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2 Oracle Internet Procurement

3 Agenda Introduction Oracle Solution Overview Oracle Internet Procurement Value Proposition Reference Conclusion

4 e-procurement, E- Commerce Internet

5 Automated Transactions Reactive Organization Strategic Analysis

6 , (%) / / / : CAPS (Center for Advanced Purchasing Studies) Avg. = 46% 10%?

7 e-procurement (1) / 20% 3% 7% 5% / 30% - - 7% 3% A 5% reduction in purchasing costs has the same P&L impact as a 30% increase in sales. Jan Telgen, University of oftwente, at at NAPP : Savings based on Arizona State University Center for Advanced Purchasing Studies (Summary of Aerospace and Defense Industry Purchasing Benchmarks), 1997

8 e-procurement (2),,,, Internet, EDI Internet Oracle iprocurement Oracle Workflow Oracle EDI Gateway Oracle Purchasing Intelligence Oracle Internet Supplier Portal

9 Agenda Introduction Oracle Solution Overview Oracle Internet Procurement Value Proposition Reference Conclusion

10 OIP Solution Core Modules iprocurement Purchasing Purchasing Intelligence isupplier Portal Oracle Workflow econtent Manager Optional Oracle EC Gateway Oracle Payables Oracle Supplier Scheduling Optional Partner Apps / Services TPN Register Requisite Technology

11 OIP Solution Exchange TPN Register econtent Manager Purchasing Intelligence iprocurement iprocurement Oracle Purchasing Supplier Scheduling E-Commerce Gateway isupplier Portal Oracle Payable Oracle Discoverer (OLAP Tool) Rule Based Workflow

12 OIP Electronic Marketplaces Catalogs Suppliers Catalog Catalog Direct Supplier with XML, EDI, OBI, etc Internet Procurement Catalog Server / Internet Supplier Portal EC Gateway Purchasing Intelligence Oracle Workflow

13 / ERP Legacy iprocurement ` - context Adapters APIs / :,,, MRO



16 Catalog econtent Manager ` -,, XML, OBI Context -Oracle ConText XML Technology econtent Manager


18 `Oracle Workflow P-Card( ) : purchase to pay

19 100% EDI,, ( ) / P-card


21 isupplier Portal ` Procure-to-Pay lifecycle

22 Main Menu

23 / `Purchasing Intelligence

24 Receipt Volume Trend

25 : / Punchout ERP / Punchout Punchout ERP ERP Oracle Oracle Oracle

26 Oracle iprocurement: Exchange Punch -Out iprocurement Punch -Out Exchange ex) ChemRound.com

27 Agenda Introduction Oracle Solution Overview Oracle Internet Procurement Value Proposition Reference Conclusion

28 100% - / SAP R/3

29 . E-Commerce

30 ,,,, Internet, EDI Internet

31 20% $150 80% $25

32 Agenda Introduction Oracle Solution Overview Oracle Internet Procurement Value Proposition Reference Conclusion

33 Oracle Internet Procurement:... Customer UPS 13,500 Live Victorian Gov. of Australia 5,500 Live Huntington National Bank 5,000 Live Aetna 2,500 Live Hilton (EDS Supply Source) 1,200 Live Novell 1,000 Live LG&E 900 Live SF Newspaper 300 Live Oracle Internal 20,000 Live AT&T 100,000 Live Boeing 200,000+ LIve

34 800 Boeing General Electric Honeywell Compaq Harley Davidson Pepsico Ingersoll-Rand San Francisco News Xerox United Parcel Service Home Grocer.com Exabyte Libertel Huntington National Bank Victorian Gov. of Australia Hitachi Hilton/EDS Supply Source Novell LG&E Buy it Now EMC Corporation Global Telesys Systems Ohio University University of Penn. British Telecom LG SK C&C

35 UPS 1 $100M Novell % (ROI) San Francisco Newspaper Agency 7, 50% Xerox MRO 10-15%. Xerox 80% GE $700M

36 OIP Taking a very conservative approach, we believe we can achieve a 200% return on investment in the first year. Paul Box, Compaq Director General Procurement

37 Agenda Introduction Oracle Solution Overview Oracle Internet Procurement Value Proposition Reference Conclusion

38 /..



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