Deok9_Exploit Technique
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1 Exploit Technique CodeEngn Co-Administrator!!! and Team Sur3x5F Member Nick : Deok9 HomePage : Twitter :@DDeok9 << Contents >> 1. Shell Code 2. Security Cookie Overwriting 3. Trampoline Technique 4. SEH Overwriting 5. Heap Spray! 1! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
2 1) Shell Code ( cmd.exe ) 1. Shell Code Window ShellCode WinExec. WinExec(LPCSTR lpcmdline,uint ucmdshow) Format. Linux /bin/sh. Assembly WinExec Depends Tool. [ ] Depends Tool WinExec WinExec Kernel32.dll, Entry Point : 0x D, Kernel32.dll Base Address : 0x7C7D0000, 0x7C83250D. Visual Studio cmd Code. [ ] cmd Code cmd[4] WinExec, cmd [4], SW_SHOWNORMAL Option. Code main Breakpoint, Debugging Mode Disassemble Shell Code.! 2! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
3 [ ] Debugging Disassembly LEA edi, [ebp+ffffff34h] REP STOS dword ptr es:[edi] CMP esi, esp CALL '\0' Shell Code NULL xor. CALL dword ptr ds:[ ch] [004182B4h] Data, Shell Code. Depends Tool. [ ] Inline Assem Code Code Debugging Mode Disassemble Shell Code.! 3! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
4 [ ] Shell Code! 4! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
5 1) Security Cookie? 2. Security Cookie Overwriting Window Stack, SFP Buffer Hacker Buffer Overflow Security Cookie Stack Security Data Security Cookie BOF. [ ] IDA Security Cookie [ ] Security Cookie Stack! 5! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
6 2) Security Cookie Overwrite BOF Shell Code, RET ( EIP ) Memory Security Cookie, SFP, RET 3. RET Security Cookie Debugging Security Cookie [ ] Security Cookie Save EAX B516410E, Security Cookie Check. [ ] ECX Security Cookie ,. [ ] Security Cookie EIP Error Security Cookie, Error EIP, RET Error.! 6! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
7 3. Trampoline Technique 1) ASLR ( Address Space Layout Randomization )? Process Mapping Object & Random, BOF Object BOF. [ ] ASLR Visual Studio Alt + F7.. [ ] ASLR! 7! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
8 2) Trampoline Technique Trampoline JMP. [ ] Trampoline Technique Memory RET Shell Code., ESP. ESP 00 NULL. Stack Random ASLR. ESP RET ( RET Memory ) ESP JMP ESP, CALL ESP [ ].text Section ( Code ) [ ] JMP ESP Code JMP ESP. ntdll 7CXXXXXX 00 NULL.! 8! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
9 4. SEH Overwriting 1) SEH ( Structed Exception Handling )? Window, Program Hardware Exception, Handle Software Exception. Thread, Error Exception = Error. [ ] Exception Handler EstabilisherFrame EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION. _CONTEXT *ContextRecord Thread. Exception Register. Exception Handler Chain insert, Chain EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION. [ ] EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION Pointer. Exception Handler Pointer. [ ] SEH Chain Layout! 9! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
10 2) SEH Overwriting Exception Stack SEH, ESP SEH Ret. Hacker SEH 2 ( Handler Next ) EIP. ESP Argument 2 POP POP RET, JMP [esp+8], CALL [esp+8], ADD esp,8 RET EIP. Handler Next. SEH Handler ( SEH Handler Code. ) [ ] SEH Offset Backtrack SEH Handler. Offset Exploit Code [ ] Exploit Code [ ] ESP SEH RET ADD ESP, 8 RETN Handler Next, Next Hacker Shell Code JMP,. EB SHORT JMP, Ollydbg.! 10! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
11 5. Heap Spray 1) Heap Spray? Heap Memory Data EIP Heap,. html javascript Heap Memory Program. Code [ ] Heap Spray Memory %u0505 ( NOP code ) + ShellCode 0x80000 Size Heap Memory. Hacker NOP EIP. Exploit Code Heap Memory [ ] Heap Memory Dump Memory ( MOV edi, edi ).! 11! Copyright 2011 Deok9 All rights Reserved
0x02. Stack Corruption off-limit Kernel Stack libc Heap BSS Data Code off-limit Kernel Kernel : OS Stack libc Heap BSS Data Code Stack : libc : Heap : BSS, Data : bss Code : off-limit Kernel Kernel : OS
Deok9_PE Structure
PE Structure CodeEngn Co-Administrator!!! and Team Sur3x5F Member Nick : Deok9 E-mail : HomePage : Twitter :@DDeok9 1. PE > 1) PE? 2) PE 3) PE Utility
0x07. Return Oriented Programming ROP? , (DEP, ASLR). ROP (Return Oriented Programming) (excutable memory) rop. plt, got got overwrite RTL RTL Chain DEP, ASLR gadget Basic knowledge plt, got call function
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1 1....6 1.1...6 2. Java Architecture...7 2.1 2SDK(Software Development Kit)...8 2.2 JRE(Java Runtime Environment)...9 2.3 (Java Virtual Machine, JVM)...10 2.4 JVM...11 2.5 (runtime)jvm...12 2.5.1 2.5.2
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/* */
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 번역 : /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
written by vangelis( 0 0000 8 1000 1 0001 9 1001 2 0010 10 1010 3 0011 11 1011 4 0100 12 1100 5 0101 13 1101 6 0110 14 1110 7 0111 15 1111 110112 + 100012 = 1011002 110 0000 0101
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Buffer Overflow Chap 10. Buffer Overflow a very common attack mechanism 1988 년 the Morris Worm 가처음사용한방법 버퍼에저장되는데이터의크기를검사하지않는, 프로그램의부주의한점을이용 prevention techniques 이알려져있음 여전히많은관심대상임 널리배포되어사용중인운영체제와응용프로그램에이러한버그가있는코드가존재함
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Lecture 15: LM code from high level language /* Simple Program */ external int get_int(); external void put_int(); int sum; clear_sum() { sum=0; int step=2; main() { register int i; static int count; clear_sum();
*금안 도비라및목차1~17
ISSN 1975-667 216. 6 금융안정보고서 216. 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 15 145 14 135 13 13 1 125 4 7 1 1 2 1 5 5 5 2 4 4 4 18 3 3 3 16 2 2 45 4 35 14 12 37.7 36.9.7-1.5 3-1 3 2 1 4 25 2 15 1 5-5
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
@ Lesson 4 (Object) (Class) (Instance) (Method) (Constructor) Memory 1 UML 1 @ & 1 (Real World) (Software World) @ &.. () () @ & 2 (Real World) (Software World) OOA/ Modeling Abstraction Instantiation
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2. GCC Assembler와 AVR Assembler의차이 A. GCC Assembler 를사용하는경우 i. Assembly Language Program은.S Extension 을갖는다. ii. C Language Program은.c Extension 을갖는다.
C 언어와 Assembly Language 을사용한 Programming 20011.9 경희대학교조원경 1. AVR Studio 에서사용하는 Assembler AVR Studio에서는 GCC Assembler와 AVR Assmbler를사용한다. A. GCC Assembler : GCC를사용하는경우 (WinAVR 등을사용하는경우 ) 사용할수있다. New Project
Micro-Controller Academy Program Lab Materials STMicroelectronics ST72F324J6B5 Seung Jun Sang Sa Ltd. Seung Jun Sang Sa Ltd. Seung Jun Sang Sa Ltd. Seung Jun Sang Sa Ltd. Seung Jun Sang Sa Ltd. Seung Jun
0x <main+41>: lea eax,[ebp-264] 0x f <main+47>: push eax 0x080484a0 <main+48>: call 0x804835c <strcpy> 0x080484a5 <main+53>: add esp,0x1
FTZ LEVEL11 #include #include int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char str[256]; setreuid( 3092, 3092 ); strcpy( str, argv[1] ); printf( str ); gdb 를이용해분석해보면 [level11@ftz level11]$
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메모리보호 (Memory Protection) 메모리보호를위해 page table entry에 protection bit와 valid bit 추가 Protection bits read-write / read-only / executable-only 정의 page 단위의 memory protection 제공 Valid bit (or valid-invalid bit)
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취약점분석보고서 [CyberLink Power2Go name attribute (p2g) Stack Buffer Overflow Exploit] 2012-07-19 RedAlert Team_ 강동우 목 차 1. 개요... 1 1.1. 취약점분석추진배경... 1 1.2. Power2Go name Stack Buffer Overflow 취약점요약... 1 2.
ETOS Series 사용설명서
Programmable Gateway System ETOS - DPS (Profibus DP Slave To Serial) ETOS DPS AC&T System Co., Ltd. 2005-12-12 AC&T System Copyright 2000~2004. All rights reserved. AC&T System 1 1. 1.1. ETOS-DPS 1.1.1.
목차 1. 개요... 3 2. USB 드라이버 설치 (FTDI DRIVER)... 4 2-1. FTDI DRIVER 실행파일... 4 2-2. USB 드라이버 확인방법... 5 3. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 설치... 7 3-1. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER
< Tool s Guide > 목차 1. 개요... 3 2. USB 드라이버 설치 (FTDI DRIVER)... 4 2-1. FTDI DRIVER 실행파일... 4 2-2. USB 드라이버 확인방법... 5 3. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 설치... 7 3-1. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 실행파일... 7 4. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 사용하기...
i ii iii iv v vi 1 2 3 4 가상대학 시스템의 국내외 현황 조사 가상대학 플랫폼 개발 이상적인 가상대학시스템의 미래상 제안 5 웹-기반 가상대학 시스템 전통적인 교수 방법 시간/공간 제약을 극복한 학습동기 부여 교수의 일방적인 내용전달 교수와 학생간의 상호작용 동료 학생들 간의 상호작용 가상대학 운영 공지사항,강의록 자료실, 메모 질의응답,
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2.4 명령어세트 (instruction set) 명령어세트 CPU 가지원하는기계어명령어들의집합 명령어연산의종류 데이터전송 : 레지스터 / 메모리간에데이터이동 산술연산 : 덧셈, 뺄셈, 곱셈및나눗셈 논리연산 : 비트들간의 AND, OR, NOT 및 XOR 연산 입출력 (I/O) : CPU( 레지스터 ) 와외부장치들간의데이터이동 프로그램제어 : 분기, 서브루틴호출
Microsoft Word - Reversing Engineering Code with IDA Pro-4-1.doc
Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro By Dan Kaminsky, Justin Ferguson, Jason Larsen, Luis Miras, Walter Pearce 정리 : vangelis( 이글은 Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro(2008년출판
04 06 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Contents 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 74 78 84 88 90 92 94 96 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 01 26 27 02 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
윤 영 선 _ 지음 은혜한의원 서울시 마포구 도화1동 550 삼성프라자 308호 Tel : 3272.0120, 702.0120 진료시간 : 오전 9시 30분`~`오후 7시 점심시간 : 오후 1시`~`2시 토 요 일 : 오전 9시 30분`~`오후 3시 (일, 공휴일 휴진`/`전화로 진료 예약 받습니다) 은 혜 한 의 원 은혜한의원 CONTENTS 02 04 07
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