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2 CIMON-SCADA Total Solution for Industrial Automation Industrial Automatic Software sphere 16 Total Solution For Industrial Automation

3 SCADA Application Systems 17


5 90 CIMON-SCADA _ Total Solution For Industrial Automation

6 Total Solution for Industrial Automation PLC SCADA TOUCH X PANEL PPC IPC 91

7 92 CIMON-SCADA _ Total Solution For Industrial Automation

8 Total Solution for Industrial Automation PLC SCADA TOUCH X PANEL PPC IPC 93

9 94 CIMON-SCADA _ Total Solution For Industrial Automation

10 Total Solution for Industrial Automation PLC SCADA TOUCH X PANEL PPC IPC 95

11 96 CIMON-SCADA _ Total Solution For Industrial Automation

12 Total Solution for Industrial Automation PLC SCADA TOUCH X PANEL PPC IPC 97

13 98 CIMON-SCADA _ Total Solution For Industrial Automation

14 Total Solution for Industrial Automation PLC SCADA TOUCH X PANEL PPC IPC CIMON - PDA 99

15 100 CIMON-SCADA _ Total Solution For Industrial Automation

16 Total Solution for Industrial Automation CM 1- / S PLC SCADA TOUCH X PANEL PPC IPC 101

17 102 CIMON-SCADA _ Total Solution For Industrial Automation

18 (주)케이디티시스템즈는 산업자동화 토탈솔루션을 보유한 기업으로 산업자동화 기반인 CIMON-PLC, 산업자동화 범용 S/W인 CIMON-SCADA, 산업현장에 최적화 된 PC기반의 CIMON-TOUCH 및 산업용컴퓨터인 CIMON-PPC, IPC, 자동화 시스템 분야, 배전자동화 분야 등 5개의 사업부로 지난 2001년에 새롭게 출범한 이후 산업자동화의 기본이 되는 기간사업에서 부터 차세대 핵심사업분야에 이르기까지 다양하고 폭넓은 분야에서 기업의 역량을 집중하여 산업자동화 발전에 기여하여 왔습니다. CIMON이라는 순수 자체 기술을 앞세워 신기술 개발 통해 보다 유용하고 안정성있는 자동화 시스템을 제공해드릴 것을 약속드립니다. : Provides basic control solutions to automation field. Module type series and Blok type series can use the same software. Free programming software CICON Bring high-speed into reality by adapting high-tech MPU Supports redundant PLC CPU system Easy set up the special modules... Ethernet, RS232, Analog, etc... Can adapts internet as the standard network for excellent expansibility and compatibili : Provides MS-Windows based supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Server2003 based HMI/SCADA software package Consists of CimonD.exe (Development tool) and CimonX.exe (Runtime Module) Leading SCADA software package In Korean market Over 1,500 copies are sold every year. Open system architecture,(odbc, OPC, OLE Automation Server, ActiveX Client ) : Provides industrial computer solutions that are based on IBM-PC architecture. Fan-less cooling system High color/resolution TFT LCD USB interfaced fine resolution touch screen Ready for multi-media : 4 USB host port and an audio output External I/F : 4 Serial Port, Parallel, Ethernet(10/100Base T), VGA Port Utility programs : EWF for file-system damage protection : Provides graphic display touch-panel interface. Windows CE based operating system Free programming Software X-PANEL DESIGNER Embedded high speed mobile processor, (Intel PXA MHz) 64MB SDRAM, up to 64MB Flash Memory, up to 40MB Data Storage colors, 800x600 pixels Ethernet, RS232C/422/485, USB Host 안전에 관한 주의 본 카다로그에 기재된 제품을 올바르게 사용하기 위해서는 사용전에 반드시 제품설명서를 읽어주시기 바랍니다. webmaster@kdtsys.com 경기도 성남시 분당구 야탑동 KDT B/D Tel: Fax: 년 11월 인쇄


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