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1 멸균서비스시장 연구개발특구기술글로벌시장동향보고서

2 Ⅰ 개요 1 기술개요 1.,,,,, 2. (HAI),,, - 2 -

3 2 멸균서비스의활용시장범위, &, &, - - & -,,, / & - (,, ), -, - 3 -

4 Ⅱ 시장동향 , %, ,000 [ 그림 ] 글로벌멸균서비스시장규모및전망 &,,,, 2015 & 54% & , %, , , %, , , %,

5 , %, ,900 [ 그림 ] 글로벌멸균기술시장의기술별시장규모및전망 ( 단위 : 백만달러 ) 자료 : BCC, Global Markets for Sterilization Technologies, 2017 (ETO),,,,, 2016 (ETO) 44.0% (ETO) , %, , , %, , %, , %, ,

6 2017 7, %, ,080 [ 그림 ] 글로벌멸균서비스시장의멸균방법별시장규모및전망 ( 단위 : 백만달러 ), % [ 그림 ] 글로벌멸균서비스시장의서비스종류별시장규모및전망 ( 단위 : 백만달러 ) - 6 -

7 , %, , , %, ,240, % [ 그림 ] 글로벌멸균서비스시장의전달모드별시장규모및전망 ( 단위 : 백만달러 ) , %, , , %, ,590, &, &,, % - 7 -

8 , %, ,480 & , %, ,860 & , %, , , %, ,480 [ 그림 ] 글로벌멸균서비스시장의최종사용자별시장규모및전망 ( 단위 : 백만달러 ), % , %, , %, - 8 -

9 , , %, , , %, ,870 [ 그림 ] 글로벌멸균서비스시장의지역별시장규모및전망 ( 단위 : 백만달러 ) - 9 -

10 Ⅲ 기업동향 STERIS ( ), Sterigenics International ( ), Cantel Medical ( ), Cretex Companies ( ), COSMED Group ( ) STERIS ( ) -,,,,, X-Ray [ 표 1] STERIS 의주요제품및서비스현황 카테고리하위카테고리주요제품및서비스 Sterilization Services Type Technology Biodecontamination Services Scheduled Bioburden Reduction Ethylene Oxide Processing Gamma Irradiation Electron Beam Processing X-Ray Processing Ion Beam Treatment Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide Sterigenics International ( ) - (EO), (E-Beam), -,,,,,

11 [ 표 2] Sterigenics International 의주요서비스현황 카테고리 Laboratory Testing Services Gamma Irradiation Services 주요서비스 Biocompatibility Testing EO Sterilization Validations Radiation Sterilization Validation Packaging Validations Filter Challenge/Sterilization Steam Sterilization Microbial Identifications Electron Beam (E-Beam) JS Hanging Tote Irradiator Parallel Row Pallet Irradiator GammaFIT irradiator GammaBeam-127 C-188 Cobalt-60 Source Disposal Service Sealed Source Recycling Service Pharmaceutical Sterilization EO sterilization at lower temperature Precise dose gamma radiation Full process validation Microbiological and laboratory testing and validation services Vaccine Sterilization Cantel Medical ( ) - - (EO),,, VPA -, (,, )

12 [ 표 3] Cantel Medical 의주요서비스현황 카테고리 Sterilization Services 주요서비스 Room Temperature VPA Sterilization Ethylene oxide (EO) sterilization Peracetic Acid Sterilization Radiation-based sterilization REVOX vaporized peracetic acid (VPA) sterilization Biological and Chemical Indicators Cretex Companies ( ) - -,,,,, OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturers) [ 표 4] Cretex Companies 의주요제품및서비스현황 카테고리 Sterilization Services Laboratory Testing Services Ethylene oxide Gamma irradiation Electron beam irradiation Steam 주요제품및서비스 Bioburden testing Product sterility testing BI sterility testing Ethylene oxide residuals testing Endotoxin testing Cytotoxicity testing COSMED Group ( ) -, EtO, (PPO),

13 [ 표 5] COSMED Group 의주요제품및서비스현황 카테고리 주요제품및서비스 Sterilization Services Pasteurization Services Sterilization Indicators Ethylene oxide Dry Heat Propylene Oxide (PPO) H2O Express Steam Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing Bacterial Endotoxin Testing Cytotoxicity Testing Bacterial Endotoxin Testing Bacteriostasis/Fungistasis Test (USP) Embedded Spore Strip Innoculated Product Immersion Membrane Filtration Test (USP) Product Immersion (USP) Spore Strip Test

Ⅰ 개요 1 기술개요 1. OLED OLED(Organic Light Emitting Diodes),,,, LCD, [ 그림 ] OLED 의구조 자료 : TechNavio, Global Organic Light-emitting Diode (OLED) Materials

Ⅰ 개요 1 기술개요 1. OLED OLED(Organic Light Emitting Diodes),,,, LCD, [ 그림 ] OLED 의구조 자료 : TechNavio, Global Organic Light-emitting Diode (OLED) Materials OLED 시장 연구개발특구기술글로벌시장동향보고서 2018.1 Ⅰ 개요 1 기술개요 1. OLED OLED(Organic Light Emitting Diodes),,,, LCD, [ 그림 ] OLED 의구조 자료 : TechNavio, Global Organic Light-emitting Diode (OLED) Materials Market, 2017-2 -

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