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1 Copyright, 2001 Multimedia Lab., CH 3. COM object (In-process server) Eun-sung Lee Multimedia Lab. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng. University of Seoul Seoul, Korea

2 0. Contents 1. Main Objectives 2. Overview 3. How to create DLL 4. Let s s make a DLL 5. Reference Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -2

3 1. Main Objectives COM COM Class (In-Process server) Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -3

4 2. Overview COM Library COM Client Server Application API. CLSID,. Co Ex) CoInitialize, CoCreateInstance COMPOBJ.DLL Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -4

5 2. Overview COM Object 1. COM Component Regsvr32 Ex) regsvr32 addback.dll dll 2. COM Library [CoInitialize] 3. Interface COM Object CLSID 4. COM Object Instance [CoCreateInstance] 5. Interface Pointer 6. method, 7. COM Library [CoUnInitailize] Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -5

6 3. How to Create a DLL 1. CoCreateInstance(clsid clsid, iid, ) 2. CoGetClassObject() HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT CLSID clsid CLSID InprocServer32(in InprocServer32(in- process) COM. 3. CoLoadLibrary() dll load 4.DllGetClassObject DllGetClassObject() clsid COM Class Factory IClassFactory pointer IClassFactory iid pointer ->CoCreateInstance IClassFactory IClassFactory:: ::CreateInstance Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -6

7 3. How to Create a DLL CoCreateInstance( CLSID_FilterGraph FilterGraph,//** [In] Class Identifier(CLSID) of the object NULL, //** [In] Pointer to controlling IUnknown CLSCTX_INPROC,//** [In] Server Context IID_IGraphBuilder IGraphBuilder,//** [In] Reference to the identifier of the interface (void **)&pgraph );//** //** [Out] Address of pointer variable that receives the interface pointer requested in riid Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -7

8 Use Case Client CoInitialize(); CoCreateInstance(CLSID, IID); CoUninitialize(); Dllmain() DllGetClassObject() DllCanUnloadNow() SetRegKeyValue() DllRegisterServer() DllUnRegisterServer() Class Factory Create Instance IClassFactory DLL (IN-process Server) New COM object CAddBack IInterface Linear 4G memory(one Process Own) COM Library CoCreateInstance(CLSID, IID); System registry CoGetClassObject CoLoadlibrary DLL (IN-process) DLL (IN-process) DLL (IN-process) DLL (IN-process) DLL (IN-process) DLL (IN-process) DLL (IN-process) Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -8

9 3. How to Create a DLL - Class Factory Class Factory COM Class Instance COM Class IClassFactory Interface. IClassFactory Interface COM Interface IUnKnown Interface. ClassFactory provides two methods : CreateInstance,, creates an uninitialized object of a specified CLSID LockServer,, locks the object's server in memory, allowing new objects to be created more quickly Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -9

10 3. How to Create a DLL - CreateInstance IClassFactory:: ::CreateInstance Creates an uninitialized object. : CLSID. UNKNOWN.H (CoGetClassObject() CLSID) HRESULT CreateInstance( IUnknown * punkouter ); punkouter, //Pointer to whether object is or isn't part of an aggregate REFIID riid, //Reference to the identifier of the void ** ppvobject ppvobject //Address of output variable that the interface pointer requested in riid interface receives Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -10

11 3. How to Create a DLL - LockServer IClassFactory :: LockServer( ( ) Client IClassFactory Interface Pointer Client COM Object Dll Unload. HRESULT stdcall CFAddBack:: ::LockServer(BOOL block) { if(block block) ++g_clocks clocks; else --g_ g_clocks; } return S_OK; Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -11

12 3. How to Create a DLL - DLL Functions DLL Functions DllMain: The DLL entry point. The name DllMain is a placeholder for the library- defined function name. DllMain DllGetClassObject: Creates a class factory instance. DllCanUnloadNow: Queries whether the DLL can safely be unloaded. DllGetClassObject DllCanUnloadNow DllRegisterServer: Creates registry entries for the DLL. Call by regsvr32.exe DllRegisterServer DllUnregisterServer: Removes registry Removes registry entries for the DLL. Call by regsvr32.exe Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -12

13 3. How to Create a DLL - DllGetClassObject DllGetClassObject COM class instance, COM class Class Factory COM class Instance. ICalssFactory interface pointer client. In_process server DllGetClassObject Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -13

14 3. How to Create a DLL STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv) { HRESULT hr = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE; IUnknown* punk = NULL; if(rclsid == CLSID_AddBack) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; punk = new CFAddBack; } } if(punk!= NULL) { hr = punk->queryinterface(riid, ppv); //IClassFactory pointer if(failed(hr)) delete punk; } return hr; Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -14

15 3. How to Create a DLL DllRegisterServer/DllUnregisterServer DllUnregisterServer In_process srever REGSVR32.exe Dll DllRegisterServer export. Ex. >> regsvr32 <name.dll dll> DllUnregisterServer export. Ex. >> regsvr32 /u <name.dll dll> Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -15

16 3. How to Create a DLL module-definition definition (.def) file If you are not using the declspec declspec(dllexport) keyword to export the DLL s s functions, then the DLL requires a.def file : export all the DLL functions except for the entry-point function. The following is an example *.def file. Ex> LIBRARY "AddBack" AddBack.Dll" EXPORTS PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -16

17 3. How to Create a DLL DllCanUnloadNow CoFreeUnusedLibraries COM Library API DLL Unload STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void) { if(g_ g_cobjects == 0 && g_clocks == 0) return S_OK; return S_FALSE; } g_cobject cobject Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -17

18 4. Let s s make a DLL AddBack.Dll IAddEnd IAdd CAddBack COM Class IClassFactory DllMain ( ) CFAddBack DllGetClassObject( ( ) DllCanUnloadNow ( ) DllRegisterServer ( ) Class Factory COM Class Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -18

19 4. Let s s make a DLL - IDL 1) Definition Interface (IAddEnd( IAddEnd,IAdd) Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -19

20 4. Let s s make a DLL Ex) interface IAddEnd [ uuid(c6f96d90-9fcf-11d1-b20a a3516), object ] interface IAddEnd : IUnknown { import "unknwn.idl"; HRESULT GetAddEnd([out] short* result); HRESULT SetAddEnd([in] short addend); HRESULT GetSum([out] short* result); HRESULT Clear(void); }; Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -20

21 4. Let s s make a DLL In Addback.h #if defined( cplusplus) &&!defined(cinterface) interface DECLSPEC_UUID("C6F96D90-9FCF-11d1-B20A A3516") IAddEnd : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetAddEnd( /* [out] */ short RPC_FAR *result) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetAddEnd( /* [in] */ short addend) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSum( /* [out] */ short RPC_FAR *result) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Clear( void) = 0 }; Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -21

22 4. Let s s make a DLL In Addback_i.c const IID IID_IAddEnd IAddEnd = {0xC6F96D90,0x9FCF,0x11d1,{0xB2,0x0A,0x 00,0x60,0x97,0x0A,0x35,0x16}}; Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -22

23 4. Let s s make a DLL 2. In_process_server Client Files LockServer( ) Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -23

24 4. Let s s make a DLL Relationship Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -24

25 5. Reference ATL COM Inside COM Essential COM Eun-sung Lee DirectShow -25

COM 컴포넌트를만드는방법은다양하다. 사람이라는것이간사해서한번맛들인방법을끝까지고집하게된다. 그래서 ATL을사용해본사람은절대다른방법으로하려고하지않는다. 하지만, ATL은 COM을완벽하게지원하지않는다는걸알아야한다. 그렇다고 ATL에서지원하는것이상만들자신도없지만말이다. 그래

COM 컴포넌트를만드는방법은다양하다. 사람이라는것이간사해서한번맛들인방법을끝까지고집하게된다. 그래서 ATL을사용해본사람은절대다른방법으로하려고하지않는다. 하지만, ATL은 COM을완벽하게지원하지않는다는걸알아야한다. 그렇다고 ATL에서지원하는것이상만들자신도없지만말이다. 그래 나의 COM(Component Object Model) 경험담 #5 드디어다섯번째까지왔습니다. 얻으신것이있었나요? 없었다구요? ㅜㅜ ;; 어쨌든그건상관없습니다. 이번은내용이좀깁니다. 그렇다고할게많은것은아닙니다. 자세한건나중에뒤에보시면아실테고. 생각보다많은분들이좋아해주셨습니다. 기분이좋았습니다. 잠시개인적인얘기를하려고합니다. 저의일과는이렇습니다. 회사퇴근해서밥먹고

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