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URL : www.kyoborealco.com

2008년 4/4분기 오피스 시장 보고서 Forth Quarter 2008 Office Market Report 서울특별시 성동구 도선동 286번지 Tel. 82 2 2290 4048 Fax. 82 2 2290 4099 URL : www.kyoborealco.com


Contents 02 03 05 06 14 15 16 17 20 28

Quarterly Office Market report 2

Quarterly Office Market report 3

Quarterly Office Market report 4

Quarterly Office Market report 5

Quarterly Office Market report 6

Quarterly Office Market report 7

Quarterly Office Market report 8

Quarterly Office Market report 9

Quarterly Office Market report 10

Quarterly Office Market report 11

Quarterly Office Market report 12

Quarterly Office Market report 13

Quarterly Office Market report CBD KBD Others 14

Quarterly Office Market report 15

Quarterly Office Market report 16

Quarterly Office Market report 17

Quarterly Office Market report 18

Quarterly Office Market report 19

Quarterly Office Market report 20

Quarterly Office Market report 21

Quarterly Office Market report 22

Quarterly Office Market report 23

Quarterly Office Market report 24

Quarterly Office Market report 25

Quarterly Office Market report 26

Quarterly Office Market report 27

Quarterly Office Market report Overview Research Objective Research Period Research Management Standard of Research Building Grade The number of researched buildings by district Building classification by district Research Scope 28

Overview - Seoul Office Market Quarterly Office Market report Vacancy rate of office buildings in all areas of Seoul and Bundang increased significantly, recording 1.96% this quarter. Rents are expected to be adjusted after the remodeling of prime class CBD buildings is completed during the second half of 2009 including buildings such as Kyobo Life Insurance Building, Daewoo Center Building, Main Samsung Building and others. Vacancy Rate Rental Price Maintenance Fee 29

Quarterly Office Market report Rents increase and decrease in vacancy rate are continuing for the prime buildings, and rents are expected to be adjusted after remodeling of the Kyobo Life Insurance Building, Daewoo Center Building, Main Samsung Building and others is expected to be completed. KBD reacts most sensitively to the movement of the resident-companies following the changes in the economy. Thus, vacancy rate increase is considered inevitable if the uncertainty of the real estate market and the stagnation of the domestic and overseas economy continue. 30

Security deposit and rent price increase is expected because of the increased demand for the YBD office from the increase in new financial companies. Quarterly Office Market report Falling short of the average vacancy rate in the entire market maintained because of the increased demand of the move from key areas. 31

Quarterly Office Market report Increase in the BBD s vacancy rate increased due to the decrease in the demand for KBD despite the shortterm adjustment of the rent price for the 4th quarter. Office Transaction 32

Quarterly Office Market report 33

Quarterly Office Market report Real Estate fund By reason of the recession of both domestic and overseas real estate market, the number of established real estate funds was decreased heavily comparing to 2nd quarter of 2008. 34

Real Estate Investment Trust Listed Real Estate Investment Trust Status Quarterly Office Market report 35

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