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1 S&OP ( /, Intellic Inc.) daeyoung.chung@intellic.co.kr

2 CONTENTS 1. SCM Trends Global SCM 7 Principles of SCM 2. S&OP? 3. S&OP 4. S&OP 5. Q&A 2

3 , SCM SCM Initiative SCM? 3 SCM? Moderately Important 10% Not Important 1% Not Increased 9% Decreased 2% Critical 44% Increased somewhat 38% Increased Significantly 51% Very Important 45% 2003Global, 89% SCM, 3 * Source: Accenture, Stanford Univ.(GSCM Forum), and INSEAD, A Global Study of Supply Chain Leadership, and Its Impact on Business Performance,

4 Global 636, SCM SCM Performance SCM Performance Laggards Decliners Transformers Leaders Leaders Leaders 1% (5%) 7% (5%) 1% (4%) 9% (4%) Transformers Transformers 2% (2%) 2% (2%) 3% (2%) 3% (2%) Directors Decliners 3% (3%) 5% (3%) 1% (2%) 2% (2%) Laggards Laggards 22% (17%) 13% (16%) 19% (15%) 9% (14%) 1995~ ~2000 ( ) SCM (Performance), 4

5 , SCM, Financial Performance Drivers of Supply Chain Initiatives Operational Performance Drivers of Supply Chain Initiatives : SCM,,, SCM 5

6 SCM, IT 2003 / SCM * (, : %) (;, -VMI) IT, (; S&OP, ) SCEM Concept (RTE) * Source: CSC, A View for the Logistical Leadership of Corporate America,

7 SCM, SCM SCM7* Segmentation Customization Technology Logistics Network 3. (Demand Management, S&OP) Performance Measure 4. Differentiation 5. (Strategic Sourcing) 6. IT 7. SCM Supplier Relationship Speed Across Chain Demand Management 7

8 CONTENTS 1. SCM Trends 2. S&OP? S&OPSCM 3. S&OP 4. S&OP 5. Q&A 8

9 S&OP,,, S&OP, 9

10 S&OP, S&OP De Royal Boeing Defense & Space Unisys Honeywell Keyboard Division Sara Lee ( ) S&OP & &, 89% 95%, 30% $ 2 Million, 5~10% (SKU) 28% 98%, 40% 30% 97%, 25~50%,,, 85% 99%, 46% Lockheed Martin Krafts Foods Heinz (CANADA) 63% 95% 18% $ 4.6 Million Allergan, 40% 99%, 40% Pioneer Flour Mills ICI Pharmaceuticals 28%, 97%, 30% $ 60 M $ 70 M, $ 2 Million, 18 9 * Source: Pat Bettini and Colleen Crum, Best Practices Demand Management, S&OP, 2003 Chana R. Schoenberger, The Weakest Link, Forbes Magazine,

11 , S&OP, S&OP S&OP ( : %) S&OP 76% Not Effective 12% Very Effective 27% 17% ( ) Somewhat Effective 61% 1999, 246, 76% S&OP, 88% S&OP * Source: Oliver Wight, Sales & Operations Planning Survey, Fall,

12 , S&OP Operational Excellence ( ) S&OP Life Cycle - Product Portfolio - ~ ~ ~, - - ( )? ( ) Globalization - Global Sourcing & - (PLAN) Product Leadership, -, - Operational Excellence X (DO) - Gap (SEE) -,,, - Customized Service IT System S&OP - Transaction System (Cross-Functional Process - S&OP : ERP) - Operational Excellence - : - IT (; EPS), - S&OP IT - Earning Surprise (IT ( )?) 12

13 Cross Functional Process, S&OP,, Cross Functional Process Process SCM Procurement Production Logistics Sales S&OP* (Monthly) MTS Replenishment Fulfillment, OTD(Order to Delivery) ATO Replenishment Fulfillment, OTD(Order to Delivery) MTO Replenishment Fulfillment, OTD(Order to Delivery) CODP(Customer Order Decoupling Point) OPP(Order Penetration Point) Purchase Planning Production Planning Scheduling Warehousing Transportation Planning & Scheduling Reverse Logistics Sales Forecasting SFA(Sales Force Automation) 13

14 S&OP (1), (2), S&OP ( ) S&OP S&OP S&OP / 14

15 CONTENTS Finance Review S&OP Meeting Start Demand Review Supply Review 1. SCM Trends 2. S&OP? 3. S&OP S&OP 4. S&OP 5. Q&A 15


17 S&OP5 S&OP (1) Pre S&OP Executive S&OP Data -,, -, -,, -,, -,, - (KPI) - KPI - KPI - / KPI - / KPI ( ) - - (; 3 ) Bucket Size: Week Simulation - - Bottom-Up ( ) -,, - (; 18 ), Issue Issue - Bucket Size: Month /, Issue List - - Issue - - Mismatch Issue Tracking - S&OP - Issue , Consensus IT/ Demand Manager Demand Manager Supply Manager Demand Manager Supply Manager S&OP Manager CEO ( ) Supply Manager (1) MTS, 17

18 S&OP ( ) S&OP 1 (Long-Term Planning with Monthly Cycle) 2 Bottom-Up Approach Unconstrained ( ) 3 ( ) 4 Profit Optimization 5 CEO Process (S&OP Agenda) 6 (KPIs) 7 Supply Chain 18

19 11 (Long-Term Planning with Monthly Cycle) S&OP12~18 Rolling Planning Process NOTE FY N : FY N+1 4~6 1 FY N+2 : 1 Bucket Size: ( ) S&OP D Month D+1 Month D+2 Month 12~18 : : 12~18 Bucket Size: (, ) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 : : Bucket Size: (Day) (1), (2), (3) (;, ) 19

20 22 Bottom-Up, Unconstrained Forecast ( ), / Bottom-Up As-Is ( ) To-Be (Bottom-Up & Top-Down),,, A&P Bottom-Up 1 A&P,,, /,,, 20

21 33 S&OP S&OP Plan ( ) ( ) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 Bucket Size : Week Planning : SKU or Product Family Bucket Size : Month Planning : Product Family S&OP ( ), (; / ) 21

22 44 Profit Optimization S&OP, Profit S&OPProfit Optimization (Price),, Profit Optimization, (,, ) (Alternative) - Scenario What-If Simulation - Sensitivity Analysis,,, S&OP, Profit Optimization, 22

23 55 CEO (S&OP Agenda) S&OP Agenda, S&OP AGENDA() S&OP 1. Review - ( ) - ( ) 2. S&OP KPI Review , / - - ( ) 4. ( ) 5. Issue Tracking - Issue - Issue 6. CEO : -CEO -COO - (,,,,,,, ) : S&OP Manager 23

24 66 (KPI), S&OP S&OP (KPI)* Supply Chain (Responsiveness) (Reliability) (Inventory) ** (Cycle Time) Replenishment Lead-Time Fulfillment Lead-Time *,,, Data BOM/Recipe, 24

25 77 SCM S&OP Cross-Functional ProcessInitiative /, As-Is ( ) To-Be (SCM ) CEO CEO SCC SC Planning SC Cockpit SC Controller SC Coordinator,,, Demand Manager,,, Supply Manager Demand & SupplyBalance S&OP Manager, 25

26 S&OP, Process, S&OP 4~6 S&OP 6~18 1. PLAN 2. DESIGN 3. PILOT 4. S&OP Process, S&OP Level-Up 1~2 26

27 CONTENTS 1. SCM Trends 2. S&OP? 3. S&OP 4. S&OP 5. Q&A S&OPIT 27

28 S&OP S&OP 11 S&OP / - - S&OP , BOM/RECIPE, ITEM,, - 99%? 33 Bottom-Up & Top-Down Process, - -, 44 - S&OP, S&OP Issue 28

29 S&OP IT S&OP, S&OP IT Requirements Rationale Forecasting Aggregation KPI Promotion, Event History (RCCP/CRP) ~ Bayesian Forecasting Model 40~50% S/W, Pre S&OP Profit Optimization & Sensitivity Analysis ScenarioVersion, S/W, IT Best-of-Breed Approach 29

30 CONTENTS 1. SCM Trends 2. S&OP 3. S&OP Q&A 30

31 Planning is about speeding up the learning process, not about making plans. - by Arie P. de Geus, Planning as Learning, Harvard Business Review,


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