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2 Worldwide Converged Mobile Device Shipment Share by Operating System, 2005 and 2010 Paim OS (3.6%) BiackBerry OS (7.5%) 2005 Other (0.3%) Linux (21.8%) Symbian OS (60.7%) Windows Mobile (6.1%) Total=56.52M 2005 Paim OS (3.2%) Other (0.1%) BiackBerry OS (10.4%) Linux (9.3%) Symbian OS (54.8%) Windows Mobile (22.1%) Total=56.52M

3 No need to modify interface with middleware Software vendor AP AP AP AP AP AP Common (MOAP) The development scale of new software and maintenance tasks can be reduxed Mlddleware OS Device driver Mobile temlnal vendor A Mlddleware OS Device driver Mobile temlnal vendor A UI designs Symbian OS

4 Client/Devices Applications Smartphones PDAs Intellisync Wireless Emall -Emall/Calendar -PIM -Directory -WAP -Web Browser Connectivity Flrewall File Sync -Brochures -Presentations -Reports -Price Lists -Contracts DMZ Flrewall Enterprise Back Ends Collaboration/Emall -Ms Exchange Outlook -Lotus Notes/Domino -Groupwise -Web PIM, Im Business Applications -Salesfore.com -ODBC Data Sources Mobile Middleware Intellisync Mobile Server: -Sync Engine( , PIM, Files, Data) -Mobility Optimization Device Management -Xport, Compression Conmectors Laptops Collaboration/Emall -Directory Services -MS Active Dir -LOAP -Domino Authentication

5 Nokia 5700 XpressMusic Nokia 6110 Navigator Nokia 6120 classic


7 Operating system mix(%) CAGR(%) Symbian OS Windws Mobile Linux BiackBerry OS Paim OS Other Total

8 Windows Mobile Smartphone Verizon Wireless Sprint/Nextel T-Mobile Cingular Others Motorola Q i92d/1930 SDA Dash Pocket PC Treo 700W SamSung ppc 6700 Tree 700WX MDA ipaq BlackJack VZW XV 6700 SamSung Treo

9 Intellisync Wireless -Emall/Calendar -PIM -Directory -WAP -Web Browser

10 APPlications Platform Scope Middleware User Space Application Mgr Frarmework Application UI Frarmework Registry Confict Management Event Dellvery/IPC Security Framework Telephony Framework Networking Framework Messaging Framework Multimedia Framework DRM Framowork Database Other Frameworks Kernel Space Linux Kernel Device Drivers Mldem Interface Modem


12 Servers Web. Database and Application Servers BlackBerry Mobile Data System BlackBerry Devices BlackBerry Enterprise Server Firewall Instant Messaging Servers BlackBerry Solution Services Internet Wircless Networks BlackBerry Aillance Program BlackBerry-enabled Devices

13 Verizon Wireless Sprint T-Mobile Cingular 8703e e 7130e 710st Peul 7130c Peul 8703e g s700c BlackBerry Pearl BlackBerry 8800 BlackBerry 8700c in the United States

14 Core Application Idle App Dialer Menu App Camera App Etc.. Kernel Graphic DB File System Network Media WFC Serial Phone Misc UI Component Utility Std Library Generic I/O TermRes TAF Handset Theme Call SMS API Layer T-PAK Core Layer T-PAK Base Layer UI WFC TAF I/D Network Storage Terminal Resource Resource Telephony Handset Context T-PAK Sub-System Layer Media Security Database Theme API Link File System Heap Timer Loader Locale Shared Buffer System API Platform APIS Process Standard C Library Character Set(Unicode) Manager Wrapper T-PAK HAL Hardware Adaptation Layer Mobile Terminal S/W OS Device Drivers





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