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클래스의선언 클래스선언 class 클래스명 <member variable> <member function> class Cat unsigned int itsage; unsigned int itsweight; void Meow( ); 클래스선언시메모리할당되지않음 4

객체 (object) 정의 객체정의 Cat Frisky, Tom, Garfield; unsigned int Weight; 객체, 인스턴스 : 클래스를실체화한것 5

객체 ( 클래스 ) 멤버에접근하기. 연산자 : 객체의멤버에접근 Frisky.itsWeight = 50; Frisky.Meow( ); int = 5; (X) int x; x = 5; (O) Cat.itsAge = 5; (X) Cat Frisky; Frisky.itsAge=5; (O) Frisky.Bark( ); (X) Frisky.Meow( ); (O) 6

#include <iostream> list 6.1 class Cat public: int itsage; int itsweight; int main() Cat Frisky; Frisky.itsAge = 5; std::cout << "Frisky is a cat who is " ; std::cout << Frisky.itsAge << " years old.\n"; return 0; 7

전용 (Private) 과범용 (Public) 범용 클래스밖에서도접근 public : class Cat public: unsigned int itsage; unsigned int itsweight; void Meow( ); Cat Frisky; Frisky.itsAge=5; (O) 8

전용 전용 (Private) 과범용 (Public) (cont.) 클래스안의메소드 ( 멤버함수 ) 에의해서만접근 private : class Cat private: unsigned int itsage; unsigned int itsweight; void Meow( ); Cat Frisky; Frisky.itsAge=5; (X) 9

전용 (Private) 과범용 (Public) (cont.) 명시되지않으면전용이 default ( 기본 ) 효력 : 클래스선언끝또는다른제어 keyword class Cat unsigned int itsheight; unsigned int itsname; public: void Fly( ); unsigned int itsage; private: unsigned int itsweight; void Meow( ); 멤버변수를전용화 전용변수설정및접근 : 범용멤버함수이용 10

class Cat public: unsigned int GetAge(); void SetAge(unsigned int Age); list 6.2 unsigned int GetWeight(); void SetWeight(unsigned int Weight); void Meow(); private: unsigned int itsage; unsigned int itsweight; 11

클래스메소드구현 함수정의하듯이구현 전용 + 범용멤버자료에자유로운접근 리턴형클래스명 :: 함수명 ( 매개변수리스트 )... 12

#include <iostream> class Cat public: int GetAge(); void SetAge (int age); void Meow(); private: int itsage; list 6.3 int Cat::GetAge() return itsage; void Cat::SetAge(int age) itsage = age; void Cat::Meow() std::cout << "Meow.\n"; 13

list 6.3 int main() Cat Frisky; Frisky.SetAge(5); Frisky.Meow(); std::cout << "Frisky is a cat who is " ; std::cout << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n"; Frisky.Meow(); return 0; 14

생성자와소멸자 생성자 (constructor) 주로클래스의멤버자료 (data) 초기화 int a; Cat Frisky; int a = 5; Cat Frisky(20, 10, 4); 클래스그자신과동일한이름을가진특별한멤버함수 객체 (object) 가만들어질때자동호출 사용자가호출할수없음 반환형없음 (void 형도가져서는안됨 ) 필요한수만큼의매개변수가짐 함수중첩 (overloading) 가능 접근지정자는반드시 public 15

생성자와소멸자 (cont.) class Cat public: Cat( int height ); Cat( int height, int weight, int age ); private: unsigned int itsheight; unsigned int itsweight; unsigned int itsage; Cat::Cat( int height ) itsheight = height; Cat::Cat( int height, int weight, int age) itsheight = height; itsweight = weight; itsage = age; 16

생성자와소멸자 (cont.) 소멸자 (destructor) 객체값을소멸, 할당된메모리해제 ~ 클래스 이름을가짐 Ex) ~Cat( ) 사용자가호출할수없음 반환형없음 (void 형도될수없음 ) 매개변수없음 오버로드할수없음 접근지정자는 public Hw) 객체생성시기와소멸자호출순서의관계 17

생성자와소멸자 (cont.) 기본생성자 매개변수도없고함수의내용도없는생성자함수 사용자가생성자함수를만들지않으면기본 (default) 생성자함수가있는것으로취급 Cat Frisky(5, 7, 9); Cat( int a, int b, int c ) 생성자호출 Cat Frisky(5); Cat( int a ) 생성자호출 Cat Frisky; Cat( ) 생성자호출 함수는매개변수가없더라도괄호를필요 법칙의예외 18

#include <iostream> class Cat public: Cat(int initialage); ~Cat(); int GetAge(); void SetAge(int age); void Meow(); private: int itsage; list 6.4 // constructor of Cat, Cat::Cat(int initialage) itsage = initialage; // destructor Cat::~Cat() 19

int Cat::GetAge() return itsage; list 6.4 void Cat::SetAge(int age) itsage = age; void Cat::Meow() std::cout << "Meow.\n"; int main() Cat Frisky(5); Frisky.Meow(); std::cout << "Frisky is a cat who is " ; std::cout << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n"; Frisky.Meow(); Frisky.SetAge(7); std::cout << "Now Frisky is " ; std::cout << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n"; return 0; 20

const 멤버함수 class Cat public: void Func( ) const; private: int itsweight; void Cat::Func( ) const itsweight = 100; (X) 멤버함수를 const 선언시 해당클래스의모든멤버값변경불능 const 멤버함수를통해컴파일러가오류를찾도록만듬 가능한많은멤버함수를 const로선언 21

#include <iostream> class Cat public: Cat(int initialage); ~Cat(); int GetAge() const; void SetAge (int age); void Meow(); private: int itsage; list 6.5 // const function Cat::Cat(int initialage) itsage = initialage; std::cout << "Cat Constructor\n"; Cat::~Cat() std::cout << "Cat Destructor\n"; 22

int Cat::GetAge() const return (itsage++); list 6.5 void Cat::SetAge(int age) itsage = age; void Cat::Meow() std::cout << "Meow.\n"; int main() Cat Frisky; Frisky.Meow(); Frisky.Bark(); Frisky.itsAge = 7; return 0; 23

클래스선언과멤버함수작성 클래스선언 클래스와사용자간의통신인터페이스 클래스의자료형 / 함수종류알림.h /.hpp 파일사용 함수정의 함수의구체적동작정의 클래스제작프로그래머에게만관심.cpp 파일사용 24

#include <iostream> list 6.6 class Cat public: Cat (int initialage); ~Cat( ); int GetAge( ) const return itsage; void SetAge( ) const itsage = age; void Meow( ) const std::cout << Meow. \n ; private: int itsage; CAT.hpp 25

#include "cat.hpp" Cat::Cat(int initialage) itsage = initialage; list 6.7 CAT.cpp Cat::~Cat() int main() Cat Frisky(5); Frisky.Meow(); std::cout << "Frisky is a cat who is " ; std::cout << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n"; Frisky.Meow(); Frisky.SetAge(7); std::cout << "Now Frisky is " ; std::cout << Frisky.GetAge() << " years old.\n"; return 0; 26

클래스메소드의 inline 구현 방법 1 : inline keyword 사용 inline int Cat::GetWeight( ) return itsweight; 방법 2: 정의를클래스안에포함 class Cat public: int GetWeight( ) return itsweight; void SetWeight( int a ); returnint itsweight; 27

기타 다른클래스를멤버자료로가지는클래스 list 6.8 / list 6.9 구조체 (struct) 멤버가기본적으로범용 cf) class 는멤버가기본적으로전용 28