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1 SAS Korea / Professional Service Division
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4 Corporate Performance Management Definition ý... is a system that provides organizations with a method of measuring and aligning the organization strategy with business performance... is an integrated set of management processes linking strategy to operational execution.... provides a consistent, reliable, and meaningful methodology to assess and monitor short and longterm business performance (both financial and nonfinancial);and track progress in implementing key strategic initiatives. ý... process may drive changes in the business systems elements to provide the flexibility and adaptability to address a constantly changing business environment. 4
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13 CPM (Corporate Performance Management) Do Plan See (ABC) ((BSC) 13
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21 Strategy () BSC Balanced Scorecard Perspectives Financial Customer Internal Process Learning & Growth Perspectives () :,,, Objectives Profitable business growth Quality product from knowledgeable associate Improve factory quality Train & equip the workforce Objectives () Cause & Effect Linkage () Measures () Targets () Initiatives () BSC, Cause & Effect Linkage Measures Targets Profitability Revenue growth Operating income Sales vs. Last yr 20% increase 12% increase Initiatives Likes program Product quality Shopping experience Return rate Customer loyalty - Ever active % - # units Reduced by 50% each yr 60% 2.4 units Quality management program Customer loyalty program A class factories Line plan manageme nt % of merchandise from A factories Items in stock vs. plan 70% by yr 3 85% Corp. factory development program Factory relationship program Merchandise buying/planni ng skills % of strategic skills available Yr 1 50% Yr 3 75% Yr 5 90% Strategic skills program Merchants des KTFop 21
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24 ( vs. KPI, vs. KPI ) Map, Web Object 24
25 KPI SAS WebEIS 25
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38 - ABC - ABC What is spent? How resources are spent? 38
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41 Finance Customer Internal Innovation Overall EVA Revenue Growth Customer Satisfaction Market Share Associate Satisfaction Cultural Transformation Hit Rate Non-Direct Channel Revenue Marketing Marketing Cost/Cust. Customer Satisfaction Market Share Forecast Accuracy # of Distributors Trained Alternate Channel Rev. New Prod. Rev. Sales Sales Cost/Cust. Level of Discounting DSO # New Orders Reliability Rating # of Sales Calls Salesforce Knowledge Hit Rate After-market Harvesting Distribution Inventory Turns Days On-Hand Order Processing Time Inventory Management Inventory Excess Avoidance Purchase Order Prep. Time Advanced Inventory Management System Service Service Revenue Service Cost Customer Service Satisfaction Service Response Time Service Quality Service Time Reduced Service Cost/Existing Customer 41
42 42 20% 80% ()?
43 Utilization ACTION Decrease cost, Keep benefit : Efficiency 17% of Act 30% of Costs 20% of Act 52% of Costs Profit / Value : Profitability 4,100 3,900 3,700 3,500 3,300 3,100 30% of Act 7% of Costs 33% of Act 11% of Costs 2,900 2,700 2, Cons Cap ACTION Low priority ACTION Invest? Channel/Product combinations / Inbound Operation Mark / Sales Outbound Products / Services Branch/ Channel Markets / Customers Value A B C D Shareholder Value Capital Invested GROUP 2,250 3,200 43
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Oracle Apps Day_SEM
Senior Consultant Application Sales Consulting Oracle Korea - 1. S = (P + R) x E S= P= R= E= Source : Strategy Execution, By Daniel M. Beall 2001 1. Strategy Formulation Sound Flawed Missed Opportunity
(BSC: Balanced ScoreCard) ( ) (Value Chain) (Firm Infrastructure) (Support Activities) (Human Resource Management) (Technology Development) (Primary Activities) (Procurement) (Inbound (Outbound (Marketing
Logistics Strategic Planning pnjlee@cjcci.or.kr Difference between 3PL and SCM Factors Third-Party Logistics Supply Chain Management Goal Demand Management End User Satisfaction Just-in-case Lower
CRM 2000. 8. KAIST CRM CRM CRM CRM :,, KAIST : 50%-60%, 20% 60%-80%. AMR Research 10.. CRM. 5. Harvard Business review 60%, 13%. Michaelson & Associates KAIST CRM? ( ),,, -,,, CRM needs,,, dynamically
BSC Discussion 1
Copyright 2006 by Human Consulting Group INC. All Rights Reserved. No Part of This Publication May Be Reproduced, Stored in a Retrieval System, or Transmitted in Any Form or by Any Means Electronic, Mechanical,
Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
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* BCS : Business Consulting Service ( PwC) ** C&I : Consulting & Integration Organization *** TSG: Technology Solution Group 2/22 - - - * IDC, 2003 ** 2003,, 2004 3/22 * Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create
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BSC 2005.10.15 BSC : vs. BSC SEM Managing Strategy SFO BSC HR 1.,,. 2.. 3.. 4.,, /. 5.,,. 6.,. 7. (strategic intent). 8.. 9.. Source: Hax/Majluf (1996) 14 1 2 3 4 / Source: Gluck et al. (1980) 157 I (SBU)
Data Warehouse Hammersoftkorea BI Group / DW / 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Automating Informating Source : Kelly, The Data Warehousing : The Route to Mass Customization, 1996. -,, Data .,.., /. ...,.,,,.
CRM CRM (CRM : Customer Relationship Management ). CRM,,.,,.. IMF.,.,. (CRM: Customer Relationship Management, CRM )., CRM,.,., 57 45 (2001 )., CRM...,, CRM, CRM.. CRM 1., CRM,. CRM,.,.,. (Volume),,,,,,,,,,
Principal Consultant Corporate Management Team ( Oracle HRMS ) Agenda 1. Oracle Overview 2. HR Transformation 3. Oracle HRMS Initiatives 4. Oracle HRMS Model 5. Oracle HRMS System 6. Business Benefit 7.
1. BSC, Cycle [Uncertainty Issue], P What To Do? -, IT Process ing Issue ( Key Initiative) [Decision Making Issue] Workout -Brain Storming - Logic Tre
1. BSC, 2. BSC 3. 4. CSF 5. 1 1. BSC, Cycle [Uncertainty Issue], P What To Do? -, IT Process ing Issue ( Key Initiative) [Decision Making Issue] Workout -Brain Storming - Logic Tree Process ing What To
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: 2013.12.19 ( ) 18:30 ~ 22:30 : CCVC AAI : : : ( ) < > 1. CCVC - - 2. Access America Fund, LP / AAI - IR 2 1st Class. 1. 1)! -> ->, -> -> -> VC!,! ->. π 2)! < > a. -, b. ( ) c. -,,! < > a. b. c. BM! a.
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연구논문 정보화정책 제14권 제2호, 2007년 여름, pp.3~18 정보시스템 감리인의 역량이 감리성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 나중수*, 전성현** 최근 공공기관에서 정보화시스템 감리가 의무화되어 감리에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있으며, 한편으로 개선요구사 요약 항이 제기되고 있다, 그동안 정보시스템 감리분야의 연구는 감리지침과 감리기술연구, 감리실시유무에
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碩 士 學 位 論 文 CRM을 활용한 마케팅 전략의 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 국내 외 기업 사례분석을 중심으로 - Study on a method to improve marketing straegies using CRM - Focusing on example analysis of the national and international enterprises -
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1 2 HDO 3 HDO 4
2004 77 1 2 HDO 3 HDO 4 964. 11. 9 989. 11. 13 : 390 MBPSD ( ) : UG( ), Diesel, Kerosen 993. 7. 26 Bunker C 997. 12. 15 40 BTX Network 999. 9. 1 Channel Network: 220, () 1,800 999. 12. 10 (UAE) IPIC :
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(Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business) ( ) ,, Bio Bio 1 2 3 Money Money ( ) ( ) 4025 39 21 25 20 13 15 13 15 17 12 11 10 1 23 1 26 ( ) 1 2 2 6 (1 3 ) 1 14:00 20:00 1 2 1 1 5-6 4 e t / Life Cycle (e-commerce)
,.,..,....,, Abstract The importance of integrated design which tries to i
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1996 : 1,500, : 1 2004 : 2,500, : 1.8 1996 280 ( 2,900), 235 2,764 ( 2.9). 1996 : 35,000 ( 4,900), Business Week 465 CEO (stock option ) : 578 ( 81). 2004 : 50,000, CEO : 700 B B A A A A B B Source : M.
11-1140100-000102-01 9 93320 788988 807705 ISBN 978-89-88807-70-5 93320 2013 11 25 2013 11 28,,, FKI ISBN 978-89-88807-70-5 87 www.acrc.go.kr 24 www.fki.or.kr PREFACE CONTENTS 011 017 033 043 051 061
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200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
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, ( ) * 1) *** *** (KCGS) 2003, 2004 (CGI),. (+),.,,,.,. (endogeneity) (reverse causality),.,,,. I ( ) *. ** ***
, 40 3 4 (2006 12 ) * 1) *** *** (KCGS) 2003, 2004 (CGI),. (+),.,,,.,. (endogeneity) (reverse causality),.,,,. I. 1998. 2005 12 ( ) *. ** *** 2, 40 3 4 37.2%, 20 60%. 80%..,..,.,,, (SCB),,,.,..,, /,..
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KRP Report (3회차) GOLDEN BRIDGE Research - 스몰켑 - Not Rated 테스 (095610) 공정미세화 추세의 수혜, 태양광 장비의 매출 가시화로 견조한 성장 작성일: 2009.11.18 발간일: 2009.11.19 3Q 실적 동사의 3분에 매출과 영업이익은 각각 141.5 억원(QoQ 142%), 6 억원(흑전)이다. 목표가
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고객DB로 가치를 창출해 내는 CRM 컨설팅 제안? 현장 CRM 컨설팅? 분석 CRM 컨설팅 AGENDA I. I. 공영 DBM 소개 II. II. III. III. IV. 컨설팅 구성 컨설팅 추진 방법론 CRM 컨설팅 사례 V. V. 컨설턴트 소개 -1- I-1 공영DBM 서비스 범위 I. 공영 DBM 소개? 공영DBM은 CRM Portal 전문기업으로써,
정책보고 체계구 김성희 윤상용 이승기 변경희 이석영 변소현 조윤화 류소영 이민경 보 건 복 부 한국보건사회구 출 문 보건복부관 귀하 본 보고를 체계구 의 최종보고로 출 합니다. 주관구기관명 : 한국보건사회구 구책임자 : 김성희 구 : 윤상용 구 : 이승기 구 : 변경희 구 : 이석영 구 : 변소현 구 : 조윤화 구 : 류소영 구 : 이민경 머 리 말 목
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2011SPRING w w w. k r i t i. r e. k r Korea Research Institute of Transportation Industries Vol.29 녹색교통, 버스가 희망입니다. 한국운수산업연구원은 사람 중심의 대중교통과 운수산업의 발전을 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다. 2011 SPRING V o l. 2 9 빠르고 편한 친환경 대중교통,
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SAP ERP 2006.6.14 SAP Korea / Public & IT ( 1/2 )? 94% 6% SAP Korea 2006, SAP ERP 2 업무프로세스혁신을통한차별화 ( 차별화된가치 ) 가관건입니다. 하지만현실은 SAP Korea 2006, SAP ERP 3 SAP Korea 2006, SAP ERP 4 2010 The Public Sector Commitment
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
2017.09 Vol.255 C O N T E N T S 02 06 26 58 63 78 99 104 116 120 122 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2017.9 3 4 2017.9 6 2017.9 7 8 2017.9 13 0 13 1,007 3 1,004 (100.0) (0.0) (100.0)
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미디어 경제와 문화 2014년 제12권 2호, 7 43 www.jomec.com TV광고 시청률 예측방법 비교연구 프로그램의 장르 구분에 따른 차이를 중심으로 1)2) 이인성* 단국대학교 커뮤니케이션학과 박사과정 박현수** 단국대학교 커뮤니케이션학부 교수 본 연구는 TV프로그램의 장르에 따라 광고시청률 예측모형들의 정확도를 비교하고 자 하였다. 본 연구에서
글로벌 경제이슈 일본 주요은행의 아시아 진출 확대 전략과 시사점 Ⅰ. 일본 3대은행의 현황 Ⅱ. 아시아 진출 확대 배경 Ⅲ. 아시아 진출 확대 전략 Ⅳ. 시사점 Ⅰ 일본 3대은행의 현황 BTMU 1), 미즈호, SMBC 2) 는 자산규모 기준 일본 1, 2, 3위의 상업은행임 - 은행별 총자산 규모(점유율)는 각각 169조 엔(18.5%), 168조
6 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Korea's Export YoY(LHS) 25 1999 IT Export / Total Export 4 3 US IT Shipment YoY(RHS) 15 8 6 5 4 - -5 - - 93.4 95.4 97.4 99.4 1.4 China Taiwan Korea Malaysia Singapore Thailand Philippine
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2005. 6. 11. *, **, ***, * * ** *** Acknowledgement 2005 BTP. 1. 1-1. 1. (Green Logistics) - 90 2 ( - ) EU - ISO 14001 ( ) -, - 3 1. Liberal Return Policy - (South Florida Stock 2000 1000 ) - (,TV, )
Yonsei Business Review Vol. 47, No. 1 (Fall 2010), 151-179 David vs. Goliath: M&A of HaiTai Confectionery and Foods Co. by Crown Confectionery Co. Hyun-Han Shin** 2004 10 Korea Confectionary Holdings NV
CRM. Part II CRM. 4 CRM. 5 CRM CRM, CRM, CRM, CRM. 6, CRM. Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management CRM., CRM.,., 2CRM PRM, SRM, ERM CRM.,.,.
e-business - - 2000 5 LG < > < > I e-business 1 1 e-business 1 2 e-business 3 3 6 4 8 II e-business 10 1 e-business 10 2 e-business 14 III e-business 16 1 e-business 16 2 e-business IT 18 < > < -1 > 11
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22, KBSC Consultants Group 1 1.,, 1 22, KBSC Consultants Group 1 2. 2 22, KBSC Consultants Group 1 3. 1 2 3 ( ) TopDown Breakdown Mission 3 22, KBSC Consultants Group 1 4. : (,,.) : 4 22, KBSC Consultants
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KNOM Tutorial 2005 IT서비스관리 기술 (ITIL & ITSM) 2005. 11. 25 COPYRIGHT c 2005 SK C&C CO. LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 목 차 1. Definition 3 2. Trends 10 3. IT Infrastructure Library(ITIL) 15 4. Service Desk 26
Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005
Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005 Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005 Monolithic Architecture Reusable Services New Service Service Consumer Wrapped Service Composite
, Analyst, 3774 1903, heather.kang@miraeasset.com, 3774 1782, yongdai.park@miraeasset.com Figure 1 우리은행 12 개월 forward P/B 및 업종 대비 할증(할인) 추이, NPL 비율 추이
Company update & Earnings preview Korea / Banks 14 July 2016 BUY 15,000 9,950 Upside/downside (%) 50.8 KOSPI 2,005.55 6,726 8,230-10,800 19.20 24.9 Forecast earnings & valuation Fiscal year ending Dec-14
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200% 2000 9 , LG < >, IMF,, 30 IMF 30,,, 30 1997 307, 63 1999 244, 149 489% 164% 30 IMF 2000 1999 i ,, (+), (-) IMF 30 5~30 1~4 (-), (+) IMF 30, 200%, 30 ii < > < > I 30 1 1 1 2 2 3 7 4 8 5 9 II 30 11
Journal of Fashion Business Vol. 6, No. 5, pp.125~135(2002) The Present State of E-Business according to the Establishment Year and the Sales Approach of Dongdaemun Clothing Market Park, Hea-Ryung* and
13.12 ①초점
12 2013 Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2 3 4 5 Income Distribution of the Elderly and Desirable Income Support Directions 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A Poverty Solution of Low-lncome Elderly Women
사용사례 (Use Case) Objectives 2 소개? (story) vs. 3 UC 와 UP 산출물과의관계 Sample UP Artifact Relationships Domain Model Business Modeling date... Sale 1 1..* Sales... LineItem... quantity Use-Case Model objects,
KAIST 00-03-03 / #1 1. NGN 2. NGN 3. NGN 4. 5. 00-03-03 / #2 1. NGN 00-03-03 / #3 1.1 NGN, packet,, IP 00-03-03 / #4 Now: separate networks for separate services Low transmission delay Consistent availability
, Analyst, 3774 1915, yoonmi.jung@miraeasset.com Table of contents 2
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example code are examined in this stage The low pressure pressurizer reactor trip module of the Plant Protection System was programmed as subject for
2003 Development of the Software Generation Method using Model Driven Software Engineering Tool,,,,, Hoon-Seon Chang, Jae-Cheon Jung, Jae-Hack Kim Hee-Hwan Han, Do-Yeon Kim, Young-Woo Chang Wang Sik, Moon
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:237~251 Received: 2016/11/20, Accepted: 2016/12/24 Revised: 2016/12/21, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] Recently, there is an increasing
논문 10-35-03-03 한국통신학회논문지 '10-03 Vol. 35 No. 3 원활한 채널 변경을 지원하는 효율적인 IPTV 채널 관리 알고리즘 준회원 주 현 철*, 정회원 송 황 준* Effective IPTV Channel Control Algorithm Supporting Smooth Channel Zapping HyunChul Joo* Associate
분석결과 Special Edition 녹색건물의 가치산정 및 탄소배출 평가 이슈 서 민간분야의 적극적인 참여 방안의 마련이 필요하다. 또한 우리나라는 녹색건축의 경제성에 대한 검증에 대 한 연구가 미흡한 실정이다. 반면, 미국, 영국, 호주 등은 민간 주도로 녹색건축물
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애경은 사랑과 존경의 마음으로 변하지 않는 가치를 만들어 갑니다 우리는 지난 60여 년의 역사를 자양분으로 어떤 외풍에도 흔들리지 않을 단단한 뿌리를 내렸습니다. 때로는 곧게, 때로는 넓게 뻗어낸 뿌리는 그만큼 굳건한 줄기를 길러냈습니다. 매년 풍성한 과실을 얻을 수
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11 2013 Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2 3 4 The Roles and Fiscal Responsibility on Social Security between the Central and Local Governments in Korea 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Structure
α α φ φ φ φ AMA. (1960). Marketing Definitions: A glossary of. marketing terms. Chicago: AMA. Anderson, J. C., & Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice : A review and recommended
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Vol. 14, No. 3 pp. 1109-1115, 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.5762/kais.2013.14.3.1109 사회적기업 투자 의사결정 모델 연구 서성무 1, 장대규 2* 1 중앙대학교 경영경제대학, 2 중앙대학교 일반대학원
In pursuit of Media Excellence How to Maximize Your Return On Media Investment 2003123 35 35 30 25 20 20 15 10 10 5 0 => => GRPs GRPs 02/01-254 352 02/02-180 254 02/03-180 254 02/04-180 254 02/05-187
Analysis of teacher s perception and organization on physical education elective courses Chang-Wan Yu* Korea Institute of curriculum and evaluation [Purpose] [Methods] [Results] [Conclusions] Key words:
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