Sun Java System Messaging Server 63 64
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1 Sun Java System Messaging Server Sun Java TM System Communications Suite Sun Microsystems, Inc Network Circle Santa Clara, CA U.S.A. :
2 Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA U.S.A.. Sun Microsystems, Inc.... Sun Microsystems, Inc. FAR.. Berkeley BSD. UNIX X/Open Company, Ltd.. Sun, Sun Microsystems, Sun, Solaris, Java Coffee Cup,, Java Solaris Sun Microsystems, Inc.. SPARC SPARC International, Inc.. SPARC Sun Microsystems, Inc.. OPEN LOOK Sun TM (GUI) Sun Microsystems, Inc.. Sun Xerox. Sun Xerox Xerox (GUI). OPEN LOOK GUI Sun Sun..,.. " ",,,.
3 Sun Java System Messaging Server Sun Java System Messaging Server Communications Suite. Messaging Server Messaging Server 14 Solaris 16 : Messaging Server 16 Messaging Server 19 Messaging Server Sun
4 Sun Java System Messaging Server Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Communications Suite Messaging Server Messaging Server 6.3 Communications Suite 5 Sun Java System Messaging Server Messaging Server. Messaging Server. Veritas Cluster Agent Sun Cluster Agent Sun Cluster. Sun Cluster Communications Suite Communications Suite 5 Java Enterprise System ( : Directory Server, Sun Cluster). Communications Suite(Messaging Server, Calendar Server, Delegated Administrator, Communications Express Sun Cluster Agent Veritas Cluster Agent). GUI : Communications Suite 5(Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3) Sun Java System Messaging Server Messaging Server. 16 Messaging Server. 4 Sun Java System Messaging Server
5 Messaging Server 7 Messaging Server. CPU,,,,,.,. Sun Java System GB.. DNS /etc/resolv.conf IP.. domain nameserver nameserver nameserver nameserver /etc/hosts wireless loghost Sun Java System Messaging Server
6 3 /etc/nsswitch.conf files. nsswitch.conf hosts files. hosts: files dns nis [NOTFOUND=return] NIS. hosts: files dns 4 Solaris 10 (FQDN) /etc/hosts /etc/inet/ipnodes. (FQDN).. LUFS(Logging UFS). VxFS(Veritas File System). Veritas File System. VxVM(Veritas Volume Manager). HAStoragePlus File System(Sun Cluster ). HAStoragePlus File System Sun Cluster. NFS(Network File System). MTA NFS LMTP,. Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3. NFS BSD (/var/mail/). Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Appliance NFS Messaging Server. Messaging Server Solaris 9 2(SPARC ) 64 Solaris 10 SPARC 64 x86 ( ) 64. Solaris Linux. Messaging Server HP-UX Windows. 6 Sun Java System Messaging Server
7 32. Solaris 9 2(SPARC x86 ) Solaris 10 SPARC x86 ( ) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server, 3( ) 4( ) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Enterprise Server, 3( ) 4( ) Messaging Server Sun Java System Messaging Server "Patches()" "Patch Portal( )". Java Enterprise System SunSolve... Messaging Server Solaris () SPARC x Messaging Server : SUNWmessaging-server 64: SUNWmessaging-server-64 32: SUNWmessaging-server-l10n 64: SUNWmessaging-server-l10n 64 Sun Java System Messaging Server
8 Messaging Server Messaging Server. 8 8 commpkg Sun Java System Messaging Server Sun Download Center(Sun ). Messaging Server zip. SPARC x86. commpkg commpkg Messaging Server Messaging Server Messaging Server. Messaging Server Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 1,. commpkg [general options] verb [verb-specific options] general options. -? help. 8 Sun Java System Messaging Server
9 Messaging Server -V version Messaging Server. verb. Verb install uninstall Messaging Server. Messaging Server.. 16 Messaging Server. verb-specific options. verb-specific options excludeos excludesc acceptlicense altroot distro path installroot path silent INPUTFILE.,. LICENSE.txt.. INSTALLROOT( ). /. : commpkg Messaging Server INSTALLROOT. Communications Suite ( ) INSTALLROOT. INPUTFILE. INPUTFILE.. dryrun. Sun Java System Messaging Server
10 Messaging Server verb-specific options dry-run -n upgradesc [y n] auditdistro pkgoverwrite Messaging Server... :.. : [y n]. : n excludesc root commpkg commpkg. commpkg. #./commpkg install -- LOGFILE: /tmp/commsinstaller_ log 3... Enter n yes. 4. (INSTALLROOT). 10 Sun Java System Messaging Server
11 Messaging Server INSTALLROOT /opt/sunwmsgsvr /opt/sun/comms/messaging(32 ) /opt/sun/comms/messaging64(64 ). INSTALLROOT. 5.. Messaging Server 6.3, Messaging Server 6.3( ), Messaging Server Messaging Server ( ) Messaging Server INSTALLROOT. All tasks PASSED. 8.. undocommsinstall. /var/opt/commsinstaller/logs/undocommsinstall_ /var/opt/commsinstaller/logs/silent_commsinstaller_ /var/opt/commsinstaller/logs/commsinstaller_ log 9. Sun Java System Messaging Server
12 Messaging Server undocommsinstall. /var/opt/commsinstaller/logs/undocommsinstall_ commpkg uninstall ( 19 Messaging Server ) INSTALLROOT( : /opt/sun/comms). CommsInstaller:. /var/opt/commsinstaller/log. Messaging Server INSTALLROOT/var/opt/CommsInstaller/log. messaging:32 Messaging Server messaging64:64 Messaging Server. ( ), /var/opt/commsinstaller/logs/silent_commsinstaller_ commpkg.. ( ). (#) (=) /.. 12 Sun Java System Messaging Server
13 Messaging Server VERB. : VERB=install 8 commpkg CLI dry-run install. ALTDISTROPATH distro distro. : ALTDISTROPATH=SunOS5.10_i86pc_DBG.OBJ/release PKGOVERWRITE. : PKGOVERWRITE=YES INSTALLROOT. : INSTALLROOT=/opt/sun/comms ALTROOT. : ALTROOT=yes EXCLUDEOS. : EXCLUDEOS=YES COMPONENTS.. 64 Messaging Server COMPONENTS=MS64 64 Messaging Server COMPONENTS=MS64_L10N 32 Messaging Server COMPONENTS=MS 32 Messaging Server COMPONENTS=MS_L10N ACCEPTLICENSE-. : ACCEPTLICENSE=yes. UPGRADESC. : UPGRADESC=no.. excludesc. 8 commpkg ~(). Messaging Server 64 ~3.. INSTALLROOT. altroot. Sun Java System Messaging Server
14 Solaris 1. INSTALLROOT OS. 10. ~(). Messaging Server 64 ~3.. OS INSTALLROOT. Solaris 2. Messaging Server. commpkg install altroot installroot /opt/sun/comms2 altroot installroot... Solaris 10 Messaging Server. Messaging Server Solaris 10 Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Installation Guide Overview of Solaris Zones. Solaris 10 Solaris 10 Messaging Server. Messaging Server... Messaging Server OS, Messaging Server.. Messaging Server. 14 Sun Java System Messaging Server
15 Solaris Messaging Server Messaging Server. 10 Messaging Server. (,, ). Messaging Server OS /. /usr OS. 3. OS /. commpkg install -upgradesc y Messaging Server. ~(). Messaging Server 64 ~ OS 10 Messaging Server. Sun Java System Messaging Server
16 : Messaging Server : Messaging Server Messaging Server. 16 Messaging Server 16 Messaging Server Messaging Server Messaging Server../opt/SUNWcomds/sbin/ Sun Java Communications Suite 5 Installation Guide Running the Directory Preparation Tool. 16 Messaging Server migrate-config. Messaging Server configure Messaging Server. 64 Messaging Server /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/sbin/configure. Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Messaging Server. 16 Messaging Server migrate-config. Messaging Server Messaging Server. 32 Messaging Server 64 Messaging Server ( Messaging Server ). ( : INSTALLROOT). 16 Sun Java System Messaging Server
17 Messaging Server ( () ).(.) ( : INSTALLROOT). ( ( ) ) ( : msg-svr-base) Messaging Server Messaging Server(32) Messaging Server Messaging Server ( /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/) 64 Messaging Server. 10. Messaging Server migrate-config( ). /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/sbin/migrate-config old-msg-svr-root. /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/sbin/migrate-config /opt/sunwmsgsr /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/sbin/patch-config. /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/sbin/install-newconfig. /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/sbin/migrate-config -u /opt/sunwmsgsr. -u.. PATH. Legato Networker. Sun Java System Messaging Server
18 Messaging Server.. /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/sbin/start-msg u(). /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/sbin/migrate-config u old-base-dir old-base-dir. Messaging Server. old-base-dir/sbin/start-msg () Messaging Server Messaging Server ( /opt/sun/comms/messaging/) Messaging Server. 10. Messaging Server migrate-config( ). /opt/sun/comms/messaging/sbin/migrate-config old-msg-svr-root. /opt/sun/comms/messaging/sbin/migrate-config /opt/sunwmsgsr /opt/sun/comms/messaging/sbin/patch-config. /opt/sun/comms/messaging/sbin/install-newconfig. /opt/sun/comms/messaging/sbin/migrate-config -u /opt/sunwmsgsr. -u.. PATH. Legato Networker.. 18 Sun Java System Messaging Server
19 Messaging Server. /opt/sun/comms/messaging/sbin/start-msg u(). /opt/sun/comms/messaging/sbin/migrate-config u old-base-dir old-base-dir. Messaging Server. old-base-dir/sbin/start-msg ( ) patchadd.. 7 Messaging Server msg-svr-base patch-config. : /opt/sunwmsgsr/sbin/patch-config msg-svr-base install-newconfig. : /opt/sunwmsgsr/sbin/install-newconfig msg-svr-base uninstall-newconfig. : /opt/sunwmsgsr/messaging/sbin/uninstall-newconfig 7 Messaging Server patchrm. Messaging Server Messaging Server INSTALLROOT/CommsInstaller/bin/ commpkg uninstall. commpkg install. commpkg install OS.. Sun Java System Messaging Server
20 Messaging Server Messaging Server. commpkg uninstall. rootdir path silent INPUTFILE dry-run -n rootdir. Solaris. INPUTFILE. INPUTFILE.. dryrun. Messaging Server.. INPUTFILE /tmp.. ( ), /var/opt/commsinstaller/logs/silent_commsinstaller_ Sun Java System Messaging Server
21 Sun # Silent File for CommsInstaller # Generated on # root directory ROOTDIR=/ # list of components to uninstall (using mneumonics) COMPONENTS=MS64 MS64_L10N Messaging Server mailbox is busy. ims_master General Warning: Shutdown timeout, possible deadlock.. :.. configutil -o store.quotanotification -v off Messaging Server SASL. :SASL(libsasl) INSTALLROOT. commpkg install upgradesc y Sun SM Sun. PDF HTML.. Sun Sun Sun Java System Messaging Server
22 ( ) ( : Sun ) Sun. Send Comments( ) , Sun Java System Messaging Server Sun Java System Messaging Server
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1. 롯데 통합구매 시스템 사용자 매뉴얼 (공급사용) 2006.01-1 - 문서 이력(Revision History) Date Version Description Author(s) 2006/01 V1.0 사용자 매뉴얼 - 공급사용 롯데CFD 주) 이 사용자 안내서의 내용과 롯데 통합구매 시스템은 저작권법과 컴퓨터 프로그램 보호법으로 보호 받고 있으며, 롯데CFD의
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