설치및환경설정 VirtualBox TAC 구성가이드 2015. 08. 04
목차 1. TAC 구성준비사항... 3 2. TAC 구성순서... 3 2.1 VirtualBox 으로 CentOS 설치... 3 2.2 VirtualBox 에서 TAC 구성... 40 2
1. TAC 구성준비사항 1. CentOS-5.9 64bit 2. Tibero 5 SP1 FS01 Linux 64bit Binary 3. VirtualBox 5.0 2. TAC 구성순서 2.1 VirtualBox 으로 CentOS 설치 1. VirtualBox 5.0 를설치합니다. 2. 아래옵션을선택합니다. 이름 : tac1 종류 : Linux 버전 : Linux 2.6 / 3.x / 4.x (64-bit) 메모리 : 2048 MB 3
3. 아래옵션을선택합니다. 파일크기 : 20 GB Hard Disk File type : VDI Storage on physical hard disk : 동적할당 4. 생성한 tac1 가상화머신을선택후설정화면을선택합니다. 4
5. 설정옵션을변경합니다. 시스템 플로피디스크해제오디오 오디오사용하기해제네트워크 어댑터 1 ( 호스트전용어댑터 ), 어댑터 2 ( 내부네트워크 ) USB USB 컨트롤러사용하기해제 5
6. 저장소 광학드라이브에서 CentOS-5.9-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso 파일을선택합니다. 6
7. tac1 가상머신을시작합니다. 8. ENTER 버튼을누릅니다. 7
9. CD Media test 는 Skip 합니다. 10. Next 를누릅니다. 11. 언어는 English 으로선택합니다. 8
12. System keyboard 는 English 으로선택합니다. 13. Create custom layout. 을선택합니다. 9
14. Device Layout 은아래와같이설정합니다. Device Size (MB) Type /boot 100 MB Ext3 /tibero 10240 MB Ext3 swap 2048 MB Swap / 8087 MB Ext3 10
15. Next 를선택합니다. 16. Network Device 를설정합니다. eth0 Host-Only Network 는 Windows cmd 에서 VirtualBox Host-Only Network IP Address 를확인한후같은 대역대로설정합니다. Device IP Gateway eth0 192.168.XX.XX/24 192.168.56.XX eth1 10.10.10.XX/24-11
17. Asia/Seoul 을선택합니다. 18. root 패스워드기입후 Next 를선택합니다. 12
19. Software management 에서 Customize now 를선택합니다. 20. 아래와같이선택또는해체를합니다. 13
21. CentOS 설치를시작합니다. 16
22. CentOS 설치완료후 reboot 을수행합니다. 17
23. Forward 를선택합니다. 24. Firewall 을 Disabled 합니다. 18
25. SELinux 를 Disabled 합니다. 26. Forward 를선택합니다. 19
27. 날짜및시간설정후 Forward 를선택합니다. 28. 별도의 User 를생성하지않고 Forward 를선택합니다. 20
29. 설정을마친후 reboot 이수행됩니다. 30. Root 계정으로 login 한후 tibero User 를생성합니다. 21
31. Tibero User 를생성합니다. [root@tac1 ~]# groupadd dba [root@tac1 ~]# useradd -g dba -d /tibero tibero [root@tac1 ~]# passwd tibero [root@tac1 ~]# chown -R tibero:dba /tibero 32. /etc/hosts 를편집합니다. [root@tac1 ~]# vi /etc/hosts # Public Network 192.168.xx.xx tac1 192.168.xx.xx tac2 # VIP Network 192.168.xx.xx tac1-vip 192.168.xx.xx tac2-vip 22
# Interconnect Network 10.10.xx.xx tac1-inter 10.10.xx.xx tac2-inter 33. /etc/sysctl.conf 에서권장세마포어값을설정합니다. [root@tac1 ~]# vi /etc/sysctl.conf kernel.shmmax = 1073741824 kernel.shmall = 2097152 kernel.sem = 10000 32000 10000 10000 kernel.shmmni = 4096 fs.file-max = 6815744 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000 34. /etc/security/limits.conf 를수정합니다. [root@tac1 ~]# vi /etc/security/limits.conf tibero soft nproc 2047 tibero hard nproc 16384 tibero soft nofile 1024 tibero hard nofile 65536 23
35. root user 의.bash_profile 을수정합니다. [root@tac1 ~]# vi ~/.bash_profile #.bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then. ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin export PATH unset USERNAME ######## Profile ENV Config ############### umask 027 ulimit -c 0 set -o vi stty erase ^H export EDITOR=vi export TERM=vt100 export PS1='[$LOGNAME@'`uname -n`':$pwd]# ' export LANG=ko_KR.euckr ### TIBERO RDBMS 5 ENV ### export TB_HOME=/tibero/tibero5 export TB_SID=tac1 export TB_PROF_DIR=$TB_HOME/bin/prof export PATH=.:$TB_HOME/bin:$TB_HOME/client/bin:$JAVA_HOME:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TB_HOME/lib:$TB_HOME/client/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 24
36. tibero user 의.bash_profile 을수정합니다. [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ vi ~/.bash_profile #.bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then. ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin export PATH unset USERNAME ######## Profile ENV Config ############### umask 027 ulimit -c 0 set -o vi stty erase ^H export EDITOR=vi export TERM=vt100 export PS1='[$LOGNAME@'`uname -n`':$pwd]$ ' export LANG=ko_KR.euckr ### TIBERO RDBMS 5 ENV ### export TB_HOME=/tibero/tibero5 export TB_SID=tac1 export TB_PROF_DIR=$TB_HOME/bin/prof export PATH=.:$TB_HOME/bin:$TB_HOME/client/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TB_HOME/lib:$TB_HOME/client/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ######## TIBERO alias ######## 25
alias tbhome='cd $TB_HOME' alias tbbin='cd $TB_HOME/bin' alias tblog='cd /tibero/tiblog/pimg/log' alias tbcfg='cd $TB_HOME/config' alias tbcfgv='vi $TB_HOME/config/$TB_SID.tip' alias tbcli='cd ${TB_HOME}/client/config' alias tbcliv='vi ${TB_HOME}/client/config/tbdsn.tbr' alias cmf='tail -f /tibero/tiblog/pimg/log/cm/trace_list.log' alias tracef='tail -f /tibero/tiblog/pimg/log/tracelog/trace.log' alias tbi='cd ~/tbinary' alias tm='cd ~/tbinary/monitor;monitor;cd -' 37. 불필요한프로세스를종료합니다. [root@tac1:/root]# chkconfig --level 123456 xinetd off [root@tac1:/root]# chkconfig --level 123456 sendmail off [root@tac1:/root]# chkconfig --level 123456 cups off [root@tac1:/root]# chkconfig --level 123456 cups-config-daemon off [root@tac1:/root]# chkconfig --level 123456 smartd off 26
[root@tac1:/root]# chkconfig --level 123456 isdn off [root@tac1:/root]# chkconfig --level 123456 iptables off 38. Tibero 5SP1 Binary 및 License 를 FTP 으로전송합니다. 39. Tibero Binary 전송이완료되었으면, 가상머신복제를위해서 shutdown 을수행합니다. 27
40. 설치완료한 tac1 가상머신을복제합니다. 41. 복제가완료된 tac2 가상머신을시작합니다. 28
42. tac2 가상머신의네트워크설정을변경합니다. Device IP Gateway eth0 192.168.xx.xx/24 192.168.xx. eth1 10.10.xx.xx/24 - [root@tac1:/root]# neat 29
43. 네트워크서비스를재기동합니다. [root@tac1:/root]# service network restart [root@tac1:/root]# uname -n [root@tac1:/root]# ifconfig -a 31
44. tac2 가상머신을종료합니다. 45. 공유스토리지를추가합니다. cd C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox VBoxManage createhd --filename "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk1.vdi" --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed 32
VBoxManage createhd --filename "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk2.vdi" --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed VBoxManage createhd --filename "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk3.vdi" --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed VBoxManage createhd --filename "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk4.vdi" --size 5120 --format VDI --variant Fixed VBoxManage storageattach tac1 --storagectl "SATA" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd -- medium "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk1.vdi" --mtype shareable VBoxManage storageattach tac1 --storagectl "SATA" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd -- medium "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk2.vdi" --mtype shareable VBoxManage storageattach tac1 --storagectl "SATA" --port 3 --device 0 --type hdd -- medium "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk3.vdi" --mtype shareable VBoxManage storageattach tac1 --storagectl "SATA" --port 4 --device 0 --type hdd -- medium "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk4.vdi" --mtype shareable VBoxManage modifyhd "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk1.vdi" --type shareable VBoxManage modifyhd "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk2.vdi" --type shareable VBoxManage modifyhd "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk3.vdi" --type shareable VBoxManage modifyhd "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk4.vdi" --type shareable VBoxManage storageattach tac2 --storagectl "SATA" --port 1 --device 0 --type hdd -- medium "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk1.vdi" --mtype shareable VBoxManage storageattach tac2 --storagectl "SATA" --port 2 --device 0 --type hdd -- medium "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk2.vdi" --mtype shareable VBoxManage storageattach tac2 --storagectl "SATA" --port 3 --device 0 --type hdd -- medium "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk3.vdi" --mtype shareable VBoxManage storageattach tac2 --storagectl "SATA" --port 4 --device 0 --type hdd -- medium "D:\VirtualBox VMs\shared_disk\sharedisk4.vdi" --mtype shareable 46. tac1, tac2 가상머신을시작합니다. 33
47. 추가한공유스토리지가할당되었는지확인합니다. [root@tac1:/root]# fdisk -l /dev/sdb [root@tac1:/root]# fdisk -l /dev/sdc [root@tac1:/root]# fdisk -l /dev/sdd [root@tac1:/root]# fdisk -l /dev/sde 48. fdisk 를수행합니다. [root@tac1:/root]# fdisk /dev/sdb [root@tac1:/root]# fdisk /dev/sdc 34
[root@tac1:/root]# fdisk /dev/sdd [root@tac1:/root]# fdisk /dev/sde [root@tac1:/root]# ls -rlt /dev/sd[b-e]1 49. Physical Volumn 을생성합니다.. [root@tac1:/root]# pvcreate /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 [root@tac1:/root]# pvcreate /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 [root@tac1:/root]# pvdisplay 35
50. Volumn Group 을생성합니다.. [root@tac1:/root]# vgcreate vg1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 [root@tac1:/root]# vgcreate vg2 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 [root@tac1:/root]# vgdisplay 36
51. Logical Volumn 을생성합니다. (mount 하기위해서는 Cluster File Sytem 이필요하므로 mount 를하지않습니다.). lvcreate -L 10M -n vol_tbcm_001 vg1 lvcreate -L 20M -n vol_control_001 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_001 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_002 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_003 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_004 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_005 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_006 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_007 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_008 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_009 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_010 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_011 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_012 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_013 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_014 vg1 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_015 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_001 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_002 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_003 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_004 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_005 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_006 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_007 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_008 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_009 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_010 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_011 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_012 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_013 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_014 vg1 37
lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_015 vg1 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_016 vg1 lvcreate -L 10M -n vol_tbcm_002 vg2 lvcreate -L 20M -n vol_control_002 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_001 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_002 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_003 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_004 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_005 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_006 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_007 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_008 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_009 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_010 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_011 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_012 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_013 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_014 vg2 lvcreate -L 128M -n vol_128m_015 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_001 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_002 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_003 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_004 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_005 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_006 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_007 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_008 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_009 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_010 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_011 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_012 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_013 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_014 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_015 vg2 lvcreate -L 512M -n vol_512m_016 vg2 [root@tac1:/root]# lvdisplay 38
52. Device 생성및소유권확인. (udev rule 설정을통하여 ownership 관리가이루어져야하나테스트용임으로간편하게 /etc/rc.local 파일을수정하도록합니다.). [root@tac1:/root]# vi /etc/rc.local chown tibero:dba /dev/mapper/vg* 39
53. Tac2 가상머신의 root, tibero User 의 TB_SID 를변경합니다. [root@tac2:/root]# vi ~/.bash_profile Export TB_SID=tac2 2.2 VirtualBox 에서 TAC 구성 1. Tibero 5 SP1 바이너리압축을해제합니다. [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ ls -rlt /tibero [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ gzip -dc tibero5-bin-fs01-linux64-107040-opt- 20150717210857.tar.gz tar -xvf - 40
2. gen_tip 실행및설정합니다. [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$./tibero5/config/gen_tip.sh Using TB_SID "tac1" /tibero/tibero5/config/tac1.tip generated /tibero/tibero5/config/psm_commands generated /tibero/tibero5/client/config/tbdsn.tbr generated. Running client/config/gen_esql_cfg.sh Done. 3. 초기화파라미터설정값을변경합니다. [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ vi $TB_HOME/config/$TB_SID.tip [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ cat $TB_HOME/config/$TB_SID.tip ## Database Identification DB_NAME=tac LISTENER_PORT=8629 ## File Configuration DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST="/tibero/tbdata" CONTROL_FILES="/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_control_001","/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_control_002" ## Memory & Session TOTAL_SHM_SIZE=768M MEMORY_TARGET=1280M MAX_SESSION_COUNT=50 41
## Undo and Rollback Segments UNDO_RETENTION=900 _USGMT_UNIFORM_EXTSIZE=64 _USGMT_ONLINE_MIN=30 _USGMT_ONLINE_MAX=100 UNDO_TABLESPACE="UNDOTBS1" ## Cache and I/O DB_BLOCK_SIZE=8192 DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT=64 ## Archive Log Mode LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT="arcTAC%t_%s_%r.arc" LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST="/tibero/tibarch" _ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET=21600 _ARCHIVE_CLOSED_THREAD=Y _ARCHIVE_CLOSED_THREAD_DIE_ON_FAIL=N ## Statistics AUDIT_TRAIL=NONE AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS=N AUDIT_FILE_DEST="/tibero/tiblog/tac/audit" ## APM Report AUTOMATIC_PERFORMANCE_MONITORING=Y APM_SNAPSHOT_SAMPLING_INTERVAL=60 APM_SNAPSHOT_RETENTION=7 APM_SNAPSHOT_TOP_SQL_CNT=10 ## Checkpoint _LOG_INC_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT=1 _LOG_INC_CKPT_LAG_LIMIT_PCT=25 ## Log Dest CM_LOG_DEST="/tibero/tiblog/tac/log/cm" DBMS_LOG_DEST="/tibero/tiblog/tac/log/dbmslog" EVENT_TRACE_DEST="/tibero/tiblog/tac/log/event" LSNR_LOG_DEST="/tibero/tiblog/tac/log/lsnr" SQL_TRACE_DEST="/tibero/tiblog/tac/log/sqltrace" TRACE_DUMP_DEST="/tibero/tiblog/tac/dump/tracedump" TRACE_LOG_DEST="/tibero/tiblog/tac/log/tracelog" ## Cluster Database CLUSTER_DATABASE=Y THREAD=0 LOCAL_CLUSTER_ADDR=10.10.XX.xx 42
LOCAL_CLUSTER_PORT=8631 LOCAL_CLUSTER_VIP=192.168.xx.xx LOCAL_CLUSTER_NIC=eth0 LOCAL_CLUSTER_VIP_NETMASK=255.255.xxx.xx LOCAL_CLUSTER_VIP_BROADCAST=192.168.xx.xx ## TBCM Parameter CM_CLUSTER_MODE=ACTIVE_SHARED CM_FILE_NAME="/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_tbcm_001","/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_tbcm_002" CM_PORT=8632 CM_HEARTBEAT_EXPIRE=30 CM_WATCHDOG_EXPIRE=25 CM_AUTO_VIP_FAILBACK=N CM_ENABLE_CM_DOWN_NOTIFICATION=Y CM_ENABLE_FAST_NET_ERROR_DETECTION=Y CM_FENCE=Y _CM_ENABLE_VIP_ALIAS_CHECK=N _CM_ENABLE_VIP_ALIAS_RETRY=N _CM_REBOOT_RETRY_COUNT=3 ## Miscellaneous ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY=Y USE_NET_KEEPALIVE=Y USE_RECYCLEBIN=Y NLS_DATE_FORMAT="YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS" BIND_VARIABLE_CAPTURE=Y JOB_HISTORY_LOG=Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [tibero@tac2:/tibero]$ cat $TB_HOME/config/$TB_SID.tip ## Database Identification DB_NAME=tac LISTENER_PORT=8629 ## File Configuration DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST="/tibero/tbdata" CONTROL_FILES="/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_control_001","/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_control_002" ## Memory & Session TOTAL_SHM_SIZE=768M MEMORY_TARGET=1280M MAX_SESSION_COUNT=50 ## Undo and Rollback Segments UNDO_RETENTION=900 _USGMT_UNIFORM_EXTSIZE=64 _USGMT_ONLINE_MIN=30 _USGMT_ONLINE_MAX=100 43
CM_CLUSTER_MODE=ACTIVE_SHARED CM_FILE_NAME="/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_tbcm_001","/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_tbcm_002" CM_PORT=8632 CM_HEARTBEAT_EXPIRE=30 CM_WATCHDOG_EXPIRE=25 CM_AUTO_VIP_FAILBACK=N CM_ENABLE_CM_DOWN_NOTIFICATION=Y CM_ENABLE_FAST_NET_ERROR_DETECTION=Y CM_FENCE=Y _CM_ENABLE_VIP_ALIAS_CHECK=N _CM_ENABLE_VIP_ALIAS_RETRY=N _CM_REBOOT_RETRY_COUNT=3 ## Miscellaneous ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY=Y USE_NET_KEEPALIVE=Y USE_RECYCLEBIN=Y NLS_DATE_FORMAT="YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS" BIND_VARIABLE_CAPTURE=Y JOB_HISTORY_LOG=Y 4. tbdsn.tbr 파일을변경합니다. [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ cat $TB_HOME/client/config/tbdsn.tbr #------------------------------------------------- # /tibero/tibero5/client/config/tbdsn.tbr # Network Configuration File. # Generated by gen_tip.sh at 2015. 08. 04. ( 15:08:31 KST tac1=( (INSTANCE=(HOST= ) (PORT=8629) (DB_NAME=tac) ) ) tac1_sp=( (INSTANCE=(HOST= ) (PORT=8630) (DB_NAME=tac) ) ) tac2=( (INSTANCE=(HOST= ) (PORT=8629) (DB_NAME=tac) ) ) tac=( (INSTANCE=(HOST= ) (PORT=8629) (DB_NAME=tac) ) (INSTANCE=(HOST= ) (PORT=8629) (DB_NAME=tac) ) (LOAD_BALANCE=N) (USE_FAILOVER=N) ) 45
[tibero@tac2:/tibero]$ cat $TB_HOME/client/config/tbdsn.tbr # /tibero/tibero5/client/config/tbdsn.tbr # Network Configuration File. # Generated by gen_tip.sh at 2015. 08. 04. ( 15:20:06 KST tac2=( (INSTANCE=(HOST= ) (PORT=8629) (DB_NAME=tac) ) ) tac2_sp=( (INSTANCE=(HOST= ) (PORT=8630) (DB_NAME=tac) ) ) tac1=( (INSTANCE=(HOST= ) (PORT=8629) (DB_NAME=tac) ) ) tac=( (INSTANCE=(HOST= ) (PORT=8629) (DB_NAME=tac) ) (INSTANCE=(HOST= ) (PORT=8629) (DB_NAME=tac) ) (LOAD_BALANCE=N) (USE_FAILOVER=N) ) 5. Tibero License 파일을저장합니다. [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ cat /tibero/tibero5/license/license.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <tmax_license> <license version="1.0"> <product version="5sp1">tibero</product> <serial_id>1438328432</serial_id> <issue_date>2015/07/31</issue_date> <licensee>tac1</licensee> <edition>enterprise</edition> <type>demo</type> <demo_duration>184</demo_duration> <identified_by_host>tac1</identified_by_host> <signature>tzggo5y1euer4re2fkh5fcsaijrbq6wxuvhzjwqetui=</signature> </license> </tmax_license> [tibero@tac2:/tibero]$ cat /tibero/tibero5/license/license.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <tmax_license> <license version="1.0"> <product version="5sp1">tibero</product> <serial_id>1438678840</serial_id> <issue_date>2015/08/04</issue_date> <licensee>tac2</licensee> 46
<edition>enterprise</edition> <type>demo</type> <demo_duration>184</demo_duration> <identified_by_host>tac2</identified_by_host> <signature>wuhe75y1euer4re2fkh5fh8u4kjbq6wxuvhzjwqetui=</signature> </license> </tmax_license> 6. root User 으로 tbcm 을기동합니다. [root@tac1:/root]# tbcm -c SUCCESS [root@tac1:/root]# tbcm -b CM file created! Keep booting CM-guard demon started up. I/O fence enabled. Tibero 5 SP1 TmaxData Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-. All rights reserved. Tibero cluster manager CM started up. Local node name is (cm@xx.xx.xx.xx:8632). [root@tac2:/root]# tbcm -b There exists valid CM file. Keep booting CM-guard demon started up. I/O fence enabled. Tibero 5 SP1 TmaxData Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-. All rights reserved. Tibero cluster manager CM started up. Local node name is (cm@ xx.xx.xx.xx:8632). 7. tibero5 directory 소유권을변경합니다 [root@tac1:/root]# chown -R tibero:dba /tibero/tibero5 [root@tac1:/root]# chown -R tibero:dba /tibero/tiblog [root@tac2:/root]# chown -R tibero:dba /tibero/tibero5 [root@tac2:/root]# chown -R tibero:dba /tibero/tiblog 47
8. tibero user 으로 nomount 으로기동합니다. [root@tac1:/root]# su - tibero [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ tbboot -t nomount Listener port = 8629 Change core dump dir to /tibero/tibero5/bin/prof. Tibero 5 SP1 TmaxData Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-. All rights reserved. Tibero instance started up (NOMOUNT mode). 9. Database 를생성합니다. [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ tbsql sys/tibero@tac1_sp tbsql 5 SP1 TmaxData Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-. All rights reserved. Connected to Tibero. SQL> create database "tac" user sys identified by tibero character set MSWIN949 logfile group 0 ('/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_128m_001','/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_128m_001') size 127M, group 1 ('/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_128m_002','/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_128m_002') size 127M, group 2 ('/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_128m_003','/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_128m_003') size 127M, group 3 ('/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_128m_004','/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_128m_004') size 127M, group 4 ('/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_128m_005','/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_128m_005') size 127M maxdatafiles 5120 maxlogfiles 100 maxlogmembers 8 noarchivelog datafile '/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_512m_001' size 511M autoextend off default tablespace USR datafile '/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_128m_013' size 127M autoextend off default temporary tablespace TEMP tempfile '/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_512m_004' size 511M autoextend off extent management local AUTOALLOCATE undo tablespace UNDOTBS1 datafile '/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_512m_002' size 511M autoextend off extent management local UNIFORM SIZE 128K ; Database created. 48
10. Tibero 기동후 Thread 1 의 UNDO & REDO 를추가후활성화합니다. SQL> quit [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ tbboot Listener port = 8629 Change core dump dir to /tibero/tibero5/bin/prof. Tibero 5 SP1 TmaxData Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-. All rights reserved. Tibero instance started up (NORMAL mode). [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ tbsql sys/tibero tbsql 5 SP1 TmaxData Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-. All rights reserved. Connected to Tibero. SQL> create undo tablespace UNDOTBS2 datafile '/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_512m_003' size 511M autoextend off extent management local UNIFORM SIZE 128K ; Tablespace 'UNDOTBS2' created. SQL> alter database add logfile thread 1 group 5 ('/dev/mapper/vg1- vol_128m_006','/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_128m_006') size 127M; 49
Database altered. SQL> alter database add logfile thread 1 group 6 ('/dev/mapper/vg1- vol_128m_007','/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_128m_007') size 127M; Database altered. SQL> alter database add logfile thread 1 group 7 ('/dev/mapper/vg1- vol_128m_008','/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_128m_008') size 127M; Database altered. SQL> alter database add logfile thread 1 group 8 ('/dev/mapper/vg1- vol_128m_009','/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_128m_009') size 127M; Database altered. SQL> alter database add logfile thread 1 group 9 ('/dev/mapper/vg1- vol_128m_010','/dev/mapper/vg2-vol_128m_010') size 127M; Database altered. SQL> alter database enable public thread 1; Database altered. 50
11. APM Tablespace 를생성합니다. SQL> create tablespace _apm_ts datafile '/dev/mapper/vg1-vol_128m_014' size 127m autoextend off; Tablespace '_APM_TS' created. 12. $TB_HOME/scripts 디렉터리에서 system.sh 명령어를입력하여 data dictionary 와 system 패키지를생성합니다. [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ sh $TB_HOME/scripts/system.sh -p1 tibero -p2 syscat -a1 y -a2 y -a3 y -a4 y 51
13. tac2 tibero 를기동후 Instance 상태를확인합니다. [tibero@tac2:/tibero]$ tbboot Listener port = 8629 Change core dump dir to /tibero/tibero5/bin/prof. Tibero 5 SP1 TmaxData Corporation Copyright (c) 2008-. All rights reserved. Tibero instance started up (NORMAL mode). [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ tbcm s [tibero@tac1:/tibero]$ tbsql sys/tibero SQL> SELECT * FROM V$INSTANCE; 52
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