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1 (Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business) ( )

2 ,, Bio Bio Money Money

3 ( ) ( )

4 ( ) (1 3 ) 1 14:00 20:

5 4 e t

6 / Life Cycle (e-commerce) / System Engineering Chaos (e-commerce)

7 , ( ) Engineering Mind ( ) -

8 - / / / /

9 (Outsourcing) (Outsourcing)

10 - Internet -

11 HP Builds the Electronic World E-Business E-Commerce E-Consumer

12 MS Business,,,, 70% 3%,

13 ????, 24 /,, 77 /

14 A Changing World

15 1 (Convergence) Convergence) (Content), (Computing), (Carriage) Carriage) 2 (Knowledge) Knowledge) 3 knowledge exchange Smart Organization 3 (Virtualization) Virtualization) (:, full-time ) 4 (Molecularization) (: ) 5 (Integration/Internetworking) Integration/Internetworking) (:, ) 6 (Prosumption) (: ) 7 (Globalization) Globalization),, Site

16 Total Concepts

17 Global Standard Integration Life Cycle Reengineering Knowledge / (EI : Enterprise Integration) (ISO ) D/B, Open System CE BPR

18 (Key Imperatives for Today s s Financial Institution)

19 Web Commerce B2C (Biz to Consumer) Wallet SET/SSL Storefront vpos Non-SET Payment SET X25 Payment Gateway (vgate) Gateway EDI B2B (Biz to Biz) Wallet SSL EDI Storefront Firm Banking Payment Gateway X25 VAN

20 (Service Providers) /

21 Issuing bank Settlement Acquiring bank Statement Payment instructions DOG Authorization Order confirmation Order description Hard goods to customer Shipper Shipping request Fulfillment center

22 Web : Koh & Bathazard(1997)

23 E - Commerce Extending your business to trading partners and customers online Corp Purchasing B2B B2C Customer Company Suppliers - Value Chain B2B B2B Distributors, Retailers

24 1 ( ) Agile Organization

25 2 ( ) Network GUI ( ) Smart Organization

26 3,, ( ) Groupware Virtual Enterprise Global Organization

27 /

28 How to Build Stores Typical Store Creation Effort Install merchant server & play with starter stores Create product and shopper database Implement product display & navigation Implement purchase process Implement store administration Test and rollout

29 Los Angeles County Situation: Largest US County government with over 80,000 employees Annual purchasing budget of $650m Over 25,000 suppliers (ie( ie hard drives to helicopters) Issues: Paper-based purchasing system Decentralized approval and auditing process Reduce transactions and operations cost through real-time integration with suppliers Integration with legacy ERP and EDI systems Scalable solution covering 10,000+ desktops Ease-of of-use Support for Internet standards (eg( eg ANSI, OBI, EDI, EDIFACT)

30 Los Angeles County Solution: Windows NT Server 40 with Internet Information Server 40 SQL Server 65 Site Server Commerce Commerce One BuySite and MarketSite Integration with ERP system (AGPS) Benefits: Procurement project cost < one third of 1% of the dollars processed sed through purchasing in a single year ($23m) Projected savings of $29 million over 5 years from warehouse closure Automating 85% of purchases; expect 5% reduction in cost of goods s ($30 million in savings/year) Projected 5 Yr ROI = $180m+ MarketSite provides suppliers with online catalog update tools, order processing, billing, and tracking

31 ~ ~01 94~ , ,688 1, ~

32 31 31 (45) (45) PC PC ~01 00~ ~03 94~ ~01 97~ EDI EDI ~02 98~02 CALS/EC CALS/EC 1,732 1,732 1,159 1,159 3,688 3,688 2,494 2,

33 (1) (Electronic banking) (1) ( ( )) PSTN PSTN (LAN, PSTN) (2) (2) PC PC ( (,, ) ) (4) (4) ( ( )) (3) (3) ( ( )) (LAN, PSTN)

34 ecash ( ) ( ) ecash ( ) (ecash) (ecash ) ( )) ecash PC ecash PC

35 (smart card) (smart card) ecash ( ) ecash


37 ,372 1, ,283 1, ,405 1,405 2,148 2,148 2,967 2, ,335 4,335

슬라이드 제목 없음

슬라이드 제목 없음 (Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business) ( ) .????.,,,,?,,..( ),,,?,,,????.???,...... / Life Cycle (e-commerce) / System Engineering Chaos , ( ) Engineering Mind ( ) - - / / / / (Outsourcing) (Outsourcing)

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