon Materials for Natural Gas Adsorption 이종훈, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-170 메타크릴레이트기가도입된셀룰로오스나노결정충전제가 UV 경화형나노복합체의기계적물성에미치는영향이주형, 이유나, 박서숙, 하기룡, 계명대학교 3PS-171 Influences of Physical Aging on Enthalpy Relaxation Behavior and Thermomechanical Properties of Poly(lactic acid) Composite Films Reinforced with Cellulose Nanofilament 이지수, 정영규, 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 3PS-172 An Efficient Method of Screening Receptors for the Electrochemical Detection of Biocides 이하늬, 윤현석 *, 전남대학교알랜맥디아미드에너지연구소 ; * 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 / 전남대학교고분자융합소재공학부 3PS-173 바이오폴리우레탄소재적용자동차부품의고온환경내구물성변화연구이현욱, 자동차부품연구원 3PS-174 3D-MID 가능 PPS 복합소재개발및자동차전장부품적용이현욱, 자동차부품연구원 3PS-175 Mechanical Strength and Conductivity of Flexible Electrode 임한휘, 김백진 *, 연세대학교 ; * 한국생산기술연구원 3PS-176 Physical and Electrical Properties of Silicone-Based Elastic Polymer Films for Electrodehesive Gripper 임한휘, 김백진 *, 연세대학교 ; * 한국생산기술연구원 3PS-177 Nanodiamond Nanocluster-decorated Graphene Oxide/Epoxy Nanocomposites: Mechanical Performance 장은행, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-178 Nanodiamond-decorated Exfoliated Boron Nitride/Epoxy Nanocomposites: Thermal Conductivity And Thermo-Physical Property 장은행, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-179 Rheological and Thermo-physical Performances of Nanodiamond@ Graphene Oxide/Carboxylated-polymer Composites 장은행, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-180 In-situ Synthesis of BiOClx/BiOBry/BiOIz Decorated on Polyacrylonitrile Based Nanofibers for Visible-light Photocatalytic Investigation 장익범, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-181 In-situ Growth of Graphene Oxide/BiOCl Decorated on Polyacrylonitrile Based Nanofibers and Their Application in Photocatalytic Degradation of RhB 장익범, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-182 Influence of Titanium Dioxide on Photocatalytic of Polyvinylpyrrolidone based Nanofibers Synthetized via Electrospinning 장익범, 박수진, 인하대학교 3PS-183 Transparent and Stretchable Electrode Made From Gold Nano-sheets 장준호, 이주현, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 3PS-184 Effect of CO 2 Foaming Process on the Morphology of TPU Foam 장타오, 박윤선, 이성수, 이동현, 강호종, 단국대학교 3PS-185 Comprehensive Study of Mechanical, Electrical and Thermal Properties of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube/Polyamide 6 Composites According to the Filler Length 장한결, 김성륜 *, 길명섭 *, 조준용, 김윤상, 김동우, 김재우, 한국과학기술연구원 ; * 전북대학교 3PS-186 Development of Polymer Powders for SLS 3-D Printing 장희수, 박정빈, 박연희, 권수미, 이동현, 강호종, 단국대학교 3PS-187 Enzymatically Cross-linked Silk Fibroin Hydrogels Triggered by Glucose 전경화, 이기훈, 김정수, 이현지, 김지환, 서울대학교 3PS-188 Preparation and Investigation of Efficient-Electron-Emitting Cathodes- Filaments Coated with Metal Oxide Complexes 전성우, 정주형, 박승규, 김란희, 이광섭, 한남대학교신소재공학과 3PS-189 Preparation of Highly Transparent, Stable and Robust Hydrophobic Coating Materials and Surfaces 전유빈, 사르와난, 하창식, 부산대학교 3PS-190 자동차부품경량화를위한서모스텟하우징부품의 PPS 복합소재적용복합환경내구평가연구정도연, 유승용 *, 이종수, ( 주 ) KOPLA; * 인지컨트롤스 3PS-191 고흡수성 Toluene free 자외선안정제를이용한내후-내광성향상플라스틱개발정도연, 이종수, ( 주 ) KOPLA 3PS-192 방사선경화형수지액이함유된목분플라스틱필름제조및특성평가정성린, 박종석, 권희정, 임윤묵, 한국원자력연구원 3PS-193 Synthesis of Zigzag-shaped Silver Nanoplates and Their Application to Stretchable Strain Sensor 정재환, 김문호, 부경대학교 3PS-194 Lithium Ion Conduction of Hybrid Composite Polymer Electrolytes Containing Silica aerogel-based Single-Ion Conducting Anionic Polymers 정호균, 최우혁, 부경대학교공과대학고분자공학과 3PS-195 내열성폴리아마이드이미드분리막의제조및전기화학적특성분석조명준, 임종휘, 육지호, 인하대학교 3PS-196 Fabrication of Drug with Low Aspect Ratio by Using Porous Devices 조승빈, 이종휘, 중앙대학교 3PS-197 Novel Coating Method Generating Hydrogel-PDMS Blend Surfaces 조윤호, 이종휘, 중앙대학교 3PS-198 Hybrid Effects of Surface Treated Pitch-based Short Carbon Fiber and Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites 조지현, 노현규, 여지현, 최혜선, 김세민, 박종신, 서울대학교 3PS-199 Control on the Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Flakes in Polymeric Nanofibers 채수빈, 윤현석 *, 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 ; * 전남대학교고분자융합소재공학부, 전남대학교고분자공학과 3PS-200 Anticorrosive Properties of Polyaniline/Graphene Nanohybrids 최윤석, 윤현석 *, 전남대학교 ; * 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 / 전남대학교고분자융합소재공학부 3PS-201 Preparation and Thermal Conductivity of Poly(imide-siloxane) via a Hybrid of Micro- and Nano-sized Al 2O 3 최주영, 남경남, 진승원, 김동민, 송인호, 박형주, 정찬문, 연세대학교 3PS-202 Synthesis of Hollow PMAA@Fe 3O 4 Microparticles for Magnetorheological Fluids 최준석, 서용석, 서울대학교 3PS-203 Amine-functionalized Cellulose Nanocrystals for Polyamide 6 최지원, 강지선, 민진홍, 심재민, 조연주, 윤석일, 상명대학교 3PS-204 수용성고분자의특성과리그노셀룰로오스시트의물성평가최현진, 김선구, 정경모, 강원대학교 3PS-205 스프레이와롤코팅의혼용과기능부여의이원화최현진, 김선구, 정경모, 강원대학교 3PS-206 Rheological Properties of the Polymeric Liquids and Their Absorption Characteristics for Porous Materials 최현진, 김선구, 정경모, 강원대학교 3PS-208 PP+GF 열가소성복합재료로제작된 Seat Back Frame 의충격특성연구하진욱, 고윤기, 김상훈, 김늘새롬 *, 자동차부품연구원 ; *( 주 ) 라지 3PS-209 High-refractive-index Polymer with Silver Nanowires for Enhancing Light Outcoupling Efficiency of ITO-free Organic Light-emitting Diodes 한주원, 김용현, 부경대학교 3PS-210 Nanoparticles-assisted Exfoliation of Gaphene Pieces by Conducting Polymer Nanoparticles: Toward the Fabrication of Three-dimensionally Structured Hybrid Electrode Materials 한현우, 윤현석 *, 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 ; * 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 / 전남대학교고분자융합소재공학부 3PS-211 Honeycomb-like Nanoporous Carbons for Li-ion Battery Cathode 현종찬, 곽진환, 하손, 윤영수, 강원대학교 3PS-212 ITO 가분산된열경화성액정에폭시복합재료의열분해에너지분석현하늘, 서민경, 정예지, 김현우, 조승현, 숭실대학교 3PS-213 Solution-processed Transparent Organic Light-emitting Diodes Prepared with Lamination Process 홍주희, 김용현, 부경대학교 3PS-214 Characterization of 3-layer Composite Film for Lithium-ion Pouch Cells 홍준표, 홍순만, 한국과학기술연구원 3PS-215 Stacking-free Reduced Graphene Networks for High Performance Capacitive Energy Storages 황종하, 장지현, 울산과학기술원 3PS-216 Characterization of Patterned Acrylic Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives Using UV LED for Flexible Display Applications 황진욱, 김지수, 김현중, 김영도 *, 서울대학교 ; * 삼성디스플레이 34 제 44 권 1 호

38 고분자구조및물성 (III) 3PS-217 다이알릴프탈레이트에대한미생물분해 ( 이분해성 ) 시험및평가장기철, 송광식, 김영훈, 백정주, 백한솔, 신교직, 최경호, 한국생산기술연구원 3PS-218 Nanostructures of Polymer-AuNPs Complexes 장종대, Young Jin Yoon*, 방준하 **, 한영수, 김태환 *, 한국원자력연구원 ; * 전북대학교 ; ** 고려대학교 3PS-219 Patch Formation on Diblock Copolymer Micelles Coated on Solid Substrates 전종혁, 김경태, 강동휘, 이경현, 김준영, 강희정, 손병혁, 서울대학교 3PS-220 Closed Cell Graphene Structure for Strain Sensor Application 전현민, 호동해, 여선주 *, 조정호 **, 유필진, 성균관대학교 ; *KIST; ** 연세대학교 3PS-221 Water Absorption of Random Styrene-co-itaconic Acid Copolymers 김준섭, 정윤관, 박석영, 조선대학교 3PS-222 Synthesis and Characterization of Porous Polyimide Xerogel Films for Electrochemical Cell Application 정태양, 권용구 *, 인하대학교 ; * 인하대학교고분자공학과 3PS-223 Effects of End-group on Ion Transport Properties of PEO-based Polymer Electrolytes 정하영, 박문정, 포항공과대학교 3PS-224 Improving Solubility of Polyimide Using Hydroxyl Group Containing Comonomer 정혜림, 허태환, 곽영제, 숭실대학교 3PS-225 Solvent-Assisted Post-Treatment of π-conjugated Polymer Thin Films: Impact on Morphology and Charge Transport 조경렬, 최솔잎, 정재원, 장민철, 전남대학교 3PS-226 Ag-Plasma Polymer Fluorocarbon Nanocomposite Thin Film on Fabric Substrate Using CNT-Ag-PTFE Composite Target 조은미, 이상진, 김맥, 김성현, 한국화학연구원 3PS-227 Preparation of Mesoporous Titania Composites Using Pentablock Copolymer Templates via EISA Process 조은범, 김태연, 박재서, 이준혁, 서울과학기술대학교 3PS-228 Analysis of Force Transferring Mechanism Depending on Crosslinking Density via Spiropyran Molecular Sensor in PMMA, the Glassy Polymer System 조준용, 이도창 *, 김재우 **, KIST/KAIST; *KAIST; **KIST 3PS-229 New Type of Ductile PLA Chain Extender Using Ionic Bonding 주성환, 최원준, 황기섭, 이준영, 한국생산기술연구원 3PS-230 Studies and Synthesis Poly(biphenyl piperidine) Membranes by Super Acid Copolycondensations for PEMFC 진레이, Ahmed Faiz, 류태욱, 윤수진, 장위, 이승찬, 김환기, 건국대학교 3PS-231 Synchrotron Infrared Micro-spectroscopy and Its Applications for Polymer Science 채복남, 이승우 *, 포항가속기연구소 ; * 영남대학교 3PS-232 Synthesis and Applicaiton of Novel Ionic Liquids with Main Chain Imidazoliums 최경현, 박치영 *, 부경대학교 ; * 부경대공업화학과 3PS-233 Hghly Self-healable Crosslinked Polyurethane-urea Film with Excellent Long-term Storage Stability 최기원, 이서윤, 강정순, 홍평화 *, 문경민 *, 김진실 *, 이성구 *, 홍성우 *, 고민재, 한양대학교 ; * 한국생산기술연구원 3PS-234 Thermal Annealing Effects on the Morphology and Performance of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Nanowires Embedded in an Insulating Polymer Matrix 최솔잎, 조경렬, 장민철, 전남대학교 3PS-235 lithium Ion Conducting Polymer Electrolyte Based on Polyethylene Acrylic Structure Polymer 최인환, WEI ZHANG, 이승찬, 김재웅, Md Mahabubur Rahman, 김대호, 김환기, 건국대학교 3PS-236 Local Surface Plasmon Resonance by 40nm Al Nano-Holes in Deep Ultraviolet Region 하경원, 김진곤, 포항공과대학교 3PS-237 Superior Robust, Transparent and Stretchable Self-healing Polyurethane for Flexible Devices 하유미, 김영오 *, 안석훈 *, 이승기 *, 이재석 **, 박민 *, 정재우 ***, 정용채 *, 한국과학기술연구원 / 광주과학기술원 ; * 한국과학기술연구원 ; ** 광주과학기술원 ; *** 숭실대학교 3PS-238 Sendust as MR material 한상석, 서용석, 서울대학교 3PS-239 Study of Forming Well-Ordered Nanostructures in P3DDT-b-PLA Thin Film Via Solvo-Microwave Annealing 한정훈, 김진성, 신재만, 김영권, 박현정, Kin Liao*, 김범준, KAIST; *Khalifa University 분자전자부문위원회 (III) 3PS-240 Effect of Conformation with Pyrene-based Conjugated Polymers on Single- Walled Carbon Nanotubes Selectivity for Field-Effect Transistors 황경태, 김동유, 광주과학기술원 3PS-241 Free-Shapable and 3D Porous Carbon Nanotube Foam by Rapid Solvent- Evaporation Method for Thermoelectric Power Generators 이민혜, 강영훈, 조성윤, 한국화학연구원 3PS-242 Multi-Stacked Photodetectors with Polymer:Nonfullerene Bulk Heterojunction Sensing Layers for Li-Fi Communications 이수용, 박지수, 이새봄, 김화정, 김영규, 경북대학교 3PS-243 Water/Ethanol-Soluble Naphthalene Diimide-Based Polymer Acceptors for Efficient and Air-Stable All-Polymer Solar Cells 이승진, 김영웅, Ziang Wu*, 이창연, Nguyen Thanh Luan*, 이준복, 정다현, 우한영 *, 김범준, KAIST; * 고려대학교 3PS-244 유무기반도체계면에서의에너지레벨에따른전하이동착물형성및도핑효율분석이승훈, 임영지, 김수지, 장은정, 이재현, 한밭대학교 3PS-245 Facile Synthesis of Stable and Highly Luminescent Methylammonium Lead Halide Nanocrystals for Efficient Light Emitting Devices 이욱희, 이보람, 송명훈 *, 부경대학교 ; * 울산과학기술원 3PS-246 Metal Complexes Synthesized on M13 Phage as a Template: Focusing on Tunable Optical Properties 이종민, 임경아, Vasanthan Devraj, 김원근, 오진우, Pusan National University 3PS-247 Room-temperature Synthesis of pure and FA-doped CsPbBr 3 Perovskites Nanocrystals for Light-Emitting Diode (LED) 이지선, 박영란, 유지웅, 정지윤, 강영종, 한양대학교 3PS-248 High Performance Organic Field-effect Transistors with wire Bar-coated Semiconducting Polymer Film 이지열, 김도연, 오승훈, 부경대학교 3PS-249 Development of Multimodal Antibacterial Surfaces Using Porous Amine-Reactive Films Incorporating Lubricant and Silver Nanoparticles 이지은, 류진, 김준원, 장영선 *, 신광수, 하은수, 류상열, 김병기, 우상혁 **, 차국헌, 서울대학교 ; *University of Florida; ** 중앙대학교 3PS-250 Two Semi-crystalline Polymers with Different Fluorine Topology for Non- Fullerene Solar Cell Performance 이진우, Yuxiang Li*, 우한영 **, 김범준, KAIST; *Xi'an University of Science and Technology (XUST); ** 고려대학교 3PS-251 Design Strategy for Short Delayed Fluorescence Lifetime in Blue Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescent Emitter 이하림, 이준엽, 성균관대학교 3PS-252 유기물반도체와다양한 p-type 무기물도펀트사이에서의계면도핑효율분석임영지, 이승훈 *, 이혜린 *, 이재현 *, 한밭대학교 ; * 한밭대학교창의융합학과 3PS-253 Elucidating the Long-range Charge Carrier Mobility in Metal Halide Perovskite Thin Films 임종철, 옥스포드대학교 3PS-254 Synthesis and Design of Donor-acceptor Type Polymers for Improvement of Performance in Organic Solar Cells 장스먀오, 류지원 *, 서홍석 *, 부산대학교화학과 ; * 부산대학교 3PS-255 Design of Conjugated Polymers Based on Carbazole Derivative as a Donor in Polymer Solar Cells 장스먀오, 류지원 *, 서홍석 *, 부산대학교화학과 ; * 부산대학교 3PS-256 Carbon-based, Ultraelastic, Hierarchically Coated Fiber Strain Sensors with Crack-controllable Beads 장시연, 김지선, 김다완, 김지원, 천성우, 이헌준, 이기라, 방창현, 성균관대학교 3PS-257 Thermally Cross-Linkable Host Materials Using Styrene for Solution- Processed Organic Light-Emitting Diodes 장재호, 황도훈, 허해강, 박정용, 부산대학교 3PS-258 Morphological Changes and Solvent Resistance Enhancement of PEDOT:PSS Thin Films Irradiated by Gamma Rays 장홍, 김선주, 중앙대학교 3PS-259 Optical analysis of Perovskite Light-Emitting Transistor 정영진, 정지원, 김세용 *, 이정환, 인하대학교 ; *LG 화학 3PS-260 High Performance and Flexible Organic Thermoelectric Generators Prepared from Donor-Acceptor Type Polymer-CNT Composites 정재민, 정용진, 서의현, 양한솔, 이택성, 장재영, 한양대학교 3PS-261 Enhanced Efficiency and Photostability of Mesoporous BaSnO 3 Based Perovskite Solar Cells 정재훈, 신성식, 서장원, 한국화학연구원 3PS-262 High-Performing Solution Processed Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence OLEDs made with Thermally Crosslinkable Hole Transport Polymer 정철훈, 윤지원, 김형종, 박수홍, 김채영, 권나연, 이지혜, 조민주, 최동훈, 고려대학교 3PS-263 Enhanced Electrochemical Characteristics of Electrosprayed 2D-MXene Sheets 조상원, 서용석 *, 김동영 **, 한국과학기술연구원 / 서울대학교재료공학부 ; * 서울대학교재료공학부 ; ** 한국과학기술연구원 3PS-264 Optical Analysis on Outcoupling Efficiency of Organic Light-emitting Transistor 조성용, 정영진, 정지원, 김세용 *, 이정환, 인하대학교 ; *LG 화학 3PS-265 All Solution-Processed Red Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Cross-Linkable Complexes 조우섬, 제갈영순 *, 진성호, 부산대학교 ; * 경일대학교 3PS-266 Increasing Surfactant Adsorption Ability Using Surfactant Engineering for High Performance Water-processed Organic Electronic Device 조장환, 정대성, 대구경북과학기술원 3PS-267 Tailoring Chemical and Morphological Properties of Graphene Oxide via γ-ray Irradiation for Enhanced Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells 조재상, 장웅식, 이민지, 문성식 *, 박종혁 **, 왕동환, 중앙대학교 ; *University of Minnesota; ** 연세대학교 3PS-268 Solution Processed Polymer Buffer Layer for Low-hysteresis Carbon Nanotube Transistors 지동섭, 노용영, POSTECH 3PS-269 Spontaneously Generated SAM Treatment via Blending and Additive Migration for Top-Contact Organic Field Effect Transistor 최기헌, 이화성, 한밭대학교 3PS-270 Photophysical Properties on Structural Isomers of Homoleptic Ir-complexes Derived from Xylenyl-substituted N-heterocyclic Carbene Ligands 최민수, 이대한, 윤보선, 강상욱, 손호진, 고려대학교 제 44 권 1 호 35

39 3PS-271 Importance of Critical Molecular Weight of Semicrystalline n-type Polymers for Producing Highly-Stretchable, Conducting Thin Films 최준형, 김완선, 김동욱, 김선하, 채준수, 최시영, 김선주 *, 김택수, 김범준, KAIST; * 중앙대학교 3PS-272 Enhanced Charge Injection and Electric Field Using Structure Electrodes to Effectively Operate Polyimide-Based Resistive Memory 최한형, 김현진, 조재영 *, 박종혁, 한국과학기술연구원 ; * 서울대학교 3PS-273 Increasing the Power Conversion Efficiency (PCE) of Organic Solar Cells (OSCs) by Using 6-(2-Thienyl)-4H-thieno[3,2-b]indole (TTI) and Isoindigo- Based Conjugated Polymers 퍄오쥔잉, 라쿠엘 *, 서홍석 *, 부산대학교화학과 ; * 부산대학교 3PS-274 Syntheses and Characterization of Benzimidazole Derivatives Based Conjugated Polymers for Organic Solar Cells 퍄오쥔잉, 라쿠엘 *, 서홍석 *, 부산대학교화학과 ; * 부산대학교 3PS-275 Deveolpment of D-A Type Polymers with Varying the Lengths of the Donor Units in OFETs 하연희, 송은주 *, 강보석 *, 권순기, 조길원 *, 김윤희, 경상대학교 ; * 포항공과대학교 3PS-276 Dual Function of 2,4-Hexadiyne-1,6-diol as a Dispersion Agent and a Structure Binder for SWCNT Based Organic Thermoelectric Generator 하재언, 정대성, 대구경북과학기술원 3PS-277 Synthesis and Characterization of Regioregular Polymers Based on Thienoquinoline and Thienoisoquilonine as Electron Accepting Units for Efficient Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells 하종운, 황도훈, 부산대학교 3PS-278 Circularly Polarized Light-Detecting Organic Photodiodes with Heterojunction Bilayer Structures 김나연, 한혜미, 김수진, 안종태, 황도경, 임정아, 한국과학기술연구원 3PS-279 Bright, Robust and Color-Pure Heavy Metal-Free Quantum Dots 함동효, 장준혁, 정병국 *, 이학준, 박지수 **, 배완기 **, 서울대학교 ; * 한국과학기술원 ; ** 성균관대학교 3PS-280 A-D-A type Non-Fullerene Acceptor for Organic Solar Cells 홍승균, 임은희, 경기대학교 의료용고분자부문위원회 (III) 3PS-281 Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer Brushes for their Supramolecular Assembly 황은영, 임동우 *, Department of Bionanotechnology, Hanyang University; *Department of Bionano Engineering and Bionanotechnology, Hanyang University; 3PS-282 In vitro Osteogenic Differentiation and Anti-microbial Efficacy of Dual Growth Factor/Antibiotic-loaded PCL/HA Microsphere-Hydrogel System 장희윤, 신준영, 김세현, 김민지 *, 곽유진, 이인수, 오세행 *, 이진호, 한남대학교 ; * 단국대학교 3PS-283 Release-controlable Antibiotics via DNA Minor Groove Binding and Ionic Coating Methods 전현수, 서울시립대학교 3PS-284 Preparation and Characterization of Antioxidant-encapsulated Chitosan Microsphere for Free-radical Elimination and Enhanced bioavailability 정경원, 홍웅길, 안준혁, 나재운, 순천대학교고분자공학과 3PS-285 Bioreducible ε-poly( L-lysine) Nanogels for Intracellular Drug Delivery 정다겸, 강한창, 가톨릭대학교 3PS-286 Soft Tissue Mimetic Hydrogel Formed via Photopolymerization of Decellularized Porcine Lung Tissue 정미정, 최재호, 기창석, 서울대학교 3PS-287 Supramolecular Hydrogels Encapsulating Bioengineered Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Ischemic Therapy 정상훈, 한세광, 포항공과대학교 3PS-288 Fluorinated Helical Polypeptide for Enhanced Gene Delivery 정성동, 이대용, 김유천, 한국과학기술원 3PS-289 방사선에의한생분해성합성고분자의물성및분해거동정성린, 박종석, 권희정, 임윤묵, 한국원자력연구원 3PS-290 Intervertebral Disc Regeneration Using Stem Cell/Growth Factor-Loaded Porous Microparticles 김민지, 정영조 *, 이재훈 **, 김준수 **, 이진호 *, 오세행, 단국대학교 ; * 한남대학교 ; ** 경상대학교동물병원 3PS-291 Multifunctional Theranostic Agents for Dual Imaging and Combined Oxidative-photothermal Therapy 정은경, 이하늬, 현혜진, 이동원, 전북대학교 3PS-292 Development of Hypoxia Sensitive Activatable Fluorescence Imaging Probe 정인재, 이주형, 조한희, 안철희, Research Institute of Advanced Materials (RIAM), Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University 3PS-294 Hydrophilic PEG Grafting on PMMA Ocular Prostheses Surface 조강희, 홍혜진, 강성민, 최주환, 윤진숙, 고원건, 연세대학교 3PS-295 Biodegradable Polymeric Nanoparticles as Contrast Agent for X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging 조성훈, 안철희, 서울대학교 3PS-296 Preparation of an Injectable Hydrogel Derived from Porcine Articular Cartilage as a Biomedical Material 주현진, 이민지 *, 박준영, 박승훈, 김한수 *, 김문석, 아주대학교 ; * 이화여자대학교 3PS-297 Characterization of Pendant Group-functionalized Polycaprolactone for Temperature-responsive Hydrogels and Biomaterial Engineering 지윤배, 주현진, 박준영, 박승훈, 김문석, 아주대학교 3PS-298 Therapeutic Protein & Drug co-loaded Silica Nanoparticles for Synergistic Anticancer Therapy 최은성, 유자형, 울산과학기술원 3PS-299 Development of Apoptosis-inducing Polypeptide via Simultaneous Mitochondrial Membrane Disruption and Ca 2+ Delivery 하종훈, 이대용, 김유천, 한국과학기술원 3PS-300 Improved Effect on Cervical Cancer-targeted Photodynamic Therapy by Excessive ROS Generation due to Cold Atmospheric Plasma Treatment 하지희, 김영진, 대구가톨릭대학교 3PS-301 Implantable Synthetic Immune Niche for Spatiotemporal Modulation of Tumorderived Immunosuppression and Systemic Antitumor Immunity: Postoperative Immunotherapy 하타이차녹풍캄, 임용택, 송찬영, 김소현, 신홍식, 이창훈, 성균관대학교 3PS-302 Photo-crosslinkable Hyaluronic acid-tyramine Hydrogel Using Riboflavin 홍보민, 박원호, 김희철, 충남대학교 3PS-303 Stimulus-responsible Echogenic Maltodextrin Nanoplatform for Peripheral Arterial Disease 홍세리, 선세미, 양준휘, 박미란, 이동원, 전북대학교 3PS-304 Membrane Penetrating Polyeletrolytes for Effective Intracellular Drug Delivery 홍은지, 강한창, 가톨릭대학교 3PS-305 Cell-derived whole human extracellular matrix extract as a potent multi-purpose material for 3D bioprinting and regenerative medicine Jae-Yun Kim, Junhyuk Bae, Jin-Mo Park*, ROKIT Inc.; *Massachusetts General Hospital 3PS-306 Fabrication of Polyarylate and MWCNT nanocompositevia master batch melt compounding for electrical heating application 이상훈, 정영규충남대학교 36 제 44 권 1 호

40 The Polymer Society of Korea 초록 _ 구두발표

41 기조강연 Plenary Lecture 기조강연장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_205 호 PL-1 Takashi Kato (10:40-11:20) 1983 B.S. The University of Tokyo 1988 Ph.D. The University of Tokyo Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cornell University (Prof. J. M. J. Frechet) Research Associate, School of Engineering,The University of Tokyo Lecturer, and Associate Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo Associate Professor, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo 2000-Present Professor, The University of Tokyo, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, School of Engineering Research Supervisor of PREST Research Molecular Technology (Japan Science & Technology Agency) 2018 Present The President of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan Functional Liquid-Crystalline Polymeric Assemblies Takashi Kato The University of Tokyo We here report a new generation of liquid-crystalline (LC) assemblies. 1-4 These LC materials are designed based on nanostructured molecular assemblies forming smectic, columnar, and bicontinuous cubic structures based on inermolcular ineractions such as ionic interactions, hydrogen bonding, and pi-pi interactins. They exhibit ionic, electronic, photonic, and separation functions. For exmple, they are used as electrolytes for lithium batteries and solar cells. 1,2 They are also applied for water treatment membranes to remove ions and harmful agents. 3,4 We also developed LC organic/inorganic compoitess. 5 Bioinspired synthesis of hydroxyapatite leads to the formation of nanorod composites exhibiting LC properties. These self-organized materials have great potentials as functional materials in the field of energy, environment, and healthcare. (1) T. Kato, M. Yoshio, T. Ichikawa et al., Nat. Rev. Mater., 2, (2017). (2) T. Kato, J. Uchida, T. Ichikawa, and T. Sakamoto, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57, 4355 (2018). (3) T. Sakamoto and T. Kato et al., Adv. Sci., 5, (2018). (4) T. Hamaguchi and T. Kato et al., ACS Macro Lett., 8, 24 (2019). (5) M. Nakayama, Y. Ikuhara, M. Yamato, T. Kato et al., Nat. Commun., 9, 568 (2018). PL-2 박기동 (Ki Dong Park) (11:20-12:00) 한양대학교, 공과대학공업화학과 ( 학사 ) 한양대학교, 대학원공업화학과 ( 석사 ) 미국유타대학교, 약제 / 약제화학과 ( 박사 ) 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST), 고분자연구부 / 생체재료연구센터 선임 / 책임연구원 2000-현재 아주대학교, 응용화학생명공학과 / 분자과학기술학과부 / 정교수 2013, 2016 한국생체재료학회회장, 세계생체재료연합회 Fellow (FBPS) In situ Forming Hydrogels for Therapeutic Applications 박기동 아주대학교 For the past decades, extensive research has been performed in the design of medical polymers for a variety of medical applications (Implants and devices, Drug delivery system, Tissue regeneration, etc). Great progress in these biomedical fields can be attributed to these scientific advances in medical polymers. Among them of interest is in situ forming hydrogels which have been widely utilized as therapeutic implants and therapeutic vehicles of drugs, proteins and cells for therapeutic applications, as they have several advantages based on minimally invasive injection procedure. In our group, various types of in situ forming hydrogels have been developed as injectable and sprayable bioactive matrices. The hydrogel matrices were made of various synthetic and natural polymers, including PEO-PPO copolymers and gelatin, keratin, hyaluronic acid, chitosan, and heparin. In this talk, it is introduced the strategies to use in situ forming hydrogels as advanced therapeutic matrices and therapeutic-delivering carriers (cells, growth factors, chemokines, proteins, peptides, H 2O 2, NO, etc) for therapeutic applications. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (NRF- 2018R1A2B ), the Bio & Medical Technology Development Program of the NRF funded by the Korean government, MSIP (NRF-2015M3A9E ) and (MSIT) (No. 2018M3A9B ). Keynote Session (I) 제 1 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_ 호 Organizer: 인교진 ( 강원대 ), 서용석 ( 서울대 ), 남재욱 ( 서울대 ) 1L1-1 이해원 (Haiwon Lee) (13:30-14:10) 1980 서강대학교 ( 학사 ) 1986 미국휴스턴대학교 ( 박사 ) 2011-현재 한국공학한림원기술경영정책분과정회윈 2012-현재 ( 사 ) 아시아네트워크코리아회장 2014-현재 과학기술정보통신부국제화사업추진위원장 1993-현재 한양대학교화학과정교수, HYU 석학교수 Hierarchical and Multifunctional Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes and Sensor Application 이해원, Rui Chen Hanyang University Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have shown superior intrinsic properties attractive for various potential application. By creating nanostructures, it is possible to control the fundamental properties of materials even without changing the materials' chemical composition. Novel methods to assemble CNTs into hierarchical arrays with controllable shape, location, orientation, and density are needed. Three types of hierarchical and multifunctional three-dimensional (3D) carbon nanotube structures have been developed for various applications. The first type is 3D-network of CNTs (3DNC) structures which comprised of suspended and interconnected CNTs between Si pillars. The second and third types are highly ordered CNT walls assisted by Si pillar arrays and open-cell like CNT structure, respectively, and these two types were obtained by capillary force driven self-assembly. Limited by the graphitic surface structure of CNTs and pillar structure, the surface of 3D CNTs is hydrophobic so that its applications are limited. Non-covalent surface modification methods, like physical vapor depositions, chemical vapor depositions, electrochemical depositions and polymer coatings, are used to functionalize the 3D CNTs. For instance, the 3DNC is coaxially coated with Al 2O 3 by atomic layer deposition process to prevent the undesired aggregation or breaking of suspended CNTs in a microfluidic filtration chip, and this Al 2O 3 coated 3DNC can be functionalized by surface modification as a biosensor platform for the detection of cancer biomarkers and surfactin-producing bacterial strains with high sensitivity. A color sensor platform immobilized with polydiacetylene vesicles on 3D CNTs structures shows an excellent sensitivity with selectivity enhancement for cyclodextrin recognition. Another example of flexible strain sensors based on CNTs will be introduced. 1L1-2 이희우 (Hee Woo Rhee) (14:10-14:50) 1978 서울대학교 ( 학사 ) 1980 KAIST ( 석사 ) 1987 미국코네티컷대학 ( 박사 ) KIST Polymer materials lab (Lab head) 삼성디스플레이연구센터장 ( 서강대학교 ) 1993-현재 서강대학교정교수 고분자나노복합재료와응용이희우 서강대학교나노시대라불리는 21 세기는재료를제어하는자가기술을제어할것이라고예측되었고, 실제로새로운기능들을갖는많은물질들이개발되고있다. 특히물질의크기를나노미터로제어할 때나타나는불연속적인특성의변화를활용하는것은매우중요하고, 모든산업분야에서혁신을가져올것이라고기대가된다. 특히재료를개발하는관점에서는 1 ~ 10 나노미터이하의나노필러를함유하는고분자나노복합재료는새로운시대의총아가될것으로예측된다. 따라서다양한나노필러를이용하는고분자나노복합재료에서나타나는특이한현상들을이해하고, 이들의응용분야와함께해결해야할점을살펴보고자한다. 특히나노필러중에서 polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane(poss) 는유 ᆞ 무기하이브리드입자로서고분자와의상용성이우수하고, 무기재료의장점을가지고있을뿐만아니라말단기를기능화함으로써다양한특성을부여할수있다. 그러므로 POSS 나노복합재료를사용하여차세대에너지원으로개발되고있는전고체배터리 (all solid state battery) 및연료전지자동차 (fuel cell vehicle) 에서요구되는고분자전해질막의개발에대해서도같이논의하고자한다. 1L1-3 이태우 (Tae-Woo Lee) (15:30-16:10) 1997 KAIST 화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2002 KAIST 생명화학공학과 ( 박사 ) Bell Lab (Post-Doc.) 삼성종합기술원전문연구원 POSTECH 신소재공학과조교수, 부교수 2016-현재 서울대학교재료공학부부교수 Organic Artificial Nerves 이태우 서울대학교 Mimicking learning and memory functions of the brain has been the main focus in neuromorphic system, 1 but emulating the complicated biological sensorimotor nervous systems that operate sequential functions related to stimuli-sensing, signal processing, and motor movement is also a challenging issue to realize bio-inspired soft robotics and electronics. Herein, we introduce organic artificial organic nerves for sensorimotor nervous systems of bio-inspired electronics. 2,3 The sensory organs detect stimuli and fire artificial action potentials which will be transmitted to organic nerves. Then, the organic nerves generate a post-synaptic signals which will stimulate motor neurons and muscles. Our organic artificial nerves for sensorimotor nervous systems can be used for human-like soft robots and prosthetics which help people with neurological disabilities. (1) T.-W. Lee* et al., Sci. Adv. (2016). (2) T.-W. Lee* et al., Science (2018). (3) T.-W. Lee* et al., Sci. Adv. (2018). 1L1-4 손태일 (Tae Il Son) (16:10-16:50) 한양대학교공업화학과 ( 학사 ) 한양대학교공업화학과 ( 석사 ) 동경공업대학 (Tokyo Institute of Technology) ( 박사 ) 한국키틴키토산학회장 1999-현재 중앙대학교시스템공학과교수 2007-현재 RIKEN ( 일본이화학연구소 ) 객원연구원 Past, Present and Future of Natural Polymers 손태일, 김신웅, 이태훈, 민성준중앙대학교 Medical materials are used to diagnose and treat diseases, and to replace damaged 38 제 44 권 1 호

42 body parts or promote regeneration. Such materials should not elicit any side effects or an immune rejection response. Moreover, they should be able to sustain the function of materials without degradation for appropriate periods according to the therapeutic purpose. Natural polymers have low immune rejection responses and excellent biocompatibility, and can be applied to various medical fields. To immobilize drugs using natural polymer, photo-immobilization method has been designed. For photo-immobilization, photo-reactive functional group should be introduced to natural polymer. According to purpose of application, you could choice one of the photo-reactive functional group. Natural polymers include gelatin, alginate and chitosan; such polymers have been used to improve cell affinity and tissue adhesion, and have been used in coating materials for implants and stents, and in drug delivery systems. 1L1-5 김일 (Il Kim) (16:50-17:30) 1982 연세대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 1984 KAIST 화학공학과 ( 석사 ) BASF Korea 1990 KAIST 화학공학과 ( 박사 ) 울산대학교화학공학과교수 2001-현재 부산대학교화학공학 고분자공학과교수 Double Metal Cyanide Catalysis: Past, Present and Future Perspectives 김일 부산대학교 Over the past several decades, double metal cyanide (DMC) materials have become choice catalysts in the ring-opening polymerization of epoxides, specifically propylene oxide, the copolymerization of CO 2 and epoxides, the cycloaddition of CO 2 to epoxides, and the ring-opening of epoxides with amines. Electron donating complexing agents are one of the key components to achieve active catalysts for these reactions. Considering there are a lot of commercial plants using the DMC catalysis, it is surprising that the understanding of mechanistic pathways are still in infancy stage and at least needed to be rectified. Intrinsically insoluble nature of catalyst makes it difficult to perform detailed spectroscopic studies. In this presentation various DMC-catalyzed reactions, specifically ring-opening polymerizations of epoxides, are to be introduced, emphasizing both mechanistic insights and commercial feasibility. Korea-Japan Joint Symposium: Fundamental Polymer Science for Future Technology (English) 제 2 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_108 호 Organizer: Dae Sung Chung (DGIST), Suk-Kyun Ahn (Pusan Natl. Univ.), Soo-Hyung Choi (Hongik Univ.) 1L2-1 Yukiko Enomoto (13:30-13:55) 2004 B.A. Kyoto University 2010 Ph.D. Kyoto University 2010 Resercher, The University of Tokyo 2012 Postdoctral Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) 2015 Project Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo 2016 Sinior Resercher, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 2017 Present Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo Syntheses of Ester Derivatives from Natural Polysaccharides and Their Application as Bio-based Plastic Material Yukiko Enomoto, Tadahisa Iwata The University of Tokyo Polysaccharides are one of the most abundant natural polymers in the world, are not originally thermoplastic due to their inter- and intra-molecular hydtogen bondings derived from hydtoxyl groups in the polymer chain. In the present study, polysaccharide alkyl esters having different chain lengths (C2-C12) were synthesized to give them thermoplasticity, from xylan, glucomannan, curdlan, and pullulan. The complete esterification was carried out in carboxylic acid/trifluoro acetic anhydride mixed system. The chemical structures were characterized by NMR and GPC analyses. The esters from all polysaccharides formed transparent cast-films or thermo-pressed films. Their tensile properties were dependent on the alkyl chain length. The glass transition temperature of the esters decreased from ca. 180 for acetate to ca. 60 for laurate with increase in chain length. Specific characteristic of each esters and their possibility as plastic materials are proposed and discussed. 1L2-2 윤진환 (Jinhwan Yoon) (13:55-14:20) 2002 B.S. Chemistry, POSTECH 2007 Ph.D. Polymer Chemistry, POSTECH Post-Doc, CIMS, POSTECH Post-Doc, Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst Associate Professor, Dong-A University 2017 Present Associate Professor, Pusan National University Microfludic fabrication of conducting microfibers for highly stretchable strain sensors 윤진환 부산대학교 In this study, we have prepared a highly stretchable double network (DN) of soft polyacrylamide and brittle calcium-alginate microfibers containing poly (3,4- ethylenedioxythiphene)-poly (styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) by using microfluidic devices. We found that the resistance changes can be observed in response to the stretching of the microfiber due to the connection/partial disconnection of the PEDOT:PSS domain. On the basis of these mechanical and electronical properties, the DN microfibers are envisioned to use stretchable strain sensors. 1L2-3 Hiroaki Imoto (14:20-14:45) 2007 B.A. Kyoto Univ Ph.D. Kyoto Univ JSPS Research Fellow 2009 Visiting Researcher, Cornell Univ., US Researcher, JSR Corporation Assistant Professor, Kyoto Inst. Tech Present Associate Professor, Kyoto Inst. Tech. Creation of Novel Cage Silsesquioxane Materials Based on Symmetry Control Hiroaki Imoto Kyoto Institute of Technology Cage silsesquioxane, denoted as POSS, is a representative organic-inorganic hybrid molecule. Although POSS has been generally employed to improve organic materials, POSS-based materials, which contain POSS as a main component, are rarely studied. This is because of high symmetry of POSS; 1) precise synthesis of bi-functional POSS is difficult due to the equivalent reactivity of the eight corners, and 2) optically transparent POSS-materials are hard to be fabricated due to high crystallinity of POSS. Recently, we have been working on the creation of POSS-based materials by symmetry control strategies. Incompletely-condensed POSS (IC-POSS), in which one of the eight corners is removed, is a key building block to reduce symmetry. We have reported single molecular materials, amphiphilic molecules, and, main-chain polymers by utilization of IC-POSS. In this presentation, the molecular designs and the properties of the resultant materials will be introduced. 1L2-4 문홍철 (Hong Chul Moon) (14:45-15:10) 2007 B.S. Dept of Chem. Eng., POSTECH 2012 Ph.D. Dept of Chem. Eng., POSTECH 2015 Post-Doc., University of Minnesota 2015-Present Assistant Professor, University of Seoul Functional Ion Gels: Promising Electrolyte Platforms for Electrochemical Devices 문홍철 서울시립대학교 Polymer gel electrolytes (PGEs) have been widely utilized in diverse applications including e-skins, batteries, and electrochemical displays. In particular, ion gels composed of room temperature ionic liquids (ILs) and ABA triblock copolymers with IL insoluble A blocks and a IL soluble B block are considered as promising PGEs, owing to their outstanding ionic conductivity, high capacitance, negligible vapor pressure, tunable mechanical robustness, and good solution processability. However, a trade-off between two important characteristics to evaluate electrolyte performance, ionic conductivity and mechanical property, is inevitable. Therefore, we proposed a simple but effective strategy for achieving high-performance ion gels. In addition, we functionalized ion gels to include electrochemiluminescence (ECL) and electrochromism (EC) by incorporating redox-active species, and we successfully demonstrated solution processable, low-voltage, flexible electrochemical devices. 1L2-5 Yasuhiro Kohsaka (15:30-15:55) 2006 B.A. Tokyo Tech M.A. Tokyo Tech JSPS Research Fellow for Young Scientists (DC-1) 2011 Ph. D. Tokyo Tech Assistant Professor, Osaka Univ Assistant Professor (PI, Tenure-Track), Shinshu Univ Present Associate Professor, Shinshu Univ. Conjugate Substitution: Robust Chemistry for Polymer Synthesis, Degradation and Main Chain Exchanges Yasuhiro Kohsaka Shinshu University As conjugate substitution reaction of α-(substituted methyl)acrylates proceed quantitatively under ambient condition, we applied the reaction to termination of stereospecific living anionic polymerization, polycondensation, main chain scission and transformation reactions. For example, bis[α-(chloromethyl)acrylate] underwent polycondensation with dicarboxylic acid. The obtained poly (ester ester) was decomposed via main chain scission by conjugate substitution reaction with thiols, while similar reactions with dithiols and diamines resulted in main chain transformation from polyester to polysulfide. The main chain transformation is new class of polymer modification reaction consisting of main chain scission and re-polycondensation based on conjugate substitution. Since the polymer chemistry of conjugate substitution reaction can be performed in air, water and solid state at room temperature, we expect the application to self-healing materials, renewable polymers and adhesions. 제 44 권 1 호 39

43 1L2-6 임경근 (Kyung-Geun Lim) (15:55-16:20) 2009 B.S. in Nano Science and Technology, Pusan National University, Republic of Korea 2011 M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Republic of Korea 2015 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Republic of Korea Post-doctoral researcher at Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP), Technical University Dresden, Germany 2017-Present Senior Research Scientist at Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Republic of Korea Decoupled interface dipole moments and energy level alignment in organic solar cells and hybrid perovskite solar cells 임경근, 안소영 1, 이태우 2 한국표준과학연구원 ; 1 POSTECH; 2 서울대학교 The dipole moment of interfacial materials has played the key role in efficient charge extraction in organic and hybrid perovskite solar cell, but the mechanisms of the interaction at the interface and of the resulting energy level alignment have not been well established. The mechanisms of decoupled interface dipole moments are evaluated by using spontaneously and nonspontaneously aligned dipolar interface molecules, thereby the energy-level adjustment of the dipolar interface layer in the devices are elucidated. Therefore, we systematically tailored the interface dipole moment and the energy level alignment of interface materials to remove the energy offset at the interface and achieve the efficient organic solar cells and hybrid perovskite solar cells with diverse interface materials and photoactive materials. 1L2-7 Mina Sakuragi (16:20-16:45) 2006 B.A. The University of Kitakyushu 2008 M.A. The University of Kitakyushu 2011 Ph.D. The University of Kitakyushu 2012 CASLE Co., Ltd Post-Doc. Kinki University 2014 Assistant Professor, Sojo University 2019-Present Associate Professor, Sojo University Physicochemical Characterization of Deep Eutectic Solvents-in-Oil Microemulsions Mina Sakuragi, Shinsuke Tsutsumi, Katsuki Kusakabe Sojo University Deep eutectic solvents (DES) hold great promise as solvents for pharmaceutical applications because of cheap, nontoxic, biocompatible, and high solubility to various compounds, including some sparingly soluble drugs. DES-in-oil microemulsions (MEs) could be used for a transdermal delivery carrier of sparingly soluble drugs. In this study, we investigated the effect of the ratios of surfactants (Tween-80 and Span-20) and solvents in the inner phase (DES/water) on the ME structure by the analysis of small-angle X-ray scattering profiles with core-corona model. Tween-80 with an unsaturated long alkyl chain induced a structural transition of MEs from a sphere to a cylinder. DES caused the aggregation of surfactants due to the solvophobic interactions between DES and the alkyl chains of surfactants. Subsequently, we examined the structural change of the lipid layer in the stratum corneum on applying DES-in-oil ME to the stratum corneum, and their skin permeation efficiencies in vitro. 1L2-8 최우혁 (U Hyeok Choi) (16:45-17:10) B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Yonsei University M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University Postdoc, Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Materials Science 2016-Present Assistant Professor, Polymer Engineering, Pukyong National University Understanding Ion Transport in Ion-Containing Polymer Energy Materials 최우혁 부경대학교 Recently, polymerized ionic liquids (PILs), with an ionic liquid moiety in each repeating unit, have stirred great interest in the fields of polymer chemistry, physics and materials science. Since PILs are single-ion conductors that are potentially useful for advanced energy storage, energy conversion, and electromechanical transduction devices, it is of great interest to understand structure-property relations. Here, we synthesize PILs with imidazolium cations covalently attached to the polymer chain with a variety of side (or main) chains and various IL counterions. The effect of the glass transition temperature, ionic conductivity, and dielectric constant on molecular structure was investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS), along with a morphological study from X-ray scattering. Understanding the structure-property relationship provides useful insights regarding optimal design of PILs for facile ion transport. Biomedical Polymers Division (I) (English) 제 3 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_ 호 Organizer: Dong-Wook Han (Pusan Natl. Univ.), Yong-kyu Lee (KNUT), Seung Yun Yang (Pusan Natl. Univ.) 1L3-1 최유석 (Yu Suk Choi) (13:30-13:55) 2003 연세대학교생명공학과 ( 학사 ) 2004 연세대학교생체공학협동과정 ( 석사 ) 2010 University of Melbourne (Ph.D.) University of California, San Diego (Post-Doc.) University of Sydney (Research Fellow) 2015-현재 University of Western Australia (Senior Lecturer, 부교수 ) Dynamic biomaterials for mechanobiology Yu Suk Choi, William J Hadden 1, Jennifer L Young 2, Andrew W Holle 2, Joachim Spatz 2, Adam Engler 3 University of Western Australia; 1 Sydney Medical School; 2 Max- Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems; 3 University of California, San Diego (UCSD) We developed a method of polymerization control in whinch the differential diffusion distance of unreacted cross-linker and monomer into a prepolymerized hydrogel sink results in a tunable stiffness gradient at the cell-matrix interface. This simple, low-cost, robust method was used to produce polyacrylamide hydrogels with stiffness gradients, spanning the invivo physiological and pathological mechanical landscape. Importantly, three of gradients were found to be nondurotactic for human adipose-derived stem cells(hascs), allowing the presentation of a continuous range of stiffnesses in a single well without the confounding effect of differential cell migration. Using these nondurotactic gradient gels, stiffness-dependent hasc morphology, migraion, and differentiation were studied. Finally, the mechanosensitive proteins YAP, Lamin A/C, Lamin B, MRTF-A, and MRTF-B were analyzed on these gradients, providing higher-resolution data on stiffness-dependent expression and localization. 1L3-2 남승윤 (Seung-Yun Nam) (13:55-14:20) 2007 서울대학교전기공학부 ( 학사 ) 2009 University of Texas at Austin 전기컴퓨터공학 ( 석사 ) 2014 University of Texas at Austin 전기컴퓨터공학 ( 박사 ) University of Texas at Austin 의공학 (Post-Doc.) 2015-현재 부경대학교의공학과조교수 The Printability of Hydrogels in Extrusion-Based 3D Bioprinting 남승윤 부경대학교 Recently, 3D bioprinting of hydrogels has been widely used as a prospective technique in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Although hydrogels exhibit high biocompatibility and biomimicry, their weak and uncontrollable mechanical properties hinder precise printing and limit its applications. Therefore, in-depth understanding of rheological and viscoelastic behaviors of the hydrogels is significant to improve 3D printability of the hydrogels. In this study, therefore, various methods to improve and optimize 3D bioprinting of the hydrogels were explored to enhance the printability and bioactivity. 1L3-3 김연수 (Younsoo Kim) (14:20-14:45) 2009 이화여자대학교화학나노과학과 ( 학사 ) 2011 이화여자대학교화학나노과학과 ( 석사 ) 2015 동경대학교화학생명공학과 ( 박사 ) 동경대학교재료공학과 (Post-Doc.) 2017-현재 포항공과대학교신소재공학과조교수 이방성구조를가진생체모방형하이드로젤김연수 포항공과대학교 Various hydrogel actuators have been developed so far, however, their actuation has inherent limitation in efficiency, because of their primitive actuation mechanism simply relying on the volume changes through the swelling and deswelling of gel networks. These limitations could be overcome through the imitation of mechanisms shown in Nature s living creatures, offering an enormous potential for the development of functional soft materials that may improve our life. As represented by muscular tissues, some biological tissues are composed of numerous nanoscopic subunits that are assembled into anisotropically oriented structures extending over amacroscopic size regime. To address this challenge, we have recently developed polymer networks with 'single-crystal-like'structural order, where 2D-shaped inorganic materials were employed as constituents. In this presentation, their unprecedented functions originating from anisotropic structures will be discussed. 1L3-4 김유천 (Yeu-Chun Kim) (14:45-15:10) 1999 연세대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2001 KAIST 생명화학공학 ( 석사 ) 2007 미국조지아공과대학교생명화학공학 ( 박사 ) 미국조지아공과대학교생명화학공학 (Post-Doc.) 미국에모리의과학방문연구원 2012-현재 KAIST 생명화학공학과부교수 Biomecial applicationa of Curcumin for cancer therapy 김유천 한국과학기술원 Curcumin (CRC) has been widely used as a therapeutic agent for various drug delivery applications. We used curcumin as a drug delivery vehicle as well as therapeutic cancer agent. In the first part, we focused on the applicability of CRC as a drug delivery vehicle for doxorubicin (DOX) coated with poly-(ethylene glycol) (PEG) as an effective therapeutic strategy against multidrug-resistant cancer cells. The nanocomplexes were well localized within the resistant cancer cells inducing apoptosis and suppressed the tumor growth. In the second part, we developed novel hyaluronic acid cross-linked zein nanogels (HA-Zein NGs) to deliver the potential anticancer agent curcumin. The CRC encapsulated HA-Zein NGs were found to exert a specific toxicity against CD44 positive cancer cell (CT26 tumor cell) in vitro. The in vivo bio-distribution with a CT26 tumor model showed their high tumor accumulation thereby improved antitumor efficacy with a low dosage of CRC. 40 제 44 권 1 호

44 1L3-5 양성호 (Sung Ho Yang) (15:30-15:55) 2005 KAIST 화학과 ( 학사 ) 2010 KAIST 화학과 ( 박사 ) UC Berkeley 생물공학과 (Post-Doc.) 한국교원대학교화학과조교수 2016-현재 한국교원대학교화학과부교수 Polymers and Polymerization for Living Cell Coating 양성호 한국교원대학교 The first attempt of living cells coating has been conducted by organic polymers through layer-by-layer methods. To achieve more practical demonstration, coating materials shifted from organic polymers to inorganic materials. The polymers have been used as catalytic templates for biomimetic synthesis of inorganic materials. Furthermore, it was developed a cytocompatible surface-initiated, atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP) method for grafting polymers from living cells with use of polydopamine priming. Modulation of cell-surface properties and cellular activities was demonstrated, along with post-functionalibility of polymer coats. Considering a plethora of functional and structural variations in synthetic polymers, grafting polymers from (or to) cell surfaces would generate multifunctional cellular hybrids for many biotechnological and biomedical applications, not to mention providing an advanced tool for chemically manipulating the cells. 1L3-6 조우경 (Woo Kyung Cho) (15:55-16:20) 2002 경북대학교화학과 ( 학사 ) 2004 KAIST 화학과 ( 석사 ) 2008 KAIST 화학과 ( 박사 ) 2008 KAIST 자연과학연구소 (Post-Doc.) MIT, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology (Post-Doc.) 2013-현재 충남대학교화학과부교수 Functional Organic Thin Films: Application to Antibacterial/Universal Coatings 조우경 충남대학교 Bacteria have a strong tendency to adhere and to grow on solid substrates under biological environments. They quickly proliferate and form three-dimensional communities named as biofilm. Biofilms can cause severe medical infection and can be crucial problems for many implantable biomaterials and medical devices. We have synthesized versatile antibacterial materials by introducing catechol moiety into the marine-derived polysaccharides. The robust antibacterial coating was accomplished by using coordination chemistry between catechol groups and iron(iii) ions. Polymeric self-assembled monolayers was also employed to develop facile antibacterial coatings on various oxide-based substrates. As a universal coating method, the coordination chemistry of catechol-metal ion was further investigated and turmeric-based transparent coating strategy was developed as well. Herein, I will present how we have designed the organic materials and developed the functional coatings. 1L3-7 신건철 (Gunchul Shin) (16:20-16:45) 2006 고려대학교화공생명공학과 ( 학사 ) 2008 고려대학교화공생명공학과 ( 석사 ) 2012 고려대학교화공생명공학과 ( 박사 ) University of UC (Post-Doc.) Northwestern University (Post-Doc.) 2017-현재 울산대학교첨단소재공학부조교수 Soft materials-based optoelectronics for bio-medical application 신건철 울산대학교첨단소재공학부 Understanding and controlling the function of the brain is a challenge in modern neuroscience. Optogenetics allows rapid, temporally specific control of neuronal activity by targeted expression and activation of light-sensitive proteins. Implementation typically requires remote light sources and fiber-optic delivery schemes that impose considerable physical constraints on natural behaviors. In this report we bypass these limitations using technologies that combine thin, mechanically soft neural interfaces with fully implantable, stretchable wireless radio power and control systems. The resulting devices achieve optogenetic modulation of the central and peripheral nervous system. Soft, thin devices are minimally invasive, and histological tests suggest they can be used in chronic studies. 1L3-8 전상용 (Sangyong Jon) (16:45-17:10) 1993 KAIST 화학과 ( 학사 ) 1995 KAIST 화학과 ( 석사 ) 1999 KAIST 화학과 ( 박사 ) MIT 화공과 (Post-Doc.) GIST 생명과학부조교수, 부교수, 교수 2012-현재 KAIST 생명과학과교수 A polymer thin film platform that enables generation of 3D cancer stem cell spheroids 전상용 한국과학기술원 We developed a functional polymer thin film (PTF) platform that promotes conversion of cancer cells to highly tumorigenic three-dimensional (3D) spheroids without the use of biochemical or genetic manipulations. Culturing various human cancer cells on the specific PTF, poly (2,4,6,8-tetravinyl-2,4,6,8-tetramethyl cyclotetrasiloxane) (pv4d4), gave rise to numerous multicellular tumor spheroids within 24 hours, with high efficiency and reproducibility. Cancer cells in the resulting spheroids showed an enormous increase in the expression of CSC-associated genes and acquired dramatically increased drug resistance compared with 2D monolayer-cultured controls. These spheroids also showed greatly enhanced xenograft tumor-forming ability and metastasis capacity in nude mice. By enabling the generation of tumorigenic spheroids from diverse cancer cells, the surface platform described here will likely contribute to CSC-related basic research and drug development. 1L3-9 이동윤 (Dong Yun Lee) (17:10-17:35) 1998 한양대학교생화학과 ( 학사 ) 2000 한양대학교생화학과 ( 석사 ) 2005 광주과학기술원신소재공학과 ( 박사 ) 서울대학교약학대학 (Post-Doc.) 미국하버드의과대학 (Post-Doc.) 2009-현재 한양대학교생명공학과조교수, 부교수, 교수 Non-degradable cell encapsulation with alginate-egcg conjugation (Green Bead TM ) Jae Bin Lee, Jae-Kyung Park 1, Kimyung Choi 1, Dong Yun Lee Hanyang University; 1 Optipharm Co. Ltd. Immunoprotective microencapsulation with alginate has been developed for cell transplantation. However, pure alginate microencapsulation techniques have a limitation in that Ca 2+ -alginate hydrogel slowly dissolve in the body and induce hypoxia to encapsulated islets. To overcome these limitations, we conjugated epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) to alginate, which is capable of forming aggregates by auto-oxidation, independent of Ca 2+. We confirmed that the surface-modified microcapsules could have stronger physical properties than the conventional alginate microcapsules. In addition, the surface modification of the microcapsules (Green Bead TM ) was performed once again using alginate for the suppressed immune response. Also, they showed the effect of radical scavenging. Subsequently, the immune response of the body through the transplantation of Green Bead TM with islets and their therapeutic effect on diabetic animals was confirmed. 고분자합성 Polymer Synthesis 제 4 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_ 호 Organizer: 김병수 ( 연세대 ), 송창식 ( 성균관대 ) 1L4-1 Christopher Bielawski (13:30-13:55) 1997 B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2003 Ph.D., California Institute of Technology Assistant/Associate/Professor, University of Texas at Austin World Class University Professor, Seoul National University 2013-Present University Distinguished Professor, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology 2014-Present IBS Group Leader, Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials Dewar Benzene as a Versatile Platform for Synthesizing Conjugated Polymers Christopher Bielawski UNIST/IBS CMCM New methodologies for synthesizing conjugated polymers will be described. One example entails the ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of dibromo Dewar benzene followed by dehalogenation of the corresponding polymer to afford trans-poly (acetylene) with high stereopurity. The mechanism of the transformation along with adaptation of the methodology to access multiblock derivatives will be described. In another example, a series of cyclobutenyl-based monomers outfitted with different functional groups was obtained through the ring-opening esterification of Dewar lactone. A novel ROMP / elimination sequence afforded a new class of poly (diene)s, which displayed physical and electronic properties in a manner that depended on the functional groups present in their constituent monomers. The Institute for Basic Science (IBS-R019) as well as the BK21 Plus Program as funded by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea are acknowledged for their support. 1L4-2 야부즈자패르타야르 (Cafer T. Yavuz) (13:55-14:20) 2001 B.S. Middle East Technical University, Turkey 2008 Ph.D. Rice University 2010 Post-Doc. G.D. Stucky, UC Santa Barbara 2010-Present Professor, KAIST Sustainable porous polymers for gas capture, water treatment, and catalysis 야부즈자패르타야르 한국과학기술원 Nanopores in porous polymers offer confined spaces with vast contact surfaces and tunable functionalities. We have developed a family of nanoporous covalent organic polymers through scalable, catalyst free conditions that feature a wide range of functional groups available for chemical interactions. In water treatment, COPs can selectively capture contaminants such as micropollutants. Heavy metals and uranium capture from seawater also benefit from heterogeneous nature of the sorbents with high diffusion rates. In particular, porphyrin and nitrile containing COPs showed high precious metal 제 44 권 1 호 41

45 uptake capacities. By varying chain length of a covalently tethered amine within a nanopore, we optimized CO2 binding energy, leading to new CO2 sorbent designs. Another, pyridyl salicylimine based system converts epoxides and CO2 into cyclic carbonates with unprecedented selectivity and conversion at ambient conditions. 1L4-3 Anzar Khan (14:20-14:45) 2001 M.Sc. Poona College, India 2005 Ph.D. Free University Berlin, Germany 2006 Post-Doc. University of California, Santa Barbara 2009 Group Leader. ETH-Zurich 2015-Present Assist. Prof. Korea University Reductive Cleavage of the Azo Bond: An Opportunity for the Development of Enzyme Sensitive Molecules and Materials Anzar Khan, Taejun Eom Korea University The azo linkage (N=N) is one of the very few functional groups in organic chemistry that exhibit sensitivity towards thermal, chemical, photochemical, and biological stimuli. As a consequence, each property has given rise to a distinct class of organic materials. For example, thermal sensitivity has led to free radical initiators useful in curing and polymerization applications. Chemically induced cleavage such as with sodium dithionite has aided the development of reactive scaffolds for proteomics applications. Photo-isomerization capability has given rise to photo-responsive materials. In this presentation, our aim will be to show that azo bond scission under biologically reducing environment, such as that of colon as well as under hypoxia conditions, presents a new opportunity in the development of responsive and functional soft materials. 1L4-4 Bright Walker (14:45-15:10) 2003 B.S. (Chemistry), University of California at Berkeley Research Scientist, Soane Labs, California 2012 Ph.D. (Chemistry), University of California at Santa Barbara Post-doc, UNIST, South Korea Research Professor, UNIST, South Korea 2018-Present Assistant Professor, Kyung Hee University Improved Performance in n-type Organic Field-Effect Transistors via Polyelectrolyte- Mediated Interfacial Doping 박유정, 차명주, 윤영진 1, 조신욱 2, 김진영 1, 서정화, Bright Walker 3, 동아대학교 ; 1 울산과학기술원 ; 2 울산대학교 ; 3 경희대학교 A series of nonconjugated polyelectrolyte (NPE) based on an ethoxylated polyethylenimine backbone with various counterions, including Cl, Br, and I, improve electron mobilities up to 10 2 cm 2 V 1 s 1 and yield on off ratios of 10 5 in PCBM OFETs. UPS reveals that all of the NPEs lead to reduced electron injection barriers at the NPE/metal interface which is consistent with dipole formation or n-type doping at the electrode interface. Absorption measurements of PCBM films treated with NPEs are consistent with n-doping of the PCBM. Regardless of the type of anion, thick NPE layers lead to high conductivity in the films independent of gate bias, whereas thin NPE layers lead to dramatically improved electron injection and performance. These results demonstrate that thin polyelectrolyte layers can be used to achieve controlled interfacial doping in organic semiconductors. 1L4-5 이형일 (Hyung Il Lee) (15:30-15:55) 1998 한양대학교공업화학과 ( 학사 ) 2000 한양대학교공업화학과 ( 석사 ) 2007 Carnegie Mellon 대학교화학과 ( 박사 ) MIT 화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) 2009-현재 울산대학교화학과교수 Stimuli-Responsive Polymers with Tunable Sensitivity Driven by Morphological Change for Sensing Applications 이형일 울산대학교 In this presentation, the thermo/photo-tunable detection of mercury (II) ions by polymeric micelles based on thermo/light-responsive block copolymers will be discussed. Even though the thermo/light-induced disruption of micelles has many applications, such as drug deliveries in which the photocontrolled release of the encapsulated drugs is possible, it has been rarely studied for the sensing applications. To the best of our knowledge, the current work presented in talk is the first example of the thermo/light -triggered turn-on colorimetric detection of mercury (II) ions by light-responsive block copolymer micelles. No detection of mercury (II) ions was observed initially, but micellar disruption by light irradiation resulted in turn-on detection. The general strategy presented herein can potentially be used for the preparation of polymeric micelles capable of the thermo/light -induced tunable detection of various kinds of water-soluble analytes. 1L4-6 박치영 (Chiyoung Park) (15:55-16:20) 2003 인하대학교화공고분자생물공학부 ( 학사 ) 2005 인하대학교고분자공학과 ( 석사 ) 2008 인하대학교고분자공학과 ( 박사 ) 동경대학교화공생명공학과 (Post-Doc.) 한국과학기술연구원선임연구원 2017-현재 부경대학교공업화학과조교수 Synthesis of Suprmaolecular Polymer Hybrids with Mechanochemical Activities 박치영 부경대학교 Natural polymers regulate not only a variety of transport phenomena and catalytic reactions in physiological processes, but also exhibit self-repairing characterisitics. Such dynamic activities support vital phenomena with precision and complexity. In our recent contributions, by precisely inserting right funtions to synthetic polymer chains and its hybrid assemblies, we have successfully synthesized suprmolecular polymer hybrids, which can support mechanoresponsive gating systems. In this talk, I will describe a series of supramolecular polymer hybrids useful for bio and energy applications. 1L4-7 서명은 (Myungeun Seo) (16:20-16:45) 2002 KAIST 화학과 ( 학사 ) 2004 KAIST 화학과 ( 석사 ) 2008 KAIST 화학과 ( 박사 ) KAIST 화학과 (Post-Doc.) University of Minnesota 화학과 (Post-Doc.) 2013-현재 KAIST 나노과학기술대학원조교수, 부교수 New Functional Group, New Space, New Polymer via Post-Polymerization Modification 서명은 KAIST Post-polymerization modification involves chemical transformation of existing polymers to impart new chemical functionality. Synthetically challenging polymers can be produced from readily accessible polymer precursors retaining the morphology. When the reaction is performed on the polymer surface, surface characteristics can be tuned in a tailored fashion without deteriorating intrinsic properties of the parent polymer. By adopting advanced organic chemistry enabling selective and regiospecific functionalization, we envision upcycling of polymers to higher added-value plastics by post-polymerization modification. I will discuss our recent accomplishments on installing and uninstalling a functional group by post-polymerization modification. Desired polymers can be readily derived from the precursors in unprecedentedly controlled manner, significantly diversifying the realm of synthetic polymers. 1L4-8 김정곤 (Jeung Gon Kim) (16:45-17:10) 2005 University of Pennsylvania 화학과 ( 박사 ) LG화학기술연구원연구원 Cornell 대학교화학과 (Post-Doc.) 제일모직케미칼개발팀 IBS 분자활성촉매반응연구단연구위원 2015-현재 전북대학교화학과조교수 Mechanochemical Polymer Synthesis: Overcoming Miscibility and Boosting Reactivity 김정곤 전북대학교 Mechanochemical polymerization is a rapidly growing area and a number of polymeric materials now can be obtained via green mechanochemical synthesis. Since our ground-breaking development of chain-growth mechanochemical poly (lactic acid) synthesis, we have continued expanding this new method to other types of polymerizations. In this presentation, the post-polymerization modification and block copolymer synthesis from macroinitiators will be discussed, where mechanochemical transformations are applied to polymer chains. Mechanochemical conditions surprisingly provided efficient mixing between the polymer chain and the reactants and more efficient chemical transformation than solution reactions. In addition, the case of a catalytic polymerization system will be disclosed which is very slow in solution became very robust under ball-milling conditions. Thus, I would like to address that the general concepts and merits of mechanochemical synthesis is valid in polymer science as well. 1L4-9 최수형 (SooHyung Choi) (17:10-17:35) 서울대학교응용화학부 ( 학사 ) Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities ( 박사 ) Materials Research Lab, University of California, Santa Barbara (Post-Doc.) 홍익대학교신소재화공시스템공학부화학공학전공조교수 현재 홍익대학교신소재화공시스템공학부화학공학전공부교수 Gel Relaxation Dynamics in Polyether-based Triblock Copolymer Hydrogel 최수형 홍익대학교 Polymers with sol-gel transition temperature near room temperature and high bio-compatibility have attracted much attention in biomedical field. In this study, thermo-responsive ABA triblock copolymers were synthesized by anionic ring-opening polymerization, including poly (ethylene oxide) as the B block and thermo-responsive random copolymer of isopropyl glycidyl ether and ethyl glycidyl ether as the A block. Transition temperature of A block was controlled by the ratio of the two monomers. As the polymer concentration increases, hydrogel was formed above gel temperature, that decreases as the concentration of polymer or hydrophobicity of A block increases. Here, the gel relaxation time of the hydrogels at various polymer concentrations and various temperature was measured by rheometer with the help of time-temperature Superposition (tts) principle. We found that with a small change of the hydrophobicity in A block, the relaxation time is dramatically changed. 42 제 44 권 1 호

46 신진연구자특별심포지움 (I) Young Polymer Scientists Session (I) 제 5 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_103 호 Organizer: 왕동환 ( 중앙대 ), 임성갑 (KAIST) 1L5-1 박성준 (Sungjune Park) (13:30-13:55) 2007 충남대학교정밀응용화학과 ( 학사 ) 2009 충남대학교공업화학과 ( 석사 ) 2013 RWTH Aachen 화학과 ( 박사 ) 현대자동차재료개발센터책임연구원 North Carolina State University 화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) 2018-현재 전북대학교고분자나노공학과조교수 Unconventional Surface Patterning and Actuation using Soft Materials 박성준 전북대학교 The presentation describes efforts to control the shape and function of soft materials for applications that include functional surfaces, soft and stretchable electronics. The research harnesses physical behavior of soft materials at surfaces and interfaces, non-lithographic nanofabrications, and actuating. First, complex nanopatterns in a form of hierarchically sequenced morphologies in block copolymer films on lithography-free topographic substrates by periodic confinement and spontaneous kinetic flow fields is demonstrated. Second, gallium-based liquid metals at room temperature are patterned into microchannels of tough silicones to form ultra-stretchable wires and microelectrodes. It is also demonstrated to create shape-memory polymeric materials with electrical conductivity and reconfigurable devices by switching the phase of the metals. Third, a facile approach to achieve localized surface instability on a metal/polymer (Al/PS) bilayer on a rigid substrate is presented. 1L5-2 이주혁 (Juhyuck Lee) (13:55-14:20) 2011 성균관대학교신소재공학부 ( 학사 ) 2016 성균관대학교나노공학과 ( 박사 ) UC Berkeley (Post-Doc.) 2018-현재 DGIST 에너지공학과조교수 Self-assembled biomolecular piezoelectric materials for energy generators 이주혁 대구경북과학기술원 (DGIST) Recent studies on biomolecular piezoelectric crystals such as self-assembled amino acids, peptides, proteins, and viruses have great attention because they are applicable to bioelectronics and biomedical applications. Especially, diphenylalanine (FF) and M13 bacteriophage has been reported to exhibit strong piezoresponse comparable to conventional piezoelectric materials. However, the difficulty of fabricating scalable unidirectionally polarized structures that can convert mechanical force into electricity has been a major obstacle to the realization of a strong piezoelectric energy generators. In this talk, I will present a strategy to synthesize large-scale aligned biomolecular piezoelectric materials that is FF nanotubes and M13 bacteriophage. The polarization direction of these materials was controlled using self-assembly process. Furthermore, the biological piezoelectric materials based piezoelectric energy generators were demonstrated. 1L5-3 김선준 (Seon Joon Kim) (14:20-14:45) 2011 KAIST 생명화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2017 KAIST 생명화학공학과 ( 박사 ) KAIST 응용과학연구소 (Post-Doc.) Drexel Nanomaterials Institute (Post-Doc.) 2019-현재 한국과학기술연구원선임연구원 Structure control and assembly of MXene films for sensing applications 김선준 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) MXenes are an emerging class of two-dimensional transitional metal carbides/nitrides that possess excellent electrical conductivity and high surface functionalities. Also, their excellent solubility in solvents render MXenes excellent candidates for functional films and composites toward numerous applications. In this presentation, the utilization of MXenes and their composites for sensors will be discussed. In detail, methods to control the stacking and interlayer structure of MXene thin films and their application as chemical sensors will be presented. Assembled MXene films were able to detect ppb-level VOC gases at room temperature, being more sensitive than any other reported material, which is critically important for therapeutic applications. Furthermore, the controlled intercalation of metal ions into the interlayers of MXene films dramatically increased the selectivity of MXene gas sensors toward VOCs. 1L5-4 김대우 (Daewoo Kim) (14:45-15:10) 2009 KAIST 생명화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2015 KAIST 생명화학공학과 ( 석박사 ) 2015-현재 대통령포스트닥펠로우 미네소타대학교화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) 2019-현재 연세대학교화공생명공학과조교수 Zeolite Nanosheet and Its Polymer Composite Membranes for Gas Separation 김대우 연세대학교 Soon after the discovery of two-dimensional materials, a lot of efforts have been made to fabricate porous crystals like zeolites and metal-organic frameworks in the shape of nanosheet. Especially, zeolite nanosheets are desirable building blocks for catalysts, membranes, low dielectric constant films, and adsorbents. Herein, direct synthesis of MFI nanosheets was achieved by adding graphite in a synthesis solution of multilamellar MFI. While multilamellar MFI particles are composed of orthogonally intergrownnanosheets by multiple twining, the intergrowth and twining were hindered in the presence of graphite, resulting in the twining-free MFI nanosheet. The thickness of nanosheet was around 20 nm and diameter ranged even up to 10 μm. When the nanosheets were used for mixed-matrix membrane, the membrane showed n-butane permeability of ca barrer and n/i-butane ideal selectivity of 21, which is surpassing the upper bound of previous polymer and mixed-matrix membranes. 1L5-5 김정규 (Jung-kyu Kim) (15:30-15:55) 2010 성균관대학교화학공학부 ( 학사 ) 2012 성균관대학교나노과학기술학부 ( 석사 ) 2015 성균관대학교나노과학기술학부 ( 박사 ) Stanford University (Post-Doc.) 2018-현재 성균관대학교화학공학 / 고분자공학부조교수 Facile Flame-processed Electron Transport/Selective Layers for Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells 김정규 성균관대학교화학공학 / 고분자공학부 Mesoporous electron transport/selective layers (ETLs) are broadly used as interlayers in various organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells. The state-of-the-art ETLs for these solar cells are fabricated by annealing a paste-coated fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass in a box furnace, where the paste is composed of polymeric binders and organic stabilizers with metal oxide nanoparticles (i.e. TiO 2). Here, the use of flame is introduced for the high throughput and ultrafast thermal treatment of ETLs. Flame has a broad tunable temperature range and an intrinsic temperature field with a large gradient. Hence, flame treatment, when coupled with FTO glass cooling, could provide the desired temperature field for processing ETLs on FTO. Thus, the flame annealing of paste can be a promising approach for fabricating PSCs with enhanced charge transport performance. In addition, a sol-flame doping process to introduce Co dopant into ETLs is introduced for the high efficient perovskite solar cells. 1L5-6 김정환 (Junghwan Kim) (15:55-16:20) 2004 부산대학교나노과학기술학부 ( 학사 ) 2008 광주과학기술원신소재공학과 ( 석사 ) 2010 광주과학기술원나노바이오전자재료공학과 ( 박사 ) 광주과학기술원히거신소재연구센터 (Post-Doc.) University of Toronto (Post-Doc.) 2018-현재 한국과학기술연구원선임연구원 Ambient Air Stable Halide Perovskite Solar Cells via Lattice Strain Relaxation 김정환 한국과학기술연구원 The recent record power conversion efficiency of 23.7% for single junction perovskite solar cells provides the optimistic future of this field. However, the degradation of perovskite solar cells in the presence of trace water and oxygen poses a challenge for their commercial impact given the appreciable permeability of cost-effective encapsulants. Here, we report that, in single-cation/halide perovskites, local lattice strain facilitates the formation of vacancies and that cation/halide mixing suppresses their formation via strain relaxation. We then show that judiciously selected dopants can maximize the formation energy of defects responsible for degradation. Cd-containing cells show an order of magnitude enhanced unencapsulated stability compared to state-of-art mixed perovskite solar cells, for both shelf storage and maximum power point operation in ambient air at a relative humidity of 50%. We also provide the golden rule of the defect engineering concept. 1L5-7 Joshua A. Jackman (16:20-16:45) 2010 B.S. University of Florida 2015 Ph.D. Nanyang Technological University Post-Doc. Stanford University 2019-Present Assistant Professor, Sungkyunkwan University Polymer-Coated Metallic Nanoholes for Capturing Biological Nanoparticles Joshua Jackman Sungkyunkwan University We investigated the surface functionalization of periodic arrays of gold nanoholes using thiol-teminated methoxy polyethylene(glycol) (mpeg-sh) polymers of varying molecular weights. By controlling the geometrical dimensions of the nanoholes and selecting an appropriate mpeg-sh, it was possible to selectively capture individuals sub-100 nm diameter nanoparticles, i.e., model virus particles, in the nanoholes. Using the nanohole platform, we conducted nanoplasmonic biosensing experiments in order to study particle adsorption and peptide-induced rupture. Compared to a non-functionalized nanohole sensing platform, the polymer-fuctionalized sensing platform demonstrated superior 제 44 권 1 호 43

47 sensing performance for detecting particle rupture events. Our findings demonstrate the merits of functionalizing metallic nanoholes with polymer coatings in order to control the immobilization of biological nanoparticles such as virus particles and exosomes for biomacromolecular interaction analysis. 1L5-8 김태안 (Tae Ann Kim) (16:45-17:10) 2008 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 학사 ) 2010 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 석사 ) 한국과학기술연구원광전하이브리드센터연구원 2018 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Materials Science and Engineering ( 박사 ) 2019-현재 한국과학기술연구원광전하이브리드센터선임연구원 Revealing how regiochemistry influences mechanophore activation in polymeric materials 김태안 한국과학기술연구원 Mechanical force on a polymer can be translated into productive chemical responses using molecular force probes called mechanophores. Mechanophore-linked polymers have accomplished numerous functions including visualizing stress, self-strengthening, and releasing small molecules. To rationally utilize the mechanochemical reactions, the effect of molecular structure on mechanophore activity needs to be understood. Here, we focus on how molecular geometry influences mechanophore activation in bulk elastomers with color-changing mechanophores, spriopyran(sp) and naphthopyran (NP). Two mechanically active SPs and six NP regioisomers were synthesized. SP or NP incorporated specimens were tested to compare the mechanical reactivity under tension. Although the exact behavior of mechanophores in heterogenous polymer networks was difficult to interpret, the current work provides some guidelines for designing new mechanophores as well as controlling their activity. 1L5-9 이현종 (Hyun Jong Lee) (17:10-17:35) 2009 연세대학교화학공학학사 2014 연세대학교화공생명공학박사 LG생활건강기술연구원, 책임연구원 Stanford University School of Medicine (Post-Doc.) 2018-현재 가천대학교화공생명공학과, 조교수 Corneal wound healing effects of secretomes derived from hmscs cultured on electrospun fibers 이현종 가천대학교 The therapeutic effects of secretomes produced by bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were evaluated as a function of their growth in 2D culture conditions and on 3D electrospun fiber scaffolds. The secretome produced by the MSCs cultured on fiber matrices versus 2D culture dishes were analyzed, and the secretome of MSCs showed substantial compositional differences. In vitro proliferation and scratch-based wound healing assays were performed to compare the effects of the secretome on corneal fibroblast cells (CFCs). Electrospun fibers seeded with MSCs were then applied to a rabbit corneal organ culture system, and MSCs seeded on fibers promoted faster epithelialization. Future work is merited to further understand the nature and basis of these differences and their effects in animal models. 고분자가공 / 복합재료 Polymer Processing/Composites 제 6 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_ 호 Organizer: 여현욱 ( 경북대 ), 장세규 (KIST) 1L6-1 오미혜 (Mee-Hye OH) (13:30-13:55) 홍익대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 홍익대학교화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 충북대학교화학과 ( 박사 ) 1994-현재 자동차부품연구원책임연구원 PBT 기반방열복합소재의특성과이를이용한 LKAS 카메라성형기술오미혜, 윤여성자동차부품연구원차선이탈방지시스템의증가와자율주행자동차의개발이본격적으로진행되면서 LKAS (Lane Keeping Assist System) 카메라의중요성이커지고있다. LKAS 카메라는작동중발생되는내부열과윈드쉴드에부착되어직사광선으로인한온도상승이시스템성능을저해할수있다. 본연구에서는 LKAS 카메라하우징을열전도성고분자복합소재로적용하기위한연구를진행하였다. 고분자매트릭스와필러의복합화과정에서필러종류, 크기와열전달경로형성에의해다양한특성을나타내며사출성형에미치는영향성을고찰하였다. 열전도성을위한필러의형상, 크기, 네트워크형성및연속성등을고려하여복합소재를제작하였으며, 복합소재제조를위한압출공정, 부품성형을위한사출공정등에서열전달특성과기계적물성을최적화하는연구를진행하였다. 1L6-2 고문주 (Munju GohMunju Goh) (13:55-14:20) 2001 건국대학교섬유공학과 ( 학사 ) 2005 츠쿠바대학교물질공학 ( 석사 ) 2009 교토대학교고분자화학과 ( 박사 ) 교토대학교고분자화학과 (Post-Doc.) 교토대학교고분자화학과조교수 2012-현재 한국과학기술연구원선 / 책임연구원 High performance epoxy resins and chemical recycling of epoxy based composites 고문주 KIST Epoxy resin (EP), the most common thermosetting resin, forms a three-dimensional cross-linked network structure. EP has been used in various industrial applications because of its good adhesion, chemical resistance, thermal resistance, and mechanical properties. Despite its good properties, there has been a persistent demand for more functional EP that can be used in potential applications such as in automotive, aerospace, construction, and electronic industries. In this presentation, I will describe recent progress for enhancing the crosslink density, glass transition temperature and mechanical properties of EP using nanocarbon materials as a curing agent and synthesizing highly thermal conductive epoxy resins. Finally, I introduce a new chemical recycling method that overcomes the disadvantages of thermosetting resins that cannot be recycled because they are insoluble and infusible after curing. 1L6-3 송광석 (Gwang-seok Song) (14:20-14:45) 2008 전북대학교공업화학과 ( 학사 ) 2010 전북대학교화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 2016 전북대학교화학공학과 ( 박사 ) 2016-현재 삼양사산업바이오P/G 책임연구원 이소소르비드를이용한나노셀룰로오스가분산된폴리우레탄의특성송광석, 이재훈, 박혁민, 노재국, 류훈삼양사중앙연구소 폴리우레탄은생활용품에서산업용품에이르는다양한형태의중간소재로사용되며, 탄성체, 접착제, 코팅재료, 실란트, 등의측면에서여타소재에비해월등히뛰어나널리이용되고있다. 셀룰로오스는천연고분자물질중하나로기계적강도가우수하고넓은비표면적을가지고있는바이오기반소재이다. 하지만, 저장매체인물과이소시아네이트가만나면이산화탄소가발생되면서발포가되기때문에폴리우레탄분야에적용하기에는한계가있다. 아이소소바이드는천연물유래의친환경소재이기때문에바이오플라스틱등플라스틱산업에서도매우유용하다. 특히폴리우레탄사슬연장제로사용시폴리우레탄의인장강도및신율등물리적특성을현저히향상시킬수잇는장점을가지고있다. 본연구에서는다양한방법으로제조된물에분산된나노셀룰로오스를아이소소바이드에분산시켜마스터배치의단점인저장안정성과함량제한문제를개선하였다. 또한, 나노셀룰로오스가분산된아이소소바이드를폴리우레탄탄성체에사슬연장제로적용하여나노셀룰로오스가분산된폴리우레탄복합체로제조하여기계적특성을확인하였다. 1L6-4 최수아 (Sua Choi) (14:45-15:10) 2011 동아대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2013 동아대학교화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 2014 한국전기연구원나노융합기술연구센터위촉연구원 2017-현재 전략물자관리원연구원 고분자관련연구자의전략물자 ( 기술 ) 관리인식제고및이행방안최수아 전략물자관리원전략물자란무기그자체는물론무기를제조 / 생산 / 개발 / 운영하는데필요한물자와기술, 소프트웨어를모두포함하는개념이다. 따라서상업용도의소재라도전용될가능성이있는품목들에대하여전략물자관리제도를운영하고있으며, 대외무역법내전략물자수출입고시에서해당물품을통제하고있다. 고분자소재중에서도전도성고분자, 고분자복합재료, 고분자섬유와이의전구체, 장비내코팅재료로활용되는불소고분자 (ex. PTFE) 등이명시되어있어관련품목을다루는데주의가필요하다. 대학및연구소등연구자들의경우, IT 기술의발전, 국제적으로인적교류가증가해감에따라기술이전이용이해지고있어전략기술이불법적으로이전되지않도록주의를기울여야한다. 이에관련산학연관계자를대상으로한전략물자 ( 기술 ) 관리제도와품목을안내하고인식제고와이행방안에대하여소개하고자한다. 1L6-5 서용석 (Yongsok Seo) (15:30-15:55) 1977 서울대학교공업화학과 ( 학사 ) 1984 U. Texas (Austin) Chemical Eng. (M.S.) 1987 U. Texas (Austin) Chemical Eng. (Ph.D.) U. Texas (Austin) Chemical Eng. (Post-Doc.) 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) 책임연구원 2004-현재 서울대학교공과대학재료공학부 Enhanced Interfacial Adhesion between an Amorphous Polymer (Polystyrene) and a Semicrystalline Polymer [a Polyamide (Nylon 6)] 서용석, 김호연 1, 김세현 2 서울대학교 ; 1 서울대학교재료공학부 ; 2 LG Chem We studied enhanced interfacial adhesion between an amorphous polymer (polystyrene, PS) and a semicrystalline polymer (a polyamide, Ny6). The surface modification of PS to provide functional groups that can react with the functional groups of Ny6 was carried out with ion-beam and/or plasma treatment. These surface modifications were found to alter the interfacial adhesion strength between PS and Ny6. The fracture toughness increased with increasing bonding temperature and bonding time, passed through a peak, and then decreased with a further increase of the bonding time or temperature. 44 제 44 권 1 호

48 The variation of the fracture toughness with the bonding time and temperature can be plausibly explained in terms of two different failure mechanisms of adhesive failure and cohesive failure. Dynamic secondary-ion mass spectroscopy (DSIMS) results provide the direct experimental evidence. The change in the adhesion strength with temperature could also cause a change in the failure mechanism. 1L6-6 최시영 (Si Young Choi) (15:55-16:20) 2005 KAIST 생명화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2011 UCSB 화학공학과 ( 박사 ) 2012 University of Minnesota (Post-Doc.) 2015-현재 KAIST 생명화학공학과조교수 Processable high thermal conductivity composite using high internal phase Pickering emulsion 최시영 KAIST High thermal conductivity materials has been typically formed by dispersing inorganic particles with high thermal conductivity as a filler into polymeric matrix with relatively low thermal conductivity. To achieve high thermal conductivity, high fraction of solid filler is used so it easily becomes non-processable. In this talk, we introduce a high internal phase emulsion stabilized by highly thermal conductive particles that percolate entire space, creating effective heat path. Since the entire material is composed of all-liquids, it is easily processable under room temperature, while keeping high thermal conductivity. 1L6-7 전영시 (Young-Si Jun) (16:20-16:45) 2003 KAIST 생명화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2009 KAIST 생명화학공학과 ( 석 / 박사 ) 2014 UCSB 화학과 (Post-Doc.) 2015 CNSI (Assistant Project Scientist) 2015-현재 전남대학교화학공학부조교수 High performance flexible Na hybrid capacitors: from pre-organized triazine crystals/polymers to nitrogen-rich hard carbons 강희주, 김미진, 이태규, 전영시 전남대학교 In order to further improve capacity and rate capability of sodium hybrid capacitors, we develop a versatile synthesis strategy of high performance hard carbon electrode based on pre-organized reactive templates. Shape and size controllable organic crystal of melamine and cyanuric acid hydrogen bonded aggregates (MCA) as reactive templates performs triple duties of (1) structure directing agent, (2) nitrogen source, and (3) porogen. Ratio of MCA to glucose (matrix forming agent) simply controls interlayer spacing, lateral size, and stacking height of graphitic domain, ratio of graphitic to non-graphitic content, nitrogen content, and porosity. This unique structure enables a gravimetric capacity of 389 mah/g at 250 ma/g, rendering it one of the best hard carbon anode for Na-ion. Hybrid capacitor consisted of the hard carbon anode and activated carbon fiber cathode feature a gravimetric energy density of 220 Wh/kg and a power density of 1000W/kg. 1L6-8 정병문 (Byungmun Jung) (16:45-17:10) 2002 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 학사 ) 2010 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 박사 ) 서울대학교재료공학부 (Post-Doc.) 2012-현재 한국기계연구원부설재료연구소선임연구원 Epoxy-based polymer gel electrolyte for structural and flexible supercapacitors 정병문 재료연구소 Polymer electrolytes are of great interest as materials in energy storage, energy conversion, and electromechanical transduction devices because of ion conducting polymers enabling good adherence to electrodes and excellent processability for being made into a thin film. We prepare epoxy-based networked polymer electrolytes. The epoxy resins are particularly attractive as polymer matrices for solid polymer electrolytes due to their high mechanical performance combined with good adhesive properties. Chemical structures of epoxy resin change the phase separation behavior in gel phase between epoxy and electrolyte. Here, we prepared two types of epoxy-based network electrolytes for high mechanical and flexible application. 1L6-9 여현욱 (Hyeonuk Yeo) (17:10-17:35) 2011 Kyoto University, Department of Industrial Chemistry ( 학사 ) 2013 Kyoto University, Department of Polymer Chemistry ( 석사 ) 2017 Kyoto University, Department of Polymer Chemistry ( 박사 ) KIST 복합소재기술연구소탄소융합소재연구센터연구원 2017-현재 경북대학교화학교육과조교수 Strategy for development of heat-dissipating polymer composite materials 여현욱 경북대학교 My talks will be on our group s recent works to develop liquid crystalline epoxy resins (LCERs) with high thermal conductivity. First, we synthesized a typical LCER bearing 4,4 -biphenyl mesogenic moieties and fabricated its polymer composite containing alumina of several type as a filler. In addition, the filler effect of alumina s geometrical factors on the thermal conductivity of the resulting-composites was surveyed. Next, we developed a new type hardener which enabled catalytic polymerization of the LCER. As a result, the content of curing agent was greatly lowered, which obviously contributed to the improvement of crystallinity. It was possible to maximize the self-orientation of the LCER, which influenced the improvement of the thermal conductivity. In the same manner, LCER composites with h-bn were also fabricated. The composites showed remarkably high thermal conductivity as we intended. In presentation, the details will be discussed. 콜로이드및분자조립부문위원회 Division of Colloid & Molecular Assembly 제 7 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_ 호 Organizer: 김신현 (KAIST), 문준혁 ( 서강대 ) 1L7-1 김진곤 (JinKon Kim) (13:30-13:55) 1980 서울대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 1982 KAIST 화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 1990 Polytechnic University 화학공학과 ( 박사 ) LG화학고분자연구소선임연구소 1993-현재 포항공과대학교화학공학과조교수, 부교수, 교수 2004-현재 블록공중합체자기조립단 ( 창의연구단 ) 단장 Novel 3-D Nanostructures for Optical Metamaterials based on Block Copolymer Self-Assembly 김진곤 포항공과대학교 We fabricated a high-density array of accordion-like plasmonic silver nanorods over a large area exhibiting multiple electromagnetic responses in visible and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. This array of accordion-like silver nanorods was prepared by confining lamellar-forming polystyrene-block-poly (methyl methacrylate) copolymer (PS-b-PMMA) inside cylindrical pores of aluminum oxide (AAO) template grafted by thin neutral brush layers. Due to the multiple resonances exhibited in the visible and NIR regimes, the array could be used to realize large-scale metamaterials working at visible and NIR wavelengths. We also prepared stacked split ring resonators by utilizing pagoda-like metal nanostructures. They showed optical polarization difference. Finally, split ring resonators (SSR) were fabricated over a large area. 1L7-2 장우동 (Woo Dong Jang) (13:55-14:20) 1997 경북대학교고분자공학과 ( 학사 ) 2000 동경대학교화학생명공학과 ( 석사 ) 2003 동경대학교화학생명공학과 ( 박사 ) 동경대학교재료공학과 (Post-Doc.) 동경대학교재료공학과조수 2006-현재 연세대학교화학과교수 Design of polyoxazoline-based multifunctional materials 장우동 연세대학교 Polyoxazolines (POx) are well known thermoresponsive polymers, which exhibits a reversible and rapid hydrophilic-hydrophobic interconversion through the lower critical solution temperature (LCST). Narrow molecular weight distributions of POx can be achieved by cationic living polymerization of oxazoline monomer. More importantly, we can easily introduce various functional groups to the both initiation and termination ends through the living polymerization process. We can utilize functional initiators to introduce specific functional groups at initiation end. Alternatively, termination end can be easily modified by treating with functional nucleophile to the living cationic terminal. Using those properties, recently, we have designed redox-active POxs that exhibited color and thermal transition temperature changes by redox potential application. 1L7-3 최장욱 (Jang Wook Choi) (14:20-14:45) 2002 서울대학교응용화학부 ( 학사 ) 2007 Caltech, 화학공학과 ( 박사 ) 스탠포드대학교재료공학과 (Post-Doc.) 카이스트 EEWS 대학원조 / 부교수 2018-현재 서울대학교화학생물공학부부교수 Supramolecular Binder Designs for High Capacity Battery Electrode Materials 최장욱 서울대학교 Polymeric binder has turned out to be very critical for stable operation of high capacity battery electrodes including silicon (Si) anodes, as the binder could stabilize the electrode films even during the large volume change of active materials. In this talk, I will present novel binder designs focusing on supramolecular chemistries targeting high capacity battery materials represented by silicon. Such binder designs include 1) the use of mussel-inspired catechol functional group, 2) multi-dimensional cross-linkable hydrogen bonding network, 3) self-healing polymer network, 4) host-guest interaction network, and finally 5) elastic binder network incorporating molecular machines. The series of these investigations suggest the usefulness of noncovalent polymer interactions and the future role of supramolecular chemistry in the binder development. 제 44 권 1 호 45

49 1L7-4 남윤성 (Yoon Sung Nam) (14:45-15:10) 1997 서울대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 1999 한국과학기술원생명과학과 ( 석사 ) 2010 MIT Biological Engineering ( 박사 ) Argonne National Laboratory (Post-Doc.) 한국과학기술원신소재공학과조교수 2014-현재 한국과학기술원신소재공학과부교수 Quantum dot-dna hybrid nanogel for specific DNA assay 남윤성 한국과학기술원 This talk will introduce a new method to efficiently increase the DNA detection sensitivity to sub-picomolar concentrations through a short single-stranded DNA (ssdna)- catalyzed formation of DNA hydrogel incorporating Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) donor-acceptor pairs. A low-copy-number of ssdna catalyzes the opening cycles of DNA hairpin loops tethered with a FRET acceptor into Y-shaped DNA structures, which are self-assembled with ssdna-functionalized quantum dots (QDs) into a hydrogel. The self-assembled hydrogel structure of FRET pairs greatly improves FRET signals due to the close spatial proximity. 1L7-5 류두열 (Du Yeol Ryu) (15:30-15:55) 경북대학교고분자공학과 ( 학사 ) POSTECH 화학공학과 ( 석사 ) POSTECH 화학공학과 ( 박사 ) UMASS Amherst, Polymer Sci. Eng. (Post-Doc.) 2005-현재 연세대학교화공생명공학과교수 Orientation Control of Fluorine-Containing Block Copolymers for Sub-10 nm Perpendicular Lamellae 류두열, 조성준, 전승배, 전태석연세대학교 High-χ block copolymers (BCPs) have drawn attention due to the capability of forming sub-10 nm feature size, having potential to replace the conventional top-down lithography. By increasing the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter (χ), overcoming the size limit in the block copolymer is possible. However, controlling the orientation is difficult due to the large difference in surface tension of two blocks. In this study, newly designed high-χ BCPs which contains fluorine atoms were synthesized by transesterification. Sub-10 nm feature size of lamellar structures were achieved from 6.3 kg/mol BCP by the elevated χ value (7 fold higher than polystyrene-b-poly(methyl methacrylate)). Orientation control in thin film was proceed using random top coat and homopolymer mat strategies which resulted in a perpendicular lamellar structures by simple thermal annealing. 1L7-6 강영종 (Young Jong Kang) (15:55-16:20) 1996 한양대학교화학과 ( 학사 ) 1998 한양대학교화학과 ( 석사 ) 2005 U. of Minnesota 화학과 ( 박사 ) MIT 재료과 (Post-Doc.) 2007-현재 한양대학교화학과교수 Hyper-strained PMMA Uniaxial-Meta-Crystals by Precipitous Quenching with Entropy Diluents 강영종 한양대학교 Metastable crystalline PMMAs are prepared not only from stereoregular iso- and syndiotactic PMMAs but also from atactic-pmmas (Mn = kg/mol) by precipitous quenching of molten PMMA/benzoic acid solutions. PMMA chains are extended upto 60-80% of their contour length when they are co-melted with benzoic acid. Upon quenching, PMMA chains are further stretched and form uniaxially orientated crystalline structures due to tensile stress induced by volume shrinkage of benzoic acid. After removing benzoic acid by sublimation, PMMAs show strong birefringence and large residual stress which are much higher than the maximum values that can be obtained by mechanical stretching. Melting temperatures are determined for both s-pmma and a-pmma by DSC. Crystal structures are characterized using GIXD. Because of high crystallinity (55~65%) and residual stress, the prepared PMMA show very large storage and rubbery plateau moduli which are times higher than those of pristine PMMA. 1L7-7 남기태 (Ki Tae Nam) (16:20-16:45) 2000 서울대학교재료공학과 ( 학사 ) 2002 서울대학교재료공학과 ( 석사 ) 2007 MIT, Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Ph.D.) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Molecular Foundry (Post-Doc.) 서울대학교재료공학과조교수 2014-현재 서울대학교재료공학과부교수 Peptide Encoded Chirality Evolution in Single Nanoparticle 남기태 서울대학교 Chiral structure controlled at nanoscale provides a new route to achieve intriguing optical properties such as polarization control and negative refractive index. However, asymmetric structure control with nanometer precision is difficult to accomplish due to limited resolution and complex processes of conventional methods. Here, we demonstrated novel chiral gold nanostructures exploiting chirality transfer between peptide and high-miller-index gold surfaces. Enantioselective adsorption of peptides results in unequal development of nanoparticle surface and this asymmetric evolution leads to highly twisted chiral element in single nanoparticle making unprecedented 432 helicoid morphology. The synthesized helicoid nanoparticle showed strong optical activity which was substantiated by distinct transmittance color change of helicoid solution under polarized light. 1L7-8 이기라 (Gi-Ra Yi) (16:45-17:10) 2003 KAIST 생명화학공학과 ( 박사 ) UC Santa Barbara 화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) LG화학기술연구원선임연구원 한국기초과학지원연구원선임연구원 충북대학교공업화학과조교수 2012-현재 성균관대학교화학공학과부교수 Polymer Adsorption on Colloids for Biomedical adhesives 이기라 성균관대학교 Sub-100 nm colloidal mesoporous silica (CMS) nanoparticles are evaluated as an adhesive for hydrogels or biological tissues. Because the adhesion energy is proportional to the surface area of the nanoparticles, the CMS nanoparticles could provide a stronger adhesion between two hydrogels than the nonporous silica nanoparticles. Moreover, these CMS nanoparticles are demonstrated for adhering incised skin tissues of mouse, resulting in rapid healing even at a lower nanoparticle concentration. Finally, the CMS nanoparticles had added benefit of quick degradation in biological media because of their porous structure, which may prevent unwanted accumulation in tissues. From Basics to Applications for Polymer Industry * (English) 제 8 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_ 호 Organizer: Hyomin Lee (POSTECH), Seokhoon Ahn (KIST) 1L8-1 손대원 (Daewon Sohn) (13:30-13:55) 1984 한양대학교화학과 ( 학사 ) 1986 한양대학교화학과 ( 석사 ) 1994 Louisiana State University, Chemistry, (Ph.D.) Univ. Wisconsin-Madison, Chemistry (Post-Doc.) 1997-현재 한양대학교화학과교수 2008-현재 Editor in Chief, Polymer Bulletin (Springer) Preparation and Characterization of Clay/Hydrogel Composites by Various Radical Polymerization 손대원 한양대학교 The hydrogel was prepared with imogolite, halloysite, and laponite whose surface was activated by γ-ray irradiation to initiate gelation. The dynamic behavior of imogolite-poly (acrylic acid) nanocomposite hydrogels was investigated by dynamic light scattering (DLS), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) to determine the effects of particle concentration and the magnitude of deformation. These measurements revealed that the imogolite network was composed of particleoverlaps. We also discuss the formation and structure of poly (n-isopropylacrylamide)- laponite hydrogel by γ-ray irradiation. γ-ray generates radicals and forms 3D networks without any cross-linker. The existence of clay cross-linker affects swelling abilities of hydrogels. The structure of swollen poly (n-isopropylacrylamide)-laponite hydrogel by γ-ray irradiation is also investigated and compared with other chemical methods. 1L8-2 Kazuo Sakurai (13:55-14:20) 1982 B.A. Osaka University 1984 Mater Osaka University Research Scientist in Kanebo Ltd., Visiting Researcher in University of Mass, Amherst 1996 Ph.D. Osaka University JST Shinkai ICORP project Group leader 2001-Present Professor at The University of Kitakyushu Vice COE in NapaJen Pharma Polysaccharide/DNA Complexes to Deliver Therapeutic Oligonucleotides to Immunocytes Kazuo Sakurai University of Kitakyushu Therapeutic oligonucleotides (ODNs) are easily decomposed in our body, which makes it difficult to administrate antisense DNA or CpG motif in naked state. Cationic compounds have been used as a carrier for ODNs; however, they have drawbacks in cytotoxicity and selectivity in cellular or organ targeting. Schizophyllan (SPG) is a natural β-(1 3)-D-glucan existing as a triple helix in water and as a single chain in alkaline solutions, respectively. When homo-polynucleotides such as poly (da) are added to SPG alkaline solution and subsequently ph is adjusted to be neutral, the single chain of SPG forms a stoichiometric complex with the polynucleotide. The complex can protect the bound DNA against nuclease-mediated hydrolysis or non-specific binding to serum proteins. Furthermore, recent immunology revealed that activated antigen presenting cells (APCs) including dendritic immune cells express a receptor called Dectin-1. We have demonstrated that Dectin-1 recognizes SPG/ODN complexes, and the complex is eventually ingested by APCs. This finding suggests that SPG/ODN complex can be specifically ingested by activated APCs and the bond ODN can exert its effect after 46 제 44 권 1 호

50 ingestion. The present talk will show our recent in-vivo and vitro studies to prove this idea and provide a new strategy to specifically transport functional ODNs including antisense-dna, CpG-DNA, and sirna to APCs to cure the diseases due to disorientation of immune. 1L8-3 이준배 (Jun Bae Lee) (14:20-14:45) 2001 서울대학교응용화학부 ( 학사 ) 2004 한국과학기술원 (KAIST) 생명과학과 ( 석사 ) 2014-현재 한양대학교바이오나노학과 ( 박사과정 ) 아모레퍼시픽기술연구원화장품연구소선임연구원 식품의약품안전청오염물질분석과보건연구사 2012-현재 코스맥스 R&I센터이노베이션랩수석연구원 Polymer-led innovative technology for next K-Beauty 이준배 코스맥스 ( 주 ) Recently, K-Beauty has been challenged between technology-led Japanese cosmetics and price-driven Chinese one. Now, the only thing K-Beauty can choose is technology innovation. Genarally, cosmetics consisted of four categories of technologies: material, formulation, evaluation, and package. In this talk, we are going to introduce some polymer-related research items which are studying in COSMAX innovation lab. They are mainly focused on materials and formulation technology. For makeup cosmetics, we are developing temperature sensitive mascara using UCST property. And, we are studying O/W waterproof suncare formulation which based on PEG-PCL-PEG triblock polymer. Moreover, enhanced skin penetration system by colloidal packing structure and microcurrent cosmetics using piezoelectric property are going to be introduced. We wish all people who will attend this talk will understand how polymers contribute to the cosmetic industry. 1L8-4 Thai Hoang (14:45-15:10) 1980 Eng. Ha Noi University of Technology 1990 Post Graduate. Russian Academy of Sciences 1993 Ph.D. Vietnam Acad. of Sciences Post-Doc. Pusan National Univ., Korea Post-Doc. Univ. of Loughborough, UK 2005-Present Professor. Vietnam Acad. of Science and Technology 2009-Present Director. Ins. for Tropical Technology, Vietnam Acad. of Science and Technology Application of Polyethylene/Modified Fly Ash/Ultra Flow Agent Composites in Vietnam Nguyen Thuy Chinh, Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, Tran Thi Mai, Nguyen Vu Giang, Tran Huu Trung, Mai Duc Huynh, Thai Hoang Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology The composites based on high density polyethylene (HDPE), fly ash organo-modified using stearic acid (MFA), ultraflow agent - stearate zinc salt (UTF) were fabricated by melt mixing method. The properties, morphology, flammability resistance of the materials were determined by TGA, DSC, SEM, tensile test, and UL 94 - test for flammability of plastic materials. The obtained results showed that thermal stability of HDPE/MFA/UTF composites was higher than HDPE and HDPE/MFA composites. The tensile strength, elongation at break and Young s modulus of the composites after thermal aging test had a tendency to reduce with increasing the UTF contents. The retention of tensile strength and Young s modulus of HDPE/MFA/UTF composites was larger than that of HDPE/MFA composite while the elongation at break of HDPE/MFA/UTF composites was less than that of HDPE/MFA composite. The data of accelerated weathering test indicated that the tensile strength, elongation at break and Young s modulus of HDPE/MFA/UTF composites after 168 hour accelerated weathering test were increased much higher than those of HDPE/MFA composites. These composites were applied effectively to fabricate corrugated pipes using industry fields (electric, telecommunication, building, etc). The suitable content of composites as follows: 10 wt.% MFA, 2 wt.% UTF (in comparison with HDPE weight). 1L8-5 장영선 (Yeongseon Jang) (15:30-15:55) 2008 B.S. Seoul National University 2013 Ph.D. Seoul National University (Prof. Kookheon Char) Post-Doc. University of Pennsylvania (Profs. Daeyeon Lee & Daniel A. Hammer) Post-Doc. Georgia Institute of Technology (Prof. Julie A. Champion) 2018-Present Assistant Professor, University of Florida Globular Proteinosome: Next-Generation Synthetic Vesicle Self-Assembled from Recombinant Fusion Proteins 장영선 University of Florida Vesicles containing functional globular proteins have enormous potential different from traditional liposomes or polymersomes. The soluble fusion protein mixtures, composed of a globular domain fused with a glutamic acid-rich leucine zipper and an arginine-rich basic leucine zipper fused with an elastin-like polypeptide, self-assemble into hollow vesicles upon warming through a dynamic coacervation. We suggest a simple strategy to engineer membrane structure and composition of globular proteinosomes with the desired size towards advanced synthetic vesicles. The main parameter to decide the final vesicle structure is the thermal driving force behind the vesicle assembly that affects the molecular packing parameter, which enables the formation of either single-layered or double-layered vesicles. We also create heterogeneous vesicle membranes containing multiple globular domains by tuning the intermediate coacervate phase based on a fundamental kinetic study in the phase transition. 1L8-6 Nguyen Van Khoi (15:55-16:20) 1978 B.A. Vietnam National Univ Ph.D. Univ. of Merseburg, Germany 1991-Present Head of Lab. of Polymer Materials-Institute of Chemistry (ICH)-Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) 2010-Present Member of the Council for Materials Science and Technology, VAST Present Vice Chairman of Organic Biochemistry Department, Graduate University of Science and Technology (GUST), Vietnam Scientific Secretary of Key National Programs of New materials Science and Technology (KC02/11-15), Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Vice Chairman/ Scientific Secretary of Key National Programs of New materials Science and Technology (KC02/16-20), MOST, Vietnam. Preparation, Characterization and Application of Zeolite ZSM-5 Filled Polyethylene Films Nguyen Van Khoi, Nguyen Thanh Tung, Pham Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Thi Mien, Nguyen Trung Duc Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) In this article, polyethylene (PE) films/zeolite ZSM-5 at different zeolite content (0, 2, 4 and 6 wt%) were prepared by blown extrusion process. The films were characterized by mechanical properties, differencial scanning calorimetry (DSC) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Oxygen and carbon dioxide transmission rates were also tested. It was found that zeolite filled films decreases in tensile strength and elongation at break (EB). The SEM morphological observation shows a good dispersion and adhesion of zeolite in the PE matrix. Oxygen and carbon dioxide transmission rates increases after incorporating ZSM-5 zeolite into PE films. The zeolite filled polyethylene films were used as modified atmosphere packaging for litchi storage. Quality indexes of litchi during storage at 4 were measured in term of decay incidence, total soluble solids, titrable acidity, firmness and color. Within 4 weeks, there were no significant differences in quality indexes of litchi fruits packaged in zeolite containing films. Moreover, the fruit decay was found in PE film (~100%) rather than zeolite films (4-5%). The results suggested that zeolite/polyethylene packaging could be used for retaining excellent eating quality of litchi fruit during long term low temperature storage. 1L8-7 Hyunjoon Kong (16:20-16:45) 1992 B.S. Hanyang University, Industrial Chemistry Engineering 1995 M.S. Hanyang University, Industrial Chemistry Engineering 2001 Ph.D. University of Michigan, Macromolecular Science and Engineering Post-Doc., University of Michigan, Biological and Materials Science Research Associate, Harvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2007-Present Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Engineering Therapeutic Stem Cell Surface with Polymeric Nanomaterials Hyunjoon Kong The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Biological cells are complex living machines that have garnered significant attention for their potential to serve as a new generation of regenerative medicine and bioreactors. Because of their secretion and differentiation, therapeutic cells such as fat-derived mesenchymal stem cells have tremendous potential to treat or even cure various diseases and injuries that have defied conventional therapeutic strategies. Therapeutic cells can be systemically or locally transplanted. Despite some impressive results with in vitro studies, there remain several obstacles to their broader development, such as a limited ability to control their transport and engraftment in vivo. We have been working to resolve these challenges by engineering cell surface with polymeric nanoparticles and microparticles that, in turn, improve the therapeutic efficacy of cells. This talk will focus on introducing synthesis of hyperbranched bioactive polymers and assembly of polymeric nanoparticles, each of which regulates transports and antioxidative activites of stem cells, respectively. The talk will also include future considerations that should be taken into account to advance the quality of cell surface engineering. 1L8-8 김봉수 (BongSoo Kim) (16:45-17:10) 2008 University of Minnesota 화학과 ( 박사 ) University of California, Berkeley 화학과 (Post-Doc.) 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) 광전하이브리드연구센터 책임연구원 이화여자대학교부교수 2018-현재 울산과학기술원 (UNIST) 부교수 High Performance DFBT-Based Conjugated Polymers for Organic Thin Film Transistors 김봉수 울산과학기술원 Difluorobenzothiadiazole (DFBT)-Based Conjugated Polymers for Organic Thin Film Transistors were synthesized. Polymers consist of highly planar 4,7-bis (4,4-bis (2-ethylhexyl)-4H-silolo[3,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophen-2-yl)-5,6-difluorobenzo[c][1,2,5]th iadiazole (DFD) moieties and aromatic linking groups (thiophene and selenophene: PDFDT and PDFDSe, respectively). Comparative study revealed that PDFDSe polymer tends more aggregating in solution phase and generates a more oxidizable conjugated system and better packed crystalline states in films with exclusive edge-on orientations. PDFDSe-based organic thin film transistor (OTFT) with top gate bottom contact geometry performed better than PDFDT-based OTFT. In addition, we have achieved high carrier mobilites using various gate dielectric materials. In this talk, I will present not only the structure-property relationship but also the important role of employed gate dielectric layers in the OTFT research. 1L8-9 김진 (Gene Kim) (17:10-17:35) 1994 B.S. Iowa State University 1999 Ph.D. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst 2005 Senior Staff Engineer, Motorola Adjunct Professor, Florida International University 2007 Principal Staff Engineer, Alpha 2017 Regional OEM Director, Alpha 2017-Present Global OEM Business Development Director, Porex Automotive Applications using Porous Polymeric Components 김진 Porex This presentation will introduce the unique manufacturing capabilities to produce porous plastic components. The presentation will discuss three specific automotive applications using unique porous plastic components: (1) Automotive Lighting Vent: The unique structure of sintered PTFE vents allows high resistance against both liquid and vapor moisture, but relieves any increase in temperature and pressure in the lighting enclosure; (2) Battery Safety Vent: The PTFE Virtek film has been shown as a viable candidate for Li ion battery pack safety vents, especially used in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) or Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) systems as a safety vent to alleviate high temperature and pressure during catastrophic failure events; and (3) Crank Case Ventilation Filter: A unique CCV Filter with high air flow and sufficient removal of oil vapors. *International session supported by Korea Toray Science Foundation. 제 44 권 1 호 47

51 분자전자부문위원회 (I) Molecular Electronics Division (I) 제 9 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_205 호 Organizer: 김선주 ( 중앙대 ), 윤명한 (GIST), 김도환 ( 한양대 ), 조성윤 (KRICT), 오준학 ( 서울대 ) 1L9-1 권정훈 (Cheong Hoon Kwon) (13:30-13:55) 2001 가천대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2004 고려대학교화공생명공학과 ( 석사 ) 2008 고려대학교화공생명공학과 ( 박사 ) Harvard University 바이오의학 (Post-Doc.) 한양대학교생체인공근육연구단연구교수 2016-현재 고려대학교화공생명공학과연구교수 High-Power Biofuel Cells with Direct Electron Transfer Using Metallic Cotton Fiber 권정훈, 조진한, 신동엽, 권민성고려대학교 The most important determinant of the performance of enzymatic biofuel cells (BFCs) is the efficiency of electrical communication between the enzyme and the electrode. Here, we introduce a metallic cotton fiber (MCF)-based BFC with facile electrical communication between the enzyme and the conductive support without requiring a mediator. Gold nanoparticles and small organic linkers are layer-by-layer (LbL) assembled onto porous cotton fibers to form MCFs with extremely high conductivity (> S cm 1 ). Then, thin and compact layers of the enzyme glucose oxidase are sequentially LbL-assembled with the same linkers onto the MCFs. The resulting MCF-BFCs exhibit a remarkable power density of 3.7 mw cm 2, outperforming all biofuel cells reported to date. Our strategy to promote the charge transfer through electrodes can provide an important tool to improve the performance of BFCs. 1L9-2 박상혁 (Sanghyuk Park) (13:55-14:20) 2002 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 학사 ) 2008 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 박사 ) 2008 서울대학교신소재공동연구소 (Post-Doc.) 2009 서울대학교재료공학부 (Post-Doc.) Northwestern University 화학과 (Post-Doc.) 2011-현재 공주대학교화학과조교수, 부교수 Imidazole-based simple hole-transporting materials for efficient perovskite solar cells 박상혁 공주대학교 In this work, we prove that designing organic hole-transporting materials (HTMs) to have the enhanced property at their photo-excited states could be a new methodology to improve their performances for the high efficiency p-i-n perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Especially, we focus on their transition dipole moment variation at the photoexcitation, which can intensify this feature by the excited-state intramolecular proton transfer process, for the high performance PSCs. Following the design rules, organic HTMs can be designed to have high dipole moment at the excited states, and this property can be preserved during the solar cell operation due to their extended lifetime by the proton transfer process, consequently improving the charge recombination and extraction property of PSC devices. Moreover, their UV-filtering ability is beneficial to enhance the photostability of PSCs. We believe that our suggestion could be a new strategy to design efficient HTMs for high performance PSCs. 1L9-3 Yong-Jin Pu (14:20-14:45) 2002 Ph.D., Waseda Univ., Japan 2002 Assistant Prof., Waseda Univ., Japan 2004 Post-Doc.. Oxford Univ., UK 2006 Assistant Prof., Yamagata Univ., Japan 2010 Assistant Prof., Yamagata Univ., Japan 2018-Present Research Prof., Yamagata Univ., Japan 2018-Present Team Leader, RIKEN, Japan Indolocarbazole-Based Host Compounds for Solution-Processed Tandem OLEDs Yong-Jin Pu, Satoru Ohisa 1, Hitoshi Fukuda 1, Tatsuya Takahashi 1, Masahiro Igarashi 1, Tatsuya Hikichi 1, Ryutaro Komatsu 1, Emi Ueki 1, Takayuki Chiba 1, Junji Kido 1 RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS)/Yamagata University; 1 Yamagata University The development of solution-processed phosphorescent tandem organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) exhibiting high efficiency is reported. The OLED comprises two light-emitting units (LEUs) connected by an interconnecting unit and employs solution processable materials. One of most difficult tasks in the fabrication of the OLEDs is to form a multilayer structure without dissolving underlayer during coating of upper layer. The developed new host materials exhibit high tolerance to methanol. The upper-layer adjacent to the light-emitting layer consists of ZnO nanoparticles, which could be dispersed in methanol by improving the preparation method. This results in the successful fabrication of a solution-processed tandem OLED comprising two LEUs. The maximum external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the tandem device is 23%, and the EQE is 22% even at a high luminance of cd m -2. 1L9-4 김창현 (Chang-Hyun Kim) (14:45-15:10) 2007 경희대학교정보디스플레이학과 ( 학사 ) 2010 Ecole Polytechnique 기술혁신공학 ( 석사 ) 2013 Ecole Polytechnique 물리학과 ( 박사 ) 2013 Columbia University 방문연구원 2014 프랑스국립과학연구원 CNRS (Post-Doc.) 광주과학기술원리서치펠로우 2018-현재 가천대학교전자공학과조교수 How to tackle parametric interplays in organic transistors 김창현 가천대학교 Despite the rapid progress of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), theoretical understanding of their operation is still lacking. While the problem is associated with multidisciplinary considerations and hierarchical features, such understanding is essential for the technology to realize its full potential. In this presentation, a combined experimental and theoretical investigation on OFET non-idealities is presented, which are regarded as a source of parameter ambiguities (e.g. mobility overestimation). We employed scanning Kelvin probe microscopy as a direct probe to decouple transport and injection contributions under current-carrying conditions, and designed OFETs with different structures. The separation and quantification of channel and contact voltages provide deep insights into the role of film morphology and metal/organic interfaces, and the results will pave the way for the dedicated OFET models with high reliability and broad applicability. 1L9-5 이탁희 (Takhee Lee) (15:30-15:55) 1992 서울대학교물리학과 ( 학사 ) 1994 서울대학교물리학과 ( 석사 ) 2000 Purdue University 물리학과 ( 박사 ) Yale University (Post-Doc.) 광주과학기술원교수 2011-현재 서울대학교물리천문학부교수 High-yield functional molecular monolayer-based electronic devices 이탁희 서울대학교 Molecular electronics explores the intrinsic properties of materials at the molecular level. However, molecular electronics has suffered from a low device yield problem. To improve the device yield, various methods have been proposed, such as by utilizing an intermediate protecting layer, direct metal transfer, etc. In this talk, I will explain our research works on functional high yield molecular electronic devices. Specifically, I will explain (1) rectifying molecular electronic devices of ferrocene-alkanethiolate molecules which showed asymmetric electrical transport characteristics, and (2) photoswitching devices of diarylethene molecules which showed two electrical states (a high and a low conductance state) with a discrepancy of an order of magnitude when exposed to UV or visible light. In particular, these functional molecular devices were demonstrated not only on rigid substrates but also on plastic flexible substrates with a high device yield. 1L9-6 고민재 (Min Jae Ko) (15:55-16:20) 1995 서울대학교섬유고분자공학과 ( 학사 ) 1997 서울대학교섬유고분자공학과 ( 석사 ) 2001 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 박사 ) M.I.T 화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) 삼성전자 LCD 총괄책임 한국과학기술연구원책임연구원 2017-현재 한양대학교화학공학과교수 Advanced Charge Transporting Materials for the Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells 고민재 한양대학교 Organic inorganic hybrid lead halide perovskites have been extensively investigated for various optoelectronic applications. Particularly, owing to their ability to form highly crystalline and homogeneous films utilizing low-temperature solution processes, perovskites have become promising photoactive materials for realizing high-performance flexible solar cells. However, the current use of mesoporous TiO2 scaffolds, which require high-temperature sintering processes, has limited the fabrication of perovskite solar cells on flexible substrates. Therefore, the development of a lowtemperature processable charge-transporting layer has emerged as an urgent task for achieving flexible perovskite solar cells. This talk will address the concept of low-temperature processable electronand hole-transporting layer materials, which contribute to improved device performance in flexible perovskite solar cells. 1L9-7 서형탁 (Hyungtak Seo) (16:20-16:45) 2000 한양대학교재료공학부 ( 학사 ) 2002 한양대학교재료공학부 ( 석사 ) 2008 North Carolina State University 전자공학 ( 박사 ) 2007 IMEC 방문연구원 UC Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Post-Doc.) 2011-현재 아주대학교신소재공학과조교수, 부교수 Two Dimensional Electron Gas Formation in Nano-crystalline Oxide Hetero-Interfaces: Application to Transparent Conductors and Synaptic Devices 서형탁 아주대학교 In this study, I present two dimensional electron gas formation in short-range-ordered oxide heterointerfaces and its applications as high mobility oxide transistors and flexible transparent conductors. Two heterointerface systems are introduced; (1) Al 2O 3/In 2O 3 heterojunction channel with all nanocrystalline and amorphous phases and (2) photochemically activated H-doped InGaZnO conducting channel. In the first study, we fabricated the visible transparent (>90% optical transmission) Al 2O 3/In 2O 3 heterojunction system. The Al 2O 3/In 2O 3 heterojunction acts as two-dimensional (2-D) metallic channel fabricated at a low temperature (~150 ) compatible to the transparent 48 제 44 권 1 호

52 flexible device. In the second study, the photochemical hydrogen radical insertion by UV-assisted water splitting was performed on InGaZnO thin film. Finally, I will also briefly introduce application of a similar 2D Mott interfacial channel of VO x to emulate the artificial synaptic function device. 1L9-8 정성준 (Sungjune Jung) (16:45-17:10) 2002 인하대학교전기공학과 ( 학사 ) 2004 광주과학기술원정보통신공학과 ( 석사 ) 2011 University of Cambridge ( 박사 ) 삼성전자디지털프린팅사업부선임연구원 University of Cambridge (Post-Doc.) 포스텍창의IT융합공학과조교수 2017-현재 포스텍창의IT융합공학과 / 화학공학과겸임부교수 Pressure-Sensitive Contact Tranistor 정성준 포항공과대학교 Here, we introduce a flexible pressure-sensitive contact transistor (PCT), a new type of organic thin-film pressure-sensing device. Similar to the point-contact transistor, the first solid-state transistor, the PCT consists of deformable S/D electrodes contacted on an organic transistor body. The laser-patterned interdigitated S/D electrodes were fabricated by embedding conducting single-walled carbon nanotubes on surface of a microstructured PDMS. Under pressure loads, the deformation of the electrodes on an organic semiconductor layer leads to the direct dependence of drain current on variation in both channel geometry and contact resistance in the device. By operating the device in subthreshold regime, we have achieved ultralow power consumption with maintaining high-sensitivity. Finally, we demonstrate a 5 5 an active PCT matrix for sensory arrays on a 3-micron-thick parylene substrate. Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English) 제 10 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_206 호 Organizer: Sang-Ho Cha (Kyonggi Univ.), Youngmee Jung (KIST) 1O10-1 김다완 (13:30-13:45) Highly Permeable Skin Patch with Conductive Hierarchical Architectures Inspired by Amphibians and Octopi for Omnidirectionally Enhanced Wet Adhesion 김다완, 백상열, 민형호, 천성우, 이헌준, 방창현 성균관대학교 Amphibian adhesion systems can enhance adhesion via hexagonal architectures, enabling peel resistance and drainage against wet and rough surfaces. In addition, an octopus has suction cups with convex cup structures for strong adhesion in various conditions. Highly permeable, drainable, and reusable skin patches with enhanced pulling adhesion and omnidirectional peel resistance, inspired by the microchannel in the toe pads of tree frogs and convex cups in the suckers of octopi, are presented. By investigating geometric parameters of microchannels, a simple model to maximize peeling strength via a time-dependent zig-zag profile and an arresting effect against crack propagation is developed. Octopus-like convex cups are employed on the surfaces to improve adhesion on skin in sweaty and flowing water conditions. rgo nanoplatelets coated on the surface is controlled to utilize the patches as flexible electrodes which can monitor biosignals without delamination from wet skin under motion. 1O10-2 송경민 (13:45-14:00) Ternary-State Transparency Switching of Hollow-Particle-Embedded Porous Sensing Media for Fast Identification of Organic Liquids 송경민, 정연식 한국과학기술원 Although developing colorimetric sensors with easy readout and intuitive use is highly desired, many conventional techniques using coloration as a detecting method rely on spectroscopic instrument due to their ambiguous color difference or shallow detecting angle. Here, we develop a transparency-switching sensing platform built by maximizing mechanical stress between the polymer matrix and inorganic hollow particles. This sensing platform generates three distinctive transparency signals; transparent, semi-transparent, and opaque, depending on liquid diffusion dynamics in the polymer medium. Such liquid adaptive transparency signals have advantages of angleindependency and color-uniformity on a macroscopic area, achieving successful naked-eye detection of a variety of liquids. Furthermore, by integrating these transparency-switching mediums into an array, the sensing platform can distinguish and quantify the composition of even ternary mixtures. 1O10-3 김세영 (14:00-14:15) Self-Assembly of Bottlebrush-Like Fluoroalkyl Block Copolymers in a Selective Solvent 김세영, 조윤식, 김지현, 최수형 1, 차국헌 서울대학교 ; 1 홍익대학교 We will present novel block copolymers with long fluoroalkyl pendent chain, which show bottlebrush-polymer-like behavior (e.g., negligible entanglement and relatively large free volume), and the impact of such behavior on the dynamics of self-assembly. In a selective solvent, the copolymers readily self-assembled to micelles having super-stretched core, due to the strong incompatibility of the fluoroalkyl core block with the solvent. However, the exchange of single polymer chain between micelles was found to be exceptionally fast at near-ambient temperature, despite of high energy penalty for the chain pull-out. Kinetic study of the chain exchange was performed using time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering (TR-SANS), and an existing model for micelle dynamics was found to nicely describe the results quantitatively. We attribute this fast exchange to significantly low friction of the fluoroalkyl block, which may be originated from its bottlebrush-type molecular characteristics. 1O10-4 박재현 (14:15-14:30) Capacitive Organic Anode Based on Fluorinated-Contorted Hexabenzocoronene: Applicable to Lithium-Ion and Sodium-Ion Storage Cells 박재현, 주세훈, 백경은, 정재호, 우성호, Dien Kha Tu Nguyen, 곽상규, 강석주 UNIST Herein, we introduce fluorine atoms into contorted hexabenzocoronene (chbc) to achieve the first small-molecule-based organic capacitive energy storage cells that operate at high current rate with decent specific capacity of ~160 ma h g 1 also provide a superior cycle capability (> 400) without significant alteration. This high capacitive behavior in the P21/c crystal phase of fluorinated chbc (F chbc) is caused mainly by the fluorine atoms at the end of each peripheral aromatic ring. The most electronegative fluorine atoms accelerate ion diffusion on the surface to promote fast Li + ion uptake and release by applied current. Moreover, the F chbc has potential applications as the capacitive anode in Na-ion sodium storage cell. The fast dynamics of the electric double layer on the surface of F chbc enables to deliver specific capacity of 65 ma h g 1 at a high current of 4000 ma g 1. 1O10-5 홍혜진 (14:30-14:45) Harmless retrieval of functionally-enhanced spheroids from thermoresponsive microwell for further in vivo applications 홍혜진, 윤병주, 김세민, 김혜원, 신현수 1, 노윤진 1, 임재열 1, 고원건 연세대학교 ; 1 연세대학교의과대학 In this study, we have designed fibrous and thermoresponsive microwell scaffold, so the cellular spheroids cultured on the scaffold can be harmlessly retrieved through temperature changes. The cellular spheroids are known to have enhanced functionality since the 3D structure of cellular aggregates closely mimic the organ structures. Therefore, instead of implanting single cells to the injured site of tissues, the spheroids would result in better consequences for regeneration of damaged tissues. The thermoresponsive characteristics are evoked from the usage of poly(n-isopropylacrylamide (pnipaam), which has a LCST (lower critical solution temperature) of 32. The hydrophobic property at above the LCST will allow cellular adhesion, and the hydrophilic property at below the LCST will allow cellular detachment, finally letting the spheroids to be retrieved innocuously. The collected spheroids then can further be used in various applications for efficient tissue regeneration. 1O10-6 김기관 (14:45-15:00) Stable transformation of a membrane-type electronic device based on confined plasticization of a ABS supportive film 김기관, 김영민, 장훈수, 고흥조 광주과학기술원 Transformation of a 2D electronics into a 3D is a promising method to realize a high-performance 3D electronics. For the successful transformation, not only the electronic device must be flexible, but also an engineering of the stress/strain applied to the device is required. Here, we propose a transforming method of a 2D electronics by engineering the mechanical properties of the acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) film using a solvent plasticizer. We used two solvents, acetone and N,N-dimethylformamide for comparison, and the plasticizer is injected through a microchannel. The modulus of plasticized ABS film reduced down by three orders of magnitude and elongation at break increased up to 240%. Mechanical simulation in a viscoplastic mode that such transition from hard to soft together with the ability of reflow of the plasticized region enables stability of electronic device during extreme folding. Finally, we successfully developed polyhedral LED array based on this method. 1O10-7 박도연 (15:00-15:15) Microfabrication of multichannel nerve guidance conduit with stem cell recruiting ability for enhanced regenration of peripheral nerve injury 박도연, 정영미, 김수현 한국과학기술연구원 This paper reports a novel and simple method to fabricate multichannel nerve guidance conduit (NC) with poly(l-lactic-co-ε-carprolactone) (PLCL) immobilized with sumbstance P. Injuries in peripheral nerve system affect a wide population globally, and often result in disabilities in 60%. Various treatments exist, but their usage has been limited due to the problems such as size difference, inappropriate reconnection, regenerative capacity limitation of nerve tissue. Here, we suggest a new method exploiting microtechniques and polymer synthetic engineering to provide nerve guidance conduit with size tunability, increased probability of appropriate reconnection, and increased capacity of regeneration. This method paves the way to overcome the current treatment for peripheral nerve injury, and will be widey used in fabrication of medical device. 1O10-8 장준혁 (15:15-15:30) Unravelling the origin of operational instability of quantum dot based light-emitting diodes 장준혁, 정병국 1, 함동효, 이학준, 박지수 2, 배완기 2, 서울대학교 ; 1 한국과학기술원 ; 2 성균관대학교 We investigate the operational instability of quantum dot based light-emitting diodes (QLEDs). Spectroscopic analysis on the QD emissive layer within devices in chorus with the optoelectronic and electrical characteristics of devices disclose that the device efficiency of QLED under operation is deteriorated by two main mechanisms. The first is the luminance efficiency drop of the QD emissive layer owing to the accumulation 제 44 권 1 호 49

53 of excess electrons in QDs. The other is the electron leakage toward hole transport layers (HTLs) that accompanies irreversible physical damage to the HTL by creating non-radiative recombination centers. These processes are distinguishable in terms of the timescale and the reversibility, but both stem from a single origin, the discrepancy between electron versus hole injection rates into QDs. Based on experimental and calculation results, we offer rational guidelines that promise the realization of high performance QLEDs with proven operational stability. 1O10-9 이승열 (15:40-15:55) Designing Nanodimple Arrays for Plasmonic Color Patterning 이승열, 김신현 한국과학기술원 Stained glass or Lycurgus cups exhibit plasmonic colors produced by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in which the incident light is absorbed at the surface of the metallic nanoparticles at resonant wavelength. Single metallic nanoparticles smaller than wavelength can function as a monochromatic color pixel, allowing high-resolution imaging below the diffraction limit. Although E-beam lithography or FIB lithography can create nanostructures in nanoscale, this process suffers from complex and expensive procedure and limited scale of imaging. Here, colloidal lithography is introduced to fabricate a large-scale plasmonic nanostructure composed of a polymer film having a nanodimple arrays and a metal deposited on top of the nanodimple arrays. Furthermore, plasmonic color patterning can be realized using photolithographic process combined with creep deformation of the polymer films by a thermal input. 1O10-10 지동환 (15:55-16:10) Bio-inspired Design and Fabrication of Microplatelet-Reinforced Polymer Composites with Integrated Strength, Stiffness, and Toughness 지동환, 김재윤 성균관대학교 To develop damage-tolerant materials, researchers have focused on structural materials in nature. Among them, nacre is one of the most attractive materials. It has macroscopically layer-by-layer structures composed of inorganic platelets and organic matrices with elaborate interactions between them, which lead to exceptional mechanical properties. Motivated from this system, we designed and fabricated microplatelet-reinforced polymer composites (film and bulk form) with uniform layer-by-layer microstructures and superior mechanical properties. To achieve such structures, we propose a novel hydrogel-film casting method that addresses disadvantages of conventional fabrication methods; it is appropriate for preparing composites with various shapes, thicknesses, and sizes. Through combination of inorganic microplatelets and strong stiff organic matrices, an integrated strength, stiffness, and toughness was achieved. The design and fabrication strategies would yield engineering composites. 1O10-11 전승배 (16:10-16:25) Investigation of Frank-Kasper phases in High Compositionally and Conformationally Asymmetric Block Copolymers 전승배, 전태석, 조성준, 이병두 1, 류두열 연세대학교 ; 1 Advanced Photon Source The quasicrystalline structures disclosed in diblock copolymers (BCPs) have fascinated new insight for designing soft materials endowed with unique structural properties. Recently, Bates and coworkers discovered various of Frank-Kasper (FK) phases such as Sigma (σ), A15, C14 and C15 phases. Based on the self-consistent field theory, the stability window of σ phase between hexagonally packed cylinder (HEX) and body-centered cubic (BCC) phases becomes larger as the value of conformational asymmetry (ε) of BCPs increases. In this study, we designed a high-ε, high χ and low T g BCPs consisting of the soft siloxane in major and rigid fluorine-containing acrylate to simplify the rapid equilibrium of nano-structures at lower temperatures. Evaluated value of ε was about 2.20 which is higher than other BCPs reported in the literature. As a result, between HEX and BCC phases under a disordered state, the FK σ and C14 phases were identified by the small-angle X-ray scattering analysis. 1O10-12 Dieu Linh Tran (16:25-16:40) Nitric Oxide Releasing and Heparinized Surface for Prevention of Thrombosis and Restenosis Dieu Linh Tran, 박기동 Ajou University Thrombosis and restenosis are the main obstacles in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Recently, nitric oxide (NO), which stimulates the endothelialization while discouraging platelet adhesion and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) activities, has emerged as a promising candidate for CDV treatment. In this study, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) substrate was immobilized with heparin and copper nanoparticles (CuNPs), a NO-catalytic agent, to reduce thrombosis and restenosis. Heparin-tyramine (HT) and CuNPs were immobilized onto PVC substrate via one-pot tyrosinase-mediated immobilization. The amount of immobilized heparin and released NO were controllable by varying the feeding concentration of HT and CuNPs. In vitro studies revealed that the HT/Cu coatings sustainedly released NO ( µm for 14 days) leading to a decrease of platelets and SMCs adhesion and the enhanced endothelialization. These results demonstrated the potential use of HT/Cu coating in the cardiovascular therapy. 1O10-13 홍동기 (16:40-16:55) Carbon nanodots assisted homogeneous lithium deposition for lithium metal battery 홍동기, 박수진 1, UNIST; 1 포항공과대학교 Lithium (Li) metal as battery anode is one of the most promising energy storage materials owing to its high theoretical capacity and low working potential. However, uncontrollable Li growth during electrochemical cycling causes battery safety issues from dendrite formation and poor coulombic reversibility. Here, we introduce that optimal condition of carbon nanodots (CDs) as an additive in carbonate electrolytes significantly improves Li plating morphology and cycling stability of lithium metal batteries (LMBs). Various functional groups in CDs provide strong Li ion affinity, which enable uniform Li-ion transportation to current collector, resulting in dendrite free metal reduction during the plating. In LMB tests, CD electrolytes exhibit limited increase of overpotential for 500 cycles and excellent cyclability of 99.9% capacity retention after 100 cycles. The CDs-assisted Li deposition minimizes the risks originated from Li dendrite growth, stabilizing the cycle performances of LMBs. 1O10-14 서지애 (16:55-17:10) Flexible and anti-scratch hard coating materials using the molecular necklace-like cross-linkers 서지애, 문성욱, 최병호, 서지훈 고려대학교 A flexible hard coating material displaying the anti-scratch properties and foldable flexibility was developed by the design of an organic-inorganic hybrid coating material employing an alkoxysilyl-functionalized polyrotaxane cross-linker (PRX_Si1). The PRX_Si1 has a molecular necklace-like structure that can form organic-inorganic cross-linking points and provide large molecular movements. It was postulated that the scratch resistance and flexibility could be simultaneously increased due to the hybrid cross-linking points and dynamic molecular movements. To confirm this hypothesis, the properties of the PRX_Si1-based hard coating material were analyzed by TEM, SAXS, tensile, pencil hardness, and scratch tests. The PRX_Si1-based hard coating material could form homogeneously dispersed siloxane nano clusters, and the strain at breaking point was three times higher than that of a commercial hard coating material. 1O10-15 김도윤 (17:10-17:25) Electro-Active Soft Photonic crystal devices for Monolithic Control of Sound and Color 김도윤, 선정윤 서울대학교 Color, as perceived through the eye, transcends mere information in the visible range of electromagnetism and serves as an agent for communication and entertainment. Mechanochromic systems have thus far only aimed at satisfying the sense of vision and have overlooked the possibility of generating acoustic vibrations in concert with their visual color responses. Transcending the boundaries of the two senses, we herein elucidate a strategy for their concurrent and synesthetic fulfillment by electrically actuating an organogel photonic device, controlled by a single input signal. This new class of devices is materialized from a photonic crystal layer with an organogel matrix. Exploiting a dielectric elastomer actuator, the system s mechanical response permits the exploration of visible-light reflection alongside audible sound wave generation, thereby making it amenable to modulate sound and color simultaneously yet independently. 1O10-16 양충모 (17:25-17:40) Preservation of transplanted ovarian tissue by promoting angiogenesis and oxygen-enriched fibrin hydrogel 양충모, 정나눔, 이재왕 1, 염혜원 2, 이정렬 2, 이강원 서울대학교 ; 1 을지대학교 ; 2 분당서울대학교병원 The success rate of chemotherapy and survival rate of the cancer patients have increased over the decades by improvement of biomedical technologies; however, severe ovarian failure after chemotherapy can occur to female patients due to its high gonadotoxicity. Ovarian cryopreservation is one of the ways of facilitating fertility preservation to increase the quality of life in cancer survivors. Immediately after transplantation, ovaries are under ischemic condition due to lack or vascular anastomosis between the graft and host tissue. The transplanted ovaries can be damaged due to lack of oxygen and nutrients and result in necrosis and dysfunction. To prevent ischemic damage and accelerate angiogenesis, the ovary was encapsulated in oxygen-enriched fibrin hydrogels with the growth factor embedded PLGA nanoparticles. Thus, the oxygen and growth factor can complementary interactions to preserve and retrieve ovarian functions with angiogenesis. 대학원생구두발표 (I) Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (Korean) 제 11 회장 [4 월 11 일 ( 목 )]_207 호 Organizer: 염봉준 ( 한양대 ), 오승수 (POSTECH) 1O11-1 김도연 (13:30-13:45) Overcoming the Drug Resistance with Combination Effect of Ultrasound-mediated Chemotherapy and Photodynamic Therapy 김도연, 박수현, 김지원, 김현철 서강대학교 Multiple drug resistance is a critical barrier in drug delivery system. In this study, we apply photodynamic therapy with chemotherapy using albumin nanoparticles with doxorubicin and microbubbles containing Chlorin e6 (DOX-NPs/Ce6-MBs) to overcome the multiple drug resistance and maximize the therapeutic effect. Microbubbles, which can increase delivery efficiency by cavitation effect, are used as carrier of Chlorin e6. Moreover, reactive oxygen species generated by photodynamic therapy had functional 50 제 44 권 1 호

54 destruction effects on efflux pumps. The therapeutic effects of DOX-NPs/Ce6-MBs were confirmed in adriamycin resistant breast cancer cell. As a result, DOX-NPs/Ce6-MBs improved chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy by efficient delivery of drugs, and the efflux pumps were inhibited by the reactive oxygen species to prevent drug release. We suggest that DOX-NPs/Ce6-MBs with ultrasound and laser can be an efficient platform for cancer therapy by overcoming multiple drug resistance. 1O11-2 이소희 (13:45-14:00) Oxygen-generating Tissue Adhesive Hydrogels via Calcium Peroxide-mediated Crosslinking Reaction 이소희, 박경민 인천대학교 Various bioadhesives have been used as a wound closure, a hemostatic agent, a tissue sealant and other medical applications. Among them, mussel-inspired adhesives have been widely studied as they have shown strong tissue adhesiveness even in wet conditions. It is demonstrated that molecular oxygen (O 2) is an essential signaling molecule in the wound healing and tissue regeneration. Herein, we developed an oxygen-generating gelatin-based adhesive formed via calcium peroxide-mediated crosslinking and in situ polymerization of dopamine. We demonstrate that the hydrogels rapidly generate O 2 up to 70% po 2 and release O 2 from hydrogels for 7 days in vitro. The hydrogels exhibit controllable tissue adhesive strength (15 38 kpa) and enhance wound healing with neovascularization in mouse skin. These results suggest that our hydrogel holds a great potential as tissue adhesives for wound management as well as tissue regenerative materials. 1O11-3 전지수 (14:00-14:15) Programmable Magneto-Actuation of Micropillar Arrays 전지수, 위정재 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 Magneto-responsive materials are one of emerging candidates for shape-reconfigurable devices. In comparison with other stimuli-responsive materials, magneto-responsive materials provide programmability of uniform alignment and resultant mechanical actuation in a dry environment at room temperature. Also, propagation of magnetic field is not limited by the obstacles between the magnetic source and the target objects. In this study, we prepared magneto-response polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-iron particle composite microarrays via replica molding. To pre-program various alignment states of iron particles, external magnetic field was applied before curing the matrix. In this presentation, we report on-demand magneto-actuation of microarrays with programmable actuation modes by varying the alignment of the magnetic component. 1O11-4 진정운 (14:15-14:30) Amine functionalized Graphene Oxide for Efficient Curing Acceleration of Polymer Nanocomposites and Improved Gas Barrier 진정운, 유남호 한국과학기술연구원 In this work, synthesized amine functionalized graphene oxide (A-GO) to improve curing efficiency, gas barrier properties, and thermal stability of PI nanocomposites. A series of PI nanocomposites with different A-GO loading were then prepared by in-situ polymerization. When A-GO was introduced 3 wt%, imidization proceeded completely at 200. In addition, the PI/A-GO nanocomposite films exhibited reinforcement of the oxygen barrier properties which were even better than those of pristine PI, due to the excellent dispersion state of A-GO and the favorable non-covalent interaction between A-GO and the PI matrix. The oxygen barrier property of PI/A-GO 1 wt.% is 80% better than pure PI. Furthermore, all the PI/A-GO nanocomposites exhibited high thermal stability. 1O11-5 최연수 (14:30-14:45) Organelle control strategy of anticancer drug nano-carriers with mitochondrial targeting and glutathione-triggered release 최연수, 강한창 가톨릭대학교약학대학원 To maximize therapeutic effects of drugs delivered by drug delivery systems, this study designed functional components for mitochondria-targeted drug delivery and drug release. To pursue these aims, triphenylphosphonium (TPP) as a mitochondrial targeting moiety and disulfide bonds as a GSH-sensitive drug release were selected. The designed carrier was TMSPCL polymer-based nanoparticles (NPs) and the polymer was composed of TPP and poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) with multiple disulfide bonds (MSPCL). TMSPCL NPs loaded efficiently hydrophobic doxorubicin (DOX), resulting in formation of DOX@TMSPCL NPs with up to 13 wt%. In MCF7 and MCF7/ADR-RES cells, DOX@TMSPCL NPs showed 3.2-fold and fold better cell-killing activities than free DOX, respectively. DOX@TMSPCL NPs efficiently targeted to mitochondria and then released their payload in mitochondria. In conclusion, the designed carrier could have a potential for mitochondria-targeted delivery and release of payloads. 1O11-6 구제형 (14:45-15:00) Highly Deformable Electrochromic Skin Using Iontronic Polymer Channel 구제형, Vipin Amoli, 남경아, 김소영, 김정선 1, 안준모 1, 정경진 1, 김도환 한양대학교 ; 1 국방과학연구소 Photonic skin is a sensory device system that can directly reflect external stimuli by generating visual human-readable response through optical means such as light emitting or chromism. Electrochromism is the phenomenon that color of semiconducting materials is reversibly changed by electrochemical redox reaction. Thermoplastic polyurethane film with ionic liquid ([EMIM] + [TFSI] - ) prepared under an optimal condition, as a role of functional elastomeric ion pumps, could serve good mechanical properties, high transmittance, and ionic conductivity. Here, we report the first electrochemically-driven photonic skin based on highly deformable iontronic polymer channel. In addition, we could selectively migrate ions into the chromic material with a conductive pen under low voltage. This allows us to expect that our iontronic, photonic skin can be applicable to active touch board for directly visualized writing and erasing, reversibly for next generation human-machine soft interface platform. 1O11-7 신동엽 (15:00-15:15) High Energy Density One-Dimensional Supercapacitors Based on Metallic Cotton Threads 신동엽, 조진한 고려대학교 We introduce a highly flexible asymmetric supercapacitor with outstanding energy and power densities from metallic cotton threads coated with transition metal oxide nanoparticles. In this study, highly porous cotton threads are coated with Au nanoparticles and small organic linker using layer-by-layer assembly method for the fabrication of metallic cotton threads with exceptional electrical conductivity (~ S cm 1 ). Using the same layer-by-layer assembly method, MnO and Fe 3O 4 nanoparticles are coated onto the formed metallic cotton threads for the anode and the cathode. Furthermore, Au nanoparticles are periodically inserted within the transition metal oxide multilayers for effective charge transport. The assembled one-dimensional solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors exhibit a remarkable areal energy density (80.7 μwh cm -2 ) and power density ( μw cm -2 ) with the high mechanical flexibility. 1O11-8 김기현 (15:15-15:30) Miktoarm Architecture Effect on the Phase Behavior Characteristics of PS-b-PLA Block Copolymer 김기현, 박지훈, Anzar Khan, 허준, 방준하 고려대학교 Block copolymer (BCPs) are widely used in materials science due to their ability to be self-assembled into nanostructures. Recent advances in BCPs focused on the development of new systems that can overcome the size limitation of traditional BCPs. Such efforts have been demonstrated with design and synthesis of new type of BCPs having high interaction parameter (χ). Although many previous studies have been mainly focused on linear BCPs, it was also suggested that non-linear architecture such as star BCPs can further promote the phase segregation. Herein we synthesized well-defined miktoarm PS-b-PLA BCPs to compare the segregation behavior with linear PS-b-PLA BCPs having similar molecular weights and volume fraction. As a control sample, linear PS-b-PLA BCPs of similar volumetric ratio were synthesized. The samples were thermally annealed in thin film and bulk state, and characterized with SEM, TEM, and SAXS. These phase separation behaviors were also compared with SCFT simulation. 1O11-9 임대희 (15:40-15:55) Aggregation types and Orientation directions of TPD-based Polymers for Efficient Charge Transporting Properties 임대희, 김연주, 황경태, 박종진, 김동유 광주과학기술원 Semiconducting molecules can have a pre-aggregated state in the solution prior to forming orientation states. The microstructure control of pre-aggregation in the solution can make molecular alignment and orientation more effectively lead to enhanced device performance. The aggregation state of the molecules has been studied as a way to enhance the alignment in thin films. On the other hand, the aggregation type in thin-film states has not been fully elucidated, especially in semiconducting polymer films. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that investigates the change in the aggregation type in thin films by varying the polymer structure and clarifies the relationship between the aggregation type and charge transporting properties. From a structural viewpoint, understanding the type of aggregation could be a key factor in interpreting the various characteristics that cannot be explained by orientation type alone. 1O11-10 김영권 (15:55-16:10) Transition of Solution Assembly Behaviors from Nanowires to Micelles Using Regioregularity-Controlled P3HT-b-P2VP Block Copolymers 김영권, 김형준 1, 김진성, 윤홍석, 박현정, 한정훈, 김범준 KAIST; 1 University of Massachusetts, Amherst In selective solvents, poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT)-based block copolymers (BCPs) assemble into crystallized nanowire (NW) structures due to rigid P3HT blocks. Herein, we report the effect of the crystalline interactions of P3HT block on the self-assembled structure of P3HT-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) copolymers in solvent by tuning the regioregularities (RRs) of P3HT. We synthesized a series of BCPs that had the same molecular weights but various RRs, ranging from 55 to 95%, and investigate their behavior in a binary solvent mixture. The well-defined NW structures were produced from BCP with high RR (95%). As decreasing RR, more flexible P3HT chains produced gradual increases in the width of NWs, from 12 to 24 nm. A morphological transition to spherical micelle structures was observed at 55% RR. The structural differences were visualized by incorporating Au nanoparticles, which locate at the interface of P3HT and P2VP blocks, onto NWs and imaging the resulting hybrid nanostructures. 1O11-11 김지건 (16:10-16:25) Improved Photovoltaic Performance of CsPbI 3 Perovskite Colloidal Quantum Dots via Surface Ligand Management 김지건, 고민재 1, 김영훈 2, 한양대학교 ; 1 한양대학교화학공학과 ; 2 대구경북과학기술원태양에너지융합연구센터 We demonstrate CsPbI 3 perovskite colloidal quantum dot (CQD) solar cells with improved photovoltaic performance via developing the surface ligand management. CsPbI 3 CQDs are composed of long-hydrocarbon and insulating surface ligands, leading to poor charge transport in solar cells. In a previous report, the surface ligands of CsPbI 3 CQDs are replaced with short-chain acetate ions resulting from only hydrolysis of methyl 제 44 권 1 호 51

55 acetate under controlled humidity. We employ acetate-based ionic salts dissolved in methyl acetate in order for more efficient ligand exchange of CsPbI 3 CQDs, leading to enhanced electro-coupling and solar cell performance. Among the acetate-based ionic salts, sodium acetate showed the most efficient removal of original surface ligands without the fusion of CsPbI 3 CQDs. The CsPbI 3 CQD solar cells based on the sodium acetate-based ligand exchange showed the improved power conversion efficiency up to 12.4%, compared to the previously-reported device (10.7%). 1O11-12 이재원 (16:25-16:40) Computational analysis on programmable shape-morphing of bi-axially pre-strained glassy polymer actuated by local heating effect 이재원, 최준찬, 이종혁 1, 원수경 1, 이재경 1, 위정재 1, 김학린 경북대학교 ; 1 인하대학교 Shape-morphing of shape memory polymer (SMP) from two-dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) has received great attention because of the ability to design its shape reconfiguration. In addition, for the design to get the intended shape, the analysis of the stress distribution that causes the shape morphing should be preceded. In this study, we carried out computational analysis about 3D shape morphing of bi-axially pre-strained polystyrene (PS) film actuated by local heating effect. When the temperature of pattern area exceed over glass transition temperature (T g) of PS film, pre-strained PS film was contracted with causing the stress in entire film area. We derived the shape morphing process with the final 3D shape from computational analysis about stress distribution in PS film. Furthermore, we also applied the transmittance map of the morphed PS film about polarized light for getting the more precise analysis about shape morphing. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No 2019R1A2C ). 1O11-13 최진호 (16:40-16:55) Study of exciton movement using hybrid system of organic material with MoS 2 최진호, 박정운, 홍영기 1,, 박동혁 인하대학교 ; 1 경상대학교 Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) is attracting attention as a candidate of next-generation semiconductor and photoelectronic material. In particular, MoS 2 has a high charge mobility and variable band gap following the layer decreases. We synthesis hybrid system of organic fluorescence material with MoS 2. In the hybrid system, we observed changes in emission properties of organic material such as photoluminescence (PL), PL lifetime and PL intensity. In addition, we confirm that probability as optoelectronic device. 1O11-14 조하령 (16:55-17:10) Spontaneous capillary breakup of suspended gradient polymer stripes into spatially ordered dot arrays 조하령, 변명환 계명대학교 We describe the experimental study on the spontaneous capillary instability of gradient poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) stripes beneath the continuous polystyrene (PS) film. Upon vapor annealing using a selective solvent only for PMMA, the PMMA stripes were transformed into well-ordered dot-arrays beneath the continuous PS film via capillary force driven rupture. Dimensional features of the PMMA dots strongly did not depend upon the initial width and height of the PMMA microscopic stripes. Repeatedly, such this gradient stripe geometry triggered a competition between the phase correlation of neighboring stripes and the kinetically favorable wavelength, thus leading to the formation of an intriguing, recursive surface sub-patterns. 1O11-15 정립정 (17:10-17:25) Thrombus targeting aspirin polyconjugate nanoparticles for near infrared imaging and therapy of thrombotic vascular disease 정립정, 이동원 전북대학교 Thrombus formation is a cause of life-threatening disease such as stoke and myocardial infarction. As a treatment and prevention of vascular disease, aspirin has been widely used in the recent years but is unable to target a thrombus and has short half -life. In this study, we developed thrombus targeting aspirin polyconjugate nanoparticles (T-APP) which possess ability of H 2O 2 scavenging, a near infrared imaging agents on-demand therapeutic agent for thrombotic vascular diseases. T-APP were H 2O 2-activatable aspirin polyconjugate particle involving aspirin conjugates, fibrin-specific peptides, and fluorescence IR-780. T-APP inhibited the generation of H 2O 2 and suppressed the expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and soluble CD4- ligand (scd40l) in activated platelets, demonstrating its intrinsic antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiplatelet activity. The engineered T-APP offer tremendous translational potential as theranostic agents for thrombotic disorders. 1O11-16 이장건 (17:25-17:40) Optimizing Filler Network Formation in Polymer Composites for Packaging Material with High Thermal Conductivity 이장건, 신하은, 박찬희 1, 김채빈, 고문주 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 전북대학교 The shape, size, and orientation of fillers within polymeric matrix are important factors for realizing various composite functionalities. Previously, we found a thermal stiffening but malleable characteristic of poly (hexahydrotriazine) (PHT) and exploited it to maximize hexagonal boron nitride (h-bn) alignment within the PHT by leveraging shear force generated upon manufacturing the composite. Consequently, the final composite exhibited exceptionally high thermal conductivity of 28 W/mK. In this presentation, we will report a detailed comprehensive study regarding a relationship between composite thermal conductivity and the filler type, shape, size, and also its degree of alignment. To further highlight versatility, the composite bearing highly aligned h-bn was applied as gas barrier. We believe the PHT composite material could be useful as packaging material for microelectronics which could also quickly dissipate the generated heat from the electronics to the surroundings. Keynote Session (II) 제 1 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_ 호 Organizer: 인교진 ( 강원대 ), 서용석 ( 서울대 ), 남재욱 ( 서울대 ) 2L1-1 최형진 (Hyoung Jin Choi) (10:30-11:10) 1980 서울대학교공업화학과 ( 공학사 ) 1987 Carnegie Mellon 대학교화학공학과 ( 공학박사 ) 1988-현재 인하대학교고분자공학과교수 2005-현재 Inha Fellow 교수 2007-현재 한국과학기술한림원정회원 Polymer-induced Energy Savings in Turbulent Flows 최형진 인하대학교 Both water- and oil-soluble linear polymers with high molecular weights are known to decrease the frictional drag in turbulent flows very effectively at concentrations of tens or hundreds of ppm. Such dilute polymer solutions undergoing flow in a pipe require a lower pressure drop to maintain the same volumetric flow rate with up to more than 80% of energy saving. This polymer-induced drag reduction efficiency is well known to be closely associated with the flow conditions and rheological, physical, and/or chemical characteristics of the polymers added. The polymeric species including both synthetic and natural polymers such as poly (ethylene oxide), polyacrylamide, poly (isobutylene), and DNA, mechanical degradation of polymer under turbulence, and mechanism will be covered along with their various applications. 2L1-2 박수영 (Soo Young Park) (11:10-11:50) 서울대학교섬유공학과 ( 학사 ) 서울대학교섬유공학과 ( 석사 ) 제일합섬기술연구소 Case Western Reserve University ( 박사 ) ( 미국 ) 공군연구소 NRC Research Associate 2002-현재 경북대학교고분자공학과교수 Smart Molecular-Spring Photonic Droplet and Shell 박수영 경북대학교 Complete solid-state cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC solid) droplets and shells are fabricated using microfluidics. The CLC solid droplets and shells exhibit unique coloured reflection spot at the centre, cross-communication dots, and central concentric rings. The helical pitch depends on the solvent quality, temperature, and humidity, giving rise to a reversible reflection colour change of the CLC solid droplet and shell under external stimuli. The CLC solid droplets and shells are extremely stable for a long time, even in a good solvent. This smart solid-state molecular-spring photonic droplet eliminates the obstacles to CLC-droplet application caused by the fluidic LC state, and thus introduces a new avenue for CLC applications. The photonic interpentrating polymer network structure with smart hydrogels was introduced for biosensor applications for detecting the important analytes through reflection color change without sophisticate intruments and battries. 2L1-3 김장주 (Jang-Joo Kim) (13:50-14:30) 1977 서울대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 1980 서울대학교화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 1987 Stanford 대학교재료과 ( 박사 ) 한국전자통신연구소화학과선임, 책임연구원 광주과학기술원신소재공학과교수 2003-현재 서울대학교재료공학부교수 시뮬레이션과 (Big) Data 그리고 4 차산업혁명김장주 서울대학교인공지능, 신경회로망에기초한 machine learning, 사물인터넷, 거대데이터로대표되는 4 차산업혁명은우리나라에서화두로되어있으며, 이에따라국가정책에서중요한위치를차지하고있고많은과제와지원책이제시되고있다. 이와같은상황에서소재분야에서는어떻게접근하여야할지에대하여논의하고, 본인이연구하여온내용과연관지어방안을제시하고자한다. 2L1-4 백종범 (Jong-Beom Baek) (14:30-15:10) 1991 경북대학교공업화학과 ( 학사 ) 1993 경북대학교고분자공학과 ( 석사 ) 1998 ( 미 ) 에크론대학교고분자과학과 ( 박사 ) ( 미 ) 공군연구소연구원 충북대학교공업화학과부교수 2008-현재 유니스트에너지및화학공학부교수 Forming Two- and Three-Dimensional Network Polymers for Various Applications 백종범 울산과학기술원 Robust conjugated two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) network polymers have attracted immense interest due to their unusual electronic, optoelectronic, magnetic and 52 제 44 권 1 호

56 electrocatalytic properties. In addition, their tunable structures and properties promise to offer many opportunities in various applications. However, even after years of intensive exploration in science and technology, facile and scalable methods capable of producing fused-aromatic based stable 2D network polymers with uniformly decorated heteroatoms with/without holes remain limited. To overcome these issues, stable 2D organic network polymers have been designed and synthesized. Their network structures were confirmed using various characterization techniques. Furthermore, robust 3D cage-like organic network polymers have also been constructed. The results suggest that these newly-developed 2D and 3D organic network polymers offer greater opportunities, from wet-chemistry to various device applications. 환경친화적청정고분자기술개발 Eco-friendly Green Technology Based on Polymers 제 2 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_108 호 Organizer: 홍성우 (KITECH), 이동현 ( 단국대 ) 2L2-1 전호석 (Ho-Seok Jeon) (10:30-10:55) 1988 강원대학교자원공학과 ( 학사 ) 1990 강원대학교자원공학과 ( 석사 ) 1994 강원대학교자원공학과 ( 박사 ) Virginia Tech. (Post-Doc.) 2004-현재 과학기술연합대학원대학교 ( 교수 ) 1995-현재 한국지질자원연구원자원회수연구센터센터장 마찰하전형정전선별법에의한혼합폐플라스틱재질분리전호석, 백상호, 고병헌, 김병곤한국지질자원연구원플라스틱의개발은산업발전을촉진시키고인류생활을풍요롭게만들었으나, 폐플라스틱발생량증가는환경, 사회적문제를야기시켜, 폐플라스틱의재활용에대한중요성을더욱증가시키게되었다. 폐플라스틱의재활용은물질재활용, 화학적재활용, 에너지재활용등이있으나, 이들모두재질분리가선행되어야가능하기때문에, 결국폐플라스틱의재활용확대는재질분리가가장중요하다. 혼합폐플라스틱의재질분리기술은비중선별, 근적외선, Ribs, 정전선별등이있으나, 단일기술로는발생된폐플라스틱모두의재질분리가어려워, 최근에는단일기술을융합한선별공정개발이이루어지고있다. 우리나라의경우혼합폐플라스틱재질분리기술의미흡으로 30% 만물질재활용이이루어지고있으며, 일부는에너지재활용그리고 40% 이상은여전히소각이나매립에의해처리되고있는실정이다. 따라서본연구는물질재활용을높이고소각이나매립을줄이기위한방안으로, 마찰하전형정전선별법에의한혼합폐플라스틱의재질분리연구를수행하였다. 2L2-2 임준섭 (Junseop Im) (10:55-11:20) 2005 한양대학교 Erica 화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2014 한양대학교정밀화학공학과 ( 박사 ) 2014-현재 삼양사중앙연구소차장 Preparation of isosorbide and its applications 임준섭 ( 주 ) 삼양사중앙연구소 In the present decade, many studies to reduce CO2 and VOCs emissions have been carried out in various fields by the strengthening of global environmental policies and the increasing interest in eco-friendly materials. Isosorbide (ISB) is one of the bio-based materials originated by corn. ISB has been mainly prepared by dehydration of sorbitol under the acid catalyst such as sulfuric acid. It has been widely investigated to replace petroleum-based materials in the point of reducing CO2 emission and fossil resources usage. ISB has realized various merits when applied as a monomer of the polymer. Firstly, it was reported that optical properties are improved when it is substituted as monomer of polycarbonate instead of Bisphenol-A. When applied to PET, the thermal properties such as Tg was improved comparing with the conventional one. In this presentation, we introduced the preparation of environmentally friendly biomaterial ISB and its applications in the field of polymer. 2L2-3 박은규 (Eunkyu Park) (11:20-11:45) 1999 세명대학교환경공학과 ( 학사 ) 2001 연세대학교환경관리과 ( 석사 ) 2010 수원대학교환경공학과 ( 박사 ) 이오니아이엔티연구소장 수원대학교환경에너지공학과연구교수 2019-현재 탑스이앤씨상무이사 생활계혼합폐플라스틱의재질별선별기술박은규, 류병건탑스이앤씨 ( 주 ) 생활계에서배출되는혼합폐플라스틱의경우재질, 종류, 형상, 크기및색깔등이매우다양할뿐만아니라이물질의혼입등으로효율적인분리선별이어려운실정이다. 또한, 2003 년부터실시되고있는생산자책임재활용제도의확대실시로인하여폐플라스틱의발생량은급격히증가되고있으며, 플라스틱의효율적인재활용을위해서는각재질별분리선별기술이매우중요하다. 플라스틱의재질별분리선별기술은제품형태로선별하는 X-ray fluorescence (XRF), 근적외선분광법 (Near-infrared ray) 등의광학선별기술이있으며, 분쇄하여분쇄품을선별하는습식비중선별 ( 부침선별, 원심력선별 ), 건식비중선별 ( 풍력선별, 유동층선별 ) 전자 정전선별 ( 전자선별, 와전류선별, 정전선별 ) 기술등이있다. 본발표에서는폐플라스틱의재질별선별기술과적용사례등에대하여소개하고자한다. 2L2-4 홍채환 (Chaehwan Hong) (11:45-12:10) 1994 포항공과대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 1996 포항공과대학교화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 2005 서울대학교화학생물공학과 ( 박사 ) 2005-현재 현대자동차연구개발본부책임연구원 LG화학기술원 식물자원활용나일론원료물질제조기술및복합재료개발홍채환 현대자동차연구소폴리아미드 (PA)-66 소재는자동차엔진및샤시계부품소재로적용되는소재이다. 국내에서는주로컴파운드제품개발및원가경쟁력확보를위한노력들이주로진행되는상황이다. 최근 PA-66 원료물질의수급불균형에의하여소재가격이상승하는추세에있다. 따라서, 향후 PA-66 원소재에제조다변화, 국제경쟁력향상등을고려하는연구개발이요망되는상황이다. 본논문에서는원소재제조기술현황의소개및바이오폴리아미드중상업화된바이오매스유래의나일론 PA-11 소재를활용하여고내충격 PP 복합재개발등연구결과물및현황등을보고하고자한다. 2L2-5 최준원 (Joon Weon Choi) (13:50-14:15) 1991 서울대학교임산공학과 ( 학사 ) 1995 서울대학교임산공학과 ( 석사 ) 1999 독일함부르크대학교생물학부 ( 박사 ) Washington State University Institute of Biological Chemistry (Post-Doc.) 국립산림과학원임업연구사 2007-현재 서울대학교부교수 바이오매스기반바이오연료생산공정부산물을활용한나노세공활성탄제조및친환경흡착제로서의활용가능성평가최준원 서울대학교목질계바이오매스는다양한형태의바이오연료생산공정에활용되는대표적인친환경자원이다. 바이오에탄올은목질계바이오매스의대표적인성분인셀룰로오스만을활용하여제조하기때문에또다른성분인페놀성리그닌은부산물로발생한다. 급속열분해는목질계바이오매스를무산소조건에서열처리하여바이오오일 (biooil) 이라는액상바이오연료를생산하는공정으로바이오촤 (biochar) 라는고상의탄소부산물이함께생성한다. 본연구에서는바이오연료생산공정에서발생하는리그닌과바이오촤를나노세공탄소소재로의활용가능성을살펴보고자수산화칼륨촉매를투입하여 750 에서 1 시간동안고온촉매활성화공정을진행하여다공성활성탄을제조하였으며, 이들에대한물리적특성 ( 표면결합구조, 관능기변화, 비표면적및 ( 미세 ) 기공분포등 ) 을분석하였고, 동시에토양 / 수질등의오염물질흡착소재로서활용가능성을평가하였다. 2L2-6 권오석 (Oh Seok Kwon) (14:15-14:40) 2007 영남대학교화학과 ( 학사 ) 2010 서울대학교화학공학부 ( 석사 ) 2013 서울대학교화학공학부 ( 박사 ) 예일대학교환경공학과 (Post-Doc.) 2015-현재 한국생명공학연구원선임연구원 미세먼지저감고성능필터소재개발권오석 한국생명공학연구원 Particulate matter (PM) pollution is serious human health issue. Various filter technologies have been developed to improve the air filtration efficiency. In this study, we demonstrate a high efficiency PM2.5 capture air-filter by electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers (EPNFs). The surface of the EPNFs was modified by oxygen plasma treatment for generating functional groups such as econh 2, ecooh and ecoor. The EPNFs were utilized as air filter in hand-made PM removal system which is consisted of DC power supply, PM source, PM sensor and PM removal test chamber. The test result showed high air flow and effective air filtration (PM2.5 removal efficiency: 94.02%, pressure drop: 18 Pa, Time to reach the PM level recommended by the World Health Organization (TWHO PM2.5): 15 min, quality factor: Pa 1 ) compared to commercial filters. 2L2-7 조은선 (Eun Seon Cho) (14:40-15:05) 2006 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 학사 ) 2008 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 석사 ) 2013 MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Program in Polymer Science and Technology ( 박사 ) Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Molecular Foundry (Post-Doc.) 2017-현재 KAIST 생명화학공학과조교수 Water for the Future: Hybrid Graphene Nanostructure for Sustainable Water Treatment 조은선 한국과학기술원 With the rapidly increasing population and fast-growing economy, the sustainability of resources is limited. Particularly, clean water scarcity becomes an urgent global issue, inducing a major environmental and public health concern. A membrane technology is mainly used to separate various organic/inorganic substances and salts from contaminated water. This work aims to develop graphene-based hybrid membrane for an efficient water treatment and address the mechanism of water permeation and desalination to tailor the given nanostructure. The hybrid membrane was fabricated based on graphene oxide (GO) layers over the nylon substrate, followed by the intercalation of crown ethers along with cations. It was expected that the intercalated molecules would adjust the ion sieving within the hybrid membrane, leading to the improved water treatment performance. Furthermore, it was shown that the hybrid GO membrane maintains 제 44 권 1 호 53

57 its robustness under various salt solutions for a long period of time. 2L2-8 김한중 (Han-Jung Kim) (15:05-15:30) 2010 국립공주대학교물리학과 ( 박사 ) 한국표준과학연구원 (Post-Doc.) 한국기계연구원 (Post-Doc.) 스마트IT융합시스템연구단부교수 2018-현재 구미전자정보기술원선임연구원 고분자나노섬유기반미세먼지집진기술김한중, 김윤갑, 김삼수, 박선주 1, 권오석 1 구미전자정보기술원 ; 1 한국생명공학연구원 나노섬유는직경 1um 이하의고분자소재기반의섬유를말하여멜트블로운, 전기방사, 혼합방사등의다양한방법으로제조가능하다. 이러한나노섬유는초극세섬유로제조와동시에 3 차원네트워크의다공성웹구조를형성하여초박막, 초경량으로기존 HEPA 필터의부직포에비해비표면적이크고, 높은다공도성을가지고있다. 이로인해, 가스나액체로부터미세입자를효과적으로분리할수있는고효율의기능성필터소재로활용되고있다. 하지만, 고분자나노섬유기반의미세먼지필터를실제로제품화하기위해서는높은압력손실, 수분에의한집진성능저하, 그리고기판으로부터쉽게박리되는문제점등을해결해야만한다. 이에, 본발표에서는고분자나노섬유기반의미세먼지필터와관련된최근연구동향을소개하고, 성능 ( 압력손실, 집진율, 젖음성 ) 개선을위해구미전자정보기술원과한국생명공학연구원에의해수행된소재및표면처리기술과관련한최근연구결과를소개하고자한다. 의료용고분자부문위원회 (II) Biomedical Polymers Division (II) 제 3 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_ 호 Organizer: 한동욱 ( 부산대 ), 이용규 ( 한국교통대 ), 양승윤 ( 부산대 ) 2L3-1 정병문 (Byeongmoon Jeong) (10:30-10:55) 1987 서울대학교화학과 ( 학사 ) 1989 KAIST 화학과 ( 석사 ) LG화학연구원및선임연구원 1999 University of Utah 약제학및의약화학 ( 박사 ) Pacific Northwest National Lab (Post-Doc. 및선임연구원 ) 2002-현재 이화여자대학교화학과교수 Thermogel as an Injectable 3D Scaffold for Cells 이현정, 정병문 1, 이화여자대학교화학나노과학과 ; 1 이화여자대학교 Temperature sensitive sol-gel transition polymers, termed as thermogels, are aqueous polymer solutions that undergo solution-to-gel transition as the temperature increases. Typically, it is in a sol state at room temperature, however, it turns into hydrogel at physiological temperature of 37 oc. Poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid), Pluronic derivatives, polycaprolactone, polytrimethylene carbonate, and polypeptides have been developed as thermogels by balancing hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity for injectable drug delivery and tissue engineering applications. In particular, polypeptide thermogels are intensively being investigated for the last decade for maintaining neutral ph during degradation and storage stability under in vitro condition while in vivo degradability by enzymes. Cells, growth factors, and signaling molecules were simultaneously incorporated into the gel during the sol-to-gel transition, thus providing an excellent platform for 3D culture of stem cells. 2L3-2 이재영 (Jae Young Lee) (10:55-11:20) 1997 서울대학교공업화학과 ( 학사 ) 1999 서울대학교공업화학과 ( 석사 ) LG화학기술원선임연구원 2010 University of Texas at Austin 화학공학과 ( 박사 ) University of California Berkeley Bioengineering (Post-Doc.) 2012-현재 GIST 신소재공학부부교수 Graphene-incorporated hydrogels as multifunctional muscle-mimicking biomaterials 이재영 광주과학기술원 Multifunctional biomaterials that provide physical, electrical, and structural cues to cells and tissues are highly desirable to mimic the characteristics of native tissues and efficiently modulate cellular behaviors. Herein, we synthesized conductive graphene hydrogels by mild chemical reduction of graphene oxide/polyacrylamide (GO/PAAm) composite hydrogels to obtain conductive hydrogels. The reduced hydrogel, r(go/paam), exhibited muscle tissue-like stiffness with a Young's modulus of approximately 50 kpa and low electrochemical impedance. Also, we further micropatterned with femtosecond laser ablation (FLA). Material conductivity and surface micropatterns substantially promoted differentiation. Electrical stimulation of the myoblasts on the conductive hydrogels promoted their myogenesis. In conclusion, we successfully demonstrated that the r(go/paam) may serve as an effective multifunctional biomaterial that can mimic native muscle tissues. 2L3-3 나건 (Kun Na) (11:20-11:45) 1989 전남대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 1992 전남대학교화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 1997 전남대학교화학공학과 ( 박사 ) University of Utah 약제학및의약화학 (Post-Doc.) 2005-현재 가톨릭대학교생명공학과교수 Tumor Environment Sensitive Photodynamic Therapy 나건 가톨릭대학교 Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is known as a prospective cancer treatment. However, patients experience the inconvenience from living in the dark room for several weeks as photosensitizer is also activated by sunlight patients. In this research, we developed tumor environment sensitive polymeric photosensitizers. Tumor environments include low ph and high expression of enzyme. Tumor environment responsive polymeric photosensitizers show selective photoactivity only in the tumor by recognizing low ph or high enzyme concentration, thus it induces fewer side effects than conventional photosensitizers and enable tumor specific photodynamic therapy. It is expected that it will enhance not only the photodynamic therapy efficacy but also the convenience of patients who are receiving photodynamic therapy. 2L3-4 임광석 (Kwangsuk Lim) (11:45-12:10) 2005 한양대학교생화학및분자생물학과 ( 학사 ) 2007 한양대학교의생명공학과 ( 석사 ) 2012 한양대학교생명공학과 ( 박사 ) 유타대학교약학대학 (Post-Doc.) 유타대학교의과대학 (Post-Doc.) 2017-현재 강원대학교공과대학생물공학과조교수 Gene delivery systems based on Nano-self assembly 임광석 강원대학교 Gene based therapeutic systems is a promising therapeutic area for the treatment of various diseases. Gene delivery systems are required to effectively deliver nucleotides into target cells. Nano-self-assembly systems based on binding affinity between Zinc and nucleotides was spontaneously formed nano-cluster through the binding of zinc ions to the phosphate groups of nucleic acids. This system could enhance delivery of DNA or sirna into the cells without any polymers and cytotoxicity. Zinc/Nucleotides nano cluster was applied commercial polymer including polyethylenimine (PEI 25k), PEI 1.8k and poly-l-lysine (PLL) to enhance delivery of nucleotide. It could enhance efficiency of gene delivery and reduced amount of polymer. It was also combined with targeting peptide without any modification. Zinc/nucleotide nano-self-assembly system may one of useful methods to deliver nucleotides for the treatment of disease and development of genetic engineered cells. 2L3-5 오세행 (Se Heang Oh) (13:50-14:15) 1999 한남대학교고분자학과 ( 학사 ) 2001 한남대학교고분자학과 ( 석사 ) 2006 한남대학교신소재공학과 ( 박사 ) Wake Forest 재생의학연구소 (Post-Doc.) 한남대학교신소재공학과연구교수 2012-현재 단국대학교나노바이오의과학과부교수 Porous Matrices with Leaf-Stacked Structure for Tissue Engineering Applications 김호용, 김민지, 박진현, 안보슬, 이재훈 1, 이진호 2, 변준호 3, 오세행 단국대학교 ; 1 경상대학교 ; 2 한남대학교 ; 3 경상대학교병원 Tissue engineering technique based on cells, scaffolds, and bioactive molecules to regenerate damaged tissues/organs have been extensively investigated. Sustained release of bioactive molecules from delivery systems is a common strategy for ensuring their prolonged bioactivity and for minimizing safety issues. However, residual toxic reagents, the use of harsh organic solvents, and complex fabrication procedures in conventional delivery systems are considered enormous impediments toward clinical use. Herein, we developed unique porous matrices with leaf-stacked structure which can allow sustained release of bioactive molecules and also stimulate target tissue regeneration using clinically feasible materials and procedures. Their bioactive molecules release behavior, differentiation of stem cells and target tissue regeneration (i.e., bone, cartilage, fat, blood vessel, etc.) in animal models were investigated. 2L3-6 강선웅 (Sun Woong Kang) (14:15-14:40) 2002 한양대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2004 한양대학교화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 2008 한양대학교화학공학과 ( 박사 ) 유타대학교약학대학 (Post-Doc.) 차의과학대학교 (Post-Doc.) 2012 KIST (Post-Doc.) 2013-현재 안전성평가연구소선임연구원 Applications of natural polymers for 3D cell culture 강선웅 안전성평가연구소 Cell culture is the process of growing cells in controlled conditions. Two-dimensional culture has been the typical paradigm of in vitro cell culture; however, cells have been demonstrated to behave more naturally when cultured in three-dimensional (3D) environments. Cells grow, differentiate, and develop while interacting with very complex 3D structures. Many scaffold-based approaches have recently been developed for 3D cultures. Among various options, cells allow studying the morphological and physiological effects in the target cells, on inducing certain changes. Therefore, cells are used to 54 제 44 권 1 호

58 replace animal testing for toxicological screening of drugs. This lecture is aimed at anyone interested in the application of 3D culture. It offers insights into a wide variety of strategies applying the principles of 3D cell culture using natural polymers for alternative toxicology. 3D cell culture approaches for alternative toxicological model are presented in this lecture. 2L3-7 최원섭 (Wonsup Choi) (14:40-15:05) 2005 아주대학교응용화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2007 아주대학교분자과학기술학과 ( 석사 ) U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research Center (Postgraduate Associate) 2015 University of Massachusetts 의공학 ( 박사 ) Yale University (Post-Doc.) 에스피엘생명과학연구소연구소장 2019-현재 칸젠연구소장 Specific peptide ligand for targeting the light chain of BoNT/A 최원섭 ( 주 ) 칸젠 The light chain (LC) of Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) inhibits neurotransmitter release by destroying exocytotic fusion through cleavage of the soluble NSF (N-ethylmaleimidesensitive fusion protein) attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins inside the cytosol and this is a key step to the development of botulism. The technical aim addressed in this study is to identify, characterize and evaluate peptide inhibitors for LC of BoNT serotype A to be utilized for future detection technology development and therapeutic treatments. This study demonstrates that the peptides developed from phage display technique are promising lead inhibitors, presenting the foundation for the generation of a more dominant derivative that can translate into rapid detection technology and therapeutic treatments. These findings also provide the proof of concept that peptide inhibitors targeting for LC and effectively blocking the endopeptidase activity of the toxin can be used as applicable BoNTs. 2L3-8 박상혁 (Sang Hyug Park) (15:05-15:30) 2007 아주대학교분자과학기술 ( 박사 ) Tufts 대학 BME (Post-Doc.) ETEX Corp. USA ( 개발연구원 ) Wake Forest 재생의학연구소 (Post-Doc.) 중원대학교생체의공학과조교수 2016-현재 부경대학교의공학과조교수 Development of anti-adhesion membrane using cartilage extracellular matrix 박상혁, 민병현 1,, 김영직 2 부경대학교 ; 1 아주대학교 ; 2 에이템스주식회사 The extracellular matrix (ECM) is known to provide instructive cues for ultimately tissue regeneration. The ECM consists of specific functional molecules and not only provides essential supportive structure but also generates significant biological cues that are required for tissue repair. Numerous tissues and organs have now been decellularized for practical application of the ECM, and the latter has already been successfully used clinically. In particular, articular cartilage directly inhibited vessel formation in previous studies due to the anti-adhesive properties of the proteoglycan rich matrix. Porcine cartilage ECM membrane successfully fabricated to realize the functional anti-adhesion agent. The progress of development of ECM anti-adhesion membrane for clinical application will be shown from presentation. 기능성고분자 Functional Polymer 제 4 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_ 호 Organizer: 박소정 ( 이화여대 ), 임호선 ( 숙명여대 ) 2L4-1 임용범 (Yong-beom Lim) (10:30-10:55) 1995 성균관대학교화학과 ( 학사 ) 1997 서울대학교화학과 ( 석사 ) 2001 서울대학교화학과 ( 박사 ) University of California, San Francisco (Post-doc.) 연세대학교 ( 연구교수 ) 2009-현재 연세대학교신소재공학과조교수 / 부교수 / 교수 3D 2 peptide assemblies with unusual morphologies and functions 임용범 연세대학교 In recent years, an interest in manmade or artificial bionanostructures, including peptide-based self-assembled nanostructures has been intense and is expected to escalate further. When appropriately designed, self-assembling peptide nanostructures can mimic the molecular recognition functions of natural proteins. We intend to develop artificial bionanostructures that can mimic or even have enhanced functional properties over the nanostructures of biological origin. Since the major driving force that underlies the formation of bionanostructures is a noncovalent self-assembly process, elaborately designed synthetic self-assembly building blocks should be one of the most suitable candidates for the construction of artificial bionanostructures. In this talk, our recent research efforts to develop all three-dimensional (3D x 3D) peptide assemblies with unusual morphologies and functions will be presented. 2L4-2 김용주 (Yongju Kim) (10:55-11:20) 2005 서울대학교화학부 ( 학사 ) 2012 서울대학교화학부 ( 박사 ) 서울대학교화학부 (Post-Doc.) Jilin University 화학과 (Post-Doc.) Jilin University 화학과부교수 2019-현재 고려대학교 KU-KIST 융합대학원부교수 Adaptive Supramolecular Nanomaterials 김용주 고려대학교 Molecular assembly forms diverse supramolecular architectures through non-covalent interactions which can be changed reversibly by external stimuli such as temperature, light, salt, and ph. I present the switchable assembly by adjusting non-covalent interactions for 1D tubules and 2D porous sheets. Dynamic tubular pores with rapid switching between open and closed states and a virus-like hierarchical assembly with the native DNA and a synthetic coat are described as functional 1D tubules. Homochiral porous nanosheet is also presented as enantiomer sieving membranes which exclusively capture a single enantiomer in a racemic mixture solution with high uptake capacity. 2L4-3 박문정 (Moon Jeong Park) (11:20-11:45) 서울대학교응용화학부 ( 학사 ) 서울대학교화학생물공학부 ( 석사, 박사 ) Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. & UC Berkeley (Post Doctor) 포항공과대학교화학과조교수, 부교수 2019-현재 포항공과대학교화학과교수 Low-voltage superfast soft actuators 박문정 포항공과대학교 Soft actuators based on electroactive polymers (EAPs) are the core constituents of future soft robots owing to their fascinating properties such as lightweight, easy fabrication into various forms, and low cost. Ionic EAP actuators are particularly attractive owing to the low driving voltages (< 3 V) as compared to that of electronic EAP actuators (usually kilovolts). Key challenges in the advancement of ionic EAP actuator technologies include fast response time and durability. Although several researchers have tackled these challenges over the last few decades, no breakthrough is made until recently. In this talk, I will describe a new platform for the development of soft actuators that moves a few millimeters under 1 V in air, with an unprecedented fast response time of tens of milliseconds. An essential component of this actuator is the single ion-conducting polymers that contain well-defined ionic domains; this achieved an exceptionally high dielectric constant of 78. 2L4-4 조맹효 (Maenghyo Cho) (11:45-12:10) 1984 서울대학교항공공학과 ( 학사 ) 1986 서울대학교항공공학과 ( 석사 ) 1993 University of Washington 항공우주공학과 ( 박사 ) 1999-현재 서울대기계항공공학부조교수 / 부교수 / 정교수 한국연구재단WCU멀티스케일기계설계사업단장 2012-현재 한국연구재단광반응변형구조체창의연구단단장 A multiscale computational approach for photo-mechanics of liquid crystalline polymer with diverse morphologies 조맹효 서울대학교 Azobenzene-containing liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) can exhibit photo-responsive deformation, which is induced by the photo-isomerization. The photo-mechanical deformation of this novel functional polymer can be designed by controlling initial phase (smectic, nematic, and etc.) and polymer morphology. In this lecture, a predictive multiscale computational approach for complex deformation of the photo-responsive polymers will be introduced. The density functional theory (DFT) calculations predict the photo-chemical reaction kinetics with respect to the light condition. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG MD) simulation can provide a relationship between the photo-isomerization ratio and polymeric shape. The results of the microscale analysis are combined with nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) to observe large deformations. 2L4-5 윤창규 (Chang-Kyu Yoon) (13:50-14:15) 2006 워싱턴주립대기계-재료공학부 ( 학사 ) 2009 워싱턴주립대재료공학과 ( 석사 ) 2017 존스홉킨스대재료공학과 ( 박사 ) 막스프랑크연구소 (Post-Doc.) 2018-현재 숙명여자대학교기계시스템학과조교수 Miniaturized Stimuli Responsive Biomedical Soft Robots 윤창규 숙명여자대학교 The manufactured modern medicine requires the development of miniaturized devices that can access hard-to-reach areas in the human body to complete therapeutic drug delivery or surgical procedures in less invasive and more effective manners. In this talk, I will discuss the challenges associated with operation of untethered small scale mobile soft robots with an important result in the development of miniaturized and mechanized tools that can be used to biopsy tissue and delivery drugs. Further, I will demonstrate highly sensitive and selective shape change in hydrogels that can be induced by specific DNA molecules by successive extension of crosslinks. Finally, I will discuss the design, fabrication, control, and applications of untethered mobile soft robots using remote magnetic fields in enclosed spaces. 제 44 권 1 호 55

59 2L4-6 정훈의 (Hoon Eui Jeong) (14:15-14:40) 2004 서울대학교바이오시스템공학과 ( 학사 ) 2005 서울대학교기계공학과 ( 석사 ) 2009 서울대학교기계공학과 ( 박사 ) UC Berkeley, KAUST Postdoctoral Research Fellow 2012-현재 UNIST 기계및원자력공학부부교수 Magnetically responsive polymeric hair array for tunable multipmodal drop bouncing dynamics and superior anti-icing performance 정훈의, 이상현, 성민호 UNIST An anti-icing material based on a magnetically responsive hierarchical hair array that can actively modulate drop bouncing dynamics is presented. The magnetically responsive hair array exhibits an immediate and reversible structural bending motion in response to an external magnetic field. The array also exhibits superhydrophobicity, regardless of its tilt angle, due to the tapered geometry of the hairs and the multiscale surface roughness of the array. Due to its dynamic structure and water-repellent characteristics, the array can induce distinct multiple modes of drop bouncing behavior by adjusting its structural bending state in a reversible fashion. We demonstrate that the dynamically controllable drop bouncing behavior of the magnetically responsive hierarchical array enables the efficient and robust prevention of ice formation and accumulation. 2L4-7 안석균 (Suk-Kyun Ahn) (14:40-15:05) 2006 서강대학교화학공학 ( 학사 ) 2011 University of Connecticut 고분자공학 ( 박사 ) ( 미 ) Oak Ridge National Lab. (Post-doc.) ( 미 ) Air Force Research Lab. (Post-doc.) 2015-현재 부산대학교고분자공학과조교수 Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Dynamic, Shape-Changing Materials 안석균 부산대학교 The capability of liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) to program its shape changes in a reversible and controlled manner offer a multifunctional material platform, and are appealing in various applications including soft robots, smart surfaces, and tissue engineering substrates. Molecular alignment of LCEs is the key to enable the reversible and complex shape transformations at the macro- and microscale level. In this talk, I will present how we take advantage of unique properties of LCs to prepare macroscopically-aligned LCE monoliths. The chemistry for the LCE synthesis along with various alignment strategies will be highlighted. Depending on the initial alignment conditions, these reconfigurable soft materials can show a reversible switching between 2D sheets and complex 3D shapes when exposed to various external stimuli. The structure-property-actuation relationships of the LCEs will be further discussed. 2L4-8 이화성 (Hwa Sung Lee) (15:05-15:30) 2004 한양대학교화학공학 공업화학과 ( 학사 ) 2006 포항공과대학교화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 2009 포항공과대학교화학공학과 ( 박사 ) New York University 화학과 (Post-doc.) 2011-현재 한밭대학교화학생명공학과부교수 Highly Sensitive and Stress-Direction-Recognizing Asterisk-Shaped Carbon Nanotube Strain Sensor 이화성 한밭대학교 One of the important features for future strain sensors is that they should be able to sensitively recognize the direction of the external stress in order to accurately detect the motions of humans or matter. Herein, we successfully developed a directionally responsive piezoresistive strain sensor whose sensing electrode was made of CNTs and designed in the shape of an asterisk. Under a given stress at 5% strain, the change in relative resistance (ΔR/R0) of the strain sensor developed here differed by up to a factor of 24.5 for different orientations of the sensor electrode relative to the source of the stress, i.e., a high angular dependence of the sensing performance on the external stress direction was observed. In particular, the asterisk-shaped CNT strain sensors showed a super-linear relationship between response and strain for low strains of up to 5%, allowing them to provide a good sensing platform for recognizing microdeformations. 신진연구자특별심포지움 (II) Young Polymer Scientists Session (II) 제 5 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_103 호 Organizer: 왕동환 ( 중앙대 ), 임성갑 (KAIST) 2L5-1 배인성 (Insung Bae) (10:30-10:55) 2008 연세대학교금속시스템공학과 ( 학사 ) 2014 연세대학교신소재공학과 ( 석박사통합 ) LG화학중앙연구소 2018-현재 한남대학교화공신소재공학과조교수 Development of Hydrocarbon-Based Polymer Electrolyte Membrane for Fuel Cells 배인성 한남대학교 Proton exchange membranes (PEMs) consisting of sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone) (SPAEK) with silica nanoparticles are developed for fuel cell applications under low relative humidity (RH). An asymmetric distribution of surface modified silica nanoparticles with hydrophilic and hydrophobic is applied for enhancing the water back diffusion from cathode to anode through the membrane. Moreover, cross-linked structure between SPAEK polymers and silica nanoparticles promoted proton conductivity that attributed to the synergistic effect of well-connected hydrophilic proton channels and improved the dispersion of silica nanoparticles in the polymer matrix. The nanostructure of the membranes was investigated by field-emission transmission electron microscopy (FE-TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Furthermore, the composite membrane exhibited enhanced mechanical stability due to the effectively cross-linked networks between SPAEK and silica. 2L5-2 주용호 (Yongho Joo) (10:55-11:20) 2006 한양대학교화학과 ( 학사 ) 2015 University of Wisconsin-Madison, 재료과 ( 석사 ) 2017 University of Wisconsin-Madison, 재료과 ( 박사 ) Purdue University-West Lafayette 화공 (Post-Doc.) 2018-현재 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST 전북 ) 선임연구원 A nonconjugated radical polymer glass with high electrical conductivity 주용호, Bryan Boudouris 1, 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 Purdue University Solid-state conducting polymers usually have highly conjugated macromolecular backbones and require intentional doping in order to achieve high electrical conductivities. Conversely, single-component, charge-neutral macromolecules could be synthetically simpler and have improved processibility and ambient stability. We show that poly(4-glycidyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl), a nonconjugated radical polymer with a subambient glass transition temperature, underwent rapid solid-state charge transfer reactions and had an electrical conductivity of up to 28 siemens per meter over channel lengths up to 0.6 micrometers. The charge transport through the radical polymer film was enabled with thermal annealing at 80 C, which allowed for the formation of a percolating network of open-shell sites in electronic communication with one another. The electrical conductivity was not enhanced by intentional doping, and thin films of this material showed high optical transparency. 2L5-3 이승구 (Seung Goo Lee) (11:20-11:45) 2006 한양대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2012 포항공과대학교화학공학과 ( 박사 ) 포항공과대학교나노기반소프트일렉트로닉스연구단 (Post-Doc.) MIT 화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) 삼성전자무선사업부책임연구원 2018-현재 울산대학교화학과조교수 Development of Polymer Microfluidic Models for Oil Reservoir Research 이승구 울산대학교 Micromodels with simplified porous microfluidic systems are widely used to mimic the underground oil-reservoir environment for multiphase flow studies, enhanced oil recovery, and reservoir network mapping. However, previous micromodels cannot replicate the length scales and geochemistry of carbonate because of their material limitations. Here a simple method is introduced to create calcium carbonate (CaCO3) micromodels composed of in situ grown CaCO3. CaCO3 nanoparticles/polymer composite microstructures are built in microfluidic channels by photopatterning, and CaCO3 nanoparticles are selectively grown in situ from these microstructures by supplying Ca2+, CO32- ions rich, supersaturated solutions. 2L5-4 이승애 (Seungae Lee) (11:45-12:10) 한양대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 서울대학교화학생물공학부 ( 박사 ) 노스웨스턴대학교재료공학과 (Post Doc.) 2018-현재 건국대학교화학공학부조교수 Transient piezoresistive pressure sensors with long-term stability 이승애 건국대학교 Transient electronics have been an emerging field of biomedical devices because of their unique property that they dissolve in a certain period of time. Recent studies on the transient electronics have been focused on extending the lifespan of devices. To achieve long lifetime of bioresorbable devices, a silicon nanomembrane is introduced to the bioresorbable pressure sensor as an encapsulating layer. For the side protection from the water penetration, the wax-based materials are used as a side encapsulation layer. Secondly, water-soluble conductive inks are developed and printed to form a piezoresistive pressure sensor. The conductive inks are prepared through in situ polymerization of polyanhydride and composited with bioresorbable metal microparticles. The pressure sensors show stable operation over an extended period of time in aqueous environments. Furthermore, animal tests verify the long-term stability of the devices under in vivo conditions as well as their biocompatibility. 56 제 44 권 1 호

60 자동차용내 외장플라스틱소재 Plastic Materials for Automotive Interior and Exterior Applications 제 6 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_ 호 Organizer: 최치훈 ( 현대자동차 ), 이춘수 ( 현대자동차 ) 2L6-1 김대식 (Dae Sik Kim) (10:30-10:55) 2003 경상대학교고분자공학과 ( 박사 ) 코넬대학교화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) 2006-현재 현대자동차내장플라스틱재료개발팀 미시건주립대학교재료공학 ( 방문연구원 ) 자동차내장부품개발동향김대식, 전호탁, 윤미정, 서원진, 윤형준 현대자동차내장플라스틱재료개발팀미래자동차는연결, 자율주행, 공유, 전동화라는 4 가지키워드로정리할수있다. 이와더불어자동차실내도더이상이동공간이아닌거주공간의개념으로변화하고있다. 향후자동차실내는다양한정보의시각적이미지구현을위해대면적디스플레이가요구될것이고, 공유로인해청소가용이한소재의필요성도증대될것이다. 실내공간확보를위해시트는두께가얇아지고자유롭게위치변경이가능하도록설계될것이다. 전동화가진행되면서전자파를차단하고 NVH 성능을크게개선할수있는섬유소재개발의중요성도증대될것이다. 전통적으로자동차내장재에요구되는가장중요한요구는고급화, 경량화, 내구성, 경제성, 친환경등이다. 고급화를위해현재의천연가죽외에유리와같은세라믹과조명소재의사용이증대될수있으며, 장기내구성을위해고채도칼라이면서내광성을만족하고, 스크래치나오염에강한소재의요구도증대될것이다. 본발표에서는내장재에요구되는소재및부품기술은무엇이고개발동향은어떠한방향으로진행되고있는지에대해소재하고자한다. 2L6-2 정병헌 (Byungheon Jeong) (10:55-11:20) 1995 부산대학교고분자공학과 ( 학사 ) 1997 부산대학교고분자공학과 ( 석사 ) 한국쓰리엠연구소 (Engineer) 2006-현재 모멘티브퍼포먼스머티리얼스 ( 이사 ) 자동차내장부품용스크래치개선첨가제개발정병헌 모멘티브퍼포먼스머티리얼스코리아 A family of functional masterbatches containing high levels of ultrahigh molecular weight polysiloxane that are compounded into a polymer carrier. These masterbatches provide improved process ability, scratch and mar resistance, impact and many other properties when used to compound or extrude certain plastics, copolymers or elastomers. For example, in automotive interior applications PEarlene Y masterbatch enhances anti-scratch properties in Polypropylene by adding 2% by weight (anti-scratch data as per VW standard will be presented). 2L6-3 전승희 (Seung Hee Jun) (11:20-11:45) 1996 조선대학교선박해양공학과 ( 학사 ) 2005-현재 ( 주 ) 우성정공 ( 차장 ) 2L6-5 변두진 (Doo Jin Byun) (13:50-14:15) 1985 아주대학교화공과 1999 한국과학기술원화학과 Member of the Polymer Society of Korea Editorial Board of Adhesion and Interface, Korea Board of The Korean Reliability Society 현재 한국화학연구원신뢰성센터센터장 현실모사를위한기후데이터기반촉진내후성시험법변두진 한국화학연구원플라스틱, 고무등으로대표되는고분자소재는일상적인기후환경또는자연상태하에서도점진적인열화를통해기준값이하의물성을갖게되는고장상태에도달하게되며, 경과시간을소재의수명으로여기게된다. 고분자소재의열화속도는소재의종류와열화메커니즘에따라다르고, 주어지는기후또는자연조건의다양성만큼변화하기때문에이를현실적으로정확히모사하여예측하는것은실질적으로불가능한것으로여겨져왔으며, 그에따라고분자소재의자연상태하에서의경시변화를예측하는내후성시험법은어떠한기후에서해당소재가사용되던한가지의표준화된시험조건으로평가되는것이통용되어왔다. 본발표에서는기후에따른고분자소재의경시열화의속도와결과를예측하는내후성시험법에서기후데이터를기반으로가속시험을설계하는수리적모델에의한시뮬레이션방법과일부적용사례를소개하고자한다. 이내후성시험법은실제의기후데이터를기반으로가속시험조건을설계하므로, 기후차이에의한소재의수명변화를예측하고시험값을기후와연계된데이터로축적하는것이가능한장점을제공한다. 2L6-6 이윤환 (Yoonhwan Lee) (14:15-14:40) 경희대학교화학과 ( 학사 ) 포항공과대학교화학과 ( 석사 ) 삼성종합화학사출팀연구원 한국화학연구원위촉연구원 캐나다토론토대학교재료과 ( 박사 ) 2008-현재 한화토탈복합소재연구팀 저비중 PP 및자동차부품응용이윤환, 박지용한화토탈자동차업체들은연비규제강화관련하여부품경량화에대해절실한상황이다. 이의일환으로 Bumper, side-sill molding 과같은외장부품위주로저비중복합 PP 소재가개발되었다. 소재적인면에서기존 base PP 대비강성이우수한 PP 와함께 aspect ratio 가높은 special 무기 filler 를소량사용됨으로써기존소재물성을유지하면서비중을크게낮추어현행재대비중량절감효과가 5~20% 까지가능하다. 따라서동논문은자동차부품용경량화를위한저비중 PP 특성및응용에대해다루고자한다. 2L6-7 남병국 (Byung Kook Nam) (14:40-15:05) 2003 건국대학교공업화학과 ( 학사 ) 2005 건국대학교신소재공학과 ( 석사 ) 2016 KAIST 생명화학공학과 ( 박사 ) 2005-현재 롯데케미칼연구소 PM개발팀장 이중사출공법적용자동차내장부품개발전승희 ( 주 ) 우성정공기술영업팀현재사용됐고있는이중사출공법및적용사례관련발표. 2L6-4 이해곤 (Hae Gon Lee) (11:45-12:10) 2016-현재 연세대학교대학원기계공학과 ( 박사과정 ) 2016-현재 National Center for Optically-assisted Mechanical System (ERC) ( 연구원 ) 2016-현재 Hyundai HMC-Yonsei Univ. Collaborative Research Center ( 연구원 ) 유동및구조연계동시해석을통한무도장내장부품개발이해곤, 위영진, 이주호, 이준상, 강신일, 이한기 1, 박주성 1, 김대식 1 연세대학교대학원기계공학과 ; 1 현대자동차내장플라스틱재료개발팀미국과유럽의강력한연비규제및환경규제에대처하는하기위해자동차경량화의필요성이중요해지고있다. 이를위해기존금속부품의대체재로플라스틱이주로사용된다. 자동차플라스틱부품의 80% 이상이사출성형방법을통해제작되며, 다양한자동차플라스틱부품에대한사출성형연구가지속중이다. 현재사출성형플라스틱제품에관한연구는성형성 ( 표면품질, 휨 ) 확보를위한내부수지유동및냉각관설계연구및구조적강성확보를위한리브구조설계연구에초점이맞춰져있다. 이런성형성및구조적강성에대한각각의연구는상호연계적인관계이다. 하지만현시점산업에서는이러한상호연계적인관계에대한깊은고찰없이제품설계를진행중이다. 따라서본연구에서는, 다분야통합최적화기술을활용하여제품성형및구조적설계요구성능을동시에만족시키면서부품중량을최소화시키는통합설계프레임워크개발을제시하였다. 이를무도장내장재부품인도어암레스트 (Armrest) 부품에적용하여개선된성형성및구조강성을확인하였다. 자동차내 / 외장부품용경량발포소재개발남병국, 김영범롯데케미칼발포사출소재란, 고분자재료에불활성기체를용해시킨뒤기체의용해도를급격히낮추면서발생하는열역학적불안정성을이용하여고분자내부에미세한발포층을형성시키는사출공정용소재를말한다. 이러한소재를활용할경우경량화, 진동, 단열및흡차음특성이우수한자동차부품을제조할수있다. 하지만이러한장점에도불구하고발포사출소재사용은매우제한적이다. 그이유는발포사출공정과정에서균일한발포셀확보가어렵기때문에치수및부품균일성에문제가발생할수있다. 또한이러한발포부품은발포셀로인해내부가비어있기때문에기계적인물성이하락하는단점이있다. 본연구를통해기존부품대비 25% 이상경량화하면서도기존부품성능을만족하는신규발포사출소재개발및그적용사례에대해연구를진행하였다. 2L6-8 김창민 (Chang Min Kim) (15:05-15:30) 2009 부산대학교재료공학과 ( 학사 ) 2009-현재 에스엘 재료기술개발팀책임연구원 PBT 가스개선재료개발김창민 에스엘 ( 주 ) 생산기술센타본발표는자동차용램프베젤로사용되는 PBT 수지의사출성형시발생되는가스발생을개선하기위한원인분석, 개선활동을원소재업체와공동연구하였다. 가스발생물질을포집하기위해특수제작된연구용금형을만들었고, 포집된가스를성분분석장비를통해수지의가수분해과정에서발생하는저분자모노머가원인임을확인하였다. 가수분해특성을최소화하기위한처방으로말단기 (-COOH) 제어안정제적용과말단기함량이낮은베이스재질적용을통해가스발생량을최소화하였다. 해당원재료를생산현장에서시험사출을통해성형성및기타가공성에문제없음을검증하였다. 제 44 권 1 호 57

61 고분자구조및물성 Polymer Structures and Properties 제 7 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_ 호 Organizer: 김소연 (UNIST), 허수미 ( 전남대 ) 2L7-1 정희태 (Hee-Tae Jung) (10:30-10:55) 1987 연세대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 1989 KAIST 화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 1998 Case Western Reserve Univ. 고분자공학 ( 박사 ) 2000 UC Santa Barbara 화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) 2000-현재 KAIST 생명화학공학과교수 2015-현재 KAIST 나노융합연구소소장 High-resolution supramolcular lithography 정희태 한국과학기술원 Developing large area, single domain of self-assembling building blocks such as block copolymers, colloids and supramolecular materials, is the most important issue in molecular assembling researches. In our study, we accomplished significant progress toward developing general method of single domain of supramolecular columnar structure with smaller diameters, higher area densities with larger domains compared to those of currently studied colloidal and BCP assemblies. By simply annealing dendrimer thin films between two flat solid surfaces, single domains of hexagonal columnar structures are created over large macroscopic areas. This discovery is significant in terms of the manipulation of organic self-assemblies. 2L7-2 최지훈 (Jihoon Choi) (10:55-11:20) 2004 한양대학교재료공학과 ( 학사 ) 2006 한양대학교재료공학과 ( 석사 ) 2011 Carnegie Mellon University 재료공학과 ( 박사 ) University of Pennsylvania 재료공학과 (Post-Doc.) 2014-현재 충남대학교신소재공학과부교수 Phase behavior and polymer dynamics of polymer-grafted nanoparticles 김들, 박혜린, 최지훈 충남대학교 Despite extensive studies on the mechanical properties and thermal stability of polymer-grafted nanoparticles (PGNPs), up to date only little is known about the phase behaviors of miscible or immiscible binary PGNPs blends. Here, the spatial distribution of binary PGNPs blends was observed for the combination of deuterated PS-grafted silica (dps-sio2) NPs with (i) hydrogenated PS-grafted silica (hps-sio2) and (ii) hydrogenated PMMA-grafted silica (hpmma-sio2) NPs with various molecular weight and grafting density, as well as (iii) hydrogenated linear PMMA (hpmma). For immiscible blends of PGNPSs (dps-sio2/hpmma-sio2), the uniform distribution of the individual particle constituents was found in contrast to the phase separation of the corresponding linear polymer blends (i.e., dps/hpmma), indicating a crucial role of the polymer brushes in their dynamics and the relevant phase behavior. 2L7-3 박수진 (Soojin Park) (11:20-11:45) 1996 경희대학교화학과 ( 학사 ) 1998 포스텍화학과 ( 석사 ) 2003 포스텍화학과 ( 박사 ) Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst (Post-Doc.) 울산과학기술원에너지및화학공학부교수 2018-현재 포스텍화학과교수 Strategies for Deformable and Stretchable Energy Storage System 박수진 포항공과대학교 Deformable, stretchable electronics are considered as next-generation devices; however, to realize highly flexible electronics, it is first necessary to develop a deformable energy device. Herein, a crumply and highly flexible lithium-ion battery is realized by using microfiber mat electrodes in which the microfibers are wound or webbed with conductive nanowires. This electrode architecture guarantees extraordinary mechanical durability without any increase in resistance after folding 1,000 times. Its areal energy density is easily controllable by the number of folded stacks of a piece of the electrode mat. As another deformable batteries, we demonstrate the fabrication of highly stretchable hybrid carbon/polymer composite which was found to effectively retain its electrical conductivity under high strain (~200%). We have developed a stretchable aqueous rechargeable lithium-ion batteries which exhibit excellent rate capability and outstanding durability. 2L7-4 김종만 (Jong-Man Kim) (11:45-12:10) 1987 한양대학교공업화학과 ( 학사 ) 1991 Univ. of Maryland 화학과 ( 석사 ) 1994 Univ. of Maryland 화학과 ( 박사 ) UC-Berkeley 화학과 (Post-Doc.) KIST 고분자연구부선임연구원 2000-현재 한양대학교화학공학과교수 Conjugated Polymer Nanotubes: Synthesis and Properties 김종만 한양대학교 Tubular materials formed by self-assembly of small organic molecules find great utility in chemical and material science. Conventional tubular structures often lack stability because noncovalent molecular interactions are responsible for their conformational integrities. One obvious way to make a tubular structure rigid is to connect the component molecules using covalent bonding. Introduction of photopolymerizable diacetylene (DA) moieties to the self-assembled tubular structure not only makes the tube rigid but it also affords the tube chromogenic after polymerization. Based on this strategy, we have prepared tubular conjugated polymers using amphiphilic or macrocyclic DAs. The resultant conjugated polymer, polydiacetylene (PDA), displayed stimulus-responsive color changes upon various chemical and physical stimulations. 2L7-5 구종민 (Chong Min Koo) (13:50-14:15) 2003 KAIST 화학공학과 ( 공학박사 ) 미네소타대학교화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) LG화학차장 2017-현재 고려대학교 KU-KIST 융합대학원교수 2010-현재 UST 나노재료공학교수 2007-현재 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) 책임연구원, 센터장 2D transition metal carbide (MXene) thin film for EMI shielding 윤태영, 김혜림 1, 이강산, 김대신 1, 아미르이크발 1, 조상호 1, 김상욱, 구종민 1, 한국과학기술원 ; 1 한국과학기술연구원 Transition metal carbide (MXene) have been considered as an effective EMI shielding material since EMI shielding effectiveness of MXene was published in MXenes are a family of 2D transition metal carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides with the general formula Mn 1XnTx (n = 1, 2, or 3; M = transition metal, e.g. Ti, Nb, Mo; X = C and/or N; T = surface termination, e.g. OH, F, O). Unlike other 2D materials, MXenes offer an attractive combination of high electronic conductivity (~5000 S/cm), hydrophilicity, and processability. However, still it is lack of understanding EMI shielding behavior at the atom-scale thickness because it is hard to make uniform atom-thick film. In this presentation, we present the EMI shielding behavior of MXene thin film with atom-level thickness, which were prepared through a self-assembly method. It reveals that MXene is very good for ultra-thin film shielding applications. 2L7-6 선정윤 (Jeong-Yun Sun) (14:15-14:40) 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 학사, 석사, 박사 ) Harvard University (Post-Doc.) 서울대학교재료공학부조교수 2018-현재 서울대학교재료공학부부교수 Stretchable Ionics A promising candidate for oncoming wearable devices 선정윤 서울대학교 As many devices for human utility target fast and convenient communications with users, superb electronic devices have been demonstrated as hardware for Human-Machine Interface (HMI) in wearable forms. Wearable devices for daily health-cares and self-diagnosis desire more human-like properties unconstrained to deformation. In this sense, stretchable ionics based on flexible and stretchable hydrogels is on the rise as another field to develop wearable devices for bio-applications due to two major reasons; i) ionic currents, choosing the same signal carriers with biological areas, and ii) the adoption of hydrogel ionic conductors which are intrinsically stretchable materials with bio-compatibility. Here, forte and current status of stretchable ionics as well as future applications whose positive effects can be magnified by stretchable ionics are going to be introduced. 2L7-7 박철민 (Cheol Min Park) (14:40-15:05) 1992 서울대학교섬유공학과 ( 학사 ) 1995 서울대학교섬유고분자공학과 ( 석사 ) 2001 MIT 재료공학과 ( 박사 ) Harvard 화학과 (Post-Doc.) 2002-현재 연세대학교신소재공학과교수 연세대학교 Underwood 특훈교수 Self- and Supra-molecularly Assembled Nanostructures for Displays, Sensors and Energy Harvesters 박철민, 강한솔, 박태현, 박찬호, 정범진, 한효원연세대학교 In this presentation, a variety of examples of the self-assembled nanostructures are demonstrated, based on BCPs as well as supramolecular assembly of end-functionalized polymers, forming BCP-like supramolecules for displays, sensors and energy harvesters. First, we demonstrate an ink-jet printable and re-writable BCP structural color (SC) display that can be quickly written and erased. We also demonstrate that BCP SC is used as a stretchable strain capacitive sensor which can visualize the strain. Second, a surface switchable triboelectric nanogenerator is demonstrated with an alkali metal-bound nanoporous film arising from supra-molecularly assembled endfunctionalized polymers. Finally, we show that the BCP assembly allows for fabricating nanostructured organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite films with significantly enhanced photoluminescence with high resistance to humidity and heat, enabling a facile control of color coordinates by color conversion layers in blue-emitting devices. 58 제 44 권 1 호

62 2L7-8 이근형 (Keun Hyung Lee) (15:05-15:30) 2007 서울대학교화학생물공학과 ( 학사 ) 2012 University of Minnesota 화학공학 ( 박사 ) UC Berkeley 재료공학 (Post-Doc.) 2014-현재 인하대학교화학공학과조교수 High Conductivity, Rubbery Polymer Electrolytes: Materials, Processes, and Applications 이근형, 조경국, 유혜영, 조영경인하대학교 용매없이양이온과음이온만으로이루어진이온성액체는상온에서액체로존재하며, 높은이온전도도, 정전용량, 전기화학적안정성, 열안정성등의우수한특성들로인해최근에너지저장소자, 디스플레이, 센서, 전자소자, 인공시냅스등다양한종류의응용분야에서활발하게연구가진행되고있다. 이온성액체의누액문제를해결하고고체상태로소자에적용하기위하여 3 차원네트워크고분자를이용하면, 위에언급한우수한특성을가지며탄성이있는고분자전해질인이온젤을제조할수있다. 제조된이온젤은전기화학트랜지스터, 발광소자, 에너지저장소자등에성공적으로적용되었다. 본발표에서는이온성액체기반의고분자전해질소재, 공정및소자적용예를통해이온젤의가능성에대하여발표하고자한다. 생체모사형전자피부및자가치유고분자 Biomimetic Electronic-skin and Self-healing Polymers 제 8 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_ 호 Organizer: 고두현 ( 경희대 ), 정용채 (KIST) 2L8-1 김도환 (Do Hwan Kim) (10:30-10:55) 2000 한양대학교화학공학과 ( 학사 ) 2002 포항공과대학교화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 2005 포항공과대학교화학공학과 ( 박사 ) 삼성종합기술원책임연구원 Stanford University 화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) 숭실대학교유기신소재 파이버공학과조교수, 부교수 2017-현재 한양대학교화학공학과교수 A synthetic cellular ion channel for ultrasensitive mechanotransduction 김도환 한양대학교 Biomimetics has emerged as a burgeoning area in the field of deformable tactile sensor skins that has led innovations in material designing and device structure manipulation with the aim of imitating multimodal sensing features of human skin intelligently. Herein, inspired by the sophisticated physiological sensing mechanism of living cells, we describe a uniquely designed visco-poroelastic, iontronic pump consisting of artificial ions confined into polymeric network matrix or well-designed hybrid interface. Novel bottom-up strategy employed here resulted into supramolecular polymer networks through non-covalent interactions between poroelastic artificial ions and viscoelastic polymer chains, which endows effective iontronic pumping under mechanical stimuli and electronic field, simultaneously. This design for visco-poroelastic, iontronic, and ion confined artificial mechanoreceptors allows for ultrasensitive mechanosensing over a wide spectrum of pressure (Pa~150 kpa). 2L8-2 스티브박 (Steve Park) (10:55-11:20) 2005 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 재료공학과 ( 학사 ) 2014 Stanford University 재료공학과 ( 박사 ) 2016 Columbia University 전기전자공학 (Post-Doc.) 2016-현재 한국과학기술원신소재공학과조교수 Design of Electronic Skin Capable of Differentiating Multiple Tactile Inputs for Wearable and Robotic Applications 스티브박 한국과학기술원 Electronic skin have a variety of exciting applications such as wearable electronics, prosthetics, and robotics. Herein we propose the use of microporous structures to fabricate 1) highly sensitive, large dynamic range pressure sensors with low hysteresis and 2) strain sensors with no-response to applied pressure. Together, these devices can be used to differentiate between various tactile inputs with high degree of accuracy. Our pressure and strain sensors can easily be coated onto irregularly shaped 3-dimensional objects (e.g. robotic hand) via spray coating, or be attached to human joints, to detect bending motion. Furthermore, our sensor can differentiate between shear stress and normal pressure. These demonstrations make our sensors highly unique and important for the future development of high performance electronic skin. 2L8-3 홍용택 (Yongtaek Hong) (11:20-11:45) 1994 서울대학교전자공학과 ( 학사 ) 1996 서울대학교전자공학과 ( 석사 ) 2003 미시건대학교앤아버소재전기공학과 ( 박사 ) 이스트만코닥회사시니어연구원 2006-현재 서울대학교전기 정보공학부교수, 부학부장 스탠포드대학교화학공학과방문교수 신축성전자시스템구현을위한인쇄공정기반플랫폼기술홍용택 서울대학교전기정보공학부본논문에서는압력이나스트레인센서등의입력장치와신호표시디스플레이등의출력장치를가지는전자피부와같은신축성전자시스템구현을위한인쇄공정기반의신축성플랫폼기술에대해서다룬다. 실리콘칩이나 LED 등의딱딱한소자와신축성유연전극의결합을통한소위하이브리드신축성전자기술이개발되면, 빠른시일내에신축성전자시스템의상용화가가능할것으로예상되는데, 이를위해본연구실에서개발해온신축성플랫폼기술에대해논의한다. 신축성플랫폼에있어, 신축시기판이받는스트레인의분포를조절하는것이중요한데, 신축시스트레인에취약한딱딱한전자소자는보호하고, 신축성전극과플랫폼이전체시스템에가해진외부변형을흡수하여전자시스템이잘구동될수있도록작용한다. 수십퍼센트의신축스트레인에서도잘동작하는자체개발한몇몇시스템에대해서도소개한다. 2L8-4 정용채 (Yong Chae Jung) (11:45-12:10) 건국대학교섬유공학과 ( 석사 / 박사 ) Shinshu University (Post-Doc.) 2012 Shinshu University, ENCs 부교수 2012-현재 KIST 전북분원복합소재연구소, 선임연구원 2018 KIST 전북분원구조용복합소재연구센터, 센터장 Autonomous Life-Cycle Control (Self-Healing) Polymer Composite Materials and Their Applications 정용채 한국과학기술연구원가장최근에기존자가치유기술의단점을극복하고좀더미래지향적인소재를개척하기위하여자율수명제어라는새로운소재개념을제안하고실현하기위한기술들도보고되고있다. 이때자율수명제어란소재가환경적스트레스및손상과마모에대한응답으로자율적으로보호, 진단그리고치유할수있는생체시스템의기능모방으로소재의수명, 안정성및지속가능성을향상시킬수있는신소재기술개념을말한다. 본발표에서는자율수명복합소재에관한소개및이들중자가보원복합소재연구에관련한연구결과를중심으로발표하고자한다. 2L8-5 홍성우 (Sung Woo Hong) (13:50-14:15) 2000 서울대학교섬유고분자공학과 ( 학사 ) 2007 서울대학교재료공학부 ( 박사 ) University of Massachusetts of Amherst 고분자공학과 (Post-Doc.) 삼성전자종합기술원전문연구원 2015-현재 한국생산기술연구원수석연구원 Highly self-healable polyurethane with enhanced mechanical surface properties 홍성우 한국생산기술연구원 The highly self-healable polyurethane (hspu) based on blend of conventional polyurethane (cpu) and functional polyimide (fpi) is synthesized and its self-healing properties and mechanical surface properties are examined. From the results of DSC and TGA experiments, cpu and fpi are completely miscible with each other and the thermal stability of hspu is significantly improved on incorporation of fpi into cpu. By adding a small amount of fpi to cpu, hspu exhibit better self-healing efficiency, faster self-healing kinetics, and, interestingly, more excellent surface hardness and modulus than cpu only. These outstanding properties are attributed to the strong supramolecular networks resulting from the intermolecular interactions between urethane groups and imide groups. FT-IR spectroscopy is performed to prove the effective self-healing mechanism of hspu, and nanoindentation tester is used to compare the mechanical surface properties of hspu and cpu after the self-healing process. 2L8-6 주건모 (Kunmo Chu) (14:15-14:40) 2001 고려대학교재료 금속공학부 ( 학사 ) 2003 한국과학기술원신소재공학과 ( 석사 ) 2005 Fraunhofer IZM 연구소방문연구원 2007 한국과학기술원신소재공학과 ( 박사 ) 2007-현재 삼성종합기술원전문연구원 ( 수석 ) Smart Passivation Materials with a Microencapsulated Liquid Metal for Self-Healing Conductors 주건모 삼성종합기술원 In this study, autonomic restoration of the electrical conductivity in a mechanically damaged metal (e.g. Cu and Au) conductor was demonstrated. Also self-healing of the conductor in a solar cell was demonstrated successfully. This concept of a self-healing conductor can also be useful for other materials that suffer from mechanical issues during electrochemical reactions, including, electrode materials in fuel cells, water splitting, and catalysis. Beyond self-repairing devices, we envision that our concept can enable microelectronics that generates new circuits along stress-activated pathways, allowing for adaptive circuit architectures and improved circuit redundancy. 제 44 권 1 호 59

63 2L8-7 김재우 (Jaewoo Kim) (14:40-15:05) 서울대학교공업화학과 ( 학사, 석사 ) GS칼텍스선임연구원 Purdue Univ. Chemical Eng. (Ph.D) Cornell Univ. Mechanical Eng. (Post-Doc.) 2015-현재 한국과학기술연구원선임연구원 스피로피란기반응력감응형고분자소재김재우, 김동우, 조준용, 장한결 KIST 자극감응형소재란외부의자극 (external stimuli) 에반응하여특정한응답특성을나타내는물질로서, 빛, 열, 응력, ph 등외부자극의종류에따라광감응형, 온도감응형, 응력감응형, 그리고 ph 감응형소재등으로분류된다. 이중응력감응형고분자소재 (mechano-responsive polymer materials) 는스트레스 / 스트레인뿐만아니라소재의손상을자가보고 (self-reporting) 한다는측면에서잠재적으로큰응용가능성을보여주고있다. 지난수십년동안의연구를통해수많은응력감응형소재들이소개되어왔고실제응용을위해계속탐구되고있다. 본발표에서는최근가장활발히연구되고있는스피로피란 (spiropyran, SP) 에대해집중적으로다룰것이다. 스피로피란은힘을받으면분자내 C-O 결합의선택적인절단을통해무색의 SP form 에서보라색의형광특성을갖는 MC form 으로활성화되고, 고분자네트워크에화학적으로공유결합시킴으로써응력감응형고분자가제조된다. 이러한스피로피란의기계 - 화학적활성을이용한다양한연구및분석방법에대해자세히설명하도록하겠다. 2L8-8 김민수 (Min Soo Kim) (15:05-15:30) 중앙대학교화학공학과 ( 석사 ) 일진머티리얼즈연구소 한국과학기술원생명화학공학과 ( 박사 ) 성균관대학교화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) New York University, Chemistry (Post-Doc.) 2016-현재 울산과학기술원에너지공학과연구교수 Multi-layered self-healable triboelectric nanogenerator with tunable surface sensitivity 김민수, 김영렬, 고현협 울산과학기술원 Triboelectric effect is an usual case of daily life s electrostatic behavior through contact friction, leading to development of wearable triboelectric devices. We design a multilayer triboelectric nanogenerator with tunable tactile sensitivity consisting of self-healable polymers and Ag NW composite gel. The triboelectric current and voltage increase 5 times more than those without the composite gel, which is attributed to the increase of capacitance and ionic effect through the composite gel. The coated Ag NW between the polymer layers shows a constant directional arrangement, resulting in different sensitivity during rolling with different direction and touching at different position on the material surface without nanogenertator arrays. We demonstrate simple assembly of triboelectric device by self-healing of the polymer, leading to formation of multilayer nanogenerator. Our approach will provide a chance to design an electronic skin with controlled sensitivity and self-healing. 분자전자부문위원회 (II) Molecular Electronics Division (II) 제 9 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_205 호 Organizer: 김선주 ( 중앙대 ), 윤명한 (GIST), 김도환 ( 한양대 ), 조성윤 (KRICT), 오준학 ( 서울대 ) 2L9-1 이창렬 (Chang-Lyoul Lee) (10:30-10:55) 1997 경북대학교고분자공학과 ( 학사 ) 1999 경북대학교고분자공학과 ( 석사 ) 2003 광주과학기술원신소재공학과 ( 박사 ) 영국캠브리지대학, Cavendish 연구소 (Post-Doc.) 미국 Rice대학화학공학과방문교수 2017-현재광주과학기술원고등광기술연구소책임연구원 Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Multi-Dimensional Perovskites and Investigation of Their Opto-Electronic Properties Chang-Lyoul Lee Advanced Photonics Research Institute (APRI), Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) In this talk, I will talk about the preparation of organic-inorganic multi-dimensional perovskites and Investigation of their opto-electronic Properties. More details, three topics will be introduced. The first topic is improvement of photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) and carrier mobility of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite quantum dots (QDs) through crystallinity control and solid-state ligand exchange, second topic is the temperature-dependent photoluminescence of multi-dimensional perovskites and analysis on their photo-physical properties, and third topic is the effects of polar solvent treatment on optical-electrical properties of the perovskite thin film. 2L9-2 엄태식 (Taeshik Earmme) (10:55-11:20) 1999 서울대학교공과대학응용화학부 ( 학사 ) 2001 서울대학교공과대학응용화학부 ( 석사 ) 삼성SDI 전지사업부대리 / 전임연구원 University of Washington 화학공학과 ( 석 / 박사 ) Phillips 66 Research Center 연구원 2018-현재홍익대학교화학공학과조교수 Random Conjugated Copolymers for Efficient Organic Photovoltaics 엄태식 홍익대학교 Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) have been of current interest for a low-cost, scalable and environmental-friendly solar energy conversion. Main improvement of the photovoltaic efficiencies of the OPVs can be achieved by the development of photoactive materials which is typically a blend of a polymer electron donor and a small-molecule electron acceptor. In this talk, random conjugated copolymers based on 5,6-difluoro-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole unit are presented in order to achieve high power conversion efficiency. The incorporation of the fluorinated bithiophene monomer unit resulted in an increase in the open circuit voltage and photocurrent density which enhanced the photovoltaic performance compared to the analogues with non-fluorinated thiophenes. An externally certified power conversion efficiency (PCE) over 12.0% has been obtained for an optimized OPV devices which is the highest value among Polymer:PCBM photoactive layer based OPV devices. 2L9-3 김창순 (Changsoon Kim) (11:20-11:45) 1998 서울대학교전기공학부 ( 학사 ) 2000 Princeton University 전자공학과 ( 석사 ) 2005 Princeton University 전자공학과 ( 박사 ) Duke University 전기컴퓨터공학과 (Post-Doc.) Duke University 전기컴퓨터공학과 Research Scientist 2009-현재 서울대학교융합과학기술대학원부교수 Nanophotonic Design of Chiral Organic Photodetectors 김창순 서울대학교 Chiral optoelectronics devices, such as chiral light-emitting diodes emitting circularly polarized light (CPL) with a specific handedness and chiral photodetectors that can detect the handedness of incident CPL, are attracting interest because of their potential applications including chiral molecular sensing, spintronics, displays to quantum information processing. Organic optoelectronic devices are a promising platform to achieve both high efficiencies and dissymetry factors (g), because molecules possessing structural chirality can be directly incorporated in these devices. However, the characteristics of chiral molecules developed so far suggest that there exists a fundamental trade-off between g and the absorption (or emission) efficiency. I will introduce a nanophotonic approach to overcome this trade-off, discussing the design principle of chiral plasmonic nanocavity that serves as a platform for chiral organic photodetectors. 2L9-4 김명길 (Myunggil Kim) (11:45-12:10) 2006 KAIST 화학과 ( 학사 ) 2012 Northwestern University 화학과 ( 박사 ) Northwestern University 화학과 (Post-Doc.) Stanford University 화학공학과 (Post-Doc.) 중앙대학교화학과조교수 2018-현재 중앙대학교화학과부교수 Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Advanced Functionality Development in Large Area Electronics 김명길 중앙대학교 There is increasing demands of material developments for high electrical performance, novel mechanical functionality, high electrical stability, and exotic chemical stability under harsh condition. Although the organic materials and inorganic materials have been investigated with diverse approaches, the combination of these materials as hybrid materials might result synergetic effects for unprecedented properties. To achieve the stabilization and control of the electrical properties in solution processed amorphousoxide semiconductors (AOSs) for the realization of cost effective, high performance, large area electronics, we employ a multifunctional organic semiconductor (OSC)/a solution processed thin film hybrid structure. 2L9-5 김태욱 (Tae-Wook Kim) (13:50-14:15) 2003 부산대학교재료공학과 ( 학사 ) 2005 광주과학기술원신소재공학과 ( 석사 ) 2009 광주과학기술원신소재공학과 ( 박사 ) University of Washington, Seattle (Post-Doc.) 2010-현재 한국과학기술연구원전북분원선임 / 책임연구원 2018-현재 한국과학기술연구원전북분원기능성복합소재연구센터 Low-voltage organic memory fiber for conformable data storage media in wearable e-textile appplications 김태욱 한국과학기술연구원 Wearable electronics have attracted attention as an emerging technology to realize practical e-textile and smart garments. The future of wearable devices is expected to include a wearable automatic system that perceives the requisite information from human skin, clothing, the environment, and some objects. Among various technical approaches, fiber-shaped devices, as representative candidates, have been developed to enable network formation in textiles for practical wearable applications. In this work, we demonstrated fiber-based organic transistor memories by using a simple solution process that can be applied to a variety of fibers for wearable e-textiles. The capillary tube-assisted coating system allowed the formation of smooth and compact nanogranular P(VDF-TrFE) films on flexible and thin metal wires. As a result, the ferroelectric properties of the fiber-shaped polymer film were enhanced, allowing the memory device to operate at low voltages below 5 V. 2L9-6 박성준 (Sungjun Park) (14:15-14:40) 2010 아주대학교신소재공학과 ( 학사 ) 2011 광주과학기술원신소재공학과 ( 석사 ) 2016 광주과학기술원신소재공학과 ( 박사 ) 일본이화학연구소 RIKEN (Post-Doc.) 일본동경대학교 Visiting Researcher 2018-현재 삼성종합기술원 Researcher Self-powered skin-conformal ultra-flexible electronics via nano-grating-patterned 60 제 44 권 1 호

64 organic photovoltaics 박성준, 허수원 1, 이원령 2, Keisuke Tajima 1, Kenjiro Fukuda 1, Takao Someya 3, 삼성전자종합기술원 ; 1 RIKEN; 2 KAIST; 3 The University of Tokyo Conformal photovoltaics play important role in the development of compact, portable, and sustainable power source for on-skin electronics. Their direct integration with functional electronics opens unprecedented possibilities for microelectronics to be operated without demand of external bulky and rigid power supplies. Here, we report double-grating-patterned high performance organic photovoltaics for self-powered conformal cardiograph. Cumulative solar gains by multiple nano-grating patterns in the photoactive and charge transporting layers facilitate ultra-thin (3-μm-thick) photovoltaic with exceptional high-power conversion efficiency exceeding 10.5% at free-standing condition and excellent PCE stability of 7.3% after over 900 repetitive bending cycles at 67% compression. Finally, we demonstrate self-powered conformal cardiograph, enabling reliable electrocardiogram signal detection through conformal adherence to the flexuous skin and tissue surface. 2L9-7 권영완 (Young Wan Kwon) (14:40-15:05) 1993 고려대학교화학과 ( 학사 ) 1996 고려대학교화학과 ( 석사 ) 2006 고려대학교화학과 ( 박사 ) 고려대학교 BK21물리학사업단연구교수 고려대학교기초과학연구원연구교수 2013-현재 고려대학교 KU-KIST 융합대학원연구교수 High-temperature organic ferromagnetic materials 권영완 고려대학교 High-temperature Organic and Polymeric ferromagnetic materials have been attempted by many researchers since the 1960's. To achieve the ferromagnetism, The structures of organic and polymeric compounds with high spin multiplicity are also proposed and synthesized. In the earlier studies, the high-temperature ferromagnetism was stated in natural DNA in dried state and discotic liquid crystals with a small amount of intercalators by using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and superconducting quantum interference device(squid) measurements. In this presentation, the hightemperature ferromagnetic properties of organic and polymeric composites including natural dna and discotic liquid crystals et al. will be discussed in terms of spin states and ferromagnetic properties. This new findings and understandings for the magnetism of organic and polymeric compounds enable to trailblaze new high-temperature organic and polymeric ferromagnetic materials and devices. 2L9-8 강동원 (Dong-Won Kang) (15:05-15:30) 2007 서울대학교전기공학부 ( 학사 ) 2013 서울대학교전기컴퓨터공학부 ( 박사 ) 국립법인동경공업대학물리전자공학부 (Post-Doc.) 청주대학교태양광에너지공학과조교수 2018-현재 중앙대학교에너지시스템공학부조교수 Carbon natubes based hybrid charge transporters for inverted planar perovskite solar cells 강동원, 류준, 윤새몬, 정상문 1 중앙대학교 ; 1 충북대학교최근페롭스카이트태양전지는발전효율의향상 (~23.7%) 으로주목받고있다. 페롭스카이트광흡수층이갖는높은광흡수계수, 긴확산거리, 낮은재결합률등이고효율을낼수있는핵심적인요소이다. 광흡수층이외에도효율개선에영향을줄수있는요소로전자 / 정공을선택적으로수집하여빠르게수집되도록하는전자수송층이중요하다. 본연구에서는정공수송특성을개선하기위해서 Carbon natubes (CNTs) 활용에초점을맞춘다. N-i-p 형태의기존소자구조에서 CNTs 를활용하는연구는몇몇이루어졌으나, inverted planar 구조에서는활용사례가미미한데, 매우우수한전기전도도와광투과율특성을감안하면소자특성개선에효율적일것으로판단된다. CNTs 와기존의 PEDOT:PSS 정공수송층을 Hybrid 화하여, bilayer 구성혹은 mixed phase 의수송층을형성하여정공수송특성을향상및효율향상을유도하는기술을소개한다. [Acknowledgements] This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (Korea Government) [grant numbers NRF- 2018R1C1B and NRF- 2018R1A4A ]. Graduate Student Oral Session (II) (English) 제 10 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_206 호 Organizer: Sang-Ho Cha (Kyonggi Univ.), Youngmee Jung (KIST) 2O10-1 김보민 (10:30-10:45) Synthesis of Titania Nanoparticle Loaded Mesoporous Silica via Layer-by-Layer Assembly and their Photocatalytic Activities 김보민, 신민경, 염봉준 한양대학교 Titania nanoparticle-loaded mesoporous silica has been studied as a promising material for the photodecomposition of organic pollutants. However, the synthesis methods and photocatalytic properties have not yet been optimized. In this study, we investigated synthesis methods and their photocatalytic properties for the titania nanoparticlemesoporous silica (SBA-15) composite materials. Various amounts of titania-loaded mesoporous silicas were synthesized using conventional synthesis method based on sol gel reactions and layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly method. We examined textural characteristics of composite materials, and further evaluated the photocatalytic performances on the decomposition of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS) in aqueous solution. We could observe that such catalytic reactions are crucially dependent to the dispersed location of titania nanoparticles. This work could help in design of photocatalytic nanomaterials for environmental applications. 2O10-2 정지은 (10:45-11:00) Fine Control of Conjugation of Fluorescent and Raman-active dual probe and Formation of Polymer dots for multiplexed Imaging Platform 정지은, 김희창, Thanh Luan Nguyen, 심상희, 우한영 고려대학교 With increased importance of sensitive optical bio-imaging techniques, conjugated fluorophores are notably used to stain in a range of biomolecules with high quantum yield, fast emission rate, excellent photostability. Raman spectroscopy is also one of efficient tools to clarify the vibrations of molecules by utilizing multiplexes, but extremely weak signal limits the its application. Herein, we developed fluorescent and highly Raman-active conjugated structures, by increasing the Raman intensity by several orders of magnitude via resonance Raman scattering. In addition, fine-control of intramolecular conjugation by changing the accepting unit provide shift of absorption/emission spectra as well as Raman multiplexes, enabling multimodal probe. After co-precipitating the probes with polystyrene maleic anhydride which produces carboxylic acid on the polymer dot surfaces, further conjugation with target-specific biomolecules encourages the fluorescence/raman dual imaging. 2O10-3 서은별 (11:00-11:15) Polyurethane anchored with chromic dyes and generic platform for chromic applications 서은별, 이경진 충남대학교 Chromic dyes are attracting attention in a variety of areas due to their ability to respond to external stimuli. Especially, spiropyran (SP) one of the photochromic organic dye is a widely used as an application for colorimetric sensor. However, there are limitation for generic applications because of its cost, stability and reliability. In this study, we introduced highly functionalized polymer materials as a supporter covalently bonded with controlled amount of chromic dyes. So, SP and highly functionalized thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) are used as a representative material. Also, normally polymeric solution processes such as film processing, wet-spinning, electrospinning and ink-writing are readily applicable because dye-tpu maintains its own solubility in various organic solvents. Additionally, dye-tpu solution can be adopted in broad range of specific applications, such as secret coding and chromic polymeric film layer. 2O10-4 서유진 (11:15-11:30) Decellularized Heart ECM Hydrogel by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide for Improved Angiogenesis 서유진, 김수현, 정영미 KIST Decellularization by various detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and triton X-100 can remove the cell nuclei in tissue organs. However, this leads to ECM structure denaturation, less presence of various ECM proteins and cytokines and loss of mechanical properties. To overcome these limitations, we developed a supercritical carbon dioxide and ethanol co-solvent(scco 2-EtOH) decellularization method with rat heart tissues, which is a detergent-free system that prevents ECM structure disruption and retains various angiogenic proteins in the heart decm. scco 2-EtOH contained more ECM components such as collagen, GAGs, collagen I, laminin and fibronectin as well as angiogenic factors in comparison to the Detergent. In addition, to estimate angiogenesis of the decm hydrogels, the gels were injected in a rat subcutaneous layer. Consequently, blood vessel formation and density of vwf and α-sma in scco 2-EtOH were significantly greater than the Collagen. 2O10-5 전성권 (11:30-11:45) Cellulose Nanocrystal-assembled Reverse Osmosis Membranes with Excellent Separation and Antifouling Performance 전성권, 박찬형, 김달용, 신승수, 이정현 고려대학교 The state-of-the-art thin film composite (TFC) membranes suffer from unsatisfactory desalination process efficiency, necessitating the development of a new membrane chemistry using novel materials. Here, we propose a core-shell structured, poly (acryloyl hydrazide)-grafted cellulose nanocrystal (fcnc) as a new building block material, which can be assembled into a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane via the layered interfacial polymerization technique. The high density amine functional groups provided by densely-packed fcnc produced a highly cross-linked selective layer network, which enables its application to a RO grade. Importantly, the fabricated membrane (fcnc-tfc) exhibited higher boron rejection than the commercial membrane, which was attributed to its boron capturing ability endowed by the abundant remaining functional groups. Moreover, fcnc-tfc exhibited better organic fouling resistance than the commercial membrane due to its excellent physical and chemical antifouling properties. 2O10-6 이성민 (11:45-12:00) All-water-based solution processed Ag nanofilms for highly efficient electrocatalytic reduction of CO 2 to CO 이성민, 이현주, 김준형, 안상현, 장석태 중앙대학교 Electrochemical reduction for conversion of CO 2 to value-added chemicals is considered a promising method to relieve global warming. To develop a highly active and selective electrocatalyst for efficient CO 2 conversion, it is essential to overcome the large overpotential and to suppress the competitive hydrogen evolution reaction. Herein, we report a simple fabrication method for Ag electrocatalytic films using all-water-based solution processes via a seed-meditated metal growth technique. Varying the deposition conditions allows the N/S doping ratio in Ag films with high coverage and good adhesion to be changed in the range of The doping ratio has a significant effect on the CO Faradaic efficiency (FE), as the S content modulates the binding energy of reaction intermediates, whereas the N content is effective for suppressing the HER on the Ag film surface. At a low overpotential of 0.19 V, the Ag film with a N/S doping ratio of 1.75 demonstrates a high CO FE of 75.7%. 제 44 권 1 호 61

65 2O10-7 강영권 (12:00-12:15) Morphology and charge recombination effects on the performance of nearinfrared photodetectors based on conjugated polymers 강영권, 김봉기, 박재홍, 계효진, 이인규, 김민선건국대학교 Near-infrared (NIR) photodetectors were fabricated through a solution process using two different conjugated polymers (CPs) that share a similar backbone consisting of a DPP moiety. However, their detection capabilities were significantly different depending on the applied linkers, namely thiophene for PDPP-T and fluorinated thiophene for PDPP-FBT. First, we revealed that employing an additive was beneficial to optimize film morphology for both CPs, suppressing dark current and enhancing detectivity. Additionally, it was clearly demonstrated via transient photovoltage measurements that the charge recombination time was lengthened by introducing a highly electronegative fluorine atom into the conjugated skeleton, which implies an increase in the probability of charge extraction. Conclusively, both film morphology and surface dipoles of CPs are equally important to achieve high detectivity and responsivity in organic NIR photodetectors. 2O10-8 구자현 (13:50-14:05) Linearly Polarized Luminescent Polymer Films by thiol-ene reaction of New Reactive AIEgens 구자현, 정광운 전북대학교 To fabricate polarized light emissive polymer film, we newly designed and synthesized a dicyanodistyrylbenzene-based reactive AIEgen (DDRL) containing thiol and vinyl units. Based on the microscopic methods with thermal and scattering ones, it was realized that DDRL has a nemaic mesophase and is uniaxially oriented by surface anchoring of alignment layer. Uniaxially oriented and polymer-stabilized DDRL film was fabricated by thiol-ene reaction of DDRL in anti-parallelly rubbed optical cells. The fabricated DDRL polymer film exhibited polarized light emission with excellent stabilities. The polarization ratio and order parameter of DDRL polymer film were 2.25 and 0.29, respectively. The polymer-stabilized films obtained from reactive AIEgens can provide new perspectives about linearly polarized luminescent polymer films. This work was supported by BK21 Plus program, the BRL , Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ). 2O10-9 윤성원 (14:05-14:20) Architectural Evolution of Organic Photodiode using Etalon-Electrode to Realize Color Filter Free Image Sensor 윤성원, 정대성 대구경북과학기술원 We demonstrated color filter-free, full color, and thin-film organic photodiodes (OPDs) and their image sensor arrays by employing a novel electrode structure, etalonelectrode, which has functions of electrode and wavelength selective window simultaneously. In other words, we have developed a novel R/G/B organic image sensor pixel of a new diode architecture that combines a dual functional thin-film etalon-electrode and a thin-film panchromatic organic photodiode, to realize color filter-free, narrowband full color-detection as well as high detectivity (D*>10 12 Jones). Furthermore, since this new etalon-electrode strategy enables facile patterning of R/G/B pixel arrays simply by adjusting the thickness of etalon structure, we could demonstrate a color image capturing ability of organic image sensor without color filters. We believe that this technique can be a breakthrough for realization of ITO-free, color filter-free, thin film and color selective OPD. 2O10-10 남기범 (14:20-14:35) Solvent Shearing Deposition of Hybrid Polymeric Materials through Flow Coating 남기범, 이동윤 경북대학교 We present a flow coating technique to make various structures which is induced by an evaporative self-assembly method. This versatile method utilized the phenomenon known as a coffee ring effect coupled confined convective flow with controlled stick-slip motion. The evaporation rate and intended stick-slip motions determine a shape or morphology of patterns. Modification of conditions for a patterning process makes it possible to achieve micron-scale linear patterns, dewetted arrangements of polymeric materials, and particular shapes of gathered particles (v-shape, trapezoid-shape, etc). Furthermore, photonic structures that has different thickness and colors were fabricated within single-step of process. In this study, not only polymeric materials but also the other substances are adopted for functional patterns. They have potential applications for OFET, solar cells, photonic crystals and sensors without complex patterning process in a short time. 2O10-11 윤근태 (14:35-14:50) From nature to engineering : artificial springtail toward robust superomniphobic surface 윤근태, 정우빈, 정희태 KAIST Toward high performing and practical omniphobic surface, both high static repellency and robustness on pressure are critical. In nature, the cuticles of springtails have both of these intrinsic features. Inspite of intensive efforts, none of the previous researches inspired by the springtail were able to achieve both features at the same time because of a general trade-off between them. In here, we show for the first time a springtail-inspired high performing superomniphobic surface by fabricating a hierarchical system consisting of serif-t shaped nanostructures on microscale wrinkles, overcoming previous challenges. We produced a surface showing high repellency to diverse liquids, from water to ethanol, with a contact angle above 150 by bimimetic engineering. Moreover, the surface was able to have extreme pressure resistance resulting from the impacts of drops of water and of ethylene glycol with We >> 200, and of ethanol with We ~ 53, which is the highest robustness ever reported. 2O10-12 박주혜 (14:50-15:05) Interpretation of Line Edge Roughness in Extreme-Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography using Molecular Simulations 박주혜, 이성규 1, Yannick Vesters 2, 김명웅 3, Danilo De Simone 2, 오혜근 1, 허수미 전남대학교 ; 1 한양대학교 ; 2 IMEC; 3 인하대학교 One of crucial challenges for achieving sub-1x nm patterning via extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is reducing the roughness at the edge of patterns while maintaining high resolution and sensitivity. Previous studies have focused on photochemistry and pointed out photon shot noise and acid diffusion as main reasons of line edge roughness (LER). However, as target size of patterns becomes smaller, desired LER is compatible to the molecular size of polymer chains and continuum approaches fail to capture physical phenomena associated with molecular conformations and their dynamics. We propose a new EUV photoresist simulation model which includes explicit description of polymer chains and its variation during EUV lithography process. With our new model effects of polymer chain conformation on LER are investigated under various process conditions. 2O10-13 정혜중 (15:05-15:20) Nitric oxide delivery of nanoparticles coated with amine-rich polymer for the treatment of bacterial keratitis 정혜중, 홍진기 연세대학교 Bacterial-infected keratitis is a common disease. However, if it is not treated on time, it can cause severe symptoms such as blindness. Nitric oxide (NO) is a double-edged sword in terms of functions according to the concentrations. At high level of NO has killing effects against bacteria and cancer cells. On the other side, low level (below μm) of NO performs as a cell signaling molecule which regulates various physiological functions including wound healing. Since various therapeutic functions of this attractive gas molecule, we developed NO-releasing nanoparticle as a challengeable drug delivery system. The release behavior of NO was controlled based on a straightforward design which is surface-modified silica nanoparticles with amine-rich polymer. N-diazeniumdiolate, generated from amine, was slowly decomposed to NO gas due to stabilization by near unconverted amine groups. Based on this release property, the nanoparticle was effective on the treatment of bacterial keratitis. 대학원생구두발표 (II) Graduate Student Oral Session (II) (Korean) 제 11 회장 [4 월 12 일 ( 금 )]_207 호 Organizer: 염봉준 ( 한양대 ), 오승수 (POSTECH) 2O11-1 김호연 (10:30-10:45) Improvement of mechanical properties by introducing curable functional monomers in conventional 3D printing 김호연, 서용석 서울대학교 Rapid prototyping, also known as 3D printing, was developed in the lat 1970s. In recent days, on accout of development in computer aided design (CAD) and material sciences, the application of the 3D printing for both industrial and general public use has grown dramactically in the past decade. During 3D printing, the resin is deposited layer by layer based on the prerequisite and simultaneously polymerized by UV laser. At this time, the resin doesn't cure at all and som remains uncured. As a results, the mechanical properties of the final product may deteriorate. We have successfully produced products through SLA process by introducing an acrylic resin containing thermally curable functional groups to the existing resin. After the additional heat treatment, the properties of the final product were improved compared to the conventional products. In order to investigate the cause of the improvement of mechanical properties, we have characterized the materials through various methods. 2O11-2 김민지 (10:45-11:00) Enhanced quantum yield and stability of CsPbBr 3 perovskite quantum dots using water molecule 김민지, 송명관 KIMS CsPbBr 3 perovskite quantum dots (QDs) have been reported outstanding optical properties such as broad absorption, narrow emission spectrum as well as high absolute photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY). However, the experimental environment has to be controlled with low humidity like a glovebox. Because CsPbBr 3 perovskite QDs are known to degrade and show a rapid loss of emission intensity under ambient conditions. Contrary to general observation, a few reports on perovskite solar cells reported improved crystallization and stability by using water. In this work, we have found that an appropriate amount of water makes improved PLQY and stable CsPbBr 3 perovskite QDs. In the results, PLQY of water added CsPbBr 3 perovskite QDs enhanced over 90% and their stability retained even after the 35days. Moreover, water added CsPbBr 3 perovskite QDs show much narrower full width at half maximum(fwhm) than general CsPbBr 3 perovskite QDs. 2O11-3 최대건 (11:00-11:15) Microfluidic fabrication of stimuli-responsive drug carriers for controlleddrug release 최대건, Hyeon Ung Kim 1, Yoon Ho Roh 1, 봉기완 1, 심민석 인천대학교 ; 1 고려대학교 Various stimuli-responsive polymers that respond to internal or external stimuli have emerged as an effective approach for selective drug release at target disease sites. Stimuli-responsive drug carriers (SRDC) in response to tumor-specific ph and reductive conditions can achieve tumor-selective drug release. SRDC that can release drugs by increasing the temperature are efficient for selective accumulation of drugs in the target area. In this study, various SRDC were fabricated via stop-flow lithography (SFL) to achieve controlled drug release. The stimuli-sensitivity and drug release rate of the particles could be fine-tuned by modulating the precursor compositions in the SFL 62 제 44 권 1 호

66 process. In vitro studies demonstrated that encapsulated drugs were efficiently released from the particles under tumor conditions or temperature increase. This result confirmed that SRDC were successfully fabricated by SFL and showed controlled drug release in response to various tumor-related stimuli. 2O11-4 이지은 (11:15-11:30) Shape Reconfigurable Liquid Crystal Elastomers Prepared by Various Alignment Methods 이지은, 안석균 부산대학교 Macroscopically-aligned liquid crystalline elastomer (LCE) monoliths can exhibit reversible and complex shape changes triggered by external stimuli such as heat, light and chemical exposure. Molecular alignment of LCEs is the key to enable reversible and complex shape transformations at the macro- and microscale level. Here, we explore different alignment methods including surface and mechanical alignment as well as imprinting process and demonstrate various 3D shape changing behaviors of LCEs at the macro- and microscale upon heating. Interestingly, the thermal actuation temperature of the LCEs was significantly altered depending on the alignment methods employed, even with the LCEs containing the same type of alignment. Such difference is probably associated with different order parameter in the initial LCEs. We envision that our facile shape programming methods with tailored properties may facilitate potential applications of the LCEs in soft robot and haptic devices. 2O11-5 장웅식 (11:30-11:45) Interface Stabilization via Dry-Transfer Process Using Customized Mold for Long-Term-Stable Organic Photodiode 장웅식, 조재상, 이민지, 왕동환 중앙대학교 Recently, dry-coating process has attracted significant attention for large-scale fabrication. Especially, transfer process can provide a precise printing of the target material without the damage of a bottom layer due to a relatively condition. In order to realize a residue-free transfer process, it is necessary to customize the transfer mold to match the target material. In this research, we designed and utilized high-surface-energy polyurethane acrylate (HS-PUA) to enable the transfer process through introducing wetting coefficient related with adhesions between each interface. Consequently, the customized-transfer process enabled stable operation through interface stabilization observed by the component analysis of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The detectivity of the transferred device was maintained over 95% after 360 h, with no burn-in loss of internal resistance. 2O11-6 전재민 (11:45-12:00) Ion transport properties of self-assembled block copolymer electrolytes with tunable ion distribution within 전재민, 박문정 포항공과대학교 As potential candidates for future solid-state polymer electrolytes, block copolymers comprising various ionic liquids has been extensively studied. It has been directed to improve ionic conductivity and mechanical properties of the composite membranes. In the present study, we investigate a new method to improve ion transport properties of ionic liquid-containing block copolymers by tuning the ion distribution within microphase separated morphology. The variation of the type of anion in ionic liquids resulted in dissimilar swelling behavior of ionophilic domains and dissimilar interfacial properties of ionophilic/ionophobic phases, By combining spectroscopic techniques, it has been revealed that the anion plays a key role in determining the distribution of ions in nanostructures of block copolymers. Especially, by introducing mixed ionic liquids, remarkable enhancement in ionic conductivity was achieved owing to the creation of sacrificial interfaces of ionophobic/ionophilc domains. 2O11-7 송연화 (12:00-12:15) The Effect of Li Salt Concentration on Ion Conduction and Morphology of Epoxy-based Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Supercapacitors 송연화, 최우혁 부경대학교고분자공학과 Mechanical robust solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) are envisioned to be promising alternatives to conventional flammable liquid electrolytes having an explosion issue due to lithium dendrite formation between electrode and electrolyte. However, SPEs usually suffer from a trade-off characteristic between ionic conductivity and mechanical property. In this study, we prepare commercially accessible epoxy-based SPEs containing solvating electrolytes, composed of weak-binding Li salts (LiTFSI), Li solvating glyme, and high conducting ionic liquids. The epoxy resin is used to provide the SPE with high mechanical strength and good processability, while the solvating electrolytes are selected to maximize SPE ionic conductivity. We systematically investigate the effect of the LiTFSI concentration in the solvating electrolyte on ionic conductivity, mechanical and thermal properties, and morphology using dielectric spectroscopy, DMA, DSC, and field-emission electron microscopy, respectively. 2O11-8 원종성 (13:50-14:05) Study on mechanism and characteristics of additives migration in polypropylene under accelerated aging 원종성, 조원기, 임현수, 전민홍, 이승구 충남대학교 The accelerated thermal aging of plastics brings about migration of additives onto specimen surface, which is called the blooming or whitening phenomenon. This has been a problem emerging in the automotive application. When Polypropylene (PP) is in contact with an external environment, the product quality deteriorates because the additives may migrate to the surface during the process or product usage environment. Many species are prone to this migration and blooming phenomena, especially compounds with a low molecular weight. Most examples of migration and blooming are linked with the material nature, molecular properties and structure, and environmental conditions. Therefore, this study presents the mechanism and characteristics of additives migrating of PP surface depending on the behavior of crystallization under acclerated aging. 2O11-9 김수진 (14:05-14:20) A Novel Architecture for High-Performance Fibrous Organic Transistors based on Double-Stranded Assembly of Microfiber Electrodes for Electronic Textile Applications 김수진, 장호원 1, 김세현 2, 임정아 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 서울대학교 ; 2 영남대학교 Fiber-shaped electronic devices for E-textile satisfy light weight, flexibility, portability in clothes and comfort to wear. Especially, organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) are essential component which works integrated circuit based on E-textile. In this study, we have demonstrated double-stranded assembly of twisted electrodes for fibriform OTFTs. The new configuration of fibriform OTFTs showed good on/off ratio of 105 and output current of 10 ma at -1.5 V. In the new structure of fibriform OTFTs, channel length and width, could be easily modified by thickness of semiconductor film and length of fiber, respectively. We found that the mechanical durability and transconductance of the device were enhanced by controlling molecular orientation of nanostructured organic semiconductor layer coated on electrodes. The device maintained its good properties under bending and washing process. Finally, it showed the possibility of the wearable sensor for detecting biosignals. 2O11-10 이혜정 (14:20-14:35) Enhanced thermoelectric performance of PEDOT:PSS nanotubes via AAO templateassisted growth 이혜정, 조지영 광주과학기술원 The poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS)-based thermoelectrics are a potential candidate for wearable power generator, owing to their low thermal conductivity (κ), flexibility, light weight, etc. However, the thermoelectric efficiency of PEDOT:PSS is still low due to the low electrical conductivity (σ) and the low Seebeck coefficient (S). Here we propose the fabrication of 1-dimensional nanotube structure of PEDOT:PSS to study the thermoelectric transport in low dimensional PEDOT:PSS. The 1D-PEDOT:PSS structure possesses an improved hole mobility resulting from stretched chains in linear growth of nanotube as well as low κ resulting from phonon scattering at interfaces, which increases the thermoelectric efficiency of PEDOT:PSS. We believe that the PEDOT:PSS nanotubes not only enhances the thermoelectric efficiency but also opens a new era toward the thermoelectric applications using low dimensional polymers. 2O11-11 홍지수 (14:35-14:50) Complex tuning of physical properties of hyperbranched polyglycerol-based bioink for microfabrication of cell-laden hydrogels 홍지수, 신윤경, 김선태, 이지석, 차채녕 UNIST Microfabrication technology has emerged as a valuable tool for fabricating structures with high resolution and complex architecture for tissue engineering applications. Herein, a photocrosslinkable acrylic hyperbranched polyglycerol (AHPG) is developed as a crosslinker to fabricate cell-laden hydrogels. The mechanical properties of resulting hydrogels could be controlled in a wide range by tuning both molecular weight and degree of acrylate substitution of AHPG. The control of mechanical properties by AHPG is highly dependent on the type of monomer, due to the hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance of polyglycerol backbone and acrylate as well as the dynamic conformational flexibility based on the molecular weight of polyglycerol. Eventually, the AHPG-based hydrogel precursor solution is employed as a bioink for a digital light processing (DLP)-based printing system to generate cell-laden microgels with various shapes and sizes for tissue engineering applications. 2O11-12 남기호 (14:50-15:05) Highly Transparent, Robust, Solution-Processable Polyimides as Core Material of Flexible Display 남기호, 유남호 1, 한학수 연세대학교 ; 1 한국과학기술연구원 Polyimides are already widely used in aerospace, automobile, electronics and other high-technology areas based on their excellent mix of properties. Expectations are that transparent polyimides will rapidly take hold and that their use will encompass what we now consider to be futuristic applications. The trick is to come up with the right combination of building blocks, creating a recipe where the formulations are not only developed, but are balanced and optimized. We herein report on a new class of polyimide (PI) nanohybrids based on highly fluorinated asymmetric diamines as a building block of PI backbone structure. The resulting PI nanohybrids were highly soluble in polar aprotic solvents and displayed excellent optical properties, including high transparency, low refractive index, and very small birefringence. The results provide useful information for designing molecular architectures for manufacturing highperformance flexible substrates in future display devices. 2O11-13 원수경 (15:05-15:20) On-demand Regulation of Magnetic Soft Robots in Multi-body Systems 원수경, 위정재 1, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 ; 1 인하대학교 Magnetic manipulation of soft robotic systems has advantages of fast locomotive responses that can operate in diverse media with high penetrability. However, individual regulation of the magnetic soft robots has largely been limited in multi-body systems since temporal and spatial programming of magnetic field is required to control each robot. Herein, we demonstrate parallel magnetic regulation of multiple twisted microbots, composed of polyurethane-iron oxide nanocomposite, by a rotational magnetic source at the center. The magnetic robots involve trimodal rotation and resultant orbital revolution that orbital radius and velocity can be on-demand regulated as the speed of rotating magnet changes. The velocity of this limbness soft robot is 50,000 times faster (60 BL/s) with 1/7 weight (177 µg) than the most lightweight walking soft robot at below 0.03 T magnetic flux density. We will discuss details of hierarchical orbital maneuver in various environments. 제 44 권 1 호 63

67 한국고분자학회 The Polymer Society of Korea

68 The Polymer Society of Korea 초록 _ 포스터발표

69 포스터발표 ( I ) _ 4 월 11 일 ( 목 ) 09:00-10:30 우수논문발표상 (I) 고분자합성 1PS-1 김경호 Analysis of the Living Chains in Polystyrene prepared by reversible additionfragmentation chain transfer Polymerization 김경호, 안준영 1, 박미림, 김연지 2, 이하나 2, 전흥배 2, 장태현 1, 백현종 부산대학교 ; 1 포항공과대학교 ; 2 광운대학교 Living chains and dead chains with and without thiocarbonylthio as the ω end-group are generated in reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. Further, the living chains are of two types in regard to α end-groups depending on the nature of initiation. We report on the separation of two types of living chains in RAFT polymerization of polystyrene by interaction chromatography. The living chains are characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). In SEC, the living chains from the initiator show a broad Molecular weight distribution (MWD) with tailing at low molecular weight while the living chains from the RAFT agent show a narrower MWD in comparison to the as prepared sample. 1PS-2 손진하 Molecular Design and Electrochemical Characterization of Poly(acrylic acid)-co- Poly(n-butyl acrylate) Binders for Silicon-based Lithium Ion Battery Anodes 손진하, 안석균 1, 부산대학교 ; 1 부산대학교고분자공학과 Silicon has attracted great interest as a promising anode material for lithium-ion batteries due to their high theoretical capacity. However, a significant volume change of the silicon during charge/discharge causes pulverization in the anode, and thus becomes a major obstacle for commercialization. A potential way to solve this problem is to develop polymer binders that can alleviate volume change of silicon. For this purpose, we synthesized a series of poly(acrylic acid)-co-poly(n-butyl acrylate) by RAFT polymerization. Thermal and mechanical properties of the binders were tailored by tuning the composition of random copolymers. Interestingly, it was found that electrochemical performance of Si anode made from these binders showed the highest performance when the amount of soft n-butyl acrylate (10-30 mol%) was introduced to the rigid PAA. We have also demonstrated that chemical crosslinking of RC73 can improve the initial discharge capacity and Coulombic efficiency. 1PS-3 안솔 1,3-Oxathiolane-2-thione-based Photosensitive Polymeric System to Create Multi- Chemical Surface Functionalities 안솔, 김명웅 인하대학교 To mimic the complexities of nature, surface chemistry for multifunctionalities has attracted attention. Here we adopt a post-spincoating modification method to obtain multi-chemical surface functionalities. The important step to form functionalities on surfaces is introducing chemical functional groups on a substrate by crosslinking polymers. To do so, we synthesized (2-thioxo-1,3-oxathiolan-5-yl)methyl methacrylate (DTCMMA) and copolymerized it with four different methacrylate monomers. 1,3-oxathiolane-2-thione is well-known to react with primary amine group. In this respect, we synthesized a crosslinker releasing amine groups upon light exposure. A double component system of the copolymer and the crosslinker was effectively crosslinked in thin film upon UV illumination. In addition, since the crosslinked polymer chains release thiol groups which could be further used to functionalize efficiently by effective chemistry, leading to the surfaces with multiple chemical functionalities. 1PS-4 오왕석 Concurrent Gelation and Phase Separation in Cross-linked-Polyurea/Poly(methyl methacrylate) Blend for Synthesis of Robust Nanoporous Ultrafiltration Membrane 오왕석, 박지웅 광주과학기술원 Recently, we reported a new synthetic strategy to obtain a nanoporous membrane by blending gel-forming networks and poly(ethylene glycol). Concurrent phase separation in the blend and gelation of network produced co-continuous nanostructure, which can be transformed into a nanoporous membrane. However, long extraction time for template removal and the remnant polymer on the pore surface have limited the scope of applications. Herein, we propose a facile synthetic methods using a chemically non-reactive linear polymer as a readily extractable porogen to obtain a polyurea membrane with tailorable pore size and surface functionalities. The pore size was controlled within meso-/macroporous regime by changing the amount of linear polymer, which also altered the filtration capability of the membrane. The meso-/macroporous membrane maintained separation performance of sub-10 nm solutes after organic solvent permeation, in addition to its long-term and moderate chemical stability. 1PS-5 이승제 Preparation of Perovskite-Embedded Co-polymer Particles and Their Application for Photonic Crystal-Based Optical Films 이승제, 최진우, Santosh Kumar, 이창열, 이재석 광주과학기술원 Co-polymer particles (CPs) containing organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite nanoparticles (OIP NPs) are prepared via self-emulsion polymerization (SEP) and vapor-assisted solution process (VASP). The diameter of the CPs is precisely controlled through the concentration and ratio of the monomers, and shows narrow size distributions (PDI < 0.03). The prepared OIP precursor-embedded CPs are self-assembled to 3D photonic crystals (PCs), then the embedded precursors are converted to OIP through VASP. The OIP-embedded 3D PCs are applied to a down-conversion OIP LEDs as an emissive and light extraction layer. OIPs embedded in the 3D PC show improved optical properties than the bare OIPs due to the interaction between the PL spectrum of OIPs and the photonic bandgap of the 3D PCs. The PL intensity of OIPs are enhanced ~12% with reduced full width at half maximum (FWHM). In addition, OIP embedded in 3D PCs show improved viewing-angle and environmental stability over the bare OIPs. 1PS-6 이준희 Azide-Functional Polyethers as a Template for Postpolymerization Modification 이준희, 김병수 1, UNIST; 1 연세대학교 Polyethers such as poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) have been widely used for a variety of valuable applications, but functionalization of polyethers is still poses a challenge due to the absence of functional handles along the polymer backbone. Herein, a novel azide-functional glycidyl ether monomer is presented as a universal approach to synthesize functional polyethers by postpolymerization modification strategy. Organic superbase-catalyzed anionic ring-opening polymerization could proceed under mild conditions compatible with an azide-pendant group, affording well-controlled azidefunctional polyethers in a high monomer conversion. The azide pendant groups on the resulting polymers were readily modified to a variety of functional groups via Staudinger reduction or copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reactions. Partially reduced polymers are prepared by controlling equivalency of triphenyl phosphine, providing orthogonal handles to be modified. 1PS-7 최은호 Biomass-Derived Furanic Polycarbonates: Synthesis and Control of Glass Transition Temperature 최은호, 최은정, 문휘현, 송창식 성균관대학교 Bis-hydroxymethylfuran (BHMF) is one of the promising biomass-derived chemicals as a polymer platform. However, BHMF has not been utilized in the synthesis of polycarbonates with general methods due to the thermal instability of BHMF. In this study, BHMF-based polycarbonates (FR-PCs) were prepared at a low temperature with a mediation of carbodiimide, which is a potentially CO 2-upcycled method. The glass transition temperature (T g) was elaborated with a strategy of variation in the rotational barrier of polymer main chains. The rotational barrier was controlled with a Diels-Alder (DA) reaction between the furan group in the polymer and various N-substituted maleimides, resulting in proportionally increased T g to the maleimide contents. 1PS-8 최혜선 Synthesis and Characterization of Starch-Based Superabsorbent Polymers Grafted with Itaconic Acid and Organo-modified Montmorillonite 최혜선, 박종신, 노현규, 여지현, 조지현, 김세민서울대학교 Superabsorbent polymer (SAP) is a functional polymer that absorbs and retains more than 100 times the weight of the sample. Acrylic acid (AA), which is widely used as a material for SAP, is excellent in absorption rate, but does not biodegrade and causes environmental pollution. In this study, starch and itaconic acid (IA) were copolymerized to produce environmentally friendly SAP. Starch is a natural polymer in which α-glucose monomers are polymerized by α-1,4 glycosidic bonds. It is abundant in nature and shows biodegradability. IA has a double-bond similar to AA, which is grafted with hydroxyl group of starch to form ether group. Organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT), a nanoclay, was added between the networks formed by starch-graft-ia to produce a SAP that absorbed a large amount of water. The results of this study were obtained by measuring the free-swelling in DI water and absorption capacity in 0.9 wt% NaCl solution, and analyzed structures by FT-IR and XPS. 고분자가공 / 복합재료 1PS-9 QUYEN VU THI A novel hybrid poly(aniline-co-pyrrole) reduced graphene oxide coated silica particles applying on electromagnetic interference shielding QUYEN VU THI, 손대원 Hanyang University In this work, a novel nanocomposites of poly(aniline-co-pyrrole) reduced graphene oxide coated silica particles was prepared by in-situ pre-polymerization method and characterized. The molar ratio of component monomers aniline:pyrrole was 1:3 and the pre-polymerization time was 30 min before the in-situ polymerization of the copolymer nanocomposites occured. The results revealed that the electromagnetic shielding performance of copolymer nanocomposites was significantly improved compared to that of component polymer nanocomposite. The minimum reflection loss (RLmin) of P(An-co-Py)/RGO@SiO 2, PANi/RGO@SiO 2 and PPy/RGO@SiO 2 in Ku band were db, db and db, respectively. The effective absorption bandwidth of copolymer P(An-co-Py)/RGO@SiO 2 was 5.5 GHz from 12.GHz to 17.8 GHz. Meanwhile, the effective aborption bandwidth of component polymer nanocomposites such as PANi/RGO@SiO 2 66 제 44 권 1 호

70 was only 2.2 GHz from 15.8 GHz to 18GHz. 1PS-10 김건영 Enhanced Photoluminescence via Integration of Block copolymer-quantum dots 김건영, 정연식 한국과학기술원 Achieving high efficiency in quantum dots (QDs) films is essential for the low energy consumption which is the requirement for the next-generation display and lighting. Despite many efforts in developing high quantum yield (QY) in solution state, most QD films in actual devices have suffered from low excitation of QDs, poor light extraction and non-radiative energy transfer between adjacent QDs, deteriorating the photoluminescence (PL) QY. Herein, we suggest a facile strategy through the fabrication of QD-BCP (poly(styrene-b-4-vinylpyridine)) film that offers the solution for all the constraints. Highly interconnected structure of the BCP facilitates the random scattering of light, leading to the enhancement of absorption and extraction, respectively. Additionally, the nanometer-scales phase separation of two blocks with the conjugation effects enables the dispersion of QDs in the matrix, hence reducing the non-radiative energy transfer. 1PS-11 김민성 Interfacial activation by N 2 plasma-assisted mechanochemical reaction in nonpolar polymer 김민성, 방준하 1, 이상수 2, 한국과학기술연구원 / 고려대학교 ; 1 고려대학교 ; 2 한국과학기술연구원 Dispersion of nano-fillers is key issue in polymer nanocomposites. A number of researchers study the affinity between the nano-fillers and the polymer in order to modify the dispersion of the nano-fillers. Recent works have shown that the high shear forces are able to trigger bond-scission reaction and bond-activation, which have been called mechanochemical reaction. At this point, we found that there could be a meaningful change when shear force and plasma treatment were coupled in treating nonpolar polymer. Although there is no reactive functional group, a nonpolar polymer was found to be highly reactive temporarily under N 2 plasma-assisted shear force, resulting in formidable chemical bondings between incompatible inorganic and organic interfaces. 1PS-12 김민성 Split Ligand Assisted synthesis of CH 3NH 3PbX 3 (X = Br, I) Perovskite Quantum Dots with narrow FWHM and high stability 김민성, 이민지, 장웅식, 왕동환 중앙대학교 Organometalic halide perovskites (CH₃NH₃PbX₃, X = Br, I) Quantum Dots (QDs) are prepared by the Split ligand assisted re-precipitation method. Oleic acid dissolved in non-solvent improves the solvent mixing and leads to crystallization process while improving the full mixture of precursor and non-solvents. By this effect, Halide perovskite QDs synthesized by split method has more stability and narrower PL spectra FWHM than QDs synthesized by conventional LARP method. Size-tunability of CH₃NH₃PbX₃ (X = Br, I) QDs was achieved by halide variation and ligand concentration. Significantly, tunable PL emission wavelengths and energy band gaps are achieved by the quantum confinement effect. Finally, CH₃NH₃PbX₃ (X = Br, I) QDs synthesized by split method are expected to have potential applications in solar cell, photoresistor and electroluminescent devices. 1PS-13 김성현 Thin film acrylate adhesive reinforced with inorganic nanoparticle: Effect of particle size and surface treatment 김성현, 박종승 1, 서성백 2, 성동기 3, 부산대학교 ; 1 부산대학교유기소재시스템공학과 ; 2 부산대학교바이오소재과학과 ; 3 부산대학교고분자공학과 Flexible functional materials have been a great interest in various flexible electronic devices. Flexible adhesive is essential for successful assembly of each flexible components and it requires both adhesive and mechanical properties with a thinness. However, these two properties have some trade-off relationship. In this study, various sizes of silica nanoparticle were reinforced to acrylic adhesive in order to investigate the effect of particle size on mechanical and adhesive properties of the composite adhesive film. Furthermore, the nanoparticle was coated with polydopamine to overcome the trade-off relationship and create a synergetic reinforcement of adhesives. Nanocomposite adhesive films were fabricated by appropriate mechanical dispersion and film casting process and several experiments were conducted to prove the synergetic reinforcement effect. 1PS-14 김세민 An efficient route to ternary nanohybrids comprised of graphene, molybdenum disulfide and polyaniline 김세민, 윤현석 1, 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 ; 1 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 / 전남대학교고분자융합소재공학부 Graphene, molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2), and polyaniline (PANI) were assembled into hierarchical ternary nanohybrids via a simple physical exfoliation process. In that process, PANI penetrated into the stacked interlayers of bulk MoS 2 and graphite without any additional chemical treatments in a liquid phase. Interestingly, graphene and PANI facilitated the conversion of a semiconducting trigonal prismatic phase of MoS 2 to a metallic octahedral phase, thereby enhancing the electrical conductivity of the nanohybrid. The optimal composition of the nanohybrids was determined to achieve their best electrochemical properties and finally, they were tested as electrode materials for flexible all-solid-state capacitor cells. 1PS-15 김윤상연신비 1400% 이상의폴리프로필렌고연신사기반자기보강복합재제조기술김윤상, 김동우, 조준용, 장한결, 권민제 1, 김재우 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 ( 주 ) 남전산업자기보강복합재는기지재와보강재가동일한소재로재활용이가능할뿐만아니라강도, 강성측면에서기존섬유복합재수준까지향상가능하여큰각광을받고있고, 따라서다양한고분자플랫폼을기반으로많은연구가진행되고있다. 본연구에서는폴리프로필렌소재기반으로기계적물성을극대화하고자 5 단계연신조건하에서다양한연신비의폴리프로필렌고연신사를제조하였다. 고연신사는직조과정을거친후동일소재인폴리프로필렌필름을기지재로사용하여더블벨트라미네이터공정을통해 PP 자기보강복합재를제작하는데사용되었다. 제조된자기보강복합재의구조 - 물성상관관계를파악하기위해연신사에대한기본적인인장시험및 DSC, TGA 등의열역학적거동을분석하였다. 또한, 연신공정에따른섬유의결정성변화및섬유배향정도를관찰하기위해 XRD 분석을수행하였고폴리프로필렌소재의연신에따른비중화정도를파악하기위해진밀도를측정하였다. 1PS-16 김태형 Crab-on-a-Tree: All Bio-Renewable, Optical-and-Radio Frequency Transparent Barrier Nanocoating for Food Packaging 김태형, Thang Hong Tran 1, 황성연 1, 박제영 1, 오동엽 1, 김병수 2, UNIST; 1 한국화학연구원 ; 2 연세대학교 Plastic packaging effectively protects foods from mechanical, microbial, and chemical damage, but oxygen permeates these plastics to degrade foods. Improving the gas barrier usually requires metallic or halogenated polymeric coatings; however, both often cause environmental problems and block visible light and electromagnetic signals. We report a unique design of a highly flexible and visible light and radio wave transparent coating based on biomaterials exclusively. By taking advantages of the spray-assisted layer-by-layer assembly of cellulose nanofibers and chitin nanowhiskers, we achieved the OTR value less than 0.5 mlm -2 day -1. The significant barrier properties are attributed to the synergetic interplay between the highly crystalline bio-nanomaterials and they were maintained even under various conditions. This crab-on-a-tree nanocoating holds high potential as a biocompatible and optical-and-digital transparent future packaging application. 1PS-17 문준형 MOF-derived hollow star-like ZnO/N-doped carbon/mwcnt nanocomposite as anode materials for Li-ion batteries 문준형, 유필진 성균관대학교 Transition metal oxides with high theoretical capacities possess attractive potential as anode materials of lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Among them, zinc oxide (ZnO) has several prominent advantages, such as high theoretical capacity of 987mAhg 1, excellent lithium ion diffusion coefficients, low cost, natural abundance, and nontoxicity. Despite these competitive features, however, the progress of ZnO electrode is rather sluggish due to serious capacity fading and limited rate performance, resulting from the poor electronic conductivity and the pulverization caused by large volume expansion during cycling. Here, we introduce rationally designed MOF-derived hollow star-like ZnO/N-doped carbon nanocage interconnected by CNTs. The designed nanocomposite integrates the high theoretical capacity of ZnO and excellent conductivity as well as the excellent mechanical stability of CNTs. The as-obtained unique 3D nanostructure delivers superior battery performance. 1PS-18 박준화 Post surface treatment of Ni-rich cathode with polythiophene for lithium ion batteries 박준화, 채범진, 박영돈, 임태은인천대학교 Ni-rich NCM(LiNi xco ymn zo 2) is a promising advanced cathode material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, the high Ni content in the layered structures is associated with poor surface stability, which in turn accelerates the capacity fading of the cell. To improve the interfacial stability of Ni-rich NCM cathode material, we propose poly(thiophene)-based artificial cathode-electrolyte interphase (CEI)-immobilized Ni-rich NCM cathode material, synthesized using a simple spin-coating process. At room-temperature cycling, cells with thiophene-modified NCM811 cathodes exhibit improved cycling. The effectiveness of the artificial CEI layer is evident during high-temperature cycling: cells with 36kDa-NCM811 exhibit a specific capacity retention of 89.4%, whereas those with bare NCM811 exhibit a decrease in the cycling retention capacity (55.1%) at 55. Polymers with low molecular weights are preferred because P3HTs with low molecular weight have high a hard phase due to their low T g. 1PS-19 신하은 Recyclable and Malleable Polymer/Hexagonal Boron Nitride Composites for Efficient Heat Dissipation 신하은, 임종국 1, 김채빈, 고문주 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 조선대학교 To address tremendous needs for developing efficiently heat dissipating materials with lightweights, a new class of polymer possessing recyclable and malleable characteristics was synthesized for incorporating model functional hexagonal boron nitride (h-bn) filler. A good interfacial affinity between the polymer matrix and the filler along with shear force generated upon manufacturing the composite yielded the final product bearing high filler alignment via simple hot pressing method. For this reason, the composite exhibited a high thermal conductivity of 13.8 W/mK. Moreover, it was possible to recover the h-bn from the composite without physical/chemical denaturation of the filler by chemically depolymerizing the matrix, thus the recovered filler can be re-used in the future. We believe this polymer could be beneficial as matrix for incorporating many other functional fillers, thus they may find applications in various polymeric composite 제 44 권 1 호 67

71 related fields. 1PS-20 신휘섭 Polypropylene composites reiforced with filler materials derived from organic precursors 신휘섭, 임민영 1, 공새롬, 김상완, 이이슬 2, 이종찬 서울대학교 ; 1 LG 화학 ; 2 S-Oil Polypropylene composites were reiforced with sub-micrometer size filler materials which are fabricated from citric acid and tannic acid. The filler materials were prepared by heating mixtures of citric acid and tannic acid followed by functionalization with cardanol to improve compatibility with matrix polyproplyene. The polypropylene composites were prepared by extrusion and the enhancement of mechanical and thermal properties were confirmed. The tesile and flexural strength increased about 20% and modulus increased nearly 30%. Furthermore, the 5wt% degradation temperature of composites increased over 60 o C. This multipotent filler material can be incoporated into other polymers to fabricate composites with improved physical properties. 1PS-21 오승우 Highly sensitive strain sensor with metal mesh structures based on solution processing 오승우, 장석태 중앙대학교 Strain sensor has been spotlighted for its versatility on healthcare, soft robot, and human-robot interface. Despite of large potential demands, traditional metal-based strain gauges have limitations of stretchability (ε 2%) and flexibility. Extensive studies have been presented for stretchable sensors using various nanomaterials and metal films. However, it is still hard to satisfy parameters such as sensitivity, stretchability, linearity, hysteresis, applicability to mass production. Herein, we propose a highly sensitive strain sensor with solution-processed metal grid structures. We investigated the effects of width and width/spacing ratio of the metal grid on piezoresistivity of the strain sensors. Our strain sensors exhibit high sensitivity (GF = ) and superior strain range (ε 5%) compared to other metal-based sensors. In addition, our metal grid strain sensors can be produced with eco-friendly and low-cost procedure, due to all water-based solution process. 1PS-22 이은비 Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced UV/Heat Dual-Curable Sealant for Liquid Crystal Displays 이은비, 조치형 1, 손인태 1, 김재홍 1, 유지용 1, 문기태 1, 이준협 1, 명지대학교 ; 1 명지대학교화학공학과 In display industry, there is a strong and growing demand for narrow-bezel liquid crystal display (LCD) which minimizing the width of non-display region. Narrow-bezel LCD has been used extensively in display devices such as 3D displays and tiled screen displays. The sealant for narrow-bezel LCD require high adhesive properties in order to provide the same level of adhesion strength as conventional sealant at even a small amount of application. And low moisture permeability and acceptable LC contamination levels are also important. In this study, we prepared highly adhesive UV/heat dual-curable sealant for narrow-bezel LC display using carbon nanotube (CNT). Single-walled CNT (SWCNT) and multi-walled CNT (MWCNT) which have high mechanical property and thermal conductivity were employed as an organic filler. Curing conversion, adhesive properties, moisture permeability, and LC contamination of newly prepared sealant were investigated in this work. 1PS-23 전보경 Lignin-Based Hydrogel Synthesized by Thiol-Ene Click Chemistry 전보경, 최종원, Jorge A. Belgodere 1, Jangwook P. Jung 1, 김명웅 인하대학교 ; 1 Louisiana State University Recently, there has been rapidly growing interest in synthesis of the polymer-based materials platform which can replace petroleum-based chemicals with biomass. Lignin is largely produced biomass from a wood-processing, and it is considered as one of easily accessible biomass. The lignin is a natural polymer containing a large amount of functional groups such as phenol and alcohol which can be utilized to introduce specific functionalities. To create new materials by utilizing the functionalities, we demonstrate a simple but efficient chemical route to incorporate thiol groups in lignosulfonate. The thiol-functionalized lignosulfonate was further used to form hydrogel with biopolymers of biocompatible polymers having alkene functionalities. The rheological studies clearly show that introduced thiol groups are involved in hydrogel formation with light illumination. 1PS-24 전상우 Study on Self-Assembled Nano-Structures of Boron Nitride Nanotube-Polymer Complexs 전상우, 김태환 1,, 강신현 1, 최정철 2 전북대학교플라즈마응용공학과 ; 1 전북대학교양자시스템공학과 ; 2 전북대학교고온플라즈마응용연구센터 Due to excellent mechanical, electrical and thermal properties, boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) have been of interest for a wide range of potential applications such as materials for reinforcements, thermal insulation materials, piezoelectric materials, etc. In the previous study, we modified non-covalent functionalized BNNTs encapsulated by surfactants, which are dispersible in aqueous solution. Herein, for practical application of BNNTs, it is essential for the control of the morphologies of BNNTs, leading to the enhancement of their properties. Therefore, we have investigated self-assembly of BNNT-Pluronic polymer complex depending on the various interaction by using the small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). In this presentation, we report the result of self-assembly of BNNT-Pluronic polymer complex depend on the hydrophobic interaction. 1PS-25 조승희 Selective Multiplexing of Trace-amount Molecules via SERS using Thermally Soldered Au Nanogrids with Enhanced Plasmonic Resonance 조승희, 정연식 KAIST In molecular sensing, multiplexing can significantly reduce analysis time, save sample volume, and provide more thorough information. So far, multiplexing is realized through assays based on highly sensitive fluorescent or electrochemical response, yet lack in specific differentiation and selective recognition. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has recently drawn much attention owing to its fingerprint-spectra specificity and single-molecule level sensitivity. However, conventional approaches are either costly, time-consuming, or lack in reproducibility. Herein, we present thermally soldered Au nanogrids for multiplexing of trace-amount toxins in drinking water. The Au nanogrids are highly stable during ssdna aptamer functionalization and also show reduced grain-boundaries and enhanced plasmonic quality. Singular and multiplex detection results of trace-amount bisphanol A, tetracycline, and diclofenac show high sensitivity, specificity, and selectivity in mixed samples. 1PS-26 채상민 Laser-induced orientation transformation of a conjugated polymer thin film with enhanced vertical charge transport 채상민, 이아라, 김효정 부산대학교 Here, we report structural transformation and electrical characterization of a poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) semiconductor thin film under femtosecond laser irradiation at a level below the ablation threshold. A combination of grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and near edge X-ray absorption fine structure analyses reveal that the laser procedure effectively switches the P3HT orientation from edge-on to face-on, and the stability of this face-on orientation was also confirmed. Various laser fluence levels ranging up to the ablation threshold were tested, and the P3HT film with a transformed face-on orientation resulting from the optimized fluence level showed a charge current in the vertical direction three times greater than did the pristine film. These results also confirmed the effectiveness of our novel method for modifying organic thin films, and we expect this method to be attractive for the development of organic electronics and hybrid device applications. 1PS-27 황홍섭 Removal studies of heavy metal (Cu, Cd, Pb) using immobilized PAC complex 황홍섭 육군 3 사관학교 The shooting ranges are comprised of many valleys and rivers, so pollution easily spread through groundwater or rainwater The shooting range is difficult to access and is located in a mountainous area without any fundamental installations. Therefore, there is a limit to install purification facilities. In the soils of the shooting range, heavy metal contamination which includes lead, copper, and cadmium occurs due to fragmentation after shooting, and these are spread through adsorption, ion exchange, precipitation, and complex reaction. The heavy metal pollution can t be decomposed naturally and remains for a long period and it is concentrated by the food chain, causing serious problems in the ecosystem. In this study, we prepared alginate-powdered activated carbon (PAC) bead and poly vinyl alcohol (PVA)-PAC complex. And reported on the study of removing lead, copper and cadmium in the water system using these adsorbents. 고분자구조및물성 1PS-28 김용재 Exploring the Self-Assembly of Perylene Diimide on the Water Substrate 김용재, 안치원 1, 전환진 2, 정희태 한국과학기술원 ; 1 나노종합기술원 ; 2 한국산업기술대학교 Perylene diimide have limitations to self-assemble into small feature sized NWs (around 10 nm width) because of their low solubility in common organic solvent and rapid crystallization behavior. In this research, hierarchical nanostructures of self-assembled PDI crystals can be formed by adjusting of self-assembly conditions. We tried to induce various self-assembled nanostructures of PDI crystals. We confirmed the effect of solvent properties on self-assembled features and crystalline properties of self-assembled PDI crystals. Moreover, we could optimize specific self-assembled of PDI crystals using pristine PDI molecules without any other synthetic methods and soluble additives for the first time, and we expect that our results show the possibility to precisely control hierarchical self-assembled features and crystallinity of self-assembled PDI crystals. 1PS-29 김원빈 Supramolecular Architecture of Molecular-Level-Ordered 1,1 -Ferrocenedicarboxylic acid with Poly(4-vinylpyridine) for Bulk Magnetic Coupling 김원빈, 이재석 광주과학기술원 Molecular-level ordering provides a powerful approach to enhancing the properties of materials. However, the precise arrangement of molecules in a bulk material is a considerable challenge. To overcome such limitations, hydrogen bonding directed selfassembly has drawn a lot of attention due to its facile nature in controlling molecular-level order. In this study we report ordering of the magnetic Fe centers achieved through hydrogen bonding between poly(4-vinylpyridine) (P4VP) and 1,1 -ferrocenedicarboxylic acid (FDA). FDA is uniformly distributed in a ordered polymer matrix, with each Fe center in P4VP-FDA linked at the molecular-level through polymeric bridges in a face-centered cubic structure. The P4VP-FDA in bulk form show a large enhancement of magnetic moment with a paramagnetic resonance and asymmetric current-voltage characteristics similar to the properties of electrode-fda-electrode architecture. 68 제 44 권 1 호

72 1PS-30 이서윤 Synthesis of highly self-healable polymeric materials with improved mechanical surface properties 이서윤, 강정순, 최기원, 홍평화 1, 김진실 1, 문경민 1, 홍성우 1, 고민재 한양대학교 ; 1 한국생산기술연구원 A new self-healable polymeric material is prepared by solution blending of conventional polyurethane and functional polyimide. The polymer blend has outstanding self-healing abilities and, interestingly, significantly increased surface hardness and modulus compared with conventional polyurethane only, which is attributed to the strong supramolecular networks resulting from interactions between urethane groups and imide groups. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy is applied to prove the effective self-healing mechanism of self-healable polymer blend, and a nanoindentation tester and a universal testing machine are used to compare the mechanical properties of self-healable polymer blend and conventional polyurethane after the self-healing process. The self-healable polymer prepared in this study exhibits excellent self-healing capabilities and mechanical properties, and therefore can be used for practical applications like automotive coatings and electronic devices. 1PS-31 이재경 Curvature engineering of glassy polymers using programmed light absorption 이재경, 이종혁, 최준찬 1, 이재원 1, 원수경, 김학린 1, 위정재 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 ; 1 경북대학교 Origami-inspired shape-reconfiguration of polymeric materials from 2D to 3D have drawn great attention. However, the programmed deformation of glassy polymers is often limited to in-plane folding of hinges. In this study, we report contactless curvature engineering of 2D biaxially-stretched polymers by selective photothermal effects implemented by patterned inks. Under the exposure of the near infrared (NIR) light, patterned areas in the polymeric film experience local light absorption above the polymer glass transition, resulting in contraction. Herein, we employed radial hinges and facets to program non-linear crease and non-responsive areas towards construction of complex 3D architectures, including saddle shapes and chiral structures. We systematically varied the number of radial hinges and will discuss effectiveness of patterns along with the finite element modeling (FEM) simulation. 1PS-32 이하람 Preparation and Characterization of Polyethylene-based Activated Carbon Fibers 이하람, 조원기, 원종성, 이승구 충남대학교 In general, PAN and pitch precursors, have been widely used in activated carbon fiber (ACF) manufacturing, but they have an disadvantages of high price. Therefore, polyethylene was adopted as a precursor material to produce activated carbon fiber for low cost and high performance fine dust removal filter. Polyethylene fibers are spun, crosslinked through sulfuric acid treatment and energy radiation. Activated carbon fibers having micropores were prepared by carbonizing crosslinked fibers and then physical and chemical activation. The porosity, specific surface area, and average pore diameter of the prepared ACF were measured. Finally, and the optimization conditions were established through analysis of thermal properties and physical properties. 1PS-33 조국현 Nanostructure changes in nylon 5,6 fibers under tension owing to hydrogen bond formation 조국현, 이현휘 1, 김효정 부산대학교 ; 1 포항공과대학교 We investigated the effect of tension on the stable α-phase formation of nylon 5,6 fibers with two different drawing speeds using two-dimensional transmission wide-angle X-ray scattering measurement. In an ex-situ condition, i.e., after releasing the applied tension and temperature, the relative amount of the α-phase in the fibers was higher at a higher drawing speed. On the contrary, the development of the α-phase seemed faster and stronger during in-situ elongation of the fiber at a lower drawing speed. The γ-phase, rather than the α-phase, played a key role in this complex behavior. The mechanical properties of the nylon fibers elongated under slow drawing speed were better than those elongated under a higher drawing speed. The mechanical properties were more consistent in the case of α-phase formation in an in-situ condition under applied tension on the nylon fibers. 1PS-34 조성준 Perpendicular Lamellar Orientation of Side-Chain Modified Fluorine-Containing Block Copolymers 조성준, 전승배, 전태석, 류두열 연세대학교 Block copolymers (BCPs) have been attractive material for bottom-up approach for its distinct property, which it can perform nanoscale structures spontaneously in longrange alignment. Recently, surmounting the limits of sub-10 nm feature size in BCP self-assembly, tremendous attentions were brought up by many groups. In this study, we report a newly designed fluorine containing BCPs (polystyrene-b-poly(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl acrylate)) via anionic polymerization and transesterification. Flory-Huggins interaction parameter (χ) was evaluated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) which was higher than 0.2 over the entire temperature range and the evaluated linear-type χ is 30.86/T , where T is absolute temperature. Film experiments were also demonstrated on a neutralized substrate where a sub-10 nm perpendicular lamellar morphology was observed with simple thermal annealing supported by top coat strategies. 1PS-35 황희동 Star-Shaped Block Copolymers: Effective Polymer Gelators of High-Performance Gel Electrolytes for Electrochemical Devices 황희동, 신나리, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 Ion gels composed of copolymers and ionic liquids have attracted great interest as polymer gel electrolytes for various electrochemical applications. Here, we present highly robust ion gels based on a six-arm star-shaped block copolymer of (poly(methyl methacrylate)-b-polystyrene)6 and an ionic liquid of [EMI][TFSI]. Compared to typical ion gels based on linear PS-b-PMMA-b-PS, the (MS)6-based gels show mechanical moduli of more than twice under various strains. To demonstrate that (MS)6-based ion gels can serve as effective gel electrolytes for electrochemical applications, Ru(bpy)32+ is incorporated into the gels. In particular, flexible ECL devices based on (MS)6 gels exhibit high durability against bending deformation compared to devices with gels based on linear SMS having a similar molecular weight and a composition. This result implies that star-shaped block copolymers are effective gelators for achieving flexible/wearable electrochemical electronics. 분자전자부문위원회 1PS-36 고창우 Synthesis and Characterization of New Nonfullerene Electron Acceptors for Organic Photovoltaics 고창우, 우한영 고려대학교 Recently, non-fullerene acceptors have attracted significant attention for organic photovoltaics (OPVs) exhibiting well-aligned energy levels, complementary absorption and appropriate morphology with donors. However, most of the high performance non-fullerene acceptors are based on linear structure containing rigid electron donating core and two electron deficient end-capping groups. Although the 2-dimentional (2D) star-shaped molecule has potential to exhibit good efficiency in solar cells, such as improved molar absorption coefficient and face-on oriented columnar packing structures enhancing charge mobility in a vertical direction, little studies have been done. In this study, two triazine-based n-type 2D star-shaped molecules were designed and synthesized. The structural planarity of the materials induced the molecular orientation to be face-on in the bulk. With this characteristics, it has been applied as an n-type active layer material for OPVs and will be presented in detail. 1PS-37 권은혜알코올첨가에의한폴리사이오펜용액및박막에서의분자결정거동특성권은혜, 박영돈 1, 인천대학교 ; 1 인천대학교에너지화학공학과최근유기전자소자에이용되는공액고분자박막의결정성향상에관한연구들이수행되어왔다. 비용매첨가공정은공액고분자박막의결정성을향상시키는방법으로널리알려져있다. 본실험에서는 P3HT 고분자박막의결정성를향상시키기위한목적으로클로로포름용액에다양한알코올 ( 메탄올, 에탄올, 프로판올, 부탄올 ) 을각각 1 vol% 씩첨가하여수행하였다. 용액상태에서는알코올의극성이클수록 P3HT 의결정성이향상되었고, 박막상태에서는알코올의끓는점이높을수록 P3HT 의결정성이향상되었다. 알코올첨가로인해제조된 P3HT 박막은알코올종류에따라최대 10 배향상된전계효과이동도를나타내었다. 1PS-38 김병기 Adjusting solubility of methylammonium lead halide depending on non-stoichiometric molar ratio for efficient perovskite solar cells 김병기, 장웅식, 조재상, 왕동환 중앙대학교 In this study, the non-stoichiometric molar ratio among CH 3NH 3I:PbI 2:DMSO solutions was applied to control the quality of the perovskite layers. A homogeneous grain size and a regular inter-grain arrangement were obtained in the optimized solubility via scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analyses. We also confirmed that the PSCs (Perovskite Solar Cells) with the optimized condition exhibited higher current density and enhanced electrical properties through the Lamer model effect. Consequently, tailoring the solubility of CH 3NH 3PbI 3 can have a critical effect on the fabrication of high quality perovskite thin film based photovoltaic cells. 1PS-39 김연주 Kinetically Controlled Crystallization in Conjugated Polymer Films for High-Performance Organic Field-Effect Transistors 김연주, 김남구 1, 김동유 광주과학기술원 ; 1 LG 전자 Organic field effect transistors (OFETs) have attracted much interest for future electronics because they can have flexibility with processing from solution at low temperature. Recently many researches make an attempt to control the film morphology which directly correlated to the charge transporting ability of conjugated polymers. In this work, we demonstrate optimized poly{[n,n -bis(2-octyldodecyl)-naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximide)- 2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5 -(2,2 -bithiophene)} (P(NDI2OD-T2)) film morphologies, which are obtained by precisely regulating the solidification rate in metastable state. The kinetic control in the metastable state brings about dramatic morphological changes in both polymer domain sizes and molecular packing structures. The optimized P(NDI2OD-T2) films provide significantly increased electron mobilities up to 3.99 cm 2 V -1 s -1, which is impressive improvement in performance by nearly 100-fold as compared to spin-coated devices. 1PS-40 김영웅 Sequentially Fluorinated Triarylamine-based Polymers as Hole Transporting Materials to Enhance Open Circuit Voltage for Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells 김영웅, 정의혁 1, 서장원 1, 김범준 KAIST; 1 한국화학연구원 A sequentially fluorinated poly(triarylamine)s (PTAAs) with different energy levels, especially highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), were synthesized as hole transporting materials (HTMs). To comprehend the effects of the HOMO of HTM on perovskite solar cells (PSCs) we fabricated the FAPbI 3-based mixed system PSCs adjusting PTAA derivatives. The deeper HOMO level of HTM led to higher open circuit voltage 제 44 권 1 호 69

73 (VOC), resulting in highly efficient PSC. Thus, the energy level of HTM is related to determining the VOC of PSC, controlling the energy level of HTM is an effective mean of increasing VOC to achieve efficient PSC. 1PS-41 김용희 Organic Source-Gated Transistors with Deformability for Low-Power Operation 김용희, 이은광 1, 오준학 2, 포항공과대학교 / 서울대학교 ; 1 Purdue University; 2 서울대학교 Organic field-effect transistors require high voltage for operation. Therefore, electrolyte dielectric materials are utilized. However, these materials exhibit undesirable doping effects and power dissipation problems. In this research, we report a method for low-power organic electronic devices using a source-gated transistor (SGT) structure. In SGTs, asymmetric metals with different work functions are used for the source and drain electrodes. SGTs based on organic semiconductors exhibit significantly lower drain voltage (<10 V) for the saturation regime compared to typical field-effect transistors with the same dielectric layer (>80 V). In addition, using n-type dopant, the threshold voltage of n-type SGTs is shifted from 51.2 to 0.1 ev and air-stability is improved. Finally, we fabricate flexible SGTs on a Parylene-C substrate which exhibit stable operation under a bending condition. Our results demonstrate a promising technology for low-power, flexible electronic devices. 1PS-42 김재희 A Highly Sensitive and Selective Chemotransistor Using Semiconducting Polymer Gel Films 김재희, 박한울, 권혁민, 황해중, 김승한 1, 송애란 2, 정권범 2, 강문성 1, 김도환 한양대학교 ; 1 숭실대학교 ; 2 동국대학교 Unlike oxide semiconductors, semiconducting polymer-based chemosensors have a significant attention because of their low operating temperature. However, they suffer from low sensitivity with gas molecules compared to oxide semiconductors. Herein, we describe semiconducting polymer gel showing interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs). The various functional groups could be introduced by manipulating the silanol groups of IPNs. Therefore, we utilized amine groups (-NH 2) (electron donating) as a functional group due to their strong interaction (hydrogen-bonding) with NO 2 molecules. The response of amine-functionalized semiconducting polymer gel (NH 2-SPG)-based chemotransistor is larger than pristine semiconducting polymer, which is due to enhanced interactions with NO 2 (electron withdrawing). Further, the recovery time was significantly improved because penetration of gas into NH 2-SPG was restricted by the NH 2 groups introduced onto the surface. 1PS-43 박종진 Chlorinated Isoindigo-based Conjugated Polymers: Effect of Rotational Freedom of Conjugated Segment on Crystallinity and Charge-Transport Characteristics 박종진, 김영아 1, 이승훈 2, 김주환 1, 김윤슬, 임대희, 김동유 광주과학기술원 ; 1 LG 화학 ; 2 한국화학연구원 The chlorinated isoindigo (CI) is promising building block for organic semiconducting materials because the favourable properties, such as ready availability, lower price, and higher capability to hold the electron density than fluorine atoms, make them advantageous for use in semiconducting materials. In this study, we systematically investigate the effect of the structural property flexibility vs rigidity of the donor unit on the crystallinity and charge transport characteristics of chlorinated isoindigo acceptor-based D-A type conjugated polymers. Interestingly, in GIXRD analysis, although TV unit is more planar structure than BT unit, PCIBT had more improved molecular ordering than PCITV. This may be associated with the BT unit having higher rotational freedom compared to that of the TV unit. This property of the BT unit can facilitate thermal-assisted polymer chain packing in film state that results in an enhanced molecular ordering of PCIBT after thermal annealing process. 1PS-44 서의현 Doping of Donor-Acceptor Polymers with Long Side Chains via Solution Mixing for Advancing Thermoelectric Properties 서의현, 정용진, 오종규, 이규민, 정재민, 장재영 한양대학교 One-step doping of conjugated polymers by solution mixing is typically performed instead of sequential doping because of its simplicity. However, doped polymer solutions often exhibit poor solubility, and the dopants present in the produced films can disturb the molecular ordering of polymer structures. In this work, effective pairs of two donor-acceptor (D-A) type polymers and a molecular dopant characterized by high solution stability and thermoelectric properties of the prepared films are reported. The long side chains in the polymers preserve their original solubilities and crystallinity in the solution and thin-film states, respectively, even at large amounts of added dopant (up to 38 mol%). Furthermore, the shallow HOMO levels of the D-A polymers enable efficient charge transfer from the dopant. Owing to their good charge transport properties, the doped D-A polymers exhibit outstanding thermoelectric power factors up to 31.5 μw/m K2, about 50 times higher than those of P3HT. 1PS-45 손선영 Blue phosphorescence organic light emitting diodes with trifluorosulfonyl-substituted iridium complexes for preferential horizontal orientation 손선영, 정성준, 권순기 1, 김윤희 1, 포스텍 ; 1 경상대학교 New blue iridium complexes consist of trifluoromethyl sulfonyl substituent at 3 position on the phenyl ring, and methyl group at the 4 position of the pyridine group as the main ligand and a picolinate (pic), a picolinate with 3-methylpyridine (mpic) as the ancillary ligand for blue phosphorescence organic light emitting diodes (PHOLEDs) have been synthesized. The device with mpic dopant showed higher current, external quantum, and power efficiency of 7.17 cd/a, 3.7%, and 5.29 lm/w compared to that with the pic dopant (4.03 cd/a, 2.78%, and 3.57 lm/w). These improved properties could be explained by the outcoupling effect by relatively horizontally orientated emitter and preventing self-quenching due to triplet-triplet annihilation. This work was supported by National Research Foundation (NRF-2016R1C1B ) of Korea grant funded by the Korea government and Pohang University of Science and Technology. 의료용고분자부문위원회 1PS-46 Y Loan To Nguyen Injectable Gelatin-Polyethylene Glycol Hybrid Hydrogels with Tunable Mechanical Properties for Biomedical Applications Y Loan To Nguyen, 박기동 Ajou University Injectable gelatin hydrogels have been widely used for tissue engineering due to their minimally invasive implantation and excellent bioactivity. However, their biomedical applications were impeded by the insufficient mechanical properties of gelatin. In this study, we improved the mechanical properties of gelatin hydrogels, by incorporation of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). Firstly, we synthesized gelatin hydroxyphenyl propionic acid (GH) and poly(ethylene glycol) tyramine (PT). Then, gelatin/peg hydrogels were fabricated from different ratio of GH and PT, using Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-mediated crosslinking reaction. We observed that the compressive strength and elastic modulus of gelatin/peg hydrogels increased up to 600 kpa and 14kPa, respectively as increasing the PEG content. From the obtained results, we suggest that gelatin/peg hydrogels with tunable mechanical properties can be used for various biomedical applications. 1PS-47 김민성 Antimicrobial Peptide Mimetic Functional Polyethers 김민성, 문원식, 조가영, 권지수, Robert James Mitchell, 김병수 1, 울산과학기술원 ; 1 연세대학교 Antimicrobial peptide (AMP) is one of the key components of the immune system found in various plants, insect, and animals. The main mechanism is known to attach and destroy the bacterial cells membrane or to penetrate the cell membrane and inhibit cell metabolism. To date, there have been active investigations to imitate these peptides and build new artificial systems that complement their disadvantages such as proteolysis, low in vivo efficacy, and hemolytic behavior. In this study, we design and synthesize a novel AMP mimetic polyethers by using three functional epoxide monomers mimicking natural amino acid. All monomers are successfully synthesized and copolymerized by anionic ring-opening polymerization (AROP). Their biological activities toward diverse bacteria and the hemolytic concentration toward human red blood cell are determined. We anticipate the potentials of designer epoxide monomers for the synthesis of functional polyethers toward peptidomimetics. 1PS-48 신상우 Polymeric Microspheres Contatining Ceramic Nanoparticles for Dermal Filler Having Long-term Stability and Low Inflammatory Responses 신상우, 장연도 1, 강은영 2, 고경원, 박우람, 한동근 차의과학대학교 ; 1 차의과학대학교 / 중앙대학교 ; 2 차의과학대학교 / 고려대학교 Natural polymer-based dermal fillers have received significant attention in the field of skin care. However, the degradation time of natural polymer is short after implantation. Although synthetic polymers have a long duration in the body, it causes inflammatory responses by acid byproducts during their degradation. To overcome the limitations, polymeric microspheres containing ceramic nanoparticles were prepared. The polymer microspheres were prepared with ceramic nanoparticles via the double emulsion method. The amount of ceramic nanoparticles and collagen production in HDF were evaluated by TGA and PCR, respectively. Indeed, the ceramic nanoparticles neutralized the acidic microenvironment in the degradation, thereby improving stability and reducing inflammation. In results, the polymeric microspheres including ceramic nanoparticles are expected to be applicable as a new type of dermal filler in wide range of medical devices. 1PS-49 안준혁 Anticancer effect of Flufenamic acid acid-loaded Lauric acid g-chitosan nanoparticle 안준혁, 홍웅길, 정경원, 나재운 순천대학교고분자공학과 Flufenamic acid (FA) has be widely used as anti-inflammatory agent, but according to study currently, researchers reported that it has anticancer effect against bladder cancer cell. However, solubility of FA against water is very low, which may lead to inefficient anticancer effect. To overcome these obstacle, many of researcher have designed to polymeric micelles composed of hydrophilic and hydrophobic substance in order to deliver insoluble drug at cancer cell. We synthesized lauric acid (LA)-grafted water-soluble chitosan (WC) micelle (LAWC) by coupling agent. Chemical structure of LAWC was confirmed by 1 H-NMR and FT-IR. In addition, FA-loaded LAWC (LAWCF) nanoparticles were produced by dialysis method. Their drug contents (DC) and encapsulation efficiency (EE) from LAWCF were calculated by using UV-vis spectrophotometer. These results suggest that it can be applied to anticancer agent against bladder cancer cell (No. NRF-2016H1D5A ). 1PS-50 이영화 Synthesis and characterization of biocompatible glycol chitosan based nanoparticles for gene delivery 이영화, 최준식 충남대학교 Since glycol chitosan is biocompatible and biodegradable, it has been studied as a 70 제 44 권 1 호

74 good material as a gene delivery carrier. In this study, we have developed and studied a gene delivery carrier by introducing methyl acrylate and polyethylenimine using glycol chitosan. GMP800, GMP1300 and GMP2000 were identified by 1 H-NMR and electrophoresis was performed to confirm the binding ability with pdna. The particle size and surface charge of GMP800, GMP1300 and GMP2000 with pdna were measured using a zetasizer. Cytotoxicity was assessed using various cell lines, and cellular uptake was confirmed by confocal microscopy. In addition, the gene expression rate in HeLa cell line was confirmed by confocal image through GFP, and transfection efficiency was measured by protein quantification. As a result, the prepared nanoparticles are expected to be used as biocompatible gene delivery carriers because of their low toxicity and strong binding force with genes. 1PS-51 이채규 Iridium Complex Encapsulated in Redox-Responsive Hyperbranched Polyglycerol Nanogel for Minimally Invasive Photodynamic Therapy 이채규, 이채헌, 이준희, 김병수 1, 권태혁 울산과학기술원 ; 1 연세대학교 Ir(III) complexes have attracted much attentions in biological approach due to their outstanding advantages in generation efficiency of reactive oxygen species, luminescence lifetime and photo-stability. However, the use of Ir(III) complexes as therapeutic agent has been limited because of their high cytotoxicity and lack of cancer selectivity. Herein, we synthesized iridium complexes encapsulated in self-cross-linked nanogels (IrNG) by thiol-disulfide intermolecular exchanges. High drug loading capacity of over 20% was provided through hydrophobic interaction with polymer nanogel and lots of vacancies in hyperbranched polymer. Size and GSH-responsiveness of IrNG was suitable for targeted cancer therapy. Also, higher cell viability in dark was confirmed, but cytotoxicity of IrNG were maintained under light irradiation. Therefore, these data suggest photo- and GSH-responsive cancer therapy of IrNG with reduced side-effect caused by undesired distribution of iridium complexes. 1PS-52 이한울 Stimulus-Responsive Conformational Conversion for Triggered Cytotoxicity of Peptides 이한울, 이정훈 1, 오은택 2, 최민혁 1, 김하경 2, 김지원 1, 박헌주 2, 김철희 1, 인하대학교 ; 1 인하대학교고분자공학 ; 2 인하대학교의과대학 KLA peptide 는 α-helix 구조를통해 mitochondria 의막을파괴하여세포사멸을유도한다고알려져있으나낮은선택성으로인해치료제로의활용에큰제약이따른다. 본연구에서는이러한한계를극복하기위하여 KLA peptide 에 disulfide bond 의도입을통해 peptide 의 conformation 을제어하여세포독성을조절하고선택성을부여하는연구를수행하였다. Helical 구조를나타내는 KLA peptide 의양말단을 disulfide bond 를이용하여 cyclization 하면 helicity 가현저하게감소하는것을확인하였으며, 여기에암세포에서과발현된다고알려진 glutathione 을처리하면 helicity 가다시회복되는것을확인하였다. 이러한 peptide 를 hyaluronate 와 complexation 을시킨경우 CD44 가발현되는암세포에선택적으로 targeting 하여들어갈수있을뿐만아니라 glutathione 이과발현되는세포에서만 peptide 의 helicity 가회복되어선택적으로세포독성을보이는것을확인하였다. 따라서본연구에서사용한 peptide 의자극감응형 conformational transformation 방법을 peptide 를이용한선택적치료제의개발에유용하게사용할수있을것으로기대된다. 1PS-53 정하영 Injectable Chitosan/Polyethylene glycol Hybrid Hydrogels for Highly Enhanced Adhesive Properties 정하영, 박기동 아주대학교 Chitosan (CH)-based hydrogels have been widely used as bio-adhesives due to mucoadhesive property of chitosan. However, their adhesive strength was impeded due to the rigid crystalline structure of chitosan. In this study, we incorporated PEG into the chitosan hydrogel to reduce the rigidity and induce flexibility of hydrogel structure, therefore enhancing the adhesive strength. CH and PEG were grafted with phenol moieties and crosslinked to form hybrid hydrgels using hoseradish peroxidase (HRP)-catalyzed reaction. The adhesive strength of hydrogels was investigated by varying the contents (0~100%), molecular weight (4,10,20 kda) and structure (linear or tetra) of PEG. It was found that the hydrogels formed by 70% contents of PEG (10 kda, linear) showed the highest compressive strength (2.2 MPa), leading to enhanced adhesive strength to 200 kpa. From the obtained results, we suggest that CH/PEG hybrid hydrogels could be promising adhesive biomaterials. 1PS-54 한재훈 Non-invasive Strip Sensor for Multiple Diseases Diagnosis through Tear Collection 한재훈, 조용찬, 최영빈 서울대학교 In this study, we developed a non-invasive strip sensor to concurrently diagnose diabetes and dry eye syndrome through tear collection. The strip sensor was composed of a tear collector designed to not cause eye irritation, and the sensor units for multiple disease diagnosis, where we applied the electrochemical means to detect glucose in tear and tear meniscometry to diagnose dry eye syndrome. In vivo experiment was performed on two different rabbit groups, which possessed normal conditions and both hyperglycemia and dry eye syndrome, respectively. Thus, when the strip sensor was contacted with the inferior palpebral conjunctiva of the rabbit eye for 15 seconds, a significant difference was observed in tear glucose level and collected volume of tear fluid between the animal groups (p < ) without any apparent eye tissue damage. The outputs measured with the sensor herein showed a high correlation to those from the conventional diagnostic methods in clinical use. 1PS-55 홍웅길 Preparation and Evaluation of Tropolone-loaded chitosan nanoparticles 홍웅길, 안준혁, 정경원, 나재운 순천대학교고분자공학과 Tropolone has been used as preserved agent in food. However, utilization of tropolone as preserved agent has been limited because of expensive cost and short half-life. To overcome these obstacle, tropolone was encapsulated to chitosan-graft stearic acid micelle (CSA), which may lead to sustained release of tropolone. The chemical structure of CSA was analyzed by 1 H-NMR. Moreover, tropolone loaded CSA nanoparticles (CSAT) were prepared by evaporation method. The contents, encapsulation efficiency and release behavior of tropolone from CSAT were confirmed by UV-vis spectrophotometer. Its particle size and morphological property of CSA and CSAT were confirmed by DLS and TEM. Moreover, cytotoxicity of CSA and CSAT were confirmed by MTT assay in human embryo kidney (HEK 293) cell line. These results suggest that CSA micelle is exceptional drug carrier for sustained release of tropolone (No. NRF-2016H1D5A ). 콜로이드및분자조립부문위원회 1PS-56 김가현 DNA Binding Properties of DNA Block Copolymer Micelles 김가현, 박소정 이화여자대학교 We report the regulation of the molecular recognition properties of DNA block copolymer micelles with respect to the properties of polymer. Polymers of different type and length were coupled with DNA, and DNA block copolymers were self-assembled into spherical micelles having hydrophobic polymer segment as core, hydrophilic DNA as shell. DNA block copolymer micelles with different types of polymer exhibited different binding properties with complementary DNA. This presentation will discuss what affect the DNA binding properties of self-assembled DNA block copolymer assemblies. 1PS-57 김경주 Correlating nano black spots and optical stability in mixed halide perovskite quantum dots 김경주, 최신일, 고윤혁 1, PREM PRABHAKARAN, 이광섭 한남대학교 ; 1 한양대학교 Inorganic lead trihalide perovskites quantem dots (PQDs) are highly efficient emitting materials with sharp emission profiles. Among inorganic lead trihalide PQDs (CsPbX 3 where X= Cl -, Br -, I - ) usually show the most breathtaking PL-QY (up to 90%) in the primary observations directly after synthesis, but, also show the lowest optical stability, thereby delaying their commercialization. In fact, it takes only a few days to have totally zero-emission when they are left in air at room temperature due to the chemical degradation. The causes of this degradation potentially include factors such as thermal decomposition, light exposure and phase transitions. Our investigations based on TEM and HAADF-TEM reveal that Nano black spots (NBSs) are areas of high concentration of Pb 2+ ions on the QDs. We have futher correlated the apprearance of NBSs with change in optical properties of QDs. Tolerance factor can be used to predict optical stability and appearance of NBSs. 1PS-58 김종빈 Interfacial Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Tiles for Reconfigurable Photonic Surfaces 김종빈, 이건호, 김신현 KAIST Photonic crystals are periodic nanostructures where certain wavelengths cannot exist on the ground of photonic bandgap. Many organisms in nature have an array of photonic crystal structures at the epidermal cell for photo-protection or higher photosynthetic efficiency. Photonic surface formed at the air-water interface realizes as-mentioned environment as the epidermal photonic crystals work. Here, photonic tiles with nonclose-packed array of cavities are physically and chemically treated so that resulting amphiphilicity facilitates the assembly of the tiles at the air-water interface. The assembly is enhanced in that the attractive force between tiles at the interface increases by modification and the tiles are hardly tilted or immersed in water. Their assembly produces reconfigurable photonic surface in two- and three-dimensional space. The assembly of photonic tiles on water can also be transferred onto a elastomer or hard substrate, which is a new way of photonic surface coating. 1PS-59 박상혁 Regioselective Deposition of Colloidal Crystals on 2D-patterned Templates by Depletion-induced Assembly 박상혁, 이승열, 김신현 KAIST The colloidal crystals show structural colors through diffraction of a selected wavelength in the visible range. To use the structural colors in various applications, the patterning of the colloidal crystals is prerequisite yet challenging. Here, we suggest the one-step method for simultaneous colloidal crystallization and pattern formation through regioselective epitaxial growth. In a confining space between the 2D pattern of dimple array and planar surface, macromolecules, served as depletants, cause a strong dimple-particle attraction and relatively weak interparticle attraction. Thus, the colloidal particles are first deposited on the dimple array to form a monolayer and further deposited on the monolayer to form multilayered colloidal crystals. As the dimple array guides the crystallization, the structural color is micropatterned along the design of the 2D pattern. This simple yet controlled method will provide a new means to produce structural color patterns for practical uses. 1PS-60 서명균 Synthesis of single crystalline silver microcubes via seed-mediated growth 서명균, 전석진 금오공과대학교 Single-crystal metal has important implications as a specimen for measuring mechanical 제 44 권 1 호 71

75 property changes. However, single-crystal metal is likely to be poly-crystallized during growth and requires precise control of experimental variables to maintain single-crystal state. This presentation introduces the process of developing silver nanocube seeds into microcubes using seed growth methods among chemical single crystal growth methods. In order to maintain the original cube shape while the nanocube was growing with microcube, it confirmed the importance of atmospheric air control in the experimental environment, the effect of additives such as HCl, and the effect of polyvinylpyrrolidone, the surface stabilizer, and analyzed the crystal structure of the final growing microcube with TEM. 1PS-61 신수인 Turn-On Detection of Human Epithelial Cell Using Aptamer/Graphene Oxide 신수인, 안동준, 원태경, 이예담고려대학교 Aptamers are biopolymers, self-assemble ssdna or RNA, which can bind to specific target. As well as antigen-antibody binding, aptamer has high affinity and specificity but also stability. Therefore, aptamer has a great potential to be used in many field, biosensor/chip, medical and science, etc. In this research, we developed one-step turn-on detectable biosensor based on aptamer/graphene oxide that can easily detect human epithelial cell. We selected Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) aptamer that could bind to the EGFR protein in the cell membrane. Graphene oxide acts as a sensing platform with high fluorescence quenching efficiency and realize real-time target monitoring in living cells. By utilizing the advantages of the above material, we amplified the efficiency to detect only the target material. 1PS-62 이건호 Dynamic Change of Pronounced Structural Colors through Mechanical Deformation for Active Camouflage 이건호, 한상훈, 김종빈, 김종현, 이정민 1, 김신현 한국과학기술원 ; 1 국방과학연구소 The structural colors are dynamically tunable with mechanical deformation by embedding the colloidal array in an elastic matrix. However, such compositions usually render the films transparent and structural color lowly saturated. Therefore, we design mechanochromic films and patterns that show structural colors with high saturation. The silica particles have repulsive interparticle potential and form a nonclose-packed array, whereas polydopamine nanoparticles are inserted into the interstitial voids. As polydopamine nanoparticles reduce incoherent scattering, the pronounced structural color is arisen from the films. Moreover, the photonic films show a dynamic color change according to deformation. As the large strain is applied to films, the photonic effect is overwhelmed by absorption of polydopamine nanoparticles. This unique property is used to make color-tunable and hidable patterns. Finally, the photonic films are appealing for anti-counterfeiting and active camouflage. 1PS-63 전광훈 Seed-mediated growth of silver nanowires 전광훈, 전석진 금오공과대학교 Silver nanomaterials have gained much attention for various applications including electrodes, sensors, and catalysts due to their high conductivity, surface plasmon resonance, and high surface activity. Among silver nanomaterials, silver nanowires have been extensively studied for the fabrication of transparent and stretchable electrodes for wearable electronic devices recently. It is essential to control the thickness and length of pure nanowires in order to be used in a variety of fields based on silver nanowires In this presentation, the shows the synthesis of seed through polyole synthesis in a controlled response atmosphere for nanowires, and introduces the control of thickness and length of nanowires by growing the seed. 1PS-64 정우혁 Regulating Gel-Phase Growth in Supported Lipid-Diacetylene Complex Bilayer: Molecular Interpretation via Computational Chemistry 정우혁, 황지민, 이상엽, 안동준 고려대학교 Polydiacetylene (PDA), one of the responsive polymer, is an attractive material for sensors, bio-imaging and drug delivery systems. This material exhibits blue-to-red color transition due to the external stimuli. By assigning this material to supported lipid bilayer (SLB) platform, it delivers selectivity in bio-molecular detection. To investigate its time-dependent nanoscale phase behavior, we adapted computational chemistry. Especially, coarse grained molecular dynamic simulation has aimed at simulating the behavior of complex system. In this presentation, we present a crucial role of components in regulating the degree of phase coexistence, which can determine detection capability against antimicrobial peptide. 고분자합성 ( I ) 1PS-65 Gajendiran Mani Development of Cationic Polyester-Co-Polypropylene Glycol Di-Block Copolymer By One-Pot Anionic Ring Opening Polymerization Gajendiran Mani, 김교범 Incheon National University In this present investigation, a cationic polyester-co-neutral poly propylene glycol (CPE-PPG) di-block copolymer has been synthesized by a one-pot reaction method. In the first step, anionic ring opening polymerization of 3-(t-BOC amino) 1,2 propylene oxide and succinic anhydride was carried out and in the second step, propylene oxide was injected to build poly propylene glycol block on the reactive anionic site to get poly(t-boc amino propylene succinate)-co-polypropylene glycol diblock copolymer. After deprotection of t-boc group, arginine was attached on free amine group of polymer backbone to get CPE-PPG. The polymer was characterized by FTIR, NMR, zeta potential and GPC analyses. The cationic CPE-PPG/heparin coacervate microparticles were prepared and their colloidal stability has been investigated by DLS size measurement. This investigation provides a simple method for synthesizing cationic block copolymers for biomedical applications. 1PS-66 Hoang Chinh Tran Polyether Polyol Synthesis by Double Metal Cyanide-Catalyzed Ring-Opening Polymerization of Various Epoxides Hoang Chinh Tran, 엄제현, 김일 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 A series of polyether polyols has been synthesized by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of various epoxides such as propylene oxide, 1,2-epoxy hexane, glycidyl isopropyl ether, and 1,2-epoxy tetradecane using Zn-Co double metal cyanide (DMC) catalysts. The DMC catalysts were characterized by structure-sensitive analysis (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X-ray powder diffraction) and elemental analysis (thermogravimetric analysis). In addition to propylene oxide, DMC catalyst exhibited high activity in the batch polymerization of epoxides both in the presence and absence of initiator. The resultant polymers had a wide range of molecular weight (Mn = ) and polydispersity index ( ). The functionality of the producing polyols can be controlled by using suitable initiators. 1PS-67 MASUD Synthesis of well-defined PAN-based triblock copolymers by bifunctional PEObased trithiocarbonate macromolecular RAFT agent MASUD, 김환규 Korea University In this study, a series of well-defined polyethylene oxide (PEO)-based triblock copolymers containing poly(acrylonitrile) and poly(acrylonitrile-co-dimethyl acrylamide) were synthesized by reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. Trithiocarbonate functional groups were attached to a commercial polyethylene glycol (Mn=2050) to obtain bifunctional PEO-based macro RAFT agent. A comprehensive study was performed to understand the influence of reaction temperature, solvent, and ratio of monomer, macro chain transfer agent (MCTA) and initiator on the polymerization kinetics, molecular weight, and polydispersity. Well-defined copolymers with targeting molecular weight and low polydispersity index at high conversion were obtained by using ethylene carbonate solvent and an optimized [M]0:[MCTA]0:[I]0 ratio at 90. The resultant triblock copolymers are highly thermal and mechanically stable. 1PS-68 Pradyasti Astrini Synthesis of Hollow Polystyrene Microparticles Covered with Au/Ag Nanocrystals and Their Application Pradyasti Astrini, 김문호 부경대학교 Hollow polymer microspheres have many unique physicochemical properties. As a result, the structures are used in various potential applications. To produce hollow polymer microparticles with well-defined nanostructures, various methods have been developed. However, most of the methods takes long processing time. In this research, an easy, green, and low-cost synthetic for producing hollow polystyrene (PS) microparticles nanostructures is conducted. Hollow polystyrene (PS) microparticles were obtained by dispersing PS seed microparticles in an ethanol-water mixture. Adding metal precursors on the particles, hollow PS microparticles were covered with bimetallic nanocrystals. Because of high surface-to-volume ratio, hollow PS microparticles are suitable for supporting materials for catalysts. Bimetallic nanocrystals (Au/Ag) covering the hollow PS microparticles is used as catalysts for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) to 4-aminophenol (4-AP) using NaBH 4 as the reducing agent. 1PS-69 RIMESH AUGUSTINE Dox and IR-780 Dye-Encapsulated Nano Micelles Based on Linear Cyclic Polymer for Enhanced Tumor therapy RIMESH AUGUSTINE, 김일, Saji Uthaman 1, 박인규 1 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 ; 1 전남대학교의생명과학융합센터의과대학 We prepared a series of triblock poly(n-isopropylacrylamide)30-block-cyclic poly(l-lysine) n-block-poly(n-isopropylacrylamide)30 (p(nipam)30-b-cyclic p(l-lys)n-p(nipam)30) (n=10,20 and 30) polymer bio-conjugates via combination of reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer, Click reaction and ring opening polymerization of α-amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides. All the triblock polymer forms spherical micelles in aqueous solution and micelles were stabilized using terephthalaldehyde cross-linker with successfully encapsulating Doxorubicin (Dox) and IR-780 dye. Moreover, polymer micelles exhibited excellent drug loading capacity and drug loading efficiency, also in vitro drug release profile demonstrated that the maximum release of Dox was happened in ph 5.0 at 42 and in presence of glutathione intracellular mimic environment. The results of linear-cyclic polymer system expecting to be nice for the further studies in anticancer therapy. 72 제 44 권 1 호

76 1PS-70 Ye Yang Synthesis and Properties of New Smectic Reactive Mesogens for Guest-Host System Polarizer Ye Yang, He Rui, 이명훈 Chonbuk National University Polarizer is one of the essential optical element in LCDs. Conventional polarizers show limited thermal stability, low resistivity against solvents and large thickness. To overcome these defects, thin film polarizers are in demand. One possible approach is based on the highly ordered guest-host system, in which the anisotropic absorption of light achieved by aligning dichroic dye (guest) in the cooperative motion of the LC (host) molecules. New reactive LC monomers were designed and synthesized, which contains photo-polymerizable acrylate groups. To characterize the monomer 1 H-NMR, DSC and POM were used. The monomer possess highly ordered smectic phase at relatively low temperature. We fabricated thin film polarizer in a sandwich cell. High dichroic ratio (DR) and order parameter (S) were determined by polarized UV/Vis spectroscopy, which is much higher than the nematic thin film polarizers. 1PS-71 Anuraj Varyambath Tuning the Hyper-Cross-Linking Umpired Self-Assembly of Biphenyl-based Polymers: Study on Adsorption of Organic Pollutants Anuraj Varyambath, 김일 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 Hyper-cross-linked polymers (HCPs) are one of the most important subclasses of the microporous organic polymers (MOPs), which is widely used due to the fast kinetics to form rigid frameworks. Unlike the conventional templet approaches to tune the morphology of HCPs, varying monomer external cross-linker ratios enables to harmonize the morphogenesis of polymers. Herein we demonstrate template free approach for hyper-cross-linking of biphenyl-based polymer by a FeCl 3 catalyzed Friedel Crafts polymerization with formaldehyde dimethyl acetal (FDA). It was found that the monomer-fda concentration play crucial role to form tubular, fibrous and wrinkled-micro particles. Owing to the high surface area, strong organic framework and tuned morphologies, the obtained the hyper-cross-linked polybiphenyl (HCPBPy) exhibit the outstanding adsorption capacity and efficiency towards p-cresol. 1PS-72 Yu Zhang DOX/IR780 dye co-loaded polymeric vesicles as dual stimuli-responsive nanocarriers for synergistic chemo/photothermal therapy Yu Zhang, 김일, Saji Uthaman 1, 박인규 1 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 ; 1 전남대학교의생명과학융합센터의과대학 Stimuli-responsive polymer nanocarriers mediated drug delivery is one of the most promising platforms for targeting antitumor treatment. In this work, by using a combination of reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerization (RAFT) and ring opening polymerization, we present an efficient approach for preparing a series of disulfidecontaining amphiphilic polypeptide hybrids, poly(n-isopropylacrylamide)-block-poly (3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine) (PNIPAM-b-PDOPA). After the aminolysis of the RAFT end group and the deprotection of acetyl group, the resulting hybrids were able to self-assemble into stabilized and uniform micelles in which doxorubicin and IR780 are efficiently encapsulated. The in vitro cell viability assays results illustrated that the PNIPAM-b-PDOPA hybrid bioconjugates might serve as highly biocompatible and multifunctional nanocarriers for practical applications. 1PS-73 강승창키랄성말단유연사슬을갖는발광성액정화합물의합성및특성분석강승창, 최이준 금오공과대학교 OLED 는야외시인성을확보하기위해원편광판을사용하고있다. 그러나원편광판은 OLED 의등방성발광층에서나오는빛의세기를감소기키게된다. 따라서이방성을가지는발광층을사용하면편광된빛을발광하여편광판을통과하는빛의효율감소를줄일수있다. 특히발광하는빛이원편광을한다면편광판을통과하는빛의효율이더욱상승할수있다. 따라서본연구에서는 OLED 의광효율을상승시키기위하여발광층에서발광되는빛이원편광이되도록함으로써원편광자는통과하는빛의효율을더욱증가시키고자한다. 이러한맥락에서본연구에서는발광성메소겐의말단에키랄성유연사슬을결합시켜원편광발광성액정성화합물을합성하였다. 생성물의구조를 1 H-NMR 및 FT-IR 법을사용하여조사하였으며, 열적거동과액정상의특성을 DSC, POM 및 TGA 를사용하여조사하였다. 또한 UV-vis absorption 및 PL 의편광특성을조사하였다. 1PS-74 강인수 Detection of Heavy Metal Ions using Silica bead having Azobenzene Derivatives 강인수, 문관호 1, 이승우 1, 영남대학교 ; 1 영남대학교화학공학부 A variety of techniques for the determination of heavy metal ions have been investigated intensively in the literature including spectroscopy, chromatography, electrophoresis, and fluorescence detection. 1,2 Sensing technologies for cations have become very important for both biological and environmental applications. in response, a large class of cation sensors based on coordination chemistry has been developed. Several are selective for both alkali and alkaline earth metals, such as lithium, sodium, potassium, zinc, calcium and magnesium, in which detection is necessary to monitor and regulate a number of cellular functions. Heavy metal cations such a lead and mercury have also been studied, due to their deleterious effects on biological system. In addition, there are several other environmental concerns were prepared by diazotization reaction. 1PS-75 강인아 Synthesis of Shape-controlled Porous Melamine-formaldehyde Polymers 강인아, 윤영록, 김상율 KAIST A novel two-step process for porous melamine-formaldehyde polymer (MF) with high surface area was developed. Curing of MF polymer in aprotic solvent (e.g. dimethyl sulfoxide) produced a porous structure by eliminating small molecules as a by-product. MF polymers with a various shape such as particles or rods, transformed to the porous polymers while maintaining their shapes though the curing process. The porous MF polymers have been characterized by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and N 2 adsorption. These porous MF polymers could be utilized in CO 2 or metal ion capture with the abundant nitrogen functional groups and high surface area. 1PS-76 권지현 Effect of Thienyl Substituted Benzodithiophene and Fluorinated Phenazine in Copolymer for Polymer Solar Cells 권지현, 이근대, 박성수, 이원기, 진영읍 부경대학교 A new conjugated polymers (PBDTT-DT-DoDFPz and PBDTT-DT-DHDFPz), which respectively using Difluorinated Phenazine (DFPz) as an electron-deficient unit and a thienyl substituted benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene (BDTT) as an electron-rich unit, were synthesized by a Stille coupling reaction using palladium catalyst. These polymers could be dissolved in an organic solvent such as chloroform, chlorobenzene (CB), o-dichlorobenzene (o-dcb). These polymers were observed an optical bandgap of ev, with highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy level of and ev. Polymers with branched alkyl side chains had deeper HOMO values than polymers with linear alkyl side chain. All the conjugated polymers showed strong absorption in the range of nm in film state. As a result, high 2.76% of power conversion efficiency (PCE) was achieved with PBDTT-DT-DHDFPz. 1PS-77 권지현 A Study on Synthesis of Novel Conjugated Polymers by Using Benzodithiophene and Fluorinated Phenazine for PSCs 권지현, 이근대, 박성수, 이원기, 진영읍 부경대학교 The novel low-bandgap alternating copolymers (PBDT-DT-DoDFPz and PBDT-DT- DHDFPz) based on difluoro-phenazine were synthesized by stille coupling reaction to investigate the effect of alkyl side chain. Absorption spectra of polymers in film state show the bathochromic shift (about 16 ~ 35nm at maximum peak) compared to in solution. PBDT-DT-DoDFPz was red-shifted than PBDT-DT-DHDFPz. The reason is that the polymer with a linear alkyl side chain was better packed in the film than the polymer with a branched alkyl side chain. A TGA (thermogravimetric analysis) figure showed that the 5% weight-loss temperature (T d) of these polymers were over 330 under an inert nitrogen. The AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) images showed that the domain of PBDT-DT-DoDFPz is smaller and more homogeneous than PBDT-DT-DHDFPz. As a result, the polymer PBDT-DT-DoDFPz achieved 3.41% of PCE (power conversion efficiency) and 0.66 V of open-circuit voltage (V oc). 1PS-78 권지현 Synthesis of Pull-type Phenazine units for Polymer Solar Cells 권지현, 이근대, 박성수, 이원기, 진영읍 부경대학교 The new phenazine unit for polymer solar cells was synthesized by various methods. The initial meterials 1,4-bis (dodecyloxy)-7,8-difluoro-2,3-dimethylphenazine and 1,4-bis (dodecyloxy)-7,8-difluorophenazine-2,3-dicarbonitrile were synthesized by the coupling reaction of bromine with amine using Ruphos Pd G2 catalyst. However, in the next step, the bromination reaction to substitute bromine on both sides of the material did not proceed due to steric hindrance. Due to this problem, molecular design has been improved, and the coupling reaction is initiated after bromide has been replaced in the reactants. The reactants were coupled to using 2,5-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone with 3,6-dibromo-4,5-difluorobenzene-1,2-diamine, respectively, and the final material (DBDFPz) was synthesized via alkylation and stille reactions. 1PS-79 김경민 Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Polyimide/Surface Modified BaTiO 3 Nanocomposite for Solution Processable High k Dielectric 김경민, 김윤호 1, 안택 경성대학교 ; 1 한국화학연구원 The development of high performance flexible electronics requires dielectrics possessing a high dielectric constant and enhanced mechanical stability. We report on a novel polymer nanocomposite dielectric based on 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPTES) functionalized barium titanate (BaTiO 3) nanoparticle as a dopant in crosslinkable polyimide (PI). Polyimide (DOCDA-6FHAB) was synthesized using the monomers, DOCDA and 6FHAB. And then, we introduced the BaTiO 3 nanoparticle to make a high dielectric constant polyimide nanocomposite dielectric. Surface of BaTiO 3 was modified GPTES to increase the interfacial adhesion. Crosslinked poly(4-vinylphenol) (PVP) used capping layer on polyimide nanocomposite layer. Polyimide nanocomposite bilayer film showed high diele ctric constant (5.58) and low leakage current density (10-7 A/cm 2 ) in metal-insulator-metal (MIM) devices. Detailed synthetic routes of polyimide and nanocomposite film fabrication condition will be presented. 1PS-80 김경민 Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Polyimide/Surface Modified TiO 2 Nanocomposite for Solution Processable High k Dielectric 김경민, 안택, 김윤호 1 경성대학교 ; 1 한국화학연구원 For high performance organic thin film transistors (OTFTs), OTFT require dielectrics having a high dielectric constant and enhanced mechanical stability. We report on a novel polymer nanocomposite dielectric based on (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane 제 44 권 1 호 73

77 (APTES) functionalized titanium dioxide (TiO 2) nanoparticle as a dopant in crosslinkable polyimide (PI). Polyimide (DOCDA-6FHAB) was synthesized using the monomers, DOCDA and 6FHAB. And then, we introduced the TiO 2 nanoparticle to make a high dielectric constant polyimide nanocomposite dielectric. Surface of TiO 2 was modified APTES. Crosslinked DOCDA-6FHAB was capping layer. Polyimide nanocomposite bilayer film showed high dielectric constant (5.51) and low leakage current density (10-7 A/cm 2 ) in metal-insulator-metal (MIM) devices. Detailed synthetic routes of polyimide and nanocomposite film fabrication condition will be presented. 1PS-81 김경수 Synthesis of Amphiphilic Goggle-shaped Multi-Block copolymer through Thiol-ene Click chemistry 김경수, Aruna Kumar Mohanty, 이홍찬, 주상우 1, 장태현 2, 백현종 부산대학교 ; 1 숭실대학교 ; 2 포항공과대학교 We present that 8-shaped polystyrene with di-thiol terminal (8-PS) can be used for the synthesis of multi-block copolymers (MBCPs) using thiol-ene click chemistry. The conventional synthetic method for MBCP such as living polymerization not only requires strict conditions but consider the combination of monomers. These limitations can be resolved with conjugation through click chemistry. By combining ATRP and click reaction we first synthesize disulfide containing tricycle polystyrene (TC-PS) which on reduction produce 8-PS. Similarly, a linear PS with di-thiol ends (l-ps) is also synthesized by ATRP. Then, we synthesize 2 types MBCPs: topologically goggle shaped multi-block copolymer (G-MBCP) and linear multi-block copolymer (L-MBCP) by conjugation of 8-PS and l-ps with di-norbornene PEG (di-nb-peg). Raman spectroscopy and XPS are used to confirm the C-S as bridging bond in the formation of multi-block structures. Further, the MBCPs are characterized by SEC, 1 H NMR, and MALDI-TOF MS. 1PS-82 김대호 Fluoro sulfonylimide acryl polymer lithium ion electrolyte 김대호, 스트라다사부찬드라, Ahmed Faiz, 류태욱, 진레이, 윤수진, 김환기 건국대학교 Today lithium-ion batteries can be found in many places around us. It is used for portable devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets. Although lithium-ion batteries that use liquid electrolytes have become commercialized, there are huge disadvantages in stability such as physical and chemical stability and development of next-generation batteries is very important as products such as wearable devices and roller-bladed displays are developed. this abstract synthesizes a fluorosulfonylimide amide structure based on LiFSI or LiTFSI, which has a lithium ion by sulfonylimide structure. the result is a lithium salt with two litium ions and is expected to increase in capacity or efficiency. the synthesized lithium acrylamide fluorosulfonylimide (LiAAFSI) was applied to the aqueous electrolyte. 1PS-83 김동우 Synthesis of methacryloyl-pma macromonomer via SARA ATRP using a Janus initiator 김동우, 도주혁, 김연지 1, 이하나 1, 전흥배 1, 백현종 부산대학교 ; 1 광운대학교 This work presents a simple method for preparation of methacryloyl-poly(methyl acrylate) macromonomer via supplemental activator and reducing agent atom transfer radical polymerization (SARA ATRP) and sulfoxide elimination reaction. We synthesized a Janus initiator initiator which is sulfoxide protected at the α-end with bromo group at the ω-end. While alkyl bromide can participate as the initiator in an ATRP process, sulfoxide protected (SP) methacryloyl can be de-protected to generate vinyl group by simply heating. Kinetic study for the sulfoxide group elimination in the SP-initiator was studied with respect to temperature in terms of 1 H NMR spectroscopy. In order to prohibit de-protection of the sulfoxide group, low temperature was maintained throughout the polymerization and purification. The vinyl group functionality of the macromonomer was confirmed as more than 98% indicating the efficient nature of the protection-deprotection method to generate macromonomer. 1PS-84 김선아 High Performance Polyols Using Highly Active Double Metal Cyanide Catalysts 김선아, 김일 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 Double metal cyanide (DMC) catalysts are commonly exploited to produce high performance polyols via ring-opening polymerization of propylene oxide. Here, a series of DMC catalysts of the general formula Zn3[Co(CN)6]2 xzncl2 yh2o z[complexing agent (CA)] have been carried out by reacting aqueous solutions of zinc(ii) chloride and potassium hexacyanocobaltate(iii) in the presence of various CAs. The catalysts were well characterized by combining structure sensitive spectroscopies. The catalytic activity of the prepared catalysts was evaluated by changing the parameter such as amount of CA, the reaction temperature, the functionality of initiator, and the amount of initiator. The resultant polyols have moderate molecular weight (Mn = g mol -1 ), narrow polydispersity index and low unsaturation level. 1PS-85 김성종 Transparent Poly(amide-imide)s Containing Alicyclic Ring 김성종, 김상율, 변태준, 이병용한국과학기술원 Among the high temperature polymers, poly(amide-imide)s (PAIs) have been known as one of promising materials due to their high thermal stability and mechanical properties together with balanced processability. Also, several properties such as optical property and thermo-dimensional stability could be controlled by modifying monomer structures. In this study, we synthesized two diacid monomers, containing an alicyclic ring, which is fastened with phenyl pendant groups, and a biphenyl group with bulky trifluoromethyl groups. Transparent PAIs were prepared by polyamidation with different ratio of diacid monomers. Detailed synthetic route and their properties will be presented. 1PS-86 김소현 Synthesis of functionalized PEO derivatives based solid polymer electrolytes via ring anionic polymerization and click reaction for Li-ion batteries 김소현, 민청민, 이재석 광주과학기술원 As the use of lithium batteries in electronic devices has increased, there has been much increasing attention on the development of highly stable electrolytes. PEO-based solid polymer electrolytes are the most studied due to diverse advantages such as high chain flexibility, low Tg and so on. But, in case of linear PEO, As the temperature is decreased to room temperature, ion conductivity is sharply decreased because of crystallization. The synthesize of grafted PEO is one of the way to overcome these problem. In this study, we synthesized grafted PEO functionalized by high dielectric constant group via anionic polymerization and click reaction. Not only can this polymer prevent crystallization, it can also increase ion conductivity by helping dissociation of lithium salt. Further, we introduced diels-alder reaction to make solid state electrolytes which have self-healing property via crosslinking. 1PS-87 김승규 Synthesis and Characterization of Benzotriazole-Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based Polymers 김승규, 심용 1, 장규현 1, 김태동 1, 한남대학교 ; 1 한남대학교화공신소재공학과광전자유기소재연구실 We have developed benzotriazole (BTZ)-based conjugated polymers for photovoltaic applications. Side-chain engineering has been introduced to the conjugated backbones in order to provide processibility as well as and to tune layer interfaces. BTZ-based polymers showed the medium Eg of 2.04 ev with the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of ev and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of ev. After optimizing device processing conditions, we could achieve a highest PCE of 5.05% with V oc of 0.89 V, J sc of 9.95 ma cm -2, and FF of 57% in the inverted solar cells with a ZnO interlayer. We believe that this is attributed to better absorption in the visible region and superior film morphologies. 1PS-88 김영현 Synthesis and Characterization of Curing Agent Affording Recyclability to Epoxy Resin 김영현, 김두헌, 손홍래 1, 고문주 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 조선대학교 Epoxy resin (EP), the most common thermosetting resin, forms a three-dimensional cross-linked network structure when curing agent were subjected to resin. Epoxy resin has been used in various industrial applications because of its good adhesion, chemical resistance, thermal resistance, and mechanical properties. However, the properties of infusibility and insolubility in organic solvent of cured epoxy resin makes it impossible to recycling. Recently, new epoxy resins dissolved in organic solvents have been reported, and research on the chemical recycling of cured epoxy resin has been attracting current interest in composites science. But, the recyclable epoxy has limitations in practical use due to its lower physical properties than that of conventional epoxies. In this study, we have developed a novel curing agent affording recyclability to general epoxy resins without lowering physical properties after curing. The results will be discussed in poster presentation. 1PS-89 김영훈 Evaluation of Ammonia Reactivity of films Using a Sulfo-naphthalene Derivatives 김영훈, 백정주, 송광식, 장기철, 신교직, 최경호 한국생산기술연구원최근인간의생활환경에존재하는유해가스및대기환경에대한관심이고조되면서, 유해가스를손쉽게감지할수있는방법의필요성이중요하게인식되고있다. 그중에서도암모니아가스는생활환경내존재하는인체에유해한악취물질로써, 농경지및가축사육등의농업분야뿐아니라, 도시인근에위치하고있는하수처리장, 차량배기가스등에서도존재하며대기중허용농도가 50 ppm 미만으로제한되어있다. 특히, 암모니아는대기중에서통상알칼리성이지만, 대기중의질산이나황산등과같은산성대기오염물질과반응하여입자상물질인질산암모늄, 황산암모늄등의생성에관여한다. 따라서, 암모니아가스존재또는유출여부를빠르게감지하고사전에차단할수있는시설의개발의시급하다. 본연구에서는디메틸페놀기 (Dimethyl phenol Group) 를포함한유해가스환경에민감도가우수한암모니아감지용염료를필름, 섬유등다양한소재에적용하여이에대한특성분석을실시하였다. 1PS-90 김유경 Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Responsive Polymer Nanoparticles for Chemo- Photodynamic Cancer Therapy 김유경, Uthaman saji, 박인규 1, 허강무 충남대학교 ; 1 전남대학교 In this study, we developed ROS responsive polymer nanoparticles (NPs) for dual therapies using doxorubicin (DOX) and Pheophorbide a (PhA). Firstly, the anticancer agent DOX was chemically conjugated with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) via ROS responsive thioketal (TK) linker. The resulting amphiphilic PEG-TK-DOX conjugate could self-assemble in aqueous media to form self-assembled NPs and demonstrated ROS responsive degradation behavior. The PEG-TK-DOX efficiently encapsulated a PDT agent, PhA, to form NPs with good colloidal stability. The PhA loaded PEG-TK-DOX (PEG- TK-DOX/PhA) NPs showed an average diameter about 180 nm. In order to confirm dual therapeutic effect, toxicity of PEG-TK-DOX/PhA NPs were evaluated in CT-26 cells and showed higher toxicity compared to control groups. This system has the potential to offer synergetic therapeutic effect for the treatment of cancer by combining photodynamic therapy and chemotherapy with in a single nano-particular system. 74 제 44 권 1 호

78 1PS-91 김유진 Effects of surface-crosslinking with glass microspheres on the absorption properties of the superabsorbent polymer (SAP) 김유진, 김해찬, 장지은, 권용록, 김진웅 1, 김동현 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 한양대학교 Superabsorbent polymer (SAP) is a special hydrogel capable of absorbing water due to hydrophilic functional groups. The surface-crosslinking was introduced to improve both the trade-off related gel strength and absorbency. When the surface of SAP is crosslinked, the internal crosslinking density becomes low, whereas the outside one becomes high, leading to the prevention of the gel blocking. We studied the effect of glass microsphere on the absorption properties of SAP during surface-crosslinking. The content of microsphere ranged from 1 to 5 wt%, there was a critical point. As the content of microsphere increased to 2 wt%, the absorption properties increased. But, it decreased at more than 2 wt%. In addition, the absorption properties was higher when microsphere was dissolved in solvent than it was added in powder. The absorption properties of SAP was confirmed by measuring centrifuge retention capacity and absorbency under load. The structure of SAP was confirmed by FT-IR and SEM. 1PS-92 김재양소수성섬유에접착측성이향상된스크린인쇄조성물의특성연구김재양, 박현주, 전호균, 이지은, 이종환, 오상택 한국신발피혁연구원브랜드를나타내기위한로고는다양한형태로제작되며자수, 필름, 봉제원단, PVC sheet, PU sheet, 스크린잉크를이용하는등다양한방법으로디자인의구현이가능하다. 이중스크린인쇄는스크린망에부여된장력을이용하여스퀴지이동시에수지가망에충전되고동시에아래의원단에판리됨으로서잉크를원단에전사하는기법이다. 신발소재의경우최근경량화추세에맞추어원단의두께가얇아지고있고, mesh 소재도 nylon, PE, TPU 등에서내마모성및내수성이우수하면서도재생이가능한 polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) 를이용한섬유소재가증가하는추세이다. 이러한소재는소수성성질을강하게띄는제품이라기존의수성의스크린인쇄조성물의적용이어려워지는문제점이있다. 따라서본연구에서는스크린인쇄를위한 primer 기능을갖는폴리우레탄계코팅제개발하여이의특성평가를진행하였다. 1PS-93 김재웅 Sulfonated polyelectrolyte membrane containing metal (Cerium) phthalocyanine and method for producing the same 김재웅, 이승찬, 최인환, 김대호, 이용훈, 스트라다사부찬드라, 김환기 건국대학교 The present invention relates to a sulfonated poly polymer electrolyte membrane containing a metal(ce,co,fe) phthalocyanine and a process for producing the same. A series of uncapped copolymers were synthesized using this bisphenol. The copolymers synthesized had high glass transition temperature and exhibited good thermal stability. More specifically, it is a polymer electrolyte membrane having excellent membrane durability, low water absorption in aqueous solution, and high proton conductivity.relates to an electrolyte membrane and a polymer electrolyte fuel cell, and a hybrid membrane made of a sulfonated poly(ether sulfone) containing a metal phthalocyanine has excellent water absorption and proton conductivity despite relatively low ion exchange capacity.in addition, the hybrid membrane not only has excellent membrane durability but also plays an important role a proton conduction promoter and can be used as an electrolyte membrane of a fuel cell. 1PS-94 김정수 Properties of superabsorbent polymers using biomass based crosslinker 김정수, 김해찬, 홍석주, 권용록, 이윤석 1, 김동현 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 연세대학교 Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) are special polymeric materials that can absorb large amounts of water, saline solutions or physiological fluids in their structure. In this study, we synthesized copolymers using carboxylized acrylic monomer and vinyl sulfonic acid. Each monomer was neutralized with sodium hydroxide in order to improve the absorption performances such as centrifuge retention capacity and absorbency under load. We initiated polymerization with ammonium persulfate after the input of the crosslinker. We prepared the SAPs with biomass-based crosslinker according the content or non-biomass based crosslinker. We confirmed the structure of SAPs using FT-IR spectroscopy and evaluated the absorption properties in 0.9 wt.% saline solution. As a result, the performance of SAP using biomass based crosslinker was similar to that of SAP using non-biomass based crosslinker. 기능성고분자 ( I ) 1PS-95 Aruna Kumar Mohanty Synthesis and characterizations of PPO based partially crosslinked anion exchange membrane materials for microbial fuel cell Aruna Kumar Mohanty, 김노원 1, 백현종 부산대학교 ; 1 동의대학교 The lower ionic conductivity in anion exchange membranes (AEMs) than Nafion remains a concern for practical applications in microbial fuel cells. Cross-linked structures are a popular way to optimize the trade-off between ionic conductivity and water swelling of AEMs with high ion exchange capacities (IECs). However, cross-linked AEMs that have higher cross-linking are usually brittle and exhibit lower conductivities. Here we report a series of partially diamine crosslinked (x =10%, 15%, 20%) AEMs functionalized with dimethylhexadecylammonium groups. The flexibility and swelling of these partially crosslinked AEMs are significantly improved as compared to the conventional un-cross-linked materials. The higher conductivities in these AEMS (for example, x=20%, IEC = 1.96 mmol/g, σcl = 47 ms/cm at 80 ) are attributed to the distinct microphase separation as observed in SAXS and AFM analyses. Finally, microbial fuel cell performances of the membranes are compared with Nafion. 1PS-96 Chinnadurai Satheeshkumar Functional Group-Specific Post-modification of Parylene Surface for Microfluidic Applications Chinnadurai Satheeshkumar, 서명은 KAIST Polymers with readily accessible functional groups are attractive because of their wide range of interdisciplinary demand. Post-modification is a fascinating approach to introduce the desired functional group on the polymer materials avoiding difficulties of synthesizing and processing functional polymers. Herein, we explore post-modification of polymer surface by using a transition metal-catalyzed cross coupling reaction. By taking poly(chloro-p-xylylene) or parylene C as a well-known polymer for packing and microfluidic materials, we demonstrate that reactive functional groups can be successfully installed and utilized for microfluidic channel fabrication suggesting huge promise of this metholodgy. 1PS-97 Eprillia Intan Fitriasari Mechanoresponsive Release of Guest Molecules from a Metal-Phenolic Supramolecular Nanocontainer and Its Assemblies Eprillia Intan Fitriasari, 박치영 Pukyong National University Mechanoresponsive material of successively releasing guest molecules has been developed. The material consists of supramolecular nanocontainer containing guest molecules encapsulated by metal-phenolic complexes generated from tannic acid and iron ions. Guest molecules release was triggered by applying ultrasound causing the complexes to be broken. Multiple application of compressive stress was examined on the material hybridized with elastomeric polyurethane film. We also assemble the material along with alginate hydrogel to examine guest release by applying ultrasound and stretching test. The results indicate that the difference on mechanical stimuli applied has great influence on the amount of guest molecules released. The effective and efficient assembly method makes these hybrids material potential candidates for material sciences application. 1PS-98 Huang Minhu Preparation of Monolithic Carbon Xerogels with Graphene Oxide for Electrode Application Huang Minhu, 윤태호 광주과학기술원 Monolithic carbon xerogels with co-continuous porosity were prepared via one-step, catalyst-free hydrothermal reaction from resorcinol (R), formaldehyde (F) and mildly oxidized few-layer-graphene oxide (FLGO). Monolithic carbon xerogels were prepared in a pressurized Teflon mold at 100 for 6 h, while R/F and R/W ratios were optimized to afford co-continuous pore structure with interconnected carbon particles in the presence of FLGO. In addition, few-layer-graphene oxide (FLGO) with different oxidation time was also utilized to give maximum electrical conductivity. The samples then dried at 60 for 36 h and then 100 for 12 h, followed by pyrolysis at 900 for 2 h and CO 2 activation at 1000 for 2, 4 or 6 h. Finally, the monolithic carbon xerogels were characterized by SEM and N 2 adsorption-desorption measurements, while the electrochemical property of these xerogels were also studied via cyclic voltammetry. 1PS-99 JIELING QIN Amyloid-β Impedance Sensor Based on Caffeine for Alzheimer s Disease JIELING QIN, 조미숙 1, 이영관 1, Sungkyunkwan University; 1 성균관대화학공학부 In this work, we prepared an electrochemical sensor for the detection of amyloid beta oligomer (AβO) using caffeine, which is an outstanding inhibitor to suppress the Aβ aggregation through hydrophobic interactions between the hydrophobic chain of caffeine and the nonpolar regions of the AβO. Amino group modified caffeine (caffeine-nh 2) was immobilized on 3-mercaotopropionic acid self-assembled gold electrode. The step immobilization and the sensing performance of caffeine toward AβO were confirmed by a cyclic voltammetry (CV) and an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), respectively. The differences in electron-transfer resistance showed a proportional increase as concentrations of AβO change form from 10-5 nm to 1 nm. The developed caffeine sensor could provide a promising sensing platform for the detection of AβO and monitoring of Alzheimer s disease. 1PS-100 Kristal Aubrey Bornillo Preparation of Polyethersulfone/Poly(2-(dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate) Electrospun Nanofiber for Cu 2+ Adsorption Kristal Aubrey Bornillo, 김소영, 최희철 광주과학기술원 Poly(2-(dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMA) is a widely studied phresponsive polymer, owing to its tertiary amine groups that change charge depending on the ph. Polyethersulfone (PES), on the other hand, is a polymer considered to possess good mechanical properties and processability. In this study, a PES/PDMAEMA polymer blend nanofiber membrane was fabricated via electrospinning to be used for the adsorption of Cu 2+, putting into consideration the effects of Cu 2+ initial concentration and solution ph on the adsorption of Cu 2+ onto the nanofiber. It was found that increasing the initial concentration and solution ph increases the adsorption capacities of the nanofiber 제 44 권 1 호 75

79 membranes. Finally, as PDMAEMA being a ph-responsive polymer, desorption tests were done by adjustment of solution ph, and this resulted to desorption of Cu 2+ into aqueous solution in acidic environment. 1PS-101 Kusuma Betha Cahaya Imani Microfluidic Fabrication of Tubular Hydrogels of Various Geometries Kusuma Betha Cahaya Imani, 윤진환, 김도완부산대학교 Through microfluidic system combined with alginate templating method, we have prepared multi-stimuli responsive tubular hydrogels with various geometries. Monomers such as N-isopropylacrylamide, sodium acrylate, and allyl amine were used to get temperature and ph responsive property. Furthermore, simple modification to the microfluidic device was used to prepare different geometries. To get the intended microtube s diameter, it can be achieved by changing the capillaries size and flow control. In addition, by simply swapping the injected pre-gel solution and adding another capillary into triple channels microfluidic device, single and double-walled microtubes could also be produced. This method is flexible and can be further developed into applications such as artificial human blood vessel. 1PS-102 Puji Lestari Stretchable Epoxy Based Solid Polymer Electrolyte via an Epoxy Ring-Opening Polymerization Puji Lestari, 최우혁 부경대학교고분자공학과 One of the major challenges in the development of lithium ion batteries consisting of an electrolyte and electrodes is how to achieve high conductivity of the electrolyte without sacrificing its mechanical properties. We successfully prepare a chemically cross-linked epoxy-based solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) with outstanding mechanical and ion transport properties, using an epoxy ring-opening polymerization. In the SPE, a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-a (DGEBA) epoxy resin was combined with an ionic liquid (BMIM TFSI), a lithium salt (LiTFSI), and a poly(ethyleneglycol)diglycidyl ether (PEGDE). The mixture was then thermally cured with a methyl tetrahydrophthalic anhydride (MeTHPA) curing agent and a benzyldimethylamine (BDMA) catalyst. The mechanical properties and ion conductivity of these epoxy-based SPEs were investigated using DMA, DRS and EIS. The SPEs exhibit high room temperature ion conductivity (3x10-4 S/cm) and stretchability (elongation at break ~ 140%). 1PS-103 WEI ZHANG The synthesis and properties of hydroxyl functionalized boron nitride nanosheets by electrochemical analysis WEI ZHANG, 진레이, 윤수진, 이승찬, 최인환, 김재웅, 김환기 Konkuk University Recent several years, two-dimensional (2D) layered materials, such as boron nitride (BN), MoS 2, and graphitic carbon nitride, have drawn more attention due to their more versatility, greater flexibility and better functionality with a wide range of potential applications. In particularly boron nitride nanosheets (BNNSs) derived from h-bn, which composed of sp 2 bonded boron and nitrogen atoms. Researchers have found that BNNSs have an advantage over their bulk in various application areas such as sensors, catalysts, dielectric substrates, far-ultraviolet light emitting and high-performance electronic devices. In this work, we obtain mono-and few-layer BNNNs and modify their edge or surface by a simple chemical method. Meanwhile, we determine the characteristics of functionalized BNNSs via X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) and their biological application via electrochemistry process. 1PS-104 강정순 A Novel Approach for Synthesis of Zwitterionic Polyurethane with Enhanced Self-healing Properties 강정순, 이서윤, 최기원, 홍평화 1, 김진실 1, 문경민 1, 이성구 1, 홍성우 1,, 고민재 한양대학교 ; 1 한국생산기술연구원 A new zwitterionic polyurethane (ZPU) is synthesized and its self-healing properties are characterized in this study. To synthesize ZPU, an acrylate-rich polyol and a styrene-rich polyol containing zwitterions are blended and the blended polyols are reacted with crosslinker containing multiple isocyanate groups. The resulting ZPU shows no phase separation and exhibits excellent optical properties like high total transmittance and low haze. A self-healing test performed in the presence of water reveals that ZPU shows more effective self-healing performances than conventional polyurethane with no zwitterions. This can be explained by the fact that the chain mobility of ZPU increases and the effective chain rearrangement occurs due to the interaction between water molecules and zwitterions, and the strong ionic interactions are reformed between ZPU chains in the healing process upon drying. 1PS-105 강진현 Performance enhancement of quantum-dot photodetectors via incorporation of cathode buffer layer 강진현, 김준호, 정문기, 정인환 국민대학교 Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) based photodetectors were developed and their performance was improved by introduction of cathode buffer layer (CBL) on to the ZnO surface. Polyethylene imine ethoxylated (PEIE) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) were selected as CBL, which enhanced the interfacial contact between CQDs and ZnO layers. The dark current of the photodetectors was dramatically decreased by the improved interfacial contact property and the photocurrent is increased by decreased work function of ZnO/CBLs due to forming a permanent dipole moment at the interfaces of ZnO and CBLs. As a result, we could effectively increase the on-off ratio, responsivity and detectivity of the photodetectors. 1PS-106 고혜윤 Uniaxial Orientation of Reactive Discogens for Organic Materials with Outstanding Thermal Conductivity 고혜윤, 강동규, 정광운 전북대학교 To develop an organic heat transfer material (HTM) films with outstanding thermal conductivity, disc-shaped reactive mesogen (DRM) and cross-linker were newly synthesized. The DRM HTMs polymerized at LC phase exhibited high thermal conductivity due to the highly ordered LC structure. In addition, the heat transfer behavior of the HTM films can be adjusted using strong magnetic field. When the DRM HIMs were macroscopically oriented under the magnetic fields, the columnar axes of DRM were aligned perpendicular to the magnetic field direction. The uniaxially aligned DRM HIM films exhibited outstanding thermal conductivity as well as good mechanical and chemical stabilities. This work was supported by BK21 Plus Program, BRL , and Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ) of NRF Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program of Republic of Korea. 1PS-107 곽효빈 Construction of Ga nano-arrays by dip pen nanolithography 곽효빈, 김경민, 임정혁 한국교통대학교 Dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) is a scanning probe lithography method based on atomic force microscopy (AFM). DPN is a simple technique for patterning nano- and micromaterials at desired locations. In general, liquid metals are metallic substances that retain their liquid state at room temperature due to low melting point. One of the liquid metals, gallium has a melting point of 29.7, which has a high conductivity and the property to rapidly dissolve many metals. In our study, liquid gallium could be coated on the tip of the AFM probe and used as a catalyst for CNTs growth in CVD. Moreover, we have generated nanosized gallium for arrays on a substrate via DPN technology. All analyses were performed using atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). 1PS-108 구자민 Preparation of Anion-selective Porous Membranes by Block Copolymer 구자민, 유성일 부경대학교이온선택적멤브레인은한종류의이온만투과시켜화학포텐셜차이를만든다이러한멤브레인을농도차가있는두용액으로된 salinity-gradient cell 에적용하면화학포텐셜차이에의해전기에너지가생산된다. 이온선택성과나노기공을가지는멤브레인의연구는일부분만돼왔다. 이번연구에서는 polystyrene-b-poly(2-vinylpyridine) 을이용해나노기공과이온선택성이동시에있는멤브레인을만들었다. 멤브레인은 tetrahydrofurane 과 N,N-dimethylformamide 혼합용매에 10wt% 로녹이고 doctor blade 로 500µm 로캐스팅했다. 그리고상온과오븐에서용매를증발시켜구조를만든뒤 nonsolvent 유도상분리로나노기공을만들었다. 이것은전기적으로중성이므로이온선택성을가지고있지않다. 이온선택성을만들기위하여 bromoethane 에여러시간동안담궈개질하였다. 개질된멤브레인은표면이양이온을가진 polystyreneb-poly(2-vinylptridinium bromide) 로개질되어음이온만투과한다. 멤브레인의이온선택성을보기위하여, dye 흡착실험을 UV-Vis 스펙트럼을통해보았고전기에너지생산효율을보기위하여 salinity-gradient cell 에적용해봤다. 1PS-109 구자현 Active Repulsive Hydrogen Barrier Thin Film by Layer-by-Layer Deposition 구자현, 박민욱, 정광운 전북대학교 An active repulsive hydrogen barrier thin film (abbreviated as HBTF) was fabricated by a continuous coating process. The fabricated HBTF consists of PET substrate, positively and negatively charged polymers, nafion, and palladium/gold layer. The hydrogen gas permeability of HBTF and intermediate films was investigated using a gas permeability measurement instrument. The barrier property of grounded HBTF is much higher than that of others due to the electrochemically active repulsive mechanism. The development of HBTF could be a foundation of hydrogen barrier materials in the future. This work was supported by BK21 Plus program, the BRL , Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ). 1PS-110 권영승 Electrically Conductive Nanocomposite Films Based on Aromatic Poly(ether amide) and Carbon Nanotube 권영승, 정영규 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 A series of nanocomposite films based on aromatic poly(ether amide) (PEA) and pristine multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) of wt% have been fabricated by solution mixing and casting. The morphological features of PEA/MWCNT nanocomposite films were characterized by using electron microscopy, FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. The thermal stability, thermomechanical and electrical properties of the nanocomposite films were investigated with aids of TGA, DMA, electrical conductivity meter, respectively. It was revealed that the electrical conductivity of the nanocomposite films increased significantly with increasing the MWCNT content. In addition, the thermal stability and mechanical properties of PEA increased by the introduction of MWCNT. It was revealed that PEA/MWCNT nanocomposite films could be utilized for high performance antistatic, electric heating, and EMI shielding materials in advanced application areas. 1PS-111 권영제물리적인외력에의한약물전달시스템의연구권영제, 박치영 부경대학교일반적인마이셀을이용한다공성입자의이용은소수성전달체에친수성의껍질부위로막을만들어약물을전달시키는게일반적이나, 이실험에서는외부에서의물리적자극을통해서약물의방출을만들어내고자한다. MCM41 을기본전달체로하여친수성막을대신하는물리적으로분해가되어지는고분자막을씌운다. 이렇게생성된약물전달체는일정이상의힘이걸리게 76 제 44 권 1 호

80 되면, 외부의막이분해되면서약물이방출되어진다. 이러한 DDS 화학적인반응이아니라물리적인힘에의해서만약물의방출이가능한시스템을만들수있게된다. 이실험을통해물리적인방법의 DDS 의가능성을볼수있으며, 가수분해나생물학적인분해에의해전달을방해받지않고원하는표적부위로의약물전달의향상을가져올것이기대된다. 1PS-112 권영중 Intra-articular injection of corticosteroid encapsulated polymer nanoparticle to inhibit osteoarthritic progress for long-term period 권영중, 송수창 한국과학기술연구원 Treatment of the osteoarthritis (OA) by using corticosteroid (CS) is a common method due to their anti-inflammatory effect. But still, they have drawbacks such as fast clearance and potential side-effect. Therefore, we suggest a sustained delivery of CS which is a prolonged and safe way to intra-articular (IA) cartilage for the inhibition of progressive OA. We developed an IA injectable CS encapsulated polymer nanoparticle that needs only a mixing between CS and polymer and then a single IA injection for the long-term treatment of OA. During mixing, our thermosensitive poly(phosphazene) hydrogel embraces CS to its network by hydrophobic interaction and becomes nano-sized particle structure. This enabled the CS to be slowly released out and had a potent inhibitory effect against OA progression without causing significant side-effects. Taken together, this system can be a decent tool as an IA drug delivery depot for treating OA for a long-term in a safe manner. 1PS-113 길만재 Preparation and properties of Ion Batteries membranes using electrospun polybutene-1 nanofibers 길만재, 이경진 충남대학교 The separator is positioned between the cathode and the anode of the lithium secondary battery to enable the permeation of lithium ions and restricts the movement of electrons between the positive and negative electrodes to prevent electrical shorts, thereby maintaining safe operation of the lithium secondary battery. Therefore, it is very important to have a high lithium ion conductivity, chemical resistance, thermal and mechanical stability. The nonwoven fabric separator has many pores, large mechanical strength, and low manufacturing cost. The nonwoven membrane can be produced by the electrospinning method. The polyolefin series used in the membranes is not easy to electrospun. In this study, we have found the conditions of electrospinning by using polybutene - 1 copolymer which has excellent chemical resistance and durability in polyolefin series. Then, various membrane condition and shutdown test were conducted by using the nonwoven fabric as a secondary battery separator. 1PS-114 김가연카복시메틸셀룰로스와히드록시프로필셀룰로스에기초한하이브리드수화젤의제조와특성분석김가연, 김영호 숭실대학교셀룰로스유도체이면서생분해성고분자로생체재료로널리사용되고있는카복시메틸셀룰로스 (CMC) 와히드록시프로필셀룰로스 (HPC) 를서로혼합하고가교시켜온도감응형수화젤을제조하고특성을분석하였다. 알칼리촉매하에서여러농도의에피클로로히드린 (ECH) 을가교제로사용하고, 두셀룰로스유도체들의혼합비를변화시키면서 80 에서서로다른시간동안반응시키고수세하여하이브리드수화젤을제조하였다. FR-IR, TGA, SEM, XRD 등을사용하여가교반응을확인하였으며, CMC 와 HPC 의분자량을비슷하게하면서 CMC 의치환도변화에의한영향도검토하였다. 또한 ph 및팽윤시키는용액의종류, 온도변화등에따른하이브리드수화젤의팽윤거동변화를분석하였다. 가교제인 ECH 농도와반응시키는시간에따라팽윤비가달라졌으며, 하이브리드수화젤에서 CMC 함량이커질수록팽윤비가커졌다. 수화젤은 HPC 의영향에의해온도변화에따른임계하한온도 (LCST) 거동을나타내었으며, HPC 함량이클수록 LCST 온도가낮아졌다. 1PS-115 김건우 Soft-Templating Approach to Synthesize Mesoporous Vanadium Pentoxide for Enhanced Electrochromism 김건우, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 Mesoporous interconnected inorganic nanostructure has the advantage of ion intercalation process because of their high surface-to-volume ratio and short ion diffusion distance due to their structural characteristics. The fabrication of such nanostructures is an effective strategy to improve the performance of electrochromic device, super capacitors, and batteries. Here we demonstrate the mesoporous vanadium pentoxide through a soft-templating approach using the amphiphilic deblock copolymer polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) as a structure-directing agent. The obtained mesoporous vanadium pentoxide has a foam-like morphology with high surface area and porosity, which is expected to improve electrochromic performance. Also, since this process is solution processable, it is expected to be applicable to various printing (e.g., slot die, ink jet, and electrohydrodynamic jet printing) for large area and patterning fabrication. 1PS-116 김기영 Highly Self-Healable and Scratch-Resistant Automotive Clear-Coat based on Reversible Polymer Network 김기영, 성수진, 노승만, 정인우 1, 김진철 한국화학연구원 ; 1 경북대학교 Dynamic chemistry is a promising way to allow the development of effective self-healing materials. Among them reversible covalent bonds (e.g., Diels-Alder/retro-Diels-Alder reaction) can provide higher mechanical properties compared to non-covalent bonds (e.g., hydrogen bonding). However, the former, self-healing behavior can be limited and often required external stimuli such as high thermal energy. In this research, we designed tetraethylene glycol based binder containing bulky urea bonds based on dynamic chemistry. Tetraethylene glycol improves mechanical properties of coating systems and bulky urea bonds can effectively perform self-healing behavior through a dynamically reversible bond. Especially, thermally reversible crosslinking and de-crosslinking structures at bulky urea was monitored using an 1 H-NMR and self-healing efficiency was analyzed using a nano-scratch tester with an optical microscope (OM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). 1PS-117 김다름 Microfluidic system for easy monitoring of drug delivery and cytotoxicity 김다름, 이수진, 양성윤 충남대학교 Micro-fluidic system can be used in drug release study for monitoring of the drug concentration in micro-level, may provide more precise information about the efficacy of the drug. Here, we fabricated a micro-fluidic device for the study of an anticancer drug efficiency and toxicity with the drug-encapsulated hydrogel beads placed within a micro-channel of the device. We utilized layer-by-layer deposition method to modify the surface of the micro-channel of the device in order to prevent bio-fouling as well as provide the better cell culturing condition. The results of this study indicate that the microchannels suitably surface functionalized might be a available to effectively monitor cancerous cells upon the exposure to a anti-cancer drug encapsulated in micro-beads. 1PS-118 김대환 Fabrication of Thermo-responsive Polymer Nanocomposites for Smart Window Applications 김대환, 김문호 부경대학교 Thermo-responsive polymers that exhibit phase transition in response to changes in the external temperature can be used as material for smart window because they can control solar light transmission depending on the external temperature. The thermos-responsive polymer solution does not heat up sufficiently to induce a phase change even under intense sunlight. Therefore, nanofillers that can convert the photoenergy of sunlight into thermal energy need to be added, which cause the thermos-responsive solution to reach an opaque state owing to the increased temperature by solar light. Thermo-responsive polymer nanocomposites based on the PVME and nanofillers with photothermal conversion property were prepared by simple solution mixing, and photothermal efficiencies of the nanofillers were investigated. And the transparent-opaque transition behaviors during the repeated heating and cooling processes of the thermo-responsive polymer nanocomposites were discussed. 1PS-119 김도완 Smart windows for adaptive solar control fabricated with bistable grafted hydrogels 김도완, 윤진환 부산대학교 Smart windows driven by electrical energy and thermal energy are most promising on-demand solar control through adjusting optical transmittance. In this study, we prepared an optically bistable windows through memory function of volume changes. It can be minimalized energy consumption during operation of switching optical transmittance. To achieve this strategy, the grafted multi-component copolymers were synthesized by grafting the chemical composition gradient of three different monomers onto the methyl cellulose backbone. The prepared hydrogels showed a smooth phase transition during heating and a large thermal hysteresis in the swelling behavior during cooling. Based on the novel thermal behavior, the optically bistable glazing that could be switched as stepwise activation depending on applied current can be prepared. The developed bistable window is expected to provide energy efficient devices through on-demand solar control and variation in visibility. 1PS-120 김도완 Controlled Phase Separation in Poly(p-phenyleneethynylene) Thin Films and its Relationship to Vapor Sensing Properties 김도완, 함동효, 권순형, 임지우 1, 차국헌 2, 서울대학교화학생물공학부 ; 1 경희대학교 ; 2 서울대학교 Herein, we report synthesis and mesoporous film formation of hydrophobic poly(pphenyleneethynylene)s (PPEs) and present porosity-dependent quenching studies using 1,3,5-trinitrotoluene (TNT) vapors. Non-solvent vapor-induced phase separation (NVIPS) was used to induce pore formation during film casting, and the concentration of PPEs solution was controlled carefully to fabricate different film thickness. We found that the structure of the sidechains of the PPEs strongly influence the range of the relative humidity at which controlled pore generation occurs, which could be rationalized from interfacial energies calculated from contact angle measurements. Porosity of the PPE films resulted in increased efficiency of fluorescence quenching towards TNT vapor. The control of the porous structure as well as film thickness constitutes a promising strategy for enhancing the efficiency of chemosensor and in more general applications requiring fine-tuned polymer-gas interactions. 1PS-121 김동민 Linseed oil-loaded microcapsule-based self-healing protective coatings for cementitious materials 김동민, 송인호, 최주영, 진승원, 남경남, 정찬문 연세대학교 Self-healing protective coating materials have the ability of autonomic self-healing of region damaged by microcracking in the coatings themselves or substrate materials such as metals or concrete. Linseed oil undergoes an oxidative drying reaction, affording a soft film. Linseed oil-loaded microcapsules were prepared using a urea-formaldehyde resin as the microcapsule wall material. The microcapsules were characterized by optical microscopy and SEM. The microcapsules were dispersed into a commercial protective coating formulation to prepare self-healing coating. The self-healing function of the 제 44 권 1 호 77

81 coating was investigated by SEM, a water sorptivity test and an accelerated carbonation test at room temperature and saline solution sorptivity test at low temperature for both scratches and crack damage in the coatings. The linseed-oil-based microcapsule-type selfhealing coating system is demonstrated as a protective coating for cementitious materials. 1PS-122 김동인 Assessment of Adsorbent Materials for Allethrin Removal 김동인, 최은영, 이준하, 강우형, 박성현 KSA of KAIST In this study, adsorbent materials zeolite 13X, zeolite 4A, and granular activated carbon (GAC) are tested for adsorption capabilities regarding a type of allethrin, permethrin in solvo. This method utilizes catalytic or adsorption-desorption principles, and adsorbents were selected based on the large porous region ration, and simplicity which directly correlates to large scale applicability and accessibility. Acquired GAC and zeolite 4A were tested along with synthesized zeolite 13X with HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography) after leaving samples in room temperature with the allethrin solution. Results show significant decrease in allethrin concentration compared to the negative control, with zeolite 13X proving to be the most effective in particular. The ability of common adsorbents like zeolites and activated carbons to eliminate pyrethroids from solutions were successfully demonstrated, providing a starting point for future studies. 1PS-123 김병수 A Fe-appended graphene oxide nanosheet facilitating water dissociation for efficient bipolar membrane 김병수, 박슬찬, 김도형 1, 문기현, 강문성 1, 강용수 한양대학교 ; 1 상명대학교 In bipolar membrane for water dissociation, the catalyst is a key role for an efficient water dissociation reaction. The graphene oxide (GO) is widely known as water dissocaition catalyst due to the interaction between water molecules and functional groups in graphene oxide. To enhance the catalytic properties, here in, we introduced Fe(OH) 3 nanoparticles in graphene oxide for efficient water in bipolar membrane. The synergitic interaction between H 2O and GO/Fe(OH) 3 catalyst significantly enhanced the water dissociation reaction. As a result, a newly developed water dissociation catalyst sharply reduced a membrane overpotential from 2.65 V to 1.13 V at 100 ma/cm 2 compared to bipolar membrane without catalyst. Such improvement was investigated by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) using specific parameters such as ion transport resistance (R w) and rate constant of water dissociation(k d). 1PS-124 김병주 Effect of functional group ratio ([OH]/[NCO]) on long-term reliability of polyurethane pressure-sensitive adhesives (PU-PSA) 김병주, 지찬혁, 배지홍, 임원빈, 허필호 부산대학교 A high persistence and removality polyurethane pressure-sensitive adhesives (PU-PSA) were studied to achieve better pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSA), various polyols, isocyanates, and additives were tried. With control of mole ratio of Hydroxyl group/isocyanate group ([OH]/[NCO]), high persistence and removality polyurethane pressure-sensitive adhesives (PU-PSA) for long-term reliability estimated through infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and used WLF equation (Williams-Landel-Ferry equation). The structures and properties of the fabricated PU-PSAs were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). One hundred eighty degree peel tests by universal testing machine (UTM) were used to evaluate mechanical peel properties of PU-PSAs. 1PS-125 김석호 The applications of nitrogen-doped graphene 김석호, 양문호 1, 장동욱 1, 부경대학교 ; 1 부경대학교공업화학과 Nitrogen doping has been an effective way to tailor the properties of graphene and render its potential use for various applications. Nitrogen-doped graphene as a new nano-sized material has attracted great interest due to outstanding electrical and catalytic properties. Herein, we developed the facile solution-based synthetic method for the large-scale preparation of high-quality nitrogen-doped graphene. Owing to good structural restoration and high populations of hetero atoms, the resultant nitrogen-doped graphene exhibits huge potentials in energy conversion and storage applications. 1PS-126 김석호 Growth and Application of Organic Small Molecule Crystals for UV Photodetector 김석호, 박동혁 1, 이선종 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 인하대학교 In this study, we grow the crystalline hexagonal column morphology using an organic small molecule (OSM) and demonstrate application. Most of the OSM have either optical or electrical properties. Pristine OSM nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared using a conventional reprecipitation method. The structural and formation properties of the crystalline and non-crystalline OSM NPs were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The nanoscale photoluminescence (PL) characteristic and the fluorescence color of the OSM single NP and their crystal microwires (MWs) were acquired using a high-resolution laser confocal microscope (LCM) and measured from color charge-coupled device (CCD) images, respectively. We obtained I-V curve during under UV irradiation and dark. These two kinds of condition are distinguishable each other by difference of intensity. Finally, we applied OSM crystals to UV photodetector with a polymer composite. 1PS-127 김세민 Surface Crosslinked Superabsorbent Polymer To Enhance Mechanical Properties Under Pressure 김세민, 조강희, 강성민, 김혜원, 고원건 연세대학교 In order for super absorbent polymer (SAP) to be used in an application undergoing mechanical stress, Here, spherical SAPs were prepared through inverse-suspension polymerization of partially neutralized acrylic acid monomers with ethylene glycol diacrylate (EGDA) crosslinkers. The surface region of SAP spheres was additionally crosslinked with ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (EGDE) to improve the mechanical properties, producing a core-shell structure characterized by lightly crosslinked core and more densely crosslinked shell. The structure of SAP spheres with and without surface crosslinking was also visualized, and thickness of crosslinked surface was measured with fluorescence microscopy. Finally, we propose an analytical diffusion model that describes the diffusion and surface crosslinking reaction to elucidate the mechanism over which the mechanical and diffusion properties of SAP sphere are determined. 1PS-128 김소영 Shell Thickness Dependence of Water Capture and Release in Smart Core Shell Nanofibers 김소영, Kristal Aubrey Bornillo, 최희철 광주과학기술원 In this research, we fabricated smart nanofiber mats, which have core shell structure with a thermo-responsive copolymer, poly(vinyl caprolactam-co-acrylic acid) (P(VCLco-AA)), and polyacrylonitrile (PAN) by coaxial electrospinning technique for water capture and release in the thermally simulated system. The microstructure and wettability of the P(VCL-co-AA) PAN fibers were controlled by using the thermo-responsive polymer as the shell layer with varying shell thickness. The behavior of water capture and release in the smart nanofibers was shown within the range of room temperature and the critical solution temperature of shell polymer. The smart nanofibers may have great potential as effective membranes for water harvesting applications. 1PS-129 김수영 ph dependent swelling behavior of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-based copolymer hydrogels 김수영, 구형준, 이종원서울과학기술대학교 A hydrogel is highly hydrated polymer networks which can be used as a sensor based on its different swelling behavior by external stimuli. We present experimental result for controlling swelling behavior of copolymer based on phema having different ph dependency. The phema hydrogel itself has little ph dependency. However, when the phema is copolymerized with acrylic acid, the swelling ratios of the resulting copolymer shows positive dependence on ph. When the phema is copolymerized with DMA, the copolymer shows higher swelling ratio at lower ph. Thus, the ph-dependent swelling behavior of the phema based hydrogel can be controlled by selecting appropriate functional groups. Also, we further optimized the composition of the copolymer hydrogel, by investigating the effect of the initiator and crosslinker contents on the swelling ratio. Information presented here would be helpful to realize sensors or actuators working based on stimuli-responsive hydrogels. 1PS-130 김수찬 Chitosan grafted Graphene Oxide Binder for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries 김수찬, 최성식, 이영관 성균관대학교 The lithium-sulfur battery is a great promising candidate for next generation batteries. However, insulated sulfur and the dissolution of soluble lithium polysulfide (LPS) interrupt practical application. To address this issue, the chitosan grafted graphene oxide (chitosan-g-go) was prepared as a binder in order to improve the electrical conductivity of sulfur and suppress the dissolution of LPS into the electrolyte. The chitosan-g-go binder with optimized composition showed enhanced initial discharge capacity, 1342 mahg -1 at 0.05 C and the reversible specific capacity after 200 cycles was 780 mahg -1 at 1 C. These are attributed to synergistic effect between chitosan and GO. This work offers a simple and effective ways for improving the capacitive performance of Li-S batteries for practical applications. 1PS-131 김영대 Surface-tailored magnetic nanoparticles for direct and sensitive detection of glycoproteins 김영대, 최종선, 김소연 충남대학교 Nanomaterials became important components in bioanalytical devices since they clearly enhance the performances in terms of sensitivity and detection limits down to single molecules detection. Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have been intensively studied as biosensor materials due to their small size, biocompatibility and magnetic properties. MNPs can easily assembled by an external magnetic field, allowing more sensitive, faster, and accurate sensing of biomolecules. In addition, the MNPs have low background noise and strong electrical signals, so it can be analyzed without any signal conversion. In this study, we synthesized MNPs by co-precipitation method. The surface modification of MNPs was conducted using specific ligand for binding with biomolecules and enhancing solubility in water. Furthermore, the morphologies, chemical compositions and electromagnetic properties of MNPs were evaluated. 1PS-132 김영오 Synthesis of Tannic Acid-based Epoxy Resins for Improvement of Flame Retardancy 김영오, 조재현, 여현욱 1, 이병완 2, 문병준, 하유미, 조예린 3, 정용채 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 경북대학교 ; 2 성균관대학교 ; 3 전북대학교 Epoxy resin, one of thermosetting polymers, has been applicable to various fields such as coatings, adhesives, and advanced composites. Recently, environmental issues being on the rise, researches for synthesizing epoxy resins using bioresources as precursors have been conducted. Among bioresources, tannic acid (TA) is a polyphenolic compound containing digalloyl ester groups conjugated to a glucose core, which would be a 78 제 44 권 1 호

82 multifunctional epoxy hardener. In this study, TA as a hardener is reacted with the epoxy ring of commercially-available diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA). Optimal condition of the reaction is empirically demonstrated through dynamic scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Brillouin spectra. Mechanical and flame-retardant properties of TA-based thermosets are evaluated. The result is related to the distinct characteristic of TA such as existence of multiple hydrogen bonding sites in the molecular structure, charring effect, and radical quenching. 1PS-133 김용주 Magnetically Controlled Rolling Motion of Helical Soft Robots on Gastric Cancer Model 김용주, 박정은, 위정재 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 Globally, gastric cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer and first in Korea. In this study, we demonstrate the magnetic rolling motion of helical soft robots for gastric cancer treatment. Here, the magnetic robot is composed of the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) - iron particle composite and the 3D helical architecture is designed to minimize dynamic friction and to overcome wrinkled substrates on a gastric cancer model. In order to optimize the geometric factors, navigation performance of each soft robot is compared while helix angle, length, and diameter are varied. The topography of the wrinkle is carefully analyzed through 3D scanning. We will discuss optimal structure of the soft robot to cross wrinkles. This will serve as a good foundation for future research on the drug delivery system by magnetic soft robots. 1PS-134 김우영 Fabrication of polypyrrole/co(oh) 2/carbon cloth nanosheet for high performance asymmetric supercapacitor 김우영, 장정식 서울대학교 Co(OH) 2 architectures were produced on carbon cloth via electrodeposition at different voltage scan rates (5 to 20 mv s -1 ) using three electrode system. In addition, polypyrrole (PPy) were coated on Co(OH) 2 architectures via vapor phase deposition (VDP) which facilitated uniform and thin coating. Then, solid-state asymmetric supercapacitor was assembled by using PPy coated Co(OH) 2/carbon cloth composites (Co(OH) 2@PPy) as a positive electrode and activated carbon nanotubes decorated carbon cloth as a negative electrode. Fabricated device was operated in a 1.6 V voltage window and was capable of delivering a high volumetric capacitance of 27.4 F cm -3, energy density of mwh cm -3 and power density of 0.53 W cm -3. In addition, the supercapacitor device displayed outstanding cycle stability owing to the PPy coating layer on Co(OH) 2 surface. 1PS-135 김원경 Ogolgye derived DBP cross linked sponges as an osteoinductive and osteoconductive biomaterial Osteogenesis 김원경, 강길선 전북대학교 BIN 융합공학과 The purpose of this study is to evaluate the osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs on Gallus gallus domesticus derived demineralized bone particle (GDD) scaffolds. GDD scaffolds were prepared by a freeze-drying method using 1, 2 and 3% GDD solution. We characterized GDD scaffolds using SEM, compressive strength, porosity and FT-IR. Also, in vitro evaluation was assessed by MTT assay and ALP activity assay. Also, we confirmed gene expression of OCN, COL1, RUX-2, COX-2 and TNF-α using RT-PCR. Also, we performed in vivo experiment. The tomography was performed using μ-ct. And, histological analysis was performed. Front the results obtained, 3% GDD scaffold was superior and it can be applied as a potential biomaterial for bone regeneration. This research was supported by the International Research & Development Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (NRF-2017K1A3A7A ). 1PS-136 김윤정 Controlling Graphene Defects Using Polyvinylacohol through Hydrogen Bonding 김윤정, 강영종 1, 안석훈 2, KIST; 1 한양대학교 ; 2 한국과학기술연구원 Lately, displays using organic materials such as OLED have been developed due to increase of interest about thinner displays. However, because conjugated organic materials used in displays are easily decomposed by oxygen and water gas, a lot of gas barrier research have been studied to overcome this limitation. Graphene might be one of the best candidates as a gas barrier because an atomically perfect chemical strucutre of graphene does not allow any gases to pass through graphene. However, graphene synthesized through a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method contains many defects of nano- and micro-meter scales in reality. To solve this problem, we applied polyvinylacohol (PVA) which could make hydrogen bonding with functioal groups in graphene defects. AFM study reveals that PVA could selectively fill holes with micrometer size in graphene by using hydrogen bonding between PVA and functional groups such as carboxylic or hydroxide groups existing at graphene defects. 1PS-137 김윤필폴리에틸렌글리콜에분산된 CaCO 3 의입자함량과종횡비가큰탄소섬유첨가에따른현탁액의전단농화에미치는영향김윤필, 윤관한 1,, 이영실 2 금오공과대학교 ; 1 금오공과대학교화학공학과 ; 2 금오공과대학교산학협력단전단농화 (shear thickening, ST) 현상은콜로이드현탁액에서발생하는전단속도증가에따라점도가증가하는현상으로액체 - 고체전이상태를나타내는유변학적거동이다. 입자의농도가일정수준이상이되면임의의 shear rate 이상에서입자들간 cluster 가형성되며흐름에대한저항이증가하여전단농화현상이나타나게된다. 본연구에서는현탁액의 CaCO 3 입자함량과종횡비가큰탄소섬유첨가에따른전단농화현상변화에대하여고찰하였다. 탄소섬유의종횡비가긴특징으로인해낮은함량에서도전단농화현상이발생되는데이를응용하여밀도가낮은탄소섬유를전단농화유체에첨가함으로써적은양으로충분한효과를발생시켜전단농화유체를더경량화시킬수있다. 1PS-138 김인혜 Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Peptide-Based Supramolecular Hydrogel Patch 김인혜, 이은지 1, 충남대학교 ; 1 광주과학기술원 CO has garnered attention as a therapeutic gas with cytoprotective and anti-inflammatory action on human body. However, the clinical use of gaseous CO remains challenging by its high affinity to hemoglobin, resulting in systemic overexposure and CO-poisoning. These challenges have led to develop CO-releasing molecules (CORMs) but rapid dissociation of CO from CORM after administration induces uncontrollable CO-delivery to target, leading to insufficient therapeutic action of CO. Here, the syringe-deliverable CO-releasing peptide hydrogel (COH) and adhesive hydrogel patch (COHP) were prepared by supramolecular chemistry to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of CO with controllable CO-release to desired site. COH generated by self-assembly of CORMattached peptides with gel-forming FF-derivative results in fibrillar networks and exhibits prolonged CO-release compared to CORMs. Further, Ca 2+ -binding and mussel-inspired peptides were introduced to afford a mechanically rigid, adhesive COHP. 1PS-139 김재양내마모성및슬립성이우수한고무소재코팅용변성폴리우레탄수지합성연구김재양, 전호균, 이지은, 박현주, 이종환, 오상택 한국신발피혁연구원자동차용웨더스트립은발포처리된 EPDM 고무상부에코팅층이도포되며, 코팅층은웨더스트립의슬립성및내마모성등의성능을결정하는중요한요소로작용한다. 대부분의웨더스트립용코팅액은 PU 수지를이용하여내마모성을부여하고, silicone oil 등을이용하여슬립성을구현하고자하였으나, 두성분간에불가항력적으로발생하는전기적상호작용에의해상용성이미흡하여두가지물성을동시에만족시키기어렵다. 따라서, 자동차웨더스트립용코팅소재의내구성확보를통한고객신뢰도증가및자동차에대한정숙성요구를만족시키기위하여내마모성및슬립성을동시에발현하는자동차웨더스트립용코팅액의개발이요구되고있다. 본연구에서는불소변성폴리올을사용하여폴리우레탄을합성함으로서, 표면장력을감소시키고, 도막표면의불활성및방수성을향상시키고외부입자에의한먼지및마찰소음을감소시킬수있을것으로기대된다. 1PS-140 김준태 Study of New Electron Transport Materials for Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 김준태, 장동욱 1,, 이보람부경대학교 ; 1 부경대학교공업화학과 Organic-inorganic hybrid organometal halide perovskite is considered as promising materials for optoelectronics such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and solar cells, because of its interesting properties such as tunable band gap, low material cost, solution processable, and high charge-carrier mobility. In this study, we designed and successfully synthesized new organic small molecules, phosphine oxide-based electron transport materials for perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs). The phosphine oxide-based structure is considered as an efficient structural moiety for optoelectronics and which possess attractive electron mobility. Triphenylphosphine oxide was connected with quinoxaline derivative which also considered as electron deficient moiety. New electron transport materials exhibit wide band gap as well as suitable HOMO LUMO energy level. The interlayer, charge transport layer, is quite important on PeLED for enhancing efficiency of LED devices. 1PS-141 김지혜 Preparation of Polyaniline Hydrogel Electrodes for Electrochemical Applications 김지혜, 구형준 서울과학기술대학교화학공학과 Conducting Polymer Hydrogels (CPHs) could provide 3-D interconnected electrical pathways, which can be beneficially applied to electrochemical devices such as bioelectronics, sensors and energy storage devices. One of the popular methods for CPHs synthesis is to form a 3-D network of conducting polymers with crosslinking agents by using monomer, initiator and crosslinker. In this study, we synthesize polyaniline-based CPHs by using aniline (monomer), ammonium persulfate (initiator) and phytic acid (crosslinker) and investigate the effect of the composition and drying time on the electrical properties of the resulting CPHs. Furthermore, we develop a prototype of a soft-supercapacitor based on the polyaniline CPH electrodes. 1PS-142 김진 Evaluation of Gellan Gum/Glycol Chitosan Containing Bone Graft Materials Bioabsorbable Membrane for Guided Bone Regeneration 김진, 김수관 1,, 조인아 2, 임향이 2 조선대학교 ; 1 조선대학교치과대학구강악안면외과, 치의학연구원 ; 2 조선대학교치과대학 Bioabsorbable membrane was prepared using gellan gum (GEL)-glycol chitosan (GC) containing bone graft materials(bgm) for guided bone regeneration (GBR). The GEL/GC membrane was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), degradation, contact angle, tensile strength and cell viability. The result showed that by increasing the BGM content in GEL/GC membrane, the degradable and mechanical properties was decreased. New bone was observed through micro-ct and histological evaluation of forming a defect in rat calvarial and fixing the membrane. The amount of newbone regeneration was significantly greater in GEL/GC-BGM group than the GEL/GG membrane. The GEL/GC membrane blocked the soft tissue and has effects on the new bone formation. 1PS-143 김진수 Evaluation of hyaluronic acid loaded agar hydrogel for chondrocyte regeneration 김진수, 강길선 전북대학교 BIN 융합공학과 Hyaluronic acid is gaining popularity as a biomaterial scaffold in tissue engineering field due to its biocompatibility and its presence in the extracellular matrix of tissues. However, it needs a specific treatment to crosslink the material in order to improve its mechanical properties. Below 40, Agar forms a non-cytotoxic hydrogels and is often used as a support for the tri-dimensional culture of human cells. For this reason 제 44 권 1 호 79

83 it can be utilized to reproduce the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the hydrogel and to support the proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes for cartilage regeneration. In this study, agar (2wt%) solutions with the addition of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 wt% of hyaluronic acid were prepared to study the effect of hyaluronic acid on chondrocytes. The scaffolds were characterizations by FT-IR, compressive strength, SEM for porosity, then the cell proliferation was evaluated by MTT and Confocal. 1PS-144 김춘태 Integrated disease diagnosis flatform through phage multi-array chips for exhaled breath analysis 김춘태, 이유진, 이종민, 김원근, 오진우 부산대학교 The sensor array technology has been studied to analyze objects composed of multiple compounds. In the olfactory system of the human body, there are many detection receivers, and each of the receivers can not classify the object to be detected, but a plurality of receptors having different detection performances can be classified into a kind of detection object And recognizes them in the form of patterns. Biomarkers VOCs in the exhaled gas are in very low concentrations, and it is also complicated to analyze. It is necessary to develop a novel detection sensor which will detect various VOCs sensitively, and accurately at once. In this work, we developed the respiratory diagnostic analyzer using functional bacteriophage based biomimetic opto-electronic nose sensor and implemented product standardization through signal analysis and classification based on big data. Using phage-artificial nose, we intend to build a comprehensive disease diagnosis platform. 고분자가공 / 복합재료 ( I ) 1PS-145 Guijun Yang Toughness behavior and thermal stability of CaCO 3/Epoxy composites derived from various CaCO 3 morphology Guijun Yang, 박수진 인하대학교 In this study, epoxy matrix modification has been investigated with different content of cube-like and rod-like CaCO 3 nanoparticles. The effect of CaCO 3 with different morphology on the mechanical properties and thermal stability of CaCO 3/epoxy composites were studied. The results showed that the mechanical properties such as flexural strength, flexural modulus and fracture toughness of epoxy composites with CaCO 3 were enhanced by the addition of cube-like and rod-like CaCO 3 nanoparticle. Moreover, the mechanical properties of composites increased with the increase of the addition amount of CaCO 3, and then decreased when the filler content up to 2%. The rod-like CaCO 3/epoxy composites (EP-rod) shows better properties than that of cube-like CaCO 3/epoxy composites (EP-cube) under the same amount of CaCO 3 filler. In particular the epoxy composite containing 1.5 wt.% rod-like CaCO 3 nanoparticles showed a better mechanical behavior and thermal stability than that of others. 1PS-146 Guijun Yang Synthesis and electrochemical performance of Li 4Ti 5O 12/PEDOT:PSS for lithium ion battery Guijun Yang, 박수진 인하대학교 We prepared Li 4Ti 5O 12 by one-step solid-state carbon thermal reduction reaction. Samples of Li 4Ti 5O 12 are synthesized with different content of PEDOT:PSS. The presence of PEDOT:PSS act as reductant. The formation mechanism of Li 4Ti 5O 12 in the presence of carbon (PEDOT:PSS) was investigated. Moreover, the effect of Ti 3+ on the electrochemical performance of the Li 4Ti 5O 12 has been investigated systematically. Among all samples, the sample with 2% PEDOT:PSS additive exhibited the highest discharge capacity and best cycling stability. Our findings reveal that the surface modification with PEDOT:PSS can improve the electrical conductivity and Li + diffusion coefficient and improve rate capacity and cycling stability significantly. 1PS-147 Maulida Zakia Antimicrobial Properties of Photocrosslinked Alginate Hydrogels Containing Silver Nanoparticles Maulida Zakia, 송창현, 구자민, 유성일 Pukyong National University Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) can be highly toxic to bacteria at exceptionally low concentrations while display low toxicity to human cells. Hence, AgNPs become excellent choice as antimicrobial agents in food processing, healthcare and industry in general. One of the best route to further extend the range of applications of antimicrobial metal NPs is by the addition of NPs inside polymer hydrogel matrix. For that purpose, we utilized sodium alginate, a biocompatible polymer, to form antimicrobial hydrogel composite. Here, we introduced methacrylate group into sodium alginate main chain by adding 2-aminoethyl methacrylate into an aqueous solution of sodium alginate containing EDC and NHS. Next, the silver NPs-alginate hydrogels were prepared by dissolving methacrylated alginate in NPs solution and exposed it to the UV light in the present of photoinitiator. Antimicrobial efficacy of the obtained hydrogels with different concentration of NPs were evaluated against Escherichia coli. 1PS-148 Vu Minh Canh Encapsulated functionalized graphene oxide or boron nitride on poly(methyl methacrylate) beads for thermally conductive epoxy nanocomposites Vu Minh Canh, Nhat Anh Thi Thieu, 박의정, 김성룡 Korea National University of Transportation The thermally conductive nanofillers were prepared by encapsulating the functionalized graphene oxide or boron nitride as the shell on the plasma treated poly(methyl methacrylate) beads as the core by electrostatic interaction (nanofiller@pmma). The core-shell beads was incorporated into epoxy matrix to fabricate the thermally conductive epoxy nanocomposite. Scanning electron microscopy images show that the shell showed a network structure covering the whole surface of the core (ppmma bead) and simultaneously overlaps the same of the adjacent beads and thus continuous conductive pathways are formed among the filler beads. The epoxy composites prepared with functionalized graphene oxide shell shows a thermal conductivity of ~ 0.60 W m -1 K -1 which was much higher than that of hexagonal boron nitride shell embedded in epoxy composites at an overall nanofiller content of 1.0 wt%. *This study was supported by Korea National University of Transportation in PS-149 Xiaojie Zhang Preparation and characterization of silicone based 3D printing materials Xiaojie Zhang, Tridib Kumar Sinha, 오정석, 김진국 Gyeongsang National University Recently 3D printing technology has gained great attention as it allows the creation of complex 3D geometries with precisely prescribed microarchitectures, which enable new functionalities or improved performance. While few soft materials for 3D printing have been developed. And, the advantageous physiochemical properties of silicone based materials have made it an extremely useful material for prototyping in various technological, scientific, and clinical areas. However, the production of silicone products is a tedious assembly steps, due to the molding process, which limiting the utilities of silicone materials. Here the preparation, characterization and stereolithography (SLA) application of a 3D-printable silicone based soft materials is reported. Furthermore, an optimized silicone/silica composite is obtained, can also be used to SLA-printing manufacturing. The chemical and physical properties of silicone and silicone based composites have been characterized. 1PS-150 Shahina Riaz Functionalized graphene epoxy composites with enhanced mechanical behavior and thermal properties Shahina Riaz, 박수진 Inha University Hexamethylenetetramine was used to modify GO (GO-HMTA). Influence of GO and HTMA-GO on thermal and mechanical performance of epoxy composites was studied. Commercially available diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) was used as base resin. Lower loadings (0.04, and 0.2 wt.%) of fillers were used to obtain the maximum improved properties. Both GO and HMTA-GO cause a sharp increase in the fracture toughness (KIC) and fracture energy (GIC) of epoxy composites at 0.04 wt.% loadings. The maximum enhancement in KIC and GIC for GO and HMTA-GO epoxy composites were 23% and 40% and 1.94 and 2.27fold, respectively. All the epoxy composites show higher integral procedural decomposition temperature (IPDT) than pristine epoxy and the maximum thermal stability of composites was obtained at 0.06 wt.% filler contents. 1PS-151 Shahina Riaz Graphene oxide-epoxy composites: Initiated by thermal latent catalysts Shahina Riaz, 박수진 Inha University Curing of epoxy by homopolymerization provide advantages and broadens the field of application of these polymeric materials. An optimization of thermal latent cationic curing of epoxy to fabricate GO/epoxy composites with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties were carried out. Commercially available diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) was used as base resin and the thermally latent catalyst, N-benzylepyrizinium hexafluoroantimonate (N-BPH) was synthesized by using the reported method. The cationic system shows excellent latent curing which was not affected by adding filler. The cure kinetics was determined by DSC measurements. An improve in the thermal and mechanical properties of composites was observed by increment of filler contents. 1PS-152 강동규 Interface Engineering of Thermal Conducting Materials using Discotic Liquid Crystal Polymer 강동규, 정광운 전북대학교 Disc-shaped liquid crystal (DLC) monomers containing thiol-ene polymerizable functional groups were synthesized for thermal conducting polymeric network. The DLC-based thermal conducting network was used as polymeric matrix for boron nitride (BN) and expanded graphite (EG) composites. The difference of interfacial affinity between DLC matrix and thermal conducting fillers causes variance of heat dissipating performance of composite materials. Strong interfacial interaction like π π interaction induces enhanced phonon transfer ability. This work was supported by BK21 Plus Program, BRL , and Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ) of NRF Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program of Republic of Korea. 1PS-153 강수정 Polycarbonate resin composition with non-halogen flame retardant 강수정, 정재민, 김진환 성균관대학교 Polycarbonates used in engineering are strong, tough materials, and some grades are 80 제 44 권 1 호

84 optically transparent. Nowadays, the flame retardancy of polymers are the major concern. In this study, Polycarbonate (PC) was selected to develop an efficient flame retardant (FR) of high temperature polymer. A series of organo phosphorus flame retardants (FRs) based on aromatic phosphate and cyclic phosphate, mainly Biphenyl bis (cyclic 1,3-propanediol phosphate) (BP-CPP) and Biphenol bis (cyclic 2,2-dimethyl-1,3- propanediol phosphate) (BP-DMPP), were synthesized for polycarbonate. Their thermal stability and flame retarding efficiency as a single-component additive were investigated and compared with resorcinol bis (diphenyl phosphate) (RDP). Flame retarding efficiency was evaluated by the UL-94 test method. And its flame retarding performance was studied by the UL-94 and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). 1PS-154 강신혜 Synthesis of poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) micro-hydrogel using a microchannel and study on concentration sensor 강신혜, 김서균, 이헌상 동아대학교 In this study, PDMS microchannels were fabricated by using a soft lithography process. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) micro-hydrogel spheres were synthesized by using the microfluidic channel. The volume of synthesized micro-hydrogel was reduced as increasing temperature, exhibiting lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior at around 32. The volume changes of the micro hydrogels were monitored as they were immersed into poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) or sodium chloride (NaCl) solution. The effects of temperature and solution concentration on the volume of the micro-hydrogels were investigated. The osmotic pressures of the micro-hydrogels were calculated from the solid contents in the micro-hydrogel by using the Flory-Huggins theory. It was suggested that the micro-hydrogel can be used as a sensor detecting concentration of solution and temperature. 1PS-155 강예령 The effect of poly(styrene-ran-glycidyl methacrylate) on epoxy resins and synthesized by free radical polymerization 강예령, 서흔영, 윤호규 고려대학교 Poly(styrene-ran-glycidyl methacrylate) was synthesized by free radical polymerization and used to modify phenol novolac and triglycidyl p-amino phenol epoxy resins cured with aliphatic amine.thermal and mechanical properties were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), respectively and morphological charateristics carefully examined by sacanning electron microscope (SEM).Contact angle studies were carried out using water at room temperature and crosslink density was calculated by theory of rubber elasticity. The results indicate that the tensile properties vary according to the molecular weight and concerntration of poly (styrene-ran-glycidyl methacrylate) and the copolymer increases contact angle and reduces wetting and hydrophilicity of epoxy resins. 1PS-156 강지선 Surface functinalized cellulose nanocrystals for cycloaliphatic epoxy (CE) resin 강지선, 민진홍, 최지원, 심재민, 조연주, 윤석일 상명대학교 Unlike the aromatic epoxy resins, the cycloaliphatic epoxy (CE) resins do not have strong UV chromophore groups. Thus, they are highly resistant to ultraviolet light and more durable for outdoor applications. Recently, advances in high modulus nanofillers have shown promise in producing materials that exceed the thermal and physical properties of the neat thermoset matrix. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) represent a nanofiller that is sustainable, biodegradable, and has excellent strength-to-weight ratio, and can be used as reinforcement for epoxy composites. The tranparency and absence of aromatic rings makes CNCs the ideal fillers for CEs. The introduction of surface amine functionality to the CNCs also allowed for an additional reaction with epoxy gourps. The results demonstrate that amine functionalized CNCs provide excellent dispersion in epoxy monomer and the thermomechanical properties of cured epoxy nanocomposites with amine functionalized CNCs were significantly improved. 1PS-157 강희주 Electrochemical Characterization of 2D Siloxene-based electrode for Next-Generation Energy Storage Systems 강희주, 이태규, 김미진, 김홍식, 정윤진, 박혜진, 구여진, 전영시 전남대학교 Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are the current-state-of-the-art electrochemical energy storage technology for most portable electronic devices. However, there are only few rooms left for further improvement of LIBs due to insufficient supply and high price of lithium resource. In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, we are attention mainly on 1) sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) and 2) lithium-sulfur batteries (LSBs), which are considered the most promising next-generation energy storage systems. Herein, we proposed active materials based on siloxene as anode and cathode for SIBs and LSBs, respectively where novel strategie reactive extraction synthesis was introduced to drive their two-dimensional (2D) structures. Being utilized as electrode materials, it was able to improve the performance of SIBs and LSBs owing to its unique layered structure and hydroxyl-rich surface. 1PS-158 고동원 Thermal and mechanical properties of epoxy molding compound (EMC) for fan out wafer lever packages 고동원, 서흔영, 윤호규 고려대학교 In semi conductor package, crack or warpage will be happened because of difference of thermal stress between chip and epoxy molding compound. So,the EMC was required high thermal conductivity and low coefficient of thermal expansion, and high flexibility was also needed to prevent crack or warpage of EMC. For high thermal conductivity, high crystalline hardener such as naphthalene was used with commercial bisphenol A type epoxy resin. Also, the high content of fillers such as large and small size sillica were added for low CTE. Additionally, random copolymer was synthesized and added in EMC to enhance the flexibility of EMC. The analysis of CTE was conducted using Schapery s theory to set up the content of fillers. To investigate of curing reaction of EMC and mixing conditions of melt mixing, differential scanning calorimeter analysis was performed and the tensile and flexural properties were also measured to investigate the mechanical properties of RCP filled EMC UTM. 1PS-159 고은주 Preparation of Crosslinked Cellulosic Nanoweb using Metal Ion 고은주, 안정빈, 우정연, 김형섭 건국대학교 In this work, water-insoluble and biocompatible hydrogel nanoweb was prepared via electrospinning of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose/poly(ethylene glycol) (CMCNa/PEO). After removal of PEO, the CMCNa in the nanoweb was crosslinked by FeCl3 as a crosslinker. The molecular entanglements of the solutions decreased with the increase of PEO concentration due to its relatively small size. The fiber diameter was decreased as the PEO content increased. After extraction of PEO, the diameter was significantly reduced. The surface of the nanowebs became bumpy after crosslinking and fiber diameter increased with the increase of the crosslinking time. The chemical states of the nanowebs were analyzed by FT-IR spectra. The cytotoxicity of nanoweb was also evaluated. Furthermore, the drug release behavior was compared between hydrogel film and nanoweb. Compared with the film, the nanoweb showed longer and more sustained release because of its high crosslinking density and large surface area. 1PS-160 고재완 Thermally and Chemically Robust Colloidal Quantum Dots by Cross-Linkable Polymeric Ligands 고재완, 장준혁 1, 정병국 2, 장세규 3, 이도창 2, 배완기 4, 방준하 고려대학교 ; 1 서울대학교 ; 2 한국과학기술원 ; 3 한국과학기술연구원 ; 4 성균관대학교 Endowing quantum dots (QDs) with robustness is of the utmost importance since the major limitation of QDs in practical applications are their thermal instabilities. Herein, we propose an effective passivation method using polymeric ligands, thiol-terminated poly(methyl methacrylate-b-glycidyl methacrylate) (P(MMA-b-GMA)). The crosslinking of PGMA providing a robust network on QDs are conducted by a mild reaction condition using Lewis acid under an ambient environment, thereby not affecting the photoluminescence quantum yield (PL QY) of QDs. The resulting cross-linked shell suppresses the formation of charge trap sites under high temperature, which are mainly responsible for diminished PL QY. Our method is simple with wide applicability to the range of various sizes and compositions of QDs, thus, paving the way for the practical hybridization with polymeric materials typically employed in the fields of display fabrication especially as a down-conversion layer or color filter. 1PS-161 공영준무기물함량및표면처리가 PBAT (Polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/compound 의기계적성질에미치는영향연구공영준, 허양일 1, 김정철 2, 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 ; 2 한국생산기술연구원광에너지융합그룹기존농업용필름의환경문제를개선하고자연구한것으로, CaSO 4 의함량에따라 PBAT compound 의열적, 유변학적, 기계적특성을검토하여 film 제조시적합한조성을찾는연구를하였다. 또한, 친수성의 CaSO 4 를 PBAT 에고르게분산시키기위하여소수성을가지는 stearic acid 로 CaSO 4 의표면을코팅하여표면처리가 PBAT compound 의분산성과기계적특성에미치는영향을연구하였다. 모든실험의경우 PBAT 는 80 에서 4 시간, CaSO 4 는 150 에서 12 시간진공건조후에실험을진행하였으며, virgin PBAT 가공시 extruder 의온도는 80 ~150 에서 compounding chip 을제조하였고, CaSO 4 의함량에따라가공온도를상승시켰다. CaSO 4 의함량이증가할수록 PBAT compound 의결정화도는감소하였고, melt viscosity 가증가하였다. 또한인장강도와신도가감소하였고, 단면 morphology 관찰결과 PBAT 내 CaSO 4 가응집하여분산성이좋지않았다. PBAT/ 표면처리 CaSO 4 compound 의분산성과기계적특성을확인한결과 PBAT/ 표면미처리 CaSO 4 compound 비해기계적물성과분산성이향상되었다. 1PS-162 곽진환 Nanostructured Carbons with High Specific Surface Area for Sodium-Ion Batteries 곽진환, 현종찬, 하손, 윤영수 강원대학교 Sodium-ion batteries (NIBs) haver been actively studied as a next generation energy storage device, while there are several issues to be solved. One of the critical obstacles is its relatively low energy density originating from the larger and heavier sodium ion. In this study, nanostructured carbons with high specific surface area were prepared from synthetic polymer precursors by controlled pyrolysis process, and their electrochemical performances as a cathode for NIBs were investigated. The nanostructured carbons can deliver a specific capacity of ~300 ma h g -1 at an average voltage of 2.8 V. In addition, stable cycling behaviors were maintained during 300 cycles. 1PS-163 구보람 Characterization of PA66/MoS 2 composites by surface modification 구보람, 문형진, 김정욱, 남기동, 김재익, 류승훈 경희대학교 Polyamide66 (PA66) has been attracting attention as a high functional material with excellent chemical resistance, toughness and strength. Especially, the composite with improved PA66 friction and wear properties by adding filler such as MoS 2 is used in 제 44 권 1 호 81

85 various application such as automobile and aviation. However, the low compatibility and dispersibility between polymer and filler has caused the decrease of the physical properties of composites and has been a problem to be solved. Therefore, various researches have been carried out to increase the compatibility and uniform dispersion to suppress the deterioration of physical properties. In this study, the surface modification of MoS 2 was carried out to improve the compatibility and dispersibility of the polymer composite with MoS 2 filler, and the properties are going to evaluate by FTIR, contact angle, BET, SEM, UTM and friction/wear test. 1PS-164 권동준 Evaluation of Adhesion Properties of CFRP/Al with Environmental Condition 권동준, 권일준, 박성민, 지경은 1 DYETEC 연구원 ; 1 IBMT 수상스포츠레져분야에 CFRP 적용이확대되고있다. 본연구에서는 Jet boat 제작을진행하는데있어상부와하부를 CFRP 와 Al 로제작함에따른접합안정성을평가하였다. AL 은반응성이낮은소재이기때문에 CFRP 와의접착강도는 12 MPa 수준이였다. 부족한접착강도를높이기위해기계적리벳을이용하여하이브리드결합을연구하였다. 접착강도는접착제만을이용한것에비해 50% 향상된결과를나타내었다. CFRP 와 Al 간의접합을시도하였을경우환경변화에따른부식발생정도를분석하였고, 습도조건및온도조건에따른접착부위에서의변화를관찰하여접착력저하정도를분석하였다. 궁극적으로접착제만이용하였을경우습도조건및염수조건에서접착력의저하를나타내었으나, 하이브리드결합을진행하였을경우환경변화에따른물성저하는최대로감소되었다. This work (No.C ) was supported by Business for Cooperative R&D between Industry, Academy, and Research Institute funded Korea Small and Medium Business Administration in PS-165 권동준 New Evaluation of Interfacial Properties and Damage Sensing on Interface of CFRP and Steel using Carbon Nanoparticles 권동준, 권일준, 이재호, 이재동, 김유정 DYETEC 연구원이종소재간의접합기술은차량용부품개발에많은변화를주었다. 본연구에서는 CFRP 와 steel 간의접합에사용되는접착제에대해나노입자를적용한구조용접착제개선을시도하였다. MWNT, Graphene oxide 두나노입자에따른접착제의접착력강화효과를확인하였다. 나노입자의형상에따른영향및나노입자의함량에따른차이를분석하였고, 탄소계나노입자의전도성을이용하여실시간으로이종접합구간의파괴거동을분석하였다. 접착제의특성강화를위해두소재모두강화효과는있지만, 경제성분석을통해나노입자에대한활용가능성을추가적으로분석하였다. 궁극적으로물성강화의목적으로는 GO 를이용하는것이효과적이였으나경제성분석결과로는 MWNT 를이용하는것이효율적임을확인하였다. This work (No ) was supported by Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology and Korea in PS-166 권세호 Preparation of Photopolymerizable Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials by Nonhydrolytic Sol-Gel Processing for 3D Printing Applications 권세호, 권용구 인하대학교 Novel photopolymerizable organic-inorganic hybrid materials were synthesized by UV photopolymerization through free radical polymerization. The oligomeric resins of these materials were used to prepare various three dimensional structures through digital light processing (DLP) in three-dimensional (3D) printing technology. Novel organicinorganic hybrid materials were prepared based on cross-linkable fluoromethyl derivatives, trimethoxysilane precursor and bulky silanes by non-hydrolytic sol-gel processing and followed by thermal condensation. The sol-gel reaction between two components obtained a high degree of dispersion of bulky silane compounds which determined the optical properties of the final composite objects. Dicacrylate derivatives were used as crosslinkers to facilitate curing and modify the chemical nature of gel framework which enhances mechanical properties of final hybrid materials. 1PS-167 권용록 Silica dispersibility and mechanical properties of silica/sbr compound by using carboxylized acrylic monomer-based low molecular weight copolymer 권용록, 신우승, 홍석주, 장지은 1, 김수현, 장영욱 2, 김동현 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 중앙대학교 ; 2 한양대학교 Wet masterbatch (WMB) is a technique for producing rubber compounds by using water as a solvent to coagulate surface-modified silica. This technique is a process for producing a high content of silica filler and a rubber compound with improved silica dispersibility. However, WMB technology has difficulties in improving the mechanical properties of the rubber compound due to the low silica dispersibility due to the silica aggregation when the silica content is higher than 100 phr. In this study, an amphiphilic silica dispersant was applied to the WMB process. The amphipathic silica dispersant was synthesized by copolymerizing carboxylated acrylic monomer and acrylamide. The improvement of silica dispersibility in the rubber compound with dispersant was measured by Rubber Process Analyzer. In addition, both the wear resistance measured by DIN abrasion and the dynamic viscoelastic property measured by Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer were enhanced when the content of dispersant was 6 phr. 1PS-168 김남렬 PLA/PBAT 블렌드 sheet 의물성에대한상용화제의영향김남렬, 허양일 1, 김정철 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 전남대학교 Poly(lactic acid)(pla) 는대표적인생분해성고분자로인장강도및가공성등이우수하나강한 취성및낮은연신율로인해산업으로의적용에한계가있다. 본연구에서는 PLA 에생분해성을지니면서연신율이우수한 Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)(pbat) 를함량별로블렌딩하고이때상용성을높이기위해 Joncryl ADR 을상용화제로사용하였다. 이축압출기를통해 PLA/PBAT 및 PLA/PBAT/ADR 블렌드시트를제조하고열적, 기계적, 형태학적, 유변학적특성을알아보았다. 또한상용화제가 PLA/PBAT 블렌드시트의물성에미치는영향을분석하였다. 단면모폴로지관찰결과 PLA/PBAT 블렌드에서상분리가일어나 miscible blend 가아닌것을확인하였고, 상용화제첨가후상분리현상이크게완화되었다. PLA/PBAT 블렌드에서 PBAT 함량이증가함에따라 PLA 의유리전이온도증가및결정화온도감소를확인하였으며인장강도는낮아지고신도가증가하였다. PLA/PBAT(50/50%wt) 블렌드에 Joncryl ADR 1%wt 를첨가한후인장강도가 1.3 배, 신도는 15 배정도증가하였다. 또한상용화제첨가후결정화도가크게낮아지는경향을보였다. 1PS-169 김다희 Effect of aspect ratio of cellulose nanofiber (CNF) on physical properties of the polymer composites prepared via a melt-mixing process 김다희, 서영수 세종대학교 Cellulose is one of the most abundant eco-friendly natural polymer. Cellulose nanofiber (CNF) is produced by grinding or homogenization of pulp which is obtained by removing lignin and hemicellulose from woods through chemical and mechanical treatment. CNF has high mechanical strength comparable to glass fiber or carbon fiber. Therefore, CNF as a filler for reinforcement of polymer has been studied. However poor dispersion and thermal degradation in a melt mixing process were major drawbacks for commercialization. In this study, CNF was surface-modified with inorganic materials and mixed with thermoplastic polymers using a twin screwed melt-mixer, showing well dispersion and thermal resistance. We investigated mechanical, optical and rheological properties of the composites in terms of amount of inorganic material on the surface and CNF aspect ratio. 1PS-170 김대겸 Synthesis of Multi-Heteroatom Doped Carbon Materials for High Energy Density Electric Double Layer Capacitors 김대겸, 박원철 서울대학교 Electrochemical double layer capacitors with high energy density are a critical issue for novel electrochemical energy storage applications. To address this problem, heteroatom doping strategies into carbon matrix have attracted much attention due to their effective electrochemical properties. Here, we choose N, F, and B heteroatoms as doping sources to form highly synergistic effects during electrochemical energy storage performances. The N,F,B-doped carbon was synthesized through calcination of a carbon cloth composites coated with fluorinated polyamic acid in the presence of boric acid. The carbon cloth provides a current collector as well as a flexible substrate to facilitate the wearable energy storage devices. The synthesized carbon materials doped with N,F,B-heteroatoms delivers a high specific capacitance, high rate capability, and long cycle life. 1PS-172 김동은 Preparation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with pyrene derivatives containing hydroxyl group for their composites with polybutylene terephthalate 김동은, 최은엽, 김창근 중앙대학교 MWCNTs adsorbing various pyrene derivatives with hydroxyl groups were melt-mixed with PBT, resulting in the production of composite and the improvement in mechanical properties. 1-hydroxypyrene (PO), 1-pyrenemethanol (PMO) and 1-pyrenebutanol (PBO) were used as pyrene derivatives and each was adsorbed on the surface of MWCNTs through physisorption. The hydroxyl groups of the prepared derivatives were mixed through the transesterification reaction with the ester groups of PBT while passing the twin extruder. Formation of pyrene derivatives-mwcnts were confirmed by FT-IR, FE-SEM, XPS and TGA. As a result, the amount of MWCNTs grafted to PBT increased in the order of PBO>PMO>PO according to the chain length, and the interfacial adhesion energy confirmed by drop on fiber method also increased by the same order. PBT/MWCNTs composites using PBO, which bear the biggest energy, showed a high level of dispersion and the strongest tensile strength and tensile modulus. 1PS-173 김동재 Electrical conductivity analysis for rod-like nanoparticles/polymer composites: A direct method using block matrices and Kirchhoff s law 김동재, 남재욱서울대학교화학생물공학부 In recent years, research on nanoparticles-polymer composites has been studied actively for enhancing their mechanical, chemical, electrical properties, etc. In this study, we focus on analyzing the electrical conductivity of the nanocomposites containing high-aspect-ratio materials, such as metallic nanowires and carbon nanotubes. We focus on the analysis of the electrical conductivity of two-dimensional networks of conducting rods. For the analysis, we used two kinds of modeling: 1) multi-nodal representation (MNR), and 2) Junction resistance dominant assumption (JDA). Based on Kirchhoff s laws, the relation between the current and electrical potential is formulated using a block matrix equation. By the treatment, we can derive useful relations such as normalized conductivity, normalized number of edges, backbone fraction, and the effect of the ratio of the internal resistance to the junction resistance. 82 제 44 권 1 호

86 1PS-174 김동현 Fabrication and properties of silica nanoparticle with rod hierarchical structure by ion beam irradiation 김동현, 강현호, 이동훈 위덕대학교 Superhydrophobic surfaces that exhibit anti-sticking, anti-icing, and self-cleaning. A simple and inexpensive fabrication process is required to fabricate applicable superhydrophobic surfaces. In this study, we developed a facile fabrication method of superhydrophobic surfaces through ion beam irradiation with argon and oxygen gases. The ion beam irradiation method was empolyed to gain insight into the irradiation effect on the surface morphologies and surface properties of the substrates. After the ion beam irradiation, the surface morphology was changed to have microstructures with various surface roughness and form. The as-prepared structured surfaces shows an excellent superhydrophobic property with a high static contact angle (greater than 150⁰), which was ascribed to the synergistic effect of low- surface energy materials. As indicated by the results, improving the surface hydrophobicity may be an effective way of overcoming surface problem. 1PS-175 김무현 Fabrication of nylon 6,6 composite containing reduced graphene oxide-carbon nanotubes functionalized with 1-pyrenebutyric chloride 김무현, 최은엽, 김창근 중앙대학교 Reduced graphene oxide-carbon nanotubes functionalized with 1-pyrenebutyric chloride (rgo-ocnt-pbc) were prepared from Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), and then melt-mixed with nylon 6,6 (PA66) in twin extruder to produce composites with improved mechanical properties. Graphene oxide-carbon nanotubes (GO-OCNT) were produced from the strong acid oxidation of MWCNTs, and then reduced at a high temperature. The overall surface area of GO-OCNT increased due to the creation of GO sheets surrounding MWCNTs. Later, physically adsorbed PBC formed more covalent bonds between the PA66 and MWCNTs matrix with wider surface area. TEM, FESEM, FTIR and XPS were carried out to investigate the formation of rgo- OCNT-PBC. The interfacial adhesion energy results between PA66 and rgo-ocnt-pbc were higher than those between PA66 and pristine MWCNTs. Owing to the increase in energy, PA66/rGO-OCNT-PBC reached a higher dispersibility and mechanical properties than PA66/pristine MWCNTs. 1PS-176 김미진 Mesoporous microspheres as High Performance Cathodes for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries 김미진, 강희주, 이태규, 구여진, 송지윤, 전영시 1, 전남대학교 ; 1 전남대학교화학공학부 Practical application of lithium-sulfur batteries is mainly limited by a low areal capacity around 2 mah/cm 2. In order to achieve a high-areal-capacity cathode, we prepare mesoporous microspheres with high pore volume. Triazine crystals of melamine and cyanuric acid (MCA) is utilized as structure directing agents, into which glucose is introduced as additional carbon source. Glucose trapped inside crystal structure of MCA is heated to 600 degrees Celsius under nitrogen atmosphere for carbonization. The resulting microspheres (2~6 μm), MCA-gl-20M-600, features nitrogen-rich microstructure and porous structure with a pore volume of 2.3 cm 3 /g, a BET surface area of m 2 /g and a pore size of 35 nm. MCA-GL-20M-600 enables a high sulfur-loading cathode (~10 mg/cm 2 ) and thereby exhibits an areal capacity of ~8.5 mah/cm 2 at C/5 over 100 cycles with minor capacity loss. 1PS-177 김민수 Fabrication and Characterization of Eco-friendly and Electrically Conductive Waterborne Polyurethane/Silver Nanowire Composite Films 김민수, 정영규 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 Environmentally friendly and cost-effective waterborne polyurethanes (WPUs) have been recently investigated as substitute materials for conventional polyurethanes soluble in highly polar organic solvents such as NMP, DMF, THF, etc. In this study, to obtain eco-friendly polyurethanes with high performance in electrical properties, WPU-based composite films reinforced with silver nanowire (AgNW) were fabricated by solution casting. For the purpose, an WPU was synthesized by using poly(propylene glycol), isophorone diisocyanate, 2,2-dimethylolpropionic acid, and 1,4-butanediol. The structural features, electrical conductivity, and electrical heating performance of the composite films were characterized and the results were discussed in terms of the AgNW content. In addition, the thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of the composite films were analyzed. 1PS-178 김상하 Enhanced Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Conductivity in Hybrid Composite - Graphite and GNPs Fillers for Polyphenylene Sulfide Composite 김상하, 박수영 1, 경북대학교 ; 1 경북대학교응용화학공학부고분자공학전공일반적인범용플라스틱은좋지않은내열성과기계적물성을가지고있기때문에고온의연료전지및전자제품에서의사용은무리가있다. 따라서 High temperature performance polymer 인 Polyphenylene sulfide(pps) 를 Polymer 로선택하였다. PPS 는높은치수안정성과우수한내화학성등으로인산형연료전지등에서널리사용되는 Polymer 이다. Graphite 의경우높은열전도도와전기전도도를가지기때문에전도성을부여하여야하는복합체제조에서널리사용되는물질이다. 본연구는 PPS/Graphite 복합체의성능을향상하기위해 Graphite nanoplatelt (GNPs) 를 secondary filler 로첨가하여 hybrid composite 의 synergistic effect 를향상하는데목적을두고있다. 1PS-179 김상헌 Silver Nanocrystals-Based Sensing Platform for the Quantification of Water in Water-Ethanol Mixtures 김상헌, 김문호 부경대학교 Triangular silver nanoplates with sharp corners exhibit fascinating optical properties, but their shapes are not thermodynamically stable. However, this intrinsic instability can be used to realize novel applications. In the current work, we designed such application, one in which the spontaneous rounding of the sharp corners of the Ag nanoplates exposed to bromide ions (Br - ) was used to develop a novel sensing platform for the quantification of water in water-ethanol mixtures. This relationship, which was attributed to the previously determined dependence of the solubility of KBr on the volume fraction of water in water-ethanol mixtures, allowed for the quantification of water in water-ethanol mixtures. We believe that the nanocrystal-based sensing platform holds great potential for use as a analytical tool for the quantification of water in the fine chemical, pharmaceutical, and food and beverage industries. 1PS-180 김상훈 Study of Block Copolymers Morphology Confined in Square Channel 김상훈, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 Nanoscopic confinement of block copolymers (BCPs) offers a promising means to manipulate nontraditional morphologies completely different from their bulk morphologies. Many research groups have studied confinement effect on BCP morphologies. While most of them have focused on BCPs morphology confined in circular space (i.e., cylinder, sphere), very few studies have been done for the BCP morphologies confined in other types of geometries such as square. Here, we investigated the confined morphology of block copolymer inside the square channel prepared by anodized aluminum oxide (AAO). Based on the theoretical studies, we expect new BCP morphologies that is not observed inside circular space through the square confinement. Especially, if we use selective brush to modify AAO surface, more interesting morphologies such as U, S shaped-nanostructures that is applied to plasmonics can be obtained by surface selectivity. 1PS-181 김서균 Concentration dependency of extensional relaxation time and FENE constant using a differential pressure extensional rheometer on a chip 김서균, 이헌상 동아대학교인장흐름에대한연구는 Capillary Breakup Extensional Rheometer, Filament Stretching Extensional Rheometer 또는 Dripping onto Substrate 장비등을이용하여이루어지고있지만, 정상상태인장점도에대한연구는제한적이다. 이는유체의인장속도를오랜시간일정하게유지시키는것이어렵고, 한가지용액에대해측정가능한인장속도의범위가좁기때문이다. 최근, 본연구그룹에서는차압방식의미세채널을이용하여선형고분자용액의정상상태인장점도를측정하는방법을제시하였다. 또한, 인장흐름이해에핵심 parameter 인 finite extendable nonlinear elastic 상수와인장완화시간분포를결정하였다. Simple bead-spring 모델에서 FENE 상수는 N 개의 bead-spring 으로구성된고분자가최대로늘어날수있는길이를의미한다. 본연구에서는 DPER 를이용하여 dilute 및 semi-dilute 범위에서 poly(ethylene oxide) 용액의농도에따른정상상태인장점도를측정하였으며, 이를통해인장완화시간분포를결정하였다. 또한, 정상상태인장점도의 plateau value 로부터 FENE 상수의농도의존성을확인하였다. 1PS-182 김선구 Properties of the UV-cured film according to the formulation of coating liquids 김선구, 최현진, 정경모 강원대학교 We studied about properties of the UV-curable coating liquid that contains epoxy prepolymer and monomers. In order to understand the adhesion characteristics of cured films, we investigate the physical/chemical properties of the curing liquid, which have tri-functional monomers using different chain lengths. We found out that the liquid-a including tri-functional monomers (TMPTA, EO(3)-TMPTA) have a better adhesive strength than the liquid-b just including TMPTA, since the tri-functional monomer EO(3)-TMPTA that have a long chain length of the chemical structure than that of TMPTA plays an important role to make a flexible structure of the cured film. "This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (No. NRF-2018R1A6A3A )". 1PS-183 김선구수용성폴리머와에멀션바인더를포함한코팅액의유동특성분석김선구, 최현진, 정경모 강원대학교최든들어다양한기능성코팅분야에수용성폴리머와합성바인더, 나노입자를혼용하여적용하는사례들이늘어나고있다. 이는코팅층에강화된기계적물성부여하거나여러가지기능화를유도하기위한효과적인방법이며, 이때합성바인더와수용성폴리머와혼용에따른이점을고려한배합조성도다양하게검토되고있다. 본연구에서는기능성코팅으로의응용을목적으로이들구성성분의물리적화학적특성이코팅액의유동성에미치는영향에대해검토하였다. " 이연구는 2018 년도정부 ( 교육부 ) 의재원으로한국연구재단의지원을받아수행된기초연구사업임 (No. NRF-2018R1A6A3A )". 1PS-184 김선구 Rheological properties of the coating liquids for anilox roll 김선구, 최현진, 정경모 강원대학교 Various roll coating techniques using gravure and flexography are recognized as an effective leveling method to adjust coating machine. In particular, the high quality of anilox roll play an important role in the leveling of coating amount and print quality 제 44 권 1 호 83

87 improvement. In the coating process using anilox roll, it is believed that in order to improve the quality of ink and/or coating liquid for the functional coating, understanding both of the coating-composition design method and their interaction containing nanoparticle are important. As a basic study for developing UV-curable type of the functional coating materials, photosensitive resin and two kinds of nanoparticles were used. rheological characteristics of the UV-curable liquids were analyzed and correlation with printability was examined. "This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (No. NRF-2018R1A6A3A )". 1PS-185 김성욱 Highly effective thin carbide-layer coated bi-functional electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution and reduction in Zn Air Batteries 김성욱, 장지현 울산과학기술원 To enhance the overall performance of Zn air batteries, the system with a highly efficient oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is crucial. Although Cu and Ni are known to be bi-functional electrocatalysts for ORR and OER, slow reactions due to the abnormally strong oxygen bond on the surface of the catalyst make it challenging to achieve ideal system efficiency. In this study, a thin carbide layer on Cu and Ni was fabricated to afford efficient catalytic active sites with a reasonable binding energy for facile electron transfer. The unique structure gave an enhanced catalytic surface and the protective thin carbide layer offered a suitable O binding energy and stability of Zn air batteries. Density functional theory revealed a decrease in the overpotential of OER reactions. These results prove that carbide layers on dendritic metal surfaces can efficiently enhance the activity of ORR and OER bi-functional catalysts for Zn air batteries. 1PS-186 김성황 Ozonization of SWCNTs on thermal and fracture toughness of basalt fiber-reinforced composites 김성황, 박수진 인하대학교 The multi-scale hierarchy is a promising chemical approach that provides superior performance in synergistically integrated microstructured fibers and nanostructured materials in composite applications. Achieving high-efficiency thermal conductivity and mechanical properties with a simple surface treatment on single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is important for multi-scale composites. The main purpose jof the project is to introduce ozone-treated SWCNTs between an epoxy matrix and basalt fibers to improve mechanical properties and thermal conductivity by enhancing dispersion and interfacial adhesion. The obvious advantage of this approach is that it is much more effective than the conventional approach at improving the thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of materials under an equivalent load, and shows particularly significant improvement for high loads. 1PS-187 김성황 Preparation and characterization of nickel plated basalt fiber-reinforced composites 김성황, 박수진 인하대학교 This study, nickel plated basalt fiber-reinforced epoxy composites were fabricated. Basalt fibers were treated by acid and electroless nickel plating was applied on the treated basalt fibers. mechanical properties and thermal properties of the prepared composites were investigated according to plating time. The plating time controlled thickness of nickel on treating basalt fibers. FT-IR and XPS were used to invest effects of acid treatment and electroless nickel plating. The fracture toughness was calculated by the critical stress intensity factor (KIC). The morphology was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). A thermal weight analyzer (TGA) was used to invest thermal stability. The results show that nickel plating on basalt fibers affects thermal and mechanical properties of basalt fiber-reinforced epoxy composites. 1PS-188 김수연 Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/polyurethane composites for cooling applications 김수연, 이종휘 중앙대학교 Recently, cooling systems become more and more important for effective heat release in various applications. The cooling systems using poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) has been investigated as effective future solutions for large-area buildings or plants. The previous studies on the composites of PNIPAm and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) have shown a unique lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior of rapid deswelling. In this study, we improved the thermal conduction and the content of PNIPAm in the composite systems for cooling applications. Therefore, polyurethane (PU) was used instead of PDMS to control evaporation and long-life cooling system. Well aligned pores of PU were successfully prepared by melt crystallization of solvent and subsequent sublimation of crystals. The infiltration of NIPAm solution into the pores could prepare a novel hydrogel composite. This strategy could find a promising application in the development of future cooling systems. 1PS-189 김수준 Effect of Chitin/Chitosan Nanowhiskers on Adsorption Property of Electrospun Poly(vinyl alcohol) Nanofibrous Web 김수준, 박원호 충남대학교키틴은갑각류의껍질, 곤충의외골격, 미생물등에서얻을수있는생체적합성, 생분해성천연고분자로식품, 화장품등의다양한분야에활용되고있다. 또한키틴분자내에는수질오염의원인이되는유기염료나중금속이온을흡착할수있는 -OH, -NH 2 와같은반응기가풍부하여흡착제로응용될수있다. 이러한키틴을산가수분해를통해비결정영역을제거하게되면나노크기의침상형결정인키틴나노휘스커 (nanowhiskers)(ctnws) 를추출할수있다. 또한 CtNWs 를알칼리가수분해하여키토산나노휘스커 (CsNWs) 로탈아세틸화시킬수도있다. 본연구에서는전기방사를통해다양한함량의 Ct-/CsNWs 를함유하는 PVA 나노섬유웹을제조하고물리적 / 화학적특성을분석하였다. 또한, 나노섬유웹의메틸렌블루에대한흡착능을평가하였으며, 흡착능에있어 Ct-/CsNWs 가미치는영향을비교하였다. 1PS-190 김영남 Environmentally friendly, highly efficient Epoxy-based Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Green Recycling system using Supercritical water 김영남, 김영오 1, 하유미 1, 김성륜 2, 박민 1, 김재우 1, 양범주 1, 정용채 1, 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST)/ 연세대학교 ; 1 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST); 2 전북대학교 The carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs) waste has occurred by increasing use of CFRPs. Thus, the concern of environmental problem and high cost is proposed importance of recycling CFRPs. So, we applied CFRPs recycling system using supercritical water with high reactivity, low viscosity, and dielectric constant, respectively. Also, the recycled CFs (R-CFs) was applied to a cyclic butylene terephthalate (CBT) to prepare a conductive polymer composite. In this study, we carried out decomposition of epoxy from CFRPs in the supercritical fluid by water (at 410, under 280 bar is SCF conditions). We observed the successful epoxy decomposition from recycling carbon fiber through FT-IR, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). After epoxy removal, morphology of the R-CFs showed undamaged surface and the tensile strength of R-CFs has similar value with the neat CFs via Favimat equipment. 1PS-191 김영은 A Comparative Study on the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of MWCNT-Coated Carbon Fiber/ABS Composites Produced by Extrusion and LFT Processes 이동규, 김영은, 조동환 금오공과대학교항공, 우주, 자동차, 선박, 스포츠 / 레저등여러산업분야에서광범위하게응용되는탄소섬유강화플라스틱 (CFRP) 의매트릭스수지로는전통적으로열경화성수지가널리사용되어왔다. 열경화성수지는보강섬유에수지함침이용이하고, 내열성이우수하며, 기계적성질이우수하여고성능구조용복합재료에적합하나, 경화반응에요구되는시간때문에성형공정이오래걸리고재활용이불가능하다는단점을지니고있다. 따라서최근에열가소성수지기반탄소섬유강화열가소성플라스틱 (CFRTP) 이각광을받고있다. 복합재료의특성은섬유길이, 섬유 - 매트릭스사이의계면결합력, 성형방법등에크게의존한다. 본연구에서는양이온성고분자인 polyethyleneimine(pei) 으로기능화한다중벽탄소나노튜브 (MWCNT) 를이용하여탄소섬유표면을코팅하고, 섬유표면의 topography 를관찰하였다. 또한, MWCNT 로코팅된탄소섬유 /ABS 펠렛과 LFT 펠렛을이용하여압출 / 사출공정그리고 LFT/ 사출공정을통하여각각탄소섬유 /ABS 복합재료를제조하고, 그들의인장, 굴곡, 충격, 동역학적특성, 열변형온도에미치는영향을조사하였다. 1PS-192 김재양규조토함량에따른 Elastic foam 의기계적강도및흡수특성에대한연구김재양, 이지은 1,, 이종환 1, 전호균 1, 박현주 1, 오상택 1, 성동기 2 한국신발피혁연구원 / 부산대학교 ; 1 한국신발피혁연구원 ; 2 부산대학교규조토는단세포식물성플랑크톤인규조류의화석으로수많은크고작은구멍이있는초다공성물질이며, 숯보다 5000 배이상초미세공간구조를가진아주가벼운흙의일종이다. 이러한초미세공간구조로인해규조토는강한흡착력을가지며자신의부피절반정도의수분을흡수한다. 현재규조토는여러가지장점으로인해정제가공분야에서는여과제로, 건설분야에서는단열재로기타분야에서는다이너마이트의흡착제, 건축자재, 산제조시이용이되고, 또한플라스틱및제지산업에선정제하여실리카로만들어보강제및충진제로사용되고있다. 근래에들어빠른흡수성과건조성, 향균성반영구적사용등의장점으로인해매트제품으로실생활에많이사용이되고있다. 하지만이규조토매트는 70wt% 규조토로이루어져있기때문에경도가높으며, 바인더의함량이 30wt% 정도로낮아잘부스러지는단점을지니고있다. 따라서이러한단점을개선하기위해 elastic binder 에규조토를함량별로블랜딩한후 foam 을제조하여그특성을평가해보았다. 1PS-193 김재양기계적강도가우수한비할로겐계난연 TPU 조성물연구김재양, 이종환, 이지은, 오상택, 전호균, 박현주한국신발피혁연구원열가소성폴리우레탄 (TPU) 은유연하며높은기계적강도를보인다. 이러한특성때문에주로신발류, 케이블, 호스, 튜브및기타산업제품에서활용된다. 그러나취약한난연특성으로인해난연성이요구되는일부분야에서는사용이제한된다. 이러한열가소성폴리우레탄수지에난연제를첨가하여난연성을부여하는연구가진행되고있다. 하지만열가소성폴리우레탄수지에난연제를첨가할경우기계적특성은저하된다. 또한최근에는환경문제가대두되면서난연성능이우수한할로겐계난연제사용이제한되고있다. 이로인해비할로겐계난연제를사용하게되는데우수한난연성능을부여하기어려우며사용범위가한정적이다. 본연구에서는기계적특성을최대한유지할수있는난연 TPU 조성물을개발하고자한다. 실험을위해난연성이우수한비할로겐계난연제 3 종을선정하였고, V-0 의난연성을유지하면서기계적특성역시유지되는난연 TPU 조성물배합을설계하였다. 1PS-194 김재양 Blend ratio 에따른동적점탄성비교연구김재양, 이지은, 전호균, 박현주, 이종환, 오상택한국신발피혁연구원합성수지의한종류인폴리올레핀은에틸렌과프로필렌같은올레핀을첨가중합반응시켜만드는유기물질로써가장대표적인것이 PE 와 EVA 이다. 이러한폴리올레핀수지는기존의플라스틱물질보다가볍고투명도도높고, 수분흡수율도낮아서다양한분야에적용이되고있다. 본연구에서는이러한폴리올레핀수지를퍼옥사이드계가교제와 ADCA 계발포제를첨가하여발포체를제조한후블렌드비에따른각각의시편의동적점탄성특성을비교평가하였다. 고분자소재의경우내부사슬의엉킴에따라점탄성거동이달라지는데본연구에서는발포체를이루고있는조성물의화학구조와가교의정도에따른특성을비교해보고자하였다. 블렌드비에따른조성물은각각의가교도를평가하여알맞은조건으로성형하여발포체를제조한후 DMA 를통해저장탄성율, 손실탄성율과 tanδ 를측정하였으며, 기계적강도와비교하여각각의특성을확인하였다. 84 제 44 권 1 호

88 고분자구조및물성 ( I ) 1PS-195 Bernard Timothy Thermo-responsive Ionogels with Tunable Positive Volume Phase Transition Temperature Bernard Timothy, 김도완, 윤진환 Pusan National University Polymer gels are formed from three-dimensional network which host certain types of solvent and bear the combined properties of the polymer and solvent. Here, we prepared gels with ionic liquids (ionogels) which has a reversed behavior compared to its hydrogels system, poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) ionogels show a positive volume phase transition upon heating which swell and increasing its dimension. However, the limitation of PNIPAm ionogels in real-life application is its high volume phase transition temperature (VPTT). We managed to tune down the high VPTT by altering ionogel structure with solvatophilic comonomer, widening its application to be used in milder temperature. We observed other different properties of the ionogels such as drastic volume transition, greater swelling ratio and swelling-deswelling kinetics. We further improved the mechanical properties of ionogels by enforcement with additional network to realize tougher and more stretchable ionogels. 1PS-196 Vinay Deep Punetha Multi-responsive graphene/ni based hyperbranched shape memory polyurethane composites Vinay Deep Punetha, 조재환 Konkuk University Magnetic Ni nanostructures grown on graphene nanosheets are of great interest for microwave and near infrared laser absorption. Using graphene/ni as the nanofiller with hyperbranched polyurethane can stimulate the strain recovery in shape memory polymers more efficiently. In this study, graphene/ni based hyperbranched polyurethane composites were fabricated to study the actuation behavior of composites which can respond to the microwave and laser irradiation. The hyperbranched polyurethane was synthesized based on poly(ε-caprolactone) as the switching segment. The actuation behaviors of HBPU/Gr/Ni composites such as shape recovery, shape fixity, actuation stress have been evaluated. The results of the study show that the graphene/ni based polyurethane composites can be used as efficient multi-responsive actuators with enhanced mechanical properties. 1PS-197 강석원 Cylindrical microdomains using blends of block copolymers with hydrogen bonding interactions 강석원, 김진곤 POSTECH The binary blend of block copolymers containing poly(2-vinylpyridine) and poly(hydroxystyrene) forms hydrogen bonding between the blocks, and can show unexpected microdomains that cannot be obtained in neat block copolymer. In this study, we prepared the binary blend of polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P2VP) and polystyrene-block-poly(hydroxylstyrene) (PS-b-PHS). The volume fraction of PS of the block coplymers was about 0.6. PS-b-PHS were prepared via the hydrolysis reaction of PS-b-poly(4-tert-butoxy styrene) copolymers. The blends showed cylindrical microdomains, the volume fraction of cylinders of which was 0.63, due to the interface curvature change by favorable hydrogen bonding between P2VP and PHS blocks. 1PS-198 강세종 Morphology and ion transport properties of phosphonated polymers 강세종, 박문정 포항공과대학교 Polymers tethered with protogenic groups are promising candidates for proton exchange membranes. As a demand for conductivity increases from these polymers under low humidity conditions, polymers functionalized with phosphonic acid groups are receiving great attention owing to their amphoteric nature and self-dissociation ability. In the present study, we investigate the role of acid group position for phosphonated polymers in determining proton transport properties. For this, a series of stryrenic polymers substituted with phosphonic acid group at ortho or meta or para position of the ring structure were synthesized via controlled radical polymerization. It is revealed that polymers carrying phosphonic acid groups at meta position are beneficial to improve proton transport efficiency, compared with phosphonated polymers functionalized with acid group at para position (most traditional ones) upon suppressing ion clustering as well as creating long-range hydrogen bonding networks. 1PS-199 고명철 Fabricaion of Split-Ring Resonators with Block Copolymer Confinement Effects Operating in Visible Wavelength 고명철, 김무성, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 Split ring resonators (SSR) have received many interests because they can realize negative permeability, which is necessary for realizing the negative refractive index. Until now, most of these structures were fabricated by top-down method, which have limits in large area fabrication and operation limits. Here, we propose new approaches to fabricate SSR structures over a large area (~cm 2 ) exhibiting multiple electromagnetic responses in visible and near-infrared wavelengths. Confining polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymer (PS-b-PMMA) inside cylindrical pores of aluminum oxide (AAO) template followed by selective etching of PMMA, concentrical PS rings structure are achieved. Final SSR structures are achieved with gold deposition on PS nanodomains. This concept of fabricating SSR structure with block copolymer self-assembly and incorporating plasmonic metals into one nanodomains could be applied to realize large-scale metamaterials working at visible and NIR wavelengths. 1PS-200 권현정 In plane Wavy Ag Nanowire Networks for stretchable, transparent Electroluminescence device 권현정, 권효원, 김병수, 차국헌 1, 이상수, 손정곤 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 서울대학교 Silver nanowire (Ag NW) is a most dominant material for stretchable transparent electrode due to its excellent optical and electrical properties and it is also recognized as a promising candidate in various optoelectronic devices. Although many studies in the stretchable electronics have been used a prestraining substrate method for wavy structures, this method causes cracks to AgNWs with low yield strain during releasing substrate. To improve performance of AgNW networks, we propose a facile fabrication process based on the in-plane wavy Ag NW networks by combining the conventional pre-strain method with a solvent annealing system. To demonstrate this concept, we fabricated stretchable transparent alternating current electroluminescent (ACEL) device using wavy AgNW networks. The resulting ACEL device shows high luminescent performances under 50% of elongated strain and long cycle life of 1000 cycles of 50% strain. 1PS-201 김동은 Thermal degradation behavior of thermoplastic polyurethanes based on polycarbonatediol: Effect of the hard and soft segment content in the PU 김동은, 이상호 동아대학교 Waterborne polyurethane dispersions (PUDs) were synthesized using 4,4 -methylenebis (cyclohexyl isocyanate), dimethylol propionic acid, and three different polycarbonatediols whose molecular weight were 495, 1085, and 2028, respectively. 1,4-butanediol and ethylene diamine were used as chain extender. The molecular structure and size of the PUDs were mainly modulated with the chain length of the polycarbonate-diols, the NCO index (isocyanate equivalents/hydroxy equivalents), and the type of chain extender. By varying the molecular weight and composition of PC-diols, we prepared the various PUDs. The molecular sizes and chemical compositions of the PUD were determined using wet chemistry methods, FT-IR technique, and DLS size measurements. The amount and kind of hard- and soft-segment, the initial decomposition temperature, thermal stability, and decomposition kinetics of the PUD were identified using TGA and DSC. 1PS-202 김맥 Structural, optical, and electrical properites of Cu/plasma-polymer-fluorocarbon nanocomposite films deposited by MF sputtering 김맥, 김성현, 이상진 한국화학연구원 Polymer-metal nanocomposite in which metal nanoparticles are dispersed in a polymer matrix exhibits excellent optical, electrical, and mechanical properties, and thus can be applied to high-tech industries such as automobiles, electronic/information, pharmaceutical/biological, and energy/environment. In this study, Cu/plasmapolymer-fluorocarbon thin films were fabricated by MF sputtering of CNT/Cu/PTFE composite target. The structural, optical and electrical properties of the thin films according to the sputtering power density were analyzed. The applicability of the antistatic film was confirmed from static electricity test. 1PS-203 김무성 Stacked Split Ring Resonators generated from Pagoda-like nanostructure for plasmonic metamaterials 김무성, 고명철, 윤형건, 김진곤 POSTECH We realized stacked split ring resonators from pagoda-like nanorods over a large area (~cm 2 ) exhibiting polarization difference in near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. This array of pagoda-like nanorods was fabricated by confining lamellar-forming polystyreneblock-poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymer (PS-b-PMMA) inside cylindrical pores of aluminum oxide (AAO) template grafted by thin neutral brush layers. PS and PMMA lamellar nanodomains with the sizes of ~70 nm were alternatively stacked along the nanorod direction. After the AAO template was removed, pagoda-like nanorods generated by O 2 reactive ion etching. Stacked split ring resonators exhibits optical polarization difference, followed by tilt gold deposition on the nanorods. This concept of fabricating sophisticated nanoscale architectures by utilizing block copolymer self-assembly and incorporating plasmonic metals could be applied to realize large-scale metamaterials working at visible and NIR wavelengths. 1PS-204 김성현 Sputtered plasma-polymer-fluorocarbon thin films embedded with MgF 2 nanoparticles: Interfacial study of inorganic/polymer nanocomposite structure 김성현, 이상진, 김맥, 조은미한국화학연구원 We fabricated the nanocomposite thin film composed of MgF 2 nanoparticles and plasma-polymer-fluorocarbon (PPFC) matrix by using sputtering method and investigated the interfacial properties of nanoparticles and polymer matrix. As increasing 제 44 권 1 호 85

89 the composition of the MgF 2 composition in target, the carbon cluster was more dominantly present in PPFC matrix than without MgF 2 nanoparticles. The carbon clusters contributed to the increase of the surface hardness of the nanocomposite thin film. In addition, the optical transmittance was over 90% due to fluorine-based materials. MgF 2/PPFC nanocomposite thin films are expected to be applicable to optical coating materials such as anti-reflective coating, transparent heat mirror for displays and automotive windows. 1PS-205 김예지 ph-responsive cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) single emulsion droplets film with interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) 김예지, 박수영 경북대학교콜레스테릭액정은네마틱액정인 RMM 727 과카이랄도펀트 CB15 (Right) 또는 S811 (Left) 를섞어서만들수있다. 콜레스테릭액정은카이랄도펀트에의해액정분자가 360 도회전하게되는데이것을피치라고부른다. 여기서도펀트의농도를조절하여피치를변화시킬수있는데피치의변함에따라파장이길어지거나짧아져색상의변화를관찰할수있다. 콜레스테릭액정으로만든필름과드랍렛의차이점은필름은평면구조로수직에서볼때와사선으로볼때브래그법칙에의해색이다르게보이지만드랍렛의경우구형태로어느각도에서보아도접선에대해수직으로보기때문에모든방향에서동일한색을볼수있다. 이러한특징에의해구멍이있는필름에드랍렛을위치시켜필름의형태지만모든방향에서동일한색을관찰할수있는드랍렛필름을만든다. 여기에전도성고분자인 PAA 를주입시켜 IPN 구조로만들어 ph 반응성을나타내는바이오센서로응용할수있다. 1PS-206 김은선 Controlled Surface Structure of Fluorocarbon Thin Films Deposited on Soft Elastic Substrates by changing its Viscoelasticity 김은선, 김성현 1, 이상진 1, 서동학 2, 최우진 1, 한국화학연구원 / 한양대학교 ; 1 한국화학연구원 ; 2 한양대학교 Surface wrinkling is widely used in smart adhesion, optical grating, precision metrology, surface engineering, stretchable electronics, antifouling coating and so forth because it is an efficient and low-cost strategy to control surface morphology. In this research, we report the controlled surface structures of fluorocarbon thin films deposited on soft elastic substrates by changing the viscoelasticity of the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrates. The viscoelasticity of substrates was controlled with various amount of curing agent and different curing conditions such as temperature and time. The morphology of wrinkles for these samples strongly depended on the viscoelastic properties of substrates. This work provides the effective method for making different wrinkle structures by controlling rheological properties of soft elastic substrates. 1PS-207 김은지 Shape Control of Monodispersed Cone-Shaped Particles by Tuning Blend Structure of Diblock Copolymer and Random Copolymer within Emulsion 김은지, 신재만, 김용주, 구강희, Kin Liao 1, 김범준 KAIST; 1 Khalifa University Block copolymers (BCPs) in colloidal confinements can provide an effective route to produce non-spherical particles. Here, we exploit the blend of poly(styreneblock-1,4-butadiene) (PS-b-PB) BCP and poly(methylmethacrylate-random-(4- acryloylbenzophenone)) (P(MMA-r-4ABP)) random copolymer (rcp) within the emulsion droplet to develop various particles with different symmetry. The particle shape can be tuned sequentially from striped ellipsoid to Janus-sphere, to cone-shaped by increasing the mole fraction of 4ABP in rcps (ɸ4ABP). These particles were produced by membrane emulsification to have monodisperse size and shape. Therefore, the shape-anisotropy of monodispersed cone-shaped particles can be precisely tuned, which is supported by quantitative calculation for the particle shape based on the modified theoretical model. The importance of the shape control of the monodispersed cone-shaped particles was demonstrated by investigating the colloidal coating property of these particles. 1PS-208 김주영 Improvement of weather stability of flexible transparnet conductive film using overcoat layer 김주영, 이진근, 김영노, 박찬일, 임소은, 김중현 연세대학교화공생명공학과 Conductive polymers are promising materials with considerable interest in a wide range of industries due to their flexibility, excellent optical and electrical properties. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) is one of the conductive and excellent physical properties compared to other conductive polymers. However, PEDOT has insoluble in water and other solvent, it introduces a primary dopant, polystyrene sulfonic acid (PSSA). It is hydrophilic and has low weather stability in moist atmosphere. As a result, the PEDOT:PSS film exhibit a rapid deterioration in electricla properties under high temperature and high humid conditions. To overcome the problems related to the PSSA, we propose a method of conductive overcoat layer prepared by hybrid composites on a flat conductive film coated on a substrage to improve the stability of conductive polymer. 1PS-209 김지수 UV/UV Step Curing of Acrylate Optically Clear Adhesive for Mobile Devices 김지수, 김현중 1,, 백종호 1, 심규성 1, 백두영 1 서울대학교 ; 1 서울대학교농업생명과학대학 Acid/non-acid OCA showed sequential cure according to primary curing degree and exhaustion of all reaction sites after secondary curing. 0.6 J/cm 2 light quantity sample at primary curing was not fully cured even after secondary curing and confirmed that the reaction site remained. For 0.6, 1.2, and 1.5 J/cm 2 light-cured samples, which are fully cured after the secondary curing, uniformly improved adhesion properties, storage modulus, and T g were observed regardless of the degree of primary curing. That is, it is confirmed that UV/UV dual curing is possible for both Acid/non-acid OCA and proper primary curing conditions for dual curing is observed (over 0.9 J/cm 2 ). This study present new and beneficial processability in OCA process during mobile display manufacturing. 1PS-210 김지훈 Tuning Ionic Conductivity of Block Copolymer Electrolytes via Functionalized Additives 김지훈, 박문정 포항공과대학교 Block copolymer electrolytes based on poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) have been regarded as promising candidates of solid electrolyte materials for lithium batteries. This is attributed to the ability of ether oxygen moieties to dissolve lithium salts and transport lithium ion. However, the ionic conductivity dramatically decreases at low temperatures below melting point of PEO. To resolve this drawback, various strategies have been proposed to reduce PEO crystallinity. Herein, we investigate a new method to modulate crystallization behavior of PEO-based block copolymers with embedded end-group-functionalized PEO homopolymers. Intriguingly, the ionic conductivity and morphology of the resultant block copolymer/homopolymer blends is sensitive function of the type of end group in PEO homopolymers at the same blend ratio. Our work offers a platform for the development of solid-state polymer electrolytes by controlling intermolecular interactions in PEO phases via simple end-group chemistry. 1PS-211 김태호 Rhelogical behevior and phase transition of concentrated microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)/Ionic liquid/hnts mixtures 김태호, 김형섭 1,, 송영한 1 건국대학교나노바이오시스텝연구실 ; 1 건국대학교 The liquid crystal (LC) phase can be used to produce ultra-high strength fiber. Although the LC of cellulose was reported several times, the solution process is limited due to the high viscosity and the gelation of the LC phase solution. We studied the rheological properties and the phase change of cellulose/ionic liquid solution along the amount of halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) and co-solvent using POM and rotational type rheometer. As the HNTs content increased, the transition concentration to LC state was decreased. The HNTs in the solution gave an extra volume exclusive effect on the solution, resulting in the increase of the local concentration. The addition of DMF into the solution decreased the viscosity without the phase change. Especially DMF effectively prevented the gelation of the solution even in high concentration. The reduction of the phase transition concentration and the viscosity will be beneficial for further process such as fiber spinning or electrospinning. 1PS-212 김필곤 End-on Chain orientation of Poly(3-alkyl thiophene)s on a substrate via Microphase Separation of Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymer 김필곤, 이규성, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 To fabricate end-on orientation of poly(3-alkyl thiophene) (P3AT) where the polymer main chains are vertically oriented on the substrate, amphiphilic diblock copolymers consisting of P3ATs were synthesized. We investigated phase behavior of poly(3-dodecyl thiophene)-block-poly(3-(2-(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethoxy)ethoxy)methylthiophene) (P3DDT-b-P3TEGT) with various weight fractions of P3DDT block (w P3DDT). P3DDT-b-P3TEGTs were spin-coated on the substrate and thermally annealed to construct lamellar structure. P3DDT-b-P3TEGT showed parallel oriented lamellar structure to the substrate that P3TEGT is located at substrate/polymer interface and P3DDT is located at polymer/air interface. Because the P3AT chains are oriented in a perpendicular direction to the direction of the lamellar microdomain, polymer chains form a vertical orientation on the substrate. P3DDT-b-P3TEGT showed improved mobility than that of P3DDT, indicating that end-on orientation is effective in improving conductivity. 1PS-213 리샹압축성하전블록공중합체계의나노상거동에미치는이온 - 이온상관관계및자유부피효과연구리샹, 자오밍거, 조준한 단국대학교고분자공학과압축성하전블록공중합체계의나노상거동에미치는이온 - 이온상관관계및자유부피효과연구리샹, 자오밍거, 조준한단국대학교압력응답형자기충족장이론 (SCFT) 을이용하여하전된 AB 이중블록공중합체또는 AB 이중블록공중합체와단일중합체 C 의혼합물의나노상거동에대하여연구하도록한다. 사용되는분자론적상태방정식이론은 Cho 에의해개발된섭동된강구사슬계에새로이전하가도입된것이며, 이를적절히이산화된공간속에서장이론모사화하여계의물리적상태와구조가탐침될것이다. 하전된단량체들의사슬위의상대적위치와이온 - 이온간상관관계가모사되고분석되며, 압력에대한응답과자유부피변화등이깊이연구될것이다. 이를통하여인지질등생체모방계와의연관성등이논의될것이다. 1PS-214 문준호 Phase equilibria and surface tension of castor oil-based polyols in mixed-solvent 문준호, 양한얼 1, 이찬희 1, 최지수 1, 배영찬 1, 오정석 경상대학교 ; 1 한양대학교 Thermodynamic framework of phase equilibrium and surface tension of castor oil-based polyol (CP) solutions were performed. Cloud points of CP soultions were measured by thermo optical analysis (TOA) method. Phase diagrams of CP solutions were described based on modified double lattice (MDL) model to account for specific interactions by hydrogen bonding. MDL model corresponded well with experimental data. The binary and ternary phase diagrams of CPs represent UCST behaviors in methanol and Treybal Type 2 behaviors in mixed solvent (water + methnaol), respectively. Pendent drop method was used for determination of surface tension of CP solutions. The surface tension 86 제 44 권 1 호

90 of CP solutions was calculated using MDL model incorporated with Guggenheim's theory using same interaction parameter from LLE. 1PS-215 민진홍 CNT-NCO(isocyanate funtionalized CNT) 를이용한 PA6 복합재합성및특성비교민진홍, 윤석일, 강지선, 심재민, 조연주, 최지원상명대학교 Polyamide-6(PA6) 는저렴한가격이면서도높은강도와사용온도를갖는대표적인엔지니어링 thermoplastic 으로항공, 자동차의경량화소재로주목받고있다. 본연구에서는 CNT 와 PA6 의계면력을증대하기위하여카프로락탐과표면개질된 CNT-NCO 를혼합하여음이온중합반응을진행시켜강화된 PA6/CNT 복합체를제조하였다. Isocyanate coupling agent 로 MDI 와 TDI 그리고 HDI 를사용하였고, Coupling agent 간의특성들을확인하기위해 TGA, DSC, UTM 을이용하여비교하였다. 1PS-216 박성호 Uniformly Aligned Vanadium Dioxide (VO 2) Nanodots Based Nanoporous Templates and Their Phase-Change Properties 박성호, 정재환, 이동현 단국대학교 We present the highly ordered array of vanadium oxide (VO 2) nanodots using nanoporous templates fabricated by block copolymers-based lithography. Thin layers of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinyl pyridine) (S2VP) are subsequently prepared on a silicon substrate by spin-coating method. Then, the S2VP thin film on the PVA layer is solvent-annealed for inducing its self-assembly, so that uniformly aligned P2VP cylinders oriented vertically to the surface are achieved. After the S2VP thin film is immersed in ethanol, the film shows nanoporous structures on its surface. Subsequently, the layer of VO 2 is uniformly deposited on nanoporous templates using V target with magnetron sputtering system. As the underlying PVA template as a sacrificial layer is removed by washing with water, only hexagonal array of VO 2 dots is remained on the surface. Since VO 2 is a phase-change material, electrical properties of these VO 2 dots are characterized by various temperatures. 1PS-217 박소영 Orientation of nanodomains of 6-arm star-shaped (PMMA-b-PS) 6 in thin films depending on molecular weight 박소영, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 To apply Block copolymer to nanolithographic application, vertically oriented nanodomains in thin film are needed. To achieve vertical oriented nanodomains, various methods were introduced. Previously, our group showed that when the chain architecture of BCPs is star shape, vertically oriented nanodomains were obtained by using only thermal annealing without any special pre-/post- treatment. Here, we study the effect of the molecular weight of star BCP on the orientation of nanodomains in thin films on various substrates. For this purpose, we synthesized (PMMA-b-PS) 6 with two different PMMA volume fractions (f PMMA=0.32 and 0.52). As the molecular weight of (PMMA-b-PS) 6 increased, the orientation of nanostructures on a silicon oxide changed from parallel to vertical. When the molecular weight is small, but a little larger than the critical molecular weight corresponding to the order-disorder transition (ODT), the orientation of nanostructures is greatly affected by a substrate. 1PS-218 박연주 Study of thermal properties on PNiPAAm-based copolymer 박연주, 황명원, 정영미 강원대학교 Poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) (PNiPAAm), which has lower critical solution temperature (LCST) at near the physiological body temperature, has been used for many fields in sensing, drug delivery, tissue engineering, and so one. because cloud point temperature of cancer cell is higher than the physiological body temperature, tumor targeted drug has difficulty to reach tumor cell. To overcome this problem, PNiPAAm-based copolymer has been widely developed. In this study, we synthesized the poly(nipaamco-acrylamide) (PNiPAAm-co-AAm) copolymer and characterized the thermal behavior using infrared spectroscopy and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy. The details of this study will be discussed in this presentation. 분자전자부문위원회 ( I ) 1PS-219 BARKHA TYAGI Compositional Engineering using Interfacial Passivation Layer for Performance and Stability Enhancement in Triple Cation Perovskite Solar Cells BARKHA TYAGI, 강재욱 전북대학교 Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) gained attention for its high power conversion efficiency (PCE). To further enhance the PCE, it is imperative to optimize the device architecture, surface and interfacial morphology and composition of the active perovskite layer. Herein, MABr is used as a passivation layer on top of Csx (MAxFA1-x)100-xPb (IxBr1-x)3 to improve charge collection and lower the charge recombination. The perovskite is prepared using anti-solvent technique, using SnO₂ and spiro-ometad as ETL and HTL. Structural, optical and electrical characterizations were performed and analyzed for the PSC device. The passivation layer remarkably reduced the excessive PbI₂ phase, grain boundaries and surface defects, facilitates the charge transfer in the device, resulting in >10% increment in the PCE of the device (19.5%). This work manifests the defect-passivation and charge facilitator roles of interfacial passivation layer on the rear surface of perovskite film. 1PS-220 Deepan Kumar Neethipathi IDIC as a highly efficient molecular sensitizer to boost EQE of organic thin film photomultiplication photodetector up to 130,000% Deepan Kumar Neethipathi, 정대성 DGIST Looking at the trends of organic photodiode (OPD) research, the optimized thickness of the active layer is saturated at ~0.5μm, which is actually not very thinner compared to that of Si-photodiode. This is due to the issue of dark current in thin film OPDs. Here we decrease the thickness of active layer by trap-assisted photomultiplication mechanism with the optimized chemical composition. Although high dark current issue still presents, however, we can dramatically increase external quantum efficiency via photomultiplication, so that high detectivity of 1012 comparable to conventional Si can be obtained with significantly reduced thickness of 70 nm. A nonfullerene acceptor, IDIC was introduced strategically between hole transport active layer and cathode, turned out to be much more efficient sensitizer than the conventional fullerene-based acceptors, as confirmed by the effective lowering of the Schottky barrier under illumination, as well as the highest EQE exceeding 130,000%. 1PS-221 Eswaran Kamaraj Synthesis of novel CuWO4/Kaolin photocatalyst for efficient degradation of Congored dye under visible light irradiation Eswaran Kamaraj, 박상혁 Kongju National University A novel Triclinic structured CuWO4 deposited kaolin (CuWO4/kaolin) photocatalyst was fabricated via facile wet chemical methods. The materials were characterized by UV-vis-DRS, XRD, SEM, TEM, HR-TEM, XPS, FT-IR, and B.E.T analysis. The photocatalytic activities were evaluated by the degradation of Congored in aqueous solution. The degradation rate maintained 97% after five successive photocatalytic reaction cycles in the presence of composite. The results indicated that enhanced photocatalytic performance of the composites was ascribed to the exposed active sites originated from the improved specific surface area, good interfacial interaction between CuWO4 and kaolin, and furthermore, kaolin ability to lead the photo-induced electron transferred directionally to achieve separation of h+/e- pairs. 1PS-222 Manoj Ovhal Influence of Ni(OH) 2 nanoparticles in conductive PEDOT:PSS electrode for energy storage application Manoj Ovhal, 강재욱 전북대학교 The highly conductive PEDOT:PSS proved as a potential electrode for the futuristic flexible electrochemical capacitor (EC). The metal hydroxides composite with PEDOT:PSS overcome its capacitive limit and cyclic stability. Herein, the different concentration of in-situ synthesized Ni(OH) 2 nanoparticles in PEDOT:PSS composite were significantly improved the specific capacitance of the EC electrodes. The PVA/LiCl gel electrolyte used to fabricate all-solid-state supercapacitors (ASSCs) on a flexible and rigid substrate using a 3D direct writing printing method. The fabricated ASSCs shows higher capacitive performance compare with the literature. 1PS-223 Mohammad Aftabuzzaman Polymer Confined Few-Layer Ru Nanoparticles@Templated-Free N-enriched Nano-sphere Carbon for High-Performance Supercapacitor Mohammad Aftabuzzaman, 김환규 Korea University Herein, few-layer Ru nanoparticles@templated-free N-enriched nano-sphere carbon (Ru-NPs@TNNC) with very high surface area were prepared by a simple method. Poly(butyl acrylate)-b-polyacrylonitrile (PBA-b-PAN) block copolymer, synthesized by atom transferred radical polymerization (ATRP), were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMF) with ruthenium(iii) acetylacetonate, an organic ruthenium precursor, and then pyrolyzed followed by electrospinning. In this process, ruthenium precursor are confined in polymer network, which restrict Ru-NPs to be aggregated during the pyrolysis process, and ultimately few-layer Ru-NPs@TNNC is produced. As prepared Ru-NPs@TNNC containing mesopore/micropore shows very high capacitance of Fg 1 at 10 mvs 1 with retained 88.11% of capacitance at 100 mv s 1. This high capacitive behavior is attributed to self-doped graphitic nitrogen and few-layer Ru-NPs. 1PS-224 Reza Mohammad Shamim Polyurethane Electrospun Nanofiber Webs with Additives for Highly Sensitive and Low Hysteresis Piezocapacitive Sensor Reza Mohammad Shamim, 김홍두 Kyung Hee University Electrospun TPU nanowebs have been used as piezocapacitive sensors which can be applied for monitoring static pressures. In our previous study, crosslinked TPU nanoweb-based sensors have been proposed in order to overcome the drawbacks of TPU sensor, but their applications are still restricted due to large hysteresis caused by insufficient crosslinking. Therefore, in this study novel polyurethane (PU) having chemical structure quite different from TPU was electrospun into nanofiber. Moreover, additives was added in PU dope solution to increase the sensitivity of sensor to pressure, which induced very large as well as linear change of capacitance with applied and released pressure. Hysteresis of the sensor was assessed through measuring the capacitance values during 20 cyclic loading and unloading and was improved significantly from 7.8% to 1.6%. Creep and stress relaxation behaviors were also tested. 제 44 권 1 호 87

91 1PS-225 SiWei He Synthesis and Characterization of CsPbBr 3 Perovskite Quantum Dots for Light-Emitting Diodes SiWei He, 강재욱 전북대학교 Perovskite materials have attracted great attention due to their special optical properties, such as convenient tunable bandgaps, narrow emission band width and high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY). In this study, CsPbBr 3 perovskite quantum dots were synthesized by hot-injection method and the surface ligands were removed and controlled by different solvent treatment in order to be applied to quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QLEDs). The QDs have high PL emission at 516 nm, whereas EL emission (green) at 519 nm with narrow FWHM of ~18 nm. The ITO/PEDOT:PSS/ Poly-TPD/QDs/TPBi/LiF/Al device demonstrated that the ligands have a great effect on the performance and the champion devices show a luminescence of ~1000 Cd m -2, current efficiency of 2.4 cd A -1 and EQE value of 0.7%. 1PS-226 Vasanthan Devaraj Bio-inspired M13 Bacteriophage based Self-assembled Nanostructures for Dynamic Plasmonic Applications Vasanthan Devaraj, 이종민, 한지예, 임경아, 오진우 Pusan National University Bio-inspired fabrication approach has received greater attention in recent years for their ability to make highly ordered and heirarchically organized nanostructures by means of self-assembly. In fabrication perspective, self-assembly technique is simple, non-complex, and nanostructures can be mass-produced at low-cost which is a significant difference when compared with other methods. As a future smart material with excellent characteristics, M13 bacteriophage (phage), a virus bio-material, stands as a good choice. Here-in we introduce a dropcast fabrication technique involving M13 phage for the fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures. This fabriction is relatively simple, straight forward, can be done at low-cost and doesn t require any post-processing works. By exploiting the natural evaporation kinetics happening at the meniscus when the virus solution is dropped on substrate, various nanostructures in high order are formed in a single attempt. 1PS-227 강민균 Reactive Dedoping Method for Performance Enhancement of Self-Powered Polymeric Schottky Diode 강민균, 조장환, 고현기, 정대성 대구경북과학기술원 A simple and strategic junction tailoring technology is reported to enhance self-powered polymeric Schottky photodiode performances by synergetic contributions of reactive dedoping effects. It is shown that dedoping poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) films with 1-propylamine (PA) solution meaningfully lowers not only defect-acceptor density but also intrinsic doping level, resulting in significantly enlarged depletion width of metal-polymer Schottky junctions. Also, it is shown that non-solvent effects of PA-dedoping process further make paracrystalline disorder lower and, thus, charge carrier mobility higher. As a result of such synergetic virtues of the PA-dedoping method, self-powered green-selective polymeric photodiodes are reported with a high specific detectivity over Jones and low noise-equivalent power of W Hz PS-228 거넬후세이노바 Electrically Doped PEDOT:PSS Electrodes for the Application in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes 거넬후세이노바, 이승현, 이예슬, 이종희, 이재현 한밭대학교 A facile way to enhance electrical conductivity of conductive polymers via solutionprocessed low-concentration doping, is suggested. An organic cationic azo dye was used as a p-type dopant for poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) to realize highly conductive electrodes for organic light-emitting diode (OLED) applications. By optimization of the dopant concentration, the doped PEDOT:PSS films exhibited electrical conductivities enhanced from 16.2 S cm -1 to S cm -1, more than an order of magnitude. UV-vis absorption spectroscopy studies indicate that charge transfer complexes between PEDOT:PSS and dopant were successfully formed and the dopant exhibits high tendency to oxidize the polymer in a single-blend system for efficient doping. We propose a simple and low-cost doping agent to improve conductivity and sheet resistance of PEDOT:PSS to be applied as a promising electrode material for various kinds of highly flexible organic devices. 1PS-229 고동욱기판의선택적표면처리를통한 liquid crystal 소자용은나노와이이어기반투명전극의패터닝기법고동욱, 추서범, 마요한, 심건우, 김종복 금오공과대학교은나노와이어기반투명전극은우수한전기적, 광학적, 기계적특성으로인하여 ITO 대체투명전극으로가장적합하다고평가되고있다. 은나노와이어기반투명전극을 LCD 등과같은디스플레이에응용하기위해서는패터닝공정이필수적이다. 은나노와이어기반투명전극은일반적으로감광성물질을이용한포토리소그래피기법, 레이저를직접조사하여식각하는레이저패터닝기법을이용하여패터닝되고있으나, 비싼공정비용및공정장비와복잡한공정과정등으로인하여새로운패터닝기법에대한연구가필요하다. 본연구에서는기판의선택적표면처리를통하여기판의표면에너지를조절하였으며, 이를통해은나노와이어와기판과의접착력을제어하여패턴된고분자함침형은나노와이어기반투명전극을제작하였다. 이렇게제작된고분자함침형은나노와이어기반투명전극을이용하여 liquid crystal 소자를제작하고그특성을평가하였다. 1PS-230 권나연 Novel Fully Conjugated and Partially Conjugated Polymers Bearing Unusually High Molecular Weight Donor-Acceptor Monomers 권나연, 김영서, 박수홍, 김형종, 정철훈, 이지혜, 조민주, 박성남, 최동훈 고려대학교 A wide variety of donor-acceptor (D-A) type small molecule dyad systems have been synthesized and studied to investigate the photophysical properties for a long time. However, the most studies used by the small molecules, the small molecule donor and fullerene acceptors system, and only a few studied exists that relates the physical properties of D-A type polymers. In this study, we have designed and synthesized the uniform macromolecular donor and acceptor monomeric units, and utilized them to synthesize two different type polymers such as, (D-σ-A)n and (D-π-A)n. (D-σ-A)n is a partially conjugated polymer, in which the donor is connected to the acceptor through a non-conjugated flexible alkyl spacer. Whereas, (D-π-A)n is a fully conjugated polymer, in which the donor is connected to the acceptor via π -conjugated spacer. Both polymer s photophysical properties such as, fluorescence quenching, energy transfer and charge transfer were characterized via time resolved spectroscopy. 1PS-231 권혁진 Advanced side impermeability characteristics of fluorinated organic-inorganic hybrid material for thin film encapsulation 권혁진, 김세현 1, 박찬언 포항공과대학교 ; 1 영남대학교 In the current work, we introduced Fluorine contents in organic-inorganic nanohybrid system and fabricated the moisture barrier films using atomic layer deposition (ALD) based Al 2O 3 and sol-gel based fluorinated hybrid material (FHM) with hybrid thin film encapsulation (TFE) type for optoelectronics. From systematic analysis on the FHM film on various substrate, it is revealed that FHM films full covers all parts of substrate with low roughness and shows high hydrophobicity and good flexibility. These results demonstrate that the FHM is able to protect Al 2O 3, generally known as corrosive toward water. Therefore, the TFE with Al 2O 3 and FHM showed excellent barrier film characteristics and high visible transmittance. Additionally, FHM film exhibited advanced side impermeability which values are comparable to oxide layer. 1PS-232 김건우 Novel A-D-A Type Compatibilizer for Thermally Stable Blend Morphology of Organic Solar Cells 김건우, 김범준, 우한영 1 KAIST; 1 고려대학교 In this study, a novel acceptor donor acceptor (A D A) triad type small molecule (SM), 5TRh-PCBM, which has oligothiophene segment as the central core and fullerenederivatives as the end groups, is designed and synthesized for compatibilizer of fullerene-based organic solar cells. 5TRh-PCBM was added and evaluated in initial fullerene-based binary blend system (P3HT:PC 61BM) and high-efficiency blend system (PTB7-Th:PC 71BM), respectively. Interestingly, at appropriate ratio of 5TRh-PCBM, thermal stability of P3HT:PC 61BM and PTB7-Th:PC 71BM-based solar cell was improved retaining 93% and 85% of its initial power conversion efficiency at annealing condition of 150 and 80 for 120 hr, respectively. This thermally stable tolerance is likely due to the fullerene end groups of SM which can prevent thermal diffusion of PC 61BM(or PC 71BM) as binder, and minimized interfacial energy at the interface between donor and acceptor. 1PS-233 김경민 Novel triblock copolymer/tio 2 composite gel electrolytes for high-performance dye-sensitized solar cells 서승모, 김경민, 김환규 고려대학교 Two types of triblock copolymers were prepared using the RAFT-polymerization, which have the structure of PEG-b-(P(AN-co-BMAAm))2 (SGT-602) and PEG-b- (P(AN-co-DMAAm))2 (SGT-604). The gel electrolyte including SGT-604 or SGT-602 was electrochemically investigated by the symmetrical cell test and introduced to dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). TiO 2 nanoparticle was employed to the gel electrolytes in order to improve the cell performance. The optimized composition of TiO 2 nano-filler was 10 wt% to total weight of the polymer gel electrolyte. The resulting TiO 2 composite gel electrolytes showed efficiencies of 9.30% and 9.39% for TiO 2 composite gel with SGT-602 and SGT-604, which is comparable to that of the liquid electrolyte (η: 9.86%). Electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) were analyzed to explain the photovoltaic parameters. Finally, Evolution of normalized efficiencies was traced under 1 sun illumination at 50 C. 1PS-234 김근진 Thermally Induced Phase Reformation for Efficient and Photostable Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells 김근진, 문찬수, 양태열, 김영윤, 정재훈, 정의혁, 전남중, 박혜진, 서장원 한국화학연구원 Despite the remarkable attraction of wide-bandgap perovskite solar cells (WBG PSCs), such as high open-circuit voltage (V oc) >1.2 V and complementary absorption for silicon (Si) based solar cells, their low performance and poor stability issues have been the most serious bottlenecks toward the real application of the WBG PSCs such as Si/perovskite tandem solar cells. Here, we have reported a simple thermally induced phase reformation (TPR) process of WBG perovskite crystal and revealed that the TPR process can reduce charge recombination of the WBG PSCs. By optimizing TPR process of the perovskite, we improved the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the WBG PSCs from 15% to 18%. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that the TPR process of the perovskite results in improving operational stability of unencapsulated devices, which maintain over 90% of the initial PCEs after 12-hour operation even in ambient air condition at their maximum power points under A.M. 1.5G irradiation. 1PS-235 김기로 Tetra-N-Phenylbenzidine Based Imidazole Derivatives as Efficient Hole Transporting Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells 김기로, 박상혁 공주대학교화학과 In recent days, conductive small organic molecular based hole transporting materials have become hot research in high performance perovskite solar cells. A set of novel 88 제 44 권 1 호

92 Tetra-N-Phenylbenzidine based imidazole (TPD-IMI) derivatives were designed and synthesized as hole transporting materials for efficient perovskite solar cells. The photophysical properties, and their hole transporting performance have been investigated thoroughly. They have shown good thermal stability and hole mobility performance over the reference material. The enhanced efficiency with short circuit current has been obtained by the introduction of methoxy functionalities in the molecular structure. 1PS-236 김다혜 Effect of Electron Withdrawing Substituents of Thienylene-Vinylene-Thienylene- Based Conjugated Polymers on the Performance of Organic Field Effect Transistors 김다혜, 김희수, 황도훈 부산대학교 In this study, thienylene-vinylene-thienylene (TVT) derivatives with electron withdrawing groups (F, Cl, CN) in the 3- and 3'- positions was synthesized as a building block of semiconducting polymers for organic field effect transistors (OFETs). The properties of these three polymers were compared with the corresponding polymer without substitution in TVT (PNDI-TVT). The effect of substitutions was found to have an influence on the optical, electrochemical, morphological, and charge transporting properties of the resulting polymers. As a result, the maximum electron mobility of 0.16 cm 2 v -1 s -1 was achieved in PNDI-FTVT (at 250 ), cm 2 v -1 s -1 was achieved in PNDI-ClTVT (at 250 ) and cm 2 v -1 s -1 was achieved in PNDI-CNTVT (at 300 ), respectively, while that of PNDI-TVT was 0.95 cm 2 v -1 s -1 (at 250 ). 1PS-237 김민제 Intense-pulsed-UV-converted perhydropolysilazane gate dielectrics for organic field-effect transistors and logic gates 백한솔, 김민제 1, 백정주, 김도환 2, 신교직, 최경호, 조정호 3, 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 성균관대학교 ; 2 한양대학교 ; 3 연세대학교 We fabricated a high-quality PHPS-derived SiO 2 film by intense pulsed UV irradiation and applied it as a gate dielectric layer in OFETs and complementary inverters. The conversion process of PHPS to SiO 2 was optimized by varying the number of intense pulses and applied voltage. The chemical structure and gate dielectric properties of the PHPS-derived SiO 2 films were systematically investigated via FT-IR spectroscopy and leakage current measurements, respectively. The resulting PHPS-derived SiO 2 gate dielectric layer showed a leakage current density of Acm 2 at 4.0 MVcm 1. The fabrication of the PHPS-derived SiO 2 gate dielectric layer by a simple solution process and intense pulsed UV irradiation at room temperature serves as a novel approach for the realization of large-area flexible electronics in the flexible device industry of the future. 1PS-238 김성찬 Wafer-Scale Logic Circuits Based on Vertically Stacked CVD-Grown Graphene/MoS 2 Heterostructure 김성찬, 최영진, 조정호 1, 성균관대학교 SAINT; 1 연세대학교 This paper demonstrates, wafer-scale graphene/mos 2 heterostructures prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and their application in vertical transistors. A CVD-grown bulk MoS 2 layer is utilized as the vertical channel, whereas CVD-grown monolayer graphene is used as the tunable-work-function electrode. The electron injection barriers at the graphene-mos 2 junction and ITO-MoS 2 junction are modulated effectively through variation of the Schottky barrier height and its effective barrier width, respectively, because of the work-function tunability of the graphene electrode. The resulting vertical transistor with the CVD-grown MoS 2/graphene heterostructure exhibits excellent electrical performances, including a high current density exceeding 7 A/cm 2, a subthreshold swing of 410 mv/dec, and a high on-off current ratio exceeding PS-239 김수관 Facile process of alkali metal sulfide doped ZnO devices 김수관, 정대성 대구경북과학기술원 Silicon-based semiconductors need a high capital intensity and energy consumption while maintaining high charge carrier mobility, electrical conductivity and large dielectric constant. But next generation semiconductors need transparency and flexibility. In modern technology, IGZO moves beyond traditional TFT with mobility far higher than amorphous silicon. But since Indium is a rare element with high demand, ZnO research without Indium is needed. Sol-gel ZnO synthesis is the simplest process. Inevitably ZnO has defects and low mobility. Recent research showed using sulfur doping to ZnO for restoring defects. This facile process fills oxygen vacancies with sulfur ions using by thiocyanate. And reached high detectivity values and excellent device stability. But this process decreases charge density. The purpose of this paper is to preserve charge density and restoring defects by doping alkali metal sulfide. As a result, it s possible to realize ZnO having a mobility without defects. 1PS-240 김승현 Patterning of conductive dye based on PEDOT:PSS:AgNWs for E-textile 김승현, 고흥조 광주과학기술원 This study demonstrates a printed circuitry system based on PEDOT:PSS:AgNW conductive dye on a cotton textile for wearable electronic application. Unlike conventional flexible printed circuit board (f-pcb), printed circuit textile (PCT) provides a platform to build electronic circuits without diminishing any traditional characteristics of clothing. In order to construct the PCT system, we employ layer-by-layer coating technique with partially printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) masking layer to form highly conductive lines with various shaped patterns on the textile. Pattern resolution is highly controlled up to a line space of 500 μm without crosstalk by using optimized concentration of the conductive dye solution. Finally, we demonstrate various electronic applications including a joule heater and thermochromic textile to show the feasibility of this technology. 1PS-241 김영윤 Gravure printing of flexible perovskite solar cells: a path toward roll-to-roll production 김영윤, 양태열, 박은영, 방수미, 서장원 한국화학연구원 Perovskite solar cells have superior advantages such as high efficiency over 23%, flexibility and solution-processability. Therefore, PSCs can be fabricated by high-throughput and low-cost scalable roll-to-roll (R2R) process. In this context, we fabricate the flexible PSCs by utilizing a gravure printing, which has the benefit of direct pattering of the desired layer with arbitrary shape and size, for the first time. Printing inks and processing parameters are optimized to obtain smooth and uniform films. Perovskite are successfully formed by using optimized printing parameters and subsequent antisolvent bathing. SnO 2 nanoparticles as an electron-transporting layer, and Spiro-OMeTAD as a hole-transporting layer are also successfully printed. All-gravure-printed device shows 17.2% of champion efficiency. Furthermore, R2R process based on gravure printing is demonstrated. Partly R2R processed device shows 9.7% champion efficiency. 1PS-242 김용민 Simple PS-r-PMMA Ion Gels for High-Performance Electrolytes 김용민, 문홍철 서울시립대학교 Ion gel electrolytes have been proposed as next generation electrolytes due to the absence of leakage and volatility. In this study, we present a facile methodology for preparing highly conductive and mechanically elastic solid-state gel electrolytes based on poly(styrene-ran-methyl methacrylate) (PS-r-PMMA) and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([EMI][TFSI]). When we carefully adjusted PS fraction and gel composition, the resulting gel electrolytes were highly conductive and mechanically robust even at room temperature. In addition, we successfully applied PS-r-PMMA-based gels to electrochemical electronics such as electrochemiluminescence (ECL) and electrochromic (EC) displays. 1PS-243 김유리 Self-Assembly Behavior of Doped Semiconducting Polymers in Solution and Solid States 김유리, 고중세, 양회창 인하대학교 Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), which is a well-known semiconducting polymer, can form various self-assembled structures in both solution and solid states. The conjugated structures are significantly dependent on processing recipes controlled to enhance the optoelectrical performance of P3HT based devices. However, P3HT still has low charge-carrier mobilities hard to be operated with low operating voltages. Here, we investigate doping effects on the self-assembly and conductivity of P3HT blends containing dopant molecules. Interestingly, small amounts of dopants act as nucleation sites, which can induce highly-interconnected nanofibrils of P3HT in solution-cast films, without any treatment. A doped P3HT film can the highest charge-carrier mobility values of 0.18 cm 2 /Vs in organic thin-film transistor, in comparison to 0.02 cm 2 /Vs of the best P3HT only system. 1PS-244 김유리 Piezoelectric Nanocrystal Arrays on Stretchable Electrode Surfaces for Strain Sensors 김유리, 양회창 인하대학교 We demonstrate a novel type of stretchable strain sensor including piezoelectric zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocrystals grown on flexible curved filaments or flat film surfaces to monitor human motions with wide ranges of strains (up to 50%). Crystal growth and development of ZnO can be controlled with (1) areal density of ZnO nano-seeds pre-mounted on substrates, (2) hydrothermal process conditions such as precursor concentration, time, and temperature, (3) physicochemical characteristics of the seeding surfaces. Crystalline structures of ZnO nanoarrays grown on supporting surfaces are systematically investigated by grazing-incidence X-ray scattering/diffraction and morphological analyses. It is found that the crystals grown on polymer or metal surfaces can be controlled with preferred shapes, sizes, and orientations. An optimized strain sensor including ZnO nanowires on polymer surfaces can be operated at high strain (up to 50%), with high durability, fast response, and high gauge factors. 1PS-245 김종윤 Ultrasensitive Transparent Pressure Sensors using Sea-Urchin Shaped Metal Nanoparticles and Microdome Patterned Elastomer 김종윤, 이동화, 이윤구 DGIST Recent research trends of peizoresistive pressure sensor have been to improve flexibility, transparency and mechanical stability for application in various electronic devices. However, there are still several issues regarding limited operating pressure range, low transparency and poor durability due to intrinsic limitations of common conductive fillers. Here, we report an ultrasensitive and transparent piezoresistive pressure sensor based on a sea-urchin shaped metal nanopraticles-polyurethane composite film with microdome arrays. It showed a superior sensitivity of kpa -1 with high transmittance (77.7%), rapid response/relaxation time (30 ms), ultralow detection limit (4 Pa), and outstanding stability due to the enhanced quantum tunneling effect from the stress concentration at small contact spots and the deformation on the contact area. We anticipate that this novel transparent pressure sensor will be a key component in the development of integrated transparent sensing system. 제 44 권 1 호 89

93 1PS-246 김주희 NIR-Selective Narrowband Thin-Film Organic Photodiode via Rational Design of Junction Structure 김주희, 전소연, 정대성 대구경북과학기술원 A thin-film NIR-selective organic photodiode (OPD) is realized by rational designing of the optical penetration region and depletion region. P-complexes consisting of two p-type polymers are used as active donor layers with [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) acceptor layer to form well-defined abrupt PN junction. The suggested device architecture is to realize efficient quenching of visible photons without reaching depletion region, while allowing photocurrent generation from NIR photons at the depletion region. This mechanism enables the first demonstration of NIR-selective OPDs with high peak detectivity over Jones at 705 nm or 780 nm, depending on p-complex, while maintaining thin active layer thickness (<800 nm). 1PS-247 김준영 Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells Based on a Conjugated Polymer Containing Siloxane-Terminated Side Chain 김준영, 티바마니구굴라한트, 제갈영순 1, 진성호 부산대학교 ; 1 경일대학교 A novel wide-bandgap conjugated polymer (P1) is designed and synthesized which consists of 4,8-bis (5-(6-(1,1,1,3,5,5,5-heptamethyltrisiloxan-3-yl) hexyl) thiophen-2-yl) benzo [1,2-b:4,5-b`] dithiophene (BDT) as donor and 1,3-bis(2-ethylhexyl)- 5,7-di(thiophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-c:4,5-c`]dithiophene-4,8-dione (BDD) as acceptor unit. P1 was successfully synthesized via microwave-assisted Stille polymerization, and it has been successfully utilized to fabricate non-fullerene organic solar cells (NFOSC). These are processed at room temperature with chlorobenzene as solvent. The NFOSC exhibits the maximum power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 8.20% and low energy loss of 0.57 ev. The resulting efficiency is due to the combination of high and balanced bulky charge carrier mobility, and high crystallinity. These findings indicate that the introduction of siloxane-terminated side chains can be a powerful method toward high-performance NFOSCs for practical applications. 1PS-248 김준호 Inorganic Ligand Passivated PbS Colloidal Quantum dot Solar Cell via Solution-Phase Ligand Exchange Process 김준호, 이정용 한국과학기술원 Quantum-dot (QD) photovoltaics (PVs) with easy band-gap tuning and broad absorption are promising candidates for future solar energy conversion system. Size of PbS QD which determines excitonic peak can be controlled by the injection temperature of hexamethyldisilathiane (TMS) during the synthesis. Then the oleic acid passivated PbS QD was completely exchanged to iodide passivated PbS QD using solution-phase ligand exchange method. We fabricated PbS QD PVs using iodide passivated PbS QD with various size and achieved high performance of 12.16% power conversion efficiency (PCE) using PbS QD with 910nm excitonic peak. 1PS-249 김지환 The Threshold Voltage Shift of Organic Electrochemical Transistor by Charge Carrier Modulation of PEDOT:PSS channel via Chemical Crosslinking with PVA 김지환, 윤명한 광주과학기술원 Despite the organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) based on poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) has drawn much attention for their potential for various applications, the PEDOT:PSS-based device consumes huge amount of energy because the devices are basically on-state. In this work, we demonstrated the charge carrier modulation of PEDOT:PSS films and the threshold voltage shift in OECTs by crosslinking with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as a de-dopant. With increasing PVA content, the conductivity, the volumetric capacitance, and hole concentration of film were decreased. Despite the inclusion of electrically insulating PVA in the PEDOT:PSS, the resultant OECTs showed high on-current (~1 ma), large current on/off ratio (>10 3 ), and excellent transconductance (>2 ms). In addition, PEDOT:PSS-PVA hybrid channel can offer tunable threshold voltage characteristics to OECTs without significant degradation in transconductance. 1PS-250 김창균 Structural Optimization of Alcohol-Soluble Fullerenes for Improving Electrical Performance of Eco-friendly Processable Organic Solar Cells 김창균, 김영권, 최나연, 김범준 한국과학기술원 There were few reports where organic solar cells (OSCs) were processed only by water and ethanol to increase eco-friendliness in fabrication process. Typical organic conducting molecules can never be soluble in water and ethanol, however, by replacing hydrophobic chain of PPDT2FBT & PCBM into oligoethyleneglycol side chain, those materials became soluble in polar solvents. By introducing such materials, it was possible to develop eco-friendly OSCs which achieve PCE over 2%. However, the performance of the eco-friendly OSCs should be further improved. Modifying the fullerene structure can be the key solution for improving the performance of eco-friendly OSCs. There are two problems in previously developed alcohol-soluble fullerenes. Firstly, bulky side chain should be reduced as much as possible. Secondly, the C60 backbone have poor visible light absorption. Herein, we suggest two structures to solve those problems and achieve highly-efficient eco-friendly OSCs. 1PS-251 김창조 Post Surface Passivation in PbS Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cell 김창조, 이정용 한국과학기술원 Surface passivation of colloidal quantum dots is very important to enhance the photovoltaic efficiency. We have suggested air-annealing process for the fabrication of high performance PbS-colloidal quantum dot solar cells. We examined the mechanism of Voc, Jsc, FF enhancement briefly using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and transient photo-voltage (TPV). 1PS-252 김태연 Smart Contact Lens for Intra-ocular Pressure Measurement 김태연, 한세광 포항공과대학교 High intra-ocular pressure (IOP) can cause glaucoma and permanent vision loss. Therefore continuous measurement of IOP is an important factor for diagnosis of glaucoma. Here, we developed a resistive-based transparent IOP sensor embedded smart contact lens for the measurement of IOP using the fragmentized silver nanowire (f-agnw) with sandwich-structured parylene C. The f-agnws were directly patterned on the parylene C substrate and encapsulated by another parylene C layer to resolve unnecessary loss of wires. The experiments of IOP monitoring with transparent smart contact lens were carried out on the bovine eye. The IOP monitoring smart contact lens shows about 3% of resistance changes as increasing IOP level from 0 to 50 mmhg. This IOP sensor was successfully integrated with application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips and micro-batteries for wireless glaucoma diagnosis and communication with external electronic devices. 1PS-253 김하영 Characterization of hard carbon anode for stable cyclability of sodium-ion battery 김하영, 박선우, 이민의 1, 진형준 인하대학교 ; 1 인하대학교, 한국과학기술연구원 Sodium ion batteries (SIBs) have received much attention for large scale energy storage devices as economical and high energy alternatives to lithium ion batteries in the last few years. Graphite is the most common anode materials of commercial lithium-ion batteries, but it has been reported to show very low capacity by unfavorable intercalation of sodium-ion when used as the anode for SIBs. In case of hard carbon, capable of storing ions by pseudocapacitive mechanism can be used as the anode for SIBs. However, the major challenge of the hard carbon anode is the insufficient cycle performance. Despite much research about the capacity reduction problem, the reason was not clearly confirmed. In this study, we investigate how kinetics or thermodynamics properties affect to capacity fading of the hard carbon anode for SIBs. In addition, this research indicates good direction for improved cycle performance of hard carbon. 1PS-254 김형종 Effect of Branched Alkyl Ester-Labeled Side Chains on Specific Chain Arrangement of Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Conjugated Polymers and Their Thin Film Transistors 김형종, 박수홍, 정철훈, 권나연, 이지혜, 양회창 1, 조민주, 최동훈 고려대학교 ; 1 인하대학교 Recently, many studies have focused on improving the carrier mobility in organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) by optimizing the size and bifurcation points of bulky branched alkyl chains on the conjugated backbone segments. However, there are limited studies related to the structures of DPP-based copolymers including alkyl side chains with polar functional units. In this presentation, six different DPP-based copolymers were demonstrated including DPP and bithiophene (BT) as electron-acceptor and donor backbone units, respectively, containing branched alkyl side chains, which were either directly coupled to the N-positions of DPP or separated by an alkyl ester group. It was found that the ester moieties form pseudo-hydrogen bonds with the nearest side chains in comparison to the alkyl-only system. The optimal DPP-based copolymer film showed the highest μ value of 2.30 cm 2 V -1 s -1 in an OTFT, with a high on/off current ratio (I on/i off >10 6 ). 1PS-255 김형준 Channel-dimension controllable fibriform organic field-effect transistors via novel transfer method of carbon nanotube electrodes 김형준, 임정아 한국과학기술연구원 With the great attention of electronic textiles for wearable devices, fibriform organic field-effect transistor is a key component for organizing the electronic circuit into the fabric. However fiber field-effect transistors have disadvantage of channel dimension since the resolution of printing or deposition techniques on microfibers is limited. Here, we report a new strategy to prepare the fiber organic field-effect transistors of which channel dimension can be readily controllable. Source and drain (S/D) electrodes with desirable geometry is printed at soft substrate, then directly transferred to the semiconductor-insulator layer. Fine geometry of CNT electrodes was successfully transferred to the microfiber and resulting transistors with wrapped CNT S/D electrodes exhibited a high on/off ratio of ~ 105 and good field effect mobility of 0.73 cm 2 V 1 s 1. It was confirmed that the drain current of the device was varied according to the channel dimension that we designed. 1PS-256 김희수 Synthesis and Characterization of Perylene Diimide-based Nonfullerene Acceptors for Organic Photovoltaics 김희수, 황도훈 부산대학교 Perylene diimide (PDI)-based molecular acceptors were synthesized and evaluated as n-type materials in fullerene-free organic solar cells (OSCs). The effects of the addition of fluorine and cyano groups to (E)-1,2-di-(thiophen-2-yl)ethene (TVT) in the synthesized acceptors were investigated based on the optical and electrochemical properties and computational calculations, as well as observation of the morphologies of the blend films. Among the synthesized acceptors, PDI-CNTVT-PDI showed a high absorption coefficient, balanced hole/electron mobility ratio, predominant face-on structure, and smooth morphology in the blends with PTB7-Th. The fabricated OSCs using PTB7-Th/PDI-CNTVT-PDI exhibited a higher power conversion efficiency (PCE, 90 제 44 권 1 호

94 4.32%) than those fabricated with PTB7-Th/PDI-TVT-PDI and PTB7-Th/PDI-FTVT-PDI. The purpose of our study is to provide a facile strategy to understand the impact of the core units to enable the design of PDI-based molecular acceptors. 1PS-257 나수원 Reversible Stimuli-Induced Mechanofluorochromism by Molecular Assembly of o-carborane 나수원, 최민수, 김소연, 강상욱, 김철훈, 손호진 고려대학교 A new type of mechanofluorochromism was observed in an AB 2 type molecular array of silole-o-carborane in which meta- or para-positional isomer, Si-m-Cb or Si-p-Cb, was constructed by adding two o-carboranyl units to the 2,5-phenyl groups of silole. Each isomer showed different solid-state photoemission depending on its morphology; the crystals of meta- and para-isomer, C Si-m-Cb and C Si-p-Cb, cast yellow and blue emission, and mechanical grinding turned the emission blue and yellow for A Si-m-Cb and A Si-p-Cb, respectively. The solid-state photoemission studies revealed that the mechanofluorochromism is because of the electronic interaction between the silole and o-carborane units; yellow-colored fluorescence was reminiscent of such an interaction attributed to the charge transfer emission associated with a (silole) δ+ (o-carborane) δ species. 1PS-258 나수원 Highly Selective and Durable Photochemical CO 2 Reduction by Molecular Mn(I) Catalyst Fixed on Particular Dye-Sensitized TiO 2 Platform 나수원, 백창현, 우성준, 최성한, 김소연, 김필수, 조주형, 김철훈, 손호진, 박종진, 강상욱고려대학교 A new Mn(I)-based hybrid system for photocatalytic CO 2 reduction is designed to be a co-assembly of Mn(4,4 -Y2-bpy)(CO) 3Br and (E)-3-[5-(4-(diphenylamino)phenyl)- 2,2 -bithiophen-2 -yl]-2-cyanoacrylic acid (OrgD) on TiO 2 semiconductor particles. The hybrid system reveals persistent photocatalytic behavior, giving high turnover numbers and excellent product selectivity of CO. As a typical run, visible-light irradiation of the hybrid catalyst in the presence of 0.1 M electron donor and M LiClO 4 persistently produced HCOO with a >99% selectivity accompanied by a trace amount of CO; the turnover number (TON formate) reached ~250 after 23 h irradiation. The product selectivity (HCOO /CO) was found to be controlled by changing the loading amount of MnP on the TiO 2 surface. In-situ FTIR analysis, the Mn H monomeric mechanism associated with HCOO formation is dominant, whereas at high Mn concentration, CO is formed via an Mn Mn dimer mechanism. 의료용고분자부문위원회 ( I ) 1PS-259 Aamna Basheer Elastin-Resilin Block Copolypeptides with Converse Phase Transition Behavior and Their Self-assembled Nanostructures Aamna Basheer, 이재상, 강민정, 임동우 한양대학교 Diblock copolymers having different solubilities self-assemble into diverse nanostructures such as micelles, rods, vesicles or lamellae in response to external stimuli. In this study, we report thermally triggered self-assembly of elastin-resilin diblock copolypeptides with converse phase transition behavior. Elastin-based polypeptide (EBP) with lower critical solution temperature (LCST) was genetically fused with resilin-based polypeptide (RBP) having upper critical solution temperature (UCST). The EBP-RBP diblocks with different block lengths were synthesized and their self-assembled nanostructures were characterized at nanoscale. The EBP-RBP diblocks underwent dual phase transitions as a function of temperature, and different nanostructures were formed with reversibility. These switchable nanostructures with dual thermo- responsiveness would be of great potential for biomedical applications. 1PS-260 Giang Thuy Nguyen Cao ROS-responsive thioether-bearing polymers for efficient intracellular drug delivery in cancer cells 김윤석, Quan Hoang Truong, Giang Thuy Nguyen Cao, 심민석 Incheon National University Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-responsive drug carrier have been attracted for cancer-selective drug delivery since ROS is one of the representative features of cancer cells. Thioether-bearing polymers (TEP) were synthesized to achieve ROS-responsive drug delivery. PL-loaded TEP nanoparticles (PL-TEP NPs) were fabricated to deliver hydrophobic piperlongumine (PL) into cancer cells via a nanoemulsion method. PL is one of the pro-oxidant agents that induce oxidative stress in cancer cells. PL-TEP NPs showed ROS-sensitive disassembly, which leads to efficient cytoplasmic release of PL in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Moreover, cancer-specific cytotoxicity of PL-TEP NPs was achieved due to the increase of intracellular ROS in cancer cells. This study demonstrates that PL-TEP NPs are promising stimuli-responsive drug carriers for intracellular delivery of hydrophobic PL. 1PS-261 RENLONG Degradation-regulatable architectured implantable macroporous scaffold for the spatiotemporal modulation of immunosuppressive microenvironment and enhanced combination cancer immunotherapy RENLONG, 임용택, 신일우, 진승모, 이상남, 박건희, 배준한성균관대학교 A degradation-regulatable architectured implantable macroporous scaffold (Dr-AIMS) is designed to act as a local drug delivery reservoir, modulating the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (TME) and activating T-cell-based anti-tumor immunity as well. The Dr-AIMS is fabricated by the crosslink of methacrylate-modified hyauronic acid under frozen state to form the interconnected macroprorous architacture with varied blending ratios, the degradation can be regulated with days after implantation in mice. The sustained and localized supply of immunomodulatory drugs from Dr-AIMS facilitated the depletion of MDSCs and M2-like macrophages simultaneously within the tumor tissues, converting immunosuppressive TME into anti-tumor immunity niches. Also, systemic anti-tumor immunity was generated with 10-fold reduced doses, resulting in the prolonged survival of mice after surgery of incompletely removed tumor. 1PS-262 강민정 Genetically Engineered Fusion Proteins for Anti-angiogenesis 강민정, 이재상, Aamna Basheer, 임동우 1, Department of Bionanotechnology,Hanyang University; 1 Department of BioNano Engineering and Department of Bionanotechnology, Hanyang University Genetically engineered fusion proteins for anti-angiogenesis have been of growing interest to treat uncontrolled neovascularization. We are interested in elastin-based polypeptide (EBPs) as thermo-responsive biopolymers with reversible phase transition, and their fusions with functional peptides to control biological phenomena at cell level. Herein, we report stimuli responsive EBP fusion proteins with the anti-angiogenic peptides (APs) in the form of soluble monomers, which can bind to the cell receptors and trigger cellular signaling for anti-angiogenesis. These fusion proteins with four different EBP block lengths showed lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior, and the LCSTs were finely controlled by the EBP block length. The anti-angiogenesis function was studied in vitro by human umbilical vein endothelial cells tubing assay depending on EBP block lengths. Potentially, these fusion proteins with the AP moieties would be useful as biodrugs to treat neovascularization. 1PS-263 강성민 Preparation of multi-channel neural guidance platform and axonal growth control by various factors 강성민, 윤병주, 이경민, 김지영, 고원건 연세대학교 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) has a limited ability to regenerate after a traumatic injury. Autologous nerve grafts or nerve allografts remain as the current primary treatment method. However availability of autologous nerve grafts is limited and allografts cause immunogenic problems. Thus researchers have developed neural guidance for the nerve regeneration. In this study, we developed a neural guidance platform to control the axonal growth. We prepared the three-dimensional nerve guidance with the micro-sized hollow channels using Poly Ethylene Glycol as a raw material. Channels are engraved with aligned patterns which mimic a natural extracellular matrix and coated with Polypyrrole which is a conductive polymer. Other studies have shown that neuronal deficits were restored when neurons are cultured on a certain directional surface with electrical stimulations. Therefore, our system have structures that give physical and electrical cues for the growth of axon. 1PS-264 강은영 Surface Modification and Characterization of Biocompatible Inorganic Additives for Biomedical Applications 강은영, 최보규 1, 박우람 1, 김익환 2, 한동근 1, 차의과학대학교 / 고려대학교 ; 1 차의과학대학교 ; 2 고려대학교 Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) has been widely used in biomedical applications such as vascular stents due to their superior biocompatibility. However, PLLA produces acidic degradation products that acidify the surrounding tissues. Magnesium hydroxide (MH) can alleviate inflammation by neutralizing ph during the hydrolytic degradation. Despite the advantage of MH, it easily agglomerate together, resulting in poor dispersion in the polymer matrix. In this work, two types of modification methods such as grafting to (GT) and grafting from (GF) were developed to improve the physico-mechanical properties of PLLA composites. The PLLA composites were analyzed by FTIR, TGA, UTM, SEM, and ph test. In addition, the cytotoxicity and inflammatory response of the PLLA composites on HCAECs were evaluated by CCK-8 and IL-6/IL-8 production, respectively. Taken all together, it was confirmed that surface modification could improve the physical and biological properties of MH for biomedical applications. 1PS-265 권정훈 Fabrication of Functionalized Porous Scaffold for Tissue Engineering 권정훈, 김영진 대구가톨릭대학교 Functional restoration of injured tissue has been studied variously in modern medicine. In this study, we fabricated porous scaffold that generate reactive oxygen species (ROS). Depending on the level of ROS, it affects the fate of the cell. High levels of ROS cause cellular oxidative stress leading to apoptosis. However, low levels of ROS provide beneficial effects on cell proliferation. Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) was used as a photosensitizer for the generation of ROS after laser irradiation and grafted onto the scaffold surface. Schwann cells were incubated with various concentrations of PpIX and laser intensity to measure the optimal concentration of the ROS. As a result, we found optimal conditions for producing low levels of ROS, which had a positive effect on cell proliferation. Our results show that it is possible to produce advanced porous scaffold with great potential for tissue engineering. 제 44 권 1 호 91

95 1PS-266 권혁일레티노산첨가를통한도네페질 PLGA 미립구의서방출특성권혁일, 김보연, 신병철, 박정숙 1 한국화학연구원 ; 1 충남대학교도네페질만을봉입한 PLGA 미립구 (MS) 주사제는 7 일만에약물의 80% 이상이방출되는문제점이있다. 이문제점을극복하기위해소수성방출지연제인레티노산을첨가하여도네페질이서방출될수있는최적의조건을찾는실험을하였다. 미립구는 O/W 유화용매증발법을이용하여제조하였으며, 대조군으로 PLGA 와도네페질만을함유한 MS-DP, 실험군으로 MS-DP/RA 를제조하였다. 로딩율은 HPLC 로정량분석하였고, 30.5% 로평균적재효율을보였다. 형태학은광학현미경및주사전자현미경으로관찰했다. PLGA, 도네페질, 레티노산분자간상호작용확인을위해시차주사열량계를이용한열분석을실시하였다. 37 항온인큐베이터에서방출실험을한결과 MS-DP/RA 가대조군보다방출속도지연에서눈에띄는효과가있었다. 이를통해레티노산이초기방출이안정한 PLGA 서방형미립구주사제개발에활용가능할것이라기대된다. 1PS-267 김건용 Synthesis of mesoporous silica nanoparticles decorated with Prussian blue and PNIPAm 김건용, 이택승 충남대학교 Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSN) as promising drug nanocarriers have become a new area of interest recently due to their unique properties(controllable size, large specific area, high drug-loading capacity, etc.). Particularly, we focus on the stimuli-responsive controlled drug delivery system (DDS) that is able to respond to light. In our work, Prussian blue (PB) and poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) is introduced into MSN. PB absorb Near Infrared (NIR) light and convert it into heat energy. NIR can be used as a stimulant for DDS because it minimizes the destruction of normal cells and penetrates deep into the body. Meanwhile, PNIPAm has lower critical solution temperature (LCST) phase transition above 32 which is near that of the human temperature. So we designed and synthesized a system that uses photothermal effect (PTE) with a long wavelength of 808 nm and releases the drug by shrinking the polymer when the heat released from PB. 1PS-268 김귀재 Guiding Bone Tissue Regeneration Using Silk Fibroin-PGA Hybrid Scaffolds Prepared by Electrospinning and 3D Printing 김귀재, 고영광, 여태균, 곽동민, 권오형 금오공과대학교 Tissue engineering aims regeneration of defected biological tissues and organs by combining cells, scaffolds, and growth factors. We developed patient-customizable guided bone regeneration (GBR)/guided tissue regeneration (GTR) hybrid scaffolds prepared by electrospinning and 3D printing techniques. Poly(glycolic acid) (PGA) scaffolds were prepared by a 3D printer. The topography of silk fibroin nanofibers and PGA scaffolds was observed by SEM. Cell seeding efficiency and proliferation of osteoblasts on a PGA scaffold were analyzed by MTT assay. Rabbit calvarial defect model was used for animal test. Bone tissue regeneration were analyzed by Masson Trichrome staining and micro-ct. Silk fibroin nanofiber-pga hybrid scaffold groups showed significant regeneration of bone compared to control groups. The silk fibroin nanofiber-pga scaffold construct will be an efficient approach for regeneration of bone defects. 1PS-269 김규식 Synthesis and Characterization of Polyethylenimine Cross-linked by Oxidized Lactose for Gene Delivery Systems 김규식, 박재홍, 이경진, 서진아, 김태일 서울대학교 In this study, we synthesized polyethylenimine (PEI2k) cross-linked by oxidized lactose by reductive amination for efficient gene delivery systems. These polymers (LP2ks) synthesized with 3 kinds of mixing ratios, could condense pdna into nano-sized polyplex particles with positive charges. LP2ks showed lower cytotoxicity than PEI25k in both Hela and A549 cell line. In serum condition, LP2ks displayed less decreased transfection efficiency than PEI25k, meaning a good serum-compatibility. It was found that LP2k polyplex could be internalized into cells efficiently by Flow cytometry results. Also, LP2k polyplex showed better GFP expression in Hela cell line. These results suggest that LP2ks have a potential for efficient gene delivery systems. 1PS-270 김근희 A Study on the Drug Delivery of Therapeutic Contact Lens 김근희 ( 주 ) 인터로조 Previously, we have mathematically proved the drug diffusion trend of HPMC to improve eye dryness symptoms. Through the polymerization of ionic functional group and HEMA polymer, the diffusion tendency of the drug changed according to the change of tear ph, which confirmed the expansion/contraction of the contact lens and ionization reaction with external solution. In this study, we developed a silicone hydrogel contact lens and analyzed the effect of drug diffusion on polymerization ratio. We have demonstrated the mechanism of drug release mobility according to the ratio of silicon in the conditions of drug delivery. Changes in water content of the lens, porosity of the lens, and release characteristics of the drug showed differences in storage efficiency in the lens. Through these results, we believe that there is a possibility of development of drug contact lenses that can replace and improve the eye drops used in the treatment of various eye diseases including dry eye syndrome. 1PS-271 김동진 Preparation of in-situ pullulan hydrogels for application to an injectable hemostatic agent 김동진, 이지영, 곽동민, 권오형 금오공과대학교 Injectable alginate hydrogels offer a wide range of attractive benefits. In this study, enzyme-mediated injectable pullulan hydrogels containing blood coagulation agents such as thrombin and calcium chloride were fabricated to use as a hydrogel type hemostatic agent. The pullulan hydrogel has many advantages such as biodegradability, flexibility, and blood coagulability. The modified pullulan was characterized by ATR-FTIR, 13 C NMR and 1 H NMR to confirm introduction of tyramines. Gelation, rheological properties were decided as a function of concentration of horseradish peroxidase and pullulan solutions. The in vivo animal study showed that the modified hydrogel considerably reduced bleeding quantity and time compared to the unmodified model. The modified pullulan hydrogel containing blood coagulation agents has adjusted gelation time, biodegradability, hemostatic ability as an effective hemostatic agent of massive hemorrhage. 1PS-272 김동학 Polymer coating to induce autologous tissue formation on artificial vascular graft 김동학, 정영미 1, 김수현 1, 고려대학교 ; 1 한국과학기술연구원 Vascular disease have still threaten human life until now. To overcome it, eptfe vascular grafts have been mainly used in clinics. However, in eptfe vascular grafts, poor long-term patency and restenosis may occur after bypass surgery and usually lead to implant failure. Thus, surface modification is necessary to overcome the limitations of artificial graft. It could induce graft to remodel like native vessels by recruiting vascular cells. Heparin, which inhibits thrombosis, and substance P, which recruits stem cells and induce the formation of blood vessels, were covalently conjugated with Poly(l-lactide-coε-caprolactone) (Hep-PLCL and SP-PLCL). Hep-PLCL and SP-PLCL was vacuum coated onto the surface of eptfe to induce the regeneration of vascular cells inside of the pore. In vivo test, coating of Hep/SP-PLCL stimulate the regeneration by promoting angiogenesis and recruiting M2 macrophage and MSCs. 1PS-273 김문식 Development of an artificial α-helical polypeptide adjuvant for dendritic cell activation through cgas-sting pathway 김문식, 이대용, 김유천 한국과학기술원 The purpose of the development of the artificial alpha-helical polypeptide adjuvant (PA) is to deliver antigen to dendritic cells (DCs). Immature DCs have high antigen uptake capacity and mature at the time of antigen uptake. When we deliver antigen-pa nanoparticles, DCs represent higher expression levels of CD40 and CD86. CD40 and CD86 are DCs cell markers that increase the stimulation of T cells. The cationic alpha-helical polypeptide PA1 (Poly((1-(2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl)piperazinyl)pentyloxy benzyl-l-lysine) and PA2 (Poly(1-aza-18-crown-6)pentyloxy benzyl-l-lysine) with model antigen ovalbumin (OVA) nanoparticles show higher DC activation capacity than chitosan (CS)-OVA nanoparticle, which is known to have an adjuvant effect. 1PS-274 김민희 Catechol functionalized poly(γ-glutamic acid)/laponite composite hydrogel for tissue adhesives 김민희, 이지나, 박원호 충남대학교공과대학폴리감마글루탐산 (γ-pga) 은청국장이나나토의점액성물질로, 미생물에의해생산되는 L-glutamic acid 가아마이드결합으로연결된음이온성천연고분자이다. γ-pga 는생체적합성, 수분흡수력, 보습력및피부적합성등의특성으로기능성화장품소재나히알루론산대체재로의적용을위한연구가진행중이다. 본연구에서는 γ-pga 의상처봉합용조직접착제로의적용가능성을확인하였다. 또한, 접착력을향상시키기위해젖은환경에서도우수한접착력을가지는카테콜기를도입하였다, 접착제의응집력을향상시키기위해생체활성나노입자인라포나이트를첨가하여효소산화 (HRP/H2O2) 를통한 γ-pga 의젤화를유도하였으며라포나이트첨가에따른 γ-pga 수화젤의물리 / 화학적특성및조직접착력등의특성분석을통해실제조직접착제로의적용가능성을확인하였다. 1PS-275 김민희 3D extrusion bioprinting of poly(γ-glutamic acid) based photo-crosslinkable hydrogels 김희철, 김민희, 박원호 충남대학교공과대학폴리감마글루탐산 (γ-pga) 은글루탐산의 α- 아민기와 γ- 카르복시기의축합중합으로형성된음이온성천연고분자이다. 이는생분해성및생체적합성을가진고분자로알려져있어, 세포담체, 약물전달시스템및 3D 바이오프린팅등생체재료분야에서촉망받는고분자재료이다. 3D 바이오프린팅은단순한공정으로 3 차원의복잡한구조체를제조할수있는기술이다. 이러한기술을통해신체의일부나결손부위와같이, 환자가요구하는형태의구조체를직접제작할수있는장점을가지고있다. 그러나, 오늘날사용가능한바이오잉크는매우제한적이며새로운바이오잉크소재의연구개발이필요하다. 따라서, 본연구에서는새로운바이오잉크의개발을목적으로, 광가교형 γ-pga/tyramine 수화젤을제조하였으며, 다양한공정변수에따른수화젤의물리 화학적특성을분석하였다. 최종적으로, 3D 바이오프린팅을통해다양한형태의구조체를제조하였으며바이오잉크로의적용가능성을고찰하였다. 1PS-276 김보연에스시탈로프람 PLGA 미립구주사제의 1- 하이드록시 -2- 나프톤산첨가에따른서방출특성김보연, 권혁일, 신병철 한국화학연구원 Escitalopram (ET) 이봉입된 PLGA 미립구주사제는서방출이가능하나, 초기에급작스러운방출이나타나는어려움을가지고있다. 본연구에서는 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid(hna) 와 ET 를다양한비율로 PLGA 미립구에봉입함으로써방출속도제어에용이한최적의조건을찾고자하였다. O/W 유화용매증발법으로제조된 PLGA 미립구의로딩율은 HPLC 로정량분석되었다. 형태학은광학현미경, SEM 현미경으로관찰되었다. 또한분자간의결합력을확인하기위해 DSC 열분석이진행되었으며, in vitro release test 와 in vivo test 를통해방출거동을확인하였다. 그결과, HNA 는약물과 PLGA 간의분자간결합을형성하였으며, HNA 의비율이증가함에따라약물방출속도가지연되는효과를보였다. 이는에스시탈로프람을전달하는약물전달체로서 PLGA 미립구주사제가우울증치료에효과적으로이용될가능성을열어준다. 92 제 44 권 1 호

96 1PS-277 김성한 Alginate based injectable hydrogels for protein delivery and bone repairing 김성한, 이두성 성균관대학교 Stimuli responsive injectable hydrogel have potentials as bone repairing due to their ability to form three-dimensional networks under mild conditions, to be introduced into body in a minimally invasive manner. Also, alginate is broadly studied because of not only similar property above but also ease of chemical modification with adhesion ligand. Recently, our group proposed temperature sensitive hydrogels as carriers for Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (BMP-2). The hybrid polymer Alg-PCLA was comprised of alginate and poly(ε-caprolactone-co-lactide). Alg-PCLA was blended with poly(εcaprolactone-co-lactide)-b-poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(ε-caprolactone-co-lactide) to form hybrid hydrogel. Alginate is modified with phosphate group which can induce hydroxyapatite and increase mineralization property. Hybrid hydrogel exhibited sustained BMP-2 release and hydroxyapatite was well induced in vitro. Thus, we can expect alginate based injectable hydrogel has great potential for bone repair. 1PS-278 김영국 The effect of bovine chondrocyte derived exosomes on chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cell and human adipose derived stem cells 김영국, 조혜란, 박범준, 김교범 인천대학교 Recently, exosomes have been actively studied as an alternative to cell based therapy. we designed an experiment to confirm whether exosome of bovine chondrocyte causes chondrogenic differentiation in human mesenchymal stem cells (hmsc) and human adipose derived stem cells (hadsc). we obtained the exosome of chondrocyte through sucrose cushion ultracentrifugation. Next, exosomes were treated with hmsc and hadsc at a dose of 40 ug/ml, and cells with basal media were used as a control. As a result of DNA assay, it was confirmed that exosome was not affect the proliferation of hmsc and hadsc. Collagen type I, collagen type II, and aggrecan, markers of chondrogenic differentiation, were confirmed by RT-PCR. As a result, the exosome groups were not significantly different from the control group in all chondrogenic differentiation markers. Therefore, 40 ug/ml of bovine chondrocyte derived exosome was not cause chondrogenic differentiation in hmsc and hadsc. 1PS-279 김은우 Effects of Cross-linking Types on Structural Stabilities and Mechanical Properties of Alginate/Tyramine Hydrogels 김은우, 박원호 충남대학교알긴산은해양갈조류에서추출된선형다당류로, β-d-mannuronate 와 α-l-guluronate 로이루어져있다. 이온결합에의해간단하고빠르게솔 - 젤전이가가능한알긴산은우수한생체적합성과생분해특성으로인해생체재료전반에걸쳐다양하게응용되고있으나, 생리학적환경에서이온교환반응으로인해이온결합이해리되며젤의구조적안정성이낮은단점이있다. 따라서, 본연구에서는이온결합능이있는알긴산에티라민을사용하여광조사에의한공유결합이가능한페놀기를도입하였다. 페놀기가도입된알긴산에광개시제로리보플라빈을첨가하고페놀기간광가교를통해알긴산수화젤의형태안정성을향상시키고자하였다. 도입된티라민의치환도를 1 H-NMR 을통해분석하였으며광가교, 이온가교및이중가교형알긴산 - 티라민수화젤의형태안정성과기계적특성을분석하여조직공학분야로의적용가능성을살펴보았다. 1PS-280 김재우 Biomimetic Hydrogel Composite Scaffold having Different Pore Structure for Bone Tissue Engineering 김재우, 김영진 대구가톨릭대학교 The repair of large bone defects remains a big clinical challenge. Composite hydrogelbased materials can enhance bone tissue regeneration of the 3D printed scaffolds. In this study, we fabricated 3D printed composite hydrogel scaffolds with gelatin, hyaluronic acid, and hydroxyapatite for regulating the cell proliferation and differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. To fabricate the composite hydrogels, mixed solution of gelatin and hyaluronic acid was prepared, and then hydroxyapatite was added with different concentrations into the mixed solutions. Using a 3D printer, we prepared the composite scaffolds with different pore structures. Then, these composite scaffolds were crosslinked with EDC and NHS. The composition, microstructure, physical and cytocompatibilities of the composite hydrogel scaffolds were evaluated. In summary, this 3D printed scaffold holds huge potential for treatment of segmental bone defect. 1PS-281 김준수 Development and Evaluation of bioreducible gene carrier for peptide/gene co-delivery 김준수, 홍웅길, 안준혁, 정경원, 나재운 순천대학교고분자공학과 (KLA) 4 peptide has been well known as pro-apoptotic peptide, which could lead to anticancer effect through mitochondria penetration into cancer cell. However, its one-self utilization was limited due to inefficient delivery in cancer cell. To solve these problem, bioreducible gene carrier (BGC), composed with (KLA) 4 peptide, water-soluble chitosan (WC) and cystamine (Cys), was synthesized by coupling agent. Its chemical structure was analyzed by 1 H-NMR. BGC/gene complex was prepared by electrostatic charge interaction. Its binding affinity, DNase protection and releasing assay were carried out by gel retardation assay. Moreover, its transfection efficacy was evaluated in diverse cancer cell lines. Besides, its cytotoxicity and anticancer effect were conducted by MTT assay. These results suggest that it is superb gene carrier with targeted mitochondria and nucleus into cancer cells. (No. NRF-2016H1D5A ). 1PS-282 김지원 A Mesoporous Silica Nanocarrier with Dual-Functional Cyclic Peptide for Selective HER2 Targeting and Stimulus-Responsive Gatekeeping 김지원, 이정훈, 오은택 1, 강한솔, 김하경 1, 박헌주 1, 김철희 인하대학교 ; 1 인하대학교의과대학많은 breast cancer cell 표면에서과발현된다고알려진 HER2 receptor 는선택적인항암치료의유효한 target 으로인식되고있다. 본연구에서는 HER2 receptor 와 specific binding 을한다고알려진 LTVSPWY peptide 의양말단에도입된 cystein 이 intramolecular disulfide bond 를형성한 cyclic peptide 를제조하였다. 이러한 cyclic peptide 를 drug 이 loading 되어있는 MCM-41 타입의다공성 silica nanocarrier 의표면에 gatekeeper 로도입한경우봉입된약물의방출을효과적으로억제하는것을확인하였다. 여기에암세포에서과발현된다고알려진 glutathione 을첨가하면 cyclic peptide gatekeeper 의 disulfide bond 가환원되어 cyclic 형태가 linear 형태로 transformation 이일어나고, 이를통해 silica nanocarrier 에 loading 되어있는 drug 이조절방출되는것을확인하였다. 또한본연구에서제조한 silica nanocarrier 는 peptide gatekeeper 의 LTVSPWY sequence 를통해 HER2 receptor 가과발현된암세포를선택적으로 targeting 하여항암치료효과를극대화시킬수있음을 in vitro 실험을통해확인하였다. 1PS-283 김창헌 Polydiacetylene (PDA) liposome-based immunosensor for the detection of exosomes 김창헌, 이강원 서울대학교융합과학기술대학원 Exosomes are extracellular vesicles (EVs), which have attracted attention because of their potent a means of disease diagnosis and biocompatible carrier. However, because of difficulties in their capture and detection, further application of exosomes remains challenging. To detect EVs, we fabricated a liposomal biosensor based on polydiacetylene (PDA), a conjugated polymer that has been widely used in sensing applications because of its unique optical properties. To confer selectivity and sensitivity to the sensory material, anti CD-9 antibodies targeting CD-9, a membrane protein exclusively found in exosomes, were attached to the PDA liposome composites. To obtain PDA Signal triggered by the ligand-receptor interaction of PDA vesicles, Visual, UV-visible, and fluorescence spectroscopic methods were used, which achieved a detection limit of vesicles/ml, the minimum concentration that can be used in practical applications. 1PS-284 최승환 Tough and Immunosuppressive Titanium-Infiltrated Exoskeleton Matrices for Long-Term Endoskeleton Repair 최승환, 황동수 포항공과대학교 Although biodegradable membranes are essential for effective bone repair, severe loss of mechanical stability due to rapid biodegradation, soft tissue invasion, and excessive immune response remain intrinsically problematic. Inspired by the exoskeletonreinforcing strategy found in nature, we have produced a Ti-infiltrated chitin nanofibrous membrane. The membrane employs vapor-phase infiltration of metals, which often occurs during metal oxide atomic layer deposition (ALD) on organic substrates. This metal infiltration manifests anomalous mechanical improvement and stable integration with chitin without cytotoxicity and immunogenicity. The membrane exhibits both impressive toughness (~13.3 MJ m -3 ) and high tensile strength (~55.6 MPa), properties that are often mutually exclusive. More importantly, the membrane demonstrates notably enhanced resistance to biodegradation, remaining intact over the course of 12 weeks. It exhibits excellent osteointegrative performance and suppresses the immune response to pathogenassociated molecular pattern molecules indicated by IL-1β, IL-6, and GM-CSF expression. We believe the excellent chemico-biological properties achieved with ALD treatment can provide insight for synergistic utilization of the polymers and ALD in medical applications. 콜로이드및분자조립부문위원회 1PS-285 Banyu Firdaus Soeriawidjaja Polymeric nanoparticles encapsulating photostable near-infrared dye with enhanced biocompatibility under hyperthermal irradiation Banyu Firdaus Soeriawidjaja, 곽민석 1,, 강민경 1, 김한성 1, 양현경 2, 김종현 3 Pukyong National University; 1 부경대학교화학과 ; 2 부경대학교 LED 융합디스플레이 ; 3 아주대학교분자과학기술학과 Polymeric micelles are versatile nanocarriers to carry hydrophobic moieties within the core in aqueous media. We report engineered polymeric micelles encapsulating highly photostable organic near-infrared (NIR) dye, IR788, for generating heat under NIR irradiation. In addition, the core of micelle is stabilized via semi-interpenetrating network formation (sipn), which ensures stable loading under low temperature and enhances biocompatibility in cell experiment. 1PS-286 NGUYEN MINH DUONG Pressure-Induced Fluorescent Enhancement of FAαPbBr2+α Composite Perovskites NGUYEN MINH DUONG, 강영종 Hanyang University FAαPbBr2+α composite perovskites consisting of 0D FA4PbBr6 and 3D FAPbBr3 have been synthesized by a solid state reaction. Due to the endotaxy passivation of FAPbBr3 제 44 권 1 호 93

97 by FA4PbBr6, FAPbBr3 crystals were stably deformed without agglomeration from the cubic to the orthorhombic structure by compression, and which led to a significant PL enhancement. 1PS-287 강민경 Photostable polymeric nanoparticle containing hydrophobic Lumogen dye as cellular biomarkers 강민경, 김한성, 이태형 1, 허양훈 2, 김영상, 박선주, 진준오 3, 이창환 1, 곽민석 부경대학교 ; 1 울산 대학교의과대학의생명연구소 ; 2 한국기초과학지원연구원 ; 3 영남대학교의생명공학과 Lumogen fluorescent dyes have great light stability as well as high fluorescence quantum yields. Despite the excellent photophysical properties of dyes, the highly hydrophobic structure in common makes the compounds difficult to function as biological fluorescence probes. To generally utilize a family of organic fluorescent dyes such as Lumogen Red, Orange, Yellow, and Violet, as a biomarker for cellular imaging in flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, we used an encapsulation method using amphiphilic block copolymer namely Pluronic F127. The photostability of Lumogen nanoparticles were compared with commercial dye, Alexa488 and DAPI, used primarily bioimaging. Cell uptake of the probe nanoparticles by HeLa cells was analyzed by flow cytometry and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Also, we observed to confirm the position of the Lumogen nanoparticles in the HeLa cells using a high voltage electron microscope. 1PS-288 김원근 M13 박테리오파지의자기조립을통해제조한생체모방인공손금구조체및이를이용한표면주름제어김원근, Vasanthan Devaraj, 홍석원, 오진우 부산대학교본연구에서는인간의손금에서영감을얻어간단한자기조립을통해효과적으로주름구조를제어할수있는방법을개발했다. 지구상의거의모든동물은피부가접히는부분에주름이발달되어있다. 특히인간의손에는발달한손금이섬세한동작에중요한역할을한다. 생체모방인공손금은 M13 박테리오파지의자기조립에의해제작되었다. M13 박테리오파지는액정분자와형태학적으로유사한높은종횡비를가진다. 이는 M13 박테리오파지가액정상으로자기조립될수있음을의미한다. 액정상중에서도스메틱상은주기적인결함을가지는데이는인공손금으로사용하기에매우적합하다. M13 박테리오파지의자기조립을통해준비된생체모방인공손금에압축력이가해지면결함부위에응력이집중되며주름구조체가인공손금을따라형성된다. 시뮬레이션결과에따르면, 인공손금의결함부위에변형이집중됨을관찰할수있다. 향후생체모방인공손금에 M13 박테리오파지의유전공학기술을적용함으로써다양한응용분야에적용할수있을것으로기대된다. 1PS-289 김재광 Light-Responsive Soft Robots: Structure-Property Relations by Control Structures of Molecular Machines in Liquid Crystal Polymers 김재광, 전지수, Sivakumar Rajamanickam 1, 김윤호 2, 육지호 1, 위정재 1, 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 ; 1 인하대학교 ; 2 한국화학연구원 Programmable molecular alignments of liquid crystal polymers provide various actuation modes upon exposure to external stimuli. Azobenzene-functionalized liquid crystal polymers mechanically deform their shapes by actinic light, and several recent studies focus on perpetual photomotility towards soft robotics applications. In this work, we varied the spacer length of the azobenzene-derived molecular machine from two to eight to systematically investigate the structure-property relationship for photomotility of the light-fueled soft robots. The light induced deformation of 2D film into 3D helix and locomotion of the soft robots were achieved by irradiation of broad spectrum UV-Vis light. Remarkably, sub-μg limbness liquid crystal soft robot demonstrates a large velocity in terms of body length/s in comparison with other walking robotic systems. Futhermore, molecularly engineered soft robots successfully climbed stairs which is an important task in robotic systems. 1PS-290 김해주 Administration of functional DNA nanoparticle for cancer immunotherapy 김해주, 곽민석, 진준오 1 부경대학교화학과 ; 1 영남대학교의생명공학과 Nucleic acids are one of basic components for living organisms. At the same time, DNAs and RNAs can be used as building blocks to build nanostructures using the sequence specific selfrecognition. The incorporation of lipid-modified nucleotides into DNA strands enables the formation of nano-size micelles. In a single self-assembly step, the micelles can be equipped with an immune adjuvant (CpG motifs) and an antigen peptide (OVA epitope) bearing peptide nucleic acid (PNA). In past research, we observed dose-dependent (CpG) activation of TLR-9 resulting in DC maturation in vivo. Here, we report the effect of the immunotherapeutic nucleic acid (INA) including immune-adjuvant and antigen peptide on the surface of lipid-modified DNA micelles in inhibition of melanoma tumor growth and its metastasis in the mouse model. 1PS-291 나즈 Electrophoretic determination of aggregation number of Pluronic F127 나즈, 김미진, 곽민석 부경대학교 Pluronic F127, poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide), amphiphilic triblock copolymer can form nanosized micelle in aqueous environment above its critical micelle temperature (CMT) and critical micelle concentration (CMC). Under the condition a defined number of polymer is required to form a spherical micelle, which represents aggregation number (N aggre). In this study, we adopted electrophoresis to determine the N aggre of F127. Micelles consisting of pristine F127 and phosphorylated F127 (PP-F127) were blended in different volume ratio to control the number of surface charges per micelle. Furthermore, the core of micelle was stabilized to prevent exchange of individual polymer among micelles. To assess the role of surface charge coverage on electrophoretic mobility, agarose gel electrophoresis of the blends was performed. By analyzing discrete gel bands, N aggre of F127 we determined was 30. 1PS-292 박재현 Doping induced nanowire growth of conjugated polymer 박재현, 이은지 광주과학기술원 The morphology of conjugated polymers (CPs) is a significant parameter to decide charge transfer property and having one-dimensional nanostructure, especially, is highly suitable for charge transfer. In this line, pre-assembly of conjugated polymers into nanowires (NWs) in the solution state has been used with advantages of well-controlled morphology, availability of large scale production and cost reduction. However, this solution process inevitably introduces an additional physical driving force for assembly of the CPs. Therefore, we have introduced the doping method to proceed nanowire growth. This process can perform nanowire growth and dope simultaneously without introducing a physical driving force. We demonstrate the assembly of P3HT into NWs by addition of dopant in a single good solvent, and the NWs growth mechanism is studied. This research provides a useful strategy for fabricating doped organic semiconducting NWs with high electrical performance. 1PS-293 서예성 Different phase behavior of 18-arm star-shaped polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymers depending on degrees of second block initiations 서예성, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 We investigated, vis electron microscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering, the difference of phase diagram of 18-arm star-shaped polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymers ((PS-b-PMMA)18) depending on the degree of initiation of the second PMMA. Star-shaped block copolymers, using different catalysts CuBr and CuCl, were synthesized by using α-cyclodextrin (α-cd) as a core of the star-shape. When CuBr was used for catalyst, PMMA was linked to only 75% of PS arm and, in the case of CuCl for calatlyst, PMMA was linked to 100% of PS arms perfectly. Because of this difference, phase diagram depending on shell part volume fraction was different. Those block copolymers were characterized by gel permeation chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance. Morphology of Star-shaped block copolymer was characterized by TEM and small angle X-ray scattering. 1PS-295 이건호 A Three-dimensional Carbon Nanostructure Fabrication Using Block Copolymer Self-assembly Technique for Energy Applications 이건호, 박병준 1, 정연식 KAIST; 1 KEPCO Research Institute Supercapacitors are known to be excellent candidates as a future energy storage device, with their inherent fast charge-discharge characteristics and outstanding cycle stability, but they have a room for improvement in the energy density aspect compared to other devices. The main obstacle has been optimization of nanostructured carbon electrodes, which need to be carefully designed and fabricated accordingly. Here, we report a novel and simple fabrication method to form a 3-D bicontinuous carbon nanostructure with hierarchical pores that can be precisely controlled, ideal in supercapacitor applications. The process utilizes BCPs as structure directing agents for carbon precursors, allowing precise and versatile control of both morphology and dimensions. This simple yet highly controllable process allows modifications of the electrodes to suit the application s needs, with easy control of various features, including but not limited to: thickness, morphology, and pore sizes. 1PS-296 이다빈 Preparation of Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles Using a Phospholipid with a Modified Polar Head 이다빈, 박주현, 팜티투이동, 이지원, 전병윤, 구동건, 이용현, 트룽프억록, 알렉스, 정상원중앙대학교 Conjugated polymers with donor-acceptor structure units can absorb a wide range of sunlight and efficiently emit heat rays instead of photoluminescence, thereby being an ideal photothermal material. In this work, we present conjugated polymer nanoparticles (CPNs) assembled with a phospholipid with a polar head modified by acetamide. We found that uniform CPNs with a sub-100 nm diameter were prepared by shattering phase-separated film of the conjugate polymer and phospholipid. Analysis by conducting atomic force microscopy, grazing incident X-ray diffraction and small angle neutron scattering revealed the assembly structures of the phase-separated films and CPNs. 94 제 44 권 1 호

98 It was presumed that the highly-ordered assembly structures of the conjugated polymer and phospholipid were responsible for the enhancement in the photothermal energy conversion. 1PS-297 이민지 Fabrication and optimization of dielectrophoretic-based electrodes for particle control 이민지, 구형준 서울과학기술대학교 Dielectrophoresis can manipulate the movement of particles by controlling the permittivity and conductivity of the particles and medium, and the frequency of the applied alternating electric field, and can isolate and detect specific particles. In order to utilize dielectrophoresis, an electrode capable of forming a non-uniform electric field is important. We fabricated the electrode through photolithography process and used titanium and platinum as electrode material. A chamber filled with a suspension on the electrode was covered to fabricate a device. We observed the particle movement by voltage and frequency using various particles and defined the phenomenon. Finally, a prototype of a dielectrophoretic chip was demonstrated based on the electrode. 1PS-298 이용현 Influence of Polyacrylic Acid in the Synthesis of Tungsten-Doped Vanadium Dioxide Nanomaterials 이용현, 구동건, 이다빈, 이지원, 전병윤, 정상원, 알렉스, 트룽프억록, 팜티투이동, 박주현 중앙대학교 Doping of vanadium dioxide (VO 2) with tungsten has been a promising route for reducing the metal-insulator phase transition (MIT) of VO 2 at around 68 to room temperature. The resulting decrease in MIT makes W xvo 2 as an ideal candidate for thermochromic window materials by reflecting near infrared light at room temperature while transmitting visible light. Another issue of VO 2 is to reduce each particle size. For the application to thermochromic windows, nanoparticles of VO 2 are highly required to reduce the haze effect by light scattering and to present prompt phase transition under environmental temperature variation. In this study, we synthesize VO 2 nanoparticles with vanadium pentoxide (V 2O 5), oxalic acid (OA) and polyacrylic acid (PAA). We select PAA because it is miscible with OA, a reducing reagent for V 2O 5 to VO 2. We investigated the influence of PAA on the morphology and crystal structure of tungsten-doped vanadium oxides. 1PS-299 전병윤 Tungsten Bronze Nanorods and Their Nanocomposites with Polyolefins and Rubbers 전병윤, 박주현, 이다빈, 이지원, 이용현, 팜티투이동, 트룽프억록, 알렉스, 구동건, 정상원 중앙대학교 Nanomaterials that can absorb near-infrared (NIR) light and efficiently emit heat, and their polymer nanocomposites with improved mechanical and photothermal properties are an ideal candidate material for cold-resistant applications such as gloves, sporting goods, outdoor clothing, footwear and military materials. As the photothermal nanomaterial, tungsten bronze nano-rods were synthesized via a hydrothermal decomposition of ammonium metatungstate in oleylamine. As-synthesized tungsten bronze nanorods exhibited high absorption in the NIR range and could be used as a photothermodulator for heat generation. Their nanocomposites were simply prepared by mixing an organic dispersion of the tungsten bronze nanorods with an organic solution of a rubber. Noticeably, they presented significantly, simultaneously enhanced tensile elongation and photothermal temperature. 1PS-300 조경일 Dynamics of polymer thin films on different interface interaction 조경일, 최기인, 김태호 1, 구자승 2, 한국원자력연구원 ; 1 한국기술교육대학교 ; 2 충남대학교 Polymer mobility of confined system has been studied by dewetting and diffusion dynamics measurements. Especially, the polymer mobility is greatly influenced by adjecent polymer layer. In this study, we mainly focused on the polymer-polymer interaction. First, the effect of attractive on the dewetting phenomenon was investigated by using graphene oxide (GO) sheets. when wrinkled GO was placed at the interface between poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and Si substrates, the dewetting behavior were inhibited due to the amphiphilic properties of GO. In the case of diffusion dynamics, we used repulsive wall (Polystyrene, PS) samples as a model composite system of diffusion. Polymer mobility of confined systems was measured by a neutron reflectivity technique. The diffusion dynamics was signitantly affected by neighboring surfaces which have eighter attractive or repulsive interaction with polymers. 1PS-301 최성호 Monodisperse Janus particles capable of phase compartmentalization and surface amphiphilicty 최성호, 명노용, 김영재, 이성재 수원대학교신소재공학과 We introduce the synthesis method of monodisperse Janus particles which can control the phase compartment and the surface amphiphilicity. Using seeded swelling technique and photo-polymerization method, Janus particles with uniform size and shape were synthesized. Polystyrene (PS) seed particles were swollen by alkyl acrylate monomers with different alkyl chain lengths, and then the particles were polymerized using UV radiation. The Janus particles showed a morphology consisting of two phases which minimize the interfacial free energy due to the phase mismatch of poly(alkyl acrylate) chains on PS seed. We investigated the synthesis of Janus particles depending on alkyl acrylate monomers with different alkyl chain lengths. When tetradecyl acrylate (TA) monomer was used, the Janus particles were separated into two phases of PS and PTA. Moreover, the relative compartment range of the Janus particles could be precisely adjusted. This technique can be extended to non-spherical particles. 1PS-302 최신일 Environment Friendly Quantum-Dot Color Filters for UHD Liquid Cystal Displays 최신일, 김경주, 고윤혁 1, PREM PRABHAKARAN, 이광섭 한남대학교대덕밸리캠퍼스 ; 1 한양대학교 Indium phosphide (Inp) quantum dots (QD) are considered an alternative to Cd-containing QDs for use in light emitting devices. It has been demostrated that multilayer shell coating with ZnSe / ZnS show stronger enhancement of the Quantum Yield (QY) of the InP quantum dot than the conventional ZnS shell coating. Multi-shells help reducing the lattice mismatch between the consecutive crystalline layers within the quantum dot and improves performance of the QDs. We have synthesized highly fluorescent ZnSe 1-XS X gradient shell QDs to reduce lattice defects small. Green and Red QDs showed QY values in the range of 65% with an FWHM of nm. The fabrication of QD-LED devices using green and red ZnSe 1-XS X materials led to sharp emission with reduced overlap. 1PS-303 팜티투이동 Preparation of PEGlated conjugated polymer nanoparticles 팜티투이동, 구동건, 이다빈, 이지원, 전병윤, 정상원, 알렉스, 이용현, 트룽프억록, 박주현 Chung-Ang University Conjugated polymers had gradually developed as a promising material in various applications. Their versatile characteristics such as high fluorescence brightness, high photostability and low cytotoxicity have transformed them to become alternatively multifunctional biomaterials. However, many of these organic-based materials were limited by their lack of hydrophilicity and thereby poor bioavailability. This obstacle can be overcome by the formulation of conjugated polymer nanoparticles (CPNs) incorporating functionalized polyethylene glycol (PEG) in an aqueous medium. This research provides a view of different techniques in the fabrication of PEGlated CPNs formed from the phase-separated thin film [1] in the incorporation of a donor-acceptor polymer and a phospholipid. The difference in PEG-linked methods results in the changing of assembled molecular structures, thus giving the significant effect on the near infrared absorption and photothermal properties for theranostic applications. 1PS-304 하자윤 Charge-dependent cellular uptake of spherical polymeric nanoparticles 하자윤, 이창환 1, 곽민석 부경대학교 ; 1 울산대학교 Passive targeting is a strategy toward personalized medicine and cancer nanotherapy, where nano-sized delivery vehicles do not have any ligand for receptor-mediated endocytosis. In passive targeting, several parameters such as size, shape and charge govern the effectiveness of cellular uptake. Here, we present a method to control the density of charges on surface of nanoparticles (NPs). We prepared fluorescent NPs (d < 20 nm) covered with 0-100% positive and negative charges in every 10% interval and characterized the NPs by dynamic light scattering, zeta potential and gel electrophoresis. Then passive cellular uptake in fourteen cell lines using the NPs was investigated by fluorescence microscopy. We found out that, three cell lines exhibit specific charge-dependent uptake, which also agree to flow cytometry. These findings may contribute to understand fundamental role of charges on NPs for applications in therapeutics and diagnostics. 1PS-305 한유진 Optically Transparent, Thermally Conductive layer Made of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanosheets via Vacuum Filtration Assisted Transfer Printing 한유진, 정연식 KAIST In this thesis, fabrication of highly thermal conductive and optically transparent film made of hexagonal boron nitride and transfer printing technique is demonstrated. To fabricate BN transfer printed film, bulk particle is exfoliated and edge functionalized by high energy ball milling and making a BN nanosheet dispersion. Through vacuum filtration with PTFE membrane, BN nanosheets are stacked and anisotropically aligned through membrane surface. BN nanosheet film than directly transferred to substrate, derived by solvent evaporation induced interface merging. As a result, defectless, smooth and uniform thickness of BN film is successfully transfer printed on various substrate including PET, Cu, glass vial, etc. The printed BN film is easy to adjust thickness and surpass optical transparency over 90%, and shows in-plane thermal conductivity over 20W/mK. 제 44 권 1 호 95

99 포스터발표 ( II ) _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 09:00-10:30 우수논문발표상 (II) 기능성고분자 2PS-1 PREM PRABHAKARAN High Throughput 3D-Printing of Hierarchical Polymer Micromeshes by Laser Direct Writing PREM PRABHAKARAN Hannam University Two-photon direct writing is widely used for fabrication of the three-dimensional functional microstructures with resolutions in the range of a few hundreds of nanometers. Variants of hierarchical three-dimensional meshed microstructures are recurrent in MEMS applications, photonics and biotechnology. A typical study of any applications would need tens of such structures. Most of the current fabrication techniques involve a layer by layer construction of hierarchical structures. This leads to long fabrication times often detrimental to the success of the study. Here we demonstrate a new scheme of scanning vertical walls of array structures called longitudinal scanning. This process speeds up the fabrication of hierarchical three-dimensional meshed microstructures up to 70 times compared to current methods leading to high throughput production of such structures. This opens such structures to widespread applications. 2PS-2 강동규 Directional Thermal Conducting Properties of Uniaxially Aligned Liquid Crystal Polymer 강동규, 고혜윤, 정광운 전북대학교 Polymerizable liquid crystal (LC) monomer exhibiting smectic A (SmA) mesophase was synthesized for the development of anisotropic thermal conducting materials. As a mesogenic core structure, 2-phenylnaphthalene was selected due to its highly ordered atomic lattice structures which induces the promoted phonon transfer. Using the LC monomer, thermal conducting polymeric materials were successfully fabricated. The fabricated LC polymers exhibit high thermal conductivity up to 1.21 W/mK. The orientational order of LC molecule was adjusted by polymerization under magnetic field. The uniaxially aligned LC polymer shows enhanced thermal conductivity value of 2.5 W/mK along the long axis of LC mesogen. This work was supported by BK21 Plus Program, BRL , and Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ) of NRF Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program of Republic of Korea. 2PS-3 궈위엔항 Molecular Engineering of Main-Chain Liquid Crystal Elastomers: The Effect of Spacer Length on the Thermal Actuation 궈위엔항, 이지은, 윤형호, 안석균 부산대학교 Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) are smart materials renowned for the reversible shape transformation driven by change in the nematic order under heat, light and solvent. In the thermotropic LCEs, the contraction parallel to the director orientation occurs when heated above nematic-isotropic temperature (T ni). Here, we report the synthesis of a series of surface aligned LCEs prepared by aza-michael addition between diacrylate functionalized nematic monomers and alkylamine chain extenders followed by photopolymerization. In particular, we used the spacer length of nematic monomers as a handle to manipulate thermal, mechanical as well as actuation properties of the LCEs. Specifically, both T ni and actuation temperature significantly reduce with decreasing methylene spacer from 11 to 3. Thus, molecular engineering of the LC monomers can bring a significant impact on the actuation behavior of the LCEs, which can advance in the design of programmed shape switching materials. 2PS-4 권한나 F4-TCNQ as a P-type Dopant for Polymer Hole-Transporting Material to Reduce Hysteresis and Improve Stability of Perovskite Solar Cell 권한나, 김동하 이화여자대학교 Designing a hole transport material (HTM) is regarded as one of the most important approaches to improve the efficiency and stability of PSCs. Herein, an efficient model is suggested by optimizing the conjugated polymer, TFB (Poly[(9,9-dioctylfluorenyl- 2,7-diyl)-co-(4,4 -(N-(4-sec-butylphenyl)diphenylamine)]), and non-hygroscopic p-type dopant F4-TCNQ (2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane). TFB-doped F4-TCNQ can be an ideal alternative to conventional HTM to realize low price, high hole mobility and suitable energy band alignment with perovskite material. The combination of HOMO level of TFB and LUMO level of F4-TCNQ was believed to favor an efficient charge and energy transfer between perovskite and hole transport layer (HTL), and to reduce charge recombination. Consequently, the combined utilization of the TFB and F4-TCNQ could enhance photoconductivity to improve power conversion efficiency, which resulted in the superior stability of the perovskite solar cells. 2PS-5 김동석 Kinetic Effect of Layer by Layer Assembled Polymeric Multilayer on Photoelectrodes 김동석, 김병수 1, 연세대학교 ; 1 연세대학교화학과 Although the development of individual photoelectrode materials have been vigorously studied, there have been lack of methodological research to maximize photocatalytic activity. In this study, we suggest a versatile protocol to modify the interface between photoelectrode and electrolyte with highly charged polyelectrolyte, improving photocatalytic activity and charge transfer on the integrated photoelectrode. The highly charged polyelectrolyte, PDDA and PSS, are additionally deposited on the surface of various photoelectrode using Layer by Layer (LbL) assembly method. The polymeric multilayer induces electrical field on the surface of photoanode, enhancing charge transfer at the surface of photoanode for efficient water oxidation. The polymeric multilayer assembled photoanode not only exhibits a significantly higher photocurrent density and cathodic shift in the onset potential under light irradiation but also can be potentially applied to other photoelectrode materials. 2PS-6 김윤 Synthesis and characterization of Chemical Containing Polymer Nanoparticles 김윤, 남정석, 김태동 한남대학교 In this paper, we successfully synthesized polymer nanoparticle and silica nanoparticle. Copolymer nanoparticles having amphipathic properties can be prepared by adjusting the ratio of solvent. The particle size can be controlled from 100 nm to 900 nm according to the solvent ratio. In case of polyelectrolyte micelle, the surface charge was confirmed by zeta potential analysis. The negative and the positive charge were observed, respectively, which was the basis for binding with other ligands. Hollow silica nanoparticles (HSN) mainly have focused on micelle states in order to get hollow structure and appropriate sizes. we tried to synthesize homogeneous HSN by using sol-gel reaction with cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) micelle containing tetraethoxysilane (TEOS). The size of micelle can be controlled reaction condition such as temperature, reaction time and ammonia solution concentration. 2PS-7 김의혁 Interactive Skin Display with Epidermal Stimuli Electrode 김의혁, 박철민 연세대학교 In addition to the demand for stimuli-responsive sensors that can detect various vital signals in epidermal skin, the development of electronic skin displays that quantitatively detect and visualize various epidermal stimuli such as the temperature, sweat gland activity, and conductance simultaneously are of significant interest for emerging human-interactive electronics used in health-monitoring. Herein, we present a novel interactive skin display with epidermal stimuli electrode (ISDEE) allowing for the simultaneous sensing and display of multiple epidermal stimuli on a single device. The ISDEE is directly mounted on human skin, which by itself serves as a field-responsive floating electrode of the display operating under an alternating current (AC). Conductance-dependent field-induced electroluminescence is achieved, giving rise to an on-hand sensing display platform where we can directly sense and visualize a variety of human information. 2PS-8 김지수 Template-Assisted 3D Nanostructuring on Carbon Fiber for Fiber Microsupercapacitors 김지수, 송은석, 김성곤 전북대학교 One-dimensional (1D) fiber electrodes for supercapacitors (SCs) are attracting much attention with their design versatility capable to integrate with the next generation of flexible and wearable electronics and the intrinsic properties of SCs including high power density, exceptional round trip efficiency, long cycle life, low manufacturing cost, and intrinsic safety. Here, using commercially available carbon fibers, we create highly flexible and mechanically robust composite fibers as electrodes for fiber micro-sc applications. The fibers are prepared by a colloidal crystal template-assisted deposition of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on carbon fiber surface. The resulting fibers are highly conductive and readily applicable to fabricating electrodes into a miniaturized architecture. We envisage that the fiber electrodes made out of carbon composites in this study would be suitable for integrating into various macroscopic materials for wearable and flexible energy storage. 2PS-9 김진실 A novel heterocyclic supramolecular polyurethane with excellent self-healing properties and mechanical properties 김진실, 홍평화, 문경민, 이서윤 1, 강정순 1, 최기원 1, 이성구, 고민재 1, 홍성우 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 한양대학교 A new heterocyclic supramolecular polyurethane (hspu) is synthesized and its self-healing properties are characterized in this study. To synthesize hspu, a polyol and a heterocyclic compounds with hydroxyl groups are blended and the blend is reacted with crosslinker containing multiple isocyanate groups. The results from experiments performed using nano scratch tester reveal that hspu shows better self-healing properties than conventional polyurethanes with no heterocyclic groups. This is attributed to the strong supramolecular networks resulting from the intermolecular interactions between urethane groups and heterocyclic groups. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy is applied to prove the effective self-healing mechanism of hspu, and a universal testing machine is also used to compare the mechanical properties of hspu and conventional polyurethanes after the self-healing process. 2PS-10 김태희 In Vitro Three-dimensional Vascularized Lung Cancer-on-a-chip Using Decellularized Lung Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel 김태희, 김수현, 정영미 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) Recently, advances in novel immunotherapies and molecularly-targeted agents have raised interest in the field of in vitro cancer mimetic platform. Here, we developed a 96 제 44 권 1 호

100 novel 3D vascularized lung cancer-on-a-chip using lung decellularized ECM, which can mimic microenvironment of a natural lung, and collagen hydrogel mixture. Specifically, a spheroid composed of A549 cells for simulating lung cancer, or solid tumor, was encapsulated in the ldecm/collagen hydrogel with lung fibroblasts (HLFs) and endothelial cells (HUVECs). In addition, two channels were fabricated in the hydrogel construct, to bio-mimick perfusable vessel structures which resemble artery and vein. In our proposed 3D vascularized lung cancer-on-a-chip, we were able to confirm the potential of simulating metastasis. 2PS-11 박상우 Multifunctional Polysulfide Polymers via Inverse Vulcanization of Sulfur and Allyl Glycidyl Ether: Shape-Memory Effect and Energy Storage Applications 박상우, 정민주, Alexandros Lamprou 1, 임지우 2, 손정곤 3,, 차국헌서울대학교 ; 1 BASF; 2 경희대학교 ; 3 한국과학기술연구원 Recent discovery of inverse vulcanization have set up a facile protocol to synthesize versatile high sulfur content polymers. Despite the variety of available comonomers, the chemistry of inverse vulcanization is limited to the addition of thiyl radicals, generated from sulfur, to unsaturated C-C bonds of comonomers. Such lack in the available chemistry poses a major obstacle in modulating physicochemical properties of resultant polymers. To develop new classes of monomers with new modes of reaction in the process, we herein report the use of epoxide-bearing allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) as comonomer which results in the formation of stable, low Tg polymers. Furthermore, electrochemical performance and dynamic mechanical behavior, especially shape memory effect of the polymer was systematically studied to demonstrate its versatile functionalities. 2PS-12 박시은 Fabrication of porous hydrogels and their swelling kinetics 박시은, 전석진 금오공과대학교 Porous structures are essential for the rapid reaction rate of hydrogels, and methods such as gas bubbling, freeze drying, and electrospinning have been studied to produce them. Temperature-sensitive porous hydrogels are completely reversible and exhibit faster swelling and deswelling with temperature changes before and after LCST than with non-porous hydrogels due to their high specific surface area. In this study, a porous structure was introduced into a hydrogel using a sacrificial material, and the swelling kinetic behavior of the porous hydrogel thus produced was observed. The fabricated porous hydrogel has a porous structure inside and has a smooth film surface, which makes it easy to adhere to other polymers. Therefore, it can be applied to soft actuators and soft robots by forming layers with other polymers besides artificial muscles and drug carriers. 2PS-13 박정은 Enhanced magneto-actuation of micropillar arrays and programmed liquid spreading by tailored geometry factors 박정은, 전지수, 위정재 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 Alignments of magnetic particles within polymeric composites can be pre-programmed in micropillars by external magnetic field. Magneto-actuation of micropillar arrays is markedly different dependent on the alignment axis with respect to the main axis of the micropillars. We will discuss generation of reversible twisting and bending actuation modes without significant magneto-hysteresis. In particular, asymmetric geometry can introduce easy axis of deformation by breaking symmetry. In addition, we will discuss programmable liquid spreading achieved by manipulation of magneto-actuation. 2PS-14 박찬수 Preparation and characterization of thermoplastic polyurethane microcapsules for rubber manufacture 박찬수, 조남주 부산대학교 It is essential to encapsulate vulcanizing agent and vulcanizing acceleration agent to block the heat generated by the kneading and molding process of rubber product and prevent rubber from being vulcanized before vulcanization process. And also microcapsules have to melt in vulcanization process and release vulcanizing agent and vulcanizing acceleration agent in the mixing process. Therefore microcapsulation would ultimately promote the formability and ease of the manufacturing process of rubber product. As the wall material, thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) that can control the content of the hard segment and the soft segment to obtain the desired melting point and mechanical strength. And microcapsulation thermoplastic polyurethane was done by solvent evaporation method. To determine that the microcapsules can be applied in the actual process indirectly, microcapsules were heated in the oven and rotated for 30 min at 3300 rpm. 2PS-15 박찬호 Transfer-Printed Arrays of Dewetted Microdroplets for Triboelectric Nanogenerators 박찬호, 박철민 연세대학교 Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENG) is of interest as an emerging power harvester due to its simple device architecture and high efficiency. Here, we demonstrate a novel transfer-printing technique of hierarchically dewetted microdroplets on various TENG surfaces for performance enhancement. Our method is based on controlled dewetting of a thin supramolecular assembled film of two end-functionalized polymer blends on a prepatterned mold, followed by the physical pattern-transfer of arrays of the dewetted droplets consisting of supramolecular assembled nanostructures. The hierarchically dewetted droplets comprising soft-etched nanopores efficiently improve the performance of a TENG by more than three times compared to one without the pattern. The pattern-transfer is successfully achieved on various surfaces including not only oxides, plastics, and metals, but also fabrics, and coins, making our approach a convenient way for enhancing the triboelectric performance of a given TENG. 2PS-16 손인태 Preparation and Characterization of Gas-Forming Polyacrylonitrile/Polymethylmethacrylate/ Methylcyclohexane Nanocapsules for the Detachment of Optical Adhesive Layers 손인태, 이병선 1, 조치형 1, 문기태 1, 황정호 2, 장의윤 2, 유봉현 2, 이준협 1, 명지대학교 ; 1 명지대학교화학공학과 ; 2 삼성디스플레이 We herein report a simple approach to the preparation of gas-forming polyacrylonitrile/ polymethylmethacrylate/methylcyclohexane core-shell nanocapsules for the detachment of optical adhesive layers. The proposed gas-forming core-shell nanocapsules are based on a shell structure composed of a polyacrylonitrile/polymethylmethacrylate copolymer, where the core contains vaporizable cyclic hydrocarbons (i.e., methylcyclohexane). These stable functional nanocapsules were spherical in shape, with an average particle size of ~110 nm. Upon mixing the resulting core-shell nanocapsules uniformly with the optical adhesive layers, desorption was observed between layers following heat treatment. Furthermore, the high optical transmittance of the optical adhesive layer was retained due to the small size of the core-shell nanoparticles. 2PS-17 송은석 Gel polymer electrolytes using UV curing for flexible, high performance energy storages with enhanced interfacial properties of electrodes-electrolyte 송은석, 김지수, 김성곤 전북대학교 The improvement of interfacial properties of electrodes and electrolyte is of paramount importance in high performance energy storages. Herein we synthesize gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) consisting of trimethylolpropane ethoxylate triacrylate (ETPTA) and poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (PEGMA) with a lithium salt solution (1M LiPF 6 EC/DMC 1:1 (v/v)) by UV curing. Ionic conductivities and mechanical properties of GPEs are investigated by changing the ratio of PEGMA and ETPTA as well as the amount of the lithium salt solution over GPE content. GPEs having a high ionic conductivity (10-3 S/cm) is impregnated into electrode layer, enhancing electrolyte-accessible surface area of electrodes. The GPE with good mechanical stability and small ionic conductivity (~10-4 S/cm) is sandwiched between electrodes facing each other, leading to the realization of flexible device. 2PS-18 신예린 Electromechanical behaviors of electro-active soft actuators based on ionic polymer hydrogels 신예린, 김소연 충남대학교 Stimulus-responsive polymers can be caused structural deformation controlled by physical or chemical stimuli such as light, sound, ph, magnetic field, ionic strength, etc. In particular, electro-active hydrogels showed reversible expanding, shrinking and bending behaviors influenced by electric field. It can be used as artificial muscle, smart sensor, biorobotics, aerospace field and so on because of its biocompatibility, high water content and good flexibility. In this research, we fabricated three-dimensional structure network polyanion hydrogel including ionic group for soft actuators. The gel fraction, swelling properties, mechanical strength were exercised for intrinsic ability of hydrogels. In addition, the various shapes of the hydrogel samples were investigated in electric field. 2PS-19 염경빈 Design of Three Color Polymer Dots via Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer for Multi-Color Imaging 염경빈, 정지은, Uddin Mohammad Afsar, 유화숙, 심상희, 우한영 고려대학교 Polymer dots (Pdots) represent fluorescent probes for bioimaging because of high brightness, low cytotoxicity, good photostability. To produce different emission wavelength of Pdots (green, red and near-infrared), we utilized green-emissive conjugated polymer alone or blend with red or NIR fluorophores to adopt fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). During the formation of Pdots, polymer matrix (polystyrene maleic anhydride) was co-precipitated with fluorescent semiconducting materials, enabling efficient FRET due to 1) close distance between FRET donor and acceptor as well as 2) suppressed aggregation-caused quenching, prohibiting the serious packing of fluorophores. Subsequently, the amide bond formation between the carboxyl groups on the Pdot surface and the amine groups of target-specific antibodies was catalyzed by COMU. Upon excitation with only one wavelength, three color polymer dots can distinguish different organisms in the cell simultaneously. 2PS-20 음율 Synthesis of polymer anode with thiophene derivative copolymer for lithium secondary battery 음율, 조남주 부산대학교 When we use lithium secondary battery on high power for electric car and energy storage system, there are several problems including the reduction of available energy. These problems influence stability and energy efficiency. To solve them, we developed a new type of lithium secondary battery to clear the interfacial resistance between electrode and electrolyte. In this study, polythiophene (PTh) derivatives were introduced into anode. For this, we intended to introduce 3,4-ethylene dioxy thiophene (EDOT) and 3-methyl thiophene (3MeT) for high conductivity and thieno[3,4-b]pyrazine (TP) 제 44 권 1 호 97

101 and 2,3-dimethyl thieno[3,4-b]pyrazine (DMTP) for cyclic stability. Then it is expected that the low doping stability and electric conductivity due to oxygen and water oxidation can be solved by the copolymerization of thiophene derivatives. Then four types of copolymer as an anode were synthesized, and the characterization was done by FR-IR, impedance analyzer, linear seep voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry. 2PS-21 이규호 Microstructured Polymer-Ionic Liquid Composite Film for Capacitive Pressure Sensors 이규호, 박철민 연세대학교 For the next generation of smart electronic application the wearable electronic devices that operate under mechanical strain is essential. The development of input device technology such as pressure sensors is crucial for the future skin applicable wearable electronic devices. We fabricated transparent and flexible pressure sensors with composite of (PVDF-HFP) and ([EMI][TFSA]). Also, ion-gel film is incorporated with graphene electrodes for flexibility and transparency. This sensor has superior pressure-sensing performance, with a broad sensing range from a few pascals up to 20 kpa, with fast response times of < 30 ms and a low operating voltage of 1 V. The polymer-ionic liquid composite films have sensitivity more than 4 kpa-1 in the long-range pressure regime of 0-20 kpa. Our sensor was suitable for the efficient detection of a various pressure sources arising from human life such as sound, pulse and finger motions. 2PS-22 이상연 Tailoring optical properties of mid-wavelength infrared polarizers via sulfur copolymer arrays 이상연, 이종혁, 위정재 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 Mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) polarizers are widely used for a variety of applications, including non-invasive medical diagnostics, gas detection, and night vision. Conventional MWIR polarizers are formulated with metallic semiconducting materials such as Ge, ZnSe, and ZnS due to their excellent IR optical properties. However, metallic materials are intrinsically rigid, expensive, and difficult to process. In this study, we introduce MWIR transparent sulfur copolymer arrays prepared by nanoimprinting lithography toward flexible and low cost MWIR polarizers. The variation of dimension (pitch, height, and feature size) of sulfur copolymer arrays provides tailoring capability for three dimensional low loss beam steering properties. In this presentation, we will discuss parameter studies for regulation of MWIR beam steering. 2PS-23 이석영 Stimuli-responsive display with a visual by organic light-emitting 이석영, 김의혁, 박철민 연세대학교 Interactive displays involve the interfacing of a stimuli-responsive sensor with a visual human-readable response. Here, we describe a polymeric electroluminescence-based stimuli- responsive display method that simultaneously detects external stimuli and visualizes the stimulant object. This organic light-emitting board is capable of both sensing and direct visualization of a variety of conductive information. Simultaneous sensing and visualization of the conductive substance is achieved when the conductive object is coupled with the light emissive material layer on application of alternating current. A variety of conductive materials can be detected and thus information written by a conductive pen is visualized, as is a human fingerprint with natural conductivity. Furthermore, we demonstrate that integration of the OLEB with a fluidic channel readily allows for dynamic monitoring of metallic liquid flow through the channel, which may be suitable for biological detection. 2PS-24 이성훈 Planar p-i-n perovskite solar cells based on MoO 3/Ts-CuPC mixed PEDOT:PSS hybrid interfacial layer 이성훈, 채상민, 홍승연, 김효정 부산대학교 We introduce the mixture effect of PEDOT:PSS and TS-CuPc (copper phthalocyanine 3, 4,4,4 -tetra-sulfonated acid tetra-sodium salt) as a hole transport layer (HTL), and the interfacial effect of molybdenum oxide (MoO 3) between an anode and a mixed HTL in p-i-n structured CH 3NH 3PbI 3 perovskite solar cell. TS-CuPc mixed PEDOT:PSS enhanced the electrical conductivity. MoO 3 layer prevented the direct contact between ITO and mixed organic HTL, and induced the energy level alignment by tuning the work function of anode. As a results, the device performance and the stability were increased in comparison with controlled devices. To elucidate the detail roles of TS-CuPc mixed PEDOT:PSS, we quantitatively analyzed the AFM images as well as GIWAXS patterns. 2PS-25 이승원 Shape-Deformable Self-Healing Electroluminescence Displays 이승원, 백소연, 박철민 연세대학교 Self-healing electronic materials can substantially enhance the life-time of a device as they can self-repair mechanical damages, thereby recovering their initial electronic performance similar to human skin. Here, shape-deformable and self-healing EL displays (SSELD) are presented. Light emitting materials are fabricated by adding a certain amount of a plasticizer, Triton X-100, to elastomeric poly(urethane) containing light-emitting Cu-doped ZnS microparticles to obtain a viscoelastic composite that undergoes facile shape-deformation and recovery. A SSELD exhibits frequency-dependent field-induced light emission under alternating current (AC). More importantly, a SSELD self-recovers its EL within few minutes of electrical failure. Further, the AC EL device endures more than 100 cycles of failure-recovery operations. By combining with a shape-deformable ionic liquid, a novel fiber display which exhibits excellent shape-deformable and self-healing EL performance, is demonstrated. 2PS-26 이승주 Impartment of antibiofouling properties to macro and nanoscale gold sufaces by utilizing simple synthesis and coating method of sulfobetainic zwitterionic small molecule 이승주, 이원규, 박지호 1, 이재승, 서지훈 고려대학교신소재공학부 ; 1 서강대학교화학과 The goal of this study is to develop a one-pot synthesis of a zwitterionic small molecule and use it as an effective anti-biofouling coating material on macro and nanoscopic gold surfaces. To this end, a zwitterionic small molecule was successfully synthesized by a one-pot method using dipyridyl disulfide. The coating conditions and stability were examined through contact angle measurements, surface plasmon resonance (SPR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The anti-biofouling properties of the coated gold surface were analyzed by FITC-bovine serum albumin (BSA) test and SPR as contacting with BSA solution. In addition, the effect of zwitterion-coating on stability of and protein adsorption on gold nanoparticles were examined through a NaCl stability test and BSA adsorption test, respectively. As a result, simply synthesized zwitterionic small molecule effectively enhanced the anti-biofouling properties gold surfaces and the salt stability of gold nanoparticles. 2PS-27 이아라 Manipulating the molecular orientation of conjugated polymers for bilayer OPVs 이아라, 채상민, 홍승연, 이현휘 1, 김효정 부산대학교 ; 1 포항가속기연구소 The Sq process, which forms nanoscale network structures from quasi-solid-state interdiffusion through swelling and annealing, is one of the most efficient methods for fabricating organic solar cells and blend films. We examined the effect of the crystallinity and orientation of P3HT molecules on the formation of the nanostructure by carrying out an Sq process using various solvents with different boiling points. We showed that the moderate crystallinity promoted suitable interdiffusion between the donor and acceptor, and hence was important for achieving high-performance solar cells using Sq processing. Nanostructure formation by inter-diffusion was investigated and visualized by taking a combination of GIWAXS and ToF-SIMS measurements. In addition, our Sq-processed solar cell yielded a device efficiency as high as 3.25%, and was also impressive because it was made with an eco-friendly solvent and using a short-duration annealing process, in contrast to the conventional BHJ process. 2PS-28 이한빈 Light trapping enhancement in perovskite solar cells by a capillary force lithography using quasi-random grating structure 이한빈, 이아라, 채상민, 김효정 부산대학교태양전지, 그중에서도유 - 무기하이브리드페로브스카이트태양전지에서광포집효과를유도하기위하여 PDMS 필름을이용하여 PCBM 전자수송층을나노패터닝하였다. 먼저 optical disc 의패턴을 PDMS 필름에성형시키고, 이를페로브스카이트태양전지의 PCBM 전자전달층에접착력기반의소프트임프린트리소그라피방법으로이형시켰다. 소프트임트린트리소그라피방법을이용할경우, 100 도의온도에서압력을거의가하지않은상태에서 ~100 nm 두께의 PCBM 층에나노패턴을이형시킬수있었다. 이형된 PCBM 표면에대해 AFM 을측정한결과 optical disc 와동일하게모양이이형된것을확인할수있었고, 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm 넓이까지는균일하게이형시킬수있었다. 이렇게이형시킨 PCBM 을 p-i-n 구조의 CH 3NH 3PbI 3 페로브스카이트소자에적용하여약 14% 의광전류밀도를증가시켰다. 광전류밀도의증가는패턴에의해서 PCBM 층에서일어난빛의산란과재흡수때문이다. 2PS-29 이혁중 Design of amine modified polymer dispersants for liquid-phase exfoliation of transition metal dichalcogenide nanosheets and their photodetective applications 이혁중, 박철민 연세대학교 Non-destructive exfoliation of nanosheets using macromolecular dispersing agents is advantageous in rendering the TMD nanocomposite films appropriate for flexible devices. Here, an efficient liquid phase exfoliation of molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2) with an amine modified poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) co-polymer (AM-PSMA) is demonstrated, wherein the maleic anhydrides were converted into maleic imides with primary amines using N-Boc-(CH 2) n-nh 2. The exfoliation of nanosheets was facilitated through Lewis acid-base interaction between the primary amine and transition metal. The results demonstrate that the exfoliation depends upon both the fraction of primary amines in the polymer chain and their distance from the polymer backbone. Moreover, a flexible composite film of AM-PSMA and MoS 2 nanosheets fabricated by vacuum-assisted filtration showed outstanding photoconductive performances. 2PS-30 임현수 Preparation and piezoelectric properties of PVDF/PAR Sheath-Core composites treated with ZnO surface coating 임현수, 이유림, 원종성, 이승구 충남대학교 Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) has been studied as a representative piezoelectric polymer exhibiting the largest permittivity. However, the piezoelectric material using only PVDF has a relatively low mechanical properties and exhibits lower piezoelectricity than a ceramic piezoelectric materials. In this study, thermoplastic composites were prepared using PVDF and highly oriented liquid crystal polymer polyarylate (PAR). The piezoelectric composite was prepared by compression molding of the PVDF/PAR sheath-core fiber. The composite was molded by a hot-press under various molding condition and its were analyzed mechanical and piezoelectric properties. In order to improve its piezoelectric coefficient, which is relatively lower than that of the ceramic 98 제 44 권 1 호

102 piezoelectric material, ZnO was coated on the PVDF/PAR composites prepared under the optimum composite molding conditions. 2PS-31 전상열 preparation of polyurethane/modified boron nitride composite having both thermal conductivity and flame retardancy 전상열, 조남주 1, 부산대학교 ; 1 부산대학교고분자공학과 As household appliances such as mobile phones and automobiles are integrated and miniaturized, a large amount of heat is generated in the driving time. And it is important to release the heat to the outside, because heat degrades the performance of device, causes malfunctions and has a large impact on durability. Then market size of the heat-radiating materials are increasing every year. In this study, polyurethane (PU)/modified boron nitride (m-bn) composite was prepared for heat-radiating film. PU is flexible and has excellent tensile strength, also physical property can be easily controlled through the molecular design. However, owing to the PU is unstable in heat and easy to burn, its use is restricted in the field which is a risk of fire due to heat, leakage, spark etc. Then BN was modified with organo-phosphorus incorporated silane coupling agent to solve the combustion problem. Synthesis and property of PU/m-BN composite was investigated by FT-IR, DSC, TGA and LFA. 2PS-32 조웅비 Photomotility of quasi-twisted nematic liquid crystal soft robots 조웅비, 김재광, 전지수, 위정재 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 Liquid crystal soft robots have been demonstrated autonomous motility on exposure to light irradiation. This remote control capability of untethered soft robotic systems are attractive to avoid on-board weight penalty in battery-powered systems or entanglement of connection lines with external power sources in tethered systems. Previous study on photomotility of azobenzene-functionalized liquid crystal polymers networks (azo-lcns) employed twisted nematic geometry where nematic director rotates 90 from top to bottom of the azo-lcn film. In this study, we discuss effects of oblique angled quasi-twisted nematic (q-tn) molecular alignments on photomotility of the azo-lcns with emphasis on geometry and velocity of the light-fueled soft robots. 2PS-33 조준범 3D porous g-c 3N 4 photocatalyst from dendritic fibrous nanosilica with cobalt oxide and platinum nanoparticles 조준범, 조경민, 정희태 한국과학기술원 Recently, graphitic carbon nitride (g-c 3N 4) has been issued because it is a promising visible-light-driven photocatalyst. However, bulk g-c 3N 4 has low photocatalytic activity due to its low surface area and fast recombination of photo-generated charge carriers. Herein, we fabricated the 3D porous g-c 3N 4 with uniformly deposited cocatalyst using dendritic fibrous nanosilica (KCC-1) as a sacrificial template. Due to the unique opened porous structure of KCC-1, it gives the highly accessible mesoporous structure of g-c 3N 4 which has 12 times higher surface area than bulk g-c 3N 4. Furthermore, uniform nanoparticles of Pt and Co 3O 4 could be synthesized with unique mesoporous structure of KCC-1. Such cocatalysts enhance the visible-light absorption and charge separation. Thus, this photocatalyst system has the enhanced visible light absorption, fast charge separation and high photocurrent. As a result, it has 4 times higher rate constant in methylene blue degradation than bulk g-c 3N 4. 2PS-34 천내영 PLGA-coated UiO-66-NH 2 Enabled with Dual Drug Delivery for Colorectal Cancer Treatment 천내영, 김세나, 류우미, 최영빈 서울대학교 Colorectal cancer is the third most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide. In clinical settings, multiple drugs are often prescribed together due to their synergistic effect on colon cancer therapy. Therefore, we propose UiO-66-NH 2 coated with folic acid (FA)-modified poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) for oral delivery of two different anti-cancer drugs, 5-FU and leucovorin (LV). UiO-66-NH 2, a type of metal-organic-framework, possessed many pores, where 5-FU could be entrapped. The constituent ligand could form an amide bond with LV. The drug-loaded UiO-66-NH 2 was then coated with FA-modified PLGA to hinder drug release at the upper region of the gastrointestinal tract. FA at the carrier would also work as a targeting agent for colon cancer cells. The carriers herein could release about 90% of both drugs continuously for 24 hours. The work is now in progress to evaluate the carriers with in vivo animal models. 2PS-35 최종선 Near-infrared-triggered photodynamic therapy with multifunctional upconversion nanoparticles 최종선, 김소연 충남대학교 Lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) can emit high-energy visible light by absorbing low-energy NIR light via upconversion process. UCNPs is a substance that can activate adjacent photosensitizer (PS) for photodynamic therapy (PDT) through fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Also, compared to conventional fluorescent materials, UCNPs do not have auto-fluorescence, which greatly improves signal-to-noise and the sensitivity of detection. In this study, UCNPs were synthesized under various conditions by thermal decomposition method to investigate the photoluminescence efficiency according to size and shape. Their surface modification was conducted for PDT application. Finally, PDT action of surface-modified UCNPs were determined by singlet oxygen generation with 980 nm NIR laser. 2PS-36 한효원 Highly Photoluminescent and Environmentally Stable Perovskite Nanocrystals Templated in Thin Self-assembled Block Copolymer Films 한효원, 정범진, 박철민 연세대학교 Ordered nanostructured crystals of thin organic-inorganic metal halide perovskites (OIHPs) are of great interest to researchers because of the dimensional-dependence of their photoelectronic properties. In this study, we developed a simple and robust route, involving the controlled crystallization of the OIHPs templated with a self-assembled block copolymer (BCP), for fabricating nanopatterned OIHP films with various shapes and nanodomain sizes. When the precursor ion solution consisting of methylammonium lead halide perovskite and poly(styrene)-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P2VP) was spin-coated on the substrate, a nanostructured BCP was developed by microphase separation. Spontaneous crystallization of the precursor ions preferentially coordinated with the P2VP domains yielded ordered nanocrystals with various nanostructures with controlled domain size. The nanopatterned OIHPs showed significantly enhanced photoluminescence (PL) with high resistance to both humidity and heat. 2PS-37 홍승연 Structural studies on sequentially-deposited ternary organic solarcell 홍승연, 채상민, 이아라, 김효정 부산대학교 Organic solar cells(oscs) have been studied extensively in bulk heterojunction (BHJ) structures due to the advantages of low process cost and flexibility. However, recently a bi-layer OSCs have been attracting attention as a countermeasure for better stability and more ideal structure, because it induces mutual diffusion among layers by sequential solution processing and heat treatment. In this study, we investigated the diffusion of fullerene derivatives with different functional groups, i.e [6,6]-pentadeuterophenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PC 60BM) and indene-c60 bisadduct (ICBA), by solution deposition on poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) films. The mutual diffusion through heat treatment was affected by the functional groups of fullerene and it was confirmed by nanostructural studies as well as device performance. As a results, we could induce the ideal energy cascade through the morphology control of the P3HT / PCBM-ICBA sequentially-deposited ternary OSC. 2PS-38 홍영주 Nitrogen Containing PAG Photochemically Induced Singlet Oxygen via New Mechanistic Pathway 홍영주, 김병수, 권태혁 1, 남정승 1, 이채규 1, 이채헌 1 연세대학교 ; 1 울산과학기술원 Singlet oxygen generators containing conjugated aromatic groups or heavy metal atom have shown good efficacy in photodynamic therapy, however, most of them displayed limitations as therapeutic agents due to poor biocompatibility. Herein, we introduce a new type of singlet oxygen generator based on aliphatic polyaminoglycerols (PAG) with superior biocompatibility. It was confirmed that nitrogen atom on the backbone of PAG was responsible for the electron transfer owing to its paramagnetic properties that generates radical oxygen species, and subsequently converted to singlet oxygen. 2PS-39 황지수 Concatenation of helices with non-uniform widths 황지수, 전석진 금오공과대학교 Nature always has a lot of inspiration in the development of artificial materials. In this nature, we can see some microorganisms or plants and animals with a helix structure, which have a unique characteristic of chirality and play an important role in them. Such a helix structure can be realized by using a stimuli-responsive hydrogel having flexibility and biocompatibility and capable of reversible expansion and contraction due to external stimuli such as electricity, temperature, and ph. In this presentation, we describe the fabrication of helixs with a width of about 80 micrometers using soft thermoresponsive hydrogels and rigid polymers, and their 3D shape transformation according to their geometric parameters. The 3D shape design using hydrogel shows the possibility of soft robotics along with the development of soft materials. 분자전자부문위원회 2PS-40 신혜범 Synthesis and photophysical characterization of regioisomeric azaacene structures 신혜범, 우한영 고려대학교 Fluorescent-based organic-light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have attracted attention due to high device stability and possibility to be manufactured at low cost in display industry. However, it is necessary to study devices with high color purity through development of narrow fluorescent dopant. The charge transfer (CT) state stabilized by the donor-acceptor type structure shows a large Stokes shift and broad emission spectrum due to the structure distortion between ground state and excited state. Therefore, it is important to develop fluorophores that do not have CT state characteristics. Recently, it is reported azaacene-based fluorophores having a clear vibronic structure of the emission spectrum. In this study, we introduced substituents at various position of azaacene and it is confirmed that the change of CT state characteristics by substituent position. The CT state characteristics were confirmed by solvatochromism experiment and DFT calculation. 2PS-41 안명현 N-doped gallium nitride as a cathode layer for polymer solar cells 안명현, 김종현, 이광재, 김범준, 이상훈아주대학교 Herein, we report the dual functionality of a single n-type gallium nitride (n-gan) layer 제 44 권 1 호 99

103 as an electron transporter and transparent conductor, which has applications in reusable organic solar cells. After silicon doping with an optimized electron concentration, thin-film layer of GaN showed exceptional electrical properties including charge carrier mobility of 161 cm 2 V -1 s -1, electrical conductivity of 1.4ⅹ10 6 S cm -1, and sheet resistance of 11.1 W cm -2. Organic solar cells based on n-gan exhibited power conversion efficiency comparable to those based on a conventional ITO/ZnO bilayered cathode. Furthermore, the n-gan substrates exhibited reusability; due to excellent chemical stability of n-gan, the reconstructed organic solar cells maintained their initial performance after the substrates were recycled. We suggest a new type of reusable n-gan cathode layer featuring an integrated electron transporting layer and transparent electrode. 2PS-42 오병민 Studies on electron transport properties of naphthalene diimide-based small molecules with different terminal groups 오병민, 정수교, 허진혁 1, 임상혁 1, 권오필, 김종현 아주대학교 ; 1 고려대학교 We have investigated on molecular designing of naphthalene diimide (NDI)-based n-type small molecules to optimize electron transport properties and solution processability. Through simple substitution of terminal alkyl, aromatic, or fused aromatic units at N and N positions of NDI derivatives, we could effectively control the molecular stacking modes and resulting charge carrier mobility. Furthermore, solubility of NDI derivatives was significantly improved by substituting homochiral asymmetric solubilizing groups at the terminal position of the NDI structure. Based on our findings on the relationship between molecular structures and electron transport properties and solubility, we report on the elaboration of vertical and lateral electron mobility of NDI derivative series and demonstrate their use for the efficient perovskite solar cells as electron transport layers. 2PS-43 유성훈 Side Chain Engineering of Polymer Semiconductor for Advancing Colloid Compatibility 유성훈, 송형근 1, 조장환, 권순기 1, 김윤희 1, 정대성 대구경북과학기술원 ; 1 경상대학교 We introduce synthetic approach to enhance coalescence phenomenon during solidification of water-borne colloids so that thin, even, and continuous film morphology of polymer semiconductors can be realized. From theoretical study of complex colloids, we show that small-sized and uniform colloid particles are essential to minimize depletion energy between colloid particles and thus to enhance coalescence. Therefore, the newly synthesized polymer semiconductor is designed with the aim of better molecular affinity with surfactants, so that phase transfer of polymer semiconductors from organic phase to water phase can proceed more efficiently during mini-emulsion synthesis. Such a molecular tuning increases the volumetric portion of hydrophobic alkyl chains and thus enables higher solubility as well as higher hydrophobicity. As a result, it is shown that the performance of water-borne colloids-based devices can be improved to a level similar to the case of organic solvents-based devices. 2PS-44 윤태용 Dual-Function Electrochromic Supercapacitors Displaying Real-Time Capacity in Color 윤태용, 문홍철 서울시립대학교 Dual-function electrochromic supercapacitors (ECSs) indicating their real-time charge capacity in color were fabricated using tungsten trioxide (WO 3) and Li-doped ion gels containing hydroquinone (HQ). The ECSs in this work can simultaneously serve as either electrochromic devices (ECDs) or supercapacitors, so the coloration/bleaching and charging/discharging characteristics were investigated between 0 and 1.5 V. At the optimal HQ concentration, a large transmittance contrast, high coloration efficiency, high areal capacitance, and good charging/discharging cyclic stability were achieved. By exploiting the elastic characteristics of the gel electrolytes, flexible ECSs were also fabricated on plastic substrates and exhibited good bending durability. Moreover, the practical feasibility was evaluated by demonstrating the use of the ECSs as an energy storage device and a power source. 2PS-45 이민지 ph-controlled PEDOT:PSS for Efficient and Reproducible Efficiency in Inverted Perovskite Photovoltaics 이민지, 왕동환, 장웅식, 김민성중앙대학교 We have fabricated inverted perovskite photovoltaics based on ph-controlled PEDOT:PSS hole transport layer (HTL). Recently, perovskite solar cells exhibit great potential, but the acidity of HTL limits the device performance and stability. In this study, the ph of HTL was adjusted, and photoactive perovskite crystals based on acid, neutral, and base HTL were compared via SEM, XRD, and GIWAXS, respectively, and device performances were systematically studied. As a result, neutral HTL improved external and internal quantum efficiency and led to excellent charge transport, resulting in 14.25% power conversion efficiency versus the acid based device (12.58%). It also shows consistent performance over a variety of active sizes by minimizing dependence on the light-absorb area by improving the quality of photoactive crystals. Finally, by preventing degradation due to strong acid, it maintains a fill factor even in a harsh environment (80% humidity), thereby improving fabrication stability. 2PS-46 이영웅 Synthesis and Characterization of C 60-based Triads for Single-Component Organic Solar Cells 이영웅, 엽지우 1, 고창우, 김진영 1, 우한영 고려대학교 ; 1 유니스트 Organic solar cells (OSCs) have attracted much attention as their applicability for flexible and large-area device with the cheap processing cost. Recently, bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) OSCs have achieved in the excellent power conversion efficiencies over 13-14%. However, the nano-morphology of BHJ device can be changed too easily upon their fabrication conditions such as temperature, blend ratio and post-treatment, which is directly related to the stability of the OSCs. As a novel strategy for stabilizing the morphology of the OSCs, single-component (SC) molecules can be adopted, which the donor and acceptor moieties are integrated by a covalent linkage. In this study, we designed and synthesized the new C60-based triad SC photoactive materials by modulating the length of covalent linkage to optimize the morphology and charge transfer characteristics. The synthesis of new acceptors, optical, morphological, electrical and photovoltaic properties will be presented in detail. 2PS-47 이예란 Comparison of thermoelectric properties of a p-doped planar CPDT based polymer with various doping methods 이예란, 박주형 1, Nguyen Thanh Luan, 곽정훈 1, 우한영 고려대학교 ; 1 서울시립대학교 We synthesized a p-type thermoelectric polymer based on cyclopentadithiophene and benzothiadiazole, poly[(4,4 -(bis(hexyldecylsulfanyl)methylene)cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b ] dithiophene)-alt (benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole)] (PCPDTSBT) and investigated its thermoelectric properties by varying doping methods. Sequentially doped films; immersed into the dopant solution and overcoating the dopant solution on top of the neat polymer film, show higher electrical conductivity (>100 S cm -1 ) than solution co-processed film (~40 S cm -1 ). We measured different electrical, morphological and thermoelectric behaviors by changing doping methods. Polaron generation by doping was confirmed as a main charge carrier by UV/Vis absorbance and electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The electrical conductivity was studied by a 4 points probe method. The detailed film morphology of the pristine and doped polymer films was investigated by atomic force microscopy and grazing incidence wide angle X-ray scattering. 2PS-48 이윤주 Synthesis and photophysical properties of azaacene derivatives based fluorophores 이윤주, 신혜범, 우한영 고려대학교 Fluorescent organic light-emitting diode (OLED) has been widely used due to its high color purity, stability and cost-efficiency, but has low electroluminescence (EL) efficiency. Thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF)-based OLED enabled using 100% of the excitons, but resulted in broad EL emission with a poor color purity, which can be enhanced by using TADF materials as an assistant dopant and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) method. Thus, it is essential to develop the organic dopant with emission having small full-width half maximum (FWHM), which will be utilized with the TADF assistant dopant. Recently, it has been reported that azaacene derivatives show the narrow emission, but are packed in solid state due to its planar part, which means they are quenched. A new azaacene-based fluorophore was synthesized and its molecular design-optical properties will be discussed to induce a narrow emission without aggregation-induced quenching. 2PS-49 이정익용매딥코팅후처리공정에의한폴리티오펜박막의분자결정성증가이정익, 박영돈 인천대학교고분자박막을기반으로한유기전자소자에대한연구가활발히진행되고있다. 고분자박막형성방법중딥코팅기술은낮은거칠기를갖는균일한대면적의고분자박막제조가가능하다는장점이있다. 하지만기존의딥코팅공정의경우높은끓는점의용매사용이제한되어용매의낮은끓는점으로인하여고분자박막이낮은결정성을나타낸다. 본실험에서는낮은끓는점의양용매로 1 차적으로딥코팅을진행한후한계성용매와비용매로침액시간을증가시키면서후처리를진행하였다. 폴리티오펜과후처리용매의용해도계수차이가작을수록분자배열의재정렬이발생하여나노와이어가생성되고이로인해결정화도가증가되어전기적특성이좋아졌다. 2PS-50 임지현 Optoelectronic properties control and additive process of small molecule synthesized based on Thieno[3,4-c] pyrrole-4,6-dione through solution process route 임지현, 박진균 1, 왕동환 중앙대학교 ; 1 한국외국어대학교 A new TPD-based small molecule with a D-A-D-A-D backbone consisting of electron donating bithiophene and electron accepting TPD units was synthesized. It has a low bandgap with thermal, optical, and electrochemical properties using thieno [3,4-c] pyrrole-4,6-dione (TPD) derivatives and applied to bulk heterojunction organic solar cells. The solar cells were fabricated by blending the TPD based small molecule (M1) and [6,6]-phenyl C71 butyric acid methyl ester (PC 71BM), and the morphologies of the BHJ layers were controlled via processing additives with 1,8-diiodooctane (DIO) and 1-chloronaphthalene (CN), respectively. Thus, the use of processing additives continuously suppressed molecular cohesion and exhibited proper phase separation, which resulted in increased the power conversion efficiency from 0.36% to 1.86%. 2PS-51 전경국 Omnidirectional Polymer Nanohairs Fabricated Under Ambient Condition 전경국, 정우진 1, 김종욱 1, 김태일 1, 김종현 아주대학교 ; 1 성균관대학교 Nanostructured surfaces (NSSs) with high aspect ratio (AR) inspired by nature are widely studied due to their attractive applications. Of the various architectures, it has been reported that randomly oriented or aperiodic nanopillars effectively suppress the reflection by either light scattering or tuning the refractive index. In this letter, we report a simple yet effective method for the preparation of randomly stooped polymeric nanohairs under ambient pressure. This method features compatibility with high-throughput and large-area fabrication because it does not require any demanding conditions. Severely 100 제 44 권 1 호

104 scattered electrons trajected into the ambient air pressure facilitate random stooping of prepared nanohairs due to random volume shrinkage. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy measurements and Monte Carlo simulation of electron trajectory were performed to analyze the radiolysis reaction and the distributed incident angle of scattered electrons into the nanohairs, respectively. 2PS-52 조경국 Fully Spray-printed Low-voltage, Flexible Thin-film Transistors and Inverters 조경국, 조영경, 유혜영, 이근형 인하대학교스프레이프린팅방법을사용하여, 전체가프린트된유연하며저전압 (2V 이하 ) 에서작동하는유기박막트랜지스터및인버터를제작하였다. 본연구에서소스 / 드레인전극, 반도체, 게이트유전체및게이트전극을포함하는소자의모든층을제작할때스프레이프린팅공정을사용하였다. 유연한플라스틱기판에제작된트랜지스터는 의높은 On/Off Ratio, 0.23 cm 2 /Vs 의정공이동도및 0.37 V 의 Threshold voltage 를보였다. 지름 1 mm 반경에서 5000 번의굽힘사이클테스트에서는장치성능이 81% 로유지되면서높은유연성을보였다. 또한, 탄소기반의저항을스프레이하여인버터를제작하였다. 스프레이프린팅을이용하여제작된인버터는 -1 V 의낮은공급전압에서약 9 의높은 Voltage Gain 을나타냄으로써, 적절한전압반전특성이증명되었다. 결과적으로, 본연구에서는저전압에서작동되며, 유연하고모든공정이프린팅으로이루어진전자회로를제작하는효과적인전략을제시하였다. 2PS-53 주덕현 Control of The Electrostatic Interaction Between PEDOT and PSS to Improve Thermoelectric Output 주덕현, 김대건, 조길원 포항공과대학교 We modified the electrostatic interaction of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly (styrene-sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) using alkylsulfonate anions with different lengths of alkyl chain; this systematic control not solely increased electrical conductivity but the Seebeck coefficient of PEDOT:PSS films. The intervention of added anions increased molecular ordering of PEDOT domain as tearing down existing tight-bounded state, and caused the conformational change of PEDOT:PSS in solution and film state. Furthermore, different lengths of alkyl chains on added anions controlled the doping level of PEDOT backbone by different degrees of weakening the electrostatic interaction between PEDOT and PSS; this increased the Seebeck coefficient. These optimizations for thermoelectric properties overcame the established inverse-relation between thermoelectric properties; this reached a remarkable power factor (~ μw/mk 2 ) in PEDOT:PSS films. 2PS-54 최한빈 High-Performance Ionic Polymer Mechanotransducer for Soft Tactile Feedback 최한빈, 김소영, 김용찬 1, 조창현 1, 이호진 1, 김도환 한양대학교 ; 1 숭실대학교 With the development of soft electronics, an ionic electroactive polymer (i-eap) actuator is spotlighted as a promising candidate due to a lot of advantages such as flexibility and low driving power. However, they suffer from low blocking force, displacement, and narrow bandwidth under electric field. In this talk, we propose an ionic polymer mechanotransducer (IPM) showing wide bandwidth of over 100 Hz and high blocking force based on ionic PEDOT:PSS electrode and ionic polymer dielectric with fibrillar nanostructures for effective tactile feedback. As a result, the IPM was successfully operated with a large displacement up to 2.5 mm at an operating frequency of 20 mhz under an applied voltage of 2 V. Further, the IPM shows large blocking force of 0.4 mn at operating frequency of 1 Hz. These our actuator is capable of driving up to a high frequency of 200 Hz and shows an improved blocking force up to 0.4 mn. 2PS-55 최현태 Thermally stable and highly efficient organic-inorganic hybrid planar perovskite solar cells by interface engineering 최현태, 최경원, 김태현, 김도현, 정다솔, 박태호 포항공과대학교 We reported a highly effective interface engineering method by employing a zwitterion molecule to SnO 2 electron transport layer (ETL) and a dopant-free hole transport layer (HTL). The zwitterion plays several important roles: (1) shifting of the SnO2 work function and built-in potential increase, (2) pulling electrons from perovskite to ETL, (3) preventing back transfer of electrons and suppress charge recombination. (4) passivating Pb I antisite defects. With these properties, the PSC with Spiro-OMeTAD obtained a 21.43% efficiency. In addition, the PSC with the dopant-free HTL exhibited a 20.5% efficiency using green solvents. The resulting PSCs without encapsulation exhibited outstanding thermal stability. Accordingly, this work suggests that the use of a modified ETL and a dopant-free HTL is a promising strategy to overcome the thermal instability issue of planar-pscs. 2PS-56 터르쇼이게르게이 Simple color sensing circuit based on organic field-effect transistors without color filters 터르쇼이게르게이, 표승문 Konkuk University Organic semiconductor (OSC) research has been a fruitful endeavor for the last decades for a wide variety of applications due to the unique properties of these materials. The electron structure of OSCs is characterized by extended Π-conjugation, that is necessary for efficient charge transfer and also results in a HOMO-LUMO gap around 2-3 ev with narrow valence and conduction bands in the solid phase for most common OSCs. Therefore, OSCs generally have an absorption band of only a few hundred nanometers wide in the NIR, the visible or the low-energy UV region. In an organic field-effect transistor, the light absorbed by the semiconducting layer can be used to generate extra charge carriers to modulate the current, so a color-selective photodetector can be realized. In our research, we aim to fabricate a photodetector circuit using opposing polarity transistors based on two semiconductors with distinct absorbance properties to realize a color sensor in one complimentary inverter. 2PS-57 홍승균 Rod-shaped Non-fullerene Acceptors for Organic Photovoltaics 홍승균, 임은희 경기대학교 Organic photovoltaic (OPVs) have possibility for fabricating low-cost and ubiquitous renewable energy in the next generation due to their abundant resources and environmentally friendly carbon-based materials. Besides, their flexibility, low-weight, and transparency provide highly accessibility to our life. However, toxic processing solvent, not enough performance, short lifetime, and small device size were still things to improve. In this session, our efforts to improve OPVs performances by developing acceptor materials were presented. We synthesized new small molecular acceptor materials and optical, thermal, and electrochemical properties were examined. Acceptor materials were fabricated to binary single cell OPVs with proper donor materials and its photovoltaic properties were investigated. 2PS-58 홍자연 Chiral Polymer Hosts for Circularly Polarized Phosphorescence Emission 홍자연, 김창순 1, 유영민 이화여자대학교 ; 1 서울대학교융합과학부 Circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) is of great utility for electroluminescence applications, as it significantly reduces reflection. In order to demonstrate CPelectroluminescence, it is imperative to develop CPL-emitting layers (CPL-EMLs). To address this challenge, we designed and synthesized chiral polymer hosts for CPL-EMLs. The copolymers were synthesized through conventional free-radical polymerization using 9-ethyl-3-vinylcarbazole and (R)-9-(1-phenylpropan-2-yl)-3-vinylcarbazole as achiral and chiral monomers, respectively. We anticipated an asymmetric polymerization by the Sergeants-and-Soldiers principle exerted by the chiral monomer. The copolymers were analyzed employing various physical and photophysical techniques. We demonstrated the utility of our chiral polymers by observing CPL from spincoated films doped with [Pt(dfppy)(acac)] (dfppy = 2-(2,4difluorophenyl)pyridinato; acac = acetylacetonate), an achiral phosphorescent dopant. 2PS-59 황산주 Toward Highly Stable Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) Dopant Materials 황산주, 유영민 이화여자대학교 Organic molecules producing thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) have emerged as promising dopant materials for electroluminescence. The success of the TADF molecules originates from their ability of harvesting all the electrogenerated excitons for photon emission. Operational stability of TADF materials, however, has yet been fully investigated. We investigated the molecular factors that govern stability, using a series of systematically tailored TADF molecules based on 1,3,5-triphenyltriazine. Synthetic control in our TADF molecules involved variations of donor parts, which enabled semi-quantitative assessments of molecular parameters including a bond-dissociation energy and an exchange energy. We observed varied extents of degradation of the molecules upon photoillumination or bulk electrolysis. We believe that our studies can provide useful insights into the molecular strategies to prolonged device lifetime. 자동차용내 외장플라스틱소재 2PS-60 고정길 Development of low-fogging PP composites for LED lamp housing 고정길, 이병호, 이윤환, 박지용 한화토탈 In automobile lighting industry, Japanese manufacturer has the largest market share. Especially their headlamps has the advantage of low fogging properties and high durability for LED. To satisfy this requirement, the material properties of the lamp housing parts are important. In this study, we have minimized low molecular weight materials for low fogging properties, controlled filler aspect ratio for high stiffness, and tested the effect of heat stabilizer. As a result, we has developed PP composites with low fogging properties, high stiffness and high heat resistance. 2PS-61 박한수비파괴정밀분석용 CT 를활용한자동차엔진전장용플라스틱부품분석박한수, 심현석, 차성철현대자동차그룹 - 현대케피코산업용 CT (Computed Tomography) 란의학용 CT 를산업용으로응용한것으로, X 선소스로부터투영된단층상의 2D 데이터를고해상도 3D 이미지로재구성하여검사하는비파괴검사장비이다. CT 의주요기능은시료의별도가공없이비파괴방식으로단면품질분석, 내부결함및형상분석, 치수분석, 역설계기초정보확보등이있다. 당사는 Micro/Nano 듀얼타입 CT 를보유중이며, 본발표에서는 4 μm의정밀도를갖는 Micro CT 를활용한비파괴분석이자동차엔진전장용플라스틱부품개발에적용되는사례를소개하고자한다. 특히, 흡기매니폴드쉘 (Shell) 용플라스틱재료간융착시단면형상분석을통해융착강성을확보하였고, 스로틀밸브용플라스틱 제 44 권 1 호 101

105 기어의사출시험품내부기공분석을통해성형조건최적화및치형강도를확보하였다. 향후 CT 를활용해플라스틱부품분석기술표준화및지속적인개발품성능향상을도모하고자한다. 2PS-62 유민지 Development of lightweight thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) with thermoexpandable microcapsules (TEMs) 유민지, 김상민, 박장석 ( 주 ) 대한솔루션 International environmental regulations are recently being tightened due to environmental problems, so all carmaker makes an effort to achieve engine efficiency enhancement, lightweight, and eco-friendly car in order to satisfy these regulations. Especially, lightweight is emerged on their field because it has related on CO 2 reduction technologies. In their researches for lightweight, foaming technology is representative way for the lightweight automotive materials. In this study, we applied TEMs on TPE layer of D/ISO PAD as automotive interior parts to reduce the weight of TPE. These TPE composites with TEMs were extruded as a sheet shape and played an important role to reduce the noise generated from inside and outside of the car. We investigated expansion ratio of TEMs by SEM. Their mechanical and thermal properties were tested by UTM and TGA. And we measured their sound insulation property by Impedance tube. 고분자합성 (II) 2PS-63 김종윤 Synthesis of Flame Retarded Plasticizer by Phosphorus Addition and Plasticization of PVC containing those Plasticizers 김종윤, 이강연, 고진석, 고하영, 유영인, 김정호 수원대학교 These days many researchers study better plasticizer. In this study, we synthesized epoxidized soybean oil. Then we compared the plasticization and flame retardancy between ESO plasticizer physically mixed with phosphorus compounds and plasticizer produced by chemical reaction of ESO with TCP, TEP, RDP phosphorus series. They were analyzed with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). universal testing machine(utm), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These epoxidized soybean oil are environmentally friendly plasticizers with flame retardancy for PVC. 2PS-64 김지수 Kinetic Studies of Copolymerization of Various Methacrylates by Cu(0)-Mediated Reversible Deactivation Radical Polymerization 김지수, 김명웅, 최종원, 팽기욱 1 인하대학교 ; 1 성균관대학교 The random copolymerization of methyl methacrylate with various methacrylate monomers was demonstrated via Cu(0)-mediated reversible deactivation radical polymerization (Cu (0)-RDRP). In kinetic studies, the apparent propagation rate constants and induction periods of the copolymerizations were estimated. The results highlight the effect of monomer structure to the kinetic parameters. Furthermore, we determined reactivity ratio based on the kinetic studies. The reactivity ratio values were varied from ideal random copolymerization pairs of methyl methacrylate and ethyl methacrylate. We further conducted comparison studies of the reactivity ratio values to the literature values from conventional free radical polymerization, highlighting the significance of our studies to gain deeper understanding of copolymerization via reversible deactivation radical polymerization. 2PS-65 김태윤 Poly(ε-caprolactone)-b-poly(L-lactic acid) Microspheres via UV Photodegradation and RAFT Polymerization 김태윤, 이소림 1, 이원주, 서봉국, 정일두 1, 한국화학연구원 ; 1 부산대학교 Biodegradable triblock copolymers based on polycaprolactone (PCL) were synthesized by ring opening polymerization of PLA followed by RAFT polymerization of poly(methyl vinyl ketone)(pmvk). Microspheres based on triblock copolymers were prepared by emulsion-evaporation method, and then photodegraded with UV irradiation to obtain porous microparticles. In order to polymerize by RAFT method, PCL-PLA based macro-cta (chain transfer agent) was first synthesized by reacting carboxylic acid-terminated CTA with PCL-PLA, and used to synthesize triblock copolymer with methyl vinyl ketone (MVK). The morphology of the particles before and after UV irradiation were confirmed by SEM and confocal images and the release studies of paclitaxel, anti-cancer agent for female cancers from the particles were evaluated by HPLC. PCL-PLA based biodegradable microparticles will be anticipated to enhance drug release and could find potential application for biomaterials. 2PS-66 김태형 Transformation of Core-Shell Structure of Poly(4-vinylphenol)-b-Poly(vinyl alcohol) in Mixed Solvent Systems 김태형, 윤준혁, 김상율 KAIST Due to the different affinity of poly(4-vinylphenol) and poly(vinyl alcohol) with solvents, the diblock copolymer consisting of these two polymers can be self-assembled into a core-shell type particle. We synthesized poly(4-vinylphenol)-b-poly(vinyl alcohol) diblock copolymer and studied the core-shell structure in mixed solvent systems. The poly(4-vinylphenol) and the poly(vinyl alcohol) blocks were obtained by hydrolyzing their precursor respectively. In water/dmso mixed solvent condition, we confirmed the core-shell structure in which poly(4-vinylphenol) block acts as a core and poly(vinyl alcohol) block acts as a shell. In contrast, the core-shell particle with the inverted composition, poly(vinyl alcohol) core and poly(4-vinylphenol) shell, was formed in the THF/DMSO mixed solvent system. From the change of fluorescent emission shape and metal-polymer interaction in different solvents, the location of poly(4-vinylphenol) block can be identified. 2PS-67 김현일 Synergistic Effect of Sulfur and Chalcogen Atoms on the Enhanced Refractive Indices of Polyimides 김현일, 유남호 한국과학기술연구원 This study developed new polyimides (PIs) containing chalcogen atoms in polymer chains with an ultrahigh refractive index. A series of PIs were successfully synthesized via conventional two-step polycondensation from the diamines such as 4,4 -oxydianiline (ODA), 4,4'-thiodianiline (TDA), 4,4'-selenodianiline (SEDA), and 4,4'-tellurodianiline (TEDA) along with 4,4 -[p-thiobis(phenylenesulfanyl)]diphthalic anhydride (3SDEA). The PIs exhibited good thermal stability, including a good thermal decompositon temperature (>390 o C) and a good glass transition temperature ( o C). The PIs also exhibited high refractive indices of over 1.7. In particular, the TEDA-3SDEA was 1.778, which was the highest refractive index value of a PI ever reported. 2PS-68 김현지 Fabrication of TiO 2/SnO 2 Double Layer Coated Polystyrene Microspheres by Using Surface Charge Interaction 김현지, 박현우, 이현정 국민대학교 Hierarchical microspheres fabricated from a polymeric sphere, PS core and TiO 2/SnO 2 doubled shell have been successfully synthesized by surface charge interaction with catalysis in sol-gel processing and additional hydrothermal method. With adding ammonia as catalyst, a prepared negatively charged polystyrene microsphere could be changed to positive surface charge. At the same time, it was acted as hydrolyzing partially negative charged Titania precursors on positively changed surface of PS. In the next steps, the prepared PS@TiO 2 core/shell microbeads were attached again with tin dioxide precursor via electrostatic interaction with diethylenetriamine (DETA) in order to make a double shell (TiO 2/SnO 2). The final products were characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM measurements and we can provide to applicate in various field such as chemical cells, photocatalyst, sensors and so on. 2PS-69 김형준 Synthetic Approach to Produce Poly(ester-amide)s Using Bio-based Diols 김형준, 김무송, 이선호, 안철희 서울대학교 According to the current global production of bioplastics in 2017, PET and polyamide are the top two engineering plastics worldwide. PET exhibits disadvantages due to relatively low physical strength and T g. One way to modify PET to yield a higher T g and better mechanical properties is to combine polyesters and polyamides. PEAs are attracting widespread interests in many researchers. Though much effort has been involved into PEAs, to the best of our knowledge, only a few studies have been conducted in PEAs for engineering plastics. In this study, for the development of bioplastics having mechanical properties superior to PET, various diols were synthesized with amino acids and dimethyl esters which were non-edible bio-based materials. In the same process as PET, thermal bulk polymerization was succeeded. Thermal analysis showed that the T g was nearly twice as high as that of PET, which enabled to utilize PEAs in applications requiring much wider temperature range. 2PS-70 김혜정 Study of monomer reactivity for polyphenylene sulfide copolymers 김혜정, 정현민, 김지희금오공과대학교 Sulfur 와 p-diiodobenzene(p-dib) 의용융중합을통한 PPS 중합과물성향상을위한다양한디아이오도단량체를도입하는연구가진행되고있다. 이연구에서는 thiyl radical 에대한아이오도단량체의반응성과안정성을조사하기위하여황대신 diphenyldisulfide (DPDS) 를적용한반응을조사하였고, 디아이오도단량체들과의모델반응의생성물분석을통한반응경향성을파악하였다. 디아이오도단량체로사용된 4,4-diiodophenylsulfone(DIPS) 과 bis(4-iodophenyl) methanone(bipm) 에대한상대적인반응속도와안정성을파악하였고, 각모델반응을통한생성물의 sulfur radical 에의한영향을 1 H-NMR 을통하여조사하였다. 또한 FT-IR 분석을통하여 PPS 공중합체성분정량분석을수행하였다. 2PS-71 김호안 Vegetable oil Polypeptide Conjugates and Their Antimicrobial Activity 김호안, 김일 부산대학교 Polypeptides have attracted increasing attention for applications in biotechnology such as tissue engineering, drug delivery, and antimicrobial resistance. Polypeptides are commonly synthesized via ring-opening polymerization of α-amino acid N- carboxyanhydrides (NCAs). In this work, vegetable oil such as soybean oil and castor oil were exploited as renewable raw materials for polypeptide synthesis. The polypeptides were synthesized by ring-opening polymerization of NCAs in the presence of vegetable oil-based initiators. NCAs were prepared from various amino acids such as lysine, histidine, and arginine while vegetable oil-based initiator were prepared via epoxidation and oxirane ring-opening by ethylenediamine. The antimicrobial activity of the resultant polypeptide against various targets including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites was also examined. 102 제 44 권 1 호

106 2PS-72 나행요 Designing bioadhesive by mussel inspired polymers 나행요, 손정선, 최재곤조선대학교 DOPA is widely known for having strong and durable adhesion strength even in the water. One of the unique structure of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) containing catecholic amino acid, which is known to important part of adhesive and cohesive to mussel. In this study, copolymers with DOPA derivatives and various acrylic monomers were synthesized by free radical polymerization to improve the adhesion. Acrylic-grafted block copolymers (PEO-PPO-PEO) with various molecular weight were also successfully prepared. The incorporation of the DOPA has been successfully carried out and the analogues synthesized were characterized. We have developed the synthetic adhesives by blending of the DOPA derivatives containing acrylate groups or amino-sulfonate zwitterions and acrylic grafted block copolymers with cations for practical application even under water. The adhesion characteristics of copolymers with various blending ratio were compared. 2PS-73 나행요 Evaluation of adhesion properties and effect of cation-π interaction 나행요, 손정선, 최재곤조선대학교 Recently, Adhesion in a water environment is one of the most challenging issues in the medical and dental industries. In nature environments, marine mussels effectively adhere in rough wet conditions. The adhesion system of mussels is known to the formation of complex coacervate resulting from unique structure of catecholic amino acid. In this study, we tried to induce cation-π interaction between modified DOPA derivatives and various type of cations (Mg 2+, Ca 2+, Fe 3+, Va 5+ ). We investigated the characteristics of complex coacervate according to cation types and evaluated the adhesion strength. Cation-π interactions, which occurs between electron-rich π systems such as aromatic group and cations is a non-covalent interaction and have different characteristics depending on the cation type. The complex coacervates between DOPA derivatives and various type of cation showed that adhesion strength is effectively increased. 2PS-74 남지윤 Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Janus Core-Shell Bottlebrush Polymer from Branched Multiblock Macromonomers 남지윤, 김정곤 1, 서명은 한국과학기술원 ; 1 전북대학교 We report synthesis of branched multiblock macromonomers (BMMMs) via single monomer unit insertion (SUMI) in the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) process. By inserting a norbornene functionality in the middle of a polymer chain, BMMMs composed of A-b-B/B -C architecture can be successfully synthesized. Ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of BMMMs produces Janus core-shell bottlebrush polymer possessing a segregated core with two different corona chains. Self-assembly of Janus core-shell bottlebrush polymers characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy will be discussed in detail. 2PS-75 노강민 Preparation and Characterization of SPIONs Loaded Poly(ethylene glycol)- Poly(aspartic acid) Copolymer as a Cancer Theragnostic Nanocarrier 노강민, 김홍철, 김유경, 허강무 충남대학교 In this study, poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(aspartic acid) (PEG-P(Asp)) block copolymer was synthesized by ring opening polymerization of β-benzyl L-aspartate N-carboxy anhydride (BLA-NCA) using an amine-functionalized PEG macroinitiator and alkaline hydrolysis reaction with NaOH. An anticancer agent doxorubicin (DOX) was introduced to the P(Asp) block by chemical conjugation. The DOX conjugated PEG-P(Asp) (PEG-P(Asp)-DOX), will self-assemble in aqueous media to form micellar nanoparticles (NPs) with an average size of 110 nm and efficiently encapsulated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) in its hydrophobic core with high loading capacity. Results from our study demonstrated that PEG-P(Asp)-DOX could be useful to develop a new theragnostic nanocarrier due to self-assembling property, good colloidal stability, biodegradability and high SPIONs loading capacity. 2PS-76 노국윤멀티컴포넌트중합기반폴리싸이오아마이드의합성및특성분석노국윤, 이지목, 성준호, 김동균, 김용석 한국화학연구원황이포함된고분자는높은굴절률, 반도체, 금속을포획하는특성이있어널리연구되고있다. 우리는다이알데하이드, 다이아민, 원소황을단량체로하여멀티컴포넌트중합 (MCP) 기반으로다양한구조의폴리싸이오아마이드를합성했다. MCP 방법은반응이매우간단하며촉매를사용하지않으며원소황을활용할수있는장점을갖는다. 합성된다양한 polythioamide 를 1 H NMR, 13 C NMR, FTIR 분석을통해결합을확인했고 TGA, DSC 분석법으로열적특성및 GPC 를통해분자량을확인했다. 2PS-77 류태욱 A series of phenylene based polyelectrolytes were synthesized form biphenyl, 2,2 -biphenol and isatin by superacid catalyzed polyhydroxyalkylation reaction 류태욱, 스트라다사부찬드라, Ahmed Faiz, 진레이, 윤수진, 장위, 김환기 건국대학교 These polymers have all carbon-carbon structure on polymer backbone without ether linkage. Particularly, the poly sulfonyl imide groups were attached to a 2,2 -biphenol unit. Block copolymers offer unique avenues for the structural control of channel which afforded better stability due to less reactive toward nucleophilic substitution reaction, and good proton mobility because of well phase separation. And these synthesized polymers were block copolymer because clear microphase separation observed in the block copolymer membranes Fluorosulfonylimideisocyanate structures were synthesized form isocyanate. Fluorosulfonylimideisocyanate have high pka more than sulfuric acid. That s why we expect such types of membranes will show good proton conductivity. The structural properties of the synthesized polymers will investigate by 1 H NMR spectroscopy. 2PS-78 문관호 Improvement of Thermal conductivity using Phase separation of polyimide 문관호, 이승우, 윤정영남대학교 The thermal conductivity along the out-of-plane direction in polyimide (PI) blend films containing amorphous Boron Nitride (BN) was investigated. PI blend films composed of a sulfur-and a fluorine-containing PI were prepared via spin-coating and thermal curing of precursor solutions containing BN. Microphase-separated structures with vertical double percolation (VDP) morphology were spontaneously formed in the films, in which two phases were separately aligned along the out-of-plane direction, and BN were preferentially interacted in the sulfur-containing PI phase. The blend film exhibits 350% enhancement of thermal conductivity at 25 vol% of BN, whereas only 90% enhancement was observed in the monophase PI film containing homogeneously dispersed BN. These results indicate that the VDP structure with selective incorporation of BN functions as an effective thermal conductive pathway. 2PS-79 문승현 Extremely Active MAO Free Chromium Catalytic System for Ethylene Tetramerization 문승현, 이분열, 배성문아주대학교 Catalyst systems discovered by Sasol is comprised of Cr(III) source PNP ligand and MAO. When it comes to the large scale use of the Sasol system, the use of MAO has economic because of expensive price of MAO. we developed a catalytic system using inexpensive alkylaluminum in place of MAO. [(CH3CN)4CrIIICl2]+[B(C6F5)4]- isolated in the reaction of CrCl3(THF)3 with [(CH3CN)4Ag]+[B(C6F5)4]- is reacted with iprn(pph2)2 or [CH3(CH2)16]2CHN(PPH2)2 to produce cationic chromiumiii species bearing B(C6F5)4- anion. The cationic (PNP)CrIII complexes paired with [B(C6F5)4]- anions demonstrate high activity with satisfactory selectivity when activated with common trialkylaluminum species in chlorobenzene. That these activity and selectivity are acceptable is compared to original Sasol system. If it is not paired with a trityl cation, The [B(C6F5)4]- anion is compatible with trialkylaluminum species. So [(PNP)CrCl2(CH3CN)2]+[B(C6F5)4]- /Et3Al exhibited considerably higher activity. 2PS-80 박경리 Efficient method of synthesizing triblock copolymer: peroxide-mediated carboncarbon coupling of dialkylzinc 박경리, 이종철, 이분열 아주대학교분자과학기술학과 In this study, a practical and simple method for the synthesis of ABA-type olefin triblock copolymers, e.g., PE-b-poly(ethylene-co-propylene)-b-PE has been described. The performance of the so-called "coordinative chain transfer polymerization" (CCTP) by sequentially feeding ethylene and ethylene / propylene mixed gas, the Zn-bonded diblock copolymer (i.e., (PE-b-poly(ethylene-co-propylene)yl)2Zn). Treatment of the Zn-bound diblock copolymer with lauroyl peroxide (CH3(CH2)10C(O)O-OC(O)(CH2) 10CH3) resulted in a C(sp3)-C(sp3) coupling reaction between the two diblock chains bound on the Zinc site and an ABA-type olefin triblock copolymer, PE-b-Poly (ethylene-co-propylene)-b-pe, was formed. The occurrence of the coupling reaction was verified using a model compound, dioctyl zinc as CTA (Chain Transfer Agent) for CCTP. The ABA-type triblock copolymers exhibited thermoplastic elastomeric properties and significantly improved mechanical properties compared to diblock copolymer. 2PS-81 박경환 Bio-inspired chitosan as an ultra-low cell binding material for 3D cell culture 박경환, 심혜은, 허강무 1, 강선웅 안전성평가연구소 ; 1 충남대학교 Cell culture is an important technique that manipulates cells to study about several physiological and biological parameters. Among various cell culture methods, 3D cell culture has emerged to study complex metabolism with a close duplication of the natural in vivo environment. However, 3D cell culture has several disadvantages associated with the 2D culture system. The 3D cell cultures also used flat plate to offer stiff platform for 3D constructs. As consequence, the cells in 3D constructs spread and unnatural grow on the surface of plate. Therefore, the natural microenvironment and the phenotype of the cells is not duplicated in vitro. In this study, we overcome problem of cell adhesion between 3D construct and culture plate using hexanoyl glycol chitosan which have ultra-low cell binding characteristic. This system accomplished higher growth, realistic morphology, and homogeneous cell distribution that failed to obtain in a 3D culture on plain plate. 2PS-82 박교리 Mass-Production of Electrospun Carbon Nanofiber Containing SiO x for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Enhanced Capacity 박교리, 이경진, 문성준, 연지수, 이재영, 김성수충남대학교 The lithium-ion battery (LIB) has been received many attentions due to its recyclability and durability. Recently studies focused on silicon based materials that exhibits a ten times higher capacity than carbon materials. Unfortunately, the silicon exhibites a volumetric change. Although SiOx based materials provide lower capacity than single silicon, their volumetric expansion is lower since the oxygen prevents the phase transition of silicon crystalline. Also the SiOx structure includes Si elements, the material provides a higher capacity than 제 44 권 1 호 103

107 carbon based materials. Herein, we prepare the Mass Production of a SiOx carbon nanofiber from syringeless electrospinning. A polymeric solution containing poly-acrylonitrile (PAN) as a carbon source and tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) as a SiOx source is adopted in a syringeless electro spinning system. The SiOx carbon nanofibers after calcination exhibit a higher capacity and higher durability of cycle retention for LIB. 2PS-83 박규은 Fabrication of functionalized Poly(ethylene glycol) and application to crosslinking agent of hydrogel 박규은, 이경진 충남대학교 Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) has been applied as crosslinking agent of hydrogel because of advantages that were consist of hydrophilic epoxy based monomer and easy to modify functional group using OH group. We have increased value of PEO based crosslinking agent by introducing additional functional group as well as crosslinking function. Block copolymer was fabricated through cationic ring opening polymerization (CROP) between PEG and epichlorohydrin and azido group was introduced into inside of chain by substituting for Cl group. In addition, -OH group of chain end was modified to double bond using esterification. Through three step process, poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate containing azido group in the chain was synthesized. Using this as crosslinking agent, hydrogel containing azido group was prepared. Furthermore, high valued functional group such as ferrocene and ether crown could be introduced into hydrogel using click reaction and it can be applied to various fields. 2PS-84 박기태알콕시곁사슬을포함하는열방성액정고분자의합성및전기방사박기태, 이원준, 장진해 금오공과대학교모노머인 2,5-diethoxyterephthalic acid, 2,5-dihexyloxyterephthalic acid 와 hydroquinone, 2,6-dihydroxynaphthalene 를용융중합법 (melt polymerization method) 을이용해알킬곁사슬을포함하는각각의열방성액정고분자 (thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer, TLCP) 를합성하였다. 단계별반응온도와진공상태의용융조건에서얻은 TLCP 는섬유상의상태를나타냈으며, 녹는점이상에서는실구조의 nematic 액정상을보여주었다. 합성한 TLCP 의열적특성은 TGA 와 DSC 를이용하여조사하였으며, 액정성은편광현미경으로관찰하였고, 결정성은 XRD 로각각측정하였다. 합성된 TLCP 는녹는점이상에서 Melt electrospinning 공정을통하여섬유를얻었다. 섬유의인장강도를측정하고알킬곁사슬의길이에따른특성을서로비교하였다. 2PS-85 박미림 Redox-initiated ab Initio RAFT Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene by Amphiphilic Macro RAFT Agent 박미림, 김경호, 이하나 1, 김연지 1, 전흥배 1, 백현종 부산대학교 ; 1 광운대학교 RAFT emulsion polymerization is a novel method to synthesize polymeric particles. In this method, thermal initiator is usually used as a radical source. But there is hardly enough study about redox initiator in literature. In this study, we synthesized polystyrene by RAFT emulsion polymerization via redox initiator using a hydrophilic macro CTA Poly (n-hydroxyethyl acrylamide (HEAA)) and a amphiphilic macro CTA poly((n-hydroxyethyl acrylamide (HEAA))-block-(styrene)) (PHEAA-b-PS). As redox initiator generates radicals rapidly, terminations are highly possible before micelle is formed. Thus, we examined the effect of amphiphilicity in macro CTAs as they form the micelle. After the reaction, unreacted macro CTA remained as residue. The residual macro CTA and grown chains were separated and quantified to know the amount of RAFT agent participated in the reaction. The separated chain was characterized by 1 H NMR and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). 2PS-86 박상우 Thermoplatic Poly(ether ester) Elastomers Prepared by Heterogeneous Catalysts 박상우, 김일 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 Thermoplastic poly(ether ester) elastomers (TPEEs) have been synthesized in the presence of homogeneous catalysts such as titanium tetrabutoxide, tin complexes etc. Even if the homogeneous catalysts are effective at being highly selective towards producing the desired product, as the reactants and catalysts are in the same phase, separation and reusability of catalysts are difficult. Hence, herein we have designed certain heterogeneous catalysts to enhance the performance of TPEE synthesis. During the synthesis process, methanol by-product was collected and measured to check the reactivity. A series of TPEEs have been synthesized by using 1,4-butanediol as chain extender, poly(tetramethylene ether glycol) as soft segment, and dimethyl- 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylate as hard segment and the catalyst has been optimized by varying the amount from 15 mg to 100 mg to investigate the effect of heterogeneous catalysts on reactivity and physical properties of resultant elastomers. 2PS-87 박슬기 Synthesis and Characterization of Gallic Acid Conjugated Glycol Chitosans for Biomedical Applications 박슬기, 엄지환 1, 조우경 1, 허강무 2, 충남대학교 ; 1 충남대학교화학과 ; 2 충남대학교고분자공학과 Glycol Chitosan (GC) is a naturally derived polymer and has been widely used as a biomaterial due to its biodegradability, biocompatibility and enhanced solubility in neutral water. Moreover, continuous urge for new biomaterial leads to synthesis of GC derivatives with additional surface functionalities for different biomedical applications. In this study, we focused on conjugation of GC with gallic acid (GA, 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid), which is a natural phenolic acid from plant. GA has antioxidant ability and antibacterial activity. We synthesized GA conjugated GC (GA-GC) via amide coupling reaction between GC and GA. The degree of conjugation was determined by 1 H NMR. The successful synthesis of GA-GC was further confirmed by functional group peaks in ATR-FTIR spectrum. The antioxidant capacity of GA-GC was much higher than that of the GC examined by assay of DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl). The self-healing property was evaluated using rheological property of the GA-GC. 2PS-88 박종민 Core Cross-Linked Block Polymer Micelles via Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly 박종민, 안남영, 서명은 한국과학기술원 Polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) is an appealing route to preparing block polymer micelle solution at high concentration by promoting in situ micellization of the emergent block polymer in solution. Generally, chain extension with an incompatible polymer to the solvent leads to spontaneous micellization. In this work, we propose controlled copolymerization of a monomer with a cross-linker for preparation of cross-linked block polymer micelles with diversified morphologies and increased structural stability in diluted environment. 2PS-89 박주현 synthesis of Positive-type Photoresist using PBO with various end groups 박주현, 윤정, 신요섭, 이승우 영남대학교 Polybenzoxazoles were synthesized by polymerizing various polyhydroxyamide precursors and it was confirmed that Pattern performed well using SEM which was confirmed to be synthesized using FT-IR and FT-NMR. PHA was synthesized using 0.2 eq of phthalic, Succinic anhydride, and maleic anhydride was synthesized at 0.1, 0.2, 0, 3 eq. All PHA synthesized was well dissolved in a flying solvent such as NMP, DMAc, DMSO. All synthesized PHAs were well dissolved in solvents such as NMP, DMAc, DMSO and others. Aligner uses MIDAS's MDA-400S and give energy of 450 mj using the 365 nm I-line wavelength. Develop was carried out using tetramethylammonium hydroxide aqueous solution 2.38%, and the development time was adjusted in order to form the best line. As a result, phthalic anhydride and succinic anhydride got inappropriate results, maleic anhydride was able to obtain very excellent results, good results were obtained in the order of 0.2, 0.1, PS-90 변태준 Soluble Aromatic Polyamides Derived from Unsymmetrical Diamine with Two Trifluoromethyl Groups 변태준, 김선달 1, 정임식 2, 김상율 KAIST; 1 ADD; 2 UST Aromatic polyamides(pa) are widely used as a high-performance polymer in advanced technologies due to their outstanding thermal and mechanical properties. Nevertheless, PAs have a problem like poor solubility in most organic solvents leading to limitation on their application. To overcome this problem, many research efforts have been made to enhance its solubility by introducing bulky pendant groups or flexible linkage into polymer backbone. Ether linkage is considered as a flexible linkage and offers enhanced solubility, color, and melt-processing properties. In addition, incorporation of CF 3 pendant group can also be considered as an effective means to improve the polymer solubility without deteriorating their properties. In this study, we designed asymmetrical diamine monomer containing ether and CF 3 groups as a linkage and pendant moieties, respectively, and synthesized a series of PAs from the monomer. The synthesis and characterization of the PAs will be presented. 2PS-91 선우영 Preparation of Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanosphere Using Pentablock Copolymer Templates 선우영, 조은범 서울과학기술대학교 We developed hollow mesoporous silica nanosphere materials in the presence of PLGA-PEO-PPO-PEO-PLGA pentablock copolymer templates under acidic conditions. Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) was used as a silica precursor and two kinds of pentablock copolymers with different molecular weights and block ratios were used as structure-directing agents. The physicochemical characteristics of hollow mesoporous silica nanospheres were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nitrogen adsorption-desorption, synchrotron small angel X-ray scattering (SAXS) and so on. Mesopore cavity and micropores at the pore surface were found from TEM and nitrogen sorption analysis. It is noteworthy that pore structure and morphology were varied depending on the length scale of pentablock copolymer templates and the hollow mesopore structure was obtained at ambient temperature. 2PS-92 소재일 Optimization of catalytic performance of heterogeneous catalysts for Suzuki Miyaura cross-coupling reaction by functional group in water 소재일, 심상은, Yingjie Qian, 류지형, 이명연인하대학교 The palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reaction is one of the most important organic transformations for the construction of carbon-carbon bonds. Its widespread use in the synthesis of natural products, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, electrodes, and polymers is a testament to its broad impact on chemical science. However, most Suzuki-Miyaura reaction proceeds inorganic or mixed organic/aqueous solvents that of expensive, flammable and toxic. Water is non-toxic, cheap and eco-friendly solvents that exist anywhere on the planet. However, porous polymers are not effective as heterogeneous catalyst in water because general porous polymers are composed of aromatic rings, which prohibits their stable dispersion. In this study, we prepared five heterogeneous catalysts that composed of palladium complex with various nitrogen-rich porous polymer, respectively. We analyzed pore structure, structure properties, thermal properties of polymers by TEM, BET, FT-IR, TGA, and XPS. 104 제 44 권 1 호

108 기능성고분자 (II) 2PS-93 김태완 Colorimetric Photothermal Sensing over Wide-Range of Temperatures Using Multicolor Block Copolymer-MoS 2 Nanocomposites 박찬호, 김태완, 이건호, 김동재, Kin Liao 1, 김신현, 김범준 KAIST; 1 Khalifa University We developed a nanosize photothermal agent which can operate a self-detection of temperature ranging from 25 to 50 through colorimetric responses. In order to achieve photothermal heating and colorimetric sensing over a wide range of temperatures, MoS 2 was functionalized with three different BCPs: each BCP is composed of a temperature-responsive block and a fluorescent block. Each temperature responsive block had a different lower critical solution temperature (LCST) to monitor different but complementary temperature ranges. The fluorescent blocks of the three BCPs emitted red, green, or blue light to provide a colorimetric response to temperature changes. The fluorescent intensities of the three BCPs on MoS 2 were independently switched on and off with changes in temperature, producing a colorimetric behavior from white to yellow to red and then to green in the range of with excellent reversibility and stability. 2PS-94 김태훈 Doxorubicin-incorporated oxidation responsive poly(hydroxyethyl acrylate-cophenyl vinyl sulfide) micelle 김태훈, 김진철 강원대학교 The copolymer contained hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) and phenyl vinyl sulfide (PVS) was prepared free radical method. The oxidation of the sulfide groups of Poly (HEA-co-PVS) was confirmed by comparing 1 H NMR analysis of poly(hea-co-pvs) before and after oxidation. The doxorubicin-incorporated poly(hea-co-pvs) micelle was prepared by dialysis method. The spherical shape of micelle was analyzed transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The toxicity evaluation of poly(hea-co-pvs) micelle was confirmed by MTT assay in Raw cell (normal cell) and KB cell (cancer cell) without micelles without doxorubicin. By comparing free doxorubicin and anticancer efficacy in KB cell, the anticancer efficacy of doxorubicin encapsulated in micelles was confirmed. The cellular internalization of doxorubicin encapsulated in micelles was analyzed by confocal scanning microscopy and flow cytometry compared with free doxorubicin. 2PS-95 김학영 Calcite morphology modulated by metal ions and polymers 김학영, 김일원 숭실대학교탄산칼슘결정다형체중하나인 calcite 는외부물질의영향이없으면 {104} 면으로둘러쌓인 rhombohedron 모포로지를지닌다. 이러한모포로지를변화시키는인자로서다양한 metal 이온, 저분자및고분자유기물질등이연구되었다. 본연구진은 magnesium 이온과유기물질의협력작용을통하면, 상대적으로적은양의첨가제로극대화된 calcite 모포로지변화를일으킬수있다는것을밝힌바있다. 이번연구에서는 strontium 이온과음이온성고분자또는양이온성고분자가공존할때의 calcite 모포로지변화를살폈으며, magnesium 이온의경우와비교분석하였다. 2PS-96 김현국 TiO 2 가함유된수처리용 PVDF 분리막제조김현국, 양지연, 최동천, 김태순, 서봉국, 김민규 1, 박재형 2, Dharmalingam Sivanesan 한국화학연구원 ; 1 ( 주 ) 신산 ; 2 동의대학교난분해성폐수처리를위해광촉매가수처리용으로널리사용되고있다. TiO 2 광촉매를 PVDF 용액에균일하게혼합하여사용하게되면광촉매에의해폐수의유기물이분해됨과동시에 PVDF 분리막을통해분해된오염물질을제거하여난분해성폐수의수처리를효과적으로수행할수있다. 본연구에서는원기둥형세라믹관의내부에 TiO 2 가함유된 PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride) 용액을 NIPS (nonsolvent induced phase separation) 방법에의해코팅함으로써나노기공의멤브레인박막을제조하였다. 또한세라믹관의중심에 Uv 램프를설치하여 PVDF 박막의 TiO 2 가광촉매성능을나타내도록하였다. NIPS 방법에의해멤브레인의나노기공을형성할수있었으며, 세라믹관내부에균일하게코팅된광촉매 -PVDF 박막은 Uv- 광촉매효과에의해난분해성폐수처리가개선됨을알수있었다. 2PS-97 김혜지 Preparation of carbon-containing, compressible, microporous, polymeric monoliths that regulate macroscopic conductivity 김혜지, 김형우, 이경민 1 전남대학교 ; 1 서울대학교 Porous polymer monoliths are of great importance as a multi-scale material in the fields of materials science and chemical engineering and have been prepared using a variety of monomeric building blocks. In this research, monolithic polymer composites have been newly designed, which have compressibility and microporosity that can control conductivity in response to external compressive. The polymer networks were synthesized though condensation polymerization, and further incorporated with carbon additives. Physical properties such as morphology, mechanical strength, and miscibility, were investigated, and the composite materials were used as a switch for an electrical circuit as a proof of concept. 2PS-98 나환희 Post-functionalized 3D Nanostructure Inverse Opal Membrane by Click Reaction 나환희, 유필진 성균관대학교 Three dimensional inverse opal(io) structure provide unique characteristics in high inner surface area, uniform pore size, large pore volume and periodic regularity. While UV-curable urethane acrylate prepolymer provide inert and stable physical property, only a few studies has been reported on the IO as a reactive membrane and there is a limitation for decorating with various catalysts. To expand the promising applications, another functional group for generating new chemical bond with target catalysts has to be exposed over entire inner IO surface. Here, we introduce Cu-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition for introducing catalyst on the IO and fabricate optimal clickable IO membrane by adjusting the colloidal nanoparticle size and the ratio between prepolymer and functional azide nomomer. To evaluate the catalytic performance, we will discuss quantitative oxidation test of alcohol by passing through TEMPO decorated IO membrane. 2PS-99 남경남 Preparation and Properties of Poly(imide-siloxane) Composite Films with Al 2O 3 Particles 최주영, 남경남, 진승원, 김동민, 송인호, 박형주, 정찬문 연세대학교 Recent electronic devices such as smart applications and laptops are becoming smaller and lighter. To ensure proper the smaller device operation, the unwanted heat generated in the devices must be removed. Polyimides are widely used in optoelectronics, microelectronics and aerospace industries due to its excellent thermal stability, mechanical properties and low dielectric constant. In this work, poly(imide-siloxane) copolymers (PIs) with different siloxane contents were synthesized and used as a matrix material of a PI/Al 2O 3 composite. The thermal conductivity, thermal stability, mechanical property, film flexibility and morphology of the PI/Al 2O 3 composite films were investigated for their application as a heat-dissipating material with different Al 2O 3 loadings. 2PS-100 노미소 Characterization of various phenolic resins as spin-on carbon hardmask materials 노미소, 이병민, 최재학 충남대학교 In this study, various phenolic resins were evaluated as spin-on-carbon hardmask materials. Phenolic resins spin-coated on wafers were cured by using various curing methods, such as thermal curing, radiation curing, and photo-curing. The physicochemical properties of the cured phenolic resins were investigated by DSC, TGA, XPS, and XRD. The etch selectivity of the crosslinked phenolic resins were evaluated for application as spin-on-carbon hard-mask materials. 2PS-101 노재국 Isosorbide 부산물을이용한응용실험노재국, 박혁민, 송광석, 이재훈, 류훈삼양사최근에너지의수요증가와함께화석연료의고갈우려로인하여재생에너지개발에대한요구가집중되고있다. 이는기존의석유화학계물질도예외의상황이아니다. 최근의이러한경향으로이하여바이오매스에대한관심이지속적으로높아지고있다. 바이오매스가운데서최근관심을받고있는것이이소소르비드이다. 특히, 이소소르비드제조를위한솔비톨의이중탈수에서발생하는 humin 이라고통칭되는부산물의발생은이소소르비드의가겨경쟁력을떨어뜨리는큰요인중에하나이다. 그래서우리는이소소르비드부산물의응용연구를통하여부산물의가치를부여하여여러다른산업에서이용될수있는방법을제시하고자한다. 특히, 부산물의관능기인 hydroxyl group 을이용하여다양한유도체를제조하였다. 이렇게제조한유도체는산업전반에걸쳐다양한고부가가치물질로서실험을진행하였다. 2PS-102 노지영 Fabrication of Epoxy containing Cyanate Modified POSS (POSS-Cy) for Moisture Resistance Property 노지영, 임정혁, 김경민 한국교통대학교 Epoxy has been widely used as the thermosetting resins for semiconductor packaging or adhesive joints due to the excellent mechanical, chemical, and electrical properties. However, the performance of the material is greatly influenced by the ambient humidity, the mechanical properties of the epoxy itself are weakened, the volume is expanded, and the glass transition temperature is lowered as the moisture is absorbed into the material. In this study, to solve this problem, modified-poss was synthesized via thiol-isocyanate reaction of aliphatic diisocyanate or aromatic diisocyanate and POSS-SH. Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) was selected to restrict chain movement of Epoxy polymer. Hexamethylene diisocyanate(hdi) and 4,4 -methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate)(mdi) were used to improve the moisture resistance of epoxy. We prepared the blend of various ratios of modified-poss and epoxy with curing agent to prepare Epoxy with POSS-Cy. 2PS-103 당궉닷 New Functional and Mechanically Strong Hydrogel from Multi-Hydroxy Polyaspartamides Containing Imidazole Group 당궉닷, 김지흥 성균관대학교 Novel hydrogel was prepared from polyaspartamide derivative, PolyAspAm (API/APD) by using glutaraldehyde (GA). PolyAspAm (API/APD) with two kinds of pendent, i.e., 1,2-dihydroxy and imidazolyl propyl groups, was synthesized by successive ring-opening aminolysis reaction of polysuccinimide (anhydrous polyaspartic acid). The first network is established through covalent acetal bond between massive 1,2-hydroxyl groups of the polymer with GA. After that, the resulting gel is immersed into metal-ion (Fe +3, Al +3, Cu +2, Zn +2, etc.) aqueous solutions to induce second network via metal-coordination to provide mechanically robust dual-crosslinked hydrogel. The mechanical strength of the resulting gel depends on the chemical composition, the crosslinking degree, and water content. This novel kind of hydrogel is expected to have potential applications 제 44 권 1 호 105

109 in heavy metal-ion adsorption and recovery in water treatment, and also as adhesive hydrogel with antibacterial performance in biomedical field. 2PS-104 디엠탐 C2 and N3 Substituted Imidazolium Functionalized Poly(arylene ether ketone) Anion Exchange Membrane for Water Electrolysis with Improved Chemical Stability 디엠탐, 김덕준 성균관대학교 The effect of substituents at C2 and N3 positions of imidazolium group on properties of the PAEK based anion electrolyte membranes were studied. The membranes were applied for alkaline water electrolysis using zero gap designed cell to evaluate cell performances. All membranes exhibited better ionic conductivity and electrochemical performance than the commercial Fumasep FAA-3. The C2 methyl and N3 butyl substituted imidazolium-based membrane (PAEK-APMBI) specifically showed high ionic conductivity of S cm -1 and the voltage of 2.53 V at the current density of 2 A cm -2 in 10 wt% KOH at 60, while those of Fumasep FAA-3 membrane were S cm -1 and 2.63 V, respectively. Especially, the PAEK-APMBI showed the excellent alkaline stability with the 96% IEC retention after long-term treatment in alkaline condition, while the FAA-3 showed a significant reduction in IEC to 38%. Therefore, the PAEK-APMBI may become a potential to be applied in AEM electrolysis system. 2PS-105 라나 Thermally and Mechanically Durable Double Network Ionogel Electrolyte for Flexible Energy Storage Devices 라나, 박정희, 박호석 성균관대학교 Amongst all flexible electrolyte, gel electrolytes have been considered to be the best option; however, they suffer from trade-off between ion transport and mechanical properties, as well as strength and toughness. Here, we demonstrate highly ion-conducting, stretchable, and ultradurable double network (DN) ionogel films, in which ionic liquids (ILs) are confined in chemically-coupled complementary DNs consisting of hard and soft polymers as characterized by FT-IR spectroscopies. Even at 100, the DN ionogel film demonstrates remarkable properties, such as ionic conductivity around 102 ms cm 1, the tensile strength of 1.4 MPa, stretchability of 500%, and dissipation energy of 216 kj m 3. Thus, the high temperature operating, flexible supercapacitors (hfscs) based on DN ionogels achieve outstanding capacitive performances such as energy densities of 51 Wh kg -1 at 180 and ~90% of its initial capacitance over cycles at PS-106 란윈눡홍랜 Complex Gel or Coacervate Formation from Polyaspartamides and Tannic Acid 란윈눡홍랜, 문종렬, 김지흥 Sungkyunkwan University Several polyaspartamide copolymers were prepared from polysuccinimide, the thermal polycondensation product of aspartic acid, via a successive ring-opening reaction using ethanolamine and other amine nucleophiles. 1 H NMR and FT-IR were used to identify the chemical structure of polymers synthesized. Complex gel or coacervate was formed by adding variable amount of tannic acid (TA), as both the chemical crosslinker and adhesive enhancer, to the polymer solution in aqueous system. The complexation behavior was investigated and the adhesive property of the resulting complex gels was measured to compare each other. The thermal property of complex gel was also obtained by using a thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The strong multiple hydrogen-bonding interactions between TA and polymer chain are thought to be responsible for making this biocompatible complex gels, potentially useful as a novel biocompatible adhesive material. 2PS-107 멀리모노허 A dual layer of Polymer electrolyte membranes with water generation at catalytic/ interfacial layer for a self-humidification system 멀리모노허, 김덕준 성균관대학교 The electrochemical behavior of this junction could be compared to a semiconductor-like p n junction where the mobile positive carriers in the PEM are hydrogen ions and the mobile negative carriers in the AEM are hydroxide ions, respectively. This sandwiched structure of polymer matrix is a hybrid material which facilitates the self-humidification at the connected position as well generation of H+ and OH- for the formation of H2O. In present work, we have prepared CMSP (BPM) with using sulfonated poly(1,4-phenylene ether-ether-sulfone) (SPEES) an acidic layer while quaternized polysulfone (QPS) for the alkaline layer. QPS was prepared with chloromethylated polysulfone and the dilute solution of SPEES and QPS using for the interfacial layer for novel BPM preparation. This BPM interface effectively acts as a self-humidification due to the transportation of H+ and OH- from anode and cathode respectively. 2PS-108 문경민 Synthesis of Highly Self-healable and Weatherable Polymers based on Charge Transfer Complex (CTC) Interaction 문경민, 홍평화, 김진실, 이서윤 1, 강정순 1, 최기원 1, 고민재 1, 이성구, 홍성우 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 한양대학교 Series of self-healable polymers based on charge transfer complex (CTC) interaction are synthesized and their self-healability and weatherability are examined in this study. The self-healable polymers are prepared from functional polyimides, where 3,3',4,4'-biphenyl tetracarboxylic acid dianhydride (BPDA), pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA), or 4,4'- oxydiphthalic dianhydride (ODPA) is introduced to control the degree of CTC and UV-resistance. All the self-healing efficiencies increase with higher molar ratio of BPDA, PMDA, or ODPA owing to the stronger CTC interaction. However, the self-healable polymer containing BPDA only shows that ΔYI (change in yellow index before and after UV exposure) decreases considerably as the molar ratio of BPDA increases while other self-healable polymers show the opposite trend. The self-healable polymer prepared in this study shows excellent self-healability and weatherability, which explains its feasibility to be widely used for outdoor applications. 2PS-109 박근우 Highly soluble fluorous alkyl ether-tagged imaging materials for the photo-patterning of organic light-emitting devices 박근우, 이진균 인하대학교 Organic light-emitting diode(oled) pixel 의 Orthogonal lithography 방법으로불소계용제에고용해도를갖는 imaging material 이필요하게되었다. 이전에보고된 Photoresist 인 acid-cleavable resorcinarene 에 perfluoroether chains 을부착하고광산발생제로사용하는 naphthalimide backbone 에 semi-perfluoroalkoxy 를첨가해 Photoresist 와광산발생제모두불소계용제에대해용해도가향상된것을확인하였다. 정공수송층 (4,4',4"-tris(N-carbazolyl) triphenylamine(tcta)) 위에해당물질을필름제작하였을때 OLED 소자가현상액에대해거의손상없이우수한 photoimaging 을보였고이를 OLED 에도입했을때 pixel 의크기를 50 μm까지확보하였다. 2PS-110 박금환 Synthesis of Polyimide Hollow Nanopartcles for Low Dielectric Constant Applications 박금환, 김소연, 송예슬전자부품연구원 Polyimide (PI) is a promising material that is showing low dielectric constant and physically, chemically stable property. In this study, hollow PI nanoparticles are fabricated to maximize the low dielectric constant. The Reprecipitation method was employed for this synthesis, and subsequently imidized with blending a polymer to be placed in the core (polyvinylpyrrolidone, PVP) of individual nanoparticles. After chemical and thermal imidization, it was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy that the hollow nanoparticles are pure PI without mixing PI. This hollow structure is induced by microphase separation of PAA and PVP during reprecipitation process. The low dielectric constant of the synthesized nanoparticles were confirmed and thermogravimetric analysis confirmed that the nanoparticles were thermally stable up to 400. This strategy provide a new means for improving the low dielectric property for various dielectric materials. 2PS-111 박석호 Lipid nanoparticles loaded with Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam extract with anti-inflammatory activity 박석호, 김진철 강원대학교 Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam extract (BCT) was loaded in lipid nanoparticle including decanoyl alginate (DeAlg) and decanoyl gelatin (DeGel). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that the water channel was black and the lipid layer was white. The lipid nanoparticle exhibited a restrained release of BCT at an acidic condition (e.g. ph4.5), possibly due to DeAlg/DeGel coacervate. The survival rate of the cells (RAW 264.7) stimulated with fine dust was higher than that of free BCT with lipid nanoparticles containing BCT. When the lipid nanoparticles loaded with BCT were treated with cells stimulated with fine dust, the amount of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) expression was similar to that of dexamethasone (an anti-inflammatory agent) treated cells. The degree of cellular internalization of lipid nanoparticles observed by fluorescenceactivated cell sorting (FACS) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was found to be effective. 2PS-112 박솔 Porous air filters with hydrophilic and hydrophobic characteristics for removal of particulate matters (PM2.5) 박솔, 최원산 한밭대학교 Removal of particulate matter (PM) has attracted worldwide attention due to the increase of air pollution caused by rapid industrialization and urbanization. The PM is mainly emitted by artificial sources such as activity of industries and combustion of fuels. The PM, also known as particle pollution, is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets that get into the air. Once inhaled, these particles can affect the heart/lungs and cause serious health effects. The PM is classified as first-class carcinogens by the WHO. Thus, many efforts have been focused on the developing noble techniques to effectively remove or filter the PM. We developed specially designed filters with a high performance for removal of PM10 and PM2.5. 2PS-113 박연희 Mechanically Robust Superhydrophobic Surfaces for Easy Removal of Pollutants 박연희, 임호선 숙명여자대학교 Superhydrophobic surfaces which are a water contact angle of above 150 have several interesting features such as self-cleaning, anti-stain, anti-sticking and anti-icing properties. It is applicable to various industries such as outdoors, electronics, housewares and aerospace. However, their practical applications are limited due to vulnerability to abrasion. In this study, we present the superhydrophobic surfaces which contain an excellent abrasion resistance to solve the existing problem. The coating solution was prepared by sol-gel reaction of the hydrophobic silane compounds, followed by spray-coating on the substrate and then cured at 150. As a result, the surface exhibited higher contact angle (>150 ) and lower sliding angle (<10 ). This result is attributed to the combination of the low surface energy of the hydrophobic silane compounds and the surface micro/nanostructures created by their sol-gel reaction. It also exhibited very good wear resistance characteristics. 106 제 44 권 1 호

110 2PS-114 박예진 A conducting microfiber comprising graphene/silver nanowires in an agarose matrix with fast humidity sensing ability 박예진, 구형준 서울과학기술대학교 We report agarose-based composite microfibers with enhanced conductivity and fast humidity sensing with conductive nanofillers. The microfibers are fabricated by extruding a hydrogel filament containing silver nanowires (AgNWs) and graphene oxide (GO, chemically reduced after extrusion). For the same concentration, GO enhances the mechanical properties of the microfibers more effectively than AgNWs. Due to synergy between AgNWs and reduced GO (rgo), the microfiber with both fillers shows higher conductivity than those with only one filler. The flexible microfiber retains its conductivity well under repeated bending/unbending cycles. Since rgo ionizes water molecules, the conductivity of the microfiber increases with increasing environmental humidity. The microfiber with both nanofillers respond rapidly and reversibly to humidity changes because the AgNWs facilitate charge carrier transport and water adsorption/desorption. 2PS-115 박정희 All-lignin-based flexible supercapacitor with lignin electrode and electrolyte 박정희, 라나, 박호석 성균관대학교 Lignin is the second most abundant natural polymer, which can be derived from wood biomass resources. Although lignin has advantages in terms of a low cost, natural abundance, and industrial scale production, lignin has been largely treated as useless waste or was mostly used as the precursor of porous carbons. Therefore, the conversion of lignin into gel electrolytes and flexible nanofiber electrodes is expected to offer an innovative sustainable chemistry into the design of renewable and flexible energy storage materials as well as to widen the application fields of wood biomass. Here we have fabricated all-solid-state flexible supercapacitor exhibiting a maximum energy density and power density of 4.49 Wh kg -1 and 2627 W kg -1, respectively by integrating the lignin-pan nanofiber electrode and lignin hydrogel electrolyte. 2PS-116 박지현 Characteristics of UV-cured organic/inorganic hybrid coating depending on type of inorganic sol 박지현, 송지은, 임민지, 김형일 충남대학교 Since the plastic substrate is transparent and has excellent impact resistance, it has attracted much attention as a substitute material for glass. Also it has been widely used in various fields such as building materials, automobile materials, electronic materials, safety glasses, and household appliances due to its strong resistance to climate change and low thermal expansion rate. The sol-gel process is a method of obtaining a uniform inorganic oxide by combining both hydrolysis reaction and condensation reaction of metal alkoxide precursor sol solution showing high reactivity at room temperature. In this study, the characteristics of UV-cured organic-inorganic hybrid coating were investigated depending on type of inorganic sol. 2PS-117 박찬일 Synthesis of P(EDOT/Ani):PSS composites for application in heat shielding window 박찬일, 임소은, 김주영, 도민석, 김중현 연세대학교 Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene/aniline):poly(styrene sulfonate), P(EDOT/Ani):PSS, with enhanced absorption of near infrared light, was prepared by oxidative polymerization. We demonstrated that a two-stage shot growth process optimizes the absorption of the polymer in the near infrared region via a controlled monomer addition time. In other words, the optical properties of the polymer complex were improved by controlling the time intervals of aniline monomer addition. The heat shielding efficiency of the P(EDOT-Ani):PSS films was calculated by using data from ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared (UV-vis-NIR) spectroscopy. The maximum NIR shielding efficiency (SE NIR) of the film is 92.7% and the transmittance is 46.5%. P(EDOT-Ani):PSS prepared by two-stage shot growth system can be used in the energy savings field and has excellent potential as a heat shielding material. 2PS-118 박채원 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Detection based on FRET Particulate System with Trehalose Analogs 박채원, 김명훈, 임종우, 박근선, 함승주 연세대학교 Tuberculosis(TB) is the major global cause of death from a single infectious agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis(mtb). A long-time cultivation of mycobacterium is necessary to confirm tuberculosis. Although a large amount of effort is given for developing point-of care (POC) sensors, they suffers from its low sensitivity. Herein, we report a study of detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis by FRET particulate system with trehalose analog, which is an essential metabolite in Mtb. Ag85, a major secretion protein, catalyses trehalose during cell wall synthesis. When incubated with Mtb, the detection particles exhibit a change in FRET ratio due to release of FRET dye following the rupture of particles. We optimized the particulate system for sensitivity and stability. In a pre-test, the detection system shows an increase in FRET ratio with a small amount of Ag85 protein. In subsequent experiments, the optimized particles will be incubated with mycobacterium directly. 2PS-119 박태현 Highly Deformable Block Copolymer Structural Color Capacitive Sensor 박태현, 강한솔, 어홍규, 박철민 연세대학교 Here, we demonstrate a highly stretchable, large strain capacitive sensor. This sensor can visualize the strain based on strain-responsive structural color (SC). Our device contains an elastomeric sensing film responsible for capacitance change upon strain in which a self-assembled block copolymer (BCP) photonic crystal (PC) film with 1-D periodic in-plane lamellae aligned parallel to the film surface is embedded for the efficient visualization of the strain. The capacitance change arises from dimension change of the elastomer film upon strain. The mechanochromic BCP PC film responds to the strain, giving rise to the SC change with strain. The initial red SC in a sensor is blue-shifted and turns blue when stretched to 100%, resulting in full colored SC alteration as a function of strain. Our BCP SC strain sensor exhibits fast strain response with multi-cycle reliability over 1000 times in both capacitance and SC change. 2PS-120 박한율 Preparation of Activated Carbon Monolith with Kenaf Fiber 박한율, 윤태호 1,, 송경헌배재대학교 ; 1 GIST Activated carbon monolith was successfully prepared from Kenaf fiber for the first time. First, long Kenaf fiber was prepared by retting in 2% NaOH solution at 90 for 1 h, followed by drying. Then, it was chopped and then sieved, providing short Kenaf fiber. The fiber (3g) was pressed with a mold at 20 k lb, providing disc-shape sample with thickness of 3.88 mm and diameter of 34 mm. Next, the samples were subjected to pyrolysis at 900 for 2 h in a tube furnace under N 2 flow then activation at 750 for 2, 3, or 4 h under CO 2 flow. There were large weight loss and shrinkage upon pyrolysis, but no shape change, while the activation also resulted in large weight loss which increased with activation time. The samples after pyrolysis and activation were characterized by SEM, and specific surface area was measured via N 2 sorption study. 2PS-121 박형주 Preparation and Property Study of Poly(imide-siloxane) Copolymers 최주영, 박형주, 진승원, 남경남, 김동민, 송인호, 정찬문 연세대학교 Polyimides have become increasingly important materials using a wide range of applications in optoelectronics, microelectronics and the aerospace industries. The polyimides synthesized from aromatic monomers are excellent for high-performance applications due to their excellent high-temperature properties. However, polyimides are often insoluble and intractable, resulting in processing difficulties which limit their applications. To solve the above difficulties, much effort has been required of synthesizing tractable polyimides that maintain reasonable high-temperature properties and thermal stability by incorporating flexible moieties such as organosiloxanes. The siloxane group has a number of useful properties such as low-temperature flexibility, high thermal stability, hydrophobicity, oxidative resistance, biocompatibility and significant gas permeability. We prepared poly(imide-siloxanes) and studied their properties. 2PS-122 박형준 Carboxylic acid functionalized 3D SERS architecture for protein label-free detection 박형준, 조승희, 정연식 KAIST Proteins have been a fascinating target of many researches for its vital functional and structural roles in human body. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is an emerging analysis method for protein studies due to its excellent sensitivity, selectivity and simplicity. Especially label-free detection of proteins by SERS provides plentiful information on binding, activity and conformational changes with minimal efforts compared to conventional analysis. In such context, we present a carboxylic acid-functionalized SERS substrate (CFSS) for protein label-free detection. Well aligned 3D gold nanowires generated strong and reproducible local E-field, and carboxylic acid on top of the SERS substrate captured proteins by producing peptide bond with N-terminus of the target. Two important biomarkers of Alzheimer s disease, beta-amyloid and Tau protein, were also successfully immobilized on the surface of CFSS and analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. 2PS-123 방극천 Light-induced Wringing Asymmetric Macrogelator by Photoisomerizable Azobenzene 방극천, 최유진, 정광운 전북대학교 Photo-induced wringing gel (1A3B) was newly designed and synthesized by linking the photoisomerizable azobenzene molecule moiety and liquid crystal-like dendrons. Before UV irradiation, the 1A3B was formed the 3D network in solution. But this gel was self-assembled into the layer structure after UV irradiation because of intermolecular hydrogen bonds between C=O and N H. When 3D network organogels change the structure to layered structure, the solvent was discharged from the gel. Gel-sol transitions was only occurred by heat. We demonstrate that the 3D network in solution is the kinetically metastable and the layered structure after UV irradiation is stable condition. This work was supported by the MOTIE/KDRC , Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ), BK21 Plus program. 2PS-124 배지홍 Normally transparency polymer dispersed liquid crystal mode using the synthesis of Waterborne Polyurethanes 배지홍, 지찬혁, 임원빈, 김병주, 허필호 부산대학교 Waterborne polyurethanes (WPUs) with LC were successfully prepared using polycaprolactone diol and 4,4'-Methylene dicyclohexyl diisocyanate as soft segment of prepolymer, dimethylolbutanoic acid as emulsifier, and trimethylamine as neutralizer, ethylenediamine as chain extender based on different molecular weight of pre-polymer. Synthesized WPU prepolymer and liquid crystals were stirred under the constant rate. 제 44 권 1 호 107

111 And de-ionized water containing bishexamethylenetriamine was added in the reaction mixture to form the polyurea. In this study, it is the control of confirmed microcapsule size by adjusting the molecular weight of the prepolymer. The molecular weights and the functional groups of the WPUs are evaluated through the GPC and FT-IR. Microcapsule LC complexed WPUs could be applied to the various industry fields of next-generation display, such as 3D printer material, smart window and flexible display. 2PS-125 백소연 Capacitive Pressure Sensing Electroluminescent Displays with Micropatterned Ionic Gels 백소연, 이승원, 박철민 연세대학교 Simultaneous detecting and visualizing pressure provides a useful platform to obtain information about a pressurizing object, but the fabrication of such displays at the single-device level remains challenging. Here, we present a single-device level pressure responsive electroluminescent display that allows for both sensing and visualization of pressure. Our device is based on a two-terminal capacitor with six layers: top electrode/ pressure sensitive insulator/hole injection layer/emissive layer/electron transport layer/bottom electrode. Light emission between two electrodes is controlled by the capacitance change of the insulator arising from the pressure. Besides capacitive pressure sensing, our display allows for direct visualization of the static and dynamic information of pressure. Moreover, our device enables quantitative estimation of the Young s modulus of an elastomer, offering a new and facile characterization method for the mechanical properties of soft materials. 2PS-126 백정주 Study on the surface hydrophobic properties of fluorinated polysilazane derived from perhydropolysilazane 백정주, 신교직, 최경호, 장기철, 송광식, 김영훈한국생산기술연구원퍼하이드로폴리실라잔 (PHPS) 은주쇄에 Si-N 을갖는무기화합물로경화후유리와유사한구조를형성하여내구성이우수하고고투명성을나타내어차세대유리막코팅소재로그활용범위가넓은물질중의하나이다. 본연구에서는불소계화합물을이용하여가수분해및축합반응에의해퍼하이드로폴리실라잔에그라프트된발수소재를합성하였다. 합성된발수소재의접촉각특성을측정한결과, 수접촉각 110 도이상, 오일접촉각 60 도이상의투명한필름이형성되었음을확인하였으며, FE-SEM, XPS, FT-IR 을이용하여표면특성및구조를분석하고필름의광학적특성및표면경도를분석하였다. 2PS-127 변명환 Spatially Ordered Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Fibril Nanostructures via Controlled Evaporative Self-Assembly 변명환 계명대학교 Hierarchically structured, gradient concentric rings of regioregular conjugated polymer, rr-poly(3-hexylthiophene) (rr-p3ht) with randomly or directionally crystallized nanofibrils over large areas were obtained by regulating consecutive stick-slip motions of the three-phase contact line in a confined geometry consisting of a upper curved sphere surface and a lower flat Si substrate (i.e., sphere-on-flat geometry), which leads to an axially symmetric capillary-bridge (bound solution). Self-organized concentric P3HT ring patterns resulted from mediating intermolecular interactions between the polymer molecules, and varying the solvent concentration. These unusual, directionally crystallized structures were formed spontaneously parallel to the moving direction of the contact line on solvent evaporation. Subsequently, I-V characteristics of the directionally crystallized and randomly distributed P3HT nanofibrils formed across the electrodes were investigated and compared. 2PS-128 보딘공딘 Dual sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone) membrane grafted with 15-crown-5-ether for enhanced proton conductivity and anti-oxidation stability 보딘공딘, 김덕준 성균관대학교 In PEMFC, durability is recently the critical issue in cell operation. As cerium ion (Ce+3) is a potential scavenger of OH and OOH radicals, the main causes of the chemical degradation of the membrane, aminomethyl-15-crown-5-ether (CRE) and dual sulfonated functional group were grafted onto the PAEK in order to alleviate its migration and proton conductivity reduction effects. The chemical and physical structures of the synthesized CRE grafted dual sulfonated PAEK membrane (CRE-DSPAEK) and the coordination complex of CRE and Ce ions were investigated using FT-IR, 1 H-NMR and SAXs, and XPS spectroscopy. Fenton s test showed the huge improvement of anti-oxidation stability by the presence of CRE, and its effect on the anti-migration of Ce+3 was confirmed by monitoring its residual amount inside the membrane. While the CRE/Ce coordinated membrane showed higher proton conductivity than the Ce+3 dispersed one along with the considerable chemical stability enhancement. 2PS-129 비샬가반데 3D bio polybutylene succinate electrospun nanofiber scaffolds for biomimetic structure 비샬가반데, 이원기 Pukyong National University, Busan Polybutylene succinate (PBS) is a bio-polyester which has better processability and different mechanical properties with high heat resistant compared to other bio polymers and also decompose into water and carbon dioxide with the microorganisms under the soil. In this study, bio-pbs was electrospun into the 3D nanofibrous structure by self-modified electrospinning machine. In order to find the optimal electrospinning conditions, parameters and solution properties of bio-pbs, a series of experiments were conducted. Modifying electrospinning with liquid bath support system, we achieved randomly organized 3D nanofibrous structure. The structure and properties of the nanofibrous scaffold were studied by SEM, DSC, FTIR and XRD. Wettability by water contact angle measurement and in vitro degradation were studied for 2D as well as 3D nanofibrous scaffolds. Our study encourages utilizing bio-pbs based nanofibrous scaffolds have a great degree in biomimetic structures. 2PS-130 서동규 Free-Standing, Elastic, Thermoresponsive Gels Visually Indicating Thermal Status through Changes in Optical Properties Induced by Phase Transition 서동규, 문홍철 서울시립대학교 We propose elastic temperature-sensitive ion gels that visually inform thermal status by changing transmittance. For obtaining thermoresponsive gels, we synthesized a random copolymer of poly(styrene-ran-benzyl methacrylate-ran-methyl methacrylate) (P(S-r-BzMA-r-MMA)) that was carefully designed to include thermosensitive features and elasticity when mixed with ionic liquids. By adjusting the composition of gel systems, the detectable temperature range and mechanical robustness was tunable. The thermo-sensitivity of the gels was investigated in terms of transmittance, dynamics and reversibility. In addition, temperature dependent behaviors of the gels were analyzed by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements. Finally, we demonstrate temperature sensing applications of the thermoresponsive gels. 2PS-131 송광식 The Fabrication of PSPI for semiconductor using monomer containing hydroxyl group 송광식, 장기철, 김영훈, 백정주, 최경호, 신교직 한국생산기술연구원폴리이미드 (PI) 는열, 화학물질노출및방사선등에대한내성이우수한우수한고성능폴리머의일종으로상대적으로낮은유전상수와탁월한기계적특성을지니고있으며 Microelectronics, 반도체및우주산업분야에서널리사용되고있다. 특히 PSPI 를반도체에적용하기위해서는매우우수한물성이요구되며이를위해큰분자량이요구된다. 본연구에서는 PSPI 에적용하기위해다양한단량체를이용하여중합을진행하였다. Dianhydride 로는 Hydroxyl group 을곁가지로가지는 2,2 -Dihydroxybenzophenone-3,3, 4,4 -tetracarboxylic anhydride 와 BT100 을사용하였으며, Diamine 으로는 Hydroxyl group 을 Functional group 으로가지며열안정성을위해 CF3 를가지는 Bis-APAF 를사용하였고유연성을확보하기위해 Ethylene chain 을가지는 1,2-Bis(2-Aminophenoxy)ethoxy)ethane 와 Poly(1,4-butanediol) bis(4-aminobenzoate)(p250) 을사용하였다. 용매는 NMP 를사용하였고, 촉매는 TEA, γ -valerolactone 를사용하였다. 중합된 PI 는 NMR 과 IR 을이용하여구조를분석하였고, TGA 를이용해열안정성을평가하였다. 2PS-132 송민우 Effect of additives upon freezing points of smart window thermochromic-coating solution for available in winter 송민우, 박상휘, 송정섭, 유중환 케이엔더블유 (KNW) Thermotropic materials are suitable for applications in solar control glazing. In particular, Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) microgels are temperature sensitive and therefore show great potential for smart window applications. When heated in water above 33, PNIPAm undergoes a reversible lower critical solution temperature (LCST) phase transition from a transparent (swollen state) to a Opaque (shrunken state). PNIPAm's freezing point is only minus 5 degrees, making it difficult to commercialize in winter. In this study, PNIPAm's freezing points were investigated by mixing glycol and ethanol contents, respectively and observed the solution phases and transmittance properties. Below 0.03 wt% of glycol, the freezing point is 15, below 0.1 ml of ethanol, the freezing point is 10 are observed. Also, the solution phases and transmittance properties are similar with those of PNIPAm itself. 2PS-133 송선구 Development of Selective Chemocapacitive Sensor Arrays for Chemical Warfare Agents 송선구, 송창식 1,, 오창석 1, 김현우 1 성균관대학교 ; 1 성균관대학교화학과 Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were functionalized with molecular receptors for selective detection of chemical warfare agents (CWAs). Covalently functionalization using a diazonium reaction and non-covalently spin-coated polymer receptors on the surface of the SWCNTs were investigated toward specific sensing of nerve agents (G and V), choking, and blister agents as well as a pesticide. Especially, the modified SWCNTs were fabricated with AC dielectrophoresis for the reproducibility, selectivity, and sensitivity in addition for portable applications. We also fabricated into sensor arrays for the selective detection of 6 different CWAs and using the principal component analysis the differentiation of each target CWAs were available. Importantly, the real nerve agent VX was tested on the fabricated sensors coated with polymer receptor, which showed the detection limit of 100 ppb, confirming that our sensors are suitable for practical applications. 2PS-134 송우진 Stretchable Aqueous Batteries for Wearable Electronics 송우진, 박수진 포항공과대학교현재웨어러블디바이스분야에대한관심이증가하면서이에따라웨어러블디바이스전원소자로서적합한신축성배터리에대한연구가활발히진행되고있다. 일반적인배터리는신축상황에서그역할을수행하지못한다. 이를극복하기위해서본연구에서는배터리의핵심구성품에신축성을부여하여배터리자체가본질적으로신축가능한웨어러블디바이스의전원용으로이차전지를개발하고자한다. 2PS-135 송은석 Intrinsically Microporous Polymer-Based Hierarchy Nanostructured Porous Electrodes for High Performance Supercapacitors 송은석, 이승민, 신주비, 김태호 1, 김병각 1, 김성곤 전북대학교 ; 1 한국화학연구원 To cope with the pressing need for high power and energy, required for the promising next-generation applications ranging from portable electronics and transportations, there are the fast advances in the field of microporous carbon materials as high performance 108 제 44 권 1 호

112 electrodes for energy storage. Herein, hierarchy-structured porous carbon with both considerable surface area and high electrical conductivity is prepared by the solution casting of intrinsically microporous precursor (polymer of intrinsic miroporosity, PIM-1), followed by non-solvent induced phase separation process and subsequent carbonization, for use in supercapacitor electrodes. PIM-1 is a polymer with a large fractional free-volume with a high intrinsic surface area. The important attributes of the hierarchy porous structure are its ability to improve overall reaction kinetics by providing efficient ion and electron transport pathways and facilitate electrolyte infiltration into the electrode during charging/discharging. 2PS-136 송인호 Preparation and Properties of Porous Polyimide via Pickering High Internal Phase Emulsions using Polyimide particles 송인호, 김동민, 최주영, 진승원, 남경남, 박형주, 정찬문 연세대학교 Porous materials have a great need in industrial applications and our daily lives. Aromatic polyimides are known to have high thermal stability, chemical resistance, and mechanical strength. Porous polyimides are also attracted to many applications such as low-k dielectric materials, gas separation membrances and low density heat insulators, depending on the size of the pore. In this study, porous polyimide was prepared using a pickering high internal phase emulsion (HIPE) template. The characteristics of porous polyimide was investigated including morphology, thermal properties, mechanical properties and porosity. 2PS-137 송지은 Comparison of properties of environment-friendly pressure-sensitive adhesives depending on emulsifier type 송지은, 박지현, 임민지, 김형일 충남대학교 Most acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives are solvent-type pressure-sensitive adhesives. Solvent-type pressure-sensitive adhesives are widely used in industrial fields because of their excellent properties such as adhesive strength, moisture resistance, water resistance and heat resistance as compared with solvent-free pressure-sensitive adhesives. However, solvent can cause some problem such as risk of fire during the production of adhesive and environmental pollution. In this study, emulsion polymerization for solvent-free adhesives was carried out with varying both type and content of emulsifier. The variation in particle size and adhesion properties were investigated depending on the polymerization parameters. 2PS-138 신명은 Enhanced modified Agarose hydrogels with Resveratrol for Retinal Pigment Epithelial cells regeneration 신명은, 김원경, 김진수, 강길선 전북대학교 Agarose (Agr) is a purified linear galactan hydrocolloid isolated from agar or agar-bearing marine algae. It is biocompatible and it has temperature sensitivity to solidify at body temperature and in liquid state at high temperature. Resveratrol (RSV) is a polyphenol phytoalexin, which found in the skin of berries and peanuts. It has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-epithelial-mesenchymal transition and anti-proliferative roles through sirtuin. Cylindrical RSV/Agr hydrogels were prepared with 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50w% RSV with 3w% Agarose. The characteristics of the RSV/Agr hydrogel were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), porosity and water uptake, compressive strength and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). As a result, the higher the content, the denser and more numerous pores were formed. In future, the in vitro test using rabbit retinal pigment epithelial cells will be studied. 2PS-139 신무광 Enzyme Activatable Fluorogenic Hydrogel Lens Sensor 신무광, 지용우 1, 강병훈, 문채은 1, 진우석, 기지선, 이효, 문병걸, 이형근 1, 함승주 연세대학교 ; 1 연세대학교안과학교실 Hydrogels have offered biological applications such as scaffold, implantable devices and bio-sensors due to their advantages including (i) easy bio-functional modification, (ii) high biocompatibility, and (iii) prevention of non-specific adsorptions. Inflammatory enzymes, such as MMP-9, have been investigated widely because of their roles in development of inflammation. MMP-9 cleaves specific peptide sequences during degradation of extracellular matrix. Herein, we developed MMP-9 activatable fluorogenic hydrogel intraocular lens sensor using MMP-9 targetable peptide probe. In detail, C-terminus of peptide probe was conjugated inside the PEGDAAm-co-PAlAm hydrogel by EDC/NHS chemistry. PEGDAAm hydrogel showed improved stability compared to PEGDA hydrogels. Peptide probe inside the hydrogel sensor was cleaved with existence of MMP-9, becoming fluorescence off-state into on-state by detachment of dye and quencher. Fluorescence intensity was increased with concentration of MMP-9 increased. 2PS-140 신영은 Textile Patterns for Wearable Triboelectric Sensors based on Sewing Machine Stitching of Polyvinylidene Fluoride Fibers 신영은, 이정은, 박유정, 채한기, 고현협 울산과학기술원 Textile-based sensors can perceive and respond to environmental stimuli in daily life, and hence are crucial components of wearable devices. Here, self-powered triboelectric wearable sensors are fabricated with polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) fibers stitched by a sewing machine. Based on the outstanding mechanical properties of as-spun PVDF fibers, it is allowed to utilize a sewing machine to stitch them into diverse textile patterns on various fabrics. Because of higher electron affinity of PVDF, such stitches can provide remarkable triboelectric signals when contacted with the opposing surfaces of fabrics. Moreover, PVDF stitch-based triboelectric sensors are wearable, washable, and comfortable due to the all-stitched structures. In addition, we present a new strategy for the enhanced triboelectric performance with electrical polarization. This work provides a feasible fabrication approach of the textile sensors using a sewing machine, with many possible e-textile applications. 2PS-141 신혁수 Aqueous Polysulfide-ene Polymerization for Sulfur-Rich Nanoparticles and Their Use in Heavy Metal Ion Remediation 신혁수, 김지희 1, 김도완, Nguyen Huu Viet 1, 이상욱 1, 한승희 1, 임지우 2, 차국헌 서울대학교 ; 1 GIST; 2 경희대학교 Recently, there has been interest in decontamination of heavy metal in water to protect public health. Especially, in spite of global technological and regulatory effort, the amount of mercury in shallow part of the ocean has been tripled since industrial revolution. Previously reported mercury adsorbents suffer from low mercury removal capacity, sophisticated preparation steps, and expensive raw materials. Exploiting high affinity of sulfur for soft metal ions such as mercury is one of the promising method. However, the direct use of elemental sulfur as adsorbent for use in water has been limited to sulfur impregnated activated carbon. Here in, we report a facile method for the synthesis of high sulfur content nanoparticles and its thiol-functionalization with investigation into the mercury removal capacity. Furthermore, adsorption capacity on various metal ions and investigation at harsh conditions were explored for creating viable option for real-world applications. 2PS-142 안주영 Development of retinol formulation with improved stability using polymeric micelle nanoparticles 안주영, 조선행 1,, 양희선 2, 소민섭 2 한국화학연구원 / 고려대학교 ; 1 한국화학연구원 ; 2 한국화학연구원 / 충남대학교 Retinol is a representative compound of vitamin A, which has the effect of increasing the elasticity of the skin, but it is difficult to be applied due to its low solubility and low stability in external environment. In this study, the biocompatible polymers and natural antioxidants were used to make retinol as polymer micelle nanoparticles to improve the solubility and stability in external environments. The particle size of prepared micelle nanoparticles were evaluated by ELS-Z and to evaluate the long-term stability of micelle nanoparticles, visual evaluation, particle size, HPLC, and UV spectrophotometer were used. For stability evaluation, retinol micelle nanoparticles were kept during 3 months at various temperatures. Three months of study have shown that no discoloration or precipitation of retinol occurred and the changes in particle size and contents were also rarely occurred. It is expected that retinol can be used as an excellent cosmetic material by using polymeric micelle. 2PS-143 양문호 Synthesis of New Conjugated Polymers with Cyano substituent for Polymer Solar Cells 양문호, 김주현 1, 장동욱 2, 부경대학교 ; 1 부경대학교고분자공학과 ; 2 부경대학교공업화학과 We successfully synthesized series of polymers, PB-DBPCN, PB-DPQCN, and PB_BtCN with typical D-A structure for photovoltaic applications using the stille polymerization. Benzodithiophene (BDT) is used for electron donor, while dibenzophenazine (DBPZ), diphenylquinoxaline (DPQx), or benzothiadiazole (BT) as the electron acceptor. The cyano group which is withdrawing substituents was incorprated into the electron acceptor in polymers to reduce the bandgap and highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) The lowlying HOMO energy level and reduced bandgap are strongly correlated with the improved open circuit voltage (Voc) and short circuit current (Jsc), respectgively. Bulk-heterojunction polymers were fabricated with an inverted devices of ITO/ZnO/active layer (polymer:pc71bm)/moo 3/Ag. The best conversion efficiency (PCE) of 4.59% was obtained from a device based on PB_BtCN. 2PS-144 양승철 Liquid crystal physical gels by hierarchical superstructures for rewritable and electric-responsive optical device 양승철, 정광운 전북대학교 A newly designed hierarchical superstructure based on benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide with azobenzene mesogens (3AZO-BA) was synthesized to fabricate dual-responsive electro-optical device. The 3AZO-BA in the nematic liquid crystal (NLC) medium formed three-dimensional networks by nanophase separations and hydrogen bonding. Since the formation of self-assembled 3AZO-BA netwoks (only 1 wt%) finely dispersed in the NLC medium and the good affinity with the NLCs, the light scattering of the LC physical gels (LCPGs) can be converted to a transmittance state at lower driving voltage (22 V) than polymer-based systems (around 100 V). The rewritable properties of the LCPGs were demonstrated by trans-cis photoisomerization of the azobenzene moieties. This work was supported by BK21 Plus program, the BRL , Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ). 2PS-145 양진철 Macroscopic Bending Behavior of Ovalbumin-Responsive Bilayer Actuator with Molecularly Imprinted Hydrogel and Polyethylene Terephthalate 양진철, 박진영 경북대학교 Ovalbumin (Ova), which contain oligosaccharide chain covalently attached to polypeptide 제 44 권 1 호 109

113 play important roles in biological processes such as cellular interaction, molecular recognition, and immune reaction. It has been attracted significant attention as molecular weight marker and allergic reaction subject in the field of proteomics and immunology. In this regard, as a recognition strategy for Ova, numerous sensing systems based on molecularly imprinting have been presented such as electrochemical synthesis approach, magnetic microsphere and Ova-responsive hydrogels. Herein, we present a novel Ova-responsive bilayer actuator, which has macroscopic bending motion in response to binding of ovalbumin. The bilayer actuator is fabricated by UV-polymerization in presence of pre-hydrogel solution on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with standardized silicon mold. In this study, mechanical bending behavior of bilayer actuators with various aspect ratio investigated upon protein binding. 2PS-146 엄태준 Reductive cleavage of the azobenzene: an opportunity for the development of colon-specific drug delivery approaches 엄태준, 방준하, Anzar Khan 고려대학교 Molecular design concepts are described for the preparation of azobenzene polymers capable of showing a tunable response to the rat liver microsome-induced side-chain self-immolation process under hypoxic conditions. It is shown that azobenzene nuclei carrying a donor/acceptor substitution pattern are the most active system towards the enzymatically triggered azobenzene cleavage reaction (half-life = t 1/2 = 6 min). Their activity is followed by azobenzene nuclei carrying donor/donor (t 1/2 = 20 min), electronically non-substituted (t 1/2 = 72 min), and acceptor (t 1/2 = 78 min) systems. This trend is preserved when a chemical stimulus, sodium dithionite, replaces the biological reducing conditions and demonstrates generality of the findings, and their potential in proteomics procedures. This work, therefore, establishes general principles for the molecular design of biologically activatable and cleavable azobenzene-based polymeric scaffolds applicable to delivery and imaging applications. 2PS-147 여현기 Photo-induced proton transfer polymerization: synthetic robust tool for patterning hydrogels 여현기, Anzar Khan 고려대학교 A strained ring, such as an epoxy, is a system ready to open and release the strain with a suitable nucleophile. For example, a thiol molecule can be deprotonated by a base and the resulting thiolate anion can attack the less hindered site of the epoxide unit. The alkoxide unit formed will be protonated due to its high basicity (pka~17) by the thiol group (pka~10). This thermodynamically driven proton transfer step is critical in quenching the alkoxide anion and its potential to start an anionic ring opening polymerization. The newly formed thiolate anion would be ready for attacking another epoxide ring, creating a second alkoxide anion. Repetition of the above steps would result a polymeric product. Our goal in this presentation would be to demonstrate that a photochemical stimulus can be applied to initiate a proton transfer polymerization process, and fabrication of nano, micrometer-sized hydrogel features prepared by micromolding in capillary and imprint lithography strategies. 2PS-148 오유리 Sustainable, naringenin-based thermosets show shape memory effect and enable modular recycling 오유리, 김형우 전남대학교 Reprocessing thermoset polymers is challenging. In this study, a sustainable bio-based thermoset has been developed. The prepared thermoset consists of naringenin and biocompatible polymer components. Naringenin, which has three phenolic group, has been converted to a new multifunctional monomer containing glycidyl groups and readily formed a thermosetting network via epoxide ring opening reaction with a poly(ethylene glycol) diacid under solvent free condition. It shows shape memory behavior and recyclability. Thus, it can be used to create different diverse temporary shapes via heat and water., Moreover, it is able to and be recycle in a bulk state via transesterification. In particular, and its components can be recovered on a molecular level after degradation under specific conditions. 2PS-149 오은체 Evaluation and Optimization of Smectic Host-Guest Coatable Polarizer 오은체, 안희영, Rui He, 이명훈 전북대학교 One of the most important elements in the LCDs is the polarizer film. In particular, the coatable polarizer is becoming a promising alternative for conventional H-sheet polarizer in LCDs. In this study, we aim to develop a coatable polarizer based on the host-guest system, in which a polymerizable reactive mesogen with highly ordered smectic phase is used as the host material, and a dichroic dye is act as the guest material. After spin-coating and annealing processes, the sample was cured by ultraviolet light. However, there was a dramatically decrease in DR values during the UV polymerization process. In order to address this problem, it is necessary to minimize the degradation of DR value by optimizing the formation of the host-guest mixture. We proposed and described several methods to optimize the host-guest mixture to improve the optical properties. It was confirmed that the polarizer sample exhibited improved optical properties by adding a designed additive. 2PS-150 오창준 Enhancement of Thermal Properties of Epoxy Vitrimer Using Various catalyst 오창준, 원성희, 강영종 한양대학교 Generally thermosetting polymers have better physical properties than thermoplastic polymers, but are difficult to recycle. Recent studies have reported a thermosetting polymer called vitrimer that can be recycled using the transesterification reaction. Vitrimer has a temperature called topology freezing transition temperature (T v) at which the bond exchange is activated. Vitrimer can be reshaped above T v. T v is known to be influenced by the type and concentration of catalyst used in vitrimer synthesis. recent researches mainly used Zinc catalyst. but we have found a catalyst that activates the transesterification reaction more effectively than zinc catalyst and applied it to the vitrimer to lower the T v. The descent of the T v allows polymer molding at lower temperatures. The vitrimer synthesized in this study will improve the applicability to the polymer coating and recycling polymer field. 2PS-151 원민프엉 POLYASPARTAMIDE ENCAPSULATED SUPERPARAMAGNETIC IRON OXIDE NANOPARTICLES FOR MAGNETIC HYPERTHERMIA 원민프엉, 김덕준 성균관대학교 In this study, we prepared superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) capping oleic acid by thermal decomposition method. The synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles were coated with the polyaspartamide (PA) which are biocompatible, and biodegradable. Polysuccinime (PSI) is the backbone of PA. And multifunctional polymers were grafted on PSI, including hydrophilic O-(2-aminoethyl) polyethylene glycol (PEG) and hydrophobic octadecylamine (C18) for amphiphilic structure, and biotin to interacts with receptors on cancer cell surfaces. The PA-encapsulated SPIONs were applied for magnetic hyperthermia. The structure of the polyaspartamide was confirmed by 1 H NMR. The structure and biomedical properties of PA-encapsulated SPIONs were investigated in vitro and in vivo experiments. 2PS-152 원종인고불소화단분자포토레지스트및고불소화바인더의개발과고불소계용제를이용한포지티브형의패턴제작원종인, 이진균 인하대학교자외선에반응하여화학구조가변화하는물질인 Diazonaphthoquinone(DNQ) 단위를포함하는물질과불소사슬을사용하여 phloroglucinol 을 core 로하는고불소화단분자포토레지스트물질을합성하였다. 합성한물질은불소사슬을포함하고있기때문에고불소계용제에용해성을가지며포토리소그래피공정을통해패턴의형성이가능하다. 포토레지스트의 DNQ 단위는 365 nm 파장의자외선에조사될시화학구조의변화로인해 ketene 을형성하게되며, Dimerization 을통해분자간결합을형성하게된다. 이로인해노광부위의용해도가감소하여네거티브형포토레지스트패턴을형성한다. 고불소계고분자를 binder 로사용하여포토레지스트물질과함께포토리소그래피공정을진행하게될경우에는, 고분자 binder 가 ketene 의 dimerization 을억제하기때문에노광부위의용해도가증가하게되어포지티브형포토레지스트패턴의형성된다. 2PS-153 유가연 Preparation and characterization of rubbery binder for Li-S battery 유가연, 조미숙, 이영관 성균관대학교 Polymeric binder for Li-S battery was developed by blending carboxylated nitrile butadiene rubber (XNBR) and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP). During charge-discharge process, Li-polysulfide dissolves from sulfur cathode, and it also suffers huge volume fluctuation that accelerates capacity fading. To solve the problems, a new type of polymeric binder was developed based on PVP and XNBR. PVP is well known binder material for sulfur electrode as its abundance of carbonyl group, which can trap polysulfide and mitigate shuttle effect. XNBR was incorporated for the elasticity which can stabilize volume variation, and formed mechanically robust network in PVP matrix. Acrylonitrile group of XNBR enhanced adhesiveness to current collectors. Various compositions of XNBR/PVP binder were prepared and optimized at the ratio of XNBR and PVP (3:7). The prepared rubbery binder showed higher capacity and showed potential for further application in Li-S battery. 2PS-154 육진솔 Antifouling and Bactericidal copolymers containing nature-derived antibacterial cardanol and zwitterionic moieties 육진솔, 김진석, 이시영, 김나경 1, 이종찬 서울대학교 ; 1 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) A series of copolymers, which contains zwitterionic moieties and natural-derived antibacterial cardanol was synthesized and named as PSH#s where # is the molar ratio of sulfobetaine methacrylate (SBMA), the zwitterionic monomer. PSH#s were successfully prepared by free radical polymerization of (dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) and 2-hydroxy-3-cardanylpropyl methacrylate (HCPM), and betanisation with 1,3-propanesultone. PSH#s were dissolved in chloroform to obtain transparent films by spin coating on the silicon wafer and crosslinked by UV-irradiation. The films exhibit more effective antibacterial property with increasing amounts of antibacterial HCPM unit, while biofoulants were interrupted to adhere on the films with larger amount of hydrophilic SBMA unit. Moreover, all of these films were found to have sufficient biocompatibility regardless of the ratio of HCPM and SBMA units. 110 제 44 권 1 호

114 2PS-155 윤광한 ABC triblock copolymer-based nanostructures 윤광한, 최수빈, 이동익, 김승현 인하대학교 Block copolymers can provide an easy yet efficient way to fabricate well-ordered structures via their self-assembling behavior. AB diblock copolymers exhibit the self-assembled nanostructures such as spheres, cylinders, gyroids, or lamellae. The self-assembled structure of the ABC triblock copolymer is more complex and diverse than AB diblock copolymer due to increased number of variables. In our work, another structure was pursued by blending ABC triblock copolymer with diblock copolymers. ABC triblock copolymers and their blends were spin-coated on the substrate to generate the films, and then annealed under solvent vapor. Their structure was investigated by AFM, SEM and TEM. To distinguish the structure of block copolymers, iodine and gold were selectively attached to specific domains. In this study, the structure of triblock copolymer which could not be seen in AB diblock copolymer, was observed and analyzed thoroughly, compared to the cases of AB diblock copolymers and the blends. 2PS-156 윤수진 Synthesis of SPEs with Fluorosulfonyl imide groups and Anion polymer structure used by Lithium Ion batteries 윤수진, 류태욱, 진레이, 이승찬, WEI ZHANG, 최인환, 김환기 Konkuk University Lithium-ion battery is the advantage of longer life, high energy density and open circuit voltage. In order to have a good solid polymer electrolyte, Ion Transference number must be high One way to increase the transfection number is to fix the anion to the polymer structure and fix the lithium cation. Therefore, our present work is to synthesize solid polymer electrolyte based on fluorosulfonyl group by fixing anion to polymer structure. Synthesis of monomer with Fluorosulfonylimide groups was synthesized from Fluorosulfonyl isocyanate and maleimide materials. In this process, the reaction was carried out by using Triethylamine (TEA) as a base catalyst, because the reaction was not carried out without catalyst. Polymerization was carried out using radical initiator as benzoyl peroxide. The Copolymer was synthesized with Fluoromalesulfoneimide, methyl methacrylate and styrene monomer. The synthesized polymer will be studied 1 H-NMR. The polymer thermal property will be analyzed by TGA. 2PS-157 윤원진 Photopolymerized Lyotropic Liquid Crystal monomer Uniaxially Oriented for Construction of Multifunctional Optical Thin Films 윤원진, 정광운 전북대학교 For fabrication of multifunctional optical thin film (MOTF) by coating system, perylene based reactive mesogen (PBRM) is newly synthesized and stabilized by the subsequent photopolymerization. It is found by spectroscopic results combined with morphological observations that nematic liquid crystal (NLC) is aligned parallel to the molecular long axis of PBRM not only due to long-range physical anchoring effect but also due to the short-range molecular physical interactions between alignment layer and NLC molecules. The coatable PBRM MOTF from lyotropic chromonic reactive mesogens can provide a new door of optical devices. This work was supported by the BRL , MOTIE/KDRC , Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ), and NRF-2017 Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program (NRF-2017H 1A 2A ). 2PS-158 윤원진 Enhancement of Electro-optic Properties of Automatic Multi-domain Vertical Alignment of Liquid Crystal with Pretilt Angles 윤원진, 정광운 전북대학교 For automatically formation of vertical alignment (VA) of liquid crystal (LC), itaconic acid-based dendritic amphiphile monomer (Ita3C12) is one of the candidates. For the construction of multi-domain VA of LC, Ita3C12 and methacryl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (MAPOSS) were crosslinked by irradiation of UV light under fishbone patterned electric field (PS auto-mdva). Mainly because of the pretilted NLC at zero voltage, the electro-optic properties of the PS auto-mdva cell. Furthermore, we confined that the surficial properties of the PS auto-mdva cell aspect of physical and chemical interaction. This work was supported by the BRL , MOTIE/KDRC , Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ), and NRF-2017 Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program (NRF-2017H 1A 2A ). 2PS-159 이경민 Sensitive multiplexed Immunoassay using SiO2@GNP with MEF effect in shape-coded hydrogel 이경민, 홍혜진, 김세민, 김지영, 고원건 연세대학교 Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence (MEF) has been widely studied to improve the sensitivity of protein based bioassays. Silica coated gold nanoparticles (SiO 2@AuNPs) is one of the most promising candidate for fluorescence biosensing owing to their high enhanced-fluorescence intensity and low cytotoxicity. Moreover, hydrogel is an elastic 3D polymeric-structured material that absorbs water for providing biological enviroment. In our study, AuNps were coated with different thickness of silica to optimize the MEF effects. We also prepared various shapes of polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel microparticles capable of multiplexed suspension immunoassaays. After confirming immobilization of IgG antibodies on the surface of maximized MEF effect SiO 2@AuNPs, entrapped in the different shapes of hydrogel microparticles. It is expected to utilize for high sensitive multiplexed immunoassay detecting various analytes. 2PS-160 이광섭 Thioxanthene-Based Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitter Triggered by Magnetic field 신흥섭, 장희재, PREM PRABHAKARAN, 이광섭 한남대학교 Thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) is the 3rd generation of OLED emitter. Blue TADF emitters had been numerouslyinvestigated on increasing the efficiency ever since it is first introduced. Here we have developed a deep blue TADF emitter using 9,9-dimethyl-9H-thioxanthene 10,10-dioxide (DMTD) acceptor and a 10H-spiro [acridine-9,9'-fluorene] (SpiroAc) donor. The major TADF Process is practicable by reducing singlet triplet splitting (ΔEST).However, we have demonstrated new methods to make this process more efficient. Our approach involves the use of magnetic field to access the spin-orbit coupling in the excited molecule and use it as a means of controlling the TADF phenomenon. Our experiments regarding measurement of optical and TADF properties were carried out in solution state and will discuss in poster presentation. 2PS-161 이대용 Potassium homeostasis-disturbing polypeptide induced ER stress-mediated apoptosis 이대용, 김유천, 김문식한국과학기술원 Perturbation of potassium homeostasis can affect various cell functions and lead to the onset of programmed cell death. Although ionophores have been intensive used as an ion homeostasis disturber, the mechanisms of cell death are unclear and the bioapplicability are limited. In this study, helical polypeptide-based potassium ionophores were developed to induce endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis. The polypeptide-based potassium ionophores disturbed ion homeostasis and then induced prolonged endoplasmic reticulum stress in the cells. The endoplasmic reticulum stress resulted in oxidative environments that accelerated the activation of mitochondriadependent apoptosis. This study provides the first evidence showing that helical polypeptide-based potassium ionophores trigger endoplasmic reticulum stressmediated apoptosis by perturbation of potassium homeostasis. 2PS-162 이동기 Excited-State Dynamics Study of Ternary Blend Organic Solar Cells Containing a Low-Bandgap Non-Fullerene Acceptor 이동기, 이한솔, 최욱진, 박찬의, 조길원 포항공과대학교 To clarify the effect of a low-bandgap non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) on a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of ternary blend organic solar cells (OSCs), we investigated the excited-state dynamics in ternary blend systems composed of a donor-acceptor wide-bandgap polymer based on a benzodithiophene backbone (PBT-OTT), PC 71BM, and ITIC using femtosecond transient absorption (fsta) spectroscopy. We found the unique formation-pathway of ITIC-generated free carriers, which increases the PCE of ternary blend NFA OSCs more effectively than does the hole transfer from ITIC to PBT-OTT. Our findings of the charge-carrier dynamics in the ternary blend system may provide the important information that may lead to further increase in the PCE of OSCs. 2PS-163 이동익 Polyurethane-silica hybrid foam for thermal insulation 이동익, 최수빈, 윤광한, 김승현 인하대학교 Polyurethane (PU) foam used as a thermal insulating material for buildings and transportation exhibits excellent thermal insulating property because of the existence of forming gas in the cell of the foam. In this work, the thermal insulation performance of PU foam can be improved by adding silica aerogel. Silica aerogel is light and has good thermal insulation per se. In order to improve the dispersibility of the silica aerogel as an additive, a polysiloxane solution was synthesized and then added to the polyol. Consequently, the sol-gel reaction and the polyurethane foaming process were simultaneously proceeded to produce an organic-inorganic hybrid foam. Polysiloxane with varying weight percent was added into the PU precursor solution, and the resulting foam structure was compared with a pure polyurethane foam by SEM. Thermal conductivity was measured by LFA. By considering the change of cell structure, the properties of the PU-silica hybrid foams were investigated and analyzed. 2PS-164 이두연 Preparation of EDTA-immobilized fiber by electron beam irradiation for transition metal adsorption 이두연, 전준표 한국원자력연구원 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is one of the powerful chelating agent and is widely used for treatment of heavy metal poisoning and chemical titration. However It is very difficult to recover the EDTA dissolved in water. In this study, we studied on the preparation of adsorbent having EDTA-like molecular structure that can be renewable. EDTA-immobilized fiber prepared in three steps: (i) graft polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) onto polypropylene fiber using electron beam irradiation; and (ii) amination of GMA grafted PP with diethylenetriamine; (iii) treating with sodium chloroacetate. Scanning electron microscope, thermogravimetry analysis, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, elemental analysis were utilized for characterization of EDTA-immobilized fiber. Adsorption efficiency of transition metal ions on prepared adsorbent was analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. 제 44 권 1 호 111

115 고분자가공 / 복합재료 (II) 2PS-165 곽성복자동차크래쉬패드의친환경소재적용성연구곽성복, 이재용 1, 김승호 1, 우민서 2 덕양산업수원연구소 ; 1 덕양산업 ; 2 피유시스바이오플라스틱이바이오매스를전체원료의 25% 이상사용하고있고바이오매스로활용되는자원들은대부분식용 비식용작물로서, 이러한작물들은광합성을위해이산화탄소를흡수하는순환적기능을가지고있다. 따라서바이오플라스틱제품의생산과정을통해이산화탄소발생을대폭줄일수있는 탄소중립사이클 을달성할수있으며기존석유화학산업이유발하는환경및인체유해문제들이대두되면서석화제품의대체필요성이더욱높아지고있다. 이미전세계적으로포장재및소비재부문에는기존플라스틱백 (plastic bag) 의사용금지를입법화하며, 환경세 (eco tax) 를부과하여제품의사용을저지하고있는추세이며이러한상황에서바이오플라스틱은석화자원의사용을감소시킬뿐만아니라물성적으로기존플라스틱과거의동일한성능을가지면서생분해가가능하기때문에기존플라스틱대체재로서의역할을충분히담당할것으로보인다. 본연구에서는자동차크래쉬패드에바이오폴리우레탄을적용하고이를검증하여기존화학소재의대체가능성을연구할예정이다. 2PS-166 곽성복자동차내장부품의경량화연구곽성복, 주상률 1, 이재용 1, 덕양산업수원연구소 ; 1 덕양산업자동차내장부품은고분자소재채용비율이높아경량화의필요성이크게대두되지않아고급화개발에집중되어왔으나경량화의요구가전부품으로확대됨에따라경량화에대한연구개발이필수적으로자리잡고있다. 내장부품의경량화를위해서는저비중소재개발, 고유동고강성소재개발, 금속구조재대체소재개발등이필요하며, 이런소재적용을위한성형공정에대한기술개발이병행되어야한다. 도어트림의경우폴리프로필렌을기본소재로사용하여그이상의경량화가요구되고있으며, 가벼운소재적용에따른강성약화에대한문제점해결방안에대한연구가절실한상황이다. 본연구에서는자동차도어트림에발포층을갖는판넬을적용하여경량화가능성여부를확인할예정이며강성확보를위한발포사이즈및균일도를컨트롤하는기술을연구할예정이다. 2PS-167 김은혜 The Preparation of Polymer composites/zno nanorod for the Piezoelectric Nanogenerators 김은혜, 김현기, 조덕수, 김지숙, 김성수 경희대학교 Recently, piezoelectric device based on piezoelectric effect has attracted for the application of piezoelectric field effect transistors, self-powered nano devices, wireless nano-sensors, and biosensors. In this study, we fabricated the ZnO nanorod on substrate with transparent electrode in optimum condition. We also fabricated and evaluated the nanogenerator with various structure for the enhancement of the generation performance. The work function of surface in each structures was measured using Kelvin probe system.the effect of work function on the performance of nanogenerator was investigated. The maximum output current could be obtained for the hybrid structure of ZnO nanorod layer and polymer composites. 2PS-168 김인태 Morphology and mechanical properties of gypsum/pbat composites 김인태, 공태웅 1, 김인선 2, 형태경 3, 최겸우 4, 오정석 경상대학교 ; 1 경상대학교 / 전남테크노파크 ; 2 남해화학 ( 주 ); 3 포토캠스 ; 4 제이에스테크 The use of flexible films in agriculture has increased substantially over the past year bringing benefits to producers. PBAT (Poly(butylene adipate-co-terepthalate)) is considered a possible candidate to replace the polyethylene due to its biodegradability. In this study, PBAT and gypsum were melt compounded using a twin screw extruder. The mechanical and thermal properties of the composites were investigated by UTM, DSC and TGA. The dispersion and distribution of the gypsum were studied by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. 2PS-169 김정욱 Potassium Titanate 의유기화에따른고분자컴포지트의특성변화김정욱, 구보람, 문형진, 남기동, 김재익, 류승훈 경희대학교 Filler 가충진된고분자복합재료는금속대비높은 strength to weight 값으로금속소재를대체할수있는잠재력을가지고있다. 특히 Potassium titanate 는기계적물성, 내열성이우수하여다양한 application 으로적용이가능하다. 그러나고분자 matrix 와 filler 간의낮은상용성은물성저하의원인이되므로고분자 matrix 내의 filler 분산성향상을위하여 filler 표면을개질할필요가있다. 따라서 alkylamine 을이용한표면유기화를통해고분자 matrix-filler 간계면접착력을향상시키고자한다. 본연구에서는 Potassium Titanate 표면유기화후 FTIR, BET, contact angle(ca), TGA 를이용하여표면유기화를확인한후, 고분자와 blend 하여 UTM 을이용한기계적물성, DSC, TGA 를통한열적특성, SEM 을이용한표면 Morphology 를분석할예정이다. 2PS-170 김정은 Fabrication of quercetin nanoparticle dispersion by nanoprecipitation 김정은, 이종휘 중앙대학교 Producing stable particle dispersions using crystallization is one of the challenging fields, although it is cost-effective and adaptable in industries. Recently, various ingredients are made into nanoparticles, but stable dispersions are still difficult to achieve. In this study, a nanocrystallization method fabricated quercetin nanoparticle dispersions. Quercetin crystallization in presence of polymers occurs when its solution is poured into its antisolvent. At the same time, polymer chains could attach onto crystal surfaces, which disturbs crystal growth. Formation of nanoparticle dispersion depends on concentration, solvent-antisolvent ratio and stabilizing materials such as polymers and surfactants. Some materials have low solubility in a certain solvent, which enables to produce nanoparticle dispersion based on the drowning out crystallization. Nanoparticle dispersion may bring advancement to processing materials into nanoscale, and nanocrystallization could be a novel solution. 2PS-171 김정호 Evaluation of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Novel Pulp Powder/Polypropylene Composites 김정호, 조동환, 하창훈, 이희숙금오공과대학교전통적으로주로목분 (wood flour) 을보강재로사용하는 wood plastic composite(wpc) 은자동차, 건축내외장재등각종산업용및환경친화용부품소재로널리사용되어왔다. 그러나플라스틱제품의소비증가와함께폐플라스틱의증가로인해환경문제가부각되면서최근에는친환경적이며, 재활용이가능한보강섬유가주목을받고있다. 펄프제지공정에서얻어지는중간재료인펄프파우더 (pulp powder) 는셀룰로스성분을지니고있고, 친환경적이며, 재활용이가능하고, 가격이저렴하여현재 WPC 의주보강재인목분에견줄만한소재로의잠재력이기대되고있다. 따라서본연구에서는펄프파우더를보강섬유로하고폴리프로필렌 (PP) 을매트릭스로구성된복합재료를압출공정과사출성형공정을통하여제조하였다. 펄프파우더 /PP 복합재료의인장특성, 굴곡특성, 충격강도, 열변형온도, 동역학적열특성그리고펄프파우더표면을조사하였다. 펄프파우더함량은복합재료무게대비 10 과 30 wt% 로달리하였다. 펄프파우더 /PP 복합재료의결과는동일함량에서동일공정으로제조된목분 /PP 복합재료의특성과비교하였다. 2PS-172 김종원 PVA 와 OH 기를가진폴리이미드를이용한멤브레인김종원, 신현일, 장진해 금오공과대학교무수산 4,4'-(hexafluoroisopropylidene)-diphthalic anhydride(6fda) 와아민계 2,2-Bis (3-amino-4-hydroxyphenyl)hexafluoropropane 을 N,N -dimethylacetamide(dmac) 용매속에서중합하여폴리아믹산 (poly(amic acid), PAA) 을얻었다. 다양한함량의 PVA 를첨가하여 blending 후열이미드화방법을통해투명한나노복합체 polyimide(pi) 필름을합성하였다. PAA 와 PVA 의 blending 에의해필름속에분산된 PVA 는수중에서용해되어 nano size 의 pore 를형성한다. PVA 의양에따른 pore 의분포도와 PI 복합체들의열적성질, 가스투과성의변화를조사하였으며, pore 의분포도는 field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) 으로관찰하였고, 열적성질은 differential scanning calorimetry(dsc), thermogravimetric analyzer(tga) 를이용해측정하였으며가스투과성도측정하였다. 2PS-173 김준 Thick graphene film with co-continuous nano-channels for a separator on Li-S battery 김준, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 Lithium-sulfur battery (Li-S) is rechargeable battery with lightweight and high specific energy. During discharging, polysulfides (S 8) reduced on cathode surface which finally goes to Li 2S, whose reverse reaction goes to yield S 8 on cathode while charging. Desirable separator could exchange Li ions only with while polysulfides remain on cathode electrolyte. Thick graphene film that has co-continuous nano-channels made by block copolymer self-assembly and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) for separator. 2PS-174 김지선 Durability test using bending of large-area flexible OLED 김지선, 김해숙, 라하나, 김성수 1, 경희대학교디스플레이부품, 소재 RIC; 1 경희대학교 Recently, research on potential applications has been actively carried out because application of flexible organic light emitting diode (OLED) has become more important. In addition to improving efficiency, large-area and bending test studies are essential. Plastic based flexible OLED have been studied, but bending test has not been studied systemically. In this study, a plastic substrate was used to fabricate flexible OLED, and an inorganic layer as a barrier layer was formed on surface of the plastic substrate using atomic layer deposition (ALD). After OLED fabrication, a thin plastic film was used as encapsulation and the bending test was conducted systematically according to the bending radius (R d). As a result, I-V-L analysis before and after the bending test confirmed the potential for durability. 2PS-175 김진 Highly transparent conductors based on the dewetting phenomenon of thin liquid film by a microliter-scale solution process 김진, 유진선, 장석태 중앙대학교 We report the web-like structured silver nanowires (AgNW) bundle networks by dewetting liquid thin films to produce highly transparent electrodes. Such AgNW-web structures were formed by dewetting the thin films of AgNW suspension in a mixture of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and ethylene glycol (EG) on hydrophobized coating substrates by using meniscus-dragging deposition (MDD) technique. Length and diameter of the AgNW bundles and the open space area in the AgNW-web network can be controlled by varying contact angle, EG concentration, and coating parameters of the MDD process. The transparent thin films with AgNW-web structures exhibit the superior optical and electrical properties compared to the electrodes with random network of AgNW. Our simple coating technique enables the deposition of AgNW-web network with high optical transparency, flexibility, and stretchability directly on rigid or plastic substrates. 112 제 44 권 1 호

116 2PS-176 김진미 A Study on the Preparation of Sound Absorbing Materials with Improved Thermal Insulation Containing Aerogels Applicable to Engine Encapsulation and Their Physical Properties 김진미, 박장석 대한솔루션 Engine encapsulation (E/Cap) is an automotive external parts that has the advantage that it preserves heat in the engine room to enable rapid warm-up of the engine and transmission, thereby contributing to improved fuel economy. Generally, the composition of E/Cap materials consists of a two-layer construction of PU + Felt. In this study, we studied the oneset PU aerogel absorbing materials for the purpose of reducing cost and improving insulation performance by changing from the two-layer configuration of PU+ Felt to the one-layer configuration of the PU+aerogel. Silica aerogel is a super insulation and lightweight material. For this reason, PU aerogel sound absorbing material was developed by impregnating PU foam with a silica aerogel material. In addition, thermal properties of PU sound absorbing material were confirmed by using thermal conductivity meter and TGA according to the aerogel contents, and surface and acoustic characteristics were confirmed using SEM and Impeadance tube. 2PS-177 김진섭 Cu-xGnP 의함량에따른폴리카보네이트복합체의열전도도및기계적특성김진섭, 윤관한 1,, 이영실 2 금오공과대학교 ; 1 금오공과대학교화학공학과 ; 2 금오공과대학교산학협력단 CNT 를이용한고분자복합체에비해 metal-cnt 를이용한경우기대보다기계적성질이약하여많은연구가진행되지못하였다. 그러나고분자의열전도성을증가시키기위해 Cu-CNT 복합분말을이용한고분자복합체의연구는꾸준히이루어지고있다. 본연구에서는구리 - 박리흑연나노판 (Cu-xGnP) 복합분말을제조하여복합분말의형태학을통해고분자내에서의분산정도를확인하였고, 폴리카보네이트 (PC) 와복합화하여 Cu-xGnP 함량에따른 PC 복합체의열전도도와기계적특성을관찰하였다. PC 의열전도도는 0.2 W/mK 이었고, Cu-xGnP 의함량이증가함에따라열전도도가증가하여 20 wt% 일때 0.8 W/mK 를나타내었다. PC 의인장강도는 2070 MPa 이었고 Cu-xGnP 의함량이증가함에따라강도가증가하여 20wt% 일때 2830 MPa 이었다. PC 의인장탄성율은 MPa 이었고 Cu-xGnP 의함량 10 wt% 까지인장탄성율이증가후서서히감소하였다. 2PS-178 김진영 Dopamine receptor conjugated-nanohybrids field-effect transistor for discriminating dopamine receptor D1 agonism and antagonism 김진영, 변승아, 권오석 한국생명공학연구원 We firstly proposed a new approach for studying receptor agonism and antagonism by combining the FET and GPCR roles in a dopamine receptor D1 (DRD1)-conjugated FET system, which is a suitable substitute for conventional cell-based receptor assays. DRD1, for the first time, was reconstituted and purified to mimic native binding pockets that have highly discriminative interaction toward DRD1 agonists/antagonists. The real-time responses from the DRD1-nanohybrid FET were highly sensitive and selective for dopamine agonists/antagonists, and their maximal response levels were clearly different depending on their DRD1 affinities. Moreover, the equilibrium constants (K) were estimated by fitting the response levels. Each K value indicated the variation in the affinity between DRD1 and the agonists/antagonists: greater K value corresponds to a stronger DRD1 affinity in agonism, whereas a lower K value in antagonism indicates a stronger DA-blocking effect. 2PS-179 김태희 Modification of Barium titanate(batio 3) using PVP and their Analysis 김태희, 임한휘, 이영관 1, 김백진 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 성균관대학교 Barium titanate (BaTiO 3) is widely used as a material in the electronics industry because it has a tremendously high dielectric constant than other ceramic materials. In particular, high energy storage capacitors have been developed by compounding with nanoscale BaTiO 3 into a flexible polymer. However, when BaTiO 3 is nanoscale, the surface energy is increased and it becomes physically and chemically unstable, so that the particles agglomerate in polymer matrix. Therefore, surface modification is used to disperse nanoparticles in polymer matrix. polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was used for modification, because it is non-toxic, amphiphilic and is expected to improve compatibility with the polymer matrix and increase the dispersion. Also, to give functional group on the surface of BaTiO 3, OH hydroxylation proceeded. In this study, the molecular weight and the concentration of PVP were varied to confirm the difference in modification. To compare properties, FT-IR, SEM, and TGA were measured. 2PS-180 김태희 Calcination of Nanoparticles on their XRD pattern and dielectric constant 김태희, 임한휘, 이영관 1, 김백진 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 성균관대학교 Barium titanate (BaTiO 3) has perovskite structure and ferroelectric property, that is a material with spontaneous polarization and has a high dielectric constant. So, it is widely used in electronic products such as high energy density capacitors, sensors, detectors, and electro-optic devices. Recently, various research have studied for polymer composites included nanoparticles to increase their dielectric constant and to obtain a high energy density property. BaTiO 3 has four kinds of lattice structure, Cubic, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, and Rhombohedral, and shows the difference of dielectric constant. In this study, we found conditions for phase transition in calcination method. And the change of structure was observed after calcination in furnace. Additionally, Other ceramic powder such as Al 2O 3, TiO 2 was also investigated for comparing dielectric property. In order to analysis the lattice structure and dielectric constant, XRD, impedance meter was measured. 2PS-181 김해숙 Effect of PEDOT:PSS condition on the performance of flexible perovskite light-emitting diodes 김해숙, 라하나, 김지선, 김성수 1, 김영철 1, 경희대학교디스플레이부품소재지역혁신센터 ; 1 경희대학교 PEDOT:PSS is widely used as hole injection layer in perovskite light-emitting diodes, but it is reported to reduce the device efficiency by limiting the radiative recombination of charge carriers. To improve the drawback, we fabricated PeLEDs with various PEDOT:PSS conditions as hole injection layer on pastic substrate by using solution process. The optimized PeLEDs showed enhanced performance compared to a PeLED using a pristine PEDOT:PSS. 2PS-182 김현기 The piezoelectric nanogenerators based on formamidinium lead halide perovskitepolymer composites 김현기, 김은혜, 김지숙, 조덕수, 김성수 경희대학교 Organic inorganic lead halide perovskite materials are emerging as promising piezoelectric materials due to a high piezoelectric coefficient. In this study, formamidinium lead halide perovskite (FAPbBr 3) nanocrystals were successfully synthesized at room temperature, and have different size and thickness depends on oleylamine contents in the synthesis. For the application of FAPbBr 3 nanocrystals in piezoelectric nanogenerators, FAPbBr 3-PDMS composites were prepared on the ITO/glass and ITO/film substrate. Piezoelectric nanogenerators (PENGs) based on the FAPbBr 3-PDMS composite structure were successfully fabricated, and have a maximum piezoelectric output voltage and current density. The effect of the shape on the performance for the PENG were addressed in terms of the piezoelectric properties. We expect that the PENGs based on the FAPbBr 3-PDMS composite would be a good candidate for the application in electronic device, energy harvesters, and sensors. 2PS-183 김현진 Synthesis of 3D interconnected porous carbon/polyaniline nanocomposites for high-performance supercapacitors 김현진, 박원철 서울대학교 Recently, 3D interconnected porous carbon (IPC) obtained directly from pyrolysis of potassium citrate salts are of great interest for energy applications, since their shape not only provides high accessible surface area and consequently more exposed active sites but also facilitates ion transport for high-rate capability. In this work, we synthesized the 3D IPC/polyaniline (PANI) nanowires nanocomposites via a simple in-situ polymerization growth of vertically aligned PANI nanowires arrays on the IPC. The nanocomposites showed excellent specific capacitance of 512 F g -1 at a discharge current density of 1 A g -1. In addition, the as-assembled asymmetric supercapacitor based on the nanocomposites also exhibits good capacitive properties and long-term cycling stability of 91% after 3000 cycles at 5 A g -1. Therefore, the cost-effective preparation process and high electrochemical performance, the IPC/PANI nanocomposite has potential as practical electrode materials for supercapacitors. 2PS-184 남기동 filler 종류에따른 PPS/filler compound 남기동, 김재익, 구보람, 류승훈, 김정욱경희대학교 Polyphenylene Sulfide(PPS) 는뛰어난내화학성, 내열성, 난연성, 기계적특성을가지고있는슈퍼엔지니어링플라스틱으로서자동차및전자기기부품등에널리사용되고있다. 최근환경규제에따른경량화의필요성이증가되면서금속재질이플라스틱으로대체되고있다. 하지만열이많은용도로플라스틱소재로적용이확대됨에따라, 높은열전도도를가진 filler 의적용이필요하다. 본연구에서는 carbon fiber, carbon black, graphite 등의탄소계필러를 PPS 와컴파운딩후기계적성질및방열성능을평가하고, DSC, TGA 등을통하여열적특성을확인할예정이다. 2PS-185 남준식 Highly oxygen-adsorptive, ultrathin microporous nitrogenous carbon coated on the graphene and its high-performance electrocatalysis for oxygen reduction reaction 남준식, 박지웅 광주과학기술원 Metal-free catalysts based on graphene-carbon composite as fuel cell cathode catalysts have been studied to replace metal based catalysts. These catalysts were generally a mixture of graphene and carbon particles. As far as we know, composition of ultrathin carbon and graphene has not yet to be reported. Here we show ultrathin carbon coated on the graphene nanocomposite for ORR catalyst. The nanocomposite was synthesized by mixing with an polyurea networks sol and a graphene oxides solution, followed by thermal treatment. A nanoparticulate polyurea networks covalently attach to the graphene surface while mixing. It turned to ultrathin carbon by thermal treatment. The nanocomposite has high oxygen adsorption amount, high electrical conductivity, and high surface area. The resultant nanocomposite shows higher current density and onset potential than other metal-free catalyst. Especially, it shows superior current density and stability in alkaline solution compared to Pt/C catalyst. 2PS-186 남채윤 The effect of crystallinity at the dielectric breakdown strength according to the cooling rate for insulating layer of cable 남채윤, 염용식, 윤호규 고려대학교 Polypropylene is used for replacing crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) which was previously used as insulating materials for cable. For high heat-resisting property and flexibility, 제 44 권 1 호 113

117 PP blends that were blended with Styrene ethylene butylene styrene(sebs) were used and fabricated by melting mixing. The mechanical properties, morphology, and dielectric breakdown were measured by Universal Test Machine(UTM) and Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) respectively. In mechanical properties, the tensile strength was decreased but elongation was increased according to the samples had higher rubber contents. Morphology and dielectric breakdown strength showed difference according to the cooling rate. This study researched the relationship between dielectric breakdown strength and cooling rate. 2PS-187 남형찬 Eco-friendly PLA Microbeads for Cosmetics via Melt-electrospraying 남형찬, 박원호 충남대학교마이크로비드 (microbeads) 는 1 mm 이하의크기를가지는플라스틱입자로서주로화장품에서각질제거제로많이사용되고있다. 그러나기존의마이크로비드는분해되지않고바닷속의여러유기오염물질을쉽게흡착하기때문에해양오염및생태계의파괴를야기한다. 또한제조과정에서독성용매가사용되기때문에친환경적인기술을이용한생분해성마이크로비드의개발이필요하다. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) 는 100% 생분해가가능한지방족폴리에스터로용융가공성이우수하여약물전달체나식품용, 화장품용소재등다양한분야에사용되고있다. 전기분사기술은용액또는용융상태에서구형입자를쉽게제조할수있는기술이다. 따라서, 본연구에서는분자량이조절된 PLA 를친환경용융전기분사공정을통하여생분해성 PLA 마이크로비드를제조하였고여러가지특성분석을통해기존의각질제거용비분해성마이크로비드의대체가능성을확인하고자하였다. 2PS-188 노종현 An empirical study of the role of interfacial tension in liquid/liquid interface during spontaneous spreading phenomenon of the polymer solution 노종현, 이정용 한국과학기술원 Many researches have been underway on the spreading behavior of the liquid / liquid interface driven by the difference in surface tension. From this spreading behavior, we developed a novel technique of thin polymer film formation by using the difference of surface tensions at an air-liquid interface: a spontaneous spreading (SS) process. In this study, we measured the surface tension and interfacial tension of the polystyrene solutions with different molecular weights and density to investigate the factors governing the spreading behavior. We discover the interfacial tension of the polymer solutions mainly determine whether it can make a stable membrane on water surface as the change in the interfacial tension is greater than the change in the surface tension. Thus, we improved the spreading behavior and film stability by selecting an additive, which can selectively control the interfacial tension. These results are expected to diversify the types of polymers used in the SS process. 2PS-189 데이비드 Reshaping of Triangular Silver Nanoplates for Temperature Indicator 데이비드, 김문호 부경대학교 The triangular silver nanoplates displayed strong LSPR features over a broad range of light from the visible to the near-infrared region (NIR). The intrinsic instability of this nanoplates gives some advantage for colourimetric detection by controlling the shape from triangular into spheroids by adding some halide etchants or acids. In the current work, we introduced specific monomer as an etchant of triangular silver nanoplates. When aged with this monomer, these nanoplates transformed into oblate nanospheroids and exhibit distinct colours at a different temperature. This correlation between shape evolution and the ageing temperature can be applied as colourimetric sensing of temperature indicators. 2PS-190 라하나 Control of surface defects for highly efficient Quasi-2D Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes using passivation layer 라하나, 김해숙, 김지선, 김성수 1, 김영철 1, 경희대학교 ; 1 경희대학교공과대학 Organic inorganic lead halide perovskites are promising candidates for high-performing Light Emitting Diodes due to the high color purity, low cost and simple solution process. However, surface defects in perovskite layers produced during the spin-coating process limit the performance of perovskite Light Emitting Diodes. In this study, we optimized the coating conditions of the Quasi-2D perovskite (PEA 2(FAPbBr 3) n-1pbbr 4) layer by controlling the coating speed and the anti-solvent drop time to reduce grain size and surface defects. In addition, trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) was introduced as a surface passivation layer of perovskite to cover defects and improve the surface morphology, which lead to high efficiency for PeLED. 2PS-191 류경문 Fabrication and Characterization of Thermoelectric Nanofibers Derived from Polyacrylonitrile and Transition Metal Oxide Precursors 류경문, 정영규 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 Thermoelectric materials have been widely investigated as a promising way to harvest electricity from waste heat. Especially, nanostructured materials are considered to be more effective than bulk materials in enhancing thermoelectric figure of merit through phonon scattering at grain boundaries and interfaces. In this study, a series of thermoelectric hybrid carbon nanofibers (CNFs) were fabricated by electrospinning and carbonization of polyacrylonitrile (PAN), followed by dip-coating of NaCo 2O 4 precursor at different dipping times and concentrations. The morphological features of the thermoelectric hybrid CNFs were characterized by using XRD, SEM, and Raman spectroscopy. The electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and power density of the thermoelectric hybrid CNFs were investigated by considering the microstructure and content of NaCo 2O 4. 2PS-192 류성곤 Chemical and physical properties of epoxy-solidifications 류성곤, 장미숙, 노경용, 강현식, 김성래 ( 주 ) 뉴클리어엔지니어링 Spent-ion exchange resins (IER), which are a type of wastes from nuclear power plants and chemically unstable and have the relatively high specific activity, have been stored in a high integrity container (HIC) and disposed. In this study, IER were solidified using epoxy. Chemical and physical properties of epoxy-solidifications were characterized using ICP, IR, DSC, and UTM. Analysis results confirm that epoxy-solidifications are chemically stable and have a high compressive strength. 2PS-193 리야수드힌네치카투 Phosphorylcholine surface modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles for sustained drug release 리야수드힌네치카투, 박성수, 하창식 부산대학교 Phosphorylcholine surface modified MCM41 mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) were prepared by post condensation method. Phosphorylcholine groups were generated by the ring-opening reaction of 2-chloro-2-oxo-1,3,2-dioxaphospholane (COP) subsequent to 3-bromopropyl triethoxy silane immobilization. Modified nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), SEM, TEM and N 2 adsorptiondesorption analyses. Phosphorylcholine modified MSNs were found to have well-ordered meso-structural integrity and morphology of MCM41 with some reduction in their pore size and pore volume. The drug molecules were loaded effectively onto phosphorylcholine modified silica nanoparticles. The drug-loaded MSN-PC showed the sustained release of alendronate molecules under physiological ph conditions (ph 7.4). 2PS-194 리피카라우트 Rational Design of Thermoresponsive (p-nipam)/mcm-41 and their Decoration with Bimetallic Ag-Pd Nanoparticles for Dehalogenation Reaction 리피카라우트, 박성수, 아난두모한, 하창식 부산대학교 A free radical polymerization route was adopted for the synthesis of functionalized MCM-41 with Nipam, to get a well-defined mesoporous silica functionalized thermoresponsive polymer. Further, Ag-Pd bimetallic nanoparticle was decorated over the surface of presynthesized MCM-41/p-Nipam catalyst. The structure and morphology of the samples were characterized by series of analytical techniques. Reductive dehalogenation of aryl halides were carried out using the above synthesized catalyst. The dehalogenated product were obtained with absolute conversion in a mixture of methanol and water at room temperature. The percent conversion of the dehalogenated product were analyzed using GC analysis. Among various synthesized catalysts, Ag-Pd/MCM-41/p-Nipam shows highest activity for dehalogenation. It is expected that our current work could open promising prospects for the utilization of the above material for various catalytic applications. 2PS-195 메레타 Chain-Like Au/TiO 2 Nanoparticle Assemblies for Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue 메레타, 유성일 부경대학교 Combination of metal-metal oxide core-shell nanoparticles (NPs) have important role in photocatalysis because they can integrate plasmonic function of metal NPs and the photocatalytic function of metal oxide. In this regard, we synthesize chain-like NP assembly to investigate the effects of their morphologies on the plasmon-assisted catalytic activities. The chain-like Au NPs were synthesized by adding the amount of salt, in such a way that the number and the size of Au NPs inside the shell could be adjusted. Then, the Au@TiO 2 core-shell NPs were synthesized by controlled hydrolysis of TiO 2 precursor around the surface of Au NPs. The prepared Au@TiO 2 NPs chain-like assemblies lead to interesting materials properties in photocatalytic reaction. By illuminating the synthesized Au@TiO 2 NPs with different-colored light, we investigated the synergistic effect of Au and TiO 2 on the degradation kinetics of methylene blue. 2PS-196 문숙영 Super aligned carbon nanotube composite materials with polyurethane based crosslinking molecules 문숙영, 정승필 1, 류성우 2, 김우식 3 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 한국과학기술연구원 / 수원대학교 ; 2 수원대학교 ; 3 한국세라믹기술원 The interfacial bonding strongly influences the mechanical properties of composite materials. In this study, a polyurethane-based adhesive material was used as the crosslinking material between CNTs and an epoxy matrix and also functioned as a jointer between the CNTs. Regions where two tips of CNTs were joined by PU molecules were observed by TEM. The PU functioned as both an interfacial bonding enhancer and a jointer of CNTs. Most of the CNTs were observed to be broken rather than just pulled out of the matrix in the fracture surface. Therefore, the tensile strength of the composite prepared with PU molecules was enhanced approximately twofold to 316MPa, which was substantially greater than that of the composite reinforced with only CNTs. This work demonstrates an effective method to enhance the mechanical properties of composites by adding linkage molecules. 114 제 44 권 1 호

118 2PS-197 문준수 Catechol-Containing Additive with High Adhesion for Silicon Adhesives 문준수, 방준하, 허윤, 박지훈고려대학교 Inspired by the ability of shellfish to attach to rocks in water, the use of catecholic moieties is a widely used strategy for adhesives. The most significant feature of catechol is the two hydroxy groups that enables adhesion even under wet or moist conditions. Dopamine is a common compound used to introduce catechol in such applications, however the instability of dopamine restricts reliable usage. Eugenol is another sought after compound, however the problem of demethylation is a hinderance. In this study, we design catechol-based adhesion additives through the protection and deprotection of the catechol moiety, that utilizes the two hydroxy groups for adhesion. Three approaches were made using catechols: using deprotected catechols as primers that can attach to surfaces, catechols attached with silane groups via thiol-ene click, and catechol groups functionalized on silica nanoparticles. Improvement of adhesion were tested by measuring the mechanical properties. 2PS-198 민규덕 Study on lithium ion conductivity in films of MXene (Ti 3C 2T x) hollow shells fabricated via PMMA spheres 민규덕, 유필진 성균관대학교 Recently, numerous research has been reported that electrode composed of MXene shows superior electrical performances. Since MXene presents high electrical conductivity, high structural stability, and moderate capacity, it is one of the promise materials for energy storage devices such as Li-ion battery and Na-ion battery. However, as-deposited MXene film does not show the high performance because MXene is a stacked 2-D material. It has been reported in the literature that high energy density of the film is observed when using 3-D hollow structure. Inspiring from research, in this study, we have investigated the specific capacity and lithium-ion conductivity in various films made of 3-D MXene hollow shells. To adjust sizes of the hollow shell, we have used various sizes of PMMA particles and coated the particles surfaces by MXene film, and followed by sintering to fabricate the hollow shell. 2PS-199 박기태 High thermally conductive epoxy composite inks for 3D printing technology 박기태, 김병국, 이명훈 전북대학교최근전자기기의고직접화로인하여발생한열에의해서전자부품의수명저하및신뢰성하락을불러일으킨다. 따라서방열소재의연구가필요하다. 또한기존의방열소재의경화시열경화방식을이용하기때문에해상도의저하및기판손상을불러일으킨다. 따라서본연구에서는방열소재에 3D 프린팅방식을적용하였다. 열전도도를증가시키기위해서 DGEBA 에폭시를바탕으로평균크기가 5.8 μm인판상형의 h-bn, DPIH(Diphenyliodonium hexafluorophosphate) 첨가하여방열성잉크를만들었다. 일반적인에폭시의열전도도는 W/mK 로매우낮지만, BN 을첨가제로사용할경우농도에따라열전도도가최대 2.2 W/mK 까지증가함을확인하였다. 열전도측정은 Hot-disk method 방법으로 in-plane 방향의열전도도를측정하였다. 그리고에폭시수지내의 BN 분산성을향상시키기위해 silane coupling agent 로표면처리를하고 IR 분석을통해개질된 BN 을확인하였다. 표면처리된 BN 과에폭시의분산성향상은 SEM 촬영을통해확인하였고, 공압식디스펜서를사용하여광경화방열복합체잉크를 ABS 기판에인쇄하였다. 2PS-200 박민규 Enhanced singlet oxygen generation ability via ancillary ligand tuning of Iridium complexes 박민규, 권태혁 울산과학기술원 Photosensitizers and their singlet oxygen generation abilities have widely been studied for various applications such as phtotodynamic therapy (PDT) and photosynthesis. However, an in depth design strategy of an efficient organometallic photosensitizer is yet to be clear. Herein, iridium photosensitizers containing 2-phenylquinoline as a main ligand but different ancillary ligands have been analyzed in terms of their photophysical properties, singlet oxygen generation and in vitro cancer cell suppression abilities. Interestingly, Ir-bphen showed a remarkable singlet oxygen generation ability in spite of its relatively low PL intensity and quantum yield. Its supreme reactive oxygen generation capability was shown in following cell tests. The results somewhat contradict our general knowledge that a higher quantum yield leads to a better PDT effect and thus highlight the importance of further complicated studies on energy transfer pathway to oxygen. 2PS-201 박병수 A Comparative Study on Various Properties of Recycled Polypropylene Composites Reinforced with either Bamboo or Kenarf Fiber 하창훈, 박병수, 조동환 금오공과대학교유리섬유강화플라스틱은가격이저렴하고, 우수한기계적특성을지니고있어지난 70 여년동안여러분야에서다양한부품형태로널리사용되어져왔으나다른보강섬유에비해상대적으로밀도가높고친환경적이지않으며, 재활용시기계의마모를야기하는문제가있다. 이러한문제를개선하기위하여상대적으로밀도가낮고가격도저렴하며, 기계의마모를야기하지않은생분해성이우수한대나무섬유, 양마, 황마와같은식물성천연섬유와저가의재활용폴리프로필렌 (r-pp) 으로구성된복합재료는유리섬유강화복합재료에비견한비강도, 비탄성률같은기계적특성을지니기때문에환경친화적소재로서많은관심을받고있다. 따라서본연구에서는평균길이가약 0.5~2 mm 인대나무섬유또는평균길이가약 2~4 mm 인양마섬유와 r-pp 로구성된복합재료를천연섬유의함량을 0~40 wt% 까지변화시켜가며압출및사출공정을통해제조하였다. 이들두종류복합재료의굴곡, 충격, 동역학적특성, 수분흡습성을비교하였다. 대나무 /r-pp 와양마 /r-pp 복합재료의여러가지특성을천연섬유가포함되지않은 r-pp 의특성과비교분석하였다. 2PS-202 박성빈 Enhancement of light extraction efficiency in organic light-emitting diodes using nanoparticle-embedded hole transport layers 박성빈, 김용현 부경대학교 Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have attracted considerable attention as a next-generation lighting. Their enhanced organic materials and device structures have led to highly enhanced efficiency and lifetime. However, the biggest challenge of conventional OLEDs is the limited light outcoupling efficiency about 20% while the internal quantum efficiency of OLEDs approaches almost 100%. The low light outcoupling efficiency is attributed to the trapped light in each layers due to total internal reflection resulting from different refractive index of each layer. In this work, we report enhanced light outcoupling efficiency in solution-processed organic light emitting diodes by using a nanoparticle-embedded hole transport layer (HTL), which results in corrugated surface of HTLs. We expect that the solution-processable nanoparticle-embedded hole transport layer can be a simple, cost-effective approach to realize high performance OLEDs. 2PS-203 박성수 Functionalized Hollow Mesoporous Silica for Anticancer Drug Delivery 박성수, 공정원, 하창식 부산대학교고분자공학과 We synthesized alkylammonium-functionalized hollow mesoporous silica particles with sphere morphology by uising a surfactant mixture composed of zwiterionic (N-dodecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propane sulfonate, DDAPS) and anionic SDS surfactants as structure-directing agents, TEOS and alkylammonium alkoxysilane (TMAPS) as silica sources. The hollow particles have the particle size of ca. 450 nm with the shell thickness of ca. 60 nm. Surface area, pore volume and pore diameter of the alkylammonium-functionalized hollow mesoporous silica particles were 405 m 2 /g, 0.8 cm 3 /g and 45.9 Å, respectively. We studied on the controlled releasing of anticancer drug (fludarabine) using the alkylammonium-functionalized hollow mesoporous silica particles as supporter of drug molecules. The drug molecules-incorporated hollow mesoporous silicas showed the cancer cell viability of 2.5% while the cell viability was 1.3% after treatment for 96 h with the drug molecules (fludarabine). 2PS-204 박재우가교촉진제와카본블랙의함량이 NR 고무의가교밀도및가교구조에미치는영향분석박재우, 김도영, 이동원 1, 강동국 2, 서관호 경북대학교 ; 1 PCK; 2 평화오일씰고무의가교밀도는크게물리적가교밀도와화학적가교밀도로구분할수있고분자간의가교구조는 polysulfide, disulfide, monosulfide 결합으로나눌수있다. 본연구에서는 NR 고무제조시가교촉진제및카본블랙의함량이가교밀도와가교구조에미치는영향을알아보기위해각각의함량을다양하게변화시켜컴파운드를제조하였다. Flory-Rehner equation 및 Kraus equation 을이용하여물리적가교결합과화학적가교결합의비를계산하였고각각의가교결합을 1-dodecanethiol, piperidine 등을이용해선택적으로분해하여가교구조를분석하였다. 또한 NR 컴파운드의인장강도, 경도등기계적물성을측정하여가교밀도및가교구조와물성간의상관관계를알아보았다. 2PS-205 박정원 Analysis of flow in two-layer Slot Coating of Battery Slurry by Microchannel Experiment 박정원, 남재욱 서울대학교 A battery slurry coated on a metal foil consists of active material, conductive additive, and binder. These particles form a microstructure of an electrode. Studies have shown that battery performance improves when creating electrodes with two different microstructures suitable for a separation film and a current collector for greater capacity and movement of lithium ions. Industrial efficiency can be taken by using two-layer slot coating which allows two coating processes to be performed at once. It is important to understand the phenomena between two fluids with different microstructures. In this study, a microchannel produced by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is used to imitate the flow of two-layer slot coating. Battery slurry is yield-stress and shear-thinning fluid, so Carbopol which has similar properties to slurry is chosen as model fluid. Carbopol is transparent so that flow inside the channel can be visualized and flow patterns in the two-layer slot coating can be predicted. 2PS-206 박준영 Fucntionalized graphene oxide filled Polya,ide-6 nanocomposites with enhanced mecahmical properties 박준영, 윤근병 1,, 손나래 1, 류현민 1 경북대학교응용화학공학부 ; 1 경북대학교고분자공학과 Despite the great potential of graphene as a nanofiller, to achieve homogeneous dispersion remains a key challenge for effectively reinforcing polymer. Here, we report a facile method of fabricating the polymer nanocomposites with well-dispersed graphene oxide sheets in polymer matrix. The graphene oxide sheets reacted with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to form the functionalized graphene sheets (GO-PEG), to improve their compatibility with polyamide 6(PA6). The PA6 incorporated with GO-PEG was mixed in solution then compression molded. The dependence of crystallization behavior, thermal stability and mechanical properties of the nanocomposites on the type and loading of the functionalized graphene oxide was investigated. The GO-PEG was well dispersed as exfoliated and intercalated nanostructure and had strong interfacial adhesion with PA6, which made the nanocomposites have significant enhancement of thermal stability and mechanical properties at low GO-PEG loadings. 제 44 권 1 호 115

119 2PS-207 박지혜 Improvement of cycle performance of organic cathode for Li-ion battery using CNT 박지혜, 박선화, 신호선 한국표준과학연구원현재친환경에너지저장기술로서활발히연구가이루어지고있는리튬이온배터리는코발트, 니켈등무기활물질에의존을하고있다. 무기활물질은리튬이온배터리에대한수요가증가하면서공급가격이급격하게증가하고있으며, 충 방전반응에서발생하는열로인하여배터리가폭발하는등안전문제에노출되어있다. 이러한무기활물질의단점을보완하는유기활물질이새롭게주목받고있다. 유기활물질은밀도가낮아배터리셀의에너지밀도를높일수있는장점이있다. 하지만활물질이전해질에용출되어사이클특성이떨어지는단점이있다. 본연구에서유기활물질의낮은사이클특성을극복하기위하여 5,10-Dihydro, 5,10-dimethyl phenazine (DMPZ) 를활물질로하는전극에대하여 CNT 를혼합하여음극으로사용하였다. CNT- 유기물혼합전극을이용하여음극의사이클특성과쿨롱효율이향상할수있다. 본연구는간편한물리적혼합과정으로전극을제작함으로서 DMPZ 뿐만아니라다양한유기활물질을이용한연구에적용될것으로기대된다. 2PS-208 박철순 N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands Conjugated with Nanohybrids for Biosensors 박철순, 노선명, 권오석 한국생명공학연구원 N-Heterocyclic carbenes (NHC) as a novel class of ligands have appeared particularly relevant for the stabilization and functionalization of the surface of materials. Through the physiochemical stability of the NHCs, we synthesized novel NHC derivatives connecting the functional groups as an amine, acid, and azide at the end of the molecule, which were able to stably link with bio-receptors as well as improve sensor performance and reproducibility. The synthesized NHCs were powerfully bonded with various nanomaterials, such as gold nanoparticle and graphene. The NHCs-nanohybrids were then purified and characterized using XPS, IR, TEM, and spectroscopic techniques. The nanohybrids are stable in diverse aqueous solutions in the wide range of ph and in mm electrolyte solutions, at high and low temperature. These stable nanohybrids were conjugated with bio-receptor to detect the infectious disease. 2PS-209 박혜지 Covalently attached graphene-tio 2 hybrid nanomaterials for high efficient photocatalyst 박혜지, 박다원, 박재형 동의대학교 This research reports the example of graphene and TiO 2 hybrid nanomaterials synthesized by covalently conjugating TiO 2 nanoparticles on graphene. In this hybrid system, graphene acts as an electron acceptor to ensure fast charge transfer to the current collector. The hybrid nanomaterials demonstrated enhanced photocatalytic activity under both visible and UV light. This enhancement in photocatalytic activity can be attributed to the high specific surface area of the graphene and the excellent dispersion of TiO 2 nanoparticles on graphene surface, which provide more accessible surfaces to reagents and better light harvesting, as well as the strong interactions between the TiO 2 nanoparticles and graphene resulting from the covalent attachment.this work was supported by Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) through the Encouragement Program for The Industries of Economic Cooperation Region (P ). 2PS-210 반유정 Preparation of Shape Memory Polymers Based on Covalent Adaptable Networks 반유정, 권용구 인하대학교 Novel chemically cross-linked thermoset polymers containing covalent adaptable networks were prepared. They were reshaped and reprocessed while maintaining the network integrity. By controlling adaptable networks, they also maintained shape memory capability. This reversible property was triggered by exchange reaction through a lot of cross-link points in polymer network. To enhance the strength of mechanical properties, bifunctional epoxy monomer was used with suitable trifunctional epoxy monomer as crosslinker into the polymer matrix. Appropriate stoichiometry of crosslinkers was carefully probed. The glass transition temperature of the shape memory polymers was changed with the relative concentration of trifunctional or bifunctional monomer. The mechanical properties and thermal stability were analyzed by dynamic mechanical analysis, thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. 2PS-211 사르와난 Effective functionalization mesoporous materials for transparent coating and organic dye adsorption 사르와난, 박성수, 전유빈, 하창식 부산대학교 Mesoporous silica nanoparticles was synthesised by the polymerisation of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) monomer with the vinyl functional mesoporous silica nanoparticles (VMSN). The synthesised nanoparticles was dispersed in ethyl acetate (EA) and spin-coating on a glass substrate to develop a transparent hydrophobic glass substrate. Furthermore, we studied the organic dye adsorption behaviour of the synthesised mesoporous silica nanopartices (MSN), VMSN, and NIPAM-polymerised MSN (PN-MSN). We found that the PN-MSN showed excellent adsorption to rhodamine B dye. The structural and functional properties of the materials were analysed using various characterisation techniques. The overall results suggest excellent properties of the synthesised functional mesoporous materials. 2PS-212 서지원 Uniformly aligned composite crystals with drugs via controlled solvent evaporation 서지원, 이종휘 중앙대학교 Evaporative crystallization is one of common processes in the electronical, optical and pharmaceutical industry. Producing uniform crystals in randomly fluctuating solvents is remaining the critical issue. Herein, limited air flow and thermal gradient are used to crystallize the drug through the uniform evaporation rate. We selected acetaminophen and ethyl cellulose (EC), poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) and polyethyleneimine (PEI) for materials of compound. It is important to engineer parameters -limited air flow, thermal gradient, presence of polymer- for preparing uniformly aligned crystals. The crystals of acetaminophen have morphologies of overlapped triangles. Depending on the type and content of the polymers, the morphologies changed into rod or thick band shapes. Therefore, composite crystals of drug and polymer could be designed to adapt a specific arrangement by controlling the evaporation rate. Also, it was possible to develop the functional crystallized materials. 2PS-213 서지한 Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Carbon Fiber/ABS Composites Produced Using Extruded and I-type LFT Carbon Fiber/ABS Pellets 서지한, 이희숙, 조동환 금오공과대학교금속에비해경량성과높은비강도와비탄성률을지닌탄소섬유강화플라스틱 (CFRP) 은항공우주, 국방소재는물론자동차부품소재, 선박, 스포츠레저용소재분야에서응용이점차확대되고있다. CFRP 에는전통적으로열경화성고분자수지가널리사용되어왔으나, 자동차부품소재에적용가능성이늘어나면서생산성, 재활용성측면에서열가소성 CFRP 에대한관심이높아지고있다. 아울러 long fiber thermoplastic(lft) 기술을통해제조된 LFT 펠렛사용에의한섬유종횡비증가와 CFRP 의물성향상을꾀하고있다. 기존의 LFT 기술에서는연속섬유와용융수지가수직으로교차되는 T-type 의 die 가주로사용되고있으나, 섬유와수지가같은방향에서교차되는 I-type die 의필요성이대두되고있다. 따라서본연구에서는 12 mm chop 형태의탄소섬유와 ABS pellet 을이용하여압출공정을통해제조된 extruded pellet 과 I-type LFT 공정으로제조된 12 mm 길이의 LFT pellet 각각을사출공정을통해섬유함량이 30 wt% 인탄소섬유 /ABS 복합재료를성형하고그들의인장, 굴곡, 충격, 동역학적특성, 열변형온도, 파단거동을비교분석하였다. 2PS-214 서흔영 Epoxy/ZIF-8 Nanocomposites for Enhanced Supression of Copper Ion Migration 서흔영, 염용식, 조계룡 1, 윤호규 고려대학교 ; 1 Texas A&M University Various failure modes derived from the electrochemical migration (ECM) through the dielectric polymer layers have been considered critical issues in the electronic devices. Herein, we for the first time suggested the rationally designed epoxy/zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) nanocomposite materials for efficient suppression of copper ion migration based on the plausible reaction mechanisms of metal metathesis addressed by sequential cleaving and ligating between metal ions (Zn 2+ and Cu 2+ ) and 2-methylimidazole (2-mim) ligands. The fabrication process for epoxy/zif-8 (EZ) nanocomposites was first examined to optimize the crosslinking system. The capability of the metal ion capture in the EZ nanocomposites was examined using the aqueous solution containing Cu 2+ ions. In addition, the ECM suppression properties were evaluated using the thermal humidity bias (THB) model testing. 고분자구조및물성 (II) 2PS-215 박지훈 Conformational behavior of dendronized polymers: A Molecular Dynamics simulation approach 박지훈, 방준하, 허준 고려대학교 Dendronized polymer is a type of molecular brush that has dendritic side chains as its repeat units. We present numerical results for the induced persistence length (lp) and cross-sectional thickness (D) of dendronized polymers under good solvent conditions by using Molecular Dynamics simulation (MD). These properties are investigated as a function of the DP of side chain (N), the number of monomer units in the longest elastic path in a side chain (P) and separation between neighboring grafting points along the backbone (h). The investigated properties were compared to mean-field theory that predicts that dendronized polymers are similar to semi-rigid polymers. Under good-solvent conditions, the results indicated that induced persistence length is not affected by architecture of sidechain but by DP of side chain and grafting density. However, architecture of sidechain is an important factor affecting the cross-sectional thickness. 2PS-216 박현정 Efficient Molecular Design for Highly Conductive and Flexible Semiconductors: Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Regioblock Copolymers 박현정, 마부수, 김진성, 김영권, 김택수, 김범준 KAIST The coexistence of flexibility and electrical performance is important for wearable electronic devices. Herein, we demonstrate poly(3-hexylthiophene) regioblock copolymers (block-p3hts) that show both great electrical and mechanical performance. A series of block-p3hts were synthesized by the combination of crystalline regioregular block (rre-block) with similar molecular weight (M n) and flexible regiorandom block 116 제 44 권 1 호

120 (rra-block) with varied M n, using grignard metathesis. They produced high mobility in all average regioregularity (RRavg), based on high crystallinity and edge-on stacking induced by the rre-block. Meanwhile, rra-block facilitate the crystallization of entire chains resulted in the highest mobility at 87% RRavg rather than 97% RRavg. Furthermore, the film of block-p3hts were stretched over 30% strain, while that of pure P3HT is decomposed at 0.3% strain. block-p3hts is great molecular system in that they enable effective charge transportation under large stretching. 2PS-217 박혜린 Thermal Stability and Structure of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles Blends 박혜린, 김들, 전민기, 신문렬, 최지훈 충남대학교 The polymer blend thin films easily form dewetting holes to reduce surface energy at high temperatures. However, polymer grafted nanoparticles (PGNPs) are more thermally stable than linear polymers because of entanglement between polymer chains and low mobility of nanoparticles. In this study, we report that thermal stability and structures of PGNPs thin films with various molecular weights and grafting densities investigated by heat treatment at 180. The phase separation of these blend films for thermal annealing was observed using a neutron reflectometer. PGNPs blends (dps-sio 2/ hpmma-sio 2 NPs) showed a uniform distribution, but linear polymer blends (dps/hpmma) showed considerable phase separation. Particularly, when low molecular weight polystyrene (M w=3,000g/mol) was blended, phase separation did not occur. The role of polymer brushes on the phase separation of polymer blends offers more opportunities for various polymer-based applications. 2PS-218 배수빈 Electrospinnability of Glycidyl Methacrylate (GMA) Modified Silk Fibroin 배수빈, 박원호, 김민희충남대학교실크피브로인 (SF) 는천연섬유상단백질로생체적합성및생분해성이우수하고높은강도로인해생체재료나복합재료의천연보강재로사용되고있다. 그러나용융가공이불가능하고용해가능한용매가극히제한적이기때문에가공이어렵다. 이로인해 SF 의재생과정을통해가공성을향상시키는연구가진행되고있지만재생과정을거친경우기존의 SF 보다기계적강도가현저히낮아지는단점이있다. 이를보완하기위해물리 / 화학적인방법을통한추가가교를도입하는연구가진행중이며, 간단한방법으로 GMA 등의반응성기를도입하여화학적가교를유도하는방법이있다. GMA 가도입된 SF 는추가적인화학적가교를도입할수있을뿐만아니라증류수에용해가가능한장점이있어 SF 의가공성을향상시킬수있다. 본연구에서는, 친환경적방법으로 GMA 가도입된 SF 를증류수에용해시켜다양한조건에서의 GMA-SF 의전기방사성을확인하였다. 2PS-219 송기철여러가지 Polystyrene 공중합체에의한아스팔텐분산성향상김준섭, 송기철조선대학교본연구에서는 decylamine 으로중화한술폰화폴리스타이렌 (Mw = 10K, 산작용기농도 = 10 mol%), Na 로중화한스타이렌메타크릴레이트 (Mw = 5K, 산작용기농도 = 16 mol%) 그리고스타이렌무수말레산 (Mw = 3K, 산작용기농도 = 3 mol%) 공중합체의농도가중유속아스팔텐의분산성에어느정도영항을미치는지알아보았다. 술포네이트아이오노머의경우에는아이오노머를중유대비 0.01% 에서 1% 로농도를바꾸더라도중유속아스팔텐의분산성에는영향을미치지않음을알수있었다. 그런데메타크릴레이트아이오노머의경우에는 0.05% 일때최고의분산성을보여줌을알수있었다. 한편무수말레산공중합체의경우에는 1% 일때아스팔텐분산성의향상이관찰되었다. 2PS-220 쉬멍 Controlling Hierarchical Layered Structure of Au Nanoparticle within Block Copolymer Particles 쉬멍, 윤홍석, Kin Liao 1, 김범준 한국과학기술원 ; 1 Khalifa University Precisely controlling the spatial alignment of functional nanoparticles within nanostructured polymer particles is of great importance since it can open up a vast range of multifunctional hybrid materials. Here we show the formation of hierarchically stacked polystyrene coated gold nanoparticle (Au@PS) layers within the polystyreneblock-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P 4VP) block copolymer (BCP) particles. The Au@PS preferentially incorporated into the inner PS domains, forming Au monolayers from inside out. The volume fraction of Au NPs (фau) and the diameter of the block copolymer (DBCP) are two critical parameters to control the number of Au NP layers (N). Interestingly, the layered structures are only found when the molecular weight of the PS ligand is relatively large (6000 g/mol). It is suspected that the stretchable property of long ligands make Au NPs incorporated with the PS domains to release the large entropic penalty of the inner BCP chains. 2PS-221 심재민 Synthesis and properties of Cellulose/KC (K-carrageenan) Double Network hydrogels 심재민, 강지선, 민진홍, 최지원, 조연주, 윤석일 상명대학교 Double network (DN) hydrogels are soft but possess high strength and toughness through interpenetration of two different network. In this study, we prepared first network consisting of cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt (CMCNa) and 2-hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), using citric acid (CA) as a crosslinker. The second network of K-carrageenan (KC) was sequentially incorporated to the first network. The DN gel synthesized in this research is a bio-degradable and bio-compatible hydrogel. The influence on the mechanical properties of concentration of CA (%) and ratio of cellulose:kc was investigated by Universal Technical Machine and rheometer. 2PS-222 심중섭 Directed Self-Assembly of Symmetric Block Copolymers in Thin Films on Soft Grating Patterns 심중섭, 김경희, 박희정, 이동현 단국대학교 In this study, we present an intuitive and effective method to induce directed self-assembly (DSA) of symmetric block copolymers (BCPs) using soft grating patterns. By physically rubbing poly(tetrafluoro ethylene) (PTFE), the horizontally aligned PTFE grating patterns are produced on Si wafer due to its low friction coefficient and high wear rate. Then thin films of polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymers (PS-b-PMMA) form on the patterned substrates as spin-coated on nano-stripes and solvent-annealed in vapor of organic solvents to induce self-assembly of block copolymer. The parallel orientation of lamellar is generated after solvent-annealing process. Interestingly, it is observed that lamellar nanostructures are aligned along the grating patterns and their ordering behavior are improved by the grating patterns. These well-ordered BCP nanostructures were utilized as templates to synthesize inorganic nanowires for further applications. 2PS-223 안재우 Enhanced Out-Coupling Efficiency of Quantum Dot Light Emitting Devices Using Nanoporous Templates 안재우, 민수홍, 이동현 단국대학교 In this study, we demonstrate unique method to fabricate quantum dots light emitting devices(qd-leds) using nanoporous templates from directed self-assembly (DSA) of asymmetric block copolymers (BCPs) on large area. ZnO nanopillars was fabricated the just spin-coating process on the nanoporous templates and formed nano-pillar array of ZnO playing a role of ETL. The solution of QDs/solvent is spin-coated on ZnO layer to fabricate the QDs monolayer that becomes the EML. HTL, HIL, and Anode are sequentially deposited using vacuum evaporation. Finally, the QD-LEDs based on nanoporous templates are successfully fabricated and characterized. 2PS-224 안주환 Xanthan gum binder 를이용한 copper paste 의 screen printing 거동과유변학적성질간의상관관계안주환, 윤관한, 이영실 1 금오공과대학교 ; 1 금오공과대학교산학협력단최근실리콘태양전지의동일한영역에서전기에너지를생산할수있는능력과셀자체의효율은물론종횡비 (aspect ratio) 를높임으로써햇빛을받는면적을늘려셀효율성을높이기위한연구가진행되고있다. 본연구에서도전면전극의종횡비를증가시키기위하여 paste 를구성하는성분중기존에사용되고있는 ethyl cellulose 외에 xanthan gum binder 를사용하여 copper paste 를제조하였고 paste 의유변학적성질과 screen printing 거동간의상관관계및종횡비측정에대한실험을진행하였다. Xanthan gum 의경우 7 wt% 에서유변학적관점에서높은점도하강기울기와높은 G', G'' 을보여침강안정성이우수하다는것을알수있었다. 또한그함량에서 screen printing 이가장잘되면서높은종횡비를가진다는것을 3digital microscope 를통해확인하였다. Ethyl cellulose 의경우는 14 wt% 에서 printing 거동이가장잘형성되는것을확인하였지만종횡비는 12 wt% 에서가장높은값을나타내었다. 2PS-225 안형주 Synchrotron Small Angle X-ray Scattering and its applications for polymer science 안형주, 김혜지포항가속기연구소 The Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a small-angle scattering (SAS) technique where the elastic scattering of X-rays by a sample which has inhomogeneity in the nm-range. SAXS is capable of delivering structural information of polymers between 1 and 25 nm, of repeat distances in partially ordered systems of up to 250 nm. Moreover, it is capable of examining materials with short measuring time and various in-situ condition, enabling researchers to understand morphology in real time and under realistic sample environments. For these reasons, the SAXS technique have offered great opportunities to study the nanostructure and dynamic process in various materials science, such as polymer, biomolecules, liquid crystals, steels and lithium ion battery. Here, we will briefly introduce the TR-SAXS and GI-SAXS, which are common SAXS techniques available in PAL, and show practical examples of various scientific applications including various in-situ or in-operando measuring system. 2PS-226 알렘아라야메레사 Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (P3HT/TPFB) blends based organic field-effect transistor ammonia gas Sensor 알렘아라야메레사, 김선주 중앙대학교 Fabrication of toxic chemical detectors have drawn attention for their health and environmental monitoring applications. Polymer-based sensors, solely or with additives, are the promising platforms as a sensing element. In this work, ammonia (NH 3) gas sensors based on organic field-effect transistor (OFET) using poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) blended with tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (TPFB) as an active layer were fabricated. Adding 20-40% TPFB exhibited the best performance to various concentrations of NH 3. TPFB acted as a good NH 3 receptor due to the strong Lewis acid-base interaction between boron and nitrogen atoms. Addition of TPFB showed an increase in the percentage current (%Id) response and mobility compared to the pristine P3HT OFETs. The%Id responses were 40.9% and 20.3% under 100 ppm and 10 ppm NH 3 exposure, respectively. Furthermore, these OFETs also showed considerable selectivity with respect to dichloromethane, acetone, and methanol. 제 44 권 1 호 117

121 2PS-227 엄상원 Electrical properties improvement of organic semiconducting polymers by adjusting shearing force within eutectic system 엄상원, 최진우, 권예진, 강영종 한양대학교 Donor-acceptor type polymers in which electron rich(donor), electron deficient(acceptor) are repeatedly connected to a polymer backbone, have attracted attention in many research fields due to their high electrical characteristic, however donor-acceptor type polymers have difficulties in application because of low solubility in organic solvents and low crystallinity, so based on eutectic system, we have enhanced electron mobility by increasing crystallinity through making nanowire with vertically confined mold and applying shear force to film, further have optimized epitaxial growth condition by controlling the phase separation rate within the microchannel, consequentially this system, which can be easily processed at low temperatures(around 60 ) and increase the crystallinity, opens up the possibility of device application for donor-acceptor type polymers. 2PS-228 왕혁식 Studies of Photo-curable Adhesive Behavior of Acrylate Oligomer and Monomer Mixtures 왕혁식, 이승혁, 부석형, 송기국 경희대학교 In the two-component system of monomer and oligomer, the peak of the acrylate characteristic of each component was observed by FTIR spectroscopy and the relative reactivity ratios were obtained using Jaacks plot and Fineman-Ross method. The composition and the sequence distribution of different repeat units in the copolymer could be predicted using reactivity ratios, the mole fraction of monomers in the feed, and the mole fraction of monomers in the copolymer. The photo-curing behavior of mixtures of urethane acrylate oligomer with acrylate monomers was investigated using time-resolved FTIR spectroscopy and photo-dsc. The results of curing kinetics were compared with the copolymer composition. It was found that the chemical structure and methacrylate group of the acrylate monomer affected the reactivity ratio and the curing kinetics. Based on such information on chain structure of copolymers, it is possible to explain different mechanical properties of photo-cured acrylate mixtures. 2PS-229 유성수 Measurement of degree of crystallization of poly(vinyl alcohol) thin film via surface wrinkling-based estimation methods 유성수, 유필진 성균관대학교 PVA has been used as surgical devices, membranes, cell adhesives, and packaging materials, because of its outstanding properties of water solubility, biocompatibility. For these various applications, the physical properties of PVA thin film have also been studied. In particular, the studies of crystallization have been investigated, because mechanical property of PVA is strongly affected by degree of crystallization. However, the crystallinity of polymeric thin film is challenge to be measured by conventional methods. To address this point, we developed the estimation system of degree of crystallization of PVA thin film by using surface wrinkling-based metrology. The surface property of wrinkled surface depends on the physical properties of each constituting layers. Therefore, the physical property of thin layer can be obtained by calculating of relationship equation. Then, the degree of crystallization is calculated by equation of physical property such as modulus and crystallinity. 2PS-230 유정주 Small angle scattering study on static and dynamic behaviors of catechol modified hyaluronic acid hydrogels 유정주, 손대원 1, 한국원자력연구원 ; 1 한양대학교 This study explores the internal structure of catechol modified hyaluronic acid hydrogels, which exhibit phase controllable characteristics, by using small angle scattering measurements. We performed two types of scattering measurements upon spatial and time correlations in order to know how to distinguish the micro-phases that provide specific scattering peaks or typical polymer fluctuations. The hyaluronic acid gels were subjected to small angle X-ray scattering, neutron scattering and X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. The results reveal the hydrogel structure that is described with static and dynamic behaviors of networks. We discuss the scattering features with the contributions of thermal polymer concentration fluctuations and long-range inhomogeneites in gel networks. The study suggests that the complementary uses of static and dynamic scattering can enhance the understanding of polymer gel systems. 2PS-231 이민수냉동용 stretch film 제조를위한 LLDPE 의 comonomer 조성비와분자량에따른 T g 거동분석및물성연구이민수, 허양일, 김정철 1 전남대학교 ; 1 한국생산기술연구원선형저밀도폴리에틸렌 (LLDPE) 은상온에서우수한인장강도와연신율등의장점을갖기때문에주로 stretch film 의재료로쓰인다. 하지만냉동조건에서는 LLDPE 의연신율이감소하고점착성이떨어지는등 stretch film 의요구물성을만족하지못하는문제가발생한다. 따라서본연구에서는문제해결을위해 LLDPE 내 Comonomer(butene, hexene, octene) 조성비와분자량의변화에따른각조건별 LLDPE 의 T g 거동을비교 분석하였다. LLDPE 의 T g 를측정하기위해 DSC 와 DMA 를사용하였다. T g 분석을토대로실제 LLDPE 를원료로사용하는 stretch film 에응용하기위해 multi-layer 구조의 film 을제조하고, UTM 을이용하여상온과저온 (-20 ) 조건에서인장강도를측정하였다. 연구결과고분자 side chain 의길이가증가할수록, 고분자의분자량이낮아질수록 T g 가감소하는것을관찰하였다. 2PS-232 이병완 Acoustic Properties of Polymers in High Pressure Studied by Brillouin Spectroscopy 이병완, 고재현 1, 정용채 2, 성균관대학교 ; 1 한림대학교 ; 2 한국과학기술연구원 Polymers are many kinds and used in various fields depending on their type. therefore, it is important to study the state of the polymer in temperature and high pressure conditions, so that it can be used in various fields. In this study, Polycarbonate (PC), Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) and Polystyrene, which are widely used polymers, were investigated by Brillouin spectroscopy at high pressure condition. Especially, it has been proved that PMMA has the same behavior when pressure is applied to only PMMA and in liquid and the Poisson ratio of molecular weight was calculated by measuring the acoustic phonon of polystyrene with different molecular weight. 2PS-233 이성한 Additive-Induced Elongation of Shape Anisotropic Block Copolymer Particles 이성한, 신재만, 김범준 KAIST Shape-anisotropic block copolymer (BCP) particles have received great attention due to their spontaneous deformation induced by controlled phase separation in confined emulsion droplet. Here, we suggest a facile strategy to control the aspect ratio (AR) of polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P2VP) prolate particles by incorporating bromoalkyl-based small molecule additives (BAS). The AR increased dramatically from 2.4 to 4.0 upon addition of BAS depending on the volume fraction of BAS. Furthermore, their morphological features were strongly influenced by the molecular structure of BAS (i.e., the number of Br and alkyl chain length of BAS). To understand the mechanism of elongation, domain spacing and morphological evolution kinetics were investigated. Domain spacing of lamellar increased from 63nm to 107nm by addition of BAS, and both PS and P2VP domains swelled symmetrically. Also, morphological evolution and partition behavior of domain was changed by presence of BAS. 2PS-234 이승혁편광적외선분광법을이용한무배향막자기조립성액정혼합물의배향연구이승혁, 왕혁식, 조민기, 송기국 경희대학교비반응성액정 (5CB) 에광반응성액정 (LC242) 을 1 wt% 혼합한후배향막이없는상태에서선편광자외선을노광하여액정배향을유도하였다. 자기조립성액정혼합물과 PI rubbing 그리고 PVCN 광배향의배향특성을비교하기위해, 5CB 의 2227 cm -1 특성피크를이용한편광적외선분광실험으로비교분석하였다. PI 와 PVCN 을이용한경우전체적인액정의배향력은강했지만배향막과의거리에따라배향이불균일하였다. 반면 5CB/LC242 액정혼합물을무배향상태에서선편광자외선에노광시키면광학적이방성을가지는 polymer network 가액정셀내부에고르게형성되기때문에액정과배향막의거리에관계없이균일하게배향되었다. 편광현미경을사용하여액정셀의광학적이방성을확인하였고, IR source 의 penetration depth 를조절하여배향막과의거리에따른배향특성을비교하였다. 2PS-235 이영준 Shape Controlled, Monodisperse Block Copolymer Particles through Particle Restructuring by Solvent Engineering 이영준, 신재만, 구강희, 이준혁, Kin Liao 1, 김범준 KAIST; 1 Khalifa University Non-spherical colloidal particles of block copolymer (BCP) are important class of materials. Here, we introduce a re-shaping strategy using solvent vapor annealing (SVA) to transform the size controlled, monodisperse BCP spheres into shape-anisotropic particles to demonstrate their potential to control both internal morphology and overall particle shape. BCP spheres in a wide range of particle size were first produced using Shirasu Porous Glass (SPG) membrane emulsification. Then, successful transformation to non-spherical shapes was conducted using SVA. This approach was applicable to various types of BCPs including polystyrene-block-poly(1,4-butadiene) (PS-b-PB), polystyrene-block-polydimethylsiloxane (PS-b-PDMS), polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) which allows control over aspect ratio (AR). Furthermore, versatility of SVA on particle shape was demonstrated by successfully transforming BCP spheres into various shapes such as prolate and oblate ellipsoids. 2PS-236 이재용 Fabricate New 3D Metal Structure from Vertical Oriented Poly(2-vinyl pyridine)- block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) copolymer Thin Film 이재용, 최청룡, Avnish Kumar Mishra, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 We fabricated new 3D mesh type metal structure from poly(2-vinyl pyridine)- block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) copolymer (P24VP) thin film. In order to get a vertical oriented lamellar film, we have conducted solvent annealing with hydroxyl group treated substrates. Using grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS), we confirmed P24VP lamellar film is vertical oriented. After making a coordination with metal precursor, by O2 reactive ion etching (O2 RIE), metal structure is left. The structure looks like mesh with high thickness, 3D mesh type structure. The structure originates from the metal precursor coordination tendency between P4VP and P2VP polymer. When reducing the interaction time, metal precursor only interacts with P4VP, thus there is simple line structures. However P2VP starts to interact with metal precursors. Finally, the concentration difference between P2VP and P4VP domain cause mesh type structure from simple block copolymer thin film. 2PS-237 이현지 Preparation and Characterization of Regenerated Silk Fibroin Hydrogel via Long-term Acidification 이현지, 이기훈, 김정수, 전경화, 김지환서울대학교 Various natural polymers are used in biomedical fields due to its biocompatibility and biodegradability. Among them, silk proteins can be designed into various forms including hydrogels, films, porous scaffolds, and fibers. Regenerated silk fibroin (RSF) hydrogels are stabilized due to the thermodynamically stable β-sheet structure which can be induced by temperature, ionic strength and ph of the solution. In this study, we prepared RSF hydrogels via slow acidification by adding glucono-delta-lactone (GDL). As GDL slowly hydrolyzed into gluconic acid and lowered the ph of the RSF solution, the β-sheet 118 제 44 권 1 호

122 transition of RSF proteins occurs and finally RSF hydrogel were formed. In addition, RSF hydrogels by fast acidification were prepared for comparison by adding 1 M HCl. For the characterization, FE-SEM, FT-IR, and UTM were performed for both RSF hydrogels. Furthermore, gelation behavior was confirmed by UV-Vis spectrometry and circular dichroism analysis. 2PS-238 임지숙 Fabrication of droplets for biosensor based on interpenetrating polymer network with photonic droplet from reactive cholesteric liquid crystal and enzyme-immobilized hydrogel polymer 임지숙, 박수영 경북대학교액정은주위환경의조건에따라표면상에수평또는수직으로배향을유도할수있다. 일반적으로, 액정은주위환경의조건에따라배향이다시변할수있다. 그러나반응성메조겐의경우가교결합을통해배향이영구적으로고정될수있다. Nematic liquid crystals, RMM727( 반응성메조겐 ) 과 CB15( 카이랄도판트 ) 를일정한비율로혼합하여나선형피치를갖는콜레스테릭 액정을생성한다. 이액정은 microfluidics 를통해 single droplet 을만드는데사용된다. 우리는이액정 droplet 에효소고정화 PAA 를침투시켜서미세바이오센서를제조하는연구를한다. 2PS-239 자오밍거장이론모사법을이용한선형 AB 와 ABC 블록공중합체및그혼합계의삼중주기적나노구조의안정화연구자오밍거, 리샹, 조준한 단국대학교고분자공학과 AB 이중블록공중합체와 ABC 삼중블록공중합체및단일고분자와의혼합물이갖는새로운나노구조발현을평균장장이론모사법을이용하여연구하였다. 새구조들은이중블록공중합체용융물을기준으로할때구조의자유에너지가 double-diamond(dd) 와 double gyroid(dg) 사이에있음을도출하였다. 이는블록공중합체의사슬구성이나대칭성, 그리고상대적교호인력을조절함으로써가능하였다. 아울러, 푸리에변환된상관함수의특성피크와 Wyckoff 위치및실공간가시화를통해나노구조발현을연구하였다. 나아가새구조와단일고분자가혼합된계의경우상안정화를연구하였다. 분자전자부문위원회 (II) 2PS-240 나혜진 Preparation and Characterization of Spirobifluorene-based Hole-transporting Material for Highly Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells 전남중, 나혜진, 정의혁, 이재민, 서장원한국화학연구원 Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) require both high efficiency and good long-term stability if they are to be commercialized. In order to prepare effective HTMs for PSCs, we synthesize a spirobifluorene-based HTM, DM, as a model system with a fine-tuned HOMO level in an effort to enhance the V OC value and realize a high T g (~160 o C) for thermally stable PSCs. The basic chemical and physical properties of the new HTM, DM, were thoroughly investigated by NMR, UV-Vis./PL spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry and etc. Furthermore, a series of photovoltaic devices with different HTLs, spiro-ometad and DM, have been fabricated and characterized. We could achieve a certified PCE of 22.6% (small-area cells, ~0.094 cm 2 ) and 20.9% (large-area, ~1 cm 2 ). The resultant device showed better thermal stability than the device with spiro-ometad, maintaining almost 95% of its initial performance for more than 500h after thermal annealing at 60 o C. 2PS-241 노하림 Versatile Colorimetric Sensing of Volatile Organic Compound, Ethylamine, Using an Isoindoline Dye under Solution, Film, and Dyed Textile 노하림, 오병민, 김종현 아주대학교 In this this work, we present a new colorimetric chemosensor based on isoindoline structure (ID1) for the detection of ethylamine. ID1 showed efficient and naked-eye-based color changes with exposure to ethylamine under versatile conditions, solution, thin-films and dyed textile. Sensing mechanism and different detection kinetics of ID1 to mono-/di-/tri-ethylamines were investigated by time-dependent UV-Vis absorption spectra changes and 1 H NMR combined with density functional theory calculation. 2PS-242 라자쿠마레즌 High Performance Green Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes by Employing Anthracene and Napthylpyridine-based Novel Electron Transporting Materials 라자쿠마레즌, 박호열 1, 제갈영순 2, 진성호 1, 부산대학교화학소재학과 ; 1 부산대학교 ; 2 경일대학교 The electron transport material is the key factor to determine PHOLED devices performance. Herein, we synthesized two new electron transporting materials (ETM) namely, 9,10-bis(5-(naphthalen-1-yl)pyridin-2-yl)-4a,9a-dihydroanthracene (PyIN) and 9,10-bis(6-(naphthalen-1-yl)pyridin-3-yl)-4a,9a-dihydroanthracene (PyOUT). Their photophysical, thermal and electrochemical properties were successfully investigated. we introduce the new ETL into the PHOLED device, Ir(mppy)3, (tris[2-(p-tolyl)pyridine] iridium(iii)) as dopant. The optimized device showed ideal PHOLED device performance. We achieved extremely high EQEmax 26.4% and practical luminance at 5000 cd m -2 were 22.1%. In addition, we achieved the maximum current efficiency of 92.3 cd A -1 and, maximum power efficiency of 82.8 lm W -1 by using new electron transport material. The above results clearly indicating that the new ETL most promising candidate for in order to achieve high performance PHOLED. 2PS-243 멍링신 Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of thienyl-thieno-indole and bithiophenedicarboximide based conjugated polymers 멍링신, 이혜현 1, 김주애 1, 서홍석 1, 부산대학교화학과 ; 1 부산대학교 Polymer solar cells (PSCs) have showed great potentials such as lightweight, low cost, large-areas and flexible solar modules through roll-to-roll processing. 1 In this work, we focused on polymers which based on TTI and BTI units with different ratios as donor. The 2,2 -bithiophene-3,3 -dicarboximide (BTI) unit has two carbonyl groups with the thiophene units for the generation of electron-withdrawing ability, one nitrogen atom for the introduction of alkyl side chain to improve the solubility. 6-(2-Thienyl)- 4H-thieno[3,2-b]indole (TTI) has five membered thiophene ring substituted the benzene ring of the carbazole. We synthesized conjugated random copolymers, P0, PBTI7, PBTI5 and PBTI3 containing TTI as the electron-rich unit and BTI as the electron-deficient unit. The device based on PBTI3:PC 71BM showed the best performance with a PCE of 2.64%. (1) Y.-W. Su, S.-C. Lan, K.-H. Wei, Mater. Today, 15, 554 (2012). 2PS-244 멍링신 Syntheses of Polymers including DTBT as Electron Withdrawing Unit and TI as Electron Donating Unit for Organic Solar Cells 멍링신, 이혜현 1, 서홍석 1, 부산대학교화학과 ; 1 부산대학교 Organic solar cells (OSCs) are regarded as one of the efficient solar technologies for environmental energy application due to the advantages such as light weight, low cost large areas roll-to-roll production. 1 Herein, we designed and synthesized the conjugated polymers including 4,7-di-2-thienyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole (DTBT) unit as electron withdrawing group and thieno[2,3-b]indole (TI) unit as electron donating group. In this study, F atoms were introduced into the DTBT backbone to add the electron-deficient properties. And we synthesized PTIDTBT, PTIFDTBT and PTIDFDTBT including DTBT unit with different number of F atoms. The conjugated polymers with the electron withdrawing group and the electron donating group are synthesized by Suzuki Coupling with Pd catalyst. The device using PTIDFDTBT showed a V OC of 0.79 V, a J SC of 8.39 ma/cm 2, and a FF of 0.48, giving a highest PCE of 3.21%. (1) Y.-W. Su, S.-C. Lan, K.-H. Wei, Mater. Today, 15, 554 (2012). 2PS-245 문정석 Synthesis and Photolithographic Characterization of Novel Phenolic Molecular Resist with High Glass Transition Temperature 문정석, 오현택, 이진균 인하대학교반도체소형화를위한핵심적인기술인 ArF Immersion lithography 에서는 Polymer 기반의레지스트가사용되고있으나, 분자량분포를가지고있기때문에현상용액에대한불균일한용해성을가질수있고, 이로인해패턴형성시높은해상도를구현하는것이제한될수있는가능성을가진다. 한편, Phenolic Molecular 레지스트는분자량분포가존재하지않고단일분자량을가지며단분자임에도높은유리전이온도및기계적물성을가지게되어 50 nm 이하의높은해상도로패턴을형성할수있다고보고된바있다. 따라서, 본연구에서는 Phenolic Molecular 레지스트를합성하는데있어서, 기존에연구된 Phenolic Molecular 레지스트에기계적물성향상을목표로하여높은유리전이온도를가지는새로운물질을합성하였다. 합성된재료는 Differential scanning calorimetry(dsc) 를통해보다높은유리전이온도를갖는물질임을확인하였고, 이물질은 Chemically Amplified Resist(CAR) 로써 positive tone 패턴이형성될수있음을확인하였다. 2PS-246 문찬수 Rapid crystallization of perovskite films with high efficiency for perovskite solar cell 문찬수, 염경문 1, 서장원 한국화학연구원 ; 1 고려대학교 Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are considered to be the next generation solar cells that are most likely to be commercialized due to their advantages such as high efficiency and inexpensive fabrication cost. Currently, PSCs based on formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI 3) are fabricated by process requiring long annealing time (10 ~ 60 min). However, considering roll-to-roll fabrication for mass production, the long annealing time causes a rise in the cost of fabrication process. Therefore, in order to decrease the cost of fabrication process, short annealing time needs. Also, even with short annealing time, device performance of solar cells should not be degraded. Here, we proposed to add cesium lead chloride (CPC) as an additive in the FAPbI 3 perovskites in order to produce a highly crystalline perovskite film even at short heat treatment time. In this study, we made efficiency of exceeding 21% through 3 min of annealing time and confirmed enhanced quality of perovskite film by adding CPC. 2PS-247 박상아 Control of Ambipolar Charge Transport by Changing Fluorine Substitution Position in Isoindigo-based Conjugated Polymers for High Performance Organic Field-Effect Transistors 박상아, 김민준, 박성진, 최예림, 민지현, 박태호 POSTECH We report a new molecular design to achieve highly balanced charge transport for donor-acceptor (D-A) copolymer through fluorine substitution on bithiophene (T2). To study the effects of fluorine substitution site on structural and electronic property, we 제 44 권 1 호 119

123 synthesize two IIG-based copolymers (PIIG-iFT2 and PIIG-oFT2), which contain two fluorine atoms at the T2 inner and outer site. Fluorination at the outer site of T2 in PIIG-oFT2 polymer effectively lowered molecular energy levels and increased molecular planarity more than fluorination at the inner site of T2. PIIG-oFT2 organic field-effect transistors exhibited highly balanced mobility, hole mobility (uh)/electron mobility (ue) = 1 by increasing electron mobility whereas PIIG-T2 (uh/ue = 9.0) and PIIG-iFT2 (uh/ue = 2.4) exhibited unbalanced transport. The ambipolar complementary-like inverter was also fabricated by simple one time coating of PIIG-oFT2 with gain = 21. 2PS-248 박수홍 One-pot Polymerization of a Fully Conjugated Copolymer bearing Donor and Acceptor Blocks and High Power Conversion Efficiency over 5.0% in Single Component Active Layer-Polymer Solar Cells 박수홍, 박창근, 김영서, 김형종, 정철훈, 권나연, 이지혜, 조민주, 박성남, 최동훈 고려대학교 A new conjugated copolymer bearing donor and acceptor blocks (O-BCP) for the single component active layer was successfully synthesized based on a relatively facile synthesis process which is high yield through one-pot polymerization and purification. The O-BCP contains PBDT-EH2T of p type units and PNDI-Se of n type blocks along the polymer chains. All properties of O-BCP were compared with those of blend samples of PBDT-EH2T and PNDI-Se. A single component active layer-pscs based on as-cast film exhibited a PCE of 2.62% (V oc = 0.77 V, J sc = 8.90 ma/cm 2, FF = 43.93%). However, through the thermal treatment at 180 o C for 10 min, the devices performance was remarkably improved to show intriguingly high Jsc and FF resulting in >5.0% of PCE. 2PS-249 박준혁 Molecular Design Strategy Toward Robust Organic Dyes in Thin-Film Photoanode 박준혁, 권태혁 UNIST Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have attracted attentions because of application to building integrated photo voltaic (BIPV) system. In this work, we suggested functional groups on the donor moiety and reveal relationship between molecular structure and degradation pathways divided into photo/thermal/water environmental factors. We introduced the TP-series sensitizers which have basically π-conjugated bridge unit as dithieno[3,2-b:2',3'-d]thiophene (DTT). In detailed, four sensitizers have different functional groups on the donor, and we found that functional groups in donor moiety affect PCE. Among these dyes, TP-4 achieved high stabilities in terms of thermal, light and water stability and a PCE as high as 8.86% due to the strong electron donating ability. 2PS-250 박진수 Side Chain Engineering of Benzodithiophene-based Donor Polymer for Highly Efficient All-Polymer Solar Cells 박진수, 최나연, 김범준 KAIST All-polymer solar cell (all-psc) is a powerful candidate as a commercializing format of organic solar cells, due to its strong flexibility and long-term stability. Those advantages over ITIC or PCBM-based small molecule systems are key driving factors to develop all-psc systems. Among various all-psc systems, benzodithiophene (BDT) structure is well-known as a promising constructing unit for highly efficient polymer donor. In this study, we synthesized a series of BDT-based donor polymers with modified side chains to tailor the energy level, light absorption ability and solubility of resulting polymers. We introduced sulfur, and silicon atoms to the side chain of BDT units, and also modified the length of aliphatic chains to precisely control the properties of synthesized polymers. We observed energy level shifts, controlled solubility and optical properties which are strongly related to photovoltaic properties of all-psc devices using synthesized polymers. 2PS-251 박철희 Enantioselective Graphene-Based Chemical Sensors Prepared via Chiral Functionalization 박철희, Xiaobo Shang, 정관영 1, 곽상규 1, 오준학 서울대학교 ; 1 UNIST Discrimination of enantiomeric chemical molecules is one of the most important issues in chemical and biological fields due to the chirality-induced different properties of enantiomers. Here, we report the development of graphene transistor-type chemical sensors with pyrene-based chiral functionalization molecule. Chiral functionalization molecule itself showed different optical responsivity for addition of different β-citronellol enantiomers. Graphene transistor sensor was functionalized using simple solution deposition of chiral functionalization molecule via the strong π-π interaction between graphene and pyrene moiety of chiral functionalization molecule. Developed enantioselective chemical sensor successfully discriminated enantiomer of β-citronellol, in vapor phase sensing. Our results represent a significant step towards the improvement of chiral electronics field. 2PS-252 배은진 Solution-Based Synthesis of CuI for Transparent and Foldable Thermoelectric Generator 배은진, 강영훈, 이창진, 조성윤 한국화학연구원 This study presents CuI as a transparent and foldable thermoelectric material which can be applied for thermoelectric generators. The thermoelectric properties of CuI thin films are optimized by iodine doping at specific doping concentration. The power factor of 0.1 at% iodine doped CuI thin film is optimized to be μw m -1 K -2 with Seebeck coefficient of 194 μv K -1 and electrical conductivity of S cm -1 which is 10 times higher than that of the undoped CuI thin film. Furthermore, thermal conductivity of the iodine doped CuI thin films is decreased to 0.46 W m -1 K -1, due to the introduction of heavy iodine and induced phonon scattering effect. Accordingly, we achieve a large thermoelectric figure of merit of ZT = 0.52 at 300 K for the iodine doped CuI thin films. We will also demonstrate a transparent and foldable TE generator based on the iodine doped CuI by spray printing process. 2PS-253 백창현 Effects of Bulky Substituent on the Phosphorescence Properties of Homoleptic Iridium(III) Complexes 백창현, 최민수, 김진형, 김소연, 조대원, 강상욱, 손호진 고려대학교 A new series of homoleptic cyclometalated iridium(iii) complexes based on the phenylpyridine (ppy) ligand containing bulky substituents have been synthesized and characterized. Comparison of the results with those of the reference Ir(ppy) 3 reveal that the emission color and photophysical properties of the other Ir complexes are influenced by the electron-donating groups (-CH 3 and phenyl derivatives) attached to the ppy ligand. The emission spectrum of Ir(Me-ppy) 3, having small electron-donating -CH 3 group, is red-shifted; however, the emission quantum yield is low and the nonradiative decay constant is large. On the other hand, although bulky phenyl derivative-adducts (Ir(Ph-ppy) 3, Ir(MePh-ppy) 3, and Ir(diMePh-ppy) 3) also exhibit red-shifted emission, but their kinetic and photophysical behaviors are more optimal than those of Ir(Me-ppy) 3, whose behavior does not follow the energy gap law. 2PS-254 백창현 Highly Efficient Photocatalytic CO 2 Reduction of Ternary Hybrid System (Ir(III)/TiO 2/ReP) through Electronic Structure Control of Cationic Ir-Complexes 백창현, 이대한, 김필수, 강상욱, 손호진 고려대학교 Herein, we report a detailed investigation of efficient hybrid photocatalysts system for carbon dioxide reduction. The system is based on a co-assembly of Ir(III) photosensitizer and molecular Re(I) reduction catalyst on TiO 2 semiconductor. The hybrid system consists of cationic iridium(iii) complexes [Ir(C^N) 2(N^N)] + (dfppyirp, C^N = 2-(2,4-difluorophenyl) pyridine (dfppy); ppyirp, 2-phenylpyridine (ppy); btpirp, 2-(benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl) pyridine (btp); piqirp, 1-phenylisoquinoline (piq); N^N = 4,4 -X 2-bipyridine (X = CH 2PO(OH) 2)) as a visible-light photosensitizer and fac-[re(4,4 -bis(methylphosphonic acid)-2,2 -bipyridine)(co) 3Cl] as a CO 2 reduction catalyst (ReP), both of which have been fixed onto TiO 2 semiconductors. Overall the present Ir(III) complex-based hybrid series showed the most durable, efficient catalytic activities compared to typical homogeneous and our previous binary system. 2PS-255 비라무루간아리부니티 Lewis Acid-base Adduct Type Organic Hole Transporting Material for High Performance and Air Stable Perovskite Solar Cells 비라무루간아리부니티, 사리팔리수다커레디, 제갈영순 1, 진성호 부산대학교 ; 1 경일대학교 Hole transporting materials (HTMs) play a significant role in enhancing the power conversion efficiency (PCE) and stability of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Here, we present a new class of HTM with pyridine as a central core with an extended π-conjugated molecular structure with electron-donating blocks. We have systematically investigated its photophysical, thermal, electrochemical, and charge transport properties and found that 4,4'-(5,5'-(pyridine-2,6-diylbis(4,1-phenylene))bis(thiophene-5,2-diyl))bis(N,Nbis(4-methoxyphenyl)aniline) (PyThTPA) is a potential HTM candidate for making PSCs. The PyThTPA HTM-based PSC attained an average PCE of 16.57% with outstanding long-term durability of over 720 hrs with minimal reduction of its initial PCE and negligible hysteresis. This PSC performance was 34% higher than that of the state-of-the-art HTM, Spiro-OMeTAD with tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane (BCF). 2PS-256 서기원 Highly efficient flexible organic solar cells on PEDOT and ITO free transparent electrodes 서기원, 이정용 한국과학기술원 Here, we present a novel method for fabricating high-performance transparent and conductive nanonetworks on various types of substrates. The nanonetworks are monolithically etched using nanoscale shadow masks and exhibit higher figure of merit (FoM) values than conventional transparent conducting electrodes. They also exhibit excellent optoelectrical characteristics and environmental stability, primarily because they intrinsically have zero contact resistance. Further, the nanonetworks also show high thermal and mechanical robustness. We also demonstrate that such etched nanonetworks can be formed readily on various types of substrates, regardless of the surface properties of the substrates. Furthermore, we could fabricate flexible organic solar cells, which is stacked structured applications on the zero-junction Ag nano-network electrodes due to low morphological roughness. 2PS-257 서주역 Hybrid electron-collecting buffer layers with nanocrater morphology for high efficiency polymer:nonfullerene solar cells 서주역, 박지수, 이새봄, Donal D.C. Bradley 1, 김화정, 김영규 경북대학교 ; 1 University of Oxford Charge-collecting buffer layers, which are known to play a crucial role in promoting effective charge transfer actions in organic solar cells (OSCs), have been intensively studied for the last two decades. Recently, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of inverted-type OSCs has exceeded 12~14% even though their stability improvement is still on-going. These high efficiency inverted OSCs composed of metal oxide-based charge-collecting buffer layers which need high temperature processes and have inherently different surface energies compared to organic materials used for the bulk 120 제 44 권 1 호

124 heterojunction layers (BHJs) in inverted OSCs. These drawbacks result in limitations of using flexible plastic film substrates and poor stability of devices. This presentation demonstrates brand-new approaches to make organic/inorganic hybrid chargecollecting buffer layers, which can be processed at low temperatures, with a peculiar nanocrater morphology leading to enhanced adhesion with the BHJ layers. 2PS-258 성민재 Small- Molecule Solar Cells Incorporating a Fullerene or Nonfullerene Acceptor 성민재, 홍지수 1, 박찬언 1, 안태규 2, 김윤희, 권순기 경상대학교 ; 1 포항공과대학교 ; 2 한국교통대학교 Small molecular materials were synthesized to investigate the effect of donor molecular crystallinity on solar cell performance in small molecular solar cells. The photovoltaic properties of solar cells made of these new donor molecules are systemically studied with the [6,6]-phenyl-C71-butyric acid methyl ester (PC71BM) fullerene acceptor and the O-IDTBR non-fullerene acceptor to study the aggregation behavior and crystallinity of the donor molecules in both blends. Morphological analyses and a charge carrier dynamics study are carried out simultaneously to derive structure property relationships and address the requirements of all-small-molecule solar cells. 2PS-259 송성원 Effect of the size of organic spacers on the crystallinity and carrier recombination in 2D/3D hybrid formamidinium perovskite solar cell 송성원, 조길원 포항공과대학교 For commerciallization of perovskite solar cell, suppression of defect density and long term stability are highly needed. Recent works proposed 2D perovskites can be mixed with 3D perovskites for defect passivation and superior stability. Here, we systematically investigated the effect of the size of organic spacers on the crystallnity and charge carrier recombination in 2D/3D hybrid perovskite. Even small amounts of organic spacers affected the rate of crystallization. The formation of black phase formamidnium perovskite was facilitated or suppressed depending on the size of organic spacer. Microstrain which evolved during crystallization was highly correlated with energetic disorder and carrier recombination. Finally we could obtain efficeint (PCE: 20.5%) and low band gap (1.48 ev) 2D/3D hybrid formamidnium perovskite solar cell. 2PS-260 신동진 Efficient Ionic Conjugated Polyacetylene-based Derivatives for High Performance Organic Solar Cell 신동진, 제갈영순 1, 진성호 2, 부산대학교화학소재학과연구실 ; 1 경일대학교 ; 2 부산대학교 Interfacial materials play vital role in organic solar cell to further enhance the power conversion efficiency and stability. Here, we have synthesized various kinds of efficient ionic conjugated polyacetylene based derivatives. It is synthesized without any initiator and catalysts. The polymerization proceeded well to give product with alkyl side chains in relatively high yields. Various spectral data for the polymer structure having alkylpyridinum indicated that the conjugated polymer system substituent was formed. This ionic polymer was completely soluble in water, methanol, dimethylformamide, dimethylsulfoxide. 2PS-261 신소정 Acid(g)/base(g)-controlled reversible Δν1/2 of absorption spectrum of a squarylium dye 신소정, 노하림, 오병민, 김종현 아주대학교 In this presentation, we introduce reversible modulation of absorption band width of squarylium dye (SQ1) using SQ1 s reversible reactivity with acid and base gases. SQ1 showed reversible gasochromic behavior by changing its color between purple and sky blue in response to ethylamine and hydrochloric acid gases. From the characterization of 1 H NMR, UV-Vis absorption spectra and surface morphology, we revealed the mechanism of reversible absorption band width changes of SQ1. 2PS-262 신인수 Impact of Substitue Keto-Functionalized Side-Chains for Imide-Functionalized Side-Chain on the Pyrrole Backbone of 2,5-Bis(2-thienyl)Pyrrole-Based Polymers for Organic Solar Cells 신인수, Vellaiappillai Tamilavan, 김단비, 양현석, Pesi Mwitumwa Hangoma, Liu Yanliang, 이보람, 박성흠 부경대학교 A 2,5-bis(2-thienyl)pyrrole (TPT)-based new monomer unit incorporating the electronwithdrawing 1-decanone (ketone) at the 3- and 4-positions of the pyrrole unit of TPT( TPTK) was prepared and polymerized with distannyl derivatives of 4,8-bis (5-(2-ethylhexyl) thiophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b ]dithiophene (BDTT), 4,7-bis (thiophen-2-yl)benzo[c][1,2,5] thiadiazole (DTBT), and 3,6-bis(thiophen-2-yl)-2,5- dioctylpyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2h,5h)-dione (DKPP), to obtain three new polymers. The photophysical, electrochemical, and energy conversion efficiency of the TPTK-based polymers were thoroughly studied and compared with those of structurally similar polymers incorporating an imide-functionalized TPT unit ( TPTI). Overall, the TPTK-based polymers showed a higher band-gap (2.42, 1.92, and 1.42 ev), deeper highest occupied molecular orbital ( 5.58, 5.48, and 5.31 ev) energy levels and lower carrier mobilities than those of the corresponding TPTI-based polymers. 2PS-263 신재환 Effects of chemical treatment of substrate on surface polymerization of conducting polymers 신재환, 김선주 중앙대학교 Conducting polymers are an interesting class of materials for applications in conductive coating and tansparent electrodes. As the properties of conducting polymers depend on the conditions of polymerization and processing and the composition of materials, it is important to understand their structure-processing-property relationships in detail. In this work, we studied the chemical effects of a substrate on a surface polymerization of conducting polymers. We first applied various silane derivatives onto a glass substrate. Through this approach, the acidic and basic surface was formed. Polymerization conditions such as temperature, concentration and time were controlled. We then oxidatively polymerized aniline or thiopehene derivatives on the chemically modified surface of the substrate. We then investigated the properties of the thin conducting polymer films by using UV/vis and IR spectroscopic methods and resistance measurement. 2PS-264 심규민 Full color printed passive matrix image sensor fabricated by electrohydrodynamic jet printing process 심규민, 정대성 대구경북과학기술원 Here we demonstrated printed passive matrix image sensor composed of individual color selective thin film organic photodiodes(opds) with area under 200 µm 200 µm for low cost and high performance image sensor. Fabrication and patterning of each red-, green-, blue-selective OPDs was enabled by using electrohydrodynamic (EHD) jet printing process with poly[(2,5-bis(2-hexyldecyloxy)phenylene)-alt-(5,6- difluoro-4,7-di(thiophen-2-yl)benzo[c]-[1,2,5]thiadiazole)] as a red-selective material, poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) as a green-selective materials, and poly(9,9- dioctylfluorene-alt-bithiophene) as a blue-selective materials. The patterned OPDs accurately distinguish colors without color filter and the high performance of each color-selective OPDs such as spectral responsivity, linear dynamic range, specific detectivity make them attractive comparing inorganic based image sensor. 2PS-265 아르얄움칸타 Halogenated and Non-halogenated Processing Solvents with Impact of Molecular Weight of New π-conjugated Polymer Donor and Non-fullerene Acceptor for Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells 아르얄움칸타, 진현정, 제갈영순 1, 진성호 부산대학교 ; 1 경일대학교 For the replacement of the current toxic solvent processing, environmentally benign solvent processed photoactive materials are applying, especially for non-fullerene organic solar cells (NFOSCs). In this regard, we report an efficient new π-conjugated polymer with non-fullerene acceptor, ITIC processed by chlorobenzene (CB) and toluene solvents. The low, medium and high molecular weight polymer device engineering of NFOSCs resulted an impressive device performance. Interestingly, medium weight based NFOSCs achieved a high power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 10.02% with CB and 10.01% with toluene, which was much higher than the low and high molecular weight based NFOSCs, well correlated with its high short-circuit current density and fill factor values attained via well-defined photoactive layer morphology. Therefore, performance of device efficiency and ambient stability with non-halogenated solvents is an effective avenue for the development of environmentally sustainable NFOSCs. 2PS-266 아티싼마헤쉬와란 Influence of Phosphine Oxide containing Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Ancillary Ligands on Solution-Process Phosphorescence Organic Light-Emitting Diode Efficiency and Life Time 아티싼마헤쉬와란, 쉬리비자야고팔란, 김혜인, 제갈영순 1, 진성호 부산대학교 ; 1 경일대학교 In order to achieve longer stability with high efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), we designed and synthesized two new 2-phenylpyridine based Ir(III) dopants and a suitable host for the fabrication of green phosphorescent OLEDs (PHOLEDs). The solution-process green devices using bis[5-ethylhexyl-8-trifluoromethyl- 5H-benzo(c)(1,5)naphthyridin-6-one](dipyridi nylphosphinate)iridium(iii) (sym-ir1) as dopant, (4'-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)-[1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl)di-o-tolylphosphine oxide (m-cbppo1) and TPBi as host. The optimized devices show excellent electroluminescence performances with maximum current efficiency (CE) of cd/a, a maximum external quantum efficiency (EQEmax) of 20.82% with a notable (0.29, 0.62). The sym-ir1 showed comparatively better stability compared it counterpart. We believe that the presence of undesirable isomers of the asym-ir2 is the cause to the effective degradation of the solution processed devices. 2PS-267 양석주 Charge Carrier Transport Analysis of Mixed-Halide Perovskite using Lateral Photovoltaic Devices 양석주, 송성원, 조길원 포항공과대학교 Mixed-halide perovskites, CH 3NH 3PbI 3 xclx, enabled fabrication of highly efficient perovskite solar cells (PeSCs). Chloride ions make the morphology, carrier diffusion length, and stability of perovskite films better. However, the reported device performances of mixed-halide PeSCs have showed non-significant difference of efficiencies with those of the triiodide perovskite, CH 3NH 3PbI 3, devices. This makes uncertainty for the benefits from the presence of Cl ions in the mixed-halide perovskite films. To be clear an effect of Cl- inclusions on optoelectronic properties of perovskite devices, suitable device structure and spectroscopic analysis should be introduced. In this work, we fabricated lateral-structured perovskite device to study electrical properties of perovskite devices, which showed a clear contrast of photoelectric property between mixed-halide and triiodide perovskites and furthermore provided a suitable device for spectroscopic measurements on actual device architecture. 제 44 권 1 호 121

125 2PS-268 오종규 Effects of the linker unit in naphthalene-diimide-based small molecules on device performances of organic field-effect transistors 오종규, 하연희 1, 박세진 2, 권순기 1, 김윤희 1, 안태규 2, 장재영 한양대학교 ; 1 경상대학교 ; 2 한국교통대학교 In this study, we investigated the effects of the linker unit in naphthalene-diimide (NDI)-based small molecules on device performances of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). Three different chemical units (phenyl, xylene, and bithiophene) were introduced as a rotatable linker between two NDI cores to improve the solubility while maintaining their high field-effect mobility. We found that the crystallinity and molecular ordering of the NDI-based small molecule with a bithiophene linker could be improved by thermal annealing; a moderate annealing temperature of 120 appeared to be optimal for promoting self-organization among the small molecules. As a result, the resulting OFETs exhibited evident n-type OFET characteristics with high field-effect mobilities up to cm 2 /Vs (for the NDI-based small molecule with a bithiophene linker) and (for the NDI-based small molecule with a phenyl linker) with high on/off ratios of ~ PS-269 오환 Balancing the Concentrations of Redox Species to Improve Electrochemiluminescence by Tailoring the Symmetry of the AC voltage 오환, 문홍철 서울시립대학교 Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) corresponds to the light emitting phenomenon arising from excited luminophores generated by electrochemical reactions. Ruthenium(Ⅱ) (Ru(bpy) 3 2+ ) complexes have been used as typical luminophores emitting red-orangecolored light. However, most studies have employed symmetric AC square waves to operate AC-driven ECL devices without considering the difference in stability between redox species. Therefore, we adjusted the duty-ratio (i.e. the fraction of positive pulse duration) and frequency of input AC square waves to balance the concentrations of reduced and oxidized ECL luminophores. As a result, we could greatly enhance the luminance of ECL devices. 2PS-270 유종카이 Conjugated Polyelectrolytes as Efficient Hole Transport Layers in Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 유종카이, 이보람 부경대학교 Perovskite-based optoelectronic devices have been rapidly developing in the past 5 years. Since the first report, the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) has increased rapidly through the control of morphology and structure from 0.1% to more than 11%. Here, we report the use of various conjugated polyelectrolytes (CPEs) as the hole injection layer in PeLEDs. In particular, we find that poly[2,6-(4,4-bis-potassium butanylsulfonate)-4h-cyclopenta-[2,1-b;3,4-b ]- dithiophene)] (PCPDT-K) transfers holes effectively, blocks electron transport from the perovskite to the underlying ITO layer, and reduces luminescence quenching at the perovskite/pcpdt-k interface. Our optimized PeLEDs with PCPDT-K show enhanced EQE by a factor of approximately 4 compared to control PeLEDs with PEDOT:PSS, reaching EQE values of 5.66%, and exhibit improved device stability. 2PS-271 유호선 Moving Branching Point of Side Chain in Naphthalene Diimide-Based Polymers for Enhancing Electron Mobility and All-PSCs Performance 유호선, 김선주 1, 김범준 KAIST; 1 중앙대학교 Branching point of side chain in naphthalene diimide (NDI)-based polymers was systematically shifted away one by one (from P(NDI1-T) to P(NDI4-T)). When the branching point was located farther from backbone, steric hindrance around backbone was relaxed and promoted the formation of crystalline structure in thin film state. Particularly, thermally annealed films of P(NDI3-T) and P(NDI4-T) which have branching point far away from backbone showed more-ordered bimodal structure along face-on and edge-on directions. Consequently, field-effect electron mobility was monotonically increased from 0.03 cm 2 V 1 s 1 to 0.22 cm 2 V 1 s 1 with reduced activation energy and contact resistance. When the series of polymers was applied in all-polymer solar cell, the highest power conversion efficiency of 7.1% was achieved in P(NDI3-T) blend film with PBDTTTPD as a donor due to broader light absorption ability and enhanced electron transporting ability of P(NDI3-T). 2PS-272 윤상은 Rational strategy for optimizing electrical conductivity of P3HT for thermoelectric applications 윤상은, 전경국, 김종현 아주대학교 Despite lots of advantages of molecular doping based on a solution blending method, it has a limitation in maximizing electrical conductivity of conjugated polymers (CPs) due to the aggregation formation at threshold concentration of dopant molecules. Another widely used sequential doping method also suffers from difficulty in doping crystalline region of CP films. In this study, we suggest a simple but very effective new doping method that combines blend and sequential doping to maximize molecular doping efficiency. The sequentially doped CP thin films after optimized blend doping showed significant increase of electrical conductivity compared to the individually doped ones. Through the characterization of absorption and ESR with C-AFM, it was revealed that the enhancement in electrical conductivity originated from the wholly doping capability of double doping for CP thin films. Finally, improved performance of thermoelectric effect of double doped CP thin films is demonstrated. 2PS-273 윤승욱 Effects of N-doping on hard carbon anode for improving rate performance of alkali-ion battery 윤승욱, 이유영, 진형준 인하대학교 Recent research has shown that non-graphitizable hard carbons exhibit high capacity for alkali (e.g., Li, Na and K) ion battery. However, the use of conventional hard carbon is limited by its low electronic conductivity, inferior cycling stability, and poor rate performance. Doping heteroatoms (e.g., N, B, S, and P), one of the ways to overcome these problems, has been proved to significantly enhance the electrical conductivity and provide the channel for electron transfer to facilitate the charge transfer and electrode electrolyte interactions. Prepared melamine-formaldehyde aerogels were synthesized by polymerization of melamine as polymer precursor and formaldehyde using sol gel method. In this study, with various heat treatment, we prepared samples with a variety of microstructure and different heteroatom contents. Then we investigated discharge profile, rate stabilities and Columbic efficiencies for demonstrating rate and cycling performance for alkali ion battery. 2PS-274 은형주 Diketopyrrolopyrrole based conjugated Polymer for Near-Infrared Photodetector applications 은형주, 강영권 1, 이대운, 박재홍 1, 김봉기 1, 김종현 아주대학교 ; 1 건국대학교 Near-infrared (NIR) photodetectors sensitive to 860 nm were fabricated through a solution process with two different conjugated polymers (CPs) sharing a similar conjugated backbone consisting of the diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) moiety. The two CPs had comparable conjugated nature, but their detection capability was significantly distinguished by the applied linker units, thiophene for PDPP-T and fluorinated thiophene for PDPP-FBT. First, it has been revealed that employing additive during active film preparation is beneficial to achieve optimum film morphology for both CPs, which can suppress dark current and provide enhanced detectivity. Thus, PDPP-FBT exhibited higher external quantum efficiency and responsivity overall wavelength. Our results indicate that the management of both film morphology and surface dipole of CP are evenly important to achieve high detectivity and responsivity in organic NIR photodetectors. 2PS-275 이경석 New Developed Pyrrolopyridine Based Copolymers for Organic Solar Cells 이경석, 신희정 1, 이상봉 2, 최효성 1, 김윤희 2, 경상대학교유기반도체재료연구실 ; 1 한양대학교 ; 2 경상대학교 We designed a novel pyrrolopyridine unit, in which the 'N' atom was substituted instead of the 'C' atom in the indoloindole moiety for the new building block for the organic electronics. The new D-A copolymers, PDHPHBT, PDHPFBT, and PDHP2FBT were synthesized using new donor unit and benzothiadiazole derivatives containing 'F' atoms as the acceptor. Introduction of the pyridine moiety into the donor had a greater effect on decreasing the HOMO than the LUMO level, and led to a deeper HOMO level and slightly wider bandgap than seen for the indoloindole unit. As the number of F atoms increased in the donor unit of the polymer, the HOMO level deepened and the VOC increased from 0.83 to 0.90 V. PCE values of 1.54%, 5.09%, and 1.38% were obtained for the 0F, 1F, and 2F devices, respectively. Addition of 3 vol% DPE increased the smoothness of the film surface and improved the device efficiency up to 5.38%, 5.68%, and 3.80% for the devices based on PDHPHBT, PDHPFBT, and PDHP2FBT, respectively. 2PS-276 이대한 Triplet energy transfer between a sacrificial PMP and blue TPF2 iridium dopants leading to enhancement of OLED device performance 이대한, 나수원, 김소연, 김진형, 이승준, 김철훈, 강상욱, 손호진 고려대학교 In this study, we prepared phenylimidazole-based C^N-cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes (DMP, TPF2) and C^C-cyclometalated Ir(III) complex (PMP) and investigated the energy transfer process through intermolecular interactions between the two cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes. In films doped with 3% Ir(C^C) 3 complex and 15% Ir(C^N) 3 complex, the PMP effectively induced energy transfer to the DMP or TPF2. One case of mixing PMP with DMP, two types of luminescence were observed at 470 nm and 580 nm, 470 nm was the emission due to DMP, while the emission at 580 nm can be assigned as the intermolecular exciplex emission. The other case of mixing PMP with TPF2, the emission at 465 nm corresponding to the PMP emission region decreased for 4.5 ns while the emission at 530 nm corresponding to TPF2 increases. This emission can be assigned by energy transfer from PMP to TPF2. Finally, it was confirmed that the operation lifetime and efficiency of the device was improved by doping 3% of PMP in EML. 2PS-277 이대환 Random Donor-Acceptor configuration structure of semiconducting polymer for flexible, efficient and green-solvent processable solar cells 이대환, 김태완, 김태현, 최예림, 민지현, 박태호 포항공과대학교 Optical and morphology, mechanical properties have a correlation with the configuration of polymer structure. In this study, Thiophene is introduced into the backbone in a regular (PffBT-T4) or random (PffBT-RT4) to determine whether semiconductor polymers are suitable for solar cells.. As a result of the microstructure analysis, PffBT-RT4 shows π- π stacking distance shorter than PffBT-T4. Besides, PffBt-RT4 have a higher power conversion efficiency (PCE; 8.84%) than PffBT-T4 (7.25%) because short distances benefit charge transport. In addition, the PffBT-RT4 shows performance in green solvent without additives (7.23%). In addition, PffBT-RT4 are much more stable during bending 122 제 44 권 1 호

126 cycles than PffBT-T4. Therefore, this study demonstrates that the random arrangement is a promising strategy for efficient and green solvent processable solar cells. 2PS-278 이미소 AgNPs anchored M13 Bacteriophage for Photovoltaic Enhancement in Organic Solar Cells 이미소, 강재욱 전북대학교 Organic solar cells (OSCs) have attracted enormous interests in researcher due to its outstanding characteristics such as device structure tunability, lightweight, low cost, flexibility, and non-toxic. To improve the power conversion efficiency of OSCs, it s required highly optical absorptive active photovoltaic material with the surface texturing medium, anti-reflection coating and plasmonic nanomaterials. In this study, we incorporated AgNPs anchored M13 bacteriophage (M13: AgNPs) into OSCs and investigated its effect as plasmonic optical enhancer. The as-fabricated OSCs exhibit device architecture as: ITO/ZnO/ M13: AgNPs /PTB7:PC71BM/PEDOT:PSS/Ag. After incorporating M13: AgNPs interfacial layer, the optical absorption and power conversion efficiency of OSCs was improved significantly. M13 bacteriophage interfacial layer could potentially be an excellent metamaterial for NPs anchoring in future optoelectronics application. 2PS-279 이민수 Efficient and Stable Polymer Solar Cell Through the Iridium Complex Additive 이민수, 권태혁 울산과학기술원 We have prepared highly efficient and thermally stable organic solar cell using Iridium complex additive. The Hydroxyl group ( OH) functionalized main ligand is prepared by Suzuki coupling and reduction reaction. Synthesized Iridium complex additives form the hydrogen bond with the fluorine of active materials. Strong hydrogen bond between additive and active materials enhance the pi-pi stacking of active materials, freeze the morphology of active layer, and finally, thermal stability of devices are highly enhanced. In other hands, synthesized Iridium complex additive absorb the UV light region (300~400 nm) strongly, and emit the Red light (600~700 nm), which the active layer can strongly absorb (Energy transfer). The photovoltaic property of the prepared solar cell is measured under AM 1.5 G simulated light, as a result, we found that the overall conversion efficiency of device with iridium complex additive enhanced by energy transfer process. 의료용고분자부문위원회 (II) 2PS-280 김천호 The structural stability and biocompatibility of 3D gelatin scaffolds by cross-linking method 최동진, 이보미, 박상준, 정석 1, 김천호 한국원자력의학원 ; 1 고려대학교 Bioinks used in 3D bioprinting should have good biocompatibility and printability. Biocompatible and biodegradable gelatin is a good candidate bioink, but printability is poor due to low viscous of gelatin solution. In this study, we improved the printability of the gelatin by controlling the viscous of the gelatin solution. The 3D printed scaffolds were cross-linked using two types of different cross-linking methods (physical and chemical method). The structural stability of cross-linked 3D scaffolds was confirmed by SEM. The sizes of the chemical cross-linked 3D scaffolds were significantly reduced, but the physical cross-linked 3D scaffolds maintained their sizes (less than a 3% reduction). To evaluate the cell proliferation of the 3D scaffold, human dermal fibroblasts cultured on the 3D scaffold. After 14 days of culture, DNA assay showed that the cell proliferation rate of the physical cross-linked 3D scaffold was 44% higher than that of the chemical cross-linked 3D scaffold. 2PS-281 김천호 Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrogen Peroxide Sensitive Diselenide Compound 이은선, 조휘문, 박상준, 김용희 1, 김천호 한국원자력의학원 ; 1 한양대학교 ROS is essential for the homeostasis because it is involved at biological metabolism. However, over-expressed ROS is a major cause of aging and inflammation and it causes diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and Alzheimer's. Selenium is also a one of the essential nutrient as antioxidant for remove of excess H 2O 2, which is one of the ROS. In this study, we synthesized diselenide compound containing small molecules (dise-so 4) and confirmed by 1 H-NMR. The diselenide bond is effective antioxidant because it is easily oxidized by H 2O 2 and decreased level of H 2O 2. The H 2O 2 sensitivity of dise-so 4 was characterized by FT-IR, UV-vis, and XPS. In conclusion, the dise-so 4 was sucessfully synthesized and purification. The H 2O 2 sensitivity of purified dise-so 4 was confirmed by FT-IR, UV-vis, and XPS. Cell viability (>90%) was confirmed in MRC-5 cells via CCK-8 and FACS analysis. Thus, dise-so 4 is expected to be successfully used at various diseased as an antioxidant. 2PS-282 김혜진 Hybrid System of ph-responsiveness with Polymer Backbones and DNA Moieties 김혜진, 오승수, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 Polymer has played an important role as an organic material in various fields of research and industry, and its property of responsiveness to stimuli such as temperature, ph, ion and light has drawn attention for applications as a smart material. DNA also has been an interesting subject as an organic material itself as well as a programmable gene code; its properties such as stimuli-responsiveness and target-specific capturing have been studied. Especially ph-dependent mispairing makes DNA more attractive to examine. Even though various studies have been reported to relate these two different fields, polymer and DNA still have a good many things to find inbetween. Here, a hybrid polymer is synthesized with polymer backbones and DNA moieties having ph-responsive properties both. In this research, a new mean of ph-responsive system is studied by the polymer-based DNA hybrid system suggesting its potential in the fields of controlled drug delivery, sensors, and nano-machines. 2PS-283 김훈민 Effect of enhanced mechanical augmentation using alginate-graphene oxide composite hydrogel for rotator cuff tendon repair 김훈민, 최진현, 윤종필 1 경북대학교 ; 1 경북대학교병원 Rotator cuff tendon (RCT) tears cause pain and loss of function. However, RCT repair surgery still has a 94% failure rate and re-tear rate is also very high. In this study, we investigated the effect of mechanical augmentation using a composite biomaterial on the repair of artificially torn RCT in a rat model by providing a higher force than the conventional suture support. Alginate (AG) with biocompatibility and biodegradability was used in the form of a hydrogel sheet and a small amount of graphene oxide (GO) was added to improve the physical properties. The AG-GO composite hydrogel sheet (GO@AGHG) showed higher tensile strength than an AG hydrogel sheet and no cytotoxicity. It was confirmed from histological and biomechanical evaluation that the high degree of RCT repair was achieved by mechanical augmentation using GO@AGHG. Conclusively, GO@AGHG is suggested to be a promising orthopedic implant to promote tendon regeneration by RCT augmentation. 2PS-284 문종환 Contact Lens Containing Cyclosporine Loaded Cholesteryl-Hyaluronic acid Micelle for Dry Eye Syndrome 문종환, 한세광 포항공과대학교 Drug delivery through contact lens is an attractive method for the delivery of ophthalmic drugs, but there are limitations such as limited drug loading capacity and an initial burst of drugs. To improve this limitations, we developed cholesteryl-hyaluronic acid micelle embedded contact lenses to allowing hydrophobic drugs to be loaded more efficiently and released for long time. The contact lens was fabricated through photopolymerization of HEMA and EGDMA as a cross-linker. The effect of micelle on contact lens properties such as transmittance, wettability and mechanical strength were studied. In vitro drug release tendency from the contact lenses were analyzed over 12 days, and the in vivo treatment effect was confirmed through schirmer tear test, corneal fluorescein staining, MMP9 fluorescein analysis in dry eye diseases rabbit model. 2PS-285 민남기 Advanced Transarterial Chemoembolization using Magnetic Janus Microparticles with Anti-Angiogenetic Drugs for Liver Cancer 민남기, 조수정 1, 박우람 2, 김신현, 김동현 1 KAIST; 1 Northwestern University; 2 CHA University The majority of the causes of liver cancer is due to HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma), which is difficult to diagnose early. Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is one of methods for treatment of liver cancer, which induce necrosis of cells by injecting catheter into the hepatic artery and sending microparticles that can block blood vessels connected with cancer cells. Although TACE is very effective method for unrespectable HCC with prolong survival, recurrence of tumor by angiogenesis is inevitable. Here, we prepare polymeric Janus microparticles with two compartments, which one is polycaprolactonerich phase and the other is poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid)-rich phase. To apply magnetic anisotropy and the synergistic effects, iron oxide nanoparticles and anti-angiogenetic drugs are added into microparticles. The motions-induced by the magnetic field enables the active drug-release and results in the use of the microparticles for the promising therapeutic tools to cancer treatment. 2PS-286 박승혜 PAMAM generation 3 by surface modification with KKHIK peptides for efficient gene delivery 박승혜, 이제일, 최준식 충남대학교 Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) is one of the cationic polymers which is widely used for gene delivery because of its high density of cationic functional groups that can ionically bond with anionic plasmid DNA. However, due to the low gene delivery efficiency, it is difficult to apply and commercialize clinical applications. To overcome this problem, we introduced KKHIK sequence to the surface of PAMAM G3, which has been reported to increase the efficiency of introduction into the nucleus of cells. PAMAM G3-KKHIK showed improved transfection efficiency in HeLa and SW480 cell lines compared with that of unmodified PAMAM G3, and showed relatively low cytotoxicity. Therefore, introduction of KKHIK sequence to PAMAM shows potential by improving transfection efficiency as a novel gene carrier. 2PS-287 박원찬 Graphene Quantum Dots-Imiquimod Loaded Dissolving Microneedle for Cancer Immunotherapy 박원찬, 한세광 POSTECH Immunotherapy with drugs containing microneedle has been actively researched. 제 44 권 1 호 123

127 Researchers have showed various significant results with numerous drugs and methods such as imiquimod (IMQ), resiquimod (R848) and vaccination using ovalbumin (OVA) or DNA. However, there is a limit to the rapid treatment of tumors because the immune response occurs slowly. We used graphene quantum dots (GQD) that have photo-thermal therapy effect to treat tumors rapidly. Herein, we combined GQD and IMQ to see the effects of both immunotherapy and photo-thermal therapy, and delivered them using microneedle through the skin. GQD and IMQ bind to π- π stacking, which is expected to be able to efficiently transfer into cells because binding is broken at ph 5. We believe that this study could offer a promising approach to treat skin cancer effectively. 2PS-288 박종석 Cytotoxicity and antibacterial activity of poly(acrylic acid) hydrogel containing metronidazole for a versatility of drug delivery system 박종석, 정진오, 김주안, 권희정, 정성린한국원자력연구원 Poly(acrylic acid) (PAAc) hydrogel films have a good bioadhesive property and is able to localize the absorption site and increase the drug residence time. Metronidazole (MD) is a nitroimidazole compound that has been widely used for treating infections caused by anaerobic bacteria and otitis media. In this study, PAAc and MD mixtures were exposed to γ-radiation, and MD containing PAAc hydrogels were verified by biological characterization such as cytocompatibility and antibacterial activity for inhibiting the growth of Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), and Streptocaccus mutans (S. mutans). The MD/PAAc hydrogels exhibited no cytotoxicity and good antibacterial activity 2PS-289 신솔 Targeted therapy bosed on anti-trop2 conjugated polymeric nanoparticles for the triple negative breast cancer 신솔, 박재형, 손소영성균관대학교 Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) has an aggressive phenotype with lack expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2. Its treatment options are currently limited to the conventional chemotherapy. In order to overcome its overall therapeutic outcomes, we designed a targeted therapy platform using Trop2 that was identified cell surface glycoprotein overexpressed in 80% of TNBC patients. anti-trop2 antibody was conjugated to polymeric nanoparticles (TNPs) based on carboxymethyl dextran derivatives with bioreducible disulfide bonds. Anti cancer drug, doxorubicin (DOX) was encapsulated in TNPs by physical method. DOX-TNPs were selectively taken up by Trop2-expressing TNBC cells. The release rate of encapsulated model from DOX-TNPs increased rapidly at the intracellular reductive environment due to the cleavage of disulfide bonds. Overall, TNPs showed a potential as a TNBC-targeting drug carrier. 2PS-290 신준영 Growth Factor/Antibiotic-loaded PCL/HA Microsphere-Hydrogel System for Effective Bone Regeneration 신준영, 장희윤, 김세현, 오세행 1, 이진호 한남대학교 ; 1 단국대학교 Recently, various studies have been conducted for bone regeneration using microspheres as a bone substitute material. Polycaprolactone (PCL) is widely used as a bone substitute (filler) material, however, it poses poor osteoconductive capacity for bone regeneration. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring non-immunogenic glycosaminoglycan and plays a significant role as a facilitator of osteogenesis for stem cells. In this study, we fabricated PCL/HA hybrid microspheres by a spray/precipitation method using a double nozzle spray. And we prepared a BMP-2-loaded PCL/HA hybrid microspheres and vancomycin-loaded alginate hydrogel carrier system as an injectable bone filler. The bone regeneration behavior of this BMP-2- and vancomycin-loaded bone filler was investigated using a skull defect model of rat. The BMP-2- and vancomycin-loaded group showed more enhanced bone regeneration than the control group (w/o BMP-2 and vancomycin) and the group with single BMP-2 or vancomycin. 2PS-291 신지연 Dual crosslinkable tyramine-modified methylcellulose hydrogel 신지연, 곽경진, 박원호 충남대학교수화젤은물리 / 화학적결합에의해가교된 3 차원망상구조로다량의물을함유할수있는친수성고분자구조체이다. 또한생체조직과유사한물성을가지며조직재생, 약물전달시스템, 마스크팩등을포함한생체재료분야에응용되고있다. 또한, 자극감응형수화젤은온도, ph, 압력등의외부자극에의해쉽게솔 - 젤전이가일어난다. 메틸셀룰로스수용액은온도에따라솔 - 젤전이가일어나며, 분자량, 농도, 첨가되는염등에의해젤화속도의조절이가능하다. 소수성상호작용에의해수화젤을형성하는메틸셀룰로스수용액은낮은강도및형태학적안정성으로인해적용에제한이있다. 따라서, 본연구에서는 2 단계반응을통해메틸셀룰로스고분자곁사슬에티라민을도입하였다. 개질된메틸셀룰로스수용액은온도및광조사를통해물리 / 화학적가교가가능함을확인하였다. 또한광개시제의종류와농도및광조사시간에따른수화젤의형성거동을관찰하였고가교방법에따른특성을비교분석하였다. 2PS-292 안정아 Calcium Peroxide-mediated Surface PEGylation for Preparing Low-binding Cell Culture Plates 안정아, 박경민 인천대학교 Various surface modification techniques have been developed to regulate surface properties of biomaterials. Recently, mussel-inspired adhesive molecules have attracted much attention because of their strong adhesion on various types of substrates. However, it is still challenging to enhance coating efficacy of the adhesive molecules owing to its insufficient oxidation by lack of oxygen (O 2) during coating processes. Herein, we present a facile surface modification method using calcium peroxide (CP) that promote the coating efficiency of dopamine (DH) by O 2 supply. We demonstrate that CP-mediated oxygen supply facilitated oxidation kinetics of DH, which improve coating efficacy of mussel-inspired biomolecules. Utilizing this system, we fabricate PEGylated surfaces to create low-binding cell culture plates, resulting in low cell attachment (5.26~9.65%). In sum, our approach holds great potential as an advanced surface modification technique for a wide range of possible applications. 2PS-293 유수경 Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan-coated PLGA nanoparticle 유수경, 홍웅길, 안준혁, 김준수, 정경원, 나재운 순천대학교고분자공학과 The amphipathic PLGA is a FDA-approved to biocompatibility polymer. It is broadly used as drug delivery carrier of insoluble drugs. However, PLGA nanoparticle in oral delivery system has many problem including unstable particle and inefficient absorption in intestinal mucosa. To overcome these obstacle, chitosan was coated to PLGA nanoparticle, which may lead to enhanced bioavailability. Chitosan-coated PLGA nanoparticle (CPN) was prepared by w/o/w emulsion method. Its chemical structure was analyzed by 1 H-NMR and FT-IR. In addition, its particle size and zeta potential were measured by DLS. Moreover, morphological property of CPN was observed by TEM. The thermal analysis of CPN was confirmed by TGA and DSC. Besides, cytotoxicity of CPN were assessed by MTT assay. These results suggest that CPN is superb drug carrier in oral delivery system (No. NRF-2016H1D5A ). 2PS-294 이경우 Development of Polyurethane Foam Dressings Containing Silver-Carbon Composites 이경우, 고영광, 이혜영, 조동환, 박원호 1, 권오형 금오공과대학교 ; 1 충남대학교 Developement of advanced wound dressings that possess anti-microbial properties for wound surface and absorbed exudate is challenging study and it facilitate effective wound healing. The polyurethane (PU) foam is one of the widely used moisture dressing that have superior ability to absorb exudate from wound beds. In this study, we fabricated anti-microbial PU foams containing silver nanoparticles and activated carbon. Then, The mechanical property, moisture absorption speed, absorptivity, morphology and cell viability of the composite foam were characterized. PU foams containing silver nanoparticles and activated carbon showed significantly effective wound healing compared to controls. It will provide a crucial clue as a functional wound dressing material. 2PS-295 이소라 Effect of three-dimensional culture environment on macrophage polarization in response to Schizophyllan 이소라, 김현규, 기창석 서울대학교 Schizophyllan (SPG), one of water-soluble β-glucans obtained from Schizophyllum commune, has immunomodulatory activity. In most cases, in vitro immune cell and SPG influence studies has relied on tissue culture plate (TCP) that has limitation to mimic 3D microenvironment of native tissue. Here, PEG hydrogel was therefore utilized for macrophage culture and the immunomodulatory effects of SPG on encapsulated macrophage were assessed. In 3D matrix, SPG induced inflammatory responses of RAW264.7 cells with upregulation of M1 phenotype markers. Compared to cells on TCP, 3D-cultured cells were a lower sensitivity to SPG. It was probably due to less cellular uptake and recognition of SPG in 3D. In addition, SPG slightly increased M2 phenotype markers in 3D, indicating macrophages tend to have immune-regulation function. These results imply that PEG-based 3D culture system would be a promising cell culture platform for investigation of the immunomodulatory effects of SPG on macrophage. 2PS-296 이슬기 Glutathione and specific enzyme-responsive PAMAM dendrimer for gene delivery systems 이슬기, 최준식 충남대학교 In this study, development of gene delivery systems based PAMAM dendrimer containing the enzyme sensitive sequence (gly-phe-leu-gly, GFLG) and cystamine core was evaluated to efficient transfection efficiency. Cystamine core of PAMAM generation 3 (cpamam G3) is responsive intracellular glutathione (GSH), it could cleave a disulfide bond. And surface of cpamam G3 was conjugated with GFLG peptide sequence, Histidine(His) and Arginine(Arg). GFLG sequence is enzyme responsive sequence by cathepsin B and could be cancer specific targeting due to cathepsin B overexpressed in cancer. and His is role of endosomal escape by buffering capacity of imidazole ring, and Arg is one of the representing positive charge amino acid, it could be easily cellular uptake. cg3-glfg-h-r was synthesized using Fmoc chemistry and confirmed by 1 H-NMR. cg3-glfg-h-r was investigated transfection efficiency, cytotoxicity and cellular uptake in HeLa, Hep G2 cells. 2PS-297 이유빈 Ternary nanofiber matrices composed of PCL/Black Phosphorus/Collagen to enhance osteodifferentiation 이유빈, 송수진, 강문성, 이현욱 1, 현승휴 2, 한동욱 부산대학교 ; 1 한국기초과학지원연구원 ; 2 가고시마대학 The nanofiber matrices using electrospinning have been actively studied in biomedical and tissue engineering application fields. The electrospinning is an effective method for to produce a three-dimensional porous structure which is similar to the natural extracellular matrix. Black phosphorus (BP) is a layered structure of 2D materials consisting 124 제 44 권 1 호

128 phosphorus elements which is an inorganic component that constitutes the bones of the human body. Poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) is a one of biodegradable polymers and it can be fabricated easily. Collagen (Col) has the ability to increase the hydrophilicity and is a major component of the natural ECM. We concentrate on fabrication of ternary nanofiber matrices composed of PCL, BP and Col. Fabricated matrices can promote the osteogenic differentiation of preosteoblasts without hampering their proliferation. These results indicate that the PCL/BP/Col nanofiber matrices can be a promising candidate as scaffolds for Bone tissue engineering. 2PS-298 이재희 Surface Adhesive Block Copolypeptide Hydrogels with Stimuli-responsiveness 이재희, 이재상, Aamna Basheer, 강민정, 임동우 1, Department of Bionanotechnology, Hanyang University; 1 Department of Bionanotechnology and Department of Bionano Engineering, Hanyang University Surface adhesive proteins bioinspired from mussel foot proteins (MFPs) have been of growing interest for biomedical applications. Especially, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) residues of MFPs are used for surface adhesion via covalent cross-linking. In this study, we present ABA type tri-block copolypeptides composed of MFP and elastin-based polypeptide (EBP) with thermal responsiveness to develop injectable polypeptide hydrogels with surface adhesive properties. Hydrogelation of EBP-MFP-EBP triblock copolypeptides occurred for several minutes under physiological conditions by oxidation of DOPA into dopaquinone with sodium periodate and thermally triggered EBP aggregation. Furthermore, these block copolypeptide hydrogels showed controlled bulk adhesive properties in moisture condition. In conclusion, the surface adhesive hydrogels with stimuli-responsiveness would be potential as tissue adhesives for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 2PS-299 이정훈 Stimuli-Responsive Conformational Conversion of Peptide Gatekeepers on the Surface of Mesoporous Nanoparticles for Controlled Release 이정훈, 오은택, 윤해리, 김현미, 박헌주, 김철희 인하대학교본연구에서는 MCM-41 타입의실리카나노입자의표면에 peptide gatekeeper(wcgkc-ss) 를장착하여내부에봉입된약물을외부자극에감응해조절방출시키는 nanocontainer 를제조하였다. WCGKC 는분자내 disulfide bond 에의해유도된 turn-like conformation 을통해장시간동안실리카 pore 에봉입되어있는약물의 release 를억제하는것을확인하였다. 또한, 암세포에과발현되어있는 glutathione(gsh) 에의해 disulfide bond 가분해되어 peptide gatekeeper 의 conformation 을 random structure 로변화시키며, 이로인해봉입되어있는약물을방출시킬수있음을확인하였다. 또한, peptide gatekeeper 의 side chain 에있는 amine group 을 PEGylation 해서실리카나노입자의분산안정성을높일수있음을확인하였다. GSH 농도가높은 A549 암세포에제조된실리카나노입자를처리한경우봉입된약물이조절방출되어암세포가사멸하는것을확인하였으며, GSH 농도가낮은일반 CCD 세포에서는세포독성이낮은것을확인하였다. 본연구의결과는다양한생체자극에감응하는 peptide 를이용한 gatekeeper 의제조를가능하게할것으로기대된다. 2PS-300 이제일 Formation and Characterization of Dequalinium Emulsion as a specific Drug Carrier for mitochondrial Diseases 이제일, 최준식 충남대학교 In the previous study, we confirmed possibility of dequalinium liposomes as a mitochondrial targeting carrier. However, dequalinium liposomes showed poor physical stability when drug molecules were loaded to liposomes. we prepared dequalinium emulsion. we evaluated physical properties through analysis technique such as DLS, zeta potential, TEM and AFM, and biological properties. Dequalinium emulsions showed good mitochondrial targeting capacity, and it implies that dequalinium emulsion has potential for efficient mitochondrial therapy by solving stability problems. 2PS-301 이지나 Polyelectrolyte complex hydrogel composed of chitosan and alginate 이지나, 박원호, 김민희충남대학교알긴산은해양갈조류에서추출된선형음이온성다당류로, β-d-mannuronat 와 α-lguluronate 로이루어져있다. 키토산은갑각류의껍질, 곤충의외골격, 미생물등에서추출되는키틴을탈아세틸화시켜제조할수있다. 두가지천연고분자는생체적합성및생분해성이우수하며항균성및지혈특성으로인해창상피복재나조직공학용지지체로의연구가진행되어왔다. 고분자수화젤은물리적 / 화학적방법으로가교된 3 차원망상구조로세포외기질과유사한특성으 로인해조직재생의학분야에서연구가활발히진행되고있다. 본연구에서는, 생체재료로널리사용되는양이온성천연고분자인키토산과음이온성천연고분자인알긴산을이용하여수용액상에서 ph 조절을통해간단한방법으로고분자전해질복합체 (polyelectrolyte complex, PEC) 수화젤을제조하고이에대한여러가지특성을분석하였다. 2PS-302 이현정 ROS-Sensitive Degradable PEG-PCL-PEG Triblock Copolymer Thermogel 이현정, ZHENGYU PIAO, 손승이, 정병문 이화여자대학교 Design of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-sensitive degradable polymer can be a promising strategy for biomedical polymers with a slow degradation kinetics. Here we are reporting a thermogelling poly(ethylene glycol)-polycaprolactone-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG-PCL-PEG) triblock copolymer prepared through connecting poly(ethylene glycol)-polycaprolactone diblock copolymers using oxalyl chloride. The PEG-PCL-PEG triblock copolymer formed themogellation as the temperature increased. The in vitro degradation of the PEG-PCL-PEG gel was sensitive to hydrogen peroxide and PEG-PCL were formed in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (1.0 mm). In vivo study was performed by injection aqueous polymer solution (36.0 wt.%, 0.5 ml) into the subcutaneous layer of rats. The H&E staining around the gel depot exhibited increase of immune cells initially, however the gel is completely disappeared in 21 days. The in situ formed gel provided a sustained release profile of the cyclosporine over 21 days. 2PS-303 임경택 High-intensity Focused Ultrasound-triggered Drug Delivery using Conformationally Transformable Peptide 임경택, 엄우람, 유동길, 박재형 성균관대학교 Ultrasound-based thermosensitive liposomes have been in the spotlight for cancer therapy because of the possibility of controlled, efficient drug delivery. However, thermal vascular damage after hyperthermia treatment by high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) may decrease drug release into tumor tissue and affect the therapeutic efficacy. To overcome this limitation, we designed doxorubicin (DOX)-loaded thermosensitive liposomes (DOX-FTSLs) which can site-specifically release the drugs in response to non-thermal ultrasound using elastin-like peptide. Then, we compared in vivo behavior of DOX-FTSLs with two of different ultrasound conditions. Interestingly, higher tumor tissue penetration of DOX-FTSLs occurred without vascular damage by non-thermal acoustic treatment. The results demonstrated the possibility of safe thermosensitive liposomes for cancer therapy. 2PS-304 임철원 Self-assembled nanoaggregates based on polyaspartamide graft copolymers for targeted therapy of bone metastatic cancer 임철원, 김덕준 성균관대학교 Bone targeting and ph-sensitive agent graft copolymer polyaspartamide derivatives were synthesized by grafting of octadecylamine (C18), hydrazine hydrate and O-(2-Aminoethyl)polyethylene glycol 5000 on polysuccinimide. And PEG was grafted to alendronate acted as ligand. These features make higher bone targeting delivery efficiency. And conjugeted doxorubicin with linkers of acid sensitive hydrazone bond. This hydrazone bonds can be cleaved most effectively in an intracellular acidic environment.. The chemiclal structure of the polymer and the degree of substitution of the prepared polymer was confirmed by using 1 H NMR spectroscopy. Their ph-sensitive properties were characterized by light transmittance measurements, and the mean particle size and their distribution were investigated by dynamic light scattering measurement through varying ph values. And this polymeric micelle can be a potential carrier for targeted therapy of bone metastatic cancer. 2PS-305 Ji Ha Lee Tuning of the Aggregation Number of Platonic Micelles Ji Ha Lee, Kazuo Sakurai University of Kitakyushu The mixture ratios were used as a factor for aggregation number (Nagg) determination in binary mixtures of calix[4]arene surfactants. Platonic micelles having different Nagg were prepared by adjusting the ratio of oppositely charged compounds. We investigated the change of Nagg by using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC). Interestingly, the Nagg of micelles matched Platonic numbers and showed consistency in their respective results as SAXS and AUC. 포스터발표 ( III ) _ 4 월 12 일 ( 금 ) 15:30-17:00 고분자합성 ( III ) 3PS-1 송승원 Directed self-assembly of sub-10 nm perpendicular lamellar pattern by fluorine copolymerized block copolymer 송승원, 정연식 KAIST Directed self-assembly of block copolymer is one of the most promising candidates for sub-10 nm scale lithography due to its cost effectiveness and outstanding pattern resolution. However, further improvements of line edge fluctuation and pattern resolution limitation of Poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) block copolymer remain as critical challenges. Here, we suggest a newly designed block copolymer that can form sub-10 nm perpendicular lamellar pattern. The block copolymer was synthesized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain-transfer polymerization copolymerized with fluorine containing monomer, which has hydrophobicity. The modified block copolymer showed increased pattern resolution than conventional PS-b-PMMA due to two times higher Flory-Huggins interaction parameter (χ). Also, synthesized BCPs were vertically aligned on non-selective surface, which means neutral brush does not require for formation of perpendicular lamellar morphology. 제 44 권 1 호 125

129 3PS-2 신요섭 Synthesis and characterization of polyimides with aniline moieties in the main chain 신요섭, 박주현, 윤정, 문관호, 이승우 영남대학교화학공학부 Due to its high electrical conductivity, stability, and electroactive characteristics, polyaniline has attracted considerable attention for potential applications in electrochromic devices, sensors and photodiodes.[24] And polyimides are very interesting group of incredibly strong and astoundingly heat and chemical resistant polymers. Their strength and heat and chemical resistance are so great that these materials often replace glass and metal.[25] In this study, a series of electrochromic aromatic polyimides with aniline units in the backbone were prepared by the chemical imidazation from 9 kinds of diamine monomers and 4,4 -(Hexafluoroisopropylidene) diphthalic anhydride (6FDA). The molecular structures of the polyimides were analyzed by means of fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), UV spectroscopy and cyclic voltammograms (C-V). 3PS-3 신이삭 Synthesis and Characterization of a Metal Ion-Binding Diblock Copolymer 신이삭, 서명은, 김상욱, 한규효한국과학기술원 Microphase separation of block copolymers is a self-assembly process offering finely-tuned nm patterns in a large scale. Combined with inorganic components such as metal ions and nanoparticles, it is possible to create metal nanoarrays based on the block copolymer self-assembly by bestowing metal-interacting functionality to specific microdomains. We present the synthesis and characterization of a new block copolymer (BCP) system where one of the blocks contains a carboxylic acid as a functional group capable of interacting with metal ions. We have synthesized the target BCP by installing the carboxylic acid by postpolymerization modification, and characterized its microphase separation behavior by using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To the microphase separated surface metal ions were selectively loaded onto the modified block followed by plasma treatment to remove the polymer layer, resulting in a patterned metal array. 3PS-4 신현일 OH 기단량체를가지는폴리이미드와유기점토의나노복합체필름의특성연구신현일, 장진해, 김종원금오공과대학교무수산인 4,4'-(hexafluoroisopropylidene)-diphthalic anhydride(6fda) 와아민계인 Bis (3-amino-4-hydroxyphenyl) sulfone, 2,2-Bis(3-amino-4-hydroxyphenyl)hexafluoropropane 을 N,N -dimethylacetamide(dmac) 용매속에서중합하여폴리아믹산 (poly(amic acid), PAA) 들을얻었다. 용액삽입법을이용해서다양한함량의유기화점토를넣은후, 점토를용액에분산시켜열이미드화방법을통해나노복합체 polyimide(pi) 필름을합성하였다. 또한 0-1 wt% 의다양한함량의유기화점토를포함하는용액상태의 PAA 를캐스팅하여열처리를통해나노복합체 PI 필름을얻었다. 히드록시기를포함하는단량체와유기화점토의히드록시기의상용성을이용한복합체필름의물성변화를조사하였다. 유기화점토의양에따른 PI 나노복합체들의열적성질, 광학적특성을조사하였으며, 열적성질은 differential scanning calorimetry(dsc), thermogravimetric analyzer(tga), thermomechanical analyzer(tma) 를이용해측정하였고, 광학적투명도및특성은색차계 (spectro-photometry), 분광기 (UV-Vis Spectrometer) 를이용해각각측정하였다. 3PS-5 쑹원리양 Sulfonic Acid Functionalized Hyper-cross-linked Organic Polymer for Efficient Transesterification Reactions 쑹원리양, 김일 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 Porous hyper-crosslinked polymers (HCPs) based novel metal-free heterogeneous solid acid catalysts were synthesized via Friedel Crafts alkylation by self-condensation of hydroxymethyl monomers, followed by post-sulfonation process. The obtained HCP-based solid acids possessed large amounts of acidic sites with homogeneous dispersion over the large surface area of around 1000 m 2 g 1, and narrow dispersed pores mostly centered at about 2 nm, the junction region of micro and mesoporous. Assessed in the transesterification reactions, the obtained HCP-based porous solid acid catalysts demonstrated superior performance and special nano-confinement effect to generate biofuel products. This may offer an efficient strategy to fabricate hybrid solid acid catalysts for green chemical processes, and give the clues to prepare multi-functional catalysts from HCP-based materials. 3PS-6 아딜라 Highlighting the role of micropore content in efficient CO 2 adsorption 아딜라, 박수진 인하대학교 Microporous carbons synthesized from sucrose and melamine in the presence of molten salts present a facile strategy to design high micropore content in the carbonaceous materials. Series of nitrogen-doped samples were prepared by changing the ratio of melamine to sucrose from 0 to 2. The optimized material possesses excellent textural features, narrow micropores and high micropore volume (<0.84 nm). Furthermore, at 273 K and 1 bar, SMLK-0 uptake 197 mg/g of CO 2. Present work highlights the role of micropore content in efficient adsorption. 3PS-7 아딜라 Designing highly microporous carbonaceous materials from a single step synthesis and activation strategy 아딜라, 박수진 인하대학교 Microporous carbon materials are envisaged as efficient contenders for mitigating CO 2 level and global climate change by virtue of their rich surface chemistry, high specific surface area, tunable pore structures, moderate heat of adsorption, and facile regeneration. Current work presents a solvent-free activation approach for designing a series of microporous carbons using economically favorable avenue. Synthesized carbon materials possess a high surface area, large pore volumes, and hierarchical meso-micro and ultramicroporous structures. The high adsorption capacities with the facile regeneration make these microporous carbons amongst the most promising adsorbents in clean energy and environmental applications. 3PS-8 아딜라 Nitrogen-rich porous carbon materials as highly promising CO 2 adsorbents 아딜라, 박수진 인하대학교 The construction of physical or chemical adsorbents for CO 2 capture and sequestration (CCS) is a vital technology in the interim period on the way towards a sustainable low carbon future. The search for efficient materials to satisfy the increasing demand for CCS has become extremely important. On account of the dipole quadrupole interactions between the polarizable CO 2 molecule and the accessible nitrogen site, the investigations have indicated that the incorporation of accessible nitrogen donor groups into the pore walls of porous materials can improve the affinity to CO 2 and increase the uptake capacity and selectivity. Hence, nitrogen rich porous materials as highly promising CO 2 adsorbents have been broadly fabricated and intensively investigated. 3PS-9 엄정주 Preparation of color particles by polymeric encapsulation of pigments 엄정주, 윤하준, 진형준 인하대학교 Electronic paper displays (EPD) offers both benefits of a paper readability and a reflective display that can change contents, such as all electronic displays. Electronic ink composed of encapsulated pigment particles, one of the various components of the electronic paper display, can receive electrical signals to adjust the color and the pattern of the display surface. When pigments are applied to the EPD without encapsulating the particles, the weatherability and the light fastness of the pigment are lowered, and the driving stability of the EPD is deteriorated due to various shapes and sizes. In this study, copolymer-encapsulated phthalocyanine green 7 pigment particles were prepared by dispersion polymerization of styrene, divinylbenzene and hydroxyethyl methacrylate. The polymer encapsulated color pigment particles are expected to be widely used in fields such as fashion, advertising, and electronic skins. 3PS-10 엄진주 Synthesis and Characterization of Binder Polymers with Polar Functional Groups for Dispersion of Colorants 엄진주, 황아름, 최재학 충남대학교 In this study, new binder polymers having polar functional groups were synthesized to improve the dispersion of colorants. In addition, monomers containing acid-labile protecting groups were used to precisely control the acidity of binder polymers. After polymerization, the protecting groups were removed by acid treatment. The synthesized binder polymers exhibited high optical transparency, high thermal stability, and good dispersion of colorants. 3PS-11 유용군 Synthesis of Polystyrene and Poly(4-hydroxystyrene)-containing Bottlebrush Block Copolymers Featuring Structural Coloration 유용군, 서춘희 1, 채창근, 김명진, 서호빈, 강영종 1, 이재석 광주과학기술원 ; 1 한양대학교 Self-assembly of block copolymers (BCPs) has recently received attention as a promising application for photonic crystals due to simple fabrication processes and vivid structural coloration. To generate bright structure colour in visible range, BCPs with high molecular weights (MWs > 400 kda) and narrow dispersity are typically used in one-dimensional photonic crystals (1D PhCs). However, the applicability of such BCP is hindered by difficult synthesis and chain-entanglement during self-assembly. Thus, bottlebrush block copolymers, which feature less chain entanglement and ultrahigh MWs, can provide better opportunity to create 1D PhCs. In this work, we present the facile synthesis of bottlebrush block copolymers (BBCPs) including polystyrene and poly(4-hydroxystyrene) via grafting-through polymerization and acid-catalysed hydrolysis. Additionally, 1D PhC films were fabricated by their self-assembly and controlled by blending with hydrogen-bond accepting organic additives. 3PS-12 임지성 Color Sensors for Amine Derivatives using Stilbene-modified Silica beads 임지성, 윤정, 박주현 1, 문관호 1, 이승우 1, 영남대학교 ; 1 영남대학교화학공학부 As the result of increasing attention paid to human health, and diagnosis and treatment of disease, many efforts have been directed to the development of new methods toward amine derivatives such as amino acids, peptides, biogenic amines, and organic amines. A variety of techniques for the determination of amine have been investigated intensively in the literature including spectroscopy, chromatography, electrophoresis, and fluorescence detection. In here, the most used analytical procedures to detect and characterize amine derivatives are based on spectroscopic, chromatographic or electrochemical approaches. However, each approach has some drawbacks such as the need of apparatus and operational convenience, trained personnel, analysis cost and so on. In order to overcome the drawbacks, novel and simple fluorescent and colorimetric chemosensors for visual discrimination due to their ease of use in solution 126 제 44 권 1 호

130 as well as the high sensitivity and selectivity methods have been developed. 3PS-14 이명연 Preparation of hybrid Silica aerogel by sol-gel method 이명연, 최진규, 심상은 인하대학교 Silica aerogel(sa) has many unique propoerties such as large surface area, low density, low thermal conductivity. Yet, SA has also characteristic, mechanical weakness. This trait makes SA hard to apply industrial field. To improve this property, many researcher apply materials such as polymer, textile to synthesis step of SA. In this study, Polyethyleneimine is appllied to SA synthesis. SA is charaterized by FT-IR, NMR, BET for synthesis, surface area respectively. 3PS-15 이승찬 Crosslinked solid electrolytes without solvent for lithium battery 이승찬, 윤수진, WEI ZHANG, 최인환, 김재웅, 마붑, 김환기 건국대학교 Ultraviolet (UV) curable electrolyte has received attention as a replacement of liquid electrolytes due to chemical stability. Flexible polymer electrolytes are fabricated by poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate and methacrylamide based monomer. We are trying to make a polymer electrolyte with lithium cations directly attached to the monomer of the electrolyte rather than the lithium cation substituted of the polymer electrolyte due to the impregnation. Fluorosulfonyl isocyanate (FSO 2NCO) was used to synthesize reactive FSI-type materials. This could expect a high ionic conductivity due to electron attractor effect. A polymer with a lithium cation has a hydrophilic group in the polymer matrix and can form a wide channel that smoothly moves the lithium cation. The isocyanate reacted with methacrylamide to form a urea structure. We studied the fundamental for Li battery. FT-IR, photo-dsc, TGA and 1 H NMR spectroscopy are employed to characterize the electrolytes. 3PS-16 이용표 Fabrication and Characterization of Polyethersulfone (PES) Bridged Polysilsesquioxane (BPS) Nanoparticles for PES membrane as Blending Materials 이용표, 임정혁, 김경민 한국교통대학교 Polyethersulfone (PES) is well known as the engineering plastic with high thermal stability, mechanical strength, good transparency and biocompatibility. PES has been used to the membrane filters for microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF) and gas separation (GS) by various methods. To overcome the hydrophobicity of PES, hydrophilic materials have been used to blend or copolymerize with PES membrane or PES solution. In this works, PES or polyethylene glycol (PEG) was used as the bridging group of bridged polysilsesquioxane (BPS). BPS monomer was synthesized with PES or PEG and isocyanate-functionalized silane. BPS nanoparticles (NPs) were fabricated by Stöber process of BPS monomer with polymeric bridging group. BPS NPs have excellent biocompatibility, thermal stability, durability and elasticity. Properties of BPS NPs were characterized by FT-IR, NMR, SEM, and various instruments. 3PS-17 이용훈 Synthesis and characterization of dichloro-dibenzoyl monomer and sulfonated poly(diketonephenylene)s via Ni/Zn catalyst 이용훈, 스트라다사부찬드라, Ahmed Faiz, 류태욱, 진레이, 윤수진, 김환기 건국대학교 The polyphenylene sulfate polymer was synthesized with multiple phenylons to be applied to the solid polymer fuel cell, and compliance with the solid polymer fuel cell was measured and explained. Polymers were composed of PBP and PMBP by DMAC using the Nickel catalyst method. After converting the methoxy group to the reactive hydroxyl group, the resulting side-chain type sulfonated copolymers were obtained by a sulfopropylation reaction. 1,3-Propanesultone and KBr were used to convert OH groups in the side chain and sulfonate the polymer using acid. This polymer is not susceptible to nucleophilic attack because the main chain is linked to carbon-carbon all without ether linkage. The polyphenylene structure provides a rigid, durable backbone, and the multiply phenyl group provides a moiety that allows for high thermal stability and chemical modification. 3PS-18 이원준 HBA 함량에따른다양한열방성액정공중합체의합성및물성비교이원준, 박기태, 장진해 금오공과대학교주사슬에 alkoxy side group 을가진 2,5-dihexyloxyterephthalic acid 와 acetoxy-1,4- hydroquinone, 그리고 4-hydroxybenzoic acid(hba) 를용융중합법 (melt polymerization method) 을이용해열방성액정공중합체 (TLCP) 를합성하였고, HBA 함량에따른열적성질및액정성을조사하였다. 공중합체의물성은 HBA 가포함되는일정농도에서는최대값을보였지만임계농도이상에서는반대로서서히감소하였다. 즉, Tg, Tm, 및분해온도모두 HBA 가 1mole 일때최대값을나타내었지만그이상증가할때에는 HBA 양에따라서서히감소하였다. 하지만이와는반대로결정성은과량의 HBA 의우수한쌓임성으로결정화도는증가하였다. 합성된모든공중합체 TLCP 에서네마틱액정상이관찰되었다. 3PS-19 이현희 Highly sulfonated graphene oxide (SATS-GO) composite membranes for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) application 이현희, 한주성, 김기현 1, 김정환, 김은기, 이종찬 서울대학교 ; 1 경상대학교 Sulfonated graphene oxide (SATS-GO) was mixed with sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) as an inorganic/organic filler to fabricate composite membranes for proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). SATS-GO could be synthesized by the reaction of graphene oxide (GO) and sulfonated poly(arylene thioether sulfone) (SATS). The SPAES/SATS-GO composite membranes were obtained by typical solution casting method. As a control group, pristine GO composite membrane was also prepared to study the effect of SATS-GO. SATS-GO compsotie membranes showed improved proton conductivity and physicochemical properties compared to pristine SPAES membrane. SPAES/SATS-GO-2.0 composite membrane especially showed the largest proton conductivity value of 4.63 ms cm -1 at 80 and 40% RH. 3PS-20 임권택 Smart Bio-Orthogonal Cross-linked Hydrogels Provides Controllable Cargo 임권택, 박한은, Daru Seto Bagus Anugrah 부경대학교 In this study, we produced a novel click cross-linked alginate-based hydrogel via click chemistry using inverse electron demand Diels-Alder (IEDDA) to fabricate an ultrafast and multiple-responsive hydrogel. The hydrogels were synthesized with varying amounts of the crosslinker only a few minutes under the mild condition without any external stimuli. The hydrogels containing varying amounts of the crosslinker were synthesized with aim of tuning their properties. The hydrogels were investigated in terms of gelation time, gel content, microstructure, swelling ratio, and photothermal behavior. The hydrogels response to external stimuli such as light trigger and oxidation environment. Finally, release studies were conducted to demonstrate the potential of these hydrogels for smart controllable cargo application. 3PS-21 임권택 Systematic investigation to the effects of near infrared light exposure to polymeric micelles poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride) loaded with indocyanine green 임권택, 정민교, Sonita A. P. Siboro 부경대학교 Recently, our group has developed near infrared release responsive drug delivery employing amphiphilic block copolymer loaded with indocyanine green and doxorubicin, then crosslinkedby diselenide bond to form polymeric micelles. The results demonstrated that the drug release can be controlled externally due to the cleavage of diselenide bond under near infrared exposure.however, we also found unexpected result which was the polymeric micelles continuously damagedeven 30 hours after near infrared exposure was stopped.therefore, herein we provide a systematic investigation to this phenomenon. We found that the reactive oxygen species produced by indocyanine green not only attack the diselenide bond but also attack the polymer chain, resulting in polymer degradation. 3PS-22 임동혁 Synthesis and properties of multi-armed enantiomeric polylactide-polycaprolactone block copolymers 임동혁, 이승재, 진영읍, 이원기 부경대학교 Polylactide(PLA) 는재생가능한자원으로부터얻어지는대표적인생분해성고분자들중하나이다. PLA 는높은기계적강도, 생분해성, 무독성등으로인해서식품, 의류, 의약등광범위한분야에서널리이용되고있다. 또한 Polycaprolactone(PCL) 은다양한재료와의상용성을가지기때문에 PLA 에도입하여제조비용을낮추고생분해성을조절할수있다. 본연구에서는생분해성고분자의특성을제어하기위해다양한분자량의 enantiomeric mutli-armed PCL-PLA block copolymer 를합성하여분자량과 arm 의수에따른분해속도를포함한물리적특성을연구하였다. 또한, enantiomeric PLA 간의 stereocomplexation 형성을이용하여공중합체의블렌드에따른물성변화를고찰하였다. 3PS-23 임동혁 Study on Dispersion of Drug in biodegradable Matrixes by Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry 임동혁, 비샬가반데, 이승재, 이원기, 진영읍부경대학교 This study investigated the surface structure of drug/polyl-(lactide) (PLLA) mixture films by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). The design of the systems was based on the physical mixing and chemical bonding, drug/plla and drug end-capped PLLA, respectively. The drug/plla mixture showed the phase-separated structure and surface-segregated morphology from drug-fragmental image and its depth profile measurements, respectively. However, the drug end-capped PLLA film showed homogeneous distribution of drugs both in surface and in depth. These results indicate that the drug end-capped PLLA is an useful model for a constant drug-release system. Also release rate would be controlled by the change of a degree of complexation of drug end-capped PLLA/drug end-capped PDLA blends or the change of concentration of drugs in the drug end-capped PLLA. 3PS-24 임승혁 In situ Homologous Polymerization of L-lactide Having a Stereocomplex Crystal 임승혁, 정영미 1, 김수현 1, 고려대학교 ; 1 한국과학기술연구원 Polylactide (PLA) is one of the most commonly used biodegradable polymers for various fields such as biomedical and renewable industries. Unfortunately, the mechanical and thermal properties of PLA are inevitably damaged during the molding process due to the slow crystallization rate. To overcome this limitation, a simple, novel, one-pot, self-accelerating method for the in situ self-nucleating (ISN-) polymerization of L-lactide is designed. This strategy results in the simultaneous polymerization and self-nucleation of L-lactide crystallites upon addition of a self-nucleating agent. The results show that ISN-PLA experiences an acceleration effect on the crystallization with sc-pla as the nucleating agent. The ISN-polymerization of L-lactide can save considerable time and cost by using the one-pot process composed of both polymerization and self-nucleation. This study suggests a novel strategy for manufacturing industrial products 제 44 권 1 호 127

131 with high strength and crystallinity based on PLA. 3PS-25 임승호 Absorption property of superabsorbent polymer according to the ratio of surfacecrosslinking medium solution 임승호, 김정수, 신우승, 김유진, 김수현, 장영욱 1, 김동현 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 한양대학교 We synthesized core-superabsorbent polymer (core-sap) by aqueous solution polymerization using carboxylized acrylic monomer and vinyl sulfonic acid. The absorption properties of SAP are closely related to the crosslinking density of SAP matrix. In this study, we adjusted surface-crosslinking density on the SAP particles to improve the absorption properties. This made it possible to achieve adequate property of CRC and AUL, despite their trade-off relationship. The surface-crosslinking reaction was done by mixing the core-sap with ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether as a surface-crosslinker using medium solution and then heating at 120 for 10 minutes. We confirmed the structure of SAP using FT-IR and measured absorption properties such as centrifuge retention capacity and absorbency under load in 0.9 wt.% NaCl solution. Consequently, we obtained the optimum composition ratio of the surface-crosslinking medium solution and the content of surface-crosslinking agent. 3PS-26 장보슬 Preparation and evaluation of hexanoyl glycol chitosan (HGC) hydrogel coated dishes for 3D cell culture 장보슬, 박경환, Sudipta Mallick, 강선웅 1, 허강무 충남대학교 ; 1 안전성평가연구소 Over the past decades, three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems have witnessed significant progress in different biomedical applications. Our previous study has given a facile method for the efficient formation of 3D spheroids using non-adhesive N-acyl glycol chitosan coated dishes. Among them, HGC is highly effective and can provide convenient and reproducible method for cell spheroids formation. However, HGC has limitations such as low gel stability and weak mechanical properties for long-term spheroid culture. In this study, chemically crosslinked HGC hydrogels were introduced to improve long-term stability of coating layer. We synthesized UV-crosslinkable methacrylated HGCs (M-HGCs) and their coating morphology was investigated. Also, cell spheroids formation cultured on coated-dishes were observed with cytotoxicity study using live/dead assay. The M-HGC coated dishes showed not only comparable spheroid forming ability but also better stability to the HGC coated dishes. 3PS-27 장한별 Double Metal Cyanide-Catalyzed Polycarbonate Polyols with Different End Functionalities 장한별, 김일 1,, 이민웅 1 부산대학교 ; 1 부산대학교고분자공학과고분자합성연구실 The polycarbonate polyols were produced by starter and monomer with carbon dioxide (CO 2) catalyzed by double metal cyanide (DMC) catalysts, prepared by reacting aqueous zinc chloride (II) and potassium hexacyanocobaltate (III) with various complexing agents (CAs). The hydroxyl functionality of polycarbonate polyols is successfully controlled by the type of poly(propylene glycol) (PPG) starter. The higher functionality of PPG, the higher CO 2 selectivity of polycarbonate polyol. The resultant polycarbonate polyols produced in the presence of PPG starter were analyzed by using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and hydroxyl value. 3PS-28 장한솔 Synthesis of Partially Bio-based Colorless Polyamide-imide Derived from 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid 장한솔, 김아영, 육지호 인하대학교화학공학과최근열적안정성, 기계적물성이우수하고투명하여플라스틱디스플레이용기판으로사용가능한폴리아마이드이미드 (Polyamide-imide, PAI) 필름에대한관심이증가하고있다. 2,5-Furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) 는나무, 옥수수등바이오매스로부터제조되는친환경원료로서미래의 " 친환경적 " 화학산업을위한 12 가지우선순위화학물질중하나이다. 본연구에서는 FDCA 의유도체인 2,5-furandicarbonyl dichloride (FDCACl) 와 4,4'- (hexafluoroisopropylidene) diphthalic anhydride (6FDA), 2,2'-bis(trifluoromethyl) benzidine (TFDB) 를주구성단량체로하는투명한 PAI 공중합체를중합하였다. PAI 필름은 PAI 공중합체를화학적이미드화를거친후필름으로캐스팅하고열처리를통한추가이미드화공정으로제조하였으며, 투입된 FDCACl 의몰비에따른 PAI 필름의기계적, 열적, 광학적특성의변화를분석고찰하였다. 3PS-29 정도영 Preparation of Selective De-Cross-Linking Double-Network Hydrogels for Drug Delivery Applications 정도영, 김형우 전남대학교 Double-network hydrogels with high mechanical strength have been synthesized using the self-immolative monomer (1) and N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) by sequential polymerization and shown chemical transformation by selective de-cross-linking without structural failure owing to chemical orthogonality. The hydrogel can be chemically transformed through the selective de-cross-linking of specific network triggered by a molecular stimulus, which significantly alters physical properties of the material such as tunable toughness and lower critical solution temperature behavior. In addition, the material displayed a thermoresponsive, controlled release. Only after treatment with the stimulus did the hydrogel release cargo molecules on demand via de-cross-linking while maintaining the entire structure. 3PS-30 정성욱 Synthesis and Self-assembly of Triphenylamine-Fatty Acid Derivatives 정성욱, 박창준, 김동휘, 김상율 KAIST Triphenylamine (TPA) derivatives with alkyl chains in its para position undergo self-assembly by light 1 in chlorinated solvents. TPA derivatives show nano-rod type self-assembled structures under light irradiation. 2 Moreover, when TPA derivatives are exposed to circularly polarized light (CPL), the self-assembled supramolecules with a helical structure are obtained. In this study, we synthesize TPA derivatives with fatty acid in its para position (TPA-fatty acid) and induce chiral self-assembly by CPL. Oleic acid and linoleic acid are used as fatty acid to make the TPA-fatty acid derivatives. Self-assembly behavior of TPA-fatty acid has been investigated by NMR spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Circular Dichroism (CD). (1) Nicolas Giuseppone et al. ACS Nano, 8, (2014). (2) Sang Youl Kim et al. Nat. Commun., 6, 6959 (2015). 3PS-31 정윤지 Amphiphilic Heteroarm Core Cross-Linked Star Polymer as Janus Nanosurfactants 정윤지, 서명은 한국과학기술원 Heteroarm core cross-linked star (CCS) polymers possesses two different kinds of polymer arms covalently attached to a cross-linked core. If hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymer arms in the CCS architecture are intramolecularly segregated, the amphiphilic heteroarm CCS polymers are expected to behave as effective emulsifiers as Janus polymer nanooojbects with two distinct faces. Here we discuss synthesis of such an amphiphilic heteroarm CCS polymer and their phase behavior. The CCS polymer was prepared by RAFT alternating copolymerization of styrene and bismaleimide in the presence of a hydrophilic macro-chain transfer agent, which is followed by chain extension with a hydrophobic monomer. Investigation of their phase behavior in solution and interfacial properties suggests that intramolecular segregation in the CCS architecture. 3PS-32 정지원 Characteristics of carborane-peg monolayer synthesized by Langmuir-Blodgett method 정지원, 손대원 한양대학교 The carborane (CB) is a cluster composed of boron, carbon and hydrogen atoms. CB has been accepted as a boron neutron capture therapy material for its distinctive properties and its potential. Solubility problem of CB can be solved by joining each CB to polyethylene glycol (PEG). Three different molecular weights of PEG (Mwt 3800, 5100 and 6000) are used. By using surface pressure (Π)-surface area (A) isotherm, hysteresis and atomic force microscope (AFM), their Langmuir films were investigated. CB-PEG complexes have different limiting area depending on the molecular weight of PEG. The close-packed arrangement for the higher molecular weights of PEG is showed. At the low pressure, CB-PEG complexes make dot domains. The higher surface pressure is, the larger domains make because the domains are aggregated. Consequentially, as the surface pressure increased, the surface area increased. 3PS-33 제갈영순 Polymerization of 1-Ethynyl-4-phenoxybenzene by Transition Metal Catalysts 제갈영순, 진성호 1, 심상연 2, 박종욱 3, 임권택 4 경일대학교 ; 1 부산대학교 ; 2 강릉원주대학교 ; 3 경희대학교 ; 4 부경대학교 The transition-metal catalyzed polymerization of acetylene itself and substituted acetylenes yielded the linear polyacetylene materials. Attachment of functional groups into the polymer backbone not only ameliorates the negative properties of polyacetylene such as instability, insolubility, and infusibility, but also confers peculiar functions such as optical and photonic ptoperties, magnetism, gas permeability, etc. Here, we studied the polymerization behaviors of 1-ethynyl-4-phenoxybenzene, an aromatic acetylene, using various transition metal catalysts. The chemical structure and properties of resulting polymer was characterized by various instrumental methods. The electro-optical and electrochemical performance of polymers were also measured and discussed. 3PS-34 제갈영순 Synthesis and Properties of Ionic Polyacetylenes from the Non-catalyst Polymerization of 2-Ethynylpyridine using Dibromoalkanes 제갈영순, 진성호 1, 박종욱 2, 임권택 3 경일대학교 ; 1 부산대학교 ; 2 경희대학교 ; 3 부경대학교 Polyacetylenes with peculiar functional pendants confer intriguing functions based on electrophotonic properties, magnetism, chiroptical properties, high gas permeability, etc. The conjugated polyelectrolytes have potentials as materials for electric semiconductivity, energy storage devices such as batteries, permselective membrane, solar cells, and, light-emitting devices. Here, new ionic conjugated polymers were prepared by the non-catalyst polymerization of 2-ethynylpyridine using various dibromoalkands in high yields. The firstly formed ethynylpyridinium salt was susceptible to spontaneous linear polymerization to give the corresponding ionic polyelectrolytes. Various instrumental methods such as NMR, IR, and UV-visible spectroscopies were used for the elucidation of polymer structure. Thermal and electro-optical properties of the conjugated polyelectrolytes were measured and discussed. 3PS-35 조수정 Synthesis of poly(vinyl alcohol-b-vinyl amine) block copolymer by RAFT process 조수정, 조준희, 이성규, 곽영제 숭실대학교 Although poly(vinyl amine) (PVAm) has very simple structure, but it is not easy to prepare PVAm with controlled structure. Since it cannot be polymerized directly from its monomeric 128 제 44 권 1 호

132 form, suitable precursors,such as N-vinyl formamide (VF), need to be polymerized first, and then hydrolyzed. Due to its unconjugated vinylic structure, the reaction of active radicals from VF is too fast to be controlled. Reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) via rapid equilibrium of chain transfer agent (CTA) provides the possibility of giving poly(vf) with controlled structure. In this study, we synthesized a series of PVA-b-PVAm by a sequential RAFT process of vinyl acetate (VAc) and VF, following by hydrolysis reaction. The conversion of monomer and molecular weight of the polymers were measured using GC and GPC, the chemical structures were analyzed with 1 H-NMR and FT-IR. The kinetic plots of the monomer conversion versus time revealed the controlled characteristics of the polymerization. 3PS-36 조연주 Synthesis of Phosphorus-containing bio-based cycloaliphatic epoxy : by L-carveol 조연주, 윤석일, 강지선, 민진홍, 최지원, 심재민상명대학교 Epoxy resins are widely used thermosetting materials in various application. Most of commercialized epoxy resins are based on bisphenol A (BPA) causing serious adverse effects on human health and environment. In this research, to overcome these concerns, we synthesized a phosphorus-containing bio-based tri-functional cycloaliphatic epoxy derived from L-carveol obtained from spearmint. Cycloaliphatic epoxy derived from L-carveol was prepared by reacting phosphoryl trichloride with L-carveol, followed by epoxidation with m-cpba. Its chemical structure was characterized by FT-IR, 1 H-NMR and 13 C-NMR methods. 3PS-37 조혜진 Aggregation-Induced Emission of Acyl Hydrazone Derivatives via Control of Single Bond Rotation 김태우, 조혜진, 김경수, 송창식 성균관대학교 Aggregation-induced emission (AIE) is an abnormal phenomenon observed in certain organic luminophores, including tetraphenylethylene (TPE) derivatives. Such molecules may exhibit AIE through a mechanism of a restriction of intramolecular rotation (RIR), in which the free rotation of a group in molecules is restricted, and at the same time non-radiative intermolecular interactions (e.g., π-π stacking) are inhibited. In this study, acyl hydrazone derivatives with AIE properties were synthesized. The fluorescence of these acyl hydrazone derivatives were varied with the substitution pattern and the number of substituents. The AIE mechanism was revealed to be the RIR mechanism, which was investigated using various ways aggregation, amine substitution, and metal ion binding. 3PS-38 진승원 Preparation of a fully aliphatic polyimide for application to flexible and transparent substrate film 진승원, 최주영, 남경남, 박형주, 김동민, 송인호, 정찬문 연세대학교 Fully aliphatic polyimides have been receiving attention as a flexible plastic substrate for applications in inter-layer dielectric materials, optoelectronics, and various microelectronic industries because of their high transparency and low dielectric constants when compared with aromatic polyimides. These properties of the aliphatic polyimides originate from the lack of intramolecular or intermolecular charge transfer (CT) interaction. However, aliphatic polyimides (APIs) have a few serious problems that they generally possess relatively low glass transition temperature (T g) and mechanical properties, and very poor degree of polymerization leading to very low molecular weight. In this study, we prepared fully aliphatic polyimides from HPMDA and MCA using water-containing solvent mixture. The synthesized APIs showed much higher molecular weight than conventionally synthesized aliphatic polyimides using organic solvents. 3PS-39 최동인중합시간에따른 SAN 분자량변화와분자량에따른 PTFE 의 Encapsulation 효과최동인, 이영실 1, 윤관한 금오공과대학교 ; 1 금오공과대학교산학협력단 SAN(Poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile)) 은투명성, 광택성등이우수한특징을가진투명플라스틱이다. 본연구는유화중합으로 styrene 과 acrylonitrile 공중합체인 SAN 을합성하여 GPC 를통해중합시간의변화에따른분자량변화와 PDI(Polymer dispersity index) 를관찰하고 DLS 로입자직경을측정한후 SEM 을통해형상학적인특성과입자크기를확인하였다. 이때일반적으로전환율이높은것으로알려진 S/AN 의 7/3 조성으로 SAN 을중합하였고 DSC 를측정하여단일 T g 피크로공중합체가되었는지확인하였다. 차후제조된 SAN 의분자량에따라 PTFE 를 encapsulation 한시료를제조하여난연성실험을할예정이다. 3PS-40 최예설 Study on Synthesis and Characterization of Photo- and Thermal Curable Radical Initiators based on O-imino isourea 최예설, 백현종 1,, 박영일한국화학연구원 ; 1 부산대학교 Three kinds of the photo- and thermal curable radical initiators, DicyheDCC, CyhephDCC, and BnphDCC, based on O-imino isourea were systemically designed and synthesized. The synthesized radical initiators were evaluated in acryl monomer under photo- and thermal conditions. BnphDDC with two phenyl groups showed high efficiency in photo-curing. On the other hands, DicyheDCC consisting of two cyclohexyl groups showed the lowest radical initiation temperature as Tpeak 82 among synthesized radical initiators. These behaviors have been simulated via density functional theory (DFT) and it indicates that the aliphatic ring had a lower enthalpy than the aromatic ring on N-O bond energy. In conclusion, this study exhibited CyhephDCC and BnphDCC based on O-imino isourea have possibilities to be applied in the photo- and thermal cure system. 3PS-41 최진웅 Influence of Residual Impurities on ROMP after CuAAC Click Chemistry 최진웅, 허윤, 문준수, 김정곤 1, 방준하 고려대학교 ; 1 전북대학교 Bottlebrush polymers (BBPs) consist of a linear backbone and grafted side-chains. The high branch-to-backbone ratio in these systems causes BBPs to adopt different conformational behavior compared to linear polymers, making them a topic of interest. The most widely used synthetic method for BBPs is the ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of macromonomers. Typically, macromonomers are attached to a norbornene moiety via Cu-catalyzed alkyne-azide cylcoaddition (CuAAC) click reaction. We observed that ROMP was disrupted by residual norbornene (NB)-alkyne from the CuAAC. A very small amount of NB-alkyne, which is not removed by precipitation, has a detrimental effect on ROMP conversion. We observed that the conversion dramatically increased when NB-alkyne was removed through an additional purification process and have identified changes in ROMP conversion depending on the amount of residual NB-alkyne through two types of macromonomers, NB-polystyrene and NB-poly(butyl acrylate). 3PS-42 최호중 Preparation and Application of Hyperbranched Polyamidoamine Hydrogel Particles 최호중, 강인아, 이상화, 김상율 KAIST Interests on polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers have been rising recent decades, due to their high applicability in many areas such as drug delivery, encapsulation, and metal ion absorption. Abundant amine groups in PAMAM facilitate heavy metal ions and gases absorption/adsorption in the polymer. However, PAMAM dendrimer requires long, tedious and costly synthetic steps to obtain high molecular weight without defects. In this study, we carried out a simple and green synthesis of hyperbranched PAMAM, which is an analogue of dendrimers, in the shape of particle from inverse suspension polymerization. With Oil-in-Water-in-Oil (O/W/O) suspension polymerization, porous PAMAM particles are obtained with controllable macropores. Copper(II) ion absorption test revealed that the synthesized PAMAM particles are highly capable of metal ion absorption. 3PS-43 한재훈 Encapsulation Method for Pigment/Polymer Nanoparticles by Mini-emulsion Polymerization for Electrophoretic Display 한재훈, 이진균 인하대학교전기영동디스플레이내부에캡슐화되지않은안료입자는내후성및내광성이저하되고, 안료의균일하지않은입도분포로인해패널구동에안정성이저하되기때문에안료의캡슐화는필수적이다. 우리는유색입자의합성을위해 mini-emulsion polymerization 을통한 poly(styreneco-butyl acrylate) particle 을중합하였다. Mini-emulsion polymerization 의 surfactant 는 sodium dodecyl sulfate(sds) 를사용하였고, 입자의내구성을높이기위한가교제로 divinyl benzene(dvb) 를사용하였으며 D.I. Water 내에서 pigment 의분산성을높이기위해분산제로 Triton X-100 을사용하였다. TEM, SEM, DLS 로중합된입자를관찰하여 200 nm 입경의유색입자합성을확인하였다. 이러한안료가캡슐화된고분자입자는전기영동디스플레이뿐만아닌전자잉크, 의류등의분야에서사용가능할것으로기대된다. 3PS-44 호린 The enhanced catalyst conditions for glycolysis process of poly 1,4-cyclohexanedimethyl terephthalate (PCT) PET derivative 호린, 정현민, 노민듀금오공과대학교 Nowadays, poly 1,4-cyclohexanedimethyl terephthalate (PCT) has been widely used in the polymer industry. However, the cyclohexylene rings in its chain are presumedly huge blocks on the glycolysis process. Beside, D-Isosorbide (ISB), in spite of a potential, non-toxic diol for polyesters, its structure hinder the polyester manufacture. In this study, we investigated the influence of the steric hindrance groups in PCT through transesterification of PCT model compound, and compared with BHET, PET monomer, with zinc catalyst conditions. ISB showed the worst reactivity in glycolysis. The BHCHT transesterification had a reduction in speed, just one-third of that of BHET case with the primary zinc acetate catalyst. However, this retarded reaction rate remarkably rose up to 4 times with alkoxy species added to zinc catalyst. The rate of PCT glycolysis, applied combined zinc catalyst, was enhanced up to 3 times than that of the conventional zinc acetate and the conversion was 82% yield. 3PS-45 홍석주 Effect of multivalent cation substitution on the surface-crosslinking of the superabsorbent polymer 홍석주, 김민성, 김유진, 임승호, 김수현, 장영욱 1, 김동현 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 한양대학교 The superabsorbent polymer (SAP) is a crosslinked hydrophilic polymer capable of absorbing tens or even thousands of times its own weight of water. The SAP swelled in the fluid exhibits a gel blocking phenomenon which interferes with the flow of the fluid due to the adhesion phenomenon between the particles. We synthesized the core-sap by the copolymerization of the carboxylized acrylic monomer and vinyl sulfonic acid, and surface-crosslinked it to alleviate the gel blocking phenomenon. In order to control the surface-crosslinking density of the SAP, surface-crosslinking medium solution containing aluminum sulfate and zirconium sulfate, which are water-soluble salts containing multivalent cations, was used. The structure of the SAP was confirmed by FT-IR. We measured centrifuge retention capacity, absorbency under load, and the liquid permeability of the SAP. We also investigated the surface of the SAP by SEM. 제 44 권 1 호 129

133 3PS-46 홍연경 Preparation of forest green nanoparticles by dyeing porous polymer emulsion 홍연경, 윤하준, 진형준 인하대학교 Electrophoretic displays (EPDs) have attracted much attention due to their advantages such as low power consumption, wide viewing angles, lightweight, and flexibility. It is important that colored particles, one of the components of the EPDs, have a bright color and a narrow size distribution in order to achieve distinct colors and stable driving in the EPDs. Therefore, in this study, porous poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) particles with a specific surface area were synthesized in order to display distinct forest green color. Subsequently, colored particles were made by adsorbing forest green dye. In addition, the porous colored particles were coated again with PMMA to prevent the dye from escaping into the solvent and to have a uniform particles size. 기능성고분자 ( III ) 3PS-47 문현우 Electrospinning of chitin/collagen composite to enhance mechanical stability 문현우, 최승환 1, 황동수 1, 포항공과대학 ; 1 포항공과대학교 In this study, the electrospinning of α- and β-chitin/collagen composite nanofibers have been investigated. Electrospinning is a method of fabricating fibers of less than micrometers in the non-woven form using various electric fields at the anode and cathode. Chitin is the second most abundant resource in the earth after cellulose, and has high biocompatibility and biodegradability with high mechanical properties. Chitin is composed of alpha, beta and gamma depending on the intermolecular bonding structure, and alpha, beta accounts for most of the chitin. Beta chitin, which has a parallel molecular structure, differs in binding to collagen because of the loose intermolecular bond as compared with alpha chitin having an antiparallel molecular structure. α- and β- chitin/collagen nanofibers were observed by SEM and their intramolecular interactions were revealed by FT-IR, 2DCOS, and DSC. Moreover, the mechanical properties of each specimen were measured using UTM (Universal Testing Machine). As a result, it was found that the difference in the interaction between α- and β-chitin and collagen contributes differently to the improvement of the mechanical property of the collagen/chitin nanofiber. Therefore, we anticipate that mechanically improved chitin/collagen mat can be used as potential materials for future biomedical polymers such as GBR membranes. 3PS-48 신예린 Photothermal sensitive behaviors of bilayer hydrogel soft actuator containing gold nanorods 신예린, 김소연 충남대학교 Hydrogel actuators have water-sweollen ability on account of including hydrophilic polymer and can produce movement by various stimuli depending on the monomers, polymers, and particles used for synthesis. Gold nanoparticles are one of the most widely utilized particle materials because of their processability and stability, and above all things they have a biocompatibillity and photothermal effect that can be used for biotechnology like biosensor or drug delivery. In this study, we synthesized bilayer type hydrogel soft actuator consisted of photothermal effect using gold nanorod (AuNR). The fabricated hydrogel soft actuators can work reversibly affected by an exposure of an near-infrared laser. The FT-IR spectra, equilibrium water content, compressive strength, and bending behaviors were analyzed. 3PS-49 이도훈 Dynamic interaction in polyurethane containing the boronic ester groups 이도훈, 황동수, 박제영 1, POSTECH; 1 KRICT Dynamic interaction can impart useful functionality to the polymer. Boronic esters are known to form a variety of dynamic-covalent bonds by reacting with diols. Dynamic-covalent bonds can be readily controlled by temperature or the addition of water. Boronic ester-containing molecules have been noted in a number of self-healing applications. The self-healing material restores their function by restoring the physical damage, fracture, cracks and prevents destruction. When boronic ester-containing molecules exposed to moisture in the atmosphere, hydrolysis occurs on the surface and healing is caused by re-esterification. Here in, the polyurethane-based polymers were synthesized with boronic ester compounds and Polytetrahydrofuran (PTMEG). The restored property of boronic esters was observed under ambient conditions. The re-esterification experiments of boronic esters were carried out in surface force apparatus (SFA) through water and dry environments. These bulk materials confirmed by mechanical testing, polymer properties. 3PS-50 이명구 Chemically Resistance Perfluoroalkoxy Nanoparticle-Packed Porous Substrates and Their Use in Colorimetric Sensor Arrays 이명구, Virendra S. Patil, 김영민, Sung H. Lim, 이기라 성균관대학교 To create printing substrates for colorimetric sensor arrays, chemically resistant membranes are prepared by coating cellulose filter paper with perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) polymer nanoparticles. A water-based fluorothermoplastic polymer dispersion was diluted with an organic solvent that causes weak aggregation of polymer nanoparticles. The resulting solution improved adhesion between the polymer and the cellulose membrane, providing a more mechanically stable substrate. These PFA polymer-coated substrates demonstrated superior chemical resistance against strong alkalines and had relatively uniform nanoporous structures that substantially improved the printability of a colorimetric sensor array. Finally, colorimetric sensor arrays printed on these substrates were evaluated for the detection of four different toxic industrial chemicals (e.g., ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide) at or below their permissible exposure limits. 3PS-51 이민기 Characteristics of Doped Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Nanoparticle for Battery Applications 이민기, 권용구 1, 인하대학교 ; 1 인하대학교고분자공학과 Hollow mesoporous carbon nanoparticles (HMCs) doped by heteroatoms with an average diameter of approximately 450 nm with high surface area and well-defined pore structure are prepared based on the template of silica core/mesoporous silica shell nanoparticles. Both silica core and shell phase of HMC were etched by Teflon which also doped carbon framework by fluorine. To fabricate the cathode for Li-S battery application, these HMCs were impregnated with sulfur through melt-diffusion method. The TGA data showed that the content of sulfur was approximately 59 wt%. The sulfur, impregnated in the voids of the carbon framework of the HMCs, suppressed the shuttle phenomenon, frequently found in the Li-S battery applications. The electrochemical performances of the electrodes prepared using HMCs were measured by cyclic voltammetry, discharge-charge cycling test and impedance measurement. The microstructures and surface characteristics of HMCs are characterized by Raman, EA, XRD, BET and XPS. 3PS-52 이민영 Preparation and Characterization of 3D Printable Dental Resin based on Poly(ether ether ketone) 이민영, 정완희, 최은비, 정일두 부산대학교고분자공학과 Dental resins need strong durability, low shrinkage, biocompatibility and easy polymerization. In order to get better chemical and mechanical properties, we focused on poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) structure, which has excellent chemical, sterilization resistance,and mechanical properties, and synthesized etheretherketone based oligomer to investigate the possibility as dental restorative materials. This study aims to synthesize methacryloyl-etheretherketone (MA-EEK) using hydroxyl-terminated etheretherketone (HEEK) and methacryloyl chloride (MAC) and characterize them by FT-IR, 1 H-NMR spectroscopies. The resin mixture was prepared by mixing MA-EEK and ethoxylated bis-gma (EBPDMA) with the various ratio, and a silica derivative was added to improve the mechanical properties of the dental composite resin. To evaluate the mechanical properties, It was photopolymerized by DLP 3D printer and measured their mechanical properties, such as compressive and flexural strength. 3PS-53 이민영 Preparation and Characterization of 3D Printable Dental Resin based on Polybenzimidazole 이민영, 정완희, 정일두 부산대학교고분자공학과 Polybenzimidazole (PBI) is well known for its thermal stability and excellent mechanical properties. Most resin monomers, which have been used in dental applications, need strong durability, small shrinkage, and easy polymerization. Therefore, based on the properties of PBI, it is expected to overcome the problems of conventional dental restorative materials. In this study, PBI was synthesized through condensation polymerization from isophthalic acid (IPA) and 3,3 -diaminobenzidine (DAB). In addition, carboxylic acid-terminated PBI oligomer was synthesized by adjusting the mol ratio between IPA and DAB. Photopolymerizable PBI was also synthesized from carboxy-pbi oligomer and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) by steglich esterification, and characterized by FT-IR, 1 H-NMR, 13 C-NMR, TGA and GPC. The synthesized polymer was formulated with ethoxylated bis-gma (EBPDMA) in various ratios, and photopolymerized by DLP 3D printer, then finally used to evaluate their compressive strength by UTM. 3PS-54 이병민 Water-soluble polymer-derived carbon monoliths as electrodes for electrical double-layer capacitors 이병민, 정창욱, 홍성권, 최재학 충남대학교 An environmental-friendly method for the preparation of porous carbon monoliths with an excellent electrochemical performance was demonstrated in this study. Porous carbon monoliths were prepared by the carbonization of ice-templated water-soluble polymer/cnt monoliths. The prepared porous carbon monoliths were characterized in terms of their chemical structures and compositions, crystallinity, morphology, surface area, pore structures, and electrochemical performance. 3PS-55 이상래 Polybenzimidazole (PBI-OO) composite membrane for HT-PEMFC application 이상래, 한학수 연세대학교 In developing membranes for use in high temperature polymer membrane fuel cell (HT-PEMFC), polybenzimidazole (PBI) has been widely used for its thermal and chemical stability and good proton conductivity. One of its variation is PBI-OO, however, in its neat state, it is very soluble in phosphoric acid and cannot be used for HT-PEMFC. 130 제 44 권 1 호

134 However with the addition of our filler combined with thermal crosslinking method, it was able to withstand the harsh conditions of HT-PEMFC. In this poster we have synthesized surfaced modified titanium dioxide with phenyl and sulfuric functional group and incorporated into PBI-OO. The sulfuric group was then crosslinked to the polymer chain via thermal curing. Several composite membranes were prepared with varying level of filler and their performances were compared to that of neat cured PBI-OO. 6 wt% showed highest performance, with 98 mscm -1 at 160 Co and peak power density of 356 mwcm -2, which is higher than that of pure c-pbi-oo. 3PS-56 이상훈 Linearly Polarized light emission based on smectic phase reactive mesogen 이상훈, 고현욱, Rui He 1, 고금진, 강재욱, 이명훈 전북대학교유연인쇄전자전문대학원 ; 1 전북대학교 BIN 융합공학과 Polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs) have been developed during these decades. The light emitting polymer film with anisotropic properties can provide polarized emitting light, which can be applied in both LCD and OLED. The aligned liquid crystal having photoluminescent property is a promising material for polarized light emitting device applications. In this study, we synthesized a reactive mesogen containing photoluminescence core, which exhibits highly ordered smectic LC phase. The reactive mesogen showed UV absorption about 300 nm and PL emission in blue light region in the solid state. The anisotropic photoluminescence properties were investigated by polarized PL spectrometer. The multilayer PLEDs were also fabricated by spin-coating processes, and the electroluminescence properties was studied. The smectic phase light emitting layer showed higher luminescence dichroic ratio than that of the nematic phase, which is promising for the LCD and PLED applications. 3PS-57 이소정 Ultrasensitive organic-inorganic sandwich detection biosensor for biomedical diagnosis 이소정, 신무광 1, 박채원 1, 기지선 1, 함승주 1, 연세대학교 ; 1 연세대학교화공생명공학과 We present the ultrasensitive biosensors using magnetic nanoparticles combined with signal amplification via fluorescence dye encapsulated polymersomes. The magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are capable of seperation and purification of the targeted biomarker and polymersomes (Psomes) are easy to encapsulate molecules to generate signal. In the presence of target biomarker, that bind to the antibody-tagged MNPs and Psomes containing dye, to form a sandwich complex. We then determined the presence of biomarker after lysis the bound Psomes to release the encapsulated dye by providing one-to-multi signal. We studied organic-inorganic based platforms to diagnosis diseases with ultrasensitivity. In addition, biotin-avidin experiments were conducted to confirm whether selective separation of proteins was possible. Furthermore, it is possible to expand to various disease according to target biomarker. 3PS-58 이수진 A 3D printed PLCL/dECM hydrogel complex for adipose tissue engineering 이수진, 정지홍 1, 김수현 1, 이강원, 정영미 1, 서울대학교 ; 1 한국과학기술연구원 Adipose tissue regeneration has been studied, however, many disadvantages such as fast degradation rate and mismatch of mechanical properties still exist. So we set up several strategies to overcome these limits. Poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PLCL) was synthesized to provide proper mechanical properties and a stable tertiary structure. Decellularized extracellular matrix (decm) was used to promote angiogenesis for efficient blood supply. 3D printing was used to fabricate a patient-specific scaffold. The PLCL and hydrogel was printed through dual nozzle system. Flexibility and stretchability of the PLCL were maintained after 3D printing. In vivo experiments were conducted to investigate the potential for adipose tissue regeneration (PLCL only, PLCL-Hydrogel complex). We evaluated the mechanical properties, morphologies and gene expression level for scaffold characterization. We expected our constructs will be a promising alternative for adipose tissue regeneration. 3PS-59 이승화 Fabrication of selectively reduced graphene oxide/gold nanorod composites for enhanced photothermal therapy 이승화, 김소연 충남대학교 Over the past few decades, various gold nanostructures have been demonstrated as a hyperthermia agent for photothermal therapy (PTT). Especially, gold nanorods (GNRs) have been studied intensively because of their simple synthetic method and excellent photothermal conversion efficiency compared to other gold nanostructures. However, GNRs are morphologically decomposed when exposed to heat for a long time, resulting poor photothermal effects. In this work, we prepared the GNRs combined with selectively reduced graphene oxide containing carboxyl groups (RGO-COOH) which can further improve the solubility and biocompatibility of GNRs. The physicochemical properties, morphologies and optical properties of RGO-COOH/GNR composites were determined. Their photothermal stabilities were also investigated upon exposure to near-infrared light irradiation. 3PS-60 이승훈 Fabrication and Characterization of Hybrid Polyimide Containing Octaphenylsilsesquioxane by physical blending method 이승훈, 임정혁 1, 김경민 1, 한국교통대학교 ; 1 한국교통대학교고분자공학과 Polyimides are one of engineering plastics with excellent thermal stability and good chemical resistance because they contain imide groups in the molecular structure. However, despite the outstanding properties, Many researchers have been trying to have better properties by using silica-based composites. Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) has silica-like core and eight or seven organic hydrocarbon groups. We prepared the hybridization of polyimide and octaphenyl-poss with eight phenyl groups (OPS). In order to make the homogeneous dispersion of OPS in the polyimide matrix, OPS was first dissolved in NMP and then homogeneous OPS/PAA was prepared by 1,3-bis(4-aminophenoxy)benzene (TPER) and 3,3,4,4 bisphenonetetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA). Characteristics of OPS/PI hybrid composite were analyzed by various analytical tools. 3PS-61 이시영 Polymer-based ultrathin and skin-conformable vibration sensor for quantitative voice recognition 이시영, 김준수, 윤인열, 정윤영, 조길원 POSTECH Flexible and skin-attachable vibration sensors have been studied for use as wearable voice-recognition electronics. However, the development of vibration sensors to recognize the human voice with a flat frequency response, a high sensitivity, and a flexible/conformable form factor has proved a major challenge. Here, we present an ultrathin and skin-conformable vibration sensor that detects skin acceleration. This device consists of a crosslinked ultrathin polymer film and a hole-patterned diaphragm structure, and senses voices quantitatively with an outstanding sensitivity of 5.5 V/Pa over the voice frequency range. Moreover, this ultrathin device exhibits superior skin conformity, which enables exact voice recognition because it eliminates vibrational distortion on curved skin surfaces. Our device is suitable for several promising voice-recognition applications such as security authentication, remote control systems and vocal healthcare. 3PS-62 이요셉 Environmental friendly porous absorbents with magnetic characteristics for oil/water separation 이요셉, 최원산, 김상헌한밭대학교 With the increase in production of oily wastewaters and the strict regulations on its discharge, the development of materials and methods for oil/water separation is very critical to modern society. There are various types of oil/water separation environments. Among them, tricky situations that restrict man access have hindered efficient oil/water separation processes. Selective absorption of water or oil by hydrophilic or hydrophobic absorbent, respectively, is useful for industrial processes that use two, more, or mixed solvents. Moreover, hydrophilic or hydrophobic absorbent with a magnetic property has advantages over general absorbents if it is used in appropriate application fields. Herein, we report that hydrophilic or hydrophobic porous magnetic absorbents that possess enough magnetic force to be manipulated by an external magnetic field for tricky oil/water separation. 3PS-63 이은송 Graphene-Based Hybrids for Debonding Layers for Flexible Electronic Applications 이은송, 이상훈, 김영배, 이학봉, 한태희 한양대학교 Adhesion of the organic/inorganic interface is an important process in the field of assembly of devices, and thus adhesion has been widely studied by various researchers. Research on the detachment of organic/inorganic interfaces is equally important, especially in flexible devices. This work highlights the use of reduced graphene oxide (rgo) and manganese oxide (MnO) hybrid materials as a debonding layer for the fabrication of TFTs. We present a new debonding method, called gas-induced debonding (GID), where rgo acts to reduce the adhesion between the PI and carrier glass, and the debonding is promoted by means of gas generated at the interface between PI and the glass, resulting from the catalytic reaction of Mn atoms with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). We anticipate that the GID method will be a breakthrough in the area of rapid and damage-free separation of polymer films and substrates and can be generalized for developing DBLs for general flexible display applications. 3PS-64 이재익 Preparation of Hybrid Epoxy Polymer Network Epoxy Containing POSS-SH/PEGDMA 이재익, 임정혁, 김경민 한국교통대학교 Lately, epoxy resin is a class of high-performance materials and widely used, because of excellent engineering properties. However, epoxy resin has inherent brittleness and low impact strength due to the high cross-linking density. For this reason, much attention has been paid to the modification of epoxy in until now. One of the typical solutions is IPN Method which it can improve the toughness without phase separation and decreased mechanical properties. Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) which is the smallest silica particle has excellent thermal stability and mechanical properties. In this study, a flexible prepolymer was synthesized via thiol-ene reaction of PEGDMA with POSS-SH. For making hybrid epoxy polymer network, diglycidyl ether bisphenol A (DGEBA) and 4,4`-diaminodiphenyl methane (DDM) were mixed with various ratios (0, 5, 10phr) of hybrid prepolymer. The mixture was thermally cured to finally prepare the hybrid DGEBA/ PEGDMA hybrid epoxy having IPN formation. 3PS-65 이정준 Synthesis of benzothiadiazole based conjugated microporous polymers with TiO 2 nanoparticles for dye adsorption and photodegradation 이정준, 이택승 충남대학교 We synthesized conjugated microporous polymer (CMP-BT) using benzothiadiazole 제 44 권 1 호 131

135 derivatives via Suzuki polymerization. The synthesized CMP-BT was able to efficiently adsorb organic dye due to its high surface area, and it was recyclable after washing due to its insoluble property in general organic solvent. In addition, when visible light (> 420 nm) was irradiated to CMP-BT having a long conjugation length, CMP-BT can form superoxide radicals capable of decomposing organic dyes. Due to the synergistic effect of adsorption and photodegradation, our synthesized CMP-BT can effectively remove organic dyes. Moreover, by introducing commercial TiO 2 into CMP-BT, an organic-inorganic hybrid material having superior photodegradability was prepared and confirmed its ability to adsorb and photodecompose organic dyes. 3PS-66 이종혁 Rational Molecular Design of Polymers Towards Extremely Negative Triboelectric Materials 이종혁, 김경훈 1, 최문강 2, 전지수, 이영석 1, 이민백 2, 위정재 인하대학교첨단소재연구실 ; 1 충남대학교응용화학공학과 ; 2 인하대학교물리학과 Halogenated carbon-based polymers (i.e. PTFE, PVDF) have widely been utilized as extremely negative triboelectric materials. While halogenic elements are employed for their larger electron affinity (-270 ~ -349 kj/mol) to accommodate more electrons for triboelectric generation, carbon is being introduced to provide polymer backbone at the expense of electron affinity. In this study, we report rational molecular design of polymers to exceed the triboelectric generation performance by using inorganic element as a polymer backbone. We demonstrated 4-fold increase in triboelectric performance in voltages and currents with the novel inorganic polymers in comparison with a commercial PTFE. Complete with a sole layer of the inorganic polymer with Al electrodes, the triboelectric open-circuit voltage reached 1360 V and demonstrated direct powering of 630 LEDs under the minimal force of ~30 N. 3PS-67 이주헌 Synthesis and characterization of colorless poly(amide-imide) film for flexible display 이주헌, 한학수 연세대학교 Colorless poly(amide-imide) (PAI) film was synthesized and characterized. Charge transfer complex (CTC) of the conventional polyimide (PI) was decreased by adding amide group beside imide ring. The amide groups act as an electron withdrawing group in polymer chain and they reduce the electron density in PAI. As CTC decreased, the color of the film changed from brown to colorless. Also, PAI has lower residual stress than PI because of steric hindrance of the amide group. Due to low residual stress, PAI film is less likely to crack and has high reliability. Synthesized PAI film in this work is expected to be used in flexible display. 3PS-68 이준성도기표면의적용가능한비점착기능성고분자나노복합체제조이준성, 김성준, 남유준네오플램주방용품으로사용되는도기및법랑은우수한열보존성을가지며높은표면경도및강도로인하여스크래치발생률이낮다는장점을가지고있다. 하지만유약코팅의고온가공공정으로인하여도기및법랑에기능성을부여하기에는한계를가지고있다. 이런단점을보완하고자본연구에서는저온 (200 이하 ) 에서소성이가능하고비점착기능을가진기능성유기 - 무기나노복합체코팅을제조하였다. Colloid Silica(SiO2) 의표면을 Epoxy Silane 으로반응시켜표면개질하고 PDMS 와의화학적결합으로비점착기능을가진나노복합체를형성하였다. 제조된복합체의특성은 TEM, FT-IR 로측정하였고열적특성은 TG-DTA 로확인하였다. 3PS-69 이지목형상기억이가능한고황함량고분자의제조와응용이지목, 노국윤 1, 성준호 1, 윤호규 2, 김동균 1, 김용석 1, 한국화학연구원 / 고려대학교 ; 1 한국화학연구원 ; 2 고려대학교전세계적으로매년, 석유의탈황공정에서많은양의황이부산물로생선된다. 최근부산물형태의황을이용한물질에대한연구가활발히진행되고있다. 본연구에서는아직발표되지않은새로운중합법을활용하여황함량의조절이가능한고분자를합성하였다. EA 를이용하여확인해본결과, 70% 이상의높은황함량을가진고분자를제조할수있었다. 황함량을조절함으로써유리전이온도등의열특성을조절할수있으며, 물성또한조절이가능하다는장점이있다. 그리고이는특유의 disulfide 결합을가짐으로써자가치유가가능하며 vitrimer 의특성또한보이는것으로확인되었다. 중합된고분자는고온압착하여필름을만들수있으며, 이를사용하여형상기억이가능한고분자를만들수있다. 이러한특성들을확인하기위하여 TGA, DSC 등으로열특성을확인하였으며, UTM 을이용하여물성을확인하였다. 형상기억특성은 DMA 를이용하여확인이가능하였다. 3PS-70 이지훈 Efficient Charge Transport in Ternary Organic Solar Cells by Two Donor Polymers with Identical Valence Bands 이지훈, 박성흠 부경대학교 Despite the potential of ternary organic solar cells (OSCs) to improve photocurrents, ternary architecture is not widely utilized for OSCs because its application has been shown to reduce fill factor (FF). In this paper, we report a novel technique for achieving highly efficient ternary OSCs without this characteristic sharp decrease in FF by matching the HOMO energy levels of two donor polymers. Our ternary device --- made from a blend of wide-bandgap PBDT-DPPD polymer, narrow-bandgap PTB7-Th polymer, and PC70BM--- exhibits a maximum power conversion efficiency of 10.42% with an open-circuit voltage of 0.80 V, a short-circuit current of ma/cm 2, and an FF of In addition, we extend this concept to quaternary OSCs made by using three different donor polymers with similar HOMO levels. Interestingly, the quaternary OSCs also yield a good FF (~0.70) --- similar to those of corresponding binary OSCs. 3PS-71 이태규 Graphitic Carbon Nitride with Superior Visible Light Absorption Using Alkali Metal Halide Eutectic Salt 이태규, 김미진, 강희주, 구여진, 김홍식, 박혜진, 정윤진, 전영시 전남대학교 Graphitic carbon nitride (g-cn) has been considered a promising visible light photocatalyst. Despite great chemical/thermal stability and unique electronic properties, pristine g-cn has poor photocatalytic activity under visible light because of limited absorption of visible light and fast charge recombination induced by high density of defects. To overcome these intrinsic problems, we propose a simple method to improve visible light activity of g-cn. Ionothermal approach is employed using eutectic mixtures of LiI:KI and LiBr:KBr. Detailed analyses by XRD, FT-IR, 13 C CP-MAS NMR, XPS, UV-Vis spectroscopy, PL spectroscopy indicate that both triazine and heptazine phases are simultaneously formed. Furthermore, cyano group, which induces localization of electrons on g-cn, is also introduced with LiI:KI system without critical structural collapse. These characteristics significantly improve visible light absorption, charge separation and transfer, photocatalytic activity under visible light. 3PS-72 이한비 Nano/microadsorbents-containing macroscopic adsorbents for removal of heavy metals 이한비, 최원산 한밭대학교 Heavy metal ion discharges from industrial processes have become a serious environmental problem because of their high bioaccumulation characteristics. Thus, the removal of heavy metal ions is important for human beings and the environment. Nano/micro-adsorbents show a high specific surface area relative to the volume, which enables nano/micro-adsorbents to be a potential candidate for adsorbent with a high performance. However, it has been recently reported that the unintended leakage of nano/micro-materials into the environment can cause a significant threat to the environment and public health. To address this problem, we developed a bulk adsorbent containing three types of nano/micro-adsorbents for removal of heavy metal ions. 3PS-73 이현태 Flexible 1D photonic crystal multilayer films for humidity sensor and anti-counterfeiting film 이현태, 박민지, 윤수열, 김예진, 배자영, 임보규, 정서현, 정유진, 공호열, 이형일 1, 황도훈 2, 박종목 한국화학연구원 ; 1 울산대학교 ; 2 부산대학교 We studied a facile and practical polymeric 1D PC multilayer films for real-time monitoring humidity sensor with remarkable color change, sensitivity and reversibility. High and low refractive index polymer were synthesized by free radical polymerization with 1-10 mol% of photo-crosslinkable monomer. We were prepared four different low refractive index polymer with different quaternization degree for controlled hydrophilicity. Polymeric 1D photonic crystal multilayer films were fabricated by alternating Low/High refractive index polymers with a simple spin coating. When relative humidity (RH) from 10% to 90%, the color of films rapidly change from violet to red and return to the original state instantly after exposure to air. In case of low degree of quaternization films can be applied as anti-counterfeiting films and high degree of quaternization films can be applied humidity sensor. 3PS-74 이혜빈 Structural Effects of Hard Segments for Urethane Bonds in Self-healing Polymers 이혜빈, 이설희 1, 이민재 2, 안석훈 1, 한국과학기술연구원 ( 전북분원 KIST); 1 한국과학기술연구원 ; 2 군산대학교 Self-healing materials are a rapidly emerging research topic that could improve the safety and prolong the lifetime of materials where self-healing could be defined as the ability that heals defects or damaged parts in the material. For permanent self-healing ability, reversible chemistry such as hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and complexation has been adopted to design self-healing polymers. We recently designed and synthesized self-healing polymers based on zwitterion terminated polycarbonate which is extended by urethane bonds using various hard segments such as isophoronediisocyanate, 4,4'-methylenebis (cyclohexylisocyanate) and hexamethy lene diisocyanate. The self-healing ability and intrinsic properties such as transparency and flexibility were varied dependent on hard segment structures. This structural effect in self-healing ability dependent on hard segment structures was investigated upon mechanical properties, crystallinity, and thermal properties of polymers. 3PS-75 이혜연 Immobilization of olefin metathesis catalyst on the nanoporous hybrid frameworks (NHFs) 이혜연, 박지웅 광주과학기술원 We prepared olefin metathesis catalyst immobilized in nanoporous hybrid frameworks (NHFs) membrane. Nanoporous hybrid frameworks membrane was synthesized by sol-gel polymerization of tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)methane and hexamethylene diisocyanate. The sol was mixed with organosilica precursor and the mixture was cast on glass plate. The nanoporous NHF membrane was directly obtained by evaporation of solvent followed by thermal curing. Grubbs 1 generation catalyst was modified by a reaction with a ligand containing trimethoxysilyl group. The resulting ruthenium catalyst was immobilized into the NHF membrane. 3PS-76 이호현 Biodegradability of poly(butylene succinate)-based fibers in compost 이호현, 이희정, 진형준 인하대학교 These days, synthetic polymers threat to natural ecological systems. Biodegradable polymers have attracted as an alternative to current traditional thermoplastics. 132 제 44 권 1 호

136 Accordingly, various biodegradable aliphatic polyesters including Poly(ε-carpolactone), Poly(lactic acid), and Poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) have been developed. Among them, PBS is one of the most promising biodegradable polyesters because of their low production cost and variable applications such as tissue engineering and fishery net. However, the mechanism of PBS-biodegradation is not completely discovered. In this study, PBS fibers are biodegraded in compost conditions. Fibers are buried in artificial compost during certain periods in 60 conditions. There were no weight-changes but we could verify evidences and establish mechanisms in biodegradation of PBS fibers indirectly. The PBS-biodegrading in compost conditions will contribute to the effective management of environmental problems. 3PS-77 이효 A promising diagnosis motif based on light signals derived from volumetric change of inverse opal hydrogels 이효, 신무광, 진우석, 강병훈, 임종우, 함승주 연세대학교 Inverse opal hydrogels(iohs) sensor have been drawing much attention due to their novel property. IOHs can swell in response to external stimuliation.herein, we fabricated high quality biomarker responsive IOHs film. First, the array was prepared by self-assembly of monodisperse SNPs. Next, we backfilled the array with hydrogel precursor materials, followed by cross-linking using UV light. After removal of the SNPs array with hydrofluoric acid, we finally obtained macroporous IOHs.To summarize the results, we monitored the shift with controlling the ph and glucose concentration.the IOHs film responded to biomarkers through volume change with increased donnan potential. Increasing the ph and glucose concentration, the pore size of the IOHs was increased and color was changed. Based on optimized fabrication of IOHs above, our further research on development of biocompatible sensor for the detection of alzheimer related bio-functional signals would open new avenues in medical diagnosis. 3PS-78 임민우 Perylenediimide-Based Reactive Mesogen for Coatable E-type Polarizer 임민우, 강동규, 정광운 전북대학교 For the fabrication of patterned and oriented thin film polarizer (TFP), a perylenediimidebased reactive mesogen (PDI-RM) was newly designed and synthesized. The phase behavior and anisotropic optical properties of PDI-RM were investigated by scattering, microscopic and spectroscopic analyses. Using polarized optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction, it was realized that PDI-RM formed π-π stacking among perylene core and ionic repulsion between the self-assembled nanocolumns. The patterned film was fabricated by mechanical shearing of PDI-RM H 2O solution on the glass and the flexible polymer substrate and by photopolymerization. PDI-RM TFP exhibited a polarizability of 99.81% at λ max = 491 nm. Robust chemical and mechanical stabilities of PDI-RM TFP were investigated by the solvent and pencil hardness tests. This work was supported by BK21 Plus program, the BRL , Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ) NRF Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program of Republic of Korea. 3PS-79 임민지 Synthesis of High Hardness/Flexible Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Coating 임민지, 송지은, 박지현, 김형일 충남대학교 The plastic sheet usually has a lower surface hardness and poor scratch resistance compared to glass resulting in easily damaged and less transparent surface. In this study, UV-curable organic/inorganic hybrid hard coatings were synthesized by sol-gel method to improve surface physical properties. In addition, various urethane acrylate oligomers were studied to retain flexibility of coating layer. The effect of structural changes and coating ingredient composition on the surface characteristics of coating layer was investigated with FT-IR, surface hardness characteristics, flexibility, optical property, and thermal decomposition behavior. 3PS-80 임석인 Dumbbell-shaped Diacetylene Monomers for Physical Gelation and Its Topochemical Polymerization 임석인, 정광운 전북대학교 We newly designed and synthesized photopolymerizable dumbbell-shaped diacetylene liquid crystal monomers with dicarboxylic acid group at the center. These two kinds of monomers have chemically connected tails, such as amphiphilic biphenyl mesogens (abbreviated as BP 3DA) and hydrophobic alkyl chains (abbreviated as AT 3DA). For AT 3DA, it is appropriate for the topochemical reaction because of the lateral adjacent molecular packing between diacetylene moieties. Despite of its highly ordered crystal phases of BP 3DA, photopolymerization did not proceed. Because AT 3DA formed the fibrous structure through hydrogen bonding, consequent photopolymerization stabilized the physical gel state via the covalently connected poly diacetylene network. Moreover, the AT 3DA gel was readily changed from the reddish gel state to the orange sol state when the AT 3DA gel was heated. This work was supported by the BK21 Plus, the BRL , and Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ). 3PS-81 임석인 Dendronized Azobenzene-based Polynorbornenes for Remote-Controllable Actuators 임석인, 정광운 전북대학교 For the fabrication of remote-controllable actuaors, a dendronized polynorbornene (denpol) is newly designed and successfully synthesized using azobenzene-based macromonomers. The programmed denpol (ADP) was produced using ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) to gain complete conversion. To investigate the molecular packing structures, we employed the 2D wide angel X-ray diffraction (2D WAXD) and the uniaxially oriented ADP film has three different layered hierarchical superstructures according to temperature. ADP free standing film was fabricated by melt scraping process. When UV light is irradiated in a direction perpendicular to the film surface, the ADP film induces anisotropic volume contraction and bent away from the light source because the original alignment of the azobenzene mesogen was parallel to the film normal direction. This work was supported by the BK21 Plus, the BRL , Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ). 3PS-82 임원빈 Fabrication of Photocurable 3D Printer material with Viscosity and UV Curing time 임원빈, 허필호, 지찬혁, 배지홍, 김병주부산대학교 The intrinsic viscosity of the photo-curable monomer and polymer is measured to target the molecular weight of the material. The photo-curing polymer is produced through physical or chemical reaction, and the curing time and physical properties of the material are adjusted according to the purpose. It can be controlled the ratio of the photo initiator and polymer. For example, Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) series based on polyethylene glycol(peg) as a polyol and hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) as a isocyanate were synthesized as a function of molecular weight formulation. After that, it is photo-cured by attaching acrylate, and it is designed by applying UV through hydrogel type 3D printing. 3PS-83 임준섭 Doxorubicin Delivery via Well-Defined Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-b-Poly(vinylpyridine) ph-sensitive Block Copolymer 임준섭, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 To avoid side effects of anti-cancer drugs, using drug delivery system is important to protect normal organs and save drug dosage. Cancer cell has abnormally active metabolism, so it creates much amount of lactic acid, lower ph than normal cell. Using this factor, if ph-sensitive materials are included in drug delivery system, it would release anti-cancer drug only at tumor cells. Though some ph-sensitive drug delivery studies are done, they still have own drawbacks to be used in human body. Herein we study new and well-defined type of ph-sensitive block copolymers. Polyvinylpyrrolidone is biocompatible and has better water solubility than poly-ethylene glycol. Vinylpyridine is biocompatible if polymerized, ph-sensitive, and has hydrogen bonding ability against doxorubicin, one of the anti-cancer drugs including hydroxyl groups. This simple drug loading principle will lead multi-drug loading, like paclitaxel, whose better performance were reported if combined with doxorubicin. 3PS-84 장소영 Quinoxaline based new polymers with differenet carrier mobility by side-chain effects for non-fullerene organic solar cells 장소영, 박성흠 부경대학교 Three new BDT-alt-di(thiophen-2-yl) quinoxaline polymers were prepared with the aim of exploring thiophen difluoroquinoxaline (TFQ)-based polymers on fullerene-free organic solar cells (OSCs). The electron-rich BDT unit contains three different substituents, namely BDTO, BDTT, and BDTS. These were polymerized with electron deficient (Dibromo TFQ) to afford the polymers P(BDTO-TFQ), P(BDTT-TFQ), and P(BDTS-TFQ). The OSCs made with a blend of polymer and ITIC gave the maximum power-conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 3.49, 7.06, and 0.75%, respectively. Overall, the substituents attached at the 4- and 8-positions of the BDT unit of the TFQ-based polymers were found to exhibit greatly altered properties, mobility. This resulted in dissimilar photovoltaic performance for the resulting polymers. 3PS-85 장용호 Light-induced resonance-based frequency-selective amplification for combined photoacoustic-ultrasound imaging 장용호, 이호현, 조영흔, 김현철 서강대학교 Photoacoustic imaging is an emerging biomedical imaging modality which offers high spatial resolution and visualization at much deeper than the depth achieved by other optical imaging modalities. However, the sensitivity of photoacoustic imaging is quite limited due to background signals produced from endogenous optical absorbers. To overcome this technical hurdle, exogenous photoacoustic contrast agents have been employed in efforts to improve sensitivity. However, photoacoustic signal usually contains a broad range of frequency components, whereas the ultrasound transducer is only capable of receiving signals within a certain frequency range. In this study, we show that the gas-cored structure of a porphyrin-phospholipid microbubble (p-mb) can act as a resonance frequency-selective amplifier for photoacoustic signals produced from the embedded porphyrin, thus improving the efficiency of the signal reception and allowing for more sensitive photoacoustic imaging. 3PS-86 장지원 Janus Graphene Oxide thin films with Fe 3O 4 nanoparticles and polydopamine for anode materials of lithium ion batteries 장지원, 구자승 충남대학교 The battery performance, including capacity and energy density is directly related to the materials and structure of the electrodes. In order to achieve desired structure of anode, we adopted 2D Janus structure, consisting of wrinkled graphene oxide functionalized with Fe 3O 4 nanoparticles and biomimetic polydopamine as a binder. We 제 44 권 1 호 133

137 formed a wrinkled structure of GO to increase specific surface area and to improve electrical capacitance. In addition, Dopamine was injected as a binder which prevents anode materials from the detachment during charge/discharge cycling. Thin films were obtained through the Langmuir-Schaefer technique and were characterized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Consequently, according to our modification, we expect that this Fe 3O 4/ GO/ PDA composite would be a promising anode material with sufficient capacitance and cycling stability for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. 3PS-87 장환동 Sub-2V polymer electrochromic device using charge balaning counter electrode, NiOx 장환동, 김영훈 1, 김진보, 김병관 2, Maxime Remond, 김은경 연세대학교화공생명공학과 ; 1 한국화학연구원 ; 2 IPCM, UMR CNRS-Sorbonne Université, Paris, France Electrochromic device (ECD) are defined as material that can absorb light in the UV-Vis region depending on applied potential so that block the external light and change the window color. Existing ECD constantly consume electrical energy in order to absorb certain wavelength photovoltaic energy into the window. Therefore, a low-energy consumption ECD is essential for practical smart window usage. Our recent work uses Nickel oxide for counter electrode, a EC material that has complementary color change about the previously presented EC polymer ProDOT-Br for working electrode. Using the charge balance effect, we implement a low voltage operation (-1 V to 1.8 V) with excellent cyclability, color response time (<0.6 s) and large color contrast (ΔT>70%). Furthermore, optical memory during the voltage-off state is important for energy saving and this work records<10% during 2 h and capacitive property (2 Wh/kg) contributes to the study of low-power consumption ECD by obtaining discharging current. 3PS-88 전성익 Sulfonamide Derivatives-modified Polystyrene Resin for Hard Water Treatment 전성익, 안철희 Research Institute of Advanced Materials (RIAM), Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University Removal of metal ions in water for industrial use, called water softening, is an important procedure since ions cause significant problems with maintenance of equipment or facilities. Even though chelate resins are widely used for desalination, they have some limitations such as low ion selectivity and harsh regeneration condition. In this research, sulfonamide-derived cation capturing system is suggested as an alternative to relieve these drawbacks. Sulfonamide derivatives show a sharp transition from charged to uncharged form at certain ph, which alleviates the condition of regeneration. Four types of sulfonamide derivatives were selected as candidates in our research and introduced on the surface of microbeads. The surface modification was confirmed by FT-IR analysis, and their calcium ion capturing capacities in actual circumstances were verified. Finally, the most regenerative type of sulfonamide in the moderate acidic condition was determined through regeneration test. 3PS-89 정극민 Highly Transparent and Conductive Polyimide/Silver Hybrid Film 정극민, 하창식 부산대학교 Indium tin oxide (ITO) has been used for application in transparent conducting electrodes such as organic light-emitting device (OLED). Silver nanowire (AgNW) are one of the alternatives to ITO. In this study, highly transparent and flexible conductive polyimide/silver hybrid films with good thermal stability and durability were successfully prepared from silver nanowire (AgNW) and reduced graphene oxide. AgNW was embedded into polyimide (PI) surface through KOH treatment-based chemical modification of the PI surface. The graphene oxide sheets (GO) were coated on the AgNW embedded PI surface. The GO covered PI/AgNW hybrid films exhibited a low sheet resistance, high optical transparency and thermal stability. These hybrid film offers a good potential for application in flexible transparent conducting electrodes. 3PS-90 정다영 Photo-responsive Thin Films based on Self-Assembled Hierarchical Superstructure of Benzene-1,3,5-Tricarboxamide 정다영, 최유진, 정광운 전북대학교 We newly synthesized benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide containing photo-responsive azobenzene groups (denoted as BTAZO). Based on the structure analysis, it was found that BTAZO was self-assembled to nanocoulmns mainly driven by the intermolecular hydrogen bonds between BT core. BTAZO exhibited the phase sequence of a low-ordered hexagonal columnar liquid crystal (ф LC) phase, a highly-ordered LC phase (K LC), and a lamello-columnar crystal phase (K Cr). From hierarchical superstructure of BTAZO, free-standing films were obtained by drop casting process. Because of azobenzene groups tethered to the BT core, 3D networked BTAZO thin films can be switched the shape and color by controlled the wavelength of light as well as writing/erasing. This materials will be of great help in contributing to the photo-responsive smart sensor. This work was supported by BK21 Plus program, BRL , and Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ). 3PS-91 정다운 A Polythiophene-based Dual Conductive Binder for Lithium Metal Battery 정다운, 김나경 1, 이종찬 서울대학교 ; 1 Pannsilvania State University, PSU A polythiophene-based conductive polymer having both ionic and electric conductivity was successfully synthesized and characterized. Thermal and electrochemical properties of the polymer were investigated by various techniques such as DSC, EIS and four probe point test. The polymer shows low T g value with the ionic conductivity of 3.7x10-5 S/cm at 30 due to a presence of PEG, and it also has a sufficient electric conductivity of 8.7x10 7 S/cm at room temperature. The polymer was utilized as a cathode binder for lithium-metal battery, resulting in improved cell performance compared to conventional PVDF binder. We believe that the polythiophene having both ionic and electric conductivity can be a promising polymer binder for all-solid lithium-metal battery system, reducing the high interfacial and cathodic resistances caused by the absence of liquid electrolyte. 3PS-92 정다운 Synthesis of palladium nanoparticles immobilized in the nanoporous covalent networks for catalytic membrane reactor 정다운, 박지웅 광주과학기술원 We prepared palladium nanoparticles loaded on the nanoporous covalent networks for catalytic membrane reactor. Colloidal dispersions (sols) were produced by polymerization of tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)methane and hexamethylene diisocyanate. The sols were blended with polyethylene glycol to form the mixtures of covalent networks. Bicontinuous covalent films were made by casting the mixtures onto the glass plate followed by evaporation. We performed the structural characterization of palladium nanoparticles loaded on the nanoporous covelent network films and catalytic activities were investigated in the organic transformation reaction. 3PS-93 정미진 Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Based on New Organic Electrolyte Doped ZnO as an Electron Transport Layer 정미진, 진호철, 이준호, Sabrina Aufar Salma, 김주현 부경대학교 Polymer solar cells (PSCs) have been known as an attractive candidate for clean energies, with the low cost fabrication, lightweight, and mechanical flexibility. In this presentation, to increase the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of inverted PSCs, new small molecular electrolyte (C6-E-OTs) was prepared and doped into zinc oxide (ZnO) as an electron transport layer (ETL). The material has two hydroxyl groups and quaternary ammonium cation with tosylate anion for generating a favorable interface dipole. Furthermore, the device based on doped ZnO has lower Schottky barrier at the cathode interface than the device based on pristine ZnO. As a result, the PCE of device with doped ZnO was achieved up to 8.27%. 3PS-94 정미진 Fabrication and Characterization of Carboxylic β-cyclodextrin with Vitamin E/C 정미진, 송인준, 정일두 부산대학교고분자공학과 α Tocopherol (α-to) has the highest antioxidant and biological activity and can be used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industry. Also, Vitamin C, known as L-ascorbic acid (AA) has bioactivity and anti-oxidation property. However, α-to and AA are readily oxidized by light, air, oxidizing agents or heat, resulting in the reduction of their antioxidant value. Cyclodextrin (CD) can enhance the solubility and chemical stability of compounds in aqueous solution leading to increase the bioavailability. In this study, the oxidized β-cd, carboxy-β-cd was synthesized from TEMPO, NaBr, NaClO4. C-β-CD was used to synthesize the conjugation with α tocopherol C-β-CD-TO) by using DCC and DMAP and and characterized by FT-IR, 1 H-NMR, 13 C-NMR spectroscopies. The inclusion complexes of β-cd with AA or α-to were synthesized in H 2O and characterized by FT-IR, UV-Vis spectroscopies, and DSC. 3PS-95 정미진 Fabrication and Characterization of β-cyclodextrin-l-ascorbic Acid Conjugates 정미진, 송인준, 정일두 부산대학교고분자공학과 Cyclodextrins are a family of cyclic linked oligosaccharides consisting seven glucose units. They can enhance the solubility and chemical stability and increase the bioavailability. L-Ascorbic acid (AA) is one of the interesting and well known natural acid which can be used for cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industry due to its bioactivity and anti-oxidation. The endiol groups of AA are sensitive to oxidation and can easily convert into a diketo group, L-dehydroascorbic acid. This study aimed to prepare the novel cosmetic, health food supplement material including β-cyclodextrion (β-cd). The primary hydroxyl groups on β-cd was selectively oxidized to carboxy-β-cd (C-β-CD) using TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl radical). C-β-CD-AA was synthesized as C-β-CD and ascorbic acid with DCC (N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide) and DMAP (4-(dimethylamino)pyridine) in DMSO. The synthesized C-β-CD-AA was characterized by FT-IR, 1 H-NMR, 13 C-NMR spectroscopies. 3PS-96 정민웅 Hierarchical and bicontinuous structure Solid Polymer Electrolyte composite based Polyacrylonitrile 정민웅, 최우혁 1, 국립부경대학교 ; 1 국립부경대학교고분자공학과 In order to overcome safety issues, Solid Polymer Electrolytes (SPEs) having mechanically rigid and nonvolatile characteristics are widely considered as promising substitutes for ethylene or propylene carbonate-based organic liquid electrolytes. However, SPEs have a disadvantage of low ionic conductivity lower than 10-4 S/cm, which is not enough for the practical requirement for a lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). In this study, we synthesized polyacrylonitrile (PAN) with a hierarchical and bicontinuous structure with a high surface area, thereby producing continuous channels for mobile ions using thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) method. After combining the PAN with a mixture of a plastic crystal succinonitrile (SN) and a weaking-binding lithium salt (LiTFSI), it is successful to prepare PAN-based SPEs. Then, we systematically study the effect of SN/LiTFSI content on ionic conductivity and morphology using impedance spectroscopy and Fe-SEM, respectively. 134 제 44 권 1 호

138 3PS-97 정창욱 Characterization of poly(ether imide) as an anode binder of lithium ion batteries 정창욱, 이병민, 황아름, 최재학 충남대학교 Commercial poly(ether imide) (PEI) was evaluated as a binder for Si alloy-based anode materials of lithium ion batteries (LIB). The effects of thermal treatment on the electrochemical properties of PEI binder in a coin cell type LIB were also investigated. As as results, the Si alloy electrodes treated at a higher temperature exhibited high cycling performance. Therefore, the thermal treatment of PEI binder under the optimized conditions can be an effective method to improve the cycling performance of Si-based electrodes in LIB. 3PS-98 정한진 Synthesis of microcapsule based on azido-polyurethane and solvatochromic dye 정한진, 이경진 충남대학교 Microcapsule based on azido-polyurethane (azido-pu) is functionalized on surface through azido-alkyne click reaction. The pre-polymer of Azido-PU was synthesized using by poly(gap-co-thf) diol and MDI. Microcapsules were synthesized by emulsion polymerization at the interface of oil with prepolymer in water with chain extender such as 1,4-butandiol. The synthesized microcapsule s shell have azido functional group so it could be azido-alkyne click reaction with solvatochromic dye. When solvatochromic dye contacts with solvent, the dye s color can change depending on degree of polarity. In order words, When solvatochromic microcapsules are cracked by external stimulus, the dye on microcapsule shell contacts with flowed internal solvent by crack and we can see the color change of the microcapsules. It is possible to detect where microcapsules cracked. Thus, it can be applied to crack detecting sensor such as matrix or film containing solvatochromic microcapsules. 3PS-99 조선영 Conjugated polyquinoxaline-based photocatalyst: Generation of reactive oxygen species and organic compound oxidation 조선영, 이택승 충남대학교 We synthesized polyquinoxailnes (PQs) using fluorene unit as electron donor and quinoxaline derivatives unit as electron donor via Suzuki coupling polymerization. The PQs generated reactive oxygen species(ros) under solar light irradiation. The ROS are chemically reactive species such as peroxide, superoxide, hydroxyl radical and singlet oxygen. Recently, many researchers are interested in the field of ROS-mediated photocatalysis because ROS present high reactivity to olefin and amine compounds. In this study, we investigated the photocatalysis efficiency of the PQs via conversion of benzylamine into N-benzylidene(phenyl)methanamine benzylamine by monitoring 1 H NMR. Also, the photocatalytic activity of PQs was evaluated in the N,N-dimethyl- 4-nitrosoaniline (RNO) dye. For practical use in the photocatalyst reaction, we fabricated a paper-based strips containing the PQs via simple wetting of filter paper in polymer solution. 3PS-100 조완수 One step catalyst-free carbonization of aromatic organic materials and polymers 조완수, 박치영 부경대학교 Because of its excellent properties, graphene is attracting much attention with how to produce it as well as its diverse applications. The most well known graphene production method to date is chemical vapor deposition (CVD), which is using metal catalyst template at high temperature. We found a thin carbon coating on the quartz after carbonization of some specific material without any catalyst and confirmed that it was a thin nano-graphene layer by Raman, XPS. Conventional methods mainly use small molecules such as SiC and CH 4 as a carbon source. This result is remarkable in that a graphene layer is formed by a simple process using an organic compound containing a benzene ring as a carbon source. 3PS-101 조윤식 Refractive Index Tunable Optical Films Based on In-Situ Nanoparticlization of Polynorbornene Block Copolymers 조윤식, 임지우 1, 차국헌 서울대학교 ; 1 경희대학교 Refractive index (RI) of the polymer films is largely affected by molar refraction of the elements within the polymers. Sulfur and fluorine are well-known elements for RI tuning, due to its significantly different molar refraction compared to typical hydrocarbon. While higher sulfur content increases the RI of a polymer film, fluorine content gives opposite trend of RI change. Herein, we report the synthesis of polynorbornene based block copolymers (BCPs) containing sulfur- and fluorine-rich blocks, and their application to RI-tunable optical films. Owing to intrinsic low solubility of both elements, sulfuror fluorine-rich BCPs undergo in-situ nanoparticlization during the polymerization. Average size of the self-assembled nanoparticles under 100 nm prevents undesired light scattering, making films from those BCPs highly transparent. By controlling the monomer feed ratio, RI of the polymer films can be precisely tuned within a wide range. 3PS-102 조진 Synthesis of Biphenyl Compounds in the Presence of New Polymer Particles 조진, 박태원, 한양규 한양대학교 We synthesized new porous crosslinked polymer particles (DS28D and PDOPAM) from new acrylamide based monomer in the presence of divinyl benzene by a suspension polymerization. The polymer particles was used as a polymer reagent for conventional coupling reactions : aromatic halides were reduced to the resulting coupling compounds using a palladium catalyst in water in the presence of the prepared polymer particles without any organic solvents at mild conditions. Unlike the conventional coupling reaction systems, the use of small amount of the polymer reagent enables the highly selective coupling reaction of aryl halides to biphenyl compounds due to its fixation and orientation effects. 3PS-103 조혁이 Rhodamine based polymeric sensors enhanced by N,S-heterocycles 조혁이, 신상빈, 도정윤 부산대학교 The introduction of metal chemosensors on polymeric system was attempted with azide-alkyne click reaction. This reaction yields triazole group as a binding site, which cooperates with proximal ligands for metal complexation. Clean and simple removal of the catalyst after coupling reaction was issued and successfully resolved with polymer supports. The polymer sensor was prepared by the click reaction of rhodamine based chemosensors on acrylic copolymer. The binding contribution of a triazole group improves selectivity of the rhodamine sensors, depending on metals such as Cu, Hg, Al ion, etc. Three different polymers such as anionic, cationic, and zwitterionic polymers were examined for the better water-soluble property. The sensing performance of the prepared polymers is discussed in micro to nano molar concentration of metal ions. 3PS-104 주예은 Stimulus-Responsive Structural Transformation of Dendron-Peptide Conjugate with Intramolecular Disulfide Bond 주예은, 이정훈, 노은별, 김철희 인하대학교 Dendron 은 focal point 에도입된 moiety 에따라다양한자기조립거동을보일수있을뿐만아니라독특한기능성을가질수있다. 본연구에서는산화및환원에따른화학구조변화를통해자극감응형조절방출기능을갖는자기조립구조체를형성하기위하여 2 세대 amide dendron 의 focal point 에 CVVLLC peptide 를도입하였다. 이렇게만들어진 dendron-peptide conjugate 는펩타이드양말단의 cysteine 사이에 intramolecular disulfide bond 가형성되어있는경우에는수용액상에서 vesicular structure 를나타내는것을확인하였으며 intramolecular disulfide bond 가없는경우에는 irregular structure 를나타내는것을확인하였다. 또한, 이렇게만들어진 vesicular structure 는 dye 를 loading 할수있는것을확인하였으며, 여기에환원제인 glutathione 을첨가한경우 disulfide bond 가환원되어 loading 되어있던 dye 가조절방출되는것을확인하였다. 따라서본연구에서사용한펩타이드의가역적인환원과및이를통한 dendron 의자기조립구조변화가자극감응형 nanocarrier 를제조하는데에유용하게사용될수있을것으로기대된다. 3PS-105 주현서 Fabrication of polyaniline hydrogel with high stretchability and enhanced electrochemical properties 주현서, 한호성, 조성훈 영남대학교 In this work, we report an efficient methodology to produce polyaniline hydrogel (PANI HDG) with high scalability, enhanced electrochemical properties. The PANI HDG was synthesized through chemical interactions between PANI and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) chains. Although the content of PVA has been reduced, PANI HDG has been successfully synthesized. Also, Graphene sheets were added into the PANI HDG to achieve further improvements in the mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of the PANI HDG. After synthesis of polyaniline hydrogel, we analyzed a variety of characteristics such as morphology, structure, thermal properties, and electrochemical properties. 3PS-106 지찬혁 A blowing method to form spheres of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) : Growth from a self-assembled simple synthesized by aqueous chemical polymerization 지찬혁, 허필호, 배지홍, 임원빈, 김병주, 민진규, 서창민부산대학교 Various micro sized diameters sphere morphology accompanied with self-assembled by simple blowing method of hydroxyl-poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT-OH) doped with hydrochloric acid were synthesized in aqueous solution using different added amount of chemical initiator APS (ammonium persulfate as oxidant). Approved with scanning electronic microscope imagines sphere morphologies and indicated effect of add amount initiator and blowing for controlled chemical bonding. Discuss this study of self-assemble synthesized of PEDOT-OH with in-situ UV and SEM. It was found that sphere morphologies of PEDOT-OH was driven the hydrogen bond between EDOT (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) hydroxylmethyl derivative monomer, hydroxymethyl EDOT. Moreover, in blowing condition, controlled synthesis speed was one of the factor to sphere morphologies with PEDOT-OH. 3PS-107 진호철 The Change of Cathode Buffer Layer's Contact Property based on Hydroxyl Position of Pyridine Derivatives in Organic Solar Cells 진호철, 정미진, 이준호, Sabrina Aufar Salma, Ratna Dewi Maduwu, 김주현 부경대학교 The interface engineering is essential prerequisites for high-efficiency organic solar cells (OSCs). A modification of the interface holds promise for many tunable contact properties. Especially, the modification between a cathode buffer layer and an active layer can tune the contact property from ohmic to rectifying by introducing materials with a dipole. In this study, hydroxide substituted-pyridine derivatives, named 2-hydroxypyridine (2-OH-Py) and 4-hydroxypyridine (4-OH-Py), were inserted with a device configuration of ITO/ZnO/x-OH-Py/PTB7:PC71BM/MoO 3/Ag, in which x means 2 or 4. An interface dipole difference, induced by the other position of the hydroxy group, was showed apparently in the efficiency of the OSCs. A power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 2-OH-Py reached up to 7.61%, while the rest one was only up to 4.69%. 제 44 권 1 호 135

139 The work function of the modified interface also showed the results which have the same tendency with PCE. 3PS-108 최다희 Plant derived polymer-based drug microcarriers degraded by ph- and enzymaticdependent manners 최다희, 홍진기 연세대학교 The plants derived polymers have been used for biomedical applications because of their numerous effects. Due to its high mechanical property, especially for cell wall extraction material, it is desirable for use in a drug delivery system (DDS) to maintain the high durability without any drug leakage issue in body. In this study, we prepared high durable DDS carriers using tannic acid (TA) and lignin which are extracted from green tea and cell wall, respectively. By using Layer-by-layer assembly (LbL), we have fabricated TA and lignin multilayer microcarriers. The TA and lignin carriers were stable at physiological condition for 7 days, started to degrade when enzyme treated. We controlled film degradation and drug release kinetics enzymatically and ph-dependent. TA and lignin carriers did not show cytotoxicity and have anticancer effect. We developed a smart drug delivery carrier using plant cell extracts that can be controlled via enzymatic effects, which is useful as DDS platform. 3PS-109 최수빈 Hierarchical silica nanostructure fabrication for antireflective coating based on organic-inorganic hybrid 최수빈, 윤광한, 이동익, 곽영제 1, 김승현 인하대학교 ; 1 숭실대학교 Silica nanostructures find a variety of applications including modern thin-film applications. Among the various approaches, the simplest way to control silica nanostructures is sol-gel method. However, in our work, SSQZ was used as a replacement silica precursor instead of using a sol-gel process. Since SSQZ has an amine group in the silica-based chain, it has an advantage that it is easy to bond with organic materials when compared with silsesquioxane having a si-o-si structure. In this study, coating was performed stepwise to show the hierarchical structure. First, the silica particles were coated on the substrate and the structure of ssqz was controlled by self-assembly of ABC triblock copolymer. The controlled structures exhibit antireflective properties for high performance in optoelectronic devices. The silica nanostructures were observed through AFM and SEM, and UV-vis spectrometer was used to measure antireflective properties. 3PS-110 최영철 Microstructure and Electrochemical Characterization of Polyazomethine-derived Carbon Nanofibers 최영철, 정영규 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 Supercapacitors have attracted great attention from industry and academia as promising energy storage devices, due to their high power density, long life cycle and fast charge/discharge time. Carbon materials are commonly used for supercapacitor electrode materials because of their low cost, good electrical conductivity and high specific surface area. Moreover, introducing heteroatoms into carbon materials is proven to be an efficient way to improve capacitance because of faradic redox reaction and improved wettability. In this study, we have manufactured N-doped carbon nanofibers (CNFs) via electrospinning of polyazomethine (PAM) solution including poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) and following carbonization. The electrochemical performance of the PAM-derived CNFs as potential supercapacitor electrode materials was investigated by taking into accounting their microstructures. 3PS-111 최유진 Asymmetric Fullerene Nanosurfactant for Automatic Molecular Alignments 최유진, 정광운 전북대학교 For the automatic construction of macroscopic surface alignment layer for liquid crystal (LC) molecules, an asymmetric nanosurfactant (C 60BP) containing of mesogenic cyanobiphenyl groups tethered to a fullerene was newly designed and synthesized via the Bingel reaction. The C 60BP directly introduced in the anisotropic LC medium was self-assembled into the monolayered protrusions on the surface due to its amphiphilic nature from asymmetrically programmed structural motif of LC-favoring and LC-repelling groups. The automatically constructed C60BP alignment layer can be applied in electrically controllable modulator. This work was supported by Mid-Career Researcher Program (2016R1A2B ), LG chem, MOTIE-KDRC ( ), and Global Ph. D. Fellowship Program (NRF-2016H1A2A ). 3PS-112 최제원 Cryo-Preservative Hydrogel Combined with Dipole Interaction and Hydrogen Bonds 최제원, 김세영, 최수형 1, 차국헌 서울대학교 ; 1 홍익대학교 Injectable hydrogel has been attracted great attention due to their ease of administration, porous structure, and similarity with extracellular matrix. However, to extend its application, several properties are required such as biocompatibility, antifouling property and cryo-preservative property during lyophilization. Thus, there have been many attempts to combine and maximize these properties. As one of these attempts, in our research we successfully synthesize triblock copolymer which can form 3D hydrogel in relatively low solid content by combining zwitterionic interaction and self-complementary quadruple hydrogen-bonding. Furthermore, we can examine that this block copolymer hydrogel shows dynamic self-adhesive, enhanced cryo-preservative, and antifouling property. We hope that our basic finding can be extended to actual usage in biological field such as a drug delivery system. 3PS-113 최종선 TA-functionalized gold nanoparticle bioseonsor chips for rapid and reliable detection of biomolecules 최종선, 김소연 충남대학교 With the recent advances in nanotechnology, nanoparticles have received great interests in the field of biosensors due to their exquisite sensitivity in chemical and biological sensing. Tannic acid (TA) is a kind of plant-derived compounds and is one of the most abundant polyphenols including five gallol groups and five catechol groups. Furthermore, TA has strong affinity with biomolecules such as DNA, glycoprotein, proline-rich protein, forming multiple hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interaction between TA and biomolecules. In this study, surface-modified gold nanoparticles with TA were prepared to bind various biomolecules for biosensor applications. In addition, biosensoric devices were fabricated by using PDMS substrate. Their physicochemical properties and binding ability were evaluated. 3PS-114 최주희 Cartilage regeneration using gellan gum/demineralized bone particles: In vitro and in vivo study 최주희, 강길선 전북대학교 Herein, DBPs incorporated GG (G/D) was fabricated to increase bioactivity in vitro, and enhance articular cartilage regeneration in vivo. The physical properties of the hydrogels were characterized by measuring ATR-FTIR, Bio-LV SEM, porosity and swelling ratio. Cell proliferation and chondrogenesis was determined by MTT assay, sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sgag) content, and mrna expression analysis. Furthermore, in vivo study was proceeded to confirm biocompatibility and articular cartilage regeneration ability of the DBPs/GG. Overall, the physiological examination presented that the hydrogel was compatible material to apply in cartilage TE and the in vitro analysis of an appropriate amount of DBPs exhibited highest cell growth, protein and mrna expression. Moreover, in vivo study displayed biocompatibility and higher cartilage regeneration. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was supported by a grant of the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through KHIDI (HI15C2996). 3PS-115 하성균 Anion-Specific Sensor and Actuator from Aromatic Thiourea Gels 하성균, 이주현, 하채연, 송창식 성균관대학교 Anion-coordination chemistry have played important roles in biology and industrial processes, in addition to environmental issues. Thiourea has been studied for the tailored anion receptors via hydrogen bonding interactions, but seldom applied to anion-responsive actuators. In this study, we prepared thiourea-based soft gels using a facile one-step synthesis and tested for anion-specific or anion-selective responses in actuation (i.e., volume transition). The thiourea-based soft gels showed visually considerable color changes depending on the anions basicity (e.g., highly basic F- and CN-). But remarkably different size changes were observed for F- (contraction) and CN- (expansion). We investigated anion-specific effects, similar to Hofmeister effects in water, and found that the interesting volume changes were due to the interplay of anions basicity, solvation energy and accompanying osmosis. Finally, such properties were utilized as anion-responsive soft actuators. 3PS-116 한세미 Synthesis and Film Property of the PDMS-based Urethane Acrylate 한세미, 김백진 한국생산기술연구원 UV curable coating materials has been widely used various industries such as automotive, coil coating, exterior wood printing and adhesives owing to environmental advantages. In this research, we synthesized urethane acrylate (UA) using isosorbide and other acrylate monomers to enhance film properties and their curing kinetics. Especially we used Isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) which are non-yellowing type chemicals. And hydroxyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) was used for heat resistance. The poly urethane acrylate (PUA) was characterized by using Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The UV-curable coatings were prepared by PDMS-based PUA polymer blending under the different weight ratios. 3PS-117 한아람 Structural and thermal properties of carrier composites containing Perilla frutescens essential oil for antibacterial film 한아람, 오수경, 박신영, 김은희, 이현철 ( 주 ) 화진산업 This study shows the potential inorganic materials as carrier of perilla frutescens essential oil (PFE) into composites. To prepare the perilla frutescens composites (PFC), inorganic materials such as coral-calcium, montmorillonite K10, montmorillonite k30, goethite was mixed respectively with PFE in a ratio of 1:1.5 and place on an orbital-shaker set at 300rpm at room temperature. The properties of the different inorganic materials containing PFE by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction system were characterized thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effect of carrier composite to the thermal stability of the prepared composites were studied by TGA and the PFE loaded montmorillonite K10 increased the thermal stability of the essential oil. The characterization of carrier composites by XRD and SEM showed that PFE is contained in the composite. 136 제 44 권 1 호

140 3PS-118 한지예 Ultra long-scale Ag nanowire using M13 virus 한지예, 임경아, 이종민, 오진우 부산대학교 These days, electron devices demand high performance electrode. Silver nanowire is the most promising candidate because it has excellent electrical property, however, the process of AgNW synthesis is complicated and it is difficult to obtain long-scale AgNWs in traditional methods. M13 virus is a helical structured biomaterial with 6.6 nm of the diameter and 880nm of the length. M13 virus can be modified the chemical properties through genetic engineering method. In this work, we fabricated ultra long-scale AgNW using genetically engineered M13 virus. We observed that the crystallinity of AgNW was affected as changing the engineered chemical structure on major coat protein of M13 virus. The range of AgNW was around 40 nm to 250 nm and the average length and diameter were around 90 um and 1um, respectively. The maximum length of AgNW that was observed was 350 um. The existence and morphology of Ag nanoparticles and nanowires were confirmed by FE-SEM and high resolution TEM. 3PS-119 한호성 Aniline Oligomer-Based Solid-State Asymmetric Supercapacitors with Enhanced Electrochemical Performances 한호성, 조성훈 영남대학교 This work presents solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors (ASCs), composed of aniline oligomers as a cathode, nonoxidative graphene sheet as an anode, and polyvinyl alcohol-potassium hydroxide gel (PVA-KOH) as an electrolyte. Aniline oligomers were synthesized as aniline dimer, aniline trimer, and aniline tetramer which have significant role in determining electrochemical properties of ASCs. The aniline tetramer with an appropriate chain length provided higher carrier transport within the anode compared to that of the aniline dimer and trimer. The ASC composed of aniline tetramer/graphene sheet exhibited high areal capacitance (62.2 mf/cm 2 ), volumetric capacitance (207.4 F/cm 3 ), and good cycling stability (97.2% after 2000 cycles and 90.4% after cycles). 3PS-120 홍정희 Thermoresponsive Poly(ß-hydroxyl amine)s: Utility of Proton Transfer Polymerization in Practical Aqueous Synthesis of Functional Soft Materials 홍정희, 방준하, Anzar Khan 고려대학교 We will discuss a new synthesis of thermoresponsive polymers. In this synthesis approach, commercially available and inexpensive primary amines and di-epoxide molecules are utilized as AA- and BB-types of monomers in an amine-epoxy click polymerization process. This process does not require a catalyst or inert conditions. A simple monomer mixing and stirring approach affords poly(ß-hydroxyl amine)s in a scalable manner. The prepared polymers show lower critical solution temperature (LCST) that can be tuned through adjusting the molecular structure of the amine or the epoxy monomer. For example, amine monomers carrying a hydrophilic side-chain exhibits higher LCST than monomers carrying a hydrophobic side-chain. Also, the underlining structure and property principles can be translated from linear architectures to polymer networks (hydrogels) with high degree of thermoresponse fidelity. 3PS-121 황규현 Fabrication and Thermal Conductivity Characterization of Ultrathin Films Based on Boron Nitride Nanosheet and Polyimide 황규현, 정영규 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 As electronic devices become smaller and higher performance, heat generation is becoming an important issue. Accordingly, a demand for materials capable of efficiently and rapidly releasing heat is rapidly increasing. Because boron nitride nanosheet (BNNS) has excellent thermal conductivity and electrical insulation, it has been widely investigated as an functional nanomaterial in the heat release management. In this study, we have fabricated a series of ultrathin films based on BNNS and polyimide (PI) via spin-coating and following heat treatment. The molecular and morphological structures of BNNS/PI-based ultrathin films were characterized with aids of TEM, AFM, and XPS. The thermal conductivity and associated performance of the ultrathin films were investigated by using Ångström s method and infrared thermal imaging. 3PS-122 황종운 Polymeric multi host-guest Light-emitting electrochemical cells based on push-pull fluorophores 황종운, Maxime Remond, 김새온, André-Jean Attias 1, 김은경 연세대학교 ; 1 Sorbonne University In recent years, organic LECs have been explored as a low-cost and color tunable displays. To increase the brightness and efficiency, we have been studied a multi host-guest LEC devices with a polymeric host. Electron push-pull fluorophores were explored as an emitter material because of the advantages of easy synthesis and processability in a thin film. An electrochemical cell was prepared with the emitting layer using the host and an electrolyte. The emission intensity and efficiency of the LEC cells were optimized using well matched HOMO and LUMO levels of host and guest materials, which allowed efficient emission by trapped charge in guest materials. 고분자가공 / 복합재료 ( III ) 3PS-123 곽성복방열및절연특성을위한나노소재자동차부품적용성연구곽성복, 김성지 1,, 정다운 1, 이재용 1, 이동진 2, 옥성현 3 덕양산업수원연구소 ; 1 덕양산업 ( 주 ); 2 ( 주 ) 나노기술 ; 3 그린폴리머알루미나 (Al2O3) 소재는고온의구조용재료, 전자재료패키징, 부식방지세라믹등에널리사용되고연구되고있는소재이며일반적으로내열, 내화학및물리적특성강화목적으로다양한소재의필러로사용되고있다. 알루미나는사용목적에따라다양한형태 (Grade) 로생산되는데, 상업적인제품들은일반적으로제련혹은하소 (calcined), 활성화 (activated), 등의형태로구분되며, 입도크기, 형태, 분자구조, 불순물등에따라다양한이름으로구분되고있다. 일반적으로 Al2O3 는단독으로사용되는경우도있지만상용성을향상하기관능기를붙여사용하는경우가일반적임. 화학적으로알루미나의구조는안정하기때문에알루미나를제조하는과정에서추가적인관능기를붙일수있도록불안정한결정구조를형성하게하는데대표적으로는 α- 알루미나, β- 알루미나, γ- 알루미나등이있다. 본기술개발과제에서는프리커서단계에서관능기가붙기용이하도록 Al2O3 를섬유상형태로설계할예정이며, 수송기기에적용되는최종 target 에최적화될수있도록다양한관능기를적용하여고강성복합재료에적용할예정임. 3PS-124 곽성복복합소재적용을통한자동차부품의경량화및강성연구곽성복, 이동기 1,, 이장원 1, 이재용 1 덕양산업수원연구소 ; 1 덕양산업 ( 주 ) PPS 는페닐기와유황으로이루어진구조를가지고융점은약 280, 연속사용온도는 200~240, 하중굴곡온도가 260 이상으로매우우수한내열성을가지고있고, 다른어떤수지중에서도열에대한선팽창계수가작으며최고수준의내열성을가진다. 또한수지자체가난연성을가진점, 불소수지에맞먹는내약품성을가진점과각종기계특성 ( 휨강도, 인장강도등 ), 난연성, 저흡수성, 전기절연성, 고주파특성등도우수하다. 이러한특성때문에내열제품재료, 금속제품의대체재료, 열경화성수지제품의대체재료등으로채택되어사용되고있으며워터펌프를비롯하여전기 전자부품, 물기가많은장소및주거설비기기등의분야로도용도가확장되고있다. 본연구에서는스틸로이루어진자동차부품중니볼스터판넬의경량화를위해 PPS 를적용하고이에대한강성및내충격성의확보방안에대해연구할예정이다. 3PS-125 서민규 Development of a Local Drug Delivery System of Chemo-Photodynamic-Gene Therapy to Inhibit VEGF Over-Expression in Photodynamic Therapy 서민규, 이호현, 홍지영, 김현철 서강대학교 Combination therapy has been great attention due to its high therapeutic effects to various cancers with poor prognosis. Among them, chemotherapy combined with photodynamic therapy is considered as one of the outstanding strategies. However, abnormal increase of angiogenesis is induced by photodynamic therapy. To complement this, anti-vegf sirna nanoparticle containing chemotherapeutic drug was used in this study. Moreover, sirna damage caused by reactive oxygen species could be prevented by coating with biocompatible polymers. Through this improvements, we have successfully developed the triple combination therapy system. Neovascularization can be overcome while maintaining the advantages of the nanoparticle/microbubble complex such as deep tissue penetration. The results showed high therapeutic efficiency both in in vitro and in vivo. In conclusion, the complex of sirna nanoparticle with drug and microbubbles with photosensitizer can be the best strategy for advanced cancer therapy. 3PS-126 손동완 Photocatalytic Thiol-Ene Click Reaction Using a Carbon Nitride 손동완, 김명웅, 박성진인하대학교 Thiol-ene click reaction is one of the useful organic reactions due to its high efficiency and rapidity that enable a quantitative yield without side reactions. The reaction can be proceeded by a photoredox catalysis with a dye molecule which can serve as photocatalyst. We utilize a graphitic carbon nitride (g-c 3N 4), a nanomaterial which effectively absorb UV and visible light to provide an electron, are used as a photocatalyst to proceed photocatalytic thiol-ene click reaction. In addition, g-c 3N 4 is easy to produce, and reusable, and efficient due to high quantum yield in the wavelength range of UV and visible light. We demonstrate the photocatalysis with click reaction of small molecules upon illumination by blue and UV LEDs. We further show that the photocatalysis was useful to functionalize reactive polymers by the click reaction without any other side reactions such as photocrosslinking. 3PS-127 손영래 Effect of carbon nanotubes on mechanical behaviors of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose/graphene oxide composites 손영래, 박수진 인하대학교 As graphene oxide/cnt complexes (GCC) are formed by π-π interactions, CNTs can be dispersed in water, indicating that the GCC-filled CMC nanocomposites are prepared environmentally friendly. Therefore, GCC-reinforced sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC/GCC) nanocomposites were fabricated by a simple solution mixing-evaporation method as a function of CNTs amount. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy were performed to investigate the crystal structures and morphologies, respectively. The mechanical properties of CMC/GCC nanocomposite films were evaluated by universal testing machine after cutting films to specimens using ASTM D blade. Compared 제 44 권 1 호 137

141 with pure CMC film and CMC/GO nanocomposite film, it was found that the mechanical properties of CMC/GCC nanocomposite films were enhanced with adding the CNTs. 3PS-128 손영래 Effect of polyethyleneimine content on mechanical behaviors of carboxymethylcellulose/ polyethyleneimine composites 손영래, 박수진 인하대학교 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose/polyethyleneimine (CMC/PEI) composites were fabricated from aqueous solution as a function of PEI contents by a simple solution mixing and casting method. The anionic polymer CMC and the cationic polymer PEI were combined by ionic interaction. The characterization and mechanical behaviors of CMC/PEI composites were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and universal testing machine (UTM). Specifically, the structural properties and morphologies of CMC/PEI composites were investigated by using XRD and SEM, respectively. The mechanical behaviors of CMC/PEI composites were analyzed by UTM. It was found that tensile strength and Young s modulus of CMC/PEI composites were slightly decreased, but failure strain was increased due to the ionic interaction between CMC and PEI polymers. 3PS-129 손영래 Preparation and characterization of carboxymethyl cellulose with improved mechanical properties by carbon nanotubes 손영래, 박수진 인하대학교 As environmental pollution caused by non-biodegradable synthetic polymers increases, biodegradable polymers have attracted attention as alternatives. However, these biopolymer-based films show inferior mechanical properties. In the present work, carbon nanotube (CNT)-reinforced carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC/CNT) nanocomposites were prepared. The CNTs can be homogeneously dispersed in water with the aid of CMC polymers. The crystal structure and morphologies of CMC/CNT nanocomposites were investigated by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and scanning electron microscope, respectively. The mechanical properties, tensile strength and Young s modulus, of the CMC/CNT nanocomposite films were estimated by universal testing machine after cutting films to specimens using ASTM D blade. The tensile strength and Young s modulus of CMC/CNT nanocomposites were enhanced by addition of the CNT owing to π π interfacial interaction between CNT and CMC polymer chain. 3PS-130 손희상 Aerosol generated Silicon-Carbon Composite as an Anode Material for High Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries 손희상 광운대학교 A semimicro-size agglomerate structured silicon-carbon (msi-c) composite is constructed by an aggregation of silicon nanoparticles (~100 nm) coated with conductive carbon layer through a facile and scalable aerosol-assisted process to be employed as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). As-formed msi-c composite delivers good electrochemical performances of high reversible capacity (2084 mah/g) between V (vs. Li/Li+) at 0.4 A/g, 96% capacity retention (1999 mah/g) after 50 cycles and good rate capability (906 mah/g) at 12 A/g. Such good performances can be attributed to unique composite structure which accommodates the stress induced by volume change of silicon during lithiation/delithiation. 3PS-131 손희상 Core-shell structured Fe 3O 4-carbon composite based anode for the high performance lithium-ion battery 손희상, 정요한, 석도형광운대학교 In this study, we demonstrated Iron oxide (Fe 3O 4)-carbon tube composite as an anode for high-performance lithium ion batteries (LIB). The structure of iron oxide particles was embedded in porous carbon tubes with high conductivity. In order to make the core-shell structure of the carbon tube and Fe 3O 4 particles, electrospinning was carried out by using a dual nozzle. The improved specific surface area was carried out through PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone) water extraction and electronic images (SEM) confirmed the formation of 1D tube of carbon and iron oxide. The results show high cycles stability of reversible capacity (500 mah/g) after 100 cycles. The improved electrochemical performance is attributed to the unique hollow core-shell structure, offering sufficient voids for alleviating the volume changes of iron oxide during lithiation/delithiation process. Our strategies demonstrated here provide us with a novel way to fabricate advanced anode materials for high-performance LIB. 3PS-132 손희상 A study in improving of Tin oxide-barium titanate-carbon (SnO 2-BaTiO 3-C) composite as an anode for lithium-ion battery 손희상, 석도형, 정요한광운대학교 Due to the low specific capacity (372 mah/g) of Graphite as a Li-ion battery anode, we developed tin oxide-barium titanate-carbon (SnO 2-BaTiO 3-C) composite as a novel anode exhibiting superior electrochemical performance. The composites were synthesized by barium titanate coating on the surface of tin oxide followed by carbonization at the N 2 atmosphere. As-formed composites show reduced irreversible loss of active masses because of the mechanical pressures occurred from high volumetric change of tin oxide during charge/discharge process. The mechanical pressure generates electric fields and piezoelectric potential by leading to polarization of barium titanate particles in charge/discharge process. We can expect the improved electron conductivity by facilitating electron transfer through forming composites with carbon. We used hydrothermal reaction and high temperature structure rearrangement process at N2 atmosphere to enhanced electrochemical performance (increased cycle stability). 3PS-133 송창현 PES/Au Composite Membranes for Photothermal-mediated Chemical Reaction 송창현, 이건석, 유성일 부경대학교금나노입자는표면플라즈몬공명 (Surface plasmon resonance, SPR) 에의해특정한파장의입사광과상호작용하며강한흡수및산란을일으킬수있어, 빛을흡수하여열로전환시키는광열전환특성을가진다. 일반적으로, 다양한크기와모양을가지는금나노입자를합성하여광열전환특성을증대시키는연구가활발히진행되어왔다. 이에반해, 본연구에서는고분자멤브레인의산란특성을활용하여금나노입자의광열전환특성을증대시키는연구를진행하였다. 이를위해, 다기공성의 polyethersulfone (PES) 멤브레인내부에금나노입자를흡착시킨후, 외부광원을조사하면서복합체멤브레인내부의온도변화를관찰하였다. 그후, 4-nitrophenol 의환원반응을통하여온도변화에따른반응속도차이를평가하였다. 3PS-134 신우승 Effect of terpolymer dispersants on the properties of silica/sbr compound 신우승, 김정수, 김민성, 김해찬, 임승호, 김동현, 장영욱 1 한국생산기술연구원 ; 1 한양대학교 The mechanical properties, wear resistance, and fuel economy characteristics of the silica/sbr compound used as the tire tread are related to the silica dispersibility. Recently, some researches on the wet masterbatch (WMB) system was done to improve the silica dispersibility in silica/sbr compound. However, WMB has a limitation in that the silica dispersant of the conventional dry masterbatch could not be used. In this study, amphipathic silica dispersant was prepared by the emulsion ter-polymerization of carboxylized acrylic monomer, acrylamide, and divinylbenzene. We also prepared the silica/sbr compound with terpolymer dispersant using WMB system. The vulcanization properties of the silica/sbr compound were measured by a Moving Die Rheometer. In addition, we investigated silica dispersibility using Rubber Process Analyzer. Mechanical properties, wear resistance, and fuel consumption characteristics of the compound were also compared. 3PS-135 신인호 Cellulose/Polysilsesquioxane (PSQ)/Montmorillonite (MMT) Ternary Nanocomposites 신인호, 하창식, Yongzhu Yan, Nechikkattu Riyasudheen 부산대학교 Recently, biopolymers have received great attention due to their eco-friendly properties. Cellulose has been actively studied. It is most abundant biopolymer in the earth and can be renewable, biocompatible and biodegradable. Polymer-clay nanocomposites have attracted various applications such as packaging materials. Montmorillonite (MMT) is widely used reinforcing material. We prepared cellulose-clay nanocomposite hydrogel. Polysilsesquioxane (PSQ) is an organic-inorganic hybrid material with (SiO1.5)n. It is synthesized via hydrolysis and condensation of trialkoxysilane. It can have various types of functional groups. It gives hydrophobicity and functionality on the surface of cellulose. In this work, we report the cellulose-clay nanocomposite coated polysilsesquioxane. It is characterized by XRD, FT-IR, SEM and TGA, etc. 3PS-136 신지운 Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP)-responsive gold nanoparticles (AuNP) to form Clicked Nanoclusters 신지운, 유혁상, 손영주, maowei, 이주원, 박재근강원대학교 To overcome MMP responsive assembly of AuNP, we surface-decorated AuNP both with azide-functionalized PEG (N3-PEG) and PEG chain with MMP-cleavable- peptide (MMP CP), which can be clicked into clusters in response to MMP. To synthesize nanoparticle, we sequentially conjugated methoxy-peg (mpeg) to MMP CP and then conjugated mpeg-mmp CP to the AuNP co-decorated with activated PEG and N3-PEG. Azide moieties are shielded in PEG shells and those are only exposed when PEG shells are deshelled by MMP, which can be assembled into nanoclusters by click reaction. We characterized the size of the nanoparticle by DLS, where the particles was increased from 34nm to 64nm after PEG decoration. We additionally characterized the PEG shell of nanoparticle by TEM, where the thickness of PEG shell was shown to be 2 nm. When Alexa647-alkyne was added to the AuNP, fluorescence tagging did not occur, but when the PEG shells was peeled off by MMP, we observed increased fluorescence from the AuNP. 3PS-137 심경보 Improvement of adhesive Bonding Carbon Fiber Reinforce Plastics and Other Materials Using Epoxy Modified Primer 심경보, 김현중 1, 서울대학교농업생명과학대학산림과학부환경재료과학 ; 1 서울대학교이산화탄소배출규제강화로인해다양한분야에서이산화탄소배출을최소화하기위해노력을하고있다. 자동차경량화를통해이러한이산화탄소배출양을조절할수있고, 경량화를하기위해서는기존스틸에서다른소재대체가필수적이다. CFRP, 알루미늄, 티타늄등다양한소재들이미래소재로서소개되고부분적으로사용되고있다. CFRP 소재의경우난접착소재중하나로서표면처리를하지않으면 CFRP 계면에서접착제가파괴되는현상으로인해신뢰성등에도문제를야기할수있다. 이러한 CFRP 계면을 Epoxy Modified 를 Primer 로사용해기존의 CFRP 의계면과다른계면을만들어접착성능을향상을확인하기위해위실험을진행하였다. 물리적특성으로는접촉각, Single Lap Shear Test, 그리고비접촉식을통해표면거칠기를확인하고, 표면처리에따른효과를확인하였다. Epoxy Modified 를 Primer 로사용해표면에코팅을할경우기존에는계면파괴가일어나지만, 코팅후복합파괴가일어나는것을확인하였다. 표면처리를통해기존의 CFRP 와이종재질간의접착문제를해결하고다양한곳에활용할수있을것으로보인다. 138 제 44 권 1 호

142 3PS-138 아난두모한 ph Responsive catalytic system based on poly(methacrylic acid) functionalized SBA-15 for the reductive decolorization of industrial dyes 아난두모한, 박성수, 리피카라우트, 안주마리아토마스, 하창식 부산대학교 In recent years, industrial dyes have been considered as an extremely hazardous for the environmental pollution. Removal of these contaminants remain a big challenge for the scientific society. Therefore, an efficient strategy for the reduction of dyes has been adopted. Herein, a ph-responsive poly(methacrylic acid) functionalized SBA-15 was synthesized via free radical polymerization using potassium persulfate as the initiator and then decorated with silver nanoparticle. The synthesized catalyst was characterized by using various sophisticated analytical techniques. The composition of metal nanoparticle in Ag-SBA-15-PMAA were confirmed by XPS and TEM-EDS analysis. The resultant Ag-SBA-15-PMAA catalyst was used for the reduction of various industrial dyes.compared to any other synthesized catalysts, Ag-SBA-15-PMAA showed higher activity for the reduction reaction. The catalyst was successfully recovered and could be reused without obvious losses of catalytic activity. 3PS-139 안주마리아토마스 Incorporation of Pd Monometallic Nanoparticles into Modified SBA-15 with Dual Stimuli Responsive PDMAEMA and their Catalytic Applications 안주마리아토마스, 박성수, 아난두모한, 사르와난, 하창식 부산대학교 Nitroaromatic compounds are highly toxic and environmental contaminant. It can be reduced to less toxic and environmental friendly product such as 4-aminophenol and o-phenylenediamine etc. by using sodium borohydride as reducing agent. A method of grafting ph and temperature responsive poly(n,n-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMA) on the surface of well-defined hexagonal mesoporous SBA-15 via free radical polymerization was adopted. Further, Pd monometallic nanoparticle was incorporated over the surface of pre-synthesized SBA-15/PDMAEMA catalyst. The present catalyst shows responsive behaviour during the reduction of nitro compounds by varying ph and temperature. The purpose of this study is to examine the structure, morphology and the dual responsive property of PDMAEMA coated SBA-15 and the surface can be decorated by other monometallic nanoparticle which further can act as catalyst for various catalytic and environmental applications. 3PS-140 안진영 One-pot dispersion technology of phthalocyanine green pigment through highly fluorinated random copolymer and highly fluorinated thiol using click chemistry 안진영, 김영태, 이진균 인하대학교프탈로시아닌계녹색안료입자를합성된 Tetra-RF3-thiol 과 P(FDMA-r-AMA) 랜덤공중합체를 thiol-ene click chemistry 를사용해, 고불소계용제내에서분산을시도하였다. 또한우수한분산을위해 high-energy ball-mill 의일종인행성밀 (Planetary mill) 을사용하였다. 분산과정에서발생된열을이용하여열개시제와함께 Tetra-RF3-thiol 과 P(FDMA-r-AMA) 랜덤공중합체를 thiol-ene reaction 을통하여 one-pot 공정으로안료입자를분산시킬수있었다. 분산된안료입자는 DLS 와 TEM 을통해확인하였다. 3 시간동안의분산진행후평균 170 nm의입도분포를보였으며, 분산된입자를 photopatternable polymer binder 와혼합하여포토패터닝을진행해 20 μm의패턴을확보할수있었다. 따라서 thiol-ene reaction 을통해 one-pot 공정으로안료입자를고불소계용제내에서우사한분산성을확보하였으며, 우수하게분산된안료입자는포토패터닝이가능한고불소계컬러 PR 에응용될수있는가능성을확인하였다. 3PS-141 양성백 Effect of collector characteristics on mophological property of nanofiber 양성백, Yeasmin Sabina, 이정언, 염정현 경북대학교 Many researchers have recently studied a wide variety of nanofibers in a variety of applications. Nanofibers having various morphological properties are applied in different fields according to their forms. Several factors can influence the morphology and morphology of nanofibers in a variety of radiation technologies. Most parameters are unique properties of the solution such as conductivity, surface tension, viscosity, polymer molecular weight. However, the shape of nanofibers can vary depending on temperature, humidity, solution flow rate, nozzle diameter, tip distance, collector movement, and collector shape. In this study, morphological changes of nanofibers were studied in various types and shapes. The morphology of the collected nanofibers using various collectors was analyzed by FE-SEM and an optical microscope. This study was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by Ministry of Education (2016R1A2B ). 3PS-142 양성백 Improvement of adhesive properties of carbon fiber reinforced plastics by polypropylene/carbon nanotube/montmorillonite composites 양성백, 이정언, 지병철, 염정현 경북대학교 As the fuel consumption of automobile parts and the strength of environmental regulations have increased, but the speed of development of lightweight parts is rapidly developing. The composite/cfrp, which has been extensively developed in the Hyundai automotive industry, offers excellent features to withstand high strength to weight ratios, high design flexibility. Olefin polymers used as adhesives for bonding carbon fiber reinforced plastics due to their excellent adhesion to polypropylene composites. In this study, we investigated the bond strength between CFT and LFT using CNT and MMT reinforced materials. PP/CNT/MMT composite resin was prepared by mechanically distributing CNT and MMT in PP. Combining CFT and LFT with this material has improved physical properties. This work was supported by Global Technology Research Project through National Research Foundation of Korea funded by Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy ( ). 3PS-143 여지현 PVA/TiO 2 nanofibers for effective air filtration and photocatalytic activity 여지현, 노현규, 조지현, 최혜선, 김세민, 박종신 서울대학교 The electrospun nanofibers have several advantages for air filtration such as high specific surface area and small pore size. Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is a water-soluble polyhydroxy polymer and the largest volume for resin produced in the world. PVA is resistant to oil, grease and solvents, however, it has poor physical properties when it is wet, so crosslinking of PVA fiber was tested. TiO 2 is a attractive filler for air filters due to its good properties such as reducing the specific surface area of nanofibers, photocatalytic activity, and lack of toxicity. In this study, electrospun PVA/TiO 2 nanofiber was prepared and the air filtration efficiency and photocatalytic behavior of PVA/TiO 2 filter was investigated. 3PS-144 염용식 Mesogen-containing polymer compatibilizer-functionalized graphite nanoplates: size, multi-layer, and dispersion effects on enhanced thermal conductivity of epoxy composites 염용식, 윤호규 고려대학교 The poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate)-b-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PDMAEMAb-PMMA) ionic block copolymer (BPPIB) compatibilizers were synthesized by the reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. Non-covalent functionalization was used to functionalize graphites nanoplates (GNPs) through π π stacking of pyrene molecules with a functional segmented polymer chain. The biphenyl molecules of ionic block copolymer compatibilizers were used to improve crystallinity of GNPs/epoxy composites. The BPIB functionalized GNPs/epoxy composites showed about 7.75% higher degree of crystallinity than epoxy resin. Furthermore, the thermal conductivity of 30 wt% BPIB-MGNPs/epoxy has about 23.4% higher than that of pristine GNPs/epoxy composites. The BPIB on the GNPs surface not only plays an important role to facilitate a homogeneous dispersion in the polymer matrix but also improves the GNPs polymer interaction. 3PS-145 옌융주 Polyethyleneimine-modified silsesquioxane aerogels for pollutant removal 옌융주, 박성수, 하창식 부산대학교 Silsesquioxane aerogels are well-known porous materials for their low density, large porosity and high specific surface area. Silica aerogels functionalized with organosilane molecules having amino groups has been widely studied. However, the number of amino groups in organosilane molecules is limited. To further improve the sorbent performance and explore new sorbents, the incorporation of polymers into silica aerogels is a promising approach due to the improvement of reactive sites. In recent years, aerogels materials impregnated with branched polyethyleneimine (PEI) has been studied. However, adsorbents prepared by wet impregnation are difficult to apply in liquid systems. In this work, we describe a system where amine functionality is introduced into silsesquioxane aerogels by cross-linking reaction. The pollutant removal performance of these newly designed silsesquioxane aerogels was studied. 3PS-146 오자구넨드라프러사드 Zinc oxide nano-flakes decorated carbon nanofibers as promising electrode material for supercapacitors 오자구넨드라프러사드, 김학용 전북대학교 In this work, we have employed a facile and cost-effective synthetic method to fabricate zinc oxide nano-flakes decorated carbon nanofibers as a promising electrode material for supercapacitors. The morphology of the as-prepared ZnO/CNFs composites clearly showed that the zinc oxide nano-flakes decorated the surface of carbon nanofibers. The electrochemical performacnes of the as-prepared prepared ZnO/CNFs composites was evaluated via cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge, and EIS technique in the three-electrode system. The ZnO/CNFs composites possessed superior specific capacitance of 260 F/g at 5 mv/s and good capacity retention of 73.3% after 1000 CV cycles. This synthesis method provides a new synthetic protocol for utilizing ZnO-based materials as the electrode materials for supercapacitors. 3PS-147 오준기 Outgas-free organic film formation for OLED encapsulation devices 오준기, 김소현, 정인조, Anzar Khan, 정현욱, 방준하 고려대학교 For realization flexible OLED display devices, encapsulation technology is a key technique for improving the yield and lifetime of a panel by shielding the device from oxygen and moisture. Currently the TFE method, which alternately stacks organic and inorganic membranes, has priority. In the TFE process, organic films are currently formed primarily by ink-jet printing. Most of the organic films produced by that techniques are made using photocurable polymers. However, the byproducts of the photoinitiator that remain after radical generation are slowly released in the form of gas in the formed film, and such outgassing is a major drawback to the durability. To solve this problem, we introduce photoinitiators that do not produce by-products. The photoinitiator is expected to be able to solve outgas fundamentally because it does not generate radicals and any byproducts, unlike ordinary initiators. 3PS-148 우주연 Printing of Sub-10 nm Nanopattern Arrays using Atomic Layer Deposition of Alumina 우주연, 조성환, 오준호, 한창수고려대학교 Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is a high-resolution lithography method that enables 제 44 권 1 호 139

143 low-cost, fast production and large-scale nanofabrication. Today, the major challenge to finding the ultimate solution in fabricating nanostructures of less than 10 nm through the NIL process is the ability to create small feature size imprint molds and develop defect-free and precise etching processes. Here we report the sub-10 nm patterning on various substrates via nanoimprint process. With the 100 nm master mold, we first fabricated both soft and hard molds with reduced pattern sizes (50 nm, 20 nm, 10 nm, and 5 nm) using atomic layer deposition of alumina. After surface functionalization of the mold, we imprinted nanoscale patterns on both Si and PET substrates, and resulted in the structures with sub-10 nm pattern size. These results show the possibility of making high-resolution nanopatterning for application in photonic, optoelectronics, and future scale-up nanoelectronics. 3PS-149 유연성 Fabrication of superhydrophobic Polylactide hollowfiber 유연성, 김성훈 한양대학교 Polymer materials are becoming very important in modern industries. In general, it is used not only in plastic products, but also in textile and medical fields. The recognition that polymer materials are non-environmental has led to the need for environmentalfriendly polymer materials. Polylactide (PLA) is a typical eco-friendly polymer and is used in clothing, medical areas due to its harmless properties to human body. In this study, electrospinning of PLA was carried out, and coaxial electrospinning was applied to make the functional membrane. In order to impart selectivity, the membrane was treated with hexadecyltrimethoxysilane modified silica to exhibit hydrophobic and oleophilic properties, and the treatment method was deiversified to show the most efficient form. This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2016R1A6A1A ). 3PS-150 유지완 Highly Improved Mechanical Properties of Polyamide66/Carbon Fiber Composites Hybridized with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes via Plasma-assisted Mechanochemistry 유지완, 이상수 한국과학기술연구원, 고려대학교 Composites are made by mixing two or more materials with different shapes and chemical compositions, and are capable of imparting functionality that cannot be achieved with a singled material. However, when the conventional composite process (extrusion/ injection molding) is produced, there is a problem that the mechanical properties of the composites produced due to the low affinity between the polymer and the filler and the aggregation of the filler are deteriorated. In this work, we have applied hybrid carbon filler composed of MWNT and chopped carbon fiber to polyamide66. Plasma coupled mechanochemistry have improved the affinity through chemical bond between polymer and the filler and increases the dispersion of the fillers in the polymer. As a result, a polymer composite having increased mechanical properties such as mild aluminum was produced. 3PS-151 유지왕 Properties of electric resistance in Silver plated plied-spandex strain sensor 유지왕, 남재도 1,, 황의석 2, 김성훈 2, 최기석 2 성균관대학교 ; 1 성균관대학교화공고분자공학과 ; 2 성균관대학교고분자공학과 The significance of flexible and wearable electronic devices has increased for mutual communication with the motion of human body. In this study, we report a large-deformable polymer strain sensor, which is composed of plied Spandex fibers with a silver thin film on the Spandex fiber about 100 nm thickness by the electroless plating technique. When the silver-plated Spandex fibers are stretched, cracks in the silver thin film are generated and the gap of the cracks widens as the strain increases. The electrical resistance of silver-plated Spandex fibers is changed by the gap. The Spandex strain sensors exhibited a linear response in strain vs. electric resistance curve. We demonstrate the applicability of our reliable strain sensor made from commercial fibers might be used as wearable devices imbedded in sportswear, patient gown, etc. 3PS-152 유진화 Incorporation of reduced graphene oxide with cellulose nanocrystals for improving gas barrier of poly(vinylidene chloride) 유진화, 오범진, 유지선 1, 진형준 인하대학교 ; 1 인하대학교 / 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) Polymeric nanocomposites film with nanofillers such as graphene oxide (GO) or cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) have been extensively studied for improving gas barrier properties. The reduced graphene oxide (RGO) was prepared by chemically reduction of GO with hydrazine for improving hydrophobicity. In this study, hybrid nanofillers composed of RGO and CNC, at different weight ratios (2:1, 1:1 and 1:2), were successfully prepared and their synergistic effect in improving the gas barrier properties of poly(vinylidene chloride) nanocomposite film was investigated. In addition, CNC at 2:1 weight ratio was well dispersed in tetrahydrofuran and Dimethylformamide co-solvent by synergistic effect with RGO. 3PS-153 유하영 Study on Fabrication of Graphene Oxide (GO)/Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) composite fiber by using wet-spinning 유하영, 정현수 KIST Graphene Oxide (GO) has been announced as a highly anticipated material because solution process is applicable, utilizing its high solubility in various solvents, which is important for the industrial application. However, as compared with other materials such as CNT fiber and Carbon fiber, the mechanical property of GO LC fiber is relatively low. Since the nature of high aspect ratio of GO sheets as well as various oxide groups in GO sheets inevitably induces voids in GO fiber, it leads to low mechanical properties of GO fiber. Accordingly, there have been many efforts to fill these voids with other materials so as to increase the mechanical property of GO fiber. In this study, as the abundant hydroxyl groups of CMC are capable of hydrogen bonding with GO, CMC was used as a filler for GO/CMC composite fiber. As a result, the fabricated GO/CMC composite fiber showed reinforced mechanical property higher than that of pristine GO fiber. 3PS-154 윤병주 Highly sensitive metal-enhanced fluorescence biosensor prepared on electrospun fibers decorated with silica-coated silver nanoparticles 윤병주, 조강희, 이경민, 최주환, 고원건 연세대학교 A new MEF-based biosensor platform was prepared on fibrous substrates. First, PCL fibers were obtained via electrospinning process. PCL fibers were decorated with photoreduced silver nanoparticles followed by silica coating, generating silver-decorated PCL fibers with a silica layer. The MEF was obtained from the silver-decorated PCL fibers, the extent of which could be controlled by the thickness of the silica layer. The fibrous structure of Ag@SiO 2-PCL had higher protein loading capacity than conventional two-dimensional glass slides due to its large surface area, while the presence of silica-coated silver nanoparticles resulted in higher fluorescence intensity than silica-coated PCL fibers without silver nanoparticles via the MEF effect. According to immunobinding assays between fluorescently labeled anti-igg and IgG immobilized onto different substrates, Ag@SiO 2-PCL had much better sensing performance in terms of sensitivity and detection limit than glass slides and SiO 2-PCL. 3PS-155 윤영진 Self-Assembly of Highly Stable Gold Nanoparticle-Amphiphilic Molecules Complex in Aqueous Solution 윤영진, 김태환, 강신현전북대학교양자시스템공학과 Like other noble metals, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have inherent optical properties that depend on their particle size, providing a variety of potential applications such as optical devices. Recently we have developed highly stable AuNPs complex encapsulated by the surfactant in aqueous solution. The coated AuNP is very stable for long time (> 3 months) and re-dispersible in aqueous solution after freeze-drying. Using this AuNP, we tried to fabricate highly ordered superlattice of AuNP by interacting with the amphiphilic molecules (F127, Brij58, etc). In this presentation, we report the result of the self-assembly of AuNP-amphiphilic molecules complexes by using small angle X-ray scattering. 3PS-156 윤혁준 Enhanced tensile ductility and toughness of thermoplastic polyurethanemicro-crystalline cellulose composites via hydrogen-bonding 윤혁준, 이상연, 이종혁, 김용주, 위정재 인하대학교 Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) has widely been utilized in automobile parts including seats, ceiling, dashboard, etc. with its durable and mild surface properties derived from urethane bonds that can combine with hydrogen bonding. In this study, we reinforced TPU by employing hydroxyl-terminated micro-crystalline cellulose (MCC), originating from the most abundant organic polymer in nature, manufactured by twin screw extruder. Urethane bonds can participate in the hydrogen bonding with the MCC and we demonstrated the enhanced mechanical integrity of the composites by improved chemical compatibility and interfacial adhesion. Both tensile strength and elongation increased by 12.5% and 36.7%, respectively, at 1 wt% MCC loading. The absence of sacrifice in elongational properties, that are typically trade-off relation with the tensile strength, indicates increase in energy to break (or toughness) via formation of hydrogen bonding in the TPU-MCC composites. 3PS-157 윤홍석 Self-Assembly of Polymer-Coated Au Nanocrystals with Controlled Molecular Weight and Core Size 윤홍석, 이영준, 김범준 한국과학기술원 Here, we present manipulation of polystyrene-coated Au NC (Au@PS) assembly structure by changing molecular weight (Mn) of PS and diameter of Au. Au@PS nanoparticles were prepared by simple ligand exchange with PS-SH. In this way, the interparticle distance was controlled from a few nm to more than 10 nm. The Au@PS particles were self-assembled using liquid-air interface assembly. TEM images and grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering measurements revealed highly ordered Au@PS particles in long range. In particular, we could control the self-assembly structure of Au@PS nanoparticles between fcc and bcc by simultaneously controlling the size of NCs and Mn of polymeric ligands. Finally, we reveal the fundamental reasons that determine the self-assembled structure by analyzing the soft shell to hard core ratio of various Au@PS nanoparticles. This work presents an approach to control the polymorphism of polymer-coated NCs, which benefits the fabrication of devices consisting of NCs. 3PS-158 이명재 Analysis of the Flow in Slot Die Coating Process using Yield Stress Fluids: By Experimental Methods using Carbopol 941 이명재, 남재욱 서울대학교 Slot-die coating process is a pre-metered process and is used for battery or solar 140 제 44 권 1 호

144 cell manufacturing processes. The coating solution was considered to be a Newtonian fluid because large quantities of solvent were used. Recently, however, the coating solution is no longer a Newtonian but a complex fluid because of the reduction of solvent due to environmental issues and the addition of micro/nanoparticles. Therefore, it is needed to analyze the coating flow considering rheological properties such as yield stress. There are a few studies which show the effects of rheological properties to the process conditions, like the pressure jump augmentation at the free surface in yield stress fluids. We selected the carbopol 941 solutions as the model fluid to verify the previous studies experimentally. And the rheological properties of the model fluid were measured by a rotational rheometer. Through these measured values, the previous researches were verified. 3PS-159 이미연 Chemical Recycling of CFRP using Aqueous Solution 이미연, 김두헌, 박종진 1, 고문주 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 전남대학교 CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) is a composite material in which carbon fiber with high strength and lightweight is hardened with epoxy resin matrix. CFRP weighs only a quarter as much as steel, but is 10 times stronger. Currently, its usage is expanding from cutting edge technology in aerospace industry and general industry. However, the properties of infusibility and insolubility in organic solvent of cured epoxy resin makes it impossible to recycling of CFRP. The existing CFRP recycling technology uses high temperature pyrolysis method. However, in case of thermal pyrolysis, multiple toxic chemicals are generated that can create further environmental problems. Moreover, this method has a limitation that it cannot recycle the epoxy resin which occupies a large amount of the composition of CFRP. In this study, we have succeeded in chemical recycling of CFRP using aqueous solution. We were able to recover high quality carbon fiber and recycle the decomposed epoxy resin. 3PS-160 이상훈 Plasticizer-Free High-Strain PVC Film using TiO 2 Nanoparticle 이상훈, 엄원식, 김성훈, 한태희 한양대학교 Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) is one of the most important commercial polymer with low costs, good durability, and resistance toward chemical corrosion. PVC is usually blended with large amount of plasticizers to achieve the desired flexibility and durability. However, currently PVC is commonly blended with large amounts of plasticizers such as as dioctyl phthalate (DOP) or bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), which are potentially harmful to infants and pregnant women. Herein, we fabricate a plasticizer-free PVC films process by investigating a model system at ambient conditions. Plasticizer-free PVC/TiO 2 composite film were prepared by TiO 2 dispersed PVC solution. The low strain and toughness of PVC film were mitigated by introducing 25-nm TiO 2 nanoparticles at loading below 0.8 wt%. The thus obtained PVC/TiO 2 composite showed superb elongation at break (383%) and toughness (64.7 J m -3 ) due to modified molecular interactions between nanoparticles and PVC chains. 3PS-161 이서린 Asymmetric thermosensitive hydrogel composite for water applications 이서린, 이종휘 중앙대학교 Thermosensitive hydrogel was applied for water flow applications such as microfluidic systems, but only their functions based on reversible volume change of swelling and shrinking were utilized as valves, pistons, etc. This has limitations in applying to water flow. Herein, using an anisometric hydrogel composite, irreversible water flow can be created. We construct a novel water flow system by compositing thermosensitive poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) hydrogel and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). We made cylindrical porous PNIPAm by directional freezing, and infiltration the PDMS at the end of PNIPAm. Asymmetric structure of hydrogel composite can repeat shrinking and swelling with temperature change and produce water flow in one direction. This is a semi-permanent system that can only operate by temperature change without another power source. It can be used for water treatment such as oil-water separation and anionic dye adsorption according to configuration of PNIPAm/PDMS phase. 3PS-162 이수 Dispersing Properties of Long Chain Carboxylic Acid Derivatives for Carbon Black in EPDM 이수, 김상엽창원대학교 Effects of two different types of long carbon chain acid derived dispersants for carbon black and EPDM rubber system on the vulcanization process were investigated using Mooney viscometer and moving die rheometer. The Mooney viscosity of amide type dispersant containing rubber system decreased more than that of ester type dispaersant containing one. And, the amide type dispersant shortened a scorch time more than one minute. The vulcanization time measured by rheometer was faster for amide type dispersant systems. Delta torque values of carbon black and EPDM rubber increased with amide type dispersant, but slightly decreased with ester type dispersant. The thermal aging of the EPDM blend at 100 o C for 24 h showed little change in the case of amide type dispersant, but the elongation tends to decrease by 10-20% for all EPDM rubber containing long carbon chain additives. 3PS-163 이승재 Coating properties of UV-curable PUA nanocomposites with modified cellulose nanocrystals 이승재, 임동혁, 진영읍, 이원기 부경대학교 Cellulose 는재생가능한자원들로부터얻을수있는대표적인친환경재료이다. 특히 cellulose 의 결정영역인 cellulose nanocrystal(cnc) 은높은결정성으로인한기계적강도및표면특성이우수하다고알려져있다. 본연구에서는 UV- 경화형코팅시스템에 CNC 를이용한나노복합코팅제를제조하기위하여 isophorone diisocyanate 를이용하여 CNC 를개질하고아크릴그룹을도입하여화학적복합체를제조하였다. CNC 의개질유무를 Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy 분석으로확인하였고, 개질 CNC 의함량에따른복합코팅제의물성은만능인장기, 연필경도계및열분석기등을이용하여확인하였다. 3PS-164 이승호 Control of Self-assembly Nanostructures of Guanine-based Liquid Crystalline Molecule 이승호, 유자형 울산과학기술원 Guanine is one of the nucleotides and can be formed supramolecular structure called G-quadruplex with cations in the guanine-rich environment. In recent years, Guaninederived materials have been studied for their self-assembly process, physical properties, and self-healing properties for biocompatible materials as functional hydrogel, biosensor, and artificial ion channels. Herein, guanine-based liquid crystalline molecules were synthesized containing guanine and peripheral alkoxybenzene part. These can form self-assembled G-quadruplex and supramolecular nanostructures with cations. The self-assembled nanostructures can be controlled, depending on substituents, cation type, and additional process with thermal treatment and surface treatment. 3PS-165 이영아 Bio-inspired surface functionalization of highly porous carbon nanosheets for enhanced supercapacitor performance 이영아, 전재현 1, 유충열 2, 박상현 2, 유정준 2, 이규복, 조우경 3, 윤하나 2, 충남대학교에너지과학기술대학원 ; 1 한양대학교 ; 2 한국에너지기술연구원 ; 3 충남대학교 Redox-active organic materials have attracted considerable interest as promising pseudocapacitive materials for energy storage applications because they have large gravimetric energy density, low cost and mechanical flexibility. Furthermore, the low conductivity and poor cyclability of organic molecules can be readily improved by integrating them with conductive porous carbon materials, leading to pseudocapacitive electrodes with high energy and power densities. Herein, we report a novel bio-inspired surface functionalization of highly porous carbon nanosheets using the formation of a polydopamine coating and the subsequent layer-by-layer deposition of ferric ions (Fe 3+ ) and tannic acid. The polydopamine coating provided functional groups for redox reactions and metal coordination, while the Fe 3+ /tannic acid layers improved the cycle stability, given the strong catechol-fe 3+ interactions. 3PS-166 이유나 Microcrystalline cellulose 표면에아미노기가도입된충진제를사용한폴리우레탄복합체의제조및물성연구이유나, 이주형, 박서숙, 임광희 1, 하기룡 계명대학교 ; 1 대구대학교본연구에서는바이오폴리올과석유계폴리올을적정비율로혼합한폴리올에개질된 microcrystalline cellulose(mcc) 를충진제로사용하여친환경폴리우레탄을제조하였다. 생분해성을가지는친환경적인 MCC 를 polyethylenimine(pei) 이결합된실란커플링제인 trimethoxysilylpropyl modified polyethylenimine(tppi) 로개질하여충진제로사용하였다. 친환경우레탄복합체의폴리올배합비율과 TPPI 로개질된충진제사용에따른열적안정성및인장강도, 탄성률등기계적물성을연구하기위하여 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(ft-ir), thermogravimetric analysis(tga), scanning electron microscope(sem) 및 universal testing machine(utm) 을사용하여체계적으로분석하였다. 3PS-167 이이주브로민화세트리모늄으로개질시킨몬모릴로나이트와폴리염화비닐나노복합체의제조와특성이이주, 김영호 숭실대학교폴리염화비닐 (PVC) 의딱딱하고깨지기쉬운성질을개선하기위하여가소제대신개질몬모릴로나이트 (MMT) 를사용하는연구를진행하였다. 여러농도의브로민화세트리모늄 (CTAB) 수용액을사용하여박리시킨 MMT 를얻고 MMT 의박리정도와 CTAB 의반응여부를 FT-IR, XRD, 제타전위, 접촉각측정등으로분석하였다. PVC 의 THF 용액과초음파처리한 CTAB 로개질된 MMT 의 THF 용액을몇가지비율로혼합한후유리판에캐스팅하여 PVC/CTAB-MMT 나노복합체필름을제조하고, 이들의표면특성과열적특성, 기계적물성등을접촉각측정기, DSC, DMA, TGA, UTM 등을사용하여분석하였다. 나노복합체에서 CTAB-MMT 함량이많아질수록시료들은소수화되었으며, PVC 의유리전이온도는낮아지고열분해온도가높아졌다. CTAB-MMT 함량 0.5 wt% 범위내에서복합체시료의항복응력이커지고인성이향상되었다. 3PS-168 이종훈 Preparation and characterization of chitosans derived-activated carbons for methane storage 이종훈, 박수진 인하대학교 In this work, activated carbons (AC) with high specific surface area were synthesized by chitosans which generally known as abundant polysaccharide. Carbon materials were prepared at 900, 1 h, and N 2 flow conditions using chitosans as precursor. After carbonized, AC was synthesized by chemical activation. The effect of quantity of activation reagents was investigated by experience of AC/chemical reagent mass ratio. The structure information of the activated carbons was measured by X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. The N 2 adsorption-desorption isotherms were measured at 77 K and calculated by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) equation. The morphology of prepared material was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Methane storage capacity was evaluated with a Model BEL-HP instrument (BEL Co., Ltd., Japan) at 298 K and 35 bar. 제 44 권 1 호 141

145 3PS-169 이종훈 A study of nitrogen-enriched porous carbon materials for natural gas adsorption 이종훈, 박수진 인하대학교 Natural gas has attracted as promising fuels as alternative energy source due to cheap, clean, and abundance. The efficient porous materials are essential for application of gas storage materials. In this study, nitrogen-enriched porous carbons were prepared by natural polymer chitosans. The N 2 adsorption-desorption isotherms were measured at 77 K and calculated by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) equation. The pore size distributions were investigated using non-local density functional theory (NLDFT). The morphology of prepared material was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Methane uptakes were evaluated with a Model BEL-HP instrument (BEL Co., Ltd., Japan) at 298 K and pressure range 5 35 bar using pressure swing asroption (PSA) method. 3PS-170 이주형메타크릴레이트기가도입된셀룰로오스나노결정충전제가 UV 경화형나노복합체의기계적물성에미치는영향이주형, 이유나, 박서숙, 하기룡 계명대학교본연구에서는실란커플링제인 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane(MPTMS) 를사용하여 cellulose nanocrystal(cnc) 표면에실란화반응으로라디칼중합이가능한 methacrylate 기를도입한 CNC 를나노충전제로사용하여광중합법으로나노복합체를제조하는연구를수행하였다. UV 수지중합체와순수 CNC 및 MPTMS 으로개질된 CNC 를충전제로사용하여 UV 를조사하여나노복합체를제조하였다. UV 수지중합체와순수 CNC 및 MPTMS 로개질된 CNC 충전제의함량변화가나노복합체의중합속도, 열적안정성, 인장강도, 탄성률등기계적물성에미치는영향을측정하기위하여 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(ft-ir), thermogravimetric analysis(tga), universal testing machine(utm) 및 dynamic mechanical analyzer(dma) 을사용하여분석하였다. 3PS-171 이지수 Influences of Physical Aging on Enthalpy Relaxation Behavior and Thermomechanical Properties of Poly(lactic acid) Composite Films Reinforced with Cellulose Nanofilament 이지수, 정영규 충남대학교유기소재섬유시스템공학과 Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is a bio-degradable, thermoplastic, and aliphatic polyester, which is derived from renewable resources such as starch, corn, etc. To enhance the physical properties of pristine PLA and to expand its applications, PLA-based composites reinforced with various organic or inorganic nanofillers have been investigated extensively. Since the glass transition temperatures of PLA and its composites are around 60, physical aging of PLA-based composites below glass transition temperatures induces a decrease in enthalpy, resulting in changing in thermos-mechanical properties. In this study, we fabricated a series of eco-friendly nanocomposite films based on PLA and cellulose nanofilament (CNF) via melt-compounding and compression. The enthalpy relaxation behavior, thermal transition, and thermos-mechanical properties of amorphous PLA/CNF nanocomposite films, which were aged physically at different temperatures and times, were investigated by using DSC and DMA. 3PS-172 이하늬 An efficient method of screening receptors for the electrochemical detection of biocides 이하늬, 윤현석 1, 전남대학교알랜맥디아미드에너지연구소 ; 1 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 / 전남대학교고분자융합소재공학부 Biocides have been utilized to prevent microbial contamination in various industries. The problem is some biocides may have undesired harmful effects on human health. We report the design and synthesis of several small-molecule-based chemical receptors with different functional groups. The receptors were conjugated to graphene and their ability to detect biocides was examined using electrochemical platform. 3PS-173 이현욱바이오폴리우레탄소재적용자동차부품의고온환경내구물성변화연구이현욱 자동차부품연구원세계적으로완성차및자동차부품업계는석유자원고갈및친환경이미지부여를이유로친환경소재를적용하고자하는연구가활발히진행되고있다. 자동차내장부품에많은양이사용되고있는폴리우레탄소재를기존석유계원료기반에서바이오원료기반의소재로대체하고자하는연구가활발히진행되고있다. 현재바이오기반소재는높은가격과물성및내구성저하등의원인으로그적용에문제점이드러나고있다. 본연구에서는이를보완하고자기존석유계원료와바이오원료를혼합하여사용하였다. 이에따라기존석유계대비물성차이와고온환경내구도에대한물성변화에대한연구를진행하였으며, 시트폼, 크래쉬패드, 아이소패드에적용된폴리우레탄폼소재에대한분석을진행하였다. 3PS-174 이현욱 3D-MID 가능 PPS 복합소재개발및자동차전장부품적용이현욱 자동차부품연구원 3D-MID 기술은 3 차원입체구조의형상표면에회로를직접구성하여기존 PCB 기판의삭제를가능하게하는기술이다. 자동차의전장화및부품증가로인해경량화및공간확보를위해서 3D-MID 기술적용에대한관심이커져가고있다. 3D-MID 기술은다양한공법을포함하고있으며, 본연구에서는레이저를이용한직접회로구현기술적용을위한레이저감응첨가제혼합 PPS 복합소재및이를적용한전장부품에대한연구를진행하였다. 3D-MID 기술적용이가능한 PPS 복합소재물성과회로구성을위한레이저조사및무전해도금의상관관계에대한연구를진행하였으며, 최종적으로일체회로전장부품적용을통해연구검증을하였다. 3PS-175 임한휘 Mechanical Strength and Conductivity of Flexible Electrode 임한휘, 김백진 1, 연세대학교 ; 1 한국생산기술연구원 Flexible electrodes are a field of study that has attracted attention along with the development of wearable devices and flexible displays. Conventional electrodes are mainly made of metal oxide or printed metal wires. These electrodes have only minimal ductility and have a very low elastic deformation limit. To replace such rigid electrode, new materials are intensely studied such as graphene, metal nanowires, metal meshes or conductive polymers. Among them, metal nanoparticles were mixed with elastic polymer to develop a flexible electrode having both flexibility and conductivity at the same time. Especially, the silver nanoparticles were ground with a grinder to make fine nanoparticles and mixed with a silicone elastomer by planetary. As a result, we succeeded in fabricating flexible electrodes with ductility of more than 120% mixer and resistance of lower than 3 Ohm. 3PS-176 임한휘 Physical and Electrical Properties of Silicone-Based Elastic Polymer Films for Electrodehesive Gripper 임한휘, 김백진 1, 연세대학교 ; 1 한국생산기술연구원 Electroadhesive grippers are a field of study for transporting soft target materials that cannot be handled by traditional robot-type grippers. Among the candidate materials, the silicon-based elastic polymers are being studied as a major field of materials. They have very different characteristics such as mechanical strength, transparency and dielectric constant depending on additives and polymerization composition. The physical and electrical properties of elastomeric polymer including young's modulus, transparency, surface morphology and dielectric constant were measured according to base resin and their curing agent mixed ratio. Therefore, after selecting the highest dielectric constant elastomer, it was aimed to achieve much higher dielectric constant by adding nanoparticles. As a result, we succeeded in fabricating elastic polymernanoparticle composites with high mechanical strength compared to that of PDMS, 0.79 MPa and dielectric constant exceeding 4. 3PS-177 장은행 Nanodiamond nanocluster-decorated graphene oxide/epoxy nanocomposites: mechanical performance 장은행, 박수진 인하대학교 Novel hybrid fillers composed of nanodiamond (ND) nanocluster-decorated graphene oxide (GO) were fabricated and incorporated in an epoxy matrix using a facile thermoregulatory liquid-liquid extraction method. The hybrid filler provided significant enhancement of mechanical properties, such as flexural strength, flexural modulus, and fracture toughness. In particular, the epoxy composite containing 0.1 wt% of GN hybrid exhibited a stronger mechanical behavior compared to that containing 0.2 wt% of GO. As the GN loading increased, the thermal stability, the integral procedural decomposition temperature, and the activation energy increased as well. The toughening mechanism was illustrated by a microcrack theory based on the microscopic analysis of the fracture surfaces. The presence of ND nanoclusters not only hindered the aggregation of the GO sheets, but also played a crack pinning role in the polymer-matrix composites, which could significantly enhance its fracture toughness. 3PS-178 장은행 Nanodiamond-decorated exfoliated boron nitride/epoxy nanocomposites: Thermal conductivity and thermo-physical property 장은행, 박수진 인하대학교 This research focused on evaluating the thermal and physical properties of a composite reinforced with nanodiamonds and epitaxial boron nitride in an epoxy matrix. Nanodiamond-attached exfoliated hexagonal boron nitride nanoplates were fabricated using 4,4 -methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. Epoxy composites were fabricated by in-situ polymerization and reinforced with various concentrations of either EBN or NDEBN nanoplates. These composites exhibited high thermal stability and high thermal conductivity, attributed to the exceptional thermal stability and thermal conductivity inherent in nanodiamond materials. In addition, inserting nanodiamond particles between BN layers prevented the BN nanosheet from forming agglomerates. We also found that nanodiamond particles improved dynamic mechanical properties by acting as a crack pinning role, which could restrict the molecular mobility of the epoxy. 3PS-179 장은행 Rheological and thermo-physical performances of nanodiamond@graphene oxide/carboxylated-polymer composites 장은행, 박수진 인하대학교 A carbon/carbon hybrid nanofiller based on nanodiamond-decorated graphene oxide (ND@GO) was designed using 4,4 -methylene diphenyl diisocyanate as the coupling agent and incorporated in carboxylated styrene-butadiene rubber (XSBR) for fabricating XSBR/ND@GO nanocomposites. A modified latex compounding method was employed to fabricate the rubber/nd@go nanocomposites to ensure a homogenous dispersion of the nanofiller in the polymer matrix, which was confirmed by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy. The mechanical properties, thermal stability, dynamic rheological, and dynamic mechanical properties of the XSBR/ND@GO nanocomposites were studied. The as-prepared XSBR/ND@GO nanocomposites exhibited superior mechanical properties, thermal stability, and thermo-physical properties attributing to special ND@GO structure and stronger interfacial interactions between the filler and rubber matrix. 142 제 44 권 1 호

146 3PS-180 장익범 In-situ synthesis of BiOClx/BiOBry/BiOIz decorated on polyacrylonitrile based nanofibers for visible-light photocatalytic investigation 장익범, 박수진 인하대학교 In this work, BiOClx/BiOBry/BiOIz/PAN (x+y+z=1) composite nanofibers are prepared by electrospinning and sol-gel method. The photocatalytic degradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) over BiOClx/BiOBry/BiOIz/PAN nanofibers were investigated by gas chromatography method. Obtained from results, the optimum photocatalytic activity was achieved with BiOCl0.3/BiOBr0.3/BiOI0.4/PAN fibers under visible light irradiation. From X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) result, peaks of C-O, C=O at ev, ev can disclose that BiOClx/BiOBry/BiOIz has doped on PAN fibers. As for X-ray diffraction (XRD), it can be further confirmed that we had synthesized the as prepared composite nanofibers successfully. 3PS-181 장익범 In-situ growth of Graphene Oxide/BiOCl decorated on polyacrylonitrile based nanofibers and their application in photocatalytic degradation of RhB 장익범, 박수진 인하대학교 In this paper, we prepared the graphene oxide/biocl/pan nanofibers by two-step synthesis method and characterized their structures, morphologies, and photocatalytic behaviors by X-ray diffraction, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and photocatalytic activity measurements, respectively. From the results, we can obtain that coupling graphene oxide/biocl fibers could enable better photocatalytic performances as compared to that pure BiOCl towards the degradation of rhodamine B under visible light irradiation. It could be attributed to the more effective separation of photogeneration electron and holes between BiOCl and graphene oxide, and the better adsorption capacity of rhodamine B. 3PS-182 장익범 Influence of Titanium Dioxide on Photocatalytic of Polyvinylpyrrolidone based nanofibers Synthetized via Electrospinning 장익범, 박수진 인하대학교 In this study, Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) had been chosed as a promising material for electrospun, because it has many desirable properties, such as solubility in various solvents, physiological compatibility, chemical inertness, and excellent film-forming ability. Meanwhile, PVP nanofibers containing titanium dioxide (TiO 2) were synthetized via electrospinning. The photocatalytic activities of the samples were investigated by monitoring the degradation of methylene blue with the samples as photocatalyst under irradiation. The optimum photocatalytic activity was achieved with the webs containing 7 wt% TiO 2. The results showed the proposed method to be effective for improving the photocatalytic properties of TiO 2-doped nanofibers; the doping process also increased the surface area of the nanofibers. 3PS-183 장준호 Transparent and Stretchable Electrode Made From Gold Nano-sheets 장준호, 이주현, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 Foldable and wearable devices require highly stretchable and transparent electrical conductors. Many metals are used as conductors. Silver nanowires are transparent and stretchable, but have high resistance. Gold nano-mesh are highly transparent, but not stretchable. The other way, Au nano-sheets are highly stretchable, but not transparent. Here, we present Au multiple layers of nano-mesh (MLNM) with all characteristics. By stacking Au-nano-mesh, Au-MLNM has the same effect as gold nano-sheets. It will show high efficiency and is reusable. 3PS-184 장타오 Effect of CO 2 Foaming Process on the Morphology of TPU Foam 장타오, 박윤선, 이성수, 이동현, 강호종 단국대학교열가소성폴리우레탄 (TPU) 은 soft segment 와 hard segment 의 2 상미세구조로구성된블록종합체이다. TPU 는우수한내마모성, 탄성및기타물리적특성으로인하여친환경발포방법인 CO 2 발포에의하여미세다공을갖는 TPU Foam 으로제조된다. 본연구에서는다양한종류의 TPU 를 Autoclave 에서 CO 2 를사용하여발포하고발포조건인온도와압력이형성된발포체형태에미치는영향을중점적으로살펴보았다. 특히온도와압력에서 CO 2 의 TPU 로의확산과팽창에가장큰영향을미치는 TPU 의유변특성과의발포압력과의상관관계를중점적으로살펴보았다. DMTA(Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyzer) 로 TPU 의점탄성을나타내는 tanδ 값을발포조건에따라측정하고 SEM 을이용하여발포체의셀의크기와밀도로형태를확인하여 TPU 의유변특성이발포공정에미치는영향을확인하였다. 3PS-185 장한결 Comprehensive study of mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube/polyamide 6 composites according to the filler length 장한결, 김성륜 1, 길명섭 1, 조준용, 김윤상, 김동우, 김재우 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 전북대학교 Although the characteristics of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)-incorporated polymer composites have been studied in various aspects for several decades, the thickness and length of MWCNT applied to each research are different, limiting the fundamental understanding of the characteristics and mechanism of composites. In this study, we systematically investigated the effect of morphology based on the difference in MWCNT length on the composite properties via measuring mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. As a result of FE-SEM and micro-ct, short MWCNT was more uniformly dispersed in polyamide 6 (PA6) polymer matrix than long one, which was accordingly correlated with thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and tensile performance of composite. We hope these fundamental understanding will be applied as a design rule for the morphological selection of MWCNT for a wide range of application. 3PS-186 장희수 Development of Polymer Powders for SLS 3-D Printing 장희수, 박정빈, 박연희, 권수미, 이동현, 강호종 단국대학교본연구에서는고분자분말의 SLS 3-D 프린팅공정특성을확인하기위하여상업용 nylon12(pa12) 와 PP(Adsint PP) 분말을사용하여파우더의크기및분말형태가 SLS 3-D 프린팅의주요공정인분말 recoating 공정과 sintering 공정에미치는영향을중점적으로살펴보았다. Recoating 공정에서는분말흐름특성을 Hausner ratio 를측정하여나타내었으며이에따른분말의 rocoating 표면을확인하여흐름특성이공정에미치는영향을살펴보았다. Sintering 공정에서는 X-Y 스캐너를이용하여레이저출력, 스캐닝간격그리고스캐닝속도를조절하여 SLS 3-D 프린팅을수행하고제작된형성층의형태학적특성과치수안정성그리고기계적특성을살펴보았다. Hausner ratio 가 PP 분말이 nylon12 분말보다높아 recoating 표면이거칠어짐을알수있으나두분말모두 SLS 프린팅은가능함을확인하였다. 분말들을사용하여 SLS 3-D 프린팅을한결과, 느린스캐닝속도에의하여높은에너지밀도를갖는 X-Y 스캐너조건의경우, 층형성이완전용융에의하여진행됨을확인할수있었다. 3PS-187 전경화 Enzymatically cross-linked silk fibroin hydrogels triggered by glucose 전경화, 이기훈, 김정수, 이현지, 김지환서울대학교 Silk fibroin (SF) has importance to biomedical engineering due to its biocompatibility and low immunogenicity. Among various fabricated forms such as fibers, films, and beads, hydrogel forms are especially useful to mimic the properties of the extracellular matrix. In order to overcome the limitation caused by the brittle behavior of β-sheet in silk proteins, chemical cross-linking of tyrosine using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2) becomes an attractive method to create SF hydrogels; however, the toxicity of H 2O 2 is still concerned. Here, we prepared SF hydrogels triggered by glucose and glucose oxidase (GOx) to avoid the above problems. Therefore, chemically cross-linked SF hydrogels with low toxicity is obtained. The gelation behavior of SF hydrogels varying the glucose concentration was investigated, and structural analysis was performed by FE-SEM and FT-IR. Furthermore, the stability of SF hydrogels was identified by several experiments including UTM. 3PS-188 전성우 Preparation and Investigation of Efficient-Electron-Emitting Cathodes-Filaments Coated with Metal Oxide Complexes 전성우, 정주형, 박승규, 김란희, 이광섭 한남대학교신소재공학과 Static electricity often occurs in mass production of advanced electrical and electronic products such as organic light-emitting diodes, quantum dot displays (QLED), semiconductors and optolelctronic thin film. In this study, a highiy electron emitting cathode was fabricated to remove the electrostatic charge. The metal oxide cathodes were prepared by introducing metal chlorides forms of three different metals (Gd, Eu, and Nd) into the typical metal oxide (Ca-Sr-Ba) emitter. The viscosity of the solution was increased by mixing a binder nitrocellulose so that it could coincer uniformly on the coils. Compared to the typical emitters all three metal emitters showed larger enhancement in their electron emissions. In particular, the oxid containing the neodymium oxide as 15 mole% demonstrated the largest performance among them. It was confirmed that the cathode system containing Nd rather than Gd, Eu has excellent electron emitting properties. 3PS-189 전유빈 Preparation of Highly Transparent, Stable and Robust Hydrophobic Coating Materials and Surfaces 전유빈, 사르와난, 하창식 부산대학교 Hydrophobic and highly transparent surfaces have been successfully prepared on glass substrates with non-fluorinated organic compound and various metal complexes. The coating solution was synthesized by click chemistry followed by surface modifications with a hydrophobic agent. The surface morphology and chemical compositions of the obtained coating surfaces were analyzed by high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) with EDX, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The transparency and static contact angle (SCA) of coated samples were measured by UV-Visible spectrophotometer and drop shape analysis system, respectively. The fabricated glass substrate showed hydrophobic, excellent transparency and high pencil hardness. 3PS-190 정도연자동차부품경량화를위한서모스텟하우징부품의 PPS 복합소재적용복합환경내구평가연구정도연, 유승용 1, 이종수 ( 주 ) KOPLA; 1 인지컨트롤스서모스텟하우징 (Thermostat housing) 은자동차엔진의냉각수온도를일정하게유지시켜주는장치로기존에는주로알루미늄 (AL) 다이캐스팅에의해제조되었으나최근에는금속을대신한경량화소재를적용한경량화연구가점차활성화되었다. 본연구에서는 PPS(Polypheneylene sulfide) 복합소재를이용하여 Thermostat housing 금형의사출을하여성형최적화및내구환경시험평가를진행하여개발을이루고자한다. 3PS-191 정도연고흡수성 Toluene free 자외선안정제를이용한내후 - 내광성향상플라스틱개발정도연, 이종수 ( 주 ) KOPLA 환경이슈대응을위한개발한고흡수성 Toluene free 자외선안정제 (Benzotriazol 계, Triazine 계, Cyanate 계 ) 를이용하여엔지니어링플라스틱, Polyolefin 계 (Polypropylene, Polyamide), 제 44 권 1 호 143

147 Polyester 계 (PBT/PET) 컴파운딩소재를개발하여개발된 UVA 를적용한 Scale up 평가, 신뢰성확보를하여자동차내, 외장부품소재에적용하여연구개발하였다. 3PS-192 정성린방사선경화형수지액이함유된목분플라스틱필름제조및특성평가정성린, 박종석, 권희정, 임윤묵한국원자력연구원지구의오존층파괴방지를위한벌목억제에따른목분 ( 톱밥 ) 활용및폐기물최소화의개념에따른자동차내외장재, 건축소재, 생활용품등의친환경소재화요구가증대되고있다. 기존목분플라스틱복합소재의문제점은목분과플라스틱의계면접착력이낮아원하는물성을얻기가매우어려우며, 고분자의열성형에따른목분탄화현상으로변색및변질에따른성능이감소되는것이다. 따라서, 본실험은목분과열가소성수지를사용하여친환경목분플라스틱컴파운드및건설자재제조기술개발을위한연구로서, 천연목재와동일이상의질감과물성을확보하고자방사선경화기술을통해목분과열가소성수지와의계면결합력향상및목분탄화방지를위한물리화학적특성평가를실시하였다. 3PS-193 정재환 Synthesis of Zigzag-shaped Silver Nanoplates and Their Application to Stretchable Strain Sensor 정재환, 김문호 부경대학교 Zigzag-shaped Ag nanoplates display unique anisotropic planar structures with unusual jagged edges and relatively large lateral dimensions. These characteristics make such nanoplates promising candidates for metal inks in printed electronics, which can be used for realizing stretchable electrodes. In the synthetic procedure, cyanuric acid was used both as a ligand of the Ag+ ion, hence producing complex structures and controlling the kinetics of the reduction of the cation, and as a capping agent that promoted the lateral growth of the Ag nanoplates. Strain sensors based on nanocomposites of our zigzag-shaped Ag nanoplate and polydimethylsiloxane in the form of a sandwich structure were successfully produced by following a simple, solution-processable method. The strain sensors exhibited extremely high sensitivity, high stretchability with a linear response, and high reliability, all of which allowed the sensor to monitor diverse human motions, including joint movement and phonation. 3PS-194 정호균 Lithium Ion Conduction of Hybrid Composite Polymer Electrolytes Containing Silica aerogel-based Single-Ion Conducting Anionic Polymers 정호균, 최우혁 부경대학교공과대학고분자공학과 In spite of there is a lot of study of solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs), The current SPEs still have problems such as a low lithium-ion transference number ( < 0.5 ), making anion concentration gradient, limiting power density and Li dendrite growth. To overcome these hurdles, of considerable interest are single-ion conducting SPEs, where anionic polymers are covalently attached to silica backbone, thereby achieving a high lithium transference number (~1). In this work, we try to synthesize lithium single-ion conducting poly[bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide] and poly(lithium acrylate)-based solid polymer electrolytes combining with an inorganic and porous silica aerogel improving mechanical properties of framework. Finally, this hybrid composite SPE can do possible to prevent anion concentration gradient and Li dendrite growth and attain high ionic conductivity. Their chemical structure and ionic conductivity are investigated using FTIR and AC impedance spectroscopy. 3PS-195 조명준내열성폴리아마이드이미드분리막의제조및전기화학적특성분석조명준, 임종휘, 육지호 인하대학교리튬이온배터리가고용량고출력화되어감에따라배터리의안정성은매우중요한요구조건이되었으며이를위하여고체전해질, 내열성분리막등에관한다양한연구가활발히진행되고있다. 본연구에서는우수한열적안정성, 용해성및기계적특성을갖는폴리아마이드이미드 (polyamide-imide, PAI) 를중합하고전기방사한후열처리를통하여높은기공도와우수한전해질젖음성의특성을갖는내열성나노섬유분리막을제조하였다. 이러한 PAI 나노섬유분리막을이용하여코인전지 (coin cell) 를제조하고충방전효율, 율속특성및사이클안정성등을측정하고상업적분리막으로제조한전지특성과비교분석하였다. 3PS-196 조승빈 Fabrication of drug with low aspect ratio by using porous devices 조승빈, 이종휘 중앙대학교 Processing cost of downstream unit operations in the pharmaceutical industry are strongly influenced by the physico-chemical properties of drug. Especially, high aspect ratio of drug particles with unfavorable crystal habits such as needle-like have difficulties in large-scale processes due to low efficiency of flowability and packing. To solve these problems, we added simple porous devices to enable uniform particle production with lower aspect ratio of the drug particles. Porous device induced heterogeneous nucleation in the solution, resulting in facilitated nucleation. In this study, the drowning-out crystallization with porous devices was examined using various drugs, and we confirmed that effect of the porous devices on aspect ratio, particle size, etc. Through this method, it was possible to reduce the energy for changing the properties of the drug particle, the additional cost, and time, and to solve the problem of the overall downstream process occurring in the industry. 3PS-197 조윤호 Novel coating method generating hydrogel-pdms blend surfaces 조윤호, 이종휘 중앙대학교 Hydrogels are hydrophilic polymer networks having a good water uptaking property. In order to apply them to commercialization of much diverse fields, studies on hydrogels with strong physical properties are continuing. In this study, we coated poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM)/poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) thin composite film on polyurethane. We prepared porous poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) film by using a Directional Melt Crystallization (DMC) method, which crystallize solvent with forming pore walls, followed by removal of crystals. After that, we coat poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) with poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in different thickness. Subsequently, we infiltrate PDMS into the pores of poly(n-isopropylacrylamide), and the film was fixed on the PU. The structure of the composite film shows distinctive PNIPAM and PDMS phases, and the exposed PNIPAM thickness depends on coating thickness. The film shows rapid transition of surface structure and hydrophilicity at different temperatures. 3PS-198 조지현 Hybrid Effects of Surface Treated Pitch-based Short Carbon Fiber and Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites 조지현, 노현규, 여지현, 최혜선, 김세민, 박종신 서울대학교 Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) is an engineering thermoplastic which is used widely due to its good dimensional stability, high-temperature resistance to chemical. Short glass fibers (SGFs) and pitch-based short carbon fibers (SCFs) are attractive reinforcements on thermoplastics because of economy and mechanical, thermal properties. In this study, hybrid fillers composed of surface treated SCFs and SGFs are used for increasing low thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of PPS. For expression properties of carbon fiber, acidic functional groups are introduced on the surface of SCFs and it also lead to adhesion to surface treated SGFs. The results of introduced functional groups, chemical interactions, thermal conductivity, mechanical properties were investigated by FT-IR, Raman spectrometer, XPS, C-therm TCi, SEM and UTM. 3PS-199 채수빈 Control on the dispersion of carbon nanotubes and graphene flakes in polymeric nanofibers 채수빈, 윤현석 1, 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 ; 1 전남대학교고분자융합소재공학부 / 전남대학교고분자공학과 Nanostructured architectures comprised of functional components can be used for a variety of applications because precise structural control in the nanometer regime can yield unprecedented, fascinating properties. It is not easy to control and manipulate nanospecies for specific applications, thus preventing their commercialization. We report the fabrication of unique polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers with porosity containing single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) and graphene, in which polyvinyl alcohol was employed as a dispersing agent and sacrificial porogen. One-dimensional SWNTs and two-dimensional graphene pieces were combined in the confined interior space of PAN nanofibers, which led to microstructural characteristics such as enhanced ordering of SWNTs, graphene flakes, and polymer chains in the nanofiber interior. Then, the SWNT/graphene-in-polymer nanofiber (SGPNF) structures were converted into carbonized products (SGCNFs) with porosity and tunable electrochemical properties. 3PS-200 최윤석 Anticorrosive properties of polyaniline/graphene nanohybrids 최윤석, 윤현석 1, 전남대학교 ; 1 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 / 전남대학교고분자융합소재공학부 Alternating graphene and polyaniline (PANI) layer coating was tested for protecting metals against corrosion. Graphite was exfoliated by polyaniline using sonication, which resulted in a nanostructured, conductive graphene/polyaniline hybrid (GPn). The GPn was coated on copper and demonstrated excellent anticorrosion protection efficiencies under chemical and seawater models, respectively. Impedance measurements were performed in the two corrosive solutions, with the variation in charge transfer resistance over time indicating that the GPn acted as a physical and chemical barrier. 3PS-201 최주영 Preparation and thermal conductivity of poly(imide-siloxane) via a hybrid of microand nano-sized Al 2O 3 최주영, 남경남, 진승원, 김동민, 송인호, 박형주, 정찬문 연세대학교 In recent years, smart electronic devices such as smart watches, cellular phones, and tablet PCs have become smaller and lighter. In addition, as the performance of miniaturized devices is further improved, the problem of heat generation of smaller devices is also emerging. Therefore, heat-dissipating materials have recently been actively researched. We prepared poly(imide-siloxane) copolymers by combining polyimide with superior thermal properties and silicone polymer with flexibility. The cheap and commercially available Al 2O 3 (alumina) was used as a heat-dissipating filler. The alumina, controlled by the appropriate ratio of micro- and nano-sized, was added to the copolymer matrix. The polymer property and the thermal conductivity of the poly(imide-siloxane) composite films were studied. 3PS-202 최준석 Synthesis of hollow PMAA@Fe 3O 4 Microparticles for Magnetorheological Fluids 최준석, 서용석 서울대학교 One of the major problems of magnetorheological fluids (MR fluids) is anti-sedimentation property. Because the density of magnetic particle is much larger than the density of the carrier liquid, sedimentation of magnetic particle occurs, and this phenomena can degrade the performance of MR fluids. In this research, to lower the density of magnetic particles, we synthesized hollow PMAA@Fe 3O 4 microparticles usinbg silica 144 제 44 권 1 호

148 microspheres as hard template. By examining morphology and structure, we concluded that synthesized particles have hollow structures with Fe 3O 4 at the outside of the PMAA shells. Magnetorheological properties of the MR fluids were measured using rotational rheometer at different magnetic field strengths. The anti-sedimentation property of the MR fluids was observed by measuring the density of bare Fe 3O 4 and the synthesized particles. 3PS-203 최지원 Amine-functionalized cellulose nanocrystals for polyamide 6 최지원, 강지선, 민진홍, 심재민, 조연주, 윤석일 상명대학교 Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) have received significant attention in academia and industry in recent years as reinforcement nano-fillers in polymer nanocomposites due to their exceptional properties, such high aspect ratio, large specific surface area, low density, high crystallinity, high tensile strength, and high elastic modulus. Polyamide 6 (PA6) nanocomposites containing cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) were prepared via in-situ anionic ring-opening polymerization. The amine functionalized CNC showed improved dispersion and better mechanical and thermal properties in PA6 nanocomposites relative to unmodified CNC PA6 composites. The CNC surface modification was assessed through spectroscopic techniques including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). 3PS-204 최현진수용성고분자의특성과리그노셀룰로오스시트의물성평가최현진, 김선구, 정경모 강원대학교수용성폴리머를이용한표면코팅은비교적저가의가공처리에의해코팅매체의내수성등을포함한기계적물성을개선하는것이가능하다. 수용성폴리머로는전분, PVA(OH) 등이주로이용되고있으며이들의특성에따라가격, 작업성, 코팅층의기계적물성개선에있어서차이를나타내는것으로알려져있다. 고부가가치를얻기위한기능성코팅에이와같은수용성고분자를적절히이용하기위해서는이용목적에따라수용성고분자의특성과가공법에대해좀더깊이있는이해가필요하며실제적인적용을위해보다면밀한검토가필요할것으로판단된다. 본실험에서는수용성폴리머의유동성, 필름특성, 코팅층의기계적물성에대해검토하였다. " 이연구는 2018 년도정부 ( 교육부 ) 의재원으로한국연구재단의지원을받아수행된기초연구사업임 (No. NRF-2018R1A6A3A )". 3PS-205 최현진스프레이와롤코팅의혼용과기능부여의이원화최현진, 김선구, 정경모 강원대학교최근산업현장에서는 1 패스또는더블코팅과같은코팅횟수의선택과롤, 블레이드, 에어나이프와같은코팅방식의선택적이용을통해코팅층의물성개선뿐아니라에너지절감 원가개선을동시에만족시키고자하는트레이드오프개념을적용하고있다. 하지만단순화된코팅공정과제한된배합조성만을이용하여코팅층에효과적으로기능을부여하는것은결코쉽지않으며상당한노력과시간이요구된다. 이러한측면에서본연구에서는스프레이방식의코팅과롤코팅방식을혼용하여코팅층과코팅매체에대한기능부여방법을이원화하면서효율적인기능부여가가능한지에대한기초연구를수행하였다. " 이연구는 2018 년도정부 ( 교육부 ) 의재원으로한국연구재단의지원을받아수행된기초연구사업임 (No. NRF-2018R1A6A3A )". 3PS-206 최현진 Rheological properties of the polymeric liquids and their absorption characteristics for porous materials 최현진, 김선구, 정경모 강원대학교전단속도유동화특성을갖는수용성폴리머용액에대한유변특성을평가하고이들폴리머용액의유변특성의차이가다공성기재에대한이들의흡액특성에어떠한영향을미치는지에대해검토하였다. 이들의유변특성과흡액특성의상관성은일반적으로폴리머성분의비율에의존하며기재의공극크기와분포, 친 소수성등과같은물리 화학적특성에의해서영향하는것으로판단되었다. " 이연구는 2018 년도정부 ( 교육부 ) 의재원으로한국연구재단의지원을받아수행된기초연구사업임 (No. NRF-2018R1A6A3A )". 3PS-208 하진욱 PP+GF 열가소성복합재료로제작된 Seat Back Frame 의충격특성연구하진욱, 고윤기, 김상훈, 김늘새롬 1 자동차부품연구원 ; 1 ( 주 ) 라지열가소성섬유강화복합재료 (FRTP) 는생산성과재활용성이우수하여다양한산업군에사용되고있으며, 특히자동차경량화에활발히적용되고있는대표적인소재이다. 자동차에적용시유리섬유복합재료 (GFRP) 는탄소섬유복합재료 (CFRP) 에비하여경량화효과는다소낮지만생산성및가격경쟁력이우수하여지속적으로개발되고있는소재이다. 자동차경량화에기여할수있는부품중하나인시트백프레임은현재알루미늄, 이종소재의하이브리드, 복합소재등다양한경량화소재가적용되고있다. 자동차충돌시시트백프레임은운전자의안전과밀접한관련이있는부품으로서충격흡수능력이중요하다. 본연구에서는시트백프레임에사용되는유리섬유복합재료의충격특성을평가하고자하였다. 3PS-209 한주원 High-refractive-index polymer with silver nanowires for enhancing light outcoupling efficiency of ITO-free organic light-emitting diodes 한주원, 김용현 부경대학교 We develop the high-performance internal light-outcoupling (HRLOC) system based on the highrefractive index polyimide (PI) and metal oxide nanoparticles for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with silver nanowires (AgNWs). The spontaneously formed nanobump structures, high refractive index, and light-scattering properties of HRLOC significantly enhance the light-extraction efficiency of OLEDs. Not only do the outcoupling structures improve the light-extraction efficiency, but also remarkably enhance the electrical properties of OLEDs. The power efficiency of the AgNW-based OLEDs with PI is improved by a factor of 1.31 compared to the reference device with indium tin oxide (ITO) transparent electrode at a luminance of cd/m 2. The efficiency is further improved by incorporating TiO 2 nanoparticles into the PI matrix by a factor of We believe that the light-outcoupling structures developed here have great potential for efficient, low-cost, and flexible ITO-free OLEDs. 3PS-210 한현우 Nanoparticles-assisted exfoliation of gaphene pieces by conducting polymer nanoparticles: toward the fabrication of three-dimensionally structured hybrid electrode materials 한현우, 윤현석 1, 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 ; 1 전남대학교대학원고분자공학과 / 전남대학교고분자융합소재공학부 Monodispersed polypyrrole (PPy) nanospheres were physically incorporated as functional guest species into stacked graphene layers, thereby facilitating the formation of unique three-dimensional hybrid nanoarchitecture. The electrochemical properties of the graphene/particulate PPy nanohybrids as the electrode material were dependent on the sizes and contents of the PPy nanoparticles. The packing density of the alternately stacked nanohybrid structure varied with the nanosphere content, indicating the potential for high volumetric capacitance. The nanohybrids also exhibited good long-term cycling stability, which would be due to the structural characteristics. 3PS-211 현종찬 Honeycomb-like nanoporous carbons for Li-ion battery cathode 현종찬, 곽진환, 하손, 윤영수 강원대학교 Li-ion batteries (LIBs) can provide high energy densities with high round-trip energy efficiency in which electrochemical performances are highly dependent on active electrode materials. In this study, we fabricated honeycomb-shaped activated carbons (HACs) from renewable bio-resources by a simple heat-treatment with potassium hydroxide. The HACs exhibit a high specific surface area of 3,396.2 m 2 g -1 and multitudinous nanopores. In addition, a large number of redox-active heteroatoms were introduced on the carbon building blocks of HACs. Thereby, the HACs showed high specific capacity of 480 mah g -1 at 0.2 A g -1 in a cathodic voltage region. Moreover, stable cycling behaviors over 300 cycles were achieved with a Coulombic efficiency of ~100%. 3PS-212 현하늘 ITO 가분산된열경화성액정에폭시복합재료의열분해에너지분석현하늘, 서민경, 정예지, 김현우, 조승현 숭실대학교액정을이루는열경화성에폭시수지는고결정성으로열전도도가높은것으로알려져있다. 4,4 -diglycidyloxybiphenyl 은주쇄가 biphenyl 기로이루어져있어액정형성에유리하다. W.-F. A. Su 등이제시한방법을토대로 DGEBP 를합성하고, 상대적으로 T g 가높은경화제인 sulfanilamide(saa) 를사용하였다. 액정에폭시는이방성을가지기때문에방향에따라강도가달라진다. 때문에이러한취약점을극복하기위해충전제로 Indium tin oxide 를첨가하였다. 열에의해아민에결합되어있는 4 개의활성수소와에폭시링이반응하여네트워크형태를이루게되면경화물이생성된다. 활성화에너지를계산하기위해서 Kissinger method 와 Flynn-wall method 를이용하였으며두계산법을통해초기분해에필요한에너지를계산하였다. 그결과충전제의함량이높아질수록열경화성액정에폭시의활성화에너지가높아진다는결과를얻었으며충전제가액정에폭시의열적안정성을높여준다는것을확인하였다. 3PS-213 홍주희 Solution-processed transparent organic light-emitting diodes prepared with lamination process 홍주희, 김용현 부경대학교 We develop the fully solution-processed transparent organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) where all organic layers are prepared by spin-coating method without any evaporation process. The fully solution-processed OLEDs consist of solution-processed electron transport layers and emissive layers as well as the laminated hole transport layer/top electrode. The solution-processed transparent OLEDs show a clear double side emission. This method provides readily processed devices where thermal evaporation, which is complicated and expensive process, is not required. We believe that the fully solution-processed transparent OLEDs investigated here can greatly contribute to the development of low-cost, solution-processed transparent OLEDs. 3PS-214 홍준표 Characterization of 3-layer composite film for lithium-ion pouch cells 홍준표, 홍순만 한국과학기술연구원 The lithium-ion battery consist of cathode, anode, separator, electrolyte and packaging material to protect it. There are a cylindrical type and a pouch type in a packaging material. The pouch type packaging materials for lithium-ion batteries are used in medium-sized batteries such as electric vehicles, energy storage devices and small-sized batteries for mobile phones. In general, this packaging material is divided into an outer film layer and an inner sealant layer around a barrier layer. In the case of sealant materials, polyolefin such as polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP) are mainly used. In industry, when LiPF 6 salt is contacted with external moisture, HF is generated and permeates sealant layer and battery failure comes out. In this study, the orientation of surface treated h-bn in the PP matrix was controlled and 3-layer composite film with water vapor barrier function was fabricated and evaluated. 3PS-215 황종하 Stacking-free reduced graphene networks for high performance capacitive energy storages 황종하, 장지현 울산과학기술원 We developed a stacking-free nitrogen-doped graphene network (NGW) for high performance capacitive energy storages. We overcame the commonly occurring rgo 제 44 권 1 호 145

149 stacking problem during the hydrothermal process by the intercalation of CNTs and g-c3n4 with functional groups to react with rgo sheets, creating a well-organized carbon network. The NGW exhibited a great energy density of 36.0 Wh/kg at a power density of W/kg, and the nearly 100% capacitance retention after 10,000 cycles. Our approach suggests a new strategy to address the staking issue of reduced graphene oxide-based materials for practical energy-storage systems. 3PS-216 황진욱 Characterization of Patterned Acrylic Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives using UV LED for Flexible Display Applications 황진욱, 김지수, 김현중, 김영도 1 서울대학교 ; 1 삼성디스플레이 The acrylic PSA pre-polymer was synthesized using 2-EHA, IBA, AA, MMA, 2-HEA, and TMPTMP through bulk radical polymerization and PSA film was prepared with Irgacure 1173 and PEGDMA by UV LED curing. The UV LED curing was introduced for several advantages of selective wavelength, low thermal issue, controllable UV intensity, and accuracy of curing area. The gel fraction and FTIR conversion were calculated as functions of UV intensity level and irradiation time, showing the different tendency with UV metal halide curing. The shear strain was measured by lap shear strength test and the strain recovery was measured during stress relaxation after constant strain using DMA. The patterned PSA film was prepared using photomasks with several types of pattern widths by sorting out curing conditions. The strain recovery of patterned PSA film was also measured. Both UV LED cured PSA film and patterned PSA film show high strain recovery above 80 and 90%, respectively, with moderate elongation. 고분자구조및물성 ( III ) 3PS-217 장기철다이알릴프탈레이트에대한미생물분해 ( 이분해성 ) 시험및평가장기철, 송광식, 김영훈, 백정주, 백한솔, 신교직, 최경호 한국생산기술연구원 " 화학물질의등록및평가등에관한법률 ( 화평법 )" 개정에따라연간 100 kg 이상신규화학물질또는연간 1 통이상기존화학물질을제조 수입하는경우등록이필요하다. 이중환경유해성시험에있어가장기본적인시험으로화학물질이호기조건의물속에서미생물에의해잘분해될가능성이있는지를산소흡수량측정으로평가하는이분해성시험을진행하였다. 시험에는시험물질로 Diallyl phthalate 를사용하였으며, 폐수처리장 하천등 10 군데이상의장소에서채취하여한달이상배양된미생물을사용하였다. 비생물적대조군, 시험물질군, 활성도대조군, 접종원바탕시험군의 4 가지시험군을준비하여 28 일간 /25±1 환경에서의생물화학적산소요구량 (BOD) 을측정하여생분해도를산출하였다. 또한, HPLC 를활용한화학분석을통한생분해도를산출한평가를병행하였다. 시험에사용된 Diallyl phthalate 는미생물분해 ( 이분해성 ) 시험에서분해율이 60% 이상으로이분해성물질로호기조건의물속에서미생물에의해잘분해되는물질임을확인하였다. 3PS-218 장종대 Nanostructures of polymer-aunps complexes 장종대, Young Jin Yoon 1, 방준하 2, 한영수, 김태환 1, 한국원자력연구원 ; 1 전북대학교 ; 2 고려대학교 The amphiphilic block copolymer is dispersed in the aqueous solution to form a micelle, and its phase can be changed by its conditions as the mass fraction of hydrophilic/phobic parts. The micellar shapes can be controlled by mass fraction of their consisted chain and the packing parameters are leading to the formation of the block copolymer-block copolymer complex, a new self-assembled structure can be induced without complicated synthesis of the block copolymer with different mass ratios of each blocks. In addition, self-assembly of block copolymer, the phenomena, affect to surrounding condition as spontaneously entrapped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) into the micelle. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements investigated that, the nanostructures of polymer-aunps complex transformed various structures as spheres, cylinders, and vesicles. This is a simple method to form a complex nanostructures of the polymer-aunps using by phase transition of the polymeric nanostructures. 3PS-219 전종혁 Patch Formation on Diblock Copolymer Micelles Coated on Solid Substrates 전종혁, 김경태, 강동휘, 이경현, 김준영, 강희정, 손병혁 서울대학교 Constructing patches on colloidal nanoparticles is one of the effective strategies for producing anisotropic building blocks for superstructures. Patch formation on colloidal particles was typically induced in their solutions. We also reported formation of patchy micelles from spherical micelles of diblock copolymers in a solution. In this presentation, we demonstrate the formation of multiple patches on diblock copolymer micelles coated on a solid substrate. For patch formation, spherical micelles after crosslinking their cores were first coated on a substrate and then exposed to a core-preferable solvent. The number of patches on the micelles depending on the block ratio of copolymers was characterized by SEM and AFM. We also investigated the confinement effect on the patch formation by restraining spherical micelles in localized spaces. 3PS-220 전현민 Closed cell graphene structure for Strain Sensor application 전현민, 호동해, 여선주 1, 조정호 2, 유필진 성균관대학교 ; 1 KIST; 2 연세대학교 Nowadays, recent development in designing graphene-based 3D structure shows new possibilities for various applications. Most of them are prepared by means of random self-assemblies of graphene oxide or graphene nanosheets via direct freeze-drying or hydrothermal processes, and direct template chemical deposition. These methods have created the large-scale 3D structure like Graphene Oixde aerogel, but it is still challenging to generate well-defined 3D regular graphene structure. To overcome this limitation, we use microfluidic system for generating building blocks to make 3D hierarchical graphene structures. After reduction process, building blocks are transformed into 3D well-defined interconnected network structure with having electrical conductivcity. Then, the resulting 3D closed-cellular structure serves as the strain gauge. And the strain gauge exhibited the gauge factor of around 4 and it shows excellent mechanical reversibility over 250 cycles. 3PS-221 정윤관 Water absorption of random styrene-co-itaconic acid copolymers 김준섭, 정윤관, 박석영조선대학교 In this study, the water uptake of random poly(styrene-co-itaconate) ionomers in which the acid functional groups were partially or fully neutralized with NaOH was investigated. Experimental results showed with increasing the degree of neutralization, the more water was absorbed. It was also found that the higher the mole fraction of itaconic acid monomer in the copolymer, the higher the water absorption. In addition, it was observed that the copolymer or the ionomer did not absorb water any more when the water content reached a certain level. When we considered both the neutralization degree and the acid contents of the copolymer together, we found that, the water uptake of the ionomer was directly and linearly, related to the ion content of the ionomers. Therefore, we can conclude that in the case of carboxylated polystyrene ionomers, water absorption was dependent on the ionic group concentration of the ionomers. 3PS-222 정태양 Synthesis and Characterization of Porous Polyimide Xerogel Films for Electrochemical Cell Application 정태양, 권용구 1, 인하대학교 ; 1 인하대학교고분자공학과 A series of porous nanofibrous polyimide xerogel separator with very small pore size were prepared using sol-gel processing and freeze drying. Various functional dianhydrides and diamines were used to synthesize poly(amic acid)s which were converted into polyimide wet gels through chemical imidization. To reduce the dimensional shrinkage of the wet gels during drying process as one of main disadvantages of polymeric materials in a number of electrochemical cell applications, we synthesized novel hybrid polyimide xerogel films for by combination of polymeric and inorganic materials. The pore size, morphology and electrical performance of separator were investigated by SEM, battery cycler system and EIS. 3PS-223 정하영 Effects of end-group on ion transport properties of PEO-based polymer electrolytes 정하영, 박문정 포항공과대학교 Solid-state polymer electrolytes have widely been investigated for their potential uses in advanced lithium batteries. Most of them are based on poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) since the PEO can effectively solvate and conduct lithium ions. The main research aim of PEO-based polymer electrolytes is the simultaneous achievement of high mechanical stability and high ionic conductivity. One of the approach for this is the use of block copolymers, where their microphase separation enables to achieve this based on nanoconfinements. In this study, we investigated poly(styrene-b-ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) block copolymers comprising different end-functional groups. The intrachain interactions between the end-group and PEO backbone resulted in the reduction of PEO crystallinity, linked to the enhanced room temperature conductivity. Furthermore, dipolar interactions between the end-group and lithium salt improved the lithium cation transport efficiency. 3PS-224 정혜림 Improving solubility of polyimide using hydroxyl group containing comonomer 정혜림, 허태환, 곽영제 숭실대학교 Polyimides (PIs) is used in various fields due to their high mechanical and thermal properties. However, the insolubility of PIs hampers their applications, and there have been continuous efforts to improve the processability of PIs. One of the examples is incorporating non-linear bridging units into the polymer chains. The PI from 4,4'-(hexafluoroisopropylidene)diphthalic anhydride (6FDA)/4,4'-oxydianiline (ODA) has been reported to have improved, yet inconsistent, solubility in many organics solvents. In this study, we synthesized PI copolymers with 2,2-bis(3-amino-4-hydroxyphenyl) hexafluoropropane (Bis-ap-af) as a comonomer. The hydroxyl group in Bis-ap-af was expected to enhance the solubility. The structure was confirmed using spectroscopic analysis and the thermal, optical, and mechanical properties were analyzed. The solubility of the PI copolymers in various solvents was determined to show their improved solubility with Bis-ap-af content. 3PS-225 조경렬 Solvent-Assisted Post-Treatment of π-conjugated Polymer Thin Films: Impact on Morphology and Charge Transport 조경렬, 최솔잎, 정재원, 장민철 전남대학교 We investigate a solvent-assisted post-treatment of conjugated polymer thin films and demonstrate that the selection of appropriate solvents for the post-treatment is critical to improve the device performance of polymer OFETs. The influence of solvent-assisted post-treatment on the molecular ordering, morphologies, and electrical properties of 146 제 44 권 1 호

150 P3HT thin films was systematically evaluated by controlling the solubility and boiling point of the solvents. Further, polymer OFETs with a top-gate, bottom-contact geometry were successfully constructed through an optimized processing condition, and exhibited an improvement in electrical properties. In particular, the OFETs prepared via a solvent treatment with a CHCl 3/hexane (83/17 v/v) mixture exhibited 5-fold higher mobility, with the highest mobility of 0.10 cm 2 V -1 s -1, compared to the pristine OFETs. 3PS-226 조은미 Ag-Plasma polymer fluorocarbon nanocomposite thin film on fabric substrate using CNT-Ag-PTFE composite target 조은미, 이상진, 김맥, 김성현한국화학연구원 Ag-plasma polymer fluorocarbon (PPFC) nanocomposite thin film was manufactured using a mid-range frequency dual sputtering method with a ternary carbon nanotube-ag-polytetrafluorethylene composite target. It was confirmed that the Ag nanoparticles were uniformly distributed in the PPFC matrix through the TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope). The transmittance of Ag-PPFC nanocomposite thin film coated on PET substrate is more than 91% at 550 nm due to the low refractive index of the film and the optical compensation effect. In addition the Ag-PPFC nanocomposite thin films on fabric substrates also exhibited an excellent water repellency of 142 degrees due to the low surface energy of the PPFC matrix. The Ag-PPFC nanocomposite thin film was also found excellent antibacterial activity against bacterial growth and propagation by 92.2% compared to uncoated substrate. This is due to the superhydrophobicity of the PPFC matrix and the antibacterial properties of Ag nanoparticles. 3PS-227 조은범 Preparation of Mesoporous Titania Composites Using Pentablock Copolymer Templates via EISA Process 조은범, 김태연, 박재서, 이준혁서울과학기술대학교 Mesoporous titania composite samples were prepared in the presence of pentablock copolymer templates using the evaporation-induce self assembly (EISA) method. PLGA-PEO-PPO-PEO-PEO-PLGA pentablock copolymers were synthesized by attaching PLGA block to the both ends of a few kinds of Pluronic PEO-PPO-PEO triblock copolymers using step growth and ring-opening polymerization. Cerium and copper salts were also used to prepare mesoporus metal oxide composites with titania. The detailed nanostructure of mesoporous samples was characterized through small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nitrogen adsorption analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and UV absorbance. The surface area and crystalline structures of the mesoporous metal oxide composite samples were varied depending templates and composition. We also observed the variation of bandgap and photocatalytic properties using the samples. 3PS-228 조준용 Analysis of force transferring mechanism depending on crosslinking density via spiropyran molecular sensor in PMMA, the glassy polymer system 조준용, 이도창 1, 김재우 2, KIST/KAIST; 1 KAIST; 2 KIST Although researches have been conducted for decades in order to grasp force transfer inside polymer, there still exist many difficulties in quantitatively understanding its mechanism. Recently, a novel method has been proposed to activate spiropyran (SP) molecules by force, not by UV nor heat. When a force is applied to polymer where SP is chemically incorporated, it is transferred to the SP molecule through polymer chain, resulting in SP activation into a merocyanine (MC) form. In this study, we have investigated the force transmission to polymer chain via SP molecular force sensor located at crosslink. The crosslinking density was controlled by adding the other cross-linker, EGDMA, such that the mechanism of the force transfer would be analyzed based on crosslinking. Interestingly, as crosslinking density increased, the force on polymer itself went up while the force transferred to the crosslink was decreased. 3PS-229 주성환 New type of ductile PLA chain extender using ionic bonding 주성환, 최원준, 황기섭, 이준영 한국생산기술연구원 Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is the most promising eco-friendly polymer that is expected to replace the use of commodity plastic. However, the inherent low toughness and brittleness of PLA was limited to the application of various industries. Herein we developed a new highly ductile PLA chain extender using ionic bonding. Acrylic-based chain extender was designed by adding tertiary amine which can form ionic bonding with COOH at terminated PLA. The brittle PLA has ductility depending on the amount of chain extender added. In addition, we found that ductile PLA can return to its original brittleness by ph or heat. The properties of the added PLA was investigated by tensile testing, dynamic mechanical analysis, rheometer, FT-IR, NMR, etc. 3PS-230 진레이 Studies and synthesis poly(biphenyl piperidine) membranes by super acid copolycondensations for PEMFC 진레이, Ahmed Faiz, 류태욱, 윤수진, 장위, 이승찬, 김환기건국대학교 Polymer exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) are now obtaining increasingly attention applying as a power sources in electrical vehicles, because their high energy efficiencies and no oil combustion. However, some barriers above membrane such as cost and durability also need to be solved. In this study, we synthesized a super spiro polymer by 4-piperidone monohydrate hydrochloride and electron-rich biphenyl, herein, a super acid, trifluoromethane sulfonic acid, was employed as a catalyst. The sulfonated polymer was followed by sulfonation concentrated sulfuric acid to prepare. The morphology of sulfonated membrane was depicted by AFM and high proton conductivity. The synthesized copolymers were characterized by 1 H NMR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), proton conductivities, water uptake, and ion exchange capacity (IEC) measurement. 3PS-231 채복남 Synchrotron infrared micro-spectroscopy and its applications for polymer science 채복남, 이승우 1 포항가속기연구소 ; 1 영남대학교 Most synchrotron facilities offer a port dedicated to infrared (IR) spectroscopy and infrared-microspectroscopy. The main advantage of synchrotron-based infrared spectroscopy is the brightness of synchrotron radiation source. The synchrotron radiation source provides brightness 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than a thermal (Black body radiation) infrared source. Thus, synchrotron based infrared spectroscopy has allowed high spatial resolution (infrared micro-spectroscopy) and high spectral resolution. In 2016, the first Infrared beamline 12D port) was constructed at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) in Korea and started the general users operation in Synchrotron-based infrared spectroscopy and its applications will be presented. In addition, the current status of infrared beamline of PAL will be discussed. 3PS-232 최경현 Synthesis and applicaiton of novel ionic liquids with main chain imidazoliums 최경현, 박치영 1, 부경대학교 ; 1 부경대학교공업화학과이온액체는 cation 과 anion 사이의낮은 lattice energy 로인해상온을포함한넓은범위의온도조건에서액체상태인염 (salt) 을일컫는다. 특히, imidazolium 기반의이온액체는이온전도성소재, 친환경반응을위한용제, 기체흡착등의응용가치뿐아니라, 탄소나노튜브뿐아니라그래핀의박리등에도매우탁월한효과를보인바있다. 본연구에서는 imidazolium 이올리고머혹은고분자의주쇄에반복적으로위치하는새로운형태의이온액체의설계전략및응용과관련한연구를소개하고자한다. 3PS-233 최기원 Hghly self-healable crosslinked polyurethane-urea film with excellent long-term storage stability 최기원, 이서윤, 강정순, 홍평화 1, 문경민 1, 김진실 1, 이성구 1, 홍성우 1,, 고민재 한양대학교 ; 1 한국생산기술연구원 A self-healable crosslinked polyurethane-urea film is prepared upon heating a blended solution coated on a substrate where the blended solution consists of polyols, linear urea oligomers with isocyanate groups at both ends, and crosslinkers containing multiple isocyanate groups. Interestingly, the crosslinked polyurethane-urea film shows better self-healing properties than the polyurethane film only, which is attributed to the strong supramolecular networks resulting from the intermolecular interactions between urethane groups and urea groups. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy is applied to prove the effective self-healing mechanism of crosslinked polyurethane-urea film. In addition, contrary to the traditional one-pot synthesis to prepare crosslinked polyurethane-urea systems, the blended solution in our system has excellent long-term storage stability at room temperature. 3PS-234 최솔잎 Thermal Annealing Effects on the Morphology and Performance of Poly(3- hexylthiophene) Nanowires Embedded in an Insulating Polymer Matrix 최솔잎, 조경렬, 장민철 전남대학교 Thermal annealing was found to profoundly affect the molecular ordering, orientation, and charge transport of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) NWs aligned within a PS matrix. Upon thermal annealing, the structural and morphological changes of the aligned P3HT NWs were systematically studied using static absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and polarized optical microscopy; the change in charge transport properties was investigated using macroscale charge carrier mobility measurements. Further, the thermal annealing temperature as well as duration were thoroughly correlated with the molecular ordering, orientation, and charge transport properties of the P3HT-NWs. 3PS-235 최인환 lithium ion conducting polymer electrolyte based on polyethylene acrylic structure polymer 최인환, WEI ZHANG, 이승찬, 김재웅, Md Mahabubur Rahman, 김대호, 김환기 건국대학교 Polymer electrolytes are divided into two categories:solid polymer electrolytes and gel polymer electrolytes. There is a form in which a lithium salt is mixed with a polymer matrix and a single lithium ion conductive polymer in which a single lithium ion is directly substituted in the polymer itself. We made a gel polymer electrolyte containing a polymer and an organic solvent by mixing an organic solvent to make a single lithium conductive polymer electrolyte and to increase the mobility of lithium ions. Our polymer is made of polyethylene structure. It has the advantage of increasing the absorption rate of organic solvent by using the porous structure of ethylene, and it is predicted that the conductivity of lithium ion can be improved by using a conductive organic solvent. In addition, since lithium ions are directly substituted into the polymer, lithium can be prevented from escaping. 3PS-236 하경원 Local Surface Plasmon Resonance by 40 nm Al Nano-Holes in Deep Ultraviolet Region 하경원, 김진곤 포항공과대학교 Research on localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) has recently attracted academia 제 44 권 1 호 147

151 attention because of metal nano-structure having a size of nm can interact with electromagnetic waves and bring significant electromagnetic enhancement. In particular, Al nano structures exhibit properties at different UV wavelengths than metals such as gold and silver that have been researched. Devices with this LSPR characteristic can be applied to a sensor, purification, LED and so on. However, it is difficult to form metal nano structures below several tens of nanometers. In this study, we used nano-sized PS beads monolayer to make aluminum nano hole. For the first time, we coated PS nano beads monolayer on device. Then, by applying reactive ion etching to make the desired size. Al deposition on device and by removing PS nano-beads, we can easily obtain the Al nanostructures that have LSPR properties. 3PS-237 하유미 Superior Robust, Transparent and Stretchable Self-healing Polyurethane for Flexible Devices 하유미, 김영오 1, 안석훈 1, 이승기 1, 이재석 2, 박민 1, 정재우 3, 정용채 1, 한국과학기술연구원 / 광주과학기술원 ; 1 한국과학기술연구원 ; 2 광주과학기술원 ; 3 숭실대학교 Polyurethanes as self-healing materials have attracted great interests due to their thermo-processability, high mechanical properties, high flexibility, and scratch resistance. In particular, polycarbonate-based polyurethane shows transparency, weatherability and excellent mechanical properties. Disulfide bond is a reversible covalent bond based on the thiol-disulfide dynamic exchange reaction. The introduction of the disulfide bonds enables the polyurethane thermal reversibility. Herein, we report a novel self-healing polyurethane with robust and transparent, which shows excellent self-healing ability with 98% healing efficiency and excellent shape memory ability with recovery efficiency of 92%. The change of the electrical resistance as a function of flexural strain suggested the potential application of the prepared film as a self-healing flexible substrate for flexible electronics. 3PS-238 한상석 Sendust as MR material 한상석, 서용석 서울대학교 MR fluid consists of magnetic particles and non-magnetic medium. Especially, magnetic particles should have high magnetic saturation value and low density. In that respect, Sendust is suitable magnetic particle to MR fluid. Sendust is complex compoun consist of 83.9% Fe, 9.6% Si and 6.5% Al. Flake type of Sendust has two features. One is high magnetic saturation value which guarantees high static and dynamic stress values. The other is high aspect ratio which is expected to improve sedimentation stability. And to lower the density of Sendust, we coated Sendust surface with polystyrene. 3PS-239 한정훈 Study of Forming Well-Ordered Nanostructures in P3DDT-b-PLA Thin Film Via Solvo-Microwave Annealing 한정훈, 김진성, 신재만, 김영권, 박현정, Kin Liao 1, 김범준 KAIST; 1 Khalifa University Conjugated polymer-based block copolymers (BCPs) have attracted a great attention for their potential in manufacturing nanoscale organic conducting pathways. Herein, fabrication strategies of well-defined organic conducting pathway using BCP self-assembly followed by solution etching are demonstrated. A series of poly(3-dodecylthiophene)-block-poly(l-lactic acid) [P3DDT-b-PLLA] that contains conjugated block (P3DDT) and removable coil block (PLA) were synthesized. Afterward, we successfully assembled P3DDT-b-PLA into well-ordered lamellar and cylinders with good crystallinity using a solvo-microwave annealing technique. Forming well-ordered nanostructures maintaining strong crystallinity of conjugated polymer is achieved by applying thermal annealing effects and solvent annealing effects. Further selective removal of PLA block in thin films using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution, followed by a DI-water/MeOH co-solvent washing resulted in well-defined organic conducting pathway. 분자전자부문위원회 ( III ) 3PS-240 황경태 Effect of Conformation with Pyrene-based Conjugated Polymers on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Selectivity for Field-Effect Transistors 황경태, 김동유 광주과학기술원 Since the discovery of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT), SWNT has attracted with great interest because of their outstanding mechanical and electrical properties. For these reasons, researches for implementation of their electronic applications such as field-effect transistors have been substantially promoted. In the recent, conjugated polymer wrapping of SWNT has aroused great attraction as a method for separation of SWNTs due to their advantages of high selectivity toward Semiconducting (sc) -SWNT and simple polymer sorting process. In this research, we introduce the pyrene moiety as main chain of conjugated polymer to investigate the selectivity of sc-swnt with conformation. Their dispersion selectivity and diameter of sc-swnts enriched by pyrene-based conjugated polymers were characterized by various measurements such as UV-vis absorption spectra, Raman spectroscopy. Finally, the sc-swnts were employed into FETs as an active layer. 3PS-241 이민혜 Free-Shapable and 3D Porous Carbon Nanotube Foam by Rapid Solvent Evaporation Method for Thermoelectric Power Generators 이민혜, 강영훈, 조성윤 한국화학연구원 We present a rapid solvent evaporation process by considering the triple point of the processing solvents to develop carbon nanotube (CNT) foam with porous structure for thermoelectric (TE) power generator. The rapid solvent-evaporation process allows the formation of the CNT foam with various sizes and shapes. The highly porous CNT foam with porosity over 90% shows low thermal conductivity of 0.17 W m 1 K 1 by increased phonon-scattering. To further improve the electrical conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient, p- or n-molecular dopants are easily introduced into the CNT foam and the optimized condition is investigated based on TE properties. Finally, the optimized p- and n-doped CNT foams are applied to fabricate the flexible TE power generator with a combination of series and parallel mixed circuit. The maximum output power and the output power per weight of the TE generator reaches to 1.0 μw and 15 μw g 1 at temperature difference of 13.9 K, respectively. 3PS-242 이수용 Multi-Stacked Photodetectors with Polymer:Nonfullerene Bulk Heterojunction Sensing Layers for Li-Fi Communications 이수용, 박지수, 이새봄, 김화정, 김영규 경북대학교 Visible light communication (VLC) has been recently spotlighted because the VLC-based light fidelity (Li-Fi) technology can exploit common lightings (lamps) as a signaling means with a faster communication speed than conventional radio frequency based wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) technology. In terms of detectors for the VLC-based Li-Fi systems, inorganic photodiodes have been typically used to receive visible light signals from LED lightings with controlled frequencies. Basically, inorganic photodiodes benefit high stability but their demerits include rigid shapes without reasonable bendability/flexibility and high temperature processes leading to the limited sizes of detectors. In this presentation, we demonstrate multi-stacked detectors based on organic photodiode cells with different optical transparency and their sensing characteristics upon programmed visible light signals. 3PS-243 이승진 Water/Ethanol-Soluble Naphthalene Diimide-Based Polymer Acceptors for Efficient and Air-Stable All-Polymer Solar Cells 이승진, 김영웅, Ziang Wu 1, 이창연, Nguyen Thanh Luan 1, 이준복, 정다현, 우한영 1, 김범준 KAIST; 1 고려대학교 A new series of naphthalene diimide (NDI)-based and water/ethanol-soluble n-type polymers was synthesized and applied as electron acceptors in eco-friendly polymer solar cells (eco-pscs). The length of hydrophilic oligoethylene gylcol (OEG) side chain and the backbone structure were modified to the extent that the solubility in the aqueous solvent is ensured. Consequently, three polymer acceptors named P(NDIDEG-T), P(NDITEG-T), and P(NDITEG-T2) were developed and a record high power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 2.15% was achieved. Notably, the solar cell devices also exhibited an outstanding air stability maintaining more than 90% of the initial PCE in ambient conditions after 4 days. As we pioneered the first and high-performance eco-pscs based on non-fullerene acceptors, this work provides an important direction for further material design in eco-pscs. 3PS-244 이승훈유무기반도체계면에서의에너지레벨에따른전하이동착물형성및도핑효율분석이승훈, 임영지, 김수지, 장은정, 이재현 한밭대학교도핑기술은반도체의전기적특성을최적화하여반도체전도도의제어를가능하게한다. 유기물반도체의전기적인도핑은전하이동착물의형성과전하분리의두단계로이루어진다. 본연구에서는도펀트분자와호스트분자를적층하고계면에서의각물질에따른 HOMO, LUMO 에너지별전하이동반응을전기적, 광학적방법으로분석하였다. MoO 3 박막위에증착된여러호스트분자및 N,N -Di(1-naphthyl)-N,N -diphenyl-(1,1 -biphenyl)-4,4 -diamine(npb) 박막의계면에서형성된전하이동착물의형성효율은 UV-vis spectrophotometer 를통하여분석되었다. Transmission line measurement(tlm) 방식으로측정된전도도는전하이동착물의전하분리및자유전하밀도의증가로계면에서증가하였다. 온도별로측정된소자의전도도활성화에너지는 gaussian disorder model 을토대로전하분리에필요한에너지분석에활용되었다. 3PS-245 이욱희 Facile Synthesis of Stable and Highly Luminescent Methylammonium Lead Halide Nanocrystals for Efficient Light Emitting Devices 이욱희, 이보람, 송명훈 1 부경대학교 ; 1 울산과학기술원 Metal halide perovksites are promising candidates for use in light emitting diodes (LEDs), due to their potential for colour tunable and high luminescence efficiency. While recent advances in perovskite-based light emitting diodes have resulted in external quantum efficiencies (EQEs) exceeding 12.4% for the green emitters, and 20% infrared emitters, the EQEs of the red and blue emitters still lag behind. Herein, we report the preparation and characterisation of a highly luminescent and stable suspension of methylammonium lead triiodide (CH 3NH 3PbI 3) perovskite nanocrystals (NCs), where we sytnthesise the nanocrystals via a ligand-assisted reprecipitation technique. Through tuning the conditions,we obtain a solution of CH 3NH 3PbI 3 NCs with a photoluminescence quantum yield exceeding 93% and tunable emission between 660 nm and 705 nm. We also achieved 148 제 44 권 1 호

152 red emission at 635 nm by blending the NCs with bromide salts and obtained perovskite-based LEDs with maximum electroluminescent EQE of 2.75%. 3PS-246 이종민 Metal complexes synthesized on M13 phage as a template: focusing on tunable optical properties 이종민, 임경아, Vasanthan Devraj, 김원근, 오진우 Pusan National University M13 박테리오파지 ( 파지 ) 는표면에매우고밀도의작용기를보유하고있기때문에합성공정의템플릿으로사용하기에매우적합하다. 또한파지는유전자조작을통해표면에위치한작용기의종류를제어할수있다는장점이있다. 길이 880 nm, 지름 6.6 nm 의매우종횡비가큰나노선형태인파지를합성공정의탬플릿으로사용면우수한나노선을얻을것으로기대할수있다. 본연구에서는파지표면에전이금속복합체를합성하고그광학적특성을형광측정과흡수율측정등다양한특성측정방법을통해살펴보았다. 일반적으로우수한광학적특성을나타내는전이금속복합체의경우진공에서성장되는것이일반적이다. 그러나용액공정을통해파지표면에형성된전이금속복합체의경우에도상당히우수한광학적특성을나타내는것을확인하였다. 또한전이금속의조성및합성조건변경을통해광학적특성이제어가능함을확인하였다. 비교적쉽게합성가능하면서제어가능한광학적특성을나타내는전이금속복합체를여러광학소자에적용가능할것으로기대된다. 3PS-247 이지선 Room-temperature Synthesis of pure and FA-doped CsPbBr 3 Perovskites Nanocrystals for Light-Emitting Diode (LED) 이지선, 박영란, 유지웅, 정지윤, 강영종 한양대학교 Lead halide nanocrystals (NCs) perovskites, such as hybrid organic-inorganic APbBr 3 [A=Cs, FA and MA] are promising solution-processed emitters for low-cost optoelectronics and photonics. Here, we report on a room-temperature method for synthesizing hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites that pure and FA-doped CsPbBr 3 (FA=Formamidinium) (CH(NH 2) 2) NCs without the protection of inert gas. The perovskites NCs have been obtained with a size of ~ 22 nm. The PL emission peaks of pure and FA-doped CsPbBr 3 NCs shift from to with increase amount of doped FA ion and the bandwidth of peaks is narrow (full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 26~28 nm). In addition, we demonstrate the electrical and electroluminescence performance of solution-processed light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on our perovskites NCs. These results demonstrate that the as-obtained colloidal perovskites NCs have a wide range applications in future high definition NCs displays and high-quality lightings. 3PS-248 이지열 High performance organic field-effect transistors with wire bar-coated semiconducting polymer film 이지열, 김도연, 오승훈부경대학교 In this study, we fabricated high performance OFETs with wire bar-coated semiconducting polymer film as an active layer. For an active layer of the OFETs, we employed cyclopentadithiophene benzothiadiazole (CDT BTZ) donor-acceptor (D-A) type copolymers consisting of CDT as an electron-donating unit and BTZ as an electron-accepting unit. The OFETs with bar-coated CDT-BTZ semiconducting copolymer films shows about five times higher field-effect mobility of 0.51 cm 2 /Vs than 0.11 cm 2 /Vs of the OFETs with spin-coated CDT-BTZ film, although the charge carrier mobility of the D-A type semiconducting copolymer is less critical to the degree of alignment of the semiconducting polymer. Overall, the results demonstrate that the wire bar-coating process offer opportunities to enhance the performance of the OFETs. 3PS-249 이지은 Development of Multimodal Antibacterial Surfaces Using Porous Amine-Reactive Films Incorporating Lubricant and Silver Nanoparticles 이지은, 류진, 김준원, 장영선 1, 신광수, 하은수, 류상열, 김병기, 우상혁 2, 차국헌 서울대학교 ; 1 University of Florida; 2 중앙대학교 Anti-biofouling has been improved by passive or active ways. Passive antifouling strategies aim to prevent the initial adsorption of foulants, while active strategies aim to eliminate proliferative fouling by destruction of the chemical structure and inactivation of the cells. However, neither passive antifouling nor active antifouling strategies can solely resist biofouling due to their inherent limitations. Herein, we successfully developed antibacterial surfaces for waterborne and airborne bacteria with the benefit of combination of anti-adhesion (passive) and bactericidal (active) properties of the surfaces. We elaborated multifunctionalizable porous amine-reactive polymer films incorporating antifouling silicone oil lubricants and bactericidal silver nanoparticles. The surfaces presented in this study demonstrate outstanding antibacterial effects toward both waterborne and airborne Escherichia coli, suggesting a new door to develop an effective multimodal anti-biofouling surface. 3PS-250 이진우 Two Semi-crystalline Polymers with Different Fluorine Topology for Non-Fullerene Solar Cell Performance 이진우, Yuxiang Li 1, 우한영 2, 김범준 KAIST; 1 Xi'an University of Science and Technology (XUST); 2 고려대학교 Two fluorine atoms are substituted on the phenylene moiety in an anti (PTBDD2F-a) or a syn (PTBDD2F-s) fashion for use in nonfullerene organic solar cells (NFOSCs). The two polymers exhibit different interchain packing and film morphologies in both pristine and blend films with an n-type acceptor (ITIC). In grazing incidence X-ray scattering measurements, PTBDD2F-a:ITIC shows more pronounced out-of-plane (010) peaks, suggesting stronger face-on cofacial packing of ITIC molecules in the PTBDD2F-a:ITIC blend. A higher domain purity (1.00 vs. 0.71) is also observed for PTBDD2F-a:ITIC compared to PTBDD2F-s:ITIC in the resonant soft X-ray scattering measurements. These different morphological features induce 2.5 times higher hole mobility and 6 times higher electron mobility with higher power conversion efficiency (6.60 vs. 5.47%) for PTBDD2F-a:ITIC than for PTBDD2F-s:ITIC. This comparative study highlights the effects of different fluorine topologies along the polymer backbone. 3PS-251 이하림 Design strategy for short delayed fluorescence lifetime in blue thermally activated delayed fluorescent emitter 이하림, 이준엽 성균관대학교 We designed and synthesized three blue thermally activated delayed fluorescent (TADF) emitters, 9,9',9''-(4-(4,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)benzene-1,2,3-triyl)tris(9H-carbazole) (234CzTrz), 9,9',9''-(6-(4,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)benzene-1,2,4-triyl)tris(9H-carbazole) (235CzTrz). and 9,9',9''-(5-(4,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)benzene-1,2,4-triyl)tris (9H-carbazole) (245CzTrz). We confirmed that the 234CzTrz had short delayed lifetime of 4.1 μs compared with that of others. In the device application, the 234CzTrz device showed 20.4% of maximum external quantum efficiency and extremely low efficiency roll-off. This result showed that synthesized emitter effectively worked in blue TADF organic light-emitting diodes. 3PS-252 임영지유기물반도체와다양한 p-type 무기물도펀트사이에서의계면도핑효율분석임영지, 이승훈 1, 이혜린 1, 이재현 1, 한밭대학교 ; 1 한밭대학교창의융합학과도핑기술은반도체의전기적특성을최적화하기위하여반도체에의도적으로불순물을첨가하는과정이다. 유기물반도체에서도이러한도핑기술을사용하지만두물질을동시에열증착하는유기물반도체의도핑공정에서는도펀트분자가나노클러스터를형성하는경우가많아분산효율이떨어진다. 그로인해, 분자대분자간의전하이동복합체 (charge transfer complex, CTC) 의형성비율을분석하기에한계가있다. 따라서본연구에서는도펀트분자와호스트분자를적층하고계면사이에서발생하는전하이동을전기적, 광학적방법으로분석하였다. Molybdenum trioxide (MoO 3), copper(i) iodide (CuI), tungstic anhydride (WO 3), rhenium(vi) oxide (ReO 3) 등의억셉터물질을증착한후, 각각의물질위에 N,N -Di(1-naphthyl)-N,N - diphenyl-(1,1 -biphenyl)-4,4 -diamine (NPB) 를적층하였다. 계면에서발생하는 CTC 의형성효율과 CTC 로부터생성되는자유전하의증가에따른전기적특성변화는 UV-vis-NIR spectrophotomete 와전도도측정을통하여분석되었다. 3PS-253 임종철 Elucidating the Long-range Charge Carrier Mobility in Metal Halide Perovskite Thin Films 임종철 옥스포드대학교 Various charge carrier mobility under different carrier densities regime have been reported for lead halide perovskite polycrystalline films. However, time-dependent change of internal carrier population due to early-time recombination should be reflected in long-range lateral charge transport through intragrains and grain boundaries. Here we demonstrate a new transient photo-conductivity technique and accurately estimate the internal free carrier density using simulation of charge population rise and decay with the early-time recombination. With this knowledge we determine carrier density invariable lateral mobilities to be in the range from 8.9 down to 0.2 cm 2 /Vs for Cs 0.17FA 0.83Pb(I 0.9Br 0.1) 3, Cs 0.05(FA 0.83MA 0.17) 0.95Pb(I 0.9Br 0.1) 3 and CH 3NH 3PbI 3 polycrystalline perovskite films depending upon the preparation route and free carrier density. Our results provide the first accurate evaluation of the carrier density invariable lateral mobility in lead halide perovskite films. 3PS-254 장스먀오 Synthesis and design of donor-acceptor type polymers for improvement of performance in organic solar cells 장스먀오, 류지원 1, 서홍석 1, 부산대학교화학과 ; 1 부산대학교 Organic photovoltaics (OPV) has been considered to be a promising candidate for next-generation technology platforms to meet ever-growing demands for sustainable energy, owing to its many advantages such as low cost, large area, ultra-weight and solution processing. 1 A donor acceptor type p-conjugated polymer based on fluorinated 4,7-di-2-thienyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole (DTBT) as an electron accepting unit and 6-(2-thienyl)-4H-thieno[3,2-b]indole as an electron donating unit were designed and successfully synthesized. Fluorine atom was introduced into the conjugated polymer to improve the efficiency of organic solar cells, owing to its strong electron-withdrawing property. The copolymer exhibited relatively wide bandgaps with deep highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy levels. A device based on PTTIF2:PCBM (1:1w/w) blend with chloro-naphthalene (CN) additive gives a PCE of 4.36%. (1) Y.-W. Su, S.-C. Lan, K.-H. Wei, Mater. Today, 15, 554 (2012). 3PS-255 장스먀오 Design of Conjugated Polymers Based on Carbazole Derivative as a Donor in Polymer Solar Cells 장스먀오, 류지원 1, 서홍석 1, 부산대학교화학과 ; 1 부산대학교 Polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells are gaining increasing importance, having unique advantages such as renewable, lightweight, flexibility, low cost and roll-to-roll process. 1 In this study, we designed conjugated polymers based on carbazole derivative and applied for donor material in active layer using PC 71BM as acceptor. Designed donor-acceptor polymers by Suzuki polymerization, HS-5610, HS-5613 and HS-5614 are consisted of carbazole derivate as electron-donating unit and electronaccepting units. Electron-accepting units are thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione (TPD), 제 44 권 1 호 149

153 isoindigo (ID) and alkyl-2,20-bithiophene-3,30-dicarboximide (BTI) units for each polymers. The device including HS-5614 showed a PCE of 0.41% with a V OC of 0.65 V, a J SC of 2.04 ma/cm 2, and a FF of 31.2%. These results suggested that synthesized polymers have a importance to act as donor material in active layer. (1) Y.-W. Su, S.-C. Lan, K.-H. Wei, Mater. Today, 15, 554 (2012). 3PS-256 장시연 Carbon-based, Ultraelastic, Hierarchically Coated Fiber Strain Sensors with Crackcontrollable Beads 장시연, 김지선, 김다완, 김지원, 천성우, 이헌준, 이기라, 방창현 성균관대학교 Fiber-based electronics or textronics are spotlighted as a promising strategy to develop wearable devices for conformable machine-human interface and ubiquitous healthcare systems. We have prepared a highly sensitive fiber strain sensor with a broad range of strain by introducing a single active layer onto the fiber. In contrast to other metal-based textronics, our hierarchical fiber sensors are based on coating carbon-based nanomaterials with responsive microbeads onto elastic fibers. Utilizing the formation of uniform cracks around the beads, the device performance was maximized by adjusting the number of beads in the carbon-coating layer. Our fiber sensors were repeated tested more than 5000 times, exhibiting excellent cyclic responses to on/off switching behaviors. For practical applications, the hierarchical fiber sensors were sewed into electrical fabric bands to monitor waveforms of pulsations, respirations, and various postures of level of bending a spinal cord. 3PS-257 장재호 Thermally Cross-Linkable Host materials using styrene for Solution-Processed Organic Light-Emitting Diodes 장재호, 황도훈, 허해강, 박정용부산대학교 Thermally cross-linkable host materials, DV-TPACZ, DV-TPADBCZ, and TV-TPBI, were designed and synthesized for solution-processed organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). The synthesized styrene-functionalized host materials were thermally cross-linked by curing at without using a polymerization initiator. Excellent solvent resistance was observed for all cured host films. They exhibited low highest occupied molecular orbital energy levels of ev, which indicated a low hole injection barrier from the hole transport layer to the emissive layer. A solution-processed red phosphorescent OLED with 5 wt% (MPHMQ) 2Ir(tmd) dopant in the thermally cross-linkable DV-TPACZ host exhibited a current efficiency of 5.3 cd/a, power efficiency of 3.2 lm/w, and external quantum efficiency of 3.6%. 3PS-258 장홍 Morphological changes and solvent resistance enhancement of PEDOT:PSS thin films irradiated by gamma rays 장홍, 김선주 중앙대학교 High energy treatment with gamma-ray irradiation has been applied to modify the characteristics of conducting polymer films. When a polymer film is exposed to radiation, free radicals are generated in the molecular backbone. With this effect, we can tune the physical properties and electrical properties of the polymers and composites. In this research, we irradiated gamma rays on PEDOT:PSS thin films with a dose ranging from 1 kgy to 50 kgy. Through the solvent dipping test, we observed that irradiated PEDOT:PSS thin films have the good solvent resistance. Whereas the pristine film partially dissolved, irradiated ones at 30 kgy stayed intact for up to 37 h. To prove the relation between the high energy irradiation and solvent resistance, we analyzed the structural characterizations. The morphology and the atom ratio of surface of the film were characterized by SEM and XPS. Crystalline behaviors were investigated by XRD. 3PS-259 정영진 Optical analysis of Perovskite Light-Emitting Transistor 정영진, 정지원, 김세용 1, 이정환 인하대학교 ; 1 LG 화학 In this work, a comprehensive optical analysis is performed to be discussed on triple layered PeLETs to optimize extraction of the lights in a lateral or vertical direction with respect to the substrate. We have focused on the refractive index of methylammonium lead iodide perovskite layer and the thickness of the emissive and transporting layers which mainly influence on the light propagation, extraction, and annihilation. By controlling these parameters, we have confirmed that more than 40% of the generated lights in the perovskite emissive layer of PeLETs could be potentially contributed to the outcoupling efficiency of the devices under a perfect electron-hole balance. 3PS-260 정재민 High Performance and Flexible Organic Thermoelectric Generators Prepared from Donor-Acceptor Type Polymer-CNT Composites 정재민, 정용진, 서의현, 양한솔, 이택성, 장재영 한양대학교 Organic thermoelectric (TE) devices have great attention as sustainable energy sources for next-generation electronics. Recent advances in TE materials based on soluble conjugated polymer-carbon nanotube (CNT) composites have promised high TE properties, but the TE properties of the materials need to be further improved to chase the commercialized inorganic TE materials. Here, we introduce a novel type of polymer-cnt composites consisting of various donor-acceptor (D-A) type polymers and few-walled CNTs (FWCNT). The D-A polymers effectively disperse FWCNTs, leading to much smaller CNT bundle sizes and thereby enhanced electrical percolation compared to the composites with P3HT. As a result, the D-A polymer-fwcnt composites exhibited high TE power factors up to 369 μw/m K2, about 2 times larger than those of the composites with P3HT. Finally, we fabricated large-area and flexible TE generators with D-A polymer-fwcnt composites, exhibiting maximum power output of 0.21 μw ( T = 20 K). 3PS-261 정재훈 Enhanced efficiency and photostability of mesoporous BaSnO 3 based perovskite solar cells 정재훈, 신성식, 서장원 한국화학연구원 As reported previously, TiO 2 used as an electron-transporting layer (ETL) has unwanted photocatalytic reactivity with perovskite materials and low mobility, thereby requiring further treatments. Therefore, it is critical issue to explore new metal oxide ETLs for efficient and stable PSCs in PSC fields. Previously, we introduced the planar PSCs composed of nanoparticle La doped BaSnO 3 (NP-BSO) with MAPbI 3 heterojunction. Even though NP-BSO based planar PSCs showed high conversion efficiency over 21% and excellent photostability, it still remains hysteresis issue. In this study, we will present the fabrication process based on BaSnO 3-FAPbI 3 heterojunction, resulting in superior device performance with great photostability and storage stability compared to TiO 2 counterpart. 3PS-262 정철훈 High-Performing Solution Processed Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence OLEDs made with Thermally Crosslinkable Hole Transport Polymer 정철훈, 윤지원, 김형종, 박수홍, 김채영, 권나연, 이지혜, 조민주, 최동훈 고려대학교 Solution processable organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) have emerged as alternative to vacuum processed OLEDs due to the low-cost, large area, and flexible display applications. However, it is still difficult to prepare all the layers in multi-layered OLEDs via solution processing since bottom layer can be dissolved during the deposition of the upper layer. As a solution, crosslinking system has been considered as one of the most effective methods to make insoluble from many common organic solvents without any complicated fabrications. A new side-chain hole transport polymer, X-TPACz which contains thermally crosslinkable side chain unit, was synthesized via facile addition polymerization. Using the UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, curing conditions were optimized by investigation in terms of curing temperature and curing time. Using X-TPACz as hole transport layer, high external quantum efficiency with low turn on voltage was obtained in application of solution processable OLED. 3PS-263 조상원 Enhanced electrochemical characteristics of electrosprayed 2D-MXene sheets 조상원, 서용석 1, 김동영 2, 한국과학기술연구원 / 서울대학교재료공학부 ; 1 서울대학교재료공학부 ; 2 한국과학기술연구원 Recently, 2D-titanium carbide MXenes (Ti3C2) have been studied as supercapacitor materials because of their metallic conductivity, layered structure, hydrophilicity, and etc. In this study, 2D MXene sheets were prepared by etching Al layer from Ti3AlC2 (MAX) precursors in LiF and HCl solution. Delaminated 2D-MXenes were obtained from etched multi-layer MXene through probe sonication and freeze drying method. We fabricated binder-free MXene electrode directly on current collectors by employing an electrospray technique. The electrosprayed MXene electrode shows highly porous micron scale thickness. Also, we conducted electrochemical mesurement in alkalli, neutral, and acidic aqueous electrolyte system. The capacitance of electrosprayed electrodes showed 130, 100, and 450 F/g at 100 mv/s in 6 M KOH, 0.6 M K 2SO 4, 1 M H 2SO 4 aq. electrolytes, respectively. Enhanced electrochemical behaviors were attributed from highly porous structures and binder free electrodes in electrosprayed system. 3PS-264 조성용 Optical analysis on outcoupling efficiency of Organic light-emitting transistor 조성용, 정영진, 정지원, 김세용 1, 이정환 인하대학교 ; 1 LG 화학 Recently, new topological development and introduction of new transporting materials in organic light-emitting transistors enable us to reduce loss mechanisms significantly which induced by metallic electrodes as well as from charge imbalance by pinning the emission zone in the center of the channel. These improvements lead to the high external quantum efficiency over 8% in OLETs. However, this value is still much lower than that of OLEDs less than a half. In this work, a comprehensive optical simulation has performed to show how to improve EQE of OLETs as similar as that of OLEDs. From the analysis, it has determined that the value of refractive index of transporting layers, reflectivity of the gate layer, and orientation of transition dipole moment and photo-luminescence quantum efficiency of the emissive material are key players to optimize the outcoupling efficiency of OLETs. As a result, we suggest that the optimized OLETs could reach a high EQE over 30% comparable to OLEDs. 3PS-265 조우섬 All Solution-Processed Red Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Cross-Linkable Complexes 조우섬, 제갈영순 1, 진성호 부산대학교 ; 1 경일대학교 A novel hole transport material (HTM) was designed and synthesized for the fabrication of solution-processed phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (PHOLEDs). The newly cross-linkable HTM was successfully thermal cross-linked with cross-linkable host and dopant in emitting layer (EML). After cross-linking, EML was not damaged by the organic solvent. The photophysical, and electrochemical properties of the cross-linkable HTM was systematically investigated by UV-visible, PL spectra, cyclic voltammetry, TGA and DSC. In addition, the red PHOLEDs were fabricated with the configuration of ITO/PEDOT:PSS/X-HTM/EML/TPBi/LiF/Al. A maximum external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 4.62% (2.26 cd/a) was achieved for red PHOLEDs after rinsing of cross-linked EML, which were similar EQE of 5.36% (2.61 cd/a) of red PHOLEDs with cross-linked EML. 150 제 44 권 1 호

154 3PS-266 조장환 Increasing surfactant adsorption ability using surfactant engineering for high performance water-processed organic electronic device 조장환, 정대성 대구경북과학기술원 As the development stage of polymer semiconductor technology is approaching to commercialization, eco-friendly process for polymer semiconductor is getting increasing attention. Up to now, nanoparticle of polymer semiconductor using miniemulsion process has been widely used for such eco-friendly process. Nonetheless, opto-electronic performances of water-process devices are still inferior to their organic- solventprocessed counterpart. The main issue for the success of water-borne polymer semiconductor is how to handle large amount of residual surfactants, which is used as stabilizers for dispersing organic semiconductors, because they can induce micro-scale aggregation and low charge carrier mobility. Here, we report a new surfactant engineering technology for water-borne polymer semiconductors which enables to reduce the amount of surfactant by controlling the adsorption ability of surfactant on water-borne polymer nanoparticle. 3PS-267 조재상 Tailoring Chemical and Morphological Properties of Graphene Oxide via γ-ray Irradiation for Enhanced Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells 조재상, 장웅식, 이민지, 문성식 1, 박종혁 2, 왕동환 중앙대학교 ; 1 University of Minnesota; 2 연세대학교 In this study, we demonstrate that surface chemistry of graphene oxide (GO) is effectively tailored by γ-ray irradiation, and the tailored properties of GO can contribute to the enhancement of the performance of perovskite solar cells. Aqueous GO was exposed to high energy 60Co γ-ray, which resulted in oxidation of GO: The reaction induced by γ-ray irradiation increased the oxygen content of the GO and scattered large GO agglomerates into GO sheets with small lateral dimensions, which leads to uniform distribution in PEDOT:PSS layer. In addition, PEDOT:PSS layer with γ-go exhibited higher hydrophobicity than the pristine PEDOT:PSS layer, which facilitated the uniform grain growth of perovskite. As a result, GO with tailored chemical and morphological properties significantly improved the hole transport properties in perovskite solar cells. 3PS-268 지동섭 Solution processed polymer buffer layer for low-hysteresis carbon nanotube transistors 지동섭, 노용영 POSTECH Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) is one of the actively researched nanomaterials with one-dimensional (1D) structure due to its remarkable electrical, mechanical, and photophysical properties. However, the performance of semiconducting SWNTs transistors is affected by charge traps on dielectric/channel interface. Especially, SWNTs transistors show the large hysteretic characteristics on the conventional silicon oxide. Here, we utilize a hydroxyl-group free organic dielectric material, divinyl-tetramethyldisiloxanebis(benzocyclobutene) (BCB) and achieve BCB/ZrO 2 bilayer dielectric layer by solution process for low-hysteresis. 3PS-269 최기헌 Spontaneously Generated SAM Treatment via Blending and Additive Migration for Top-Contact Organic Field Effect Transistor 최기헌, 이화성 한밭대학교 One of the important factors to degrade the performance of organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) is the ineffective charge carrier injection from the metal electrode to organic semiconducting layer, and various studies have been conducted so far to improve this. In this study, the organic semiconducting layer was formed by blending the thiol SAM materials with PBTTT-C14 solution to control the nature of the charge carrier injection in the top-contact bottom gate (TCBG) structure of the OFETs, for which a spontaneously generated SAM was produced through annealing process on the S/D electrodes. Compared to the conventional SAM-treatment, the fabrication is simple and applicable on the TCBG-structured OFETs. The field-effect mobility of PBTTT-C14 FETs blended with 1-dodecanethiol was improved from cm 2 /Vs to cm 2 /Vs as compared to that without blending, and the threshold voltage was shifted from 15 V to 0 V, which is closed to an ideal onset operation of the device. 3PS-270 최민수 Photophysical properties on structural isomers of homoleptic Ir-complexes derived from xylenyl-substituted N-heterocyclic carbene ligands 최민수, 이대한, 윤보선, 강상욱, 손호진 고려대학교 The phosphorescence properties of fac-ir(pmp)3, mer-ir(pmp)3, fac-ir(dmpmp)3, and mer-ir(dmpmp)3 (where pmp = 3-methyl-1-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-imidazo[4,5-b] pyridine and dmpmp = 1-(2',6'-dimethylbiphenyl-2-yl)-3-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1Himidazo[4,5-b]pyridine) in CH 2Cl 2 were investigated. At 77 K, the fac-isomers showed blue emission with a vibronic structure, while the mer-isomers showed less structured emissions. At 300 K, all complexes showed broad and markedly red-shifted emission spectra compared to those at 77 K. The quantum yields of the Ir(dmpmp)3 isomers were very low, and their emission lifetimes were very short compared to those of Ir(pmp)3. In order to understand the large differences between the photodynamic properties of Ir(pmp)3 and Ir(dmpmp)3, we performed femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption (TA) spectroscopic measurements. The TA spectra of Ir(dmpmp)3 were almost the same as those of Ir(pmp)3 at a short delay time. 3PS-271 최준형 Importance of Critical Molecular Weight of Semicrystalline n-type Polymers for Producing Highly-Stretchable, Conducting Thin Films 최준형, 김완선, 김동욱, 김선하, 채준수, 최시영, 김선주 1, 김택수, 김범준 KAIST; 1 중앙대학교 Mechanical properties of conducting polymers are an import issue in the field of flexible and stretchable electronics, but fundamental understanding of the polymer structuremechanical property relationship is still very limited. Here we report systematic investigation on the dependence of mechanical and fracture properties on molecular weight for a well-known n-type conjugated polymer (P(NDI2OD-T2)). By synthetic control, the number average molecular weight (M n) precisely tuned from 15 to 163 kg mol -1 were prepared. Importantly, the high-m n thin films (> 100 kg mol -1 above the critical molecular weight) exhibited superior mechanical compliance and robustness with the 114-fold enhanced strain at fracture and 2820-fold enhanced toughness, as compared to those based on low-m n polymers (15 kg mol -1 ). More importantly, a noticeable increment in mechanical properties were seen between M n = 48 and 103 kg mol -1, yielding a 26-fold enhanced strain at fracture and 160-fold enhanced toughness. 3PS-272 최한형 Enhanced Charge Injection and Electric Field Using Structure Electrodes to Effectively Operate Polyimide-Based Resistive Memory 최한형, 김현진, 조재영 1, 박종혁 한국과학기술연구원 ; 1 서울대학교 Organic-based non-volatile memory devices have great potential as next generation electronic devices due to simple processability, low weight, and flexibility.an active layer of organic resistive random access memory (ReRAM) consists of a polymer composite with a matrix lacking charge trap and a conducting block including charge trapping sites. However, the non-uniform dispersion of the conductive part causes low reliability of the device performance. In addition, excessive energy for electron injection required due to insufficient charge trap in the organic material deteriorates the device performance, making it difficult to utilize its practical application. Herein, we demonstrate that a pyramidal Al structure electrode can solve issues. A sharp tip of the electrode increases the concentration of injected charge carriers into the polyimide layer and enhances the electric field of the active layer. As a result, the pyramidal structure device exhibits resistive switching behaviors. 3PS-273 퍄오쥔잉 Increasing the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of organic solar cells (OSCs) by using 6-(2-thienyl)-4H-thieno[3,2-b]indole (TTI) and isoindigo-based conjugated polymers 퍄오쥔잉, 라쿠엘 1, 서홍석 1, 부산대학교화학과 ; 1 부산대학교 Polymer solar cells (PSCs) have received great attention due to its advantages (flexibility, light weight and low fabricating costs). 1 In this study, 6-(2-thienyl)-4H-thieno [3,2-b]indole (TTI) and isoindigo (ID) were used for conjugated polymers. Alternating and random copolymers including TTI and ID units were designed. From the UV-vis absorption spectra of the random copolymers, a significant red shift from the maximum peaks and a broader full width at half maximum (fwhm) with higher ID unit ratio can be observed. Conjugated polymers exhibited lower gap between highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy levels with increased percentage of ID as electron accepting groups. The device composed of PTTIID-7 and PCBM (1:2) had shown V OC, J SC and fill factor (FF) value of 0.63 V, 12.3 ma/cm 2, and 0.52 respectively which gives the PCE of 4.03%. (1) Y.-W. Su, S.-C. Lan, K.-H. Wei, Mater. Today, 15, 554 (2012). 3PS-274 퍄오쥔잉 Syntheses and Characterization of Benzimidazole Derivatives Based Conjugated Polymers for Organic Solar Cells 퍄오쥔잉, 라쿠엘 1, 서홍석 1, 부산대학교화학과 ; 1 부산대학교 Recently, polymer solar cells (PSC) drew great recognition and became a promising photovoltaic technique because of its remarkable advantages such as low cost, good flexibility, lightweight and can be processed easily in large area. 1 Despite of those advantages, polymer solar cells still have rather low efficiency but it is still usable because of its low cost process. In this research, we designed a new electron donor-acceptor conjugated polymers using benzimidazole derivatives with different electron-deficient ability and applied for PSC. The synthesized polymers composed of electron-rich group thienylthienoindole (TTI) for organic solar cells. The TTI and benzimidazole were coupled using Stille polymerization. We synthesized new polymers named HS-5618, HS-5611 and HS The device composed of HS-5611 showed a V OC of 0.7 V, a J SC of 9.16 ma/cm 2, and a FF of 0.43, giving a PCE of 2.84%. (1) Y.-W. Su, S.-C. Lan, K.-H. Wei, Mater. Today, 15, 554 (2012). 3PS-275 하연희 Deveolpment of D-A type polymers with varying the lengths of the donor units in OFETs 하연희, 송은주 1, 강보석 1, 권순기, 조길원 1, 김윤희 경상대학교 ; 1 포항공과대학교 Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) based on organic semiconducting polymers have received much attention as promising devices for use in future soft electronics industries. Important progress has recently been achieved in OFET performance through the development of high mobility organic semiconductors. In particular, the use of the donor acceptor (D A) alternating design yields semiconducting polymers with outstanding charge carrier mobilities that are enabled by the resulting strong intramolecular D A interactions. A series of D A type polymers with long, branched alkyl side chains was synthesized with various donor. This study provides insight into the structure property relationships in D A copolymers based on long-donor-fused acceptor moieties that may assist the development of high performance organic electronic devices. 3PS-276 하재언 Dual function of 2,4-Hexadiyne-1,6-diol as a Dispersion Agent and a structure binder for SWCNT Based Organic Thermoelectric Generator 하재언, 정대성 대구경북과학기술원 Organic material based thermoelectric generators (OTG) have been attracted by their 제 44 권 1 호 151

155 characteristics like as low thermal conductivity, flexibility, and low cost. One of the most generally used methods to fabricate the OTG is dispersing conductive fillers in the polymer matrix. Those approaches of introducing conjugated polymers as a matrix to disperse carbon nanotube (CNT) was quite successful, and also it is noteworthy to note that weak physical adsorption of conjugated polymers onto CNT. In this research, we introduced the 2,4-Hexadiyne-1,6-diol (HD) as a dispersion agent by connecting these materials with cross-linked covalent bonding with CNT. The polymerization was proceeded by UV exposure to form the polymer net after forming the film, and with this simple procedure, it was possible to bind the CNTs effectively and easily as the conductive fillers. The fabricated OTG showed a high power factor with shelf stability for 30 days without any post-treatment. 3PS-277 하종운 Synthesis and Characterization of Regioregular Polymers based on Thienoquinoline and Thienoisoquilonine as Electron Accepting Units for Efficient Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells 하종운, 황도훈 부산대학교 Four kinds of dimeric acceptor were synthesized and developed to control the regioregularity of thienoquinoline (TQO) and thienoisoquinoline (TIQO). In bitqo(p) or bitiqo(p), the phenyl unit of TQO or TIQO was connected to each other to form dimers. In contrast, thiophen unit of TQO or TIQO was linked to each other to afford bitqo(t) or bitiqo(t). We synthesized regioregular copolymers, PBDT-biTQO(P), PBDT-biTQO(T), PBDT-biTIQO(P) and PBDT-biTIQO(T), that were based on dimeric acceptors as an electron-accepting component and BDT as an electron-donating component to investigate their photovoltaic properties. The regioregular polymers show wide optical bandgap (2.10 ev). All copolymers exhibited better crystallinity with crystal coherence length than those of copolymers based on monomeric acceptors (TQO or TIQO). The device of PBDT-biTIQO(P):IT-4F was achieved the best PCE of 8.35% with enhanced short-circuit current and fill factor. 3PS-278 한혜미 Circularly Polarized Light-Detecting Organic Photodiodes with Heterojunction Bilayer Structures 김나연, 한혜미, 김수진, 안종태, 황도경, 임정아 한국과학기술연구원 Circularly polarized (CP) light-detecting integrated devices have attracted great attention because of a wide range of applications including security-enhanced optical communications, quantum computing, and next-generation display devices, etc. Although the chiroptical electronic devices capable of selectively distinguishing the chirality of CP light have been strongly required to date, only limited studies have applied π-conjugated molecules to the devices by facile solution processes. Very recently, our group has achieved success in forming the chiroptically active organic semiconducting films via induction of the intermolecular interaction between conventional achiral polymer semiconductors and a versatile chiral molecule. In this presentation, organic heterojunction photodiodes, which can distinguishably sensing the left- and right-handed CP light, will be introduced in detail. Furthermore, we would like to discuss a future research direction of chiral photonics. 3PS-279 함동효 Bright, Robust and Color-Pure Heavy Metal-Free Quantum Dots 함동효, 장준혁, 정병국 1, 이학준, 박지수 2, 배완기 2, 서울대학교 ; 1 한국과학기술원 ; 2 성균관대학교 We provide a design principle for bright, robust and color-pure InP based quantum dots (QDs) and their applications to light-emitting diodes. The principal design approach is the growth of uniform thick inorgnanic shell consisting of ZnSe xs 1-x inner shell and ZnS outermost shell. Specifically, we propose a InP core/znse xs 1-x/ZnS heterostructure that consists of environmentally benign elements. We conduct a comprehensive study across synthesis, spectroscopy and simulation and it uncovers the role of the geometry and composition of proposed heterostructures on their optical properties. The highlight of present work is the realization of green and red-emitting QDs exhibiting peak PL emission wavelength at 525 and 620 nm with narrow spectra linewidth (full width at half maximum (FWHM) below 40 nm), PL QY as high as 90% and prolonged stability against external stresses. We capitalize on InP/ZnSe xs 1-x/ZnS QDs by exemplifying their use in the primary color light-emitting diodes. 3PS-280 홍승균 A-D-A type Non-Fullerene Acceptor for Organic Solar Cells 홍승균, 임은희 경기대학교 Organic solar cells (OSCs) were highlighten as a future energy generator and many effort have been done to engance OSCs performances. Now, singe cell devices based on non-fullerene acceptor (NFAs) recorded power conversion efficiency (PCE) ocer 14% which is close to PCE of the commercial inorganic solar cells. For the high performance OSCs, materials should satisfy several requirements. Donor and acceptor materials should exhibit enough solubility, proper energy level alignment, complementary absorption, packing behavior, and perper miscibility. In this presentation, we synthesized novel NFAs designed to fulfill previously described requirment. Chemical and physical properties of NFAs were investigated to confirm compatibility with donor material PTB7-Th. OSC devices based on PTB7-Th and acceptors were fabbricated and photovoltaic properties were measured. Correlation between OSC performances and materials were investigated. 의료용고분자부문위원회 ( III ) 3PS-281 황은영 Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer Brushes for their Supramolecular Assembly 황은영, 임동우 1, Department of Bionanotechnology, Hanyang University; 1 Department of Bionano Engineering and Bionanotechnology, Hanyang University Amphiphilic molecular brushes (MBs) composed of a linear backbone with densely grafted polymeric side chains have been of great interest because of their unique self-assembly behavior. We report herein synthesis of positively- or negatively charged amphiphilic triblock MBs and their polyelectrolyte complexed nanostructures via noncovalent interactions. Linear amphiphilic triblock copolymers (ATCs) as macromonomers were synthesized from a chain transfer agent with a norbornene end group by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization, and their MBs composed of poly(norbornene) as backbone and ATCs as side chains were synthesized via ring-opening metathesis polymerization. The MBs self-assembled into cylindrical micelles while vesicles were formed via complexation between two oppositely charged MBs. Conclusively, this work would be useful for developing functional nanomaterials as drug delivery carriers. 3PS-282 장희윤 In vitro Osteogenic differentiation and Anti-microbial Efficacy of Dual Growth Factor/Antibiotic-loaded PCL/HA Microsphere-Hydrogel System 장희윤, 신준영, 김세현, 김민지 1, 곽유진, 이인수, 오세행 1, 이진호 한남대학교 ; 1 단국대학교 The needs for microspheres made of biodegradable polymers have gradually increased with the developments of bioactive delivery systems, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. In this study, we prepared a BMP-2-loaded polycaprolactone (PCL)/hyaluronic acid (HA) hybrid microspheres and vancomycin-loaded alginate hydrogel carrier system to be used as an injectable bone filler. This microsphere-hydrogel system showed the sustained release of both BMP-2 and vancomycin for more than one month. We evaluated the osteogenic differentiation potential and anti-microbial efficacy of this microsphere-hydrogel system. From the results, both BMP-2- and vancomycin-loaded group showed better osteogenic differentiation than the control group (w/o BMP-2 and vancomycin) and the group with single BMP-2 or vancomycin. The groups with vancomycin also showed the long-term antimicrobial efficacy. 3PS-283 전현수 Release-controlable antibiotics via DNA minor groove binding and ionic coating methods 전현수 서울시립대학교 DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) was founded as key-role factor that transfer genetic information in central dogma of molecular biology. However, previously in many research groups, DNA has been also re-discovered and engineered as bio-polymer to be used for biological and clinical applications, just like other biocompatable polymers. As polymer of nucleotide phosphate, DNA has binding sites that can attach specific small molecules stably (e.g. Intercalation, Major groove binding, Minor groove binding). In here, we estimated loading & releasing properties of well-known minor groove binding antibiotic, Netropsin. For the stable loading and releasing system, DNA microparticle (DNAmp) synthesized from rolling circle amplification (RCA) technique was used as the template. Moreover, we demonstrated that netropsin-loaded DNAmp (DNAmp@Ne) can be shielded by calcium ion coating to DNAmp, for long-term releasing system. 3PS-284 정경원 Preparation and Characterization of Antioxidant-encapsulated Chitosan Microsphere for Free-radical Elimination and Enhanced bioavailability 정경원, 홍웅길, 안준혁, 나재운 순천대학교고분자공학과 Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) have been caused to many diseases, aging, obesity in human body. To solve these issues, antioxidant agent as natural substance, to have the anti-oxide, anti-aging, anti-cancer and low toxic, has been used for protection of ROS. However, it has a problem such as very a low bioavailability in body and high toxicity. To overcome these problems, we prepared to antioxidant agent-encapsulated chitosan microsphere (AECM) by using spray dry method. Its structural analysis of AECM was confirmed by 1 H-NMR. Also, The encapsulation efficiency of antioxidant agent from AECM was analyzed by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Additionally, morphological property of AECM was observed by SEM, which had a spherical shape and particle size of 2 ~ 5 μm. In addition, its cytotoxicity was evaluated by MTT assay. These results suggest that AECM can apply as antioxidant agent with low toxicity and improved bioavailability (NRF-2016H1D5A ). 3PS-285 정다겸 Bioreducible ε-poly( L-lysine) nanogels for intracellular drug delivery 정다겸, 강한창 가톨릭대학교 To effective encapsulate and intracellularly release payloads, this study designed ε- poly( L-lysine) (EPL)-based bioreducible nanogels (REPL NGs) with multiple disulfide bonds because of intrinsic endosomolytic and nuclear importing functions of EPL. The resultant REPL NGs had about 10 nm in diameter and almost neutral zeta-potentials. In HCT116 cells, their cytotoxicity at < 60 μg/ml was negligible. Doxorubicin-loaded REPL NGs (DOX@REPL NGs) with approximately 30 nm in diameter and positive 152 제 44 권 1 호

156 zeta-potentials showed about 3-10-fold better cell-killing effects than free DOX in HCT116 cells. In HCT116 tumor-bearing mice, NGs made more potent tumor growth inhibition than free DOX HCl. In conclusion, the designed ph and thiol dual stimuli-sensitive REPL NGs could be potential drug carriers for effective intracellular delivery of hydrophobic chemical drugs. 3PS-286 정미정 Soft Tissue Mimetic Hydrogel Formed via Photopolymerization of Decellularized Porcine Lung Tissue 정미정, 최재호, 기창석 서울대학교 Decellularized extracellular matrix (decm) hydrogel is a promising candidate as a tissue engineered scaffold. Nonetheless, decm-based hydrogels have some limitations in terms of fabrication as well as property control. In this study, decellularized porcine lung tissue (DLT) and hyaluronic acid (HA) were hybridized to form soft tissue mimetic hydrogel by photopolymerization. DLT solution was obtained by decellularization and pepsin digestion of porcine lung tissue. After decellularization, cellular components were removed while the protein content was maintained. DLT and HA were modified with methacrylic group, resulting in methacrylated DLT and HA. They were photopolymerized with photoinitiator under UV light irradiation. We evaluated the mechanical properties of DLT-based hydrogel and it showed cytocompatibility. 3PS-287 정상훈 Supramolecular Hydrogels Encapsulating Bioengineered Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Ischemic Therapy 정상훈, 한세광 포항공과대학교 Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been widely investigated for therapeutic applications due to the advantageous characteristics of facile isolation, prolonged transgene expression and hypo-immunogenicity. Here, we developed a new platform of supramolecular hyaluronate (HA) hydrogels encapsulating genetically engineered MSCs (emscs) expressing enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP) as a model system, mutant interleukin-12 for cancer therapy and hepatocyte growth factor for ischemic therapy. The simple mixing of CB[6]-HA, DAH-HA and drug-cb[6] in the presence of emscs resulted in in situ hydrogel formation encapsulating emscs. The emscs producing EGFP remained alive and emitted the fluorescence within CB[6]/DAH-HA hydrogels in mice for more than 60 days. The long-term expression of protein by emscs within the supramolecular hydrogels resulted in effective inhibition of tumor growth and the enhanced recovery of blood perfusion in hind limb ischemic model mice. 3PS-288 정성동 Fluorinated helical polypeptide for enhanced gene delivery 정성동, 이대용, 김유천 한국과학기술원 Gene therapy has gained great attention for treatment of various diseases, including viral diseases, cancer, and genetic disorders. However, to achieve successful gene transfection, naked DNA has to pass several processes. Therefore, vector systems are required to attain high gene transfection efficiency. Even though viral vector showed high gene transfection efficiency, due to its inherent immunogenicity, numerous studies are focused on developing non-viral vectors. Among various candidates of non-viral vector, we utilized cationic helical polypeptide as a template. As one of a modification strategy of non-viral vector, fluorination is simple and potent method for gene transfection. Because of peculiar characteristic of fluorine, fluorination induced endosomal escape and efficient gene transfection. In this study, we introduced perfluoroalkyl chain into the cationic helical polypeptide to accomplish enhanced helicity and high gene transfection efficiency simultaneously. 3PS-289 정성린방사선에의한생분해성합성고분자의물성및분해거동정성린, 박종석, 권희정, 임윤묵한국원자력연구원방사선멸균법은강한투과력을가진고에너지를사용하는방법으로서멸균법에사용되는고분자재료의종류가제한되어있다. 방사선멸균의장점은상온, 상압, 공기의존재하에서멸균처리조작이이루어지며밀봉포장한채로연속멸균공정처리가가능하다. 최근들어, 의료용생분해성합성고분자인 polycaprolactone(pcl), polylacitc acid(pla), polyglycolic acid(pga) 와그공중합체인 poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide)(plga) 와같은폴리에스터류들은다양한조직공학용지지체와약물전달체로서이용되고있다. 따라서, 본연구에서는방사선조사전후의의료용생분해성고분자의물성및분해거동에대한영향을고찰하였다. 3PS-290 정영조 Intervertebral Disc Regeneration Using Stem Cell/Growth Factor-Loaded Porous Microparticles 김민지, 정영조 1, 이재훈 2, 김준수 2, 이진호 1, 오세행 단국대학교 ; 1 한남대학교 ; 2 경상대학교동물병원 Low back pain which restricts daily life and has a high incidence/prevalence is a major health problem. Major cause of the low back pain is understood by intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) caused by dehydration or herniation of nucleus pulposus. The nucleus pulposus mainly consists of water and a proteoglycan-rich extracellular matrix and cells with chondrocytic phenotype. In recent years, human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hbmscs) which can be differentiated into chondrogenic cell-type have been widely adapted to treat IDD. In this study, we fabricated a growth factor-loaded microparticle with leaf-stacked structure which can allow sustained release of the TGF-β 3. hbmscs were also seeded on the microparticle for the effective treatment of IDD. The growth factor release behavior, chondrogenic differentiation of the hbmscs, and intervertebral disc regeneration using beagle dog animal model were investigated. 3PS-291 정은경 Multifunctional theranostic agents for dual imaging and combined oxidative photothermal therapy 정은경, 이하늬, 현혜진, 이동원 전북대학교 Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a stress-response protein with potent cytoprotective and antioxidant activity, is enhanced in response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy by attenuating apoptotic signals. It can be reasoned that inhibition of HO-1 reduces the antioxidant level, making cancer cells more sensitive to photothermal heating. Here, we developed dual imaging-guided oxidative-photothermal combination nanotherapeutics (OPCN) consisting of amphiphilic polymers conjugated with zinc protoporphyrin as a HO-1 inhibitor and fluorescent IR820 as a photothermal agent, responsively. A combination of OPCN and near-infrared (NIR) laser irradiation markedly increased the temperature and exerted significant toxicity, inhibiting HO-1 induction. In addition, OPCN could be also used as a dual imaging agent for fluorescence and photoacoustic imaging. We therefore believe that OPCN hold tremendous translational potential for dual imaging guided oxidative-photothermal combination anticancer therapy. 3PS-292 정인재 Development of Hypoxia Sensitive Activatable Fluorescence Imaging Probe 정인재, 이주형, 조한희, 안철희 Research Institute of Advanced Materials (RIAM), Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University Self-immolative dendrimer has well defined 3-D branched structure with designed for controlled release of various molecules. By the single trigger event release of conjugated molecules at the periphery of dendritic building blocks. If the conjugated molecules was a fluorescent dye, FRET-based self-quenched dye will show fluorescence recovery by the single triggered event. In this study, we modified self-immolative dendron to active at the hypoxic environment. Most solid tumor has a hypoxic condition, which provides the conditions of low oxygen level and abnormal tumor tissue environment. Nitro group which modified in dendrimer core acts hypoxia-sensitive trigger, fluorescent dye was conjugated to dendrimer tail end. Nitro group reduced by metabolic reduction at the hypoxic condition, cascade reaction progressed by carbamate linkage and release fluorescence dye and shows hypoxia sensitive fluorescence recovery. 3PS-294 조강희 Hydrophilic PEG grafting on PMMA ocular prostheses surface 조강희, 홍혜진, 강성민, 최주환, 윤진숙, 고원건 연세대학교 The ocular prostheses made of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is widely used for cosmetic rehabilitation. However, PMMA based ocular prostheses is highly hydrophobic and wearers have reduced tear amount often resulting experience of dry eye symptoms. Previous research about improving the hydrophilicity of contact lens increasing lubrication exist and therefore, hydrophilic surface modification of PMMA ocular prostheses might improve patient discomfort. We modified surfaces of PMMA ocular prostheses using poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) by two different approaches, grafting to and grafting from for improving hydrophilicity. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy and in vitro bacterial adhesion analysis were utilized for demonstration of these approaches. 3PS-295 조성훈 Biodegradable Polymeric Nanoparticles as Contrast Agent for X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging 조성훈, 안철희 서울대학교 In recent years, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were studied for computed tomography (CT) imaging contrast agents because of their high X-ray attenuation. However, gold nanoparticles cannot receive approval of FDA because of few side effects. Therefore, we made biodegradable polymer to use as CT contrast agent. Because high Z elements like iodine, gold, bismuth have high X-ray attenuation, this polymer have iodine can be used as CT contrast agent. In addition, this polymeric nanoparticles can be degradable in human body. For this study, it is expected to have X-ray high attenuation and ability of decomposition in human body. 3PS-296 주현진 Preparation of an injectable hydrogel derived from porcine articular cartilage as a biomedical material 주현진, 이민지 1, 박준영, 박승훈, 김한수 1, 김문석 아주대학교 ; 1 이화여자대학교 Injectable hydrogels are promising substrates for therapeutic applications, owing to their targeted delivery by minimally invasive techniques and their ability to easily fill defects in tissues. Comparing to synthetic materials, natural materials are often preferred to use as injectable hydrogels due to their unique properties. Among various candidates for natural materials, the natural material derived from porcine articular cartilage is composed of an extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix called cartilage acellular matrix (CAM) gives a short biodegradation period and poor mechanical properties. However, CAM provides not only high biocompatibility but also an environment in which the cells can survive, supplying the growth factors necessary for cell growth and differentiation. To overcome the drawbacks of the material, we prepared CAM as a degradation period and mechanical property adjustable injectable hydrogel through a biochemical cross-linking reaction. 3PS-297 지윤배 Characterization of pendant group-functionalized polycaprolactone for temperatureresponsive hydrogels and biomaterial engineering 지윤배, 주현진, 박준영, 박승훈, 김문석 아주대학교 In biomaterial engineering, Polycaprolactone have attracted attention for temperatureresponsive hydrogels functionality. In this study, we manufactured 4-benzyloxy- 제 44 권 1 호 153

157 caprolactone (CL-OBn) to graft functional group to PCL and then ring opening polymerization was performed by using the hydroxyl group of methoxy polyethylene glycol (MPEG). We expected that it could be used as a biomaterial by using an acid catalyst which can be removed easily. The MPEG-PCL with benzyl pendant group (MC-OBn) was deprotected and replaced with a hydroxy group to finally produce MC-OH. The molecular weights and segment ratios of MC-OH were close to the theoretical values. Suspension of MC-OH was observed distinct sol-to-gel phase transitions as a function of the temperature and relied on the amount of pendant group. As a result, we demonstrated that functionalized polycaprolactone were successfully obtained and served as temperature-responsive hydrogels for biomaterial engineering. 3PS-298 최은성 Therapeutic protein & drug co-loaded silica nanoparticles for synergistic anticancer therapy 최은성, 유자형 울산과학기술원 Intracellular protein delivery has an important role, affecting reprogramming of the cell behavior. Despite of advantages of therapeutic proteins such as high activity and specificity, it is hard to deliver proteins due to low permeability, short in vivo half-life, and poor stability. Herein, we designed protein and anticancer drug co-loaded silica nanoparticle via in-situ reaction. β galactosidase and methylene blue are chosen as model cargo molecules in a preliminary experiment. β galactosidase and methylene blue-containing silica nanoparticle has structure including disulfide bonds. Biodegradability of silica nanoparticle can be controlled by the amount of disulfide containing molecules as disulfide bond is cleaved under GSH-rich tumor microenvironment. By introduction of targeting ligand using Michael-addition chemistry, protein and drug delivery nanosystem may have enhanced selectivity to tumor, leading to synergistic effect on killing cancer cells from protein and drugs. 3PS-299 하종훈 Development of apoptosis-inducing polypeptide via simultaneous mitochondrial membrane disruption and Ca 2+ delivery 하종훈, 이대용, 김유천 한국과학기술원 Mitochondria are the primary organelle of regulating apoptosis, and intracellular calcium ions are a key component of pro-apoptosis induction. Herein, we report an artificial apoptosis-inducing polypeptide that destabilizes the mitochondrial membrane and transports calcium ions into the cytosol, thereby synergistically creating severe oxidative conditions. The oxidative stress highly activates an apoptotic signaling cascade, and also inhibits cell migration and invasion in vitro and in vivo. The suggested strategy for simultaneous mitochondrial disruption and perturbed calcium homeostasis demonstrates the applicability of polypeptide-based therapeutics as potent apoptosisinducers in cancer therapy. 3PS-300 하지희 Improved Effect on Cervical Cancer-targeted Photodynamic Therapy by Excessive ROS Generation due to Cold Atmospheric Plasma Treatment 하지희, 김영진 대구가톨릭대학교 Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising tumor treatment modality and can convert oxygen into reactive oxygen species (ROS) by using photosensitizer under laser irradiation to suppress tumor growth. Generated ROS can cause significant toxicity leading to cell death via apoptosis. In this study, we explored the anti-cancer potential of PDT using pheophorbide a (Pheo a) as a photosensitizer in combination with 671 nm LEDs. Pheo a was encapsuled in micelles based on amphiphilic poly(l-lactide co-glycolide) poly(ethylene glycol) (PLGA mpeg) to improve its solubility and permeability. Also, for developing photosensitizers with enhanced PDT efficacy, HPV E7 peptide (TLGIVCPI) with specific cervical cancer targeting properties was used as the targeting ligand. In addition, cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) was applied to the cervical cancer therapy to improve therapeutic efficacy. Finally produced micelle can lead to high cancer cell death rate through PDT and CAP combination therapies. 3PS-301 하타이차녹풍캄 Implantable Synthetic Immune Niche for Spatiotemporal Modulation of Tumor-derived Immunosuppression and Systemic Antitumor Immunity: Postoperative Immunotherapy 하타이차녹풍캄, 임용택, 송찬영, 김소현, 신홍식, 이창훈성균관대학교 Rationally designed biomaterial-based immune niches that can spatiotemporal modulate immunosuppressive factors in tumor microenvironment is increasingly recognized to have key roles for improving current cancer immunotherapy. Here, an implantable 3-dimensional porous scaffold was designed to generate synergistic action between myeloid-derived suppressor cell-depleting agents, which can revert an immunosuppressive microenvironment to one supporting anti-tumor immunity, and cancer vaccines consisting of whole tumor lysates and nanogel-based adjuvants, which can generate tumor antigen-specific T cell responses. The local peritumoral implantation of the synthetic immune niche (termed immunecare-disc, icd) as a post-surgical treatment in an advanced-stage primary 4T1 breast tumor model generated systemic anti-tumor immunity and inhibited tumor relapse and metastasis, resulting in 100% survival. 3PS-302 홍보민 Photo-crosslinkable Hyaluronic acid-tyramine Hydrogel using Riboflavin 홍보민, 박원호, 김희철충남대학교히알루론산 (HA) 은 D-glucuronic acid 와 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 을반복단위로가지는선형다당류로서, 세포외기질의구성성분인천연고분자로알려져있으며생체적합성및생분해성이우수하여화장품및의 약학분야에서다양하게응용되고있다. 그중에서도 HA 은조직수복용재료로널리사용되고있으며그수요또한계속증가하고있는추세이다. 하지만시판중인 HA 기반의조직수복용재료는체내에서의구조적안정성을위해 BDDE 등의화학적가교제를 사용하는데체내에도입되었을때미반응가교제로인한염증및부종과같은부작용을유발할수있다. 따라서본연구에서는이러한문제점을해결하기위해, 티라민 (Tyr) 을이용하여 HA 곁사슬에광가교가가능한페놀기를도입하였으며, 독성이낮은비타민 B 유도체를광개시제로사용하여광가교형 HA-Tyr 수화젤을제조하고제조된수화젤의물리 / 화학적특성분석을진행하였다. 3PS-303 홍세리 Stimulus-responsible echogenic maltodextrin nanoplatform for peripheral arterial disease 홍세리, 선세미, 양준휘, 박미란, 이동원 전북대학교 Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are closely related with various pathological disorders. Therefore, real-time detection of ROS is essential for understanding the procedure of diseases and diagnosing the accurate lesion sites. Hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2) accounts for a large portion of ROS and has a longer half-life than other ROS, which makes it a highly promising diagnostic and therapeutic biomarker. In this work, we developed H 2O 2-activatable CO 2 bubble generating indocyanine green-loaded boronated maltodextrin (ICG-BM) nanoparticles for imaging and therapy of peripheral arterial disease. ICG-BM developed ROS-triggered bubble generating polymer nanoparticels for increasing fluorescence, ultrasound and photoacoustic signals in H 2O 2-triggered manners and exerted significant anti-inflammatory and proangiogenic effects in H 2O 2-stimulated vascular endothelial cells. We anticipate that ICG-BM nanoparticles could serve new avenue for imaging and treatment of peripheral arterial disease. 3PS-304 홍은지 Membrane penetrating polyeletrolytes for effective intracellular drug delivery 홍은지, 강한창 가톨릭대학교 For effective intracellular delivery of drugs, this study designed low molecular weight (LMW) branched poly(ethylenimine) (bpeilmw)-based high molecular weight (HMW) reducible polyelectrolytes having either primary amines or carboxylic acids at hydrophilic peripheral area. These reducible polycation (RPC) and reducible polyanion (RPA) efficiently loaded hydrophobic doxorubicin (DOX) because their inner compartments with secondary and tertiary amines are hydrophobic. Both DOX-loaded RPC (DOX@RPC) and DOX@RPA represented 3-fold and 100-fold higher killing effects than free DOX HCl in HCT116 cells and NCI/ADR-RES cells, respectively. Especially, these polyelectrolytebased drug delivery systems exhibited cell membrane penetrating pathway unlike endocytic pathways of most nanosized drug carriers. In conclusion, the designed RPC and RPA could be potentials for effective intracellular delivery carriers of hydrophobic therapeutics. 3PS-305 Junhyuk Bae Cell-derived whole human extracellular matrix extract as a potent multi-purpose material for 3D bioprinting and regenerative medicine Jae-Yun Kim, Junhyuk Bae, Jin-Mo Park 1 ROKIT Inc.; 1 Massachusetts General Hospital 3D bioprinting is one of the fastest growing state-of-the-art regimes in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Bioink, a key material enabling 3D bioprining, mainly consists of either purified materials (e.g. Chitosan, Alginate, and Collagen) or synthetic materials (e.g. PLGA, GelMA, and Pluronic). Although these bioink materials provide a range of viscosity required for printing, they do not contain information/stimulation components to guide cells to form tissue-like structure. We developed a novel mode of ECM preparation in which unmodified and undamaged whole human dermal ECM was extracted from primary neonatal dermal fibroblasts (NDFBs) growing on hydrogel in vitro. The hydrogelbased NDFB culture was designed to simulate the native biomechanical environment (i.e. elastic modulus/stiffness), and found to have significant effects on cell phenotype and function. This whole human ECM (AlloECM) contained bioactive cell-secreted natural proteins that amplified ECM production and promoted tissue regeneration as well as structural reorganization. We fomulated an AlloECM preparation suitable for use as a bioink (AlloECM admixed in hydrogel) and verified its efficacy in vitro. Compared to an alginate bioink containing purified bovine collagen (2.5-6 mg/ml), the same type of bioink reinforced with AlloECM (2.5-6 mg/ml) showed a significantly increased ability to support NDFB proliferation and tissue-like structure formation in a 3D printed construct (Figure not shown). To further demonstrate the regenerative potential of our AlloECM, we cultured M2-type pro-repair macrophages on AlloECM-coated fibrin hydrogel. Gene expression analysis revealed that AlloECM enhanced the expression of macrophage genes that play a critical role in skin regeneration within 36 hrs of culture (Figure not shown). Large animal test (porcine) indeed confirmed the regenerative potential of AlloECM in vivo (Figure not shown). Taken together, our findings suggest AlloECM as a potent multi-purpose material that promotes wound healing in the setting of cosmetic plastic surgery as well as general cosmetics. 3PS-306 이상훈 Fabrication of Polyarylate and MWCNT nanocompositevia master batch melt compounding for electrical heating application 이상훈, 정영규 충남대학교 The polyarylate with the new composition fabricated a nanocomposite with pristine MWCNT. It has been confirmed that the nanocomposite prepared through the master batch melt compounding has excellent physical properties without deteriorating the original properties of the polyarylate. Especially, high thermal properties has been obesrved that the melting temperature is higher than 330 and the maximum decomposition temperature is higher than 500. In addition, because of the effect of MWCNT, the storage elastic modulus and retentiveness against temperature was improved and the electric conductivity was also found to be 0.42 S/cm at 10 wt%. Such improvement in properties suggests that nanocomposites should be applied in fields requiring electrostatic dissipation, EMI shielding, and electric heating performance. In this study, a series of nanocomposites based on PAR and MWCNT were fabricated by masterbatching and melt-compounding for electrical heating application and were characterized with various method. 154 제 44 권 1 호

158 The Polymer Society of Korea 색인표

159 156 제 44 권 1 호색인표ㄱ강길선 1PS-135 강길선 1PS-143 강길선 2PS-138 강길선 3PS-114 강동국 2PS-204 강동규 1PS-106 강동규 1PS-152 강동규 2PS-2 강동규 3PS-78 강동원 2L9-8 강동휘 3PS-219 강문성 1PS-42 강문성 1PS-123 강문성 2PS-297 강민경 1PS-285 강민경 1PS-287 강민균 1PS-227 강민정 1PS-259 강민정 1PS-262 강민정 2PS-298 강병훈 2PS-139 강병훈 3PS-77 강보석 3PS-275 강상욱 1PS-257 강상욱 1PS-258 강상욱 2PS-253 강상욱 2PS-254 강상욱 2PS-276 강상욱 3PS-270 강석원 1PS-197 강석주 1O10-4 강선웅 2L3-6 강선웅 2PS-81 강선웅 3PS-26 강성민 1PS-127 강성민 1PS-263 강성민 3PS-294 강세종 1PS-198 강수정 1PS-153 강승창 1PS-73 강신일 2L6-4 강신현 1PS-24 강신현 3PS-155 강신혜 1PS-154 강영권 2O10-7 강영권 2PS-274 강영종 1L7-6 강영종 1PS-136 강영종 1PS-286 강영종 2PS-150 강영종 2PS-227 강영종 3PS-11 강영종 3PS-247 강영훈 2PS-252 강영훈 3PS-241 강예령 1PS-155 강용수 1PS-123 강우형 1PS-122 강은영 1PS-48 강은영 1PS-264 강인수 1PS-74 강인아 1PS-75 강인아 3PS-42 강재욱 1PS-219 강재욱 1PS-222 강재욱 1PS-225 강재욱 2PS-278 강재욱 3PS-56 강정순 1PS-30 강정순 1PS-104 강정순 2PS-9 강정순 2PS-108 강정순 3PS-233 강지선 1PS-156 강지선 1PS-215 강지선 2PS-221 강지선 3PS-36 강지선 3PS-203 강진현 1PS-105 강한솔 2L7-7 강한솔 1PS-282 강한솔 2PS-119 강한창 1O11-5 강한창 3PS-285 강한창 3PS-304 강현식 2PS-192 강현호 1PS-174 강호종 3PS-184 강호종 3PS-186 강희정 3PS-219 강희주 1L6-7 강희주 1PS-157 강희주 1PS-176 강희주 3PS-71 거넬후세이노바 1PS-228 계효진 2O10-7 고경원 1PS-48 고금진 3PS-56 고동욱 1PS-229 고동원 1PS-158 고명철 1PS-199 고명철 1PS-203 고문주 1L6-2 고문주 1O11-16 고문주 1PS-19 고문주 1PS-88 고문주 3PS-159 고민재 1L9-6 고민재 1O11-11 고민재 1PS-30 고민재 1PS-104 고민재 2PS-9 고민재 2PS-108 고민재 3PS-233 고병헌 2L2-1 고영광 1PS-268 고영광 2PS-294 고원건 1O10-5 고원건 1PS-127 고원건 1PS-263 고원건 2PS-159 고원건 3PS-154 고원건 3PS-294 고윤기 3PS-208 고윤혁 1PS-57 고윤혁 1PS-302 고은주 1PS-159 고재완 1PS-160 고재현 2PS-232 고정길 2PS-60 고중세 1PS-243 고진석 2PS-63 고창우 1PS-36 고창우 2PS-46 고하영 2PS-63 고현기 1PS-227 고현욱 3PS-56 고현협 2L8-8 고현협 2PS-140 고혜윤 1PS-106 고혜윤 2PS-2 고흥조 1O10-6 고흥조 1PS-240 공새롬 1PS-20 공영준 1PS-161 공정원 2PS-203 공태웅 2PS-168 공호열 3PS-73 곽경진 2PS-291 곽동민 1PS-268 곽동민 1PS-271 곽민석 1PS-285 곽민석 1PS-287 곽민석 1PS-290 곽민석 1PS-291 곽민석 1PS-304 곽상규 1O10-4 곽상규 2PS-251 곽성복 2PS-165 곽성복 2PS-166 곽성복 3PS-123 곽성복 3PS-124 곽영제 3PS-35 곽영제 3PS-109 곽영제 3PS-224 곽유진 3PS-282 곽정훈 2PS-47 곽진환 1PS-162 곽진환 3PS-211 곽효빈 1PS-107 구강희 1PS-207 구강희 2PS-235 구동건 1PS-296 구동건 1PS-298 구동건 1PS-299 구동건 1PS-303 구보람 1PS-163 구보람 2PS-169 구보람 2PS-184 구여진 1PS-157 구여진 1PS-176 구여진 3PS-71 구자민 1PS-108 구자민 1PS-147 구자승 1PS-300 구자승 3PS-86 구자현 2O10-8 구자현 1PS-109 구제형 1O11-6 구종민 2L7-5 구형준 1PS-129 구형준 1PS-141 구형준 1PS-297 구형준 2PS-114 궈위엔항 2PS-3 권나연 1PS-230 권나연 1PS-254 권나연 2PS-248 권나연 3PS-262 권동준 1PS-164 권동준 1PS-165 권민성 1L9-1 권민제 1PS-15 권세호 1PS-166 권수미 3PS-186 권순기 1PS-45 권순기 2PS-43 권순기 2PS-258 권순기 2PS-268 권순기 3PS-275 권순형 1PS-120 권영승 1PS-110 권영완 2L9-7 권영제 1PS-111 권영중 1PS-112 권예진 2PS-227 권오석 2L2-6 권오석 2PS-178 권오석 2PS-208 권오석 2L2-8 권오필 2PS-42 권오형 1PS-268 권오형 1PS-271 권오형 2PS-294 권용구 1PS-166 권용구 2PS-210 권용구 3PS-51 권용구 3PS-222 권용록 1PS-91 권용록 1PS-94 권용록 1PS-167 권은혜 1PS-37 권일준 1PS-164 권일준 1PS-165 권정훈 1L9-1 권정훈 1PS-265 권지수 1PS-47 권지현 1PS-76 권지현 1PS-77 권지현 1PS-78 권태혁 1PS-51 권태혁 2PS-38 권태혁 2PS-200 권태혁 2PS-249 권태혁 2PS-279 권한나 2PS-4 권혁민 1PS-42 권혁일 1PS-266 권혁일 1PS-276 권혁진 1PS-231 권현정 1PS-200 권효원 1PS-200 권희정 2PS-288 권희정 3PS-192 권희정 3PS-289 기지선 2PS-139 기지선 3PS-57 기창석 2PS-295 기창석 3PS-286 길만재 1PS-113 길명섭 3PS-185 김진 1L8-9 김가연 1PS-114 김가현 1PS-56 김건영 1PS-10 김건용 1PS-267 김건우 1PS-115 김건우 1PS-232 김경민 1PS-79 김경민 1PS-80 김경민 1PS-107 김경민 1PS-233 김경민 2PS-102 김경민 3PS-16 김경민 3PS-60 김경민 3PS-64 김경수 1PS-81 김경수 3PS-37 김경주 1PS-57 김경주 1PS-302 김경태 3PS-219 김경호 1PS-1 김경호 2PS-85 김경훈 3PS-66 김경희 2PS-222 김교범 1PS-65 김교범 1PS-278 김귀재 1PS-268 김규식 1PS-269 김근진 1PS-234 김근희 1PS-270 김기관 1O10-6 김기로 1PS-235 김기영 1PS-116 김기현 1O11-8 김기현 3PS-19 김나경 2PS-154 김나경 3PS-91 김나연 3PS-278 김남구 1PS-39 김남렬 1PS-168 김노원 1PS-95 김늘새롬 3PS-208 김다름 1PS-117 김다완 1O10-1 김다완 3PS-256 김다혜 1PS-236 김다희 1PS-169 김단비 2PS-262 김달용 2O10-5 김대건 2PS-53 김대겸 1PS-170 김대식 2L6-1 김대식 2L6-4 김대신 2L7-5 김대우 1L5-4 김대호 1PS-82 김대호 1PS-93 김대호 3PS-235 김대환 1PS-118 김덕준 2PS-104 김덕준 2PS-107 김덕준 2PS-128 김덕준 2PS-151 김덕준 2PS-304 김도연 1O11-1 김도연 3PS-248 김도영 2PS-204 김도완 1PS-101 김도완 1PS-119 김도완 1PS-120 김도완 1PS-195 김도완 2PS-141 김도윤 1O10-15 김도현 2PS-55 김도형 1PS-123 김도환 2L8-1 김도환 1O11-6 김도환 1PS-42 김도환 1PS-237 김도환 2PS-54 김동균 2PS-76 김동균 3PS-69 김동민 1PS-121 김동민 2PS-99 김동민 2PS-121 김동민 2PS-136 김동민 3PS-38 김동민 3PS-201 김동석 2PS-5 김동영 3PS-263 김동우 2L8-7 김동우 1PS-15 김동우 1PS-83 김동우 3PS-185 김동욱 3PS-271 김동유 1O11-9 김동유 1PS-39 김동유 1PS-43 김동유 3PS-240 김동은 1PS-172 김동은 1PS-201 김동인 1PS-122 김동재 1PS-173 김동재 2PS-93 김동진 1PS-271 김동하 2PS-4 김동학 1PS-272 김동현 1PS-91 김동현 1PS-94 김동현 1PS-167 김동현 1PS-174 김동현 2PS-285 김동현 3PS-25 김동현 3PS-45 김동현 3PS-134 김동휘 3PS-30 김두헌 1PS-88 김두헌 3PS-159 김들 2L7-2 김들 2PS-217 김란희 3PS-188 김맥 1PS-202 김맥 1PS-204 김맥 3PS-226 김명길 2L9-4 김명웅 2O10-12 김명웅 1PS-3 김명웅 1PS-23 김명웅 2PS-64 김명웅 3PS-126 김명진 3PS-11 김명훈 2PS-118 김무성 1PS-199 김무성 1PS-203 김무송 2PS-69 김무현 1PS-175 김문석 3PS-296 김문석 3PS-297 김문식 1PS-273 김문식 2PS-161 김문호 1PS-68 김문호 1PS-118 김문호 1PS-179 김문호 2PS-189 김문호 3PS-193 김미진 1L6-7 김미진 1PS-157 김미진 1PS-176 김미진 1PS-291 김미진 3PS-71 김민규 2PS-96 김민선 2O10-7 김민성 1PS-11 김민성 1PS-12 김민성 1PS-47 김민성 2PS-45 김민성 3PS-45 김민성 3PS-134 김민수 2L8-8 김민수 1PS-177 김민제 1PS-237 김민준 2PS-247 김민지 2L3-5 김민지 2O11-2 김민지 3PS-282 김민지 3PS-290 김민희 1PS-274 김민희 1PS-275 김민희 2PS-218 김민희 2PS-301 김백진 2PS-179 김백진 2PS-180 김백진 3PS-116 김백진 3PS-175 김백진 3PS-176 김범준 1O11-10 김범준 1PS-40 김범준 1PS-207 김범준 1PS-232 김범준 1PS-250 김범준 2PS-41 김범준 2PS-93 김범준 2PS-216 김범준 2PS-220 김범준 2PS-233 김범준 2PS-235 김범준 2PS-250 김범준 2PS-271 김범준 3PS-157 김범준 3PS-239 김범준 3PS-243 김범준 3PS-250 김범준 3PS-271 김병각 2PS-135 김병곤 2L2-1 김병관 3PS-87 김병국 2PS-199 김병기 1PS-38 김병기 3PS-249 김병수 1PS-6 김병수 1PS-16 김병수 1PS-47 김병수 1PS-51 김병수 1PS-123 김병수 1PS-200 김병수 2PS-5 김병수 2PS-38 김병주 1PS-124 김병주 2PS-124 김병주 3PS-82 김병주 3PS-106 김보민 2O10-1 김보연 1PS-266 김보연 1PS-276 김봉기 2O10-7 김봉기 2PS-274 김봉수 1L8-8 김삼수 2L2-8 김상민 2PS-62 김상엽 3PS-162 김상완 1PS-20 김상욱 2L7-5 김상욱 3PS-3 김상율 1PS-75 김상율 1PS-85 김상율 2PS-66 김상율 2PS-90 김상율 3PS-30 김상율 3PS-42 김상하 1PS-178 김상헌 1PS-179 김상헌 3PS-62 김상훈 1PS-180 김상훈 3PS-208 김새온 3PS-122 김서균 1PS-154 김서균 1PS-181 김석호 1PS-125 김석호 1PS-126 김선구 1PS-182 김선구 1PS-183 김선구 1PS-184 김선구 3PS-204 김선구 3PS-205 김선구 3PS-206 김선달 2PS-90 김선아 1PS-84 김선주 2PS-226 김선주 2PS-263 김선주 2PS-271 김선주 3PS-258 김선주 3PS-271 김선준 1L5-3 김선태 2O11-11 김선하 3PS-271 김성곤 2PS-8 김성곤 2PS-17 김성곤 2PS-135 김성래 2PS-192 김성룡 1PS-148 김성륜 1PS-190 김성륜 3PS-185 김성수 2PS-82 김성수 2PS-167 김성수 2PS-174 김성수 2PS-181 김성수 2PS-182 김성수 2PS-190 김성욱 1PS-185 김성종 1PS-85 김성준 3PS-68 김성지 3PS-123 김성찬 1PS-238 김성한 1PS-277 김성현 1PS-13 김성현 1PS-202 김성현 1PS-204 김성현 1PS-206 김성현 3PS-226 김성황 1PS-186 김성황 1PS-187 김성훈 3PS-149 김성훈 3PS-151 김성훈 3PS-160 김세나 2PS-34 김세민 1O10-5 김세민 1PS-8 김세민 1PS-14 김세민 1PS-127 김세민 2PS-159 김세민 3PS-143 김세민 3PS-198 김세영 1O10-3 김세영 3PS-112 김세용 3PS-259 김세용 3PS-264 김세현 1L6-5 김세현 2O11-9 김세현 1PS-231 김세현 2PS-290 김세현 3PS-282 김소연 1PS-131 김소연 1PS-257 김소연 1PS-258 김소연 2PS-18 김소연 2PS-35 김소연 2PS-110 김소연 2PS-253 김소연 2PS-276 김소연 3PS-48 김소연 3PS-59 김소연 3PS-113 김소영 1O11-6 김소영 1PS-100 김소영 1PS-128 김소영 2PS-54 김소현 1PS-86 김소현 3PS-147 김소현 3PS-301 김수관 1PS-142 김수관 1PS-239 김수연 1PS-188 김수영 1PS-129 김수준 1PS-189 김수지 3PS-244 김수진 2O11-9 김수진 3PS-278 김수찬 1PS-130 김수현 1O10-7 김수현 2O10-4 김수현 1PS-167 김수현 1PS-272 김수현 2PS-10 김수현 3PS-24 김수현 3PS-25 김수현 3PS-45 김수현 3PS-58 김승규 1PS-87 김승한 1PS-42 김승현 1PS-240 김승현 2PS-155 김승현 2PS-163 김승현 3PS-109 김승호 2PS-165 김신웅 1L1-4 김신현 1O10-9 김신현 1PS-58 김신현 1PS-59 김신현 1PS-62 김신현 2PS-93 김신현 2PS-285 김아영 3PS-28 김연수 1L3-3 김연주 1O11-9 김연주 1PS-39 김연지 1PS-1 김연지 1PS-83 김연지 2PS-85 김영국 1PS-278 김영권 1O11-10 김영권 1PS-250 김영권 2PS-216 김영권 3PS-239 김영규 2PS-257 김영규 3PS-242 김영남 1PS-190 김영노 1PS-208 김영대 1PS-131 김영도 3PS-216 김영렬 2L8-8 김영민 1O10-6 김영민 3PS-50 김영배 3PS-63 김영범 2L6-7 김영상 1PS-287 김영서 1PS-230 김영서 2PS-248 김영아 1PS-43 김영오 1PS-132 김영오 1PS-190 김영오 3PS-237 김영웅 1PS-40 김영웅 3PS-243 김영윤 1PS-234 김영윤 1PS-241 김영은 1PS-191 김영재 1PS-301 김영직 2L3-8 김영진 1PS-265 김영진 1PS-280 김영진 3PS-300 김영철 2PS-181 김영철 2PS-190 김영태 3PS-140 김영현 1PS-88 김영호 1PS-114 김영호 3PS-167 김영훈 1O11-11 김영훈 1PS-89 김영훈 2PS-126 김영훈 2PS-131 김영훈 3PS-87 김영훈 3PS-217 김예지 1PS-205 김예진 3PS-73 김완선 3PS-271 김용민 1PS-242 김용석 2PS-76 김용석 3PS-69 김용재 1PS-28 김용주 2L4-2 김용주 1PS-133 김용주 1PS-207 김용주 3PS-156 김용찬 2PS-54 김용현 2PS-202 김용현 3PS-209 김용현 3PS-213 김용희 1PS-41 김용희 2PS-281 김우식 2PS-196 김우영 1PS-134 김원경 1PS-135 김원경 2PS-138 김원근 1PS-144

160 제 44 권 1 호 157 김원근 1PS-288 김원근 3PS-246 김원빈 1PS-29 김유경 1PS-90 김유경 2PS-75 김유리 1PS-243 김유리 1PS-244 김유정 1PS-165 김유진 1PS-91 김유진 3PS-25 김유진 3PS-45 김유천 1L3-4 김유천 1PS-273 김유천 2PS-161 김유천 3PS-288 김유천 3PS-299 김윤 2PS-6 김윤갑 2L2-8 김윤상 1PS-15 김윤상 3PS-185 김윤석 1PS-260 김윤슬 1PS-43 김윤정 1PS-136 김윤필 1PS-137 김윤호 1PS-79 김윤호 1PS-80 김윤호 1PS-289 김윤희 1PS-45 김윤희 2PS-43 김윤희 2PS-258 김윤희 2PS-268 김윤희 2PS-275 김윤희 3PS-275 김은경 3PS-87 김은경 3PS-122 김은기 3PS-19 김은선 1PS-206 김은우 1PS-279 김은지 1PS-207 김은혜 2PS-167 김은혜 2PS-182 김은희 3PS-117 김의혁 2PS-7 김의혁 2PS-23 김익환 1PS-264 김인선 2PS-168 김인태 2PS-168 김인혜 1PS-138 김일 1L1-5 김일 1PS-66 김일 1PS-69 김일 1PS-71 김일 1PS-72 김일 1PS-84 김일 2PS-71 김일 2PS-86 김일 3PS-5 김일 3PS-27 김일원 2PS-95 김장주 2L1-3 김재광 1PS-289 김재광 2PS-32 김재양 1PS-92 김재양 1PS-139 김재양 1PS-192 김재양 1PS-193 김재양 1PS-194 김재우 2L8-7 김재우 1PS-15 김재우 1PS-190 김재우 1PS-280 김재우 3PS-185 김재우 3PS-228 김재웅 1PS-93 김재웅 1PS-103 김재웅 3PS-15 김재웅 3PS-235 김재윤 1O10-10 김재익 1PS-163 김재익 2PS-169 김재익 2PS-184 김재홍 1PS-22 김재희 1PS-42 김정곤 1L4-8 김정곤 2PS-74 김정곤 3PS-41 김정규 1L5-5 김정선 1O11-6 김정수 1PS-94 김정수 2PS-237 김정수 3PS-25 김정수 3PS-134 김정수 3PS-187 김정욱 1PS-163 김정욱 2PS-169 김정욱 2PS-184 김정은 2PS-170 김정철 1PS-161 김정철 1PS-168 김정철 2PS-231 김정호 2PS-63 김정호 2PS-171 김정환 1L5-6 김정환 3PS-19 김종만 2L7-4 김종복 1PS-229 김종빈 1PS-58 김종빈 1PS-62 김종욱 2PS-51 김종원 2PS-172 김종원 3PS-4 김종윤 1PS-245 김종윤 2PS-63 김종현 1PS-62 김종현 1PS-285 김종현 2PS-41 김종현 2PS-42 김종현 2PS-51 김종현 2PS-241 김종현 2PS-261 김종현 2PS-272 김종현 2PS-274 김주안 2PS-288 김주애 2PS-243 김주영 1PS-208 김주영 2PS-117 김주현 2PS-143 김주현 3PS-93 김주현 3PS-107 김주환 1PS-43 김주희 1PS-246 김준 2PS-173 김준섭 2PS-219 김준섭 3PS-221 김준수 1PS-281 김준수 2PS-293 김준수 3PS-61 김준수 3PS-290 김준영 1PS-247 김준영 3PS-219 김준원 3PS-249 김준태 1PS-140 김준형 2O10-6 김준호 1PS-105 김준호 1PS-248 김중현 1PS-208 김중현 2PS-117 김지건 1O11-11 김지선 2PS-174 김지선 2PS-181 김지선 2PS-190 김지선 3PS-256 김지수 1PS-209 김지수 2PS-8 김지수 2PS-17 김지수 2PS-64 김지수 3PS-216 김지숙 2PS-167 김지숙 2PS-182 김지영 1PS-263 김지영 2PS-159 김지원 1O11-1 김지원 1PS-52 김지원 1PS-282 김지원 3PS-256 김지현 1O10-3 김지혜 1PS-141 김지환 1PS-249 김지환 2PS-237 김지환 3PS-187 김지훈 1PS-210 김지흥 2PS-103 김지흥 2PS-106 김지희 2PS-70 김지희 2PS-141 김진 1PS-142 김진 2PS-175 김진곤 1L7-1 김진곤 1PS-35 김진곤 1PS-115 김진곤 1PS-180 김진곤 1PS-197 김진곤 1PS-199 김진곤 1PS-203 김진곤 1PS-212 김진곤 1PS-217 김진곤 1PS-293 김진곤 2PS-173 김진곤 2PS-236 김진곤 2PS-282 김진곤 3PS-83 김진곤 3PS-183 김진곤 3PS-236 김진국 1PS-149 김진미 2PS-176 김진보 3PS-87 김진석 2PS-154 김진섭 2PS-177 김진성 1O11-10 김진성 2PS-216 김진성 3PS-239 김진수 1PS-143 김진수 2PS-138 김진실 1PS-30 김진실 1PS-104 김진실 2PS-9 김진실 2PS-108 김진실 3PS-233 김진영 1L4-4 김진영 2PS-46 김진영 2PS-178 김진웅 1PS-91 김진철 1PS-116 김진철 2PS-94 김진철 2PS-111 김진형 2PS-253 김진형 2PS-276 김진환 1PS-153 김창균 1PS-250 김창근 1PS-172 김창근 1PS-175 김창민 2L6-8 김창순 2L9-3 김창순 2PS-58 김창조 1PS-251 김창헌 1PS-283 김창현 1L9-4 김채빈 1O11-16 김채빈 1PS-19 김채영 3PS-262 김천호 2PS-280 김천호 2PS-281 김철훈 1PS-257 김철훈 1PS-258 김철훈 2PS-276 김철희 1PS-52 김철희 1PS-282 김철희 2PS-299 김철희 3PS-104 김춘태 1PS-144 김태동 1PS-87 김태동 2PS-6 김태순 2PS-96 김태안 1L5-8 김태연 1PS-252 김태연 3PS-227 김태완 2PS-93 김태완 2PS-277 김태우 3PS-37 김태욱 2L9-5 김태윤 2PS-65 김태일 1PS-269 김태일 2PS-51 김태현 2PS-55 김태현 2PS-277 김태형 1PS-16 김태형 2PS-66 김태호 1PS-211 김태호 1PS-300 김태호 2PS-135 김태환 1PS-24 김태환 3PS-155 김태환 3PS-218 김태훈 2PS-94 김태희 2PS-10 김태희 2PS-179 김태희 2PS-180 김택수 2PS-216 김택수 3PS-271 김필곤 1PS-212 김필수 1PS-258 김필수 2PS-254 김하경 1PS-52 김하경 1PS-282 김하영 1PS-253 김학린 1O11-12 김학린 1PS-31 김학영 2PS-95 김학용 3PS-146 김한성 1PS-285 김한성 1PS-287 김한수 3PS-296 김한중 2L2-8 김해숙 2PS-174 김해숙 2PS-181 김해숙 2PS-190 김해주 1PS-290 김해찬 1PS-91 김해찬 1PS-94 김해찬 3PS-134 김현국 2PS-96 김현규 2PS-295 김현기 2PS-167 김현기 2PS-182 김현미 2PS-299 김현우 2PS-133 김현우 3PS-212 김현일 2PS-67 김현중 1PS-209 김현중 3PS-137 김현중 3PS-216 김현지 2PS-68 김현진 2PS-183 김현진 3PS-272 김현철 1O11-1 김현철 3PS-85 김현철 3PS-125 김형섭 1PS-159 김형섭 1PS-211 김형우 2PS-97 김형우 2PS-148 김형우 3PS-29 김형일 2PS-116 김형일 2PS-137 김형일 3PS-79 김형종 1PS-230 김형종 1PS-254 김형종 2PS-248 김형종 3PS-262 김형준 1O11-10 김형준 1PS-255 김형준 2PS-69 김혜림 2L7-5 김혜원 1O10-5 김혜원 1PS-127 김혜인 2PS-266 김혜정 2PS-70 김혜지 2PS-97 김혜지 2PS-225 김혜진 2PS-282 김호안 2PS-71 김호연 1L6-5 김호연 2O11-1 김호용 2L3-5 김홍두 1PS-224 김홍식 1PS-157 김홍식 3PS-71 김홍철 2PS-75 김화정 2PS-257 김화정 3PS-242 김환규 1PS-67 김환규 1PS-223 김환규 1PS-233 김환기 1PS-82 김환기 1PS-93 김환기 1PS-103 김환기 2PS-77 김환기 2PS-156 김환기 3PS-15 김환기 3PS-17 김환기 3PS-230 김환기 3PS-235 김효정 1PS-26 김효정 1PS-33 김효정 2PS-24 김효정 2PS-27 김효정 2PS-28 김효정 2PS-37 김훈민 2PS-283 김희수 1PS-236 김희수 1PS-256 김희창 2O10-2 김희철 1PS-275 김희철 3PS-302 ㄴ나건 2L3-3 나수원 1PS-257 나수원 1PS-258 나수원 2PS-276 나재운 1PS-49 나재운 1PS-55 나재운 1PS-281 나재운 2PS-293 나재운 3PS-284 나즈 1PS-291 나행요 2PS-72 나행요 2PS-73 나혜진 2PS-240 나환희 2PS-98 남경남 1PS-121 남경남 2PS-99 남경남 2PS-121 남경남 2PS-136 남경남 3PS-38 남경남 3PS-201 남경아 1O11-6 남기동 1PS-163 남기동 2PS-169 남기동 2PS-184 남기범 2O10-10 남기태 1L7-7 남기호 2O11-12 남병국 2L6-7 남승윤 1L3-2 남유준 3PS-68 남윤성 1L7-4 남재도 3PS-151 남재욱 1PS-173 남재욱 2PS-205 남재욱 3PS-158 남정석 2PS-6 남정승 2PS-38 남준식 2PS-185 남지윤 2PS-74 남채윤 2PS-186 남형찬 2PS-187 노강민 2PS-75 노경용 2PS-192 노국윤 2PS-76 노국윤 3PS-69 노미소 2PS-100 노민듀 3PS-44 노선명 2PS-208 노승만 1PS-116 노용영 3PS-268 노윤진 1O10-5 노은별 3PS-104 노재국 1L6-3 노재국 2PS-101 노종현 2PS-188 노지영 2PS-102 노하림 2PS-241 노하림 2PS-261 노현규 1PS-8 노현규 3PS-143 노현규 3PS-198 ㄷ당궉닷 2PS-103 데이비드 2PS-189 도민석 2PS-117 도정윤 3PS-103 도주혁 1PS-83 디엠탐 2PS-104 ㄹ라나 2PS-105 라나 2PS-115 라자쿠마레즌 2PS-242 라쿠엘 3PS-273 라쿠엘 3PS-274 라하나 2PS-174 라하나 2PS-181 라하나 2PS-190 란윈눡홍랜 2PS-106 류준 2L9-8 류경문 2PS-191 류두열 1L7-5 류두열 1O10-11 류두열 1PS-34 류병건 2L2-3 류상열 3PS-249 류성곤 2PS-192 류성우 2PS-196 류승훈 1PS-163 류승훈 2PS-169 류승훈 2PS-184 류우미 2PS-34 류지원 3PS-254 류지원 3PS-255 류지형 2PS-92 류진 3PS-249 류태욱 1PS-82 류태욱 2PS-77 류태욱 2PS-156 류태욱 3PS-17 류태욱 3PS-230 류현민 2PS-206 류훈 1L6-3 류훈 2PS-101 리샹 1PS-213 리샹 2PS-239 리야수드힌네치카투 2PS-193 리피카라우트 2PS-194 리피카라우트 3PS-138 ㅁ마부수 2PS-216 마붑 3PS-15 마요한 1PS-229 멀리모노허 2PS-107 멍링신 2PS-243 멍링신 2PS-244 메레타 2PS-195 명노용 1PS-301 문경민 1PS-30 문경민 1PS-104 문경민 2PS-9 문경민 2PS-108 문경민 3PS-233 문관호 1PS-74 문관호 2PS-78 문관호 3PS-2 문관호 3PS-12 문기태 1PS-22 문기태 2PS-16 문기현 1PS-123 문병걸 2PS-139 문병준 1PS-132 문성식 3PS-267 문성욱 1O10-14 문성준 2PS-82 문숙영 2PS-196 문승현 2PS-79 문원식 1PS-47 문정석 2PS-245 문종렬 2PS-106 문종환 2PS-284 문준수 2PS-197 문준수 3PS-41 문준형 1PS-17 문준호 1PS-214 문찬수 1PS-234 문찬수 2PS-246 문채은 2PS-139 문현우 3PS-47 문형진 1PS-163 문형진 2PS-169 문홍철 1L2-4 문홍철 1PS-242 문홍철 2PS-44 문홍철 2PS-130 문홍철 2PS-269 문휘현 1PS-7 민규덕 2PS-198 민남기 2PS-285 민병현 2L3-8 민성준 1L1-4 민수홍 2PS-223 민지현 2PS-247 민지현 2PS-277 민진규 3PS-106 민진홍 1PS-156 민진홍 1PS-215 민진홍 2PS-221 민진홍 3PS-36 민진홍 3PS-203 민청민 1PS-86 민형호 1O10-1 ㅂ박건희 1PS-261 박경리 2PS-80 박경민 1O11-2 박경민 2PS-292 박경환 2PS-81 박경환 3PS-26 박교리 2PS-82 박규은 2PS-83 박근선 2PS-118 박근우 2PS-109 박금환 2PS-110 박기동 PL-2 박기동 1O10-12 박기동 1PS-46 박기동 1PS-53 박기태 2PS-84 박기태 2PS-199 박기태 3PS-18 박다원 2PS-209 박도연 1O10-7 박동혁 1O11-13 박동혁 1PS-126 박문정 2L4-3 박문정 2O11-6 박문정 1PS-198 박문정 1PS-210 박문정 3PS-223 박미란 3PS-303 박미림 1PS-1 박미림 2PS-85 박민 1PS-190 박민 3PS-237 박민규 2PS-200 박민욱 1PS-109 박민지 3PS-73 박범준 1PS-278 박병수 2PS-201 박병준 1PS-295 박상아 2PS-247 박상우 2PS-11 박상우 2PS-86 박상준 2PS-280 박상준 2PS-281 박상혁 1L9-2 박상혁 1PS-59 박상혁 1PS-221 박상혁 1PS-235 박상혁 2L3-8 박상현 3PS-165 박상휘 2PS-132 박서숙 3PS-166 박서숙 3PS-170 박석영 3PS-221 박석호 2PS-111 박선우 1PS-253 박선주 1PS-287 박선주 2L2-8 박선화 2PS-207 박성남 1PS-230 박성남 2PS-248 박성민 1PS-164 박성빈 2PS-202 박성수 1PS-76 박성수 1PS-77 박성수 1PS-78 박성수 2PS-193 박성수 2PS-194 박성수 2PS-203 박성수 2PS-211 박성수 3PS-138 박성수 3PS-139 박성수 3PS-145 박성준 1L5-1 박성준 2L9-6 박성진 2PS-247 박성진 3PS-126 박성현 1PS-122 박성호 1PS-216 박성흠 2PS-262 박성흠 3PS-70 박성흠 3PS-84 박세진 2PS-268 박소영 1PS-217 박소정 1PS-56 박솔 2PS-112 박수영 2L1-2 박수영 1PS-178 박수영 1PS-205 박수영 2PS-238 박수진 2L7-3 박수진 1O10-13 박수진 1PS-145 박수진 1PS-146 박수진 1PS-150 박수진 1PS-151 박수진 1PS-186 박수진 1PS-187 박수진 2PS-134 박수진 3PS-6 박수진 3PS-7 박수진 3PS-8 박수진 3PS-127 박수진 3PS-128 박수진 3PS-129 박수진 3PS-168 박수진 3PS-169 박수진 3PS-177 박수진 3PS-178 박수진 3PS-179 박수진 3PS-180 박수진 3PS-181 박수진 3PS-182 박수현 1O11-1 박수홍 1PS-230 박수홍 1PS-254 박수홍 2PS-248 박수홍 3PS-262 박슬기 2PS-87 박슬찬 1PS-123 박승규 3PS-188 박승혜 2PS-286 박승훈 3PS-296 박승훈 3PS-297 박시은 2PS-12 박신영 3PS-117 박연주 1PS-218 박연희 2PS-113 박연희 3PS-186 박영돈 1PS-18 박영돈 1PS-37 박영돈 2PS-49 박영란 3PS-247 박영일 3PS-40 박예진 2PS-114 박우람 1PS-48 박우람 1PS-264 박우람 2PS-285 박원찬 2PS-287 박원철 1PS-170 박원철 2PS-183 박원호 1PS-189 박원호 1PS-274 박원호 1PS-275 박원호 1PS-279 박원호 2PS-187 박원호 2PS-218 박원호 2PS-291 박원호 2PS-294 박원호 2PS-301 박원호 3PS-302 박유정 1L4-4 박유정 2PS-140 박윤선 3PS-184 박은규 2L2-3 박은영 1PS-241 박의정 1PS-148 박인규 1PS-69 박인규 1PS-72 박인규 1PS-90 박장석 2PS-62 박장석 2PS-176 박재근 3PS-136 박재서 3PS-227 박재우 2PS-204 박재현 1O10-4 박재현 1PS-292 박재형 2PS-96 박재형 2PS-209 박재형 2PS-289 박재형 2PS-303 박재홍 2O10-7

161 158 제 44 권 1 호박재홍 1PS-269 박재홍 2PS-274 박정빈 3PS-186 박정숙 1PS-266 박정용 3PS-257 박정운 1O11-13 박정원 2PS-205 박정은 1PS-133 박정은 2PS-13 박정희 2PS-105 박정희 2PS-115 박제영 1PS-16 박제영 3PS-49 박종목 3PS-73 박종민 2PS-88 박종석 2PS-288 박종석 3PS-192 박종석 3PS-289 박종승 1PS-13 박종신 1PS-8 박종신 3PS-143 박종신 3PS-198 박종욱 3PS-33 박종욱 3PS-34 박종진 1O11-9 박종진 1PS-43 박종진 1PS-258 박종진 3PS-159 박종혁 3PS-267 박종혁 3PS-272 박주성 2L6-4 박주현 1PS-296 박주현 1PS-298 박주현 1PS-299 박주현 1PS-303 박주현 2PS-89 박주현 3PS-2 박주현 3PS-12 박주형 2PS-47 박주혜 2O10-12 박준영 2PS-206 박준영 3PS-296 박준영 3PS-297 박준혁 2PS-249 박준화 1PS-18 박지수 1O10-8 박지수 2PS-257 박지수 3PS-242 박지수 3PS-279 박지용 2PS-60 박지용 2L6-6 박지웅 1PS-4 박지웅 2PS-185 박지웅 3PS-75 박지웅 3PS-92 박지현 2PS-116 박지현 2PS-137 박지현 3PS-79 박지혜 2PS-207 박지호 2PS-26 박지훈 1O11-8 박지훈 2PS-197 박지훈 2PS-215 박진균 2PS-50 박진수 2PS-250 박진영 2PS-145 박진현 2L3-5 박찬수 2PS-14 박찬언 1PS-231 박찬언 2PS-258 박찬의 2PS-162 박찬일 1PS-208 박찬일 2PS-117 박찬형 2O10-5 박찬호 2L7-7 박찬호 2PS-15 박찬호 2PS-93 박찬희 1O11-16 박창근 2PS-248 박창준 3PS-30 박채원 2PS-118 박채원 3PS-57 박철민 2L7-7 박철민 2PS-7 박철민 2PS-15 박철민 2PS-21 박철민 2PS-23 박철민 2PS-25 박철민 2PS-29 박철민 2PS-36 박철민 2PS-119 박철민 2PS-125 박철순 2PS-208 박철희 2PS-251 박치영 1L4-6 박치영 1PS-97 박치영 1PS-111 박치영 3PS-100 박치영 3PS-232 박태원 3PS-102 박태현 2L7-7 박태현 2PS-119 박태호 2PS-55 박태호 2PS-247 박태호 2PS-277 박한수 2PS-61 박한울 1PS-42 박한율 2PS-120 박한은 3PS-20 박헌주 1PS-52 박헌주 1PS-282 박헌주 2PS-299 박혁민 1L6-3 박혁민 2PS-101 박현우 2PS-68 박현정 1O11-10 박현정 2PS-216 박현정 3PS-239 박현주 1PS-92 박현주 1PS-139 박현주 1PS-192 박현주 1PS-193 박현주 1PS-194 박형주 2PS-99 박형주 2PS-121 박형주 2PS-136 박형주 3PS-38 박형주 3PS-201 박형준 2PS-122 박혜린 2L7-2 박혜린 2PS-217 박혜지 2PS-209 박혜진 1PS-157 박혜진 1PS-234 박혜진 3PS-71 박호석 2PS-105 박호석 2PS-115 박호열 2PS-242 박희정 2PS-222 반유정 2PS-210 방극천 2PS-123 방수미 1PS-241 방준하 1O11-8 방준하 1PS-11 방준하 1PS-160 방준하 2PS-146 방준하 2PS-197 방준하 2PS-215 방준하 3PS-41 방준하 3PS-120 방준하 3PS-147 방준하 3PS-218 방창현 1O10-1 방창현 3PS-256 배성문 2PS-79 배수빈 2PS-218 배영찬 1PS-214 배완기 1O10-8 배완기 1PS-160 배완기 3PS-279 배은진 2PS-252 배인성 2L5-1 배자영 3PS-73 배준한 1PS-261 배지홍 1PS-124 배지홍 2PS-124 배지홍 3PS-82 배지홍 3PS-106 백경은 1O10-4 백두영 1PS-209 백상열 1O10-1 백상호 2L2-1 백소연 2PS-25 백소연 2PS-125 백정주 1PS-89 백정주 1PS-237 백정주 2PS-126 백정주 2PS-131 백정주 3PS-217 백종범 2L1-4 백종호 1PS-209 백창현 1PS-258 백창현 2PS-253 백창현 2PS-254 백한솔 1PS-237 백한솔 3PS-217 백현종 1PS-1 백현종 1PS-81 백현종 1PS-83 백현종 1PS-95 백현종 2PS-85 백현종 3PS-40 변두진 2L6-5 변명환 1O11-14 변명환 2PS-127 변승아 2PS-178 변준호 2L3-5 변태준 1PS-85 변태준 2PS-90 보딘공딘 2PS-128 봉기완 2O11-3 부석형 2PS-228 비라무루간아리부니티 2PS-255 비샬가반데 2PS-129 비샬가반데 3PS-23 ㅅ사르와난 2PS-211 사르와난 3PS-139 사르와난 3PS-189 사리팔리수다커레디 2PS-255 서관호 2PS-204 서기원 2PS-256 서동규 2PS-130 서동학 1PS-206 서명균 1PS-60 서명은 1L4-7 서명은 1PS-96 서명은 2PS-74 서명은 2PS-88 서명은 3PS-3 서명은 3PS-31 서민경 3PS-212 서민규 3PS-125 서봉국 2PS-65 서봉국 2PS-96 서성백 1PS-13 서승모 1PS-233 서영수 1PS-169 서예성 1PS-293 서용석 1L6-5 서용석 2O11-1 서용석 3PS-202 서용석 3PS-238 서용석 3PS-263 서원진 2L6-1 서유진 2O10-4 서은별 2O10-3 서의현 1PS-44 서의현 3PS-260 서장원 1PS-40 서장원 1PS-234 서장원 1PS-241 서장원 2PS-240 서장원 2PS-246 서장원 3PS-261 서정화 1L4-4 서주역 2PS-257 서지애 1O10-14 서지원 2PS-212 서지한 2PS-213 서지훈 1O10-14 서지훈 2PS-26 서진아 1PS-269 서창민 3PS-106 서춘희 3PS-11 서형탁 1L9-7 서호빈 3PS-11 서홍석 2PS-243 서홍석 2PS-244 서홍석 3PS-254 서홍석 3PS-255 서홍석 3PS-273 서홍석 3PS-274 서흔영 1PS-155 서흔영 1PS-158 서흔영 2PS-214 석도형 3PS-131 석도형 3PS-132 선세미 3PS-303 선우영 2PS-91 선정윤 2L7-6 선정윤 1O10-15 성동기 1PS-13 성동기 1PS-192 성민재 2PS-258 성민호 2L4-6 성수진 1PS-116 성준호 2PS-76 성준호 3PS-69 소민섭 2PS-142 소재일 2PS-92 손나래 2PS-206 손대원 1L8-1 손대원 1PS-9 손대원 2PS-230 손대원 3PS-32 손동완 3PS-126 손병혁 3PS-219 손선영 1PS-45 손소영 2PS-289 손승이 2PS-302 손영래 3PS-127 손영래 3PS-128 손영래 3PS-129 손영주 3PS-136 손인태 1PS-22 손인태 2PS-16 손정곤 1PS-200 손정곤 2PS-11 손정선 2PS-72 손정선 2PS-73 손진하 1PS-2 손태일 1L1-4 손호진 1PS-257 손호진 1PS-258 손호진 2PS-253 손호진 2PS-254 손호진 2PS-276 손호진 3PS-270 손홍래 1PS-88 손희상 3PS-130 손희상 3PS-131 손희상 3PS-132 송경민 1O10-2 송경헌 2PS-120 송광석 1L6-3 송광석 2PS-101 송광식 1PS-89 송광식 2PS-126 송광식 2PS-131 송광식 3PS-217 송기국 2PS-228 송기국 2PS-234 송기철 2PS-219 송명관 2O11-2 송명훈 3PS-245 송민우 2PS-132 송선구 2PS-133 송성원 2PS-259 송수진 2PS-297 송수창 1PS-112 송승원 3PS-1 송애란 1PS-42 송연화 2O11-7 송영한 1PS-211 송예슬 2PS-110 송우진 2PS-134 송은석 2PS-8 송은석 2PS-17 송은석 2PS-135 송은주 3PS-275 송인준 3PS-94 송인준 3PS-95 송인호 1PS-121 송인호 2PS-99 송인호 2PS-121 송인호 2PS-136 송인호 3PS-38 송인호 3PS-201 송정섭 2PS-132 송지윤 1PS-176 송지은 2PS-116 송지은 2PS-137 송지은 3PS-79 송찬영 3PS-301 송창식 1PS-7 송창식 2PS-133 송창식 3PS-37 송창식 3PS-115 송창현 1PS-147 송창현 3PS-133 송형근 2PS-43 쉬리비자야고팔란 2PS-266 쉬멍 2PS-220 스트라다사부찬드라 1PS-82 스트라다사부찬드라 1PS-93 스트라다사부찬드라 2PS-77 스트라다사부찬드라 3PS-17 스티브박 2L8-2 신건철 1L3-7 신광수 3PS-249 신교직 1PS-89 신교직 1PS-237 신교직 2PS-126 신교직 2PS-131 신교직 3PS-217 신나리 1PS-35 신동엽 1L9-1 신동엽 1O11-7 신동진 2PS-260 신명은 2PS-138 신무광 2PS-139 신무광 3PS-57 신무광 3PS-77 신문렬 2PS-217 신민경 2O10-1 신병철 1PS-266 신병철 1PS-276 신상빈 3PS-103 신상우 1PS-48 신성식 3PS-261 신소정 2PS-261 신솔 2PS-289 신수인 1PS-61 신승수 2O10-5 신영은 2PS-140 신예린 2PS-18 신예린 3PS-48 신요섭 2PS-89 신요섭 3PS-2 신우승 1PS-167 신우승 3PS-25 신우승 3PS-134 신윤경 2O11-11 신이삭 3PS-3 신인수 2PS-262 신인호 3PS-135 신일우 1PS-261 신재만 1PS-207 신재만 2PS-233 신재만 2PS-235 신재만 3PS-239 신재환 2PS-263 신주비 2PS-135 신준영 2PS-290 신준영 3PS-282 신지연 2PS-291 신지운 3PS-136 신하은 1O11-16 신하은 1PS-19 신혁수 2PS-141 신현수 1O10-5 신현일 2PS-172 신현일 3PS-4 신혜범 2PS-40 신혜범 2PS-48 신호선 2PS-207 신홍식 3PS-301 신휘섭 1PS-20 신흥섭 2PS-160 신희정 2PS-275 심건우 1PS-229 심경보 3PS-137 심규민 2PS-264 심규성 1PS-209 심민석 2O11-3 심민석 1PS-260 심상연 3PS-33 심상은 2PS-92 심상은 3PS-14 심상희 2O10-2 심상희 2PS-19 심용 1PS-87 심재민 1PS-156 심재민 1PS-215 심재민 2PS-221 심재민 3PS-36 심재민 3PS-203 심중섭 2PS-222 심현석 2PS-61 심혜은 2PS-81 쑹원리양 3PS-5 ㅇ아난두모한 2PS-194 아난두모한 3PS-138 아난두모한 3PS-139 아딜라 3PS-6 아딜라 3PS-7 아딜라 3PS-8 아르얄움칸타 2PS-265 아미르이크발 2L7-5 아티싼마헤쉬와란 2PS-266 안남영 2PS-88 안동준 1PS-61 안동준 1PS-64 안명현 2PS-41 안보슬 2L3-5 안상현 2O10-6 안석균 2L4-7 안석균 2O11-4 안석균 1PS-2 안석균 2PS-3 안석훈 1PS-136 안석훈 3PS-74 안석훈 3PS-237 안소영 1L2-6 안솔 1PS-3 안재우 2PS-223 안정빈 1PS-159 안정아 2PS-292 안종태 3PS-278 안주마리아토마스 3PS-138 안주마리아토마스 3PS-139 안주영 2PS-142 안주환 2PS-224 안준모 1O11-6 안준영 1PS-1 안준혁 1PS-49 안준혁 1PS-55 안준혁 1PS-281 안준혁 2PS-293 안준혁 3PS-284 안진영 3PS-140 안철희 2PS-69 안철희 3PS-88 안철희 3PS-292 안철희 3PS-295 안치원 1PS-28 안태규 2PS-258 안태규 2PS-268 안택 1PS-79 안택 1PS-80 안형주 2PS-225 안희영 2PS-149 알렉스 1PS-296 알렉스 1PS-298 알렉스 1PS-299 알렉스 1PS-303 알렘아라야메레사 2PS-226 야부즈자패르타야르 1L4-2 양문호 1PS-125 양문호 2PS-143 양범주 1PS-190 양석주 2PS-267 양성백 3PS-141 양성백 3PS-142 양성윤 1PS-117 양성호 1L3-5 양승철 2PS-144 양준휘 3PS-303 양지연 2PS-96 양진철 2PS-145 양충모 1O10-16 양태열 1PS-234 양태열 1PS-241 양한솔 3PS-260 양한얼 1PS-214 양현경 1PS-285 양현석 2PS-262 양회창 1PS-243 양회창 1PS-244 양회창 1PS-254 양희선 2PS-142 어홍규 2PS-119 엄상원 2PS-227 엄우람 2PS-303 엄원식 3PS-160 엄정주 3PS-9 엄제현 1PS-66 엄지환 2PS-87 엄진주 3PS-10 엄태식 2L9-2 엄태준 2PS-146 여선주 3PS-220 여지현 1PS-8 여지현 3PS-143 여지현 3PS-198 여태균 1PS-268 여현기 2PS-147 여현욱 1L6-9 여현욱 1PS-132 연지수 2PS-82 염경문 2PS-246 염경빈 2PS-19 염봉준 2O10-1 염용식 2PS-186 염용식 2PS-214 염용식 3PS-144 염정현 3PS-141 염정현 3PS-142 염혜원 1O10-16 엽지우 2PS-46 옌융주 3PS-145 오동엽 1PS-16 오미혜 1L6-1 오범진 3PS-152 오병민 2PS-42 오병민 2PS-241 오병민 2PS-261 오상택 1PS-92 오상택 1PS-139 오상택 1PS-192 오상택 1PS-193 오상택 1PS-194 오세행 2L3-5 오세행 2PS-290 오세행 3PS-282 오세행 3PS-290 오수경 3PS-117 오승수 2PS-282 오승우 1PS-21 오승훈 3PS-248 오왕석 1PS-4 오유리 2PS-148 오은체 2PS-149 오은택 1PS-52 오은택 1PS-282 오은택 2PS-299 오자구넨드라프러사드 3PS-146 오정석 1PS-149 오정석 1PS-214 오정석 2PS-168 오종규 1PS-44 오종규 2PS-268 오준기 3PS-147 오준학 1PS-41 오준학 2PS-251 오준호 3PS-148 오진우 1PS-144 오진우 1PS-226 오진우 1PS-288 오진우 3PS-118 오진우 3PS-246 오창석 2PS-133 오창준 2PS-150 오현택 2PS-245 오혜근 2O10-12 오환 2PS-269 옥성현 3PS-123 왕동환 2O11-5 왕동환 1PS-12 왕동환 1PS-38 왕동환 2PS-45 왕동환 2PS-50 왕동환 3PS-267 왕혁식 2PS-228 왕혁식 2PS-234 우민서 2PS-165 우상혁 3PS-249 우성준 1PS-258 우성호 1O10-4 우정연 1PS-159 우주연 3PS-148 우한영 2O10-2 우한영 1PS-36 우한영 1PS-232 우한영 2PS-19 우한영 2PS-40 우한영 2PS-46 우한영 2PS-47 우한영 2PS-48 우한영 3PS-243 우한영 3PS-250 원민프엉 2PS-151 원성희 2PS-150 원수경 1O11-12 원수경 2O11-13 원수경 1PS-31 원종성 2O11-8 원종성 1PS-32 원종성 2PS-30 원종인 2PS-152 원태경 1PS-61 위영진 2L6-4 위정재 1O11-12 위정재 1O11-3 위정재 2O11-13 위정재 1PS-31 위정재 1PS-133 위정재 1PS-289 위정재 2PS-13 위정재 2PS-22 위정재 2PS-32 위정재 3PS-66 위정재 3PS-156 유가연 2PS-153 유남호 1O11-4 유남호 2O11-12 유남호 2PS-67 유동길 2PS-303 유민지 2PS-62 유봉현 2PS-16 유성수 2PS-229 유성일 1PS-108 유성일 1PS-147 유성일 2PS-195 유성일 3PS-133 유성훈 2PS-43 유수경 2PS-293 유승용 3PS-190 유연성 3PS-149 유영민 2PS-58 유영민 2PS-59 유영인 2PS-63 유용군 3PS-11 유자형 3PS-164 유자형 3PS-298 유정주 2PS-230 유정준 3PS-165 유종카이 2PS-270 유중환 2PS-132 유지선 3PS-152 유지완 3PS-150 유지왕 3PS-151 유지용 1PS-22 유지웅 3PS-247 유진선 2PS-175 유진화 3PS-152 유충열 3PS-165 유필진 1PS-17 유필진 2PS-98 유필진 2PS-198 유필진 2PS-229 유필진 3PS-220 유하영 3PS-153 유혁상 3PS-136 유혜영 2L7-8 유혜영 2PS-52 유호선 2PS-271 유화숙 2PS-19 육지호 1PS-289 육지호 3PS-28 육지호 3PS-195 육진솔 2PS-154 윤관한 1PS-137 윤관한 2PS-177 윤관한 2PS-224 윤관한 3PS-39 윤광한 2PS-155 윤광한 2PS-163 윤광한 3PS-109 윤근병 2PS-206 윤근태 2O10-11 윤명한 1PS-249 윤미정 2L6-1 윤병주 1O10-5

162 제 44 권 1 호 159 윤병주 1PS-263 윤병주 3PS-154 윤보선 3PS-270 윤상은 2PS-272 윤새몬 2L9-8 윤석일 1PS-156 윤석일 1PS-215 윤석일 2PS-221 윤석일 3PS-36 윤석일 3PS-203 윤성원 2O10-9 윤수열 3PS-73 윤수진 1PS-82 윤수진 1PS-103 윤수진 2PS-77 윤수진 2PS-156 윤수진 3PS-15 윤수진 3PS-17 윤수진 3PS-230 윤승욱 2PS-273 윤여성 1L6-1 윤영록 1PS-75 윤영수 1PS-162 윤영수 3PS-211 윤영진 1L4-4 윤영진 3PS-155 윤원진 2PS-157 윤원진 2PS-158 윤인열 3PS-61 윤정 2PS-78 윤정 2PS-89 윤정 3PS-2 윤정 3PS-12 윤종필 2PS-283 윤준혁 2PS-66 윤지원 3PS-262 윤진숙 3PS-294 윤진환 1L2-2 윤진환 1PS-101 윤진환 1PS-119 윤진환 1PS-195 윤창규 2L4-5 윤태영 2L7-5 윤태용 2PS-44 윤태호 1PS-98 윤태호 2PS-120 윤하나 3PS-165 윤하준 3PS-9 윤하준 3PS-46 윤해리 2PS-299 윤혁준 3PS-156 윤현석 1PS-14 윤현석 3PS-172 윤현석 3PS-199 윤현석 3PS-200 윤현석 3PS-210 윤형건 1PS-203 윤형준 2L6-1 윤형호 2PS-3 윤호규 1PS-155 윤호규 1PS-158 윤호규 2PS-186 윤호규 2PS-214 윤호규 3PS-69 윤호규 3PS-144 윤홍석 1O11-10 윤홍석 2PS-220 윤홍석 3PS-157 은형주 2PS-274 음율 2PS-20 이강산 2L7-5 이강연 2PS-63 이강원 1O10-16 이강원 1PS-283 이강원 3PS-58 이건석 3PS-133 이건호 1PS-58 이건호 1PS-62 이건호 1PS-295 이건호 2PS-93 이경민 1PS-263 이경민 2PS-97 이경민 2PS-159 이경민 3PS-154 이경석 2PS-275 이경우 2PS-294 이경진 2O10-3 이경진 1PS-113 이경진 1PS-269 이경진 2PS-82 이경진 2PS-83 이경진 3PS-98 이경현 3PS-219 이광섭 1PS-57 이광섭 1PS-302 이광섭 2PS-160 이광섭 3PS-188 이광재 2PS-41 이규민 1PS-44 이규복 3PS-165 이규성 1PS-212 이규호 2PS-21 이근대 1PS-76 이근대 1PS-77 이근대 1PS-78 이근형 2L7-8 이근형 2PS-52 이기라 1L7-8 이기라 3PS-50 이기라 3PS-256 이기훈 2PS-237 이기훈 3PS-187 이다빈 1PS-296 이다빈 1PS-298 이다빈 1PS-299 이다빈 1PS-303 이대용 1PS-273 이대용 2PS-161 이대용 3PS-288 이대용 3PS-299 이대운 2PS-274 이대한 2PS-254 이대한 2PS-276 이대한 3PS-270 이대환 2PS-277 이도창 1PS-160 이도창 3PS-228 이도훈 3PS-49 이동규 1PS-191 이동기 2PS-162 이동기 3PS-124 이동원 1O11-15 이동원 2PS-204 이동원 3PS-291 이동원 3PS-303 이동윤 2O10-10 이동익 2PS-155 이동익 2PS-163 이동익 3PS-109 이동진 3PS-123 이동현 1PS-216 이동현 2PS-222 이동현 2PS-223 이동현 3PS-184 이동현 3PS-186 이동화 1PS-245 이동훈 1PS-174 이두성 1PS-277 이두연 2PS-164 이명구 3PS-50 이명연 2PS-92 이명연 3PS-14 이명재 3PS-158 이명훈 1PS-70 이명훈 2PS-149 이명훈 2PS-199 이명훈 3PS-56 이미소 2PS-278 이미연 3PS-159 이민기 3PS-51 이민백 3PS-66 이민수 2PS-231 이민수 2PS-279 이민영 3PS-52 이민영 3PS-53 이민웅 3PS-27 이민의 1PS-253 이민재 3PS-74 이민지 2O11-5 이민지 1PS-12 이민지 1PS-297 이민지 2PS-45 이민지 3PS-267 이민지 3PS-296 이민혜 3PS-241 이병두 1O10-11 이병민 2PS-100 이병민 3PS-54 이병민 3PS-97 이병선 2PS-16 이병완 1PS-132 이병완 2PS-232 이병용 1PS-85 이병호 2PS-60 이보람 1PS-140 이보람 2PS-262 이보람 2PS-270 이보람 3PS-245 이보미 2PS-280 이분열 2PS-79 이분열 2PS-80 이상남 1PS-261 이상래 3PS-55 이상봉 2PS-275 이상수 1PS-11 이상수 1PS-200 이상수 3PS-150 이상연 2PS-22 이상연 3PS-156 이상엽 1PS-64 이상욱 2PS-141 이상진 1PS-202 이상진 1PS-204 이상진 1PS-206 이상진 3PS-226 이상현 2L4-6 이상호 1PS-201 이상화 3PS-42 이상훈 2PS-41 이상훈 3PS-56 이상훈 3PS-63 이상훈 3PS-160 이상훈 3PS-306 이새봄 2PS-257 이새봄 3PS-242 이서린 3PS-161 이서윤 1PS-30 이서윤 1PS-104 이서윤 2PS-9 이서윤 2PS-108 이서윤 3PS-233 이석영 2PS-23 이선종 1PS-126 이선호 2PS-69 이설희 3PS-74 이성구 1PS-104 이성구 2PS-9 이성구 2PS-108 이성구 3PS-233 이성규 2O10-12 이성규 3PS-35 이성민 2O10-6 이성수 3PS-184 이성재 1PS-301 이성한 2PS-233 이성훈 2PS-24 이소라 2PS-295 이소림 2PS-65 이소정 3PS-57 이소희 1O11-2 이수 3PS-162 이수용 3PS-242 이수진 1PS-117 이수진 3PS-58 이슬기 2PS-296 이승구 2O11-8 이승구 1PS-32 이승구 2PS-30 이승구 2L5-3 이승기 3PS-237 이승민 2PS-135 이승애 2L5-4 이승열 1O10-9 이승열 1PS-59 이승우 1PS-74 이승우 2PS-78 이승우 2PS-89 이승우 3PS-2 이승우 3PS-12 이승우 3PS-231 이승원 2PS-25 이승원 2PS-125 이승재 3PS-22 이승재 3PS-23 이승재 3PS-163 이승제 1PS-5 이승주 2PS-26 이승준 2PS-276 이승진 3PS-243 이승찬 1PS-93 이승찬 1PS-103 이승찬 2PS-156 이승찬 3PS-15 이승찬 3PS-230 이승찬 3PS-235 이승혁 2PS-228 이승혁 2PS-234 이승현 1PS-228 이승호 3PS-164 이승화 3PS-59 이승훈 1PS-43 이승훈 3PS-60 이승훈 3PS-244 이승훈 3PS-252 이시영 2PS-154 이시영 3PS-61 이아라 1PS-26 이아라 2PS-27 이아라 2PS-28 이아라 2PS-37 이영관 1PS-99 이영관 1PS-130 이영관 2PS-153 이영관 2PS-179 이영관 2PS-180 이영석 3PS-66 이영실 1PS-137 이영실 2PS-177 이영실 2PS-224 이영실 3PS-39 이영아 3PS-165 이영웅 2PS-46 이영준 2PS-235 이영준 3PS-157 이영화 1PS-50 이예담 1PS-61 이예란 2PS-47 이예슬 1PS-228 이요셉 3PS-62 이용표 3PS-16 이용현 1PS-296 이용현 1PS-298 이용현 1PS-299 이용현 1PS-303 이용훈 1PS-93 이용훈 3PS-17 이욱희 3PS-245 이원규 2PS-26 이원기 1PS-76 이원기 1PS-77 이원기 1PS-78 이원기 2PS-129 이원기 3PS-22 이원기 3PS-23 이원기 3PS-163 이원령 2L9-6 이원주 2PS-65 이원준 2PS-84 이원준 3PS-18 이유나 3PS-166 이유나 3PS-170 이유림 2PS-30 이유빈 2PS-297 이유영 2PS-273 이유진 1PS-144 이윤구 1PS-245 이윤석 1PS-94 이윤주 2PS-48 이윤환 2PS-60 이윤환 2L6-6 이은광 1PS-41 이은비 1PS-22 이은선 2PS-281 이은송 3PS-63 이은지 1PS-138 이은지 1PS-292 이이슬 1PS-20 이이주 3PS-167 이인규 2O10-7 이인수 3PS-282 이장건 1O11-16 이장원 3PS-124 이재경 1O11-12 이재경 1PS-31 이재동 1PS-165 이재민 2PS-240 이재상 1PS-259 이재상 1PS-262 이재상 2PS-298 이재석 1PS-5 이재석 1PS-29 이재석 1PS-86 이재석 3PS-11 이재석 3PS-237 이재승 2PS-26 이재영 2L3-2 이재영 2PS-82 이재왕 1O10-16 이재용 2PS-165 이재용 2PS-166 이재용 2PS-236 이재용 3PS-123 이재용 3PS-124 이재원 1O11-12 이재원 1PS-31 이재익 3PS-64 이재현 1PS-228 이재현 3PS-244 이재현 3PS-252 이재호 1PS-165 이재훈 1L6-3 이재훈 2L3-5 이재훈 2PS-101 이재훈 3PS-290 이재희 2PS-298 이정렬 1O10-16 이정민 1PS-62 이정언 3PS-141 이정언 3PS-142 이정용 1PS-248 이정용 1PS-251 이정용 2PS-188 이정용 2PS-256 이정은 2PS-140 이정익 2PS-49 이정준 3PS-65 이정현 2O10-5 이정환 3PS-259 이정환 3PS-264 이정훈 1PS-52 이정훈 1PS-282 이정훈 2PS-299 이정훈 3PS-104 이제일 2PS-286 이제일 2PS-300 이종민 1PS-144 이종민 1PS-226 이종민 3PS-118 이종민 3PS-246 이종수 3PS-190 이종수 3PS-191 이종원 1PS-129 이종찬 1PS-20 이종찬 2PS-154 이종찬 3PS-19 이종찬 3PS-91 이종철 2PS-80 이종혁 1O11-12 이종혁 1PS-31 이종혁 2PS-22 이종혁 3PS-66 이종혁 3PS-156 이종환 1PS-92 이종환 1PS-139 이종환 1PS-192 이종환 1PS-193 이종환 1PS-194 이종훈 3PS-168 이종훈 3PS-169 이종휘 1PS-188 이종휘 2PS-170 이종휘 2PS-212 이종휘 3PS-161 이종휘 3PS-196 이종휘 3PS-197 이종희 1PS-228 이주원 3PS-136 이주헌 3PS-67 이주혁 1L5-2 이주현 3PS-115 이주현 3PS-183 이주형 3PS-166 이주형 3PS-170 이주형 3PS-292 이주호 2L6-4 이준배 1L8-3 이준복 3PS-243 이준상 2L6-4 이준성 3PS-68 이준엽 3PS-251 이준영 3PS-229 이준하 1PS-122 이준혁 2PS-235 이준혁 3PS-227 이준협 1PS-22 이준협 2PS-16 이준호 3PS-93 이준호 3PS-107 이준희 1PS-6 이준희 1PS-51 이지나 1PS-274 이지나 2PS-301 이지목 2PS-76 이지목 3PS-69 이지석 2O11-11 이지선 3PS-247 이지수 3PS-171 이지열 3PS-248 이지영 1PS-271 이지원 1PS-296 이지원 1PS-298 이지원 1PS-299 이지원 1PS-303 이지은 2O11-4 이지은 1PS-92 이지은 1PS-139 이지은 1PS-192 이지은 1PS-193 이지은 1PS-194 이지은 2PS-3 이지은 3PS-249 이지혜 1PS-230 이지혜 1PS-254 이지혜 2PS-248 이지혜 3PS-262 이지훈 3PS-70 이진균 2PS-109 이진균 2PS-152 이진균 2PS-245 이진균 3PS-43 이진균 3PS-140 이진근 1PS-208 이진우 3PS-250 이진호 2L3-5 이진호 2PS-290 이진호 3PS-282 이진호 3PS-290 이찬희 1PS-214 이창연 3PS-243 이창열 1PS-5 이창진 2PS-252 이창환 1PS-287 이창환 1PS-304 이창훈 3PS-301 이채규 1PS-51 이채규 2PS-38 이채헌 1PS-51 이채헌 2PS-38 이탁희 1L9-5 이태규 1L6-7 이태규 1PS-157 이태규 1PS-176 이태규 3PS-71 이태우 1L1-3 이태우 1L2-6 이태형 1PS-287 이태훈 1L1-4 이택성 3PS-260 이택승 1PS-267 이택승 3PS-65 이택승 3PS-99 이하나 1PS-1 이하나 1PS-83 이하나 2PS-85 이하늬 3PS-172 이하늬 3PS-291 이하람 1PS-32 이하림 3PS-251 이학봉 3PS-63 이학준 1O10-8 이학준 3PS-279 이한기 2L6-4 이한비 3PS-72 이한빈 2PS-28 이한솔 2PS-162 이한울 1PS-52 이해곤 2L6-4 이해원 1L1-1 이헌상 1PS-154 이헌상 1PS-181 이헌준 1O10-1 이헌준 3PS-256 이혁중 2PS-29 이현욱 2PS-297 이현욱 3PS-173 이현욱 3PS-174 이현정 2L3-1 이현정 2PS-68 이현정 2PS-302 이현종 1L5-9 이현주 2O10-6 이현지 2PS-237 이현지 3PS-187 이현철 3PS-117 이현태 3PS-73 이현휘 1PS-33 이현휘 2PS-27 이현희 3PS-19 이형근 2PS-139 이형일 1L4-5 이형일 3PS-73 이혜린 3PS-252 이혜빈 3PS-74 이혜연 3PS-75 이혜영 2PS-294 이혜정 2O11-10 이혜현 2PS-243 이혜현 2PS-244 이호진 2PS-54 이호현 3PS-76 이호현 3PS-85 이호현 3PS-125 이홍찬 1PS-81 이화성 2L4-8 이화성 3PS-269 이효 2PS-139 이효 3PS-77 이희숙 2PS-171 이희숙 2PS-213 이희우 1L1-2 이희정 3PS-76 임경근 1L2-6 임경아 1PS-226 임경아 3PS-118 임경아 3PS-246 임경택 2PS-303 임광석 2L3-4 임광희 3PS-166 임권택 3PS-20 임권택 3PS-21 임권택 3PS-33 임권택 3PS-34 임대희 1O11-9 임대희 1PS-43 임동우 1PS-259 임동우 1PS-262 임동우 2PS-298 임동우 3PS-281 임동혁 3PS-22 임동혁 3PS-23 임동혁 3PS-163 임민영 1PS-20 임민우 3PS-78 임민지 2PS-116 임민지 2PS-137 임민지 3PS-79 임보규 3PS-73 임상혁 2PS-42 임석인 3PS-80 임석인 3PS-81 임소은 1PS-208 임소은 2PS-117 임승혁 3PS-24 임승호 3PS-25 임승호 3PS-45 임승호 3PS-134 임영지 3PS-244 임영지 3PS-252 임용범 2L4-1 임용택 1PS-261 임용택 3PS-301 임원빈 1PS-124 임원빈 2PS-124 임원빈 3PS-82 임원빈 3PS-106 임윤묵 3PS-192 임윤묵 3PS-289 임은희 2PS-57 임은희 3PS-280 임재열 1O10-5 임정아 2O11-9 임정아 1PS-255 임정아 3PS-278 임정혁 1PS-107 임정혁 2PS-102 임정혁 3PS-16 임정혁 3PS-60 임정혁 3PS-64 임종국 1PS-19 임종우 2PS-118 임종우 3PS-77 임종철 3PS-253 임종휘 3PS-195 임준섭 2L2-2 임준섭 3PS-83 임지성 3PS-12 임지숙 2PS-238 임지우 1PS-120 임지우 2PS-11 임지우 2PS-141 임지우 3PS-101 임지현 2PS-50 임철원 2PS-304 임태은 1PS-18 임한휘 2PS-179 임한휘 2PS-180 임한휘 3PS-175 임한휘 3PS-176 임향이 1PS-142 임현수 2O11-8 임현수 2PS-30 임호선 2PS-113 ㅈ자오밍거 1PS-213 자오밍거 2PS-239 장규현 1PS-87 장기철 1PS-89 장기철 2PS-126 장기철 2PS-131 장기철 3PS-217 장동욱 1PS-125 장동욱 1PS-140 장동욱 2PS-143 장미숙 2PS-192 장민철 3PS-225 장민철 3PS-234 장보슬 3PS-26 장석태 2O10-6 장석태 1PS-21 장석태 2PS-175 장세규 1PS-160 장소영 3PS-84 장스먀오 3PS-254 장스먀오 3PS-255 장시연 3PS-256 장연도 1PS-48 장영선 1L8-5 장영선 3PS-249 장영욱 1PS-167 장영욱 3PS-25 장영욱 3PS-45 장영욱 3PS-134 장용호 3PS-85 장우동 1L7-2 장웅식 2O11-5 장웅식 1PS-12 장웅식 1PS-38 장웅식 2PS-45 장웅식 3PS-267 장위 2PS-77 장위 3PS-230 장은정 3PS-244 장은행 3PS-177 장은행 3PS-178 장은행 3PS-179 장의윤 2PS-16 장익범 3PS-180 장익범 3PS-181 장익범 3PS-182 장재영 1PS-44 장재영 2PS-268 장재영 3PS-260 장재호 3PS-257 장정식 1PS-134 장종대 3PS-218 장준혁 1O10-8 장준혁 1PS-160 장준혁 3PS-279

163 160 제 44 권 1 호장준호 3PS-183 장지원 3PS-86 장지은 1PS-91 장지은 1PS-167 장지현 1PS-185 장지현 3PS-215 장진해 2PS-84 장진해 2PS-172 장진해 3PS-4 장진해 3PS-18 장타오 3PS-184 장태현 1PS-1 장태현 1PS-81 장한결 2L8-7 장한결 1PS-15 장한결 3PS-185 장한별 3PS-27 장한솔 3PS-28 장호원 2O11-9 장홍 3PS-258 장환동 3PS-87 장훈수 1O10-6 장희수 3PS-186 장희윤 2PS-290 장희윤 3PS-282 장희재 2PS-160 전경국 2PS-51 전경국 2PS-272 전경화 2PS-237 전경화 3PS-187 전광훈 1PS-63 전남중 1PS-234 전남중 2PS-240 전민기 2PS-217 전민홍 2O11-8 전병윤 1PS-296 전병윤 1PS-298 전병윤 1PS-299 전병윤 1PS-303 전보경 1PS-23 전상열 2PS-31 전상용 1L3-8 전상우 1PS-24 전석진 1PS-60 전석진 1PS-63 전석진 2PS-12 전석진 2PS-39 전성권 2O10-5 전성우 3PS-188 전성익 3PS-88 전소연 1PS-246 전승배 1L7-5 전승배 1O10-11 전승배 1PS-34 전승희 2L6-3 전영시 1L6-7 전영시 1PS-157 전영시 1PS-176 전영시 3PS-71 전유빈 2PS-211 전유빈 3PS-189 전재민 2O11-6 전재현 3PS-165 전종혁 3PS-219 전준표 2PS-164 전지수 1O11-3 전지수 1PS-289 전지수 2PS-13 전지수 2PS-32 전지수 3PS-66 전태석 1L7-5 전태석 1O10-11 전태석 1PS-34 전현민 3PS-220 전현수 3PS-283 전호균 1PS-92 전호균 1PS-139 전호균 1PS-192 전호균 1PS-193 전호균 1PS-194 전호석 2L2-1 전호탁 2L6-1 전환진 1PS-28 전흥배 1PS-1 전흥배 1PS-83 전흥배 2PS-85 정경모 1PS-182 정경모 1PS-183 정경모 1PS-184 정경모 3PS-204 정경모 3PS-205 정경모 3PS-206 정경원 1PS-49 정경원 1PS-55 정경원 1PS-281 정경원 2PS-293 정경원 3PS-284 정경진 1O11-6 정관영 2PS-251 정광운 2O10-8 정광운 1PS-106 정광운 1PS-109 정광운 1PS-152 정광운 2PS-2 정광운 2PS-123 정광운 2PS-144 정광운 2PS-157 정광운 2PS-158 정광운 3PS-78 정광운 3PS-80 정광운 3PS-81 정광운 3PS-90 정광운 3PS-111 정권범 1PS-42 정극민 3PS-89 정나눔 1O10-16 정다겸 3PS-285 정다솔 2PS-55 정다영 3PS-90 정다운 3PS-91 정다운 3PS-92 정다운 3PS-123 정다현 3PS-243 정대성 2O10-9 정대성 1PS-220 정대성 1PS-227 정대성 1PS-239 정대성 1PS-246 정대성 2PS-43 정대성 2PS-264 정대성 3PS-266 정대성 3PS-276 정도연 3PS-190 정도연 3PS-191 정도영 3PS-29 정립정 1O11-15 정문기 1PS-105 정미정 3PS-286 정미진 3PS-93 정미진 3PS-94 정미진 3PS-95 정미진 3PS-107 정민교 3PS-21 정민웅 3PS-96 정민주 2PS-11 정범진 2L7-7 정범진 2PS-36 정병국 1O10-8 정병국 1PS-160 정병국 3PS-279 정병문 1L6-8 정병문 2L3-1 정병문 2PS-302 정병헌 2L6-2 정상문 2L9-8 정상원 1PS-296 정상원 1PS-298 정상원 1PS-299 정상원 1PS-303 정상훈 3PS-287 정서현 3PS-73 정석 2PS-280 정성동 3PS-288 정성린 2PS-288 정성린 3PS-192 정성린 3PS-289 정성욱 3PS-30 정성준 1L9-8 정성준 1PS-45 정수교 2PS-42 정승필 2PS-196 정연식 1O10-2 정연식 1PS-10 정연식 1PS-25 정연식 1PS-295 정연식 1PS-305 정연식 2PS-122 정연식 3PS-1 정영규 1PS-110 정영규 1PS-177 정영규 2PS-191 정영규 3PS-110 정영규 3PS-121 정영규 3PS-171 정영규 3PS-306 정영미 1O10-7 정영미 2O10-4 정영미 1PS-218 정영미 1PS-272 정영미 2PS-10 정영미 3PS-24 정영미 3PS-58 정영조 3PS-290 정영진 3PS-259 정영진 3PS-264 정예지 3PS-212 정완희 3PS-52 정완희 3PS-53 정요한 3PS-131 정요한 3PS-132 정용진 1PS-44 정용진 3PS-260 정용채 2L8-4 정용채 1PS-132 정용채 1PS-190 정용채 2PS-232 정용채 3PS-237 정우빈 2O10-11 정우진 2PS-51 정우혁 1PS-64 정유진 3PS-73 정윤관 3PS-221 정윤영 3PS-61 정윤지 3PS-31 정윤진 1PS-157 정윤진 3PS-71 정은경 3PS-291 정의혁 1PS-40 정의혁 1PS-234 정의혁 2PS-240 정인우 1PS-116 정인재 3PS-292 정인조 3PS-147 정인환 1PS-105 정일두 2PS-65 정일두 3PS-52 정일두 3PS-53 정일두 3PS-94 정일두 3PS-95 정임식 2PS-90 정재민 1PS-44 정재민 1PS-153 정재민 3PS-260 정재우 3PS-237 정재원 3PS-225 정재호 1O10-4 정재환 1PS-216 정재환 3PS-193 정재훈 1PS-234 정재훈 3PS-261 정주형 3PS-188 정지원 3PS-32 정지원 3PS-259 정지원 3PS-264 정지윤 3PS-247 정지은 2O10-2 정지은 2PS-19 정지홍 3PS-58 정진오 2PS-288 정찬문 1PS-121 정찬문 2PS-99 정찬문 2PS-121 정찬문 2PS-136 정찬문 3PS-38 정찬문 3PS-201 정창욱 3PS-54 정창욱 3PS-97 정철훈 1PS-230 정철훈 1PS-254 정철훈 2PS-248 정철훈 3PS-262 정태양 3PS-222 정하영 1PS-53 정하영 3PS-223 정한진 3PS-98 정현민 2PS-70 정현민 3PS-44 정현수 3PS-153 정현욱 3PS-147 정혜림 3PS-224 정혜중 2O10-13 정호균 3PS-194 정훈의 2L4-6 정희태 2L7-1 정희태 2O10-11 정희태 1PS-28 정희태 2PS-33 제갈영순 1PS-247 제갈영순 2PS-242 제갈영순 2PS-255 제갈영순 2PS-260 제갈영순 2PS-265 제갈영순 2PS-266 제갈영순 3PS-33 제갈영순 3PS-34 제갈영순 3PS-265 조가영 1PS-47 조강희 1PS-127 조강희 3PS-154 조강희 3PS-294 조경국 2L7-8 조경국 2PS-52 조경렬 3PS-225 조경렬 3PS-234 조경민 2PS-33 조경일 1PS-300 조계룡 2PS-214 조국현 1PS-33 조길원 2PS-53 조길원 2PS-162 조길원 2PS-259 조길원 2PS-267 조길원 3PS-61 조길원 3PS-275 조남주 2PS-14 조남주 2PS-20 조남주 2PS-31 조대원 2PS-253 조덕수 2PS-167 조덕수 2PS-182 조동환 1PS-191 조동환 2PS-171 조동환 2PS-201 조동환 2PS-213 조동환 2PS-294 조맹효 2L4-4 조명준 3PS-195 조미숙 1PS-99 조미숙 2PS-153 조민기 2PS-234 조민주 1PS-230 조민주 1PS-254 조민주 2PS-248 조민주 3PS-262 조상원 3PS-263 조상호 2L7-5 조선영 3PS-99 조선행 2PS-142 조성용 3PS-264 조성윤 2PS-252 조성윤 3PS-241 조성준 1L7-5 조성준 1O10-11 조성준 1PS-34 조성환 3PS-148 조성훈 3PS-105 조성훈 3PS-119 조성훈 3PS-295 조수정 2PS-285 조수정 3PS-35 조승빈 3PS-196 조승현 3PS-212 조승희 1PS-25 조승희 2PS-122 조신욱 1L4-4 조연주 1PS-156 조연주 1PS-215 조연주 2PS-221 조연주 3PS-36 조연주 3PS-203 조영경 2L7-8 조영경 2PS-52 조영흔 3PS-85 조예린 1PS-132 조완수 3PS-100 조용찬 1PS-54 조우경 1L3-6 조우경 2PS-87 조우경 3PS-165 조우섬 3PS-265 조웅비 2PS-32 조원기 2O11-8 조원기 1PS-32 조윤식 1O10-3 조윤식 3PS-101 조윤호 3PS-197 조은미 1PS-204 조은미 3PS-226 조은범 2PS-91 조은범 3PS-227 조은선 2L2-7 조인아 1PS-142 조장환 1PS-227 조장환 2PS-43 조장환 3PS-266 조재상 2O11-5 조재상 1PS-38 조재상 3PS-267 조재영 3PS-272 조재현 1PS-132 조재환 1PS-196 조정호 1PS-237 조정호 1PS-238 조정호 3PS-220 조주형 1PS-258 조준범 2PS-33 조준용 2L8-7 조준용 1PS-15 조준용 3PS-185 조준용 3PS-228 조준한 1PS-213 조준한 2PS-239 조준희 3PS-35 조지영 2O11-10 조지현 1PS-8 조지현 3PS-143 조지현 3PS-198 조진 3PS-102 조진한 1L9-1 조진한 1O11-7 조창현 2PS-54 조치형 1PS-22 조치형 2PS-16 조하령 1O11-14 조한희 3PS-292 조혁이 3PS-103 조혜란 1PS-278 조혜진 3PS-37 조휘문 2PS-281 주건모 2L8-6 주덕현 2PS-53 주상률 2PS-166 주상우 1PS-81 주성환 3PS-229 주세훈 1O10-4 주예은 3PS-104 주용호 2L5-2 주현서 3PS-105 주현진 3PS-296 주현진 3PS-297 지경은 1PS-164 지동섭 3PS-268 지동환 1O10-10 지병철 3PS-142 지용우 2PS-139 지윤배 3PS-297 지찬혁 1PS-124 지찬혁 2PS-124 지찬혁 3PS-82 지찬혁 3PS-106 진레이 1PS-82 진레이 1PS-103 진레이 2PS-77 진레이 2PS-156 진레이 3PS-17 진레이 3PS-230 진성호 1PS-247 진성호 2PS-242 진성호 2PS-255 진성호 2PS-260 진성호 2PS-265 진성호 2PS-266 진성호 3PS-33 진성호 3PS-34 진성호 3PS-265 진승모 1PS-261 진승원 1PS-121 진승원 2PS-99 진승원 2PS-121 진승원 2PS-136 진승원 3PS-38 진승원 3PS-201 진영읍 1PS-76 진영읍 1PS-77 진영읍 1PS-78 진영읍 3PS-22 진영읍 3PS-23 진영읍 3PS-163 진우석 2PS-139 진우석 3PS-77 진정운 1O11-4 진준오 1PS-287 진준오 1PS-290 진현정 2PS-265 진형준 1PS-253 진형준 2PS-273 진형준 3PS-9 진형준 3PS-46 진형준 3PS-76 진형준 3PS-152 진호철 3PS-93 진호철 3PS-107 ㅊ차국헌 1O10-3 차국헌 1PS-120 차국헌 1PS-200 차국헌 2PS-11 차국헌 2PS-141 차국헌 3PS-101 차국헌 3PS-112 차국헌 3PS-249 차명주 1L4-4 차성철 2PS-61 차채녕 2O11-11 채범진 1PS-18 채복남 3PS-231 채상민 1PS-26 채상민 2PS-24 채상민 2PS-27 채상민 2PS-28 채상민 2PS-37 채수빈 3PS-199 채준수 3PS-271 채창근 3PS-11 채한기 2PS-140 천내영 2PS-34 천성우 1O10-1 천성우 3PS-256 최겸우 2PS-168 최경원 2PS-55 최경현 3PS-232 최경호 1PS-89 최경호 1PS-237 최경호 2PS-126 최경호 2PS-131 최경호 3PS-217 최기석 3PS-151 최기원 1PS-30 최기원 1PS-104 최기원 2PS-9 최기원 2PS-108 최기원 3PS-233 최기인 1PS-300 최기헌 3PS-269 최나연 1PS-250 최나연 2PS-250 최다희 3PS-108 최대건 2O11-3 최동인 3PS-39 최동진 2PS-280 최동천 2PS-96 최동훈 1PS-230 최동훈 1PS-254 최동훈 2PS-248 최동훈 3PS-262 최문강 3PS-66 최민수 1PS-257 최민수 2PS-253 최민수 3PS-270 최민혁 1PS-52 최병호 1O10-14 최보규 1PS-264 최성식 1PS-130 최성한 1PS-258 최성호 1PS-301 최솔잎 3PS-225 최솔잎 3PS-234 최수빈 2PS-155 최수빈 2PS-163 최수빈 3PS-109 최수아 1L6-4 최수형 1L4-9 최수형 1O10-3 최수형 3PS-112 최승환 1PS-284 최승환 3PS-47 최시영 1L6-6 최시영 3PS-271 최신일 1PS-57 최신일 1PS-302 최연수 1O11-5 최영빈 1PS-54 최영빈 2PS-34 최영진 1PS-238 최영철 3PS-110 최예림 2PS-247 최예림 2PS-277 최예설 3PS-40 최우진 1PS-206 최우혁 1L2-8 최우혁 2O11-7 최우혁 1PS-102 최우혁 3PS-96 최우혁 3PS-194 최욱진 2PS-162 최원산 2PS-112 최원산 3PS-62 최원산 3PS-72 최원섭 2L3-7 최원준 3PS-229 최유진 2PS-123 최유진 3PS-90 최유진 3PS-111 최윤석 3PS-200 최은비 3PS-52 최은성 3PS-298 최은엽 1PS-172 최은엽 1PS-175 최은영 1PS-122 최은정 1PS-7 최은호 1PS-7 최이준 1PS-73 최인환 1PS-93 최인환 1PS-103 최인환 2PS-156 최인환 3PS-15 최인환 3PS-235 최장욱 1L7-3 최재곤 2PS-72 최재곤 2PS-73 최재학 2PS-100 최재학 3PS-10 최재학 3PS-54 최재학 3PS-97 최재호 3PS-286 최정철 1PS-24 최제원 3PS-112 최종선 1PS-131 최종선 2PS-35 최종선 3PS-113 최종원 1PS-23 최종원 2PS-64 최주영 1PS-121 최주영 2PS-99 최주영 2PS-121 최주영 2PS-136 최주영 3PS-38 최주영 3PS-201 최주환 3PS-154 최주환 3PS-294 최주희 3PS-114 최준석 3PS-202 최준식 1PS-50 최준식 2PS-286 최준식 2PS-296 최준식 2PS-300 최준원 2L2-5 최준찬 1O11-12 최준찬 1PS-31 최준형 3PS-271 최지수 1PS-214 최지원 1PS-156 최지원 1PS-215 최지원 2PS-221 최지원 3PS-36 최지원 3PS-203 최지훈 2L7-2 최지훈 2PS-217 최진규 3PS-14 최진우 1PS-5 최진우 2PS-227 최진웅 3PS-41 최진현 2PS-283 최진호 1O11-13 최청룡 2PS-236 최한빈 2PS-54 최한형 3PS-272 최현진 1PS-182 최현진 1PS-183 최현진 1PS-184 최현진 3PS-204 최현진 3PS-205 최현진 3PS-206 최현태 2PS-55 최형진 2L1-1 최혜선 1PS-8 최혜선 3PS-143 최혜선 3PS-198 최호중 3PS-42 최효성 2PS-275 최희철 1PS-100 최희철 1PS-128 추서범 1PS-229 ㅌ터르쇼이게르게이 2PS-56 트룽프억록 1PS-296 트룽프억록 1PS-298 트룽프억록 1PS-299 트룽프억록 1PS-303 티바마니구굴라한트 1PS-247 ㅍ팜티투이동 1PS-296 팜티투이동 1PS-298 팜티투이동 1PS-299 팜티투이동 1PS-303 팽기욱 2PS-64 퍄오쥔잉 3PS-273 퍄오쥔잉 3PS-274 표승문 2PS-56 ㅎ하경원 3PS-236 하기룡 3PS-166 하기룡 3PS-170 하성균 3PS-115 하손 1PS-162 하손 3PS-211 하연희 2PS-268 하연희 3PS-275 하유미 1PS-132 하유미 1PS-190 하유미 3PS-237 하은수 3PS-249 하자윤 1PS-304 하재언 3PS-276 하종운 3PS-277 하종훈 3PS-299 하지희 3PS-300 하진욱 3PS-208 하창식 2PS-193 하창식 2PS-194 하창식 2PS-203 하창식 2PS-211 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164 한세광 3PS-287 한세미 3PS-116 한승희 2PS-141 한아람 3PS-117 한양규 3PS-102 한영수 3PS-218 한유진 1PS-305 한재훈 1PS-54 한재훈 3PS-43 한정훈 1O11-10 한정훈 3PS-239 한주성 3PS-19 한주원 3PS-209 한지예 1PS-226 한지예 3PS-118 한창수 3PS-148 한태희 3PS-63 한태희 3PS-160 한학수 2O11-12 한학수 3PS-55 한학수 3PS-67 한현우 3PS-210 한혜미 3PS-278 한호성 3PS-105 한호성 3PS-119 한효원 2L7-7 한효원 2PS-36 함동효 1O10-8 함동효 1PS-120 함동효 3PS-279 함승주 2PS-118 함승주 2PS-139 함승주 3PS-57 함승주 3PS-77 허강무 1PS-90 허강무 2PS-75 허강무 2PS-81 허강무 2PS-87 허강무 3PS-26 허수미 2O10-12 허수원 2L9-6 허양일 1PS-161 허양일 1PS-168 허양일 2PS-231 허양훈 1PS-287 허윤 2PS-197 허윤 3PS-41 허준 1O11-8 허준 2PS-215 허진혁 2PS-42 허태환 3PS-224 허필호 1PS-124 허필호 2PS-124 허필호 3PS-82 허필호 3PS-106 허해강 3PS-257 현승휴 2PS-297 현종찬 1PS-162 현종찬 3PS-211 현하늘 3PS-212 현혜진 3PS-291 형태경 2PS-168 호동해 3PS-220 호린 3PS-44 홍동기 1O10-13 홍보민 3PS-302 홍석원 1PS-288 홍석주 1PS-94 홍석주 1PS-167 홍석주 3PS-45 홍성권 3PS-54 홍성우 2L8-5 홍성우 1PS-30 홍성우 1PS-104 홍성우 2PS-9 홍성우 2PS-108 홍성우 3PS-233 홍세리 3PS-303 홍순만 3PS-214 홍승균 2PS-57 홍승균 3PS-280 홍승연 2PS-24 홍승연 2PS-27 홍승연 2PS-37 홍연경 3PS-46 홍영기 1O11-13 홍영주 2PS-38 홍용택 2L8-3 홍웅길 1PS-49 홍웅길 1PS-55 홍웅길 1PS-281 홍웅길 2PS-293 홍웅길 3PS-284 홍은지 3PS-304 홍자연 2PS-58 홍정희 3PS-120 홍주희 3PS-213 홍준표 3PS-214 홍지수 2O11-11 홍지수 2PS-258 홍지영 3PS-125 홍진기 2O10-13 홍진기 3PS-108 홍채환 2L2-4 홍평화 1PS-30 홍평화 1PS-104 홍평화 2PS-9 홍평화 2PS-108 홍평화 3PS-233 홍혜진 1O10-5 홍혜진 2PS-159 홍혜진 3PS-294 황경태 1O11-9 황경태 3PS-240 황규현 3PS-121 황기섭 3PS-229 황도경 3PS-278 황도훈 1PS-236 황도훈 1PS-256 황도훈 3PS-73 황도훈 3PS-257 황도훈 3PS-277 황동수 1PS-284 황동수 3PS-47 황동수 3PS-49 황명원 1PS-218 황산주황성연황아름황아름황은영황의석황정호황종운황종하황지민황지수황진욱황해중황홍섭황희동 2PS-59 1PS-16 3PS-10 3PS-97 3PS-281 3PS-151 2PS-16 3PS-122 3PS-215 1PS-64 2PS-39 3PS-216 1PS-42 1PS-27 1PS-35 A Afsar, Uddin Mohammad 2PS-19 Aftabuzzaman, Mohammad 1PS-223 Amoli, Vipin 1O11-6 Anugrah, Daru Seto Bagus 3PS-20 Astrini, Pradyasti 1PS-68 Attias, André-Jean 3PS-122 AUGUSTINE, RIMESH 1PS-69 B Bae, Junhyuk 3PS-305 Basheer, Aamna 1PS-259 Basheer, Aamna 1PS-262 Basheer, Aamna 2PS-298 Belgodere, Jorge A. 1PS-23 Bielawski, Christopher 1L4-1 Bornillo, Kristal Aubrey 1PS-100 Bornillo, Kristal Aubrey 1PS-128 Boudouris, Bryan 2L5-2 Bradley, Donal D.C. 2PS-257 C Canh, Vu Minh 1PS-148 Cao, Giang Thuy Nguyen 1PS-260 Chen, Rui 1L1-1 Chiba, Takayuki 1L9-3 Chinh, Nguyen Thuy 1L8-4 Choi, Kimyung 1L3-9 Choi, Yu Suk 1L3-1 D Devaraj, Vasanthan 1PS-226 Devaraj, Vasanthan 1PS-288 Devraj, Vasanthan 3PS-246 Dharmalingam, SivanesanDien 2PS-96 Duc, Nguyen Trung 1L8-6 DUONG, NGUYEN MINH 1PS-286 E Engler, Adam 1L3-1 Enomoto, Yukiko 1L2-1 Eom, Taejun 1L4-3 F Faiz, Ahmed 1PS-82 Faiz, Ahmed 2PS-77 Faiz, Ahmed 3PS-17 Faiz, Ahmed 3PS-230 Fitriasari, Eprillia Intan 1PS-97 Fukuda, Hitoshi 1L9-3 Fukuda, Kenjiro 2L9-6 G Giang, Nguyen Vu 1L8-4 H Ha, Pham Thi Thu 1L8-6 Hadden, William J 1L3-1 Hangoma, Pesi Mwitumwa 2PS-262 He, Rui 2PS-149 He, Rui 3PS-56 He, SiWei 1PS-225 Hikichi, Tatsuya 1L9-3 Hoang, Thai 1L8-4 Holle, Andrew W 1L3-1 Huynh, Mai Duc 1L8-4 I Igarashi, Masahiro 1L9-3 Imani, Kusuma Betha Cahaya 1PS-101 Imoto, Hiroaki 1L2-3 Iwata, Tadahisa 1L2-1 J Jackman, Joshua 1L5-7 JungJangwook, P. 1PS-23 K Kamaraj, Eswaran 1PS-221 Kato, Takashi PL-1 Kha, Tu Nguyen 1O10-4 Khan, Anzar 1L4-3 Khan, Anzar 1O11-8 Khan, Anzar 2PS-146 Khan, Anzar 2PS-147 Khan, Anzar 3PS-120 Khan, Anzar 3PS-147 Khoi, Nguyen Van 1L8-6 Kido, Junji 1L9-3 Kim, Hyeon Ung 2O11-3 Kim, Jae-Yun 3PS-305 Kohsaka, Yasuhiro 1L2-5 Komatsu, Ryutaro 1L9-3 Kong, Hyunjoon 1L8-7 Kumar, Santosh 1PS-5 Kusakabe, Katsuki 1L2-7 L Lamprou, Alexandros 2PS-11 Lee, Chang-Lyoul 2L9-1 Lee, Dong Yun 1L3-9 Lee, Jae bin 1L3-9 Lee, Ji Ha 2PS-305 Lestari, Puji 1PS-102 Li, Yuxiang 3PS-250 Liao, Kin 1PS-207 Liao, Kin 2PS-220 Liao, Kin 2PS-235 Liao, Kin 2PS-93 Liao, Kin 3PS-239 Lim, Sung H. 3PS-50 Luan, Nguyen Thanh 2PS-47 Luan, Nguyen Thanh 3PS-243 M Maduwu, Ratna Dewi 3PS-107 Mai, Tran Thi 1L8-4 Mallick, Sudipta 3PS-26 Mani, Gajendiran 1PS-65 MASUD 1PS-67 Mien, Nguyen Thi 1L8-6 Minhu, Huang 1PS-98 Mishra, Avnish Kumar 2PS-236 Mitchell, Robert James 1PS-47 Mohanty, Aruna Kumar 1PS-81 Mohanty, Aruna Kumar 1PS-95 N Neethipathi, Deepan Kumar 1PS-220 Nguyen, Thanh Luan 2O10-2 Nguyen, Y Loan To 1PS-46 O Ohisa, Satoru 1L9-3 Ovhal, Manoj 1PS-222 P Park, Jae-Kyung 1L3-9 Park, Jin-Mo 3PS-305 Patil, Virendra S. 3PS-50 PIAO, ZHENGYU 2PS-302 PRABHAKARAN, PREM 1PS-302 PRABHAKARAN, PREM 1PS-57 PRABHAKARAN, PREM 2PS-1 PRABHAKARAN, PREM 2PS-160 Pu, Yong-Jin 1L9-3 Punetha, Vinay Deep 1PS-196 Q Qian, Yingjie QIN, JIELING R 2PS-92 1PS-99 Rahman, Md Mahabubur 3PS-235 Rajamanickam, Sivakumar 1PS-289 Remond, Maxime 3PS-122 Remond, Maxime 3PS-87 RENLONG 1PS-261 Riaz, Shahina 1PS-150 Riaz, Shahina 1PS-151 Riyasudheen, Nechikkattu 3PS-135 Roh, Yoon Ho 2O11-3 Rui, He 1PS-70 S Sabina, Yeasmin 3PS-141 Saji, Uthaman 1PS-90 Sakuragi, Mina 1L2-7 Sakurai, Kazuo 1L8-2 Sakurai, Kazuo 2PS-305 Salma, Sabrina Aufar 3PS-107 Salma, Sabrina Aufar 3PS-93 Satheeshkumar, Chinnadurai 1PS-96 Shamim, Reza Mohammad 1PS-224 Shang, Xiaobo 2PS-251 Siboro, Sonita A.P. 3PS-21 Simone, Danilo De 2O10-12 Sinha, Tridib Kumar 1PS-149 Soeriawidjaja, Banyu Firdaus 1PS-285 Someya, Takao 2L9-6 Spatz, Joachim 1L3-1 T Tajima, Keisuke 2L9-6 Takahashi, Tatsuya 1L9-3 Tamilavan, Vellaiappillai 2PS-262 THI QUYEN, VU 1PS-9 Thieu, Nhat Anh Thi 1PS-148 Timothy, Bernard 1PS-195 Tran, Dieu Linh 1O10-12 Tran, Hoang Chinh 1PS-66 Tran, Thang Hong 1PS-16 Trang, Nguyen Thi Thu 1L8-4 Trung, Tran Huu 1L8-4 Truong, Quan Hoang 1PS-260 Tsutsumi, Shinsuke 1L2-7 Tung, Nguyen Thanh 1L8-6 TYAGI, BARKHA 1PS-219 U Ueki, Emi 1L9-3 Uthaman, Saji 1PS-69 Uthaman, Saji 1PS-72 V Varyambath, anuraj 1PS-71 Vesters, Yannick 2O10-12 Viet, Nguyen Huu 2PS-141 W Walker, Bright 1L4-4 Wei, Mao 3PS-136 Wu, Ziang 3PS-243 Y Yan, Yongzhu 3PS-135 Yang, Guijun 1PS-145 Yang, Guijun 1PS-146 Yang, Ye 1PS-70 Yanliang, Liu 2PS-262 Yavuz, Cafer T. 1L4-2 Yoon, Young Jin 3PS-218 Young, Jennifer L 1L3-1 Z Zakia, Maulida ZHANG, WEI ZHANG, WEI ZHANG, WEI ZHANG, WEI Zhang, Xiaojie Zhang, Yu 1PS-147 1PS-103 2PS-156 3PS-15 3PS-235 1PS-149 1PS-72 제 44 권 1 호 161

165 부산컨벤션센터안내 BEXCO 주차이용안내 소형 구분 10 분마다 1 일주차 승용차승합차 (25 인승미만 )/ 화물차 (2.5t 미만 ) 300 원 15,000 원 대형승합차 (25 인승이상 )/ 화물차 (2.5t 이상 ) 600 원 30,000 원 주차장은 24 시간운영하며, 주차수요및교통혼잡등주차장여건에따라운영시간이조정될수있습니다. 할인안내 - 장애인, 국가유공자차량 : 1 시간무료, 추가시간 50% 할인 - 다자녀, 경차 : 50% 할인 - 입차후 15 분이내출차시무료 다자녀, 장애인및국가유공자는해당증명서를제시해야함. 교통안내 기차이용시 ( 부산역 ) 교통수단택시버스지하철 행사장까지이동방법및소요시간 부산역택시승차후벡스코에서하차 거리 13.93km, 약 30분소요 [ 급행버스 1001] 부산역정류장승차후센텀시티역벡스코정류장에서하차 요금 : 1,800 원, 약 30분소요 [ 일반버스 40] 부산역정류장승차후센텀시티역벡스코정류장에서하차 요금 : 1,200 원, 약 40분소요 부산 1호선부산역승차후서면역에서 2호선환승 부산 2호선서면역에서승차후, 센텀시티 ( 벡스코 신세계 ) 역에서하차하여 1번출구 요금 : 1,400 원, 약 45분소요 162 제 44 권 1 호

<30325F315FC6AFC1FD5FB1E8C0CFB5CE5F E687770>

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