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1 District 3640, Rotary International
3 Governors Monthly Letter
20 MAR Week Event 22 Friday Arrive Cleveland airport-informal Host: Cleveland dinner with a few District Leaders Dress: Casual 23 Saturday spend rest of Saturday and Sunday with Host: Cleveland 24 Sunday host family Dress: Casual 25 Monday Team NEO Host: Cleveland Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Dress: GSE Blazer 26 Tuesday Visit Tower City & Terminal Tower Host: Cleveland Dress: GSE Blazer 27 Wednesday Vocational day Host: Cleveland Rotary Clubs give presentation Dress: GSE Blazer 28 Thursday Rotary Club of Cleveland - resentation Host: Cleveland Arch Klumph founder of Rotary Dress: GSE Blazer Foundation 29 Friday Case Western Reserve University Host: Cleveland Visit Botanical Gardens Dress: GSE Blazer 30 Saturday Transfer to West Sector Host: Cleveland Dress: Casual March 31- April 7 Week Event Sunday March 31st Reception and then go with Dress: Host Families Casual Monday April 1st Recycling Plant Host: Medina Dress: GSE Attire Tuesday 2nd Medina Sunrise Rotary Meeting Breakfast Host: Medina & Presentation Sunrise Hospice Dress: GSE Attire Wednesday 3rd Presentation To Wadsworth Rotary Host: Wadsworth Tour of the New Construction at Dress: GSE Attire Wadsworth Rittman Hospital Thursday 4th Presentation to Brunswick RC Host: Brunswick Medina Rotary & Presentation Dress: GSE Attire Friday 5th Vocational Day Host: Medina Dress: GSE Attire Saturday 6th Transfer to East Sector All Casual Sunday April 7th Rest Day April 6-13 Week 3 Event Saturday-APR 6 Shopping or movie or Geauga or metro Dress: Casual park walk and tours Sunday-APR 7 Day of Rest Host: families Dress: Casual Monday APR 8 Tour Courthouse, businesses and Host: Chardon Amish culture visit Dress: GSE Attire Tuesday APR 9 Breakfast RC Chagrin Valley Presentation Host: Chagrin Valley Garden Center Dress: GSE Attire Solon Industrial Center Wednesday APR 10 Great Lakes Cheese factory tour Host: Chagrin Valley Arts Center Dress: Thursday APR 11 Vocation day Kent State University Geauga Campus Host: Various University Hospital - Geauga Dress: GSE Attire Friday 12th District Conference Host: D.C. Saturday 13th Dress: Casual/GSE Sunday 14th District Conference Transfer to South Sector D3640 GSE Team Leader & Members APRIL Week Event Sunday 4/14/13 Pick up from prior sector at From District Host: Port-Summit Conference Dress: Casual Host families to pick up at meeting place TBD Monday 4/15/13 Vacation Day TBD Dress: GSE Blazers Tuesday 4/16/13 Kent Historical Society TBD Host: Kent Kent State University Fashion Museum TBD Dress: GSE Blazers Wednesday 4/17/13 Visit with Nordonia Hills /Twinsburg Rotary - Presentation Dress: GSE Blazers Nordonia Hills/Twinsburg Rotary Walking Shoes Farewell Dinner at Portage Country Club Thursday 4/18/13 Goodyear Hanger RC Port Summit - Presentation The Akron Rotary Camp Dress: GSE Blazers Friday 4/19/13 Cleveland Hopkins Airport For Flight at 8:45 am Dress: for Trip Home Host: Dist. 6630
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