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2 Java Architecture SDK(Software Development Kit) JRE(Java Runtime Environment) (Java Virtual Machine, JVM) JVM (runtime)jvm heap OutOfMemory Error...13 Stack...13 method area...14 Register...14 runtime constant pool( ) Java Scalability...15 Security...15 Universality...15 Modularity...16 Thread...16 Proccess...16 Thread...16 java.lang.runnable...16 Garbage Collection...17 Exception...17 Runtime Exception...18 compiletime Exception SDK Class & Package Java API Documentation(Java Application Programming Interface)...19 Java Tutorial

3 Identifier A Basic Java Application ( ) Compiler...20 javac...20 Interpreter...22 java...22 java javap Identifiers,Keywords,Types, and Flow Control Keywords Interface Import...28 this...28 static...29 final Blank final final final Methods binding...31 super...31 return...31 instanceof...32 transient...32 volatile...32 native...33 strictfp Variable & Constants ( ) Constants...33 Local variable...34 Member variable Data type Primitive Types

4 Integral...34 Floating...35 Logical...35 Textual...35 Non-Primitive type Reference Types...36 field...36 Signature ( ) name space ( )...36 aliasing...36 Operator unary Operator ( )...37 assignment Operator ( )...37 mathematical Operator( ) relational Operators...37 Logical Operators and Short-Circuit Logical Operators...37 bitwise Operators...38 Shift Operators...38 Ternary Operators ( )...39 Cast Operators...39 Coma Operators...39 String Concatenation With Arrays Objectives Arrays...41 Multidimensional Arrays Branching Statements () label Object Oriented Programming Class Object Class...43 Object...43 Class Object...44 Accessing Object Members Access Modifier

5 Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOPL)3 concept Polymorphism...45 inheritance substitution principle( ) composition pure substitution( )is-like-a upcasting...47 encapsulation Java Basic Grammar Construct abstract Overriding closure...50 call back Overloading Constructor tostring() Inner class Wrapper Class Local class Anonymous class Collection API Collection interface...55 Set interface...55 List / ListIterator interface...56 Map interface Reflection API Vector Heterogeneous Collections Exception Handle or Declare static inner class finally


7 1 2. Java Architecture 7

8 2.1 2SDK(Software Development Kit) 1 Jar Java Archive, 8

9 2.2 JRE(Java Runtime Environment) 2 : core " ".,, 9

10 1 2.3 (Java Virtual Machine, JVM) 10

11 2.4 JVM 11

12 2.5 (runtime) JVM heap 12

13 OutOfMemory Error Stack 3 (operand stack). 13

14 method area Register runtime constant pool( )

15 2.6 Java Scalability Security Universality 15

16 Modularity Thread Proccess Thread java.lang.runnable 16

17 Garbage Collection Exception 17

18 Runtime Exception compiletime Exception 2.7 SDK Class & Package

19 Java API Documentation(Java Application Programming Interface) Java Tutorial Identifier 19

20 2.8 A Basic Java Application () Compiler (1) javac 4 5 : Java Virtual Machine(Java VM) 20

21 1 21

22 Interpreter java java 22


24 javap 24

25 1 25

26 3. Identifiers,Keywords,Types, and Flow Control 3.1 Keywords Interface 26

27 1 27

28 Import this 28

29 static 29

30 final Blank final final 30

31 final Methods binding super return 6 (inline) binding 31

32 1 instanceof transient volatile 32

33 native strictfp 3.2 Variable & Constants ( ) Constants UTF-8 33

34 Local variable Member variable 3.3 Data type Primitive Types Integral 34

35 Floating Logical Textual 35

36 Non-Primitive type Reference Types field Signature ( ) name space ( ) aliasing 36

37 Operator unary Operator ( ) assignment Operator ( ) mathematical Operator( ) relational Operators Logical Operators and Short-Circuit Logical Operators 9 short_circuit : (true or false) 37

38 bitwise Operators Shift Operators 10 (bit) : binary digit

39 Ternary Operators ( ) Cast Operators Coma Operators String Concatenation With + 39

40 Arrays 40

41 Objectives Arrays Multidimensional Arrays 41

42 3.5 Branching Statements ( ) label 11 identifier : 42

43 4. Object Oriented Programming 4.1 Class Object Class Object 43

44 4.1.3 Class Object Accessing Object Members 4.2 Access Modifier

45 Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOPL)3 concept Polymorphism 45

46 inheritance substitution principle( ) composition 46

47 pure substitution( )is-like-a upcasting encapsulation 47

48 1 48

49 1 5. Java Basic Grammar 5.1 Construct 5.2 abstract 49

50 1 5.3 Overriding closure call back 5.4 Overloading 50

51 5.5 Constructor 5.6 tostring() 5.7 Inner class 51

52 5.8 Wrapper Class 5.9 Local class 52

53 Anonymous class 53

54 5.11 Collection API 54

55 Collection interface Set interface 55

56 List / ListIterator interface Map interface 56

57 5.12 Reflection API 5.13 Vector 5.14 Heterogeneous Collections 57

58 5.15 Exception 58

59 1 59

60 Handle or Declare 60

61 static inner class 61

62 finally 62

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Special Theme _ 모바일웹과 스마트폰 본 고에서는 모바일웹에서의 단말 API인 W3C DAP (Device API and Policy) 의 표준 개발 현황에 대해서 살펴보고 관 련하여 개발 중인 사례를 통하여 이해를 돕고자 한다. 2. 웹 애플리케이션과 네이

Special Theme _ 모바일웹과 스마트폰 본 고에서는 모바일웹에서의 단말 API인 W3C DAP (Device API and Policy) 의 표준 개발 현황에 대해서 살펴보고 관 련하여 개발 중인 사례를 통하여 이해를 돕고자 한다. 2. 웹 애플리케이션과 네이 모바일웹 플랫폼과 Device API 표준 이강찬 TTA 유비쿼터스 웹 응용 실무반(WG6052)의장, ETRI 선임연구원 1. 머리말 현재 소개되어 이용되는 모바일 플랫폼은 아이폰, 윈 도 모바일, 안드로이드, 심비안, 모조, 리모, 팜 WebOS, 바다 등이 있으며, 플랫폼별로 버전을 고려하면 그 수 를 열거하기 힘들 정도로 다양하게 이용되고 있다. 이

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