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1 FORCS Co., LTD 1
2 2 FORCS Co., LTD
3 . Publishing Wizard Publishing Wizard Publishing Wizard Publishing Wizard FORCS Co., LTD 3
4 Publishing Wizard Publidhing Wizard HTML, ASP, JSP. Publishing Wizard [] [] Publishing Wizard. 4 FORCS Co., LTD
6 . (.txt). (Ctrl + S) []. [] []. Publishing Wizard. 6 FORCS Co., LTD
7 ,. FORCS Co., LTD 7
8 . OZ Server Type.... (Daemon Servlet) 8 FORCS Co., LTD
9 OZ Server Type Server IP Server Port Servlet URL Daemon IP Port, Servlet URL... Daemon IP. Daemon Servlet URL.... ODI [FORM], ODI ODI... ( HTML.) Appendix1.. FORCS Co., LTD 9
10 <param name="connection.server" value="[encryptedforviewer].14310f8adc1ad817c8"> <param name="connection.port" value="[encryptedforviewer].1dbbd4eb"> <param name="connection.reportname" value="[encryptedforviewer].748fbc6c9f71d1e e7d"> <param name="viewer.configmode" value="html"> <param name="connection.id" value="[encryptedforserver] "> <param name="connection.password" value="[encryptedforserver] "> <param name="odi.odinames" value="ozsample"> <param name="connection.pcount" value="1"> <param name="connection.args1" value="test=[encryptedforserver].7sj38fsk397ejwe"> <param name="odi.ozsample.pcount" value="1"> <param name="odi.ozsample.args1" value="product=[encryptedforserver].6a636a43"> 10 FORCS Co., LTD
11 Publishing Wizard [>>] [ ]. [ ]. (connection.id, connection.password). * Appendix1.. FORCS Co., LTD 11
12 [ ] [] [ ]. []. [] [] [ ]. 12 FORCS Co., LTD
13 []. [ ]. OZ Server IP IP. ( ) Port. OZ Server Port ( ) OZ Server URL URL. ( ) HTML/JSP/ASP. HTML Tag HTML, JSP, ASP, JSP ASP. (IE/Netscape). FORCS Co., LTD 13
14 ZTransfer dll Codebase / ZTransfer cab ZTransfer Version. dll (URL). URL DLL Download. URL / Port ) URL : URL : port : 8080 Ztansfer PC Install Direction File. (Install base) Install base / (Install Namerspace base ). FORM JSP/ASP. FORM JSP/ASP. 14 FORCS Co., LTD
16 [] [ ].. [] [] []. 16 FORCS Co., LTD
17 [] [ ]. Publishing Wizard. pubwiz param.txt.. [] [ ] [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 17
18 [ ]. [ ] param.txt. 18 FORCS Co., LTD
19 . OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist FORCS Co., LTD 19
20 OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist,. OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist OS MS Windows 2000 CPU : Pentium 500MHz RAM : 256MB : SVGA(800*600 ) OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist OZReportAssist.exe. 20 FORCS Co., LTD
21 . []. OZ Report Assist [ ]. C:\Program Files\FORCS\OZ Report Assist( C ), []. FORCS Co., LTD 21
22 . []. OZ Report Assist [ ] / [ ]. 22 FORCS Co., LTD
23 . []. [] OZ Report Assist. OZ Report Assist. FORCS Co., LTD 23
24 . OZ Report Assist. [], (OZ ReportAssist Image Driver). []. 24 FORCS Co., LTD
25 [] [FORCS] [OZ Report Assist] [OZ Report Assist]. OZ Report Assist [] [FORCS] [OZ Report Assist] [OZ Report Assist] [OZ Report Assist]. FORCS Co., LTD 25
26 OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist. 26 FORCS Co., LTD
27 OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist, [] [FORCS] [OZ Report Assist]. OZ Report Assist TypeA Image MS- Office [FromPrinter]. [FromPrinter] [] [FORCS] [OZ Report Assist] [FromPrinter], OZ Report Assist [] [] [] []. OZ Report Assist [] []/ vb6ko.dll Windows DLL vb6jp.dll Windows DLL msvcp60.dll Windows DLL MSSTDFMT.DLL Windows DLL COMCT232.OCX Windows DLL MSCOMCTL.OCX Windows DLL comdlg32.ocx Windows DLL TABCTL32.OCX Windows DLL System32 scrrun.dll Windows DLL imgcmn.dll Windows Imaging DLL oieng400.dll Windows Imaging DLL imgedit.ocx Windows Imaging DLL Vsflex7N.ocx MSXML4A.DLL Microsoft XML Parser MSXML4R.DLL Microsoft XML Parser MSXML4.DLL Microsoft XML Parser LcnsMgrDll.dll DLL FORCS Co., LTD 27
28 GDIPLUS.DLL Windows DLL ImageTools.dll DLL TAVBLayout.ocx AXUtility.dll AXOCRMDT.dll OCX OCR Engine DLL OCRMDT OCR Engine DLL OZReportAssi st AXMain.ocx OCX OZAssist.exe AuraXResKR.dll AuraXResJP.dll aurax15.conf oz.xsl ozrev.xsl oz.before OZR XSL OZR XSL OZR OZAssist\Fro mprinter 28 FORCS Co., LTD
29 OZ Report Assist (pull down). OZ Report Assist. /,,,.,,.. FORCS Co., LTD 29
30 [].. OZ Report Assist. OZR (Ctrl+S) OZR. OZ Report Assist. OCR. 30 FORCS Co., LTD
31 OZ Report Assist. TIF, JPG, GIF, BMP TIF. [UI ]. [ ].. FORCS Co., LTD 31
32 ,.. [ ] X, Y, [ ]. 32 FORCS Co., LTD
33 OZ OZ OZ (.ozr). [OZR ] OZR, [Image ]. OCR OCR. [OCR ] OCR. FORCS Co., LTD 33
34 OZ Report Assist. [ ]. 34 FORCS Co., LTD
35 OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist. OZ Report Assts.,. OZ Report Assist. FORCS Co., LTD 35
36 . OZR.ozr.. ()...,.,. &.. 36 FORCS Co., LTD
37 &. &.,. [ ]. / /. /() /. / /.. / /.. FORCS Co., LTD 37
38 /.. OZR,. (Default : ). / /. / / FORCS Co., LTD
39 OZ Report Assist OZ Report Assist OZR. OZR OZ Report Assist. OZ Report Assist 1. OZ Report Assist TypeA Image TypeA Image []. OZ Report Assist. 2 [] [] [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 39
40 OZ Report Assist. 40 FORCS Co., LTD
41 OZR ,,. FORCS Co., LTD 41
42 3. [] [] [ ]. 4. [] [OCR ] OZR [ ]. OZR []. 42 FORCS Co., LTD
43 5. OZR. FORCS Co., LTD 43
1 기 : 기 UF_D_V250_002 기 기 기 품 ufocs 기 v2.5.0 히기기기기기기기기기 기 Manual 기 version 기 3.2 기품 2011.7.29 히기 345-13 1 Tel : 02-857-3051 Fax : 02-3142-0319 : http://www.satu.co.kr 2010 SAT information Co., Ltd. All
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