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1 FMC Service Case Analysis: UMA and Femtocell In this paper, we explain UMA(Unlicensed Mobile Alliance) and Femtocell as a key driving factor for FMC(Fixed Mobile Convergence) and QPS(Quadruple Play Service). Both are targeted to mobile device based home or SOHO(Small Office Home Office) environments especially for indoor. UMA was originally proposed as a GSM/WLAN dual-mode handheld device based approach. And, Femtocell is a WLAN AP like home cellular base-station using high speed internet backhaul. These technologies are hot issue at now due to its technical and cost side problems are almost closed. Low cost base-station at home is economically feasible, and dual-mode devices are widely deployed in the market. Based on this trend, we will explain about UMA and Femtocell in view of its concept, standardization status, market & vendor status and issues. Keywords: UMA, Femtocell, FMC, QPS I

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