< Voca Test - 1> 1. moving the refrigerator 냉장고를옮기다 2. A bus is crowded 버스가붐빈다 3. getting off the train 기차에서내리고있다 4. doing construction work 공사작업하고있다

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Download "< Voca Test - 1> 1. moving the refrigerator 냉장고를옮기다 2. A bus is crowded 버스가붐빈다 3. getting off the train 기차에서내리고있다 4. doing construction work 공사작업하고있다"


1 TOEIC LC 사용설명서 입문 (A) 제이드김강사 Café.naver.com/jadenglish

2 < Voca Test - 1> 1. moving the refrigerator 냉장고를옮기다 2. A bus is crowded 버스가붐빈다 3. getting off the train 기차에서내리고있다 4. doing construction work 공사작업하고있다 5. looking at some artwork 예술품을보고있다 6. construction site 공사장 7. waiting in line 줄서서기다리고있다 8. examining a document 서류를보고있다 9. playing an instrument 악기를연주하고있다 10. reaching out for~ ~ 에손을뻗고있다 11. arranging some flag 깃발을정리하고있다 12. fixing a tram 전차를고치고있다 13. crossing the street 길을건너고있다 14. giving a speech 연설하고있다 15. putting on hats 모자를쓰고있다 16. pushing a stroller 유모차를밀고있다 17. microscope / telescope 현미경 18. watering some plant 식물에물을주고있다 19. pulling a car over 차를길옆에세우고있다 20. fishing with rods 낚시대로낚시하고있다 < Voca Test - 2> 1. driving the carriage 마차를타고있다 2. medical equipment 의료장비 3. facing each other 마주보고있다 4. mowing the lawn 잔디를깎고있다. 5. performing indoors 실내에서연주하고있다 6. wiping the glasses 안경을닦고있다 7. doing some paperwork 서류작업하고있다 8. organizing the desk 책상을정리하고있다 9. padding a boat 배에서노를젓고있다 10. raising the hands 손을들고있다 11. stacked on the table 테이블위에쌓여있다 12. a seat is occupied 좌석이사용되고있다 13. under construction 공사중 14. disassembling a shelving unit 선반을분해하고있다 15. paving a road 도로를포장하다 16. waving in the wind 바람에흔들리고있다 17. trimming the tree 나무를다듬고있다 18. stuck in the traffic jam 교통체증에갇혀있다 19. washing some dishes 접시를닦고있다 20. crosswalk / sidewalk 횡단보도 / 인도 기초파트 1&2 Vocabulary < Voca Test - 3> 1. studying a menu 메뉴를보고있다 2. getting off the bus 버스에서내리고있다 3. both side of the desk 책상의양쪽 4. leaves have fallen 나뭇잎이떨어져있다 5. being inspected 조사되어지고있다 6. in front of the fountain 분수대앞 7. piled up on the table 테이블위에쌓여있다 8. overlooking the river 강을내려다보고있다 9. standing on the ladder 사다리위에서있다 10. at the cross road 교차로에 11. sitting on the deck 갑판에앉아있다 12. mowing the grass 잔디깎다 13. docked at the river bank 강둑에정박해있다 14. taking down notes 메모하고있다 15. edge of the road 도로가장자리 16. weighing some fruits 과일을무게를재고있다 17. searching for a tool 도구를찾고있다 18. turning off the lamp 전등을끄고있다 19. wearing short-sleeved shirt 반팔셔츠를입고있다 20. repairing the traffic light 신호등고치고있다 < Voca Test - 4> 1. accounting department 회계부 2. human resources division 인사부 3. technology department 기술부 4. maintenance division 관리부 5. vice president 부사장 6. chief executive officer(ceo) 최고경영자 7. I haven t been told yet. 들은적이없어요 8. Who took it? 누가가져갔어? 9. Who wrote it? 누가썼어요? 10. Who is taking care of~? 누가처리해요? 11. take the class 수업듣다 12. get a checkup 검진받다 13. confirm the reservation 예약확인하다 14. at the manufacturing plant 제조공장에서 15. at the bottom 맨아래쪽에 16. I can t remember 기억이안나 17. leave the brochure 소책자를 ( 남겨 ) 두다 18. computer device 컴퓨터장치 19. not until next week 다음주나되어서야 20. take a rest 휴식을취하다 1

3 기초파트 1&2 Vocabulary < Voca Test - 5> 1. What do you do? 직업이뭐죠? 2. delivery charge 배달요금 3. everything is going well 모든게잘되요 4. national holiday 공휴일 5. stop working 작동이멈추다 6. move far away 먼곳으로이사하다 7. take a bus 버스를타다 8. How did you go to work? 회사에어떻게가요? 9. quite impressive 상당히인상적이다 10. How did the interview go? 인터뷰어떻게되었죠? 11. take business trip? 출장가다 12. leave a message 메시지를남기다 13. publication 출판 14. round trip fare 왕복요금 15. extension 내선번호 16. payment request 지불청구서 17. How is the work going? 일은어때? 18. after graduation 졸업후 19. do the laundry 빨래하다 20. plant 공장 < Voca Test - 6> 1. How often~ 얼마나자주? 2. How can reach you? 어떻게연락하면되요? 3. global warming 지구온난화 4. very valuable 몹시귀중한 5. commute 출퇴근하다 6. application form 지원서, 신청서 7. apply for~ ~ 에지원하다 8. have trouble finding 찾는데어려움을겪다 9. informative 유익한, 정보를주는 10. work well 잘작동하다 11. it s crowded 그곳은혼잡하다 12. headquarter 본사 13. go to the laboratory 실험실에가다 14. on my way to lunch 점심먹으러가다 15. drop you off 너를내려주다 16. Have you heard~? 들어본적있어? 17. personally 직접 18. pharmacy 약국 19. out of order 고장난 20. be satisfied with~ ~ 에만족하다 < Voca Test - 7> 1. assignment 업무, 과제 2. appreciate ~ 에감사하다 3. warehouse 창고 4. give it a try 한번시도해보다 5. it hasn t been decided 결정되지않았어요 6. renew the contract 계약서를갱신하다 7. take a nap 낮잠자다 8. take medicine 약을복용하다 9. give a speech 연설하다 10. get used to LC LC 에익숙해지다 11. extra teacup 여분의찻잔 12. on time 제시간에, 정각에 13. over there 저기에 14. certainly 물론이죠 15. pass the exam 시험에합격하다 16. move out 이사나가다 17. get back to work 다시일에착수하다 18. book a ticket 표를예약하다 19. attend a seminar 세미나에참석하다 20. work out 운동하다 < Voca Test - 8> 1. banquet 연회, 만찬 2. prefer LC to RC RC보다 LC를더좋아하다 3. order of supplies 사무용품의주문 4. efficient 효율적인, 효과적인 5. book fair 도서전시회 6. public transportation 대중교통 7. You re right 당신말이맞아요 8. subway fare 지하철요금 9. express mail 빠른우편 10. reasonable price 적당한가격 11. take a rest 휴식을취하다 12. arrange the schedule 일정을잡다 13. in advance 미리, 사전에 14. make a reservation 예약하다 15. get off work 퇴근하다 16. get the phone 전화를받다 17. anytime 언제든지 18. give me a ride 나를태워주다 19. Why don t you call~ 전화하는게어때? 20. for a second 잠시동안 2

4 토익입문 LC.Unit 1 P A R T 1 토익 LC의 100 문제중총 10문제. 사진에가장어울리는정답을보기 4개중고르기. Ex) E x e r c i s e 1 핵심어파악하기 음성을듣고빈칸을채운후, 옳은해석을찾으세요. 6. They re an airplane. 1. A man is a document. (A) 한남자가서류를보고있다. (B) 한남자가서류를접고있다. (A) 그들은비행기에서내리고있다. (B) 그들은비행기에탑승하고있다. 7. She is. 2. People are. (A) 사람들이줄지어기다리고있다. (B) 사람들이여러줄로서있다. (A) 여자가식물을심고있다. (B) 여자가식물에물을주고있다. (D) 인물사진 Must Know! 1. 주어 + 동사 + 목적어 / 보어 / 전치사구 2. 시제? 3. 상태동사 VS 동작동사 4. 단골출제직업 or 신분어휘 5. 필수어휘 ( 상황별동사표현 ) 3. She is a book. (A) 한여자가책을꺼내고있다. (B) 한여자가책을잡으려고하고있다. 4. They are a. (A) 그들은편지를가져다주고있다. (B) 그들은사다리를옮기고있다. 5. They re. (A) 그들은악수하고있다. (B) 그들은손을흔들어인사하고있다. 8. A man is. (A) 남자는연설중이다. (B) 남자는선물을주고있다. 9. They re on the sand. (A) 그들은해변에서유모차를밀고있다. (B) 그들은해변을거닐고있다. 10. They are the wall. (A) 그들은벽에기대어있다. (B) 그들은몸을앞으로숙이고있다. 3

5 토익입문 LC. Unit 1 E x e r c i s e 2 주요어휘익히기 사진과어울리는단어를괄호안에서모두고르세요. ( 읽고푸는문제 - 음성없음 ) A. B. C. 1. A man is (wearing / putting on / taking off) his glasses. 2. A man is (examining /paging through /pointing to) a document. 3. The men are wearing (the hats / long sleeved jackets). 4. People are sitting (in a row / in rows). 5. People are staying (indoors / outdoors). 1. People are (getting on / getting off / boarding) an aircraft. 2. Some people are carrying some (baggage / car tons / luggage / bags) 3. (Passengers / Pedestrians / Diners) are waitin g to board the plane. 1. A woman is (watering some plants / trimming s ome bushes) 2. There are some notices on a (bulletin board / b lack board) 3. She is (carrying a pot / holding a watering can) 4

6 토익입문 LC. Unit 1 실전연습 E x e r c i s e 3 5. (D) 2. (D) 4. (D) 6. (D) (D) (D) 5

7 토익입문 LC. Unit 1 E x e r c i s e (D) (D) (D) (D) 6

8 토익입문 LC. Unit 1 실전연습스크립트완성하기 E x e r c i s e 4 Ex.3 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 1. (A) She s on a keyboard. (B) She s a file. (C) She s her laptop computer. (D) She s a headset. 2. (A) The man is his office. (B) The man is the equipment. (C) The woman is with her eyes closed (D) The woman is. 3. (A) One of the women is her (B) One woman is a bag. (C) A man is a cup. (D) A woman is a fruit. 6. (A) A man is sitting a building. (B) A man is a window. (C) A man is cleaning an. (D) A man is holding a. 7. (A) The men are instruments. (B) A man is sitting on a chair. (C) The men are (D) A man is thedoor. 8. (A) The customer is a cart. (B) The customer is holding a baby. (C) The customer is an item in the cart. (D) The customer is an item. 4. (A) He s on a (B) He s the door. (C) He s a (D) He s a 9. (A) They are the car around. (B) A woman is the car. (C) The man is the rear door. (D) They re the road. 5. (A) A man is his briefcase. (B) A man is a railing. (C) A man is the handrail. (D) A man is his client. 10. (A) He is pushing a cart. (B) He is the tree. (C) He is sitting on the (D) He is the 7

9 토익입문 LC. Unit 1 A. 문장에들어갈알맞은표현을골라시제에맞게쓰세요. 1. The man is the instructions. 남자가사용설명서를훑어보고있다. 2. The man is the street. 남자가길가를쓸고있다. 3. A woman is walking the dog 여자가개와함께해변을걷고있다. 4. A man is on the 남자가사다리위에있다. 5. The maid is the floor. 가정부가바닥을닦고있다. 6. They are a bucket. 그들은양동이를운반하고있다. 7. She is leaves. 여자가나뭇잎을모으고있다. 8. A passenger is a car. 승객이차에서내리고있다. 9. A customer is merchandise. 손님이물건들을훑어보고있다. 10. are sitting at the tables. 식사하는사람들이테이블가에앉아있다. a. diners b. get out of c. pull over d. ladder e. look through f. get into g.browse h. rake i. wipe j. on the shore k. sweep l. carry Vocabulary 연습문제 B. 우리말해석과동일하도록빈칸에들어갈단어를 쓰세요. 1. She is an. 우산을들고있다. 2. She is a book. 책을잡으려고손을뻗치고있다 3. The man is a. 선반을조립하고있다. 4. He is the counter. 계산대에기대어있다. 5. The man is the furniture. 가구를옮기고있다. 6. He is the menu. 메뉴를보고있다. 7. A man is the window. 창문을내다보고있다. 8. He is working on the 사다리위에서작업하고있다. 9. A woman is giving a. 강의하고있다. 10. The man is boxes. 상자를쌓고있다. C. 다음문장을해석하세요. 1. She is reading at the library.. 2. The man is making a speech.. 3. He is going down the steps.. 4. The woman is boarding the train.. 5. The woman is running along the path.. 6. She is answering the phone.. 7. He is crossing the street.. 8. The woman is examining a document.. 9. A man is fixing a roof She is working in the garden.. 8

10 토익입문 LC.Unit 2 V O C A - T E S T 1 1. fishing with rods 2. giving a speech 3. A bus is crowded 4. arranging some flag 5. doing construction work 6. reaching out for~ 7. construction site 8. pushing a stroller 9. examining a document 10. moving the refrigerator 11. watering some plant 12. getting off the train 13. fixing a tram 14. crossing the street 15. looking at some artwork 16. pulling a car over 17. putting on hats 18. microscope / telescope 19. playing an instrument 20. waiting in line 토익 LC의 100 문제중총 10문제. 주어진사진에가장어울리는정답을보기 4개중고르기. Ex) (D) P A R T 1 사물사진 Must Know! 1. 주어 + 동사 + 목적어 / 보어 / 전치사구 2. 시제? 현재형수동태 The car is parked on the road. 현재진행수동태현재형 There is a car in a parking lot. 3. 필수어휘놓여있다 : 쌓여있다 : 자리가차지되어있다 4. 주요전치사 In front of / behind Next to, by, beside, near Across from, opposite to Along Between On both sides In a row, in a line In rows, in lines 9

11 토익입문 LC. Unit 2 핵심어파악하기 E x e r c i s e 1 E x e r c i s e 2 음성을듣고빈칸을채운후, 옳은해석을찾으세요. 1. A round table is flowers. 7. Some pictures are the wall. (A) 그림이벽에걸려있다. (A) 둥근탁자가꽃들에둘러싸여있다. (B) 사람들이벽에걸린그림들을떼어내고있다. (B) 둥근탁자위에꽃들이놓여있다. 주요어휘익히기 사진과어울리는단어를괄호안에서모두고르세요. ( 읽고푸는문제 - 음성없음 ) A. 2. Some chairs are. (A) 의자에몇사람이앉아있다. (B) 자리가비어있다. 8. Some tables are. (A) 테이블이차려지고있다. (B) 테이블이차려져있다. 3. Some boxes are the cart. (A) 카트옆에상자들이놓여있다. (B) 상자들이카트위에쌓여있다. 4. The picture is the door. (A) 그림이문에놓여있다. (B) 그림이문위쪽에걸려있다. 9. Some lamps are on the tables. (A) 전등이탁자에놓여있다. (B) 전등이탁자위에설치되어있다. 10. There is a on the shelf. (A) 선반위에꽃병이있다. (B) 선반에꽃이놓여있다. 1. Some boats are docked at the (harbor / beach) 2. The buildings (overlook the water / are near the airport) B. 5. People are standing. (A) 사람들이줄지어있다. (B) 사람들이여러줄로서있다. 6. The platform is (A) 플랫폼은공사장밑에있다. (B) 플랫폼은공사중이다. 1. The cars are parked (in lines/ in a line/ in rows / in a row) 2. The cars are parked (next to each other / in order) 1 0

12 토익입문 LC. Unit 2 실전연습 E x e r c i s e (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 1 1

13 토익입문 LC. Unit 2 E x e r c i s e (D) (D) (D) (D) 1 2

14 토익입문 LC. Unit 2 실전연습스크립트완성하기 Ex.3 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 1. (A) The cars are being across the bridge. (B) The cars are stopped at t. (C) The cars are waiting for the (D) The cars are in heavy traffic. 2. (A) She is making a. (B) The are being cleaned. (C) She is looking in the shop window. (D) are displayed on the shelves. 3. (A) The waiter is, (B) The customers have finished their (C) The seats are. (D) The customers are their food. 4. (A) The men are working (B) The are behind the house. (C) The windows are being removed. E x e r c i s e 4 (D) The workers are sitting 5. (A) The building is. (B) There is a in front of the building. (C) The artwork is (D) All of the windows are 6. (A) A pavement is. (B) A window is (C) There are buildings of (D) Some trees the road. 7. (A) There are some plants, (B) The flowers are being planted. (C) The garden is small rocks. (D) There is a customer in the flower shop. 8. (A) Some boats are being painted. (B) Boats are in the sea. (C) Boats are in the (D) are on the boat. 9. (A) Sofas are positioned on of the room (B) The picture is on the floor. (C) have on the floor. (D) The cushions are on the sofa. 10. (A) Trees the pool. (B) A surrounds the pool. (C) Swimmers are leaving the pool. (D) The pool is being cleaned. 1 3

15 토익입문 LC. Unit 2 A. 각문장에들어갈알맞은표현을골라시제에맞게 쓰세요. 1. There is a table near the. 선착장근처에테이블이하나있다. 2. The boats are being into the shore. 배들이해안가로끌려오고있는중이다. 3. People are the boats. 사람들이배에서내리고있다. 4. The house is. 집이공사중이다. 5. The store is closed today. 문구점은오늘영업을하지않는다. 6. The ladders are being. 사다리가조립되고있는중이다. 7. The woman is the laboratory. 여자가실험실로향하고있다. 8. The woman is performing in the. 여자가강당에서연주를하고있다. 9. The man is the sound system. 남자가음향기계를조작하고있다. 10. The man is. 남자가전화통화중이다. a. towed b. getting out of c. under construction d. assembled e. dock f. stationary g. auditorium h. heading for i. adjusting j. talking on the phone Vocabulary 연습문제 B. 우리말해석과동일하도록빈칸에들어갈단어를쓰세요. 1. The chairs are the table. 탁자주위에의자들이있다. 2. The documents are. the desk. 책상위에서류들이쌓여있다. 3. A door has been. 문이열린채로있다. 4. All the seats are. 모든자리가다찼다. 5. Some lamps are the sofa. 소파뒤에램프들이있다. 6. The boat is at the dock. 보트가부두에정박해있다. 7. Some trucks are. 트럭들이다리를건너고있다. 8. The building is. 건물이공사중이다. 9. There are houses on the. 집들이언덕위에있다. 10. Most of the houses are. 대부분의집모양이비슷하다. C. 다음문장을해석하세요. 1. There are some cushions on the table.. 2. The boat is docked near the shore.. 3. Fruit is being sliced.. 4. The basket is full of vegetables.. 5. Some plants are placed on the table.. 6. The curtains are being drawn.. 7. Some cars are parked in a row.. 8. The escalator is in use,. 9. The pictures are hanging on the wall The desks are arranged in rows.. 1 4

16 토익입문 LC.Unit 3 V O C A T E S T 2 1. driving the carriage 2. doing some paperwork 3. trimming the tree 4. pave a road 5. performing indoors 6. medical equipment 7. stacked on the table 8. organizing the desk P A R T 1 E x e r c i s e 1 파트 1 Must Know! 핵심어파악하기 * 오답을지우면정답이보인다! ( 오답처리- 소거법 ) 음성을듣고빈칸을채운후, 옳은해석을찾으세요. 1. A is surrounded by trees. 1. 사진에없는사람, 사물을언급 (A) 조각상이나무로둘러싸여있다. 2. 추상적, 주관적인표현 (B) 나무로만든동상이있다. 2. A piece of is being. 3. 동작표현 vs 상태표현 (A) 예술작품이전시되고있다. 4. 수동태 vs 수동현재진행형 (B) 미술작품을광내고있다. 9. paddling a boat 10. washing some dishes 11. a seat is occupied 12. under construction 13. crosswalk / sidewalk 14. wiping the glasses 15. facing each other 16. waving in the wind 17. raising the hands 18. stuck in the traffic jam 19. mowing the lawn 20. disassembling a shelving unit 5. 사진속에사람이여러명일때주의 3. A waiter is menus to. (A) 웨이터가손님에게메뉴를건네고있다. (B) 손님이메뉴를웨이터에게주고있다. 4. There are in the garden. (A) 정원에꽃으로만든침대들이있다, (B) 화단들이정원에있다. 5. There is a on the roof. (A) 지붕위에굴뚝이하나있다. (B) 지붕에깃발이있다. 1 5

17 토익입문 LC. Unit 3 E x e r c i s e 1 6. Two chairs are. (A) 두개의의자가사용되고있다. (B) 두개의의자가비어있다. 실전연습 I 1. E x e r c i s e People are. (A) 사람들이정원을가꾸고있다. (B) 사람들이정원에있다. 8. They are traffic. (A) 그들은교통정리를하고있다. (B) 그들은자동차를조종하고있다. 9. The trees are being. (A) 나무를심고있다. (B) 나무를다듬고있다. 10. The table is. (A) 탁자가조립되고있다. (B) 탁자가분해되고있다. (D) 2. (D) 4. (D) (D) 1 6

18 토익입문 LC. Unit 3 E x e r c i s e (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 1 7

19 토익입문 LC. Unit 3 실전연습 I 스크립트완성하기 E x e r c i s e 3 Exercise 3 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 1. (A) He s parking his car. (B) He s (C) He s the (D) He s washing the car. 2. (A) are on the desks. (B) Some people are. (C) The room. (D) The people are. 3. (A) Boats are sailing on the water. (B) Umbrellas some of the tables. (C) Napkins are onto the plates. (D) People are towards a café. 4. (A) They re food (B) Food is being (C) They are some food. (D) They are something in a pot. 5. (A) The people are moving the table. (B) The woman is her name tag. (C) Some people are (D) The woman is in front of the people 6. (A) Books are on the shelves. (B) The lamps are (C) They are sofas. (D) There is a table the sofas. 7. (A) An airplane is on the runway. (B) Some vehicles are parked around an. (C) Work crews are luggage. (D) are boarding the airplane. 8. (A) She s her apron. (B) She s standing at a. (C) She s some. (D) She s trays on a table. 9. (A) The people are. (B) The bicycles are. (C) The people are sitting. (D) The building. 10. (A) One of the people is (B) The people are eating at a table. (C) The people are (D) The people are sitting. 1 8

20 토익입문 LC. Unit 3 실전연습 II E x e r c i s e (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 1 9

21 토익입문 LC. Unit 3 E x e r c i s e (D) (D) (D) (D) 2 0

22 토익입문 LC. Unit 3 실전연습 II 스크립트완성하기 E x e r c i s e 5 Exercise 4의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 1. (A) She is wearing her. (B) She is a pen. (C) She is her glasses. (D) She is a documents in a folder. 2. (A) A man is the. (B) A man is mowing the lawn. (C) A man is stairs. (D) A man is standing beside a tree. 3. (A) The girls are their. (B) They are to each other. (C) They re. (D) The girls are a plane. 4. (A) Some are being out into a basket. (B) Vegetable have been displayed on a (C) Containers are being. (D) Shelves are being with produce. 5. (A) The ground is with leaves. (B) Some people are. (C) Some are sitting at the table. (D) All the chairs are. 6. (A) She s display. (B) She s a page. (C) She s a book. (D) She s books. 7. (A) Customers are choosing the bread in the store. (B) A is being sliced. (C) They are stocking in a store. (D) Baked goods are on display in a store. 8. (A) A woman is in the. (B) A woman is a. (C) The computer is. (D) There are lamps on of the desk. 9. (A) He s across a. (B) He s looking into his backpack. (C) He s a camera. (D) He s a. 10. (A) The vehicle is. (B) The windshield of the car is. (C) The snow on the car is. (D) They re. 2 1

23 토익입문 LC. Unit 3 A. 각문장에들어갈알맞은표현을골라시제에맞게 쓰세요. a. circle b. in a line c. planting d. instruments e. conversation f. wheelbarrow g. setting h. backpack i. bulletin board j. each other 1. They are facing. 마주보고있다. 2. One of the men is writing on the. 게시판에무언가쓰고있다. 3. People are wearing a. 배낭을메고있다. 4. They are a table. 테이블을준비하고있다. 5. They are pushing a. 손수레를밀고있다. 6. They are having a. 대화를나누고있다. 7. People are playing. 악기를연주하고있다. 8. They are flowers. 꽃을심고있다. Vocabulary 연습문제 9. They are waiting 줄서서기다리고있다. 10. They are sitting in a. 둥근모양으로앉아있다. B. 다음문장을해석하세요. 1. The men are exercising together. 2. They are walking outdoors. 3. Two men are shaking hands. 4. They are entering the building. 5. They are greeting each other 6. The musicians are performing indoors. 7. The customer is paying the cashier. 8. One of the women is taking notes. 9. The couples are dancing. 10. The people are eating a meal. 2 2

24 토익입문 LC.Unit 4 V O C A - T E S T 3 1. edge of the road 2. studying a menu 3. piled up on the table 4. leaves have fallen 5. both side of the desk 6. turning off the lamp 7. getting off the bus 8. in front of the fountain 9. weighing some fruits 10. overlooking the river 11. mowing the grass 12. repairing the traffic light 13. searching for a tool 14. docked at the river bank 15. taking down notes 16. standing on the ladder 17. sitting on the deck 100문제중 11번에서 40번까지총 30문항출제. 4. 보기 3개중정답을찾지말고, 2개보기버리기. 주어진질문에가장알맞은응답표현을고르는유형. 5. 만능정답외우기. ( 예문 ) I have no idea. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. I forgot. I can t remember. 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. I m not sure. It s not certain. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Not that I know of. I haven t heard. I haven t decided yet. * 의문사의문문사용설명서 P A R T 2 Ask the manager. I ll find out (and call you back). 1. 문장앞의 반드시잡기. I ll check it for you. 2. 보기중에 또는 가포함된보기 버리기. 3. 문제에들어간단어와 또는 가 포함된보기버리기. 18. being inspected 19. wearing short-sleeved shirt 20. at the cross road Q. When did you sign the contract? A. They need to sign on it. A. I contacted him yesterday. 2 3

25 토익입문 LC. Unit 4 * 의문사 When 사용설명서 1. 때, 시점을묻는질문. 시간, 때등을포함된보기고르기. 2. 전치사 + 시간 Q: When did you complete the project? A: At 9 o clock. A: After the meeting. Q: When s you birthday? A: October 19 th. A: Actually, last Friday. 3. Q: When should I submit this report? A: By this evening. A: For two hours. 4. 정답유형 Sometimes A week ago Three months later By the end of this month Last week Next year Until now On Saturday As soon as P A R T 2 * 의문사 Where 사용설명서 1. 장소를묻는질문. 장소나방향을포함된보기고르기 2. 전치사 + 장소 Q: Where did you put the book? A: on your desk. A: I put it in the drawer. Q: Where is annual report? A: Beside the file cabinet. B: Right over there. 3. 정답유형 Next to the shop Beside the sofa Near the bank Next door Around the corner On the second floor From the headquarter At the bottom of the page Go straight E x e r c i s e 1 기초탄탄 Q. 아래의문제를읽고, 물음에가능한답을모두고르세요. ( 음성없음 ) 1. When did you get here? (A) Just now. (B) On the second floor. (C) At 10 A.M. 2. When will the store open tomorrow? (A) Yes, it s early. (B) Not that I know of. (C) They close every Sunday. 3. Where did Mr. Sato go for a holiday? (A) Last weekend. (B) Nobody told me. (C) He stayed in London 2 4

26 토익입문 LC. Unit 4 E x e r c i s e 2 E x e r c i s e 3 실력 UP Q. 실전전략 Q. 11. did you the sales department? (A) Yes, I'm enjoying it here. (B) About three years ago. 12. is the nearest? (A) No, I haven t read it. (B) There s one down the street. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. is she supposed to? (A) In the evening. (B) in my new office. 14. do I my name? (A) On the day you arrive (B) On this line right here. 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. is Rio into his new apartment? (A) The sink is over there. (B) On the first of September. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 2 5

27 토익입문 LC. Unit 4 실전전략 Q. 스크립트완성 E x e r c i s e 4 Ex.3 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 11. is the supposed to? (A) No, it isn't. (B) About team building. (C) At 3 o'clock. 12. do you the office supplies? (A) The store is open until 8 p.m. (B) In the cabinet over there. (C) Yes, I need to buy some. 13. will the factory be? (A) In October. (B) Yes, that s to be expected. (C) To ensure safety procedures. 14. does this ticket? (A) By any airline agent. (B) 35 dollars and 25 cents. (C) A year from the date of issue. 15. is Mark? (A) At 3 o clock. (B) Yes, he likes walking. (C) In our Paris office. 16. can the Doctor me? (A) Her first opening is Thursday morning. (B) Could you please? (C) Sorry, I didn t see it. 17. can I the manager? (A) She s in the office. (B) At 10 pm. (C) They are on the top shelf. 18. will the construction be? (A) He is an excellent instructor. (B) Not for another 2 weeks. (C) New doors and windows. 19. is the central warehouse? (A) Next January. (B) Near Hanoi, I think. (C) I live on Franklin Street. 20. should I the car? (A) No, I can drive. (B) In the shade, if possible. (C) Because I need some fresh air. 21. are you to Australia? (A) Since last month (B) To see some friends. (C) Not until next year. 22. can I an identification card? (A) You need to talk to your supervisor. (B) Yes, she sent you a birthday card. (C) You can park your car in the garage. 2 6

28 토익입문 LC.Unit 5 V O C A - T E S T 4 1. accounting department 2. computer device 3. vice president 4. I can t remember 5. maintenance division 6. confirm the reservation 7. chief executive officer(ceo) 8. not until next week 9. Who took it? 10. human resources division 11. take a rest 12. Who is taking care of~? 13. get a checkup 14. technology department 15. at the bottom 16. take the class 17. leave the brochure 18. at the manufacturing plant 19. I haven t been told yet. 20. Who wrote it? * 의문사의문문사용설명서 틀린보기두개버리기! 1. O 2. X 3. X 4. 만능정답외우기. * 의문사 Who 사용설명서 사람의이름, 직책, 부서명이포함된보기고르기. 1. 이름 Q: Who left this file here? A: Jade did Ito, Gomez, Mr. Sato, Jose, Fernandez, Garcia 2. 직책 Q: Who should I talk to about the report? A: Speak to the supervisor. Manager, director, president, vice president, Chief executive officer, assistant, receptionist, Representative intern P A R T 2 3. 부서명 Q: Who gave the presentation? A: The marketing department. Human resources department Personnel division Maintenance division Shipping department Accounting department Sales team 4. 인칭대명사 Q: Who will lock the door tonight? A: She will do it. A: I will do it. 2 7

29 토익입문 LC. Unit 5 * 의문사 What 사용설명서 무엇, 다양한질문과답변이가능하므로, 질문의핵심 단어잡기! 1. What + 명사 2. What + 조동사 + 주어 + 동사 Q: What should I do with this folder? A: You can take it. A: Give it to the secretary. Q: What did you think about the movie? A: It was wonderful. B: It was really impressive. 3. 자주출제되는문제익히기 What s wrong with~ What do you do? What is the best way to~ What is the topic of~ What s the price for delivery? Charge, expenses, cost fare, fee, budget * 의문사 Which 사용설명서 어느, 어떤 의의미로의문사바로뒤의명사가질문의 핵심! 1. Which office is yours? P A R T 2 E x e r c i s e 1 E x e r c i s e 2 2. Which of these cars is yours? 기초탄탄 Q. 아래의문제를읽고, 물음에가능한답을모두고르세요. ( 음성없음 ) 1. Who is going to organize the meeting? (A) Someone from LA. (B) Let me check. (C) Sorry I m not going. 2. What did you think of his presentation? (A) I think it was fantastic. (B) Yes, the sink is old. (C) I m not sure. 3. Which of these folders has the handouts? (A) You can fold it. (B) It s not certain. (C) They re in the green one. 실력 UP Q. 녹음을들으면서핵심이되는빈칸을채운후, 답을 고르세요. 11. What s all the upstairs? (A) He s staring out the window. (B) They re installing shelves. 12. Who s the new assistant director? (A) I thinks John got the job. (B) No thanks. I don t need any help. 13. What s the _ for this report? (A) No, I don t. (B) Next Friday 14. What if I have a question? (A) You can call me. (B) I think you should. 15. Who will employees of these changes? (A) The personnel department. (B) At the end of the year. 2 8

30 토익입문 LC. Unit 5 실전전략 Q. E x e r c i s e 3 E x e r c i s e 4 (C) Yes, I'm going to be there tomorrow. 실전전략 Q. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. 실전전략 Q. 스크립트완성 Ex.3 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 11. the party first? (A) That s not right. (B) Ms. Chen did. (C) Departure is at 3 p.m. 12. does your train arrive? (A) On the left side. (B) Around seven o clock. (C) No, not at all. 13. does Mr. Thomason after he retires? (A) He wants to travel in Asia. (B) I'll tell him you said hello. (C) Yes, he does look tired today. 14. is the problems with the printer? (A) No one had a chance yet. (B) It looks that way. (C) I ll print it out right away. 15. after work? (A) She s not at home. (B) No, I wasn t. (C) I m going shopping. 16. going to be like tomorrow? (A) I like rainy weather the best. (B) It's going to be hot and humid. 17. would you to? (A) I m trying to reach Jim Ha. (B) An excellent speech. (C) I d like a menu, please. 18. would you like the interior walls to be? (A) That's OK. I'll call her. (B) A light blue or grey. (C) You can move it into here. 19. is yours, Jim? (A) The one on your right. (B) The office closes at six. (C) Yes, it s official. 20. of our proposal? (A) 3 hours. (B) I was impressed. (C) No, I didn t think I did. 21. the package? (A) At the post office. (B) Not yet. (C) I can do it. 22. can turn down the volume? (A) But it s too loud. (B) The one on the right. (C) No, it s OK 2 9

31 토익입문 LC.Unit 6 V O C A - T E S T 5 1. take business trip? 2. plant 3. round trip fare 4. take a bus 5. national holiday 6. do the laundry 7. stop working 8. leave a message 9. payment request 10. How did you go to work? 11. How did the interview go? 12. What do you do? 13. How is the work going? 14. publication 15. everything is going well 16. quite impressive 17. extension 18. after graduation 19. move far away 20. delivery charge * 의문사 HOW 사용설명서 1. 방법, 수단 Q: How can I contact you? A: Call me on my mobile. A: By sending me an 의견, 상태 Q: How are you? Q: How s the meeting? Q: How did the meeting go? Q: How did you like the meeting? A: fine / good / great / fantastic 답이되는형용사표현 Wonderful interesting Useful exciting 3. 교통수단 Q: How do you get to the class? A: By A: I ll take a P A R T 2 4. How + 형용사 / 부사 Q: How long~ A: Q: How much~ A: Q: How long~ A: Q: How often~ A: * 의문사 Why 사용설명서 1. 이유, 목적 Q: Why did you miss the seminar? A: I was sick. ( ) A: Due to the traffic congestion ( ) A: Because all the employees are busy. ( ) 답이되는표현익히기 3 0

32 토익입문 LC. Unit 6 기초탄탄 Q. 아래의문제를읽고, 물음에가능한답을모두고르세요. ( 음성없음 ) 1. How should I send this parcel? (A) You have to go the post office. (B) By regular mail (C) The package is big. 2. Why was the conference cancelled? (A) Because it s being used. (B) To do more important work. (C) Not that I know of. 3. How was the company picnic? (A) It was really interesting. (B) By . E x e r c i s e 1 E x e r c i s e 2 E x e r c i s e 3 (C) I think it was fun. 실력 UP Q. 녹음을들으면서핵심이되는빈칸을채운후, 답을고르 세요. 11. is the report? (A) Just about five years ago. (B) She came along with him. (C) Thirteen and a half pages. 12. is Ms. Smith? (A) No, it s not too late. (B) She has to finish this project. (C) He s working with me. 13. can I more office supplies? (A) Just a new printer. (B) Call the purchasing department. (C) Only four of them. 14. are you those papers out? (A) She s very athletic. (B) 50 cents a copy. (C) They aren t needed any more. 실전전략 Q. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. will be attending the product demonstration? (A) Tuesday at 2 o clock. (B) I ve never tried it. (C) Approximately twenty. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 3 1

33 토익입문 LC. Unit 6 실전전략 Q. 스크립트완성 Ex.3 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 11. are the tickets? (A) Only 50 dollars. (B) About an hour. (C) I didn t take it. 12. is everyone so? (A) Sorry, I thought I was on time. (B) We have a lot of new orders. (C) Yes, that s all of them. 13. your new? (A) It s very challenging. (B) I hired him yesterday. (C) Because it s temporary. 14. to Mexico? (A) We ll stay at a hotel there. (B) I had a wonderful time. (C) On the plane. E x e r c i s e was the advertising campaign? (A) One of them. (B) Since I first saw him. (C) Joan was out of the office. 16. _ do you the new office furniture? (A) On the desk. (B) He moved in last week. (C) It looks really nice. 17. did Mr. Harrison the meeting early? (A) 7 o'clock this morning. (B) I'll see you tomorrow. (C) He wasn't feeling well. 18. have you been with our company, Monica? (A) It will be two years next month. (B) I d like to, but I m busy tomorrow. (C) It will take about three hours. 19. isn't my last payment on my account statement? (A) I'll find out and call you back. (B) At the accounting office. (C) Yes, I think that's true. 20. did the inspection? (A) I ll look for it. (B) Pretty well, I think. (C) About two months ago. 21. is the restaurant? (A) This afternoon s fine. (B) It s a holiday. (C) Down the street. 22. do you take business trip? (A) Usually to meet with clients. (B) They are on vacation. (C) Three or four times a year. 3 2

34 토익입문 LC.Unit 7 V O C A - T E S T 6 1. out of order 2. headquarter 3. application form 4. global warming 5. Have you heard~? 6. commute 7. pharmacy 8. have trouble finding 9. How can reach you? 10. be satisfied with~ 11. How often~ 12. work well 13. it s crowded 14. apply for~ 15. go to the laboratory 16. drop you off 17. personally 18. very valuable 19. informative 20. on my way to lunch P A R T 2 * 일반의문문사용설명서 Be, Do, 조동사 1. 주어의인칭과동사 핵심내용 Q: Did you work late last night? (A) No, she didn t. (B) Yes, I had a lot to do. (C) In the office 2. Yes or No 포함보기 OK, sure, of course, no problem 3. 문제와보기의비슷한발음, 같은단어 Q: Did your manager come late this morning? A: Late afternoon is good. 4. 만능정답 I don t know 5. 출제패턴익히기 Do you want to join ~ Will you join~ Are you coming~ Can I get you ~~ E x e r c i s e 1 * 기초탄탄 Q. 아래의문제를읽고, 물음에가능한답을모두고르세요. ( 음성없음 ) 1. Can you give me a hand with this report? (A) I ll be right there with you. (B) Ask Tom, he can help you. (C) Yes, she will bring it. 2. Are you planning to go shopping tomorrow? (A) Yes, I m free. (B) Yes, it s a new planner. (C) No, I have to work. 3. Is Jade out of the office today? (A) Yes, I was off. (B) She s on business trip. (C) Yes, she called in sick. Have you seen / met / made~ Have you been to London? 3 3

35 토익입문 LC. Unit 7 * 실력 UP Q. 녹음을들으면서핵심이되는빈칸을채운후, 답을고르세요. 11. Did you the this morning? (A) Yes, while I was commuting to work. (B) To a charity organization. (C) Whether she ll apply. 12. Excuse me, can you me a blue dress? (A) Pink, purple and white. (B) The address is incorrect. (C) I ll be right with you. 13. Is Melanie to the conference? (A) The signup sheet. (B) She said she ll be there. (C) I ll confirm the award. 14. Do you think you ll be to Korea? (A) If I can find a job there. (B) The instructions are on the back. (C) It s a moving company. E x e r c i s e 2 E x e r c i s e Do you to you some coffee? (A) About 15 cents per page. (B) That would be great, thank you. (C) Some of them are. 실전전략 Q. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 3 4

36 토익입문 LC. Unit 7 실전전략 Q. 스크립트완성 Ex.3 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 11. anything else to drink? (A) Just a glass of water, please. (B) I had coffee this morning. (C) Yes, I contacted her. 12. for dinner on Friday? (A) Usually, only pasta and soup. (B) I had so much fun. (C) Sorry, I ll be on a business trip. 13. to the Auto Show? (A) I couldn t get tickets. (B) One of my favorites is a Porsche. (C) We didn t drive there. 14. after the awards ceremony? (A) Actually, I have other plans. (B) We joined it last year. (C) It was an excellent movie. 15. already the reservations? (A) Yes, there is. (B) No, not yet. (C) I ll observe it. E x e r c i s e the sales strategy workshop? (A) No, I missed it. (B) Didn t he sell those? (C) I usually shop on Fridays. 17. the new medical center yet? (A) No, not yet. (B) That s nice. (C) Give me a ride. 18. with those boxes? (A) Please give me your hat. (B) No, his hands are dirty. (C) Yes, thank you. 19. a glass of water? (A) No, it s not. (B) I m in that class. (C) Yes, with ice please. 20. new? (A) When is it? (B) I think he even worked. (C) I haven t had any problems. 21. a warm to Berlin? (A) Yes, it s cold this time of year. (B) Take one every hour. (C) That wall needs another coat of paint. 22. Did you find your computer training helpful? (A) Yes, it was very useful. (B) He is traveling on the train. (C) I think I lost it. 3 5

37 토익입문 LC.Unit 8 V O C A - T E S T 7 1. over there 2. warehouse 3. extra teacup 4. pass the exam 5. it hasn t been decided 6. get back to work 7. certainly 8. take medicine 9. attend a seminar 10. get used to LC 11. assignment 12. give a speech 13. give it a try 14. on time 15. renew the contract 16. move out 17. book a ticket 18. appreciate 19. work out 20. take a nap * 선택의문문사용설명서 1. 두가지선택을 <or> 로연결해서묻는문제 Q: Do you prefer cup of coffee or tea? A: I want some coffee. A: Both would be good. A: Neither. I OK. 2. 세가지정답패턴익히기 1 둘중하나선택 2 둘다좋아! Either is fine with me. Both will be OK. Whichever is convenient. I don t care. It doesn t matter. It s up to you. 3 둘다싫어! Neither. I don t like either. P A R T 2 * 제안의문문사용설명서 1. 문장의시작부분익히기 How about + Ving What about + Ving Why don t you/we + V Would you like to + V Could you + V Let s + V 2. 정답패턴익히기 1 2 긍정 That s a good idea. Sounds fun. Sure / I d love to 부정 Sorry~ I m afraid~ No thanks~ 3. 그외제안표현 Would you mind turning off the radio? Would you mind if I turn off the radio? Not at all ( ) Of course not ( ) No, go ahead. ( ) Yes, go ahead. ( ) 3 6

38 토익입문 LC. Unit 8 * 기초탄탄 Q. E x e r c i s e 1 E x e r c i s e 2 E x e r c i s e 3 실력 UP Q. 실전전략 Q. 아래의문제를읽고, 물음에가능한답을모두고르세요. ( 음성없음 ) 1. Should we give the members green shirts or red ones?? (A) I like the green one better. (B) I don t mind. (C) No, don t give it to her. 2. Will the meeting be held in London or Manches ter? (A) It hasn t been decided yet. (B) The meeting went well. (C) Actually, it s been cancelled. 3. Could you give me a hand with that box? (A) I know how to get there. (B) Certainly, I ll help you. (C) I m afraid I m really busy right now. 녹음을듣고핵심이되는빈칸을채운후, 답을고르세요. 11. Can I expect your reply or? (A) By usually. (B) By the end of the day today. (C) Yes, I can. 12. Could I a few of your time? (A) Exactly 6:30. (B) Sure, how can I help? (C) Someone already bought it. 13. Did we send the document to Mr. Jenkins by or? (A) On Monday morning. (B) Let me check. (C) No, don t send it. 14. in the lobby after your appointment? (A) Okay, I'll see you then. (B) If so, I can read it better. (C) My apartment is in the city. 15. Mr. Peter with the copy machine? (A) I think it is. (B) Yes, she has it. (C) I ll be happy to 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 3 7

39 토익입문 LC. Unit 8 실전전략 Q. 스크립트완성 Ex.3 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 11. Should I or the letter? (A) To the main office. (B) Yes, that s better. (C) I d send it 12. with your sales proposal? (A), I d that. (B) I suppose it would. (C) No, I don t know that sales person. 13. at the restaurant across the street. (A) That s a great idea. (B) I think it is. (C) Yesterday at noon. 14. Should we contact the Bangkok office or should we wait until? (A) I made two copies of the contract. (B) Let s get the waiter now. (C) I d say 15. the rest of painting tomorrow. (A) We ve already seen so many today. (B) They were already asleep. (C) That E x e r c i s e Would this memo to the office staff? (A) Thanks, that will be. (B) The post office is across the street. (C) No, I can t remember her name, either. 17. Could you? (A). (B) That s my favorite. (C) It s not very good. 18. Would you like to use a or bag for your groceries? (A) I prefer paper. (B) On the plastic tag. (C) Some apples and milk. 19. Do you want to talk to the or? (A) I can t manage them. (B) The manufacturer, if he s not busy. (C) It was broken. 20. if I reschedule the meeting to this Friday? (A) Give me a hand. (B), that s fine. (C) I attend a meeting. 21. Mr. Mullers or send him an ? (A) He likes the dark wood. (B) Either way is fine with me. (C) It was colder yesterday. 22. Will Ms. Chung be back on or? (A) Actually, she ll be (B) No, she is fine. (C) About twice a week. 3 8

40 토익입문 LC.Unit 9 V O C A - T E S T 8 E x e r c i s e 1 E x e r c i s e 2 * 기초탄탄 Q. 실전문제 1. make a reservation 2. give me a ride 3. order of supplies 4. take a rest 5. express mail 6. book fair 7. get the phone 8. You re right 9. in advance 아래의문제를읽고, 물음에가능한답을모두고르세요. PART 2 Directions. You will hear a question or statement and three ( 음성없음 ) responses spoken in English. 1. You ve met the new job candidate, haven t you? They will not be printed in your test book and will (A) I didn t know that. be spoken only one time. Select the best response (B) So that more people can attend. to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. (C) Yes, she seems qualified. 10. prefer LC to RC 11. reasonable price 12. arrange the schedule 13. Why don t you call~ 14. efficient 15. subway fare 16. for a second 17. anytime 18. public transportation 19. banquet 20. get off work 2. You ve received your work visa. (A) It s still being processed. (B) No, at the end. (C) Go to the embassy. 3. I m not familiar with that author s novel? (A) I think you d enjoy it. (B) To read a good book. (C) Get the author s sign on it. Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It s the first room on the right. (C) Yes, at two o clock. The best response to the question Where is the meeting room? is choice (B), It s the first room on the right, so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. 3 9

41 토익입문 LC. Unit Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. E x e r c i s e Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 4 0

42 토익입문 LC. Unit 9 실전전략 Q. 스크립트완성 Ex.2 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요. 11. will you home? (A) In the city. (B) The day. (C) I ll. 12. us for lunch? (A) No, I haven t seen her. (B) my calendar. (C) I m already a member. 13. Is it better to travel to Beijing by or by? (A) The. (B) I think they do. (C) No, he s not. 14. will be the candidates? (A) Do you want to change the date? (B) In between the meetings. (C) I ll ask Ms. Tara to do it. 15. have you at the store? (A) About 4 kilometers from here. (B) At 8 o clock. E x e r c i s e 3 (C) Nearly. 16. the computer software? (A) Yes, it. (B) About half of them are. (C) I was happy to see him. 17. work every day? (A) I. (B) Around 7. (C) Yes, three times a week. 18. the applications this afternoon? (A) It was this morning. (B). (C) Yes, on vacation. 19. the new vice president? (A) He is out of the office today. (B) No, not at present. (C) He is very 20. this suitcase for a minute? (A) Almost 10 minutes ago. (B) I d (C) They put everyone on hold. 21. the sales report? (A) He s probably in his office. (B) There are some. (C) I read the book last year. 22. are expected to at the training seminar? (A) For the next 10 to 12 months. (B) from the research division (C) There is a showing every two hours. 23. is the nearest bank located? (A) Just (B) Not for another hour. (C) To withdraw some cash. 24. Do you prefer the or? (A) Of course, you can sit here. (B) is fine with me. (C) Yes, I do travel frequently. 25. does the concert? (A) afternoon (B) In about (C) On my desk 4 1

43 토익입문 LC. Unit 9 E x e r c i s e to Texas? (A) (B) Next Thursday (C) Without her luggage. 27. did you decide to buy? (A) The (B) Let s see the outside (C) Yes, I did. 28. this note on my desk? (A) It s in the top drawer. (B) It might have been John. (C) Let s leave soon. 29. do you the file? (A) From the manager. (B) Leave them there. (C) Yes, I did. 30. will the new corporation? (A) It is a little cold. (B) (C) Thanks for your cooperation. 31. to this meeting? (A) The publicity department (B) They couldn t attend this time. (C) the new staff members. 32. the conference next weekend? (A) At the registration desk. (B) Yes, I m it. (C) No, last year s schedule. 33. Does Davis Smith here? (A) I found the first one (B) That might be necessary (C) He resigned last month 34. this fax machine? (A) It s upstairs on the right. (B) It s the operations manager (C) It s probably. 35. your car? (A) I am afraid not (B) By myself (C) About 2 weeks ago 36. if I join you? (A) Yes, I enjoyed it (B) (C) No, it isn t annoying 37. Can my seat? (A). Please follow me (B) Thanks, but I ll stand (C) How long has he gone? 38. please the salad? (A) It s already past 8. (B) In the refrigerator. (C) 39. the mail for Mr. Nakagawa? (A) Yes, by air mail please. (B), I ll put it in his office. (C) The new address. 40. your new job? (A) The work s. (B) I bought it a year ago. (C) Mostly by car. 4 2

44 TOEIC LC 사용설명서 입문 (B) 제이드김강사 Café.naver.com/jadenglish

45 기초파트 3&4 Vocabulary < Voca Test - 1> 1. in stock 재고가있는 2. let me go see if ~ ~ 을가서확인해볼게요 3. a large selection of~ ~ 의다양한종류 4. total comes to $20 합계가 $20에달하다 5. return the good 물건을반납하다 6. exchange the item 물건을교환하다 7. refund the product 물건을환불하다 8. How much does it cost? 가격이얼마예요? 9. coupon is not valid 쿠폰이유효하지않다 10. check the stock room 창고를확인하다 11. present for relatives 가족 ( 친척 ) 에게줄선물 12. check out counter 계산대 13. check the inventory 재고를확인하다 14. for free 무료로 15. reasonable price 적당한 ( 합리적인 ) 가격 16. valuables 귀중품 17. be interested in ~ 에관심이있다 18. get on 탑승하다 19. be fully booked (up) 예약이꽉차다 20. book a flight 항공편을예약하다 < Voca Test - 2> 1. Have you seen~? ~ 을본적있니? 2. be sold out 매진되다 3. decide to depart 떠나기로결정하다 4. art exhibition 미술전시회 5. buy a souvenir 기념품을사다 6. visit my cousin 사촌을방문하다 7. direct flight 직항편 8. connecting flight 연결편 9. check in 탑승수속하다 10. go sightseeing 관광가다 11. accommodate 숙박시키다 12. advance ticket 예매표 13. intermission ( 공연중막간 ) 휴식 14. get a positive review 좋은평가를받다 15. I can afford it ( 그것을 ) 살여유가있다 16. final destination 최종목적지 17. reserve a place 자리를예약하다 18. make a reservation 예약하다 19. I can book you 당신을예약해드릴게요 20. I m due to fly to London 런던으로갈예정이다 < Voca Test - 3> 1. reserve a table 자리를예약하다 2. in one s party ~ 의일행 How many people will be in your party? 3. put someone down ~ 를예약해두다 4. we are ready to order 주문할준비가되다 5. suitable 적절한 6. I m here to pick up ~ 을가지러왔어요 7. I m running a bit late 좀늦어지고있어요 8. let the chef know 요리사에게알리다 9. personal information 개인정보 10. attend a banquet 연회에참석하다 11. reception 환영회 12. caterer 출장연회업체 ( 업자 ) 13. open an account 계좌를개설하다 14. take out(get) a loan 대출받다 15. transfer my account 계좌를옮기다 16. (bank) teller 은행창구직원 17. deposit some money 돈을예금하다 18. withdraw some money 돈을출금하다 19. transfer some money 돈을이체하다 20. interest 이자 < Voca Test - 4> 1. express delivery 빠른우편배달 2. take up to 3 days ( 시간이 ) 3 일까지걸린다 3. delivery confirmation 배송확인 4. send by air mail 항공우편으로보내다 5. package = parcel 소포 6. enclose 동봉하다 7. envelope ( 편지, 서류 ) 봉투 8. zip code 우편번호 9. guarantee 보증하다 10. You should weigh it 무게를달아야해요 11. fragile item 깨지기쉬운물건 12. insurance 보험 13. photo identification ( 사진이부착된 ) 신분증 14. need to get to London 런던에가야한다 15. speak with a co-worker 동료와이야기하다 16. to inquire about delivery 배송에대해문의하기위해 17. arrive within 3 working days 3 일안에도착하다 18. payment 지불 19. income 수입 20. balance 잔액 / 나머지 2

46 기초파트 3&4 Vocabulary < Voca Test - 5> 1. applauding 박수갈채 2. Are you tired of~ ~ 에싫증나셨나요? 3. sign up for~ ~ 를신청하다, 등록하다 4. give a speech 연설하다 5. professor 교수 6. real estate 부동산 7. it s my pleasure to ~ ~ 하게되어기쁘다 8. travel widely 여러곳을여행하다 9. literature 문학 10. tune in 채널고정 11. radio host 라디오진행자 12. award ceremony 시상식 13. famous around world 전세계에서유명한 14. excellent use of~ ~ 의훌륭한활용 15. celebrate 축하하다 16. retirement 은퇴 17. farewell party 송별회 18. overseas office 해외사무소 19. colleague 직장동료 20. headquarter s 본사 < Voca Test - 6> 1. appliance 가전제품 2. get away 휴가를가다 3. step by step 단계별의 4. reputation 명성, 평판 5. based on ~ 에기반을둔 6. contribute 공헌하다 7. computer expert 컴퓨터전문가 8. award winner 수상자 9. look forward to~ ~ 을고대하다 10. be known for~ ~ 로유명하다 11. specialize in ~ ~ 을전문으로하다 12. at a reasonable price 적당한가격에 13. a limited supply 한정된공급량 14. give a big welcome ~ 를반갑게맞이하다 15. thanks to ~ 덕분에 16. consult 상담하다 17. graduate school 대학원 18. lecture theater 강의강당 19. librarian 도서관사서 20. in a laboratory 실험실에서 < Voca Test - 7> 1. We regret to inform 알려드리는것이유감이다. 2. To notify 알리기위해 3. promote 홍보하다 4. free of charge 무료로 5. weather condition 기상상황 6. apologize for~ ~ 에대해사과하다 7. accommodation 숙소 8. luggage 수하물 9. disruption 혼란, 두절 10. book review 서평 11. leading critics 주요비평가 12. author 작가 13. debate 토론 14. anniversary 기념 15. direction to a hotel 호텔가는방향 16. demonstration 시연 17. publishing a book 책출판 18. reduced price 할인된가격 19. free installation 무료설치 20. congratulations on~ ~ 을축하해요 < Voca Test - 8> 1. won an award 상을받았다 2. approved a promotion 승진을승인했다 3. presented an award 상을수여하다 4. organize the meeting 회의를조직하다 5. lecture 강의 6. talented 재능있는 7. realistic acting 사실적인연기 8. management style 운영방식 9. contact a supplier 공급업체에연락하다 10. refund 환불 11. conduct survey 조사를실시하다 12. property 재산, 부동산 13. attention 주의를기울이다 14. go immediately 즉시가다 15. procedure 절차 16. boarding pass 탑승권 17. aviation 비행, 항공기산업 18. destination 목적지 19. suffer from~ ~ 로고통받다 20. alter the hours 시간을변경하다 3

47 토익입문 LC.Unit 1 P A R T 문제중총 41 번에서 70 번까지총 30 문항출제. * 문제맛보기 41. Where most likely are the speakers? (A) At a supermarket (B) At a cafe (C) At a farm (D) At a bakery 42. What does the man offer the woman? (A) A voucher (B) A beverage (C) A strawberry ice cream (D) A piece of cheesecake 43. According to the man, what will happen tomorrow? (A) An item will be ready. (B) New branch will open. (C) The place will be closed. (D) Drinks will be discounted. 44. According to the man, what is being advertised? (A) A Chinese festival (B) A fitness center (C) A community park (D) A restaurant opening 45. What does the woman propose? (A) Eating lunch (B) Calling family (C) Purchasing papers (D) Depositing money 46. What does the man say he will do? (A) Buy some coffee (B) Make a phone call (C) Prepare a meal (D) Subscribe to a newspaper * Part 3 사용설명서 1. 와미리읽으며 이나오는부분 2. 대화를들으면서정답찾기. 하기 3. 대화가끝난후성우가문제를읽어주는동안 다음세트의 3 문제미리읽기. * Part 3 문제풀이사용설명서 1. General Question 문제유형 A. What is the conversation mainly about? What are the speakers talking about? What are the speakers discussing? B. Who most likely is the woman? Who is the man? What s the woman s job? Who is the man talking to? C. Where is the conversation taking place? Where most likely does the woman work? Where most likely are the speakers? 2. Specific Question 문제유형 A. 문제안의찾기 Q: What will the man do on Saturday? B. 문제안의찾기 Q. What does the man ask about? Q. What is the woman requiring? 3. 을묻는문제 Q: What does the man? Q: What will the woman probably? 4. Paraphrasing Buy a book = _ a Fill out the form = the 4

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower. 스피킹 매트릭스 특별 체험판 정답 및 스크립트 30초 영어 말하기 INPUT DAY 01 p.10~12 3 min 집중 훈련 01 I * wake up * at 7. 02 I * eat * an apple. 03 I * go * to school. 04 I * put on * my shoes. 05 I * wash * my hands. 06 I * leave

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