Current trends and issues in Apparel Retail Industry

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1 okstate.eduedu

2 Off-line retailer - Experiential Retailing - Technology - Mass Customization - Lean Retailing On-line retailer - E-tailing - Multichannel Retailing

3 ,,, buying ( consignment):,,, + shipping & handling

4 Off-line retailer - Experiential Retailing - Technology - Mass Customization - Lean Retailing

5 Experiential Retailing Examples - Prada, Soho, New York City -Sephora -Rainforest Café

6 Experiential Retailing: Prada, Soho,, NYC

7 Experiential Retailing: Prada, Soho,, NYC

8 Experiential Retailing: Prada, Soho,, NYC

9 Experiential Retailing: Prada, Soho,, NYC

10 Experiential Retailing: Prada, Soho,, NYC

11 Experiential Retailing: Prada, Soho,, NYC

12 Experiential Retailing: Sephora - LVMH, -

13 Experiential Retailing: Sephora Freedom:. ( ) Beauty:,. Pleasure: Touch and Feel

14 Experiential Retailing: Sephora (150 ), (25), (22), (16), (9) (9), (1) : 1998, 70

15 Experiential Retailing: Rainforest café

16 Technology Technologies in Visual Merchandising: In-store visuals: Plasma screens and liquid crystal displays (Prada shop in NYC) visual

17 Technology Store planning: - Customer traffic flow map - Visual merchandising software

18 Mass Customization A combination of mass production and custom-made Customized design & customized fit Examples:

19 Mass Customization: Land s end, Web site..

20 Mass Customization: Brooks Brothers

21 Digital Tailoring: Brooks Brothers 12 2 $100

22 Mass Customization: Dell Computer Flat monitor (15inch), 30 GB, Pentium 4, Free shipping and handling $699 $449 1

23 Lean Retailing Product Proliferation Short Product Life Cycles Forecasting Uncertainty Technological Advances Barcodes and Scanners * Product level identification * Shipping container Identification EDI & World Wide Web Automated Distribution Centers Inventory Risk Lean Retailing Weekly replenishment Small order quantities Need for New Supply Channel Management Models Source: Abernathy, et al. (1999). A Stitch in Time, New York: Oxford Univ. Press Inc.,

24 Traditional Retailing-Apparel Supplier Relations Apparel Manufacturer Bulk Large Shipments Retailer Apparel Plant 1 Low Frequency Retail Order Retail Store 1 Apparel Plant 2 Manufacturer s Distribution Center/Warehouse Retailer s Distribution Center/Warehouse Retail Store 2 Apparel Plant n Retail Store 3 Information flow Product flow Orders Orders Source: Abernathy, et al. (1999). A Stitch in Time, New York: Oxford Univ. Press Inc., p.43

25 Lean Retailing-Apparel Supplier Relations Apparel Manufacturer Frequent Store specific Shipment Retailer Apparel Plant 1 Ongoing Replacement Orders Retail Store 1 Apparel Plant 2 Manufacturer s Distribution Center/Warehouse Retailer s Distribution Center/Warehouse Retail Store 2 Apparel Plant n Direct Store Delivery Retail Store 3 Information flow Product flow Retail Store n Source: Abernathy, et al. (1999). A Stitch in Time, New York: Oxford Univ. Press Inc., p.56

26 Lean Retailer Lean Retailer Floor-ready merchandise : 1 SKU level,, UPC, EDI, SCM Source: Abernathy, et al. (1999). A Stitch in Time, New York: Oxford Univ. Press Inc., p.80

27 All National Chains J.C. Penney Average for Retail Group Lean Retailers All Mass Merchandisers Wal-Mart Stores All Department Stores Dillard s Inc. All Specialty Stores The Gap Inc. The Limited Inc Compound Annual Growth Rates (%) based on Constant 1993 $ Lean Retailer vs. Retail Groups: Comparative Growth Rates of Retailers: Source: Abernathy, et al. (1999). A Stitch in Time, New York: Oxford Univ. Press Inc., p.74

28 On-line retailer - E-tailing - Multichannel Retailing

29 e-tailing 1. Front-end tools ( ) Virtual Model: Land s End, Smart Label:. ( ) Shop with a friend Live chat with a salesperson: Sample swatch:,

30 2. Back-end system e-tailing ( ) Data mining personalization ex. You ll also like it supply chain EDI XML (extensible markup language) chain B2B site : ex.

31 Multichannel Retailing market share. e-tailer off-line business (, ). 1) off-line 2) Order fulfillment, (ex. Webvan ) synergy

32 Multichannel Retailing. Catalog on-line: Land s end, J. crew, L.L. Bean Brick & Mortar on-line: Gap On-line Brick & mortar : - Borders bookstore pick up -400

33 Multichannel Retailing / off line, catalog, online (ex. J Crew, William-Sonoma, Pottery Barn, Spiegel, Brooks Brothers) ex. : : : Shipping & handling

34 Multichannel Retailing - Multi-channel gift registries - Order on the web and pick-up in store - Web-to-store promotions - Store-to-web promotions - - CD, -, - on-line

35 . Competitive advantage emerges from pressure, challenge, and adversity, rarely from an easy life (Michael Porter, 1990, p. 174)


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