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1 . Improve your Outlook on and File Management iseminar (or 6677) x600. iseminar Chat...

2 Improve your Outlook on and File Management :,

3 Collaboration Suite - Key Messages Q & A..

4 Communications & Collaboration,,, , fax /, : : :..

5 50% -Forrester MS Exchange - 4 / - Radicati - 10, Radicati migration IT..

6 : Unrelated Systems Files File Servers? FAX File Folder Mail folder Vmail Vmail system!..

7 Oracle TCO ROI..

8 Oracle Collaboration Suite Oracle9i Platform Oracle9i Database Oracle9i Application Server Calendar Voice Mail Files..

9 Oracle Collaboration Suite Fax Microsoft Outlook Calendar Files Application Server Data Store..

10 Oracle Collaboration Suite Intel Intel Converged Communications Platform Collaboration Suite Intel Dialogic Intel..

11 Server Data Center Collaboration Suite Message Store (Oracle 9iRAC) SMTP Standard Protocol Servers IMAP4 / POP3 WAN / Internet Remote User Web Browser Clients Oracle Internet Directory Notification and Wireless Gateways Intel Dialogic Boards Voic and Facsimile Intel CT Server P B X PSTN..

12 Oracle Improve Your Outlook Exchange Your MS Exchange 100% Outlook Oracle9i platform ,, calendar Outlook, PDAs, OS Calendar Voic Files Search..

13 Collaboration Suite Migration Tools Calendar Voic Files Search MS Exchange Oracle Collaboration Suite Collaboration Suite MS Exchange Message Store Oracle Migration Tool Database MAPI Oracle Internet Directory..

14 Oracle Communications Suite vs Microsoft Exchange Oracle Comm. Suite Calendar Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Voic Files Search Microsoft Exchange ,000+ Concurrent Avg* 2800 (est max.)* Yes No No Virus / Yes Yes Yes Yes 15 No No No 3rd party Yes Hardly * Radicati Group 0 No No No 3rd party 0 Hardly..

15 Collaboration Suite Calendar Voic Files Search Transition to Exchange 2000 is Painful Exchange 5.5 Jet Jet Jet Jet Jet Jet Jet Exchange 2000 Jet Jet Jet Jet Jet Jet Exchange CY2004? Access (Jet) Database SQL Server..

16 : Junta de Andalucia Calendar Voic Files Search 47,000 Mail System 100+ Microsoft Exchange servers Why Oracle,, 250,000 (8 )..

17 Oracle Calendar Voic Files Search Calendar calendar Windows, Mac, Unix Linux Microsoft Outlook w/ group scheduling Calendar, notes, tasks, Manage,,..

18 Oracle Calendar Outlook Connector OUTLOOK MAPI Outlook Connector Voic Files Search Calendar Microsoft Messaging API (MAPI) collaboration Outlook CALENDAR API IMAP/SMTP Oracle Calendar Oracle OiD..

19 Outlook client Oracle and Calendar..

20 Oracle Collaboration Suite Calendar Voic Files Search IMAP4 POP3 Clients (e.g. Outlook) Mail Protocol Servers (IMAP4, POP3) Web Browser Browser Thin Clients (HTML & WML), PDA Wireless Notification Gateways (SMS & WCTP) Fax PBX switch Fax LDAP Directory..

21 Collaboration Suite: Files Calendar Voic Files Search, Enterprise collaboration..

22 Oracle Files Simple & Scalable Calendar Voic Files Search HTTP web application Multi-protocol access WebDAV WebFolders FTP, AFP, NFS, SMB FileSync HotSync (workgroups, workflow, ) (, )..

23 Files: Calendar Voic Files Search Collaborate :,,..

24 Oracle Oracle Files Calendar Voic Files Search 1, ,000+ Oracle 12,000, TB 500-1,000..

25 Calendar Voic Files Search 1000 $48,000 $2.5 million. IDC

26 Calendar Voic Files : Search - database, mail, Web file..

27 Flexible Access Desktop Web Outlook Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux Calendar, notification Desktop clients, Palm PocketPC..

28 Review of Key Messages Collaboration Suite ( ,, fax, instant messaging). file server Oracle collaboration. Outlook 100%..

29 Review of Key Messages , Oracle IT MS Outlook 100% Outlook,, /..

30 Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S..

31 Improve Performance & Reduce Downtime with Oracle 9i..

32 : isd iseminar : iseminar. iseminar ....

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