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Declaration of Conformity We, Manufacturer/Importer (full address) G.B.T. Technology Träding GMbH Ausschlager Weg 41, 1F, 20537 Hamburg, Germany declare that the product ( description of the apparatus, system, installation to which it refers) 3D Graphics Accelerator GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH is in conformity with (reference to the specification under which conformity is declared) in accordance with 89/336 EEC-EMC Directive EN 55011 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of industrial,scientific and medical (ISM high frequency equipment EN 61000-3-2* EN 60555-2 Disturbances in supply systems cause by household appliances and similar electrical equipment Harmonics EN 55013 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of broadcast receivers and associated equipment EN 61000-3-3* EN 60555-3 Disturbances in supply systems cause by household appliances and similar electrical equipment Voltage fluctuations EN 55014 EN 55015 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of household electrical appliances, portable tools and similar electrical apparatus Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of fluorescent lamps and luminaries EN 50081-1 Generic emission standard Part 1: Residual commercial and light industry EN 50082-1 Generic immunity standard Part 1: Residual commercial and light industry EN 55081-2 Generic emission standard Part 2: Industrial environment EN 55020 Immunity from radio interference of broadcast receivers and associated equipment EN 55082-2 Generic emission standard Part 2: Industrial environment EN 55022 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of information technology equipment ENV 55104 lmmunity requirements for household appliances tools and similar apparatus DIN VDE 0855 part 10 part 12 Cabled distribution systems; Equipment for receiving and/or distribution from sound and television signals EN50091-2 EMC requirements for uninterruptible power systems (UPS) CE marking (EC conformity marking) The manufacturer also declares the conformity of above mentioned product with the actual required safety standards in accordance with LVD 73/23 EEC EN 60065 Safety requirements for mains operated electronic and related apparatus for household and similar general use EN 60950 Safety for information technology equipment including electrical bussiness equipment EN 60335 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances EN 50091-1 General and Safety requirements for uninterruptible power systems (UPS) Manufacturer/Importer (Stamp) Date : May 30, 2003 Signature: Name: Timmy Huang Timmy Huang

DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Per FCC Part 2 Section 2.1077(a) Responsible Party Name: G.B.T. INC. (U.S.A.) Address: 17358 Railroad Street City of Industry, CA 91748 Phone/Fax No: (818) 854-9338/ (818) 854-9339 hereby declares that the product Product Name: 3D Graphics Accelerator Model Number: GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH Conforms to the following specifications: FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Section 15.107(a) and Section 15.109 (a),class B Digital Device Supplementary Information: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful and (2) this device must accept any inference received, including that may cause undesired operation. Representative Person s Name: Signature: Date: ERIC LU Eric Lu May 30, 2003

GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH Radeon 9200 Upgrade your Life Rev. 102 12MK-R92128VH-102

1 GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD ("GBT") (TM) 3 Macrovision Corporation Microvision Corporation Microvision Corporation 2003 5 23 Radeon 9200-2 -

1.... 4 1.1. 4 1.2.... 4 2. 5 2.1. 5 2.2. 6 2.3. 8 3. 10 3.1. WINDOWS 98 /98SE / WINDOWS ME / WINDOWS XP...10 3.1.1.... 10 3.1.2. 11 3.1.3. 13 3.1.4. 16 3.1.5. 19 3.1.6. 23 3.2. WINDOWS 2000 31 3.3. 31 4. 32 5. 33-3 -

1.1. 1. GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH 3D PC GV-R92128VH/ GV-R92123DH/GV-R9264HATi Radeon R9200 GPU (H/W) DirectX 8.1. GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH AGP 8X 1.2. RADEON 9200 GPU 128MB / 64MB DDR 250MHz 400MHz DDR AGP 8X HYPER Z II SMOOTHVISION HYDRAVISION DVI-I TV-Out tweaker V-Tuner Radeon 9200-4 -

2.1. 2. GV-R9200 GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH x 1 GV-R9200-H CD x 1 PowerDVD XP CD x 1 PowerDirector x 1 (For GV-R92128VH only) CD x 1 D-sub Connector DVI-I S-video AV In/Output (For GV-R92128VH only) S-video AV Output (For GV-R92128DH GV-R9264DH) (IC) 1. 2. 3. - 5 -

2.2. 1) GV-R92128VH (128MB DDR) VGA 15 VIVO DVI VGA LCD NTSC / PAL TV S- AV AV VGA (15) VIVO S- DVI DVI LCD VGA DVI-I to D-sub Analog LCD Monitor Radeon 9200-6 -

2) GV-R92128DH (128MB DDR) / GV-R9264DH (64MB DDR) VGA (15) TV-out DVI VGA LCD VGA (15) AV NTSC / PAL TV TV- S- DVI DVI LCD VGA DVI-I to D-sub Analog LCD Monitor - 7 -

2.3. 1. 2. 3. Radeon 9200-8 -

4. AGP AGP GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / AGP GV-R9264DH 5. 6. DVI VGA TV- VIVO 7 9-9 -

3. CD-ROM D: 3.1. WINDOWS 98 /98SE / WINDOWS ME / WINDOWS XP Win 98/98SE / WINDOWS 2000 / Win ME / Win XP CD CD-ROM "D:\setup.exe" GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH ( GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH 3.1.3 OS Windows GV- R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH (Windows 98/98SE, Windows2000 or Windows ME) DirectX SIS, ALI VIA GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH Radeon 9200-10 -

3.1.2. DirectX 3D Windows 98 / 98SE / Windows 2000 / Windows ME Windows XP 3D DirectX Windows 98/ 98SE/ Windows 2000 / Windows ME or Windows XP MPEG DirectX 1. DirectX " DirectX 9 2. DirectX 9.0 Windows DirectX DirectX 8.1 DirectX 9.0 DirectX 8.1-11 -

3. 4. DirectX Radeon 9200-12 -

- 13-3.1.3. 1 GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH windows OK 2 WIZARD PCI (VGA) 3 Wizard VGA Windows CD CD C:\Windows\System 4 2. 1.

3. GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH CD CD-ROM "D:\setup.exe" Step 5: Windows XP 1. "Windows XP (Radeon 9200 2. Radeon 9200-14 -

3. 4. 5. - 15 -

3.1.4. CD V-Tuner V-Tuner 1. "V-Tuner" 2. 3. 4. Radeon 9200-16 -

Install Hydravision : 1. "Hydravision 2 3. 4. - 17 -

5. 6. Radeon 9200-18 -

- 19-3.1.5. GBT GBT GBT

Radeon 9200-20 - V-Tuner V-Tuner Detect Voltage

- 21 - VGA VGA Info l RGB


- 23-3.1.6. Windows Direct 3D Catalyst 2D ATI ATI ATI ATI ATI ATI DVI DVI DVI DVI

Radeon 9200-24 - GL GL GL (primary) 3D Anisotropic Anisotropic (blend) Anisotropic 16X SMOOTHVISION 3D SMOOTHVISION 2X 3X 4X, 5X 6X 3D Mipmap mipmaps Minmap 3D mipmap mipmap

Sync full refresh Always Off TRUEFORM 3D Compatibility OpenGL Force Z- ( depth) Z- onscreen KTX region OpenGL - 25 -

Direct 3D Direct 3D Direct 3D (primary) 3D Anisotropic Anisotropic (blend) Anisotropic 16X SMOOTHVISION 3D SMOOTHVISION 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X 6X 3D Mipmap mipmaps Minmap 3D mipmap Radeon 9200-26 -

(Vertical Sync) (Full Screen) (refresh) (Alway Off ) TRUFORM 3D (Curved Surface) (Compatibility ) 3D W- W- W- 32 32 Z- (dithering) (ONSCREEN) (ARTIFACTS) DTX DTX (ALTERNATE) Direct 3D Direct 3D - 27 -

( gamma) view) map RGB Curve RGB default Direct 3D OpenGL Windows NT 4. RGB lock RGB Radeon 9200-28 -

VGA S-Video 2 TV 2 2 (Multi) 2 ( swap ) TV VCR TV VCR S-Video TVs VCRs Composite S- - to- 1. TV VCR 2. 3. TV VCR S- S- out TV VCR 5. TV VCR - 29 -

(Overlay) PC (full-motion) (Primary) (playback) (vividness) (tilt ) (intensity) SMARTGART(tm) The SMARTGART Radeon 9200-30 -

3.2. WINDOWS 2000 Windows 2000 Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 Windows 2000 GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV- R9264DH GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH CD Windows 2000 GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH 1. CD CD-ROM Windows CD 2. 3. 4. D:\SETUP ( D CD-ROM D ) 5. 6. Windows XP (RadeoN 9200 ) to begin the Installation Wizard. 7. 8. 9. Wizard 3.3. (flash) GV-R92128VH / GV-R92128DH / GV-R9264DH (www.gigabyte.com.tw) 3 4-31 -

4. GBT NOTE 2 (bootup) Windows 98 SE Windows Me Microsoft Windows Startup Menu CTRL (Microsoft Windows Startup Menu F8 Windows Radeon 9200-32 -

5. (reflash) GV-AR64SH VGA Atiflash 1. C: or A: Zip 2. MS-DOS PC Windows 98/98SE OS Windows 2000 / Windows Me / Windows XP MS-DOS 3. (COMMAND) C:\> A:\> 4. C:\> atiflash -p 0-33 -

Radeon 9200-34 -

- 35 -

Radeon 9200-36 -

- 37 -

Radeon 9200-38 -