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1 Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e Camera Setup Guide

2 English 繁體中文 한국어

3 Know your product 4 Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e Camera Camera 1. 10X lossless zoom 2. Camera LED 3. Kensington Security Slot Hub 4. Hub LED 5. Power 6. USB 7. Camera * Some functions available with full ConferenceCam CC3000e only. Remote* 8. Zoom in 9. Pan and tilt 10. Zoom out 11. Far end control 12. Camera presets 13. Remote battery door 14. Hub velcro mount 15. Camera mount 16. Cable lock 17. Cables English 3

4 Set up your product a b c 1. Set up camera on table, or using mount on table or wall. 2. Connect CC3000e camera (refer to diagram above). 3. Attach cable lock before plugging in cable to the camera port. 4. Connect to external power. 5. To start video from your PC or Mac application, connect the USB cable from the hub to your USB port. 6. The camera LED will flash to show that connection is taking place, and when completed, the camera head will rotate. 7. If these activities do not take place, try again and then consult Troubleshooting or call technical support. 8. Start your video or audio call from your application. The LED on the camera will alight when streaming. 4 English

5 Visit Product Central Discover your product s full potential. Get valuable information and usage tips by browsing easy-to-use FAQs. Find answers to product questions and get help setting up your product. See if there s software available for download that can enhance your product experience. To enjoy all the benefits of your Logitech product, visit support/cc3000e and take advantage of Logitech s wide range of useful support services: Troubleshooting Diagnostics Firmware upgrades Support community Software downloads In-box documentation Warranty information Spare parts (if available) English 5

6 Use your product Video Starting the video: The video is controlled by the application and will start once the camera is selected and the video is started in the application. An LED will light when the video is streaming. Pan and tilt the camera using the controls on the remote control. Press once for incremental or press and hold for continuous pan or tilt. Caution: Do not manually rotate webcam head. Doing so may damage unit. Zoom the camera up to 10X by pressing the zoom button. Camera Preset: If you wish the camera to return to your own defined home position when reconnected to the PC, first select the position and then press and hold the Camera Preset button for 3 seconds. You may also return to your defined home position at any time by pressing the Camera Preset button once. Far end control: By selecting this key and downloading the application from you may control the pan, tilt and zoom of a remote ConferenceCam CC3000e or a ConferenceCam BCC950 in supported applications. Camera selection and pan, tilt and zoom tools are also available from the downloadable application for PC as well as ability to disable this feature locally. Please visit the download page listed for more information. 6 English

7 Mounting your camera and hub x2 Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e Camera Changing the remote control battery The CC3000e remote control runs on a Li-ion CR2032 battery. Battery life will vary based on usage. Troubleshooting tips Please visit cc3000e for troubleshooting tips, information on software tools and for a diagnostic tool to help troubleshoot issues you may have with your CC3000e. x3 English 7

8 認識產品 攝影機 1. 10X lossless 縮放 2. 攝影機 LED 指示燈 3. Kensington 安全鎖插槽 集線器 4. 集線器 LED 指示燈 5. 電源 6. USB 7. 攝影機 * 某些功能僅完整版 ConferenceCam CC3000e 才有提供 遙控 * 8. 放大 9. 平移與傾斜 10. 縮小 11. 遠端遙控 12. 攝影機預設設定 13. 遙控器電池蓋 14. 集線器魔鬼沾掛環 15. 攝影機掛環 16. 連接線固定器 17. 連接線 8 繁體中文

9 設定產品 Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e Camera a b c 1. 將攝影機安裝在桌面上, 或是使用掛環安裝在桌上或牆上 2. 連接 CC3000e 攝影機 ( 請參閱上圖 ) 3. 請在將連接線插入到攝影機連接埠之前, 先接上連接線固定器 4. 連接到外部電源 5. 若要從 PC 或 Mac 應用程式開始使用視訊功能, 請將 USB 連接線從集線器連接到您的 USB 連接埠 6. 攝影機 LED 指示燈會開始閃爍, 表示正在建立連線, 當完成時, 攝影機鏡頭會旋轉 7. 如果這些動作沒有發生, 請再試一次, 然後查看疑難排解步驟或致電技術支援人員 8. 從您的應用程式啟動視訊或音訊通話 當串流播放時, 攝影機上的 LED 指示燈會亮起 繁體中文 9

10 造訪 產品中心 開發出您產品的全部潛力 瀏覽簡單易用的常見問答集, 獲得寶貴資訊與使用技巧 尋找關於產品問題的答案, 並取得產品設定方面的協助 查看是否有軟體可供下載以增強產品體驗 若要獲得您羅技產品的全部優勢, 請造訪 並充分利用羅技廣泛的實用支援服務 : 疑難排解 問題診斷 韌體更新 支援社群 軟體下載 包裝隨附文件 保固資訊 備用零件 ( 如有提供時 ) 10 繁體中文

11 使用產品影片 開始播放影片 : 影片是由應用程式控制, 會在選取攝影機後於應用程式中開始播放 當串流播放影片時,LED 指示燈會亮起 使用遙控器上的控制鍵平移與傾斜攝影機 按一下以增加調整程度, 或是按住不放以持續進行平移或傾斜動作 注意 : 不要手動旋轉網路攝影機鏡頭 如此做可能會損害裝置單元 按下變焦按鈕可使攝影機變焦, 最高可達 10X Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e Camera 攝影機預設設定 : 如果您希望在重新連線到 PC 時攝影機能返回自定義的 開始 位置, 請先選擇該位置, 然後按住 攝影機預設設定 按鈕 3 秒 您也可以隨時按一下 攝影機預設設定 按鈕, 使攝影機返回您定義的開始位置 遠端遙控 : 選擇此按鍵並從 下載應用程式後, 您就能在支援的應用程式中控制遠端 ConferenceCam CC3000e 或 ConferenceCam BCC950 的平移 傾斜與變焦動作 從可下載的 PC 應用程式也可使用攝影機選擇與平移 傾斜與變焦工具, 也可從本地停用這些功能 如需詳需資訊, 請造訪所列的下載頁面 繁體中文 11

12 安裝攝影機與集線器 x2 更換遙控器電池 CC3000e 遙控器使用 CR2032 鋰電池 電池壽命視使用方式而異 疑難排解技巧請造訪 以取得疑難排解技巧 軟體工具資訊以及可協助您排除 CC3000e 可能遭遇之問題的診斷工具 x3 12 繁體中文

13 제품설명 4 Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e Camera 카메라 1. 10X 무손실확대 / 축소 2. 카메라 LED 3. 켄싱턴 락홀 허브 4. 허브 LED 5. 전원 6. USB 7. 카메라 * 일부기능은정품컨퍼런스캠 CC3000e 에서만사용가능합니다. 리모컨 * 8. 확대 9. 상하이동및기울기 10. 축소 11. 파엔드컨트롤 12. 카메라사전설정 13. 리모컨배터리도어 14. 허브벨크로마운트 15. 카메라마운트 16. 케이블락 17. 케이블 한국어 13

14 제품설정 a b c 1. 카메라를테이블또는마운트를사용하여벽에설치합니다. 2. CC3000e 카메라를연결합니다 ( 위다이어그램참조 ). 3. 카메라포트에케이블을넣기전에케이블락을연결합니다. 4. 외부전원에연결합니다. 5. PC 또는 Mac 응용프로그램에서비디오를시작하려면허브에서 USB 포트로 USB 케이블을연결합니다. 6. 카메라 LED 가깜빡이며연결이되고있음을나타내고, 완료되면카메라헤드가회전합니다. 7. 이러한작업이수행되지않으면, 다시시도한후문제해결을참조하거나기술지원부에전화하십시오. 8. 응용프로그램에서화상통화나음성통화를시작합니다. 스트리밍되는경우카메라의 LED 가켜집니다. 14 한국어

15 Product Central 방문제품의전체기능을알아보십시오. 편리한 FAQ 를탐색하여유용한정보및사용팁을알아보십시오. 제품질문에대한답변을찾고제품설정을위한도움을받으십시오. 제품환경을개선할수있는다운로드가능한소프트웨어가있는지알아보십시오. 로지텍제품의모든이점을활용하려면 를방문하고로지텍의광범위하고유용한지원서비스를이용하십시오. 문제해결 진단 펌웨어업그레이드 지원커뮤니티 소프트웨어다운로드 제공설명서 보증정보 예비부품 ( 해당되는경우 ) 한국어 15

16 제품사용비디오 비디오시작 : 비디오는응용프로그램으로제어하며카메라를선택하면시작되고응용프로그램에서비디오가시작됩니다. 비디오가스트리밍되고있는경우 LED가켜집니다. 리모컨의컨트롤을사용하여카메라를상하이동하고기울입니다. 조정하려면한번누르고, 계속상하이동하거나기울이려면계속누릅니다. 주의 : 웹캠헤드를수동으로회전하지마십시오. 그렇게하면장치가손상될수있습니다. 확대 / 축소버튼을눌러 10배까지카메라를확대 / 축소합니다. 카메라사전설정 : PC에다시연결할때고유하게정의한 홈 위치로카메라가돌아가게하려면, 먼저해당위치를선택한다음카메라사전설정버튼을 3초동안계속누릅니다. 또한카메라사전설정버튼을한번누르면언제든지정의된홈위치로돌아갈수있습니다. 파엔드컨트롤 : 이키를선택하고 지원되는응용프로그램에서원격컨퍼런스캠 CC3000e 또는컨퍼런스캠 BCC950의상하이동, 기울기및확대 / 축소를제어할수있습니다. 카메라선택과상하이동, 기울기및확대 / 축소도구는다운로드가능한 PC용응용프로그램에서사용할수있으며, 이기능을로컬로비활성화할수도있습니다. 자세한내용은나열된다운로드페이지를참조하십시오. 16 한국어

17 카메라및허브장착 x2 Logitech ConferenceCam CC3000e Camera 리모컨배터리바꾸기 CC3000e 리모컨은리튬이온 CR2032 배터리로실행됩니다. 배터리수명은사용법에따라달라집니다. 문제해결팁문제해결팁, 소프트웨어도구정보및 CC3000e 에서발생할수있는문제해결에도움이되는진단도구는 support/cc3000e 를참조하십시오. x3 한국어 17

18 18

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20 Logitech. All rights reserved. Logitech, the Logitech logo, and other Logitech marks are owned by Logitech and may be registered. Microsoft, Windows Vista, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Logitech assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice

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