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1 라이선스 :15 PM 페이지2 다음애드CTP 2mo DPI 175LPI Volume License Microsoft License Guide License Guide Products Guide m

2 Contents Microsoft Microsoft SA (Software Assurance)? Open OV (Open Value) Open Value - Open Value - Open Value Subscription Select Plus Select License EA (Enterprise Agreement) uea (updated Enterprise Agreement) EAS (Enterprise Agreement Subscription) ECI (Enrollment for Core Infrastructure) EAP (Enrollment for Application Platform) GA (Government Agreement) / Windows 7 Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Visio 2010 Microsoft Project 2010 Server Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft System Center 2012 ServerCAL Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Server Microsoft SQL Server 2012 / Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Microsoft Expression 4 Office 365 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 & N- & Windows & & & 61 Index

3 라이선스 :15 PM 페이지4 다음애드CTP 2mo DPI 175LPI Volume License Microsoft License Guide 볼륨 라이선스 Microsoft 라이선스 개요 Microsoft 볼륨 라이선스의 필요성 SA (Software Assurance) 혜택 귀사에 가장 적합한 라이선스는 무엇입니까? Open 라이선스 OV (Open Value) 라이선스 Select Plus와 Select License EA (Enterprise Agreement) 라이선스 uea (updated Enterprise Agreement) EAS (Enterprise Agreement Subscription) ECI (Enrollment for Core Infrastructure) EAP (Enrollment for Application Platform) 서비스 공급자 라이선스 프로그램 GA (Government Agreement) m

4 Microsoft License Guide

5 Microsoft Microsoft.,,.,. 5copy Office 2010 Professional : Open License:, 2 Microsoft Open License. Open Value License: 5copy 3 Office Software Assurance, Software Assurance.., (3) Software Assurance, Software Assurance 3 Software Assurance. (EULA: End User License Agreement), (PUR: Product Use Right).,,,,,, /. Microsoft /.,. Select Plus Enterprise Agreement Enterprise Agreement Subscription., Software Assurance Open Value Open License Open Value Subscription Full Package Product Software Assurance Software Assurance Microsoft License Guide 05

6 M Microsoft Microsoft,,,, (,, ) Volume License Im Clean SMS, Microsoft License Guide 06

7 SA (Software Assurance) SA (Software Assurance) Open License Open Value Subscription Select Plus EA / EA Subscription Step-Up Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) Windows 7 Enterprise (DDPS) (Deployment) Windows Virtual Desktop Access Office Software AssuranceTechNet Microsoft Office Multi-Language Pack (Traning) (Support) E-Learning Home Use 24x7 Hotfix (Specialized) Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs Enterprise Source Licensing Program Microsoft. Microsoft /.,, PR Microsoft (20 DB) 07

8 M? 250 FPP (Full Package Product) Open Value (non-companywide) Open Value (companywide) Open Value Subscription 250 Select Plus Enterprise Agreement (EA) Enterprise Agreement Subscription Microsoft License Guide 08

9 Open, Open License. Open License. ( 5) (FPP) 2Open License Open License 2,. (5 ). Open (Authorization Number). 5. Open License 5 2 (L) SA (Software Assurance). SA 1,, Open 1.. Microsoft, 1. APAC (Australia, Bhutan, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) Open License, Open License. Open License Software Assurance

10 M OV (Open Value) Microsoft Open Value License, Microsoft.,. OV (Open Value) License Open Value Open Value Open Value Subscription (APAC Software Assurance 3 OEM (Buyout) 3 4 PC 3 Microsoft License Guide 10

11 OV (Open Value) Open Value (). Open Value (). ( 5 SA ) Software Assurance ( OV (Open Value) 5 Software Assurance Open Value Software Assurance.. (Enterprise Product) Open Value.., 50%. APAC (Australia, Bhutan, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam),. OV (Open Value) Software Assurance SA 11

12 M OV (Open Value) - Open Value. Open Value. OEM SA Open Value (, OEM 90. Windows / Office ) ( ) Software Assurance ( software-assurance/faq.aspx) Open Value Software Assurance License OV (Open Value) 30 Open Value Software Assurance.. (Enterprise Product) (Additional Product).., 50%. APAC (Australia, Bhutan, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam). 1.: Microsoft PC. PC,. 2.:. Microsoft. Open Value SA Microsoft License Guide 12

13 OVS ( Open Value Subscription) Open Value Subscription. PC Open Value Subscription. Open Value Subscription. Open Value Subscription ( 5 ) 3 1 ( Renewal) Subscription Buy-out OVS (Open Value Subscription) 5 3( 1 ) Open Value Subscription Software Assurance. (Enterprise Product) - (Additional Product) -., 50%. APAC (Australia, Bhutan, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam),. OVS (Open Value Subscription)

14 M Select Plus Select Select Plus Select License. 250 PC. Select Plus /. Select License.,, Select. Select Plus Select License PC Software Assurance License & Software Assurance Software Assurance PC Based on License & Software 1 2s 3s Select License Select Plus * Online Services refer to applications hosted at Microsoft Data Centers whose client bits may or may not be installed locally. ** Level D pricing is available to entities that met the threshold for the discount. Select Plus Software Assurance Microsoft License Guide 14

15 EA (Enterprise Agreement).. Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. Enterprise Agreement (Enrollment for Desktop) Microsoft CAL Microsoft Office Windows True-up 3 PC () : 15% Platform EA: 15% ECAL: 50% Application Platform Software Assurance Enterprise Agreement Subscription Microsoft CAL Microsoft Office Windows True-up 3 PC : 15% Platform EA: 15% ECAL: 50% () Software Assurance Enrollment for Application Platform Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft BizTalk Server Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft SharePoint Server 13 True-Up 3 Software Assurance License and Software Premium Edition: 40% Standard Edition: 15% Assurance (L&SA) SA EA Enrollment for Core Infrastructure Datacenter/Enterprise/Standard 3 Windows Server Microsoft System Center True-up ~29% Forefront Client Security Processor Software Assurance EA 15

16 M uea (Updated Enterprise Agreement), IT,. Microsoft. EA Desktop Terms updated Enterprise Agreement Desktop Terms Online Terms On Premise Online Service (Transition) MOSA Online Terms uea (updated Enterprise Agreement). #PC/ / / 3yr (250+) 3yr (250+) On Premise Hybrid (On Prem + Onine) No Change Flexibility for Online Yes Yes MOSA : Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement 1 + Users Online Flexibility No uea 1. On Premise Online Service 2. Online Service, 3. On Premise Online Service (Back & Forth) 4. Online Service 5. Online Service 6. (Single Agreement) On Premise Online Service Microsoft License Guide 16

17 EAS (Enterprise Agreement Subscription) Enterprise Agreement Subscription 250,. PC Enterprise Agreement Subscription. Enterprise Agreement Subscription. (250 ) 3 1 ( Renewal) EA (Enterprise Agreement) Subscription 3 3 ( 3). EAS (Enterprise Agreement Subscription) 250 3( 1.) Enterprise Agreement Subscription Software Assurance. (Enterprise Product) - (Additional Product) -., 50%.. EAS (Enterprise Agreement Subscription)

18 M ECI (Enrollment for Core Infrastructure) ECI (Enrollment for Core Infrastructure)... ECI. 2(Standard, Datacenter) 3 True-Up ECI (Enrollment for Core Infrastructure) 25 3, True-Up Enrollment for Core Infrastructure Software Assurance. 1) EA, Select/Select Plus Level A 2) Server PoolLevel Level <> EA Level C, Select Level A ECI Level C ECI (Enrollment for Core Infrastructure) Datacenter Standard Server Management Suite Datacenter Server Management License Standard Datacenter 2008 R2 Standard 2008 R2 Highly Vertualized : Windows Server Datacenter 10% VM: OSE One Vertualized Instance Basic Workloads : Windows Server Standard 34% VM: 2 OSE Microsoft License Guide 18

19 EAP (Enrollment for Application Platform) EAP (Enrollment for Application Platform) Microsoft IT. 3 EA. EAP Microsoft SA 40%. EAP. 3 SA (L), (, 3) EAP (Enrollment for Application Platform) 3(1 True-Up, 3 True-Up, Negotiated ) Enrollment for Application Platform Software Assurance. EAP (Enrollment for Application Platform) SQL Server 2012 SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse Visual Studio Developer Tools 1) Server + CAL: 5 Server 250 CAL EAP, EAP Core ( 4 Core ) 2) Core: Enterprise Standard 50 Core EAP 3) Server + CAL & Core: 50 Core 1 Server CAL EAP SQL Server Parallel Date Warehouse Rack Product (Control Rack 1Data Rack 1) 1 20 Visual Studio Ultimate w/msdn Premium w/msdn Visual Studio Test Professional Team Foundation Server SharePoint Server SharePoint Server for Internet Sites Enterprise Fast Search Server for SharePoint BizTalk Server Visual Studio Test Professional w/msdn 3 CAL 3 19

20 M Microsoft SPLA( )3 Microsoft (Software Service). SPLA, Microsoft SPLA Microsoft.,,,,,.,,.,. SPLA Microsoft. Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM), Full Packaged Products(FPP), Open, Select Enterprise Agreement(EA). 3( ), SPLA. Microsoft Microsoft Software Product Microsoft. SPLA Microsoft. SPLA Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft (Product Use Rights, PUR),. (PUR F. ) Service Provider License Agreement(SPLA). PUR(Product Use Right) : F m Microsoft Microsoft License Guide 20

21 Application services providers: Business process outsourcers (BPO): Franchisees and franchises: IT outsourcers that provide software licenses: Messaging or collaboration services providers: Exchange, OCS, CRM ISVs that provide hosted applications: Platform infrastructure providers: WindowsSRV SQL PC Rental companies: PC Streaming media providers: // Web hosting providers: Web or Internet services providers: Online gaming providers: IT Shared Infra Infra : SPLA, Infra : SPLA Infra (Dedicated H/W Infra) (), Infra :, : SPLA (Self Hosting ISV), EA SELECT. Self Hosting. :, Exchange Mail, Sharepoint, OCS/Lync HTML Editor, Application. 100%. Self Hosting.. Windows Server External Connector SQL DBMS Processor License L() + SA SA 21

22 M GA (Government Agreement) Government Agreement 200. PC Microsoft, CAL(Client Access License) PC 40%. Government Agreement. Software Assurance, 40% GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA (Government Agreement) GA 40% 200 3( 1 ) Government Agreement Software Assurance. Windows 7 Professional Windows Server 2008 R2 CAL System Center Configuration Manger 2007 R3 CAL Lync Server 2010 CAL Office 2010 Professional Plus Exchange Server 2010 CAL SharePoint Server 2010 CAL Forefront Endpoint Protection (FEP) GA (Government Agreement) GA GA AP System Center Microsoft License Guide 22

23 라이선스 24p :15 PM 페이지24 다음애드CTP 2mo DPI 175LPI License Guide Microsoft License Guide 제품 라이선스 데스크톱 어플리케이션/데스크톱 운영체제 Server 운영체제 Server CAL 가상화 환경 내에서 적용되는 서버 라이선스 개발자 도구/온라인 서비스 Windows 7 Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Visio 2010 Microsoft Project 2010 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft System Center 2012 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Microsoft Expression Office 365 Microsoft Dynamics CRM m

24 Microsoft License Guide

25 / Microsoft (Microsoft Product Use Rights (PUR)) Microsoft (PUR) Microsoft. PUR Microsoft. (Desktop Applications).... (Desktop Operating Systems).. Software Assurance Windows 7 Enterprise. Software Assurance 4 Windows Software Assurance ( OSE) (Windows 7 Professional Windows 7 Enterprise ), 4 OSE Windows 7 Professional Windows 7 Enterprise. Microsoft License Guide 25

26 M Windows 7,. Windows 7.. Windows Vista Windows Server 2008 Windows 7 Windows Vista,. Windows XP : Windows XP. : Windows 7 PC. PC. :. :. :. : PC PC. BitLocker BitLocker To Go :. AppLocker:. DirectAccess:. BranchCache:. :. Microsoft License Guide 26

27 Microsoft Office 2010 IT..,., Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010,. 27

28 Microsoft Visio Visio. Visio 2010, PDF, XPS, API Fluent UI API API API XML API API visio Microsoft License Guide 28

29 Microsoft Project Microsoft Project Server 2010EPM(Enterprise Project Management). Microsoft Project Server 2010.,. Exchange Server, SharePoint Server. Visual Studio Team Foundation Server IT. :. :,. :. :.. : Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 Microsoft Project Server

30 M Server - Server, Server Server. Server. Server CAL. Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Windows MultiPoint Server 2010 Academic Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard Server OSE *, OSE Server OSE. (Device CAL) / (User CAL) Server Server CAL. CAL Device CAL User CAL., Software Assurance. (Device CAL) Server (User CAL) Server, CAL. Server CAL Server. Server. Server.., Server CAL. CAL. Windows SQL Server. Server CAL. Microsoft License Guide 30

31 Server Windows Server 2008 R2 Server. Windows Server 2008 R2 Server Windows Server 2008.,. Windows Server 2008 R2 Server. Windows Server 2008 R2 Server,,, Windows 7 31

32 M 2012 Microsoft System Center Microsoft System Center 2012 IT,,. Microsoft System Center 2012 IT (IT as a Service). Microsoft. Standard Datacenter Operations Manager Configuration Manager Data Protection Manager Service Manager Virtual Machine Manager Orchestrator Endpoint Protection() App Controller() (Standard: 22 OSE Enterprise: 2 OSE) SQL ( ) Software Assurance Microsoft License Guide 32

33 Server - CAL Server, Server CAL, Server External Connector. CAL (Client Access License) CALServer PC. CAL Server, Server. Server CAL PC Server Microsoft Server System CAL * Exchange Server CAL * System Center CAL * Office SharePoint Server CAL Lync Server CAL SQL Server * WIndows Server External Connector External ConnectorMicrosoft Server. External User ()? Server,,. SharePoint Server 2010, (External Connector) CAL Specialty Server. QR. 33

34 M Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, Server., Server,. Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010,.. Sites (,, ) Composites Insights,, Composites Insights Sites Search Communities Content Communities Content, Web Search Microsoft License Guide 34

35 Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 Microsoft Office Groove. SharePoint Workspace 2010,,. Microsoft SharePoint Sever Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010,,. SharePoint Workspace SharePoint Workspace Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Microsoft SharePoint Foundation

36 M,,,,. Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Exchange Server 2010,, IT. ActiveSync, Outlook Web App,... Exchange Server 2010,,,. Outlook Mobile 2010 Microsoft Outlook 2010 Outlook Web App Outlook Voice Access Microsoft License Guide 36

37 Microsoft Lync Server Microsoft Lync Server 2010,. Microsoft Office,. Client Access License * Lync Server 2010 Standard CAL Lync Server 2010 Enterprise CAL Lync Server 2010 Plus CAL. 37

38 M Server -1 Windows Server Windows Server OS Server Windows Server Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter : VM Windows Server Version Edition (Version Edition ) : Server VM Active/Passive, VMWindows Server Windows Server CAL & EC Windows Server CAL (Client Access License) VM VM Windows Server CAL VM EC (External Connector) EC ( VM EC ) Windows Server Server 90, (Server Farm) EC 90 System Management (System Center Operation Manager, System Center Configuration Manager, System Center Data Protection Manager, System Center Service Manager, System Center Virtual Machine Manager, System Center Orchestrator, System Center Endpoint Protection -, System Center App Controller -) System Center 2012 Standard System Center 2012 Datacenter 2012 '', 2 (2 ) SQL ( ) Software Assurance Application Server Mobility (Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft BizTalk Server, Microsoft Exchange Server ) Microsoft Application Server Server, 90. Application Server Mobility Application Server (Server Farm) Server Application Server. Windows Server CAL, System Center ML Microsoft License Guide 38

39 Server -2 Application Server (Microsoft SQL Server) Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server & CAL. SQL Server SQL Server CAL. 1. SQL Server. 2. SQL Server CAL. SQL Server 2012 CAL SQL Server. Microsoft SQL Server 2012(VM).. VM 1. VMVM. 2. VM 4. VM& CAL 1. VM. 2. CAL. VM 1 VM 2 VM 1 VM 2 4 VM 4 6 VM 6 SQL Server Business Intelligence EditionVM 1 + CAL SQL Server Standard EditionVM 1 + CAL Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (VM) 100%. Enterprise Edition Software Assurance. 39

40 M 2012 Microsoft SQL Server IT. *SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition - Software Assurance 20. ** 2. SQL Server 2012 Microsoft License Guide 40

41 / (Developer Tools).,,,,. (Online Services) Office 365. Office 365,,, (Plan). Exchange Online,,,, 25MB 25GB Office Web Apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote Plan P Office Web Apps SharePoint Online SharePoint Online Lync Online,, PC / Lync Online Microsoft Forefront Online Protection for Exchange 1~50 P E, Active Directory 24/7 Plan E1 Plan E2 Plan E3 Plan E4 Exchange Online,,,, 25GB SharePoint Online Lync Online, Microsoft Forefront Online Protection for Exchange Exchange Server, SharePoint Server Lync Server- Office Web Apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint OneNote, Office Professional Plus Office, Visio Services, with SharePoint Online Access Services Exchange Online, PBX with Lync Server - 41

42 라이선스 :17 PM 페이지43 다음애드CTP 2mo DPI 175LPI M Microsoft Visual Studio 2010은 차세대 Windows 솔루션, 웹 어플리케이션 및 서비스 설계에서 개발, 테스트에 이르기까지 일관된 개발 프로세스를 지원하는 통합 개발 솔루션입니다. Visual Studio 2010은 Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2010, 모바일 시스템 그리고 웹 개발 환경 하에서 개발자 및 개발 팀이 최적의 개발 업무를 수행할 수 있도록 완전하고 포괄적인 어플리케이션 개발 환경을 제공합니다. 에디션별 기능 비교 + Azure 혜택 : 1개월1500 Compute Hrs, 30GB Storage, 5GB SQL Server 데이터베이스 용량, 2백만 스토리지 Transaction ++ Azure 혜택 : 1개월1500 Compute Hrs, 25GB Storage, 1GB SQL Server 데이터베이스 용량, 1백만 스토리지 Transaction +++ Azure 혜택 : 1개월750 Compute Hrs, 20GB Storage, 1GB SQL Server 데이터베이스 용량, 25만 스토리지 Transaction 1. 하나 또는 이상의 Microsoft Visual Studio Load Test Virtual User Pack 2010이 필요할 수 있습니다. 2. 사용자당 라이선스로서 어플리케이션 기획, 개발, 테스팅과 데모용으로 무제한 사용이 가능합니다. Visual Studio 2010 홈페이지 : Microsoft License Guide 42

43 Expression Studio 4., 3 (UX). Silverlight,.NET Expression Blend 4 Expression Web 4 Expression Design 4 Expression Encoder 4 Pro,, Silverlight, Expression Blend Visual Studio Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Assets Silverlight 43

44 M Office 365 IT. Microsoft Office 365 IT. Microsoft Office Microsoft. Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft Office Professional Plus Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft SharePoint Online, Microsoft Lync Online,. 99.9%. Office 365 () K Family Plans P Family E Family Plans Voice Plan E4 Components Office Pro Plus Plan E3 Office Web Apps SharePoint Online Kiosk Exchange Online Kiosk Plan K1 Exchange Kiosk Share Point Kiosk Plan K2 Exchange Kiosk Share Point Kiosk Office Web Apps Office Web Apps Lync Online SharePoint Online Exchange Online Plan P1 Exchange Plan 1 Share Point Plan 1 Lync Plan 2 Office Web Apps Plan E1 Exchange Plan 1 Share Point Plan 1 Lync Plan 2 Plan E2 Exchange Plan 1 Share Point Plan 1 Lync Plan 2 Office Web Apps Exchange Plan 2 Share Point Plan 2 Lync Plan 2 Office ProPlus Office Web Apps Exchange Plan 2 Share Point Plan 2 Lync Plan 2 Office ProPlus Office Web Apps Lync Plus Microsoft License Guide 44

45 2011 Microsoft Dynamics CRM,,. Microsoft Office,,. Microsoft Dynamics CRM,,. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Windows SQL Server CAL, CRM. CRM Server 2011 Working Server 2011, (Multi-tenant) 5, CAL CRM CAL Named User, CRM CAL, CAL (Online) Microsoft (DB: ) 47,400 (Partner Hosted) CRM, (DB:, DB, ) 70,000 45

46 m

47 라이선스 :17 PM 페이지48 다음애드CTP 2mo DPI 175LPI Microsoft License Guide 프로젝트 유형별 라이선스 가이드 Project 스마트 워크 & 통합 커뮤니케이션ㆍ협업 N-스크린 & Windows 플랫폼 빅 데이터 & 엔터프라이즈 데이터 플랫폼 사설 & 공용 클라우드 컴퓨팅 비즈니스 & 프로세스 혁신 m

48 Microsoft License Guide

49 & -1 &.,,,,.. Any Where Any Device 3, (UC) &.,,,. EAP ECI ( page 18~19).. Office 365 EA uea ( page 16). Microsoft License Guide 49

50 M & -2 Microsoft UC Microsoft Windows Microsoft Office Microsoft ForeFront Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Lync Server Microsoft SharePoint Server Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Visual Studio Office 365 Microsoft System Center Microsoft Windows Server Open License, Open Value License, Select Plus, Enterprise Agreement (ECI ) Microsoft Server CAL (EAP ) External Connector (, ) Microsoft Server CAL (EAP ) External Connector (, ) Microsoft Server CAL (EAP ) External Connector (, ) (EAP ) Microsoft Server CAL Team Foundation Server Team Foundation Server CAL (EAP ) uea System Center CAL (ECI ) (ECI ) External Connector (, ) Tip & Talk (VDI). VDI,. VDI.. PC VDI MDOP. Enterprise Agreement ( page 15) Software Assurance ( page 07) Microsoft Desktop Optimization Package (MDOP) EAP EA ECI MDOP Office 365 Exchange Server SharePoint Server Lync Server Microsoft License Guide 50

51 N- & Windows -1 N- & Windows PC,,,. N- PC,,.,,. N- N- & Windows PC. N-, DMS(Desktop Management System).,, System Center ForeFront. ECI ( page 18). N-. Windows Visual Studio N-. EAP ( page 19). Visual Studio

52 M N- & Windows -2 Microsoft Microsoft Windows Microsoft Office Microsoft ForeFront Microsoft System Center Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Visual Studio Open License, Open Value License, Select Plus, Enterprise Agreement (ECI ) System Center CAL (ECI ) (ECI ) External Connector (, ) Team Foundation Server Team Foundation Server CAL (EAP ) Tip & Talk N-. Microsoft Windows PC,,,., Windows,, N-,,. EAP ( page 19) ( page 41) ( page 41) Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate EAP ECI Visual Studio System Center ForeFront Expression Microsoft License Guide 52

53 & -1 &,.,,,. Data sensers Devices Bots Crawfers Platform ERP CRM LOB APPs User Power View Excel with Power Pivot Predictive Analysis Embedded BI, IT, BI &,,,. SQL Server SQL Server 6, ,,,. CPU CPU. EA, EAP CPU. SA(Software Assurance). 53

54 M & -2 Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SharePoint Server Microsoft Office Microsoft Visual Studio (EAP ) Microsoft Server CAL Microsoft Server CAL (EAP ) External Connector (, ) Open License, Open Value License, Select Plus, Enterprise Agreement Team Foundation Server Team Foundation Server CAL (EAP ) Tip & Talk.,. SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse. SharePoint Server Excel.,. EAP ( page 19) Software Assurance ( page 07) Server-CAL ( page 33) SQL Server SQL Server 2012 SharePoint Q&A EA SA EAP SQL Server 2012 SQL Server 2012 Visual Studio SharePoint Server Office Microsoft License Guide 54

55 & -1 &,.,.,. Application,,, & Sales & Service Risk Management Operations Innovation & Analytics Management Operations & Supply Chain Sales & Marketing Platform,,, Infrastructure (, ) IT(,,,, ) IT &. Windows Server 2008 R2. 4. ML ML. EA ECI ( page 18). 55

56 M & -2 Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Windows Intune Microsoft Windows Azure Microsoft SQL Azure Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft System Center (monthly per user fee) uea (monthly per user fee) PC(PC/month) uea,,., CDN,,, (ECI ) External Connector (, ) System Center CAL (ECI ) Tip & Talk. Lync Server SharePoint Server Office 365. Active Directory. uea. uea ( page 16), uea ECI Office 365 Windows Azure Windows Intune System Center Microsoft License Guide 56

57 & -1 & ERP CRM... ERP CRM () (). ERP, CRM & Microsoft Dynamics ERP, CRM Business Ready Licensing. Microsoft Dynamics. IT ERP, CRM. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 57

58 M & -2 Microsoft (ERP) (CRM) Microsoft Dynamics AX Microsoft Dynamics ERP Microsoft Dynamics CRM Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Server CAL Server / CAL (monthly per user fee) Microsoft Server CAL Server / CAL (monthly per user fee) Team Foundation Server Team Foundation Server CAL (EAP ) Tip & Talk ERP CRM.. Microsoft DynamicsERP, CRM.,,, External Connector. Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics CAL Dynamic CRM Dynamic ERP Microsoft License Guide 58

59 라이선스 :18 PM 페이지60 다음애드CTP 2mo DPI 175LPI Products Guide Microsoft License Guide 용어 설명 볼륨 라이선스 관련 제품 라이선스 관련 m

60 Microsoft License Guide

61 (PUR): Microsoft, (PUR), PUR page 25, 32 COEM (DSP): PC Windows PC PC Windows MDOP (Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack for Software Assurance): Software Assurance (AGPM), (App-V), (AIS), (DaRT). (MBAM), (MED-V) page 7, 50 EA (Enterprise Agreement): 250 PC 3 page 7, 8, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55 EAP (Enrollment for Application Platform): IT 40% page 19, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58 ECI (Enrollment for Core Infrastructure): Windows Server, System Center, Forefront 13~29% 3(Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter) page 18, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56 SA (Software Assurance):,, (24x7),, page 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 53, 54 OV (Open Value): Microsoft page 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 50, 52, 54 Open License: 5 page 5, 7, 9, 50, 52, 54 Microsoft License Guide 61

62 M CAL (Client Access License): page 8, 15, 19, 22, 30, 37, 39, 45, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58 CAL: page 30, 45 CAL: page 30 (External Connector):, page 21, 33, 38, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58 (PL: Processor License): LAN WAN (, CAL ) page 19, 21 (ML): (OSE) (ML), OSE ML page 38, 55 Microsoft License Guide 62

63 m

64 Microsoft License Guide : :

65 M CAL (Client Access License): page 8, 15, 19, 22, 30, 37, 39, 45, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58 CAL: page 30, 45 CAL: page 30 (External Connector):, page 21, 33, 38, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58 (PL: Processor License): LAN WAN (, CAL ) page 19, 21 (ML): (OSE) (ML), OSE ML page 38, 55 Microsoft License Guide 62


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