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1 The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:21~34 Received: 2016/12/04, Accepted: 2016/12/27 Revised: 2016/12/19, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] With the development of the Internet, the recent increase in the use of smart phon es has brought about changes in the for m of shopping activities of tourists and this is also seen through the duty free shopping. Rather than using off-line dut y free shops in a busy schedule, purcha ses of duty-free items in advance through the e-business environment and pick-up shopped items before departure are incr easing. In the low growth of existing distr ibution channels such as large discount stores and department stores, duty-free consumption, which has emerged as a new consumption trend, is expected to have a greater effect on the transfer of new distribution channels. This year, the steep recovery in the domestic duty-free shop led to a recovery in retail sales. This is because consumption trends are focused on online duty-free shops that are based on conservative and reasona ble consumption rather than department stores and discount stores that are based on active consumption. It is expected th at the transfer effect of the distribution channels to consumption trends through online duty-free shops, which incorporate e-business services, will be more increa sed in the future. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the quality of e-business marketing se rvices of duty-free shops on the brand image and customer satisfaction of duty -free shops and to suggest measures to enhance the international competitivene ss of duty free companies through the analysis on the relationship with the pur chase intention. [CONTENTS] ABSTRACT Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Literature review Ⅲ. Hypotheses development and Research model Ⅳ. Research Methodology Ⅴ. Empirical Analysis Ⅵ. Conclusion and Implications References 국문초록 [Key Words] Duty-Free Company, e-business Marketing, Brand image, Customer Satisfaction Study on Impact of the e-business Marketing Service Quality of the Duty-Free Companies on Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction Kim, Keehong* / Byun, Seunghyeok** / Lee, Soohee*** *** Associate professor, Dept. of International Trade, Pyeongtaek University *** Visiting Schola, Division of Management & Administration, Baekseok Arts University *** Visiting Schola, Dept. of Culture and Tourism, Sookmyung Women's University Ⅰ. Introduction ISSN (Print), ISSN (Online) Kim, Keehong / Byun, Seunghyeok / Lee, Soohee 21

2 Study on Impact of the e-business Marketing Service Quality of the Duty-Free Companies on Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction Ⅱ. Literature review 1. Features of Offline Duty-Free Companies 1) Consumer transactions in offline duty-free companies <Table 2-1> Duty free shop according to tax exemption type 구분 2) Functions of Offline duty free companies 2. Concept and characteristics of online Duty-Free Companies 1) Consumer transactions in online duty-free companies 면세형태 22 The e-business Studies ; 17(6) : 21-34,

3 2) Functions of Online duty free companies 3. Concept and characteristics of e-business marketing service quality 1) Concept of e-business marketing service quality 2) Characteristics of e-business marketing service quality 3. Concept and characteristics of Brand image 1) Concept of brand image 2) Characteristics of brand image ISSN (Print), ISSN (Online) Kim, Keehong / Byun, Seunghyeok / Lee, Soohee 23

4 Study on Impact of the e-business Marketing Service Quality of the Duty-Free Companies on Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction 4. Concepts and Characteristics of Customer Satisfaction 1) Concept of customer satisfaction 2) Characteristics of Customer Satisfaction 5. Concept and characteristics of purchase intention Ⅲ. Hypotheses development and Research model 1. 연구모형 2. Definition of variables and research hypotheses 1) e-business service marketing and brand image 24 The e-business Studies ; 17(6) : 21-34,

5 <Figure 3-1> A Study on e-business Service Marketing, Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction of Online Duty Free Companies 2) e-business service marketing and customer satisfaction 3) Brand image and customer satisfaction 4) Brand image and purchase intention 5) Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention ISSN (Print), ISSN (Online) Kim, Keehong / Byun, Seunghyeok / Lee, Soohee 25

6 Study on Impact of the e-business Marketing Service Quality of the Duty-Free Companies on Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction Ⅳ. Research Methodology 1. Composition of sample 2. 분석방법 α <Table 4-1> e-business service marketing metrics Variable Metrics Literature review <Table 4-2> Metrics of other variables Variable Metrics Literature review 26 The e-business Studies ; 17(6) : 21-34,

7 Ⅴ. Empirical Analysis 1. Validity of Variables <Table 4-3> General characteristics of survey subjects Division Sample(N) Percentage(%) ISSN (Print), ISSN (Online) Kim, Keehong / Byun, Seunghyeok / Lee, Soohee 27

8 Study on Impact of the e-business Marketing Service Quality of the Duty-Free Companies on Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction 2. Hypothesis Verification Result <Table 5-1> Online duty-free e-business service marketing validity analysis result Factor Variables Factor loadings Eigenvalue Cumilative proportion(%) 28 The e-business Studies ; 17(6) : 21-34,

9 <Table 5-2> Pearson correlation analysis Independent variable <Figure 5-1> Hypothesis Verification Result Path Analysis ISSN (Print), ISSN (Online) Kim, Keehong / Byun, Seunghyeok / Lee, Soohee 29

10 Study on Impact of the e-business Marketing Service Quality of the Duty-Free Companies on Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction Ⅵ. Conclusion and Implications <Table 5-2> Hypothesis test result 구분 path coefficient Non-standar dized path coefficient Standard error C.R. Verification Result 30 The e-business Studies ; 17(6) : 21-34,

11 References ISSN (Print), ISSN (Online) Kim, Keehong / Byun, Seunghyeok / Lee, Soohee 31

12 Study on Impact of the e-business Marketing Service Quality of the Duty-Free Companies on Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction 32 The e-business Studies ; 17(6) : 21-34,

13 ISSN (Print), ISSN (Online) Kim, Keehong / Byun, Seunghyeok / Lee, Soohee 33

14 Study on Impact of the e-business Marketing Service Quality of the Duty-Free Companies on Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction 국문초록 면세점기업의 e- 비즈니스마케팅서비스품질이브랜드이미지와 고객만족에미치는영향 1) 34 The e-business Studies ; 17(6) : 21-34,


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